#i just need to get gojo out of my mind does someone want to come pick him up
xxspringmelodyxx · 14 hours
That Girl’s A Liar~
Satoru Gojo x F!Reader
Here is part III! I hope you all enjoy<333 Part I Part II
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The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I headed towards the library, where Kai and I had planned to meet up and go over his strategy to ask Amai out. My mind was still buzzing with thoughts of Toru and the missed chance to talk to him earlier. It had been such a strange, disheartening day. For the first time since we became friends, Toru and I hadn’t exchanged a single word.
We never even crossed paths, our schedules seemingly conspiring to keep us apart. That or we were just too busy with school work to talk. It felt as if a crucial part of my day was missing, leaving an empty void that gnawed at me. The absence of our connection cast a shadow over everything, making the day feel unusually long and painfully lonely.
Entering the library, I spotted Kai at a table near the back, surrounded by books and notes. He looked up and waved me over with a relieved smile.
“Hey, Y/N!” Kai greeted me. “Thanks for coming. I really need your help with this science project, and… you know, the other thing.”
“Of course,” I replied, setting my bag down and pulling out my notebook. “Let’s get started.”
As we began reviewing the material, I noticed Toru entering the library. He paused at the entrance, his eyes scanning the room. When he saw me and Kai sitting close together, his expression shifted. Instead of approaching, he decided to observe from a distance, his curiosity and jealousy piqued.
“So…do you think Amai likes coffee or tea better? I’m thinking about asking her if she’d like to get something with me sometime this week…or maybe next week.” Kai asked, glancing at his notes to mask the question.
I leaned in, whispering back, “Probably tea. She seems like a tea person.”
Kai chuckled, shaking his head. “You think so? What makes you so sure?”
I gasped dramatically, placing a hand over my heart in an exaggerated manner. “You doubt my finely honed abilities to discern whether someone prefers coffee or tea? That is blasphemous!” I declared with mock seriousness, a playful glint in my eyes. “My skills in beverage detection are unparalleled. I can read the subtle signs and nuances of a person’s taste preferences with unmatched precision.”
Kai laughed, leaning back in his chair. "Alright, alright, I believe you. I just want to make sure I do this right. I don’t want to mess up any opportunities given to me."
I smiled reassuringly, leaning in a bit closer. "You won't mess this up, Kai. Just be yourself and show genuine interest in her. Trust me, Amai will appreciate the effort and sincerity. And remember, you've got me in your corner to help you out."
Kai's expression softened, his nervousness giving way to a grateful smile. "Thanks, Y/N. That means a lot. I guess I just need to relax and take it one step at a time."
I nodded, feeling a surge of warmth from our friendship. "Exactly. And who knows, maybe this will be the start of something really great for you."
Toru found a spot behind a bookshelf where he could watch us without being seen. He noticed the way Kai leaned in close, and how I responded with a smile and a laugh. His grip on his bag tightened as he tried to make sense of our interaction.
We both giggled at our own seriousness, finding some levity in the situation. Toru, catching the intimate nature of our conversation but not the details, felt his jealousy deepen. He struggled to maintain his composure as he watched us from the shadows.
“What the hell could he be saying to make you smile like that?” He thought
Kai nudged me, his voice low. “Do you think Amai likes science fiction? I’m thinking of recommending a book.”
I leaned in closer, whispering, “Yeah, I think she does. She mentioned something about liking scientific settings in our last class. Maybe you should talk with her about what her favorite book is or something amongst those lines.”
Toru’s eyes narrowed as he watched us, feeling a pang of jealousy. The way we were huddled together, whispering and laughing, was unsettling for him. What was going on between you two?
Kai looked at me with a mixture of hope and nervousness. “Do you think it’s too soon to ask Amai about her favorite books?”
I shook my head, smiling reassuringly. "Not at all. In fact, asking about her favorite books is a great way to show you’re interested in her likes and dislikes. It will make her feel appreciated."
Kai’s face lit up with relief. "Right. You’re right… I just… I don’t want her to think I’m some sort of creep."
I laughed, rubbing my hand on his shoulder, trying my best to reassure him. "For asking her about her favorite book? Kai, I think you’re being too hard on yourself. You aren’t going to sound like a creep as long as you don’t ask too many personal questions. Just keep it simple!"
Kai nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Okay, got it. Keep it simple and genuine."
I patted his shoulder encouragingly. "Exactly. You're going to do great, Kai. Like I said, just be yourself and let the conversation flow naturally. Amai will see the real you, and that's what matters most."
He took a deep breath, seeming more at ease. "Thanks, Y/N. I really appreciate your help. I don’t know what I’d do without you."
I grinned, feeling the bond of our friendship strengthen. "Anytime, Kai. I'm always here for you. Now, let's get back to this science project and make sure we ace it."
As you two continued discussing both the science project and Kai’s plans for Amai, Aksana entered the library. She spotted Toru almost immediately and saw him staring at you. With a determined look, she walked straight over to him, her books clutched to her chest.
Toru continued to watch you and Kai, his frustration growing as he struggled to understand your guys’ interaction. Just then, Aksana appeared beside him, noticing his distraction.
"Hey, Toru, can you help me with my homework again? I’m really struggling to understand it," Aksana said, effectively blocking his view of me and Kai.
Toru hesitated, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer. He wanted to focus on our interaction, to understand what was going on between us.
"Uh... sorry, Aksana, but I am actually—" he began, trying to excuse himself.
"Oh, please, Toru? I really need you!" she begged, sitting down next to him and effectively blocking his view of me and Kai.
He felt a surge of annoyance but forced a polite smile, trying to be nice despite his reluctance. "Alright, Aksana. What do you need help with?" he asked, though his thoughts were still preoccupied with me and Kai.
I glanced over, catching a glimpse of Toru and Aksana together. My chest tightened as I saw them, their heads close together as they worked on her assignment. The way his arm grazed against hers, the way his eyes looked at hers—it all made my stomach churn with an unfamiliar pang of jealousy.
Kai noticed my distraction and gently nudged me. “You okay, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied, forcing a smile. “Let’s get back to work.”
We continued studying, but I couldn’t help stealing glances at Toru and Aksana. Every time I looked over, they seemed more engrossed in their conversation, making my heart sink a little further.
The image of them laughing together left a bitter taste in my mouth. The day that had started with a missed connection now felt even more complicated and heavy.
I glanced over again, catching a moment where Aksana playfully nudged Toru. He smiled politely, but there was something distant in his eyes, a flicker of the tension I knew he was trying to hide. Yet, the way they interacted still made my heart clench with jealousy.
Kai’s voice pulled me back to our conversation. “So, when do you think is the best time to ask Amai about her interests? I don’t want to come off too strong.”
“Maybe start with something light,” I suggested, trying to keep my focus. “Talk about school, then gradually bring up hobbies and books. It will feel more natural that way.”
Kai nodded, absorbing my advice. We continued to work, but my mind kept drifting. I noticed that Toru would occasionally glance my way, his expression unreadable. Each time our eyes almost met, Aksana would say something to draw his attention back to her.
Eventually, Kai suggested a break. “Hey, Y/N, why don’t we take a break and go to the café down the street? My treat for all the help you’ve been to me.” Toru’s expression darkened as he overheard Kai’s suggestion. The mention of our usual spot hit him hard. He watched as I hesitated, torn between helping Kai and the implications it might have for Toru. Maybe it would be for the best. It would help keep my mind off of him and Aksana.
“Sure, Kai. Thanks,” I finally said, trying to keep my tone neutral.
Kai beamed, completely oblivious to the tension. “Great! Let’s go.”
We packed up our things and headed out, leaving Toru and Aksana behind. Toru watched you both leave, his hand breaking his pencil in half from the jealousy and frustration he felt.
I stirred my tea with my straw, struggling to drink it as I was lost in thought. My mind kept drifting back to Toru and Aksana, and the unsettling feelings it stirred within me. Kai took notice of my distraction and leaned in, concern etched on his face.
“What’s up, Y/N? You seem really out of it,” Kai asked gently.
“Oh, it’s nothing, Kai. Really,” I replied, trying to brush off my feelings with a weak smile.
“Come on, I know self-deception better than anyone. Now, what’s going on?” he pressed, his tone sincere and encouraging.
I sighed, putting down my straw and looking up at Kai. His eyes were filled with genuine concern, and I knew I couldn’t hide my feelings any longer. “It’s just… seeing Toru with Aksana today. It made me realize how much I miss talking to him. We didn’t even get to see each other at all today, and it felt so… empty.”
Kai nodded thoughtfully, a hint of realization dawning in his eyes. “Do you… like him?” he asked, a small smile making its way to his face as he saw me look away from him.
I felt my cheeks heat up, and I avoided his gaze, fiddling with my straw. “I… I don’t know, Kai,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.
“Oh, so you do like him!” he yelled, his eyes lighting up at the news.
“Will you keep it down, Kai?! The whole world doesn’t need to know!” I exclaimed, placing my hands over his mouth to muffle his excitement. My heart raced at the thought of anyone else overhearing our conversation.
Kai laughed, gently moving my hands away. “Alright, alright, I’ll keep it quiet. But wow, Y/N, this is big! No wonder you seemed so distracted today.”
I sighed, my shoulders slumping as I looked down at my untouched tea. “Yeah, it’s a lot. But just looking at him makes me feel so happy. His smile, his voice, his eyes…even his dumb jokes and antics make my heart flutter.
Kai laughed, making me look up at him.
”Why don’t you tell him?”
”I tried! But every time I try to, its like the universe always seems to find a way to stop it from happening.” I explained.
”Not only that… but stupid Aksana keeps butting in, so I can never get any time alone with him,” I finished, frustration evident in my voice.
As Kai was about to say something, he noticed the weather changing. The clouds began to circle around in the sky, making him look down at me with concern.
“Uh… Y/N?” he asked, pointing towards the outside.
I turned and rolled my eyes, realizing what was happening. “Damnit. Sorry,” I said, quickly taking a deep breath to regain control. Within a few seconds, the clouds disappeared and the sun began to shine once more.
Kai watched in awe, his expression a mix of surprise and admiration. “Wow, you really do have a unique and powerful cursed technique. I forget sometimes.”
I shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Yeah, it tends to react to my emotions. It’s something I’ve been trying to control better. But now Im seeing that I need to work harder on that…especially if something like this is getting to me.”
“Don’t feel bad about it. Love is a powerful thing. It can make even the strongest of people lose control.” He said, making me ponder.
”Listen, thank you for the tea, Kai. It was so sweet of you…but I better get going. I have some things I need to sleep on tonight. How about we meet tomorrow during lunch and we can go over the plan some more and you can finally get some interaction with her.” I said, quickly leaving the cafe, not giving him any time to respond.
As I stepped outside, the fresh air helped clear my mind. I walked all the way back to my home, my thoughts swirling with everything that had happened. Once inside, I went straight to my room and face-planted into the bed, letting out a long, frustrated sigh.
As I lay there, the events of the day replayed in my mind. Every missed chance to talk to him, every moment he spent with Aksana instead of me—it all seemed to point to one conclusion. What if the universe was trying to tell me something? What if Toru and I were never meant to be more than friends?
I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away. I couldn’t give up so easily. I needed to talk to Toru, to clear the air and find out how he really felt. But the fear of rejection, of ruining our friendship, weighed heavily on my heart.
Rolling onto my back, I stared up at the ceiling, Why did things have to be so complicated? All I wanted was to be close to Toru, to share everything with him, to hear his voice….I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. “Get a grip, Y/N,” I muttered to myself.
I don’t know whats going to happen to us in the future…but I do know that I am going to make sure I get alone time with Toru tomorrow…no matter what. I need to see him…and just him. With that resolve in mind, I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep.
—With Satoru—
“I don’t know what the fuck to do, Suguru! It’s like he’s completely replaced me!” Satoru exclaimed, running his hand through his hair in frustration. The usually composed and confident young man was now a bundle of nerves, his eyes reflecting the turmoil he felt inside.
Suguru leaned against the wall, arms crossed, watching his friend with a mixture of concern and sympathy. “Calm down, Satoru. Tell me what’s going on.”
Satoru sighed, pacing the room. “It’s Y/N. I’ve barely gotten to spend time with her, if any at all. She’s too preoccupied with that boy Kai. It’s like she doesn’t even notice me anymore. And seeing them together... it hurts, Suguru. It fucking hurts.” The words tumbled out of him in a rush, each one laced with the raw pain of unrequited love and the sting of jealousy.
Suguru nodded, understanding the depth of his friend’s anguish. He had witnessed the way Satoru looked at you, talked about you, even thought about you. He knew how much you meant to him. “Okay, first, you need to try and relax man-“
”How can you say that? You know how I feel about her. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about her. I miss her so much…I love her so much.” He started, looking down at his bandaged arm where you helped him. The memory of your gentle touch and kind words only made the pain sharper.
”i just…I thought maybe she might’ve felt the same for me.” He said, his voice breaking in defeat. Suguru lifted himself off the wall and walked towards his best friend, placing a hand on his shoulder.
”Listen man, I get it. I know how much you love her, and maybe it feels like she’s slipping away. But I feel like all of this is just a big misunderstanding. Maybe there’s something going on between those two that you don’t know of.”
”Like what? Like them dating? Do you think they are dating?” Satoru interrupted, his eyes widening in fear at the realization. The mere thought of you being with someone else made his heart ache with a pain he couldn’t bear.
”What? No! I'm just saying that maybe there is more to the story than you think. You need to talk to her. You need to finally let her know how you feel. Maybe then…all will be revealed.” He suggested. To be honest, Suguru wasn’t sure what you were doing either. He could’ve sworn you were absolutely head over heels for Satoru just as much as he was for you…did he interpret your feelings wrong? Could it be true that you moved on from his best friend to another boy?
“It’s not that simple,” Satoru replied, his voice tinged with desperation. “Every time I get close, something or someone gets in the way. Trust me, I want to tell her! I want to be with her so bad, to just hear her beautiful voice, see her beautiful smile… but instead, I end up seeing her with Kai...and hes the one getting all of those things that I want. it’s like a knife to the heart.”
Suguru placed a reassuring hand on Satoru’s shoulder. “Then make her see it. Show her what she’s missing.”
Satoru's eyes lit up with an idea. “You’re right. Maybe if she sees me with someone else, she’ll realize what she’s missing. Maybe I need to make her jealous.”
Suguru’s eyes widened in alarm. “No, that’s not what I meant! I was trying to say that you need to be honest with her, not play games.”
But Satoru, being himself, was already forming a plan in his head. “Thanks, Suguru! You’re a genius. I’ll show her that I can move on too. Maybe then she’ll realize how much she misses me.”
“Satoru, you fucking idiot, wait—” Suguru began, but it was too late. Satoru was already heading out the door, determined to put his plan into action.
Ignoring Suguru’s protests, Satoru sought out Aksana. If making Y/N jealous was the way to get her attention, then he would go all in.
It didn’t take too long before Satoru found Aksana. There she was, in the library, engrossed in a book.
“Aksana, hey,” Satoru said, putting on his most charming smile.
Aksana looked up, surprised. “Oh, hi, Satoru. What’s up?”
“Do you want to hang out? Maybe grab a coffee or something?” Satoru asked, trying to sound casual.
Aksana’s face held a sinister smirk. Had all the work she put into getting close to Satoru finally paid off? “Sure, I’d love to,” she replied, her voice dripping with satisfaction as she sensed an opportunity unfolding before her.
As they walked out together, Satoru couldn’t help but glance around, hoping Y/N would see them. Suguru’s words echoed in his mind, but he pushed them aside. This had to work. Y/N had to realize what she was missing.
Meanwhile, Suguru watched from a distance, shaking his head. “This is going to backfire spectacularly,” he muttered to himself. He could only hope that Satoru would come to his senses before it was too late.
”What the hell is he doing?” Shoko asked, showing up out of nowhere. Suguru looked down at her and shook his head.
”Something he's going to regret.”
—With you—
Well…your plan to get alone time with Toru plan went to shit. Weeks had passed, and you hadn't had a single opportunity to be alone with Toru. Each time you attempted to get close, someone inevitably interrupted—most often Aksana. It was almost as if she had a sixth sense for when you wanted to speak with him because she was perpetually by his side. The way she clung to him made it appear as though he were her boyfriend, the two of them always in close physical proximity. People around you even started saying how cute of a couple they would be.
If you wanted to talk to him before class, it was too late—Aksana had already walked with him to school before you even had a chance. Trying to catch him during lunch was futile because Aksana had preemptively whisked him away to a nice place to eat. Attempting to speak to him after school was equally hopeless since she was already monopolizing his time, ostensibly to get help with her “homework.” It was driving your emotions into turmoil, and consequently, the weather seemed to mirror your inner state.
Days that were forecasted to be sunny turned out to be rainy, and days that were supposed to be mildly windy saw unexpectedly strong gusts. There were even some days that would have a mix of both snow and rain. All because of you. Shoko, Kai, and Suguru quickly noticed the change in you and attempted to reach out, but you were so consumed by your own emotions that you began to shut them out. The frustration and longing were driving you to the brink of insanity, and you could feel your sanity slipping away with each passing day.
What made matters worse was that you started to notice how much closer Toru and Aksana were getting. Almost too close. You still remember the day you were in the lunchroom with Kai, preparing him to go talk to Amai, only to see Toru and Aksana leaving the school premises together. They were laughing with one another, their heads close as they shared a private joke. The sight made your heart ache, a deep, painful throb that you couldn’t ignore.
Kai, noticed your sudden silence, and he followed your gaze. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
You tore your eyes away from the scene, forcing a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you lied, the words tasting bitter in your mouth. “Just lost in thought.”
Kai gave you a skeptical look but didn’t press further. “Well, if you need to talk, you know I’m here for you, right?”You nodded, appreciating his support but feeling helpless. “Thanks, Kai. I appreciate it.”
As the days passed, the growing closeness between Toru and Aksana became increasingly difficult to ignore. They seemed inseparable, and every time you saw them together, it felt like a dagger twisting in your heart. You felt a mix of emotions—hurt, jealousy, and a strange sense of betrayal. Why was Satoru spending time with Aksana? Had you misread the situation all along? Did Satoru really not feel the same about you as you did about him? The thought was almost too painful to bear. You could’ve sworn he…you thought he…well maybe…maybe he just didn’t love you after all….
The following day, you decided to go to the cafeteria to grab something quick to eat. You and Kai were close to being done with the science project, and he and Amai were becoming closer and closer each day. He managed to build up enough courage to take her out to eat, so you were left alone. Now, you had some time all to yourself to just relax. It was a rare moment, but it meant that you got to actually sit with Shoko, Suguru, and Satoru.
As you made your way, the cafeteria’s usual cacophony of voices and clattering dishes seemed to fade into the background. You spotted Shoko and Suguru sitting together, but no sign of Toru. You went over to the table Shoko and Suguru were at, and forced a smile, trying to shake off the sense of dread that had been gnawing at you. As you sat down, you heard Toru’s voice from afar. Your eyes involuntarily drifted to the direction of his voice and found Toru and Aksana entering the lunchroom, talking amongst themselves about something random.
They were standing close, their heads almost touching as they shared a private joke, their laughter mingling with the ambient noise but somehow standing out painfully to your ears. The sight made your stomach churn with jealousy and hurt, a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil that had become all too familiar.
Every giggle from Aksana and every smile from Toru felt like a dagger to your heart. The way they seemed so at ease with each other, so effortlessly close, was unbearable. You had always cherished the moments when Toru smiled at you like that, but now those moments seemed to be slipping away, replaced by this growing bond between him and Aksana. It was a bitter pill to swallow, seeing someone else enjoy what you longed for so deeply.
Suguru, sitting across from you, noticed your pained expression and turned to look at Toru and Aksana. He scoffed in disgust, completely in disbelief at what his best friend was doing. “Unbelievable,” he muttered under his breath, shaking his head in frustration. He couldn’t fathom how Toru could be so oblivious to your feelings, so wrapped up in his plan to make you jealous that he didn’t notice the hurt he was causing you.
Shoko, on the other hand, looked like she was ready to strangle both Toru and Aksana. Her eyes narrowed in anger as she watched them, her fists clenched tightly on the table. “This has to stop,” she whispered to Suguru fiercely, her voice barely containing her rage. She had seen the toll this situation was taking on you and it infuriated her to see her friend in such pain.
Both Suguru and Shoko had witnessed your frustration and heartbreak over the past few weeks. They had seen the light dim in your eyes and the smile that no longer reached your lips. It pained them to see you like this, to see someone they cared about suffering in silence. They exchanged a look, silently agreeing that something needed to be done to end this misery.
“Hey, Y/N,” Shoko said, her voice softer now as she turned her attention to you. “Are you okay?” Her eyes were filled with concern, and you could tell she was genuinely worried about you.
You forced a smile, trying to mask the turmoil inside. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you lied, though your voice betrayed your true feelings. The lump in your throat made it hard to speak, and you could feel the tears threatening to spill over, but you fought to keep them at bay.
Suguru leaned forward, his expression serious and earnest. “You don’t have to put up with this, you know. We’re here for you,” he said, his tone comforting yet firm. He wanted you to know that you weren’t alone, that you had friends who cared about you and wanted to help.
And you were grateful. Truly. But the emotions were overwhelming, and you couldn’t bear to delve into them any further. You sighed deeply and placed your head in your hands, trying to steady your breathing. “Can we not talk about this… please?” you asked, your voice cracking under the weight of your emotions. The sight of Toru and Aksana together was like a constant reminder of what you couldn’t have, and it was tearing you apart. You just needed a break. A break from it all.
“Of course...” Shoko replied softly, her worry for you still evident in her eyes. She exchanged a glance with Suguru, both of them silently agreeing to shift the conversation away from the topic that was causing you so much pain.
“Well, how about we talk about training then?” Suguru suggested, his tone lightening in an attempt to lift the mood. “I heard Sensei Yaga is having all of us go out later today for a practice exam on our form to see where we are at.”
Your eyes widened in surprise and mild panic. Was that today? Just when you thought you might get a break, now you were bombarded with the realization that you had to use your abilities to get a good grade. The stress of everything was beginning to weigh heavily on you, and the thought of the upcoming practice exam only added to your anxiety.
“Great,” you muttered, your voice tinged with sarcasm. “Just when I thought I could relax, now I have to worry about my form and performance.” You ran a hand through your hair, feeling the tension building up inside you.
Suguru gave you a sympathetic smile. “I know it’s a lot, but maybe it’ll be a good distraction. Focusing on training could help take your mind off things for a bit.”
“Yeah, and you’re really good,” Shoko added, her tone encouraging. “You always impress Sensei Yaga. Just think of it as another chance to show what you can do.”
You nodded, appreciating their attempts to cheer you up. “I guess you’re right. It’s just… everything feels so overwhelming right now. I’ll try to focus on the training and give it my best shot.”
As the conversation shifted to the details of the practice exam and various training techniques, you found yourself gradually relaxing. It wasn’t a complete escape from your thoughts about Toru and Aksana, but it was a temporary reprieve. For now, you could channel your energy into preparing for the exam and proving your skills.
The laughter and chatter of the cafeteria buzzed around you, blending into the background as you listened to Shoko and Suguru discuss strategies and tips. You took a deep breath, letting their words wash over you, and tried to find some semblance of peace in the midst of the chaos that had become your life.
Just then, your phone buzzed with a new message. Glancing at the screen, you saw it was from Kai. His words caught your attention right away.
“Meet me before our practice exam today. I’m going to finally ask Amai out… and to the dance… but I want to practice what I’m going to say. I need you to pretend to be her,” he wrote.
Despite the whirlwind of emotions you were feeling, a small smile grew on your face. At least someone in your life was going to have a good ending… hopefully. The idea of helping Kai with his romantic plans provided a glimmer of positivity in your otherwise turbulent day. It was a reminder that not everything was bleak and that happiness was still possible for those around you.
You quickly replied, typing out a response with a renewed sense of purpose. “Sure, I’ll meet you in our science class. We can practice there,” you texted back, feeling a bit lighter.
“Y/n…we need to tell you something. It’s about Satoru and what he’s been doing. Just please be ready to-“ Suguru started before being cut off by your voice.
“Hey guys, it was wonderful talking to you both… but something just came up and I gotta go. I’ll see you guys later today!” you said, not hearing a word they were saying before getting up and leaving, trying to muster the enthusiasm you no longer felt.
As you walked away, Toru’s eyes followed you, noticing the small smile on your face that barely masked your true feelings. His heart began to race with anticipation, a flicker of hope igniting within him. Were you finally going to come to him? Were you going to hug him and let him hear your voice that he had been longing for? He missed the way you used to laugh, the way you used to share everything with him.
Just as you made it a few feet away from him, your eyes locked with his, making both of you pause. For a brief moment, the world seemed to stand still, and all the noise of the cafeteria faded into the background. His heart pounded in his chest, a flicker of hope igniting within him. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the moment he had dreamed about during the countless sleepless nights. He wanted to reach out to you, to bridge the painful gap that had grown between you.
However, before he could make a move, you averted your eyes and walked in the opposite direction, directly ignoring him. He felt his heart shatter right then and there from your actions. The small glimmer of hope that had sparked in his heart was extinguished in an instant. Every step you took away from him felt like a crushing blow, each one more painful than the last. The rejection was a raw, agonizing wound that left him reeling.
“Y/n…” He muttered under his breath.
Part IV coming soon!
Taglist: @goreedo11
52 notes · View notes
salad-storm · 10 months
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All lonely nights spent out like a light
15 notes · View notes
lowkeyremi · 4 months
How they are with their kiddos/babies ! ft. gojo, geto, choso, toji, and nanami
content: no curse!au fluff, established relationship (marriage), children, families.
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Gojo Satoru
"Look at my little boy, he looks just like me, what a heart stopper you'll be when you get older!" He praises his two year old, Kenji Gojo.
"'Toru stop trying to manifest our son into a hoe." Satoru turns to you with a loud gasp, eyes wide, and it causes your little boy to giggle.
"How could you say such words, in front of him? Don't listen to Mommy. Daddy was never a player. Never ever!" Kenji has no clue what's happening he just laughs at his father's dramatics.
"Oh brother, I hope he doesn't turn into a drama queen like you. And yes you were a player before I got with you. Remember when you kissed my friend then like ten minutes later tried to kiss me?" Satoru was a menace in college. Every time you bring up that specific college memory he always says-
"Ugh, blame Suguru! He was the one who made me take shots when I didn't like to drink." There it is. That was excuse for two-timing you and your best friend back then.
"Save it for someone who believes you. Kenji, don't be like Daddy when you grow up, okay?" Your husband knows you're joking but he can't help but whine and feel like you're being against him.
"Otay Mommy! Daddy is hoeeee. Hoe hoe hoe. Merry Christmas!" Your poor little boy thinks he's saying the noise Santa makes instead of a derogatory term and it's hilarious.
Of course you encourage him, "Daddy's a what?"
"Hoe!" Kenji screams out with a smile on his face. Satoru frowns loosing his playfulness.
"I-i guess my family just hates me... no one loves me." He sighs loudly to sell it to you guys but you don't buy it. He sits in the corner pretending to cry. "Boo hoo..." Kenji waddles his way over to his father patting his head.
"No cry Daddy, you not a hoe. You Daddy." Satoru fakes a loud gasp when he hears his son comfort him, thinking Satoru is actually crying.
"Really?!" He asks the little boy standing next to him.
"Yeah, Daddy is cool!!" Satoru chuckles, picks up is little boy and tosses him into the air. The small white haired child screams in delight as his father catches him, and you can't deny that all the trouble you and Satoru had in your relationship was worth seeing this.
Geto Suguru
"And then, the monster ate the twin girls who didn't go to sleep at their bed time-"
"Ooooookay. I think that's enough bed time stories from Papa." You say ushering your girls to bed, Hana looks scared out of her mind but Kana's eyes are sparkling with curiosity.
"Awww, Mommy, it was just getting good!" Kana whines, you know she wants to hear whatever else Suguru makes up on spot but he scared Hana who looks like she wants to cry.
"I know sweetie, but I don't think Hana really liked that story." The girls are six and full of energy at any given time.
"Come on baby, let me tell Kana the rest." Suguru matches his daughter's tone, knowing you'll give in.
"Alright, fine, but you need to apologize to Hana, look at her." Your husband looks at his younger twin daughter and he does feel kind of bad for scaring her like that. Suguru likes telling scary stories and myths to his girls just like his father had done to him. He always thought they were super cool.
"Oh, Hana, sweet girl. Papa's sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. How about I tell you and your sister a different story?" Hana looks a little doubtful as do you, but Suguru grants you a smile. He knows you trust him so you give him a stern look before kissing his forehead.
"Don't take too long, I need my cuddles." He smirks, kissing your hand, "Of course my dear."
The twins coo in unison at their parents romantic gestures, they think it's the coolest thing ever. "You girls have your stuffed animals?" He asks them and they nod together waiting for his story.
He tells the two about a princess who needed saving. Her long lost sister came to save her from a scary dragon and they lived happily together.
"That sounds like me and Hana!! I fought the scary dragon and Hana was the princess!!!" Kana says with excitement. Sometimes Suguru sees two little girls he used to foster in his own girls. He wonders how they're doing these days. They're probably grown up by now or at least in their late teens.
"I really wish Mommy had let me name you guys Nanako and Mimiko." He whispers with a soft smile. Kana looks at him in confusion rubbing her tired eyes, Hana's already asleep.
"Huh?" Kana asks.
"Nothing my dear, good night, little one." He tucks her into bed and gives her a tend kiss on the forehead.
"Night night, Papa." She says with a yawn and Suguru makes his way downstairs to join you.
Kamo Choso
Choso bites his lip looking down at his son, the boy looks a lot like you he thinks. Ryuji is his name, you let him name him. "I didn't mean to break it." He whines to his father. Choso has a soft spot for his boy. He reminds him a lot of his little brother Yuji.
"I know bud, but what will we tell Mom when she gets home?" Ryuji had accidentally broken your favorite ceramic mug. Choso was not sure what he signed up for when he got you pregnant but it sure wasn't this.
He and his son were always getting scolded by you. Every time Ryuji gets into some kind of trouble it also happens to be Choso's fault for not watching him closely as you always say. The truth is, Ryuji seems to get into trouble even with his father watching him closely.
"Um... we can tell her it was at the edge of the counter and i walked past it and it fell down. Then it will be her fault for leaving it by the edge." Choso smiles at his devious ten year old. He knows lying is bad but if you heard what really happened you'd scold both of them.
What actually happened as that Ryuji was playing in the kitchen, even though you've warned him against it many times and he knocked your mug down onto the ground.
"Good idea, kid. I don't want to hear Mom yelling again. I might get couch treatment again." Choso shivers at the idea of sleeping on the cramped couch rather than in his warm bed with you.
"You remind me a lot of your Uncle Yuji." Choso says ruffling his son's hair. "You and Mom keep saying that and I don't know if that's good or bad."
"It depends. Yuji can be both." Choso chuckles. His son gives him a crushing hug.
"I love you dad, you're doing great." And Choso didn't know how much he needed to hear those words but they were getting to him.
Fushiguro Toji
"Quit kicking your Ma, ya little brat." He threatens your swelling belly. He gives you a questioning look when you glare at him. Those emerald eyes challenge yours in a staring contest.
"What is with you and threatening our unborn children?" Your question is followed by a giggle.
"Gotta let the brats know who's in charge." He blows out a breath and puffs his chest, you find the whole ordeal ridiculous. The man is a girl dad for crying out loud. Even his oldest, your step-son thinks his father is a clown. And before Tsumiki died there were three daughters in his life.
He thinks your third one is bound to be a boy, but you're secretly hoping for a girl just to further sink Toji's idea of having a little boy to boss around. Megumi comes around maybe twice a month to see his little half-sisters, which means Toji is surrounded by girls all the time.
You like to joke around with him and say, "What do you know? Girls seem to follow you wherever you go." He always grumbles about it being stupid and unfair.
"As I was saying-"
"DAD!!!!! MY HAIR OH NOOOOOOO." Toji's up off the couch in seconds answering at his daughter's beck and call.
He walks into her room to see her braid was messed up. "What happened, Doll?" He asks her, undoing the braid so he can redo it.
"Yui undid my braid!! She took my hair tie and ran to her room!!!" She squeals, in horror at her little sister's thieving.
"Oh did she now? I'll go have a talk with her once I braid this back up." He's gentle with his tender-headed daughter. He quickly braids her hair back up, the pattern memorized. 100% self indulgent bc im tender headed.
"I have this green hair tie, is that okay, sweet girl?" She sighs quietly. "Where are the blue ones?" Toji clicks his tongue. "I can go get one real quick if you hold the end of this braid." He tells her and she's quick to do it. Her favorite color is blue after all.
She cheers when her father returns with a blue hair tie. He ties it up quickly, "Okay let me go talk to Yui." Nami nods brushing out her baby doll's hair.
Toji makes an appearance in front of his four year old's door, she's making her dolls scream at each other. "What was da reason?!!!!" She screams pretending to be one of the dolls, "I had a reason." She makes the other say.
Toji rolls his eyes, his daughter has been watching too much TV with you. "Excuse me miss Cardi B, why did you steal your sister's hair tie?" His hands are on his hips and his eyes are squinted to add to his authority.
"Whattttt, Dad, you know dat?" She asks as if her dad lives under a rock.
"Tch I'm not old, I know what memes are. Now answer the question." She rolls her eyes. You tell Toji she gets her attitude from him.
"If you haf to know I needed it, so I could give Sprinkles a ponytail." Sprinkles is the dog Toji said he was NOT going to get for his girls but caved in and got anyway.
"Ya coulda asked me or your Ma for one rather than stealing it right from your sister's hair." She shakes her head in disagreement. Toji wonders what's going on in her head right now.
"Dad you don't get it! It had to be that one!"
"Why that specific hair tie?" She goes silent turning away from her father and mumbling something Toji can barely hear.
"Speak up, princess." She scoffs and sighs and folds her arms. Wow the sass is unreal.
"Sprinkle thinks Nami is super cool so she wants what Nami has." Toji isn't stupid he knows his daughter is using the dog as a place holder for how she admires her older sister. Yui doesn't like to admit it though.
"Are you sure it's Sprinkle who thinks Nami is super cool?" He gives her the chance to be open with him and she sighs taking the bait.
"I guess. I think Nami is super cool." She murmurs and Toji smirks.
"It's alright to think your sis is cool, Dad didn't get to grow up with any cool siblings. Just annoying cousins."
"Mai and Maki are cooler than you, Dad, not annoying!" The man in question raises his brow his smirk never leaving, "Okay since I'm not cool. I guess I won't take you out for treats anymore when Ma says no."
Little Yui gasps, bursting upward like a rocket and running toward her dad. She hugs his leg, her little head looking up at him, "I was kidding Dad. You're super cool. Please don't stop taking me for treats!!"
Toji smiles, picks up his little girl and tickles her. She screams out for him to stop, "Huh? I can't hear what you're saying."
"Nami help!!!!"
In seconds Nami's attacking her father in a playful manner, "Let go of my sister!!"
"Okay then." Toji holds his daughter upside down by her feet, as she screams some more. "MA!!! HELPPP!!!!"
"Toji put her down." You say in a half-hearted manner.
"She is down. Upside down."
Nanami Kento
"See, you're getting the hang of it, Hiro." Kento softly encourages his son who's struggling with his math homework. You had tried to help him but he screamed that what you were saying didn't make sense. So of course you yelled back, letting your emotions get the better of you.
Kento had stepped in to keep you two from ripping each other's heads off. Plus all that screaming had woken up the baby. You could hear her crying.
That was about an hour ago. You quietly walked into the dining room with your seven month old baby girl cuddled up to your chest as you held her tight.
The sight of your husband helping your son warmed your heart, but you also felt guilt hot in your stomach for yelling at him, he's only twelve.
"Hey, Hiro. Can I talk to you, hon?" You ask softly. Both your son and Kento turn their heads upon hearing your voice. He nods at you and you inhale deeply, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, bud, I didn't mean it."
His eyes soften as do Kento's.
"I'm sorry too, Mom. I started it. You were just trying to help me." Kento's smile encourages you to walk closer to the table which you do.
"We should have had Dad come help in the first place, huh? I'm not good at explaining." Hiro shares a laugh with you, and Kento cups your cheek.
"Explanations might not be your strong suit but you're still a good mother, baby." Hiro gags at his father calling you "baby" he hate when you two get sappy.
You move your head a little so you can kiss his palm. As expected Hiro covers his eyes and making more throwing up noises.
"Oh hush, one day you'll find someone for you, and you'll be just like me and your mother." Kento says rolling his eyes and you giggle. Even though you guys have your differences you guys always forgive each other at the end of the day.
Your little girl coos quietly and Kento holds out his arms gesturing for his little girl.
"She's just had dinner, so she might fall asleep on you." Your warning doesn't bother him at all, if anything, you'll probably have more pictures to add to your baby gallery on your phone if she falls asleep in his arms.
She's already a dad's girl and she's only seven months old. You thought maybe Hiro would be a mama's boy but he's definitely his daddy's son.
You don't mind though, well, sometimes you're a little jealous that you have to share your man with your kids. Kento's a very lovable man though, so you can't blame them.
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lemonlover1110 · 3 months
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Pairing: Bass Guitarist!Choso x f!Reader
Summary: You usually hang out with Choso after his concerts, only this time he wants to talk about your relationship. Luckily for you, you know how to distract him from important matters.
Warnings: MDNI, Smut, Friends with Benefits, Car Sex, Oral Sex (m. receiving), Vaginal Sex, Nipple Play, Squirting, Creampie, Angst if you squint
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
This art was sent in my server and I was forced to write about him in this AU, anyway I hope you lovelies enjoy!! likes and reblog always appreciated❤️
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There’s a whole crowd that screams Choso’s name from the top of their lungs as his fingers strum against the strings of his bass. Choso, a very reserved man, someone who is not even the star of the band but the most beloved amongst fans. Is it because they barely know anything about him? Or is it because he looks too hot while he really gets into the song? For you, it’s the latter. 
Choso lets himself loose as his mind, body and soul embrace the song. It becomes an issue for him to stay close to the microphone, until he realizes his vocals come up. He’s sweaty, his eyeshadow smudged and running down his cheeks; it’s a look that drives the fangirls wild, and you can’t exactly blame them for it.
They get louder when they hear Choso’s voice, and you wonder if it drives Suguru insane that even though he’s the lead vocalist, he doesn’t get as much attention as Choso. There’s just something about Choso that has everyone in a trance. He looks so seductive even when he barely tries.
The song ends, and the crowd cheers, wanting more from the band. For a moment the only thing you hear is the crowd chanting Choso’s name. You don’t understand why they go wild over him, but then again, you guess that the lack of knowledge about him makes him intriguing. However, you know all you need to know about him. 
“I really don’t get why they go so crazy over him! I’d argue that Getou is hotter.” You yell to your friend, and she rolls her eyes. She knows you’re just talking to talk because given the option, you always choose Choso.
The noise dies as the sound of the bass begins again. All eyes are on Choso until Suguru begins to sing. Your eyes stay on Choso, and his eyes scan the crowd until they land on you. A smile comes onto his face as you maintain eye contact. His eyes finally look away, looking down at his guitar. You know you’ll be seeing each other later.
Just to tease you, he does something that he rarely does. Something that makes the crowd get louder, his tongue running up the neck of his guitar. You roll your eyes as your cheeks get hot. You fucking hate him. 
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You have no issue getting backstage after the show. The security guard looks at your friend funny, but he knows you so he assumes that she’s okay to pass. He doubts that anyone will have a problem since you’re beloved among the band members.
“Hi, Lexi.” You wave at the woman who talks with her boyfriend. Suguru’s arm is thrown over her shoulders while they head to the door that you just walked through. She waves at you, blowing a kiss your way before focusing on her boyfriend again. 
“Where’s Gojo?” Your friend asks, her eyes searching for the white haired man, after all, she joined you just because she knew you could get her the opportunity to talk to Satoru. You were going to come either way since Choso sent you a message, it didn’t hurt for her to tag along. 
You’re about to help her, but your eyes land on Choso. There’s a subtle smile on his face when he notices you. He walks toward you, and you completely ignore your friend as she continues asking about Satoru. She rolls her eyes, knowing damn well that you were acting tough and annoyed as everyone chanted Choso’s name because according to you he isn’t a big deal. It’s clear jealousy.
From what she knows, you and Choso have an unusual friendship– Which is another way of saying that you’re friends with benefits. You both came to an agreement where you could use each other’s bodies with no strings attached, however, tonight it might all come to an end. Whether you like it or not. 
“I’m glad to see you here.” Choso says as you give him a side hug. You don’t like to get too touchy while others are around. He still kisses the top of your head, before he looks at your friend. “Who did you bring with you tonight?”
“Just my friend. She wants to meet Gojo.” You tell him, as his fingers intertwine with yours. Choso calls out for Satoru, hoping that the sooner your friend meets Satoru, the sooner you’ll get out of the place. Although getting out of the place so soon isn’t the best idea since there’s still an army of fans outside that will do just about anything to get a picture with Choso. 
The band’s popularity has increased over the past couple of months, and suddenly Choso always has someone throwing themselves at him. It ticks you off more than you’d like to admit. 
“What?” Satoru asks, clear annoyance in his voice. He notices you and he begins to approach you to give you a hug, but it earns a glare from Choso. All the members know you well and they consider you a good friend, which means they all know your situation with Choso. When Satoru notices the look, he sticks with a simple greeting. “Hey.”
“Hi, Gojo.” You smile at him. You then point to your friend, informing him, “She’s here to meet you.”
“Are you her ride home?” Choso questions, and you shake your head in response. She brought you here knowing that you would go your separate ways after the concert. She saw the message that Choso had left on your phone, and she urged you to come. “Does that mean we can leave?”
“I think so.” You answer. You still check to see if she’s okay being left alone with Satoru before leaving. When she says yes, you lead Choso out of the building. Your eyes stare at the case of his guitar and you ask, “Do you need help? I’m really strong, just so you know.”
He laughs, “No doubt about it, but I can handle it.”
“You’re in a hurry.” Choso comments when you step outside. He takes the lead, dragging you to his car. 
“Weren’t you the one that was asking if we could leave?” You chuckle, and he laughs as well. He opens the trunk to put the case in before walking to the passenger door and opening it for you. He watches you get inside before he shuts the door for you. He nearly runs to the driver’s side, embarrassingly impatient.
“Do you want to join Lexi and Suguru tonight? Or what do you want to do?” Choso isn’t exactly the person to go hang out with his friends after a concert, especially at a bar. But he knows that you like that sort of stuff, so he sticks with you until you’re ready to go back home– Or back to his apartment, whichever place is closest to the place you’re hanging out in.
“Can we just go back to your place?” You respond, your eyes focused on his side profile. You were too jealous earlier to admire just how good he looks tonight.
“Can we talk about–” He begins, but you grab the collar of his shirt and put your lips on his before he can finish his sentence. You know he wants to talk about the message that he sent, something that made you want to stay home tonight. Can we talk about us? Or something along those lines, you just know that you don’t want to change this perfect arrangement.
Your tongue enters his mouth, pressing against his while your hands go to his belt. He doesn’t know why you’re so eager tonight, it doesn’t click in his head. Maybe the little trick from earlier worked to rile you up, and he’s certain that it was that when you unbutton his pants and begin to pull them down. 
“Here? Aren’t you scared–” He begins when you pull away from the kiss but you begin to kiss his neck. Your lips go to that one sweet spot that makes him weak, sucking on it. You aren’t scared that you’ll get caught, that’s good to know. He’s the one that should be worried about getting caught since he’s the one that has to hold a public image. 
The parking lot is private, and it’s pretty much empty. He isn’t too worried about that. 
“Don’t you want to go somewhere more private?” He still asks but he doesn’t bother to stop you as you spit on his cock, your hand wrapping around the base and slowly stroking it. 
“We can talk later. Right now, I need your cock in my mouth.” You kiss his shaft before your tongue drags on his length and begins to circle on his tip. You begin to kiss the tip, causing Choso to bite down his lip. He’s certainly not going to stop now.
Your mouth wraps around his cock, hearing the moan whimper just at the feeling of your pretty mouth wrapped around his dick. Everything you do drives him wild. It’s why he can’t stop you when he wants to talk about more serious issues– Issues that concern your relationship and what you’re doing. 
He doesn’t like it like this though. He loves the sight of your pretty face as your mouth is wrapped around his cock. He still loves the feeling though. He praises you, “You’re doing so good, baby.” 
You take all of him in your mouth, gagging on his length which causes the tears to build up in your eyes. It’s a sight that usually drives the man wild, although he doesn’t like to admit it; unluckily for him, he only sees the back of your head. 
His head is thrown back as his eyes roll to the back of his head. You have complete control over him, and he hates it. But he certainly loves the way he feels at the moment. When the tears fall from your eyes, you lift up your head, detaching yourself from his cock. Your hand takes over, stroking his cock.
“Can we do it here?” You ask him as your thighs rub against one another, the heat between your legs getting too unbearable. Your libido is too high, you can’t wait to go back to his place. You need him now.
Choso’s cheeks are flushed, and the man’s brain goes a thousand miles per minute. What you’re thinking of is riskier, and if anyone walks by, you’ll get caught. But he doesn’t care. He needs you too. 
“Yeah, let’s do it here.” He agrees, and you crawl over to his side. You lift up your skirt, moving your panties to the side. Two of his fingers run through your folds, noting just how wet you are when he’s done nothing to you. The mere thought of him drives you insane.
You align his cock with your entrance before slowly sitting on it. His lips land on yours, feeling your moans vibrate through your tongue as you move on his cock. 
You move back and forth on his cock. You feel euphoric as his cock repeatedly hits your g-spot. 
Choso pulls away, grabbing the back of your neck to pull your face away. He needs to admire your beautiful face, taking in every single detail about it. You look so alluring with your messed up makeup. Your mascara runs down your cheeks, and he gets a sense of satisfaction knowing that he caused it. 
“You feel so good, baby.” He moans, his nose burying in the crook of your neck. He takes in your scent, getting more intoxicated by you. You’re controlling all of his thoughts lately, even though you’re not even trying.
“You’re so big.” You say, your back arching as Choso begins to thrust his hips instead of leaving it to you to handle it all. Your hand goes down to play with your clit, giving you more stimulation so your high approaches sooner. The faster you finish, the faster you can go again. “Oh– Choso!”
“Fuck–” He can’t help but curse. He’s getting so lost inside of you. In more ways than one. 
His hand pulls down your tank top, and the man gets upset at the bra that gets in the way of what he wants. He pulls down the cups of your bra so his tongue circles around your nipples. He greedily kisses and licks before his mouth finally wraps around one of your tits. 
His other hand begins to toy with the nipple that isn’t in his mouth, teasing it and pinching it. All the stimulation makes your brain foggy as your climax begins to get the best of you. You continue to chant his name, getting louder and louder. 
“Oh, fuck!” You yell as you come around his cock. You make a mess all over him, squirting on him. You’d be embarrassed with someone else, but Choso has seen you do so much worse– It helps that you know he absolutely loves it. Choso bites down on your nipple before unlatching.
“You’re such a good girl. Making a mess all over me.” His hands move to your hips, his nails digging into your flesh. 
“You always take me so well.” He’s kissing your neck, his thrusts getting sloppy. His warm cum fills you up not too long after, and you bite down your bottom lip to not moan. You fucking love it when he fills you up, but he rarely does it. He got too caught up in the moment. 
He stays buried inside of you, continuing kissing your neck, going up to your face. He almost whispers, “Can we talk?”
“Your dick is buried inside of me, might as well.” You chuckle, and he awkwardly returns the gesture. His soft eyes look into yours, and the look tells you all you need to know. You were suspecting it since lately Choso has been more… Romantic than what you had agreed upon. Getting flowers weekly isn’t what your friend is supposed to do.
“I want you.” He can’t put it any other way. Choso’s written what feels like hundreds of songs but he can’t find the right words to express himself. You don’t want to have this conversation now, or any time soon for that matter.
You take advantage of his indistinct way of expressing himself. It's not that you don't want him the same way, it's just easier to keep what you have going on. Choso is getting too big so fast, you don't want to start something that'll end up badly. Which is simply ironic.
You reach to the side of the seat, reclining the seat, pushing his back down. Your lips go to his ear, whispering, “You have me.”
It’s not the way he means it, not one bit. But he’ll take it until he can express himself properly.
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shmpxx · 6 months
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⛤ gojo satoru x fem! reader
Perverted gojo is just teaching you some things.
cw. smut. oral (m. receiving). corruption. masturbation. toy usage. inexperienced reader. pussyjob. fingering. petnames (angel, sweetheart, baby) public sex. dirty talk. pervert gojo. age gap. 18+!
wc: 1.2k
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Gojo was your superior since you were the youngest out of the sorcerer teachings in the school. You still needed a little help to get around and Gojo would be gladly to help you if you asked for it. In return you would have to do everything he says, if he needed a cup of coffee or deliver his messages for him and let him know if anything, like you were his little apprentice. You didn’t mind even when you had a crush of him and he knew that, who wouldn’t? how could he not take advantage of that? He had all the power that he could do whatever he pleased since your quite naive.
He saw you as someone who had no idea what she was getting herself into, being utterly perverted when he had asked “have you ever masturbated before?” You became flustered and nodded yes looking down to avoid his gaze, fiddling with your top and he just smirks at your reaction. “What do you do? Does it feel good?” “I use my fingers…but I don’t think I’m doing it right..” how pure you are this tempts him even more, exciting him, leaving him with a shit grin on his face. “Probably because your fingers are too small, I would love to help you with that, think of it as training” “training?”
His two fingers shoved deep into your hole and you let out a choked sound, his fingers reached farther than your fingers ever did and it was a stretch. You were bent over on a desk and you were on the tip of your toes when his fingers curled and rubbed at the right spot that made you let out a whine. “Wow your pussy is so tight around my fingers” he says steadily bringing his fingers in and out of your hole. “Ah! Gojo..mpffh please” he leans down to you and hums “please? You want me to go faster?” And you nod with a whimper. You moan when he starts thrusting his fingers faster, rubbing at your walls. His thumb strokes your clit when he reaches back inside. Your ass desperately moving against his fingers for more when your clit starts to ache and your lower stomach builds up a knotting sensation. “Wait-ah! Gojo I feel something!” You gasp
“Y’er about to orgasm sweetheart” it was a strange feeling. You’ve done it before but you never reached an big O that Gojo is bringing you.
Your pussy making beautiful sounds and your walls sucking in his fingers. Gojo turns his fingers, his palm facing upwards and his fingers reaching deeper. You covered your mouth refusing to let out any more high pitched moans when you would put it as you’re about to explode. “Aw sweet angel” he coos, his fingers repeatedly shoving inside you knowingly you were gonna cream over his fingers and you did, your cunt tightens fascinatingly around his digits and he smiles watching you tremble and the electrifying feeling coursing through your body. “Now you know what a intense orgasm feels like yeah?”
Gojo becoming more and more disgusting and indulged with you, he was shaped like the devil on your shoulder when he would have naughty conversations with you that you try to hold with him without getting embarrassed. “Do we have to talk about it now? It’s just-“ “but i wanna know how good it felt? It felt good didn’t it?” You flustered self couldn’t answer but nod your head yes “see you don’t have to do it yourself from now but anyway..have you ever tried a toy?”
He would love to watch you sit and struggle to hold a vibrator to your own clit he had bought you and wanted to be entertained to see you pleasure yourself and correct you on certain things like “press it harder” or “hold it higher” when you can’t take it wanting to close your legs he would frown having to spread your legs back open for him to see clearly “come on..you have to keep them open for me to see, how else am I supposed to know y’er doing it right baby?” He wants to see your pretty clit twitch and every angle he can get of your open cunt.
When its rush hour on a subway train he would make sure you were squeezed between the doors behind your back and against his chest, his arms on each side so people aren’t crushing you and he reaches under your skirt to push your panties to the side and slips his cock right between your folds and through your thighs. You would gasp and Gojo would press his finger at your lips to quiet you “things like this don’t just happen behind closed doors, you have to learn how to keep quiet, you don’t want people to see you doing such indecent acts in public do you?” his cock is rubbing your clit and the outside of your wet cunt and you started to soak his dick from each drag on your clit turning puffy. You would grit your teeth and your fingers dig into his shirt. He would smile of course, like always. In your thoughts he was just evil, his tip nudging your clit and spreading your folds, you can feel his veins on his girth swiping across your core. He’s going faster until your creaming over his cock.
He sees how far you can take him into your mouth. His fingers under your chin and making you look up at him with tears coming down your face when you struggle to not gag awfully with his cock down your throat. He’s just teaching you how to take big dick in your mouth, how to focus on the tip importantly and keep your hands wrapped around his cock at all times, make sure your not using teeth. Your drooling from your lips because he hasn’t given you a break, his dick just settling on the top of your tongue while also slowly thrusting his hips in your mouth.
“Use your tongue more..lick around it-just like that..fuck y’er so pretty with my dick in your mouth” he’s caressing your cheek and wiping your tears with his thumb. “Wrap your lips now” he tells you and you do it. His hand on your cheek now travels to the back of your neck to motion you to bob your head on it. You follow through with his rhythm beginning to do it on your own but your hands fall to his thighs, more tears begin to stream down your face and your heavily breathing through your nose for air. cum shoots down your tongue and Gojo squeezes your cheeks with his large hand looking down at you. “Don’t wanna waste it now, swallow it”
Gojo finally rewarding you with his cock, your laid on the mattress on your chest and your legs hang off the bed and hips in the air. You were too embarrassed to look behind you yet you were too impatient and whiny, trying to press your leg’s together and your hips messily wigging and squirming waiting for Gojo to bottom you out. “You want my cock that badly? Y’er so adorable” his hand gliding down your back sending you shivers. “Remember this is just training”
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s0dium · 2 years
JJK mens dirty little secret
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A/n: I really put my whole pussy in this.
Warning: Cuckholding (nanami makes a cameo), mommy kink, Noaya being a whiny bitch, pussy drunk sukuna, cheating, domination, cheating, orgasm denial, sub space, mating press, jacking off
Characters: Gojo satoru, Toji Fushiguro, Geto suguru, Sukuna, Noaya Zenin
Gojo Satoru
Is a cuck
ESPECIALLY when it comes to his best friend Geto or nanami
Dont get him wrong, he loves fucking you, but something about the taboo of it all, gets him going
He will sit back, jack off while he watches you whine and cry for his attention while your being fucked
"Feeling good baby? Gojo coos from across the room. You can barley see him through your eyes filled with with fat tears. You open your mouth to say something but your words come out gargles when Nanami dick touches a part of you that makes your toes curled.
"Cant fucking beleive you talked me into this." Nanami grunts, his eyes trained on the way your wet pussy takes his cock; a ring of cum accumating around your hole with every thrust.
"Aw dont complain, I know your loving this." Gojo chuckles with a grin.
Noaya Zenin
Sub with mommy issues and in denial about it
And its BAD too
For someone who goes on and ON about men being above women, he sure does LOVE being under one
You werent even particually a dom in the first place, but after meeting noaya, who wouldnt want to put that infuriating man in his place
It was hard to make out Noaya's silent pleas through the sound of wet skin on skin as you glided your hand up and down his dick. You marvle at the endless stream of white pre cum that spills from his pink tip and decide and wrap your lips around the tip as you continued to slowly jack him off.
"P-please, go faster" Noaya groans, the legs in his muscles tensing. You release his tip with a pop and glance up at him with dough eyes.
"Please, what baby?" You coo teasingly, running your thumb over the senstive skin making him shudder and curse under his breath.
"Please.... mommy." He whispers the last part but it still makes you smile.
"Good boy."
Geto suguru-
Cock to phat no problems.
Nah, he likes fucking non sorcerers more
Oopsies heheh
He's a big power dom, Geto just gets off more to 'weaker' people
And when it comes to you, his special human, well thats a whole different game.
He tells himself he'll kill you but instead fucks you, tsk tsk
"Hah~ Feels good master..." You whine dumbly, tongue lolling out of your mouth from the pleasure or Geto railing into you. He presses your knees more against your chest, effectivly founding you in half and granting him the view of his dick plowing into you. He cant help but grit his teeth on how deliciously you grip him, practically squeezing him to death with your gummy walls.
"Yeah? bet your loving this, your kind dont even deserved to get fucked like this." Geto boasts, but something about his words leave a sting on his tongue. He know he shouldn't care about your pleasure, but the need to see you cum, to see your eyes roll back in pleasure because of him, well he needed that.
"Come on baby, fucking cum for me."
Not a secret but he hasnt had sex in eons
No really this man is down horrendously
You bet your ass he's jacking off in his free time up in Yuujis brain or what ever
Its weird but its true
Oh and when he finally gets his hands on you, the man practically faints when you touch his dick
Doesnt turn into a sub, but he does get a bit whiney
Gets very pussy drunk
“Oh fuck, you’re tight,” Sukuna says hoarsely. He knows he should be ashamed, that the king of curses is falling apart by just entering in a womens pussy, but there didnt seem to be any room left in his brain to think.
"You ok kuna?" You squeak, unintentionally clenching around sukunas dick making him let out a groan. Sukuna needed to say something about the tension deep in his stomach, how it was building and building until it was as tight as possible even though he hadnt even moved yet. His skin was buzzing, mind cloudy, and the only thing he could focus on was the heat that was taking over his body.
"Just shut up." Sukuna grunts.
Toji Fushiguro
Fucks his clients wives or the clients daughters
But of course he does, this is kinda expected of him
Yeah nothing else needs to be said.....
"Hnng so g-" Your words where cut off by a hand slamming over your mouth.
"Shhh dont want dear old daddy hearing us do ya?" Toji whispers menacingly as he thrusts his hips into your gushing pussy at an inhuman speed. Something about the pleasure made you feel sick, like a thousand butterflies where in your stomach about to explode. Your toes curl and un curl as your thighs tremble from the fat tip of tojis tip hitting that sweet spot in your pussy over and over again.
"Aw, wanna cum?" Toji coos, realsing his hand over your mouth and you nod. "What are the magic words."
"Yes please!"
"Please what princess?"
"Please please let me cum daddy!" You cry.
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muchosbesitos · 2 months
it’s got to be you
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pairing: suguru geto x fem reader
contents: fingering, some nipple play, oral (f receiving), marking, male masturbation, one bed trope (lmk if i missed any 😓)
synopsis: satoru found a new partner and invited suguru to join him for a double date. who better for suguru to ask to be his plus one than you?
author’s note: he’s around his twenties in this one 🌝 anyways, i hope y’all enjoy, it’s my first time writing for my pretty princess
word count: 8.7k (longest thing i’ve written holy shit)
You'd met Suguru upon moving into your apartment complex, the two of you forming a connection after he'd helped you unpack your car. You'd been a student at the Kyoto campus, so while you did hear about the special grade duo that Geto and Gojo were, you'd never actually gotten the chance to interact with them.
Other than that, he was pretty much the only other person around your age in the apartment complex. Your other neighbors were around their forties or older, giving you a 'good morning/afternoon' every time you saw them or giving you an extra cup of sugar when you needed it. But you couldn't deny that it was nice to speak to someone around your age, the connection between the two of you forming with ease.
It started off with the two of you walking to the Tokyo campus together, talking about how the students were progressing before steadily moving onto sharing a cup of coffee in the mornings. He usually came over to your balcony, leaning it against it as he listened to whatever you had on your mind. He'd usually have a cigarette dangling from his fingers, occasionally offering a tidbit of advice if you asked for it.
He started coming over for designated movie nights on Fridays, the salty taste of the popcorn shared between the two of you helping get rid of the taste that curses left on his tongue. The two of you shifted movies from week to week, with your picks varying from action to romance and his were mainly picked on the basis that it was cinematically pleasing.
And Suguru would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy these daily hangouts as well. He valued Satoru’s friendship more than anything in the world, but he enjoyed the different experience of being your friend. The early mornings he spent over at your balcony quickly became the highlight of his morning, of seeing the sun shine down on your tired features as you talked about whatever came to mind.
"You seem distracted, what's up?" You threw a popcorn kettle at the side of his cheek, his attention going from the tv screen over to you. You knew that the movie wasn't that good for him to be engulfed in it, even if you'd been the one to pick it out this week.
"Satoru’s going out on a date and he wants me to go along for some kind of double date situation. Problem is, I don't have any interest in going through the motions of getting to know his date's friend," he finally spoke up, picking up the piece of kettle you'd thrown and popping it into his mouth.
"So if you're not interested, then why does it need to be a double date?"
"Well, he came up to me practically spazzing with the idea and I couldn't say no after that seeing that stupid smile on his face," Suguru explained, almost like it was enough reason for him to go through with this crazy plan. Though, you knew that Suguru would do his best to maintain Gojo’s happiness.
"So why not just tell him you're seeing someone? Obviously, a relationship wouldn't be feasible but I'm sure you could convince him with that."
"Where am i going to find someone that's willing to go through with the crazy idea of going on a fake date with me?"
He seemed to be lost in thought as he looked over at the tv, occasionally reaching out for a piece of popcorn to pop into his mouth. You could practically see the lightbulb ignite on top of his head, his head snapping to face you. "Well since you're crazy enough to suggest it, I guess it wouldn't be too far fetched to ask you if you want to be my fake date?"
You almost choked on a piece of popcorn, coughing until it came out. You wiped away the tears that ran down your face at the motion, looking over at him in surprise. "Me? No, there's no way. we're too friendly for it to be believable," you spoke up, taking a few sips of water to help the sting in your throat.
And you would've guessed that it would end there, right?
"Please, I'll even get on my knees for you."
You paused for a couple seconds, more so out of obligation rather than actual hesitation. You didn't want to give him the impression of being too excited, that you were secretly hoping he'd ask you out one day. But before a word could even escape from your mouth, he was already down on the floor looking up at you.
You never would've imagined anyone to look good whilst begging on their knees.
Well, that was until you saw Suguru in that same position right in front of you. He almost looked like a fallen angel with the way he was looking up at you.
He looked the most vulnerable you'd ever seen him, completely at your mercy. You couldn't deny that seeing him like this made your insides completely turn to mush. his hands came up to yours, clasping them tightly as he if it needed to be you. "Please. I don't have anyone else to ask for this other than you."
"Okay, stand up. I can't take you seriously like that."
Suguru stands up, dusting his clothes off before taking his place on the couch. He scooted a bit to be closer to you, his hand lingering on your thigh. You'd be lying if you hadn't thought what it would be like having those hands all over you. "If anybody asks, no, I did not get on my knees. I have a reputation to uphold."
"Ah yes, most likely to be a cult leader. Can't disregard that god complex," you responded, using the honorary that had been placed on him in the high school yearbook.
"You know, this could all just be easily avoided if you told Gojo you weren't interested in dating."
"Then he'd just think I'm miserable seeing him in a relationship while I'm alone."
His hand began tracing small circles on your thigh, your attention going back towards him again. His touch felt like a magnet, pulling you in towards him. "Please. I don't have anyone else to ask and even if I did, I can't think of someone who'd do this better than you."
"What about Shoko?" You countered, knowing that it was a weak argument on its own. You'd heard from Utahime that Shoko would rather let earth freeze over than ever be involved with either one of them. Suguru raised a brow, confirming your thoughts with that one simple gesture.
"The chances of Satoru believing I'm dating Shoko are much lower than him believing I'm dating you."
"Alright, I'll be your fake girlfriend.”
After all, what was the worst that could happen?
Famous last words before disaster.
Suguru wasn't one to indulge in romance, sticking to what he knew wasn't going to get him hurt. Which usually tended to be one night stands. The whole concept of being emotionally vulnerable was typically one he liked to avoid, hiding his feelings with a cold exterior. But he was willing to learn for you, For the sake of making this all the more believable to Satoru. At least that's the lie he fed himself to be able to sleep at night.
Truth was, you weren't that difficult to hang around with the purpose of dating. He'd had experiences where some of his one night stands took him on dates, only to find out that the connection they shared was physical. But these hangouts with you felt like they were meet-ups within friends, something that was out of pleasure instead of obligation. His only concern was that maybe he'd grow to like these 'dates' between the two of you as something more than just hangouts.
"So, what are we gonna tell them if they ask how we started dating?" You interrupted his train of thought, his gaze focusing back on you. or more specifically, on your lips. You had a straw in your mouth, some of your lip gloss transferring onto it to form a ring at the top of the straw. His hand twitched with the urge of wiping your lip gloss away, wondering how those pretty lips would look wrapped around his thumb. Around his co-. Nope. He wouldn't allow himself to indulge in those thoughts as much as he wanted to.
After all, this was all fake right?
Hell, this whole fake relationship had an expiration date.
"So, we'll just tell them that we met when you moved into our apartment complex. We'll keep in the details of how we became friends as the truth, and then the only part we'll be lying about is that I asked you out on a date after we cooked dinner together," he responded after a couple seconds, almost having to force himself to look up at you instead of your lips.
The two of you continued to go through some details, of how long this had been going and what your goals were for this 'relationship.' Anything that was a possibility Gojo would ask, the two of you discussed. Eventually, the conversation morphed into more intimate details about the two of you. awful first date stories, birthdays, and hobbies. Anything that would give the illusion you two weren't just friends.
"You're an Aquarius?" You asked, finishing up with the drink you had in hand. You'd recalled asking him about his birthday one morning, but he claimed that it wasn't that important to him. The only reason he even bothered to celebrate it was to indulge Satoru in having birthday cake. Even if he ended up finishing up a majority of the slices. "Yeah, I'm not completely sure what that means though. I'm not that involved in astrology."
The two of you headed back to complex together, spending most of the walk in silence. He kept a close proximity to you, his arm interlocked with yours. Upon seeing you look over at him, he let out a chuckle. "Don't worry. just so you get adjusted to the whole physical aspect of it," he told you, looking back over at the bustling streets ahead. You could feel yourself starting to like this, of having your body pressed against his.
The lines between what was fake and real were starting to blur quickly and you were unsure of what to do about it.
You hadn't realized the two of you arrived at the complex until Suguru spoke up. "Do you want to come in?" It was a simple offering, his voice snapping you out of your thoughts. You'd been more distracted than usual lately, overthinking your ability to be able to see this through. You'd been quick to accept his request but you'd neglected to think about your personal feelings involved. Not that you had any time to think about that right now. "Yeah, sure," you finally agreed, walking behind him inside.
This was the first time Suguru had taken you into his apartment, exposing an intimate part of himself with you. You'd hardly seen anyone come out of it other than him with the exception of Shoko and Gojo. It was simple, the walls were chosen to be left bare. He had a couple knickknacks around his apartment, a canvas in the corner of the living room and a bookshelf on the opposite corner.
What really did capture your attention about the apartment were the two aquariums he had set up. you stepped closer to inspect them, seeing a black betta fish in one and a white one in the other. Their aquariums looked the same, a rock in each one and faux seaweed floating around. Even the way they swam around seemed to be in perfect synchrony.
"Pretty cool, huh? Satoru got me that two years ago for my birthday," you didn't notice when sugar came over to you, his voice making you jump a bit. Now that you looked closely, you could tell the resemblance between the two of them and the fish. You'd never stood the complexity of their friendship, but it seemed more like they were soulmates than just friends.
The word 'friends' seemed too simple to describe the relationship between the two of them.
Even if the idea was a bit farfetched to you, it made perfect sense why Suguru was willing to put himself through the whole fake relationship thing. Of why he didn't think twice to reassure Gojo he wouldn't be miserable if he pursued happiness separate from him.
"They're very beautiful. They look pretty well-taken care of too," you noted, noticing how healthy their fins looked and how clean their environment was. You couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of research that it took for him to properly take care of the two of them. "It took a bit of work but it's paid off. they seem pretty content in their little tanks," he murmured. You couldn't help but notice through the corner of your eye that his attention was on you rather than the fish.
"You've never thought about getting any more?" You inquired after a couple seconds of staring at the fish in silence. You looked over, expecting to see him still next to you but he'd walked over to the kitchen. He grabbed two cups from the cupboard, setting them down before turning around to look over at you. "Not really. Those two take enough time as it is and I don't really want to get a pet just to neglect them," he responded, turning the sink knob and sliding the cups under it.
"Feel free to sit on the couch, I'll be right over," Suguru called out from the kitchen. You headed over to his black leather couch, taking a seat. You grabbed the cushion behind you, noticing that it was in the shape of a chocolate bar. Another gift from Gojo if you had to assume. Suguru approached with the two cups, extending one over to you before taking a seat.
"Thanks," you told him, taking the glass of water that he was handing over. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, the sounds of the water rippling as background noise. While the two of you covered major ground in terms of knowing enough about each other to make this seem believable, you still couldn't help the tiny doubts planting themselves in your head.
"So what exactly are you expecting out of this fake relationship?" You broke the silence after a couple seconds, setting your glass of water down on the floor. You hardly had experience with real relationships, so you were uncertain if you would manage to pull a fake one off. You were worried and the date wasn't even for another week. Suguru set his glass down, turning his body to face you.
"Well, I'm hoping that you're okay with lying to Satoru for a couple months and then we can just make something up. That the relationship isn't working out for us or we're too busy with work," he responded, his hands folded on his lap. Not that it'd be too much of a lie, jujutsu sorcerers were notorious for being chained down to their work.
While, it was nice to know that he'd at least planned some aspect of it out, it wasn't exactly what you were asking.
"No, I mean, like in terms of affection and whatnot. To sell the story," you corrected yourself, looking at him expectantly.
He hesitated for a couple moments like he'd forgotten to consider this aspect, making your nerves rise. You'd be lucky to convince Gojo the two of you were dating for at least fifteen minutes at this point.
"Well, we'd start with the nicknames like baby and stuff. Or if you don't like that, then just let me know what works for you. After all, it's your comfortability I'm concerned about."
"Okay, that makes sense. How about the physical aspect? Like hand-holding and all that?"
"Well yeah, if you're comfortable with it. We can also include kissing in that list. Completely platonic kissing with the intention to deceive."
Yeah, the words didn't sound convincing to his own ears.
Yet, you seemed to actually be considering the possibility. Maybe this wasn't destined for disaster.
"I don't really have that much experience kissing."
Suguru nudged closer to you, his knee touching yours as he brought his hand over to your chin. he directed your gaze towards him, your throat bobbing at the proximity. "Do you want me to teach you?" you didn't trust yourself to answer him properly, so you simply nodded. "Words, sweetheart. Tell me that you want this."
"I want this."
He leaned in, his hand coming up to rest against your cheek. You instinctively found yourself leaning in closer to his touch, the palm of his hand turning you into putty. And he hadn't even done anything yet. You leaned in as well, your eyes closing once you were halfway there. You felt his lips hovering against your own, making your eyes shoot open.
"Okay, so I know everyone says do what comes naturally but what exactly is that supposed to mean?" You blurted out, pulling away from his touch when you felt him get too close. Suguru opened his eyes, looking over at you as he bit down on his lower lip. "Don't you dare lau-" you weren't even done with your sentence when you heard him erupt into laughter. You folded your arms across your chest, feigning annoyance as you waited for him to finish.
"Hey!" He exclaimed, feeling your palm slap his thigh gently. Upon seeing your expression, he couldn't help but burst out into laughter once more.
"I'm being serious!"
"Okay, okay," the syllables came out broken as he willed his laughter to stop, taking a couple deep breaths to calm down.
"You know you're supposed to part your lips slightly right?"
Your brows furrowed slightly at his question, your arms folded across your chest once more. "Yes I know that. I'm not that clueless."
"Okay, just making sure. After that, I’d say just do what I'm doing. As long as you don't bite my tongue, I don't think you'll be that bad."
Now you were starting to get tempted to bite his tongue just to spite him.
He positioned himself the same as before, the palm of his hand resting against your cheek. His thumb gently ran circles against it, almost like he wanted to calm you down. "Any other questions before a repeat of last time?" He asked, looking over at you. And you almost wished he hadn't. The late sunlight was peeking in through the window, making his eyes look like melting chocolate. "No."
He leaned in, waiting for you to do the same before shutting his eyes. the two of you bumped noses on contact, a small chuckle emitting from his lips. "Keep laughing at me and I'll look for kissing tutorials on Youtube instead," you muttered, tilting your head to the other side to avoid bumping noses again. You felt his lips on your own, waiting for access. your lips parted, allowing for him to slip his against your own.
Though you had no idea what you should be doing, you decided to follow the movements he was making. You must've been doing something right since he leaned in closer to you, his other hand wrapping around your waist to close the distance. You moved your hand from your side, pressing your own against his cheek. You were starting to forget where your body began and where his body ended.
His tongue prodded against your bottom lip, almost as if asking for permission. You gave him access, parting your lips a bit more. The sensation of his tongue against yours was a strange one, a welcome one nonetheless. He tasted like mint, an aftertaste of the gum he'd been chewing on the way back. It wasn't oversaturated, it'd been diluted enough to the point where it was pleasing to the tongue. You copied the movements he was making with his tongue, the two of you moving in a synchronized manner.
The taste of you was intoxicating. For someone who claimed to have no experience when it came to these matters, you followed instructions pretty well. It was easy for Suguru to get lost in the feeling of your lips against his own, of the feeling of your lipgloss transferring onto his lips. Of pretending that this wasn't just practice for a fake arrangement. He was stepping onto unprecedented territory, but he couldn't help but want more. Even if it ended up in heartbreak at the end.
The two of you pulled away, a string of saliva in the middle connecting you both. You could see a look of longing on his face, like he missed the feeling of your lips resting against his. And if you were to look into a mirror, you were certain you'd be able to see that same look on yourself. What would be so bad about kissing him again? Well the fact that you couldn't use the excuse of practicing this time.
"I'll see you for the date," you managed to muster up, standing up from the couch. Suguru brought his hand up to his mouth, almost like he needed the reassurance that it'd been real. "Yeah, I’ll see you then. And don't worry about those Youtube videos, you're a natural," he replied, getting up as well. He dusted off imaginary dust from his clothes, walking over to the front door. You stepped out once he opened the door, turning back when you reached your apartment to give him a small wave.
You couldn't deny that it was one of the more pleasant kisses that you've had. The past experiences you had in your repertoire ranged from cracked, chapped lips to having them slobber you up like a dog. Suguru wasn't too rough with it, putting your pleasure above your own. You wondered if maybe that translated to other aspects of his life? Oh, you were so screwed. So so screwed. 
Though you were essentially prepared in every aspect, from knowing every important detail about Suguru to what to do to convey affection, you still couldn't help but feel a surge of nervousness as the date approached. What if you messed it all up? And then Suguru never talked to you after that? Your mind was practically buzzing with what-ifs, ignoring the buzzing at the front door.
Suguru stood by the doorway, looking over at you as you paced through your room. At this rate, you were certain to make a hole in the floor. "Hey, what's wrong?" He decided to speak up at around your third lap, his hand gently wrapped around your arm. He managed to pull you out of your thoughts and back to planet earth, your eyes widening once you realized you had an audience.
"I'm fine, sorry about that," you told him, pulling away a bit to finish getting dressed. His sudden appearance didn't scare you, the two of you had exchanged house keys in case of an emergency. "You're not fine. Talk to me," he wasn't letting you off the hook easily, taking a seat on your bed as he waited for an explanation. You took a deep breath, bracing yourself to tell him.
"Just the usual, you know? I just don't know if I'm ready to pull this off," you told him, unsure of how to vocalize your issues. He got up from the bed, wrapping his arms around you. The gesture was unexpected, much like most of his actions recently. Maybe you didn't know him as well as you thought. You felt your body melt into his, your breathing steadily slowing down. "I just don't want you to find out this was a mistake and I end up losing you as a friend."
You'd expected for this constant reassuring that things would end up fine would get on his nerves, That he would seek out someone else for this arrangement. Someone that didn't overthink about it too much. But yet, here he was. Hugging you. "I appreciate you for even agreeing to this, I know it's not an ideal situation," he started off, his hand rubbing small circles on your back. "But I wouldn't end our friendship over this. I know it's a lot to ask from you."
He continued to hold you for a couple more minutes, waiting until your chest stopped heaving and your breathing returned to normal before stepping back. "Do you think this looks good on me?" You asked him, doing a 360 so he could capture the outfit in its true form. You weren't sure where the date was going to be so you settled with a backless black top and a pair of jeans. Not too modest but not overly casual. "It looks good," Suguru assured you, standing up to help you clasp the necklace you'd been struggling with for the past twenty minutes.
You should've gotten used to being so close to him by now, you were practically pressed up against him just a week prior. You found the hairs on your neck rising as he stepped closer to you, taking the two ends of the necklace from your fingers. It felt like every nerve was ignited with every brush of his fingertips against your neck, a shiver running down your spine. If he didn't hurry up, you'd doubt how long you could remain standing. "Done," he whispered in your ear, the shiver turning into full blown goosebumps.
He'd only stepped back enough for you to turn around, his eyes immediately darting to your neck. like he wanted to make sure he did a good job. "You almost ready to go?" He inquired, sitting back down on your bed. He picked up a stuffed animal you had near your pillow, throwing it up at the ceiling and catching it. "Almost," you responded, taking your heels off the floor and going over to the bed to sit down.
"Let me," Suguru spoke up before you even got the chance to put them on, taking the black heels away from you. You extended your foot out, mentally thanking whatever entity above that you'd gotten your toes done before this date. He slid the heel on with ease, strapping it up to where it wouldn't be too tight or too loose. He did the same with the other, extending his hand out for you to stand up once he was done. "Okay, let's go girlfriend."
The walk over to the restaurant was relatively short, his hand intertwined with yours. you were mentally willing your hands not to sweat, not at this moment. "Relax, we went through what we needed to go through multiple times already," Suguru told you, almost as if sensing your nervousness towards the matter. "Well yeah, but what if I just blank out," you muttered, keeping up the pace he was setting. "Then I'll fill in for you. I won't let you drown, I promise."
"You must be Suguru’s girlfriend. I'm Gojo Satoru," he introduced himself to you, extending a hand out towards you. As if most of the sorcerers in japan didn't know who he was. You shook his hand, giving him your name. "Nice to meet you," you told him before he went over to talk to Suguru. You faced his partner, exchanging pleasantries with them as well before a waiter came over to lead the four of you to a table.
Upon sitting down, you took a glance around the restaurant. A fountain lied in the middle of the establishment, a chandelier dangling overtop as the crystals each reflected a light beam from the lamps on the ceiling. Gojo truly spared no expense when it came to spoiling his date. The waiter came over after a couple minutes, jotting down on their notepad what drinks the four of you would have before leaving once more.
You were pretty certain Gojo had to be a detective in another life, with the way he was rapidly firing questions at the two of you. Since he didn't know anything about you, most of the questions directed to Suguru were regarding about where the two of you met and how'd you gotten up to this point. Towards you, though, the questions varied between what Suguru’s life aspirations were to what his favorite flavor of ice cream was in the month of April.
"So how long have the two of you been dating for?" You were starting to miss the waiter's presence upon being bombarded with another question. You looked over at Suguru, letting him take the ropes on answering this one.
"You don't think you're asking too many questions?" his date spoke up, letting out a nervous laugh like they were apologizing for his behavior. Not that they needed to, a part of you was somewhat expecting this already.
"Nah, they're fine with it. Plus, I want to get to know more about the woman that managed to tie Suguru down. Last time I heard, he was only interested in one night flings."
"We've been dating for about two weeks now, though we've been somewhat talking for about three prior to that," Suguru responded calmly, taking a sip from his drink. "As for the one night stands, I haven't been in any. Not since I met her."
He sounded too good at this, convincing almost you as well.
After the mini-investigation that Gojo held, the dinner went by pretty smoothly. The food was good, as you expected and the conversation flowed with much more ease. You learned from Gojo’s partner that they were a second grade sorcerer but they decided not to pursue teaching. Gojo also attempted to make some conversation with you, asking you about what things you liked to do and what type of snacks you preferred.
"Sorry about all the questions, I hope he didn't make you uncomfortable," Gojo’s partner spoke up, looking at you with an apologetic smile. The two of you had been left alone after Suguru and Gojo went to talk alone before you each took your route back home. "Don't worry about it, it wasn't that bad," you reassured them, looking over at where the two stood. You couldn't help but wonder what the two were talking about, if Gojo was making some kind of convincing argument that Suguru dumps your ass.
You hoped not.
Part of you wanted to prolong this fake arrangement even if that's all it would be. Just fake.
"I'm so full," you grumbled to Suguru as the two of you headed back to the apartment complex, your hand resting on his shoulder for support. He wrapped an arm around your waist, letting you lean your body against his with much more ease. It didn't help that the heels you had on were starting to make blisters on your feet, the skin peeling with every little step that you took. "You want me to carry you?" He offered like it was the most obvious solution, looking over at you. "Are you sure?"
"What kind of fake boyfriend would I be if I just let you walk back in pain?" He mused, scooping you with ease into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck for more stability, burying your head into his shirt. The scent of his cologne was heavenly. No man alone should have the power to smell that good. The walk back home seemed longer than usual, the two of you enjoying the night breeze rather than being in a rush. A couple of crickets filled the atmosphere, the usually loud streets gone quiet when the sun went down.
The date had gone swiftly, at least from what Suguru told you at the end of the night. "He pulled me away to tell me how happy he was that I found someone like you," he assured you, leaning on the balcony next to you. Suguru took a cigarette box out of his pocket, sliding one of them out. He knew better than to offer you one, sliding the box back into his pocket. That was the last thing you'd expected, you were somewhat convinced you'd blown it. That Gojo was being polite to you out of obligation.
"That was better than I expected, then," you told him, looking over at him as he lit up the cigarette. He dusted it against the balcony, charred pieces falling onto the floor below. "Thank you for this, by the way. We probably won't have to be together for a couple more dates," Suguru remarked, taking a hit from the cigarette. What should've been something to reassure you only served to make you a bit upset. You'd taken a liking to hanging out with him despite the circumstances. "Right. Well, at least we're still on for Friday movie nights."
The one good thing that came out of this was that you didn't hang out with Gojo and his partner that often, other than a dinner once in a while and an arcade date. Though they weren't exactly bad company, you couldn't help but feel your guilt increase the more you lied to them. How would they react if they found out about the news? Would they take it as a betrayal or would they find some kind of amusement towards it?
You wished you could turn off your mind just as easily as Suguru seemed to do.
Suguru came by your office unexpectedly, bringing a bento box that he'd gotten back at the city. He placed it down on your desk, taking a seat across from you. The training field could be seen from the window, Panda and Maki sparring against one another. "What brings you here?" You asked, opening up the bento box to see some of the favorite foods you'd shared with him inside.
"So I'm hoping that the food might coax you into saying yes though I understand if you don't want to. Satoru’s inviting the two of us to go with him and his partner out to this beach. I'm not sure where it's at but the transportation and staying arrangements would be settled," Suguru spoke up, waiting for you to finish chewing your food. Just in case you ended up choking on it.
You took the news more calmly than he'd expected, no coughing or eye widening. "I’ll have to clear my schedule with Yaga so I'll let you know after that," you responded, setting down your chopsticks. "If that's all that it takes for you to agree then let me take care of it," he told you, getting up from the chair. He was about to leave, his hand on the doorknob before turning around to face you. "Thank you."
Suguru had kept true to his word, getting Yaga to clear up your assignments for the remainder of the week so you could go. You'd gotten the message just a couple hours after Suguru had departed from your office.
You had a couple days to pack up your things, all of what you'd need tightly packed in a black suitcase. A couple bikini sets, clothes to go out in, an oversized shirt you liked to excuse for pajamas, and a couple of your necessities. You were going through your suitcase for what seemed to be third time, a pair of hands coming to rest on your waist. "Knowing you, I'm sure you're just being paranoid. you have everything that you need," Suguru spoke up from behind you, making you close the suitcase.
The drive towards the hotel had been a fairly long one. The two of you had gotten into the car at around 2 pm and you'd arrived longer after nightfall. Just like everything that Gojo set up, he'd bothered to spare no expense with the hotel arrangements. The walls inside were painted between white and gold, the marble floors underneath your feet shining pristinely. Nothing was out of line or out of place.
"Hey, nice to see you again," you greeted the two of them upon seeing them at the hotel room, exchanging pleasantries. "Nice to see you again!" Gojo’s partner called out, embracing you in a hug. you almost tumbled backward, but you managed to regain your balance. You wrapped your arms around them, returning back the hug. If the hug with Suguru was just a hug between friends then why did it not feel anything like this one?
You shouldn't have been surprised to see one bed in the center of the room, yet here you were with your mouth agape. You looked over Suguru, expecting some kind of protest to come from him but you were only met with silence. You convinced yourself not to think too much into it, that it was just the exhaustion from the drive taking a hold on him. Even if he didn't do any actual driving.
You grabbed your pajama shirt from the suitcase, heading into the bathroom to change into it. The night just kept getting more and more interesting. Upon coming out of the bedroom, you were met with Suguru just in a pair of grey sweatpants. He had his back turned towards you, his back muscles rippling with every movement that he made. "Damn," you didn't mean to say that out loud, Suguru’s head turned to face you with an amused expression on his face.
"I mean, you're gonna sleep in that?" You managed to ask after you'd stop ogling, putting up a shocked facade that you weren't even sure was believable to yourself. Not that you'd be complaining if he did. Even this was worthy of being put up in the Louvre.
"I usually sleep naked so be grateful," he responded, not helping at all with the images running through your head. Now your mind was getting clouded with thoughts of what it would actually be like to sleep next to him while naked. You cleared your throat, putting your dirty clothes in a pile on one of the seats. You'd fix them tomorrow, for now you'd just will yourself to fall asleep and stop thinking about what effect Suguru had on your body.
Everything in the room seemed to fade away when Suguru laid down next to you, your attention solely focused on the close proximity he was in. Despite the fact that the two of you had your backs turned to one another, you still couldn't help but hyperfixate on every little shift that he made on the bed. It took you a while to fall asleep, even throughout your attempts of trying to count sheep, cursed spirits, or just pieces of candy. No matter what the substance was that you were counting, you couldn't get rid of the desire brewing inside of you.
You woke up in the middle of the night, awakened by your immediate thirst. You rubbed your eyes, letting out a yawn before reaching out to the nightstand to grab your bottle of water. You couldn't move that much, though. You looked down to see Suguru’s arm wrapped tightly around your waist in his sleep. You could tell that it wouldn't easy to get out from his grasp, at least not without waking him up.
The oversized shirt you'd worn to sleep had ridden up to your stomach, your panty-cladded ass in direct contact with his crotch. You tried to keep your wiggling to a minimum, hoping that you wouldn't end up stimulating both yourself and him. You'd almost managed to reach out for your bed stand when Suguru pulled you closer to his chest. He let out a small groan, eventually shutting his mouth back up and going back to sleep.
You looked down at his fingers splayed across your lower torso, trying to pry them off one by one. You'd almost managed to get his pointer finger off you, when all four of his other fingers wrapped themselves around you. You let out a huff, trying to brainstorm a solution to this that didn't involve waking him up. Maybe if you just moved on the bed a bit, he'd stir? You wiggled against his lap, hoping that the motion would be enough to wake him up a bit.
"You just don't stop moving, hm?" His voice came out a bit hoarse, dripping with sleep. Maybe you should've apologized, yet again, you weren't exactly the one who'd put the two of you in this position. "I didn't mean to wake you up. Just got thirty," you responded, keeping your voice in a light whisper. He let go of your body, allowing you to get up and go towards the nightstand.
You moved back on the bed, his arm wrapped around you once more. With your back pressed against his, you could feel something hard pressed up against his. You tilted your head to look over at him, seeing him already fast asleep. His hips gently rocked into yours, small broken moans of your name escaping from his lips. You'd been so worried thinking about the effects he had on your body that you hadn't even begun to account for the way he felt towards you.
Yet again, he'd never made any attempt to let you know he felt anything. Everything that he'd done for you, he'd made sure to remind you it was fake. Maybe it was a reminder for you, or maybe it was just a reminder for himself?
You felt your slick clinging onto your panties, his hips bucking into you as if he desperate for some kind of release. You moved your hips against his tentatively, nibbling down on your bottom lip so you wouldn't say anything. You eventually started moving against the rhythm he was setting, though it wasn't enough. You were about to slide your fingers down to your panties when suddenly his movements halted.
"Don't do that just for my sake," his voice came out groggy, his hands around your hips. The grip wasn't tight enough to hurt, but it was hard enough to stop every movement that you made.
"Who said I didn't want this too?"
Suguru hovered on top of you, his lips brushing against yours before parting them. This kiss wasn't like the one you two shared prior. He kissed you like he was a man starved, like he needed this to anchor him to earth. The kiss itself was nothing more than a clash of teeth and tongue, though you could feel the desperation that he held behind it. He needed you as badly as you needed him. If not even more.
He moved lower, slotting himself between your legs as he kissed down your neck. You weren't sure if he made it a point to mark you because of the stupid agreement the two of you had going on or because he genuinely wanted to see you like this. He ran his tongue across the crook of your neck, sinking his teeth just hard enough to leave a hickey. "Can't wait to see you at the beach tomorrow like this."
He slid your shirt up, completely exposing your upper body to him. His pupils practically doubled in size, completely overtaking his irises at just the mere sight of you. He hooked one of his fingers along your panties, looking up at you. "Is this okay?" He asked as if he couldn't feel the arousal practically leaking out of you. "Yeah, it's okay," you consented, his fingers continuing with what they were doing.
Suguru slid your panties down at a torturous pace, if only to get you more desperate for him. to get you as desperate as he felt towards you. He spread your legs open, the pale moonlight shining on the slick coating your folds. Maybe he'd make this favorite meal from now on. The vacation now seemed pointless, all that he wanted to do was stay here with you in the hotel room and worship your body the way it made for.
His mouth attached itself to your breast, sucking on it like he depended on it. he pulled back, swirling his tongue around the nub until it hardened. With this, you also felt his fingers tracing the outline of your folds before slipping his fingertip inside. "That feel good?" He asked, though the slick running down his finger should've served as enough evidence. He enjoyed seeing you struggle with your words to give him a coherent answer.
"So good," you whispered, your voice cracking a bit as he slid the entirety of his finger inside. His finger curled upward with every stroke that he made, determined to find your g-spot. He wouldn't be satisfied if you weren't. His teeth gently pulled at your nipple, his mouth clasping around it once more. You tried to close your legs together, letting him know that he'd found your g-spot. "Try to keep them open for me, princess."
As much as you wanted to clamp your legs around his hand, you forced your legs to stay open. "That's it, good," Suguru didn't dare speak above a whisper, slipping his middle finger alongside his pointer. You felt your walls getting stretched out, your walls tightly wrapped around his fingers. Almost like you wanted to trap him and never let him go. His mouth moved to your other nipple, giving it as much attention as he was giving to other one.
He pulled away when he sensed your impending orgasm approaching much to your complains. "Only place you'll be coming around tonight is my tongue," he told you before scooting back on the bed. He had his lower body pressed against the mattress, his face in direct contact with your cunt. The way he examined it almost made you want to close your legs, but he had his arms hooked around your knees. Spreading you open the way he wanted you to be.
"Patience," his voice practically came out in a purr, his lips attached to your inner thighs. He planted a couple open-mouthed kisses, making his way up to your cunt before returning back to your thigh. It was agonizingly slow, your cunt clenching around pure air at just the anticipation of feeling him inside of you. "Please," your voice came out in a whisper, overwhelmed by all the sensations flowing through your body.
"Please what?"
“Please just touch me already,” he had the temptation to continue teasing you after hearing just how desperate you sounded but he doubted his self control would allow for that.
He, himself, had to resist the urge to let out a moan upon the first taste of you. Your pussy quenched his thirst like no other, a delicacy that he couldn't help but want to indulge in. He looked up, seeing your eyes half lidded as you leaned back on the bed. You were truly a sight to behold. Only problem was that he wanted to be selfish and have your attention solely focused on him.
"Come on, princess, look at me."
You opened up your eyes, looking in between your legs to see that he was already looking over at you. He maintained that eye contact, licking up a stripe from your weeping cunt up to your clit. "That's it," he hummed against your cunt, the vibrations shooting straight up your spine. You bucked your hips into him, one of his hands coming down to press against your stomach to hold you still.
You could've sworn you saw stars the moment his tongue plunged into you, his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head at the mere taste of you. If his fingers had made you feel ecstasy, his mouth was a completely otherworldly experience. He ate you out like no other, like he was set on this earth solely for this purpose. Your mouth parted, a moan slipping past your lips.
You couldn't help but instantly regret it, his tongue slipping out of you as he licked his lips before speaking, "As much as I'd like to hear your pretty little moans, try to keep quiet. Satoru’s in the room next to us. Your noises belong to me solely."
All you could do was nod, overridden by lust and the need to have his tongue inside you once more. You pressed your hand against your mouth, a couple heavy breaths escaping from you. Your other hand was weaved around his hair, gently tugging at the strands to guide him where you needed him the most. He tentatively stuck the tip of his tongue into your cunt before retracting. You almost let out a whine at his relentless teasing.
He stuck his tongue into you, the feeling of your walls clenching around his tongue almost too much to bear. He took one of his hands off you, using it to palm himself through the material of his sweatpants. He slid them down just enough for it to hang underneath his balls, his hand coming back up to your mouth. "Get them all nice and wet for me, please?"
You opened your mouth, allowing for him to slip his fingers inside of your mouth. you swirled your tongue around them, coating them with your saliva before he pulled away. His hand wrapped around his cock, giving himself a couple strokes before going back to eating you out. He sucked on your folds, not letting any of your slick go to waste before licking a stripe up to your clit.
His mouth clamped around your clit, sucking on it and swirling his tongue around the nub. It practically throbbed with every movement that he made, your pussy leaking out like a waterfall. He was exploring what exactly made you tick, what made your grip on his hair tighten. Your nails were practically digging into scalp but he reveled in the feeling, of seeing your eyes wide in pleasure.
He sped up the rhythm he was stroking his cock in, estimating the time of your orgasm to match his own. By the increase of the muffled moans you were letting out, he could tell that you were starting to get close. "That's it, let go for me," he spoke against your clit, the vibrations that you felt from his mouth sending you into overdrive. You bit down on your palm, your cunt clenching around nothing as you came.
He pulled away, giving himself a couple more strokes before eventually releasing all over his palm. You looked over at him through dazed eyes, seeing just how much a mess he looked. His chin was completely covered in your slick and the bun that he'd made before bed now had a couple strands sticking out. He didn't seem to have any complaints, though. He walked over to the bathroom, grabbing a towel to presumably wipe himself off.
He went in between your legs once more, cleaning you up with his tongue to the verge of overstimulation. You practically had to pull him off you, the sensation feeling like it was too much. He slipped your panties back up, sliding into bed next to you. Your breaths still came out heavy as you rode out the remnants of your orgasm, your body turning to face his. There was no way that the two of you would be able to go back to being just friends with what happened tonight.
"We're not going to..?" You left the final part up for interpretation, looking over at his face. Even if you'd pushed him when he tried to eat you out again, you still couldn't help but want to feel what his cock would be like deep inside of you. If his fingers almost brought you to an orgasm, you had no doubt his cock would make you cum multiple times. His hand came up to your stomach, pulling you closer to his body once more. "First time you and I have sex won't be in the confines of a hotel room. I'll have you all to myself along with those pretty moans."
Though, you understood his point, you still couldn't help but feel frustrated. The past orgasm hadn't been enough to satiate your want. You tried to rub your thighs together, seeking out some kind of reprieve for the lack of friction before you felt Suguru’s firm grip on your thigh.
"Go to sleep. We have an early morning tomorrow."
It was easier said than done. If you had a hard time falling asleep at the start of the night, you were having much more difficulty falling asleep now. Suguru had the task much easier, falling asleep in a matter of mere seconds. You couldn’t help but look at him as he slept, how relaxed his face was. even his body had become less tense. You wanted to commit the sight to memory. You managed to fall asleep a couple minutes afterwards, your head buried into his chest.
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heejayy · 3 months
Soft Life!
Warning: none
Pairing: Gojo x black reader
A/n: this was highly influenced by the influx of soft black girl aesthetic. There’s a little rant at the end, don’t mind me.
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Some may label you a gold digger, claiming you're with him for his money, and others may claim you've played life smartly, but one thing is certain: being Gojo's wife was the easiest thing you've ever done; this man asks for and gives you anything you want.
You met Gojo as a college student working a part-time job. Going to school and juggling job was challenging, but you made do with what you had. He liked your dedication and hard work, and he found your independence attractive. But if you were to stay with him, no woman would spend her life working when he could easily provide and care for her.
Gojo is a man that doesn’t ask you for a thing he’s just a giver. He makes you feel secure in every aspect of life, but if you decide you want to do something on your own, he’s ten toes behind you.
In your free time you love staying home and looking online for new treats to make your husband when he’s away at work. You’ve had so much free time you started making videos for your social media accounts and they blew up overnight.
People love watching your get ready with me’s, you go shopping, cooking, working out, couple's trips, makeup routines, anything you post they love.
Besides your social media activities not having to work every day really opened your schedule, instead of being too tired to do anything after coming home you have time for all your favorite hobbies plus more. Reading, yoga, gardening, painting, knitting, hell sometimes all you do is lounge around and take bubble baths. (Gojo loves coming home to a happy and well rested wife.)
But with the positive comes the negative, the ones who don’t like you or is very jealous of your lifestyle love to call you a pretty dumb housewife who has nothing better to do. Someone who’s thrown her life and career away to cater to a man but in reality, that same man caters to you. Do people think you’d take care of a man who does nothing for you?
In your opinion you love who you’ve become as a woman and a wife, you’ve never been happier even Gojo sees it.
©heejayy 2024 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission.
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Side note this is a little bit on the serious side: Although this is for my black girlies, all the girlies can read 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm not sure if it's just me, but I've grown tired of the 'Strong Black Woman' trend. Now, don't get me wrong, I like strong independent women because that's how I was taught, but being perceived as overly independent makes black women appear as if we don't need anyone and can do everything on our own, which is how people treat us. Like babes…we are human with emotions. They will go help and praise a non-woman of color before helping us. It's quite harmful; they already treat and compare us to men. And when a black girl tries to break out from that image, she is dragged back down, which is disgusting.
You don’t have to be rich to be in your soft era! Put yourself first, be kind to yourself, don’t let anyone tear you down, you are worthy of love, the things you can’t control don’t let it stress you out, pray and read the Bible more (if you’re religious), let go of negative people, ITS OKAY TO ACCEPT HELP, it’s okay to be quiet or confident which ever one fits you, prioritize peace, just be you don’t change or try to fit in.
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whalesforhands · 5 months
kaizen daycare! 1
summary: you love taking care of such adorable children, and they love you in return. however, it seems that you’ve garnered more than just the attention of some cute kids.
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You rejected him again.
“So how about tomorrow? I’ll come pick you up for dinner at my place?” His genteel smile, his captivating eyes, black hair draping over his shoulders as he’s leaning down slightly to stand before you, his three children long strapped into their seats within his car to ensure that they don’t overhear his conversation.
(Note that they could still very much see him, twins practically clambering over Megumi to get a better view of you two through the car window.)
Your pretty eyes are shifty, averting away from him as you scratch at your cheek. “Mmm, I’m afraid I won’t be available tomorrow, Geto-san.”
He’s already deflating, a barely put-together smile starting to give way to a frown as he nearly fails to hide his disappointment. He shouldn’t push you for a reason, right?
“Ahh, I see. I suppose we could plan for another day, then.” He’s not going to hound you for an answer if you won’t tell him voluntarily.
“I’m really thankful for the invitation though, I’m sure you and your husband make great food!” A cute grin overtakes your face as your eyes turn into adorable crescents, a hand placed on your cheek. “I surely wouldn’t mind getting to eat the extra cookies you bake all the time.”
His heart melts. You’re forgiven.
Geto Suguru wants to slam his head into the steering wheel. Cookies, cookies— They were just made as an excuse to give way to longer conversations with you—!
“Papa, are you okay?” Mimiko’s shy voice is heard along the ride home, the passing streetlamps giving a warm glow to the interior of the car in contrast to the otherwise darkened, gloomy atmosphere of their father.
“Papa is… Just fine…” If getting rejected by someone as lovely as you 6 times in a row is considered fine, anyway. “Thank you for asking, dear.” He’s basically sulking as his eyes are kept on the road, a deep sigh leaving him as he turns a corner.
Eh? Mimiko really doesn’t think he’s fine at all. Did something upset him today?
“Oh, oh! Nanako knows why, Mimi!” The excited blonde is jumping in her seat as she raises an arm in the air, as if waiting to be called upon. “Gumi and I figured it out wayyyyy fast!”
“It wasn’t hard.” Megumi is almost looking triumphant, cute, chubby arms crossed and proud.
“…Is that so, sweethearts?” Suguru’s eyes flicker to the rear view mirror, amethyst purple meeting overjoyed brown and blank green that nods at his sister’s antics. “Care to tell what you think is making Papa sad?”
(There’s no way they figured it out, right? They may be his kids, but still…)
“Cause…” A contemplative finger on her lip as she lets the tension of unknowing rise for dramatic effect, an innocent grin on her cute face. “Cause Daddy and Papa are hopeless at getting (name)-sensei’s attention!”
Geto Suguru really wants to slam his head into the steering wheel now.
“AHAHAH!” There’s a loud laughter about the room now that Gojo Satoru has appeared, bathrobe around his form and towel in his hair as he kicks his feet into the air whilst laying down, held within Suguru’s embrace as he holds his stomach.
“Can’t— Hahah!” He’s struggling to breathe, a deep intaking of air as he gasps. “Pfft, believe how that sensei is so~ oblivious.” He wipes a tear from his eye, his voice finally finding itself as he rolls onto his side to face his pouty husband.
“Aren’t you laughing a little too much, Satoru?” The red on Suguru’s cheeks is very apparent as the shame manifests itself on his face. How many failures does he need? Geto Suguru was so sure that you had liked them, would even go as far as believing that you definitely had the hots for them.
(Because, who wouldn’t?)
“Aww, is wittle Suguwu hwurt?” An arm props his head up to better see his the blushing red of his husband. “Want a wittle kissy? Satoru will indulge you— OW!” He feels himself lose balance before his back his flat against the bed, an unimpressed Suguru atop of him.
Narrowed purple and playful blue meet as the black-haired male continues to straddle him. “Not the point, Satoru.” A pat to the smiling man’s cheek. “We haven’t made progress at all—“
“Don’t worry your pretty head off about our adorable teacher.” A smirk as Geto feels a hand trail up his thigh, exceeding close to the boxers he donned for bed.
“I got just the plan.” A wink as he grabs his waist, using his body weight to roll them over so that he would be the one on top, a loving hand stroking Suguru’s cheek.
“And I’m certain it’ll work this time~”
“Good morning… You’re awfully early today, Gojo-san…” A yawn escapes your lips as you hold a still sleeping Nanako in your arms, cradling her close and stroking her head as Gojo held the other two.
(You look awfully domestic. It makes his heart all the more softer at the sight.)
“And I’m sorry for that, sweet thing.” He adjusts a stirring Mimiko in his hold. “The family’s been too busy with our move lately, ya know? Gotta drop them off early to get the rest of the boxes.” His grin is ever bright as he follows you into the daycare, his footsteps light and his body close as they tested the limits of your boundaries.
(Truth was, he didn’t even need to move any boxes or anything. He just wanted to see you.)
“You must be working very hard, Gojo-san.” You hum quietly as you reach the nap area, the nightlights on and encompassing the room with their comfy glow as you gently kneel down to place a still sleeping Nanako onto a mattress, the man’s shoulder grazing yours as he placed the rest of his kids together.
“I think the change of pace is worth it. The relocation is gonna be a benefit to all of us.”
(My, is the new home that good?)
“It must be exhausting having to move houses, though.” You take this chance to poke at one of the mochi-like cheeks of Megumi, watching as his little nose twitches. “I hope you’re letting them get enough rest, Gojo-san.”
“Oho, plenty!” A glimmer of his teeth as you catch his bright smile. “You could even say they’re so excited, they can barely sleep thinking about yo— It.”
You’re humming as you follow-up with the light chatter, just happy to be able to have such light-hearted conversation with the man, ignoring how his fingers brushed against your own when you both reached for the blanket at the same time.
(This isn’t the time to think about such things! And he’s married!)
Unlike his husband, Gojo Satoru always seemed so hard to read, so hard to approach even after you’ve seen the softer, sweeter sides of him.
He was simply… Intimidating in his own right.
There is an odd, palpable air inbetween the two of you as the silence starts to drag, a gaze that’s seemingly stuck on you that hints and twinges between the line of unsettling. Hmm… You must be kind of tired today.
“Say, Gojo-san.” You’re getting up, patting off your apron and the almost scary tension as you lead him out the nap room. “Is your place near this area? I’ll be happy to help you find your way around.” Your back is turned to him as you gently close the door.
(You turn around only to meet the same intense blue, looking like they were glaring into your very being.)
“Well, we just moved into the apartment complex not far from here.” He takes a pause to tuck a loose strand of your hair back that your drowsy form fails to take note of. “I think it was—” His intense eyes glance downwards meet your dazed own, playful and prodding blue to the innocently awaiting you.
(So cute.)
“Akutami Estate.”
Your once sleepy self perks up at that mention, certainly recognizing that name.
“What a coincidence, Gojo-san! I happen to live within that building too!”
“That so? My, what a coincidence indeed.” His returning grin is bright, but his eyes are hard to read considering the sunglasses that had been slid back in place to hide them from your view.
“So, how about a little housewarming dinner tonight? My place, of course.”
There’s no way you can refuse now, right?
previous masterlist next
“Shokoooooo…!” You’re whining as you sat on her chair, making grabby hands for her whilst slumped into the plush seat.
“You’re awfully needy today. What’s the matter?” She’s patting your head as you suddenly lean forward to wrap your arms around her hips, your face dug into her side as you muffled incoherent words into her doctor’s coat.
“What? Don’t speak with my clothes in your mouth.”
You pull away, pouting up at her with what looked like glossed over eyes. “I think I just doomed myself…”
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utahimeow · 8 months
swan song — satoru gojo
summary — why work so hard when you could just be free?
pairing — satoru gojo x f!reader
warnings — major jjk spoilers, graphic depictions of violence, hurt/comfort, angst, happy endings, reader has a cursed technique (mentioned once), established relationship
word count — 1.3k
author’s note — based on swan song by lana del rey. this is the most self indulgent selfship coded thing i’ve ever written but i needed to give gojo the happy ending he deserved idc if its cheesy or out of character
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He’s dead.
The strongest. Dead. 
Satoru Gojo is dead.
A flash, then his body becomes two — legs here, torso there. 
He’s not moving. Scarlet splatters the ground, blooms like a lily. 
The air is disgustingly thick, and it hangs like a noose, and it cuts your throat. Nobody is breathing. Everybody knows. 
This time, he’s not getting back up. 
A scream claws its way out of your throat, vicious as it pierces through the air. 
Someone else is stepping up to replace him already, a sorcerer with hair like seafoam. The King of Curses turns towards him, his stolen face twisting into a demonic grin, dripping with victory.
Right now there’s just one thing on your mind. Like instinct, like it’s your destiny. You don’t care about the politics, the consequences, the implications of his death. None of it matters.
You just want to be with Satoru.
Your feet are moving. They almost take off, but a steady grip pulls you back. 
“You should leave.” Shoko’s voice quivers as she speaks. You’ve seen her composure crack so rarely that when you do it feels like your first time witnessing it.
Your face is hot, and it’s wet now. Your eyes sting. You don’t try to stop the tears, or even wipe them.
If you were to look up, you’d find eyes full of sorrow and shock and pity—you’re the grieving widow. His students have lost a teacher, his friends have lost a friend. At least I’m not her, they all think, I haven’t lost the love of my life. 
Without another word, without even so much as one final glance at Satoru’s corpse, you leave. You can’t bear to be there any longer. 
The taxi driver does not question why you’re crying. He pretends he does not hear the way you sniffle and gasp for air. He drives you to your home and drives away when you’ve paid him.
You breathe out. Your shoulders sag with relief. You will yourself to stop crying.
He’s in the living room, a thick arm thrown over his eyes as he half-naps. As soon as he hears you enter however, he springs up, beaming like the sun. 
Satoru laughs a little at your puffy face and your glimmering eyes. He gathers you into a hug, his body hard and imposing and warm, and you cling to him. His heart pumps blood around his body and it’s loud in your ears.
“That was traumatic,” you say, but it gets muffled when you bury your face into his chest. He smells fresh, like the wind on a warm day. He must have showered since he teleported home. 
Satoru’s laughing again. You wish he’d never stop. “You knew it was fake the whole time, how bad could it be?”
“I had to watch you die, Satoru! It was horrible even if it was fake,” you admit, tightening your arms around his waist, where his torso meets his legs. 
He laughs, and it reverberates in his chest and rumbles through your body. You’re angry. You can’t climb inside of his skin and live there and you’re angry about it. His giant hands draw circles all over your back.
“I’m here, baby. I’m all yours now,” he tells you. For the first time, he means it without any exceptions.
“What if you faked your death?”
Satoru’s head whips over to look at you, scanning your face to find something that will tell him you’re not serious. But you are serious.
One word, he asks, “why?”
“So we can give up being sorcerers and leave Japan and never come back.”
Satoru grows quiet. There’s a pit in your stomach. He tells you constantly that he’d give you the world, and you believe him, and he loves you more than anything, yet he can’t bring himself to give up on humanity. Without him, the world doesn’t stand a chance. He’s the strongest, after all.
“Is that what you want?” he asks. It’s sincere.
“Yes,” you tell him, swallowing as you consider your next words. “I just got you back from the Prison Realm and now you have to fight Sukuna, who might actually kill you… You just give and give so much to the Jujutsu world and what do they give you back? Shit all. And I’m tired of watching you be wrung dry.” 
He’s silent again. All the years that you’ve known him make it easy for you to know what he’s thinking. More than likely he’s thinking of Yuuji and Megumi and Yuuta. Maybe he wonders what Nanami would tell him to do, or what Geto would say.
It’ll be selfish. He’ll be abandoning everyone at the worst possible moment. He turns your words over and over in his head. Then he thinks of a life with you, a peaceful one, where you’ve left behind your days of sorcery, where he doesn’t have to be some pseudo-god. 
Where he can grow old with you.
Perhaps, he thinks, it’s necessary for him to disappear. It’ll be a struggle without him, but he has faith. They’ll persevere. 
“What are you thinking?” he asks eventually.
“I’ll use cursed energy to create a clone of you. Since my clones can’t use cursed techniques it’ll have to be right when Sukuna is about to kill you. You switch out and teleport out of there.”
For a moment he stares at you, then he chuckles, shifting sideways so he can lay on his back and stare at the ceiling with resolve.
“You’ve been thinking about this,” he says. 
“I have,” you say. “For as long as I’ve loved you.”
He thinks you’ve never looked more beautiful. 
He’s convinced of it, actually. Life has filled your cheeks out and erased your dark circles away. Your eyes shine brighter. Fear no longer lives in them, nor does hopelessness.
Your fingers are gentle as you pluck fresh, plump tomatoes off the vine. Satoru’s heart swells because you’ve been so excited to harvest them.
“It’s just a handful for now,” you tell him, letting him peer inside the basket you have on your arm. There are a few bunches of rocket and basil leaves, and a small squash too. 
He reaches in, takes a tomato and pretends to take a bite out of it until you snatch it from his hand and scold him. 
“They just look too good, baby,” he says between laughs. You roll your eyes, but you don’t manage to bite back the smile that grows on your lips.
“Go finish building my chicken coop,” you tease, calling him by his last name, the one he took from you, then brushing past him to head back inside your home.
“I told you it’s almost finished!” he exclaims, trailing behind you as you make your way to the vintage renovated kitchen of your house. 
Satoru settles on a stool at the island at the centre, observing the way you rinse the vegetables in the sink. To him it’s fascinating—well, you’re fascinating. The way your brow scrunches slightly with concentration. He hopes you never run out of vegetables to harvest and wash. He’ll make sure you don’t.
“By the way, what do you think about getting some mini goats?”
“I don’t care as long as you take care of them,” you tell him. “Do you want salad or roasted vegetables for lunch?”
Satoru’s heart races. He’s transported back to 2006 for a moment, when for some reason he wanted to be around you all the time and thought it was weird that he liked it when you teased him. Before he realised.
“Roasted vegetables, please. I love you.”
Satoru doesn’t look much different now. He’s gotten a little more toned, put on some muscle from some of the heavy work he does on the farm. 
And when he smiles, he’s not pretending anymore. 
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lilsluttyy · 8 months
how about geto or gojo (which ever one you wanna do or both 😏) cheat on the male reader with an girl and its like really angsty and sad
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✪ cheater Gojo X male reader
✪ warning: angst , cheating , hurt no comfort
✪ ??? Au
" Why me "
Lately you've felt as if you and your boyfriend were drifting away , Gojo always finds away to ditch you on your dates and whenever you two had the chance to hangout together he always says ' sorry babe my friend needs me with them right now ' it's always that excuse.
Everytime you asked him about his ' friend ' he wouldn't even share a single info to you.
You and Gojo's anniversary was around the corner while you were busy looking for the perfect gift he was out there having fun , how you wish you weren't blinded by love. Each time Gojo made an excuse you forgave him , even Getou and Shoko was concerned but you kept brushing it off like it was nothing. If he had fallen out of love why couldn't he just let me know and let me move on.
Why is he letting me suffer.
" you're overreacting babe I would never fall out of love with you " Gojo would always say that to your face with a bright and confident smile. ' how I wish that the words you say were true ' you could only smile and nod , at first you thought it was the paranoia getting into your head but the evidence was just Infront of you. The text from a certain girl who you never knew nor met , but you didn't question ' he's quite famous so I don't blame him for having people's numbers '
How you wish you weren't so forgiving.
" Gojo..where have you been..? " you stared at him with no emotions swimming in your eyes , he chuckled slightly " sorry babe my friend needed my help " the excuse was nothing new " what's with the decorations did you celebrate a friend's birthday? " you felt your heart breaking. All this time you've been enduring all this pain , you ignored how obvious it was that Gojo was cheating on you yet you stayed.
All because you ' loved ' him.
Time around you felt like it stopped when you see him kissing another girl , ' no wonder he isn't picking up my calls...' the gift you were holding for your anniversary now meant nothing.
You looked away , your heart completely shattered.
You sat on the couch waiting for him to arrive, your bags and suit cases packed. The only things you wanted to leave behind was all of Gojo's gift from the early days when you two were dating and in love. Now was different , you stared at the door waiting for Gojo to walk in.
Time passed and he still wasn't here , you sighed to yourself before dialing a certain someone to pick you up " Suguru do you mind coming over..." after putting down the phone you picked up your bags and placed it infront of the door , you looked back and the lost memories of you and Gojo still wonders around. You of course didn't forget to write a small note for him if he does come back , a knock on the door pulled you out of your deep thoughts.
" (m/n).."
You smiled as you opened the door and Suguru was standing there , " I'm sorry I wasn't there for you earlier..." Suguru's eyes was filled with pity and regret.
" don't apologise Suguru..it's not your fault " you softly said as you picked up your bags and walked out the door , Suguru quickly offered to help carry your bags which you accepted. The second you walked out of that door , you felt this wave of relief. As much as you loved Gojo he wasn't able to return the feeling anymore , the weight in your heart felt as if it was lifted. You took a deep breath when you walked out the apartment and headed to Suguru's car , you stopped your tracks and looked back to the tall building.
Suguru placed your bags carefully in his car and looked over to your figure.
" (m/n) are you ready "
" yeah I'm ready to let go..."
Gojo walked into his apartment after spending the night with his side piece , hickeys littering around his neck and his scent smelled like cheap perfume. He looked around and realised something's weren't there such as (m/n)'s things that he'd put on the shelves.
" (m/n) baby where are you? " Gojo called out but to his surprise (m/n) didn't answer , usually whenever he called (m/n) out he would welcome him with kisses.
As he made his way into the house Gojo sees a small note that was decorated by (m/n)'s handwriting.
Dear Gojo,
If you are reading this i hope you realise that my things are gone. I also left the gifts you left me in your room , I'm not leaving because I fell out of love.
It's because of you Gojo.
I really did thought we were meant to be , but it seems like I was just your plaything. If you had told me you've fallen out of love I would have let you go , but you decided to make me suffer and I was to in love with you to even acknowledge the fact you were cheating.
But I had enough I thought if I brushed it off , it would hurt me less but no it hurt me even worse than before. The way you forgotten everything about ' us ' hurts me , I wish you the best with you new relationship and don't ever try and find me. You probably won't anyways.
Your used to be beloved ,
The paper dropped to the ground at tears had soaked it up.
Ja jang I got to bummed out at the end
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jinwoosungs · 3 months
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{ 016 }
- how they take care of you when you're sick -
featuring: megumi, nanami, gojo
[ megumi 🌡️ ]
this boy is a total mama hen. the day prior to you truly getting sick, he could already detect the raspiness of your voice and was well aware of your lack of appetite throughout the day...
because of your sudden fever, you were forced to stay back within your dorm, missing your classes for the day as you felt the life seeping out of you.
okay, perhaps you were being a bit dramatic, since it was just a simple fever. however, you hated how hot you felt all the time, turning your mind hazy as a sense of nausea was felt settled in the pit of your stomach. all you had the strength to do was lay in bed with your eyes clenched shut, unable to do much but fall into a restless slumber.
in your fevered haze, you felt yourself going in and out of consciousness, vaguely aware of someone entering your room. you heard a soft voice letting out a string of curses coupled along with a rustling of a plastic bag.
you heard the shuffling of feet across the hardwood floors of your dorm before a cool, damp cloth was placed on your forehead. opening your bleary eyes, you came face to face with megumi's scowl, blue eyes shining with concern for you as he adjusted the handkerchief on your head.
"'gumi? didn't you have a mission...today?"
"i let itadori and kugisaki take over for me." was his simple answer, and despite how his gaze remains expressionless, his actions gave his intentions away. the touch of his hand against your fevered cheeks was a clear indication that he was worried about you.
"have you done anything to help with your fever?"
"just... took some tylenol / ibuprofen, that's it."
your boyfriend simply replies back with a huff, standing back to his full height to bring the bag closer to him.
your throat felt dry, yet megumi seemed to know what you needed before you even got a chance to voice it out loud. placing a hand behind your body, megumi lifts you up so that you were in a seated position. grabbing a bottle of water from his bag, his unscrews the lid before placing it against your chapped lips, coaxing you to take a drink.
feeling tears well up within your gaze at his kindness, you remain silent, even as megumi brought out a container filled with what you assumed to be his homemade rice porridge. your heart felt full of warmth, allowing megumi to take care of you as he fed you the rice porridge.
even when you knew megumi to be a man of few words, one who seldom ever spoke of his feelings for you, you knew that in this exact moment that he cared-
that he loved you so much, he wanted to spend his day helping you feel better. and you honestly couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.
[ nanami 🌡️ ]
total husband material. the moment you tell him how unwell you felt, he does all of the work for you. when morning came, he was the first to call your workplace and alert your coworkers about your incoming absence before spending the entire day caring for you (a feat that he never once minded).
your breathing comes out as hot puffs, with you staying in bed since the morning you woke up with a fever. after getting off the phone with your workplace, nanami enters your shared bedroom while brushing back your strands of hair.
"what would my darling wish to eat? rice porridge? or chicken noodle soup?"
"mmm, noodle...soup..."
he manages to hear your whispered voice, letting out a gentle coo of your name before brushing his lips against your heated skin. "my poor darling, don't worry, your husband is here to take all of your discomfort away."
you manage to give him a weak smile, relishing in the way he presses a kiss against your hair before heading off into the kitchen.
your medications were finally taking effect, putting you in a drowsy trance as you fell in and out of slumber. what ultimately wakes you up was the delicious scent wafting from the kitchen, making your senses heighten almost immediately.
miraculously, the scent of nanami's cooking was enough to break you out of your trance. you sit up in bed, eyes practically shining with anticipation when your husband reappeared with a large bowl of soup in hand.
completely focused on your needs, he settles himself in bed with you, holding the soup within his large hand while blowing on the broth. he then proceeds to feed you spoonfuls of his delicious soup, and with each bite, you swore you could feel the strength slowly returning to you.
within what seemed like mere minutes, you finish the entirety of the bowl, clinging to your beloved husband with a purr. nanami lets out a rich chuckle of your name while folding his arms around you in a steady embrace.
"was it good, my love?"
"it was sooo good..." you moan while hiding your face within his broad chest, your yawns becoming muffled as you cling to the front of his shirt. being immensely attentive to your needs, nanami lies back down in bed with you, stroking at your damp hair while beckoning you to sleep.
"rest, my dear... and i'll be here when you wake up."
[ gojo 🌡️ ]
the world's strongest only showed weakness when it came to you and you alone. he was none the wiser when morning came, trying to coax you out of bed with some coffee. yet when you refused to move from your spot in bed, gojo knew that something was amiss.
"fuck, you're burning up!"
you groan, not opening your eyes because all you wanted to do was sleep your fever away. you try to tell your boyfriend that you were okay, that all you need was to spend the whole day (or two) just sleeping.
whenever you got sick like this, both your appetite and strength was nonexistent. you tended to remain in a soft cocoon, practically closed off from the world as you focused on truly resting your tired body.
gojo continues to whine and talk your ear off, yet when you remained unresponsive was when he finally backs off. his footsteps were heard all across your shared apartment before the slamming of the door was heard.
a part of you felt hurt that he had actually left you, not even bothering to at least stay in bed and cuddle you as you rested. his absence was what made your sleep less peaceful, becoming restless within seconds as you tossed and turned in bed.
you had no idea how much time had passed, but you were dimly aware of the sounds of the door opening and some movement, but you were too weak and tired to say anything. instead, you continue to remain silent with your eyes closed.
the familiar scent of gojo's cologne was what makes you stir in your sleep, with you managing to smile in your sleep.
"...toru..." you whisper his name, feeling your boyfriend get into bed with you, holding you within his arms while he calls out your name.
"come on, baby, you need to wake up and try to take this medicine. come on, open your eyes."
another groan was felt escaping from your parted lips, and you could not find the strength to open your eyes. you hear him let out a huff before adjusting you in his embrace.
"what 'm i gonna do with you?"
you hear the sounds of fabrics shifting for a few minutes before feeling gojo press his lips against yours. the kiss was sudden; being so unexpected that you couldn't help but let out a gasp in response. the moment you opened your lips to him, a rush of something cold was felt going down your throat coupled along with two tablets.
you open your eyes, with a few water droplets escaping from the side of your lips. you watch as gojo looks down at you with a loving expression seen beneath his dark sunglasses. his aquamarine eyes were shining with absolute love and adoration for you, placing the bottle of water and medicine off to the side as he lays back down in bed with you.
"my poor baby, feeling so sick. let your man take care of you..."
finding immense comfort in his presence, you cling to him while letting out a sniffle of his name. "i thought...you were gonna...leave."
"never, babygirl; never. your man would never leave your side during your time of need."
feeling relaxed while in his steady embrace, you slowly fall back asleep, knowing that gojo would protect and care for you for forever and a day.
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a.n. - oh to be spoiled by the jjk men as you are feeling ill 😭🙏🏻
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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seravphs · 1 year
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beating hearts promised to bared teeth — part one: “The God Finds A Familiar” 
When a kind stranger offers you his home because your gambling addict of a father can’t pay rent, you’re left in charge of a shrine - with a catch. Once you arrive at your new home, you learn a crucial fact that he conveniently left out. You’re the new god in charge, and his familiar, who now belongs to you, does not like you. What’s a new god to do, especially when she finds herself slowly falling for the fox spirit?
wc — 10k
tags — enemies to lovers, shoujo manga heroine type reader, Japanese mythology/yokai, age gap (1000 year old fox and high school girl), slowburn, cameo from Sukuna, Toji, and Nanami, cameo from original Kamisama Hajimemashita cast
part two — “The God Finds A Husband” (coming soon)
shoujo series masterlist
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If your stomach growls any louder, you’ll scare off the squirrels fighting over the end of a baguette loaf by the park bench you’re sitting on. 
You’re currently in the middle of what others might describe as very hard times. To be honest, your very hard times have been going on for a while now - they just culminated at this specific moment. Regardless, these days are only temporary. You’ve promised yourself that one day, you’ll be able to smile from the bottom of your heart. 
It’s just that it was easier said than done when you weren’t homeless. Your father has never been the most reliable of men. You had to take over the household finances by the time you were eight, so you’ve always been accustomed to his lack of responsibility, but today really solidified his status in your mind as an absolutely useless, no good man. It’s unfathomable cruelty to have left his only daughter with no money, no relatives, and no home. 
You don’t want to call it cruel. For all of his faults, you still love your father. And it’s because you love him that you know this wasn’t a cruel act. Cruelty is intentional. It’s malicious. It comes from a desire to hurt. Your father has never wanted to hurt you. It’s just a byproduct of his gambling addiction. You’re collateral damage in his quest for the jackpot that would solve all his problems. 
You double over in agony at the renewed complaints from your stomach. At least you’ve gone from scaring mere squirrels to scaring passersby. That’s an upgrade, right? 
One woman clutches her purse closer as she walks past you as briskly as possible. You get it, you look bad. 
But there’s no use being resentful. Your father has been barely one step above a deadbeat all your life. At the very least, you’re used to fending for yourself. Your stomach growls again, but you’re determined to ignore it. You need a plan of action. One step after another, you’ll make it out of these troublesome times. 
Before you can start to plot, a loud cry for help catches your attention. It sounds like someone else is in even more dire straits than you are, which is saying a lot. 
The squirrels have long since scattered, run off not by the scary noises coming from your famished stomach, but a pack of dogs. Somehow, a man has climbed several feet into the tree next to the trash can, and now perched precariously in its branches. Below him, curious dogs tilt their heads and give cautious barks. 
“Aw, hello there, cuties,” you coo, rubbing behind their ears. They yip at you enthusiastically. One sets to chasing his own tail around the tree. They seem friendly enough, but you suppose one can’t help their phobias. A little regretfully, you chase them off. 
“Go on now,” you tell the last one, leading him away. He whines, but does as you say. What a good boy. 
“Thank you,” says the stranger stranded in the tree. He slides down the trunk, face slowly regaining color. “I owe you my life.” 
“It was nothing!” You smile, but he won’t let you brush off your good deed. 
“You’re a good kid,” he nods approvingly. “Gotta reward that. Is there anything you want?” 
A home. 
Not just the house you shared with your father, but somewhere warm to return to. A person who waits to see you safely inside the threshold. 
But you know a stranger can’t give you that, so you shake your head and smile. “Really, it was nothing. You don’t owe me anything.” 
As if he had heard your inner monologue, the stranger raises an eyebrow. “A home, hm? I might be able to help with that.” 
Before you can react, he leans in and kisses your forehead. Where his lips touched your skin feels faintly warm and tingly, almost like the sensation of your leg going numb, before you recoil from him in shock. 
He presses a map into your hand and tells you, “Go to this address. Tell them Yaga sent you, and you’ll be welcomed with open arms.” 
With that, he runs off. 
What a strange man. 
Well, you’ve had a strange life, taking care of your hopeless father and all. Perhaps these things really did happen. It wasn’t so impossible for strangers to appear out of nowhere and reward you for good deeds. Maybe all the fairytales your father had read to you back when he hadn’t been so terrible were true. 
Or maybe that was the wishful thinking of an optimistically delusional girl who needed somewhere to stay desperately.
The address is located on the outskirts of town. Pushing deeper into foliage and closer to forest than civilization, you find the location you had been sent to. 
It’s a shrine. 
A run-down shrine, of all places. 
Are you on a comedy show? Should you start checking for cameras? 
Against your will, you feel your eyes grow hot. That was a cruel trick to play. He had gotten your hopes up for nothing. 
It’s not just your eyes. Your entire body starts to feel warm. The world around you erupts into blue flame. Heat licks at your shins as you scramble towards safety, closer to the center of the circle that has formed around you. 
When the flames suddenly leap, as if they’ll consume the entire sky, you scream and drop to your knees, covering your head like it’s a bomb threat. Two childish voices ring in your head, as clear and crisp as bells. 
Welcome home, Yaga-sama. 
It’s a shrine. There’s only one logical conclusion. 
This is a haunting. 
There’s only one safe path out of the ring of fire, and it’s towards the building you’ve now concluded is the site of paranormal activity. Between being actively burned alive or facing spirits though, you know which one you’ll choose. 
Your frantic fingers fumble over the latch on the shrine’s red doors as the fire inches closer and closer until you can feel its heat on your back. Finally, you throw open the doors and all but launch yourself inside. The heat recedes, but the voices do not. 
“Back already, Yaga?” A male voice drawls. “I thought your pilgrimage would’ve taken longer. After leaving me to maintain the shrine by myself for sixty years -“
You shriek as an enormous, clawed hand comes down towards your face. Your eyes squeeze shut, waiting for the end. 
“I’m not Yaga,” you wail, hoping it will save you. 
“You have a lot of nerve?” The voice finishes, more uncertainly than before. When you deem it safe to open your eyes once more, what stands before is a young man dressed in all white. White hair and blue eyes make for a staring constraint, but his coloring isn’t what’s strange about him. 
It’s his clawed hands and the equally white fox tail behind him. 
“Megumi, Tsumiki,” he says authoritatively. “This isn’t Yaga.” 
A shining ball of fire comes forward, speaking in the little girl’s voice you heard earlier. “That can’t be right! Look, she has the mark of the god on her forehead.” 
You touch your forehead, remembering the warm tingly sensation you had felt when that man kissed you. Feeling slightly delirious, you start to laugh, only to grow alarmed when you find you can’t stop. You’re growing out of breath from your near hysterical laughing, tears streaming out of the corners of your eyes. 
“Oh, great,” says the fox spirit. “She’s crazy.” 
“She’s the one with the mark,” the other ball of fire, Megumi, says. “That means she’s the god whether you like it or not, Gojo.” 
Tsumiki darts over to you, but halfway through her journey, she goes from fire to a little child just under 2 feet tall. She’s wearing a mask and plain blue yukata. 
“We have to celebrate!” She claps her hands together in excitement. “Our god has finally returned!”
Gojo looks dismissively down on you. Your laughing fit is finally starting to die down, but he doesn’t seem impressed regardless. “What god? I won’t accept a little human girl as my master. She couldn’t handle the strength of a familiar like me.”  
His condescension only makes you giggle harder. You can’t help it. Something about the fluffy fox ears protruding out of his head makes it hard to take him seriously. 
“What strength?” You laugh in his face. “This shrine is so dilapidated, I doubt you’re anything special.” 
Gojo looks away. “If she stays, I’m leaving. I won’t serve this kind of pathetic god.”
He disappears in a cloud of white smoke before Tsumiki can finish saying, “Don’t be like that!”
The will-o-wisp children introduce themselves to you as shrine spirits who look after the building. It takes a while, but by the time they kindly show you to the room where you’ll be staying, you can distinguish Tsumiki from Megumi by the differences in the masks they never take off. 
Your room is simple and threadbare. The walls are paneled bamboo and the only furnishing is an old futon. Still, you’re grateful. It’s leagues better than sleeping in the woods, which is what you started this day fearing you would have to resort to. You’ve never been the type to complain, and you won’t start now, no matter how strange your life has gotten. 
Fox spirits and will-o-wisp children don’t exist. They’re the stuff of myths. Maybe you’re just seeing things because you’re tired, you muse as you drift off to sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning after a nice, long rest. The events of today will feel so far away, and you’ll be able to start over. 
Or maybe you’re dead already, and you’re wandering in the Netherworld. Perhaps the reason you can see spirits is because you’re currently residing in their land. Your entire body seizes up as you jolt yourself back to wakefulness. 
“Kamisama,” Tsumiki has crept back into your room. “Are you alright?” 
You tell her to call you by her name. Calling you god just doesn’t feel right. 
Gently, she nestles down by your pillow and puts her cold little hands on your forehead. Rather than shocking to your senses, it feels pleasant. When you were a little girl and got sick, your father used to let you stay home from school. He’d pack a towel with ice cubes and place it on your overheated forehead, staying up with you all night just to chat. It’s a good memory. 
“It’ll be alright,” Tsumiki tells you in her gentle voice. “You’ll see.” 
For spirits that supposedly take care of the shrine, you have a suspicion that Tsumiki and Megumi are pushing their work onto you when they brief you on your chores the next morning. It turns out godhood is a lot less summoning storms and a lot more doing yard work. 
Tsumiki insists that keeping the shrine pure is important for keeping evil spirits away. For some reason, that means cleaning. When you ask about calling lightning or summoning lions, Megumi laughs at you. 
“That’s Getou-sama’s job,” he says. “Your specialty is marriage. Yaga was very good at tying peoples’ fates together. You will be, too.”
He has more faith than you do in that regard. When it comes to chores, however, you’re more certain of your abilities. Busy work keeps the absurdity of your situation from sinking in, and you’re good at running the household from years of dealing with your father. You’re grateful for something to do. If you think about the past day too hard, you might break down into shocked laughter and never get back up. 
Besides, even if you don’t feel particularly ready to be a god, Tsumiki and Megumi are letting you stay in the shrine. You have to earn your keep. Soon, you settle into the process of cleaning, letting the methodical, rhythmic nature of your movements erase any doubts in your mind. You think of nothing but the cooling sensation of the water when you dip your rag into the bucket and the clean, woody scent of the shrine as you scrub the wood. 
“Ooh,” Tsumiki says approvingly when she appears. “It looks better already! Can you do the lawn next?” 
Plucking weeds is notably less soothing than cleaning. With no gloves, you’re careful to avoid hurting yourself as you tug on spiky vines and knotted twigs, but it’s no use. Eventually, you lose focus and a sharp sting graces your finger. Blood drips down your hand. You hiss in pain. 
A hand with white claws instead of nails grabs your wrist. You yelp in shock as Gojo brings your finger to his mouth and laps at the blood. It stains his lips slightly red. He worries at the cut with his tongue, making your wound ache. You try to pull back, but he holds on. 
To your amazement, the cut closes before your eyes. You’re just about to thank him when he ruins the moment. 
“You really are useless,” he says. “You can’t even pluck grass?”
You yank your hand out of his grip as hard as you can, sending yourself tumbling back against the grass. You hate how it must make yourself seem even more human in his eyes, a weak, fragile thing. 
“Give up,” he says, and it’s almost gentle, the way his claws graze your chin as he holds your face in one hand. “You’re not suited to be a god.” 
You turn away, unwilling to let him see any more of your vulnerability. “You don’t know anything about me.” 
“Suit yourself,” he says with a noise of annoyance. “Brats who run away from home aren’t my problem.” 
“I didn’t run away!” You snap, whirling on him. “My dad was the one who ran! I don’t have anywhere else to go!” 
But he’s gone.
At least Megumi and Tsumiki are nice to you. Megumi takes the bucket of weeds you deposit at the front door and whisks it somewhere out of your sight, while Tsumiki prepares a nice, hot bath for you. Exhausted, you collapse onto the bamboo floor spread eagle. 
God, a voice murmurs in your head.
Not again. You don’t want any more spirits to deal with. When you raise your head, instead of another yokai, there’s an old woman standing in front of the shrine. Her head is bowed and her hands are clasped in prayer. 
Please bless my daughter’s marriage so that she will enjoy a long and fruitful life with her partner. 
Her voice is coming from some place inside your head. It resonates like a bell, ringing crisp and clear. You stretch out your hands wonderingly. You don’t look any different. 
“You see?” Tsumiki says approvingly. “You’re a god.”’ 
But you don’t feel like one. You feel just like a normal person. 
“A god needs a familiar.” You can’t see Megumi’s face behind his mask as he speaks, but you can imagine the solemn little boy he must be. “You need to bind Gojo to you.”
“How do I do that?” 
“You have to kiss him.” 
You wait for them to tell you they’re joking. 
“What? I can’t kiss him! Is there-” 
Megumi cuts in. “It’s just the traditional way to seal the contract. Don’t think too much of it.” 
The fact that neither of them are bothered makes you feel like the ridiculous one for being off put by this, but you’re sure you’re not. Still, if you’re a god now, you have to put all of your mortal sensibilities aside. It’s like another culture, you tell yourself. Like how Europeans kiss each other on the cheek to say hello. Even if you can’t convince yourself, Megumi and Tsumiki are insistent. 
You were so fired up just a second ago, but now your head is filled with doubts. If such a simple matter can sway you, are you really meant to be a god after all? Maybe Gojo is right. Maybe you should just leave. 
“Please,” Tsumiki says. She looks distraught. “Don’t abandon us. Please don’t leave.” 
Megumi doesn’t say anything, but his silence is enough. 
“Okay,” you say, feeling defeated. “I’ll give it a shot.” 
You’ve always been good at chores. If taming Gojo is just another part of your new job, it sounds like it's time to get serious. 
“Take me to him.” 
Megumi and Tsumiki balk. 
“Right now?”
“Why not? The sooner I get it over with, the better, right?”
“He’s...indisposed at the moment,” Tsumiki says carefully. 
“Indisposed? Is he sick?” 
“Not quite,” Megumi says. He’s very expressive for a spirit. You can practically imagine him grimacing. 
“Then it’s fine!” 
You would soon come to regret your words. 
Megumi and Tsumiki lead you out of the shrine. They show you where to find the path that can lead you to the land of spirits and demons. Your entire body rebels at the feeling of being in this other world, but at the same time, you feel at home here. The god and the girl that coexist inside of you are mutually repelled by and attracted to this place. 
Even though you know Megumi and Tsumiki aren’t really children, or at least children in the way mortals think of them, you’re still concerned about letting them traipse around this dangerous place. However, they seem more used to this world than you are. That energy is better devoted to fending for yourself. 
They lead you under bridges where the running water smells like flowers and women’s voices hiss in the babble of the current. Tree leaves rustle with hands that disappear into darkness. You follow them through dark alleyways lined with red paper blessings, and doorsteps encircled with salt. Eyes follow you, leaving your skin crawling. 
You’re so focused on keeping your head down and staying out of danger that you almost don’t notice when they stop. You nearly run Megumi over. 
“He’s inside here,” Tsumiki says. 
Is it just you, or does she seem nervous? 
The lanterns inside this establishment are turned down to a dimness that barely illuminates the corridors. Sweet smelling smoke writhes around your feet from some unknown source as you head deeper and deeper into the maze of hallways, following the pair of shrine spirits. You pass women wearing fox masks, dressed in luxurious kimonos. Their hair towers over their head in elaborate updos, held in place with beautiful pins inlaid with chartreuse and gold. 
Megumi stops before a folding screen door. Like all things within this building, it’s beautiful. The silk screen is painted with images of flowers and more gruesome scenes as well, but somehow, it’s still breath-taking. A little like Gojo, in that regard. 
You hear the voices of women behind the screen, flattering Gojo. The light of a single candle illuminates the dim room, imprinting his silhouette against it, as well as that of the two women with him. They’re draped over him, hands roaming his body as they purr their compliments. Your face burns with embarrassment. 
“What are you doing?” Megumi demands of Gojo. “How can you parade around the red-light district like this? You’re the familiar of a god, not some common demon! If Yaga knew, it’d break his poor heart.” 
Behind the screen, Gojo merely brushes him off. “Yaga’s been replaced by some little human worm. Why should I care what he thinks now?”
“What about the shrine? Don’t you care about that, at least?” Tsumiki's voice is thick with reproach. 
“Now that you mention it, I don’t think I do,” he says. “Ha! You know what? Maybe I should thank that girl. Now that I’m free, I can do whatever I want.” 
“I’ll can indulge in every little vice Yaga never allowed me to touch before. Who would want to be a familiar when I can have all of this?” 
“Gojo, our god is here.” 
He leaps up and pushes the screen aside, coming face to face with you. He looks startled to see you, though you don’t see why he should care, since he so desires to lead a life of sin. 
You look upon him with disgust. You might want a familiar, but you’re not so desperate you’d stoop as low as this. Gojo cares so little for anyone but himself. If you’re going to be a god, you’re going to do it right. You’ll pick a good familiar, one who will genuinely love the shrine as much as it deserves. 
You turn and leave as he, half-clothed, frantically starts pulling on the outer layers of his kimono. 
“Wait,” he calls after you. “Tsumiki! Megumi! Why would you bring her here?”
“She wanted to see you,” Megumi retorts. 
“This isn’t the place for a human,” he says. “She’s going to get eaten!” 
The faster Gojo follows you, the faster you run from him. By the time you’re out of what you’ve come to realize is a brothel, you’re sprinting. Your legs carry you right into someone else as your face slams against a broad, muscled chest. 
“Oh,” says a voice above your head. “How pretty.” 
A hand caresses your face. This spirit has tattoo marks across his face and body. More interestingly, he has multiple arms. 
You’re frozen in place by fear as he brings his mouth closer and closer to your face. He’s close enough to kiss, but this is a spirit, which means he’s more likely to eat you. 
“Be good for me now,” he purrs in your ear. “Fear makes flesh all the sweeter.” 
Three of his six arms are consumed by fire. He pushes you away from him in favor of batting out the flame. 
Gojo pulls you towards him, hiding you in the folds of his billowing kimono. You press your face against his shoulder, swallowing back the tears of fear from nearly being eaten. Somehow, he feels safe, even though he’s been nothing but antagonistic towards you. He feels almost protective as he shields your body with his, securing you under one arm. 
“Scram,” he tells the other demon. “She’s mine, Sukuna.” 
Sukuna rolls his pairs of eyes. “You weren’t with her when I caught her. She’s fair game.” 
Fox fire flickers in Gojo’s hand. His white talons seem to elongate before your eyes. 
“If you want to fight over her, then by all means,” he says with a dangerous smile. “But we both know I’d win.” 
“Maybe later then,” Sukuna says, lazily as if Gojo isn’t threatening him. “Once I’ve eaten my fill.” 
He stalks off into the night in search of more prey. 
“This is why I told you to wait,” Gojo says, running his hand over his face. “You’re practically bait in this world. Come on, I’ll take you home.” 
You nod, not trusting your voice, but he catches on anyways. 
“Don’t cry,” he says, his face twisted in a grimace. “I won’t know what to do if you cry. Look, this is just your life now, okay? You’ll have to get used to it.” 
On impulse, you press your face into his shoulder again, still sniffling. You want to be comforted, even though you know he won’t give it to you. 
“Ugh,” he says, true to form. “Quit that.” 
By the time you’ve calmed down, Gojo has already escorted you back to the shrine. 
“Don’t come back,” he tells you. 
Of course, you can’t listen to him. On your second night in the land of the dead and monsters, not only do you have to hide from beasts who would devour you the moment they found out what you were, you also have to hide from Gojo. You’re wearing a disguise, courtesy of Tsumiki and Megumi. 
In your defense, it’s not like you want to be here. You need a familiar, and it’s clearly not going to be Gojo. 
According to Tsumiki, Gojo’s the strongest, but there are other familiars who would be willing to serve you. They’re all in the Netherworld, however, and you have to find them before you can contract them. 
You pull the curtain of the hat shielding your face a little closer around you as you peer at the faces surrounding you, trying to gauge who looks friendly. None of them do. You’ve been wandering around for hours, but not a single spirit has stood out to you. 
In the end, you don’t find him. He finds you. 
“A human god?” A hand grasps your wrist loosely. “That’s rare. Don’t you know it’s dangerous to be here?” 
The man in front of you looks normal by any standards - but you know better than to trust your gut in the netherworld. Still, he’s the closest thing to a human you’ve seen in a while. Surrounded by a maelstrom of monsters, he feels like the eye of the storm. There’s a quiet and a calm surrounding him, even as you walk among noderabo with withered, leathery skin and scaly yajo. 
It’s not like he’s in his own little pocket of the world, you realize. He is. Everyone is purposefully giving him a wide berth. 
“Who are you?”  
“I asked first,” he says. 
“You know who I am! You just said so - I’m the human god.” 
His eyes rake over you. “So you are. But what are you doing here, girl?” 
You throw his words back in his face obstinately. “You first.”
“I’m Toji.” That doesn’t tell you anything, but he’s clearly unwilling to divulge more. “Your turn.”
“I’m looking for a familiar.” 
“What about your familiar? I heard that Gojo-sama isn’t keen on sharing.” 
Somehow, the way he says Gojo-sama sounds derisive, even with the respectful honorific. 
“He doesn’t want to be my familiar.” 
The rejection stings coming out of your own mouth. 
“Sounds like him. Haughty bastard, he couldn’t stand to serve a human girl, could he?” 
“Yeah! He’s an asshole,” you say, feeling validated. 
When Toji laughs, the scar over his lip tugs one side of his mouth down. You kind of like it. And he must be strong, just looking at him. He’s well muscled and covered in scars. Of course, there’s the little matter of the reverence everyone around you is offering him. Tsumiki and Megumi had told you to just go out and find one. Could it be that easy?
“Are you interested?” 
He gives you a look of barely concealed amusement. “You’re funny, girl. I don’t think Gojo would like that very much, though.” 
“I don’t care what Gojo thinks.” 
“Oh, here he comes now. Don’t go running too far - you’ll worry him,” he says, slow and easy. His confidence is absurd - it reminds you of Gojo, actually. He must be strong. “If you’re really serious about wanting me as a familiar, why don’t you meet me here again in three days?”
“What are you doing?” Gojo snarls at you. His teeth match the rest of his fox physique. With wonder, you realize that his pearly canines are pointed beyond what’s normal. “I told you not to come back!” 
“But- He-” You turn around to point Toji out, but he’s gone. 
“Who?” Gojo says. 
“He was right there!” 
“You’re so annoying,” Gojo bites out. “I don’t care what happens to you, but if you die, Megumi and Tsumiki will cry, so stop wandering off on your own. You’re lucky you didn’t get devoured on the spot.” 
He’s starting to get really irritating. You shove his hands off. 
“You know it’s actually your fault I’m here, right? If you didn’t reject me, I wouldn’t have to scour the Netherworld for a familiar.” 
Gojo scoffs. “My fault? Maybe you should take a look at yourself. If you were less weak, I wouldn’t have a problem serving you!” 
“That’s- You’re impossible!” You splutter. “I can’t help being weak! I was born this way! Not everyone is so lucky to be born a kitsune, oh-so-great-Gojo-sama.” 
“Enough,” he sighs. Taking you by your wrist, he forcibly drags you through the streets back in the direction you came. 
“Ow! You’re hurting me!” 
“Gojo!” Megumi’s reproving voice breaks the argument up before it can begin again. 
He lets go of you almost guiltily, if you thought he could feel guilt. 
“I’ll take her home,” Megumi says. 
Gojo’s tail lashes behind him angrily, but Megumi doesn’t spare him a second glance as he ushers you away. 
“Thank you,” you tell him in relief. “What are you doing here?” 
“You were taking a long time,” he says. “Tsumiki and I were getting worried. Did you find anyone?” 
You think of Toji. “No,” you say. “No one.” 
The next day, while Megumi and Tsumiki dress you for your trip through the Netherworld again, Megumi presses three slips of white paper into your hands. 
“We should’ve taught you this sooner,” he says. “One of the powers of a god is to transform objects. Whatever you write on this charm will become true - within the scope of your power. Be safe.”  
Armed with your paper slips, you feel like a real god. Tsumiki pushes you out the door with a prayer for good luck, though you’re not sure you can grant prayers to yourself for yourself.
Outside the door, something whines by your feet.
Or is that a regular white fox? 
It snaps its teeth at you. 
Definitely Gojo.
“I don’t need an escort,” you tell him, making shooing motions at him with your hands. “Go away!” 
He rolls over and yips at you, his tail wagging. 
“I can’t understand you like this!” 
“I said,” a cloud of smoke reveals him, mostly humanoid once again, except for his ears and tail. “I don’t want to do this either. It’s for Megumi and Tsumiki.” 
Toji doesn’t seem to like him, so you don’t want to risk bringing him with you. Despite your best attempts to shake him, Gojo follows you as you retrace your steps back into the spirit world. You’re just starting to despair when you spot a bigger reason to be upset. 
“Hello, delicious,” Sukuna says. “Ready for round two?” 
Why does he look even more terrifying? Did he get bigger? 
“Leave her alone,” Gojo says, almost bored. “It’s pathetic. You can only bully things weaker than you, huh?” 
“I’m not afraid to fight you,” Sukuna tells him. 
You’re panicking. They both look serious. You don’t want to be caught between these two forces of nature. 
“You should be,” Gojo says, and steps in front of you. Over his shoulder, he tells you, “Run. You’re in my way.” 
This is the chance you were waiting for. 
Toji’s dressed differently when you find him again. Last night, he was wearing a casual black kimono. Tonight, he’s dressed in a tight fitting black shirt and loose white pants. 
“You look nice,” you tell him, feeling anxious. Your mind keeps going back to Gojo. You’re sure he can hold his own, but you’re still worried for him. As you are, however, you’re of no help to him. The only way you’d be able to rescue him if he actually was in danger is by making a contract with a powerful familiar. 
“It’s for work,” he says. “Follow me.” 
“We can’t do it here?” 
“Do you want to kiss me in front of everyone?” He shrugs and reaches for you. “I mean, I’m down if you are, but I figured-” 
“No,” you squeak and dart away. “Privacy is good!” 
He laughs. “You’re as funny as ever, huh? C’mere.” 
Toji leads you off the beaten path and further into the woods. The only thing that keeps you from feeling more nervous is the moon shining overhead, illuminating your path. It feels almost like a friend is with you.
“Here is good,” Toji says, stopping at a clearing. 
“It’s so pretty,” you breathe out, dazzled. This deep into the woods, fireflies are lighting your way. Beneath your feet, a springy bed of flowers and moss covers the floor. 
“What can I say? I’m a romantic.” 
“Yeah, right,” you laugh at him, but you draw closer. You think you could trust him. You think you could be partners with him. 
Then Toji grabs you by the shoulders and dangles you off the edge of the clearing, over a steep drop you hadn’t noticed. The sharp cut off had been hidden by flowers, danger painted over with beauty. 
“Sorry, kid,” Toji says. “No hard feelings, right?” 
“Why?” You whisper. Gojo had been right. 
“There’s a bounty on your head,” he says. “Getou has offered to grant the wish of anyone who kills you.”
His eyes turn wistful. “I have a kid. Haven’t seen him in years. You understand, right? It’s not personal.” 
The fall is brutal. The wind whips tears into your eyes, if you weren’t already crying from the fear of falling to your death. You have to do something, anything. Above your head, something white flutters. 
A dove? 
Then another. 
It’s one of the paper ofuda Megumi had given you before you left, caught in the updraft of you rushing down to earth. You snatch it out of the air. You can’t reach the pen in your pocket. With increasing desperation, you bite down on your finger hard enough to draw blood and trace the characters for a tree branch onto it. Holding it aloft, you pray. 
Between your hands, wood solidifies. You’re clinging to a scrap of a twig sprouting from the rocky cliffside. Megumi’s words echo in your head - only within the scope of your power. 
So this is it, huh?
That’s all there is of your godly strength. 
“Looks like you’re in trouble,” Gojo says. He has no problem balancing on the sheer cliff. His appearance is impeccable, completely unscathed from his fight with Sukuna. He perches like a bird, as comfortable as if he were standing on solid ground. “Do you need help?”
Thank god. He’s here to save you! You nod, turning teary eyes on him. You were wrong about him. Gojo really is a good guy, deep down. 
“If you say, ‘Please save me, Gojo-sama, I was stupid.’ I’ll help you. Throw in some crying and begging, too.” 
Your eyes dry up instantly. He’s a total bastard. You clutch onto the branch tighter. There’s no way you’ll give him the satisfaction of groveling for help. 
Your resolve weakens when you hear the first snap. 
“Time’s ticking,” Gojo calls in a sing-song voice. “What will it be?” 
The harder you hold on, the more your flimsy branch breaks. 
“Come on,” Gojo says. “It’s not that hard. It’s just seven little words. Isn’t that worth your life?”
“Go fuck yourself,” you tell him, and the branch finally snaps. 
Falling for the second time is just as bad as the first time. The icy wind snatches at you like claws, tearing at your clothes. 
To your surprise, Gojo leaps after you. He makes free-fall look elegant - surely a far cry from whatever you’re doing. 
“Just say it,” he yells, within arm’s reach. He’s so close he could snag you by the shirt and haul you to safety, but you know he won’t. Not without getting what he wants. “Would you rather die than just apologize?” 
You have an answer prepared. 
His eyes widen in shock when you press your palms to his cheek, pull him closer, and kiss him. 
You barely have time to register the taste of him, sake and something sweet, before the reality of falling to your death rushes in again. 
“Gojo, save me!” 
As if his body is piloted by someone else, Gojo catches you. For him, it’s a short leap back up to the top of the clearing, where Toji has disappeared. 
You climb down from his hold once you’re certain you’re safe. You never thought you’d miss the feeling of solid ground beneath your feet this much, but at the moment, you’re willing to kiss the earth. 
Gojo seems much worse off. He’s frozen in shock, muttering the same refrain to himself under his breath. “Me? Bound to her? Impossible.” 
“Let’s go home,” you tell him. He doesn’t seem to get it until you tug him towards the path, and then he leads the way wordlessly. . 
You wake to Megumi and Tsumiki weeping over you. 
“I’m alright!”
They freeze, then burst into fresh tears. 
“We thought you would never wake up! Your first time using ofuda must have been too much for you,” Megumi gets out through his sobs. 
You feel sore all over. You can barely recall the events of the previous night, only that you kissed- 
“Finally up?” 
Gojo’s tapping his foot as he waits for you to get up. He looks furious. There’s an unmistakeable tick in his jaw that spells trouble for you. 
It’s too early to deal with him. You duck back under the covers. 
“Oh no you don’t,” he growls out as he seizes your wrist and bodily hauls you out of your warm cocoon of blankets. “You wanted to be a god, you’re going to be a god. It’s time for some training.” 
You shiver pathetically in the cold morning air. If you had known helping a stranger would lead to be harassed by a fox spirit, you would’ve never done it in the first place. 
“Try harder,” Gojo says at your sixth failed attempt to turn water into wine. 
“It smells alcoholic,” Megumi offers loyally. 
“I am trying!” You insist. 
“Harder,” Gojo snarls. 
The seventh attempt doesn’t change. Gojo throws up his arms and stalks out of the shrine, declaring the need to cool his head. Tsumiki frantically trails him, not trusting him to not attempt to run away again. 
Megumi tries to assure you that you’re doing well, but honestly, you need to leave too. The shrine feels too stuffy. A change of scenery will do you good. Sitting alone in the woods just behind the shrine, you try to focus. Slowly, stacks of ofuda disappear from your hands as you paste them to trees, willing them to blossom. Wilt. Do anything, anything at all. 
You’re out cold when Gojo finds you. 
“Divine power takes time,” he says as he prepares dinner. “Use too many talismans at once and you’ll pass out.” 
You drink a spoonful of soup morosely. “How do I get stronger?” 
“You’ll get stronger if you grant prayers.” 
Tsumiki perks up. “One just came in!” 
“I already looked at it,” Gojo says dismissively. “Not that one.” 
“Everyone’s wishes deserve to be looked at,” you argue. 
Gojo scoffs, “Not this one.” 
“Don’t be rude! A god can’t pick and choose.” 
He tosses the prayer at you. 
Morimoto Rika’s request touches your heart. She’s the spirit of a nearby lake - not just any spirit, as Megumi helpfully clarifies, but another owner of a shrine. A human boy visits her waters nightly. By the light of the moonlight, she fell in love with him, but she can’t meet him because they live in two separate worlds. 
And to think that you would’ve never known to help her if Gojo had continued keeping this from you. 
“This sounds like the perfect job for me,” you argue. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. Yokai can’t fall in love with humans.” 
You narrow your eyes at him. “Aren’t you bound to do as I say? Take me to her.” 
Against his will, Gojo summons what’s called a ‘night fog coach’. Only operable at night, as the name suggests, it’s a tall black carriage truly made for a god. You’re just wondering how Gojo expects you to climb aboard when he effortlessly lifts you by the waist. 
“You’re the one who wanted to go meet her,” he sneers. “Chop-chop.” 
Your supplicant looks like a fish if it were a girl. She has pale green skin and large, black eyes, with overly large teeth for her mouth. Black hair frames a heart shaped face. She’s cute, in her own monstrous way. And she’s desperately in love with a human boy. 
Gojo helps you transform her into a human body and make her over into a normal teenage girl. For a prayer granted, it feels like nothing more than dressing your friend up for a date. 
You’re even as nosy as you would be in that situation. It’s the first prayer you’ve ever granted. You know you shouldn’t, but you and Gojo watch the burgeoning romance from a distance. Of course, he’s completely disapproving, but you have high hopes for them - until Rika pulls out a ring. 
Aren’t they moving a little too fast? 
It only gets worse when Rika confesses that she’s been stalking him - sort of. Keeping tabs on him for his safety by following him around town is a little too close to the other, for your liking. Your head drops into your hands. 
But Yuta takes it surprisingly well. A little too well, in fact. It only seems to infatuate him even more. You knew there were certain types of men out there who loved crazy, but you had never seen it in real life - until now. 
Could this even be counted as a success? 
You’re happy for Rika and Yuta, as happy as you can be for their twisted little union, but you’re just waiting for Gojo to bite your head off for bringing a (real) monster and a human together as soon as you get back home. At least they’re happy, you think ruefully. Worse things could happen. Your first union as a marriage god didn’t fail. In fact, of all people, Yuta seemed the most likely in the world to accept Rika as she was, human or not. 
To your surprise, returning to the shrine, Gojo begrudgingly says, “You did well.” 
Any warm feelings you have for him the next day are replaced when he barges into your room and demands you strip. 
“You have guests,” he says. “Messengers from Toji-sama, the god of the wind.” 
Your eyes grow wide. You hadn’t known Toji was a god. Come to think of it, did Gojo even know the reason why you had been falling from that cliff? You weren’t sure if he had come in time to see who had pushed you. 
“What are you worried about? I’ll be at your side the whole time.” 
You’ll tell him later. Right now, you have a serious matter to prepare for. 
You tried not to discriminate on the basis of his master, but it’s not that at all. Toji’s familiar, Naoya, is simply annoying on his own terms. 
“So you’re the new god of this ramshackle little shrine,” he sniffs. “God, it’s disgusting. How poor are you?” 
“You must be the thirteenth familiar Toji’s owned. He goes through you like toys, doesn’t he? Of course you wouldn’t know that he used to live in worse conditions before. Deplorable.” Gojo laughs in his face. 
Naoya grits his teeth. “I’m surprised your little human dared to show her face. I thought she’d be terrified after what Toji did to her. They’re such weak little things.” 
Gojo looks at the other demon with a calm that worries you. As human as he is, there are moments when you can catch the monster lurking within. He’s like the sea, deceptively calm until you remember the threat of an unseen riptide. 
“If you insult my master again,” he says carefully, enunciating every word like he’s stabbing at them with a knife, “I will take your head and deliver it to your master as a present.” 
“Don’t tell me you’re happy to be serving a mortal girl,” Naoya laughs. “Not someone like you, Satoru. How the mighty have fallen.” 
Gojo looks at him for a long moment, then he ignores him completely and walks to your side. The most painful part of Naoya’s digs at you is knowing he’s right. Gojo doesn’t like this. How could he? He went from being the strongest to being commanded by some powerless girl. Still, Gojo gazes at you with his inscrutable eyes. You can’t read him at all. 
Slowly, he sinks to his knees next to you. 
With a gentleness you can hardly bear, he lays his head in your lap, as gentle and docile as a puppy. His neck is bared as if for an executioner’s axe, the delicate pulse of his heart open to you. He closes his eyes. His breath is shallow. He stays there, and says no more. 
“Oh, Satoru,” Naoya says in delight. “You really have become a tamed thing.” 
With an uncertainty you’re trying to hide, you lift your hands to Gojo’s head. His hair is sinfully soft. You’re almost scared he’ll try to take your hands off for it, but when you start to gently pet his hair, he almost purrs. His eyes close, half-lidded in pleasure. 
“I serve who I want to serve,” Gojo says. His tail lashes behind him. “Who are you to tell me my master is unworthy?” 
Naoya shrugs, clearly disbelieving. “Sure, Satoru. Keep telling yourself that. I’m just here to deliver a gift.” 
He tosses you a package wrapped carefully in beautiful, ornate wrapping paper. You’re sure it’s not Toji’s doing. He’s not the type. 
As soon as he leaves, Gojo pushes himself away from you. It leaves you a little sorrowful, the speed with which he tries to get away. He only did it for your sake, you know. He wanted to protect your honor in front of Naoya because you’re his master. But it must have disgusted him, to get on his knees for a human, if he recoiled so fast. 
“What did he mean, what Toji did to you?” Gojo asks over dinner. 
You know instantly that you’ll only draw his ire if you try to play dumb. 
“Toji pushed me off that cliff the day you found me.” 
Gojo’s eyes darken. The next time Naoya returns, he promises you, he’d set his tail on fire. No one besmirches his master’s honor like that. 
It’s about honor, of course. You’d be a fool to think otherwise. 
Alone in your chambers, you unwrap the package Naoya gave you. It’s an incense burner, beautiful and silver. As apology presents go, it’s a decent one. You set it aside for use at a later time. 
Naoya’s visit only makes Gojo’s training worse, but these days, you’ve grown used to him and his harsh words. The more that he yells at you for being weak, the more you can brush it off as Gojo just being Gojo. That only irritates him more, of course. 
But nothing pisses him off as much as you claiming that you’re returning to school. Gojo thinks that you have no need for school as a god. There’s nothing the humans can teach you that he can’t. 
In your eyes, Gojo is a kitsune. That means he’ll never understand a teenage girl’s heart. School isn’t about learning, it’s about the experience! You’ll never be in high school again - there are so many things you still haven’t experienced, like school trips. You only have one youth - you have to seize it in the moment! 
Gojo isn’t convinced. 
Like an overbearing parent, he nags you all day and night until finally, you strike a deal. He’ll let you go to school, but only as long as you cover up the god-mark on your head. Gojo is never one to make things easy for you. The hat he bestows you with is an ugly grandma print with faux fox ears. You’ll be the laughingstock of the school!
“It’s dangerous,” he says. “Who knows what wild beasts will be lurking about?” 
“You’re the wild beast,” you say. “I can’t wear that!” 
“I guess you can’t go to school then,” he sighs. “What a pity.” 
It’s all for show, of course. You know what he’s really like. There’s no use in arguing - either you agree to his compromise or you stay here, stuck in the temple for the rest of your life. You’ll miss out on all the joys of youth, never growing old in your cloistered shrine. The thought is unbearable. 
You snatch the hat from him in indignation. Putting it on before you leave the next day makes you cringe, but as long as you avoid mirrors, you can almost forget that it’s there - if not for your classmates staring at you. You can feel their judging eyes everywhere you go, and the whispers. 
You can’t even say you don’t care - you do care. You only have one high school life, and Gojo is ruining it. During lunch, you escape into the bathroom to mope and avoid all of your classmates. 
“Are you getting bullied?” Gojo’s voice is too bright and cheery for your dark mood right now. You can’t promise to remain calm if he stays here. 
“This is the girl’s bathroom, Gojo.” 
“Don’t be like that. I’m just worried about my master,” he says. “Well? How is it? Do you want to go home now?” 
He’s lying. You know he’s not worried about you at all, but you should be used to it. You don’t know why it stings as much as it does. 
You’re hurt even though you know this is just how Gojo is. Of course he’d be happy to see you miserable - he hadn’t even wanted you for a god in the first place. He’s bound to you by obligation, and nothing more. You had known from the start that he didn’t care about you, so why does it hurt that he won’t comfort you? It’s just like those nights in the demon world that seem so long ago now. He hasn’t changed at all. 
Gojo isn’t as shocked by your outburst as he is by the tears slowly welling up in your eyes. He stands stunned as you rush out of him and back into the hallway. 
Tsumiki appears next to him out of thin air, completely unimpressed. 
“You did a terrible job on that one, Gojo.” 
As if in a daze, he lifts his hand, where the crystal of one teardrop shines. He’d tried to reach for you at the last moment, but you were already gone. “I made her cry...” 
Megumi appears next to Tsumiki, his face red. “What’s taking so long? Hurry up and leave! We’re in the girl’s bathroom!” 
“Gojo was bullying our master,” Tsumiki announces. 
“I wasn’t bullying her!” 
“He made her cry.” 
Gojo winces. “Okay, yeah. I did do that.”
Megumi kicks him in the leg, which amounts to almost nothing. “Take responsibility, then!” 
When you return home, Gojo is waiting by the shrine door with an almost offensively polite smile on his face. “Let me take your coat, master.” 
Him being kind gives you the creeps. You can’t help but feel like he’s planning something, especially when he shows you the lavish dinner he prepared for you with all of your favorites. 
“What’s with the look?” He says, annoyed at your accusing eyes peering at him over your bowl. “I do something nice for you and this is how you treat me?” 
“This is really just for me? No ulterior motives?” 
“None,” he promises. 
The smile that breaks over your face is like the sun through rain clouds - sudden, dramatic, and almost painfully bright after a period of gray skies. 
“Thanks, Gojo!” 
The look in his eyes is unreadable as he reaches to spoon more food onto your plate. 
You don’t have anyone else in this world. Besides the shrine spirits, Gojo might be the only person in the world who will take care of you. For some reason, the thought doesn’t sting as much as it did this morning. 
The second day of school starts with pouring rain, as if it’s a direct reaction to your foul mood earlier. Gojo pulls you back when you try to leave. 
“It’s a bad omen,” he says. “Stay home with me today. I’ll worry about you if you go.” 
Normally, such sweet words might bring a blush to your face, but you can read between the lines. 
Stay home with me today so I can keep you out of trouble, you brat. 
I’ll worry about you if you go because you’re weaker than a worm. 
“Stop trying to keep me from going to school! I thought we got over this yesterday,” you huff. “I’m going to be late for the bus!” 
You leave Gojo with a handful of air as you dart under his outstretched arm and out the door. 
In school, all your classmates are listless. 
You’ve never been so unhappy to not be the subject of attention. What is wrong with everyone? Even the teacher doesn’t reprimand anyone for sleeping in class, half-asleep herself. You’re the only one who doesn’t seem to be caught in this spell of drowsiness, which insinuates paranormal origins. 
As you’re sweeping the classroom after class, one of your classmates lets out a disgruntled noise. 
“It’s a snake,” she says, not at all with the intonation of someone who’s just discovered a snake. Ami’s the type to go apoplectic at the sight of a fly, much less an actual snake, so you don’t pay much mind until you hear Kurama go, “Huh, she wasn’t kidding.” 
There’s a little yellow snake in the classroom. In their stupor, none of your classmates seem to care all that much about it. They just continue going about their chores. You feel bad for it. It’s such a small, fragile little creature. In their state, they might accidentally end up crushing it. 
With gentle murmurs of encouragement, you coax it into your hand. It’s surprisingly docile and twines itself readily around your wrist before you set it outside the window to be set free. 
Gojo doesn’t praise you for your act of heroism on the behalf of his fellow yokai, as you remind him. You saved his compatriots! Where’s the gratitude? 
He calls you a stupid little girl. “I don’t care about them, I care about you!” 
Your face warms with embarrassment against your will even though you know he doesn’t mean it like that. Time and time again, Gojo has stressed that he will never see yokai and humans as even remotely on the same playing field, much less capable of being romantic partners. 
“You’re my master,” he says. There’s your call back to reality. “Look at this mark on your wrist.” 
It appears like a normal bruise to you, though you’re not sure how it could’ve happened. Your new snake friend was very gentle when he was coiled around your wrist. He must have been someone’s escaped pet. You hope he found his way back home. 
Gojo’s mad. He’s enunciating every word. 
“This is exactly why I have to keep such a close eye on you. That’s no ordinary bruise. That is an engagement mark. Care to explain to me how I left you alone for one second and you got yourself engaged to a divine beast?” 
Your face pales. “Excuse me?” 
“That snake is going to come and claim you as his bride.” 
“As a bride?” Your head spins and you have to sit down. You’re too young to get married. You look up at Gojo, teary-eyed. You don’t want this. 
“Stop making that face,” he snaps, pushing a hand over your face to hide it. “As if I would let that happen. The master of the Yaga shrine, my master, could never be wed to a mere snake.” 
If Gojo says he won’t let it happen, you can put your faith in him. You breathe a little easier. As mean as he can be, Megumi and Tsumiki weren’t lying when they called him the best familiar. He’s the strongest and most capable person or rather, yokai, that you know. There’s not a single task you set for him that he hasn’t been able to complete. 
It’s still raining when you go outside to practice your talisman making. 
You find the weather quite pleasant, even though it’s a little damp. The chill in the air cuts through the muggy feeling of summer, and the raindrops cool your cheeks. When you turn your face up to the sky, you can taste ozone in the little drops that pelt your face. 
“You’re very beautiful, kamisama,” says a voice. 
There's a man waiting just outside the red gates. A supplicant? In this weather? You better get him inside in a hurry. You dash over to him. 
“What are you doing? Come inside, you’ll get wet!” 
Just as you reach him, he lifts his face. He looks like a statue, with high cheekbones, and solemn eyes. His hair is the same pale yellow as the snake you saw earlier that day-
But it’s too late. 
The snake has a hold on your wrist, right above the engagement mark. He takes you away. 
One moment, you’re standing in your own backyard, the next, you’re surrounded by almost-familiar bamboo walls. It looks like your shrine but for little distinguishing touches. That makes you uncomfortable. 
“This is Haibara shrine,” the snake says. “I’m Nanami, the familiar of Haibara-sama. I’ve taken you away to marry you.” 
There’s a curtain over the center of the room. Haibara presumably rests behind it, but something strikes you as off about the whole scenario. That’s not what’s foremost on your mind, however. 
“I don’t want to marry you! You kidnapped me!” 
He tilts his head at you. “I couldn’t have kidnapped you. We’re engaged, you see?” He traces the mark on your wrist with one slim finger. “We’re going to be very happy together.” 
“You’re being creepy,” you push him away. 
At your rejection, something dark crosses over his features - not danger, but pain. He has some nerve feeling upset when you’re the one who should be upset here! 
“That’s alright,” he says, trying to stroke your hair. You won’t let him touch you. “I know it can take some getting used to. Here, let me show you to your room.” 
Nanami has clearly put a lot of thought into decorating for you. It’s beautifully furnished, with rich silk sheets and the fragrant smell of plum blossoms permeating the air. Here, there’s not a single thing you could want but- 
You miss Gojo and you miss your shrine. 
When Nanami leaves you in your room, it feels like a tomb in the silence. You bury your face in your expensive, hateful sheets and try to resist the urge to sob. You want Gojo to come get you. You want to go home. 
Hours pass, but Gojo doesn’t come. 
Nothing but the sound of your breathing changes, passing from frantic to deeper, slower, steadier. As your head clears, you notice the window. It’s a beautifully ornate design, a red knot of luck. The center is just big enough for a girl to squeeze through, if you try hard. 
Resolve grips you. 
You’re not going to wait for Gojo to rescue you. You’re going to get out of here yourself, find him, and scold him for not coming to get you earlier. Aren’t you his most beloved master, as he so professes? You’re going to make him kneel for at least three hours practicing his apologies! 
Filled with renewed conviction, you hoist yourself onto the window sill and begin the tedious task of shimmying yourself out. Just when you’re nearly there, the sharp edge of the metal scrapes your shin, leaving a long, thin cut. 
The smell of salt replaces the plums immediately. 
“God?” Comes Nanami’s voice. “I smell blood. Are you alright?” 
“I’m fine!” You panic. If he discovers your escape attempt now, he might try to put you in a more secure room, and then you’ll really never see Gojo again. 
The adjacent wall caves in. 
Gojo stands in the rubble, seething, each hand wreathed in blue flame. He doesn’t even notice you, his attention wholly focused on Nanami. “You drew her blood? Are you prepared to face the consequences of hurting my master, snake?” 
You grab his arm just before he attacks. “He didn’t! I hurt myself on the window- oof!” 
Gojo’s so much bigger than you are. When he folds you into his arms, his entire body surrounds you. His chin tucks itself over your head, his large arms wrap around your body. You’ve never felt more secure than you are here, now. “I thought you’d be crying.”
His voice is hoarse. 
You’ve never heard that before. 
“You came,” you whimper, burying your face into his shoulder.  
Nanami’s face is crestfallen. “Are you going to leave me?” 
You grab Gojo’s arm and duck into the other room, where Haibara’s curtain is. 
“Don’t!” Nanami cries. 
When you pull it back, there’s nothing but an old, dusty kimono. 
You were right. 
This place is godless. 
“You’re no familiar,” Gojo snarls, turning on Nanami. “Don’t even think to call yourself that. The difference between you and me is as clear as day, you vile beast. You’ll pay for your insolence with the loss of your shrine.” 
Nanami’s misery is written all over his face. You’ve realized what’s wrong with this shrine. It’s too quiet, as if no one has prayed here for generations. Haibara has been dead for a long, long time.
Nanami must have been lonely. 
“Don’t,” you tell Gojo.
He stares at you, incredulous. “Are you out of your mind?” 
You tug yourself out of Gojo’s arms. Nanami’s crouched on the ground, trying to shield Haibara’s old kimono from Gojo’s foxfire. You kneel to his level. 
“I’m sorry you’ve been lonely for all this time, Nanami. I can’t stay with you, but if you come to my shrine, we can play again.” 
Nanami weeps and reaches for your hand. The mark of the snake dissolves. 
Gojo doesn’t talk to you on the way back to the shrine.
“Don’t be mad,” you say, tugging on the sleeves of his kimono. He gives you a deadpan stare. “Come on! I only did it because-” 
You can’t finish your sentence. 
Of course, that piques Gojo’s interest. He can never resist bullying you. 
“Because? Go on,” he goads you. 
You say it so quietly he can’t hear you, even with his fox ears. He spins around, grabs you by the waist, and hoists you up so you’re face to face. You yelp and scramble to grab onto his shoulders for balance. 
“Louder,” he demands. “I can’t hear you.” 
“I was thinking about what would happen if I died and you were all alone again. I couldn’t leave him alone because I was thinking of you,” you tell him. Thinking of Gojo watching after an empty shrine all alone like Mizuki makes your heart ache for reasons you can’t explain. 
He stiffens. “What a strange thing to worry about. I wouldn’t care.” 
“Ugh,” you smack him in the shoulder. You shouldn't have tried to be kind to him. 
He doesn’t put you down, shifting you into an easier hold. “You’re hurt,” he admonishes when you try to squirm. 
Just before you enter the shrine gates, he has a confession of his own to make. “I’m sorry,” he says. “You got hurt because I wasn’t protecting you.” 
You rub his ears, an indulgence you’re not sure he would’ve allowed if he wasn’t in such a mood. “It’s not your fault!” 
“I’ve never had a human master,” he says. “I have to be careful not to break you. You’re so easily hurt.” 
“You don’t have to say it like that,” you say, and then the shrine spirits are there to welcome you home. 
You hadn’t realized you thought of the shrine as home until today. 
Even though Nanami’s mood isn’t affecting the weather anymore, it’s still raining. Gojo tells you not to mind the weather, even though you’re certain that it’s not from natural causes, which means it is your job. Ever since you came back from Haibara’s shrine, Gojo has been extra protective of you. 
You hadn’t thought Gojo had needed to be protected too, not until the thunder god came. 
The god of storms and lightning is called Getou Suguru. He carries a mallet in one hand that can transform whoever it touches into their younger forms, and he used to be Gojo’s best and only friend. He’s also the one who called a bounty on your head.
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yanderes-galore · 26 days
I allow myself to send a request now, because with the time difference, it will be 11pm in my country (and I do not know if I will still wake up)
Fandom : Jujutsu Kaisen
Personnage : Satoru Gojo
Accord : romantique
Type : alphabet
Thanks to advance ~😘
Sure! Here you go :) Hope you enjoy my take on Gojo!
Yandere Alphabet - Satoru Gojo
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Smothering behavior, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Violence, Murder, Kidnapping, General Yandere themes, Controlling behavior, Paranoia, Isolation, Slight jealousy, Dubious relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Gojo is most likely overly affectionate. His behavior may hide darker secrets but he's genuinely affectionate. He's physically affectionate, often clinging to his beloved and being overly friendly.
Gojo can seem overbearing and intense with his obsession. Part of him is scared to lose you... Yet he'd never show that part to you. He has to be strong for you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
The scariest part of Gojo is his strength. If he even had rivals he really wanted to get rid of, he could easily make them red mist. Safe to say Gojo is capable of getting messy for his darling.
He just knows when to pick his battles... usually.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Gojo would not mock you. He would treat you the best he can if he ever did abduct you. After all, if he abducted you he most likely did it for, in his words, "good reason".
He meets your every need, promising to give you everything you want as long as you don't leave.
However, Gojo most likely won't need to abduct. He primarily stalks you and why should he be jealous? He has the strength and power to make you his. No one else stands a chance.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He tries not to, you have more freedom than most yanderes.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Gojo keeps most of his baggage hidden, yet he seems open with you. He never likes to show vulnerability but I imagine the mask slips a bit at times. So when he is truthfully open with you, it's rare.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Amused. You're never going to be as strong as him... but he finds your attempts to fight the decisions he made for you adorable.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not really a game yet he might find your escape attempts amusing.
Most because he knows you won't get far.
The only way you can make escape attempts is if he allows you.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Realizing there is no getting rid of him. As I said before, the scariest part about Gojo is his strength. He can easily follow you, take you away, and remove any threat around you.
That's the scariest part about him as a yandere. The fact he's strong and persistent.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Hard to say but he definitely wants you protected. Maybe he wants to be more than your boyfriend, maybe he's happy at that stage. For the most part... Gojo just likes you near him.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
I'd say he does but he's playful. If he didn't like you talking to someone then he'd insert himself into the conversation. If someone was getting a bit too flirty, he'll just pull you away.
He likes to play it off, maybe playfully pouting when you neglect him. Being jealous doesn't bother him too much. It's when someone genuinely tries to take you that he begins to have issues.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Obsessive, Overprotective, Manipulative, Slightly controlling, Playful, Affectionate, Clingy, Paranoid.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Honestly, you could meet him in many ways but he'd always try to be playful and friendly. He tries not to get too close at first. He's scared to lose you like the people he has lost before.
The world is dangerous and since you're not as strong as him, he could lose you easily. He originally tries to stay professional, best he doesn't get too close. However... Despite his attempts... You still manage to infect his mind.
After all... he can protect you if you just never leave his sight. This makes him stalk you, cling around you, and just never let you out of his sight. All for your safety...
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Eh, not really, no.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He wouldn't want to hurt you so I imagine isolation in a room he picked out and maybe restraints if he feels you can leave. For the most part his punishments are actually really tame compared to more. Being locked in a room yet not restrained is an introvert's dream.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many as long as you're kept safe. He's actually a chill yandere compared to other JJK yanderes.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient, actually. He may not seem like it but he tries to be patient for you.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Not really, no. Losing you may make him snap, actually. Which is the last thing the world needs, honestly.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Maybe a little bit but if he genuinely thought you were in danger he would not let you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Childhood and Curiosity seem to best fit him.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He'd do his best to comfort you, caging you in his arms as he whispers in your ear. There's no need to be afraid.... He's doing this to protect you.
He's doing this because he loves you.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
There really is no escape when it comes to Gojo. You just have to hope staying out of danger and not getting too close with others appeases him. Which, again, is the scariest thing about him.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
No, he would not.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere but would probably level a city for you. He's strong enough to do that, scarily enough.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Well, he protects you for a long time... but he may initiate romantic feelings after a year.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not intentionally if at all.
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lemonlover1110 · 11 months
Baby Steps
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 22] June 26
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
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Satoru is in disbelief as he holds his son for the first time– Tears stream down his face as he looks at the cute little face. He’s just the cutest human ever, and he hasn’t been here for a full day. God, he’s crying even more because his baby won’t be this small again. He doesn’t want to let go of his baby. He’ll forever remember this day, June 26.
“Can I hold him, Satoru?” You can’t believe that you have to ask to hold your own son. Satoru only let you hold him to feed him, and it’s irritating; sure, there will be times that you will be begging for someone else to hold him, but today is not one of those moments. He just got here. He isn’t paying any attention to you, and you have to slightly raise your voice, “Satoru!”
“Huh?” He asks, finally looking up from his baby. You have to ask him again, 
“Can I please hold my baby?” Satoru hesitantly nods before standing up and handing you the baby. You can’t believe that you have to ask him to hold the baby that just came out of you. He gives you the baby, and you stare at him in awe. You’ve been anticipating this moment for what feels like an eternity, and he’s finally in your arms. Any pain is worth it– At least in this moment, you know that bleeding for a month straight will change your mind. 
“We need a name for him.” He says, and you hum in response. You’ve had time to think of baby names, but your mind has been too busy with your possible death. Holding your baby in your arms makes you realize that you’ve missed out on so many fun activities that would make pregnancy better. But it’s fine, as long as you have your little baby. “Do you have any?”
“I don’t.” You answer. Satoru bites down on his lip, thinking of the perfect name. A name that’ll follow him for the rest of his life. Satoru tries to think of the perfect name, but that’s just so hard to pick now. The baby doesn’t have any sort of personality yet; he’s only been alive for a couple of hours. “Do you have any in mind?”
“I don’t either.” He confesses. And he tries to think of names, but none come up in his mind. A smile comes on his lips, and he jokes, “How about Satoru Jr.?”
“God, that name is awful–” And just as you say that, the door to your room opens and you watch as your parents walk through the door. They’re quick to go to your side to finally be next to you after everything that has happened. Oh– And to finally meet their precious grandson.
“Your baby boy.” Your mom comments, her voice breaking as she sees the baby. Although she doesn’t want to say how she’s more excited to see you again, rather than meeting her grandson. Both are big events, but for the past six weeks, she’s been more worried about your wellbeing. Same is for your father. She pushes the hairs away from your face and asks, “Are you okay, baby? Is everything alright? I’ve been worried sick.”
You talk to them, avoiding sharing many details because you don’t want to think too much about everything that has happened. They fawn over their grandson, and Satoru smiles as he watches you four. Your parents argue on who gets to hold the baby first, and in the end, your mother wins. She sanitizes her hands before she picks up her grandson, putting on a baby voice as she talks to him.
“Have you two thought of a name?” Your father asks, and you shake your head. You have to name him because you can’t call him your baby boy for months on end until you finally pick the name. The baby begins to cry, and you hear your mother coo at him before she hands him back to you. You waste no time in feeding him. Meanwhile, your father asks, “How much does he weigh?”
“Seven pounds six ounces.” Satoru answers without missing a beat. The door opens again, and you look up from your baby to look at Kaya who walks in through the door. The biggest grin comes to your face and she smiles back as she walks in with a teddy bear, flowers, and a balloon. Satoru takes it from her, thanking her and although she wants to make a snarky remark, one that highlights her weird relationship with Satoru, she bites her tongue.
“Congratulations.” Kaya awkwardly smiles at Satoru before she walks to your side. She kisses your cheek before saying, “I’m so glad you’re okay. And look what you surprised us with.”
“You know I have to make a dramatic entry.” You joke, causing her to laugh. You haven’t been this happy in a long time. This truly is the greatest day of your life.
“So what name have you guys picked?” Kaya asks, only to receive the same answer that your parents got. It makes her say, “Please don’t make him a junior.”
“He’s not becoming a junior.” You assure her, and it makes Satoru roll his eyes. Well, he was definitely joking but he doesn’t like hearing it from Kaya.
“I think this is the first time I see you without your shades. You have some freaky eyes.” Kaya tells Satoru, and he rolls his eyes once again. She then looks at your baby, “Please check that your son doesn’t have the same eyes.”
“Kaya, aren’t you being a bit rude?” Your mother interrupts, and Satoru holds back a smirk. As if his sister got in trouble for making fun of him.
“Oh c’mon, look at them.” Kaya responds, and your mother rolls her eyes. When your baby unlatches, Satoru takes him from your hands and takes a seat, grabbing the burp cloth and throwing it over his shoulder before he begins to burp him. He just wants to do everything for his little one. 
“Is your family coming, Satoru?” Your father asks, changing the topic, and you’d almost feel embarrassed because Satoru’s parents don’t have an idea, but you’re so focused on the fact that you just had a baby.
“They’ll meet him when we’re back home. They can be a little too much.” Satoru answers. 
“Seiji is a cute name.” Kaya brings up, and a smile comes to your lips.
“That’s the perfect name!” You exclaim. Since Satoru has no other name in mind, and the name sounds good enough, he agrees.
“That’s better than Snoopy.” Satoru comments, making some brows raise except yours. Before anyone can ask, Satoru shares, “Ten minutes after he was born, she suggested the name.”
“Let’s not talk about that.” You’re quick to say. “God, I can’t wait to leave and go home. I hate it here.”
“I have so much planned for us when you’re back home.” Kaya says. “We have to do the baby shower–”
“Baby shower? You know that’s supposed to happen before the baby is born.” You point out.
“I don’t see the harm in having one. Even if it’s a month or two too late.” Satoru says. It’d be a fun event too, and like that everyone can meet the baby instead of having people coming in and out of the house daily. “Just wait a couple of months.”
“You can always do a baby shower for the next baby.” Your father suggests, and you look absolutely mortified.
“I’m not having any more kids. Seiji will be my first and last one. I’m not putting myself through that pain again– Let’s not even mention I didn’t have any complications.” You respond. They stay quiet, just listening to Satoru pat his son’s back and the occasional burp until there’s not more. Satoru stops, and just focuses on holding his baby again. He’s so engrossed by the cute little nose, his cute little eyes– And he yawns, Seiji fucking yawns and Satoru’s eyes well up with tears again. He’s waited so long for this.
“Well are we going to hold the baby or will you just keep hoarding him?” Kaya speaks up, making you laugh,
“He’s been doing it the entire time. He just lets me hold him to feed him.” You share, making your parents laugh, however, Kaya has a different reaction.
“Well, he’s my son so I have the right to hold him.” Satoru argues. Satoru just didn’t know he could love a tiny human so much. Satoru could’ve died earlier when the baby had his hand wrapped around Satoru’s finger. 
“You didn’t do any of the work, she carried him for nine months!” Kaya defends you.
“Yeah, because she carried him for nine months I should get to hold him for now.” Satoru says as he looks for Seiji’s blue pacifier. When he finds it, he puts it in the baby’s mouth. “Are you guys staying for long? It’s getting late.”
“We’re going back to the hotel soon.” Your mother says. She walks over to you and kisses your forehead, “We’ll be back tomorrow morning.”
Your parents say their goodbyes, dragging Kaya out with them. They promise they’ll be back by the morning. When they’re gone, Satoru walks back to you and hands you the baby, kissing the tip of your nose, “He’s just the cutest.”
“He is.” You respond, smiling down at your son. “Seiji. That’s the perfect name.”
“It is.” Satoru has to agree. He then pecks your lips, “Thank you.”
He feels this heavy weight in his chest, a foolish smile on his lips as he looks at you– He can’t blame the smile on his son because just looking at the baby makes him burst into tears. It’s unusual for him to cry, but then again, this is a life changing moment and he just can’t contain the tears. But this feeling is different, and he’s sure what it is, he just doesn’t know if it’s the right moment to tell you… He doesn’t want you to think that it’s just because you gave birth to his son. He wants you to know that even if Seiji wasn’t here, he’d still–
“He has a head full of white hair, he’s already your twin.” You tell him, and he chuckles before correcting you,
“He’s bald.”
“Hmm… I do hope that I saw wrong because I’m going to be mad if my only kid looks just like you.” You tell him.
“I want him to be my twin. He’ll be my only kid too.” Satoru responds, making you roll your eyes.
“You can procreate with someone else, it won’t hurt you one bit.” You remind him, and he shakes his head. You furrow your brows before you ask him, “What do you mean by that?”
He takes the baby from your hands and puts him down in the bassinet. God, he almost feels guilty for putting his baby down instead of holding him the entire time. He just had to talk to you for a moment. He deeply inhales, and he feels extremely nervous because he just doesn’t know how to start it off. He just had a baby and he’s feeling nervous about this. He grabs your hand before opening his mouth,
“I have to tell you something, and I don’t want you to think that it’s because we just had a baby. Even if Seiji wasn’t a factor, this would still happen.” He begins and you’re out of it. You have no idea what he’s talking about, until the words finally leave his mouth, “I love you.”
“Huh?” You can’t believe your ears. You were expecting your baby to be the biggest surprise of the month, and somehow his dad outshined him. He grabs your hand, and puts it to his chest. You feel how it feels as if it’s about to beat out of his chest, the same way that your heart beats. You end up smiling at him as he repeats,
“I love you.”
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A Moment in Time (Ino Takuma x Reader)
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First time posting since I rebranded my tumblr to try and get into posting fics here, thought I'd start off with this to put myself out there cause I finished it just a couple of hours ago ) I hope y'all enjoy, Ino is just a little baby and deserves all the love
Small preface: This is set post-Shibuya, but just before Yuta reenters the picture so it does contain brief manga spoilers in the beginning in terms of character appearances. Reader's CT involves sound and emotions, it manifests as a colour-shifting blob that can be manipulated into different shapes and colours to distract, camouflage and other things. It is influenced by inner thoughts and emotions and sometimes takes the form of people she is thinking of or imitates her movements, almost like it has a mind of it's own. (However it's a very small part and only mentioned a couple of times) Also I have no idea if Shoko can actually do the things she is described to do here, so just roll with it
Warnings: blood, mention of a missing eye, shoko's healing, a lot of pain noises, lots of blood :( as happy of an ending as you can have while just coming out of shibuya, fluff
Word count: 1.7k
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Shibuya was a mess. So were you, and so was Yuji who has just shown up in front of you for the first time since you departed Jujutsu Tech all those hours ago. “Where’s…” You trail off, your voice raw and defeated as you look pleadingly at him standing beside a man you don’t recognise, “Yuji,” You whisper, tears welling up in your eyes, “Where’s Ino?”
He shakes his head, scrunching his own face up, “Ino got hurt real bad, protecting Megumi and I,” He mumbles, angrily rubbing at his face, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, he’s hurt real bad,”
You quickly race over, your arms pulling him into a hug and letting him hide his face against your neck despite the blood, “Shhh, Yuji, it’s not your fault,” you murmur, “Even if you wanted to you couldn’t stop him from protecting you, he’s a selfish hard-headed piece of work,” Yuji’s body shakes but he makes no noise as he cries, you continue to reassure him softly, knowing what he needs right now is someone to let him know he’s alright. “If he dies-“ You cut him off before he says anything else, “Don’t make a promise like that, Yuji, Ino knew exactly what he was doing,” You bring a hand up to the back of his head and clutch his hair, letting your own tears fall, “You know he promised me he’d protect you, he promised me, not anyone else, me, as if I had a reason to believe he’d do anything different,”
“I hurt so many people,” He sobs, “Nanami is gone, Kugisaki might be too, it’s all my fault,” You push him away from his sanctuary in your arms, holding him so he’s forced to look at you, “Yuji, they’re sorcerers, they’re fucking crazy, they knew what they were doing, we all know what we’re here for and we all know the eventual price we must pay,” You move your hand from the back of his head to his cheek, “You’re worth it, Yuji, you’re so much more than just ‘Sukuna’s vessel’ to us,” The other man finally steps forwards, “She’s right,” His voice is soft, rumbling like a faraway storm, “You’re strong, brother, but that doesn’t mean you have to be strong alone,”
You nod to him in thanks as Yuji’s body stills, no longer wracked with sobs, “Since the first finger you’ve never been alone Yuji, it began with Megumi and Gojo and it will end with all of us, we may not know what it’s like, but we’re here and we care,” A few more tears slip down his face as he lets a small smile grace his lips, “Thank you Y/n,” He murmurs, “Will you stay by my side?” You nod, “I will do whatever I can for you, Yuji Itadori,” You brush your thumbs over his cheeks, wiping away the tears that fall, “Now dry your tears, we still have work to do,” He nods, “This is Choso by the way,” He gestures to the man accompanying you and you finally focus on him for a few moments.
Black hair tied up in messy pigtails, a thick black line across his nose, his clothing loose and shoes that look straight from a goth’s wardrobe, “It’s good to meet you,” You smile as you wonder where he came from, “I’m Y/n,” He nods in return, not quite meeting your eyes but it’s not something that bothers you. You can feel your cursed technique welling up beneath your skin and it seeps out, taking up a crude imitative form of Ino beside you, “Have you seen Megumi since you split up?” you ask, ignoring it. “Last I saw he was with Shoko and Principal Yaga, Ino should be there too, Sukuna sort of saved Megumi, but I don’t know why yet,” Yuji scratches the back of his head while you think for a moment, “Alright, I’ll let you guys get back to the remaining curses, I’ll see if we’re going to move the badly wounded to a safe location,”
You pull him into another quick hug, “I’ll see you soon, okay?” He nods against your shoulder, “Thanks Y/n,” He murmurs as you pat his back. “If you need me, I’m only one call away, don’t be afraid to ask for help,” You say firmly as you grip his upper arms for a moment, before letting go and darting off to where you believe Shoko and Yaga will be based on the directions you were given beforehand.
Once you’ve made your way to the building under the cover of your cursed technique, it drips away into a puddle of red and black that follows you along the ground as you desperately search for Ino. “Y/n! He’s over here!” Shoko calls from a bit further down the rows of bodies, tucked in next to a pillar. Your heart races as you run to her, her hands gently working over his body to find the sources of his pain. You stumble to your knees beside him and cup his cheeks, not caring about the blood as he grits his teeth and groans.
“Shhshhshh,” You gently hush him, stroking the hair back from his forehead, your chest aching as you try to avoid looking into his empty right eye-socket, “Everything’s gonna be ok, you’re gonna be alright,” You murmur. “Hold him,” Shoko instructs softly and you nod, shifting closer and letting him nestle his head sideways against your chest, still facing Shoko. You feel the reverse cursed energy radiating from Shoko as she pushes it into him, frowning as she looks up at his face. An agonized cry falls from his lips and his hands grip you tightly, painfully, but you ignore it and press your lips to the top of his head, “It’s ok Takuma, I’m here, I love you, I’m not leaving,” You whisper.
He struggles and shakes but you hold him tightly, his breaths coming in short wailing gasps, “Is it supposed to hurt him this much?!” You blurt to Shoko, gripped with panic. She grimaces, “I’m growing him an entirely new eye, give me a second!” She seethes. His fingernails dig so sharply into your waist and back that you feel your skin breaking, but you ignore your own pain and just rock him gently. He finally falls limp, breathing heavily and still making small groaning noises every so often, “Stay with him,” She stands, “He needs you,” You nod firmly.
The thought of leaving his side hadn’t even crossed your mind and you work to comb the fingers of one hand through his hair, gently detangling and moving it away from the blood still on his face. You pick up on his breathing pattern and duck your head, breathing loudly and slowly in his ear until he starts copying you, “That’s it, that’s it,” You praise him softly, “There you go,” He digs his fingernails in again, though not nearly as hard as before, and slumps further against you, forcing you to sit back on your butt against the pillar. He buries his face against your chest and you hold him half in your lap, legs spread either side of his waist, “Oh Takuma,” You whisper, finally allowing yourself to feel a wash of relief, “I’m so happy you’re alive,”
He moans softly against your shirt, his hands creeping up your skin at the back and just holding you, “Takuma,” You breathe. “Y/n,” He finally murmurs as he turns his head to the side slightly, his voice rough and low, mouth barely exposed. You let out a soft cry, “Takuma,” you repeat, helping him as he insistently moves up and then flops onto his butt beside you, his eye good as new but his face still covered in blood, “Oh…” you kneel in front of him and look over your shoulder, “Can someone get me a bottle of water?” You call out, but his gentle hands pull your attention, and your body, back to him. “C’mere,” He grunts, his hands moving down your body the closer you get until he tugs you by the hips and you’re forced to straddle his upper thighs.
“What did you say before doll?” He mutters, his eyes swimming with emotion, almost not quite seeing you. “I’m so happy you’re alive,” You murmur, your hands trailing up to his face, “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you,” He shakes his head, coughing a couple of times, “No, before that,” Someone places a bottle next to your leg and you nod in thanks, looking away only briefly. “Takuma…” You murmur, leaning forward and resting your forehead to his, “I love you,”
He chuckles, his lips spreading into a smile beneath the blood, “I can’t live without you, I don’t want to live without you,” You whisper. “That’s what I needed to hear,” He lets his head rest back against the pillar and you grab the bottle, pouring a small amount of water into your palm and lifting it to his face, “Close your eyes,” You murmur, and once he’s closed them you let the water drip between your fingers onto his forehead and down over his eyelid. You use your fingertips to gently rub the blood off and then rinse his face, drying it with your coat as he opens his eyes again, “You are so pretty,” He murmurs, “And that’s not just the blood loss talking,”
His hands which haven’t deviated once from your hips pull you slightly closer, one trailing up to the back of your head as he leans closer, “Stunning,” He murmurs, his lips brushing over yours like feathers as you share breaths, “Crying for me like this,” He coos, “You’re just beautiful,” You hadn’t even realised you were crying until he mentioned it, his hands grabbing your wrists to stop you from wiping them away, “Takuma,” you whimper softly, struggling against his grip and desperate for validation, “Say it back or let me go,”
His breath fans your neck for a moment and he kisses your jaw, “I love you too,” He murmurs into your skin, “Always have, won’t let you go, I promise,” His mouth trails up to yours, satisfying the flame that roars beneath your skin as he initiates a tentative kiss, one full of love and care. You press further into him, desperately assuring yourself he’s still alive and allowing yourself to forget where you are for just a moment in time.
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Thanks for giving me a chance if you got this far, I hope you enjoyed it! Most of my fics start out as self-indulgent writings but then if I'm proud I'll post them somewhere and see what people think, anyway please please feel free to request, send me prompts, anything that comes to mind!
Post dividers from @cafekitsune
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