#i just sat down with her and we talked for like 45 minutes when i was supposed to take a 15 minute break
pastafossa · 1 hour
Something really special and tear inducing happened with Pip today.
(TW for pet loss, not mine but someone else's)
So we were going into the vet for a quick shot he needed, and for a final check on the cut on his leg. So me and him got there pretty close to closing (final appointment of the day), around 3:45 when it closed at 4. And as I'm walking in, I pass a woman hurrying out. She's in tears, and my heart just breaks for her. She gives Pippin a quick, 'hi puppy' and shaky pet in passing.
But then we go through the door into the waiting room. And another woman is sitting there on the bench, cradling a small collar and just sobbing. Sure enough, the little candle is lit up on the counter for pet loss. And I'm not sure what to do - do I offer a hug? Tell her I'm sorry for her loss?
But Pippin decided he knew what to do.
I need you to understand Pip for a second. He has been with us for 3 weeks. The rescue/foster before us had him for 6. This dog is only 9 weeks removed from that horrible farm where he was beaten, neglected, and left outside by himself at all hours and seasons. He did not have love or training. So, he's learning. He still jumps a bit, paws at people. He walks ok on a leash, like he'll pull but not yank, and he's easily distracted. Easily excited by love or attention because he's not used to it. I do not think this dog has ever seen someone cry. He has not been trained to know what to do when someone is upset.
So there's Pip, seeing this distraught woman sobbing in front of him, with - as far as we know - no experience or context he could make a decision by.
In a heartbeat, I'm yanked across the room - something he does not do - so he can reach this woman. He abruptly slows for the final approach, tail gently wagging, and very softly nuzzles at her in a way I haven't seen him do before. And this poor woman reaches down, carefully cradles Pip's head, and whispers, "hi baby, soft boy. My boy was soft too."
And then she just... cries with him, her head on his.
I glance at the receptionist (who may have teared a little like I had) and I kinda tip my head towards them, a 'can I wait to check in?'. I get a nod, and a mouthed, 'we can wait.'
So I just sat down quietly next to her. Let her cry and pet him. He'd done his big lean on her legs with his head in her lap, carefully adjusting whenever she did. After about five minutes she told us - me and Pip - about her dog. 18 years old, one she'd had since he was a puppy. She showed Pip her dog's collar, and showed me pictures on her phone of this dog, a cute little white fluffball with a HUGE doggy grin. And she pets Pippin more, and asks about him - his name, how long we've had him, whether he can sit yet because her boy took a bit to learn. We talk about Pip's skinny head and I get a watery laugh out of her when I tell her I call him corndog brain since I'm pretty sure the only way a brain could fit in his long narrow head was if it was corndog-shaped and went down his snout. We're there for about fifteen minutes before a tech comes out with nose and paw prints and she stands up. Pippin stays right with her, leaning calmly against her side as she takes the prints, her fingers buried in all the fluff around his neck. She gets a hug from the tech, and then leans down to do the same to Pip. And before she goes (Pippin trying very much to follow), she looks at me and just quietly says, '...thank you for letting me borrow him. I needed that.'
I have no idea how Pippin knew what to do, or how he can be like this even after being treated the way he was. But I'm really glad he could help that woman.
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mechaknight-98 · 7 days
Trepidation (NSFW) FT Dahyun
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Operator’s notes: Ah yes I remember why Dubu was my first biases. It's always weird coming to your first and confronting who you were and what you used to be. As I grow she will always have a soft spot in my heart and can be written about any time.
"Are you not wearing a bra either?" I ask noticing that her breasts look extra perky under the dress. Dahyun smirks, and I respond.
"When you get home tonight I am going to fuck you all over." Dahyun smiles. She turns around and lifts the dress just enough so I can see her pale bare ass, and I really have to fight the urge to just pound her glistening pussy until she screams my name again and again.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." She coos. I smile as I remember how different we are.
"What happened to the good Christian Girl I met at bible camp?" I tease.
"She's still in here, it's just you know things change baby." she asserts, "What about the devoted Christian boy I met at bible camp? When did he become this insatiable writer and musician?" I chuckled and said
"When the world burned."
She smiled as she left for her fashion show. I sat at the chair's desk as I was considering my next move. Do I wait for Dubu to get home and run the risk of being disgustingly horny for her? Or do I enjoy the city and get her something I know she'd appreciate? The latter won out. I left our little temporary abode to explore the city.
"Sorry I couldn't invite you." was the text I got 45 minutes later with a picture. I considered opening it but knew it would be a bad idea. She had always been the excitable type. Easy to laugh with and around. Always pushing boundaries but for the right reasons.
It reminded me of when I met her for the first time all those years ago.
I wasn’t expecting much from the summer camp, to be honest. Just another week of bonfires, awkward icebreakers, and singing along to acoustic guitars under the stars. It did get me out of the last major week of preseason workouts for football so I took it. I had signed up at the last minute and was dragged into it by my youth group friends who seemed way more excited about spending a week in the middle of nowhere than I was.
But I was, sitting on the worn wooden benches, squinting in the early morning sun as campers trickled in. That’s when I saw her—this girl with bright eyes and a smile that seemed too wide for her face. She was laughing, chatting with a group of kids near the front. Something about her stood out like she didn’t fit the usual camp vibe. She was small, but her energy was huge.
I noticed her before I even realized it. She was the kind of person you couldn’t help but notice.
And then, as if it was nothing, she caught me staring.
Before I could look away, she waved. Not the polite, distant kind of wave you give to strangers, but the full-on, excited wave you grant when you see an old friend across a crowded room. Except I had never seen her before in my life.
She started walking toward me. I felt my stomach do this weird flip, like she was a celebrity or something, though she definitely wasn’t. At least, not yet.
“Hey!” she said when she got close, her voice carrying this bright, chirpy tone. “I’m Dahyun. Is this seat taken?”
I blinked, not sure why she was choosing to sit with me when she clearly had a whole squad already. “Uh, no, go ahead.”
She dropped down onto the bench next to me, folding her legs under her in a way that looked way too comfortable for the stiff, splintery wood. She turned to face me fully, her wide smile still there, like she was genuinely excited to talk to a total stranger.
“I’m—uh—" I stammered, completely thrown off by how forward she was. “I’m, uh, Daiju.”
She held out her hand for a shake like this was a formal introduction or something. I took it awkwardly, and she gave it a firm shake, way more confident than I’d ever been.
“So, what brings you here, Daiju? Just trying to survive the week like the rest of us?” She laughed, and it was this carefree, musical sound that made it impossible not to smile back.
“Pretty much. My friends kind of forced me into it. I’m not really… you know, the camp type.”
She tilted her head, studying me for a second, and then shrugged. “Yeah, same. My church sent me. I usually just hang out on the piano during stuff like this, but they said I had to get out more. Make friends.” She wiggled her fingers in the air, as if "making friends" was a strange concept.
“You play piano?”
Her eyes lit up, and for a split second, I saw a different side of her—like she was picturing something far beyond the camp, something she was passionate about. “Yeah, a little. And I sing. You know, just for fun.”
“That’s cool. I, uh, I can’t really do either,” I admitted, feeling a little embarrassed. “I tried guitar once, but I’m pretty hopeless.”
Dahyun laughed again, nudging me with her elbow. “Well, you’ll get plenty of practice this week. Trust me.”
I wasn’t sure what it was about her, but something told me she was right. That week was going to be different. Something about her made everything feel like it mattered more than it did before.
And that was just the first ten minutes. The rest of the week was a blur as I got to know Dahyun more. When I wasn't with my youth group I was with her in the instrument room listening to her play the piano. During one of these sessions, she noticed that I was always tapping a beatline to whatever she would play. She had me go to the drums and handed me two sticks before saying. "Don't speak. Don't think. Feel" Confused I sat next to the drums under her patient gaze. I had grown quite fond of that particular look and felt. I started with a simple beat of drum you stomp then started hitting the big circle drum on the right, then incorporated the other kick one that had the cymbals attached. Dahyun was amazed.
"I knew it. You do have talent," she said as she scurried back to the Piano. She started playing again and I adjusted my beat to match or better align with her melody. as I jammed with her for that moment. I felt at peace and that this was where I was supposed to be and who I was fated to be with. After our little Jam session, I noticed both of our youth groups were watching. They were shocked.
"Daiju you can play the drums?" Josiah asked
I shook my head as I got up, Dahyun called for me and I turned around she had the biggest smile before she ran over to me and said, "Don't let your heart lose itself." I smiled and said
"I won't," I said with weak confidence.
Taken out of my Little trip down memory lane I found myself at our favorite restaurant, before heading back to our home.
When I arrived I set the food down and went to the drum kit next to the piano, and I began to play.
Dahyun came home tired but when she heard me playing the drums her heart soared. It had been quite some time since she last heard me play.
It reminded her of the last year before she entered to be a trainee with JYP.
It had been a few months since the camp ended, and life had gone back to its usual rhythm. School, homework, and hanging out with friends. But something had stuck with me from that week—the memories of late-night talks with Dahyun by the campfire, the way her voice sounded when she hummed along to the guitar, and the fact that, out of all the people there, we stayed in touch.
We hadn’t spoken much in a couple of weeks, so when my phone lit up with a video call from her, I couldn’t help but smile. I tapped to answer, and there she was, her face filling the screen, that same bright grin instantly bringing me back to the camp.
“Daiju!” she greeted, using the nickname she had started calling me for no reason other than it made her laugh. “What’s up?”
“Not much, just the usual grind. You?”
She leaned back in her chair, her face slightly dimming as the light from her screen flickered on her features. “Yeah, same here. Well… sort of.”
I raised an eyebrow, picking up on the hesitation in her voice. “Sort of?”
Dahyun bit her lip like she was trying to decide whether to say something. Then she sighed, leaning in closer to the camera. “Okay, I’ve got something to tell you, but you have to promise not to freak out.”
“Freak out? Now I’m intrigued,” I said, leaning forward as if that would bring me any closer to whatever she was about to say. “What’s going on?”
She laughed nervously, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Alright, so… you remember how I told you I sing, right? And play piano?”
“Yeah, of course. You were basically the camp’s unofficial performer.” I grinned, remembering how she’d turned every free moment into an impromptu concert, even if it was just humming some random tune. “Why?”
She paused and then let out a deep breath. “So, this is kinda crazy, but… I got scouted. Like, to be a singer. For real.”
For a moment, I thought I’d misheard her. “Wait, what? Like, scouted as in…?”
“As in, someone from a company heard me sing during this church event back home, and they think I have potential. I’ve had a couple of meetings already.” Her eyes lit up as she spoke, the excitement mixing with nervous energy. “I might actually become a trainee for this K-pop company. It’s still early, but… it’s real, Daiju.”
I stared at her through the screen, trying to wrap my head around what she just said. “You’re serious? Like… K-pop? Like the stuff you hear on the radio?”
She nodded, a huge smile spreading across her face. “Yeah. I know, it’s insane, right? I didn’t believe it at first either, but they’re really interested in me. They want to train me—vocals, dance, the whole package.”
I blinked, trying to imagine her in that world—the girl I met at camp, the one who was always so down-to-earth, suddenly living this intense, high-pressure life as a potential star. “Wow… that’s incredible, Dahyun. I don’t even know what to say.”
“Me neither, honestly,” she said, laughing. “I mean, I’m excited, but it’s kind of scary too. Like, I’ve always loved singing, but this is next level. The whole training thing is intense. It’s not just fun anymore—it’s serious.”
I could see the mixture of excitement and fear in her eyes. I knew she was capable, but the reality of that life was overwhelming, even to think about.
“What do your parents think?” I asked, still trying to process everything.
“They’re supportive, but they’re worried, you know? I mean, it’s a huge commitment. If I go through with this, it’s going to change everything.”
I nodded, understanding the weight of what she was saying. “Yeah, I get that. Do you want to do it?”
She went quiet for a second, her eyes drifting off-screen like she was looking for the answer somewhere in her room. Then she smiled softly, a different kind of smile—one that felt more certain, more grounded. “I think I do. I mean, it’s scary, but it feels like an opportunity I can’t pass up. I’ve always wanted to do something with my music. And now… maybe I can.”
I watched her, feeling a strange mixture of pride and anxiety. It was amazing to see her chasing her dreams, but a part of me worried about what would happen to her—what would happen to us—once she stepped into that world.
“Well, whatever happens, I know you’ll be amazing,” I said, meaning every word. “You’ve got this, Dahyun. I mean, I knew from camp that you were going to do something big. This is just… huge.”
She smiled again, this time more relaxed. “Thanks, Daiju. That means a lot. I’ll keep you updated, but… if this works out, things might get really crazy.”
“I can handle crazy,” I said, grinning. “Just don’t forget about your campfire singing buddies when you’re famous.”
She laughed, the sound filling the call with warmth. “I could never forget you guys. And hey, maybe one day I’ll get you backstage at one of my shows.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
The call carried on after that, but in the back of my mind, I couldn’t stop thinking about how everything was about to change. For her, for me—for both of us. And maybe, just maybe, that was okay.
Dahyun opened the door to our shared home and said, “Looks like that spark never left.”
I looked up, smiling at her. She was still in that sexy dress I loved, her eyes glowing with warmth.
“Well, my lovely lady friend never gave up on me, so I never gave up on her.”
Dahyun gave me her cute, gummy smile and a nostalgic glint flashed in her eyes. “This reminds me of how we met two years ago.”
We laughed, letting the memory of the past wash over us. It felt good, to remember how simple things used to be. But even as we laughed, something inside me tugged at the years in between—the time when things weren’t so easy.
It was right after she signed with JYP, just after the whirlwind of training sessions, vocal lessons, and dance practices took over her life. At first, we tried to keep in touch. Text messages, voice notes, and the occasional video call when she had a moment to breathe. But as the weeks stretched into months, it became harder and harder to keep our connection alive.
One night, I was waiting for her call. We hadn’t spoken in days, and I knew she was busy, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was changing. The time apart was starting to weigh on me. I watched the clock, waiting, the silence filling the space between us.
Finally, my phone buzzed. A message popped up: “Hey, sorry! Can’t call tonight. Long practice. Will try tomorrow. Miss you!”
I stared at the screen, the words feeling hollow. Tomorrow? What happened tonight? What happened to us?
It wasn’t the first time she’d had to cancel, but this time, it felt different. The gap between us was growing wider, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t reach her. It wasn’t her fault—her dream was coming true, and I didn’t want to be the one to hold her back. But a part of me ached every time I thought about how little time we had left together.
And then, as the weeks passed, the calls stopped coming altogether.
I remember the exact moment it happened. It was a few months after Dahyun’s debut. I was sitting alone, scrolling through social media, when I came across a picture of her at some event—glamorous, smiling, surrounded by fans and fellow idols. She looked so happy, so distant from the girl I once knew. It hurt as I had grown immensely fond of her but I guess it was just never meant to work out.
That was when I realized I wasn’t part of her world anymore.
I tried to convince myself that it was for the best. Her life had changed, and I didn’t fit into it anymore. The constant rehearsals, the endless schedules, the strict rules from her company. I knew about the restrictions—no dating, no public relationships, no distractions from the career. She had become something bigger than us, something bigger than me.
But it still hurt. I missed her. And, little by little, I had to let her go.
Years passed, and I moved on—or at least I thought I had. Life in LA had become routine. I had a decent job, good friends, and a steady rhythm to my days. Dahyun had faded into the background of my life, a distant memory I tried not to think about too often. I had put my instruments away and stopped playing altogether, it just hurt too much.
Until that day.
I was walking through the bustling streets of LA, lost in thought when I saw her. She was standing on the sidewalk, her back turned to me. Sunglasses perched on top of her head, her hair a little longer than I remembered. She was dressed casually, blending in with the crowd, but there was something about the way she stood—the confidence, the grace—that made me stop in my tracks.
Without thinking, I called out, “Dahyun?”
She turned slowly, her eyes scanning the crowd before landing on me. For a second, I thought I was dreaming. There she was, right in front of me, looking just like she had all those years ago. The same bright smile, the same spark in her eyes.
“Daiju?” Her voice was soft, and hesitant, like she wasn’t sure if she was really seeing me.
I couldn’t believe it. After all this time, after all the silence between us, here she was. “It’s… it’s been a while.”
She smiled, a little nervously, but there was warmth there too. “Yeah. It really has. Wow, you've gotten so tall.”
I chuckled and said, "Yeah I guess that's true, but I mean look at you? you look gorgeous." Dahyun gave me a gummy smile as she did a little dance for me. I smiled as she did
We stood there, staring at each other for what felt like an eternity, the noise of the city fading into the background. Everything that had happened between us, everything we had lost, hung in the air between us like a ghost.
“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.
She laughed, a soft, bittersweet sound. “Me neither. I… I thought about you. A lot.”
I looked at her, trying to read her expression. “Did you?”
She nodded, taking a step closer. “Yeah. I wanted to reach out, but… you know how it is. The company, the rules. It wasn’t just about me anymore.”
I swallowed, feeling the weight of all the things I had wanted to say over the years. “I get it. You were living your dream. I didn’t want to hold you back.”
She looked down at her feet, her smile fading slightly. “But I missed you, Daiju. More than I can say.”
Her words hit me like a punch to the chest. All the hurt, all the time apart, it didn’t matter anymore. Not when she was standing right in front of me.
“I missed you too,” I said, my voice thick with emotion.
For a moment, neither of us spoke. Then, with a deep breath, she looked up at me, her eyes filled with something I hadn’t seen in years—hope. “So… what now?”
I smiled, feeling the old spark between us flicker back to life. “Well, I guess we could start with dinner. It’s been a long time since we had a proper catch-up.”
She laughed, a sound that was both familiar and new at the same time. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Later, we found ourselves sitting in a quiet little restaurant, tucked away from the bustle of LA. The place was cozy, dimly lit, the kind of spot where you could have a real conversation without being interrupted.
“So,” I said, setting my drink down. “What’s life been like for you? I mean, apart from the whole ‘global superstar’ thing.”
She smiled, a little shyly, stirring her tea. “It’s been… overwhelming, honestly. Everything happened so fast. One day I was training, and the next, I was performing in front of thousands of people. It’s been amazing, but exhausting too.”
“I can imagine,” I said. “Do you ever get any time for yourself?”
Dahyun shrugged, her expression softening. “Not really. I mean, there are moments, like now, where I can just be me. But most of the time, it’s all about the image, the performance. It’s… a lot of pressure.”
“I’m sure,” I said, leaning forward. “But you’re handling it. I can tell.”
She smiled, her eyes glinting with that old fire. “I’m trying. But you know, sometimes I miss the simpler days. Like when we were at camp, just hanging out and making music for fun.”
I nodded, feeling a pang of nostalgia. “Yeah, those were good times.”
She looked at me for a long moment, her expression thoughtful. “You know, I’ve got a show tomorrow night. It’s in town. You should come.”
“Really?” I asked, surprised.
“Yeah. I’ll get you a backstage pass,” she said, her eyes lighting up. “It’ll be just like old times—except with a few more lights and a bigger audience.”
I chuckled, feeling that familiar warmth spreading through me. “I’d love to. It sounds amazing, but I'll have you know I still don't speak Korean.”
Dahyun smiled, her hand brushing mine across the table. “ That's fine. Then it’s a date.” after dinner we smiled and went our separate ways.
The next day I got a call from Dahyun on where to meet here and when. I arrived a little early as did Dahyun as we pulled up nearly at the same time. She jumps in my car and says,
"So what kind of music do you listen to now?" she asks,
"Mostly metal and rap. However, I did do a crash course on Twice and Kpop as a whole."
Dahyun smiled, "Ooh, and Do you have any favorites?"
"Oh yeah G-idle, Fromis_9, and Le Sserafim," I responded. Dahyun pouted.
"I meant our songs."
"Oh, I am so sorry."
"Okay here is my list of top favorite Twice songs: Perfect World, Hello, Moonlight Sunrise, and Feel Special."
"Oh, you like Perfect World?"
"Are you kidding me? That song is amazing and you all look so gorgeous," I said with a smile as I pulled up the album. "You know the girl with the short hair and the tanned skin she is so beautiful. I might have a crush on her." I tease. Dahyun looks at me devastated, and I laugh before saying, "Don't worry you still have my heart." Dahyun relaxes as she looks at me before we head to the stadium. All is quiet as we sit next to each other, before heading in.
The dimmed lights of the concert hall hummed with quiet intensity as the crowd outside waited for the show to begin. But backstage, it was a completely different world—organized chaos, as staff members hurried back and forth, setting up equipment, testing sound systems, and finalizing last-minute details.
Dahyun, dressed in casual yet chic stage prep clothes, led me through the maze of backstage corridors, her hand occasionally brushing against mine. The air smelled of makeup, hairspray, and that electrifying mix of anticipation that only a concert venue could have.
“So, this is what it’s like behind the scenes, huh?” I asked, glancing around at the bustle.
“Yup,” she said, smiling at me. “Crazy, right? It’s a whole different vibe back here.”
“It’s a lot,” I admitted, taking it all in. “But I guess you’re used to it by now.”
Dahyun shrugged, her expression softening. “Kind of. You never really get used to the adrenaline before a show, though. But it’s fun. It’s like… home in a weird way.”
As we walked, she pointed out the different sections—wardrobe, hair and makeup, and the green room where the members usually chilled before going on stage. She was mid-sentence, explaining how the stage setup worked when we rounded a corner and nearly collided with two familiar faces.
Jihyo and Nayeon stood there, arms crossed, grinning like two kids who had just stumbled on a secret.
“Well, well, well… what do we have here?” Nayeon teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she eyed the space between Dahyun and me.
Dahyun stopped in her tracks, her cheeks flushing a light pink. “Oh, hey guys. I, um—this is Daiju,” she said, a little awkwardly.
Jihyo’s eyebrows shot up, her grin widening. “Daiju, huh? As in the Daiju?” She nudged Nayeon, who giggled like she was in on some joke I wasn’t privy to.
“Yeah,” Dahyun muttered, looking mildly embarrassed. “This is him.”
Nayeon took a step forward, extending her hand to me with an exaggerated flourish. “Nice to finally meet you, Daiju. Dahyun’s mentioned you before.”
“She has?” I asked, glancing at Dahyun, whose face was growing redder by the second.
“Only a million times,” Jihyo chimed in, stepping up beside Nayeon. “You’re the guy from the camp, right? The one she wouldn’t stop talking about?”
Dahyun shot her a warning look, but Jihyo just laughed. “What? It’s true! You were all ‘Daiju this, Daiju that’ back when we first started out.”
“I was not!” Dahyun protested though she wasn’t fooling anyone.
“Uh-huh, sure,” Nayeon said, winking at me. “She definitely wasn’t gushing about you during practice breaks. Nope, not at all.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle, watching Dahyun squirm under their playful teasing. “I guess I made an impression.”
“You did,” Dahyun muttered, still embarrassed but with a small smile creeping onto her face.
Jihyo and Nayeon exchanged glances, their grins growing even wider.
“Oh, this is too cute,” Nayeon said, clapping her hands together. “You know what this means, right, Jihyo?”
Jihyo nodded sagely. “Oh, definitely. Dahyun, you’ve got to bring Daiju on tour with us. We’ll need some moral support backstage. And you’ll have someone to stare at you with heart eyes while you’re on stage.”
Dahyun groaned, burying her face in her hands. “You guys are the worst.”
Nayeon laughed, patting Dahyun’s shoulder. “Relax, we’re just messing with you. Besides, we’re happy for you.”
Jihyo nodded, giving Dahyun a warm smile. “Yeah, seriously. It’s good to see you like this, Dahyun.”
Dahyun peeked out from behind her hands, a sheepish grin tugging at her lips. “Thanks, guys.”
Nayeon turned to me, her eyes twinkling again. “You’re coming to the show tonight, right?”
“Yeah, Dahyun invited me,” I said.
“Good,” Nayeon said with a mock-serious nod. “Make sure you scream really loud when we’re on stage. Especially during Dahyun’s solo.”
Jihyo smirked. “Or better yet, hold up a big sign that says, ‘Marry me, Dahyun!’ That’ll definitely get you noticed.”
“Guys!” Dahyun groaned though she was laughing now, her earlier embarrassment melting away.
I just grinned, playing along. “I’ll see what I can do about the sign.”
Nayeon and Jihyo burst out laughing, and even Dahyun couldn’t help but giggle. It felt good, to be here with her, surrounded by her friends. There was something natural about it, like even though years had passed, and our lives had gone in completely different directions, some things hadn’t changed.
“Well, we’ve got to go finish getting ready,” Jihyo said, waving as she and Nayeon started to walk away. “We’ll see you later, Daiju!”
“Good luck!” I called after them.
Once they were out of earshot, Dahyun let out a long breath, shaking her head with a smile. “Sorry about that. They’re… a little much sometimes.”
“They seem fun,” I said, still grinning.
“They are. But I swear, they never let me live anything down.”
“Sounds like they care about you a lot.”
Dahyun smiled softly. “Yeah, they do. They’re like my second family.”
I could hear the fondness in her voice, and it made me realize just how much her life had changed. But standing there, backstage with her, sharing laughs and old memories, it felt like maybe I still had a place in her world.
She looked at me, her eyes twinkling. “Come on, I’ll show you where we do soundcheck. You’ll get to see the real behind-the-scenes magic.”
I followed her deeper into the backstage maze, the air buzzing with excitement. And for the first time in a long time, it felt like everything was falling back into place. As I watched the concert I fell back in love with Dahyun all over again. She was so at ease. So charming on stage I couldn't help but be proud of her, but also felt a deep sadness settle in as the concert wrapped up, because I knew this renewed connection was temporary, and when Dahyun walked off stage and her eyes met mine she felt it too.
She walked over to me and hugged me tight before leaning in close.
"I don't want to lose you again." you both said while you embraced.
Dahyun looked up at you and memories of video calls, and all the time spent together have you overwhelmed emotionally to the point you say
"Dahyun I love you and I always have. Can we figure something out?" Dahyun smiles and then says
"Of course."
The memory collapses now as I bring her in for a kiss. Dahyun's arms wrap around my shoulders as I carry her to the bed. I watch as her dress does little to hide her deadly curves before setting her down on our bed.
"I have been waiting for you all day," I say as I lift up her dress to see her delicious pale body.
"Oh stop teasing me and fuck me, my good Christian boy."
"Ah well, anything for the good Christian girl I saw as we kiss again.
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girlgenius1111 · 6 months
wavin' from the shore
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screaming underwater part 2 r struggles under the weight of it all. her teammates try to help. the circumstances seem hellbent on making it impossible for her, though. tw for allusions to mistreatment from coaches / trainers. nothing specific and nothing graphic. wrote most of this while i was sad. angst ahead 🫡 [some fluff]
Your teammates were patient people. They sat with you until you stopped crying and collected your thoughts, which took a while. They didn’t rush you, or ask you questions. They just sat with you, squeezing your hands and murmuring comforting words. 
When you did speak, finally, your voice was scratchy from all the crying. “I don’t know where to start.” 
“Wherever you want, nena. You do not need to tell us anything you do not want to.” Mapi promised, hoping to settle your nerves. She was sitting next to you, but gripped your hand tight in hers, almost as if she needed the stability, too, but she didn’t look at you. Almost as if the look on your face would be too familiar, too painful. Alexia, on the other hand, looked determined, her eyes blazing with anger when she looked at you, though you knew you were not the cause of it. 
“What happened to your face?” Alexia asked after a minute, when it was clear you were still unsure where to begin. 
Every word that left your mouth was difficult. You had to force every syllable, keep yourself talking, remind yourself that you were safe. That you trusted your teammates. “After the article came out? The coaches were really mad, and they didn’t know who’d talked. So they punished everyone. We had to run the bleachers until we couldn’t go any farther. It was really hot, and I collapsed after 45 minutes. Hit my face on a bench on the way down.” 
You told it so emotionlessly, like you were completely detached from the situation. Alexia and Mapi knew it was just you trying to protect yourself, but it was still concerning to see the way you forced your emotions off. 
Alexia thought for a moment, trying to figure out how to ask you more without pushing too hard. “Did that happen a lot? Pushing you guys past a healthy level?” 
You were silent for too long, and when you finally spoke, it was quietly, shame clear in your tone. “What is a healthy level?” 
You weren’t proud to admit that you didn’t know. When you were with the national team, it didn’t seem like there were any boundaries, or the ability to create one. There wasn’t any opportunity to ask for a break. It wasn’t allowed. When you were with Barça, things were obviously different. You took breaks when everyone else did, and occasionally when one of your teammates told you to. 
You didn’t know what your limits were, though. All you knew was that you had to keep going, until someone told you to stop. Both girls looked struck at this confession. 
Mapi took a deep breath, before she answered you as calmly as she could. “You shouldn’t be collapsing. You shouldn’t be throwing up. I… It’s really important to know your limits, nena. Really important. You have to know, so you know when to stop, when to not push yourself too hard.” 
“I didn’t know I was allowed to do that.” You whispered. Mapi’s hands clenched into tight fists, her knuckles turning white. On your other side, Alexia inhaled a deep, shaky breath. 
“We can work on that, pequeña.” Alexia paused. “The article said something about one of the recovery specialists…” she trailed off, allowing you to respond if you wanted. 
“He was fired.” You told her stiffly. 
“Do you want to talk about that?” She asked softly. 
“No.” Your answer was firm, and both girls nodded immediately. You’d taken a big step already, calling and asking them to come over. You’d exceeded their expectations when you actually talked to them, even if it was just a little bit. 
“That is perfectly fine. Mapi and I will see what we can do, okay? Try not to worry about it. I know that is hard, but we are not going to let you near that camp again unless we know it is safe.”
“Thank you.” You mumbled, sending them each a half smile.
The conversation ended there. You were done talking, clearly. You just weren’t sure what came next, now that you’d admitted there was a problem, and shown your teammates how fragile you were. It wasn’t clear to you where you went from here.
The answer was, apparently, Mapi’s house. She and Alexia had decided without a single word exchanged between them that you needed supervision. Mapi had offered, and privately, you thought it must be because she missed Ingrid, and was tired of spending her days talking to her cat. 
There was no use arguing, the decision had been made, so within an hour, your bag was packed, and you’d been driven to Mapi and Ingrid’s apartment. After you’d been force fed a meal and sent to lay on the couch with an ice pack on your face, Mapi called her girlfriend. She was in the kitchen, and all you could hear were muffled voices, but you were pretty sure they were discussing you. 
Sure enough, a couple minutes later, Mapi entered the room, holding out the phone to you. 
“Ingrid wants to say hi.” She threw herself down on the couch next to you, shoving her face close to yours so that both you and her were in view of the screen. 
“Hi elskling,” Ingrid greeted softly. You’d always been close with Ingrid. Mapi and Alexia were like your sisters, but neither of them were… great with emotions. Ingrid was a sensitive person, as were you, and you’d talked to her about a lot more in your life than anyone else. The minute she spoke, the minute you saw her looking at you through the screen, you were choking back tears. You wanted a hug from her, absolutely desperately, all of a sudden. Ingrid, though, was in Norway. The international break didn’t seem to care what it took from you, you thought sarcastically. 
“Hey.” You said finally, clearing your throat in a way that accidentally told both girls you were upset. 
“Oh, honey.” Ingrid sighed, her eyes flitting over you through the camera, lingering on your wounds, before flicking nervously to Mapi. “María caught me up. How are you doing?” 
“I’m okay.” You lied. 
“Yeah you seem okay.” Mapi grumbled, shrugging when her girlfriend shot her a look. 
“No one expects you to be okay. I know you don’t want to talk, but just remember that I’m here whenever you need me okay? I’ll be back soon, and until then, María’s got you, yeah?” You nodded, but shifted somewhat uncomfortably. “No, I know what you think. María wouldn’t have offered to let you stay if she didn’t really want you there. I know she seems like she’s allergic to feelings sometimes, but she gives really good hugs.” Ingrid reminded you, bringing a slight smile to your face. 
“Really, nena, I want you here. I’m so bored without Ingrid, I called her 5 times yesterday. Tell her, amor.” 
“It’s true. One of the times she only put Bagheera on the screen, and pretended to be the cat for a full 15 minutes.” Ingrid laughed. 
Mapi blushed heavily when you sent her a smirk. “Amor, that was private.” She grumbled. 
“I know.” Ingrid said gleefully. 
“Well, when I walked in the house, Mapi greeted me as Bagheera, and for some reason the cat speaks bad English and has a thick accent.” You commented, a real smile stretching across your face. There really was no better way to cheer you up than to tease Mapi. 
“Fine. Bagheera won’t speak to EITHER of you anymore.” Mapi grunted, crossing her arms and pointedly looking away from the camera. 
You and Ingrid laughed, and Mapi pouted even more. It took a lot of stifled laughs and ridiculous compliments before she turned back towards the phone, although the teasing didn’t end there. 
It was a short phone call, only 20 minutes, but it did wonders in getting your mind off of everything, and by the time Ingrid had to hang up, you were grinning at Mapi, and she was smiling back at you. It didn’t take long for reality to hit again, though, and Mapi watched as your face fell, and you took a deep, shuddering breath. 
“It’s all gonna be okay, nena. I promise.” Mapi murmured, pulling you into her side. You wanted to believe her, more than anything. You feared that this problem, though, wasn’t something she or Alexia could solve. 
It was pure chance that Mapi caught you when she did. She’d twisted her knee a bit in the sheets, and a jolt of pain had roused her. Her clock told her that it was the middle of the night, and she was content to go back to sleep, when she heard noise coming from where you were supposed to be sleeping in the guest room. Something in her told her to check on you, and she quickly got out of bed and headed down the hall. 
You were wide awake, fully dressed in running shorts and a shirt, hurriedly throwing your hair up into a ponytail when Mapi walked in. You were still crying, hands still shaking from the nightmare you’d had, and Mapi approached you like a wild animal, her steps slow and measured. 
“Hey, nena?” She said softly. Your head snapped up, and when your eyes met hers, Mapi suppressed a shudder at how absolutely terrified you looked. “What is going on?” 
“Gonna go for a run.” You said in a monotone, reaching for your shoes to slip them on. Mapi got there first, though, pulling them away before you could reach them, and guiding you to sit on the edge of the bed. 
“It’s the middle of the night and you have a concussion, you cannot run right now.” She said firmly. 
“Mapi, I can’t,” you whispered, very suddenly seeming to come back into yourself, hands reaching out to grip tightly onto Mapi’s top. 
“Hey, shh.” She soothed, pulling you into a tight hug. “Did you have a nightmare?” 
“Yeah.” You mumbled, whole body trembling against your teammates. 
“What happened in it?” She asked casually, clearly giving you the option of ignoring the question. 
You answered before you could convince yourself not to. “Barça hired that one recovery guy the national team fired. He came here. Everyone liked him, and no one would listen to me. No one believed me when I told them what he was like when he was with us, before.” 
It was vague, and yet Mapi got the gist. She understood, and it made every cell within her flame with rage. 
“That would never happen. We would never hire him, or anyone that treated you wrong. Never. And we will believe whatever you decide to tell us.” Mapi assured you sitting down on the edge of the bed next to you, and taking your hand. 
“Will it ever stop?” You asked after a minute. 
“Will what ever stop?” 
“This feeling. I’m scared all the time. I don’t feel safe anymore, and nothing I do is ever enough, Mapi. They ruined me. I don’t think I can fix it.” 
It was a horrible thing to hear, something that made Mapi understandably sad. But what really broke her was that she’d had all the same thoughts before. She didn’t really remember how she survived them. Ingrid, she supposed. You didn’t have an Ingrid, not like she did, but you had her, and you had the team. You weren’t alone, no matter how it felt. 
“It stops. It takes some time, but you will feel okay again. You will feel safe again. Whatever you give is enough, pequeña, I promise you that. You are not ruined, just a little broken right now, yes? And maybe you cannot fix it by yourself, but you do not have to. You have every single one of us, and we are not going to stop until you are okay again.” 
You couldn’t put into words how much that meant, how much comfort that brought you. You would have tattooed the statement into your skin at that moment, if you could. Just so you could read the words over and over again. Stop blaming yourself, stop hating yourself. For the moment, though, you settled on leaning against Mapi, and running through the words in your head, over and over. Over and over. 
Mapi kept herself together until you fell asleep, and until she made it out of the guest room. Her phone was in her hand the second she was walking back into her own room though, instantly beginning to pace as she pressed call, and hoped to god that Ingrid had left her ringer on, no matter how selfish it was. 
“Ing?” Mapi asked softly, as soon as the phone was picked up. She almost never called Ingrid that, only when she was really upset, so her girlfriend was instantly on high alert, despite the late hour. 
“Hey, baby. What’s wrong?” 
All Mapi could do was try to stifle her cries in response. 
“María, my love, tell me what’s happening.” Ingrid pressed, starting to pace in her hotel room. 
“I was talking to-to pequeña, and it just-just reminded me of everything, and I do not know why I am crying, I just can’t, Ingrid, I can’t, I can’t.” 
Ingrid forced herself to remain calm, knowing that panicking wouldn’t help her girlfriend at all. 
“María, sit down.” She instructed, hearing some shuffling and assuming Mapi had done as she asked. “Where are you right now?” It was a familiar routine that Ingrid began taking Mapi through, but it worked all the same. She asked Mapi question after question, knowing just how to bring her girl back to her. Where she was, what she was wearing. What lights were on in the room. What she’d had for dinner. Mapi told her that Bagheera was sitting next to her, watching closely, and that you were safely asleep in the room next door. Eventually, when Mapi was calm, Ingrid told her exactly what she needed to hear. 
“She’s got you, love. She’s safe, and you’re safe. You’re not going to let anything happen to pequeña, and I am not going to let anything happen to you. I promise you, María, anyone who wants to hurt either of you is going to have to go through me first.”
Mapi let her girlfriend’s words sink in. “Jeg elsker deg,” she said finally, and Ingrid smiled to herself at Mapi’s use of Norwegian. 
“Te amo, cariño.” Ingrid whispered back. “Go to sleep. Take care of nena. I’ll be home before you know it.”
And if Ingrid would always protect Mapi, then Mapi would always protect you. 
The next day was better, though that was a low bar. The few remaining team members not away on international duty didn’t have training, and your teammates decided their tactic for the day was to keep you inside, keep an eye on your concussion, and distract you. Mapi and Alexia kept you busy watching nations league matches, and playing fifa. Mapi showed you a few sketches she was working on for a new tattoo for Alexia, and Alexia put on her guilty pleasure show, which was, amusingly, below deck. You wouldn’t have picked your captain as one for reality TV, but that assumption was clearly wrong.
They did limit your screen time, though, and they made you take a nap. It was during this nap that you got a phone call. From a reporter.
From the same reporter who had written the article. 
He wanted to talk to you about the conditions you’d endured with the national team. What it had been like after the first article had come out, and why you left camp early with a mysterious injury. He wanted to know everything. And he wanted your name on it. Anonymous witnesses could be ignored. Named ones could not, he said. 
You hung up pretty quickly, informing him that you needed some time to think. It was a testament to how much you trusted both Mapi and Alexia that you walked back into the living room right after, and told them about the phone call. 
They were careful not to tell you what they thought you should do, though you were pretty sure they didn’t agree with each other. Instead, they stuck to a neutral message. 
“You need to decide what to do, pequeña, for you and not for anyone else.” 
“Ale is right. Your healing needs to be your priority, and you need to figure out how this interview would fit into that.” 
You could talk. The team would know exactly who it was. Your teammates and your coaches. Everyone from that team that you hated and everyone that you loved. You could tell the truth. You could be brave. You weren’t sure you could survive the shit storm that would follow, though. You were barely surviving now. Maybe, though, your survival wasn’t the priority. Maybe the wellbeing of your teammates was. 
You could be selfless, or selfish. Put yourself first. Treat yourself the way your teammates were convinced you deserved to be treated. You could forfeit your wellbeing for that of your teammates, practically invite a media invasion into your life. You could do the objective right thing, or you could do the right thing for yourself. 
You could be selfless or selfish. You weren’t sure which option was better. You weren’t sure which option wouldn’t suffocate you. 
theres a lot of ways i could take a part 3. do you even want a part 3? do you have ideas? let me know :)
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finelinevogue · 8 months
sad beginnings,
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summary - everyone sees you as this weird and crazy ravenclaw. everyone except remus and sirius.
pairing - ravenclaw!reader x wolfstar
word count - ~2.5k
tw: angst | no happy ending (yet) | bullies | blood | fight | self deprecation | she pronouns used
You thought breakfast would be better than a bowl of porridge, but that’s what you get for waking up late.
You’d overslept on your alarm clock by 45 minutes and were now paying the consequences by eating disgusting gruel for breakfast. There wasn’t even any honey to drizzle on top, thanks to some older Ravenclaws hogging it for their pancakes.
Half the tables were empty, as people started to head off for their first lessons of the day.
You had potions in half an hour.
Potions was one of your favourite lessons of the day, not because you liked the subject - in fact you despised it - but because you got to secretly crush on two of the prettiest boys in school.
Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.
They were currently the only group of Gryffindors still at their table, making a rather loud ruckus as they stood up from the table to leave.
James was teasing Lily about something and Sirius and Remus couldn’t stop laughing over it. Lily pretended to be offended and fake punched Sirius for laughing at her, only to have Remus lean down only slightly and kiss Sirius’ clothed arm all better.
It didn’t help that the two boys you would of course have a heavy crush on would already be in a well established relationship.
I mean, they were the prettiest boys in the school and they were opposites to each other so their relationship made perfect sense.
You just wished you had gotten there with one of them first. But who? You admired them both the same.
Both of them had—
“Oi, Y/N!” A Ravenclaw in your year, named Philip, shouted from down the table, making your porridge slide off your spoon and splat against the table.
You looked towards where Philip and his band of quite mean friends sat.
“Daydreaming about boys you could never get, again?!” Philip laughed, causing others around him to as well.
You didn’t reply. You knew better than to reply. Just keep your head down and trouble should go away.
Your eyes drifted from Philip over to where the Gryffindors had nearly exited the Hall, only Sirius and Remus had stopped just shy of leaving.
They were stood talking to each other.
“Who is it this time Y/N? Hm?” Darcy, one of Philip’s friends teased.
“Remember when Y/N tried to date Isaac? As if she could ever date him.” Someone else joked.
You looked back down at your porridge, still listening to them but trying your best to block them out.
Looking at your breakfast made you think about Isaac. He was just as bland and boring. Until he wanted to have sex with you and you really didn’t want that, well then he became an absolute prick. Started spreading horrible rumours about you, showing his true colours.
Isaac started spreading stories about how you tried to come onto him, only to deny him. How you had been weird and crazy the entire night, when in fact it was the opposite.
Now everyone thinks you’re weird, a prude and a bitch.
One of the reasons you have no friends.
Isaac had managed to isolate you and Philip and his cronies had taken advantage of that.
“Think she was looking at Remus and Sirius.” Someone snickered, making you love uncomfortably.
“No way! Y/N has hots for the dogs,” They thought they were funny, “Is that true, Y/N? You want Remus and Sirius to be your little boyfriends?”
They all laughed, until they went silent.
“You alright, Phil? Can I call you Phil?”
Your head shot up to see Sirius leaning down over the bench next to Philip, resting his palms on the table and glaring him down. Remus stood right behind him.
Your heart rate increased at the sight of them magically appearing.
Did they hear? Did they know? Were they in on the sad and pathetic joke?
“It’s just Philip.” Philip gulped.
“Great, Phil.” Sirius smiled, but it definitely wasn’t genuine. “We heard your filthy mouth speak our names and, well, I for one don’t like pricks speaking about me or my boyfriend behind me back. So keep your goddamn mouth shut or I’ll hex you back to Year 1. Okay?”
“I said, okay?” Sirius asked again.
“Yes, yes!” Philip stuttered.
“Good.” Sirius moved back to stand up.
It was lovely that Sirius had come over here to defend his boyfriend like that. You craved someone having the kindness, and definitely the courage, to stand up for you like that.
You watched as Sirius took Remus’ hand and you wondered what that felt like.
You could imagine Sirius’ hands being quite rough and Remus’ hands being calloused, but both still having a sense of softness to them. They’d both be very grounding and warm to hold on to.
Then they both walked your way.
You quickly started to eat your porridge again, keeping your head down. You don’t think either of them would make a scene with you, but maybe they’d caught on to your gazes and blushing and they’d had enough.
You thought you were subtle but maybe you’d been far more obvious than you intended. You cursed yourself, but only knew it was a matter of time before you made a fool of yourself.
Maybe they weren’t even walking towards you. Why would they? They didn’t know you, except for your name maybe.
But then you saw them stop in front of the bench on the other side of you.
You looked up to find them both smiling warmly down at you. You gulped, thinking the worst.
“You have potions next right, Y/N?” Remus asked kindly.
He did know your name…
And he knew your timetable…
“Yes?” You asked, cautiously.
“You want to walk over with us? We’re heading there now.” Remus asked.
You were a little gobsmacked that they were asking you to do something with them.
No one has asked you to do anything in a very long time, even something as simple as being asked to walk to class with them. So this was a huge deal to you.
“Really? I mean, sorry, I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Intrude?” Sirius laughed, “Never. C’mon.” He kindly smiled and you nervously got up from the table.
You picked up your robe and wand.
“Are you sure?” You asked to make sure a second time.
“Y/N, if you don’t hurry up then Sirius is probably going to pick you up and carry you there himself and then I’m going to have to deal with him moaning about crippling back ache later on… Oh my God… That want be implying anything about your weight… Um… Should I just stop?” Remus rambled and looked to Sirius for help.
“You really should.”
And you smiled.
Genuinely smiled, for what felt like the first time in a long time.
The hallways were starting to become busy.
People moving from morning time to lesson time, especially the first years with their overpacked bags and reckless running through the corridors to get to their lessons on time.
One darted past you, causing you to wobble. Luckily Remus was behind you and he put his hand on the lower part of your back to balance you carefully.
“Thank you.” You said, whilst trying really hard not to blush.
You failed to notice Remus blushing too as you turned back around. You definitely didn’t fail to notice the way Remus kept his hand on your lower back, helping you weave through the halls.
With two of the most popular guys in school, you didn’t realise how easy it was to actually manoeuvre through the corridors.
You’d spent too much time being infatuated with the time that Remus and Sirius were giving you, though, that you’d forgotten your potions book.
You stopped short, feeling the boys bump into the back of you abruptly.
“Bloody… Are you alright Y/N?” Sirius asked.
“I’ve forgotten my potions book. I’ll catch up with you, I just need to run to get it.” You turned to say to them, feeling slightly small underneath both their pretty eyes looking at you.
“Here, just take mine.” Sirius offered.
“No.” Remus swatted his hands, “Another “forgotten” book and you are going to get detention.”
“Oh screw that.” Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Y/N, take mine instead.” Remus insisted.
“What?” This time Sirius hit Remus’ hands away, “And mess with your perfect record? I don’t think so. Y/N…”
“Hey, listen.” You chuckled at the sight of them arguing… over you. It felt like the most surreal situation. “I’m just going to get my book, okay? Then none of us will be in trouble. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
You smiled at them in thanks, before darting around and away from them.
After you’r turned the corner, Remus hit Sirius over the head with his textbook.
“Ow! What the…” Sirius rubbed the back of his head.
“Really? You were about to give yourself a detention?” Remus chuckled, knowing exactly that was what Sirius was about to do and why.
“For Y/N? Absolutely.” Sirius smirked.
Remus shook his head and kissed Sirius’ cheek in admiration, before taking his hand and leading him off to potions.
As you rooted through your belongings in your dorm, you hummed to yourself with content.
You felt ten times lighter than you ever had felt before and all because the two pretty boys you’ve been admiring for so long had looked right back at you. They’d even gone as far as walk with you to potions.
Sirius was willing to get a detention for you and Remus was willing to break his golden reputation. That was flattery of their highest form.
You finally found your book, before pivoting to leave your dorm.
Only to find Darcy standing there with a cat in her arms, looking malicious as ever.
“O-oh Darcy. Hello.” You said, losing your hum and your smile with one look at her.
“Cut the pleasantries. You made us look like fools at breakfast in front of Sirius and Remus, you foul witch.” Darcy spat at you.
“I’m sorry, I never meant for that to happen.”
You felt yourself caving in on yourself, becoming that shelter of a shy person that these horrible people made you.
“And you think an apology will make it all better?”
“I don’t know.” You lowered your head.
“Well it doesn’t.” She moved towards you and you gulped in fear of her. She’d pulled at your hair and enchanted curses on you before, so you were terrified of what she might do now. Especially when it was just you two here.
“I’m sorry.” You looked up at her, hating that she could probably see the fear in your eyes.
“Show us up like that again and you’ll leave with more than just a scratch.”
“A scratch?” You asked, but maybe you shouldn’t have.
Before you knew what was happening Darcy’s cat attacked your face, clawing at your cheek with one powerful hit. The cat screamed what sounded like a war cry and you screamed in pain.
Your head turned to the side, leaving the cat’s claws to drag slightly down your cheek before letting go. You didn’t reveal your face again until you heard the door slam shut.
It only took a minute for you to delicately touch your cheek and see the blood for the pain to come flying in. You cried as you sat on your bed, cupping your cheek from dripping blood everywhere with one hand and the other hand resting on your forehead as you came to terms with what just happened.
You’d just been attacked for trying to apologise for something you hadn’t been in control of.
Your tears ran down your cheek and stung as they ran into the cuts on your cheek.
Walking to the little mirror hanging up on the wall, you looked in to see yourself. There were three lines scraped down your once bare cheek, running from just under your eye to resting on your jawline.
You cried some more, completely getting lost in the self loathing, before rushing around the dorm to find some healing lotion and tissues.
It took you ten minutes to clean up the mess on your face, and another five for the bleeding to calm down. It was an angry red mess, but you had to get to potions before the class ended.
You breathed out through your mouth a shaky breath, dabbing under your eyes with the sleeve of your jumper to wipe away the tears.
“You’re okay.” You said to yourself in the mirror. “You’re okay.”
You found that talking moved the cuts on your face and they stung even worse. So no talking it was. Brilliant.
“You’re okay.” You reminded yourself one last time.
But your words felt far from convincing.
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orphicdreamers-wp · 9 months
I want to send a request for the umich boys. So every Sunday they have a “family dinner” where the friend group comes over with their girlfriends and they make an actual good dinner every Sunday night. Readers cooking and her boyfriend rutger gets handsy, so they sneak away and come back just in time for dinner, and just in time for the boys to tease rut about the hickeys on his neck
Get Your Lovin On — Rutger McGroarty
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Summary: In which your boyfriend gets handsy while you guys are cooking
Content Warning; mild suggestive content(making out & hickeys), cussing, established relationships, UMich hockey players teasing Rutger & Reader
Pairing; Fem Reader x Rutger McGroarty
A soft laugh left your lips as your boyfriend placed a kiss on your bare shoulder, “Rut, we’re cooking.” Rutger placed his hands on your hips, “Well how am I supposed to focus when you look so pretty?” You hummed, “Tell you what, finish your task of cutting bread for garlic bread while I finish checking this lasagna and we’ll talk then.” Rutger grinned as he pressed a kiss against your lips, “Yes ma’am.” You grinned to yourself as your boyfriend returned to the other side of the kitchen and went back to the task in front of him.
You had turned lasagna and put it back in the oven, setting a timer in 45 minutes to take it out, when you approached your boyfriend and wrapped your arms around his waist, “So how about we go talk? In your room.” Rutger smiled widely, “I’ll meet you up there.” You grinned as you walked out of the kitchen. Luca munched on a handful on grapes as he watched you whisper something in his friends ear and then magically you both left the kitchen.
The moment your boyfriend entered his room your lips were interlocked. Your hands found their way to Rutger’s hair like they always did. His lips lightly sucking at your neck eliciting a soft breathy sigh to leave your lips, “Rut, as much as I love this, all our friends are here. So we can’t do anything more than this.” Rutger looked up at you and smiled, “This is all I need. To be in my girlfriends arms.”
You smiled, “Keep talking like that and you might be getting lucky when they’re all gone.” Rutger grinned, “You say that like I shouldn’t be excited.” You grinned as your lips attached to your boyfriend’s neck. Leaving small hickey’s across the base of his neck. Rutger let out a breathy sigh as he nuzzled his head into you chest. You grinned at your boyfriend as you laid your head against his pillows, “What’s going on in your head pretty boy?”
Rutger shook his head as he traced shapes on your bare arm wrapped around him, “Just thinking about how lucky I am to be with you. Sometimes I think about how crazy it is that your with me.” You furrowed an eyebrow as you sat up crossing your legs over each other, “Why’s that so crazy Rut?” Rutger blew out a breath, “Your perfect, your kind, smart, hilarious, the easy going person I’ve ever met, you have an energy that people gravitate towards. Also your the most stunning person in the world. And I’m just me.”
You smiled at your boyfriend, “I think you are the most amazing person I know, your considerate to everyone, your extremely kind you’d give the shirt on your back to a stranger if you thought they needed it, you are the most reassuring person I know. You say things that make me melt into a puddle because of how sweet you are. You have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. Your laugh makes me feel so safe, and the way your looking at me right now, makes me feel like I’m the only person in the world. I don’t know who I’d be without you.” Rutger grinned as he placed a soft peck against your lips.
Rutger sighed as he melted into you, “We should probably head back out there now. Before they get any ideas.” You laughed, “I’ll be right down. I just wanna fix my hair.” Rutger nodded as he kissed you and headed out of his room. You walked into the bathroom he and Ethan shared and ran your fingers through your hair straightening it. You did your best to cover the hickey’s that were prominent across your collarbone. You made your way to the dining room where Ethan and Mark where prancing around in matching aprons Luca had bought them as a gag gift for Christmas. The two boys were tasked with bringing all the food to the table from the kitchen.
You slid into your seat in between Rutger and Ashley, Mark’s girlfriend. Luca sat directly across from Rutger with a smug smirk on his face upon seeing Rutger leaving his bedroom adjusting the collar to his shirt. You guys sat around the table laughing over whatever had happened in the week since you all had dinner together. You had been reaching out to grab your cup when your hair fell to the side revealing the growing purple hickey on your neck, it was only visible to Ashley and Luca, who both decided to say nothing even though they had both noticed.
You and Ashley were engrossed in a conversation about the professor in your shared public relations lecture. Rutger had thrown his head back as he burst into laughter. Luca grinned to himself as the hickey’s planted across Rutger’s neck was now visible to not just him but the entire group, “So that’s where you snuck off to Rut.” Your eyes immediately widened as Ethan walked over to your boyfriend and pulled his shirt away from his neck, “Damn Y/N you sure do mark what’s yours. Mark look at this!”
At the call from his best friend Mark waltzed over and tried to bite back a laugh, “Hold on she has some too.” Ashley moved your hair to the side revealing the maybe two hickey’s on your neck compared to the many on your boyfriend’s neck. Mark burst out laughing, “I knew Y/N had the power behind closed doors.” Your face was beat red as your boyfriend and you burst into laughter. You jokingly smacked Rutger’s arm, “We need to get our own place.” Rutger nodded, “Agreed.”
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alessiasfreckles · 6 months
amnesia - part 7 (ona batlle x alexia putellas x reader)
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part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6
a/n: a little look at how alexia and ona are doing. big thank you to @codiemarin for help with the plot!! she’s a lifesaver x
At training the next day, Ona refused to look at Alexia. Her stomach churned whenever she heard the woman’s voice, and the guilt she felt about what had happened burned at the back of her throat. 
Alexia understood her behaviour, but she couldn’t help but feel frustrated - after all, Ona was the one who had stormed in yesterday, all confused about her feelings. Alexia was well aware of her own feelings, she had been for a long time. She’d made peace with her feelings towards Ona before you’d even joined Barcelona, and then she’d made peace with her feelings towards you after you had. She had recognised the feelings, labelled them as silly little crushes that would never amount to anything, had put them in a box, never to be thought of again, and that was that.
At least, that had been that, until yesterday. Until Ona had come barrelling into the changing room, face flushed, an adorable, slightly confused scowl on her face, and had yelled at the captain. Now, the yelling part wouldn’t have phased her, but the bit that followed?
The way Ona had reached up and pulled her into a kiss had been playing in her mind on repeat, making Alexia feel weak at the knees. The way Ona’s lips felt against hers, angry and harsh but so, so soft, the way it had felt so right to finally kiss her, after waiting for so long. 
When Ona had said it was a mistake, it couldn’t happen again, Alexia tried her hardest to ignore the way it felt like she was being stabbed, like her lungs were collapsing, like Ona had been her only source of oxygen. She had nodded, telling Ona that it would be okay, that you would be okay, that they would figure it out. She was the captain of the team, for fuck’s sake. She was better than this. She could handle this. 
And as captain of the team, Alexia knew that having one of her players ignoring her wasn’t good for the team, regardless of what had happened between those players. So she did what any good captain would do, and messaged Ona. 
[Alexia:] We need to talk about yesterday.
[Ona:] What’s there to talk about? I thought we were pretending it didn’t happen.
[Alexia:] Clearly not, since you wouldn’t even look at me today. Can we please talk about it?
[Ona:] Fine. Tomorrow? I can come early again. 
Alexia’s leg bounced anxiously as she waited in the empty changing room. Ona had said she’d be there early, but Alexia wasn’t sure how early she meant, so she’d arrived 45 minutes before the others would start to arrive. After a few minutes of waiting, the door opened softly, a stark contrast to the way Ona had entered just a couple days before. 
“Hi,” Ona said, still not meeting Alexia’s gaze. “You wanted to talk?”
“Will you at least come in and sit down?” Alexia asked. “I won’t bite.”
Pink rose to the brunette’s cheeks, and she nodded and sat down. 
“Are you going to look at me today? Or are you going to keep ignoring me?” 
Alexia’s voice had an edge to it, the way it did when she was speaking as captain rather than as another player or as a friend. Ona looked up, staring Alexia in the eyes. 
“What do you want to talk about?” Ona asked, her voice measured. 
A million questions raced through the captain’s head and she grasped on to the first one that came to mind. “How are you feeling?”
Ona let out a short laugh of disbelief. “How am I feeling? Really? You asked me to meet so that we could talk about how I’m feeling?”
Alexia frowned. “Si. A lot has happened lately and I care about you, I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Ale…,” Ona sighed. “Okay, fine. I’m feeling like a mess. I feel awful and guilty and like the worst person ever for what I’ve done to Y/N, and I feel mixed up and confused about you, okay?”
“Oh,” Alexia said. She had been so caught up in her own thoughts and feelings that she hadn’t considered how Ona would be feeling about her, how what had happened would be affecting her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realise. Can I ask why you feel mixed up and confused about me?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I don’t- I don’t understand how I feel, I don’t understand what I’m feeling. I like you, but I’m not allowed to like you, I’m not meant to like you, I like Y/N- no, I love her, so I cannot like you!” Ona said, the words bursting out of her. She hadn’t realised how confused she was until she said it out loud. “And all I keep thinking about is that I want to kiss you and kiss Y/N and it’s not fair, but that’s just not how it works.”
Alexia leant back against the wall, heart aching. “No, I guess that’s not how it works. We can’t all be together. And you and Y/N were together first, so that’s that.”
“Exactly,” the brunette nodded. “That’s that. So please let me keep ignoring you for just a few days, until I’ve sorted out my feelings? That’s all I’m asking.”
“Yes, I- I’m sorry,” Alexia blushed. She felt foolish for not considering Ona’s feelings, for assuming she was the only one who was confused. “I’m sorry. Thank you for coming in and talking to me.”
“I’m going to go now, okay? I’ll see you in training, Ale,” Ona said. She suddenly felt exhausted, like she’d just played a full 90 minutes, but without the exhilaration that usually accompanied it. She just wanted to be alone for a while, to not have to answer to anyone.
She left without waiting for a reply from Alexia and headed straight into the gym, making a beeline for the treadmills. No matter how tired she was, running always helped her think, helped her clear her mind. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t stop thinking about Alexia and about you, so with a frustrated groan she decided to try and think of solutions instead.
And that’s when it hit her.
The night before, when she’d been at yours, you had mentioned Alexia. She froze when you said the captain’s name, terrified that somehow you knew what had happened, that you knew about them, and had been so focused on acting normally that she’d only half listened to what you were saying. Now though, it was coming back to her.
“So, uh, did you know that a lot of people think me and Ale are dating?” you’d said, off-handedly, like it was no big deal. And it wasn’t a big deal, you knew that. 
“Hm?” Ona had responded, eyebrows raised. 
“Yeah,” you laughed. “I saw some stuff online yesterday when I was looking myself up. Crazy, right?”
“Yeah, crazy.”
“I mean, she is super pretty, and obviously very very good at football - oh, actually, I found a journal entry I wrote when I first moved,” you casually interrupted yourself, as if you hadn’t been thinking about what to say and how to say it for hours before Ona had arrived. “And the two people I wrote about were you and Ale! It’s kind of funny, it seems like I had a crush on both of you, at the start?”
You’d held your breath, waiting for Ona’s reaction. You weren’t sure what you were hoping for, all you knew was that you couldn’t stop thinking about either of them. Maybe you just wanted to know if that was the kind of person you were, and maybe Ona would know.
Ona had glanced at you, cheeks faintly pink. “Really?”
“Yeah, I guess? I don’t know, did you ever notice anything that made you think I had a crush on her - or on you?” you asked, saying the last part in one quick breath. 
“I’m not sure,” she’d shrugged. “I don’t really remember.”
“Oh, okay,” you’d said, trying not to let her notice the disappointment you were feeling. 
Your words hit Ona like a brick wall, and she almost tripped over her own feet, momentarily forgetting where she was. She quickly turned the treadmill off and picked up her phone, starting to type out a message to Alexia.
[Ona:] What if we could all be together? What if there was a way to make it work?
Her finger hovered over the send button. Somewhere, a door slammed as her teammates started to arrive, making her jump. When she looked back down at her phone, the message had been sent.
[Alexia:] is typing…
[Alexia:] is typing…
[Alexia:] is typing…
[Alexia:] How?
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strniohoeee · 11 months
could you pls write one where matt picks up his girl best friend after she gets stood up on a date? he ends up getting hard from her stort dress when she bends over to pick up her phone that she dropped, she notices and then gives him car head before she rides him in the back. sub matt but gets mad cuz of the teasing and turns dom on her maybe?
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N gets stood up on a date, she then calls Matt. He comes to the rescue, and some extra curricular activities take place 😏
Warnings⚠️: This is SMUT babes. Riding, car sex, road head, panties getting shoved in the mouth, sub matt and dom matt….but uhh other than that its sum light😙
Song for the imagine: Lovers Rock- TV Girl
⚠️This is an 18+ story, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
I was currently getting ready for a date. I had been talking to this guy for about three weeks before he finally asked me on a date. I was super excited because I really liked the guy we texted everyday and spoke on the phone about every other day
He told me to get ready, and dress nicely because he was taking me to a fancy spot for dinner. This made me super giddy because I had never been on a date to a fancy restaurant. Most guys wanted to either sit in their car, go to their house or eat at a fast food restaurant. But this guy was giving it his all!
I had finished getting ready at about 8, and he asked me to meet him at 8:30 at the place. So I decided to call an Uber, and start heading over to the place
The Uber ride was exactly 30 minutes. Which was perfect I didn’t want to be waiting around like some desperate girl
I went into the restaurant, and didn’t see him, so I figured he was running a few minutes behind. I decided to get a table for us.
After I was seated I texted him.
-hey I’m over by the windows when you first enter. I got a table for us☺️
No response….weird but I figured he was driving still
The waiter came over asking if I wanted a drink, so I ordered something, and still waited for the guy
-hiii not trying to bother you, but we were supposed to meet 15 minutes ago. Are you at another restaurant??
I wondered if maybe we had gone to different places by accident
I had been sitting in the restaurant for 45 minutes. Waiting for this idiot while also looking like an idiot….god how embarrassing
I had told the waiter I wanted the check for my drink, and after getting it I paid, and sat at the table a little longer
-you know if you didn’t want to go on this date you could’ve just told me. Instead of making me come out here like an idiot
I hit send, and the chat bubble turned green….what a fucking dick he blocked me?!
I just rolled my eyes, and exhaled deeply. I was also planning on riding back to his house or mine after the date,so now I had to find a ride home again
I decided to call Matt before I had a mental breakdown. It rang three times before he picked up
“Hey” he said lowly
“Hey Matt” I said back
“Where are you?” He asked me
“I’m over at ‘Tony’s on the water’” I said back
“Oh for that date!” He said perking up
“Yeah….” I said sounding upset
“What’s going on?” He asked me
“Fucking asshole stood me up, and then blocked me after I’d been sitting here for 45 minutes” I said scoffing
“What a fucking dick. Send me your location I’ll pick you up” he said
“No you don’t have to. I can Uber home” I told him
“No don’t worry I’ll come get you” he said
We hung up and I sent him my address. I was sitting outside when I saw Matt pull up
“Pretty lady sitting alone. Come here” he said rolling down the windows
I rolled my eyes, and laughed at him. Getting up and going to walk to the car. Suddenly I heard a thump and looked behind me, I looked behind me, and saw I dropped my phone
I turned around and bent over mindlessly picking up my phone. Honestly forgetting I had a short dress on, and I’m pretty sure I just flashed Matt
Unbeknown to Y/N, she did indeed flash Matt, and he got a perfect view of her pussy covered in white lace underwear. His cock immediately started to stiffen. He tried to adjust himself as y/n walked to the car opening the passenger side door
“My knight in shining armor, thank you for saving me” I told him sitting in his car
“I told you! I’m always one call away. I got you whenever you need me” he said checking his blind spot before driving off
“Can’t believe that guy. To ask me on the date, and then ghost me, and then BLOCK me” I said disbelieved
“Honestly fuck him, he couldn’t handle all you anyways” he said giving me a once over
“What do you mean by that” I said laughing
“You radiate powerful energy, and you’re a bad fucking bitch. He could not handle all of that” Matt said winking at me
“Ohhh tell us how you really feel” I said back blushing slightly
“That dress looks really nice on you” Matt said, looking at me again, and slightly readjusting himself. My eyes followed his hands, and saw a bulge
“Do you have fucking boner” I said with my mouth falling slack
“I can’t help myself you looked so fucking hot bending over. Shit went straight to my dick” he said pulling his sweats down a bit
“I gave thee Matt Sturniolo a boner” I said acting fake shocked
“Yeah you fucking did” he said looking at me
“Want me to help you?” I asked batting my lashes
“You’d do that?” He asked looking at me with droopy eyes
“I’d do whatever you’d like” I said seductively
“Fuck….go right ahead then” he said leaning back and steering the car with his left hand only
I leaned over slightly palming his dick through his sweatpants. He moaned at this slightly turning his head a little bit
“Does Matty like that?” I asked looking up at him
“I do, but I’d like it better if you used that pretty mouth of yours” he said looking down at me
“Eyes on the road pretty boy, and I’ll do whatever you want” I said, his eyes snapped back to the road, and I slowly pulled his dick out
I started to kitten lick the tip, and blowing air on his dick
“Come on stop teasing” he said patting my head
“Shhh” I said before taking his whole dick into my mouth at once
“OH FUCK” he yelled out
I started to bob my head up and down, swirling my tongue on his dick, and coming back up to suck the tip
“Oh my god” he said breathing heavily
I removed my mouth and started to jerk him off
“What do I get” I said looking up at him through my lashes
“What do you want?” He asked
“I want to ride your dick in the back seat, and have you take it like a good boy” I said squeezing his tip causing him to shudder
“Fuck yes yes please” he said thrusting up into my hand
Matt had found a secluded parking lot. He went all the way to a dark corner, and threw the car in park
“To the back now” he said
We both got to the back seat. matt laying down and me on top of him
“Look at my good little boy, so ready and needy for me” I said caressing his face
“Always. I’m always ready for you” he said with puppy dog eyes
Matt pulled his pants down to knee length, and I lifted my dress up slipping my panties off
I slowly started to stroke his dick. At an agonizingly slow pace
“Please stop teasing” he said whimpering
“Stop acting like a bitch in heat” I told him
“Fuck I love when you talk to me like that” he said with his brows furrowed
I slowly got on top of him, letting my wet cunt glide across his dick
“Oh Matt, you feel so good. I might just do this and cum all over you” I said throwing my head back
“No I fucking need to fuck you” he said gripping my hips
“Mmm but these feels so much better” I said grinding a little harder
“Stop fucking teasing” he said smacking my ass
I slowly got off of him, and grabbed his dick lining it up with my entrance, and slowly going down on him
“I said stop fucking teasing” he said through gritted teeth
This only made me go down slower
“I can play this game with you” I said as I kept sinking down
“Come on PLEASE” he said
I finally sunk all the way down onto him. We both moaned at this feeling, and then I started to bounce on Matt’s dick
“Fuck Matt oh my god” I said bouncing on him hard and fast
“Fuck fuck fuck” he said tensing up
I slowly transitioned into grinding on him which allowed my pussy to clench down on him at different angles
“Fuck that feels so good” he said licking his lips
I immediately stopped, and started to rub my clit
“Oh this feels so much better. Rubbing my clit while you’re just in me” I said throwing my head back
“Stop it y/n” he warned
“Oh but Matt this feels so fucking good” I said rubbing faster
“You don’t learn do you” he said, and swiftly grabbed me and sat up
Matt lifted me a little bit as he pounded up into me
“FUCK FUCK” I screamed gripping onto his hair
“Now you’ll learn to not tease me” he said pounding up into me at an ungodly speed
“OH MY FUCKING GOD” I shrieked. His dick was hitting all the right places, and I was seeing stars
“Shut up” he said as he grabbed my white lace thong and shoved it into my mouth
I moaned at this allowed my head to fall towards him
“Fuck your pussy takes me so well” he said still pounding into me and smacking my ass
“MMMMM” I moaned, but it was muffled by my underwear being in my mouth
“You gonna cum” he asked in the most smug way possible
I nodded my head furiously. I’m not sure how Matt got us into this position but he did. He leaned me back so my back was digging into the back of the middle console, and then he was kind of lifted off the seat, and fucking into me in such a delicious way
He licked his thumb and brought it down to my clit rubbing hard
“MMMMMM” was all that could be heard as my head fell back and I gripped onto the car seats
“Take it! Take it bitch and cum on this cock” he said pounding into me relentlessly
He rubbed harder, and I immediately saw stars I clenched down onto Matt’s cock as I came. My upper bed came up and my whole body started to shake while my eyes rolled to the back of my head
Matt immediately pulled out, and came all over my stomach. He was whispering fucks as he looked into my eyes. Painting my body with his cum
We were both breathing heavy as we got back up and repositioned ourselves more comfortably
He wiped me clean with a shirt he had in the back seat, and pulled the underwear out of my mouth. Putting them in his pocket
“Excuse me” I said out of breath
“I need a souvenir” he said smirking
“Those were my favorite” I said pouting
“I’ll buy you more” he said kissing me
“Fine” I said kissing him back
“We can go tomorrow. I’ll take you out on a real date like a true gentleman” he said adjusting his sweatpants
“Sounds good to me” I said pulling my hair out of my face
“Good, now let’s get you home” he said helping me to the front
“Spend the night with me” I told him
“Let me check my schedule….maybe I can make it happen” he said rubbing his chin
“You’re such a dork” I said rolling my eyes at him
“But I’m your dork,” he said, putting the car in drive and taking off.
The End
Once again I hope you enjoyed, and for whoever requested this I hope you loved it 🥰🥰🥰
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h3arts4harry · 3 days
-theres nothing there-
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warnings: unresolved angst, suicide, sh, hallucinations, possible schizophrenia
-no pov-
"theyre gonna come for us, we- we need to go. pack light." she says rushing around looking through the drawers and closet, picking up a few items of clothing shoving them into a bag "y/n slow down- who? whos coming??" chris says from the bed, his voice drowning in concern and worry for the girl, "why are you still sat there? cmon get up we need to go" y/n walks to chris pulling his arm so he stands next to her, she chucks another bag to his chest as she continues "we gotta go like now chris" she picks up her bag and pulls on her shoes. she turns to her boyfriend who is still staring at her, "fine if youre not gonna do it ill do it" she takes the bag from him and grabs random bits from his closet cramming it in before zipping it up and giving it back to him. grabbing his hand she rushes out the door, "where are we going?" chris's voice is laced in fear but mainly concern, y/n has been acting strange for a while, more now than before, and its confusing the fuck out of him. he has no idea what to do, he wants to ask matt and nick about it but he just doesn't know how to.
chris stops in his tracks causing y/n to whip around, her hand still holding his. "whyd you stop? we need to go- cmon" she says pulling him to keep going but he doesn't budge "chris please they-theyre gonna get us we- we need to go" "who y/n? who?" "i- chris please we need to go theyre-" she points behind the boy, who almost gets whiplash due to how fast he turns, but to his surprise there is no one there. "y/n what? theres no one there-" he starts as he faces back to her, to see her eyes wide and breathing frantically, "please chris we need to go now theyre coming theyre right there please we need to go" she begs, tears fall from her terrified eyes. chris doesn't understand whats happening but he listens to the girl and runs with her.
-timeskip-a week later-
the couple stayed in a hotel for 4 nights before chris managed to convince y/n to come back home. "y/n i have to go to a meeting with matt and nick, ill be back in like hour okay?" he says standing up from next to the girl, looking up from his phone. her mind races "no!" she panics, reaching her hand around his arm stopping him from walking out "please dont leave me alone i-i cant be alone or theyll come back, they know when im alone and theyll come get me" she pleads looking up at him. he doesn't say anything looking at her, examining her scared face, she looks so scared its scaring him. "i really cant miss this meeting, i promise ill be back in an hour max, ill be as quick as i can" he finally says, brushing the hair out of face and planting a kiss on her forehead before walking to the stairs. as he starts walking down the stairs, he hears y/ns quiet pleads start to fade, it hurts his heart to hear her beg for him to stay but he cant miss another meeting as hes already missed 3.
-two hours and 47 minutes later-
chris didn't mean to be this late, the meeting ran over 45 minutes and the traffic on the drive back was hell. while on the drive chris decided to bring up y/n and hows shes been acting recently with his brothers, but he struggled to find the words "um guys can i talk to you about something?" "yea ofc" "shoot" "its about y/n" "is she okay? she seems a bit frantic everytime i see or try talk to her" "that's what i need to talk to you about" "oh" "i- i dont know whats going on with her, like last week she packed us small bags and dragged us out the house saying 'theyre coming for us'" "so thats why you guys stayed in that hotel?" "yea" "i thought you two just wanted to fuck or something" "nick please, im not joking" "sorry sorry, have you tried talking to her about it?" "yea, i asked her who but she wouldn't tell me, shed just keep begging about how we need to go because theyre gonna get us and then she pointed behind me but when i turned around there was nothing there-" he cuts his rambling off taking in a breath "i just, i dont know what to do" he sighs "holy shit that's nuts" "i know, and i have this pit in my stomach like all the time. like a feeling that something bad is going to happen" "we're home now, lets try talk to her when we head upstairs" matt says pulling into the garage, turning off the car.
as chris steps out the car he cant hear anything from the house and his heart sinks, he rushes inside and upstairs to where he left y/n, the room was a mess. the couch pillows were over the floor and the things previously on the table were everywhere. "oh shit, its like a tornado went through here" matt says standing behind chris, "what the fuck happened" nick mumbles. chris runs over to matts bathroom barging the door open to an empty room then pushing his bedroom door open to be met with the same emptiness. he feels sick to his stomach as he flies down the stairs, his brothers not far behind. he slams his bedroom open to again, an empty room. he turns to his bathroom door but freezes infront of it, he can feel his heart beating out of his chest. he pushes it open to see the love of his life on the floor, in a pool of her own blood. he immediately drops to his knees beside the girl, pulling her into his arms "no no no" he repeats under his breath, holding tightly onto her wrists attempting to stop any more off the red liquid from escaping. "y/n no please wake up, baby no please dont leave me" he yells as tears flood his face, his head dropping head on top of y/ns as he cries.
a shriek can be heard from the doorway but chris doesn't move. still holding tight onto y/n, hoping she'll somehow wake up, or he'll wake up and this would just be a bad nightmare. but nothing happens, no one can wake up from the nightmare because no one is dreaming. he looks up to see 2 blurry figures through his tears, chris goes to speak but he just lets out a loud cry. no one knows what to do, they all just look at eachother with tears streaming down all three of their faces. chris looks back down to y/n, finally removing his hands from her cold wrists, lifting her head to face his. she has red tear stained cheeks, her left having a cut across it, blood that was dripping from it now dried. her eye looks like a bruise is starting to form. the girl looks like she has been brutally beaten up, but how. what the hell happened while they were gone.
matt and nick managed to get chris to get up and take y/n to the hospital. they had no hope that they could help but chris did. he still wished that it was all a dream and he'd wake up soon. the hospital took y/n in and did would they could but it wasn't good enough, she had lost to much blood. they allowed the boys to say their goodbyes.
the three triplets stood there in silence for a moment, looking at the girl who had been their best friend for as long as they could remember. nick went over first, he and y/n were friends the longest, she was the first person he came out to. he wished y/n would've come to him instead of resulting to this, he loved her so much and would've done anything for her. he finished his goodbye, giving the lifeless girl a hug, a few tears falling on her shirt. matt cleared his throat before walking over and standing next to y/n, he gently held her arm. choking back the tears, he began to say goodbye. he didn't know what to say really, but anything is better than nothing so he rambled about one of his favourite memories of her back when they were 16. matt felt the tears take over him as he rushed out the room, nick quickly following behind his younger brother.
chris then finally looked up from the floor. "how could i ever say goodbye?" he thought aloud "how could you ever do this? why didn't you just speak to me?" the sobs breaking his sentence "i-i could've helped you, fuck ion even know how i could've but you know i would've found a way" he reached over and held the girls hand with both of his, placing a small kiss. "i just wish i knew what happened, i mean shit its like you went crazy."
death is meant to be peaceful but as he looked at y/ns face, she looked anything but peaceful. "chris" the voice made him jump, turning to the door he saw his older brothers looking back at him "this isnt fair" he chokes out in almost a whisper "we know" nick nods as he walks over wrapping his arms around the boy, matt joining the hug a moment after.
-timeskip-2 weeks-
chris was consumed with grief. he couldnt help but feel guilty too, if only he tried to help her. he knew something was going on but he just- he didnt leave his room, the same room he once shared with her. it was like he was a different person after she died, he was quieter than matt now, and he stopped sleeping with them when y/n wasnt there. he'd get nightmares almost every night leading him to stop sleeping.
it was 4:30am and chris still wasnt asleep. he decided to just clean his room a little since he hadnt in almost a month. while cleaning he found a small notebook that he recognised to be y/ns, his heart sunk at the last memory he had with this book; y/n was sat on the floor against the wall by the bathroom writing in it, she looked panicked so he had went over and sat down next to her but as he placed his hand on her arm she jumped and screamed in fear, it took him back in shock, he didnt know what to say so he tried to comfort her with a hug but she just ran into the bathroom locking the door behind her, leaving a hurt and confused chris.
he knew he probably shouldnt but he opened the notebook. at first it was a normal journal, her handwriting was practically perfect as she wrote about cute dates, and there was some small doodles but as he flicked through the pages the handwriting became messier, the doodles varying from scary people or monsters to dark scribbles, of what? he couldnt tell. the biggest shock was what she wrote. it genuienly scared chris to his core.
=theyre coming for me =i need to go i cant stay here =im so sorry =idk what else to do =i cant do this anymore =it hurts so fucking much =im hearing voices all the time and theyre not mine =i know i shouldnt, but i really want to… =its so dark now, its so scary ive always been afraid of the dark =theres no other option =if u see this tell chris im sorry and i love them
he felt sick reading the last thing written. she must of wrote it just she did it. reading over it again he focuses on one line "im hearing voices all the time and theyre not mine" was she actually going crazy? he tries to think back to the times were she would be "acting crazy" there was so many times he thought she was just fucking around or sometimes drunk but maybe it was this. thinking back it was like he didn't know the girl in his memories, sure he knew it was his girlfriend but he didn't recognise her to be, and it hurt his heart that he felt that way.
"baby? are you home?" chris calls up the front stairs, no answer. he heads up into the living room to see no one, he knew matt and nick were out but y/n was supposed to be here, he stands for a second before heading down to their room. he walks through the door to y/n sat on their bed, practically falling asleep with a baseball bat tightly clutched in her hands. the room is a mess, clothes are everywhere, the drawers have fallen over and none of the bed sheets or pillows cover the bed. "baby?" chris says softly from the doorway, making y/n jump up and swing the back, luckily chris was out of the way but if he was a step closer he would've been hit straight in the head "woah y/n whats going on? are you okay?" he asks, hesitant to step forward. "i-im sorry, i thought…" she stops "i swear someone had broken in.." she mumbles quietly before speaking up again "what time is it? youre meant to be back at 7?" chris's eyebrows furrow at her words, "its 7:40 there was bad traffic, how long have you been sat there?" he quickly grows worried, had someone actually tried to break in, "i-urm, i thought it was like 3:25" she looks down at the mess across the floor "what happened?" she asks the boy infront of her, "i was going to ask the same thing" he says just as confused as her.
soon after y/n had fallen asleep chris decided to check the camera footage, the boys had decided to add cameras around the house around a year ago, just to add a sense of security, sure they never check it but its nice to have incase they need it, most of the time they forget they have them.
as he watched the footage he saw y/n rushing into the room and shutting the door behind her. she turns and leans against it but her eyes widen as she swings the bat at nothing? shes fighting the air? shes running around the room, across the bed causing the quilt and pillows to fall off, she accidently falls into the side of the drawers which then falls over, the clothes falling out. after almost an hour, y/n sits on the corner of the bed looking around, watching, waiting, for someone to come back. chris fast forwards the footage until it reaches when he walks in. she really sat there for like 4 hours.
the memory reminds him of the cameras, he sits down grabbing his laptop from his bedside table and opens the footage from 2 weeks ago. its almost the exact same thing as to what happened a month ago. y/n running around the living room as if shes running away from something, this time she didn't have a bat as chris hid it in matts room, so she ran into the kitchen picking up a knife from the drawer. chris's heart rate picked up as he watches she runs around with a sharp knife, she suddenly jumps onto the coffee table slipping on some paper and falling off. cutting her face as she falls, and her arm when she lands. she stumbles getting up and hides under the kitchen table, she sits in silence for around 10 minutes before letting out a deathly scream scrambling out and running downstairs. chris quickly changes the camera footage to his room, y/n runs in slamming the door facing it holding the knife out ready to attack anything that'll come through. he fast forwards the time until y/n drops the knife, shes breathing heavily pacing around the room, shes mumbling something that chris cant really make out, he turns up his volume all the way and he can just about hear her "there was nothing there…im going crazy there was nothing.. nothing there.." it shatters his heart to see the girl go through this alone, he should've been back for her by then, but he wasn't. he promised her and he wasn't there. "FUCK" the yell pulls him out of his thoughts, he watches as the girl grabs her notebook out of her side nightstand and scribbling down what he assumes is what he read. before standing over the knife looking down at it, she slowly bends down and picks it up, examining it. "im so sorry chris.. i cant take it anymore" she says as she slides the knife over her soft wrists, the blood quickly spilling out. she stands there for a second looking at both her wrists before he can see the realisation spread across her face seeing what she had just done. she ran into the bathroom but slips on one of the pieces of clothing on the floor and bangs her head on the sink counter. he watches as she lays there unconscious, more and more blood pouring out onto herself and the floor.
chris cant believe what hes just seen. he just sits there staring at the screen until the door swings open he peels his eyes away from the screen to see nick and matt, their faces drowning in worry. what chris didn't realise was that he was full on sobbing, the older boys rush over to chris, matt bringing him into a hug while nick took the laptop to see what had caused this, he watched it on fast forward and his jaw dropped as a tear falls, "what is it?" matt mouths furrowing his eyebrows "its y/n, the camera footage" nick mouths back turning the laptop to show the paused screen of y/n on the floor, matt having an almost identical reaction to nick, turns away and pulls chris into a tighter hug, nick joining.
the boys slowly pull away after chris had calmed down. after a moment of comforting silence and small sniffles, chris spoke up looking at his lap "there was nothing there" matt and nick looked at eachother confused before looking back at chris "what d'ya mean?", "she- she'd always point things out that weren't there, when we were out or even when she was here, i- she was clearly fighting something but- but there was nothing there, i.." he cuts himself off with a sniffle, then looking up to matt and nick "i couldn't help her"
i actually started and finished this in one night so go me! but then it might be crap cause i havent let it sit for a minute but oh well :P
as always feedback is appreciated <333
@m0r94n @sturnzsblog @junnniiieee07 @sturniolo-slvt @chrisgetsmewetterxo @raysmayhem-72 @mattspolitank @cerismo @chrispotatos @ncm9696
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percyluvr · 7 months
hiii !! could you please do percy x apollo reader where she's like this super sunny girl and everyone thought that her and her ex were perfect together but her ex ends up breaking up with her after losing interest. and maybe the breakup kind of splits everyone into sides because it was healthy but also heartbreaking (and percy, without even knowing, is somehow is her #1 advocate to everyone even if they don't know each other / barely ever talked before) and everyone watches as she slowly loses her spark and stops showing up for things, stays in bed all day, stuff like that and percy suddenly feels her absence and has enough of it and helps her pick up the pieces of her heart. he doesn't really pressure her to date or anything he just tries to be there for her by brightening her mood and teasing her and stuff and eventually he helps her move on from her ex. and like maybe a couple months pass of them being friends but also lowkey more than that and she confesses to him after annabeth or her friend makes her realize that she actually like LIKES percy when she loses it in a mad or a sad way at the sight of him with another girl (and she usually has her emotions in control) but yeah thats basically it !! thank u for reading this :)) hope ur having a good dayy
percy jackson x daughter of apollo!reader summary: your boyfriend breaks up with you and percy becomes your #1 defender, falling in love with you in the process wc: 4286
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You, along with pretty much everyone else at camp, thought that your relationship was perfect. Being with your boyfriend was like a fairytale to you, but apparently it wasn't for him.
"Hey, so um, thanks for meeting me. I hope this isn't too random, but I just don't think our relationship is working anymore, and I think you feel it too," he says, looking into your eyes. If you weren't so in love with him, you probably would've smacked the crap out of him for this. You'd never been happier in your relationship, and he thought it wasn't working? You weren't quite sure if you were mad or sad in this moment.
"Oh. If that's what you think, then I agree," you reply, sadly smiling at him, trying to pretend that your heart wasn't breaking into a million little pieces.
"Alright, I still really like you and I hope we can be friends still," he says, and you know that he's saying it without malicious intent because he really is a good guy, which makes you even more frustrated.
"Sure, of course we can."
He gives you a hug and tells you to have a good day.
How are you supposed to have a good day when you just got dumped by the love of your life? You genuinely wished you could be mad at him, but he was just such a genuine and nice guy that you couldn't. You know that he only said it out of the good of his heart and because he didn't want the relationship to actually go downhill, but you were still frustrated and sad.
As if your day wasn't bad enough already, news of your breakup had already spread throughout camp, and everyone was looking at you with sympathetic looks. You had hoped to the gods that you could go at least a day before this happened, but of course not.
You got your food and sat down at your table, your siblings immediately crowding around you and asking you questions and trying to comfort you. You could hear people at the other tables talking about the breakup, and from what you could hear, people were taking "sides" in your breakup, even when they thought it was mutual.
"Hey, I heard about what happened. I'm so sorry, but we're all here for you, okay?" You hear one of your sisters say, but it doesn't really register. At this point, you feel numb, and you aren't really hearing anything people are saying anymore.
Later that day, you're sitting by the river, small sniffles being all you can manage to muster up after crying your heart out for the last 45 minutes. You're looking out at the water, thinking about what went wrong, when you hear footsteps approaching.
"Are you okay?" You hear an unfamiliar voice ask.
You don't even bother looking up. It's probably just another person here to tell you how they're on your side.
"No, but it's fine," you reply.
The person sits down next to you, and you finally look over, finding Percy Jackson sitting to your right.
He looks back at you, "hey, I'm Percy. Sorry if I'm interrupting, but I was just coming over to swim and I heard you crying."
"No, it's fine. I don't own the beach," you weakly laugh. "My boyfriend broke up with me today, if you're wondering why I'm crying."
"Yeah, I heard about that. I'm really sorry that happened to you, you seem really sweet."
"Thanks, but it's okay. He wasn't rude about it or anything, just said that he didn't think our relationship was working and that he hoped he could still be friends," you muttered.
He makes a sympathetic sound then says, "that's almost worse. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that, especially if the person is genuine."
"Yeah, it really broke my heart. He was so genuine about it, and that's what really hurt. He still cares about me but he just doesn't love me anymore," your voice cracks in the middle of your sentence, and you look back at the water.
"Jeez, that seriously sucks. But hey, I'm sure it's not you that was the problem, maybe what he wanted in a relationship just changed?" It sounded like he was going to say more, but you made a sob-like sound and he immediately shut his mouth.
"I'm sorry, I'm really not good at this," he says awkwardly after a moment of silence.
"It's okay. If it helps, I do feel a bit better at least. You're not as bad as you think you are," you look over at him and he's already looking at you.
The two of you talk a bit more, before you excuse yourself to your cabin, not telling him why, but he suspected that you were going to cry more, and it made him sad to see you like this.
The two of you weren't friends, you were barely even acquaintances, but Percy now felt responsible for defending you. Every time he overheard a conversation where people were taking your ex-boyfriend's side, he would walk over there and set them straight, telling them how great you were and how the breakup wasn't your fault at all, and he should've been grateful to have you, even though the breakup wasn't messy at all.
People started to joke that he was the leader of your fan club, which secretly made him feel all weird inside. At the time he didn't know what he was feeling, but when he looked back at it, he knew that this was when he started to fall in love with you.
If, even a month ago, someone would've told Percy that the girl he'd always had a tiny crush on would've been single, and he was now openly defending you like his life depended on it, he would've first told them there's no way you did anything wrong, so what was he even defending you from? And second, he absolutely does not have a crush on you. Lastly, he would ask if you were really single, but not that he was asking for himself, he was definitely asking for a friend.
"Dude, you need to calm down defending her. She's not gonna let you hit just because you're taking her side," some camper makes the mistake of saying to his face.
"What the hell is your problem? Not everyone is trying to get a girl to 'let him hit.' Some of us are just decent human beings defending our friends," Percy says, before promptly soaking the guy in water and walking away.
This incident was just one of many where a camper makes the mistake of talking bad about you. At this point, he was one of the two people at camp that didn't know he was falling for you. You were the other, obviously, because how could you know someone else was in love with you when you were busy wallowing in your sorrows in your cabin?
About a week after you were broken up with, you began to distance yourself from all of the activities at camp, including the ones that once brought you so much joy. You'd never thought of yourself to be someone that would drown in their own sorrows, but then again, you'd never really experienced anything that would've proved yourself otherwise.
So, here you were, cuddled up in bed under about 5 blankets, mascara stains under your eyes, a box of tissues next to you, and another romcom on the TV, when you could've been outside doing archery or in the infirmary gossiping with your siblings like you would've done before the breakup. Your heart was aching so badly that you could barely even wake up in the morning. After your talk with Percy, you thought that it was easing up, even though that was only hours after the breakup actually happened, but you couldn't have been more wrong.
After a few days of this behavior from you, Percy was sick of it. He was sick of not being able to see you, and he was sick of you being sad. He went to the Stoll brothers and asked them to smuggle some ice cream in for him, as well as a stuffed animal and paid them extra to do it as fast as they could.
Every few hours, your siblings and friends would come into the cabin and check up on you, sometimes staying to watch a movie or two with you before leaving again and telling you to come get them if you needed anything. You heard the door to the cabin open again. Thinking it was just another one of your siblings, you ignored it and continued watching your movie. What you didn't expect was for Percy Jackson to be standing in front of you mere seconds later.
"Hey, I'm sorry it took me so long to stop by. I brought some ice cream, I don't know if it'll help or if you even like this flavor, but I thought it might help," he says, an awkward smile on his face, awaiting a response.
"Oh, well, thank you," you say, wiping your face, now slightly embarrassed about the mascara that was staining it.
"Hey, don't worry about the mascara, I get it. Well, I don't get it get it, but y'know what I mean, right?"
You let out a small laugh. "Yes, Percy, I get what you mean."
"Oh! I also brought this teddy-bear. It's the sunshine care bear, 'cause you're an Apollo kid," he smiles.
"Aww, thank you so much, Percy. It means a lot to me. Do you want to stay and watch movies with me?" You ask, desperately hoping he'll say yes.
"Yeah, yeah, sure. I'd love to," he replies.
You scoot over in the bed, patting the spot next to you, signaling Percy to sit down, and he obliges.
"So, what are we watching?" He asks.
"Well, I'm starting to run out of romcoms, so I've started to rewatch some. We're about to watch 10 Things I Hate About You," you say with a smile.
"What's it about?"
You explain the plot, and he listens with genuine interest.
This situation happens a few more times, before he finally asks you if you're ready to come back to camp activities. He doesn't add that he misses you when he's out there, but he desperately wants to. He refrains from any flirting because he doesn't want to pressure you, but it kills him to not be able to tell you how much he already likes you, even after just a few days of hanging out with you.
You tell him yes, and you'll be back to doing your activities tomorrow, to which he's overjoyed. He's never been happier in his life, and the two of you aren't even dating. Even when you are ready to date, if you still don't like him, he realizes that he would be happy just to be your friend.
When you're back to your regular responsibilities at camp, you realize just how much you've missed it. It takes a bit before you get back into the ropes of archery, but one wouldn't say you were bad. As an Apollo kid, you could never really be bad at archery, which you appreciated. Once you'd gotten the hang of it again, you realized how much you missed it. Archery had always been relaxing to you, not just because you were a daughter of Apollo. Even before you'd come to camp, your mother had you in archery lessons, and you'd enjoyed it even then. You were fully concentrating until you heard a familiar voice calling to you.
"Hey, I'm glad you're back out here. It's so good to have you back," Percy says, pulling you into a hug, the very first hug the two of you had ever shared. It was surprising at first, but you quickly melted into it.
"Yeah, I'm so glad to be back out here. I missed it so much. I owe you so much for getting me out of that bed, I was miserable."
He blushes. "Nah, it's fine. I knew you would feel better being out here, you love it too much to stay holed up in there, even if those romcoms were good," he jokes.
"Right? I knew you liked them," you say with a smile. "But yeah, you're right. I love being out here with everyone, and I love archery too much to give it up to cry over a boy."
He solemnly nods. "Yeah, I just can't tell you enough how good it is to see you out here. You look so much better, y'know? Your skin is like, glowing again."
You smile. "Thank you," you're about to say more when you hear a voice, specifically a voice belonging to the last person you wanted to see right now.
"Hey! It's good to see you out here," your ex-boyfriend says casually, as if he didn't rip your heart in two and cause you to become a hermit for 2 weeks straight. Percy gives him the nastiest look you've ever seen in your life, and try your best to contain your laughter, but you end up letting out a weird choked sound which earns you a smile from Percy and a weird look from your ex-boyfriend.
"Sorry, swallowed wrong," you say to him.
"Oh, alright?" He says confusedly, before trying to give you a hug, to which you not-so-accidentally swerve. He raises his eyebrow and you shrug.
"Uh, anyways. Yeah, good to see you too," you say before walking away with Percy, leaving your ex-boyfriend standing there confused. You didn't mean to be so rude, but you really couldn't stand being in the same vicinity as him right now.
The next day, you're in the infirmary, gossiping and laughing with one of your sisters, when Percy walks in, clutching his arm. You immediately get up, speed-walking over to where Percy is now standing.
"Hey, what happened?" You asked him, ushering him over to one of the beds.
"Was just doing some practice sword-fighting with your ex-boyfriend and he stabbed me right in the arm. I would've just gone to the ocean and healed it with the water, but I wasn't sure if it would heal this," he says before moving his hand from the deep gash on his bicep.
"Oh sweet Apollo, that was not an accidental stab. Sit here, put your hand back over it, I'll be back in a second," you say before rushing off to collect some supplies.
When you come back, you see Percy sitting with his eyebrows furrowed, muttering some unsavory things under his breath.
"Here, give me your arm," you request, to which he obliges.
You gently wrap his arm with gauze, noticing how intimate your position was and feeling awkward. You didn't want to mention it, not knowing if Percy felt the tension too. You tried to finish up as quickly as possible, hoping the awkward atmosphere would vanish. Unfortunately, it did not. When you finished, you noticed that Percy was staring at you with a weird look in his eyes.
"Um, I'm done, if it still hurts, I can get you some painkillers," you say, scratching the back of your head awkwardly.
Apparently, this breaks him out of his strange trance, and he nods.
"Yeah, uh, painkillers would be good," he replies, still in a slightly dazed state.
You rush out of the room as quick as you can, trying to avoid his gaze. When you were browsing the painkillers trying to find the best for his situation, you kept replaying the scene in your mind. You were trying not to be delusional, but you swore that when you caught Percy staring at you, he started to blush. You pushed it out of your thoughts and brought the medicine to him.
"Take two to four of these every six hours, and the pain should be gone in about two to three days," you said, handing him the container.
He nodded. "Okay, thank you. Maybe you can prescribe some pills to calm your ex down or something," he joked.
You laughed softly. "I wish we had any that would help. Just try to stay away from him. The breakup was his idea so I really don't get what his problem is," you say.
Percy shrugs, and the conversation ends.
Over the next few weeks, you see Percy in the infirmary more than you've seen him there in the past 4 years combined, which is odd, but you don't really think much of it. The injuries are all very small, and he could definitely heal most, if not all with water, but you don't comment on this, as you've really been enjoying having Percy's company during the day.
A few months pass on, and it's another slow day at the infirmary. You're talking with your sister and drinking lemonade, when something outside catches her attention.
"Hey, do you mind if I leave for today? I saw my man walk past just now. I'm thinking today is the day I confess!" Your sister tells you.
"Yeah, sure. I doubt anyone else will come in today anyway. Go get him, girl!" You encourage.
She basically runs out of the infirmary, making you laugh.
A few minutes later, Percy is back. You weren't expecting him back today, as he'd already been here this morning, but he was always welcome.
"Hey, Percy. What happened now?" You ask.
"Oh, I'm fine. A bunch of other people are going to the beach later, and I was just wondering if you were going to be there," he says shyly.
"Hm, I guess it really wouldn't hurt. When did they say they'd be there?"
"Uh, they said they were planning to go in around 30 minutes, I think," he replies.
"I mean, there's no one else scheduled to be at the infirmary today, but it's pretty slow today, so I guess it'd be fine," you conclude.
"Alright, awesome, cool. I'll see you there then," he said before rushing out. You looked out the window and the sight of him jumping up and down and cheering made you laugh harder than you'd laughed in a long time. He looked back through the window and saw you already looking at him. He gave you a pained look and ran off.
"Wow, I sure choose normal people to be friends with," you mutter to yourself before writing a note and putting it on the infirmary door saying that it'd be empty for the rest of the day. You went to your cabin and began changing into your swimsuit. You put a pair of jean shorts and a yellow tank top on over your swimsuit and grabbed a towel.
You talked to your siblings that were in the cabin for a bit before heading down to the beach. You spotted Percy sitting on his towel, looking at everyone else that was swimming. You put your towel down next to his and sat down.
"Hey waterboy, whatcha lookin' at?" You asked.
"Nothing really, was just waiting for you so we can swim," he says, smiling over at you.
"Alright, let's go then," you say, taking off your shorts and tank top as Percy watches, not noticing how intensely he was staring until you cleared your throat.
"Are you going to just sit there and stare at me, or are you gonna come with me to the water?" You teased, causing him to blush a deep red.
He immediately takes off his shirt, revealing his toned abdomen, which you should've expected, he was a swimmer after all. You were in awe, but he spoke up, "now look who's staring."
He grins at you before grabbing your hand and running to the water. Your shorter legs had a hard time keeping up with him, but you somehow managed.
The two of you splashed and swam until the water began to get cold. You both raced back to the towels, bundling up and sitting on the beach.
"Hey, we're going to have a bonfire, if you guys want to come," Connor Stoll says to you and Percy.
"Yeah, sounds cool," Percy replies for the both of you.
"Alright man, awesome. We're going now, so."
You and Percy grab your stuff and follow Connor to the campfire.
As the sun sets, you're all chatting and roasting marshmallows.
"Hey, Perce. Thanks for inviting me, and thank you for helping me get over my break up. We weren't even really friends before and you still helped me. I don't know what I would've done without you," you confess.
"Yeah, yeah. It's no problem. I mean, you're really sweet, and I'm glad to call you my friend now, too."
You smile, and spend the rest of the night quietly talking to Percy, which catches Annabeth's eye.
The next day, you hear a knock on your cabin door. You open the door to probably the last person you would expect to be there, Annabeth Chase.
"Hey, what's up? Who're you here for?" You ask.
"You," she says, causing your eyebrow to raise.
"It's nothing bad, at least, not for me."
"Uh, okay," you say, stepping out of your cabin and closing the door behind you.
Annabeth sits down on the steps, and you follow.
"So, I noticed you and Percy last night at the bonfire," she says with a small smirk on her face.
She must've seen the confused look that flashed across your face, because she laughs. "You two were all over each other, I swear. You two are so in love it makes me sick. There's no way neither of you have noticed this. I'm not even going to bother bringing it up to Percy because he has seaweed for brains, I swear. But you're smart, so I'm saying this to you. You two like each other, and it's physically paining everyone else at camp to see you two pining over each other like idiots. Please, for the love of the Gods, tell him how you feel, because I guarantee he feels exactly the same. That's all."
If there was any time to take a bow, it would've been after that speech, you think.
"Well, after that I guess I have no other choice," you joke.
This seems to satisfy her, because she gets up and pats you on the shoulder before walking away and wishing you luck.
Later that day, you decide that you're going to tell Percy how you feel, consequences be damned. I mean, if Annabeth Chase is telling you to do something, you better do it.
That night, you're standing in front of the Poseidon Cabin, mustering up all your courage to go inside and confess your feelings to Percy. You open the door, and all your confidence that you had conjured up fizzles right out when you see Percy sat on the floor talking to some girl that you didn't know the name of. His eyes catch yours, and you feel the tears forming. You turn around and run out as fast as you can, not caring how crazy you look running through the camp and crying. When you finally reach the beach, you sit down. You didn't expect Percy to follow you, so when you heard footsteps and heavy breathing, you jump up and scream.
"Hey, woah, you're very fast," Percy says in between heavy breaths.
"What do you want?" You ask, tearing streaming down your face.
"Wait, what's wrong?" He asks, clueless.
The question only makes you cry harder.
"Hey, c'mon, don't leave me in the dark, we're friends, right?"
"Yeah, and I guess that's all we'll ever be," you snap.
"What are you talking about?"
"Percy, please," you say, exasperated.
"I don't know what you're talking about, okay. Please just explain."
"Okay, fine," you say, trying to control your crying. "I was going into your cabin to tell you that I like you. No, I don't just like you, I love you, Percy. That's what I was going to tell you. But then I saw you in there with that girl, and it upset me, but at least now I know you don't like me back, so that's awesome."
"Hey, hey, slow down now. Who ever said that I don't like you back?"
"You just said that I don't like you back, but I never said that, okay?"
"But what about that girl?" You ask.
"She's from the Aphrodite Cabin, she was helping me figure out how to tell you that I like you. No, I love you," he says your name, and you feel the blood rush to your cheeks.
"Oh," you say, now feeling extremely stupid.
"Well, um. I'm sorry for freaking out on you," you manage to squeak out.
"Hey, it's fine, okay? I probably would've done the same thing if I was you, don't worry about it," he says, grabbing your hand in between his two larger ones.
"So, um, what now?" You ask.
"Well, we could always kiss," he jokes, not expecting you to actually say yes.
When he feels your full lips on his, he feels like crying, and he thinks he actually does, if the salty taste in his mouth is any sign.
You kiss for what feels like hours, breaking apart for air.
"So, uh, what would you rate that kiss out of 10?" He jokingly asks, breaking the silence.
"Um, probably a 9. But I could rate more accurately if I got to experience it again," you say, and he immediately takes you up on this, crashing your lips together in a somehow more passionate kiss than before.
a/n: okay so i DEFINITELY went crazy with this, but it was just such a good request so thank you saur much and i hope you like this !! i tried to follow it as closely as possible but i got kinda carried away on some parts,, this is also the longest fic i've ever written on this app so do with that what u will
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pixiesfz · 9 months
kyra cooney-cross x reader
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plot: you and Kyra used to be best friends and now she's on top of the world and you feel like you're falling behind.
warning: angst, swearing, idk
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You sat at the restaurant with a menu in front of you as another waiter came to ask for your order "I'm just waiting for someone" You smiled politely but they just nodded their head and walked away.
You checked your phone again it was 8:30, you had both agreed on 8:00, all those years ago, every Friday. She was hardly ever late. Well that was until after the world cup.
She had thrived and you watched on the sidelines almost every match, she gained attention and you loved that for her, you were even the first person to go to her apartment to congratulate her on her signing with Arsenal.
But now she was busy and even more popular with the fans, you wanted to be so happy for her but it pulled her away from you so you never fought it, you only texted her a couple of times with congratulations and the conversations never lasted long. But you always had your Friday night 'dates' your other friends called them.
It was no secret that the two of you had some feelings towards another and your flat mates bullied you for it non stop. You realized you liked the girl when she got the call up to be in the senior squad for Matildas. She was so happy and her dream had finally come true.
You had a feeling she liked you too but you never acted on it, you were always scared whenever the opportunity came up.
You regrated never telling her because maybe then she would be sitting in front of you right now looking at the menu over and over even when you knew she would just settle with a classic margarita pizza and a sprite lemonade. She wasn't to fancy.
It had been 45 minutes now and you had lost your hope, she wasn't coming and she didn't even send you a text. You felt embarrassed as you sat up and paid for your drink as you had told the workers you were waiting for someone and now you were walking out alone.
It was when you turned the corner of the street you saw the girl you had been waiting for in a frantic state almost running to the restaurant.
"Y/N!" she called out as you walked past her "you were late" you told her, not changing your pace. You felt her go to your side again "Y/N I'm so sorry-"
You breathed in before turning to her "you didn't even bother to text!" Kyra looked down to the floor giving you an opportunity to talk again "where even were you?" you questioned and she was silent again "I forgot" she mumbled and you took a step back.
How could she forget.
For three years you've been doing this. What could have been so adamant on her mind that she forgot that she was supposed to see you.
"Or did you forget about me?"
Your question struck something in Kyra "No I could never-" "No I'm serious" you told her "I'm happy for you I really am but I feel like I'm just something that you're leaving behind, we don't talk as much, we haven't facetimes each other in god knows how long" you ranted
"I'm sorry" Kyra said looking at you but you shook your head "I know 'm not your girlfriend or anything, but I don't want to be another ex friend" you started "we've been through too much for that" you told her before walking away and to your car and driving off.
When you woke up the next morning you didn't know how to feel, did you just fuck up everything? You looked to your phone to maybe see a message from Kyra but instead you saw one from Steph, Kyra's team mate from Arsenal and the Tillies.
Steph: Hey do you know what's wrong with Kyra she seems weird today
Fuck. You ruffled your hair between your fingers and ignored the feeling in your stomach
Y/N: Yep I have a feeling, I'll come over after training.
You didn't want Kyra to feel like this even though it was what she made you feel for weeks on end, but you couldn't give up on her, you couldn't give up on the both of you.
It was late when you finally had the courage to drive to Steph's house where Kyra had been staying before she found an apartment near training. It was dark and the stars were in the sky.
When you knocked on the door Steph was quick to greet you "hey Y/N" she smiled and let you in "hey Steph" you sheepishly smiled as you walked in "Kyra's in the guest bedroom, been stuck in their since training" she sighed and turned to you "you're the only person that I've seen her be so happy with" she pointed out "sorry if I interrupted-" "your fine Steph" you waved her off before breathing in "I'll go talk to her" you nodded before making your way into the guest bedroom.
You hesitated before knocking on the door but did anyway "I'll have dinner later Steph" she called back "It's not Steph" you replied back and Kyra was quick to open the door after hearing your voice "hey Y/N/N" she whispered "Hey Ky" you smiled before letting yourself in and closing the door behind you.
"Steph texted me, said you weren't yourself" you admitted and Kyra nodded "I can't believe I forgot" she told you and you nodded "to be fair I distanced myself a little bit, I didn't want to invite myself to everything whilst you adventured with Arsenal" you shrugged and she looked up at you "I noticed the distance" she told you "I thought you started seeing someone or something"
You laughed "me" you pointed at yourself "never" you shook your head and the girl laughed a little as you sat next to her on the bed. You both of you stayed on the bed in silence before Kyra spoke up
"I didn't just forget yesterday I went out" she admitted and you nodded, it didn't really change anything "with the team?" you asked and she nodded "It started with the team then I got stuck in a conversation with a fan"
"was she cute?" you teased and she laughed "Nah you're cuter" she teased back and you both blushed "what did you talk about?" you asked "Football, my career, treating me better than I had at other clubs, treating me like I was somebody"
"Your getting a fan base Kyra, you play for the Arsenal" you poked her shoulder as she leaned back and came back and leaned her head on your shoulder.
"I wonder if she would've talked to me if I wasn't somebody?" she wondered "I would've" you smiled and Kyra looked up at you.
You just kept your smile as she looked at you "I've always been your biggest supporter" you reminded her "I know" she smiled "and I plan to stay" you shot your eyebrows at her and she nodded "I'd like that...a lot" she laughed and looked back down to her legs.
"Can you stay tonight?" she asked sheepishly and you nodded "of course" you stated and gave her a kiss on the forehead that lingered "always" you said as you walked over to the door "Imma ask Steph though"
"Y/N your making this seem like a sleepover in high school" Kyra laughed and you shrugged "oh well the most eventful stuff happens at high school sleepovers" you said and walked out to Steph, leaving a blushing Kyra behind.
When you came back Kya was pulling out pajama's for you which consisted of her Matilda's jersey and old pajama shorts which you laughed at. "You just wanna see your name on my back" you smiled as Kyra shrugged and just jumped on the bed, you following once you got changed.
Once you got comfortable Kyra turned to you "When I asked you if you were seeing anyone you said never" she stated "what did that mean?" she asked and you looked at her "I'm not sure I guess..." you trailed off "I just had a crush on someone and just never got over it" you said quietly before moving closer to Kyra who subconsciously did the same "what about you?" you asked even more quiet as Kyra's eyes were set on your lips "same thing" she said before leaning down and giving a slight peck on your lips but not leaving as your foreheads stayed together, nothing was said before you leaned i again and kissed her back, it was nice as your lips just felt like they were made for you, when you pulled back you both smiled.
"Yeah I'm not going anywhere" you laughed.
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heavyhitterheaux · 10 months
For Jack and FL concepts 💘
How about Jack being dared to ignore FL for about 24/7 but he ends up caving in and talking to her within an hour or so
Slight NSFW 🤭🤭🤭
“So in other words, yall want me in an early grave?” Jack asked as all of PG were sitting around the living room trying not to laugh.
“Just for 24 hours. You can last that long.” Ace said but Urban quickly disagreed with him.
“Are we talking about the same person who literally doesn't shut up about his wife? Like ever?”
“We got 100 dollars each for you if you do it.”
“I can't ignore my wife. What if she needs me or if I need her for something?” Jack asked as they all exchanged glances.
“Don't you have to get her back for the prank she pulled last week?”
“Well yeah, but….”
“Let's do it then.”
“Yall will be planning my funeral later, just a fair warning.”
Jack was at home waiting for you since you had been out all day because he sent you to get your hair and nails done and just have a day to relax since it's been so hectic for you lately.
He heard the door open and took a deep breath, anticipating for you to come sit near him.
Once you stepped into the house, you promptly hung up your keys and went to find your husband to show off your hair and nails.
You heard the television on in the living room, so that's where you assumed he was.
“Hi, babe. Do you like my hair?” You asked while leaning down to kiss him which he didn't return and you were extremely confused.
You had gotten your natural hair pressed and curled and knew that was one of Jack’s favorite looks on you.
When he didn't say anything, you leaned down to kiss him again, but he turned away from you, leaving you even more confused.
“Baby, what's wrong?”
“Smush, are you going to talk to me or what?” You asked him and you started to play with his beard.
“Hmm. Be that way then.” You rolled your eyes and shrugged before deciding to go upstairs and change your clothes go get comfortable while Jack immediately grabbed his phone to text PG.
Ace- How long has she been home?
Jack- 15 MINUTES
Quiiso- 23 hours and 45 minutes to go!
Jack- Do yall know how hard it was for me to not kiss her back!?!? She looks so fucking good 😭
Urb- Simp 🙄
Shloob- Stay strong. You got this.
2fo- Tell baby girl I need some more of that gumbo she made last week
Jack- 2fo, I am having a crisis. The last thing I'm focusing on is you getting fed. She probably won't feed me for a month after this smh
Jack- Or have sex with me
Quiiso- You can take a break, yall fuck like rabbits smh
Urb- Tell me about it 😒
Ace- Text us with an update in an hour
Once you had gotten upstairs, you slipped off the clothes you were wearing and put on your pink and black lingerie set, knowing that Jack was going to fold once he saw you in it.
You had a feeling that this was supposed to be some sort of prank and that PG was behind it and instantly wanted to put an end to it.
You laid down for about 45 minutes before going back downstairs and finding Jack in the same spot that you left him in.
He heard the clicking of your heels across the floor and once he looked up at you, he did a double take which made you smirk.
You promptly sat down on his lap and felt him tense up as he was trying to do his best to ignore you.
“Baby….” You said as you began to kiss down his neck and your hand immediately went to play in his beard once again.
Not getting a response out of him, you quickly decided to do something that would make him fold.
You slid off his lap and kneeled down in front of him as you undid his belt and proceeded to take off his pants as well as his boxer briefs.
He still hadn't said anything at this point as you took off your bra and slowly took him in your mouth.
Jack threw his head back in pleasure as he was doing everything in his power not to make a sound.
You released him from your mouth with a pop as it was replaced by your hands.
“I know this feels good, baby. I want to hear you.”
“Still don't want to talk?”
You took him back in your mouth and he let out a small whimper and knew that you had him right where you wanted.
Increasing your pace, you knew he was close as he held onto your neck and making sure not to mess up your hair. It would only be a matter of time before he came undone before you.
Another minute or so passed when you felt his load shoot into the back of your throat.
You continued to move him in and out of your mouth as he was riding out his high and a series of curses erupted from him.
“Shiiiiit, baby. That's my good girl. You look so pretty with me in your mouth. Keep going.”
Once you felt him release in your mouth once more, you quickly looked up at him.
“I knew you’d fold. How much did they say that they were going to give you?” You asked as he rolled his eyes as you lined yourself up with him as you sat down, making both of you moan out in pleasure.
“100 each.” Jack breathed out as your arms went around his neck.
All you did was stop abruptly, making him look at you like you were crazy as you reached over for your phone.
You- He lasted an hour and ten minutes
Quiiso- Should have known
Urb- What the? My mans is down bad smh
Ace- What the!?!?
2fo- What did you even do for him to fold?
“Baby, come on, what are you doing? Your man is in front of you wanting you to make him cum.”
“Oh, look who learned how to talk. I'm texting PG.”
“For what?”
“I know they put you up to this so I told them you only lasted for an hour and ten minutes. I'm guessing it was supposed to be all day?”
You- Yall know what I did. Sucked his dick of course. Works every time 😜
Ace- SMH
“And for ignoring me for an hour and ten minutes, you're eating me out for an hour and ten minutes.”
“You act like that's a punishment. Hurry up and ride me so we can get to it.”
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willixmsonswife · 1 year
blind date/leah williamson
*leah williamson x fem!reader *what happens if you are on a blind date and stood up by the person you were supposed to meet but a beautiful blonde comes to you rescue? *fluff ig? *1.3k words (1.7k with the bonus) .................................
My first blind date. I don't think I've ever been this nervous. Why did Beth even set me up? I didn't need it. I mean, yeah, I'm not dating anyone at the moment and I'm not good at flirting but did she have to make it that obvious and set me up with someone? I never met that girl and Beth didn't even want to tell me her name. How was I supposed to know who she was?
I sighed before I turned around on my bed, almost falling out of it. My hand reached for my phone, which was laying on the nightstand. In my stress, I dialed the first number that came to my mind. "Hello?" I almost threw my phone across the room. That was not my best friend. "Hello? Is someone there?" I had to answer now, right? "Hi. Eh it's y/n. We met like 2 weeks ago, on that event. I was there with Beth and Viv." I mentally facepalmed myself for calling HER out of all people. The women I've had a crush on for a year now, captain of the Lionesses, Leah Williamson. "Oh yeah y/n, I remember. What's up?" Was that my mind making things up or did her tone change when I said my name? It was probably nothing. "Actually I wanted to Beth. I must've dialed the wrong number sorry for disturbing you." I was about to hang up when I heard her say something. "No no, don't worry you didn't disturb me at all. I was pretty bored actually."
"Oh, okay." My response was followed by an awkward silence. "So what are you up to this evening?" Should I tell her about the blind date? Would she even be bothered to know about it? "I'm actually going on a date."
"Oh you're dating someone? I didn't know that."
"Surprised? Don't you think that people ask me out?" I chuckled as Leah searched for a plausible answer.
"Eh- I- No, I do. It's just-"
"Don't worry, it's just a stupid blind date Beth set me up for. Apparently I'm not capable of finding the 'true love' myself." That made Leah laugh and I couldn't help but join in. Her laugh was really infectious, I had to admit that. "Where does your mysterious date take you, if I'm allowed to know?"
"We're going to the new restaurant in town."
"Oh the Italian one? I only heard good things about it but you'll have to tell me if they're true once you come back."
"I will do that. Alright, I'm gonna have to hang up now. I have to get ready if I wanna be there at 9."
"Well have fun then. It was nice talking to you, maybe we could meet up in the near future?"
"Yeah I would love that. I'll let you know when I'm free. Bye Leah."
"Bye y/n."
That definitely went better than expected but now I really had to get going. I stood up and walked over to my closet. I picked a nice navy blue dress that I hadn't worn in a while and matching high heels. my makeup was done 20 minutes later and my hair only took 15. With enough time to spare, I decided to drive to the restaurant and wait for her there.
"Hi, I have a reservation at 9 under the name y/l/n."
"Ah yes. Please follow me."
I followed the nice women to our table and sat down. "Would you like to order something to drink while you wait?"
"Yes, just a water please."
And with that she left. I looked around the restaurant and tried to calm my nerves by concentrating on the decoration, the color of the walls, literally anything. I fidgeted with the rings on my fingers while I watched the door carefully as if I could miss her walking in. The waitress came back with my water but I just took one sip before placing it in front of me. The minutes passing felt like hours and I got more and more nervous. Multiple people walked in but they all sat at different tables. Every time I heard the door open, I looked up and hoped that it would be her but it never was. After a while, I looked on my phone and saw that it was already 9:45 pm. She wasn't coming. I felt the entire hope just disappearing with that realization. I got ditched by a person I didn't even know. I did my hair and makeup for nothing. I was excited and stressed for absolutely no reason. Disappointed by how the evening turned out, I leaned down to pick up my purse. That was when I heard a voice. "Sorry that I'm so late. The traffic was awful." I looked up to see the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Wait, I knew those eyes. And that blonde hair. And that voice. "Leah? What the hell are you doing here?" For a second I completely forgot my crush on her and stared at her like she was some alien from outer space. "I'm here to save your night."
"Elaborate please." I leaned back in my chair while she sat down on the one in front of me. "Well your date didn't come, did she?" I shook my head and another wave of disappointment hit me. "Definitely her loss. But anyway, I'm here now. I can't just let you sit at this table, all alone, that would be mean."
"You know when you said 'near future', I thought you meant next week or something but not tonight." She chuckled and I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, I wasn't planning this either trust me. But let's see where the night brings us, shall we?"
"Alright, fine with me."
The evening was simply amazing. Leah and I talked about everything and I felt like I was on cloud nine. The food was delicious and the three hours we spent together felt like 10 minutes. She offered to pay but I didn't accept. Instead I paid for both of our meals. As we made our way out of the restaurant, our hands brushed against each other and little fireworks erupted in my whole body. We walked side by side in a comfortable silence until we reached my car. "So this is it, right?" I turned around and looked straight in Leah's eyes. Big mistake. I could feel my cheeks turning crimson red and Leah trying to hide her cheeky smile was just a confirmation that I was blushing. "I guess so." She took a deep breath. "y/n, I really really liked talking to you and all of this felt so, so-" She searched for the perfect word but I already knew it. "Natural?"
"Exactly. That's why I would love to take you out sometime in the near future. And this time I mean next week and not tomorrow night." A big smile made its way onto my face. "I would love that."
"But how about I make it up to you."
"Make what up to me?"
"You paid, so obviously I'm going to give you something back."
"Leah I really don't want your money, I-"
"Oh don't worry, I wasn't talking about money."
Before I could say something, she leaned towards me and my brain just turned off. I felt her soft lips on mine and I instantly knew that it was going to be favorite feeling of all time. I kissed her back and arms made their way around her neck. We only parted when air became a problem but my arms stayed exactly where they were. As soon as we locked eyes and I couldn't help but notice the sparkle in hers. "That was way better than any amount of money."
"I hope so cause I was planning on doing it again." We both smiled at each other and I was sure that this evening couldn't have been any better.
"Leah are you sure that they're gonna like me?" I anxiously looked at her and she took my hands in hers. "Princess, they're going to like you just as much as I do. I have no idea how they couldn't." She squeezed my hands reassuringly and I felt a part of the nervousness leaving my body. "Alright if you say so. Then let's go." I put a smile on my face and followed Leah into the locker room. She knocked and several women answered. "Come in!" She turned to me one last time and I just nodded, not sure if I could form actual words right now. She opened the door and we stepped inside. "Hi girls, I already told you that I wanted you to meet someone very special to me. This is y/n. My girlfriend." As soon as those words left her mouth I could feel every pair of eyes on me. "Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you." Beth walked to me and engulfed me into a big hug. "Finally! I thought you'd never show yourself here, god." I laughed and hugged her back. After that, I answered a lot of questions from everyone in the room. I also got into a nice conversation with Jen and Katie. We even agreed to meet each other for lunch the next week. All of the stress that I felt before this meeting was totally unnecessary. Everyone was incredibly welcoming and they were all so nice to talk to!
After an hour or so, Leah and I left. We still had to drive home, make dinner and watch the movie she promised me earlier that day. I intertwined our fingers as we walked to the car and started talking about her teammates nonstop until we got to her car. "You were so right, I shouldn't have worried about this. Your teammates are way nicer than you're always saying."
"Oh just wait until you get to know them a bit better. You're gonna be pranked by Katie, Lia is going to spam you with messages and-"
"I absolutely don't care. I love them."
"Well I only hope that you don't love them more than me." She grinned and I couldn't help but tease her a little bit. "Ah I don't know about that. Let's see, shall we?" I got a playful slap on my shoulder in response. "I'm joking babe. I'll always love you more, more than anyone actually."
"I love you too darling."
this is my first fic on tumblr so I'd be happy about some opinions :) also, i'm taking requests if you have some
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ncis-best · 5 months
Swallow it.
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“Y/n run those reports for me” Today was like any other day, Gibbs was getting on your nerves so much that you needed a break. 12:45 came in time to go to get lunch so you got your bag and hit it for the elevator. You press the down button to the car garage, soon as the doors were bout to close a hand slide between them to stop it from closing ( get your mind out the gutter🤭).
Gibbs POV:
I was already running late for lunch, I missed breakfast today so I’ll be damn if I miss lunch. Y/n has been doing so well this week i almost thought about giving her a week off, maybe she needs it. Sitting at my desk I see y/n getting up and heading to elevator, I guess she’s getting lunch. I grab my wallet and keys and follow behind her, by time I got to her the doors was about to close but I was quick to slide my hand in between the doors to stop it,
Nobody’s POV:
The doors slide open, revealing Gibbs. Y/n smiles and slides to the right to let him which he does. The doors closed and silence was meet between them until..
“Hachoo!!” Y/n sneeze echoed through the elevator. “Bless you” Gibbs replied back while laughing. “Thank you…why are you laughing?” Y/n says with curiosity. “Your sneeze is cute” Gibbs says with a smirk on his face. Y/n felt butterflies between her legs as she smiles at his words. The doors open just in time, y/n damn near through herself out the elevator, she felt so hot standing next to him. “Y/n get a n the car” was all Gibbs said before getting in his truck. Y/n dose what he says and gets in.
Y/n POV:
Why did i even agree to this ugh omggggg. He smells so goo- “you want Chinese?” Gibbs speaks breaking your thoughts, “yeah sure” you say with a shrug.
A minute passed by and Gibbs and you are both at a booth eating and talking about almost anything that comes to mind. You never really felt so comfortable with this man, his smile, his eyes, his laugh all compliments him so well. He never fails to give that shit eating grin.
“Y/n can I tell you something?” Gibbs says while looking at his plate waiting on your response. “Yeah sure what’s up?” You respond back taking a sip of your lemonade.
“Have you ever noticed that your ass is getting fat?” WHAT!!!!!, you choked on your drink making you cough ten times harder, Gibbs gets up and pats your back making sure you’re ok. “you ok y/n?” You can tell he’s worried about what he said. “Yes I’m ok just shocked, I- I- haven’t noticed at all” you lied, you’ve noticed a couple of times, you even twerked in the mirror a couple of times just see if it moves. He looks at you while laughing a little, you smile back while laughing. You swear this man is funny when he’s not in the office. The check came and Gibbs offered to pay for you, you two head to the car and chat for a while when Gibbs gets a call. “Hold on let me take this” he walks off and answers the call, on the other hand you just sat there waiting on him to come back. 2 minutes past and Gibbs comes back, “we got a dead marine” he said while opening your door on the passenger side, “ugh again?” Every time you look up either someone is dead or Tony is flirting with someone’s mom. “Yep again” he says while turning on the truck putting it in reverse. “Don’t worry it will be over soon and who knows maybe we’ll go back to my place” you nodded at that idea, it even made you think of a little more. 
PART 2???????
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authenticmiya · 5 months
Boston - Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Summary - Based off of the song ‘Austin’ by Dasha. You were Highschool sweethearts and suddenly that all went away.
Words - 1.6k
Warnings - angst /small mention of alcohol
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“We had a plan, move out of this town, baby
West to the sand, it's all we talked about lately
I'd pack the car, bring your guitar and jane for smokin'
First thing at dawn, you'd queue the songs and we'd get goin'
But you weren't home, waited on the porch for ya
Sat there alone, all throughout the morn' 'til I
Got a hunch down in my gut and snuck around the back
Empty cans and I'll be damned, your shit was never packed”
"We hit twenty five thousand subscribers baby." Chris declared excitedly as he burst into his room. You were just chilling, awaiting the finish of the triplets' filming.
"No fucking way!" Excitedly jumping up, he embraced you into his arms.
"I'm so proud of you." You whispered, treasuring the moment as their success was very evident.
"We're gonna be in LA sooner than you think." And that was the promise you knew he'd keep. The problem was, that sentence would have the worst outcome in the future.
"Wrap around porch with a puppy?" He nodded excitedly, oh the plans you guys had ready and waiting. They had been planned for the years you'd been together.
It wasn't unknown that being around the Sturniolo household was a daily ritual. You guys were known as the 'Highschool Sweethearts'. How cliché?
"YouTube is kicking off for us and so will your music Y/N." Chris couldn't stop embracing you, excitement yet anxiety filling both of you. That was potentially the most gut wrenching memory to think about. All of the empty promises and plans.
Just like that, a couple of months had gone by. The 'Highschool Sweethearts' seemingly both on board with the thought of going back and forth to LA. They had hit just short of 500k. You had a label willing to sign you in LA. It was all falling into place and before you knew it, the days were building up to the ultimate move across the states.
"I really hope you know what decisions you're making Y/N. I feel like this is all very overwhelming and too good to be true." Your best friend declared and you looked at her funnily.
"I'm not laughing, has Chris even replied to your last eight messages about your flight tomorrow?" And come to think of it, no he hadn't. But he was definitely just busy finalising his packing, wasn't he?
"I'm going to walk to their house after I add the finishing touches to my suitcases. I tried texting Matt but he's not answering either..." Your thinking face came on immediately but quickly faded when you thought there was nothing to worry about.
"He's definitely just sorting stuff out." You muttered.
"We've been together for nearly three years, I don't think he's having doubts." Defending him again.
"I never said anything about him having doubts, that's on you." And so she left you to your own device of figuring out what really was going on with your boyfriend. She wasn't angry, of course not. However, best friends - true best friends always have the better instinct on situations regarding those they care about.
With Travis Scott blasting through your AirPods, your walk to the Sturniolo household began. It was nearing 2pm. Their parents' cars weren't in the drive once you arrived but the minivan was. You had pre-warned quite literally all three of the triplets that you were on your way over, none replied but Chris had the audacity to leave it on read.
"I'm on your porch and you're ignoring me." Sadness suddenly waved across you. What was the real reason none of them were answering?
"Chris?" You knocked on the door. After a solid 45 minutes, your heart was practically hung. There was one last option, head around the back. What a terrible option to pick, you should've just made your way home.
"What the fuck?" Mixed cans of Pepsi, BUD Light and Dr Pepper pretty much everywhere and what sounded like a Bluetooth speaker somewhere in the back yard. What hurt the most was three very familiar voices could be heard, those of whom had ignored you all damn day.
The question was, do you or do you not go in and make your hurt known to all of them?
"Y/N?" Torn from your heartbroken thoughts, Nate noticed you were there and called you out in front of everyone. Making solid eye contact with Chris, he was like a deer in headlights.
"So, this is what you guys have been up to today?" You questioned, an eyebrow quirked in confusion. If it wasn't awkward before, it definitely was now.
"I wanted to call you-" Nick began but was cut short.
"Boys night." Chris stated.
"It's 2pm Chris, hardly a boys night."
"Well we're continuing this through the night." Why was he being so blunt?
"Are you guys all packed and ready for LA at least?" The colour drained from Nicks face, Matt remained silent and Chris was damn right being rude.
"Your shits not even packed?" Everything you were saying seemed to be going over his head.
"Stop fucking ignoring me Chris!" The band had snapped but you were the one breaking.
"Are we going as a team? A couple? A fucking pair of friends? Are we going together at all?" You deemed an answer.
"Jesus Christ Y/N, I can't do this with you anymore. We're gonna be social media influencers and you're gonna jet off on world tours. We've changed, it's not gonna work." Chris' words felt like venom. The cat really had your tongue. Not to forget that he had just called you out in front of everyone both you and him cared about.
"You can't be serious..." You're too strong to cry in front of him, surely you're too strong to cry in front of him.
"Deadly." He stated coldly.
"We might be on the same flight out there but we're not jetting off to the same life like we had here." His triplet brothers were always going to side with him but they had awfully guilty looks as they watched this whole scene unfold in front of them.
"That's it? You're just going to give up on us? You've not even made it to the West Coast and LA has already gotten to your head? What about the wrap around porch?" You didn't even have it in you to stay any longer, the tears were threatening to fall and that was enough to send you running home. Chris had a flash of sadness cover his face but he quickly subsided this, not wanting to let his 'guard' down.
"There's no way that's what just happened." Nick was out of words, confused by his brother and heartbroken for you, his so called best friend.
"Well it did, let's turn up the music."
That was the last you heard from all of them. Chris unfollowing you on Instagram just before boarding your shared flight. Of course without a secure clarification of whether you to were together but it was evident now. If LA was going to be the fresh start then hitting that big red block button was also on your list. You just couldn't do it.
In the studio, a few weeks later.
"Y/N you can take five if the chorus is too much." Your manager politely offered.
"This is the verse, the sealed deal, I'm not backing out of it." You'd gotten a bigger following in a short amount of time. Having one single already teased seemed to bring you lots of attention. Writing songs based on your personal experiences were becoming both a blessing and a curse.
“Did your boots stop workin'?
Did your truck break down?
Did you burn through money?
Did your ex find out?
Where there's a will, then there's a way
And I'm damn sure you lost it
Didn't even say goodbye
Just wish I knew what caused it
Was the whiskey flowin'?
Were you in a fight?
Did the nerves come get you?
What's your alibi?
I made my way back to LA
And that's where you'll be forgotten
In forty years you'll still be here
Drunk washed up in Boston”
You’d proudly gone over your chorus multiple times very well and without tears. The first time you’d written down the lyrics and actually sang them out loud was very different. The feelings and emotions of the situation with Chris really became a reality.
“Y/N, this is gonna be one hell of a fucking hit!” Your manager screeched. Reaching LA, your genre of music was solely gonna be based on your personal preference.
“Hell of a bluff, you had me believin'
How many months did you plan on leavin'?
What happened? Bad habits?
Did you go back? Go batshit?
I loved you, how tragic, oh-oh”
After wrapping up in the studio, you headed straight home. Thankfully you were successful in renting out a 2 bedroom apartment. Of course being in the upcoming limelight was a dream come true but deep down, it was lonely. Three people completely missing out on what would be your success. After a warm bath and some listening to snippets of your single, you couldn’t help but check up on the Sturniolo’s social media’s.
Very quickly, it was a deep regret. They were ‘happy’ and it hurt like hell. Why couldn’t you have all been happy together?
“Alexa why are you fucking playing Kelly Clarkson right now?” You grew emotional, bringing your kneels to your chest as you rested in the sofa.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that.”
“Fuck you.” You muttered.
“Y/N, your song already had two million hits. They’re going to play it on the radio!” You were quick to burst into cheers and tears as your team surrounded you. Your manager silenced everyone and turned the radio up.
“Here we have the new and quite frankly, most requested upcoming artist. This is Boston by Y/N. Her song debuted just three days ago with her team telling us that she worked incredibly hard.” As the song played on the radio, it all became surreal. The small town Boston girl who had always dreamed about this, finally got her wish. One of the producers wrapped you into a hug as you began sobbing.
“You done it and you deserve it, here’s to Y/N!” That night, they had informed you that there was a party. This was all for you to celebrate not only your single, but your future to! Applying the final touches of mascara, your phone pinged.
christophersturniolo sent you a message: Boston?
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getosbunsblog · 2 years
Jealous Levi
Y’all were in his room about to watch some new ass show. You went down in his beanbag corner, face planting into your favorite one. You were exhausted. this is the fourth marathon this week.
“WAKE UP!! YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!” As he shook you. Ever since you two became closer friends he’s been stealing you and having you watch all of these shows. Not that your complaining. But sometimes it’s a bit much. “Levi, I think I should go to sleep, I’ll watch it with you tomorrow” he looked like a kicked puppy. You felt so bad. But you were exhausted. Suddenly he sat up and said “ok I will too, we can sleep in here” you chuckled “Levi you don’t ever sleep, It’ll be ok I’m just really tired” you rubbed his shoulder and exited. He blushed and watched you walk away. He tried to have fun but he couldn’t. He was utterly bored without you. Maybe he’ll check on you. Yeah. Make sure you made it down the hall safely. He started walking down the hall and creaked open your door. You were not there. “Oh my god, where did she go!!??!” He ran to mammons room because it was the closest and slammed the door open. “MC IS NOT IN HER BEDROO-“ he cut himself off when he saw you in mammons bed wrapped around him. Slightly jolted awake because of Levi. “WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM?!” He yelled. You sat up and looked at him. “Oh, He saw me walking past and called me in here for something real quick” Levi started fuming. You had time for stupid mammon but not HIM?!? Your best friend. Mammon pulled you back down “ignore him, he’s just bein Levi again” he said to you. He turned his head to meet Levi’s eyes “go to bed man, it’s like 3 in the mornin” Levi stormed out and almost gagged remembering that mammon sleeps naked. We’re you naked too. You had his shirt on though. Omg why were you wearing his shirt. Levi knew it, you didn’t see him as more than a friend. You were out fucking mammon of all people?!?
You haven’t heard from Levi for a day, unusual for him and you. You knocked in the distinct pattern you always do. No answer. You opened his door slowly and saw him in his chair. He was playing a video game without headset on. “Hey, did you not hear me?” He didn’t even turn around “no, I did. I know you’d let yourself in, you always do” he sounded mad. You sat down in your seat he got for you and sat in silence watching him for 45 minutes, till you finally asked “Levi, what’s wrong?”
He whipped his head around and glared at you “go away please” you looked shocked, usually he tells you everything. You sat up and left. No questions asked. He clearly needed to be left alone. Maybe he’s just socially overstimulated or something you decided to hang out with Beel today. But it was one of those days for Beel too. He just decided to take it out on your cunt than yell at you. He pounded you till you couldn’t even walk, you slept the rest of the day in his bed where Belphie later crawled in. Sliding his cock between your thighs. Then I’m your spent hole. Cumming in you like Beel did.
Meanwhile asmo went to check on levi and asked what’s wrong “I know it’s MC. I can sense it, don’t lieeee” his face turned red as he screamed “she fucked mammon” asmo looked at him dumbfounded and bursted into laughter “well, duh. Did you think you were the only one. She’s been with all of us” Levi turned even redder and said “SHE FUCKED ALL OF YOU BUT NOT ME?!?” Asmo again looked surprised “oh, I thought, you both had already had sex” Levi screamed “CLEARLY NOT” asmo laughed again “well did you tell her you wanted too?” Levi tilted his head “I show her my things and we talk” asmo moved his hands “yes, yes, but did you make it known you like her?” Levi then realized his error.
Levi started looking for you. All around the house. Then he made it to the twin’s room. He saw your shoes but not you. He went to the kitchen defeated. There you were sitting on the counter eating a cookie. You looked at him “oh,hey Levi-“ he cut you off “Why won’t you have sex with me?! Am I not good enough?! Huh??” You looked at him and he covered his mouth in embarrassment. “Oh, I didn’t know you liked me like this that. Anytime I would try anything you would shut me down immediately and act all weird” you felt oddly happy. “I- oh. Um” he couldn’t form words. You were right. It did look like he only wanted to be friends. “Oh did it misread you just now?” You asked “do you not like me?” He got down on his knees and clung to your leg dangling off the counter “NO! NO I DO!…..so much” he looked up realizing you had no panties on you felt him grow hard against your leg and you giggled you pushed him off gently and he landed on his butt. You could see the outline of two cocks. You spread your legs on the kitchen counter for him. “You wanna try big boy?” He scrambled up and dove into your cunt”
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livlaughloveluke · 10 months
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭- 𝐞.𝐥
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: ever since that night on the rooftop, you’ve known
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: a little cursing, brief mention of past toxic relationship, ethan being an absolute sweetheart
𝐚/𝐧- clearing out my drafts rn so im kinda posting a lot! this ones kinda short and sweet, but i think its cute 💗 also, you might want to listen to margaret by lana del rey, it will help this make sense 😭
margaret (feat. bleachers) by lana del rey
02:45 ━━━━●───── 05:40 ⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻
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ethan’s heart sunk at the sight of someone on the roof, where he normally he spent his sleepless nights, thinking alone. he cautiously approached the mysterious figure, only to find out that it was a women who looked to be around his age, dressed in a lengthy white dress, with gorgeous shimmery pearls hanging loosely around your neck. 
there was something enchanting about this moonlight. you looked incredible, despite your glossy eyes and runny mascara, which had given away the fact that you had been crying. 
“you okay?” ethan muttered, unsure of what to do or say to the dazzling young girl. you jump, startled by the presence of another person. you wipe away what was left of your mascara, trying to clean up a little.
“yeah..? yeah.” you said, the first word sounding like you were trying to convince yourself, while the second ‘yeah’ sounding more persuasive and firm.
 “wanna talk about it?” the brown eyed boy suggested, unsure where he got his confidence from. something about the stranger on the rooftop made him want to learn more. 
“well, my boyfriend just broke up with me on our 6 month anniversary. he said he was taking me out to celebrate, but ended up dumping me while we were eating, elle woods style.” you shared. 
“he sounds like a real asshole. maybe it was for the best.” ethan stated. 
“i think you’re right. he was kind of an asshole.” the girl giggled in response. 
ethan grinned, taking in her beauty as they stared at each other. 
“well, i shared my story, now what about you? why are you here tonight? your girlfriend dump you?” you jokes, although you remained curious to what he reply was.
“uhm- no, no girlfriend. i like to come out here when i cant sleep. it helps me think.” he answers, taking a deep breath of the crisp, chilly air. he approached the ledge, and sat down, legs hanging off the building. it was scary the first few times, but recently he came to enjoy it. there was something so freeing about the risks of being this high up.
you mirror his actions and sit next to him. you look at the breathtaking view, before realizing there was a much better view right beside you.
you face him to ask a question. 
“how do you know?” 
ethan tilted his head in confusion, your question was to vague for him to answer. you continue talking, giving more context.
“what if he was the love of my life? how do i know?” this time, ethan can answer your question easily.
“that’s your answer, the answer is no. if you have to ask, then he wasn’t your true love. when you know, you’ll know.” 
you just hummed in response. 
“we never properly introduced ourselves. I don’t even know your name.” you inform him.
“we don’t even know each others names, and yet i still feel closer to you than anyone else in my life.” he added, letting out a dry chuckle, trying to hide how pathetic that was.
“i feel the same. you probably know more about my feelings than any of my friends, and we’ve known each other for what, five minutes?” you added. he was relieved that you shared the same emotions as him. 
you stuck out your hand. “my name is y/n.”
ethan got the memo and reached to shake your hand. the contact made butterflies fill his stomach. “my name is ethan.” he replied.
“ethan? i would have never guessed that was your name. don’t get me wrong, i think its lovely, but you look more like a conner to me.” 
ethan laughed at your comment, and swiftly formed a response. “conner? really? i think i look more like an axel.” 
“i could see that i guess, but all i can think about when i hear the name axel is this kid who bullied me in second grade.” you giggle.
“you were bullied by a kid named axel?” he teases. 
“yes!! and every day he would tell the teacher on me for something I didn’t even do!! and worse, the teacher believed him!” you were now full blown laughing, along with ethan who was starting to really enjoy talking to you.
you and him continued chatting a little longer, asking basic questions, but you wanted more. you wanted to know the real ethan.
“im tired of all these simple questions. lets go more in depth. for starters, if you only had one day left to live, would you tell anyone? why or why not?” you ask him. 
“woah. to be honest, i don’t think i would tell anyone until the end of the day, you know? why ruin your last day alive by being constantly pitied, if you could spend it happily with the people you love most?” he announced, and you nodded your head in agreement.
“now i ask you something. if were getting murdered, and got to choose the way you were killed, what would you pick?”
“wow, that took a turn. i would probably choose to get poisoned. its not painful really, and its pretty quick. just don’t poison me with bleach. i hate the smell of it.” you declared. 
this caused you both to start laughing again, to the point where your stomach hurt. after your giggle fest, your exhaustion got the best of you, and you yawned, sleepily. your actions did not go unnoticed by ethan, and he decided to call it a night. he helped walk you home, making sure to keep you safe. 
you talked the whole way home, mainly about your music taste. he was into the alternative indie kinda music, and you bonded over a few artists. then, you reached your dorm. you exchanged numbers, none of you wanting this relationship to end.
for the next week, you texted each other constantly, giving song recommendations, and just learning about one another in general. you figured out you both went to blackmore university, and took a few of the same classes. you were surprised you hadn’t seen him before, but then again, two weeks ago you weren’t looking. 
you were supposed to meet him on the rooftop again tonight. this time however, you wouldn’t be caught sulking in a dress. you changed into a more comfortable, yet gorgeous look.
eleven pm rolled around, and you headed up to the roof. ethan was already waiting for you, a bouquet of tulips in his hands. he handed them to you, and you couldn’t hold your smile back. 
“how’d you know these were my favorite?!” you  questioned him. 
“you’re mentioned it a couple times. i researched the meaning, and it turns out they symbolize growth and new beginnings, which i thought was perfect, because of your recent relationship ending and uh i-“ 
you cut him off with a hug, holding the flowers off to the side, not wanting to crush them. you pull apart so you could face him when talking. 
“they’re beautiful, eth. I can’t believe you put so much effort into them.” you informed him.
your ex boyfriend was a total dickhead, who never really cared. you weren’t sure if he even got you flowers once in your relationship. it was new having someone that cared, and the feeling of being truly loved was definitely not unwelcome. 
you both sat on the edge and started babbling like last time. 
“you know who i’d think you’d like? faye webster. she’s really good, and while she’s well known, she’s definitely underrated.” you blurt out. 
“I’ll listen to her tonight. whats your spotify?” he asks. you share your account and both follow eachother. he starts scrolling through your playlists and reviewing them. 
“taylor swift? really, y/n? i thought you were better than this.” he sarcastically says. you act offended, before retorting back. 
“taylor swift is so good! she’s popular for a reason. maybe you just haven’t heard the right album. i feel like you would like evermore or folklore.” he shakes his head, disapprovingly. he claimed he would never listen to one of her songs. (he spent 2 hours that night listening to the albums you suggested)
eventually, it got late and he started walking you home. out of the blue, he asked you an important question. 
“would you maybe want to go out with me one night? officially?” he managed to stutter out. 
“i’d love to, eth.” you respond. 
you had never really been completely sure of something, but that night you knew one thing. you were in love with ethan landry.
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