#i just needed to write emily with a service dog
introverted-author · 1 year
Emily gets a service dog. JJ is allergic | Written for @prentiss-theorem bingo. Fulfills the prompt 'Maybe I'm allergic to them?'
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Emily didn’t think that she had ever experienced this level of anxiety. As she sat in the small room with her wife JJ right beside her, she couldn’t stop the thoughts racing in her head.
Will they be a boy or a girl? Black lab or yellow lab? What colour will their eyes be? Will I like their name? Please let me like their name!
Things had gotten really bad for her after the Doyle case. She hadn’t been able to leave the house, let alone work. And when JJ had suggested a service dog, everything had fallen into place. Emily had been waiting for a service dog for her PTSD for two years. And in just a few short minutes, she would finally be meeting her new partner.
All of these thoughts and more sped through her brain and she was aware of how stupidly nervous she was and the fact that she would probably be crying as soon as she saw them. JJ was gently running her thumb along Emily’s knuckles, doing her best to soothe her wife’s anxieties. It was times like these when Emily was so grateful to have JJ at her side.
After what felt like both a millenia and ten seconds, the door clicked open and in walked a trainer and the most beautiful golden Labrador that Emily had ever laid her eyes on. As soon as the trainer led the lab over, they were up on two paws, leaning on Emily’s lap as they butted their head into Emily’s chest.
“Her name is Arla,” the trainer said, looking on with a fond smile as Emily lost herself in golden fur and deep brown eyes.
“Hi Arla,” Emily beamed, high in the clouds as she doted on the materialisation of dreams that had taken far too long to come true. Emily didn’t know how long the two of them played, tears of elation trickling down Emily’s cheeks.
JJ didn’t seem to be able to stop sneezing.
They had been home for a few nights with Arla after an intense week of training. JJ had taken the next month off of work at the BAU to help Arla settle in. And everytime that Arla was on JJ’s lap, she broke out in a fit of sneezes.
“Your eyes are really red Jayje,” Emily commented with trepidation from the armchair opposing the couch. “Are you okay?”
JJ sniffled, wiped her watery eyes and said, “... I think I might be allergic to Arla.”
“Oh no. Jayje, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were allergic to dogs otherwise-”
“Em, relax,” JJ said, holding up her hands. “I didn’t know that I was allergic either. And it’s really not that bad-”
“You have snot dripping from your nose.”
Emily laughed as JJ panicked, frantically snatching a tissue from the box on the coffee table and blowing her nose.
“You never saw that!” JJ exclaimed as Emily laughed, enjoying her wife’s embarrassment.
“But seriously,” JJ started. “What should we do about Arla?”
“We could call Reid? He might have some ideas.”
“Whatever happened to Google?”
“You know Reid is more accurate than Google could ever be. Besides, if he doesn’t ramble at least once a day he’ll explode in a blast of neurodivergent glory.”
JJ shrugged and nodded, continuing to allow Arla to lie on her lap despite the increasingly apparent consequences. Emily took her phone from the coffee table and was quick to find Reid’s contact and press the call button.
“Hey Reid,” Emily smiled when the doctor picked up after only a few rings. “How’s it going? Got a case?”
“No, today’s a paperwork day,” Reid said, switching on the FaceTime feature and beaming as Emily appeared on his screen. Reid preferred FaceTimes as he found it easier to pick up on the other person’s emotions when he could see them. “I haven’t seen you in a week and three days! We’ve all missed you and JJ. How is Arla? I cannot wait to meet her!”
“Arla’s good,” Emily flipped the camera around to show Arla and JJ. JJ’s face brightened up and she waved before being interrupted by another sneeze.
“Is JJ okay?” Reid asked as Emily turned the camera back to herself. “It looks like she might have a cold or allergic rhinitis.”
“We think that JJ might be allergic to Arla. We thought we should ring you to get your verdict.”
“Emily, I’m not a medical doctor.”
“But you are better than every search engine combined.”
Reid laughed at that, nodding. “Well, I would recommend going to a doctor - a doctor who is qualified in the medical field, Emily. They can diagnose JJ and provide you with a treatment plan which will likely consist of taking antihistamines or even immunotherapy. But given that the symptoms that JJ is experiencing are relatively mild, antihistamines will probably be all that she requires.”
“Thanks Reid!” JJ called from the couch, groaning as she sneezed again.
“No problem. But for now you might want to separate yourself from Arla.”
JJ sighed in disappointment before Emily called the lab over to herself. JJ laughed as she watched Arla climb right up into her wife’s lap.
“We’ll see you in a few weeks Reid,” Emily said, knowing that Reid didn’t have long until he would get in trouble with Hotch for having a personal phone call - no matter who it was from.
“See you Emily.”
And with that Emily’s phone returned to her home screen. Emily was quick to open up Google and make an appointment with their GP for a few days' time.
The GP had referred JJ to an allergy clinic and it wasn’t until they were both back at work and Arla was settled into the team that the appointment occurred. A skin prick test confirmed that yes, JJ was allergic to dogs. However, the allergist was happy to inform the couple that JJ’s symptoms could be easily treated with some prescription medication that the allergist was quick to prescribe.
As soon as JJ began taking the medication, she found that her symptoms faded away and she could happily lavish love on Arla as much as she desired without a single sneeze. There had been a few hiccups along the way but now the Prentiss-Jareaus were an unstoppable team.
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pico-digital-studios · 8 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scene: A Peculiar Interest
Dimension EV-2019
??? 1: Write that down! We might need it later!
??? 2: Okay okay! I'm on it!
??? 1: We might get a 50-50 chance in getting that killer bonehead with all this info! I can already taste his immortal brain!
In the dimension's local Chuck's Chilli Dogs bar, XE!Sonic and X/Xenomorphic, his dark matter companion, were learning more about the Errorverse after winding up there by accident.
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XE!Sonic: Right. So, like you're saying, this place has lots and lots of... supernatural people?
X/Xenomorphic: And he has been saying it... for HOURS.
XE!Sonic: Yeah, alright, sorry. I'm an idiot. So, there's a yellow hedgehog, right? He wields a Super Ring?
Lui Chi Mei: You mean the Sacred Ring?
XE!Sonic: Sacred Ring, right. So there's a yellow hedgehog with powers from this Sacred Ring, and in this dimension, I'm his mentor?
Lui Chi Mei: Quite right!
X: Sonic the Mentor...! This is some fine-tasting scope!
XE!Sonic: And there's also a purple hedgehog akin to me, and he was once an immortal being?
Lui Chi Mei: Mhm. His name is Karilvatch, and at one point, he used all our souls to save everybody.
XE!Sonic: Karilvatch, right.
X: Yeah, and you thought Lethal Protector was a shit name!
XE!Sonic: Because it is. And shut up! For all I know, you were mocking an ancient being.
X: Not sorry!
XE!Sonic: O... kay... Moving on, anyone else connected to him?
X: Yeah! Any more super people?
Lui Chi Mei: Well, aside from his girlfriend Lucia, who's half-hedgehog half-fox and is quite the tech wiz, Karilvatch has a sister. She's an angel also created by this world's god. Her name is Emily.
XE!Sonic: Emily, huh? So his sister's an angel, his girlfriend's half-fox, and he's a... devil?
X: I think those two are ado-
XE!Sonic: (X, will you please stop it?!)
X: Sorry.
XE!Sonic: Right, speaking of... So how about this... Toxic... Infect?
Lui Chi Mei: Toxinfect?
XE!Sonic: Toxinfect? So he's a dangerous being with a name that's garbage? Alright, what does he look like?
X: Wow... Shaming me for mocking an immortal being's name while you can do it yourself? Very mature.
XE!Sonic (smirking): Touché, hungry man-child.
X: Ouch! >.<
XE!Sonic snickered as a picture was placed on the service desk for him to see.
XE!Sonic: Ah. So he almost looks like my friend here, huh?
Lui Chi Mei: Yes. I thought that monster was simply an alien or some other EXE trying to take over the planet. Turns out he's the embodiment of LOTS of negativity.
XE!Sonic: Wanna know something about aliens? Heh, those aliens can be a big wussy, and not to mention (X: Soniiic! Not this again!) insatiable. So if you're telling me this Toxinfect guy is dangerous, then he probably loves eating BRAINS, right? Because that's what these things do. So what about him? What did he do to the Sonic of this world?
Lui Chi Mei: You know, he trapped him inside a purgatory, for seven months.
XE!Sonic: Seven months...? That's a really long time... You know what? Maybe we should go to Green Hills Zone over at South Island and speak to this... Nitro guy.
X: Sonic!
X made Sonic stand up.
X: We are done! Let's go hunt some killer bonehead's behind!
XE!Sonic: I don't think we should go look for him now. I don't wanna potentially spend the rest of my next seven months in a purgatory.
Lui Chi Mei: Oh, erm, are you going to pay the bill?
X: Oh chill! It will be fine, pal'! I won't let that-
Suddenly, XE!Sonic started glowing as they were about to return to their dimension.
X: What is happening?! No! No, we just got here! NO, NOT AGAIN! COME ON!
XE!Sonic: Woah...
And as such, the two vanished, leaving Lui at the bar desk.
Lui Chi Mei: And there he goes. No paying the bill, no tips... nothing.
Unseen by her, though, a piece of dark matter was left behind on the table, which crawled away without her seeing it.
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lizhly-writes · 2 years
Ay. Forgot I was supposed to be posting things today. Haven't been properly writing for a bit, so now, I get to say, yet again: now for something completely different. Here's a POV I dug up from that otome isekai heroine-villainess swap fic that I've neglected for uh. An indeterminate amount of months.
Sometimes, it feels like my cousin hates me.
It’s not true, of course.  Emily loves me the only way she knows how.  She worries, and it’s rare that she conveys it nicely.  Not that I need her to be nice.  It’s enough I know she cares, and I know how to listen to her and hear what she’s actually trying to say.
I wish she would stop telling me that Mina holds my leash.  
Dog, she sneers.  So good for her, so obedient, she owns you, you’d do anything she wants as long as she asks for it.  She says it like she’s trying to hurt me, like she’s trying to humiliate me, and I don’t really understand it, to be honest.
To be clear: it’s not that she’s wrong about me.  It’s not a kind way of putting it, but she’s correct. It’s true Lady Wilhelmina Sterling holds my leash.  It’s true I’ll do anything she asks of me.  Now, it’s not exactly true that she owns me – what a way of phrasing it! – but it’s not inaccurate.
It’s just that I don’t understand why my cousin is so bitter about it.
We’re both Mina’s.  There’s no denying that.  We’re under her house, under her family, under her sponsorship, and in turn, we pay that back.  My services and my cousin’s, both promised to Mina.  
Ah, but that’s such a transactional way of putting it, isn’t it?  Like I’m only with Mina for the benefits.  It’s nicer if I say I love her.  Even nicer, because it’s true.  
I don’t mind if she says I’m hers, because all she’s doing is putting into words, what’s between us.  It’s been like that since we were children.  It’s like that now, as adults.  Mina leads, and I follow, and I really can’t imagine a world where that isn’t true.
My cousin tells me to stop doing everything Mina wants, but I don’t see why I should.  I don’t see why I should want to, to begin with.
I like making Mina happy.  I like what she likes, I want what she wants.  That’s the way it’s always been.  That’s the way I want things to continue.  
I’m really so happy, when I think about that.
Emily doesn’t understand how I feel.  But I don’t understand how she feels, either, so I suppose that’s fair.  I just wish she would try, because Mina loves me, but Mina loves Emily, too.  
And it would be one thing if my cousin didn’t care, but I know her very well.  She loves Mina, too.  She’s just angry about it, and I really don’t understand why.
It’s fine.  Things will work out, in the end.  I’m sure of it.
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tranzfalgar · 3 years
okay it’s time for some stardew valley headcanons for the bachelor/ette(s) so let’s GOOOO
- he always awakes before his grandparents, and on warmer days he’ll go down to the beach to watch the sunrise.
- friends with elliot! the two of them sit on the side of the dock sometimes and just chat about life.
- knows how to make cookies, as evelyn taught him when he was a bit younger
- wary of the saloon, as he doesn’t really like the smell of alcohol and only goes into it if he’s forced to!
- if you marry him, he can and will pick you up randomly to surprise you while you’re working!
- if married, he will “bench press” your kids once they become toddlers, and it always makes them giggle
- hates the winter and gets cold really easily. on the first day of fall he’s already bundled up wanting it to be summer again.
- willy is like a father to him. the two of them sit on the docks and watch the fish swim by together
- sometimes he’ll braid his hair, and leah will bring flowers from the forest and weave them into his hair.
- has a rlly pretty singing voice, and likes to record piano covers in his spare time
- if you marry him and the two of u have kids, he’ll always braid their hair in the morning and tuck flowers behind their ears.
- he brings home fresh fish he caught and makes himself dinner every night. that’s why he’s an excellent cook.
- has actually caught a legendary fish before!
- his eyes change color, they can go from blue to green to brown in the same day. people call them the “prismatic shard of eyes”
- he’s so clumsy that sometimes he’ll even trip over air. due to this, he has little bruises all over his knees and elbows.
- his favorite animals are birds. sometimes he’ll go outside and just give them some bird seed. he loves watching them fly around.
- not only is he fascinated with planes, but he’s also fascinated with the weather. as a kid he used to watch the weather channel, and he dreamed of becoming a weatherman.
- when he needs to focus really hard, he’ll pull his hair back with a headband
- him and his mother were and still are very close, and he writes letters to her at least once a week
- he cannot cook to save his life, but he’s an incredible baker! will make you little treats if you’re friends or married
- he always wears a wristwatch, but the time is always 6 minutes behind. he likes it because it has a plane engraved into the side against his wrist.
- he had adhd, and his stims include flapping his hands, tapping his foot and strumming his guitar
- he has a beautiful singing voice, think like wilbur soot but a bit more high pitched?
- the reason he likes cactus fruit so much is because he just plants them and lets them grow. he loves succulents because they don’t give him an allergic reaction!
- cannot play video games for shit. sebastian and abigail have banned him from multi-player games because he just sucks so bad.
- love language is acts of service, simply because he likes singing for people he cares about and doing little things for them!
- if you marry him, he will bring his guitar into the coop and/or barn and sing to the animals. they have learned to run over a greet him, since they love his singing.
- his hair is actually curly, but you’re unable to tell due to how much he gels and straightens his hair.
- has mastered the art of the puppy dog eyes
- loves the hell out of halloween, but is scared of literally everything. he nearly cried watching a horror movie with sam and abigail.
- really good with a slingshot! so if he were to go into the mines, he would wreck some monsters shit with his slingshot skills
- he had glow in the dark stars on his ceiling, but removed them. he used to love the stars and space, but came to resent them because it was his sisters thing.
- he like…irl blushes. like an anime character. when he’s embarrassed, upset, flustered, his face will go all pink. everyone picks on him for it.
- has/had a crush on most of the towns singles. he is a bisexual disaster and secretly a romantic so….take from that what you will.
- a natural born ginger, but dyes his hair. he also has freckles on his nose! and he has an eyebrow slit because of a scar!!
- for some stupid reason, he takes really good care of his hands? like he always makes sure they don’t get calloused, and his nails are always painted black, despite using his hands all the time for work.
- he cannot cook. he burned pasta noodles because he didn’t know you had to put water in the pan.
- he still has a chicken plushie from when he was a baby, and it still sits on his bed. and if he cuddles with it at night? no one needs to know.
- has a huge birthmark on his side shaped like a heart
- really good at mixology, so i think that when joja gets shut down, shane works at the saloon and makes the drinks while gus cooks. he adds a whole new section on the menu!
- friends with sebastian. they paint each other’s nails from time to time, or sit in the rain together and just talk.
- kinda strong as hell? he lifts boxes in joja for work, as well as carrying around jas, so i’m assuming he could just….pick the farmer and his friends up?
- he has the most contagious laugh, it used to be a rare sound, but now that it’s a pretty common occurrence, shane makes people laugh all the time with his own laugh.
- buff. she is buff as hell. her and alex work out together sometimes, since she expressed a desire for adventure. she has picked up sam and sebastian with no warning and thrown them into the ocean
- can talk to animals due to her being the daughter of the wizard! so sometimes she’ll go to marnies farm and just chat with the cows or something
- if she sees a tree, she WILL climb it. she loves it so much, it’s just so adrenaline inducing for her.
- her and sebastian tried to go into the mines before but sam stopped them because it wouldn’t have been very safe. they were all 14.
- trying to learn to play the ukulele with a little help from sam. it’s frustrating, but she really likes the sound of it, and she’s determined as hell.
- absolutely cracked at any and all video games he plays. mario kart? she will kick your ass. animal crossing? her island has 5 stars. pokémon? she always wins. you can’t stop her, she’s too powerful.
- she has glasses, but prefers contacts, since glasses would get in the way of her adventuring.
- not only can she sew, but she also makes her own soaps and candles! any form of creation she adores.
- loves flowers, and has a lot of little potted ones in her room. she raises them, gives them little names and personalities, and then brings them to sandy and tells her all about each flower
- she can roller skate, and it’s her preferred method of transportation. she can do a bunch of fun tricks as well!
- has an eyebrow slit
- making cute little baskets of homemade gifts is her favorite thing to do for her friends. sometimes she’ll just leave them on their doorsteps for no reason other than she wants to!
- can SPRINT in heels. like even 6 inch heels she can just RUN and it scares everyone who sees it.
- she loves the sounds of birds chirping in the morning, and she’s able to identify the name of the bird by its chirping and calls
- is able to perfectly crack and drink from coconuts. that’s why she loves them so much.
- has the worst sense of direction. she’s lucky she lives in a small town, or she’d get lost all the time
- the spring is her favorite time of year, simply because she loves to capture life coming back in those spring months. baby animals, blooming flowers, her friends on the beach or just chilling in the sun, all of it
- her most prized possession is the very first picture her and emily took as kids on their parents polaroid. it’s taped to her mirror
- has a little beauty mark under her lip, but it normally isn’t visible due to being covered with makeup!
- she’s able to do her own nails! this is because she is ambidextrous, yet she doesn’t know, because it’s never been brought up
- she fucking LOVES learning about and identifying plants, trees and flowers. she knows so many it’s crazy. she has a great memory.
- resident true crime enthusiast and ghost hunter. she drags elliot with her around town to go hunting for ghosts. they also watch documentaries together!
- has a bunch of little scars on her hands from her artwork
- to get inspiration for works, she’ll go on walks at different times of the day, different seasons, different routes, and she’ll turn each walk into a work of art. depending on all the environment and those who she runs into, each piece is vastly different.
- animals love her, and will sometimes just follow her around for no reason. she doesn’t mind at all, she kinda loves it.
- friends with emily. they are currently teaching each other their own forms of art, since they love learning from each other!
- really good at dancing, she’ll dance while she’s working on projects and she’ll hum a song to herself
- her favorite statue was created after she went on a walk, ran into abigail, and the two of them went swimming in the ocean and stayed there as the sun set and the stars came out. she has a little crush on abigail.
- her hair is ALWAYS tied up, it’s impossible for her to work if her hair is in her eyes
- when she was a kid she wanted to be an astronaut, because she loves the stars, but she found she prefers the science and math behind it all
- she pierced her own ears, she has little star earrings!
- watches cartoons and geeks out about them with penny when they meet up in town!
- for some odd reason, she is terrified of butterflies. no one who knows her, or even maru herself have ANY idea why, but she will run away if she sees one.
- her favorite memory was the one night her and sebastian stayed up really late as kids and snuck outside to look at the stars (back when sebastian still loved them) and they ended up seeing a meteor shower
- she presses flowers as a hobby, and just keeps them in a little notebook alongside her ideas for projects and gadgets.
- while she’s cleaning her and pam’s home, she finds herself singing to herself. she has yet to be caught by anyone
- each day, her hair is done ever-so-slightly different. each morning, she likes to change it up, and sometimes jas or vincent will give her something to put in her hair
- also interested in ghosts, will occasionally join elliot and leah on their adventures
- she is naturally really warm, so she doesn’t have to bundle up as much during the winter. the kids cling to her because she’s like a human space heater
- has a bit of a geeky side, and she loves to watch cartoons a lot. when she can find the time, she always watches them. they being her lots of comfort.
- has a small scar on her side from when she tripped over as a child onto something sharp. she likes it because with two freckles, it makes a little smiley face
- loves the water and the feeling of sea wind in her hair. she secretly wants to learn to drive a boat, so she can feel that wind in her hair whenever she wants.
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sunnyoldbear · 3 years
Luca Headcanons Part 2
DoesLast one blew up and I was gonna wait to make another before making this one but then my Italian fish obsessed brain couldn’t stop thinking and I literally couldn’t stop myself so let’s go, part 2!
Has nightmares of what would happen if things went differently: If he was sent to The Deep, if he and Alberto were outed as sea-monsters before the race, if Ercole, Cicco, and Guido didn’t miss Alberto when throwing the harpoons at the beach, if Alberto didn’t come with the umbrella during the race and he was outed in front of the town and hit with Ercole’s harpoon, etc. He always wakes up terrified. 
Apologizes to inanimate objects if he bumps into them or drops them.
Names everything he comes in contact with. Random animals such as birds, insects (even though he’s terrified), erasers he uses often, etc. They’re always random, silly names, but he loves them. 
Is a slow reader because of how he fantasizes himself in the books and daydreams, then is snapped back to reality.
Keeps a dream journal!
Loves making stories about the stars and constellations. He loves the original stories, but he loves to make up his own.
Honestly I just get the vibe that he’s scared of birds after the encounter with the seagull.
His favorite color is purple followed by green!
Giulia’s mom buys him his own bike and he loses his mind, loving it so much
He’s a bit awkward with making friends at school, sticking to Giulia’s side most of the time
He doesn’t really care for music
He can fall asleep anywhere, honestly. He once fell asleep leaning against the doorway and then crashed onto the floor
Alberto loves to doodle on his arms and hands and Luca doesn’t really care to wash them off so they just kinda chill there. 
He’s very easy to prank and scare
Oh you should see him around the holidays! He’s so excited! His eyes sparkle and shine, he absolutely loves the decorations!
He’s not competitive, actually. He just wanted the prize money to get the Vespa, but he doesn’t really care about winning. He just... Isn’t competitive
He is very protective over his friends. Do what you want to him, but lay a hand on someone he loves and he will tear you a new one. We see him in the movie just frown when Ercole makes fun of him, but when Ercole shoved Alberto, all bets were off.
Charts the stars
He doesn’t have one love language, he has all of them, but probably Physical Touch and Quality Time more than anything, or Acts of Service.
Drinks expresso more often than he probably should, but just to get through his schoolwork
Misses his goatfish more than he wants to admit, especially little Giuseppe
Allergies beat him up during the spring
Slowly gets used to cats with Machiavelli’s kittens, but he’s still scared of the chunky boy
A teacher at school made the mistake of introducing him to Shakespeare. He spent hours sobbing over a good chunk of the plays.
Because he liked Shakespeare, Giulia’s mom got him some poetry books. He was not a fan of Edgar Allan Poe or Agatha Christie or Mary Shelley, all the horror/murder type stuff. He loved Emily Dickinson though!
Is as terrified of losing Alberto as Alberto is terrified of losing him
While he isn’t as touchy with Giulia as he is with Alberto, he does get more touchy with her
Reads tons of books about cats, dogs, and turtles to give Machiavelli, Nerone, and Caligola the care they need
Hears about human farms and loses his mind, rapidly asking questions about how they work and if they’re similar to his own
Giulia tries to convince him that fairytales are real. He has nightmares about them for a few nights until Massimo has to tell him that fairytales are made up and her mom changes them slightly to be more... Non-scary. She starts telling them to him to bed just because she misses doing so, and then he can’t fall asleep without someone telling him a story.
Doesn’t do the handshake with anyone that isn’t Alberto or Giulia.
Giulia’s mom calls him “fishy” or “guppy” and he wants to hate it but he can’t
Hates it when people call him cute or baby him, but his family + Alberto + Marcovaldos still do it
Once heard some French Tourists and stared at Giulia and went “why is their Italian so weird sounding” and she lost her shit laughing
Doesn’t swear, refuses to swear
Tries to use Vespa stamps if they’re available
Once he learns what “Piacere, gioralamo trombetta” means, he sends a letter to Alberto which is just him freaking out and laughing while making fun of it. They don’t stop saying it. In fact, they probably say it more.
He has a map in his room with pushpins of where he’s been. Beside it are a bunch of sticky notes of where he wants to go with Alberto with reasons on why he wants to go.
Has a little bit more courage, but not too much
He’s often teased for calling others “sir” or “ma’am” and so he feels really shy about it but doesn’t stop
Refuses to call Massimo and Giulia’s mom by their names, it just feels too awkward for him
Makes friendship bracelets for the trio as well as separate ones for him and Alberto, then him and Giulia.
While he loves gelato, he doesn’t like it as much as Alberto
I feel like he’d dot the i’s in Giulia’s name with hearts but no one else’s
People at school think he has a crush on her but he doesn’t
He and Alberto still say they sleep under the anchovies. No matter how often he researches stars, he’ll always call them anchovies around him.
Sticks out his tongue when focused
Doesn’t like aquariums, he stares at those fish and he just feels trapped
Loves to dance in the rain
Does that little feet tappy dance thing when he’s excited or shakes his hands
Honestly half of his vocabulary is stern shouts of “Alberto!” “Giulia!” or “silenzio Bruno, silenzio Bruno! Silenzio Bruno!”
Speaking of, he can’t just say “Silenzio Bruno” once, it’s always him saying it more than once, especially when he’s really scared
He doesn’t have loud, aggressive sneezes, but he does have sneeze fits. Once he sneezed so many times that with every one his face got closer to his desk until it just went BAM and he has a massive bruise on his forehead for days. 
Sometimes just goes into the water and swims to relax. If he’s feeling homesick, he’ll do some daring trick and then instinctively turn to smile at Alberto only to realize he isn’t there
His dad still keeps crabs but lets Luca name them. Luca chooses to name them all after space things. Mainly moons, but sometimes planets or galaxies
Secretly feels really guilty about Alberto selling their Vespa
After almost being sent to The Deep, he is terrified of the dark and can’t sleep without a light on, no matter how dim it is
Matching pajamas with both Massimo and Giulia! (Refuses to match with her, Massimo yelled at them)
Tries to see what triggers his transformation. Does watermelon? Does juice? Is it any liquid? He’ll find out!
Calls Giulia “Spewlia” just to piss her off
Those two are always arguing. Yes, he often starts it
Lots of tattoos and ear piercings!
Will into Giulia’s room, stare her dead in the eyes, call her a bitch, and run out while leaving the door open. She’ll scream at him and probably throw something. 
Tends to shorten people’s names. He calls Luca “Lu,” “Lulu,” and even “Luke.” Luca does not like any of these names.
Still builds his Vespas! They’re not as fun without Luca, though
Takes Giulia with him sometimes too and purposely crashes into the sea or something just to see what she does. 
Gains quite a bit of muscle 
Is the one who takes down all the sea monster things with Massimo. He and Lorenzo carry Smuca to the fountain
Idk I feel like he has loud sneezes
I also feel like he makes that weird cough face like that one cat idk I just know I’m right
He doesn’t just sing... He scream sings
Doesn’t know how to dance but if there is music he will dance
Loves dancing in the rain too!
Sometimes he’ll just walk into Giulia’s room and gossip with her. They’ll make a blanket fort and grab some snacks and cats and just... Spend the night talking and catching up
She teaches him how to braid hair and now he just loves doing her hair
Bites his lip quite a bit. That’s canon but like, still worth mentioning
Learns how to ride a bike so he doesn’t get killed or something
Keeps a journal on things Luca and Giulia are interested in so he can learn about them. He writes down bullet points on what he remembers from conversations, but it’s honestly not much
He doesn’t have big dreams other than traveling the world with Luca. He knows Giulia wants to be a marine biologist and Luca wants to travel the world + is still figuring things out. He has short term goals other than that and changes the topic about it.
A popular headcanon is that Alberto takes care of the goatfish when Luca’s at school and I think that would happen!
He’s shockingly good with kids! When not working, he loves playing soccer with them by the fountain
He almost named Machiavelli’s mate “Frog” because he can’t name things
Half the time when Giulia and/or Luca talk about school, he goes “I don’t what that means, but I’m choosing to define it as ____” and won’t let them prove him wrong
Technically canon but he will bite. Chomp chomp.
When he meets Giulia’s mom, they love to paint together
He does make some friends in Portorosso, but none are as close to him as his sister and best friend!
This man is the most dramatic person good lord
Love language is definitely physical touch!
Still screams “Take me, gravity!” pretty often
Can’t do work alone without music. He doesn’t really like opera but he can’t stand silence, he just can’t
Sometimes he thinks of Luca’s betrayal and is really angry, but knows he’d probably do the same if the roles were reversed. It was about self preservation and the risk of living. He still gets upset about it sometimes, but completely forgives him and understands
Is always torn between giving Giulia genuine facts about sea creatures and giving her such absurd but lowkey believable lies. He wants her to succeed so badly but also wants to screw her over
If you give him anything, he will play with it. String? A toy. A pen? A toy. A literal rock you found on the side of the road? A gorgeous toy, thank you!
Never just goes into the water, he will always be dramatic and dive in or jump
Sometimes when not on duty, he just blows his lifeguard whistle because he thinks it’s cool
He loves yoyos!
Will noogie Giulia.
Sometimes gets scared that Massimo will abandon him, but it seems like Massimo always knows
Città Vuota is his favorite song!
Doodles all over everything, especially Giulia and Luca’s arms and legs. They range from little stars to tic tac toe games to fish to anything that comes to mind
Is very much into photography! Luca always does hearts with his hands/fingers while Alberto does stupid poses or flips her off... or both.
Hums and sings a lot! 
Also loves to dance and is the best of the trio! Loves to twirl and vibe even if there’s no music! It’s just her personality
She doesn’t just hug, she jumps into their arms and holds them close
Sometimes just to annoy Alberto she’ll hug him and press kisses to his head and cheeks. Siblings gonna be annoying.
Always has so much energy but really struggles with sitting still for homework after such long hours in school that her grades aren’t all that good except for Astronomy!
The most competitive of the trio
Bites her lip when she’s nervous
Started wearing her hat to match her dad when she was little and now she doesn’t like being without it
Has probably fallen asleep in class
Loves watermelon and gelato
While Ciccio and Guido apologize for their actions, she doesn’t forgive them and doesn’t want to. She has every right to
Gets really into singing when she’s singing along to songs
Doesn’t like makeup for herself but will hold the boys captive to do their makeup
Loves puns! Will make sea puns to piss off Alberto and Luca, but Luca loves them so it half-works
Loves copying Alberto’s lipbite
Machiavelli her beloved <3 
Loves her fam so much! She’s got pictures of them everywhere and is constantly buying them gifts
Speaking of! Her love language is giving gifts! 
She’s actually pretty good at making friends since she can read people so well. It’s just that Portorosso doesn’t have any.... Great kids to befriend and Genova just has too many that she sticks to a small group which eventually fades, as groups do
She isn’t the most emotional but she also isn’t the least emotional. She doesn’t cry often but she does get sad and shows it
I don’t know why I feel this way but I definitely think she’s scared of the doctor
She used to be scared of thunderstorms until meeting her boys and the race happened. Now she associates rain and storms with that win
Summer is her favorite season
She knows everyone in Portorosso by name and knows most of their birthdays by heart
Speaking of, she always celebrates Alberto’s birthday like her like her life depends on it
Now loves racing on her bike even more cause of the race
Calls Alberto “Berto” and is the only one allowed to do say
A very light sleeper
More on the way probably they’re all I think about
103 notes · View notes
The Prodigal Daughter Chapter 2/?
Story Summary: As the secret daughter of Jason Gideon, you’ve always had a certain proclivity towards profiling. After finishing the Academy, you finally have your chance in the BAU- only months after your dad’s passing. Will it all be too much? Will you find yourself sharing another proclivity with your father for a certain genius with big puppy dog eyes? A/N: Thank you all for the amazing response to the first chapter! This one came quickly and I just couldn't stop writing it! I can’t believe people asked to be tagged in this already, but I guess if you want to be tagged, let me know in the comments! shoutout to @candlesandsoftrain for beta-ing! Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
 Category: Fluff/getting to know you games with the team Content Warning: So much tension, mildly grumpy Spencer, sexually charged drinking games, etc. Later chapters will include NSFW Word Count: 7000+ (Sorry it really got away from me!)
Previous Chapter
Chapter 2
The rest of the day passed by with a lot of questions, a lot of pilfered off paperwork from each member of the team- it was your turn to help out with all there was to do today. Newbie had to be inducted somehow. Reid was the only one that didn’t offer you any of his- it probably had something to do with the fact that even though his pile was significantly larger than anyone else’s, he was getting through it almost at triple the speed. Dad had mentioned something about his quick reading skills, but you couldn’t remember the exact number of words he could read a second. That was a question you could ask him later, you reminded yourself.
Once Hotch’s voice sounded through the room signaling that it was time to head out for everyone, you could feel the energy in the room change. It was palpable. They clearly hadn’t gotten a chance to have a fun time with each other in a while.
You stood up and gathered your things slowly, letting everyone slowly filter out of the office. You had decided that you wanted to keep Dad's notebook in your go bag so you’d always have him with you on cases, but now as you had a moment alone, you slipped an old family picture of Dad, Stephen and yourself into your desk drawer, hiding under your files and paperwork. A little piece to always be here, in the bullpen, where he belonged.
You wiped a tear from your eye, and as you grabbed your bag to get going, you noticed Spencer watching you from the door. You smiled sheepishly at him. “Sorry, you didn’t have to wait for me. I just… wanted to take in the end of my first day. I’ve been waiting for this day a very long time. Didn’t think it would be quite this… uneventful, as far as BAU standards go, but I’m actually glad it was.” You said to him as you got closer, noticing him clutching his messenger bag.
Shrugging, he held the door open for you. “It’s not a problem. They get horse blinders when they finally get to go out together and forget that maybe some people don’t know where to go.” He pushed the button for the elevator. In this moment, you remembered what you’d said about comfortable silence. It was nice to be here with him, the hum of the AC around you, the sound of Spencer picking at something at the strap on his bag. You closed your eyes for a moment and took it all in… you could smell his cologne, he was so close to you. And something very reminiscent of… old books? He really must live in an apartment just surrounded by books.
“Thanks for waiting for me. I probably would have just called Unc-” You stopped yourself, hoping he didn’t notice. “Dave, if I got left behind. Since trying to go home would have resulted in being yelled at by him for a while.” You both entered the elevator, and he turned and looked at you as he pressed the button to go down to the ground floor.
“Dave?” He asked, eyebrow raised.
You blushed, shrugging. “I’ve known him for a long time. He’s a good family friend… through my mom. They knew each other when they were young.” God, you hated lying, but it was only a little bit of a lie. Your mom and Rossi DID know each other well, and they have known each other a long time. But Uncle Dave wasn’t a part of your circle because of your mom.
Spencer looked like he noticed the slight change in your tone, but he was polite enough not to press you for more. “Okay So the bar- it’s called The Greasy Pub and it’s on 7th. I’ll meet you there? I take the bus, so I’ll be a little later than everybody else.” He said, shifting his weight from side to side on his feet.
Your brows knit together, and you looked at him a little confused. “Why didn’t you hop in with someone else?”
The cutest blush stained his cheeks. “I have an eidetic memory, and I can remember what it felt like to be the new kid on this team like it happened yesterday. I hope to never let anyone feel the anxiety and fear of being left out like I did. I was also only 24 at the time, and was the youngest BAU member ever, so that didn’t help.”
More touched than you could lead on, you touched his bicep and squeezed it. “Thank you, that’s incredibly kind of you. I feel bad though, you lost a ride with one of your friends. Would… would you like a ride in my car? I’d hate for you to have to take the bus. I hated the bus when I had to take it. Did you know that out of all the bacteria found on New York City public transport, 32 per cent was associated with the gastrointestinal tract and 30 per cent was skin. Another 20 per cent was associated with the genital area.” You rattled off. Germs were a thing for you too, you just dealt with it and constantly washed your hands.
To say Spencer looked impressed would be an understatement, and the way his eye changed when you caught it… wow, you’d never felt a heat rage in your tummy like that look made you feel.
“It was actually 29 percent skin, mostly assumed to be hair follicles and from people scratching at anything itching them.” He said with a glint in his eye. You didn’t feel challenged, just… understood? And seen. “But yeah… I wouldn’t mind a ride, if you wouldn’t be opposed.”
You led him to where you parked once the elevator dinged, and you both got in and buckled up. Your favorite artist’s music immediately started playing, a lot of favorites from people who you’ve loved- you collected things that reminded you of those that were special to you.
You drove in comfortable silence, and though you both kept looking at eachother out of the corner of your eyes, neither of you said much. You’d never felt such automatic attraction to someone before. Could your view be skewed after so many years of stories and imagining him? Possibly. But the reality was so much better than your imagination ever could have put together.
When you arrived, Spencer led you both inside the bar, opening the door for you. It was immediately a sensory overload for you both, and you shifted a little closer to him subconsciously to quell your discomfort. His hand found its way to the small of your back, just the smallest touch, and you could have died right then and there. It was electric and somehow so soothing. You felt your breath even out, and your anxiety fall back like a distant memory. You looked up at him and smiled softly, finding he was already looking at you. Your eyes fell to his lips, which were the loveliest shade of pink and parted just a little, his tongue coming out to wet them as if they sensed the attention. You could have just leaned in a few inches… you just needed to get on your tip toes and you’d be right there…
“Pretty Boy! Y/N! We’re over here, little lovebirds!”
“Morgan, leave them alone!”
You snapped out of your reverie when you heard the voices of Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss, the latter hitting the former in the arm yet again today. Spencer didn’t seem to mind, clearly used to the antics of his friends, but you were more or less a little red over it all. You were letting this little crush you had on the genius get a little too obvious, and you definitely needed to pull it back a little before you made a fool of yourself.
The two of you walked to the booth the others sat at, Emily and JJ and Garcia on one side, Rossi and Morgan on the other. Morgan got out and grabbed a loose chair from a table, pulling it up and sitting in it, gesturing to the open two spots for you two to take.
Sliding in next to Rossi, he gave you a look that you pointedly tried to ignore. “You all seem to have drinks already. Couldn’t wait for us?” You teased.
“Not when the lovebirds took so long!” Derek responded, making you roll your eyes. “What can I get for you two, pretty boy and girl?” He added, offering himself up for waiter service.
“Can… can I get a glass of moscato? I’ve always been a sweet wine kinda girl. It’s gentle and actually enjoyable, unlike most alcohol.” You requested, making Emily snort.
“Ohhh, a few weeks working with me and I’ll break you of that mindset. Alcohol is amazing. All of it. We’re going to do so many shots, you’re not going to be a lightweight for long! Derek, she would like a margarita… and for little miss “sweet tooth”, have the bartender add a little grenadine?”
You snickered. “Funnily enough, you just hit the nail on the head! Whenever anyone tries to make me drink drink, that’s almost exactly what I order. I usually just go light on the tequila.”
“DEREK! MAKE IT A DOUBLE!” That made the whole of the group laugh out loud, including yourself. You knew you were in for quite a night.
“What about you, Boy Sweet Tooth?” Derek prodded, poking Reid in the side of the face. He, in turn, swatted at Derek’s hand.
“I’ll take a Shirley Temple, thanks.” He said, ignoring the giggling from around him.
“Y/N, do you also take 5 pounds of sugar in your coffee like Spence over here?” JJ piped up. You caught on to the Spence and filed that away to ask someone about later. You… weren’t a fan of how lovingly she was looking at him, but couldn't decipher if it was sisterly affection or… well, the way you looked at him. You could swear you felt Emily looking at you like she could read your mind, and you decided that when the time came to ask some questions, you’d ask her.
“I actually am not the biggest fan of coffee. I drink a lot of energy drinks though.” You responded, earning a laugh from the team.
“That’s even worse!” Garcia said. “That’s even more sugar than Reid!”
Spencer nodded from your side, the movement making you suddenly very aware of how close the two of you were sitting. “Monster energy contains 28 grams of sugar per 8.4-ounce.” He said. “Which is much more than my cup of coffee, thank you all very much.” He smirked, looking down at you. He also seemed to suddenly realize how close you were sitting, then. He looked down at your thighs pressed together under the table and almost maybe tensed up a little bit? But then he noticed you smiling at him, biting your lip, and he relaxed, just in time for Derek to come back with the drinks.
“One sugary mess for Y/N and one for Pretty Boy.” Gladly accepting your drink, hoping it would calm down your rapidly increasing heart rate, you took a big gulp of it.
“So, Y/N,” Garcia started, “What brings you to the BAU? Did you have posters of Rossi and Gideon as a kid when they started it?”
You forced out a laugh, the sudden vocalization of your father’s name making tears prick your eyes, but Rossi was quick to distract them for you. “Are you kidding? Y/N’s taste is way too good for this old bag of fleas. Besides, she wasn’t born for another 15 years or so, right, Y/N?”
Nodding, his joke had given you enough time to pull yourself together. “Rossi has been a good friend of my family for a long time, and I was always interested in what he did. I looked up to him like he was a superhero, and when the time came to decide on what I wanted to do for a living, I guess I wanted to be the superhero I always grew up around.” You smiled at him, earning a proud grin back.
“How long have you two known each other?” Emily pressed, interested.
“Long enough. He… went to school with my mom, I think? At least, they were friends for a long time before I was born, and he’s just… always been around. Not many kids grow up with THE David Rossi sitting in their living room and telling real ghost stories on babysitting nights.”
Morgan perked up. “How old are you anyways?” He said it in such a way, you almost felt like you were being hit on. You were pretty sure it was just the way he was, because no one even batted an eye at his tone except for Garcia, who smacked him playfully from her seat beside him at the end of the booth, to which he wrapped his arm around her lovingly.
“27. Older than I look, I know. Everyone always thinks I’m a complete baby, but I’m a little more worldly than that. As to your question earlier Garcia, I’ve always wanted to be a profiler. To me, you guys have capes and costumes and fight the bad guys. I… wanted to do that too. And I was always told I have the gut for it- I’m highly empathetic, and I read a lot so I can understand what’s going on in other people’s brains to better get how the thought process of humans works. I worked really hard and never let anyone know that-” you took a breath, Rossi looking at you, “-that I knew Rossi. I wanted to make it of my own merit. I wouldn’t even tell Rossi or Hotch that I was planning on the Academy until I was well on my way to graduating. I didn’t want anyone’s influence in how I did or how far I got. You should have seen the look on my friends faces when they saw his name on the graduation speech list. And the looks they gave me when he pulled me in for a hug upon handing me my diploma? Might have been my favorite part of graduation!” You laughed, enjoying the memory, even if it was tainted with a lot of bittersweet feelings.
The night went by, and it was a lot more fun than you thought it was going to be. Your nerves dissolved with every sip of liquor you consumed, and by your third drink, the whole thing almost didn’t seem surreal anymore. You were actually here, a member of the BAU, out to drinks with Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss and Spencer Reid. Your father talked about these people, you knew these people better than most first day members…
“Never have I ever!” Emily yelled, making you and Spencer shake your heads. “Awwwww come on, I wanna get to know the new girl on a deeper level! A dirtier level! Pleaaaaase Y/N?” Okay, so yeah, Spencer was definitely your new work crush, but Emily was trying very hard to be a close second. That little pout she was doing was so cute, and the drunk lilt to her voice was adorable.
“I… I don’t know.” You said, your anxiety fighting to take center stage, despite how comfortable the tequila was making you. “S-Sure.” You didn’t want to be the negative nancy of the night that ruined everyone's fun. You didn't notice you had started picking at your nails until you felt a soft touch, Spencer's warm hand ghosting over yours, and as you caught his eye, you knew he was in the same boat you were… especially when Derek's voice broke the moment. It was almost like Spencer was psychic in that moment. His eyes predicted it.
“What about you, Pretty Boy? You never play with us.” He teased, pinching his face, and then looking at you. “Baby Genius doesn’t like to play with us because he’s afraid of us finding out how few things he’s done.”
“I’m not a baby. I’m 35 years old!” Spencer whined, a little like a petulant child. “And I am not afraid. I just think this game is dumb and just a means to find out dirty things about your coworkers personal lives, which is a very weird thing to want to know about if you ask me!” He defended, and you had to agree, though you didn’t do so out loud.
“Never have I ever…” Emily started, and then paused and laughed. “I’m so bad at these, I can never think of things I haven’t done!” She took a sip of her drink and when it seemed like she was never going to come up with something, JJ finally pitched one in.
“Never have I ever been in a threesome.” Emily groaned. “What? It’s not my fault that you’re a horndog! I’m a one man kinda lady.” JJ smirked and shrugged. Emily rolled her eyes and put a finger down, taking another sip of her drink. Derek, Garcia and Rossi all joined her, making you almost gag.
“Guys I already hate this, I did NOT need to know that about Rossi!” You say, taking a huge gulp of your drink, hoping tequila would wash away that moment from your memory forever.
Derek kicked your foot under the table lightly. “Don't worry, Pretty Lady. Just think about me in a threesome and your mind will be put at ease from the pain of thinking about Rossi. It’s a much prettier picture, I promise you that.”
You blushed, because yes, that was a much prettier picture. “Okay, that’s fair, I accept that.” You heard and felt some shuffling next to you, and saw out of the corner of your eye Reid looking uncomfortable. And… sad? No, why would he look sad?
Rossi went next, on your right. “Never have I ever been intimate with a man.”
You rolled your eyes. That was an easy one, of course he’d go with that. To your surprise, everyone at the table besides Rossi put a finger down and took a sip, including you. You almost spit yours out when you saw Reids finger go down, but no one else seemed to notice. Maybe… had you been wrong about his flirting with you? His proximity and his touches… maybe… maybe he was…
“NO WAY. DEREK, REALLY?” Garcia suddenly shrieked. Derek laughed and shrugged. “A man has needs, and when a woman demands something special, well, you make it happen. Besides, I’m not above admitting that there are some attractive men out there. Derek has an open mind.” He smirked and took another sip.
All four women at the table stared at him in awe. “God, that’s hot.” Emily said out loud, voicing the thoughts of everyone looking at Derek.
“Exactly the reason Derek has an open mind, beautiful ladies. I know what women want.” He said, looking like the cat who got the cream.
Now it was your turn, and you… you had to know. “Never have I ever been with a woman intimately.”
Everyone at the table laughed and put a finger down, and you watched as Reid did too. The relieved breath that came out of you after that should have embarrassed you, but it didn’t until he looked at you, concerned that something was wrong. You just smiled and hid how absolutely thrilled you were that he might still like you some kind of way.
Emily looked properly offended. “Oh, we need to change that. I don’t think anyone should miss out on the experience of a beautiful woman.”
“Oooh, Prentiss, are you offering?” Derek joked, laughing. “I’d watch that.” He eyed you both, making clear implications.
You were about to make a comment back, but before you could Spencer beat you to it. “Shut up, Derek.” Everyone froze, looking at Reid in shock. “Just because Garcia is okay with your sexual harassment, doesn’t mean you should be treating a new teammember that way. That’s not the way you should talk to people you barely know. She’s a human being.”
The whole team was unmoving. You turned and looked at them both, and you reached under the table and put your hand on Reids. He was shaking. “I actually… I would be open to being with a woman, I’ve just never had an opportunity. I’m… I’m not against any kind of experience. Try anything twice, in my opinion. Never know if the first time sucked because of the partner or if you actually just don’t like it.”
Everyone moved their shocked looks over at you now, before JJ piped in. “Y/N is full of surprises apparently. A little bi-curious, huh? Emily is going to take turning you from innocent lightweight to experienced day drinker as a personal challenge now.”
The rest of the group tried to shake off Reid’s outburst, but it definitely still hung in the air. You tried to pretend like you didn’t notice his heartbeat speeding up in your hands when you mentioned being interested in women. Men were so typical. Even smart ones, clearly.
“Your turn.” You squeezed his hand before taking it away a moment later. You were still scared of over doing it. You barely knew each other, no matter how you felt like you’d known each other for years… he’d just met you. Yes, he was… weirdly okay with your touch, but you were really trying not to get too excited about that.
“Never have I ever…” He thought, taking a moment to think about it. Derek looked like he wanted to make some kind of comment, but also looked like he was thinking better of it. “Never have I ever been in love.” He said, eyes down on his drink. Everyone drank and put a finger down… except for the two of you. You could feel him looking at your hands, how your fingers hadn’t changed, and you almost wanted to scream but today is making me think that love at first sight is real and not just in Disney movies. But you kept it in, because you’re sure if you said it, you’d end up trying to kiss him and that was not appropriate.
The private moment between the two of you was broken then, Derek moving right along with the game. “Never have I ever had a thing for someone more than 5 years older than me.”
You wished you had something to throw at him. Every one of you put your fingers down, except the two boys at the end of the bar. Rossi snickered as he sipped his drink. “You’re missing out, son. Older women are incredible. Mature. Worldly.”
“And older men?” Prentiss added, to which the girls on either side of her made agreeing noises. “Well, let’s just say there’s a reason there’s such a thing as a daddy kink.”
You chuckled and sipped your drink before adding in, “Or a professor kink.” Everyone made noises of approval at that.
“Y/N is kinky! You had a thing for your professors in college?” Garcia laughed, and it was such an infectious sound, you couldn’t even try to be embarrassed, you just wanted to join her laughter.
“Not really, but I’ve always liked the idea of it.” You blamed the tequila for making your mouth move right now. “But I’ve always loved the idea of an older man in a little nerdy professor outfit who seems so uptight and so innocent keeping me late after class and teaching me a lesson, I guess.”
“Okay, I think we’re even now, kid. You know things about me you never wanted to know… and now I know things about you that I could have gone my whole life not knowing, thank you very much.” Rossi had quite the look on his face, and it made you giggle. You were so distracted by him, you didn’t notice Spencer’s demeanor change.
“Reid? What’s the matter?” JJ asked, concern lacing her voice. You turned and saw what she saw, a dark look having fallen over his usually soft features. You were reaching your hand out to touch his hand when he stood up rather abruptly.
“I’ll be right back.” He wasted no time running to where you could only assume was the bathroom.
“What crawled up his butt?” Garcia asked, laughing and leaning on Derek. “Oooh! It’s my turn! We’ll just catch him up when he gets back. Never have I ever sent anyone a nude!” She said, making everyone at the table groan except for you. After they all took a sip, they looked at you like you’d somehow betrayed them by not being guilty of the same thing.
“Oh come on, really, Garcia and Y/N? It’s the 21st century! You’re telling me you’ve never had someone far away that you’ve wanted to get all hot and bothered?” JJ said, starting to slur just a little. “Come on. With our jobs? I’m a married woman who never gets to see my hot husband… technology of today is an amazing help for that.”
You shrugged. “I’m not against it or anything. I’ve just… never had anyone who I wanted to send something like that to. Besides, I was raised to fear the idea of anyone getting any of my info online, so I’ve always been more on the careful side when it comes to that.” Your mom and dad had always been very- open, to say the least, about the dangers of predators online. So you’d never really gone through that rebellious teen phase, knowing what could actually happen if you did.
Garcia nodded. “Guys, I’m a tech genius, and I am… well, a little famous online because of my hacking skills. I’m not giving anyone access to this gorgeousness unless they are right in front of me.”
“Y/N, you’ve never had anyone you’d send a teasing picture to or something? Just to get them going and play that really hot game of ‘back and forth’ with?” Emily asked, gesturing to her empty drink, pouting at Derek, who relented and got up to get new drinks for everyone.
“No… I’ve been so focused on school and my career, and no one ever stood out like that for me before.” Spencer reappeared like magic, suddenly by your side again, sadly further away than before. You missed his warmth already, but tried to shake the thought out of your mind. You’d literally just met this guy this morning.
“Welcome back Genius boy, we’re talking about nudes! Have you ever sent nudes to a special someone?” Garcia prodded, her alcohol drowning brain not understanding the idea that maybe he wasn’t interested in playing anymore.
“N-No. I haven’t.” He said, playing with his hands on his lap. You wanted to reach out and take his hand, lace your fingers together and let him play with your fingers instead of his own.
“Me neither! Neither has Y/N- we’re all such good kids. The rest of you are all naughty and strangers have absolutely seen your junk!”
Emily smiled at you and looked over at Spencer, tilting her head in curiosity. “Is it your hatred towards technology or are you just shy?”
He shrugged. “Maybe a bit of both. I’ve… never had someone I had a desire to, well, send pictures of myself to. There’s a large level of trust that goes into that. Trust that it’ll remain private, trust that they would l-like what they see…” His eyes fell to his lap and you could have cried for how unsure he looked of himself.
Derek returned with drinks, one for you too even though you hadn’t finished yours yet. “Aww, Pretty Boy, anyone who would be lucky enough to get one of your nudes better consider themselves lucky. I don’t call you pretty boy for nothin’.” He mussed Reid’s hair again, but this time, Spencer didn’t seem to mind. Some of his tension slipped away, and you felt yourself relax too. You gulped down the rest of your drink so you could start in on the new one, the world starting to get a little topsy turvy. How many drinks had they put in front of you so far?
It was Emily’s turn, but she couldn’t for the life of her come up with something she hadn’t done, so she demanded the game end and they moved on to just bothering each other with questions. An hour passed by faster than you realized, and by the time you’d finished the drink Derek had put in front of you, you were more than a little sloppy. You were putting most of your weight on Spencer, your head feeling like it weighed 100 pounds as it drooped onto his shoulder. His mood seemed to improve over the time since he went to the bathroom, and he’d been shifting closer to you as you’d been doing to him. You were thigh to thigh again, and your arms were pressed together from shoulder to wrist. You drunkenly stared at your hands, laying side by side on each of your thighs, trying to use some kind of dormant magic inside of you to pull his hand to yours.
“I think Y/N’s had enough, tonight, guys.” Rossi’s voice filled your ears. You were too busy trying to focus on the scent of Spencer to care to listen. The bar was overwhelming your senses again, and you were trying to ground yourself in Spencer’s familiar warmth and smell. “We should probably get going before someone ends up in someone else’s lap.” He added, making the rest of your (very drunk) team laugh. “Who’s in my car and who else can drive?”
“I drove here but I don’t think I should drive.” You piped up, pulling your keys from your purse and putting them on the table.
“I-I’ll drive Y/N home.” Spencer said quickly, trying to ignore the hooting from the rest of the team at the offer.
“I’m going with them!” Emily and JJ yelled at the same time. Garcia and Derek’s mouths hanging open as they seemed to be about to say the same thing.
The latter two mumbled under their breath, damning Emily and JJ for “stealing the seats to the show” and both agreed to go with Rossi.
Reid helped you out of the booth, arm wrapping securely around your waist to keep you standing up. You tried to pull away, embarrassed that you needed so much help, but he just held you closer. “Don’t worry, Y/N.” His breath ghosted over your ear and made you shiver. “I’ve got you. I won’t let you fall.”
“I already have…” You said quietly, your drunk brain not knowing you’d whispered out loud. You focused on his smell and his touch, the way the warmth from his side and his hands set your skin on fire. Your embarrassment was a thing for future Y/N to worry about, because present Y/N was enthralled with the man helping you to the car.
After saying goodnight to the other three, JJ and Emily poured themselves into the back of your car, Spencer helping you into the passenger seat. He got into the drivers seat and chuckled as he watched you fight with the seat belt. “Let me help you, please.” He said, still laughing lightly, and you pouted, but relented. His hands brushed yours as they took the buckle, and he brushed your hip as he locked you in place. Every time he touched you, you could swear you felt shocks of electricity go through you.
“Speeeeeence, can you help me buckle in too?” You heard JJ call from the back in a sing song voice.
“Me too, Spenceyyyyy! Strap me in! Or down!” Emily added from beside her, making them break down in a fit of giggles. You wanted to pitch in that you would also be up for Spencer tying you down, but as the car lurched forward, your stomach followed suit and suddenly you lost the ability to talk. You were just focusing on not vomiting in your car and ruining all chances of Spencer ever seeing you as attractive ever again.
He was laughing at the ridiculousness of his friends as he started driving, but seemed to take immediate notice of something being wrong with you. “Y/N? Are you okay?” He asked, and the concern in his voice made you feel very guilty for putting it there. He seemed to reach out for you, but had apparently decided against it, putting his hand on the gear shift instead. He had such nice hands.
“Y-Yeah. I’m just a little dizzy, I’m fine, don’t you worry your pretty little head about me.” You smiled at him, watching him driving soothing your aching stomach. You felt like you were in an ocean, the waves crashing around you and making you sea sick. Spencer felt like a buoy for you to clutch onto so you wouldn’t drown. “C-Can I-” You reached for his hand, pulling it to your lap and playing with his fingers nervously, trying to focus on the way they felt rather than focus on the spinning in your head or the flipping of your stomach.
Spencer’s hand relaxed in your grip, allowing you the simple moment that, unfortunately, did not escape the two drunk ladies in the back. “Are you two gonna get married?” Emily asked.
“Awwww I’d finally get to be a godmother! I made everyone godparents and no one’s made me a fairy godmother yet! I wanna go godmother shopping with Pen so bad!” JJ added, bouncing next to her co-conspirator. You blushed and tried to let go of his hand, but he reacted immediately and took your hand back into his so you could keep playing with it. The fact that he was at least okay with whatever you felt about him and how you were acting on it made you feel light as air. He could just be allowing it while you were drunk because he felt sorry for you… but you held onto hope anyway. Even with your knowledge of his love of chess, you didn’t think he seemed like the kind of guy to play games.
“No, I want to be the godmother!” Emily whined.
“I’m Spencer’s best friend!” JJ countered, pushing Emily on the shoulder.
“I’m going to be Y/N’s best friend, just you wait! Y/N, wanna have a sleepover?” Emily asked, tapping you on your shoulder incessantly.
“Sure, Em.” You smiled to yourself. You liked the fact that she wanted to be your friend, but you hoped it was for more than possibly being a godmother to a child that could possibly not even exist.
“Yay!” She exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at JJ. “Oh shush. When they get married I’ll be Y/N’s maid of honor and you can be Spencey’s best man!”
Your heartbeat a little harder at the thought, and you chanced a glance at Spencer to see what he thought of their shenanigans. He seemed amused as he focused on the road, trying to pretend like he wasn’t paying them any mind.
JJ perked up and stopped pouting, ruffling Spencer’s hair from the back seat. “Awwwwww can I be your best man, Spence? I’ll wear a suit and everything! Derek would be soooooo mad! Imagine his face!”
Spencer laughed at that, the image somehow amusing to him. “We’ll see. Maybe let me decide if and when I want to get married first before you start planning my wedding?”
Oh. You deflated at that. He’d seemed so okay with all the teasing, you hoped... He pulled up to a house then, and considering JJ started to gather her things, you assumed this was her house. A man came to the porch and waved. You tried to focus on that, and let go of Reid’s hands in favor of forcing yourself to join the conversation. “Damn! JJ is that your husband?”
She giggled. “Yeah, that’s my Will!”
Emily sighed, leaning her head on the window. “Isn’t it a damn shame? She took the last eligible bachelor in the whole world? AND he’s a southern gentleman! JJ sucks.” You both laughed at her, JJ especially.
“Love you too. Have fun with Y/N while I have fun with my hot southern gentleman husband!” She called out as she got out, closing the door behind her. She ran up to Will and wrapped herself around him. They were a beautiful couple, and seemed so at ease with one another. You hoped you got to know what that felt like one day.
Emily seemed to start to drift off then, and you turned to look at Spencer again, who was staring at you. You blushed, unsure of why his gaze was so intense. “I uh… you know that coffee shop on Trumbull street? I live right over there.” You offered, hoping to go back to how happy and at ease he seemed to be before.
He nodded, clearly knowing where he was going with the directions you gave him. You drove in tense mostly silence for a while, Emily’s snoring the only sound besides the sounds of the road. “D-Did… did I do something wrong?” You asked suddenly, your voice quiet and unsure.
His shoulders fell from their tense position. “No, I just… I think I’m just tired. We had a hard case this week and going out drinking isn’t usually how I decompress.”
“How do you usually decompress?”
“I spend most of my free time at home reading. I read 20,000 words per minute and it soothes me. Morgan wasn’t completely dramatizing my apartment. It’s covered in books. They’re everywhere but the fridge and freezer.”
You laughed at that, starting to sober up a little bit. The world wasn’t quite so upside down anymore. “Me too, except most of my library is back at my moms house. We have a room dedicated to books… we’re a big reading family. Especially my dad.” You offered.
“My love of reading came from my mom. She read to me when I was little.”
“The best way is to have a book read to you! My dad used to read to me, too. I loved listening to him say big words I didn’t understand yet.” You smiled at the memory, closing your eyes and remembering, wishing it didn’t seem so far away and cloudy.
Spencer smiled. “My mom says that too. I can still close my eyes and remember every story she ever read to me.”
“I would kill for your memory.” You admitted sadly. “To be able to remember everything with such detail… it’s a gift I wish I had.”
“A gift.” He paused, looking sad. “A curse too, though. It’s not fun to remember every detail of the bad things.” He said, and you longed to know what those bad things were. Maybe one day you would.
You smiled, one that dripped in bittersweet, looking out the window. “‘The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things… The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.’”
You looked back at him in time to see his surprised expression as he turned and looked at you before he had to look back at the road. “Doctor Who. Matt Smith, Vincent and the Doctor. Series 5, episode 10. Air date June 5th 2010.”
“Impressive!” Truly, you were impressed. Even knowing he remembered everything, you were sure it would never surprise you. “It’s one of my favorite episodes, actually. I have a lot of favorites, but that one never gets old.”
“Who’s your favorite Doctor?” He asked you, and you realized that you were getting close to your apartment. You wished the night didn’t have to end.
“I don’t think I could pick, honestly. They all have their merits, and they all definitely have their flaws… I loved David, just like every other girl in the world, but Matt’s chaotic energy was so fun. And Capaldi was just so… captivating. He’s an amazing actor. His work in Heaven Sent was… indescribable. That’s another one of my favorites. You can take a right up here, and then I’m in the big apartment building on the left.” You watched his arms as he turned the steering wheel, captivated by how strong they seemed underneath the button up and sweater vest.
“Thanks for driving us… you’re welcome to take my car home- it’s late, and I don’t want you to have to find a bus or train at this time.” You said, not making a move to get up. You’d only spent a day with him, and you already never wanted to be away from him.
He pulled up to the building and put the car in park before turning to look at you. “How will you get to work tomorrow?”
You hadn’t thought about that. You bit your lip and blushed all the way to your neck. “I… I can see if Emily can text JJ and have her pick us up?”
“Or I could come and pick you two up?” He offered. You nodded slowly.
“I… don’t want to inconvenience you. It’s not fair to inconvenience your new teammate.”
“It’s not an inconvenience. By letting me take your car, I don’t have to take the bus tomorrow… That’s actually pretty nice. And I’ll get to see you again… you know, so we can talk more Doctor Who.” He looked like he was blushing, but you couldn’t be sure in the dark of the car.
“O-Okay… It would be nice to see you tomorrow. Though I will probably be very embarrassed about tonight. I don’t usually do things like this. Get drunk and act like a fool.” You gestured at nothing, pointing between the two of you, indicating you were talking about how all over him you were all day.
“You have no reason to be embarrassed. The rest of the team was much more ridiculous than you were. Everyone acts different when under the influence of alcohol; Morgan gets even more forward and flirty, Garcia gets abrasive and asks invasive questions, Emily gets loud, JJ gets a little whiny and is what I’ve heard referred to as a ‘woo girl’? Rossi… Rossi doesn’t really act very different from himself sober, but I can guess that that comes with age. You… well, you were… a pretty adorable drunk, actually.” He said, almost too quiet. You almost missed it, but you were glad you didn’t.
Emily stirred behind you before you could respond. “Mmm, arewethereyet?” She yawned, making stretching sounds.
“Yeah, we are, Em. We just got here.” You sighed. “Thank you, Reid. For driving us home, for standing up for me earlier… you’ve been very kind and patient with my drunkenness tonight and I appreciate it. I hope I can make up for today and show you that I’m an okay person when Emily isn’t forcing tequila down my throat.”
“I already think you’re pretty cool, so there’s nothing to make up for. I’ll-” He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he looked back at Emily and then at you. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow bright and early. I’ll call you when I get here, okay Em?”
“Mm’Kay Spencer.” She replied sleepily, opening her door, making you feel the need to open yours too. The night was over much too fast in your opinion.
“Thanks again, Reid, have a good night.” You were about to shut the door when you heard his voice again, causing you to turn around.
“Y/N?” He leaned forward, his head tilted and hair falling to the side, messy and so attractive- you wanted to reach forward and run your fingers through it and know if it felt as soft as it looked.
“Yeah?” You bent down a little to meet his gaze.
His eyes were large and brown, the lights from the street lamps making them sparkle. “Please call me Spencer. All my friends call me Spencer.”
You could have danced, that had made you so happy. “O-Okay. Goodnight, Spencer. Thank you for everything.”
He smiled at you then, the biggest one you’d had the pleasure to see on his face so far in the 12 hours you’d known him. You hoped to see a million more of those in the future. “Goodnight, Y/N. Good luck with that drunk mess over there. See you tomorrow.” You and Emily headed up to your apartment building, and when you turned around from inside, he was still there, looking at you with a smile on his face.
Next Chapter
@rexorangecouny​ @asomers603​
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Chapter 10 -- Perfect Harmony | Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Emily Fox is a talented 17-year-old with a passion for all things music. Her dream is to become a successful singer-songwriter one day. But to achieve that dream, she needs to get into one of the most prestigious music schools in her district – it’s all been part of her plan since she was six. Sadly enough, those schools cost a ton of money that her parents don’t want to invest. They don’t even want her to pursue her dream. So, now Emily’s hustling, working at the music store to save up to get into college. That’s until she meets Charlie, an annoying seventeen-year-old boy with the same dream as her. The only difference is, he’s just doing it. He doesn’t need a fancy college to pursue his dream to become famous with his band. He just writes his songs and books small gigs here, there and everywhere. Will meeting Charlie defer her from her dream college, or will he actually help her achieve the dream?
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x OC (Emily Fox)
Warnings: mentions of death, sexual assault
Important note: the characters of Charlie, Owen, Jeremy and Madison are based on the characters they play on the show and i do not own their names, only OC are mine. The songs aren’t mine either, they’re all from the show except for one.
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Chapter ten 
~|Emily Fox|~
I see Charlie again on Thursday and Friday. He sorts the invoices since he’s the pro at deciphering Ash’s handwriting while I clean up anything that’s askew and sweep the floor. We steal glances every now and again, but neither of us says anything. We just smile at each other, knowing exactly what we want to do, but not daring to do so. Maybe for now, the knowing is enough. On Saturday evening, he brings the boys with him, just as he promised on Wednesday. It’s an hour before closing time, so they have to keep themselves busy while I handle the very last few customers. Which they do by keeping their eyes on me and laughing at my customer-service-tactics. Balling up the fists, the fake laughs, the straining against the eyeroll. “There you go,” I say to a middle-aged man, shopping with his son for some essentials for his guitar. “Have a nice day. Bye!” My smile immediately vanishes as soon as the customers have turned their backs to me, which sends the boys into a laughing fit. Now I don’t hold back rolling my eyes. “Can you guys not? A girl’s working!” They immediately shut up, trying to keep straight faces. “You might want to tell her the same,” Jeremy says, pointing to the guitar section where a young girl is reaching for a guitar that’s way too high up for her, meaning she’ll probably drop it from five foot high. “Don’t touch the instruments without supervision!” I yell, causing the girl to turn her head. Her eyes widen, like a deer in headlights. When I approach her, I recognize her as Kayla. The girl who’d asked me for piano lessons. “Oh, hey Kayla!” I greet with a smile. “Changing instruments?” I reach for the one she wanted. “Yeah, he said he was going to teach me,” she points at Jeremy who’s now the one that looks like a deer caught in headlights. I raise my eyebrow at him while he slowly collapses in shame. “Jeremy, really? This is a fourteen-year-old girl!” He now raises his hands, going for the defense. “It was meant to be purely professional!” “Nothing is ever professional with you,” Charlie chimes in, agreeing with me. I glance at him, and we exchange smiles, the ones we’ve been sharing for an entire week now. “Kayla, sweetie,” I turn back to the young girl when I’ve recomposed myself, “Don’t take guitar lessons from complete strangers. Especially not when they’re named Jeremy Shada, okay?” Kayla nods her head ferociously and leaves the shop at once. “A fourteen-year-old, Jere? Really?” Owen asks now that the little girl’s gone. “You guys are acting as if I’d do something bad to her. I swear I was going to teach her how to play the guitar,” his bandmates stare at him with raised eyebrows. “And I didn’t know she was only fourteen…” The words come out in just above a whisper. I shake my head at the boys and then check my watch. Closing time. Perfect. I walk over to the door and turn the little board at the window. “So, Emily…” Owen starts as the three boys hop off the piano they’d been sitting on. “When are you going to join our band?” I instantly glare at Charlie, telling him off for telling them. “I didn’t say anything, I promise,” he says, hands up. “Say what?” Jeremy wants to know. I take a deep breath and let it out into a sigh. “That’s she’s thinking about joining the band,” Charlie admits. The boys erupt into cheers, and Jeremy even wraps me up into a hug, almost the same way Charlie did earlier this week. Only less “I want to kiss you” vibes. “I’m thinking about it. Don’t get your hopes up,” I warn them but can’t help smiling either. It warms my heart to see how excited they are to have me in their band. “There’s one way to try and convince her,” Charlie suddenly says with a teasing smirk on his face. He walks past me and towards the electric guitars where he grabs one. “Cables?” he asks me, and I point to a wooden chest behind him where we keep all of our cables for amps and stuff. He sets up his guitar, tunes it a little, then plays a sick riff I’d heard before. I go to grab all the other equipment from the back, three microphones and stands for each of them, while Jeremy grabs a bass and Owen takes a seat behind the displayed drums. They help me set up the microphones and they’re good to go. Charlie plays the riff again, then Owen counts them in and they’re off singing Now or Never again. I watch them while I start cleaning up what’s left to clean up. I sing along every now and then when I remember the lyrics from the Open Mic Night. By the time they hit the bridge, I’m sweeping near Jeremy, and decide to surprise the boys. “We ain't searching for tomorrow,” Owen sings, and I take this as my cue to move closer to Jeremy – and his mic and sing the echo with him. “Tomorrow,” All three the boys look at me with surprise, but that doesn’t stop us. “'Cause we got all we need today,” goes Owen again. And then Jeremy and I echo together, “Today.” “Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins” Charlie sings without taking his eyes off me and without wiping that smile off his face. Jeremy now steps aside, leaving me to have my favorite line in the entire song. “We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain!” For the last chorus, all four of us begin clapping, like they did on Open Mic night. To finish it off, Jeremy, Owen and I take care of the backing vocals for Charlie.   “Don't look down 'Cause we're still rising Up right now And even if we Hit the ground We'll still fly Keep dreaming like we'll live forever But live it like it's now or never It's now or never” The three boys pant a little after giving their all while I continue sweeping as if nothing even happened. Although, I can’t hide the smirk that’s tugging on my lips. “Wow, that girl can sing!” Jeremy compliments me with a little smile. “Emily,” Charlie’s voice beckons me to look up, “Please, join Sunset Curve?” “Still thinking about it,” I tell him, but I already know I want to. Jamming with these boys feels amazing and I’d do it forever if it wasn’t for my uncle. I need to figure out how I’m going to be okay with singing and writing music with other people. Until I do, I’m going to keep them in a little bit of agony. “Come on, Emmy?” The nickname rips my heart out, even if it’s coming from Charlie’s mouth. “Don’t call me that,” I snarl, startling him a little. I shut my eyes for a second. I didn’t mean to snap. It’s my default reaction to hearing that nickname when it’s from the wrong person. “Sorry, but please, don’t call me that. Anything but that.” I send him a knowing look, hoping that’ll say enough about the why. “Sorry…” he whispers, then wets his lips before continuing, “But Ems, we just rocked that with you. Have we really not convinced you yet?” He has that same puppy-dog-eyes look on his face. Does he know how much that has an effect on me and is he doing it on purpose, or? “Give me a week, okay? I just need to find a way to be okay with… You know…” Charlie nods his head, respecting my decision. I offer him an appreciative smile, hoping that would do. “No, I don’t know. Okay with what?” Jeremy earns a slap on the arm from Owen on that one. “Do you ever think some things aren’t your business?” The dark haired boy simply shrugs. “Hey, why don’t you guys let me hear that new song of yours? Finally Free? I heard it’s good,” I glance at Charlie for the last part, and exchange a smirk with him. He knows. We both know. “Uhm, sure?” Owen says, seemingly confused. “Version two, guys, don’t forget,” Charlie tells them just before Owen counts them in and they’re off playing the song. It sounds amazing. Such a fun song when you add the drums, bass and electric feel of the guitar rather than the acoustic guitar Charlie played it on for me. While I clean up the rest of the store, I mime the song along for as far as I still remember it, hoping the boys won’t see so I don’t have to sing along with them. What I do show them are my killer dance moves with the broom, which really does make them laugh. “That sounds awesome, you guys!” I say excitedly when they’ve finished. Charlie places his guitar on the stand, calling in a break. “I think Sunset Curve might have a hit with that one.” The boys all give me a shy smile as they all gather at the piano again, having ditched their instruments. “Now you,” it almost sounds like a dare. “Now me what?” I ask, keeping my eyes on him. “Show me your song!” The boy sounds way too excited and looks the part too. With his eyes wide and his smile nearly reaching his eyes. I glance from Charlie to Owen to Jeremy and back. “I mean, it’s not really fi—” Owen interrupts my excuse by coming up with one of his own. “Who’s hungry? I’m hungry! Jeremy, let’s get some food for all of us!” Without even asking us what we’d want for dinner, Owen grabs a hold of his best friend and yanks him towards the door and out the store, leaving Charlie and I to our devices. “Will you play it for me now?” he asks, a bit more careful than before as if not wanting to overstep anything. I swallow a nervous lump in my throat before nodding and going to grab my songbook. I place all the loose papers onto the piano and then turn to him. “Grab your guitar,” I order sweetly. The boy obeys and quickly grabs the black Fender from the wall. “Remember what you played the other day when we kind of wrote it together?” He simply nods his head before starting to play the chords he did that first day of writing together. He stands beside me, our shoulders touching, as we look at the song on paper. Then Charlie starts singing, his voice sending shivers throughout my entire body. “Step into my world Bittersweet love story about a girl Shook me to the core Voice like an angel, I've never heard before.” I take a deep breath and start singing my part of the first verse. “Here in front of me Shining so much brighter than I have ever seen Life can be so mean But when he goes I know he doesn't leave” A soft beat and a melody sounds through my mind now, intertwined with the sound of his guitar. Just as our voices intertwine too during the chorus. Like the perfect harmony. “The truth is finally breaking through Two worlds collide when I'm with you Our voices rise and soar so high We come to life when we're” I turn to him, finding myself confident enough not to stare at the papers. “In perfect harmony Woah, woah Perfect harmony Woah, woah Perfect harmony” Charlie smiles down at me with the brightest smile on his face. He, too, feels confident enough to sing without looking at the lyrics. “You set me free,” he sings, not taking his eyes off me. “You and me together is more than chemistry.” Without realizing it, I take a step closer towards him. “Love me as I am I'll hold your music here inside my hands We say we're friends, we play pretend You're more to me, we're everything Our voices rise and soar so high We come to life when we're In perfect harmony” Charlie places his guitar on the piano, letting the melody and rhythm inside our minds guide us instead as we walk around the piano, each in different directions until we’re on opposite sides, looking at each other. “Woah, woah Perfect harmony Woah, woah Perfect harmony” I lean forward on the piano as I sing the first line in the bridge. “I feel your rhythm in my heart, yeah” Charlie walks the other half of the piano, quickly this time, until he’s reached me. “You are my brightest, burning star, woah-woah” I place my hands on his chest as he inches closer. “I never knew a love so real” “So real,” Charlie echoes, pressing his forehead to mine. “We're heaven on earth, melody and words When we are together we're In perfect harmony” I step back slightly, offering him a teasing smirk more so because I’m not ready for what’s about to happen next. “Woah, woah Perfect harmony Woah, woah Perfect harmony” He takes my hand in his and pulls me towards him again. My hands find their way to his chest again while he places his on my waist. “We say we're friends We play pretend You're more to me We create a perfect harmony” The music in our minds has stopped. All that’s left now is our panting breath and beating hearts. Tingles erupt in my body, going from my head all the way down to my toes. I know what’s going to happen and for once, my brain isn’t telling me to pull away or abort the mission. For once, it’s silent. And then Charlie kisses me, and an entire orchestra breaks up the silence in my mind. “I’m seeing fireworks!” Jeremy’s voice makes us break apart, but we don’t go too far. Just our lips disconnect. “Are you seeing fireworks?” Owen nods his head in agreement with his best friend. “Because I’m seeing all the fireworks!” If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the dude is high. I shake my head at Jeremy and turn back to Charlie, who’s already looking down at me. This feels right. This feels like how it should be. All the planets aligned. Just perfectly right.
Taglist: @parkeret @lukeys-giggle @hannahhistorian92 @gingerxarmy @marinettepotterandplagg​ @lovesanimals​ Lemme know if you want to be on my taglist for this story/any of my other works!
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madmadmilk · 4 years
#madreads | stuff i’ve been reading lately 👀
heyyo i’m just making a list of books i’ve been reading lately IRL. most are just swishy, feel-good, HEA romance stuff. I’ll update it periodically~ ✌🏼💛✨ enjoy, and feel free to recommend! 
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“The Flat Share” by Beth O’Leary: sharing a flat with someone you’ve never met? Tiff needs a cheep & easy place to stay, and Leon works nights and needs the $$. Leon takes the bed in the day, Tiff at night.... they’re bound to meet sometime, right?
“The Hating Game” by Sally Thorne: easy-peasy office, enemies-to-lovers. Lucy and Josh share an office for 40 hours a week, PAs for a recently merged companies. constantly one-upping each other, and playing ‘games’ in vengeful silence with arbitrary, made-up rules–– but lucy will never let josh win. especially when there’s a promotion at stake. if she wins, she’ll be josh’s boss, and if she loses... she’ll resign. 
“Beach Read” by Emily Henry: Augustus is an acclaimed author of literary fiction, and january writes best selling romance. they’re opposites in every way.... right now the only thing they have in common is they’re neighbors and both struggling with writer’s block. they make a bet, augustus will write a bright happy romance while january tackles the “next Great American Novel.” of course they’ll take field trips of rom-com montage fame, and he’ll take her to interview backwoods death cult members (???) and absolutely no one will fall in love, lmao.
“Man Crush Monday” (and Stand-In Saturday) by Kristy Moseley. bruhh..... just read it. amy clark is a happy, peppy girl who works on the train... every monday her crush comes aboard, handsome and dorky. lool one day, they meet off the train, and love blossoms from there......
“The Billionaire’s Wake-Up-Call Girl” (and the entire series tbh) by Annika Martin: bruhh lol ya girl works at a company and tries to stay on her best behavior. so when she can’t find a “morning call service” to wake up her boss..... she takes it upon herself to make the call. so yeah, obviously she is the sweetest person ever at 4:30 AM–– oop. and soon enough, boss man is tearing down the city to find her.
“Come Back to Bed” by Kayley Loring: a grumpy lawyer dude moves in next door to an artist, and the only thing she can be sure of is that he’s hot hot hot and has the cutest lil dog ever. when they first meet, he recognizes her long-time and flailing crush on her artist boss..... sparks fly from there lmao
“Happy-Go-Lucky” by L.H. Cosway. Maisie works as a researching for a PI firm, and is nothing but kind to every one there. lol then at the christmas party, intimidating cameron grant shows up and out of the kindness of her heart, she sits by to talk to him. looool he tells her he despises everyone’s behavior at their workplace even her’s to a degree–- be deems her most tolerable. lol even jabbed, her lil office crush on him doesn’t waver. things become even more awkward when he takes her home.............
“Would Like to Meet” by Rachel Winters. evie has been a an assistant for 7 years, hanging on a thread for a promotion. too bad her job is in the hands of breakout-director ezra, for hollywood’s next rom com. lol but he’s suffering from writers block. in order not to lose her job, she collects data and stories from going on “meet-cute” dates and scenarios to “inspire” ezra lol and maybe find herself a real date along the way?
“The Unhoneymooners” by Christina Lauren. olive is ur typical unlucky gal–– constantly outdone by her perfect twin sister, who she still loves and adores. so ofc, on her sister’s wedding day she is paired with her worst enemy, ethan (who happens to be the best man). just 24 hours to get through, and things will be back to normal. lol too bad that everyone at the wedding gets food poisoning, leaving olive and ethan the only people unscathed. her sister refuses to let her honeymoon package go to waste so... she encourages olive and ethan to go... together. looool
And that’s all i can think of for right now!!! i haven’t been reading anything too serious, i just want these fluffy chick lit HEA romances to get me through the rest of the year.... like... just give me some serotonin pls. alright and lemme just say... getting a kindle (and kindle unlimited bleh) has changed my reading life.... it’s so much easier now lol 🥺💛✨
if you have any recommendations or notes to add, feel free to let us know! happy reading!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❣️
tagging: @rae-gar-targaryen​ and @ that one anon that asked hahaha
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introverted-author · 11 months
20 Fanfic Questions
Thanks for the tag @ellegreenawayslover!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 9, mostly one-shots, one unfinished one-shot collection and one unfinished massive fic (I'll get back to it one day haha)
What's your total AO3 word count? 28, 799
What fandoms do you write for? Primarily Criminal Minds, mostly writing for Jemily or Elle. I also have a Higurashi fic about my fav Takano Miyo.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? allergic to gravity. (Emily Prentiss with POTS) you drew stars around my scars (Elle Greenaway angst fic) Gold Rush (Jemily canon rewrite) Arla (Emily with a service dog) midnight rain. (short Jemily drabble based off the Taylor Swift song)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? ALWAYS!! Comments fuel me and I treasure each one!!!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Gold Rush has a devestating ending. you drew stars around my scars hasn't ended yet but I have some (slightly evil) plans…
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Arla or Sweater Weather since those are the most light-hearted fics I have.
Do you get hate on fics? Thankfully not!!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have but that fic is now orphaned haha… normally I don't write it very explicitly, more implied in Gold Rush and you drew stars around my scars.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't written any crossovers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I helped write a chapter of an autistic JJ fic named 'the love of a friend'
What's your all-time favourite ship? Emily Prentiss/Elle Greenaway!! We need more fics for that pair!! I also love Jemily!!
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I'm really trying to finish you drew stars around my scars but life is making it hard :(
What are your writing strengths? Probably my characterisation, I often get told that it is very good.
What are your writing weaknesses? I am too good at procrastinating by scrolling Tumblr or Pinterest haha!!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've written some Spanish dialogue for Elle in you drew stars around my scars. I know basic Spanish so I just kinda cross my fingers and pray it's correct haha!!
First fandom you wrote for? I started by writing for the Doctor Who pairing Thasmin on Wattpad shudders
Favourite fic you've ever written? Probably Gold Rush or you drew stars around my scars!! They are both such a labour of love and I am very proud of them!!
Tagging: @prentiss-theorem, @storiesofsvu, @baubeautyandthegeek (no pressure!!)
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Im Right Where I Belong | Chris Evans x Reader
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader / Chris Evans x You 
Warnings:  Little angst, and some fluff/ okay very fluffy (to me) 
Words Count: 1,519
Prompt: “Im Right where I belong” - Emily’s 5k writing challenge @my-emotional-self
Summary: You and Chris, live together and no matter how many times he offers you can’t bring yourself t quite your job due to your post and always needing to run when things got bad. What happens when your world falls apart just a little.
Tag-List: @patzammit @torntaltos @smoothdogsgirl
A/N: so this is the first challenge I’ve ever participated in, and  I am all knew to this whole fan fiction thing, but I wanna get more involved so as always if you have a prompt or an idea. or anything let me know - id love to write for you, for fun. 
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Another day, another dollar. Another minute where you feel like its about time you drive your car into a tree, who would miss you at this point right? You question this every day Why you went to the dead end job you knew was not going to go anywhere, why you kept going back even though you knew there was nothing in it for you. The one highlight of your day is the moment you walk though the door at home, and are immediately greeted by the sound of a dog barking and jumping on you, like he thought he would never see you again, and is just happy to see you “Dodger stop, we can’t do this every day” you laugh as the dog has his front paws on your shoulders licking you in the face. Walking further into the house you see a tall man standing there as he turned around and smiled at you “hey Beautiful, I didn’t get home till late, I didn’t have time to cook. So I ordered Chinese” He smiled his beautiful blue eyes at you. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck “its okay, I know your not the best cook, and it was already a hard day” You smile and peck his lips as he gasps “hey Thats Steve, not Me” He smiles back at you “Y/n, he sighed as he looked at you, what happened today” “Chris, you know just the normal stuff, getting yelled, the whole I’m better than you mentality, but always keep a smile and in that customer service voice because they are always right, even when they are not. And if I say anything that’s my job.. I just need a different job” You replied with a shrug as you go to the fridge and poured yourself a glass of wine “how many times have I told you that you don’t need to work, that you can quit any time, you know I can support the both of us, easily” he sighed wrapping his arms around your waist from behind as he kissed your neck softly “and you know why I can’t quit, because that is your money, and as much as I was a princess in a fairytale, I’m not. Bell, I’m not held captive, I’m not Cinderella, I didn’t loose my shoe. I want you. I don’t care how much money you have or if your movie just beat avatar in the best grossing movie of all time..” You sighed as you have had this fight before and you were just not having it right now not after the day you had but you couldn’t drop it. “When we moved in together I thought you were going to drop this whole thing, Chris I’ve told you my past and that my family we work, we always work. We support ourselves no matter what because you never know what is going to happen” you shook your head “im going to go take a shower let me know when the food is here” you said to him and walked away before he could get a word out. Chris stood there and sighed heavily watching you walk away. He heard the door bell go off about 10 mins later. He went and paid for the food and set it out on the table. You stood in the shower, letting the water run over your body as you just needed to unwind and the rain fall shower setting was by your favorite one to relax too. You cleaned yourself and then went and slide some pajamas on and wondered out of the master bedroom and saw the food “how long as it been here?” You wonder looking at him as he was sitting at the table 
Chris looked up at you “uh just got here, I heard the shower turn off so I just waited for you, and I want you to know y/n, I never meant to offend you, I know that is how your family has always made a living, but I want you to know you have options. I know you are not a princess in a fairy tale, and I am no prince, I make mistakes. I say the wrong thing. I just hate seeing you so stressed out over this job, and I know you hate that place. I know you want more out of your life.. I just want to show you the entire world. I want to show you what the world has to offer.” He said simply back to you, Well he was in the process of talking you watched him get up and close the distance between the two of you, he set his hand on your silk night gown. He gripped onto you as he kissed the top of your head. You always felt weak under his touch, it could have been the stress or the fact that he really in your world was prince charming. He had saved you countless times from your past, and the abuse that you had received. You worked because you knew at any moment you might need to run. The next day, the moment you walked into your job,  and it happened, they fired you. No reason what so ever. You felt like the world around you was crashing around. You cleaned off your desk and got into your car. You sat there for a good 10 mins before you went home. You walked home. Chris wasn’t home, he was on set of that new tv show he was doing. You went and drew yourself a bath, getting fired was either going to be the best thing that happened to you, or it was going to be the worst. You climbed into the claw foot tub and slide into the bubbles as you sat there. Dodger came in to join you. “dodger no, its not bath time.. no don’t think about it” you said to the puppy who had his paws on the edge of the tub and you could tell he was thinking about joining you. He was a pup who loved the water after all You laughed slightly and pushed him away with your hand “buddy go lay down” you said and gave him a kiss. You slide your body under the water for a few moments and felt a body climb in behind you. You quickly shifted and looked behind you “oh my god don’t do that” you said as you saw it was Chris not hearing him come into the home 
“we wrapped early and and I was going to come home and shower and surprise you for lunch, but I saw your car in the drive, what happened?” He wondered wrapping his arms around your body You sighed as you leaned against his chest and looked up at him with your head on his shoulder “i got fired” you said “but its fine, like you said I didn’t really like that place in the first place, so really could be the best thing that has ever happened” you smiled up at him. He knew what working meant “you know what that means then?” He wondered with a smile and kissed you softly in the most tender way “we can now try for that baby we have always been talking about, you dint have to worry about maternity leave, or the morning sickness and bed rest you are worried about with preeclampsia running in your family” he smiled as he bite his lip softly. You made a face and looked at him as you grabbed some bubbles and rubbed them on his face making his beard that was already there look like Santa and started to laugh, without responding him “say ho ho ho” you said as you started laughing. Chris shook his head and did as you asked as he dunked you under the water and flipped you around so you were facing him. You sat on his legs in the tub and wrapped your saround his waist so both of you fit comfortably, He loved you and wanted to make sure you were okay, with everything that happened “but seriously y/n” he sighed and pulled you slightly closer resting his forehead to yours “are you good? I know we fought about it a little bit but I know you were helping people and that’s one thing you loved” You nodded as you smiled at him. Before you respond no one was watching dodger as he leaped in-between the two of you pushing you apart. He barked at the bubbles as you screamed “Dodger” you couldn’t help but laugh as the puppy came up and kissed you a hundred times. Once he said you looked at the man of your dreams the man that light up a room with a single smile “i am right where I belong” you replied to his first question then leaned over the puppy who was just enjoying the water, your little family. You kissed the man you loved. Your soul mate. 
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antihero-writings · 5 years
Reminded by a Flower—Pandora Hearts fic for Phmonth19, Rainsworth Trio, Day 6: Flowers (Full fic)
Fic Title: The Simplest Gifts
Chapter Title: Reminded by a Flower 
Fic Summary: Christmas may not be the happiest time for the Children of Misfortune, still, sometimes it's the simplest things that can bring joy
Notes: This was a Christmas fic I started during Phmonth18 last year. I wasn't able to write Break’s chapter for it, so I decided to use one of the Phmonth19 prompts to finish it this year! Oh, and you dont need to have read the other chapters to understand this one! 
Kevin crouched beside a flowerbed. Most of the flowers were white, especially considering the snow, but as he dusted off the frost he found a single red bloom amongst the rest.
“Which of them is to be tonight’s victim?” a voice only he could hear said behind him.
He glanced over to the group it was referring to, which probably looked like a lavish dinner table to the Chain.
Christmas had taken over the town. Evergreen trees were set up like well-decorated sentries at the corners of streets, a large one guarding the town square. Candles, tinsel, ribbons, bells, and other assorted decoration had claimed shops and houses as their own, inside and out. There was barely a person without a candy cane, gingerbread or other cookie in their mouth. The children were especially affected by its cheer, making angels and fights out of the cold.
People did litter the area, carolers, rich folks in suits and fancy dresses, chatting in benches, poor people in rags sharing bread and a smile, kids slipping and giggling as they fell on on the ice, families, parents holding their children’s’ hands, friends drinking together.
The world rarely looked so alive, so…merry. Often he wouldn’t care, his eyes glazed with the potency of his goal…Today was different.
He returned his gaze to the flora, reaching down and picking the red bloom.
“Master?” Albus asked.
He had never seen the place so alive. The manor, the family, always radiated a sort of warmth, but the glow of the assorted candles, the fires in their places—picture perfect, like everything else— the reflections in the ornaments and plates glittering like the sunset on the ocean were enough to make anyone feel the cheer of the time of year. The sweet scent of pine flittered down from the trees, the aroma of cakes, gingerbread, and other treats drifting in and out of each room. The hubbub of party guests, along with music, floated in the air like butterflies drawn by the lamplight.
Kevin stood by the door, his eyes sharp, surveying the room, the guests, like a guard dog, always trying to find a threat, never fully relaxed. It was his job of course, but the festivities didn’t appear to interest him in general. The guests, with their fanciful dresses, words, and smiles, didn’t seem to notice the young man either, like he was just a decoration, a painting in black, white, and red, on the back wall.
Two did notice him, however: a rather large man, with a brown—greying—beard, wearing a nice black suit, (the tie only slightly askew), with a white flower on his lapel, a smile on his face, and a little girl with short blonde hair sitting on one of his shoulders.
“Roman-sama,” Kevin bowed to his master. “Do you require my services?”
He laughed a little. “No, no…Well, yes. Actually…seeing as it’s Christmas, little Emily wants to give you something.”
Kevin blinked, as if waiting for the punchline. The thought that his master’s daughter would give him, a servant, a gift for Christmas, was at the least improper, at the most mad.
Upon seeing the quizzical look on his face, Roman grinned. “Come now, it’s Christmas!! Will you not allow one little gift?” he leaned over and spoke behind his hand, (though she could probably still hear him), “if you don’t accept, the little tyrant might just get offended. We wouldn’t want that, would we? Who can tell what her majesty’s ruling would be?”
“Please, I couldn’t possibly accept—”
“Keeviin!!” The little girl moaned. “Just let me do something nice for you, you dummy!”
He blinked. He knew The Sinclairs to be both benevolent and stubborn, but this was something else.
“My apologies, Ojousama,” he bowed.
The little girl had been attempting to hide something by keeping it behind her father’s back. Roman now lifted her off his shoulders, giving her to the floor. She pattered up to Kevin and offered him the gift with the innocent smile only little girls are capable of.
It was a red flower.
He blinked, reaching down and plucking it from her hand.
“It’s a…I forget what they’re called. But I’ve only ever seen these flowers be white. I’d never seen a red one, and it made me think of your eyes!”
The aforementioned eyes widened.
“See, I’ve never seen a person with red eyes either! I think they’re really pretty…and I just thought maybe you and the flower should be together!” She put her hands behind her back and swayed back and forth.
Others had noticed his eyes too...’noticed’ was a bit of an understatement. At her age he often got bullied for his strange appearance, but as he grew older people would often avoid eye contact, or seem very uneasy beneath his gaze…and those were some of the milder reactions.
“Well, what do you say?” Roman said like someone had just complimented his young son. Kevin cleared his throat and spoke properly and simply. “Thank you…I appreciate it,” he added when she continued staring at him.
She grinned, giving a small curtsey. “Good. Then I won’t have to behead you for your impudence!”
Something of his expression must have shown his shock because her father laughed, patting her head, ruffling her hair, “Always the little jester, this one.”
“Father! You’ll mess up my hair!” the Sinclair girl put her hands on her head, scowling at him.
“Sorry, sunshine!”
She took his hand, dragging her father back out into the party.
“We’ve leave you to keep manning the fort!” Roman saluted, and Emily waved.
Kevin leaned back against the wall, twirling the stem, watching the petals twist like a dancer in a red dress, trying to hide his smile.
Kevin twisted the stem between his thumb and forefinger.
The same flower, but the times were so different.
A lot can change in a year.
“Master?” Albus asked again.
Kevin stood, looking the way of the painting-like scene the Chain looked at as a menu.
“It’s Christmas,” he said softly.
On this day last year, he was in a warm manor, the knight of an even warmer family. On this day last year he was a part of these traditions and games, even if on the sidelines.
Now he was cast out of that world, and no fires warmed his skin, no glittering lights peppered his vision, no candy or cake gracing his tongue…Not that having come now could sooth the ache in his stomach.
His eyes darted from the twirling children to the twirling petals in his hand.
But others could still enjoy the warmth of this day. Even he was alone, and cold, his eyes attuned to the dark, others still gave each other gifts, and told stories, and ate sweets in the firelight. Others still had families they could sit with, and who they would be devastated to lose…especially tonight.
He began walking forward, tossing the bloom to the ground, it landing like a drop of blood on the snow.
“I won’t be killing anyone tonight.”
“Break! Break!” the little girl toddled up to him, her feet carrying her as fast as they could in the snow, causing her to nearly topple over in her oversized coat. “I—” she panted, “I found something for you!”
She held up the bouquet of unevenly picked flowers like a trophy of war.
“Mother said you’re supposed to put flowers on people’s graves.” Sharon explained once she’d caught her breath, “I don’t really know what that means, but I made sure to pick the prettiest ones I could find.”
He blinked at her, taking them in an almost ginger way. It took him a moment to notice the red bloom hiding, slightly wilted, amongst the white.
“Do…Do you like them?” she asked, drawing circles in the snow with her boot.
He tried to smile, “Yes. Thank you, Sharon.”
Reim caught up with his friend, then gasped when he saw the makeshift bouquet.
“Sharon! You shouldn’t have picked those! I was just reading somewhere; the red variety is very rare!”
“You have nothing better to do then read about flowers?” she put her hands on her hips, “Why not pick up a book about something exciting,” she flourished with her hands, “something that will actually strengthen your mind… like a romance novel!”
“Shelly told you you’re not ready to read those!”
As the children squabbled—(he tried not to smirk at their fight…he’d slipped her that romance novel)—Break carried the bundle to said graves.
He pieced out the group, setting a few blooms on each, until only the red one was left.
As he let it drift onto the last stone, he murmured, “Merry Christmas, Emily.”
Break strolled through the frosty Pandora garden. Reim had left his notebook back here—(…either that or someone hid it from him)—and he had commissioned (more like drilled) everyone in a nearby radius to help him look for it.
The garden was mostly barren at this time, though there were a few flowers that bloomed in winter. In particular, white blooms lined the pathway near the ground. He thought nothing of them until he rounded the corner to find a bit of a disaster on the pathway:
Petals were strewn about the stones, the stem in fractured pieces, like flower had offended someone, and this was their revenge.
Break knelt down and picked what was left of the bloom, guessing exactly who had decided to take whatever frustrations he had out on the innocent flower—(he made a mental note enhance those frustrations later).
“Oh, there you are Break!” Sharon ran up to him, hugging Reim’s notebook to her chest, “I found—Oh! What’s this?” She knelt down, observing the crime. “Who would do such a thing?”
“I think a rat may have gotten in here.”
She frowned, standing back up. “That’s too bad, I would have liked to put it in a vase. I think I remember someone telling me the red ones are very rare variety. It’s pretty... It kind of reminds me of your eye.”
He tried to laugh it off, crushing what was left of the flower and standing, joining her to return Reim’s property, thinking all the while it probably reminded Vincent of his eye too.
“What is it, Sharon?” Reim asked.
She had stopped, before proceeded to running off to a nearby patch of flowers.
He couldn’t recall their name, but when he caught up to her, he saw that they were white flowers, blending in to the surrounding snow. Sharon knelt down before them and plucked one.
The one in her hand, however, was red.
“It’s been a long time since I saw a red one of these,” she said softly, twisting it in her finger.
“Yes,” he leaned over her shoulder, trying to get a better look at it, “I believe they’re quite rare.”
She proceeded to add this red flower to one of the bouquets she was carrying.
“My apologies for the detour,” she mentioned properly as he helped her back up.
They finished the rest of their journey, stopping before the graves. She knelt down and set one down at each respectively, removing the red flower and carefully placing it on top of the headstone.
His wife tried to smile as she said, “Merry Christmas, Mother. Merry Christmas, Break.”
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fan-dumb-trash · 6 years
Part One! Part Three! Part Four
Sorry for the wait! And also sorry if this isn’t as good as the first one... but I needed to establish some things in order to make Remiles relationship make sense ya know? I’m planning on making at least one, maybe more of these so buckle up sis! Thank you guys for your reblogs and comments and stuff it’s really sweet XD I’m glad to provide some decent Remile content.
Now without further ado, lets get the gay going!
Warnings: Unhealthy Household mention, Kissing, Crying. Violence mention- or lack theorf. Some self deprecation in Remys part. If I missed anything let me know!
Kay so we left off with the boys at the start of their sophomore year oh yeah boi.
I forgot to tell you everyone's ages so HERE WE GO
Patton and Roman are juniors now and Virgil Logan Emile and Remy are the same age. Sloane and Corbin are seniors and Kai and Elliot are freshmen.
Remy has accumulated a girlfriend named Clarimonde whos a badass and we love her she's really cool actually. Her and Roman have spanish together and they are both fluent so they chat to their teachers delight
Once her and Patton saw Elliot getting bullied and she scared the living heck out of those neanderthals without punching and Patton was impressed
Everyone likes her- so Emilie tells himself he has no reason to dislike her because he doesn't have feelings for Remy anymore. No sir.
Now it isn't difficult for Remy and Emile to pass each other in the halls. When Clarimonde chats with Roman, Emile can make small talk Remy without dying inside, but he's slightly more quiet.
Remy still doesn't understand the pang he gets in his chest whenever someone mentions cartoons.
Clarimonde starts to pay attention the Emile because “hey he seems like a sweetheart! how did you meet him Rem?”
Remy tells her that they were close in middle school and left it at that. She stayed suspicious but dropped it after two days.
As I mentioned before, Emilie is a total mom friend even to the seniors and juniors. He notices Logan perk up whent Patton makes a dad joke or laughs. He notices Patton stare a bit too much at Logan's subtle freckles or his electric blue eyes as he rants about biology and chemistry.
He notices Roman and Virgil warm up to each other finally (they didn’t get along much. Romans a bit of an airhead and said some not nice things to Virgil in middle school)
They find out they actually have common interests! They talk about music and writing amd smile because someone finally understands!!! Wow!!!
Emilie promises himself he's going to try to help his friends be happy together. because he feels a bit better when he sees his friends happy in love. And in good mental health (which leads into his counseling career!!! Wohooo!!!)
AND NOW- INTRODUCINGGGGG *drum roll* MR THOMAS SANDERS *confetti cannon* and his assistants Joan and Talyn who are lit college students trying to get degrees in the arts. they need to community service so (plus they love Thomas and the kids like aww their babies)
Thomas is the theater teacher/director of the arts department. Roman took all the theater classes available because he’s an extra boi. so he hung out in Mr Sanders class and soon it became the hangout spot for the gang!
Emile saw Roman and Patton in the school play last year. Most of the cast were seniors and now all the thespians are gone and nobody wants to do the shows and take the classes (minus the loot of kids who need their arts requirement to graduate) and it's a PROBLEM
Remy takes Mr Sanders drama class for the arts requirement in order to graduate! But he has a D… Honestly he thought the class would be easier than ceramics because he could just doze off as Thomas rambled about shakespeare but NOPE they have to do pair scenes and monologues and Remy IS NOT HAVING IT LET ME TELL YAH
He thinks acting is stupid (ironic because his personality at school is mostly to mask his pain so TEA) and that there's no point in trying.
this attitude carries over to a lot of his other classes because it's not like his family can afford sending him off to college anyways and it's not like he's smart or worth teaching anyways right?
And Thomas notices Remy walk home alone and take off his shades and stare at the sky a bit longer than usual. Thomas sees Remy's smile fade as people talk about their parents and siblings and he sees Remy's grades slip.
Thomas pulls Remy says something like “Sup Mr Sanders. Did somebody fail their test because they spent the class period staring at me instead of their answer sheet?” And Thomas would usually laugh at this but he's stern
“I'm going to give it to you straight. You're failing almost all your classes and i've talked to your teachers and they know you have potential but you don't try. I don't understand why, but i'm sure you have your reasons but i just wanted to tell you… You're enough, Remy. Just being you. Just because you dont think youll be perfect or good enough doesn't mean you have to turn you back on the world. There's people who will care if you let them in and-”
Remy begins to cry because nobody has told him that in a year and a half. And Thomas gives him tissues and pats him on the shoulder.
Remy agrees to participate in the after school show for extra credit to raise his grade. The credits will carry over to the monologue and pair scene he did poorly on and count for the history of plays unit test which he bombed.
Remy is grateful, but asks how all those assignments fit in on play if he's just gonna do tec??? Or say a shakespearean monologue and be done.
Thomas smiles and says “Well Remy, we are doing Rent- a musical. And Joan and Talyn handle the tec stuff just fine.”
Patton convinces Logan to do the show (puppy dog eyes owo) and it's all set. Clarimonde joins because why not. Emilie was hesitant at first- but Dot and Larry told him it would be a good way to break out of his shell because Emilie is a bit awkward around people he doesn’t know well…
Auditions go good! Virgil, Roman, Elliot, and Emilie are the best singers while Clarimonde,Remy, Logan, and Patton are dorky/sassy/and confident actors.
Thomas had them all sing Seasons Of Love and then he just puts them in scenes with each other as characters he wanted to see them as! After the first round he moved people around accordingly. It’s an unorthodox way of doing things but it’s such a smol group it wasn’t a hassle to do.
Remy and Emile weren’t really considered for any of the leads because Thomas wasn’t sure of their acting ability… so just to give them something to do, he had them do dialogue when Angel and Collins first meet! Remy is Angel and Emile is Collins cause why not!
For those of you who don’t know much about Rent, basically what happens in that scene is that Collins gets mugged and beat up and he’s bleeding in an alleyway and then Angel finds him and they talk a bit.
Of course it was awkward at first because why wouldn’t it be… but Remy said “You know Em, this is just a giant case of Deja Vu… remember when I found you in the field after you gots scraped up from climbing up that tree? Your glasses were broken and everythin’. And you wanted to act all tough but you were crying and I didn’t know what to do-“ and Emile laughed because yes, he remembers. They got ice cream after and it was one of the best days of his childhood.
And it gets better from there. And it’s like they get to meet again for the first time- but Emile is the broken one and Remy is lending a hand. They have really good chemistry and the scene is actually really genuine!
They do the scene for Thomas and he’s intrigued! He writes notes with a small smile on his face.
But the spell is broken after that for a while...
but when the cast list is posted there's some issues cause uhm
Mimi is Roman- Rodger is Virgil
Mark is Patton, and Benny is Logan
Joanne is Elliot and Maureen is Clarimonde!
BUT THE TEA IS THE CASTING CHOICE OF EMILIE PLAYING COLLINS AND REMY PLAYING ANGEL!!! Romans a little salty because he wanted to be a cool drag queen who played drums but he got over it.
Same issue for Roman and Virgil because I have to be in love with my crush/ex enemy? Oh nooooooooooo.
The whole situation is wild and I love it.
But yeah that’s how the fake dating and stage kids element come into play if you were here from the VERY VERY beginning when I was bored out of my mind and made some weird prompts for people to choose.
Patton and Logan start to talk even more to help their bffs Roman and Virgil get their shit together and then Patton and Logan start to get close in the process and it's amazing.
But rehearsal happens and Emile and Remy are really awkward at first. And Emilie wants to slap Remy because weren’t they They don't talk about the abrupt and unexplained ending of their friendship and Emile doesn't explain how Remy broke his heart. But the eyes are the window to the soul and they both know there's words that need to be said that aren't being said…
But communication? In my christian household? Neverrrrrrrrrr
So it continues. And life goes on.
Virgil and Roman start dating because when Virgil was over at Romans house “rehearsing lines”, Roman got a bit too close when he sang “oh won't you light my candle~” and whoops know they're making out
Oh well life happens i guess
But back to Remile. It's about 2 weeks into rehearsal and they're starting blocking of Act 1 and it's going as one expects. Smooth and Rocky and back and forth and SLOW.
Most people are fitting into their roles pretty normally except for two people- you can guess who.
For the life of them, Remy and Emile can't get it together. Remy can dance and sing like nobody's business and he's been practicing in heels and it literally is giving Emilie a heart attack cause HOT DAMN IM GAY AS FUCK BUT I GOTTA KEEP IT TOGETHER REEEEE
But the second Remy makes eye contact with Emile he drops character. Emile is chill and fun like Collins. His scenes with Patton and Virgil? Gold. The second Angel comes on stage he gets more tense.
And Thomas doesnt say anything because its not the end of the first month but he notes it.
Emile is obviously upset. It’s kinda draining him being dragged around emotionally by Remy and Patton Roman and Dot and Larry are starting to get worried… it’s like the mental state he had in the summer is coming back and he’s closing himself off.
Clarimonde notices these things too because she’s not stupid… she asks Roman about it during Spanish. He says it isn’t his place because he knows Emilie's Side of the story- but not Remy's. and he doesn’t want to say anything he isn’t supposed to.
His answer gives Clarimonde all the clarification she needs because obviously Roman knows something big and it has to be that Emilie had feelings for Remy at some point and Remy cut their friendship and broke his heart.
But she doesn’t know what to do so she keeps her relationship with Remy because it’s not like he likes Emilie back. Right?
But deep down she knows he’s just scared of commitment because he never wants to go to her house and meet her parents. She barely knows anything about Remy's family or hopes and dreams. But what can she do but wait for him to open up? But he never does. And it nags at her.
I realize that I haven’t really talked to much about Remy… So here we go.
It’s complicated. Remy got scared. Of trusting one person so much that it could hurt him. Divorces can jack kids up especially if they go down ugly like it did for Remy's parents. He didn’t really believe in love. He didn’t believe in trust that didn’t come without a price.
But he forgot those worries when he was with Emile years before. He felt loved and cared for and he felt he could be himself.
But over the summer when Emile and Remy stopped hanging out… it’s because things got worse. Remy's mom started to blame the divorce on him. She said her father left because she couldn’t handle Remy and his lil brother Ethan who screamed and cried all the time. She started to go out for long points of time and come home with bloodshot eyes. She would scream at tell Remy that love never lasted and he needed to grow up and stop crying cause his dad never called.
And Remy was beside himself.Because seeing Emile just reminded him of all the stuff he couldn’t have. The carefree normal life he would never have.
So Remy threw up his walls and stopped talking to Emile. He shoved down his guilt and left him alone because Remy felt he didn’t need Emile or his warm light.
Remy wanted to grow up so he wouldn’t feel this pain and yearning for a childhood he’d never receive.
And that’s why he and Emile stopped being friends. That’s why Remy is fake.
Remy can’t pinpoint when it happened… but
as Angel he can be confident but it doesn’t feel like an act. He can dance around with a purpose. And when he sings his duet with Emile for the first time, and they hold hands, he feels a bit like the kid he was in elementary school again.
And he becomes thankful Thomas gave him the chance to do this show because it’s showing off. He’s coming out of his shell. And Emilie notices it and smiles more.
Because Emile feels happy when Remy can talk to him and not look like his walking on crackling ice.
Emile had time to mature and heal while Remy was out of his life but now he feels secure because he doesn’t have to be attached to his romantic feelings and they can just be friends. They do their scenes and it’s great. Remy can hold his hand on stage and dance and Emilie is accomplished because Remy looks so… free. Not holding anything back. Not being fake. He’s being his authentic self through Angel and he finds that beautiful.
Thomas smiles when the duo are onstage and realizes he made the right casting choice.
But one day Remy and Clarimonde walked out hand and hand after practice as Emilie waited for his parents to pick him up. Remy was smiling but then Remy was kissing her and there were hands and hair and Emile felt like he was on fire and ran. Because he can't handle this.
Remy has to pretend to be in love with him and it's going to destroy Emilie because ITS NOT REAL.
Clarimonde opens her eye for a split second and damn. She knows. She sees Emile run.
A part of her feels sad, because she has feelings for Remy, but she feels like she’s in the way of Emile and Remy. So she lets go. She breaks up with him because shes “not feeling the relationship anymore”, but she still wants to be friends. And yeah, Clarimonde hurts- but she smiles through it and knows its for the best. Even if it ain’t fair.
And Emile is calling Patton crying, curled up in a ball, wanting to rip his heart out. He can’t take it anymore and says so over and over. It’s Friday so Dot and Larry drive him over to Patton’s. Roman comes over and brings ice cream and they watch Adventure Time but then Marceline shows up and Emile starts crying because REMY BAGAHAHAHAS sO they switch to avatar.
And they all cuddle and are buried under tons of blankets and it’s great.
Roman offers to punch Remy and Patton whacks him upside the head. It’s funny.
And Emile still feels like crap but at least he knows he has good friends. He isn’t alone this time.
If you don’t want to be added- please let me know! If you DO want to be added- go ahead and leave a comment because that’s easiest for me!
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absolutelaw-blog · 5 years
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full name.  kristoph gavin.  pronunciation.  kris-toff gah-vin.  nicknames.  the coolest defense in the west. the coolest killer in the west. kris. (   caution on this one  :  if you call him this and your name isn’t klavier gavin, he’ll go above & beyond to make you miserable. he’ll tolerate it from his brother, but no one else   ) . height. 6′1″-6′2″.  age.  32 years old (   in canon  ;  age is verse dependent.   ) . zodiac. capricorn. languages. german (   mother tongue   )  ;  english (   learned pretty much concurrently with german, and so he’s about equally fluent   )  ;  japanese (   passable. living in aa-universe california necessitates knowing at least a little   ) .
hair colour.  platinum blonde.  eye colour.  grey-blue. skin tone.  pale, freckles easily.  body type.  lean. he’s tall & broad-shouldered enough to be intimidating if he’s trying, but outside of that, he’s not very physically imposing. he is, apparently, strong enough to kill a man with a wine bottle in one hit, though, so i guess he has to have something of a swing.  accent.  pleasantly transatlantic, tinging on somewhat british. it’s how he learned english, and while he could have easily adopted an american accent after living in california for such a long time, he insists on ‘ speaking properly. ’ (   he’s pretentious.   ) he usually does not speak with a noticeable german accent -- but when stressed, upset, angry, frustrated, flustered, or otherwise not as in-control of his emotions as he usually is, the accent will slip out. he despises this. dominant hand.  right hand. posture.  confident, almost regal. shoulders back, hands clasped behind his back or arms crossed in front of him, chin up, looking down his glasses at you. there may be no crown on his head, but that won’t stop him from holding himself like he’s a king.  scars.  one, along the back of his right hand. can, in the right light, take on the appearance of a rather horrid face when he twitches his hand. despite its peculiar qualities, he doesn’t think about it much anymore. he got it as a child  ;  it’s been there so long it’s no longer notable to him.  tattoos.  none. he thinks they’re rather distasteful.  most noticeable features.  height, long hair, self-assured posture, eyes hidden behind glasses, that scar. 
place of birth.  berlin, germany.  hometown.   los angeles, california.  birth weight / height.  – manner of birth.  . . . the usual one ? first words.  his parents used to joke that his first word was ‘ cross-examination. ’ this, of course, was only after he got into themis legal, and proved he could be an asset to the family name. kristoph always sort of resented it. and so, he’s not actually ashamed to say his first words were the usual ones. ‘ mama, ’ ‘ papa, ’ ‘ puppy. ’ that sort of thing.  siblings.  klavier gavin (   younger brother   ) .  parents.  oskar gavin (   father   )  ;  emilie gavin (   mother   ) .  parental involvement.  oskar and emilie were minor political figures in germany  ;  they had children more as attempts to maintain a family-friendly image in the face of mounting scandals than they did out of any actual, genuine interest in raising said children. as such, kristoph (   and later, klavier   ) was pretty much handed off to a series of nannies & otherwise left to his own devices. his parents’ actual involvement in raising him was . . . minimal. they died in an accident while he was completing his junior year of college. he played the part of the grieving son perfectly well, but he wasn’t really all that aggrieved about it. (   he always sort of wondered if the accident was an accident or if it was some political move, but to investigate that, he’d have to actually care about what happened to them.   ) 
occupation.  defense attorney.  current residence.  a rather posh high-rise apartment building in los angeles. a rather posh solitary confinement cell.  close friends.  why, his dear friend phoenix wright, of course !  (   hah.   )  partners.  what, legal partners ?  uh, he’s got a student -- oh, you mean romantic partners ?  ugh. pass.  relationship status.  single. not looking. (   verse dependent.   )  financial status.  let’s just say he’s in a very comfortable income bracket. (   --- & how did he get there so fast, what with his parents losing most of their fortune to constant legal battles, leaving him to make money himself ?  best not to ask.   )  driver’s license.  yes. he doesn’t like to drive, though. he’s more the ‘ hire a driver ’ type.  criminal record.  prior to the events of apollo justice ?  clean as clean can be. too clean. suspiciously clean. after ?  one count of evidence forgery, two counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted murder -- and that’s only what we know of. 
sexual orientation.  bisexual / demisexual. maybe a slight preference for men, but functionally, it doesn’t matter -- he’s very, very demisexual, and it’s extremely rare that he’s actually genuinely attracted to someone. nine out of ten times, if he sleeps with someone, it’s going to have been because doing so conferred some kind of material advantage on him -- i.e., they had something he wanted.  romantic orientation.  biromantic / demiromantic. again, though, it tends not to matter, because it’s so incredibly rare that he feels real attraction of any kind towards someone. if kristoph is romancing you, it usually means he wants something from you.  preferred emotional role.  Submissive | Dominant | Switch |  Unsure preferred sexual role.  Submissive  |  Dominant |  Switch |  Sex repulsed libido. low. unless he actually likes you. then about average ?  turn ons.  if i answer this question, my kristoph muse will physically manifest IN my home and poison me with atroquinine, killing me within fifteen minutes of ingestion. turn offs.  unless he actually likes you, don’t try to make him be genuinely emotionally vulnerable with you. ugh. disgusting.  love language.  in the very rare case he actually likes you, he appreciates them all. however, he especially likes acts of service. he knows better than anyone else that pretty words are often lies  ;  actually going out of your way to assist him with something isn’t so surface-level to him, and is deeply appreciated.  relationship tendencies.  generally, he thinks they’re a waste of time & a potentially dangerous vulnerability. to be avoided. 
character’s theme song(s). i know i put my go-tos (   where i want to be from chess & choke by idkhw   ) on the last meme that asked a question like this, so i’m gonna try to go for some different ones  :  severed by the decemberists (   gonna leave you all severed   ) & nice day by the romanovs (   nice day for a murder !   )  hobbies to pass the time. playing the violin (   & occasionally writing a piece or two   ) , cooking, keeping journals, reading, taking walks (   usually with his dog   ) , shopping (   shush.   ) . mental illnesses. none that are formally diagnosed. he clearly has quite a number of problems going on in that head of his, but he would define them less as problems and more as strengths, so it’s not like he’d seek help.  physical illnesses.  other than being blind as a bat without his glasses, he’s physically healthy.  left or right brained.  left brained.  fears.  nothing at all. failure. being forgotten. being wrong. that he isn’t the best, always & at everything. IT’S OVER, KRISTOPH. YOU’RE NOT NEEDED ANYMORE.  self confidence level.  unreasonably high. you could say he has a bit of a god complex.  vulnerabilities. his academic intelligence and logic may be above & beyond that of your average person, but he never matured emotionally, so he still has the emotional intelligence of a child. his solution to fearing that he might not be perfect was to repress it until he had five black psyche-locks, for god’s sake. and it was his hatred of wright that blinded him to the idea that phoenix might formulate a plan that could stop him -- he saw wright as a naive idiot because of that hatred, and as such underestimated him. his inability to process or even acknowledge his own emotions means that he has no way of telling when his analyses are objective and when they’re tainted by how he feels about them, and his arrogance means he’s convinced they’re all accurate. so, sometimes, no matter how accurate his formula is otherwise, he forgets to factor in emotion -- and he miscalculates. 
Tagged by: @smoulderingsilver (   aaaahhh thank you so much !!   )  Tagging: again, anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself Tagged By Me. 
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bscarz · 6 years
Bill, a mysterious prisoner with ‘supernatural’ abilities finally meets his angel.
Bill Skarsgård x OFC.
The cold air nips harshly at my nose, however, my body is warm due to the heat the blanket provided. I sigh as I eye the raindrops racing down the window, looking out into the dark neighbourhood, waiting for my father to come home.
It wasn’t late in the evening at all, but the winter had sent the sky into darkness prematurely. I liked the winter, I just didn’t like the uncertainty of it. Some days were colder, some days were warmer. I was never a fan of not knowing what came next; it would make my anxiety spiral out of control. My dad always laughed at me for it; the fact that I always wanted to know everything.
The sound of an engine could be heard from down the street, making me lean forward to get a better look at the outside. Two bright lights were coming up my driveway and I released a breath, feeling a lot better knowing that my dad was home.
I discarded the blanket and made my way to the door, gripping the edge of my sleeves. I was quicker than my dad, opening the front door as soon as I heard his keys. His eyes widened in surprise, not expecting my presence, but a warm smile soon replaced his shock.
“Honey, were you waiting for me?” He asked, closing the door behind him. I nodded shyly, feeling stupid for not doing something better with my time. My father only laughed though, hugging me in the process.
“Gosh, you worry too much.” He stated.
“Sorry for caring.” I teased.
I follow my father into the kitchen, opening up a drawer and grabbing out the cutlery for dinner. “I have to tell you about this boy I met today,” he says as he opens the oven. “He’s young- about 23, and has been in prison for only a few months.”
I place the plates on the table, nodding along to my dad. “What’s he in for?”
“See that’s the thing, he hasn’t done anything particularly.” He explains, scratching the stubble around his chin. “There have been numerous unknown deaths in the past few months, The Kid’s been linked to each person.”
“But there’s no proof?” I ask. “How can he be in prison then?”
My father pats my head lightly, laughing at my inquisitiveness. “One question at a time, petal.” He teases, “Each death has been mysterious, no one knows how these people died… The Kid just happened to be linked to it all, I guess.”
“Are you saying he could be innocent?”
“Maybe. I don’t know too much about it, petal. I’m only there to do my services.”
I smile brightly at my father. Pride warms my body as I look at the kind-hearted man. My father loved to help out as much as he could, so when the opportunity came for him to read bible passages to prisoners, he was elated by the offer. After his office job, my father would drive to Shawshank and speak to the prisoners about God, not once judging their character.
“I’m proud of you, Dad.”
“Thank you.” He replies, smiling back at me. “However, I do need some help. The Kid is quite young, he doesn't take old dogs like me too seriously.” He chuckles, as he cuts into his roast. “I was wondering if you could maybe write him a letter… you know, make him feel less alone considering everyone is quite old at Shawshank.”
“Like a pen-pal?”
“Yeah, I guess you could call it that.” He replied. “I don’t want him to be isolated. He’s very quiet so I think some communication is good… Maybe I’ll bring you in to meet him one day... when I know it’s safe.” He added.
“Of course, Dad. I’d love to help.” I smile.
“That’s my girl.”
I sat with my legs crossed on the pink bedding, staring aimlessly out the window again. My father had gone to bed, leaving me to my own devices. I glance down at the paper in front of me, wondering what I should write to ‘The Kid’. I knew nothing about him, and I had nothing to say about myself. All I knew is that he could be innocent, or he could be a serial killer that has caused numerous unknown deaths, like a modern-day Devil. I shiver at the thought, scolding myself for jumping to an awful conclusion. I grab the pen off my side desk and write anything that comes to mind.
My name is Emily. My father, Jacob, visits the prison quite frequently to read Bible verses to the people. He was intrigued by your presence. There aren’t a lot of youngsters at Shawshank. He asked me to write to you, so you didn't feel alone. I know what it’s like to be the odd one out amongst a group of people, it’s not fun, but you don’t have to worry, because I can talk to you.
I don’t have much to say, besides the fact that I am 19. I live with my father and we both enjoy reading, music, and all the other basic stuff.
You might not be religious, but I suggest you see my father for Bible reading sessions. I don’t want to force religion onto you, but I don't think religion has to do with believing God not; it’s about believing forgiveness, kindness, and most of all redemption.
I hope to hear back from you soon. I wish you the best of luck.
I click the top of the pen, reading the letter over and over again, wondering if it was good enough or not. I glanced at the clock beside me and shuffled under the covers. I grabbed the envelope off my nightstand and placed the letter inside, deciding that it was good enough. I had to remember that The Kid was only young, and he could be innocent; he needs some type of communication. Isolation only drives a person crazy, and no one deserves to be alone.
I sink my head into my pillow; my heart felt so much better when I closed my eyes, knowing that I could be helping someone out there. I enter a curious dream, imagining the boy within the prison walls.
It had been ten days since I gave the letter to my dad, and finally, I got a reply.
The envelope was shaking in my hand, I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous, but my heart was beating rapidly against my rib cage. I ran up the stairs and into the privacy of my room, ripping open the envelope and staring at the folded paper in my hands. I wanted to read it but I was still too nervous.
Once I was seated comfortably on my bed, I unfolded the letter and began to read the note in front of me. I gawked at the cursive handwriting on the letter, shocked at the elegance of it all. I leaned back onto my pillow and read the letter numerous times, processing every word on the page.
Dear Emily.
I am not surprised that I stood out to your father. I doubt it’s my age that caught his eye, but rather my reluctance to engage in any activities he had set. I am not one for reading, but your letter made the exception.
I do not fear isolation. Thank you for your concern, but I crave the feeling of being alone. I am not a fan of crowds or people, for that matter. I only enjoy company when it provides me with pleasure, however, I doubt you know what that means.
If you want me to engage in Bible reading, maybe you could come down and read a few verses to me. That’s the only way I’ll consider anything like forgiveness, kindness, or, your favourite, redemption.
I hope that I will be an acquaintance soon.
I shuddered at the words in front of me, unsure of how I should feel about the letter that I had been impatiently waiting for. One part of me was intrigued by his mystery, the other part of me thought he was teasing. Either way, I was determined this time to meet Bill. I always loved talking about the importance of redemption and forgiveness, and if Bill would consider these things over a meet up then I’d be more than happy to see him.
I race down the stairs, eager to see my father; ready to tell him my plan.
I walk the long, cold halls of Shawshank, my body shaking with nerves. I try my hardest not to let my fear show as I march behind an officer.
Surprisingly, it didn’t take a lot of convincing for me to read the Bible with Bill. My father talked to a few of the coordinators and they deemed the visit as safe. I was excited that I was able to meet the mysterious man, however, my gut feeling told me that he wasn’t as innocent and harmless as perceived. Something told me that this man was a replica of The Devil, and I couldn’t seem to shake that feeling off.
“Right this way, Miss.” The officer says, guiding me to a room at the end of the hall.
I step inside with the officer next to me, and spot two chairs and a table. I turn my head to the side and find another door opening, an officer walks into a room holding someone by the arm. The stranger is dressed in a white top and blue over-shirt, towering over everyone in the room. The man diverts his eyes from the floor and looks at me; my eyes widen at his appearance.
It took me a second too long to realise that the man in front of me was Bill. I had endless visions of how he would look, and I had never pictured him to look like this. Despite his frail frame, from a lack of eating I assumed, the man was absolutely gorgeous. He had shaggy brown hair that framed his face perfectly, plump lips and wide green eyes. He smirked at me, causing me to cease my staring. I tug at the ends of my white dress, feeling exposed under his eyes, even though it was the most modest thing in my closet.
“You have half an hour.” The other officer says to Bill, however, Bill doesn’t even acknowledge his presence, his eyes are still lingering on me.
The other officer leaves as I walk towards the table, sitting opposite Bill. The officer that lead me to the room stands outside the door. Usually, I should feel frightened by the predicament, however, the cuffs around Bill’s wrists give me a sense of relief.
“Um…” I begin, looking down at the Bible in front of me. Bill hasn’t once taken his eyes off me. I fidget in my spot, nervously brushing a few strands of brown hair behind my ear. Bill chuckles as my clammy hands try to find a page within the book. My searching is stopped, however, when a large hand reaches over and engulfs mine.
“Don’t bother,” He states huskily; his voice deeper than I excepted it to me. “I don’t want to hear that shit.”
I look up at him confused, “But you said-“
“I lied.” He interjected, smirking at my confusion.
“What do you want from me then?” I questioned. Feeling stupid and hurt.
Bill leaned back in his chair. “I just wanted to see you is all... Wanted to see if I was right” He mumbled... “And my, my, you’re better than expected. It was worth the wait.”
I blushed profusely at his words, again, looking down to avoid his stare.
“I don’t know how to help you then.”
He chuckled darkly at my statement. “You think I want help? That I want redemption?” He teased. “You’re mistaken, little girl. I don’t want change.”
I gulped at his cynical words, annoyed that my mission to preach kindness was already set for failure. “You sound like The Devil,” I whispered.
“I’m not The Devil.” He smirked. “The Devil was an Angel once. The Devil had his motives, I have none.” He stated. “I do things because I want to.”
I shuddered, grabbing the book in front of me and standing up from the chair. There was no way I was going to sit with this man. As I was about to leave the table, I feel a hand grab my wrist. I quickly spin around; Bill now looming over me. Our bodies are so close that I cower away from him in fear, however, the link between my wrist and his hand radiates a magnetic hold. I struggle to understand how I could feel sparks shoot up my arm and around the rest of my body. Bill���s eyes avert to our hold and I sense that he can feel the connection too.
Our link is separated, however, as the Officers run into the room, grabbing Bill by the shoulders and dragging him out the door. I look down at my wrist, shuddering at the loss of connection. 
“Are you alright, Miss?” The officer asks, yet all I do is nod, distracted by the mysterious man and his powerful touch.
“Call it a blessing.” My father laughed as he picked at his salad. It had been one week since my visit with Bill. I came home from school, thoughts of the stranger finally leaving my mind, only to be receiving news from my father about his release from prison.
“I don’t understand.” I stammer, staring blankly at the table. “He just got into prison… and now he’s out?”
“Yes, darling.” My father replied. “There was not enough evidence for him to be in there. It’s unethical to keep someone away with no substantial proof.”
“I agree. I just find it odd, is all.” I whispered, picking at the food with my fork.
“Honey,” He smiled. “Maybe you helped him. Maybe you taught him the power of compassion.”
“I doubt it.”
“Then what do you think it is, hm?” He asked.
“I would call it The Devil’s work.”
There were numerous reasons as to why it was difficult for me to get any shut-eye. Firstly, the flash of light that illuminated the room every ten seconds from the lightning was much more fascinating to look at. Secondly, the combination of the torrential rain and harsh wind had ruined any chance of silence; And lastly, Bill was released from prison, and that thought could not escape my head.
I might not ever see him again, and although I should be delighted by the fact, I was also upset. I was curious about him, I wanted to know more, and now my questions would never be answered.
A bolt of lightning interrupted my thoughts, illuminating the room for a second and then submerging it into total darkness. My heart beat started to accelerate as the room began to radiate off an ominous feel. I felt like I was being watched, like I was not alone. I stiffened in my bed, pulling the blankets higher up my body. I closed my eyes tightly, hearing a loud bang from outside.
When I open my eyes again, I realise I’m not alone. Standing at the end of my bed was Bill, still clad in his white shirt, slacks and runners. His hair was now slicked back due to the rain. I open my mouth to scream but he is quicker than me, rushing towards the bed and covering my mouth.
“Don’t you dare scream,” He threatened.
I nod my head obligingly, feeling some sort of relief that the stranger was Bill and not someone completely unknown. He slowly releases his hand, studying me while I try to create some distance between us on the bed.
“How did you get in here?” I question, pulling my knees up to my chin and cradling myself. The window wasn’t even open, there was no scientific explanation behind his visit.
“I have my ways,” He teased, sitting up from the bed and stalking towards the window, looking out into the distance.
“How do you even know where I live?” I whisper, watching Bill move aimlessly around my room.
“Don’t be silly.” He mocked, picking up a snow globe off my chest of drawers, “You did write me a letter, Emily.”
“Yes but I never-“
“Enough.” He stated. “You ask too many questions.”
“You never answer any of them.”
“Touché” He smirked, turning around from the chest of drawers. I felt so exposed and little as he stood at the end of my bed, slowly stalking towards me.
“I know you felt it too,” He whispered, as he grabbed the blankets and lightly tugged them off me. I shivered in response, crossing my arms and trying to cover myself. “There’s no point in denying it. Our touch ignites.”
“Please,” I beg, whimpering. “What do you want from me?”
“I just want to touch… An Angel.”
“What?” I questioned, my eyes widening as he sat at the edge of my bed, placing his hand on my leg. “You’re making no sense,” I stammered, however, I could not deny the spark that ricocheted from his touch. It seemed supernatural; the connection we had; An Angel and The Devil…
“You like it when I touch you.” He confirmed, “Daddy’s good, little virgin girl.” He chuckled, “But with me… you’re begging to be touched.”
I felt his hands slowly crawl up my legs, pulling down my pyjama pants until I was clad in nothing but my black underwear, from the waist down. In reality, I should be screaming or kicking him off, but somehow, I felt frozen in place. I couldn’t cease his actions, I just stared at him quietly watching his every move with anticipation.
“What am I doing?” I whispered, more to myself than to Bill. It felt like I was under a spell; Bill always seemed to have a hypnotic vibe. I slowly leant back on my bed, laying my head on my pillow and closing my eyes, still feeling his hand crawling up the skin of my thighs.
“Just… let me. I knew I’d find you…” He murmured. His words confused me, but his touch was too distracting. His cold fingers hooked around the top of my underwear, slowly pulling the fabric down my legs. My eyes were squeezed close, heart beating out of my chest, and yet I still couldn’t tell Bill to stop, his touch felt too intoxicating.
I stiffened as I felt his fingers trace the edge of my folds. I fidgeted on the bed as his fingers began to toy with my centre, toes curling at the action. “A taste… of the Angel.” He whispered, moving back on the bed and spreading my legs with his big hands.
“What?” I questioned, confused by his words, yet all thoughts were halted as I felt Bill lean down between my legs, his tongue flicking out and over my clitoris. I shivered at the sensation, so foreign to me yet so alluring. He licked a long stipe over my sensitive nub and then blew cold air over the area.
“Just let me,” He whispered before nuzzling his face between my legs. I trembled at the sensation, shifting on the bed and bucking my hips up. His whole mouth was over my sex, tongue delving deep into me, licking all around my clitoris. I could feel his rough stubble against my thighs, making me clench my legs together as I felt a shiver erupt through my body. I withered at the feeling of his tongue making circles on my sensitive nub, slowly picking up the pace.
“Oh… Bill,” I whispered brokenly, my stomach knotting at the sensation of his tongue. I felt a fire burn in the pit of my stomach, beginning to make my body convulse. I was confused as to what was happening to me, my body felt like it was getting out of control.
“So beautiful…” He mumbled, picking up his pace, causing my hips to push against his face, rolling myself into his mouth.
“What’s happening to me…?” I cried. My eyes were rolling into the back of my head, mouth agape as a soft whine left my lips. I could feel sweat dripping down my forehead as I pushed the bottom of my body up, tensing all over as a strong feeling began to overwhelm my body. Warmth pooled in my centre as I snapped my eyes shut, whimpering as my stomach tightened. Instantly, all the pressure released, like an explosion. My back arched as I reached down and fisted Bill’s hair with my hands, pushing his face gently towards me as I rode out the wave of pleasure. I could feel my thighs becoming wetter as Bill never ceased his movements, lapping at the moisture between my legs.
I slowly let go of Bill’s hair as I laid back, breathing heavy as I came down from my high. My eyes were still sealed shut, legs clenched together as I rested my head to the side, wondering what just happened to me.
“It’s an orgasm,” Bill explained, cutting the silence. I fluttered my eyes open, letting out broken breaths as I watched him stand from the bed, noticing the bulge in his pants and the fierce look in his eyes.
Bill slowly walked towards me, sitting down next to me this time, and gently stroking the hair away from my face. “I want to be touched by The Angel,” he breathed, leaning in and gently kissing me on the lips. Again, the spark between us was ignited, creating an even bigger flame than before. I still couldn't work out how a simple touch between two strangers could feel so magnetic, but I didn’t question it, the feeling was too good.
I scooted over as Bill got on the bed, pulling off his shirt hastily and unzipping his pants, clad in nothing but his boxers; my eyes curiously exploring every inch of naked skin. I shyly put my fingers on his chest, tracing the hard skin. Bill placed his hand over mine, gently guiding it towards his boxers. My fingers skimmed past the hair above his erection, reaching the fabric of his underwear and slipping my fingers underneath it.
I had never touched a man before, so I was quite nervous and unsure at what I was doing, however, I was too intoxicated by the moment to break the spell, so my nimble fingers traced the skin of his length as I curled my hand around him and slowly moved up and down. Bill released a deep breath, eyes closing as I continued my movements. For once, I was the powerful one, and he was becoming weak at my touch. The ego boost made me move a little quicker, loving the sounds of broken whimpers leaving his mouth.
“More pressure,” He stated, as I curled my hand tighter around him, gently tugging back and forth. My thumb brushed over the tip of his erection, eliciting a hiss from Bill’s mouth. I took that as a sign that he liked my touch, and gently brushed my thumb around the whole tip, never ceasing my tugging.
“My angel…” He rasped, closing his eyes and rolling his head backwards. Spontaneously, I pushed myself up, moving down the bed and tugging down his boxers. Just as Bill was about to crane his head from the bed, I leant forward and licked the tip of his penis with my tongue. “Fuck,” he moaned, tangling his fingers in my hair as I continued to leave licks and small kisses on him. My hand was tugging at a faster rate now, hoping to make Bill feel what I had felt not too long ago.
I fluttered my eyes up, seeing Bill with his eyes closed shut and jaw clenching by my actions, soon his body started to spasm, muscles tensing as he let out a shaky moan, releasing himself like I had done a few moments prior. Moisture squirted out of him, and I quickly retreated myself, confused at the substance around me. I still tugged on Bill gently, not sure when to stop or not, waiting for him to release everything.
Once he was done with his ‘orgasm’, I gently retreated my hand from his length, lying back down next to him, watching his chest rise and fall as he tried to regain his breath.
Bill rolled his head to the side, looking at me in the eyes as he nuzzled his nose into my shoulder. Slowly, he brought his lips to mine, kissing me passionately in the bed. He reached down and grabbed the blanket, throwing it over us as he continued kissing me. 
“I waited so long for you…” He whispered, kissing from my cheek to my neck.
One of his hands glided down my arm, intertwining his hand with mine. Our connection was stronger than ever. The living Devil and Angel finally found each other, becoming one, as I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep within his arms.
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soul-music-is-life · 5 years
Did you see that Marlene retweeted a ship poll with the Emison tag? Woman please, why you playing like this.
Note: see edit below
I didn’t see that. Can’t say I’m surprised. I don’t know the content of whatever was published…but I am absolutely certain she’s using Emison fans for views (despite how much she loves the ship). And as much as I try to defend her as a person (and still do), I disagree with that tactic…so fucking much. She needs to nut up and just be honest about the fact that she has no plans for Emison and that she’s making it up as she goes along.
She’s never going to bring Emison back (despite promises of their journey). Shay is done. Emison is done. If you’re watching for their happy ending it’ll never happen (at least not on screen).
I’m not telling you to give up, but…I’m a realist. I’m also a writer who knows BS when I see it.
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I saw this coming a mile away.
Edit 5/5: According to one of my followers, apparently this has caused some controversy with someone on Twitter (which I don’t tend to get on Twitter for that very reason).
The fact that I even have to address this is another reason I’m not giving my time to this show. People get too heated, too conflicted, and take things way too personally. This post was an ask that I gave my opinion on, backed by actual facts.
1) Shay has no interest in the show. And if you follow her at all you know that she’s been busy with several other projects and has not given any indication whatsoever she has plans to do a cameo to resolve anything on screen. It’s pretty clear to anyone who knows how to read people that she’s moved on from PLL. “Never say never” is Hollywood speak for “I don’t want to disappoint people and say no, but the truth is that I’ve moved on.” And if people want to believe that it’s all been top secret and that she’s secretly filmed something, more power to you, but given that she’s pretty much been out of the country AND the personal things she was dealing with last year…I just don’t see it.
2) Marlene said in an interview that she knew about “The Perfectionists” and who was on board when she was filming season 6 of PLL (Sasha said the exact same thing). That would mean that Marlene had plenty of time to figure out the creative aspects of the whole Emison thing without the added off-screen drama. Why bring off-screen drama when you know ½ of the party of the couple is not game for the show? For ratings. That’s Marketing 101. It unfortunately backfired, and I really honestly hate that, because a lot of people seem to be enjoying the show and now they’re caught up in this whirlwind when they’re just trying to chill and talk about the show. They’ve been screwed the most, because here is a show that has characters they really like getting low ratings because people are spreading negativity about it because of this.
3) Before the show even aired Marlene repeatedly assured fans that Emison was solid. She painted a picture of positivity. She used vague terms like “journey” and “growth” instead of admitting that they were having problems. She knew if she was honest her fanbase wouldn’t tune in, which I get. But if you go back and look at the interviews you can clearly tell that everything that was said in the press was a way to invite Emison shippers in. The truth is, she can’t possibly have any plans for Emison when she doesn’t even know how many seasons are in line. She has to change her ideas accordingly to adjust to that. That’s part of screenwriting. Storyboarding constantly changes depending upon who is available, where the plot is at, ect.
All of these things are facts. Those are all credible things that can be looked up. I literally said in this post that you don’t have to give up, but that I personally am realistic about the situation. If there are people out there who want to believe otherwise, that’s fine, but I prefer to read between the lines, so I know what to expect and I don’t create unrealistic scenarios in my head. That way I’m not disappointed.
By all means, be optimistic if you like. I very well could be wrong. And if I am, I’ll be fine with being wrong. But I’d rather be wrong and not disappointed than right and upset. All I’m saying is that you should go into it with realistic expectations, especially if you are only watching for a ship (this doesn’t apply to most people). And when/if this all comes to fruition with Emison not being a thing anymore, don’t be pissed or upset or angry. Because the writing is on the wall. In big fucking letters. And anyone who believed otherwise has no right to scream and yell at Marlene about it. (note: no one should scream and yell at her, period).
In terms of Emison being over, perhaps whoever is upset with me hasn’t seen my previous opinions on the show in which I explain that Emison is never going to get a concrete resolution with Shay not being interested. What that means is that there is a possibility that when the show ends there will be a line thrown in there where Alison says she’s going back to be with her family and to Emily (or there is a deleted scene from PLL that has whatever is needed to show them together again). But that’s not a “plan” or a “journey”. That’s fan-service. She’s never going to bring Emison back in a way that will make sense, and she’ll never get them back to the status they were once at without the resolution on screen, which is not happening, because this isn’t and never was an Emison spin-off. That’s the problem with this storyline (which should not have been a storyline in the first place). The drama that has been created that can’t possibly be written and fixed realistically.
For what it’s worth, I do hope that she has a plan for them, but I also know that a lot of the tactics she’s using are for marketing. She has to sell it some way. And that’s the route she went. If you want to trust in her, that’s fine. I never said Marlene was lying (in fact, if you know me you’d know that I support her and I always have). I said she was using marketing ploys. When she says something in an interview I tend to remember it’s a calculated response (aka, BS, which is what writing essentially is). But if you look at her track record she’s been on camera saying things that are proven to be false in the future.
Both her and Sasha have been quoted in saying things that have proven to be false (on Sasha’s part, that’s part of her contract and I do not have any animosity about any of it, again, because I get it). Sasha literally said that there was no separation. No split. Then all of a sudden they’re divorced. There’s not a lot of backtracking you can do on that. Marlene has said similar things. She said in one interview that she hoped Alison would “earn the right to love again” (aka, love interest), and then said “I never said that”. And here we are with a divorced Alison and a completely open plot for her to receive a love interest. And when she gets a love interest, well, there’s your proof that it’s all a dog and pony show.
If you think all of this is not a way to try and keep the Emison fans watching then you need to take a Marketing class.
I have respect for people watching. I want to make that very clear. I’ve never said “don’t watch the show”. I’ve simply given opinions, oftentimes backed by facts. I’m a diplomatic person. I think everyone is entitled to their beliefs.
This original post was not anti-Emison. I am very much an Emison fan. Just because I’m not rooting for Emison in a show that’s not about them does not mean I’m a hater. This post was me telling other Emison fans to tread carefully when it comes to hoping for positivity for Emison. I never once said that people should not have their own beliefs. But people are allowed to have a difference of opinion without the dissent. If you have a problem with my opinion, that’s fine. I respect that. However, trying to bad-mouth someone without having all the facts is not the right approach to anything.
Emison attacking other Emison fans is fucking ludicrous. Believe what you want to believe and get on with your life.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 years
empire of ivory here we go!
previous temeraire let’s read here
- um excuuuuse me I have waited two books for us to come back home to britain to see everyone again and now everything is awful and shitty and scary and my fave is leaving and nothing’s how it should be??? no??? this is unfair??????
- tharkay NO please don’t go everything provably goes to hell whenever you leave D:D:D:
(to be fair to him I guess it’s understandable to want some time alone to process the absolute outrageous bullshit he just pulled for a guy he’s known for like four months)
he used his page time well tho; instantly convincing roland of his worth and making her laugh... giving laurence his cup of tea b/c he looked like he needed it more... telling laurence that he’s leaving because he promised to do that much at least... truly the best boy, off to fetch more dragons apparently because it wasn’t quite crazy enough the first time
- god I love jane roland, I’m so glad my two faves got along instantly, between them they could... maybe protect laurence from himself? at least a little??? I can but dream
- I think this is the most emotionally invested I’ve been in a piece of media since that time I spent a few months completely incoherent over uncharted, and naughty dog very kindly held my heart in their hands and chose to be gentle with it in the end but I am not so sure that is how it’s going to be for this series and I am Not Prepared for the suffering
- I love whenever laurence thinks uncomfortably about one of the various and sundry atrocities committed by the government he’s still pledged all his loyalty to. yes william maybe the british empire... is in fact not good and has enough blood on their hands to dye the ocean red. I can’t wait until he connects the dots here (and presumably has a pretty intense crisis if faith about it because it seems like one of the loadbearing structures of his character... actually no wait I’m not ready to see this D:D:D:)
- the little details like the fact that he just calls bb!roland ‘emily’ and harcourt becomes ‘catherine’ so easily in his narration now are so so sweet  
- lord allendale is one of those dudes who have good politics but is a shitheel to his family and I want to smack him
laurence being the mortified poster boy of this party, though? priceless, imagine coming up with a protagonist this effortlessly involuntarily hilarious, it’s the mark of true genius
- I don’t usually quibble over things like this, but I think the edit for this fourth book specifically is a bit lacking? I’ve come across a lot of mistakes even my dumb ass can pick up on already, and I’m only a hundred pages or so in
- caught between crying and cackling at this part b/c like laurence I’m  d e v a s t a t e d  at the thought of temeraire getting sick but also temeraire is just like cheerfully getting laid the whole time
also how did none of the aviators think to give laurence The Talk about giving his dragon The Talk, you all know what he’s like
- oh thank god
- I have spent half of today crying about dragons coughing, how are you this fine evening good reader
- btw this series fills a hole in my soul left by jkr giving me all those tantalizing hints of different types of dragons in ‘fantastic beasts’ and never following up on it
- tharkay may not be here but laurence just mentioned him like once in his narration so let’s take the excuse to reminisce about the good old days (when tharkay was here)... remember that time when the one of his own jokes he laughed openly at was about lawyers and laurence frankly should have responded better b/c it was kind of funny and sadly temeraire doesn’t have the worldly experience to know it yet.... aaah precious, he truly is a sardonic blessing to my heart and deserves the world
okay back to our regularly scheduled content   
- riley why u gotta b such a bitch about this
(I love how laurence is constantly doubting himself over this tho, as if he’s done something wrong in this situation... like honey baby if there’s one thing worth breaking a friendship over it’s probably them being cool with slavery lol. it shows how much laurence has grown, considering that this disagreement has always existed between them but he used to be willing to just overlook it... I’m so proud of you laurence)
also lol @ berkely coming in to tell them everyone can hear them, I have a desperately soft spot for him and maximus. just the image of both of them turning to him ‘united in appalled indignation’ like ‘excuse you???’ and him giving exactly zero fucks... *chef kiss emoji*
- most important information revealed in this book: a) dragons are not widely considered to have committed original sin, thank you reverend erasmus and b) laurence has taken time out of his day at some point to worry about it b/c he’s a dork
(this is the sort of world building I am hopelessly weak to lol)
- gong su tricking temeraire into eating in the most melodramatic way possible... god bless you chef
- fkjhsadkjfhsdkjalhfaskjldhf laurence judging chenery for what he’s wearing while going out into the jungle in full uniform hat included himself... I caaaaan’t
- demane has only appeared on three pages so far but if anything happens to him I’ll kill everyone in this book and then myself
- ‘average dragon speaks one million languages’ factoid actualy statistical error. Temeraire Linguist Georg, who wants a pavilion thank you very much & learns over 10,000 languages each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted <3<3<3
(I love that temeraire is like... a nerd dragon with a hopelessly jock captain)
- laurence effortlessly rating the relative hotness of the other male aviators to try to suss out who harcourt has slept with fjsaldfhsdkljafh do you ever hear yourself think william
like this is the thing about him it’s so easy to headcanon him as bi b/c he can be so mindbogglingly oblivious it’s entirely possible he literally wouldn’t even have noticed until someone smacked him over the head with it
- see I’m very happy they found the cure but I don’t fucking trust it b/c the pattern of these books tends to be to give you one moment of ‘oh phew everything is going to be okay’ about 2/3 into the story and THEN everything goes to hell and fifty pages later laurence is dissociating and napoleon has conquered prussia 
temeraire is never going to let laurence go anywhere without him again and rightly so
- hasn’t mrs erasmus been through enough. can’t she just be allowed to chill 
- this is really cool world building but I’m too stressed out to appreciate it
really enjoy the description of architecture tho this sounds so awesome
- sfahdfklsahdfksjda laurence making sure his clothes are as washed and presentable as possible... I can’t with you you beautiful idiot
- ...well I mean if anyone has a freudian excuse for being kind of dickish I guess it would be these guys? it’s actually pretty chill of them to only flog one of them (laurence, because he just can’t play it any way but stupid lawful good at every turn) and not just killing them all I guess, they kept them fed and stuff
- oh thank god
- temeraire you are the most darling dragon boy and I love you
I was really really worried for a moment there that the reference to the Colosseum was a not-so-subtle hint they would have to gladiator fight to the death but thankfully they were basically just calling in a parliament
- aw okay finally something good for mrs erasmus I will take it
- laurence you useless fool of a narrator is demane okay?? 
- god roland is just so cool naomi novik really gave us a jovial butch silver fox aviator lady huh... she did that for us and I for one am full of gratitude
- oh thank GOD (hm I sense a running theme here lol) the kid is going to be okay I can breathe again
- iskierka the pirate captain + temeraire’s reaction... perfect
- ;____________; I would lay down my life for temeraire and also that’s a gutpunch of a moodswing... the perfect hilarity of ‘that is an ugly hill’ immediately followed by That... jesus
- awww every time volly shows up again is a joy (temrer!!!)
- laurence... laurence you need to stop asking people to marry you because you never actually really fucking mean it!!!!! have you learned nothing about yourself since book 1, trust your goddamn instincts for once in your life you and roland have been doing perfectly okay thus far as like... affectionate fuckbuddies right? 
(her reaction was priceless tho god bless)
- aaaah there we go the british government is looking more like itself... welcome to the world of realpolitik laurence I’m really sorry :(
- “It is only dragons, you know” JANE ROLAND WTF DID YOU JUST SAY
- “This government is not of my party; my king is ill and mad; but still I am his subject. You have sworn no oath, but I have.” He paused. “I have given my word.”
:) this is... fine
(like. I know this is necessary character growth and he’s basically been a waste of a good man in service to a government like this the whole time and the writing’s been on the wall since book 1 but I don’t want this to be happening to hiiiiim)
- tfw... ur dragon boi is so good... that being anything less than good for him in turn is unthinkable...................... b o i
- ...jane doesn’t really know him very well if she didn’t see this coming from a mile off tho does she
I mean I guess she has other stuff to think about but this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone
- remember when he thought the entire corps was weird and now he’s finally at home there... and has to leave it behind :):):) super extra fine is what this is
- yeah okay laurence definitely has a crush on ol’ bonaparte noting that down lol he’s all but blushing after that kiss on the cheek 
also... if you just overlook the dictator thing for a moment is napoleon wrong about what he’s saying tho. (no and not even laurence is prepared to say so he’s just going to go back there and get murdered anyway b/c idk lawful good is dumb as fuck sometimes I guess)
It’s really cool how the author shows that napoleon has a better handle on laurence’s psychology after barely meeting him than a lot of people he’s known for years now, though, really adds to his menace and appeal as a character
- wow uh that’s one way to end a book... it’s actually tipped over from tragedy into a strange sort of hilarity for me now: he literally got sued out of his life’s earnings for being a decent human being, committed treason for the same reason and is about to be hanged for thinking genocide might have been a step too far -- in the span of thirty pages. I believe ‘that escalated quickly’ is not too much of an exaggeration here
 - I think this one might be my least favorite so far? not that I disliked it, it’s just the one that’s hit the worst by the fact that there’s not always that much time spent with the cultures central to the book; tswana seems really interesting but because of the way the plot played out and our limited perspective though laurence it just didn’t work for me? the cool shit comes in sipho’s book at the end, like how thoroughly they kicked the europeans out of the coast of africa, which is very cathartic (I will say that most of the second book being set on the ship and then only a sliver of it is actually in china annoyed me too haha) 
I have the distinct feeling this book is setting up for some Misery and breaking of the pattern a bit in the next one though, which will be interesting! ONWARDS TO MORE PAIN AND LAURENCE IS ALREADY PASSIVELY SUICIDAL FROM THE OUTSET SO LIKE... I’M SURE THIS WILL BE REAL FUN :)
maybe my boy will be back tho? silver linings silver linings clinging to some silver linings
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