#i just love the idea billy walking around with steves t okay
artiststarme · 1 year
Bye Bi Steve
Thank you @nburkhardt and @doubleb11 for the ideas on this fic! I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Now with a Part 2!
All throughout his life, Steve has denied his interest in guys. He discredited his feelings for Tommy H. as friendship and placed his attraction to Billy as jealousy. He liked girls, had loved Nancy, so he couldn’t be interested in guys. Steve kept telling himself that all throughout high school, all throughout 1985, up until a random day in the summer of 1986. 
It had been a shift just like any other, covering for Robin while she mooned over Vickie at the community pool. Steve was organizing tapes in the romance section in a way he knew would infuriate her when she came back when he heard the bell chime. “Welcome to Family Video, how can I-”
He stopped mid sentence when he saw it was Eddie. His hair was pulled back in a bun showing off the contours in his neck as well as a couple of piercings in his ears. His skimpy black T-shirt that showed off his scars and tattoos in equal measure did nothing to mute Steve’s attraction. 
“Hey Big Boy, when do you get off? It’s hot as shit out today and I refuse to go to the community pool with all of the religious zealots and their mothers. Fancy sharing your pool with the rest of us peasants, my liege?” Eddie blinked up at him through his eyelashes. 
Fuck, shit, fuck! This was not what Steve needed today! 
Fortunately, his outward composure remained calm despite his internal crisis. “I work until 10 tonight,” Eddie groaned but Steve plowed through the interruption. “BUT, I can give you my house key so you can swim. You can bring the kids over and use the pool as long as you watch them, alright?”
Eddie nearly hopped up and down in excitement, “thanks Stevie! I knew I could count on you! I love you!”
He went to run out of the store but Steve called him back, “Eddie! I didn’t give you the key. Here, try not to make a mess please?”
“No promises, Stevie. Thank you!” Then, he pranced through the door and was gone with a squeal of the van’s brakes. 
Very calmly, Steve walked to the door and flipped the open sign to closed. Then he turned the lights off and made his way to the dingy floor of the bathroom. It was there that he spent the next thirty minutes on the verge of consciousness, having a panic attack so brutal that he thought it might kill him. His entire life, he thought he only liked girls but just a moment of seeing Eddie looking so hot so effortlessly was enough to unravel everything he thought he knew about himself. 
Once he wrapped his head around being attracted to Eddie (he’d seen monsters with faces that opened up like a flower filled with teeth, there were stranger things than finding a hot guy hot), he realized that he needed help. He couldn’t go to Eddie for obvious reasons and Robin was too busy to help him with his crisis. So he did the only thing he could think of… he called Nancy Wheeler. 
Using the store phone at Family Video while hiding behind the counter was a low point for him but so was calling his ex-girlfriend to tell her that he might like guys. He waited for her to pick up the phone for what seemed like forever but was only a few seconds. 
“Hello, Wheeler residence. This is Nancy.”
“Nance, it’s Steve. Can you come to the video store to talk? I’m kind of having a crisis and I need to talk to someone. Robin and Eddie are busy and I really need to talk to you because I think I might actually be going insane,” he rambled. 
“Steve? Calm down, what’s going on? Aren’t you working right now?” Her voice filled with concern as she questioned him. 
“Obviously not well! I had a crisis so I shut the door, it’s fine. Can you please come? Please, Nancy?” Steve was begging her but he hoped she wouldn’t hold it against him. 
He heard her sigh and then, “fine, I’ll be there in five minutes. Just- hold on, okay? I’m sure everything will be fine.”
And so, he waited for five minutes in a sense of fake calmness. His hands were still shaking with leftover anxiety and sweat was dripping down his forehead from the stress but he was fine. He certainly didn’t jump a foot into the air when he heard a gentle knock on the door. When he peeked over the counter to see a confused and worried Nancy though, he calmed a little bit. 
He unlocked the door and opened it just enough to pull her inside before slamming it closed and locking it again. “Steve, are you okay? You don’t look very good.”
He started pacing back and forth in front of her. “Okay so, I have something really important to tell you and it’s kind of a secret? Like if you tell the wrong person, it could get me killed. But I have to tell someone because I’m pretty sure I’m losing my mind.”
She put her hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “Steve, just tell me.”
“I think I like guys. Eddie specifically, I think I like Eddie.” They both stared at each other in silence. Nancy’s face was blank as she thought over his words and Steve’s heart only seemed to race faster at her nonchalance. 
“Okay, is that it?” She asked him. 
“What do you mean, ‘is that it’? I’ve been freaking out all day!”
“Steve, it’s okay that you like Eddie. Thank you for telling me and I’m glad you felt that you could trust me with this information. Why are you freaking out about that?” She reassured him. 
“I like girls, Nancy! I can’t like Eddie!”
“Why not?” She asked with her eyebrow raised. “No one can tell you how you feel besides you, Steve. If you like Eddie, then you like Eddie. There’s nothing stopping you from liking girls and boys.” 
“Nance, you have to be either gay or straight. There’s no in-between.” He said in frustration. 
“Yes there is. I read an article about bisexuality, it’s when you’re sexually attracted to both girls AND guys. So if you like Eddie and still like girls, it sounds like you’re bisexual,” she explained to him. 
Steve’s eyes widened but his voice was small when he whispered, “and that’s okay? It’s okay that I’m bisexual?”
Nancy gave him a soft smile, “of course, Steve. It’s perfectly fine to be bisexual. And I’m pretty sure that Eddie has a thing for you too.”
Steve grinned at her words and pulled her into a hug that she returned gently. “Thanks Nance, I needed that.”
“Of course. Things may be awkward between us but we’re still friends, Steve. And I meant it, I’m glad you felt safe enough to tell me.” 
They talked for a few more moments and by the time she left, he felt a lot lighter. He was bisexual and that was okay. 
It took a few more weeks of coming to terms with his sexuality before he could tell Robin and Eddie. Both of them had come out to him so he felt safe in the fact that they would support him whole-heartedly. Even then, it came out accidentally while watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show at their weekly movie night at the Harrington house. 
“He’s hot, I’m digging the fishnets,” Steve said while throwing some popcorn in his mouth.
Both Eddie and Robin snapped their necks to look at him. Eddie looked a little hopeful while Robin looked offended. “Steve, you can’t just say that. Are you seriously making fun of our favorite movie?”
Eddie’s hopeful expression turned mutinous at her words and he scowled. “That’s not cool, man. We’re trying to share one of the most important movies in queer culture and you’re mocking him because he’s wearing fishnets? What, does that infringe on your fragile masculinity so much?”
Steve hurried to backtrack and set the bowl of popcorn down on his coffee table away from his flailing arms. “What, no! I seriously just think that Tim Curry in fishnets looks hot, I’m not making fun of anything!”
“You’re not gay, Steve,” Robin told him confusedly. 
“I’m half gay! It’s called bisexual, it’s when you like guys and girls. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys about it, I was still wrapping my head around it…”
“What, you’re serious? Steve, that’s not a thing. Bisexual is what people say they are when they’re so much of a slut they’ll go for anything.” Eddie said, shaking his head. 
Steve looked to Robin, hoping to get some reassurance but only received a scathing look in response. “Being bisexual isn’t a thing, Steve. It’s just what people call it when they pretend and try to hurt the people that are actually gay. I can’t believe you would do that.”
“I wouldn’t! I’m serious, I like both guys and girls. I’m not trying to hurt you guys or be a manwhore. I really am attracted to both. I thought you guys would be more understanding,” Steve’s voice trailed off at the end in hurt. He never even fathomed the idea that they wouldn’t accept him. Their support had been guaranteed in his mind so now that he didn’t have it, he didn’t know what to do. 
Eddie scoffed, “Steve, you’re just confused. You have to be either gay or straight, there’s no inbetween. And you’re the biggest ladies-man I know. You like girls.”
Steve sighed. He felt like his best friends were attacking him for no reason. He finally found his people, felt safe and loved by them, and then ruined everything by being honest. He couldn’t believe that the people he loved and trusted the most were rejecting him. 
“I just told you that I like both. Yeah, I do like girls. I love them, I think they’re great. But I also like guys. I don’t know why you guys aren’t accepting that, especially after I accepted both of you but I think you should leave.”
“Steve-” Robin tried to speak but he cut her off. 
“If you guys can’t accept me for being bi, I think you should leave,” he said sternly. To his complete and utter heartbreak, they each picked up their things and walked to the door without another word. 
Robin turned around just enough to tell him, “Steve, you’re just confused. You’ll get over it eventually and when you do, give me a call.”
And with that, she closed the door behind her. 
Steve didn’t even try to stifle the sobs as the ‘Sweet Transvestite’ song played in the background. He rewound the tape on autopilot, tears streaming down his cheeks all the while. He’d just lost two of his best friends, two people that he’d gone through everything with, just because he was a little too different. 
With tears still streaking down his face and sobs wracking his frame, he made his way to the phone perched on the wall. He dialed the Wheeler’s number in a haze and only came back to himself when he heard Nancy’s voice filter through.
“Hello, Wheeler residence. This is Nancy.”
“Nance,” he said, barely decipherable through his tears. “I told Eddie and Robin that I was bisexual and they told me that it wasn’t a thing! They left and I don’t think we’re friends anymore! After everything we went through, they left because I like guys and girls. What is wrong with me, Nancy?”
“Are you serious? They left just like that? Steve, listen to me. Nothing is wrong with you and you are valid in your feelings. Honestly, if they can’t accept you then they don’t deserve you,” She told him seriously. 
“Nance, I don’t care if they deserve me or not. They’re all I have. The kids come and go, my parents hate me, and Hopper checks in sometimes but I can tell he has better things to do. Robin and Eddie are the only friends that I have consistently. And you I guess. But if I lose them, I lose everything.” Another sob tore from his throat and even Nancy started to tear up on her end of the call. 
“Steve, no matter what, you have me. I know that’s not good enough but I’ll always be here for you. I’m going to go talk to them and fix this. Just relax and maybe call Hopper or one of the kids to come over to check on you, okay? I’ll handle this,” she reassured him. 
“Okay, thanks Nance.”
“Of course, what are friends for?” And then the line went dead. 
Nancy was livid. She couldn’t believe that two members of the Party, two of Steve’s best friends that had been through the same shit as the rest of them, would be so intolerant over who someone else was attracted to. Seeing a giant flesh monster made out of melted humans and a vindictive man that could kill teenagers in their own minds were fine but Steve liking guys and girls was too much? Ridiculous.
As soon as she hung up the phone with Steve, she grabbed her car keys, a cardigan, and her gun then made her way to the Buckley house. Eddie’s van wasn’t parked in front of it so she made her way to the Munson trailer next. Both Robin and Eddie were sitting on the stoop of the trailer and only barely glanced up when she pulled in front of them.
“Um, hey Nance. Can we help you?” Eddie asked her disinterestedly. Although, he became much more interested, and afraid, when she pulled her pistol from her car. 
“Get in the trailer.”
“Okay, we’re going. What’s with the gun?” He stammered. Both he and Robin bolted inside the trailer and Nancy quickly followed. 
“Nancy, please. We didn’t do anything! Are you being controlled by Vecna or something because you’re pointing a gun at us and we don’t know why. You’re our friend! You don’t want to kill us! Is your favorite song still Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper? I don’t know all the words but between Eddie and I, we can probably bring you out of it. Just don’t shoot us!”
“It’s not so nice to be betrayed by your friends, now is it?” She lowered the gun enough for them to relax before she continued her crusade. “Steve called me in tears today because his best friends, the people he trusted to accept him, rejected him and tried to call him confused when he said he was bisexual. Do you even know how much that hurt him? He called me three weeks ago having a crisis because he realized he liked a guy and didn’t know he could. After I explained it several times and assured him that it was okay, I told him that you guys would accept him. Not only did you guys trample all over his feelings, you’re also making me look like a liar. And I am not a liar.”
“No, Eddie! When you and Robin came out to the Party, we accepted you. You were nervous and scared to tell us but we all accepted you because someone’s sexuality doesn’t change who they are as a person. Steve was just as nervous to tell you that he was bisexual and you ridiculed him. What if we had done that to you when you told us? Eddie, what if Dustin had laughed in your face and told you that you had to be confused? Robin, what if Max had yelled at you and said that lesbians didn’t even exist? Whatever you imagine that would’ve felt like, Steve is feeling it right now.”
Tears were dripping down Robin’s face and Eddie had paled several shades. Both of them were at a loss of what to do and neither one could find any words to say. 
In turn, Nancy dealt the final blow. “The worst part is that the reason he figured out he was bi was Eddie. You were his bisexual awakening and then you ridiculed him for it. He feels awful now and I don’t know if he’ll forgive you guys for this.”
Eddie’s face paled even further and Robin brought a hand up to her lips in shock. Nancy just shook her head, tucked her gun into her waistband, and walked back to her car. She’d done what she came to do and now she had an ex-boyfriend to comfort.
Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @anzelsilver @jestyzesty @gregre369
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liesyousoldme · 7 months
like you've known me | rated T | word count ~25k
a @steddiebang fic coming february 29
featuring art by sharkscouts and @vesperalhemlock
When the only way to beat the Upside Down is to erase it (and the last three years) from time, Steve Harrington is transported right back to the Fall of his junior year. His biggest problem? Everyone who had died in the last three years fighting inter-dimensional evils has no memory of the events. Suddenly, Steve finds himself with Tommy and Carol at his side and sitting mere feet away from Robin in class, and she has no idea who he is except the douchebag with the good hair that Tammy Thompson has a crush on.
With a little help from Nancy, Jonathan, Dustin, Lucas, and El, Steve will learn to navigate his life, The Right Way, this time. Which friends he wants to keep, who he wants to spend his time with, and if he wants to take notes in class this time around. If that means sometimes he needs a little weed to take the edge of stress off? Well, it's a good thing he knows a good dealer.
As things finally fall into place and Steve begins to re-form the most important relationship in his life, he thinks anything strange is over. Then, Robin starts mentioning weird dreams about ice cream and torture, and Max Mayfield shows up from California with an angry step-brother and a lot of questions. Maybe those memories aren't erased, after all.
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson, Steve Harrington & Lucas Sinclair Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Eleven, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Tommy Hagan, Carol Perkins, Max Mayfield, Billy Hargrove Tags: Romance, Angst, Friends to Lovers, AU: Time Travel to Pre-Season 1, Post-Season 4, Impermanent Major Character Death, Fix-it, Falling In Love, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington-Centric, First Kiss, Drug Use (Marijuana), Steve Harrington VS Junior Year (Again)
Excerpt (cont. under the cut):
It had been a few weeks in the new timeline when Steve jumped at the sound of the phone ringing through the empty house. He frowned, setting down his fork and walking to the phone. It was Wednesday, Steve was sure of it, and Dustin’s calls always came on Thursdays, so who the hell would be calling?
“Hi, Steve.” Nancy’s voice was soft and sweet and surprising.
“Oh. Uh, hey, Nance, what’s up?” He asked, heart suddenly starting to race – not because he had feelings for Nancy but because if Nancy was calling then something was wrong. Had something happened? Had their plan not –
“Listen, I don’t have too much time, Mom’s making dinner and I just finished up my homework, but I really wanted to call you,” Nancy said. She wouldn’t start out so calm if something was happening, right? So this was just a social call?
“Um. Why?” He asked, then winced. Since when did he forget how to have a conversation?
He could hear Nancy’s sigh through the phone. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you at school lately, and –“
“Okay, creep,” he joked, lips curling at the corners when Nancy laughed.
“Shut up, I just mean I’ve – Look, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. And like I said, I’ve been watching you in the halls and stuff, and I know you’re eating lunch in the library because Tommy told everyone in the cafeteria one day –“
He what?
“- and I know the whole thing with Robin is hard for you but…”
“But what?” He prompted when she trailed off.
“But you’re moping, Steve. You’re moping all over school, and probably all over your house.”
“I – wha- I mean, that’s not true,” Steve said, frowning.
“Steve, we beat the bad guys and everybody is fine. Everybody’s alive! And you’re moping.”
“Okay, now this just feels like you’re being mean.”
“I’m not trying to be mean, I’m trying to – “ She cut herself off with a frustrated groan. “Do you even know how El is doing?”
“I – what? Is she okay?”
“Yes, she’s okay, Steve, but also, no, she’s not okay, because Hopper is still trying to find Owens since he’s the one that will probably know best if it’s safe for Jane Hopper to suddenly show up in Hawkins and enroll in school. So, she spends her days alone, but everyone always goes to visit her, every Saturday, at the cabin. Everyone except you.”
Steve felt tears prick behind his eyes. “I didn’t know.”
“Yes, you did,” Nancy said, sounding tired. “Dustin said he asked you to come that first weekend, and you said no, so he didn’t ask you again.”
“I don’t – I don’t remember that,” he admitted, feeling dreadful disappointment spread through his veins. “Nancy, I hardly – that first week was –“
“But it wasn’t just the first week, Steve. We’re all trying to get back to our lives but you’re just going through the motions. Even Dustin knows something’s wrong.”
“What? I talk to Dustin every week!”
“Lucas wanted to invite you to the park to play basketball and Dustin told him you probably still weren’t ready.”
Steve’s jaw dropped.
“Dustin knows you, in this timeline probably better than anyone, and he knows something’s wrong but he’s still just a kid, Steve, he doesn’t know how to deal with this.”
“Did Dustin ask you to call me?”
“No, this was my idea,” Nancy said. “I’m just a kid, too, Steve. I don’t know what to do to fix it but I want to help you, and so does Jonathan.”
“Jonathan wants to help me?” He asked, incredulous.
Nancy chuckled. “Honestly, I was as surprised as you are. But he does because despite everything, he cares about you. We all care about you, and it’s way too easy for you to hole up in your house and ignore everyone at school and… mope.”
“I don’t think I like that word anymore,” Steve said, even though it was true. His stomach twisted in knots at the sudden guilt he felt.
“Well I didn’t think you’d like it very much if I accused you of being depressed,” Nancy stated boldly, and Steve winced. “Just meet me and Jonathan at that picnic table outside of school tomorrow morning, okay? Like, twenty minutes before first bell. Can you do that?”
Steve swallowed thickly and fought every instinct in him that wanted to say no.
“Yeah, Nance. I can do that.”
Steve woke with a sense of dread hanging over him. He really didn’t want to show up just for Nancy and Jonathan to chew him out for how selfish he’d been (he could beat himself up for that without their help). But he got in his car twenty-five minutes earlier than he usually would, just to make sure he wouldn’t be late, and laughed to himself when he got to the school. He pulled into the empty spot next to Jonathan’s car. Apparently, they had the same idea.
Steve got out of his car and shouldered his backpack. He looked around; there were a few people milling about, and more cars pulling into the lot than he expected this early.
“Do people always get to school this early?” He asked by way of introduction.
Jonathan laughed and walked over to him. Nancy stepped up behind him and gave him a pointed look. “I think you’ll find that you’re just always late.”
“Yeah, okay,” he conceded. “So, uh… Picnic table?” He suggested, already feeling the stares of their classmates from around them.
Nancy and Jonathan agreed and they made the walk together, quietly taking in each other’s presence. Nancy was in between the two boys but it wasn’t as awkward as Steve expected it to be.
Maybe he really was over Nancy Wheeler, after all.
He choked on a laugh when the picnic table came into view, and they were sighted almost immediately.
“Oh,” Eddie Munson said, grabbing his metal lunchbox and dropping it near his feet. Steve snorted. Eddie huffed. “What?”
“As if we don’t know what’s in your damn lunchbox, Munson,” he said, finding himself immediately falling back into the banter he’d developed with Eddie before –
“I don’t really know what’s going on here,” Eddie admitted with an awkward, nervous laugh. “You three might be the weirdest combination of buyers I’ve ever gotten.”
“Oh, we’re not –“ Nancy started, but Steve interrupted.
“I am,” he said, ignoring the looks from Nancy and Jonathan. He pulled out his wallet and made eye contact with Eddie. “I’ll –“ He paused, unsure of what to say. He’d never done this himself before. “I’ll take some weed. Uh – a joint? Uh. How much?”
Eddie looked at him with a furrowed brow and a frown on his lips. “Are you wearing a wire?”
Steve snorted a laugh. “Dude. What kind of operation do you think is being run in Nowhere fucking Indiana where a 17-year-old is wearing a wire for a drug bust on your tiny fucking lunchkit –“
“Okay! Okay,” Eddie conceded with a barely concealed laugh. Jonathan was openly laughing behind him, and Steve recognized the amused look on Nancy’s face.
Steve sighed when Eddie just kept looking at him like he didn’t believe him. “I’m being serious. If I’m not gonna have a social life anymore at least let me be high for it.”
“Amen,” Jonathan said quietly, and Steve choked down his laugh.
Finally, after a few more moments of silence where Eddie stared at his face, seemingly deciding whether or not to trust him, Eddie sighed and picked up his lunchbox. Steve let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
“I’ll sell you a gram for twenty-five bucks. Do you want pre-rolled, or…” Eddie trailed off.
“Uh,” Steve said, unsure. “Yeah, that’ll probably be easier.”
Eddie opened his lunchbox and got to work rolling the joint. “Usually, it’s your friends I sell to,” he said conversationally.
“Not my friends,” Steve corrected, then awkwardly added, “I don’t have any of those.”
“We’re your friends, Steve,” Nancy said, and Steve could hear the pity that coated her voice.
“Didn’t you, like, dump him for him?” Eddie asked her, pointing first and Steve, then at Jonathan. Nancy huffed, took a breath to begin talking but Steve cut her off before she could begin.
"That's not what happened. Tommy and Carol told everyone that because they're pissed off that I don't wanna hang out with them anymore. Me and Nance are fine. Me and Jonathan are fine. Look. I know you're overcharging me so badly right now but I don't care enough to fight you on it. Can you please just sell me the weed?"
Eddie frowned. “Fifteen.”
Steve looked at him incredulously.
"What can I say? You guilt tripped me and I'm a sucker.” Eddie held out the joint. “Just. Take it."
"Thanks, Munson." Steve said, taking it and stuffing it in a zipper inside his backpack.
Eddie closed and shut his lunchbox, then stepped away from the table and gave a little bow. "King Steve."
"Just Steve."
Eddie looked at him through calculating eyes. "Just Steve, then."
The three of them waited until Eddie was far enough away before taking seats at the table.
Nancy started after a short awkward beat. "Look, start hanging out with us at school. I have mutual friends with Robin, somehow we'll get it through her head that you aren't a bad guy and then it's just a matter of winning her over again -"
"It really isn't like that; I’ve told you a million times, she's my best friend.” Steve said. “And I already just started fucking crying in front of her, I think the ship has sailed."
"Don’t say that, man," Jonathan said. "Just… give it time. Let the school get used to the new you. Maybe you can figure out if she's got a job and apply wherever she works and do whatever you did at Starcourt to make her like you."
Steve sighed. He already knew where Robin worked; she'd told him about the job she had before Scoops. "She's working at a hair salon as a receptionist right now."
"Sorry, they let Robin be in charge of answering phones and setting up appointments?" Nancy asked with an incredulous giggle.
"She doesn't last long," Steve admitted with a little laugh.
The bell rang, interrupting them and signaling the start of another day. Steve sighed to himself and stood, following Nancy and Jonathan into the school. At least he had somewhere to sit at lunch now.
And the chance to get high tonight.
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Billy loves wearing Steve's shirts. No they're not so big on him and half of his ass is outside of them most of the time but he just likes the smell of Steve filling up his nose everytime he breaths.
Steve loves seeing Billy in his clothes. He loves how Billy is not afraid to show who he belongs to. How he's enjoying this just as much as Steve. He loves the smells of the shirts after Billy wears it. It smells like Billy, like home.
He also likes to fuck Billy in them. Billy always walk around in home wearing nothing but Steve's shirts, bending over whenever he has the chance so he can show his ass. Steve knows Billy is doing all this to seduce him. And he's enjoying it very much. He likes to hold Billy in his arms, put him on any flat surface and fuck him senseless. He likes how Billy cries whenever he push inside him with a full force. He knows he is big, but he likes seeing Billy taking him fully without any compliments. He likes how Billy begs for more, more and more. Until he come inside him. Giving him what he wants the most. He likes plugging Billy after they had sex. He likes how Billy whines with pain and lust but never says anything until Steve tells him to come. He loves Billy come crawling him in the middle of the day, begging for him to fuck him again. He loves pulling out that plug and watching his cum running down on Billy's thick thighs. Pushing Billy bed and running his tongue on those golden smooth thighs. He likes to clean his own cum from Billy's thighs and ass and kissing him while it's still in his mouth. He loves pushing in on Billy's raw, red from fucked so good rim and he loves holding him while fucking into him. He loves how Billy can stretch so much he can bend him so fuck him deeper inside. He just love Billy so much. That's all.
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decimalpointed · 2 years
ST Fic Prompts because while I love to write, there's a very good chance I won't get around to finishing anything I've started.
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Ghost AU - Steve can interact with ghosts but knows better than to mention it or really talk to them much cause once you help one ghost out one time they all wanna chat. The ghosts can't do much more than be verbally annoying so it works out. Except then Barb dies and it turns out people killed by weird Upside Down bullshit can do a little more than talk to him. They can basically interact with Steve like he lives on their plane of existence. Barb saves him from the bear trap in the Byers house and they get along well enough because Barb is smart and doesn't blame him for what happened. She mostly still just hovers around Nancy and her family but occasionally comes and hangs out with Steve when she is bored and its nice. Bob is the same way when he dies, pops up at Steve's house to talk about Joyce and is overall unobtrusive. Billy and Eddie are both assholes who are not unobtrusive and instead love to mess with Steve. At first with Billy its annoying but then Eddie comes into the afterlife and their antics just build from there. (Originally saw this as BillyxStevexEddie but honestly it'd be great however really)
Modern Sugar Daddy Steddie AU- Eddie is a small time drug dealer who makes some extra money from playing shows with his band around the city. He has never been wealthy and is okay with that, but then Wayne gets cancer and suddenly he really needs cash. So he finds himself a sugar daddy because it seemed easy and quick and he is a high school drop out who was once upon a time accused of murder. Steve Harrington is his age, good looking,funny, and ridiculously wealthy so he keeps waiting for the catch. The catch is that Steve keeps a nail-bat beside his bed (which is scary as fuck), has a group of 6?7? teens that come and go from his house as they please (which every time Steve makes him slip out the balcony window and leave like a creep in the night so they don't see him), and when they are blissfully alone and uninterrupted sometimes Steve will just get up for no reason and stalk through the house with the bat in hand checking every window and door lock like 4 times like a man possessed. Eddie finds it weird and frustrating but he is literally getting paid to put up with it so he can't complain. Then when he is sneaking out one of the little gremlins catches him and suddenly he is thrown into this strange codependent family unit that really is a bit charming. (For this one I figured no supernatural stuff and maybe the kids got like kidnapped or trafficked by Russians and Nancy went to look for Mike and Steve and somehow Robin got involved and they were all captured (except El who grew up with the evil people) and a bit fucked up about it after they all escaped. Then the Russians could come back and Eddie could somehow get involved in it too and they falllllll in looooovvvveeeeee. )
Time-travel Hopper POV - Any combination of characters (preferably like 3 or 4) time travel back to the end of season 2 and they end up saving Bob (though they try to go back further but missed) . They are there physically instead of going back to like their old bodies and when they all get to the Byers house everyone is freaked out by these older doppelgangers who just kicked ass like it was nothing. Because it was nothing and they are from a post s4 where demo beasts have overrun everything and almost everyone is dead and a few demodogs feels like a walk in the park. This future group is hardened and missing limbs or eyes (like max blind but still badass) and they are quiet and disturbing. (Originally had this idea with Nancy, Steve, Max, and Vamp Kas Eddie being the travelers but super fucked up. Like Eddie killed a bunch of the group before he had control again, Max is obsessive compulsive about her Walkman always playing and is always holding onto someone, Nancy puts her back to a wall every time they get to a room and has way too many weapons, and Steve being a drug addict to the high he gets when he let's Eddie take blood cause then he doesn't have to think about shit)
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Hey lovely, saw you are looking for ideas and i kind of have, which is a bit detailed but idk ?!? Would toally appreciate if you do this!^^ so basically Eddie x Reader wigh powers, where reader is El's "sister" ( she came vack with her in s3, wheb El returned to Hawkins) but is close to college age. She is super smart and has tattoos, becomes aslo like Steve 2.0, plays DnD with the kids. She meets Eddie when surprising the kids by picking them up from school (maybe she came back from college) 1-2 weeks before the whole Eddie event and from then on you can pick it up ^^ of course Eddie has to end up with the girl of his dreams and survive!!
Sorry it was long, plz don t hate me, i truly love you and can t wait to read more stuff from you!!!!
a/n: Thank you anon I won't kill you anyways enjoy.
pairings: Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings: tattoos (is that's even a warning), slight mention of alcohol, a lot of flirting, I think that's it let me know if you catch anything else.
About: You are 19 years old and El's sister. You go back to Hawkins with El to help out. Your powers are element control and invisibility (kind of like Violets from Incredibles) you meet Eddie when you pick up the kids from school let's just say he finds you attractive like super sexy and hot.
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y/n Pov:
I went to the school to pick up the party because Joyce asked me to, so I could surprise them, so I was like yeah okay sure. As I pulled up to the school, I see a really cute boy wearing a Hellfire shirt coming out of the school with Mike and Dustin. Then I see El and Will oh yeah and don't forget Max with El laughing about something and Lucas with Jason. El sees me and starts running I hop out of the car and hug her. The cute boy and the party start walking my way. "Hey hot stuff" "hi" is all I could say because yeah. "Who might you be?" "My name is y/n, who are you?" "Eddie Munson at your service." "Will I be seeing you around more." "Probably but don't bet on it" "Nice tattoo" "Oh, thanks"
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The party gets in my car, and we drive to Mikes basement. They want to play D&D so I'm like why not.
Eddie's POV:
Damn she was hot. like wow okay how can one be so damn sexy. and her tattoo was badass. anyways I have to head to mikes so we can play D&D. As I drive my van, I see another car outside of the house. Mrs. Wheeler lets me in, and I head down to the basement and see y/n again. "Well, if it isn't Munson" "Hello to you to beautiful." "Hey Eddie stop flirting with my sister." "Sorry El." "El it's fine I don't mind." okay was not expecting y/n to say that. Time flies by and I have to head home because it's getting late, I go to open the basement door Steve is on the other side with Nancy wheeler he looks horrified. "Guys there is a huge problem." "What's the problem Harrington? your still single." y/n actually laughed.
No one Pov:
Everyone sat around the table in Mikes basement, and they said something about a weird spider looking thing killing people. "Mind flayer" both Eddie and Dustin said at the same time. y/n was confused like deeply confused so El being the good sister she is caught y/n up. "Wait who is trying to kill Wil land all of you?!?!" She was not happy. Eventually Eddie calmed her down and they stared at each other for ages or what seemed like ages. They all ran to the Star court mall where Billy was waiting for them. Before al that happened Eddie and y/n did get along, but y/n was scared to open up because she loved someone, but he used her, that bitch is going to die if El ever found out. Let's hope she doesn't. (a/n: I hope she does, poor y/n she deserves to be loved). They all ran in and thought of a plan. Dustin and Eddie are trying to figure out what time it was when they got here and what time it was when the mind flayer would be at the mall. Y/n interrupted and was like "Assholes the answer is 9:30 P.M" "okay so your hot, you have tattoos, and fucking smart." "Yeah, got a problem?" "No just makes you look even hotter." "Guys" Steve yelled "stop flirting and hide it's 9:25" They both blushed and ran and hid. It was time to put the pal into action. El walked up to y/n and said, "I know what happened between you and Ryan." (a/n: Rayan was her Ex sorry if you are a Ryan, you can change the name if you want) "Look El I'm fine, I'm over him I like someone else now." "Oh, you mean Eddie< don't you" "What pfft no, why is it really that obvious?" "Yes, everyone can see it."
(a/n: Okay time skip till a little bit after the battle where Billy is supposed to get stabbed. If you don't understand watch S3 of Stranger Things) The party all are about to celebrate when y/n sees El on the ground and the mind flayer about to kill her. Y/n doesn't know what to do because Bily is standing their trying to protect El. Y/n in thankful, but she can't let Max's brother die. So, for the first time in a long-time y/n uses her powers turns invisible and destroys the mind flayer and Billy and El don't die. (a/n: I'm sorry I couldn't let Billy die after he just turned good, he doesn't deserve that) After all of that y/n runs to Eddie and they both kiss. "I thought I was going to lose you y/n" "aww was Eddie scared" "yes, a little bit and you never told me you had powers" "well surprise, surprise" " uh y/n I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" "I don't know Eddie only if you want to be my boyfriend" "Yes, I would" "then yes to you to" "hey Eddie" "Yes Princess" "I need a drink after all of this" "Oh yeah for sure" "great then let's get wasted". Let's just say Billy and max are getting a long better and Eddie and y/n got wasted and had some fun.
(a/n: Hey I tried my best sorry if it's not good enough anyways let me know I there any other stories you want me to do. Btw: It is my first time doing a request.)
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psychdelia · 3 years
christmas used to be billy’s favorite holiday. he loved setting up the tree every year with his mom, matching big smiles on their faces as she carried him to set the star on top. he would help her cook and bake, dance around the kitchen with her. she always surprised him with more gifts than he anticipated, and he would give her a card with messy handwriting and glitter and a drawing of the two of them with i love you mommy scribbled on the bottom.
and then she left and christmas joy was replaced with pain. his father screaming and presenting him with fists instead of gifts. and then max and susan came along and she was their little angel. spoiled with gifts and love while he received nothing but hurt.
billy hates christmas now. hates the holidays in general, but christmas the most. spends all day sulking, curled up in bed and crying. neil gets on him about it, maybe smacks him around before leaving him even worse than how he started. he lost all hope that maybe she’ll come back as a christmas miracle, scoop him up and take him away from all the hurt.
his plan for the day was to stay in bed. avoid the world. but then neil came barging in, demanding billy get off his ass and take max to the byers’ for a christmas party. he was stupid to think that he could catch a break after being forced to ‘celebrate’ with them yesterday, which essentially meant being forced to help susan in the kitchen and watch max get showered in love and gifts while he received nothing.
so he got up. threw on a dark green sweater, tight jeans and boots, still not nearly warm enough for hawkins winter. he silently drove max to the house, only looking at her when she didn’t get out after a minute of being parked.
“what.” billy spoke flatly, his first word of the day.
“come and hang out with us.” max rushed out, nervously fidgeting with the hem of her sweater.
billy just sighed.
“i’m not really in the mood to hang out with a bunch of snotty little shits, so,” he shrugged. “maybe next year.”
“it’s not just us! nancy and jonathan are there. and mrs. byers and chief hopper! and,” a pause. “robin and steve.” she added on quietly.
“max i don’t really think-“ he was interrupted by a knock on his window. he turned to find a very happy and smiling mrs. byers eagerly waving at them.
“come inside!” she urged as billy rolled his window down.
billy just looked at max and gestured towards the house, ignoring her dramatic defeated groan before she got out.
“you too!” joyce grabbed billy’s shoulder, smile faltering at the way he flinched, her touch unexpected. “max told me you guys already celebrated yesterday. what’s another celebration?”
“i don’t think it’s a good idea mrs. byers.” he replied with a small smile, hoping to charm his way out of this situation.
she sighed. “honey, it’s your second and probably last christmas in hawkins before you go to school back home.” she responded to his shocked expression with a sad smile. “we all figured you’d be applying to schools there. and max might’ve slipped up. don’t be mad at her! she’s just scared to lose you, is all.”
billy frowned and looked down at his hands. he hadn’t even told her he was only applying to schools in california. just trying to graduate and get the hell out of indiana, go back home.
“come on, kiddo. your sister would appreciate it.” a pause. “i’ll spike your eggnog.”
billy sighed, taking a few seconds to contemplate before getting out of the car.
“oh you must be freezing.” joyce rolled her eyes as she tugged at his sweater. “you kids and your fashion. you’re gonna get yourself sick like this. hawkins isn’t california!”
billy snorted. “duh.” he mumbled as she dragged him inside.
billy should’ve expected the stares. the guarded, confused and slightly angry expressions at his presence. he felt small, being glared at by nearly everyone in the room. he wanted to turn around, walk right back out that door. almost did if it weren’t for joyce stopping him in his tracks and holding his arm.
“oh, stop that you brats.” joyce huffed. “it’s christmas. be nice! and if you can’t be nice… no more cookies.” she smirked as they all groaned in protest in unison.
billy didn’t really care about the kids. he apologized to lucas not too long after that night, even agreed to the stupid deal to drive him around town and rev his engine to receive his forgiveness in full. it took him longer to approach steve, though. didn’t have the balls to do it until a couple months before steve graduated. he found him alone in the library, studying to get his gpa high enough to be able to graduate and get his diploma.
“can i sit here?” billy gestured towards the empty chair across from steve, who was glaring at him.
“only if you don’t give me another concussion.”
billy gnawed on his bottom lip as he slid into the seat, staring at the table and avoiding eye contact like a goddamn child.
it took him a minute to finally look up and spit out those two words he’d been meaning to say since that night. but it wasn’t the apologizing he dreaded most, it was the explanation and conversation that followed. he expected steve would ask questions, and shit did he have a lot.
billy kept his answers short, general. didn’t spill too much about all the shit going on in his life and in his head. steve didn’t look satisfied with his answers, but he eventually stopped asking questions. gave billy a stiff nod with a,
“yeah. fine. i accept your apology, i guess. just don’t fuck with me or the kids anymore.”
and that was that. billy kept his distance from them altogether. he occasionally carted lucas and max around for their stupid little dates, teasing them here and there. but it was never malicious.
now he stood right in front of the door in joyce’s house, itching to get out. lucas, max and her friends el and will were the only ones not staring at him apprehensively. the curly haired one was whining, asking why he had to be there, throwing in a few words he was probably too young to be saying. boy wheeler was following suit, making grand gestures and calling him an asshole. nancy looked just as prissy as always, turning her nose up. jonathan avoided eye contact. steve wasn’t quite glaring, but he didn’t look too happy to see him either. just because they were on okay terms didn’t mean they were on great terms. his girl robin didn’t seem too thrilled either.
“i’m just gonna..” billy pointed towards the table filled with drinks and snacks. he walked away as the commotion continued behind him, helping himself to the bowl labeled adult eggnog. he grimaced after the first sip before pouring himself a little more.
it was hard to make himself comfortable. he sat stiff and tense on the edge of the couch, as far away from everyone as he could get. the burn of the rum didn’t do much to heal the hurt in his chest, the pain of abandonment and grief he felt this time every year. he tried to tune everyone out, ignoring the kids yelling as they played video and board games, hopper as he snuck the teenagers more eggnog and beer, joyce as she continued to force feed everyone her christmas appetizers.
he found himself staring at the tree, messily decorated to the brim and a little lopsided. his gaze shifted to the walls, family pictures of just the brothers, then joyce and the brothers, and some including hopper and el. he was unconsciously playing with the chain around his neck, chest getting tighter and tighter. he forced his eyes away from the pictures to find jonathan helping joyce cook and set up dinner in the kitchen, laughing and smiling.
that was his breaking point. he set down his empty cup and sped off to the bathroom, scrubbing at his wet eyes. he shut the door behind him, pacing back and forth, trying to breathe through the lump in his throat. he eventually gave up trying to fight the tears off, a christmas tradition for him at this point. he eventually sat down in and slumped back against the bathtub, closing the curtains and shielding him from the rest of the world. he tuned out the music and chatter from outside, instead hugging his knees to his chest and hiding his face in his hands as he cried.
he knew he shouldn’t have listened to joyce. he shouldn’t have gotten out of his car and stepped foot into this house. he should’ve just gone home and lay in bed all day, much less embarrassing than crying in a goddamn bathtub with people right outside.
but here he was, trying to make up for lost time and bonding and memories with max, to show her that he cares and loves her and isn’t going to abandon her like his mother. and yet he was alone, abandoned and abandoning max in just 5 months. his chest hurt as he cried harder, tears freely slipping down his cheeks and staining his stupid sweater. he was nearly wheezing for air, not getting enough in between his sobs.
he must’ve been too loud because he didn’t hear the door open and shut. didn’t even know he wasn’t alone until steve pulled back the curtain, stunned to find him curled up there and crying.
billy wanted to snarl at him, glare at him with a smartass comment about the bathroom being occupied, but all that came out when he opened his mouth was another choked sob.
“shit, man, you don’t look so good.” steve spoke the obvious. “hargrove, you gotta breathe. don’t want you turning blue on me.”
billy turned away, shielded his face with his arms for god knows what. maybe he was expecting a punch, to be told he was a little bitch for crying like this. but all he received were hesitant hands gently prying his wrists away from his face.
“hey.” steve murmured, now only inches away from him. billy didn’t realize he climbed into the tub with him, kneeling before him in the cramped space.
“fuck off.” billy breathed out, all bark no bite, trying to pull his arms away from steve’s grip. but steve didn’t let up.
“why? so you can suffocate yourself to death in mrs. byers’ bathroom?” steve mused, rubbing circles into billy’s wrists with his thumb. “not gonna happen.”
“i don’t need-“ he choked up, words cracking as more tears unleashed. “i don’t need a fucking babysitter.”
“i know.” steve let go of his wrists, sitting back against the opposite end of the small tub. billy almost whimpered at the loss. was so glad he could will himself against at least one thing.
“what about a friend?” steve took in the way billy’s eyes shifted towards him, expression guarded. “look, man, you’re graduating and leaving next summer,” how many people had max told? “and you’re obviously going through some shit so i don’t see why i can’t at least try to help you through this so we,” he sighed as he gestured between them. “so we can be friends and not on bad terms anymore because i’m tired of having enemies.” he rushed out, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “i know what it feels like to want to leave this shithole, trust me. robin already applied to schools in cali too and i was maybe thinking about going with her and if we end up in the same place then maybe we can all be friends and help each other out.” he rushed out again.
billy just stared at him, bottom lip quivering pathetically. here steve was, offering to be his friend and follow both him and robin all the way to california. he’d be stupid if he didn’t take the offer.
“what? you following your little girlfriend out to cali for her to dump you on your ass like the last one?” billy was never too bright in the friendship industry.
“what? no. robin’s not - we’re not like that. we’re just friends.” steve frowned. “i already applied to some community colleges out there. but this isn’t about that right now.” he waved his hand dismissively. “you gonna tell me what’s up with you now? a secret for a secret?”
billy opened his mouth to try and reject the offer, to tell steve to fuck off again, but another sob wracked his body. he let out a frustrated groan through his tears as he scrubbed uselessly at his eyes.
“fuckin’ hate christmas.” he choked out, grabbing onto the saint necklace. his mother’s. “it-“ a whimper. “it was my favorite. at least until my mom,” he shut his eyes tightly, tears spilling out of the corners. “she just. up and left. left me with no note or explanation and a piece of shit father.” he exhaled shakily. “he beat her. and when she left..” he trailed off, gesturing towards himself. “there were no more fucking homemade pies or trees or gifts. just him. always drunk and angry every christmas, blaming me for her. then max and susan came into the picture and they had their perfect little family. celebrated every year.” the without me went unspoken.
billy hadn’t realized steve was inching closer and closer to him until he looked up from the bathtub and found steve inches away from him again, eyes big and sad as they looked over him.
“what are you-“ billy didn’t get to finish his sentence before he was enveloped in a big hug, the guy squeezing him tightly.
“hugging you.” steve mumbled into his shoulder, forcing billy’s face into the crook of his neck. in no time he was crying yet again, right into steve’s fucking shoulder.
steve was good at hugs. good at comfort. the way he rubbed all along billy’s back, one arm secured around his waist made him feel safe in a way he hadn’t in probably a decade. he let himself go again, freely ugly crying into his expensive and soft christmas sweater, clinging onto the material with weak, shaky fists.
“i didn’t know.” steve finally spoke after a minute. “shit, man, no one knows anything about you. i figured your dad was a hard ass after we talked about the fight but not that bad.” he pulled back just an inch, catching billy’s eyes with his own. “does anyone else know?”
billy shook his head.
“why don’t you tell hopper?” steve frowned. “that’s not normal or okay.”
“no point.” billy shook his head. “i turned 18 in november. can’t do jack shit now but wait until i graduate.”
“then move out.” steve said it like it was easy. like he could afford it, like he had anywhere to go.
billy laughed but it was more sad than humored.
“and where would i go?”
“with me.” steve’s response was immediate, no hesitation. “my dad’s always gone on business trips and my mom’s italian.” he said it like it was self explanatory. billy’s confused expression prompted him to continue. “she can’t stand bad parents and she loves company. you’re another mouth to force feed, too. she makes great pasta.”
billy shook his head. “i can’t just move in with you. what if they say no or-or it doesn’t work.”
“they won’t say no.” steve assured. “come on.” he urged. “it’s just one more semester and then we’re off to the golden coast.” he smiled dumbly. “it’ll work. trust me.”
billy went silent. thought about it for a minute. what it could be like to get out of that house. live and be friends with steve. go back home with him later on.
billy slowly nodded. “okay.” he mumbled. “okay.” he repeated again, louder and solidified.
they’d make it work.
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billys-mullet · 3 years
"you want to w h a t!?"
tw; w/tersports
billy's glare scared away the curious eyes that shot in their direction. sounds of running water and the raucous that tended to follow practice sessions filled the locker room for a moment. and when it appeared that nothing more was going to come from the outburst the gazes turned away. brown bored into blue as billy glared.
it was stupid to have brought this up in a crowded place, but it had been weighing heavy on his mind ever since he saw his ridiculously charming boyfriend yakking away at stephanie's party last week, all eyes within a ten foot radius trained on him. nevermind that steve had supposedly fallen from grace; people still flocked to him for his charisma and his pretty face. there wasn't anybody steve harrington couldn't charm. and that became extremely evident in the way tanya harris had been plastered against his side, giggling away at every little detail of the story steve was weaving.
so maybe billy was jealous. maybe he was a little possessive. maybe he wanted to mark his territory in the most animalistic of ways —
yeah, okay, maybe it was a little weird. the heat clawing up the back neck wasn't caused by the shitty spray coming from the showerhead.
steve breathed heavily behind the palm that billy had slapped over his mouth. they glared at one another for a long minute, and then billy's hand fell back against his side.
'not a word,' his scowl snapped.
'we're talking about this,' steve's glower replied.
billy would rather walk out of the room — but he knows steve will follow. they'll make a scene, one that probably wont end in flying fists like it should. they're past that now. have been for a few months. not even the illusion of the 'shaky friendship' they're putting forward would be enough to keep rumors from spreading.
billy's glare slides to the side and they slow down the pace of their showering until the locker room eventually empties aside from the pair. the door hasn't even shut all the way before steve is turning to explode on him:
"you want to /pee/ on me!?"
"it's not —"
"don't. don't you 'it's not like that' me. what else can it be!? there's nothing else it could be!"
"at least i asked first before whipping out my dick and just /doing/ it."
"you're disgusting."
"yeah? you like it."
steve's silence and the purse of his lips betray that he does, indeed, like billy... no matter how nasty he is. and, god, he was nasty.
"why...? why is that even a thing?"
"it's..." billy feels stupid. this was a stupid thing to ask for. but his boyfriend is hot. and sometimes his mouth got the better of him when he was spewing filth and things just came out, things he should have kept tucked away, things that should never ever see the light of day.
like this, like now. billy begins gathering up his bag, turning away from steve. nevermind. he shouldn't have brought it up. there must be some kind of look on his face because a hand slides up his wet arm and wraps around his bicep.
"billy... you have to talk to me. we're working on that, remember?"
"shut up."
"hey... hey, come here. i'm sorry, okay? i'm sure there's a reason. i'm sure, um, i'm sure we all have our kinks. just... explain it to me."
steve was so— billy didn't deserve him. he should leave this locker room without looking back, make steve crawl after him like a begging bitch.
"christ, harrington... you're killing me."
"you said it too fast!"
"i want to pee on you because i'm jealous!"
"...wh–... why? that doesn't even–"
"i saw you talking to tanya the other day and she was making these... these..." billy's voice is a breathless rush, "stupid goo-goo eyes at you. it pissed me off. and i cant stop thinking that... you know, you're /mine/. and i can't prove that in any way. and nobody knows. so if i were to just do something, like if i were to mark you then–"
steve's eyebrows furrow closer and closer together the longer than billy rambles. and then they suddenly shoot up.
"like a dog?"
"like a dog. they pee to mark their territory. is that...?"
"you calling me a bitch?"
"something like that." but steve is grinning. the hackles on the back of billy's neck lower. he's scowling, eyes narrowed where they glare at steve. he wants to mop the floor with the smile.
"fuck you."
"i'm sorry! come here. c'mere, i'm sorry. you set yourself up for that one."
as angry as billy is, he allows steve to gather him in his arms. their bodies slide against one another, slick from the spray still raining down on them. steve's mouth finds his easily, their lips moving together in a chaste press before billy pulls away. he's still trying to run, but the leg steve wraps around his waist keeps him rooted.
billy's eyebrow arches.
"fine. you can pee on me."
"fuck off."
"i mean it! i mean it, billy. i'm not joking." steve's eyes are wide and sincere. billy rolls his own before going to untangle himself from their embrace. steve still won't let him. he hops up and wraps /both/ legs around billy's waist, taking him hy surprise and causing the two of them to nearly go toppling to the ground. billy barely managed to wrap his arm around that dotted waist, the way he stumbled forward causing them to rest against the tilted shower wall.
"this is as good of a place as any, right? no mess to clean up after. so just... do it. stop looking at me and do it. i'm not going to make fun of you anymore, i promise." steve is breathing a little heavy, though it's unclear if that was from excitement or from the fact that they had nearly busted ass.
billy can't look. the way his hands tremble and his own unsteady breaths betray him. he knows he should be cocky and sure but this is — it's a lot. too much. yet steve was still understanding and too damn sweet for his own good. billy loves him. he hasn't ever said it out loud but he hopes steve knows that.
"c'mon, bills. it's okay." a hand buries itself in the back of his head, scratching at his scalp. it's all the encouragement he needs.
a little maneuvering has the head of billy's dick trapped at the juncture between one of steve's thighs and the softness of his stomach. nerves bite him in the ass, but so does excitement. and it's hard to keep from getting, well, /hard/ when he's got slick wet skin against his own, the smell of steve's shampoo making him lightheaded. he's vaguely aware that steve murmurs words of encouragement against his temple.
it takes him a moment to actually do it. there's a visible jerk to his dick, body shuddering, and then relief floods his lower stomach while ropes of liquid heat spill over a dotted thigh, trickling down over his hip and along his ass.
billy buries his face in the softness of steve's throat, teeth gnawing a bruise. can't help himself as he murmurs a litany of, "mineminemine" as his bladder empties and a different kind of relief fills him. it's the nastiest thing he's ever done. it's the best thing he's ever done.
and steve—
gasps. goes taut. makes the strangest sound in the back of his throat when the warmth trickles over his skin. it might be from the way billy's got a hand fisted in the back of his hair, keeping him pulled close, but billy is selfish and wants to think it's because he's getting off on this too.
"g– od...  billy..."
a grunt is the only response steve gets. billy's bladder had emptied itself but he refuses to pull away from his hiding spot.
"billy," steve whines, tugging on the back of his head until he gets the idea. their mouths slot together in another kiss, sloppy and full of teeth. steve rolls his hips forward, half-hard dick sliding against billy's stomach, and it's enough to have his own fattening up where it's still enveloped in velvety tightness.
"that was hot. i've n– never seen you... like that. you really want me that bad?" a strand of dark hair sticks to steve's forehead. his own eyes are heavy with need, lips a swollen pink from their kiss. he slides forward again and makes that noise from earlier, head falling back against the wall. billy wants to devour him.
their bodies move together without any rhythm, nothing but the thought of chasing pleasure in their minds. steve finishes first, his yelp echoing off the walls. billy paints his hip white with a muffled groan a few seconds after, fingers biting into his backside.
they haven't even caught their breaths before steve is leaning down and whining a pathetic, "again."
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hargrove-mayfields · 4 years
Add A Link and See It Grow
Today’s the last day of the Harringrove Week of Love! The final prompt I chose was Found Family! Read this here or on ao3 posted by ej_writer !
Word Count: 7,305
Rating: T
“Are you serious right now Nancy?”
It was 7:30 at night when Steve heard his doorbell ring and, upon answering it, was met with a swarm of middle schoolers rushing into his house. He had plans to go out to the quarry with Billy in like, a half hour, he could not afford to be the babysitter.
“I’m sorry, Steve. My mom was supposed to watch the kids but she had to go out so she asked me to babysit, but I already told Joyce and Jon I’d help them plan Will's birthday party and it’s only a few days away now and-“ Nancy talked about a thousand miles a minute as she tried to justify dumping the brats on him.
“Whatever, it’s, fine.” It wasn’t, but it wasn’t worth arguing over either. “Aren’t they old enough to watch themselves at this point?”
Nancy didn’t even respond to that, just gave him a stern look that said ‘you’re watching these kids no matter what, get over it.’ She crossed her arms and squinted at him and, even if it didn’t really matter if he agreed, his resolve broke. “Alright, fine.”
She smiled and thanked him before hurrying back to Jonathan’s still running car. Steve sighed and braced himself before turning around to go back inside. The brats were known for wreaking havoc in a matter of minutes, and he wasn't looking to let them destroy his parents’ house.
In the five minutes he was outside they’d already raided the fridge of all of his pop, added the leaf to his dining table (how did they even know where that thing was?), had game pieces and boards thrown all over the place, and made a stack of their bags in the corner of his living room.
“Wait a second, is this a sleepover?” Steve groaned at all of the overenthusiastic nods he received. “Where am I supposed to put all of you little shits?”
Dustin shrugged. “You have enough rooms in this place to house the whole neighborhood. I think you’ll be fine.”
“Well, since nobody felt the need to run this by me first, I’m already busy. Can you dipshits handle yourselves for like, two hours?”
The look on Mikes face perfectly mirrored the one his sister had given Steve at the door. “Dude, Nancy will kill you if she found out you left us here alone.”
“Not if I kill her first for dumping all of you on me.” The threat had still stuck, she absolutely would kill Steve. There was no way he could get away with leaving them unattended.
He figured he could just call Billy and cancel, but that was really the last thing he wanted to do. He tried to come up with some compromise, but with all the kids pulling up chairs to his dining table with intentions of staying all night, he didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter.
Dialing Billy’s number into the kitchen phone, he walks around the corner into the bathroom, shutting himself in as best he can around the phone's cord in an attempt at having some semblance of privacy from the six sets of prying ears in the next room, but he hears nothing from the other end.
He let it ring a few more times before he gave up, wrapping the cord back up and hanging the phone back in its slot. This wasn’t going to go over well.
Because it wasn’t like he could just be like ‘hey, I have to go do this, be back in a few’ when what he had been planning on doing was going on a date with Billy Hargrove. They were sneaking around behind the kids' backs, so that just wasn’t a luxury they had.
But Billy wouldn’t answer his phone, so he couldn’t explain the situation to him either, and now Steve was backed into a corner, and exponentially screwed.
At first, he was trying to just stay out of the kids’ hair, hover in the corner while they did their thing just to make sure they didn’t get it of hand, but he was feeling too jittery and nervous, so he pulled up one of the thousand extra dining chairs his mother kept around for dinner parties and joined in their stupid game.
For once, they were playing normal people games instead of that role playing thing he couldn't wrap his head around, so he could actually understand what was happening enough to participate.
Not that that meant he ever won, being outsmarted by these kids was his specialty. Round after round they ran circles around him, and he was getting frustrated enough he was considering making them sleep outside.
He was about to throw his cards down and quit for what was probably the tenth time already when he heard the telltale sound of Billy’s Camaro pulling into his driveway.
That was really bad. He’d stood Billy up, and he’d be pissed, he couldn’t let him just barge in here and make a scene in front of the kids. Because not only would that mean they knew Steve was not crushing on some imaginary girl or whatever he’d made up to thwart their suspicions, but that he was with Billy Hargrove of all people. They’d never let it go.
He shot a quick look at Max, who no doubt would’ve been able to recognize the sound of her own brother's car, hoping to somehow communicate to her to keep these other assholes occupied while he dealt with this. He was pretty sure Max already knew about them anyways.
Forfeiting again, he got up from the table and hurried towards the front doors.
Will called after him with a sympathetic, “It’s just a game, Steve!” which thankfully meant they either hadn’t heard or hadn’t recognized the sound of Billy’s car.
Holding up the pack of camels he always kept in his pocket, he turned around to face the kids, backing towards the door still. “Just need a smoke break.”
That seemed to appease them, and they went back to what they were doing. He practically ran the rest of the way to the door, as he opened and closed it before they could see the boy on the stoop.
Billy was standing there probably about to lay on the doorbell, something he always did just to drive Steve crazy, and seemed surprised at the way he came all the way outside and shut the door behind himself. “Listen, I’m on babysitting duty, so I kind of can’t do this right now.”
At the same time Billy’s face fell, Steve felt his heart drop into his stomach. This wasn’t about their rendezvous, turning up at Steve’s house usually meant he needed something, and judging from the way his hands were stuffed deep into his pockets and the way he was worrying his lip between his teeth, it was something important. “Whatever, Harrington. I’ll get out of your hair.“
“That’s not what I meant.” Steve reached out and put his hand on Billy’s arm to get his attention. “I’m sorry. I want you to stay, I just, I needed you to know they were here.” The additional so you didn’t out us and ruin our lives forever went unsaid, but Billy knew the implications of being caught by the kids.
“I need your first-aid kit“ It was hard for him, asking for help, but these days it was something he needed a lot of.
Without another word he opened the door and led Billy inside, making him kick off his muddy biker boots before following him up the stairs to where he kept the band aid kit in his bathroom. One of the perks of having a big house was that the kids, from where they were in the dining room, couldn’t see the door, and only heard them go up the steps.
This had become routine for them, Billy showing up at his door in need of a little TLC, and Steve desperate to give it to him, but up to this point they’d been able to evade the kids. He didn’t think it would honestly be all that bad if they knew, Billy’s sister was among them and probably wouldn’t let her friends run too wild with the information, but Billy had made him swear on his life he’d never let them, or anyone else for that matter, find out about it.
Of course he understood that. There was a reason this kept happening, these nights when Billy would show up at his door in need of assistance, and that reason, who’s name happened to be Neil Hargrove, would undoubtedly kill the both of them were he ever to catch word that his son was dating Steve Harrington.
Steve had the displeasure of meeting Neil in person only once in late December, when he’d dropped Max off at her house after a Christmas party at the Byers. Being that he was such a responsible and caring father, or at least that’s what he was for the public eye, he just had to meet the boy who was watching his daughter.
Steve’d been beyond unsettled by the unnecessary firmness of his handshake, the distant look behind his so obviously practiced smile, the way Billy, with his arm in a cast for reasons he wouldn’t tell anyone, loomed in the corner as Neil did his interrogation.
When he was satisfied with the answers he’d been given, sure that Steve wasn’t carting the kids around because he was a creep or something, he’d let him go with a slap to the shoulder that was a little too hard to be friendly, and made Billy, maybe as a show of some sort of old fashioned respect, walk him back to his car.
“Did he do that to you?” Maybe it was because his experience with his own father had made it easier to recognize, but Steve was pretty sure he had a good idea of what was going on here.
Billy kept his eyes downcast and his shoulders squared, defensive in a way that was distinctly un-Billy. The broken arm must have been preventing his fighting instincts from taking over, or maybe it was the guilt from already beating the shit out of Steve once. “Maybe.”
That was enough of an answer for him. “Look, if you ever need anything, just like, I don’t know, come find me or something, man.”
Billy’s head snapped up to look at him. Steve could practically see the gears turning in his head as he tried to think of some response, but that had gotten to him. He kept his lips pressed in a flat line, and stared at Steve like he just grew a second head.
“I’m sorry for lying to you, just, my door is always open, or whatever.” It was extremely awkward, Steve offering help to the boy who’d literally just beat the shit out of him and concussed him like a month ago, but he could see through him.
The scar in his eyebrow didn’t come from their fight, nor did the cast on his arm. Seeing the way Neil acted, the saccharine smile he wore as he made subtle threats on him when he literally did nothing but drive his daughter around, he had enough to figure out that those injuries had been from what Billy had faced once he came home that night.
Billy hadn’t said anything, just scoffed and turned around to go back into his house, but a week later he showed up at Steve’s house, having gotten the address off of their sort of mutual friend Tommy, with a broken nose and bled all over his living room carpet, and the rest was history.
Steve walked him into the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet seat, popping open the first-aid kit where it sat on the tiled counter. “Where’re you hurt?”
A nervous habit of his, Billy was chewing on the side of his thumb nail. His gaze flickered between Steve’s face and the framed painting behind him on the wall. “S’my ribs.”
Steve got him to shrug out of the two different jackets he was wearing, his first winter in the Midwest had proved to be far too cold for a Cali-raised boy like Billy, and pull the Henley shirt he had on over his head. The damage hidden underneath was enough to make him sick to his stomach.
Reaching out, Steve gingerly touched the deep purple bruises littering the other boy's chest and ribs. He felt breathless, this was by far the worst he’d ever seen it. “Jesus, Bills.”
Billy wasn’t very good at accepting sympathy from others. It made him feel all squeamish to be fussed over, and Steve was the king of fussing over him. He muttered, “Think there’s a cut towards the back.”
Steve wrapped his fingers around Billy’s forearm and gently pushed his arm up over his head to inspect the damage, and sure enough, there was a gash about 6 inches long on his left side. “What the hell did he do to you?”
Billy sniffs, looks away and says, like it’s nothing, “Steel-toes break the skin easier.”
Every time they did this, Steve’s heart broke into a million little pieces. The nonchalance of it all was the worst part, the way it was so normal for Billy to have his father kick him until his ribs were bruised black and bleeding, it made him so sad to see his Billy that way.
He let Billy put his arm down and crossed his own arms over his chest, “You’re gonna need stitches.”
“You know how to sew.” Another shot right in his heart, Steve didn’t know how much of this he could handle.
“Barely. And this is completely different.” Steve stepped forward and put his hand on the side of Billy’s face, keeping him from looking away again to stare at that stupid painting on the wall. “Don’t wanna hurt you.”
“I can take it, Stevie. Either you do it or I will.” If Billy gave an ultimatum, he meant it.
He definitely didn’t know how to sew, it was a skill considered too feminine to be taught to a son despite its usefulness, so he never learned how, but if Steve didn’t agree he would’ve very much done it and hurt himself a thousand times more in the process just to prove a point
So Steve reluctantly did it, made Billy hold his arm over his head and turn to face the other wall so he could see it better. Not that he was an overly emotional person, or maybe he just wouldn’t admit he was, but the sight before him put tears in his eyes.
Billy caught that, and despite the swell of nervousness in his own chest as he saw Steve threading a needle from out of the kit, he offered comfort to his boyfriend.
“Only a few more months before I’m outta there, then we won’t have to worry about this shit any more.” Billy would turn 18 in June, just under three months from now, but when he showed up at Steve’s door bloodied and bruised every other day, that long stretch of time offered no comfort.
It wouldn’t be as easy as Billy seemed to think it was to leave. He wouldn’t have any money, the Camaro wasn’t in his name, so he wouldn’t have any way to get around, and he didn’t even know where he would stay yet. That was all hypothetical for if he’d even be able to leave too.
With an abusive father constantly looming over his shoulder and keeping tabs on him, he’d know he was going to leave and try to stop it at all costs. It was only a matter of time before he started trying to manipulate Billy into staying.
It clearly didn’t have the desired effect on Steve. Billy’d even offered his assurances with a smile, but his boyfriends face stayed grim as he wiped at the cut with an alcohol pad so he could start to try to stitch it shut.
They stayed silent after that, while Steve tried to steady his shaking hands for long enough to get the needle in and out of Billy’s skin without hurting him too bad. The only break in the silence was the occasional gasp from Billy when Steve made another hole in his skin, or the noise drifting up from when the kids started yelling downstairs.
After a few more times in and out he was able to tie it off, the sutures were sort of crude, but were doing their job, and he made Billy move his arm all around to make sure they wouldn’t tear right through his skin. Once he was appeased, he made him put a new shirt on, the other one stained with his blood would have to be washed.
Billy stood up and wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist. “I’m gonna be okay baby.”
Steve reached his arms around the back of Billy’s neck and pressed their foreheads together. “I know but-“
Cutting him off with a quick kiss, Billy interjected. “It doesn’t matter about him as long as I have you.” Another peck to his lips. “Love you.”
It hardly did anything to cheer Steve up or comfort him, but there wasn’t anything that could when every night, he sent his boyfriend back into the arms of a monster. He sighed and ran his fingers through the long hair at the back of Billy’s neck. “I love you too.”
Neither of them knew how much time had passed when Billy pulled away to grab his jacket off of the counter. Shrugging the layers back onto his shoulders, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket again. “I should go. The nerd herd’s gonna wonder where we went.”
“I want you to stay.” Steve kissed him one more time. “Not gonna let you go back to him yet.”
Billy looked like he wanted to protest, but Steve must’ve been looking as sad as he felt, because Billy sighed and gave in. “Fine. But your kids aren’t going to be too happy about that.”
“They’ll be fine.” Billy always seemed to underestimate just how much the kids liked him.
It was true that they hadn’t been his biggest fans at first, but when they first started doing this, Steve made him swear he’d apologize to them, and he did.
They were smart kids, they understood how the situation had looked when he got pissed, all of them hiding from him in a strangers house, and they understood the implications too of him begging Max to leave with him and his arm being broken literally the next day when she hadn’t.
It wasn’t immediate forgiveness, they were pretty wary around him until they felt he’d done enough to prove that he meant it when he apologized, but they’d all more or less accepted it by now.
Because he hadn’t stopped after just saying sorry. The words themselves never meant much to him at all, what with the situation he grew up in, so he tried to show them he was sorry.
Which was how he had become the secondary chauffeur after Steve, taking more than just Max home after trips to the movies or the arcade, and consequently how he had started helping them sneak around.
More than a few times he’d helped them smuggle Eleven out of her dad's cabin, because he understood feeling trapped, before he had his own car Neil had been able to keep him under 24/7 surveillance. He always covered for Lucas too, driving him home first before anyone else, and when Neil wanted to know who Max had been with, he’d lie and say it was just Dustin or El. After what happened it felt like the least he could do, but Steve was right, by now, they were pretty much over it.
Either way, he didn’t exactly want to have to explain away why he and Steve had disappeared upstairs for the last hour, hour and half. They might forgive him for his stupid outburst, but he couldn’t be sure where they drew the line.
Steve smiled at him and wrapped his fingers around Billy’s wrist, pulling him out of the bathroom and back through the hallway to the stairs. “Just follow my lead.”
Any semblance of a plan was lost when they made it back to the kitchen, Billy leaning in the doorway while Steve announced his presence, and they saw Eleven washing blood off of her hands in the sink.
There were some things Billy knew he’d never understand about these kids, Steve had made him promise he wouldn’t ask questions even though that was what had got them into a fight in the first place, so, despite his confusion, he didn’t even try to ask.
Not even when Steve put his hands on his hips and reprimanded her. “Oh, you were not spying on me.”
She smiled coyly. “I was.”
Billy felt the blood drain out of his face, felt his heartbeat skyrocket as he and Steve exchanged a look of fear. Steve stuttered and started trying to explain. “Listen you guys-“
Dustin cut him off, always overly eager to complain. “She won’t tell us anything.”
Nodding, Mike agreed. “She says it’s an ‘invasion of your privacy’.” He used air quotes around the last part as if spying on people in their own homes wasn’t exactly that.
The fear on Steve's face shifted into anger as he pointed his finger in Mike's face. “That’s because it is. I told you little shits a thousand times: no spying.”
Lucas interjected, agreeing with his friends. “What’s it matter if she won’t tell us anyways?”
Max fixed him with a deadly look and scoffed. “It matters because she didn’t want to and you made her. Why should she tell you what she saw?” Typically, Max would be on Lucas’ side, but they must’ve been fighting again.
Billy, watching the scene unfold while leaning on the door frame, clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth and announced. “Seems like I walked into something.” He turned to walk away and called over his shoulder. “Catch ya ‘round, Harrington.”
Before he could get away, Steve grabbed him by the back of his jacket and tugged, stopping him dead in his tracks. “No way. You’re not leaving me to deal with this by myself.”
“Your children aren’t my responsibility.” He reminded him, but he had no actual intentions of actually leaving and they both knew that.
The kids hadn’t understood at first why Steve got along with Billy after he’d been the one to be beat up, so, to put it in a way that made sense to the brats, they pretended to argue so it seemed like they were only begrudgingly hanging out, and so far, they hadn’t seen through it.
Steve had a retort ready, but Dustin beat him to it. The kids were constantly rubbing it in Billy’s face that they’d turned him into a babysitter too. “Yeah, we kind of are.”
Lucas, obviously only trying to get some sort of points towards Max’s forgiveness, agreed. “Especially since one of us is your totally awesome sister.” Max just rolled her eyes at his attempt.
Realizing he was still holding onto Billy’s jacket, Steve pulled him back into the room and let go. “You’re staying.” He turned to Will and asked him like nothing had happened, “So what are we playing?”
Unsurprisingly, the kids had developed tiny attention spans. They'd gotten quite the taste for crazy adventures, so unlike normal teenagers, activities like watching movies and playing truth or dare all night wouldn’t really do it for them.
Since Steve had left, they’d apparently played through two different games and had been about to start a third before they decided to spy.
Mike tells them, “We’ve narrowed it down to Uno and Monopoly.”
“Mike, Will, and Max vote Monopoly. Me, Lucas, and El vote Uno.” Dustin further explained, “We need a tie breaker.”
“I’m not any good at Monopoly. Too much counting.” Steve nudged Billy with his shoulder. “What do you think?”
“Last time I played Monopoly I broke someone's nose, and I’m colorblind. Don’t think my vote counts.” Neither of those facts are particularly untrue, but the only reason Billy brings them up is because he’s still trying to deny that he’s their babysitter.
Staying for Steve, whatever, that was fine, but playing board games with the little shits, that would be giving in, admitting that he wasn’t above hanging out with middle schoolers on a Friday night.
But he doesn’t get out of it, because with the excitement of all of the kids combined, Will pipes up. “Don’t worry, I am too! My mom put shapes on all the cards so I can tell the difference.”
He hurries and fishes out the playing deck, bringing it straight to Billy to look through. “See! Reds are squares, greens are circles, yellows are stars, and blues are triangles!”
Steve smirks at Billy, at the defeated look on his face. “Looks like you’re not getting out of this one, Hargrove.”
Tumblr decided this was too long, go ahead and finish reading on ao3! Over there I’m ej_writer !
80 notes · View notes
magniloquent-raven · 4 years
See What This is Worth
Harringrove Week of Love: Day 4
Teacher AU || School Dance
Rated: T
Read on Ao3
Billy is not, by nature, the kind of person who likes to be overly helpful. He doesn’t go out of his way for people he doesn’t know. He’s not especially charitable. 
And yet here he is, taking time out of his Friday night, setting up tables and supervising idiots with no upper body strength who think they can move a whole stack of chairs on their own. He has better things to do than hang out at work and chaperone a bunch of middle-schoolers trying to score their first kiss to some truly grating top 40 shit. 
He didn’t even like school dances when he was a student. As a middle-schooler he was too fucking terrified that some girl might ask him to dance, so he just never went. And in high school...well. He ended up more the type to get high in the parking lot and ditch with whatever chick was too drunk to notice he didn’t put out. 
There was never a boy he liked well enough to do this shit with. Get dressed up and pretend not to want to dance and get flustered when he so much as touches a hand. No one in school was worth suffering through this shit for. 
Until now, unfortunately.
He’s a grown-ass man and somehow feels like a dumb, lovestruck teen and it’s all Steve Harrington’s fault.
Him and his fucking face, and his ass, and his looking unfairly good in a suit. 
He looks good in his stupid dorky khakis and paint-splattered apron too, but holy shit Billy never really got the phrase cleans up nice until he saw Steve in formal wear. His hair all combed neatly for once, wearing a blazer and slacks that have clearly been tailored. 
Billy is seriously considering sending a thank you note to whatever tailor Steve visits, because they are very good at their job. 
Good enough that Billy’s spending half his goddamn time staring at Steve’s ass instead of setting up. He’s bossing some volunteers around, gesturing animatedly about crepe paper and streamers and it’s so distractingly endearing that Billy kind of forgets he’s supposed to be doing anything other than watch Steve work.
And he gets caught. Steve turns, spots Billy staring. Scowls. Which is kind of his default expression when looking at Billy. 
As much as Billy secretly wants to have Steve look at him like he can actually stand spending more than five minutes in the same room, the irritated frown kind of suits Steve. It’s cute. And when he gets pissed it’s hot. His eyes get all intense, mouth set in a firm line and Billy may or may not have had a fantasy or two about Steve making that exact face right before absolutely destroying his ass, so...Steve might not like him, but Billy’s dealing. 
By being annoying, but still. 
He wiggles his fingers in a sarcastic little wave, leaning a little more pointedly. He’s been lounging against the wall for way too long, his shoulder is going numb, but he’s not about to scramble to look like he’s doing something just because Steve spotted him.
Steve’s shoulders heave as he sighs, eyes rolling skyward. He hands his clipboard to the nearest volunteer, whispering something before turning on his heel and marching over. 
Billy’s inspecting his nails when Steve reaches him. Stops a few paces away and folds his arms. 
“Something I can do for you, Harrington?” He knows the bored tone gets to Steve, so he plays it up.
“Yeah. You were supposed to be helping Nancy put chairs out. You know, the thing you signed up for?” There’s still an edge to that statement, has been since Billy walked into the first committee meeting with a big, shit-eating grin and Steve glared at him looking like he was about to pop a blood vessel. He always says it all accusatory, like he’s not sure Billy even did sign up, and he’s just hanging around to be a nuisance.
Which, he is, but he’s doing it officially. 
Has his little chaperone badge and everything. It’s pinned to his jacket, which he isn’t actually wearing, but he has it. 
“Got tired,” Billy says with a dramatic weariness, head lolling to the side, rolling back against the wall. He looks up at Steve through his eyelashes. “I’m allowed to take a break aren’t I?”
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. “Hargrove, you’re telling me moving flimsy plastic chairs tired you out? You’re built like a brick wall.” He puts his hands on his hips and gets the same look he gets when his students start throwing clay around. 
“Are you objectifying me?” Billy puts a hand on his chest with mock-offence, the corners of his mouth turning upward with genuine delight. His grin brightens when Steve’s cheeks flush, gaze darting away, the annoyance flagging a little, replaced with something else for just a moment.
“I’m stating a fact. In a completely...imparted way.”
“Think you mean ‘impartial’.” 
The flush darkens, a splotchy red instead of the petal pink he was a moment ago, and his mouth twists. “Whatever,” he mutters. “You’ve been standing here for like ten minutes, man, get back to work.”
He stalks off in a huff, leaving Billy wondering how the hell Steve knew how long he’d been slacking off for.
Then again, he is in charge, so. He’s probably keeping tabs on everyone. At least that’s what Billy has to tell himself so the butterflies in his stomach don’t get any ideas. 
He wanders off, back to where he was supposed to be, but Wheeler doesn’t actually need his help. She got most of the chairs in place while he was checking out her ex. He gets an impatient brush-off when he half-heartedly asks her if there’s any more work to do. 
She never did like him much. 
Not that he’s bothered, he doesn’t care for her either. She’s too snooty. Up her own ass. Self-righteous. ...and Steve’s ex. 
Rumour has it Steve’s finally over her, but Billy will believe it when he sees it, the man hasn’t been on a date since Wheeler tore his heart to shreds three years ago. 
Heather gossips, okay. She’s nosy, and her family knows Wheeler’s family, who know Steve, and word gets around. These upper class assholes never have anything better to do than talk behind each other’s backs. Especially when the only son of a wealthy family is, at 28, single and teaching snot-nosed brats how to fingerpaint. 
And Billy has a vested interest, sue him. He asks some pointed questions here and there. 
God, he’s never gotten this fucking desperate over a guy before. Pining away. Putting up with Nancy Wheeler bossing him around at meetings because he doesn’t want to piss her off too much just in case that’s the final straw for Steve. The thing that tips their rapport from not-friendly to outright hostile. 
Because for some reason the guy still gives a shit about the ex who cheated on him. Fucking martyr. 
Billy’s not sure if he’s jealous that she gets forgiven and he gets angry glares for no goddamn reason, or if he’s just flabbergasted that anyone would be that self-sacrificing. Both, maybe. It’s a little impressive, honestly. How far out of his way Steve will go to forgive people. 
Except Billy.
Who still doesn’t know what he did wrong in the first place.
Not that it bothers him. No, not at all. He’s just constantly thinking about it, and trying to hold on to every detail of the early days of their interactions so he can analyze those moments for clues, and sometimes lying awake at night wondering if he’s just fundamentally unlovable and he’s never gonna figure out what he did wrong because he just is wrong. 
He’s fine. It’s fine.
Thank god Steve is occupied for the rest of set-up. Always finding someone who isn’t Billy to boss around when he isn’t physically doing something himself. Gives Billy some room to breathe. And watch, like a weirdo.
He gets a couple weird looks from other volunteers but that’s nothing new. Wheeler glaring at him. Heather smirking. That one parent chaperone who’s here early and was making eyes at him at first, but it’s devolved into side-eye. 
He thought maybe the dance actually starting would be a distraction, but it’s just loud. He’s still constantly stealing glances at Steve. While he’s making small talk. While he’s repinning some streamers that got knocked loose. He looks gorgeous, even under the harsh fluorescent lighting of a school gym, and Billy really wishes he had a flask on him right now.
Yelling at some rowdy kids doesn’t help either. Just earns him a dirty look from that one overprotective chaperone mom. No one asked you, lady, the kid was bouncing around like an over-caffeinated gerbil, someone was gonna get hurt. It’s Billy’s job to break that shit up.
He needs a smoke. This is unbearable.
Slipping out of the gym unnoticed is easier than he thought it would be. No one seems to give a shit that he’s sidling out, which is a little insulting, honestly. But useful.
The hallways are quiet. Empty. It’s always a little creepy being here at night. The squeak of his boots on the linoleum, the artificial white light keeping the nighttime gloom out, it always feels a little dream-like. Nightmarish maybe. Liminal. 
He props the door open on his way out, with a chair he lifted from a nearby classroom. The last thing he needs is to get locked out. Embarrassing. He’d probably just leave, but then he’d get chewed out for ditching.
He sighs, turning his face skyward for a moment to breathe before he lights up.
The cool air is a relief after being cooped up with so many rambunctious pre-teens. Billy’s still not a fan of Indiana weather, and he probably never will be, but anything is better than being in there another goddamn second. 
This was a terrible idea. It was barely an idea. An impulse decision that got his ass stuck babysitting on a Friday night just so he could spend more time staring at Steve. 
Maybe he should just ditch right now. 
He’s weighing the pros and cons when a familiar voice cuts into his contemplation.
“Hargrove, where the hell did you—” Steve’s face appears when he pokes his head out the cracked-open door. His pinchy annoyed face. He wrinkles his nose when he spots Billy, and the cigarette in his hand. “Seriously?”
Billy shrugs. Puts the cigarette between his lips and takes a pointed drag, cheeks hollowing.
Steve, who was trying to sidle out past the chair, trips. The chair clatters to the ground, Steve stumbling in the opposite direction, arms out and flailing. 
The door slams shut behind him.
Billy gapes, incredulous gaze flicking between Steve, frozen in place, and the closed door. “Seriously?”
“...Shit. I—” Steve grimaces. Runs a hand through his hair, tousling his neatly combed locks. “You have your key, right?”
The glare Billy levels at him is positively icy. “Yeah, no, of course I do, the chair was there for fun. I wasn’t worried about being locked out at all.” 
“Okay, okay, Jesus. You don’t have to be such a dick about it.”
“Don’t I?” It comes out far more bitterly than intended. Steve stares at him.
“No? What kind of—” he huffs, loud, frustrated, “What the fuck is your deal, Hargrove?”
Well. That’s a layered question. One he isn’t going to answer even a little bit. He scoffs instead, turning away and taking another angry pull off his cigarette. It warms him but does nothing for the pit in his stomach.
They stand there in silence for a beat. The muffled noise from inside is muted, distant. 
“Fine, whatever,” Steve mutters. “I just don’t get why you hate me so much.”
And he sounds hurt. He sounds sad, and it throws Billy for a loop. Knocks him down a little. But then his chest gets tight, his heart flip-flopping around in the clutches of something caustic and resentful.
He flicks ash in Steve’s direction with an emphatic gesture, a petty vindictiveness. “You’re kidding, right?” he snaps. Steve’s jaw drops, just for a second, surprise passing over his face, before his expression hardens, his mouth snaps shut, jaw clenching.
“Alright, fine, I get it, what’s not to hate.” He clutches his elbows, not quite folding his arms. It looks more like he’s hugging himself. “Good talk.” 
Billy squints at him. The tense line of his shoulders, the way he can’t quite meet Billy’s eye. He’s struck with the absurd urge to pull Steve into his arms. The impulse just pisses him off more. “You know what, princess, you get what you give, alright? You can’t treat someone like shit from the jump and then get mad when they don’t want to be your best fucking friend. Fuck you.” 
“What? I never—”
“Oh, you never? You never asked Heather why she ‘puts up with such an asshole’?” He tosses his hands in the air, air quoting around the phrase, and takes a step towards Steve. “The day after we met? And you never talked over me at my first staff meeting, right? You would never.” Another step. He doesn’t think about it, doesn’t do it on purpose, but he ends up standing inches from Steve. The cold air mists their breath, and it mingles in one seething cloud between them. “You’ve been treating me like the dirt under your shoe since I got here, Harrington, don’t you dare act like you haven’t.”
Steve sets his jaw, a stubborn tilt to his chin. “You were an asshole. I still don’t get why she puts up with you!”
Billy grinds his teeth. He’s asked Heather that himself. With varying degrees of seriousness. It stings hearing it from someone else. 
“Yeah, well, we can’t all be people pleasers,” he spits, hands clenching into fists at his side. To channel his anger, more than anything else. He isn’t seventeen anymore, he can’t just start throwing punches at a co-worker. 
His nails bite into the skin of his palm, sweat stinging the shallow scrapes, and his hands tremble, itch. 
“I’m not—you know what, I’m not doing this with you.” He steps back. Just like that. Like it’s that easy to walk away. Like none of this matters to him, and he’s just...venting frustrations that have nothing to do with Billy. Because Billy doesn’t matter to him. This is about getting locked out of his own stupid party. Or Wheeler saying something bitchy maybe. Or any number of things going on in his life that Billy doesn’t know about because he’s not a part of it. 
And the tumbling, tangling web of twisting thoughts wrap around each other ‘til none of them make sense, ‘til he doesn’t know what he’s upset about he’s just gutted, just standing there in the cold staring at Steve, his eyes stinging and his toes going numb because he didn’t wear his good socks today.
He shouldn’t give a shit about this either, but he does. 
Story of his fucking life, apparently.
Steve’s gaze wanders, looking for what, Billy doesn’t know, but his profile lit up by a dirty streetlamp has got to be the most beautiful fucking thing Billy’s ever seen. He wants to kiss Steve so badly it hurts. 
And he hates that he still does, even when he’s angry. Even bitter and hurting he still wants. 
He flicks his cigarette butt away and shoves his hands in his pockets. 
“The fuck are you looking for, Harrington,” he asks flatly, as Steve cranes his neck peering around the building. 
Steve shoots him a glare. “Trying to remember if any of the doors got left unlocked.” He shivers violently, and sticks his hands in his armpits. “It’s freezing out here, in case you didn’t notice, and I’m not really into the idea of frostbite, so.”
“What, Mr.Born-and-raised-in-Indiana can’t handle a little snow?” Billy sneers. It’s petty, he knows. It’s not fair. Because Steve is out here in a dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, dressed to be in a sweaty, crowded gymnasium. Billy at least grabbed his jacket before he came out here, knowing he was going to be a while, and he’s still clenching his jaw against the urge to let his teeth chatter. 
The look that earns him is withering, though it’s undercut slightly by the awkward way Steve shuffles his arms around, trying to unroll his sleeves without exposing his fingers to the cold. 
Billy rolls his eyes. “Forget it, pretty boy, Wheeler made her boytoy check all the doors before the dance started. Either wait ‘til someone notices you’re gone or break a window.” 
“Great,” Steve mutters, and shudders again. 
“Why do you still talk to her, anyways?” He tries for casual and misses by a mile. Steve’s eyebrows shoot upwards and Billy tries again. “Just making conversation. We could be out here a while.”
“And that was what you—whatever. She and I are friends. Why wouldn’t I talk to her.”
“C’mon,” Billy scoffs, “Plenty of reasons. You still hung up on her or something? Hangin’ around hoping for another shot?”
“Definitely not.”
It shouldn’t make Billy’s heart leap but it does. Just because he’s not still sniffing around after Wheeler’s granny panties anymore doesn’t mean he has any interest in Billy. “Really now.”
“Yes, really, Jesus Christ. Why do you care.” 
“I don’t.” Billy lies, and looks away, affecting disinterest. He sniffs. “It’s just weird, is all. I sure as shit wouldn’t hang around someone after they cheated on me.”
Steve is staring. Billy can feel his gaze boring into the side of his head. He glances out of the corner of his eye, watches Steve furrow his brow and frown. “It wasn’t—It was more complicated than that. I wasn’t...good. We weren’t good together.” He stops himself, biting his lip, and shakes his head. 
“Hm.” Billy chews his thumbnail. It almost feels like they’re getting somewhere, but it’s so fragile Billy’s afraid to open his mouth and ruin it. The silence stretches, filled only by Steve’s rustling shivers, and Billy’s own unsteady heartbeat. “My car keys are in my jacket pocket,” he ventures, after long enough that the silence has gotten awkward. 
“What! How long were you going to keep that to yourse—”
“Do you want to take advantage of my heater, or not.” 
“Jesus Christ, yes.”
They don’t talk on the walk over. Snow crunches beneath Billy’s boots, and Steve slips a few times on patches of icy pavement. 
And Billy feels somehow nervous. Like he’s invited Steve to his goddamn bedroom or something. 
Or maybe he’s just worried this tentative peace will end with their conversation going where it always does, blowing up in his goddamn face. But they’ve never actually spent that much time alone, he has no idea how this is going to work. 
Best case scenario it ends with Steve half-dressed in the backseat of his car, but he’s not stupid enough to hope for that.
Fantasize about it, sure, but…
Steve actually being in his car is a surreal experience. Filling the small cab with his clean laundry scent, sweet and subtle, faint enough to be a tease, and he has to restrain himself from taking big embarrassing sniffs to satisfy his sudden craving for more. 
He wonders if the smell will linger. How long Steve will be a phantom presence in his space. 
Waste of time to think about it now, while he’s actually here. 
Billy distracts himself by keeping his hands busy. Fumbling with the keys in his stiff fingers. Poking the overhead button to flip on the interior light. Flicking the dials on his console. The heater’s fan drones almost as loudly as the engine. Somehow the white noise makes the silence less stressful.
Steve rubs his hands together in front of the nearest vent, hissing through his teeth. “Fuck, fuck, I can’t feel my goddamn fingers,” he mutters, the hair on his forehead flopping as he moves. 
“You weren’t out there that long,” Billy chuckles. Steve’s clumsy flailing is stupid endearing, Billy is shamelessly turned in his seat to watch him, the doorhandle digging into his spine, his knee pulled up and leaning on the seat’s backrest. 
“Oh come on, you grew up in California, how are you fine right now?” Steve groans, glancing at him out of the corner of his eye. His gaze darts up and down Billy’s form before flicking away again.
It’s common knowledge where Billy is from. He doesn’t exactly hide it. There’s a goddamn Malibu postcard tacked up in his office, pictures of his old surfboard. But it still makes Billy a little giddy that Steve pays enough attention to know that. 
“I run hot,” Billy says casually, and grins, tongue between his teeth. Truth be told, he wasn’t fine, he was fucking freezing, he’s just good at hiding physical discomfort. 
Steve’s cheeks flush a little pinker, and his gaze gets suspiciously focused on the vent in front of him.
“So…” Steve licks his lips, pausing, “Uh. What was it like? California.”
Billy blinks at him. “Warmer than this shithole, for starters.” 
He feels off balance suddenly. First-date-jittery. Which is ridiculous because he’s never gotten first date jitters. And this isn’t a date. Not even close. But still, when Steve laughs quietly it gets the butterflies in Billy’s stomach far too excited. Like he’s ten and discovering the wonders of holding a boy’s hand all over again. 
“I uh. Can’t go back there.” Billy chews the inside of his cheek, watching Steve closely. 
“Why, you a wanted criminal or something?”
Billy snorts. “Glad to know you think so highly of me. No, I meant...lotta shit happened there that I’d rather not remember.”
There were good things too. More good memories in California than after they moved, but that doesn’t stop the awful shit from tainting the whole goddamn state for him. Just makes it harder that it does. 
Hard to want to go back to a place where you almost died, no matter how many times your mom took you to the beach there.
Steve meets his gaze, his eyes soft, and it punches the breath from Billy’s lungs for a second. “Yeah, I get that.” He hums, and tucks his hands between his thighs. The position makes him look oddly demure. “I, uh. Have some experience with avoiding bad memories, y’know. Doesn’t end well. Repressing that kinda shit.”
“Pff,” Billy leans his head back against the window. The cold seeps through his curls. “You sound like Kali.”
“Biker boots. Side shave. ‘Bout yea tall.” Billy waves his hand around his shoulder. “You met her once. I brought her to that stupid Christmas party couple years back.”
“Oh.” Steve looks down at his lap. “Your girlfriend.”
Billy chokes on his own spit. “What?”
“...Your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, no, uh. No. Not even a little bit, man,” Billy laughs a little hysterically. 
“She was your date to that party though, right? Did it not work out, or…?”
“Jesus,” he mutters, and rubs the back of his neck. Steve’s staring, all wide-eyed and confused and fucking adorable. He weighs his options. Wonders how much he should divulge. The easiest way would be to just say no, and move on. The safest way. They’re stuck out here alone and he doesn’t know how well Steve would react to finding out he’s stuck alone with a queer. 
It’s something Billy tends not to take risks on. If guys can’t figure him out on their own, he isn’t going to tell them. But in this case...he’s just annoyed that Steve hasn’t noticed yet. 
And besides, Steve spends half his time hanging around Robin Buckley—who Billy has his suspicions about—so it’s not like there’s no chance Steve would be okay with Billy being gay…
He takes a breath. Exhales slow and stares at the roof of the car. There’s a burn mark next to the rearview mirror where he might’ve stubbed out a cigarette. He’s had this damn car so long he doesn’t remember doing it.
“She’s a friend, Steve. And I borrowed her from her girlfriend that night,” he says, testing the waters. Steve blinks a little, lips parting, but doesn’t react any more than that. Doesn’t seem angry, or judgemental, or disgusted. “I’m not really ready to be out at work. So.” 
“Wait, Robin was right?” Steve blurts, sitting a little straighter, eyebrows shooting up. 
“Of course she noticed,” Billy mutters, picking at a loose thread on the cuff of his jacket. He doesn’t ask why Buckley was talking to Steve about him in the first place, let alone about his sexual preferences. He’s not sure he wants to know.
“I mean, she kept going on about lesbian psychic sense, and I told her if anyone’s got a lesbian psychic sense, it’s El, not her, but—” he cuts himself off, flushing. “I, uh. Oh. Huh. Guess I shoulda listened to her when she told me my gaydar was busted.” 
Well. That’s...something. Not the reaction he was expecting. Not that he did know what to expect, but still. “Yeah, you usually need to be queer to spot one,” he shrugs. Like he hasn’t been hoping Steve would pick up on his not-so-subtle hints this whole time, while dreading the possibility with equal fervour.
But Steve freezes then. Shoulders going stiff, his hands stilling. And Billy’s heart leaps. 
“I...” Steve fidgets, his palms rubbing together as he shifts his thighs. “Um. Am. I am. I’m bi.”
“Huh...” Billy licks his lips. “Well, shit, Harrington.”
He wonders how well he pulled off cool and unbothered. It’s usually something he’s alright at, but he’s not usually reacting to the goddamn man of his dreams telling him he’s into guys. His whole chest feels like it’s gonna explode.
“Mhm…” Steve hums, staring at his own hands, his face frustratingly neutral. 
“So.” Suddenly their childish rivalry annoys Billy. When Steve was just a straight boy he was pining after it felt good to punish him for being unattainable. Be up in his space without being too obvious about why. Get him all flushed and bothered in the only way he could. But now… “Why did it take us this long to get here?” Billy asks quietly. He knows his side of the story. Knows his own stubborn asshole nature played its part. But Steve…
His anger from earlier resurfaces. Steve treating him like he wasn’t worth his time, running on a loop in his head. 
He draws his knee up, hugging it to his chest, but keeps the bitterness out of his expression. It’s too likely to end up looking like sadness on his face right now. 
Steve shrugs. “Haven’t we already been through this?” He turns to stare out the window. Billy glares at the back of his head.
“No, Steve, we haven’t. You called me an asshole and then said you didn’t want to talk about it.”
“What else is there to say?”
“How ‘bout an explanation? What exactly did I do to you, pretty boy? And don’t give me that, you were a dick, bullshit, because you hated me from the jump. Way before I did anything to deserve it.” 
And he did, eventually, deserve it. He knows that. Doesn’t make the immediate brush-off feel any better. 
Steve’s back is stiff, and he’s crossed his arms. And he still won’t look at Billy.
Feels like they’re right back where they started, and Billy wants to crawl out of his own skin. He grits his teeth, and hisses, “Listen, I know you come from a family of fuckin’ bigshot lawyers or what-the-fuck-ever, but it doesn’t give you the right to treat people like dirt if they don’t—”
That, at least, gets Steve’s attention. He whips his head around, stares at Billy with his mouth open. “Is that what you think—Billy I haven’t had a real conversation with my parents in nearly ten years, I don’t give a shit about all that.” 
“Then what—”
“You make me feel dumb! Alright? Happy?”
Billy blinks at him. “What?”
Steve groans, throwing his hands up in frustration. “You—you show up here all, all hot and—” he waves a hand, gesturing up and down Billy’s body, “like that, and it was annoying enough that you knew that, strutting around like you own the place, but then you go and open your mouth and—” Steve buries his face in his hands, sighing, rubbing his eyes. “The first time I heard you talk you were explaining some shit about—about—nemo devices or something—”
“That! That right there, that thing you always do. I get it. Okay? You’re smarter than me. I’m just a dumb art teacher who gets headaches when he tries to read.” Steve throws himself back against the headrest, all furrowed brow and expressive hands.
And Billy stares. Frozen in place. He is, for once, at a loss for words. His mouth works soundlessly as he searches for something to say. But what falls out of him is, “You think I’m hot?” and he mentally slaps himself. 
“Really. That’s your takeaway?”
“No—no, well, I mean. Kind of. Yeah.” He wets his bottom lip. Tongues his cheek. 
Steve groans, “Seriously?” He tugs at a stray lock of hair. “No one who wears pants that tight doesn't know they’re attractive, alright, why is this surprising. I have eyes.”
“Because it’s you.” Billy’s brain slams to a halt the second he says it, shock freezing him in place. Apparently his filter is just fucking broken today, Jesus Christ.
“...What. Y’know what, fuck you, I’m not that unobservant—”
Billy snorts a disbelieving laugh, “Are you sure about that.” 
“Alright, fine, I didn’t realize you were gay, for like, a really long time, but you didn’t notice that I’m queer too, so there!” Steve looks at him, triumphant, like he’s won the argument—if that’s what this even is. And Billy scoffs, stupid, irrational competitiveness tightening like anger in his chest, and—
“It’s not the same, Harrington,” Billy says flatly, heart pounding. 
“And why not?”
“Because you haven’t been after my dick this whole time! You didn’t care if I knew that you’re queer,” he’s almost shouting, frustrated and not even sure what he’s trying to prove, arms thrown wide to punctuate his dumb and nonexistent point, until exactly what he just let slip sinks in. He lowers his hands, clenches them into fists resting on his thighs. Steve hasn’t said a word, he’s just staring, jaw slack. 
“Harrington,” Billy growls.  
“Jesus Christ, Billy would you let me—”
“I have been though!” Steve yells over him, and it stuns Billy enough that he falls silent. “Dumbass, I have been into you this whole goddamn time, are you kidding me?”
Steve runs restless fingers through his hair, making even more of a mess of it. “Listen, do you have any idea how irritating it was that you’re as hot as you are? I wanted to badly to hate you because you were so fucking annoying, but you were all—” he gestures to Billy, waving his hand around wildly, “like, a fucking...walking wet dream, so.”
“Gee, thanks,” Billy responds, utterly bemused. 
“And then I find out you’re a great teacher, and really smart, and kind of funny when you aren’t being a douche, and suddenly I’m head-over-heels for a guy I’m pretty sure hates me, because I have no self-respect apparently, and—” He stops, chest heaving, eyebrows drawn, and curls in on himself, folding his arms. 
“I never hated you.” 
Steve scoffs, dipping his chin ‘til his face is shadowed by his bangs.
“Listen to me,” Billy scoots forward, wedging his knee over the cupholders between their seats. He hesitates, a hand hovering mid-air while he tries to swallow the lump in his throat. And then touches Steve’s elbow. He jolts, looks up at Billy from under the fall of brown hair hanging over his forehead, his eyes are wide and questioning. Billy presses his fingertips firmer to the warmth of Steve’s skin under his starched dress shirt. “You care about your friends a ridiculous amount, it’s mind-boggling. Honestly. I grew up around people who would’ve barely given a shit if I died, and here you are worrying about everyone in your life, like it’s your fuckin’ job. You’re a good goddamn person, and I wanted…” he pauses, and bites his lip. “I was pissed that I wasn’t one of the people you cared about, alright. Fuckin’ Wheeler gets to be, but I...” He trails off, gestures vaguely.  
Steve’s fingers are cold, sneaking up from under his folded arm to touch the back of Billy’s hand. “You were. You are.” He ducks his head again, the ghost of a smile just barely visible before he disappears into shadow again. “I came out here to check on you, didn’t I?”
“I mean…I was supposed to be helping out inside—”
“Billy, there’s, like, eight volunteers in there, they can handle a bunch of middle-schoolers.”
“Yeah.” Steve lets out a quiet breath. “I, uh. I’m sorry. I never thought you gave a damn about my opinion, to be honest. I didn’t—I was just…”
Steve grimaces. “Yeah.” 
And that’s something Billy’s more familiar with than he’d like to be. He squeezes Steve’s forearm. “You’re not stupid, you know.”
“It’s fine, I know I am. Everybody in my life is some kinda damn genius, so. Someone had to draw the short straw.” 
“Shut the fuck up, Steve.” That gets his attention, surprised eye-contact, and Billy tilts his head to maintain it. “I don’t give a shit that your goddamn friends can speak five languages, or understand organic chem, or any of that crap, they aren’t better than you, alright, they’re just nerds.” Steve snorts, and rolls his eyes, but there’s a grin tugging at his lips and it makes Billy smile. “Look, you play guitar, right. And you taught that dweeby little friend of yours the chords to his weird song about physics. Wouldn’t have been able to pull that off without at least a couple brain cells floating around under all that hair.” 
“I mean, that was just—”
“That was just something you’re good at. You don’t gotta be able to read Shakespeare to have smarts, you’re just smart about other shit.” 
A blush colours Steve’s cheeks. “I—thanks,” he murmurs. 
Billy doesn’t get a chance to respond.
In the front seat of his beat-up old Camaro, with snow starting to fall outside, gathering silently on the dimly illuminated windshield, Steve Harrington kisses him for the first time. He’s still holding Billy’s hand. One second he’s glancing down shyly, smiling small and crooked, the next…
His lips are soft. Gentle. He kisses like he’s asking permission, barely touching Billy at all. 
Despite the light brush of a kiss, Billy feels it everywhere, lit up with a jolt of electricity right through his chest. He chases Steve when he pulls away, with a hasty press of his mouth, kisses him again. 
And again.
His free hand comes up to cup Steve’s cheek, holding that warmth in the palm of his hand, trying to keep him close for as long as possible. Steve makes a quiet noise against his lips, and his heart clenches, his breath catching in his throat. 
They part eventually, Billy still basking in the phantom sensation of Steve’s smile pressed to his, leaving him tingling and warm. Their foreheads touch, resting together, the point of contact is grounding, the only thing stopping him from feeling like he could float away at any moment. 
“So,” Billy says after a moment, “Fair warning, I’m gonna have to start complimenting you more if that’s how you react to it.”
Steve laughs quietly. His eyes are still closed, so Billy starts counting his eyelashes.
“This some kinda fairy tale, Hargrove? I kiss you and you turn into a polite human being?” 
“Hardly. But I’ll see what I can do about the happy ending part.” 
“The Disney kind, or the massage parlor kind?”
Billy kisses Steve again, grinning. “Both, if I’m lucky.”
And he was.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
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For Steve
Commission for @cherrydreamer, thank you so much for your commission and your idea! 💕
Read on ao3
“Oh damn .”
Steve smiled bashfully, looking down at his feet, wrapped up in silk.
He had gotten a new set today, pretty lace panties matched the garter belt perfectly , stockings clipped in and held high on his thighs.
The bralette was see-through, but the lace on the trim matched everything else.
“Gimme a spin.” He turned around for Billy, throwing him a sultry look over his shoulder.
The panties were cut high on his ass cheeks, and he knew the straps of the garters framed his ass just right . He had checked in the mirror.
Billy was just about salivating as Steve turned back around, walking slow and sexy back to him.
“Jesus, Baby. I’ll never get tired of you dressin’ up all pretty for me.”
Billy grabbed him around the waist, tossing him onto the bed, pressing his body over Steve’s.
And Steve loved sharing this with Billy, loved that Billy got such satisfaction from his outfits , his makeup , but something didn’t sit right with Steve.
Maybe it was the dressin’ up all pretty for me .
It wasn’t for Billy.
It was for Steve.
He felt the most beautiful , the most confident , the most himself in stuff like this, delicate lingerie Billy was now taking off of him with his teeth , pretty dresses, and elegant makeup.
He had since he was little and he and Carol would sneak into his mother’s things to play dress up with her expensive clothes, her fine jewelry and her makeup.
“Stevie, you with me?” Billy was kneeling between Steve’s legs, his brows drawn close together. “You kinda zoned out on me for a second.”
“Yeah, uh, sorry.”
“What’s up, Buttercup? You not in the mood? ‘Cause we don’t have to-”
“No, it’s fine. I mean, got all dressed up. Wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”
Steve was expecting Billy to say something vulgar, maybe lick a stripe up Steve’s chest, but Billy’s eyebrows just scrunched closer, and he pulled away .
He moved to sit next to Steve instead of his position between his legs.
“What’s goin’ on?” Billy had put on his serious voice . “Why would it go to waste?”
“If we don’t fuck.” Steve was feeling too exposed, the lingerie usually felt like a fucking suit of armor , but it was all askew, tugged on and shifted, and Steve felt like he had nothing tethering him down , not Billy, not the lingerie.
“But, I mean, don’t you just like wearing it?” Billy was talking slowly, the way he always did when he had too much going through his brain, had to choose his words carefully .
Steve took a breath.
“Look, you’ve been really cool about all, uh, this ,” he gestured to himself, his body wrapped in lace and silk. “But I know you only roll with it for sex stuff-”
“Okay, wait just a damn minute .” Steve snapped his jaw shut as Billy held up a finger. “You think I just roll with it for sex stuff ?”
“I mean, yeah.” Billy sighed, shaking his head.
He stood up from the bed, went to pace in front of it.
Steve’s shoulders rose closer to his ears with every pass Billy did at the foot of his bed. He tugged the duvet up and over himself.
“I can’t believe you would think that I just rolled with it for sex stuff .” He was talking really fucking slowly, taking calculated breaths as he paced. “I don’t know who to be mad at.”
“Wait, I’m not following.”
Billy finally turned to look at him.
“If I should be mad at you for thinking so little of me, or mad at myself for leading you to think that.”
Steve’s jaw fucking dropped .
“Steve, I love when you wear the things you do. I love how beautiful- how confident you are in them.”
“But you, you said when I dress up for you -”
“That was just, like, dirty talk. I know it’s not for me.” Billy’s eyes were intense , he had stood pacing, holding onto the footboard of the bed so tightly his knuckles were white .
“Oh.” Steve looked down at his lap, fidgeting with his fingers.
He felt fucking stupid .
“Baby, look at me.” Billy moved to sit on the end of the bed.
Steve glanced up at him, looking back down.
“Baby.” Steve forced eye contact.
“I’m sorry I made you think I was only letting you dress like this for sex. I want you to be happy , Sugar. In any way that means.”
But Steve’s smile was way too tight, and it just didn’t sit right with Billy.
“I got you somethin’.” Steve perked up at the idea of a gift, loved getting presents.
But like, not in a selfish way.
“What is it?” Steve scoot right up next to Billy, hooking his chin over his shoulder to look into Billy’s bag.
Billy tried to keep it closed, feeling around inside of it.
“It’s nothing really special , and I mean, it might be like, cheap -” he was actually nervous , babbling along about whatever it is.
“Billy, just gimme .” He jammed his hand into Billy’s bag, snatching the wad of fabric and tugging it out.
It was a dress.
A pretty simple dress, soft thin cotton with a pretty little floral pattern. It was spaghetti strap, and Steve fucking loved it .
“Oh my God .”
“I got it at the thrift store. Didn’t steal it or nothin’.”
“Wouldn’ta minded if you did.” Steve planted a kiss on his cheek, shooting off up the stairs to go try it on.
Billy was, well he was a little bit giddy to see Steve in the dress.
He had been aimlessly wandering the aisles, trying to think of things he’s already seen Steve wear before, but kept trying to stay focused , didn’t want to get anything too sexy .
Which was fucking hard to do , because he's pretty sure Steve could wear a goddamn potato sack and still look-
“Oh damn .”
Steve bit his bottom lip, modeling the dress for Billy.
It fit him well, Billy was pleased.
It was black, little pink and purple flowers dotting the fabric.
He gave a spin, the skirt flaring out just a bit.
“You look beautiful , Baby.”
“Thank you, Bill. This was really sweet of you.”
“These would be cute on you.” Steve just barely reacted to Billy’s voice quick enough to catch the pair of overalls he had tossed.
They were cute, would be a little baggy on Steve, but that was kinda the look , Steve guessed.
“Don’t you think they’re kinda, like, schlubby ?” Billy raised one eyebrow, a sparkle of laughter in his bright eyes.
“You’ve worn schlubbier.” Steve snapped the overalls at Billy. “They’ll be cute! Just put ‘em on.”
Billy was right .
Steve had put a lace bralette underneath them, and even though they were baggy, they were cute.
And they were also the most non-sexualized thing Steve has ever seen .
Even with the peak of skin on the sides, they weren’t sexy , they were just fun and comfortable and fucking cute .
Billy’s eyes lit up when he saw Steve.
“I told you .” Steve just gave him a look . Billy tugged on the straps, pulling Steve closer to his body. “They’re cute. You’re cute.” Steve just laughed, dodging Billy’s attempt to plant a kiss to Steve’s forehead.
“Yeah? Well, you’re buying.”
“You look nice.” Billy planted a kiss to the top of Steve’s head.
He had been careful with his compliments lately. Wording them very specifically.
Saying you look nice or that color is very pretty on you. Makes your eyes pop or even a I can tell you feel good .
It was sweet , his own little way to affirm Steve, trying his very best not to sexualize his compliments.
He’s been extra careful about validating Steve in the everyday.
But sometimes, Steve wanted to be a bit of a tease .
They were quiet moving down the stairs, the socks resting high up on their thighs.
Billy wasn’t paying any attention, immersed in one of his heavy books he devoured like candy.
Steve bit their bottom lip, causally knocking a coaster of the end table.
“Oh, oops .”
Billy looked up just in time to see Steve bent over, short lilac skirt riding up, delicate lace panties on display.
He swallowed thickly, eyes snapping back to his book as they move to stand.
Steve pouted for a moment, slowly smiling when they realized how pink Billy’s cheeks had gone, how his eyes had gone unfocused.
“You know, you’re allowed to look , sometimes. I know you’re being all sweet , but sometimes it’s okay to be, not sweet .”
Billy looked up, his tongue rolling deliberately across his bottom lip.
“Baby, you’re makin’ a man lose all sense of resolve.” Billy sounded wrecked .
Steve was delighted .
They were in a short skirt, one of Billy’s shirts tucked into the top, and of course , the long socks.
But Billy’s seen them in sluttier , in flimsier and more see-through, in sexier .
So maybe it wasn’t how much of their body was on display, Steve thought as Billy slammed his book closed, pinned them up against the wall with his body.
Billy was like a little puppy when Steve returned home from a shift at Family Video that evening.
It was their first weekend in the new apartment, the teeny little shoebox overlooking the gas station, with only one bedroom and only one queen-sized bed.
“I did something.” Billy was hopping from foot to foot, positively giddy .
Steve took their time removing their shoes.
“How worried should I be?”
Last time it was I did something , Billy had flooded the bathroom in Steve’s parents’ house.
“Oh, ye of little faith. Just come on .”
Billy pulled their wrist, made Steve stumble along behind him.
He smiled brightly outside of their bedroom, pushing the door open with his hip as he slid both hands over Steve’s eyes, leading them inside.
Steve was dizzy, completely disoriented.
And then Billy pulled away his hands.
Their shared closet had been completely redone.
Billy had worked all day installing the organizing system.
There were drawers, organized with extreme care.
“So, I got all your just for show stuff in this set of drawers, and this set is all your more practical stuff,” Billy opened one of the just for show drawers, revealed a few lingerie sets stored delicately, laying flat and wrinkle-free. “All your clothes-clothes are hanging up, and shoes are on the rack.”
Steve was speechless , began pawing through the three-quarters of the walk-in closet that now belonged to Steve and their stuff .
“Bill, I-”
“I mean, I got a few new things, too. I was walking past that boutique Susan is always trying to get Max into, and I guess they’re going out of business, or something, because everything was like, seventy-five percent off , so I just like, took a bunch.”
“Yeah, the whole fucking store ?”
Billy just smiled bashfully at his feet.
“You like it?”
Steve wrapped their arms carefully around Billy’s neck.
“I love it .”
Billy stopped dead in his tracks.
His heart was fluttering in his chest, and he kinda felt like he could throw up from such a perfect scene.
Steve was humming to themself, swaying along to the Proclaimers record playing in the kitchen, turning to their cat to sing along to Over and Done With .
Their dress brushed the tops of their ankles, the pretty floral material flowed as they danced.
Billy was so fucking in love.
He dumped his bag down, kicking off his boots to stalk towards Steve.
The dress was silky and delicate as he wrapped one arm around Steve’s waist, the other hand holding tightly to their hand.
Steve gave a bright laugh as they began clumsily dancing with one another.
“I love you so much .”
Steve’s smile was like the sun , made Billy feel warm to his core, made him feel whole and healed and safe .
Steve tossed their head with the music, let Billy lead them into a spin, a terrible dip.
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skullrock · 4 years
casanova - Steve x Reader
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pairing: Steve x Reader
summary: You try to save Steve from himself when he gets a little too drunk at a party. 
word count: 2.3k
warnings: angst!!!, self doubt, alcohol, drugs, party scenes
a/n: yes I know y'all want fluff and I keep feeding you angst I am so sorry 
You watched Steve from afar once you filled a red plastic cup with water, passing it off as straight vodka.
You’d never drink straight vodka, but it worked.
Steve had begged you to come with him to a party, to get fucked up, to let loose. It had been three weeks since Nancy left him for Jonathan, and three weeks since Bob Newby died, and the Gate was closed. Steve was spiraling, and fast. He was always one to want to be the center of attention, but he had become even more desperate for any kind he could get. You were just thankful Billy kept a large distance between them – or you were pretty sure Steve would beat the shit out of him. Steve’s face had only just healed, and his memory was failing him, but he refused to get checked out – he just wanted to get as shitfaced as humanly possible.
And as you stand across the room and watch him, talking to a group of people loudly, you can’t help but feel like you failed him. You should have forced him to stay home. You feel nauseous just looking at him – how his shoulders sag with the weight of the world on him. How he can’t stand upright because of the alcohol. How his eyes are just slits from the pot. You are counting down the seconds until you intervene, but your nerves keep you against the wall.
Steve makes eye contact with you from where he’s standing, and his eyes squint even more as a large smile spreads on his face. It makes you sick. It’s genuine, but it’s not genuine. If he were sober, he wouldn’t be smiling that fucking big.
He meanders over to you, throwing his arm around your shoulder. “Hey!”
“Steve,” you say, knees buckling under the weight of his arm. “You okay?”
“No,” he says. “’Cause you’re not drinkin’.”
“I am,” you reply, holding up the cup.
Steve snorts. “That’s water.” He points to his head. “I’m not stupid.”
You nod. “Okay, buddy.”
“’m gonna get more,” he says, but you pull on the back of his sweater.
“No,” you say. “You’ve had enough. Just relax, alright?”
“Alright, dad,” he says, laughs loudly, and then stalks away.
You want to drink. You want to drink so bad. The headache that’s building gnaws on your brain, and you know it’s only going to get worse. The music makes your head pound, too, so you head off to a bathroom to calm down.
Steve knows he’s gone too far tonight, but he decides to lean into it instead of sobering up. The dizziness in his head feels good. Making people laugh feels good. He feels wanted and loved for the first time since Billy stepped foot in Hawkins, and it’s intoxicating. He loves the fame, the attention, he loves feeling the smile on his face. He throws back drink after drink, smokes puff after puff, and soon, he can hardly stand.
He sits on the couch, watching the room wave around him. He hears someone talking beside him, and he turns. It’s a girl he doesn’t know – or maybe doesn’t remember – and he blinks hard. “Hello.”
Soon, her hand is resting on his knee, and his is on hers, and they’re leaning in too close. He loves it. She’s not Nancy – he knows that, he knows that – but he can pretend. He can pretend someone wants him and loves him. It doesn’t hurt him. Not when he’s this fucked up, at least.
But you’ve come to his rescue, pulling him up from under the arms, dragging him as he loudly protests out to your car. He stumbles, he slurs, he shouts, but you keep pulling him.
Seeing him with that girl nearly made you throw up. And not because of your own feelings for the guy - but because Steve was about to be taken advantage of, and you could have prevented that from simply not letting him get this fucked up in the first place. You know he will hate you for “ruining his shot”, but you weren’t about to let him get hurt like that. He’s been through enough.
You get Steve into the car and buckle him up. He’s gone silent and you know it’s because he’s filling with rage. You know there will be a tantrum coming, and you mentally prepare yourself for whatever insults King Steve can find within him.
Halfway to his house, he finally speaks. “You’re an asshole.”
You wince but remain unfazed. “Okay.”
“Can’t believe… trying to ruin my life.”
You sigh heavily. “I’m not ruining your life.”
“You are.” He squeezes his eyes shut.
You stay silent, not wanting to fuel it further.
Steve seems to forget that he’s mad at you for a moment when you’re pulling him out of the car. Actually, he acts like he doesn’t remember being in the car with you at all, giving you a surprised, “Hey!” when you sling his arm over your shoulder. You grab the spare key under his welcome mat and stumble inside, Steve making no effort to walk for himself.
You finally get him into his room, gently sitting him on the bed. He grabs your hands and pulls you towards him, but you push off quickly, blushing profusely. It’s then that Steve realizes you’re not the girl he was flirting with on the couch, and his eyes read betrayal. He stands and falls back down on his ass, huffing. “The fuck is your problem?”
Here we go, you think. “Steve –“
“Why can’t you let me be happy?”
“I’m not the one getting in the way of your happiness, Steve.”
“’s that supposed to mean?”
You rummage through his desk to find his ibuprofen. You bite your tongue, although you want to tell him off so badly.
Your silence only fuels Steve. “’s your problem? Why can’t you have… have fun? With me?”
You slam a drawer shut and turn to him. “What’s so fucking fun about getting shitfaced at any available chance?”
Steve looks surprised, but his eyes narrow. “You’re just as bad as her.”
You laugh. “I’m just as bad as Nancy? For saving you from yourself?”
“I didn’t ask you to save me.”
You roll your eyes and open another drawer, finding the ibuprofen. You take out a few and shove them towards Steve with a water bottle from his nightstand, but he just slaps your hand so that the pills fly everywhere.
Steve, when angry, acts like a four-year-old, and he’s even worse when he’s drunk.
“Fine,” you say, sitting the bottle and the water on his nightstand. “You can suffer in the morning. I did my part.”
“You have no right,” he says, voice surprisingly clear, “to tell me what to do with my life. I wanted to be with that girl.”
“No, Steve, you didn’t. You wanted to feel special.”
“Is that so bad?”
You shake your head and turn to go towards his wardrobe to get him new clothes. He reeks of cheap beer and pot. “You need to start taking care of yourself.”
He stands then, striding over to where you are and pushing you to the side to grab his own pajamas. You roll your eyes at him and step aside, letting him clumsily search through his things. He pulls out a white t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts that definitely don’t fit him anymore. He throws his clothes off aggressively, stumbling as he puts the shorts on, and then looks at you like he’s just done something incredible.
You’re pretty impressed, because he usually wears his party clothes to sleep.
You walk him back to his bed, gently sitting him down again. His fists are clenched, and his jaw is tight – it’s heartbreaking to see him like this. Tears well in his eyes and he whispers, “I hate you.”
“You hate me for taking care of you more than anyone has in a year?” you ask, kneeling in front of him. You grab his hands and force him to lace his fingers through yours. His grip is still tight, but he’s not at risk of breaking his fingers on his palms. “You hate me for caring about you?”
“I don’t need your help,” he slurs. “I’m not a kid.”
“You do need help, Steve. I’m not letting you get like this every week. I’m –“
“You’re worse than her, do you know that?”
It hurts, but you were prepared for that low blow. “You’ll get over it, Steve.”
He ungrips your hands, pushing you away weakly. “I want you to go.”
“Fine,” you say. You stand, but then kneel back down again. You gently grab his wrists and try to catch his eyes. “Steve… there’s more to life than stupid Nancy Wheeler.”
“You think this is just about Nancy?” His voice cracks and a tear falls onto his cheek. “You think – you think it’s just because the love of my life left me?”
You’re silent.
“It’s because Billy Hargrove beat my head in so fucking bad that I – I can’t even remember my locker combination. It’s because everyone looks at me like I’m dirt. It’s because girls treat me like I’m a temple, or whatever – I don’t remember the saying. God, I don’t remember anything.” He takes a shaky breath. “My head hurts, all the time. It races. I can’t fall asleep until four in the morning. I worry about the kids on an hourly basis. Bob Newby died, and I couldn’t do a god damn thing to save him.”
Your eyes shoot downwards, guilt coiling around your gut, hot and tight.
“And to take the cake – the girl I loved, more than anything in the world, left me for the same guy she told me not to worry about. She told me I was bullshit. She told me I killed Barb.” You hear him sniffle and your heart aches. “Do you have any idea how much that hurts?”
“No,” you whisper – because you truly don’t.
It’s quiet for a long time. Your eyes are locked on the floor, and Steve’s are locked on his comforter. Finally, you whisper, “I’m sorry.”
He shrugs out of the grip of your hands on his wrists. “I want you to go.”
You make your way towards the door before he calls out, “Can you tuck me in?”
His voice is so small and weak. Steve hates it more than anything. He feels like a kid again – he feels just like he did when he had nightmares and his parents didn’t do anything but send him back to bed. But he wants that safety – needs it – and so he needs you to tuck him in.
You walk back. Steve lays down, wrapping his arms around a pillow and tucking his knees up to his chest. You tuck the sheets in tightly around him, and he squeezes his eyes shut. You can see tears running down his cheeks, and you again whisper, “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too,” he says. He sounds worn and exhausted.
“Steve,” you say quietly. “I care about you so much.”
“I know.”
“I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“I know.”
“Okay.” You’re about to walk away when Steve’s hand emerges from the covers, grabbing yours. He pulls and you trip, falling onto the bed, and Steve opens the blankets up for you to crawl under.
“Stay,” he says. “Please.”
You take a deep breath and contemplate – is it really okay to crawl in with him? But he looks so lost and sad, and you don’t want to leave him on his own tonight. So you crawl in, wrapping your arms around Steve tightly.
You can feel his tears on the cold sheets. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers. “I’m so sorry I fucked it all up.”
“I just don’t want you to get hurt,” you explain, holding him tighter. “I don’t want anyone to take advantage of you. I don’t want you to feel like you need to prove yourself.” Your throat starts to burn as tears creep in. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to be someone you’re not.”
“I don’t want to feel like that, either.”
It’s quiet for a bit more, and you think maybe Steve’s fallen asleep. But then he whispers, “You’re not like her. I don’t hate you.” He pauses. “And I don’t hate her.”
“I know,” you say. You reach for one of his hands and stroke his thumb with yours. “It’s alright, Steve.”
“Don’t wanna hurt you,” he says. “I didn’t mean it.”
“I know.”
“I want to get better, Y/N.”
You press your forehead into his shoulder. “I want to help you get better.”
Steve picks up your hand and presses his lips to the back of it. Your stomach flips and jumps and twists, the breath knocked out of you. You love him.
“You mean everything to me,” he whispers. “You’ve been here for me through everything. And you never ran away. You never left.”
“How could I?” you ask. “You’re the best thing in my life.”
“I love you,” he says. It’s weak and faint, but there’s a truth behind it, whatever that truth may be.
“I love you, too.”
Soon, his breaths become shallow, and his chest rises and falls softly. You press yourself tighter against him and squeeze the arm circling his torso. He might forget it in the morning – he almost certainly will – but you love him, too, and you’re going to help him get better.
taglist (join here!): @harrington-ofhawkins​ @comedy-witch​ @gothackedalready​ @wolfish-willow​ @sassisaluxury​ @willowrose99​ @harringtown​ @m-blasterrr​ @whimsicalwoodlands​ @anerroroccurrrrred​​ @marvels-gurl​ @the-almond-dinger​ @ssanjuniperoo​ @darth-el​ @sourapplebaby​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @andyl394​ @astil-be​ @troop-scoop​ @ilovebucketbarnes​ @with-a-little-bit-of-light​ @unknownherelm​ @metuel18​
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instasiswetrust · 3 years
There was a lump in his throat and an invisible weight pressing down on his chest, as he laid there in his half-assed nest and glared at the ceiling. He wanted to move, find something to do, or someone to talk to, but the sole thought of moving lent a heaviness to his limbs that prevented him from doing much.
How many days had it been already? Two? Maybe three? He had received the results on Friday and his parents had left the same night on a business trip that would take them the whole week. Or at least that's what the note had said.
And sure, sometimes he enjoyed the freedom that staying home alone gave him, but this wasn't one of those times. Not after what the results had said. His mom's gaze full of pity, his father's disappointed expression, both haunted him even when he was awake.
Secondary Gender: Omega (Hormone deficiency observed)
He started once again at the black, bold letters on his exam results wishing, not for the first time, that they hadn't found anything at all. It was better to be a Beta than a broken Omega who didn't even have basic instincts.
With a surge of irritation, he crumpled the sheet of paper into a ball and threw it across the room. It missed the trashcan by a lot which only served to annoy Steve more.
A sudden knock on his bedroom door surprised him. Demogorgon, his slobbery bulldog, trudged over to the door and sniffed it curiously. After a second, he started whining and pawing at the door, which could only mean one of two persons. Considering only one of those had keys to his house, he felt pretty confident about who was standing on the other side.
“Steve Harrington, open the goddamn door already!” Robin’s unmistakable voice yelled from the other side.
With a groan, he dragged his body off the pile of pillows that was his “nest” and opened the door for her just as she was about to knock again. He must have made a pitiful sight, in his Spongebob pajamas and with dried up tear tracks on his cheeks, because her expression softened considerably.
“Hey, nerd.” She teased, ruffling his already messy hair. “I brought some rejected pints of ice cream from work and a gallon of chocolate milk. You wanna join me in watching shitty B-list movies until I pass out?”
She didn't ask what was wrong, nor did she pry, and he was reminded why he loved her all over again. Robin was his best friend, the one person besides Nancy and Dustin who he allowed himself to be real around. It was at times like these when he was glad to have taken a job at Scoop’s Ahoy just because it had allowed him to meet her.
“Sure.” He said with a wet chuckle, wiping away any stray tears that might've escaped his eyes.
"I still don't see how my secondary gender affects my ability to perform on the pitch, coach." Steve insisted, grip tightening on the handle of his bat. The idiot alphas he used to call his friends were leering at him from the bleachers and he was starting to feel sick.
“Look kiddo, ” Coach Harris said with a dry enough tone that made it obvious he wasn't moving from his stance. “We can't go around shifting our calendars just because heat sprung upon you. We need commitment here, and frankly, you just haven't got it.”
“That’s not t-!” But before he could get any other words out, the man interrupted him.
“And I'm not letting my boys be distracted by a flowery scented dolly when they should be focused on winning the Regionals.” There was a hint of a growl in his voice and while Steve’s eyes narrowed, he had heard enough to know that even if he stayed on the team it would just breed trouble.
“Fucking- Fine. Whatever. I don't care!”
Thing is, he does care. A lot. But he was not about to stand there and let them see him cry, not when it would just mean the ribbing and teasing getting worse. Instead, he snatched his backpack from the dust and walked back inside the main building.
It was after classes and any chance of finding Robin still hanging around with Kate would be futile but Nancy would be here. Sure, they weren't as close as he and Robin were, but she had remained his friend even after all the bullshit they went through while dating.
“Nance?” He mumbled into the phone receiver when she picked up after the third ring.
“Steve? It’s... 2:30 shouldn't you be at practice?”
Steve does not whine. He doesn't. But a sad sound must have escaped him because something shifted in Nancy's voice.
“Hey, is everything okay? The club is having a conference but I can step out for a minute if you-”
“Hey no, Nance, it's fine. I'm fine. Just...” And God, he's sort of embarrassed to be asking this but he needs the comfort right now. He doesn't think he could even deal with going home right now, back to a bunch of nesting supplies he just has no idea what to do with, because he's a failure at even being what he's supposed to be apparently. Ain't that what Billy had said? That he was broke-
“Steve” Nancy's voice cuts through his spiraling thoughts, snapping him back to the present. It was her do no wrong, take no shit voice. Her business voice.
“...I don't want to be alone right now, Nance.” he finished lamely.
She sighs on the other end, and Steve is starting to think maybe he should just go home when she says. “Alright, I'll let the others know. Do you know the way to the audiovisual room?”
“I- Yeah. Yes, thanks, Nance.” She hummed a response before he cut the call, feeling a fond smile on his lips.
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teasing for two : b.h
billy can’t help but tease you in front of your brother, especially when he takes you to scoops just to rile him up (requested by @tearsforhan​ - thanks g!) 
s t r a n g e r  t h i n g s  w r i t i n g
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“I don’t think this is such a good idea.” You admit as Billy leads the way, his hand never leaving yours as he guides you both through the preteens around the fountain.
“What’s so bad about it, Princess?” He glances back at you with a growing smirk on his lips, blatantly ignoring the cold look you respond with. “Bit of family time never hurt anybody.” He chuckles to himself as you approach the food court, hoping it won’t be as bad this time.
“Yeah, you said that last time too.” You remind him, having walked out of the mall and caught the bus home, refusing to talk to him for days after he wound you up beyond belief just to get a kick at your brother. 
“I know my limit,” He comments, squeezing your hand lightly as you enter the bright shop, always squinting at the bright white lights illuminating every booth. 
“You said that last time as well.” You mutter under your breath as you catch Robin’s gaze.
You send her an apologetic look as she nudges Steve. “Loverboy is here.” She states and Steve groans internally before turning around, having no choice but to force a smile to Billy as, after all, he’s a customer. That, and he’s dating his baby sister.
“Ahoy sailors,” Steve tries his best to keep his tone upbeat, but Billy runs his tongue across his lower lip whilst your eyes remain locked on the floor, refusing to meet Steve’s. “what can I get you both today?” He grips the icecream scoop tightly in his right hand whilst Robin watches, ready to intervene at any given second. 
Billy hums before a smirk forms on his lips, the look that boils Steve’s blood. “What a good question, Captain.” Billy jokes, smiling to Steve before turning his gaze back to the ice cream flavours. “What’re you feeling like, baby?” 
The nickname causes Steve to shudder and a tint to form across your cheeks. You weren’t the biggest fan of the pet names in public, but behind closed doors you loved them. Billy would call you all sorts, just to hear you laugh or smile, but in front of others, you had a habit of shying away. Today is no exception clearly. 
“Erm, I don’t mind.” You comment, forcing your eyes from the ground to see your brother looking directly at you, biting his cheek. 
“Well, n that case, I’ll have one scoop of butterscotch because it’s almost as sweet as Y/n.” Billy states, motioning to the swirls of butterscotch that Steve quickly stabs with his spoon before forming a perfect scoop. 
“Billy,” You mutter, but he smiles down at you playfully. 
“Anything on that?” Steve questions, trying his best to hide his rising anger toward the dick dating his sister. 
“How about a cherry, I’m sure they’ll be nice and ripe like Y/n’s-” 
“Okay, enough.” You sigh. “Can we get one scoop of chocolate chip as well Stevie? With sprinkles and cream.” You finish the order whilst Billy tries to hide his growing smile with little luck. 
Steve finishes your order in silence before placing them on the counter. As always, you reach into your purse only to see Billy rest his arm around your waist. “No, Princess I got this.” He says sweetly, kissing your forehead as you can’t help but smile at his softness. “A thank you for last night.” He winks to Steve who clenches his jaw, ruining the little moment in your head.
Accepting the cash, Steve quickly provides Billy the change. He slides it across the counter, ignoring Billys outstretched hand. “Have a nice day.” Steve finishes as you smile sweetly, silently apologising as you both turn around. 
“You’re so dead, Hargrove.” You tell your boyfriend as he laughs to himself. “Come on, let’s go.” You say but Billy shakes his head.
“I’d rather sit in here a while, see how much more your brother can take.” He states, taking a seat in the booth by the windows within direct view of the counter. 
“Don’t stare, Steve.” Robin chimes in as Steve leans against the counter, glaring at Billy as he waves with a smile. “It’s not helping.” 
Steve huffs before tearing his gaze from you and your boyfriend, focusing back on Robin. “He’s such a dick, Robin.” Steve complains once again. “I mean how-”
“How did she fall for a guy like him? I know, Steve.” Robin finishes his sentence once more, having heard the same speech being voiced every time the pair enter the parlour. 
“Still doesn’t make sense.” He states, seeing how sweet you are with Billy and the lovesick look in your eyes. 
“You don’t have to understand it.” Robin tells him, seeing how genuinely happy you seem with him. “Just, let them be.” She pats his shoulder as a series of customers walk in. “Now, carry on scoopin’“ She jokes and he chuckles, trying to block you and Billy out as you scoot closer toward him, your head resting on his shoulder. 
“This is nice.” You close your eyes as you feel Billy’s shoulders rising and falling. “Besides you teasing my brother, I like these kinda dates.” You admit, lifting your eyes up to see Billy smiling back at you. 
“Teasing your brother and making you swoon are the best kinda dates, angel.” He mutters before leaning down and kissing you softly. “And trust me, just you wait til we get back to yours. Dates only just starting.” 
Billy smirks before leaning back in the booth and takes a spoonful of butterscotch, noticing your cheeks turning pink. He glances across the parlour, noticing Steve’s a similar shade, but an entirely different meaning behind that candyfloss pink. 
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stevebillyrecs · 5 years
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Not-So-Fluffy Holiday Season Recs
Ho-ho-ho, it’s that time of the year again! Where we all drown in thoughtful gifts, family bonding, and mistletoe kisses! If you’re looking for something other than just pure fluff (like me) but still want to get your holiday season fix, this is the rec list for you. That’s not to say that there won’t be any fluff, just that it’s not the sole focus of the story!
Included: Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s Eve fics containing family drama, smut, heavy plot, or just some good ol’ angsty pining. Also, still a whole lot of fluff in between the non-fluff. Not included: Fics about any other, especially non-Christian holidays… because I couldn’t find a single one. Sad!
24 fics under the cut!
mistletoe and other holiday propaganda by brawlite / @brawlite & ToAStranger / @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger (54k, E)
Everybody wants something for Christmas. It just so happens that the only way for everyone to get what they want is for Billy and Steve to pretend to be dating over Christmas break. It’s really the only option.
Yule Shoot Your Eye Out by eternalgoldfish / @eternalgoldfish (3k, T)
Steve moves to Indianapolis to avoid Hawkins, but Billy doesn’t get the memo. Now it’s Christmas, they’re snowed in at work, and Steve is giving up on holidays. Merry Christmas, I could care less.
been crawling series by kate_button / @un-buttoned (8k, E)
The crop top was right there on the main aisle in the women’s section. Steve’s not entirely sure, like, why it exists, but he’s not disappointed about it. The rest of it came together pretty quickly (and cheaply) after that. So anyway, that’s how he finds himself drinking jungle juice out of a red solo cup looking like the twenty-two-year-old-man version of Karen Smith, animal ears and too much skin, bada boom, costume. I’m a dog. Duh.
You Get the Mistletoe and I’ll Be Your Santa, Baby by LazyBaker / @granpappy-winchester (2k, G)
Steve’s looking at him and Billy’s wearing Steve’s itchy and warm handmade I love you sweater, looking right back. They’re sharing a blanket.
nothing is finite (in the evening light) by Philosoferre / @babyhargrove (22k, T)
“It’d be convenient,” Billy adds. He’s looking at Steve expectantly, but he’s still a little guarded. “And, uh. Road trips, you know. They’re supposed to be fun and shit. Don’t make this a bigger deal than it is, Harrington.” Steve finds himself smiling; he doesn’t bother trying to hide it. Billy narrows his eyes curiously. "Sure,” Steve says. Or, Steve and Billy go on a road trip to Hawkins for Christmas break. Both of them might be very much in love.
If You Kissed Me Now by socknonny / @socknonny (1k, T)
When Steve kisses Jonathan under the mistletoe at the Byers’ Christmas party, it’s only for a joke. But for some reason, it sets Billy off, and Steve won’t leave him alone until he understands why.
Christmas in the Benz by flippyspoon / @flippyspoon (6k, E)
Steve escapes a crappy Harrington Christmas only to find another crappy Christmas refugee.
Under the Moon by ImNeitherNor / @imneithernor (3k, T)
“Hargrove?” The voice yanks Billy back into the present and he stands up fast enough to make himself dizzy. He blinks twice, shifts his boots in the snow, and looks over to where the voice had floated from. Standing in his Members Only jacket with that fucking bat over his shoulder, Steve looks at him like he’s seen a ghost. Billy clenches his fists and notices how Steve’s eyes trail to the blood on his mouth, the blossoming color on his cheek. “You’re bleeding,” Steve points out, like Billy doesn’t know that. “Really fucking observant, Harrington,” Billy curls his lip up and flicks his tongue out, over the split, and Steve’s eyes follow it like they always do. It’s a visceral thrill up his spine but anger eats it up. Steve is off limits and, as much as Billy wants to lick into his mouth and feel those lean muscles against his own, he isn’t stupid.
I don’t want a lot for Christmas by r0nj4 / @a-station-on-your-way (1k, M)
Steve buys a Christmas present and has mixed feelings about it.
well damn, billy, i can't control the weather by obsceme / @hartigays (7k, T)
narrator: and there was only one bed all of us, collectively: (gasps) and there was only one bed
Last Christmas by shocked_into_shame / @bornwithoutsin (2k, E)
It’s Billy and Steve’s first Christmas together, and Steve will not stop singing that fucking Wham song. Billy doesn’t mind, though, because Steve agrees to make it up to him.
Thankful For by ChrisLeon / @vgorodye (8k, NR)
The ad read: ‘No one to bring home for the holidays? Looking to piss off your parents? I’m your guy. 22 y.o. ex-con, never graduated high school, proud owner of a Camaro one year younger than I am. I can play anywhere from 18 to 29 depending on if I shave or not. Currently working as a line cook and late nights at a bar. If you’d like to have me as your strictly platonic date for Thanksgiving, but have me pretend to be in a serious relationship with you to torment your family, I’m down.’ Steve knew it was bad idea. He clicked on it anyway.
Five Days (To Midnight) by Blink_Blue / @winters-blue-children (7k, E)
It's been months since Steve left Hawkins and walked out of Billy's life. He's back for the holidays and Billy gets one last chance to make things right. They have five days together. Five days left of the year. Five days to cherish.
Time after Time by lemonlovely / @lemonlovely (10k, E)
“Really, Harrington. Stop avoiding the question. Tell me.” Those blue eyes flashed like an animal's in the dark depths of the Camaro. He repeated himself, enunciating like Steve was particularly slow. “Why. Would I have seen. Your wallet?” Steve glared down at Billy, feeling like they were caught in some kind of a staring contest that he hadn’t actually initiated, but also didn’t particularly want to lose either. Which seemed to happen a lot when he was around Billy – and that hadn’t been a lot for a few months. He’d been avoided like the plague, or maybe it was the other way around. Jesus Christ, apparently Billy was really gonna make him say it, as much as Steve didn't want to. He grit his teeth together. “Because.” Steve said. “I think I might have left it in…the backseat of your car. You know. That night. And I need it back.”
Deck the Fucking Halls by XxmerthurcatxX / @callmelilyshameless (700, T)
Billy hates Christmas but he loves Steve.
Mountain of Dreams by socknonny / @socknonny (1k, E)
Steve's drunk, and someone is singing.
Rivers 'Til I Reach You by tracy7307 / @tracy7307 (10k, E)
“I know lifting's a bad idea but I’m feeling.” Shame twisted up in Billy’s gut, and he toyed at his lasagna with his fork. “I don’t feel as. I don’t know. Confident.” His muscle mass was not as bulky as it used to be -- his abs and biceps just a shadow of what they once were. He had a soft little belly now. And then there were the scars. Dark pink floral patterns of scars all wound over his back, sides, and abdomen. Suddenly the thought of shirtless summer weather struck dread in his heart. For now, long-sleeved henleys and sweatshirts provided the perfect way for him to hide. It was literally the only time he’d been thankful for winter. “Hey,” Harrington said from across the table. He paused until Billy looked up to his eyes. His tone grew delicate and serious. “I’m not fucking around, okay? You. Look. Good.” And the way that Harrington looked at him -- brown eyes soft, his gaze lingering on Billy’s face. On his eyes. Well, maybe he meant it. “Yeah?” Billy asked. He felt his face heating. “You think so?” Harrington took the last bite of his lasagna. “Definitely.”
I Play Along with the Charade by moonflowers / @eatingmoonflowers (7k, T)
Billy'd been keeping an even closer eye on Harrington after that night at the Byers' - only natural, right? Thing is, watching and wondering never was enough for Billy.
in the wilderness life becomes by lymricks / @lymricks (3k, T)
Back in Hawkins for a winter break, Steve and Billy remember what it was like and learn about what it could be. Or, three old memories of Hawkins and one new one.
Bah Humbug, Billy Hargrove by LaVeraceVia / @laveracevia (14k, E)
“It’s okay, Billy. You’re not in any danger. No one can hear us,” Harrington says, and something about his tone—it’s not right. It’s too calm. Too…what? Certain. It’s too certain. Steve Harrington doesn’t talk like that. He means to say are you fucking high?, but what comes out instead is, “Who are you?” “Would you believe me if I said I was your guardian angel?”
merry christmas (i don’t want to fight tonight) by gothyringwald / @gothyringwald (1k, T)
Billy stands alone by the wall, beer in hand, a string of lights twinkling cheerfully above his head. Across the room Stacy Brent corners Steve under the mistletoe, pointing at it with one artfully manicured nail and smiling suggestively. His stomach turns and his blood heats. He chugs his beer, wipes his hand over the back of his mouth, jaw clenching as Stacy leans in.
Tell me, baby by socknonny / @socknonny (2k, M)
Steve finds Billy chopping down the worst tree in the entire Christmas Tree Farm.
A Love Thing by tracy7307 / @tracy7307 (2k, E)
Even five months after recovering from his injuries, Billy still has residual effects from the mindflayer. It's Christmas. Steve wants to help.
Happy Holidays From Your Least Favourite Homosexuals by bry0psida / @bry0psidawrites (1k, T)
Steve's family haven't had any contact with him since he came out as bi. He gets wind from Robin that he's being excluded from the family Christmas Card. Billy has the solution.
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keroujack · 5 years
36 for harringrove? From the dialogue prompt :)
jdkal;sdfa this took FOREVER and i’m so sorry but hey, better late than never and cliche’s a cliche for a reason so, enjoy ❤️
36. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
Billy’s 7 years old the first time he hears the song. A low, slow croon from his mom’s old Victrola over in the corner. He’s sat on the floor in front of her, cross-legged, listening to her hum along as she plays lazy at his curls. 
Would it be wrong to kiss
Seeing I feel like this?)
The song is warm, but the words feel like ice. 
He wants to turn around. Wants to look up and wonder, “What could be wrong about loving somebody?”
He’s never heard anything like that before and he wants to get it, wants to know what that means, but he doesn’t want her to stop humming. Doesn’t want to bring any attention to the fact that he’s small and silly and can’t understand something so simple as a song.
He keeps the question to himself and closes his eyes. Tips his head to one side as he continues to listen and hopes maybe the answer will fall out of his ear if he thinks about it hard enough.
It doesn’t.
And it’s not until three years later, when Jacob Stark’s arm brushes against his as they walk home from school and his heart does something a little funny in his chest, that he realizes that stupid old song, that one his mom liked to hum along with, might have had some truth to it.
He’s heard his dad talk about it before.
“There’s something not right about people like that, Billy. Not right at all.”
But he lets Jacob grab his hand and pull him into the house to eat whatever sweet something his mom had baked that afternoon. Billy lets it happen, even lets himself smile, but he bites the inside of his cheek to keep the butterflies from flying free.
(Would it be wrong to try?)
He’s 10 years old and he thinks, Yes. Yes it might.
Would it be wrong to stay,)
Alex Brady’s not the first boy he’s kissed under the pier. Not the first, or the second, or even the third, but it’s the first time he isn’t thinking about what comes next. They aren’t parked out in the middle of nowhere to stretch across the backseat of his car, Billy isn’t kicking him out the second he feels satisfied, and Alex isn’t avoiding his eyes.
He’s 16 and Alex’s arms are holding him close. His chest feels light and airy and for the first time in forever, Billy wonders if maybe that song was bullshit. Thinks to himself that this feeling, this one right here, is what they should be singing songs about.
How can something so good be anything but right? 
(Here in your arms this way
Under this starry sky?)
He should have known better.
He’s just turned 17 and his dad is smashing his fist against the window of his car. Alex jumps away from him like he’s been burned. He jumps and runs before Billy’s dad can get him, but his dad is too busy balling his hand in Billy’s jacket collar, too busy pulling him up out of the car, screaming cruel words that make Billy more nauseous than he’s ever felt in his life.
He’s got his back against the door and he’s filled to the brim with something so ugly and gross he thinks he might pass out.
Three days later, he’s on the road to Hawkins.
Indiana can’t be right. 
(If it is wrong
Then why were you sent to me?)
Billy doesn’t know what to do with Steve Harrington, Hawkins’ resident King, sat on a throne of half-assed Midwestern dreams and a lackluster crown that already seems to be falling from his head.
He doesn’t know what he’s doing when he approaches Harrington at a party with a challenge Harrington doesn’t back away from. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he sees a fire in Harrington’s eyes that has only ever led him to a fight and he thinks, I get it now. I’ll beat you bloody and broken and then this will all be over. 
Only, that’s not how it goes. They don’t fight. They don’t even say a word. He steals Harrington’s crown without so much as punch and it should feel right, it should feel good to be king, but it’s not enough and Billy has no idea what to do with that.
So he pushes. He gets loud, gets mean and Harrington doesn’t bat an eyelash. Billy’s hands ache and his jaw is always set and he doesn’t know if he should push harder or quit trying, but he knows he needs something. 
He keeps pushing. Pushes and pushes and pushes until November comes and Max isn’t home and Steve Harrington is standing in his way and Billy thinks, This. This is it. This is what I’ve been waiting for.
He’s got Harrington pinned to the floor and Harrington’s blood on his hands and a voice in his head that’s screaming for him to keep going when he looks down and sees Harrington isn’t fighting back anymore. Billy knows this is what winning should feel like, that this should feel good, but the voice in his head has gone totally silent. Harrington is hardly moving and his eyes are closed and something dark wraps around Billy’s heart. Claws at his chest. 
Oh God, he thinks. This isn’t it. This isn’t what I want.
This isn’t right at all.
(Why am I content to be
With you forever?)
Billy apologizes. His hands are shaking where they’re hooked in his belt loops and he has no idea what he’s going to say, but it’s been six weeks since that night at the Byers house. Six weeks since Billy can’t close his eyes without seeing Harrington’s bloody face beneath him and six weeks since his gut has been twisting, aching with something he hates.
So he waits for Harrington outside the gym and he apologizes.
“I’m-fuck. Look, I’m sorry, okay? For beating your face in, I’m-I shouldn’t have done that. You don’t have to say anything and you’ve got every right to hate my guts, but I mean it, man. I’m sorry.”
He holds his breath as he holds out a cigarette in what he hopes will ease the tension, maybe serve as a kind of peace offering. Tries to bite back what fear or nerves might have been gnawing at his insides when Harrington takes it from him and sags against the wall at his side. 
“You’re a real asshole, but I appreciate that,” he says, sticks the cigarette between his lips and holds out his hand. “Now gimme a light before I change my mind.”
Billy does.
That first cigarette turns into a second as the sun sets, as the world goes dark and neither of them make a move towards going home even though there’s a fresh blanket of snow on the ground.
A second turns into a third the next day during lunch when Billy finds Harrington sitting alone in his car. 
Turns into a fourth when the Camaro dies and Harrington hands over his jumper cables in exchange for a smoke. 
A fifth outside the arcade while the kids are running late.
Somewhere in the middle of that, in the middle of six and twelve and twenty, they become something like friends. They smoke and talk shit through grey clouds and one morning, when the air clears and Billy’s pack of Marlboro Reds is empty, they don’t let it stop them. They walk into school side by side and hold their heads high when whispers follow in their footsteps.  
Harrington smiles at Billy from across the hall now. Calls him a dickhead too loud on purpose and runs when Billy cuts through the crowd to try and catch him. He laughs when Billy makes a joke and knocks his shoulder into Billy’s when the jokes turn teasing and somewhere, back behind his ribs, Billy’s heart starts jumping.
Oh, he thinks. Maybe that’s it.
Maybe that’s right.
When I need you so much,)
It’s Steve’s house he drives to at midnight when there’s blood drying on his cheek and a bruise blooming dark burgundy beneath his eye. His hands are shaking so bad he can hardly hold onto the wheel and his skin is on fire, burnt by tears, but he keeps driving.
It’s late, but Steve never turns him away when he knocks. 
He knocks. Steve answers.
Steve’s smile falls from his face the moment his eyes settle on Billy.
He grabs Billy’s hand and pulls him in through the door. Drags him into the living room and sits him down on the couch while he goes into the kitchen. He comes back with a bag of frozen peas, “For your eye,” and a damp cloth, “So I can clean the blood, alright?”
Billy nods. 
Steve always knows the right thing to do.
(And I have waited so long,)
He spends the night at Steve’s. 
Fights with him when he insists they share his bed. Stops fighting when Steve says, “I don’t sleep right anyway and I’d feel better knowing you were okay. So just shut up and get in the damn bed already.”
Billy settles on his side while Steve turns the light off and the room’s not dark three whole seconds before the bed’s dipping behind him. He can feel Steve’s breath on the back of his neck when he asks, “Are you okay?” and says, “Yeah,” even though he’s not sure it’s true.
He still not sure as he reaches back behind him and finds Steve’s arm, tugs it closer. Tugs him closer. Wraps Steve’s arm around his middle and tries not to gasp when Steve scoots so close that his chest is snug against his back.
Something screams in his head as he closes his eyes, sounds a lot like a voice that belongs to his father, but Steve is so warm. He can feel Steve’s nose against his shoulder and he smiles when Steve opens his hand, splays it wide over his stomach.
Maybe the voice is more like one he might have heard on an old Victrola. One his mom might have hummed along with. Feels like a lullaby.
Steve is already awake by the time the sun is peeking in at the edges of the curtains, is using his fingertips to trace smooth lines, back and forth and back and forth, on Billy’s stomach. Billy’s slow to open his eyes, slow like his sleepy breaths, the ghost of Steve’s touch through the material of his shirt.
He turns without a word, meets Steve’s eyes, wide and warm and soft with morning sunlight.
His hair is falling down over his forehead and his cheeks are pink from sleep and Billy’s left wondering how he’s never noticed all those little birthmarks he’s got scattered across his face.
How he’s never noticed how soft Steve’s hand is until right now, holding the side of his neck, thumb sweeping feather light along the corner of his jaw.
Steve’s hand is soft, his smile is small, and his eyes are half lidded, locked low, and Billy wonders if he missed this somewhere, too. The way Steve’s looking at him.
Billy can’t help it.
He leans forward and presses his lips to Steve’s. It’s a short, easy thing that’s got his heart hammering in his chest, the world so quiet around them that he can hear the way Steve hums when Billy reaches up to hold his cheek. Thinks that could easily be the best noise he’s ever heard in his life.
Billy can’t open his eyes when they pull away, keeps them closed as he rests his forehead against Steve’s and breathes his fears into the air between them.
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
Steve doesn’t. He shakes his head against Billy’s and threads his fingers in his curls. Holds him close, pulls him in again, and sighs against his lips.
Billy thinks maybe he finally gets it.
(It must be right
It can’t be wrong.)
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cupidssrosses · 4 years
i. love. ship. playlists.
so, i know for a FACT that im not the only one that uses songs to picture scenarios with a pairing i really love. like, sometimes im so set on the idea of a ship that i have to rewrite the entire show in my brain, rework it so that they end up together logically. songs are always so good to visualise too. harringrove is the BEST for this, because the show itself uses scenes set to 80s music all the time. 
anywho, this is a really longwided way of saying hey heres my harringrove playlist enjoy :)
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this song has always been made for a scene where tension has to slowly build.
so, instead of the scene with billy and neil happening at the end of the season when theres much more world-end-y  things to deal with, it happens earlier. 
the  scene happens, billy goes to find max and ends up finding steve and the kids in that junkyard. 
“am i dreaming or is that you harrington”
(really rushed) “yeah its me dont cream your pants what the FUCK are you doing here hargrove you have to leave right now”
billy won’t shut the fuck up so steve has to cover his mouth and try to push him into the bus. then we hear a demidog, steve gives up on billy and gets ready to fight, quietly hands billy a broken pole or something just in case. 
the song starts from 0:00 right when billy sees the demidog, the camera pans in on his face, just so confused and scared, processing what hes seeing. then he joins the fight, he and steve back to back protecting the kids. this leads to billy being part of the gang, at least in some respects. hes strong as fuck and now they have to fill him in on the circumstances now so hes around more often to help. he wants to protect max, but also be near/protect steve. 
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so ! during subsequent fights/situations, billy and steve get a little closer, damn they’re not in love but hey they’re getting more comfortable and theres deeeefinitely some mutal attraction, the energy from those shower and basketball scenes hasn’t gone away. if steves the mother figure billys the dad. 
on the “i need a hero” (BAM) part that leads into the chorus, billy saves steve with some kind of big action you know? RIGHT on the beat i swear i get chills every time i picture it to this song. like he pushes something off of him or pull him out of the way really suddenly after running reaaaallly fast to get to him. right after it cuts to steve looking all suprised and impressed while billy keeps fighting. 
same applies to the part that goes “watched out here i COME” in the second song, except its steve saving billy. 
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since two thousand and fucking 17 ive seen this song as billys image of steve. it always sounded like his thoughts about him. 
this is one of the first moments billy realises he might really REALLY like steve. hes not just horny he might actually love this moron. at around 2:07 when all the instrumental goes away and its mainly the drums, thats when it happens. 
hes picking steve up from somewhere. theyve been spending more time together as buddies. he apologised for being a dick, theyve had some more serious conversations. hes taking him to hang out with the kids, maybe he just needed a ride home from school or work. anyway, its golden hour. hes waiting to see him and hes weirdly nervous, more than he ever was waiting to pick up a date with one of the hawkins girls.
and then he sees steve walk out onto the street, or come around the corner.
his heart STOPS. steve just looks so beautiful. the light hitting his hair. he smiles at someone he knows as the walk by. billys just HIT with hoe much he loves this stupid moron and his stupid fucking smile.
steves looking around for the car and looks so. happy. when he sees billy, billy smiles back. its been a while since hes smiled that genuinely. 
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billy really really part of gang now. this might be sometime after the final events of season 2 i think?? billys saved them all, had a lot of experiences, hes built up some trust with the group and it feels normal that hes there. hes part of the family, and thats what this songs about. 
it night time, theyre at steves house, all the kids, nancy, jonathen, etc. some are swimming, everyones dancing, things feel a little more okay. 
at around 1:54, (again im a sucker for stripping away most of the instrumental and relying on a few key sounds, including loud drums) billy looks around. he has for one of the first times in a while this sense of FAMILY and ACCEPTANCE and SAFETY.
theres all these shots of everyone having fun, like 2 or 3 cuts, then to steve. just standing there laughing, hairs all wet from the pool, towel around his shoulders. he looks over, catches billys eye, gives him a smile, it feels like he knows what hes thinking, and he feels the same way. 
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same night, during the part build up that starts at around 2:53, everyones trying to get billy to dance, hes been smoking on one of the pool chairs, not antisocial just not dancing. not his thing. plus he doesnt want to look like an idiot infront of steve. anyway. 
one of the kids starts it, starts gesturing for him to get up, pointedly singing the lyrics, the rest join in unti theyre all singing and chanting for him to join, all while the song builds and builds. finally steve joins in. maintains eye contact. thats enough for billy. he just keeps his eyes on steve as he stands up. its more like theyre dancing together, less like the kids are there. right at the end of that bridge he just lets go. takes of his jacket and dances around with everyone. he doesnt look stupid either. he looks good. and steve notices 
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this is a small one, i dont even have a story to it. all i know is that comparisons between the scene that accompanies this song in top gun and the basket ball scene in st2 have been made, and itd be a super fun, corny scene :)
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starts at the very begining. this song has ALWAYS felt so magical and me. i get chills every god damn time i hear the intro. i want their first kiss to be to the intro. 
its after the last fight of season three. someone else was flayed, someone we dont love. obviously billy survives. in FACT, he was along for the ride with robin and steve, all the shenanigens with the russians, billy was tied up and drugged too. BOTH he and robin admit their sexualities. 
billy still sacrafices himself to save the kids from the monster, he says something cute like “see ya round pretty boy” or some corny shit like that before he goes to run and save el, theres a moment when steve knows what hes about to do, theyre staring at eachother and theeeerse the electricity steve knows so much about. theyre really about to kiss, staring at eachothers mouths, but the monster makes a noise and billy knows its now or never, so he runs off. 
steve tries to save him but gets nocked out. he goes unconcious thinking billys going to or is already dead. 
it cuts to the end scene when theyre all in the car park. steves got an icepack to his face, hes obviously been sobbing. 
but he heres a voice. 
(clearly overjoyed and kind of smug) “am i dreaming or is that you harrington”
he looks up. its billy. we get a nice long run-jump-hug. steves in billys arms before he can even finish his sentence:
(nearly crying but SO excited) “yeah its me dont cream your pa-”
NOW. OKAY SO. i love love love they idea of billy steve and robin going home with murray, or at least showing up at his place. maybe billy cant stand the thought of going home, hell maybe neil was the one that got flayed and died idk. anyway.
nancy and jonathen are like, we know a place if people dont want to go home, and they go murrays place. when they show up at the door murray KNOWS. hes like “ffs two more people who have repressed feelings for eachother what am i a therapist. but he lets them in and they have a similar conversation that murray had with nancy and jonathen/joyce and hopper. poking fun at how much they like eachother etc. 
billy and steve have a really intimate talk. not sexaul intimate, just really open. theyre both so tiered, steve thought billy was dead, billy had to say goodbye to steve, who he KNOWS hes in love with by now, thinking he was about to die. they both KNOW how the feel about eachother now, but they havent said it explicitly. just lots of “i really thought id lost you”, “your my best friend”, “i cant believe youd do that for me” etc etc. 
they decide to go to bed, billy walks steve to his room, the one nancy stayed in when she and jonathen got together, theyre standing at the door. just staring at eachother like they were during that fight sequence. the energies back. billy really thinks he might go for it, but decides he doesnt want to ruin things if steve doesnt really feel the same way. he doesnt even know if he likes guys yet. so he just says “night steve” (steve, get it, not harrington, cause theyre close now and he loves him and those defensive barriers are down ahhhh). 
just as he turns to leave, steve does this:
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this exact thing. he grabs billys arm, leans down and kisses him. he thought he lost his chance once, he nearly died like a million times in the past 48 hours. he cant stop himself. 
RIGHT HERE is when the intro to jump kicks in. FUck that synth, the rumbling note that runs through the whole thing. time. stops. its perfect. billys wanted this for so long, so has steve but in the grand tradition of fanfiction he didnt know it until he nearly lost billy for good. 
their arms are all over eachother, just as the rest of the instruments come in, at like 0:15, they both smile into the kiss and shut the door behind them, and it cuts away :). 
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theyre finally together!!! theyre in the happy, honeymoon stage of realtionship. god theyre just fucking every. chance. they. get. i think this is a new season. it’s a montage of them hooking up all over hawkins. 
in the back of the video store, robin covering for them. in the car, outside school, steves house. someone walks in and billy has to hang out of the window. he makes a noise and steves like “thats probably just a bird or something” and billy MAKES A BIRD NOISE TO THE BEST OF HIS ABILITY. 
when steve helps him back inside he just stares a him with that “youre a moron but your my moron now” face. “~mimics the sound billy made~ really?” and then billy just laughs and goes back to hooking up with him. 
theyre just HAPPY. theyre comfortble, theyre stupid idiots whod die for eachother and horny as fuck allllll the time, like young guys are. i just want a really lighthearted, NOT INNOCENT, but lighthearted tone to a whole montage of them just being happy and stupid together. 
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aaaaand we’re bassically at the end of the storyline i have for them based on music. these three i just like the thought of. i want steve do dance super shamelessly in his bedroom in a towel, not in a sexy way dont get me wrong he looks DUmb, and billys at his door window just admiring this stupid idiot dancing around. i cant believe im in love with this man this graceless lanky man i had to choose this one. but ill be damned if i wouldnt give my fucken life for him
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and finally trust me go listen to any scorpions song its bassicaly a harrington anthem. it all started with rock you like a hurricain for me, i saw steve look at him, i saw billy and listened to the lyrics and just thought theres no god damned way this man is straight whats the bet hes into steve and then BAM same season hes just so obviously flirting with him constantly i-
anyway okay so
this song, like many other scorpion songs is allll about billy and steve in my opion. go have fun. 
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PlayerEntity made this gif not me all credit to them i just wanted to include it cause its my favorite edit of them ever. 
and thats all!!! if youre seeing this and you thought it was cool thanks i had fun. i really just wanted to get this shit out of my brain its been up there since i was a fuckn 14 year old, now im 18 lol. 
i love these men more than myself and sometimes i forget that theyre not acutally together in show cause i live so completely through fanfiction and the sequence of events you just read. 
fuck why am i signing out like you just watched a youtube video or something i should just post this okay by now xxxxx
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