#i just went “eh might as well. it's just a placeholder” and oh how wrong i was :)
melverie · 8 months
Hii! candy here coming back from the dead, how you doing Mel?
could I maybe get answears to 02 from general info and 01 from concept and design about Marchosias??
Candy!!! Welcome back!! Ngl I was sad when I saw you deactivated your blog, but it's great to see you back! 💚💚💚
I'm doing pretty well overall, I hope it's the same for you 💚
And hell yeah, of course you can!
⸺ GENERAL INFO 02 ⸺ Do they have a nickname?
Initially it was meant to just be a placeholder name until I figured out if I wanted her to have a pact with Solomon or not (her name is Marchosias, so they do have one lol), but a friend and I grew so attached to calling her 'Maze' that I just made it her nickname
⸺ CONCEPT AND DESIGN 01 ⸺ How often do you think about them in a day?
That question is so funny, it makes it sound like she has left my mind even once :)
No, but in all seriousness, I think about her......a little too much maybe lol. Plus every once in a while I have weeks where I just debate how I want to do a certain aspect of her character, backstory and so on. The first thing I struggled with was giving her a proper name, because I wasn't too sure if I wanted her to have a pact with Solomon at first. And once I finally settled on letting her have one, I suddenly had to figure out how to handle Marchosias being described as a fallen angel in demonology when I originally wanted her to be demon-born
The funny thing is, I already started thinking about her way before I even decided to turn her into an OC because of @today-in-the-devildom. I always kind of headcanoned that the blog actually exists in-universe (which is why I at some point slightly rebranded it to be part of RAD's Newspaper Club), and while writing more and more entires I started to shape the personality of the writer who--surprise--is now her!
-> to the ask game -> to all asks about Marchosias
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 years
3. Do you have any upcoming WIPs? How far along are you with them? + 4: Tell me about one of your abandoned WIPs. Why did you abandon it? + 5: Share a snippet that you’re proud of from an upcoming fic/chapter. + 17: What has been the proudest moment for you so far since you started writing? ---- Sorry, i am very curious :D
Thanks for asking! Questions are from this list, if anyone wants to send any more!
3. Do you have any upcoming WIPs? How far along are you with them?
The two I’m currently focusing on out of my sea of WIPs are what I’m calling the ‘twin bastard WIPs’: aka, the grotesque fic and ‘variations on a redemption arc 1′. I’m calling them that because they’re both similar despite being in different fandoms. They’re both about the same length, they both deal with dark themes (including torture, always fun), there’s a lot of overwrought emotional conversations - and I was having the same problems with them. Specifically, I’d put them aside and let myself get distracted by other works and then when I picked them back up I would have like...the same series of revelations every single time. Like, ‘oh I should do this and this, and THIS is the real motivation for this character behind the mask.........wait I’ve already done this.’ So I decided to just focus on these two until they were finished, which is going...umm...okay.  (There was not a ‘variations on a redemption arc 2′ when I made this pledge and then wrote three pages of it in a notebook...)
I would say I should be done with both by the end of the summer? Hopefully? well, the grotesque fic has a deadline now and I’m making good progress on the other (though I have fight scenes left to write blegh I always procrastinate writing fight scenes).
4. Tell me about one of your abandoned WIPs. Why did you abandon it?
I rarely consider WIPs abandoned. Either they were never really WIPs to begin with, just snippets of ideas and dialogue I had no intention of expanding on in the first place, indulgent scenes I just wrote for myself, or I still have hope to finish them. Two slightly longer ones though that I would call abandoned:
- last year to combine a whumptober prompt with a bad things happen bingo square (hunting season + surrender) I started a Star Wars fic but the worldbuilding never came together and I subsequently learned there’s an arc of The Clone Wars that did almost the same thing (one day I will actually watch The Clone Wars....it is not this day, though I do have a friend who might bully me into it soon) so I just scrapped it.
- I had another earlier version of the ‘Team Revengers on the Ark’ type semi-episodic fic, but I ended up pilfering some individual scenes for ‘pain and other human sensations’ and I ended up liking where I went with that a lot better (even for things that didn’t affect the larger series plot, like the Grandmaster’s return) and never really cared to go back and continue this version
5. Share a snippet that you’re proud of from an upcoming fic/chapter.
from ‘variations on a redemption arc 1′
“You’ll let him die?”
The thought of it leaves him momentarily breathless. But he still says, “Yes. I would let him die a Jedi.”
Silence falls between them. Qui-Gon expects Dooku to leave. But he doesn’t.
“I cannot deny,” Dooku says after a few minutes of quiet. The roar of pain has dulled to a steady throb. “That once I would perhaps have answered as you did. That I would have perhaps had the sense of honor to let you die rather than fall. But I have watched too many Jedi cut down in service of a mission that failed long ago, and I will do it again.”
file this under, ‘willing to put up with writing 3 separate fight scenes because I am in love with this one exchange’
[additional note: the second ‘variations on a redemption arc’ isn’t actually a sequel but just another fic along the same lines, with some divergences, which is why I really want to finish this one first, because first of all I keep getting distracted and losing track of the complicated emotional and political motivations, but I also don’t want to mix up themes since they’re taking place at very different narrative points. it’s just a funny placeholder title haha, because the other day I was like ‘wait isn’t this just another variation on the same narrative’ and then was like ‘eh, two cakes’]
not from the grotesque fic, but the conclusion to an accidental trilogy about ghosts and hallucinations:
“You see, in this I preferred the old Thor. He’d spare me these sorts of conversations, bury it down deep and act as if nothing’s wrong.”
Thor’s gaze is level. “You’re asking me to act like nothing’s wrong?”
“Yes.” Loki would vastly prefer never to have this conversation. He’d much prefer that Thor dismiss any of his new oddities as simple quirks and let him suffer in silence until it all fades. He turns back to his counting. 5…10…15…20…
“I know you’d prefer to avoid this talk, but see, that’s what got us in this mess in the first place, brother.” Thor sounds weary. “I let you suffer in silence until it didn’t fade, until it all blew up in my face. And you ask me to do it again? To repeat history?”
Loki stops counting cans. He was certain that he had not said any of that out loud. He turns and opens his mouth, but before he can demand an explanation, Thor says, “How’s the inventory coming?”
Only the Thor he was looking at hadn’t said anything, and the voice came from behind him.
Loki turns. Thor stands in the doorway, looking at him with an innocent smile on his face. Loki glances back to the crate where his brother had been perched. It is empty. He turns back to the Thor in the doorway, face feeling very cold and something unpleasant in his stomach. “What?”
“How’s the inventory coming?” Thor asks, a bit slower this time.
This was just the first piece I wrote of this conclusion, still far from making any decent progress on it but I like it!
17. What has been the proudest moment for you so far since you started writing?
Tie between 1) any jokingly angry comment (like obviously not any actual nasty comments but the ones where people are like HURTS SO GOOD) 2) actually scratch that, when I finally got the first ‘you’re disgusting’ comment on one of my extremely rare actual Thorki fics, I was pretty proud of that too 3) any time I get to a place where I read back a fic of my that I’ve posted that hasn’t gotten a ton of comments or kudos and I’m like ‘hell yeah this is fire, I don’t care if the readers don’t appreciate you, fic, I appreciate you’. Which might sound sort of full of myself but it’s always a nice place to get to where it’s like...hey the validation is nice but also I just really like this work. wrote it for an audience of one, me, and me is happy so that’s a win.
Feel free anyone to send more asks! I will theoretically answer them at some point this evening as procrastination from actually writing
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brydigdraws · 5 years
Goblin Week Day 1
Another year, another Goblin Week! Unfortunately, this particular week will be very busy for me so I’m unsure if I can actually do all seven days.
For now, though, please enjoy this short snippet about my goblins Rzekamien’s (originally made for D&D 5e) and Loc’s (originally made for a modified version of WH40K: Rogue Trader) first meeting (you can find out more about them by checking their respective tags on this blog). Please bear in mind that I’m not really a writer, and that this is a first draft and thus contains a few placeholder names and such.
It was an ordinary day as far as Rzekamien was concerned. The sun was shining through the trees, the birds sang their songs, and the wind was but a pleasant breeze. He liked it that way.
He sat in his cottage, writing in detail about the anatomy of the Etruscan shrew, referencing a skull sitting in front of him on the desk. He wasn't a published author or anything of the sort, nor did he wish to be. And even if he so wished, books written in Goblin weren't exactly in demand (not that he couldn't write in other languages - he was, in fact, quite the polyglot, but he held a certain fondness for his mother tongue). He simply wrote for himself, present and future. He also had a knack for illustration, at least given a reference. The sketches were scattered all throughout the book, complimenting texts about various plants, animals and fungi. This was volume twenty. He had opened a window to appreciate the ambient sounds it let in. For now, the forest was calm.
It was decidedly not an ordinary day for Loc. He was travelling through the galaxy at several times the speed of light, desperate to shake off his pursuers. He hadn't done anything wrong, really. Scavenging wasn't technically illegal, and how could he possibly have known that the wreckage of the huge ship that hadn't given off a single sign of activity for hundreds of years still, some-fucking-how, had survivors on it? Really aggressive, possessive survivors. With fully functional mini ships to chase his poor ass for way longer than was reasonable. He really wasn't the one in the wrong here.
Loc was quite a skilled pilot, but his ship could only go so fast, despite its small size. As he performed some impressive void acrobatics to stall for time, he also checked the radar for any planet that may be safe to land on.
Gas, gas, too cold, too hot...
After a while he came upon one with not only a survivable temperature, but also solid ground and breathable air.
He headed straight for it, but just as he was about to enter the atmosphere, one of his pursuers finally managed to hit him with a projectile. As the error messages filled up the monitor, he did his best to regain control of the brakes to cushion the inevitable crash.
As though someone had snapped their fingers, the calm of the forest had come to an abrupt stop. Rzekk jumped at the sudden sound of branches breaking and trees falling not far from his home, quickly followed by a deafening boom. It was no longer an ordinary day.
After calming himself down a bit, Rzekk looked out the window to try to see what possibly could have caused so much noise and destruction. All he was met with was a tower of smoke beyond the trees - at least he didn't smell fire. He contemplated whether he should go and take a proper look; someone might have been seriously hurt, and he was a healer after all (not by choice, mind you, just came with the whole druid schtick). Then he remembered all the times curiosity had nearly killed him, and decided it was none of his business. It was probably just a powerful spell an incompetent spell caster had tried their hands at, or something of the sort. That was their own fault, and they'd have to deal with the consequences themselves - that's part of becoming competent. He went back to studying the skull.
Loc groaned. It was a rough landing, to say the least. But he did seem to still have all his limbs intact, thanks to his airbag suit. It looked absolutely ridiculous when inflated, but had played a big part in the drastic reduction of the amount of spaceship accident-related deaths in the last 20 years.
He pressed a small button to deflate the suit, and examined himself in the rear view mirror. Just some bruising, it seemed. ... Maybe internal bleeding? Oh, and definitely a headache. His bones seemed whole, at least.
He stepped outside on wobbly legs, and groaned anew when he saw that his ship now looked more like a pile of scrap than something he had spent 20.000 zilcons on. He put a caring hand against the hull.
"Don't worry, baby, Daddy's gonna fix you right up! Just stay put." And so he was on his wobbly way, hoping to find an engineering guild. Maybe a pharmacy, for some painkillers. When he was some hundred meters away, the engine exploded.
Rzekamien was once again interrupted, this time by a loud knock on the door. Visitors were very rare this deep in the woods, so it did surprise him. But more than that, it annoyed him. He had been in the zone, and that knock knocked him right out of it. He was just about to ignore his visitor and get back to work, when they knocked again. And again. And again and again and his ears hurt. He sighed and went to open the door.
Before him stood a... goblin? He thought so, at least. They were about a head taller than himself, with blue-tinted, green skin, and big ears. However, he had never seen a goblin with such a nose before - it reminded him more of a bat's. And those clothes, they were made of materials he had never seen. The goblin's hair was as pink as lyre flowers - no dye he knew of was capable of such a rich, bright colour. ... Where the fuck did this person come from?
"Hey! I'm Loc, from star system LX-933-B. Nice to meet you!" The stranger stretched out a hand in greeting. Rzekk looked at the hand, then back to their face, then back to the hand. He really didn't want to touch it, but still did so reluctantly, for a lack of better alternatives. He retracted his hand immediately upon feeling the stickiness of the stranger's palm, and let out a small croak of disgust.
"Oh, sorry, forgot to retract the hairs. ... So, what's your name?" Rzekk didn't answer, he just looked at his unwelcome visitor suspiciously. He couldn't see behind their extremely dark-tinted goggles, which actually helped him sell the illusion that he was looking them in the eyes.
"Not much of a talker, eh? That's okay. Anyway, I just, uh, happened to crash here, so I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the nearest engineering guild? Oh, and do you have any pain killers? ... It wasn't a very pleasant landing, y'see." He laughed awkwardly. "Sorry, I'm asking for a lot here." (he really wasn't) "I could give you something for the trouble? Not sure what, though, I didn't have much on me to begin with, and I'm not sure how much is whole at this point." With every word, Rzekk grew more and more confused. He knew five languages, and had heard pretty much all others on the planet enough times that he could easily recognise them. But whatever this person was spewing? He didn't have a clue. Loc noticed the confusion in his eyes and came to a halt.
"Oh, don't tell me... Your planet's that backwards? You don't have translators? You know, those chips installed in your ears? You don't have those? Oh boy, have you even made contact with the rest of the outside universe yet? What about your technology? Do you even know what velcro is? What-" Loc got interrupted by a sudden coughing fit, which made Rzekamien jump backwards in surprise. It was so violent one could think his heart would jump out of his throat at any moment. When the coughing finally stopped, Loc noticed the blood on his hands, and felt it trickle down his chin. He wiped it off unceremoniously. Rzekamien just stared at him in disbelief.
"Ohh, shit. I'm worse off than I thought, huh? Hey, is it alright if I crash here? I'm not... I'm not feeling very well." And that's all he managed to say before he went limp and collapsed before Rzekamien's feet. After trying his best to process what had just played out in front of him, Rzekamien begrudgingly dragged his unconscious body inside (he was a healer, after all). Ordinary days as he knew them would never come again.
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been a while lmao i swear i’ve been trying to keep up, but we’re in the middle of a big move and whoopsies
I’d never considered myself “boy crazy.” I mean, I had, of course, had my fair share of ill-advised and slightly obsessive crushes, but I’d never thought I crossed the line separating crazed and captivated. Two months ago however, I’d began to wonder just how accurate that was. 
C/N fell into the seat next to me, pressing his side against mine. It was a thing he did often, a way to calm himself, I knew. Though he liked to pretend it was because he had to compensate for not being able to kiss me. 
Maybe it was both. 
“Hey,” he smiled at me. A smile I fell for every time he used it. 
I kissed his cheek, widening both our grins. “Hi.” 
As the lunch table filled up with our friends and conversation lifted to matters not really concerning me, I let myself remember two months earlier. 
I had had two major “crushes”--C/N and James--both frighteningly different. For one, C/N had the whole “asshole who cares” thing going for him, while James was just an ass. Plain as that. And then there was my “type”. I’d only ever found myself interested in unbearably attractive guys, and James was possibly the most maddeningly perfect boy I’d ever laid eyes on. Warm honey hair, bright blue eyes, a smile that could end wars. And don’t get me started on his athletic build... 
C/N, though? Well, he wasn’t exactly ugly. He had a great smile, bright eyes. Tall and strong, he was just a head above me. But he wasn’t anything special, really. Completely average--in fact, some people might call him under average. At least, compared to James. 
I had no idea why I was so attracted to him and why all I ever wanted to do was sit with him. Talk to him. Be with him. The only theory I could muster up was the way he could tease me endlessly, but still cared about the smallest things that might hurt me. .  
So, when C/N asked me out one day as we were leaving school, with little hesitation I agreed. And our relationship had only grown from there.  
C/N’s hand covered mine under the table, drawing my attention up to his vivid eyes. “You okay?” he whispered to me. He was smiling, leading off of some stupid joke the others were still chuckling at, but his eyes were concerned. I could tell. 
I pushed my side closer to him, not bothering to contain my grin. “I’m great, thanks.” He squeezed my hand. 
“It’s cause I’m holding your hand, isn’t it?” C/N smirked. 
“Eh...” I shrugged and bit my lip. “No. Not at all.” 
He raised his eyebrows, feigning shock. “Wow, you don’t hold back do you?”
With a few chuckles, we both joined the group’s conversation. 
The lunch hour passed quickly, carried by light conversation and inside jokes. As I threw out my trash and prepared to walk to my next class with C/N--we were lucky to have three classes together--I felt a light hand on my shoulder. I was surprised to see the person behind me.
“Hey, Y/N.” James tucked his hands into his pockets. He wore his signature smile.
James and I had mutual friends, but he had never really sat with our group regularly enough to be considered a part of it. Pair that with my deathly fear of attractive men and you can easily imagine how awkward the following conversation went. 
“Oh, hey.” 
My feelings for James had disappeared after just my first date with C/N, but it was still oddly exciting talking to him. He was, after all, the closest our small town had to a local legend.
But truthfully, I hadn’t had a thought about him in weeks. 
“How have you been?”
“Good...” I paused. “You?”
“Great. The season’s going amazing.” 
I offered him a small smile, nodding. “Great.” 
Why did he come up to me? It wasn’t like we had some unresolved conflict or any past that might warrant this. So why? 
“So I’ll see you soon, yeah?” He offered with a shrug. 
“Um, yeah.” I suppressed a chuckle at how awkward the interaction had been as James walked away and as I joined my boyfriend back at our lunch table, I knew I was happy how those two crushes had turned out.
Two weeks had passed, and James had formed a pattern of coming up to me just as I was cleaning up my spot at the table. Our conversation, though still shallow as hell, had fallen into a comfortable rhythm and I had come to enjoy the small chat we made by the trash can in the school cafeteria. 
C/N hadn’t mentioned anything about it to me, but he had begun waiting for me at a table closer to us. And I caught him glaring at James a few times, but every time I brought it up he’d smile, shake his head, and promise me it was nothing. 
So one day, when James had been especially friendly, even bordering flirting--though I quickly shut him down--and went in for a hug after the conversation ended, C/N was right there to grab my arm and lead me away. 
“Sorry, man, we gotta go.” C/N said, his forced smile nearing a sneer pointed in the other boy’s direction. He brought us into the hallway outside of the cafeteria, into a solitary corner. 
“C/N!” I almost laughed at how ridiculous he was being. “It’s fine, calm down.” 
He let go of my arm, not that he had been gripping it tightly, and ran a hand through his hair. “He was making a pass at you, Y/N.” 
“I know.” He shot me an annoyed look. “But I wasn’t reciprocating it!” 
“Do you think that matters to him?” C/N threw his hands up in the air, almost frantic. “All he cares is that you let him do it.”
“I let him do it?” I scoffed. “C/N, I never ‘let’ him do anything. He was flirting with me, I didn’t flirt back. However he takes that is out of my control, but I didn’t give him anything to say it was okay.” 
He stared at me, silent for a moment. “So don’t get mad at me when I tell him it isn’t.”
C/N and I didn’t talk much for the rest of the day. We’d decided as we walked to class that it was just a fight and nothing to let come between us. And though we both agreed, we were still a little annoyed with each other. 
But as we were walking out of the school in silence and James came running up to me I knew there was more to come of the topic. 
“Hey, Y/N,” he smiled at me, “C/N.” The two exchanged curt nods. 
“Hi, James.” I offered a small smile. 
“So,” James stepped forward. Closer to me than I liked. “do you need a ride home?” 
“No. She doesn’t.” 
James rocked back on his heels. He shot a glare at C/N. “And why don’t you let her answer for herself?” He bit his lip as he turned back to me. “Y/N?”
I shook my head. “C/N’s going to take me home.” 
He smirked. “You don’t have to go with him though, babe. I’m sure I’m much more fun.” More fun? Oh my God how sleazy was this boy? 
C/N took a step forward, nearly coming in front of me. But I stopped him before he could. “Actually,” I glared up at James, much shorter than him but hoping my stare was at least somewhat intimidating. “I’m pretty sure you’re not. So if you could leave us both alone from now on, that’d be great.”
James frowned, his lips turning into a snarl. “You weren’t that hot anyways. Too fat.” 
I rolled my eyes, grabbed C/N’s hand--his hand that was about to slug James in the face-- and walked us to his car. Once we were both seated and the heat running, C/N turned to me. “I’m sorry.” 
I grabbed his hand. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have been as nice if I knew why he was talking to me.” 
He shook his head. “No, no. It’s not your fault. I should have trusted you could take care of it. I mean that out there was...”  He chuckled, shaking his head. 
I smiled and squeezed his hand. “It’s okay. I’m sure if there was a girl trying to jump your bones I’d be pretty worried too.” 
C/N shook his head. “No, you would have trusted me. I should have trusted you. I just got scared.” 
Scared? “Of what?”
He sighed. “It’s not a big thing, okay? We don’t need to talk about it.” 
I shifted forward in my seat. I was nearly sitting on the center console of C/N’s car, my face close to his. “I want to, though.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to”--
“C/N!” I laughed, grabbing both his hands in mine. “If you apologize one more time for opening up to me I will kill you. And then I’ll never know what you’re scared of.” I paused. “Plus I’ll probably end up in jail which would be unfortunate.” 
He rolled his eyes teasingly. “I hate you.” 
With a soft smile I brought his face to turn to mine. “What’s wrong?”
“Look...” he pulled his hands away from mine, running one through his hair. “I know I’m not the most attractive guy”--
I frowned. “C/N”--
“Y/N, if you don’t shut up I’ll have to kill you.” He smiled at me, endearing and oh-so-captivating. 
“Fine. But know that I find you intoxicating so shut the hell up.” 
C/N chuckled and grabbed one of my hands. His thumb traced patterns in my palm absentmindedly. “There are guys more attractive, funnier, kinder, and just better than me in every way. And James is one of those guys. In fact, there are plenty of those guys at this school which is just annoying.” He chuckled again, but quickly sobered up. His eyes were focused on our hands. He was afraid to meet my gaze. “I... I guess I was afraid that you would see James was interested in you and...” C/N’s eyes flicked up to mine. His face was beet red, and he looked so small in this moment. “realize you could have him instead. Have anyone instead.”
It was at that moment I shook my head, unlocked my car door and walked out. 
“Y/N? What are you”--
I marched over to C/N’s door and threw it open. I climbed inside, straddling his waist as I sat. Throwing my arms around his neck, I pulled him close to me. 
“You, C/N, are not a placeholder for me. I’m not with you because I’m waiting for someone ‘better’ to come around or because I’m bored. I’m with you because you make me happy.” 
“Y/N, seriously. You don’t have to do this.” C/N’s eyes looked red, as if he might cry. I personally was nearing tears.  
“I want to.” I sighed. “The truth, C/N? James is attractive. There was a time before we got together I was interested in him. In fact, if he gave me half this much attention three months ago I’d probably be a ‘wooed’ mess lying on the floor.
“But that didn’t happen. He didn’t notice me. And I couldn’t give a crap if he does now. Because two months ago, you asked me out. And may I tell you I’d had a thing for you for a while too, so don’t go thinking this” I swung a finger between us “started because I was bored. We’re together now because you make me laugh and you can make fun of me when I’m being stupid and can tease me while still loving me. We’re together because I love you and if you were to leave me, I’d be a mess. I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to. And that’s the end of my ‘you’re great’ rant so shut the hell up and fricking kiss me.” 
C/N didn’t hesitate to crush my lips with his. We’d kissed many times, but this was different. We’d never had so much passion, so much tension waiting to be cut.
When we’d decided air might be essential to our survival, we finally broke apart. 
“I love you so fucking much,” C/N whispered against my lips. 
“You better,” I chuckled against his. 
Not my best work but I think the ending’s cute so 
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Never Write A Horror Story in Phone Texts, The Noatak Horror (part 4/Final)
Story under readmore for length, titles are not official just sarcastic placeholders
(Phone call to Elisi’s phone from Nadia twelve hours later)
Elisi: Yeah?
Nadia: Hi, it’s me. Just checking in.
Elisi: (not in the mood for nonsense) What’s your plan?
Nadia: Well, first of all, how are you recovering?
Elisi: Recovered. But now I’m worried.
Nadia: Is everything okay at the house?
Elisi: No. We’re basically stuck here. The frograt statues have been spotted closer and closer to the house, and I’m spying small minkholes everywhere. And I’m sure now they’re not dug by minks. More neighbors have been attacked or have seen even bigger frograts slinking around. Some are fleeing the area best they can, either going to the village proper or heading south towards the borough seat. The only way out of here is by plane, which can only leave one at a time due to the rough air space. So now I have a village with people in panic, desperately trying not to alert anyone on the internet or otherwise, and trigger happy neighbors on public land who heard about blood-drained Mr. Warren. So...
Nadia: I see. I’m really sorry. If everything was okay with the gyre tunnels...
Elisi: True, wouldn’t be a problem. The tunnels are infested. I can’t even get word further south that something might be wrong.
Nadia: Let me handle that, then. So, other than the distress, your family is okay?
Elisi: My family and the villagers? Yeah, physically, we’re all okay.
Nadia: Alright, good to hear. So, the plan.
Elisi: Yes, please.
Nadia: The Evlakeel thrive in cold climates and temperatures. Putting her somewhere warm will slow her down and possibly kill her. So, the plan is to try and teleport her somewhere warmer than Alaska.
Elisi: That’s a lot of places. Plus, if she survives, you’re basically making her someone else’s problem.
Nadia: Not if I kill her.
Elisi: Whoa. ....you serious?
Nadia: (chuckles) You think I shouldn’t, after you yelling at me this morning?
Elisi: I mean, yes, completely in favor of it, it’s just... that doesn’t sound like you. You couldn’t even kill Gunmar at Killahead.
Nadia: (sighs a “not this shit again” sigh) The point of Killahead was exile, not death. Even the Sword of Daylight couldn’t kill Gunmar. We had to put him in a bridge because killing him wasn’t possible.
Elisi: Right.
Nadia: It’s different this time. Saomara has a clear weakness. And I don’t think there’s anywhere in Alaska we can lure her to that’s warm enough to slow her down.
Elisi: Also right.
Nadia: So, my plan is to teleport her closer to the equator. Any children born in her new location couldn’t survive at all, and she’ll succumb to it. Then, we’ll be able to slay her.
Elisi: Okay, then, that’s a good enough plan. Where exactly are you taking her so we can warn anyone close by what’s about to happen?
Nadia: Arcadia.
Elisi: ...
Nadia: I’ve contacted the Trollhunter and told him of what’s about to happen. He’s ready to help.
Elisi: I would have said like Hawaii or a volcano troll’s layer where it’s... y’know... hotter?
Nadia: Like you said, wherever I take her she will become another area’s problem. I thought it was best to take her to the deadliest presence would guarantee her blight won’t spread.
Elisi: Um. You’ve met the Trollhunter, right?
Nadia: Yes.
Elisi: Jim Lake?
Nadia: Junior.
Elisi: Fifteen year old human kid.
Nadia: Sixteen.
Elisi: I’m gonna be honest. I have zero faith in the kid to be able to handle this.
Nadia: He’s a great Trollhunter, Elisi. He has a good heart, a foot in both worlds, and he’s been proven capable various times he’s answered the call.
Elisi: Alright, I’m still too tired to argue. But, I’ll come along to help. I get the feeling you’ll need all the help you can get.
Nadia: Yes.
Elisi: And Alora? Heard from her?
Nadia: Not for twelve hours. She was texting all through our phone conversation. I want to teleport her out of that nest first, but if Saomara or her whelps are touching her, they’re going to get teleported too. I’ve texted her to send a signal when she’s ready to go, but... nothing.
Elisi: Alright. I say do it. Find a secluded, secure spot and use the spell to call her to you.
Nadia: Already on it. I have to say, the Anchorage Trollmarket is oddly charming and everyone here is completely ready to accommodate.
Elisi: Wait... where are you, right now?
Nadia: Anchorage Trollmarket.
Elisi: When...? HOW?!
Nadia: Six hours ago. Gyre. I’ve told the elder to close the tunnels from Noatak, so they don’t use those to come further south.
Elisi: I don’t even--
Nadia: (happy chirp) I said I’d handle it.
Elisi: Still, I don’t know if that will stop them. The hatchlings are all digging tunnels around the gyre routes.
Nadia: At least we’ve cut off the path of least resistance. And once Alaska gets the Midnight Sun, the hatchlings should be dying in droves. Wait, do you get Midnight Sun in your area?
Elisi: Yeah, later in the month. It’s a good point. Okay, so you’ve got a spot set up for the teleport.
Nadia: Yes. I’m going to do it right now. I have swordsmen waiting outside the door should I bring Saomara or any hatchlings with me.
Elisi: Okay. I’ll leave you to it. Give me a call back when you’re done, alright?
Nadia: Will do. Talk to you soon.
Elisi: Good luck, Nadia. I’ll be waiting for your call.
(They hang up)
(Ten minutes later, Nadia sends a photo to Elisi’s phone. It’s a selfie shot of her and a very mauled and bloody Alora barely hanging on to consciousness but smiling and giving a peace sign with her only surviving arm. She’s just a head, one arm and torso; everything else has been ripped off and eaten.)
Nadia: (texts afterward) All went well. No incident. Alora’s being taken to a bone mender to rest. I’m exhausted but I’ll call you in a second.
(Call from Elisi’s phone to Nadia’s the second after the photo and text.)
Nadia: Calm down, she’ll be fine and regenerating once she gets some rest.
Nadia: (doesn’t answer)
Elisi: (sighs as she tries to calm down) Listen, I... I don’t blame you. You were just doing as she told you. It’s just... we really could have lost her.
Nadia: Elisi, she’s okay now. She’ll recover in time. Let’s focus on the one that did this to her.
Elisi: (growls) Oh, you bet I’m doing that right now...
Nadia: If the hatchlings are digging tunnels all over the reserve, that nest could be anywhere. Alora’s asleep now, so she won’t be able to tell us where.
Elisi: I’m not worried about that at all. We get her to come to us.
Nadia: How?
Elisi: She found us in the tunnels when the gyre crashed. Those massive amounts of hatchlings gave away our position to her. All we have to do is wait in a good spot and signal to the hoard where we are, and she’ll come running. It’s not a perfect plan, but it’s better than attempting to hunt her down.
Nadia: I agree. The Trollmarket here does have a lot of research material for me to work with. Once I knew what I was looking for, information on the Evlakeel was easy to gather. So, they are ambush hunters, and also are smart enough to spot and craft traps. Until Alora wakes up, I can’t figure out how smart Saomara truly is. If we set a trap, she may recognize it and act accordingly.
Elisi: What I’m hearing is, we need more time to figure out what to do.
Nadia: On my end, yes. The teleportation spell took a lot out of me, so I need to recover my magic. Alora will be asleep for a while, so she won’t be much help. Where are you right now? At home?
Elisi: Yes.
Nadia: Okay. If you want, you can start exterminations, attempt to take a census on the hatchlings, locate the nest, or help your town. You don’t have to stand around and wait for us, just don’t do anything rash.
Elisi: Okay. I’ll start figuring out how to take this plague down a notch or two. You two rest up. Call or text if you need anything at all.
Nadia: Eh-heh. That reminded me. Alora cussed me out saying that my calling her phone got her found out when she was hiding in the tunnels. Which was how she got caught and taken to the nest. Maybe put your phone on vibrate?
Elisi: Duly noted. When she wakes up, ask her what happened and how I might have wound up outside.
Nadia: Alright. I’ll go rest and take care of Alora. Be careful out there, Elisi.
Elisi: I know the entire reserve. I’ll be alright. Again, lemme know if anything happens or comes up.
Nadia: The same for you. Take care, sister.
Elisi: You as well, sister. Rest up. Talk to you soon.
Nadia: Talk to you soon.
(They both hang up)
(Text from Elisi’s phone to Nadia’s phone six hours later.)
Elisi: I can’t stay awake. Fol is keeping guard. I’ll call again in a few hours.
Nadia: Okay. Stay safe, sister. I’ll update you when you call.
(Elisi’s phone calls Nadia’s phone six hours from the text.)
Elisi: Hey, how are you?
Nadia: Refreshed. Alora’s awake too, fully regenerated but her legs aren’t working yet. (pause) ...she wants to talk to you, is that alright?
Elisi: Yeah, put her on.
Alora: (once the phone is passed to her) Sup nerd? You alive?
Elisi: (sigh of relief) I honest to God thought we lost you.
Alora: I’ll admit, I felt like given up the fifth time I was being eaten alive, but I got over it. Mostly out of spite. Man, this troll is a huge bitch.
Elisi: You got it to talk, I heard?
Alora: I just got done talking to Nadia about it, but yeah. Her name is Saomara. She fell into an icy river escaping trolls hunting her, and somehow got frozen in a glacier in the process. Thawed out and clawed out last year, based on her timeline. Swam here across the Berring Straight and dug herself a home in Alaska. And hibernated until now.
Elisi: Until now?
Alora: Yeah. Normally they just hibernate in the summer after laying eggs, but she was tired. ...her words, not mine. 
Elisi: I honestly can’t believe this thing can talk.
Alora: You and me both. Imagine me being pulled into its nest and eaten. I wake up and I’m eaten again. I wake up, and she’s all (speaks in First Tongue: “You don’t die, do you?”) and I didn’t answer at first. Like, what in the actual fuck, First Tongue, who even SPEAKS that anymore?! Then I answer in English, “Eh, I don’t feel like it.” She must have understood me, because she got pissed and ate me again.
Elisi: Hmm... had she said anything else?
Alora: Well, I asked her what her plan was. And she just said “Live as I always have.” So, she doesn’t plan on leaving. Probably not until everything in your park is dead. THEN she’ll leave and do it all over again somewhere else.
Elisi: Well, we’ve learned that her species will die in warmer climates. The plan is to bring her to us via a distraction, and teleport her to Arcadia. Myself, Nadia and the Trollhunter can kill her easily there.
Alora: I was also telling Nadia that this plan sucks balls.
Elisi: I know the Trollhunter is inexperienced, but in this case...
Alora: No, he’s not the problem. You’re not teleporting this bitch ANYWHERE!
Elisi: Why not?
Alora: She’s faster than she looks. You may not remember, but she chased me through nearly half a mile of tunnels and caught up to me pretty damn fast. I had to hide us in one of the tunnels she dug after our gyre crashed, and she was zipping back and forth trying to find us. 
Elisi: Oh yeah, how did I make it out alive and you didn’t?
Alora: So, in that tunnel was a way out. I had to climb and push you out first. Then my fucking phone fucking rang and gave my fucking position away and that bitch climbed right through and pulled me out.
Nadia: (off to the side) I said I was sorry.
Alora: It worked out. I got us some useful info.
Elisi: Anything else at all? You were down there for two days.
Alora: So, this bitch doesn’t give one flying fuck about any of her hatchlings. Not a one. That’s why so many of them are dead. They just walk into sunlight without knowing any better. Don’t develop hunting skills. She doesn’t do anything for them. I really thought, how is it these things didn’t go extinct on their own?
Elisi: They’re basically the embodiment of Darwinism. Survival of the fittest. The smartest. The ones that learned from the others are the ones who grow up and breed the next generation.
Alora: Pretty much, yeah. There’s some bigger ones down here, and some bigger than those, and a couple are bigger than those. And mama cares about THEM very, very much. If I even looked at one of them funny, she’d bite something off of me. And that happened A LOT. Eventually, I managed to make a knife and throw it at one of those bigger ones and mortally wounded it. Oh, she got piiiiiiiissed!
Elisi: And she ate you?
Alora: Worse. She sicced the bigger ones on me. All of them ripped me apart. When enough of me came back to text Nadia, she started realizing that I was calling for help all this time. She ate my hands, which included my phone.
Elisi: Well, that sounded like it sucked.
Alora: So, where was I? Oh yeah, so because she doesn’t care about her hatchlings, they won’t be coming with her. So, if she leaves the area, you’re gonna be mopping up the leftovers for at least a year.
Elisi: I can live with that. The source of them is gone, so eventually the rest will die off.
Alora: The bigger ones are also kinda her bodyguards at this point. We’ll have to kill those regardless, but they’re easier to kill than she is.
Elisi: That’s good.
Alora: But, she’s smart enough to sniff out traps. And set some of her own. So, yeah, coming back to the topic, teleporting her is gonna be harder to do. Next to impossible.
Elisi: So what’s your better idea, then?
Alora: I’m trying to get Nadia to approve it, but simply, it’s this. We teleport US instead. Nadia will teleport us to different parts of the gyre tunnels, and lure her to us. We’ll keep her running through the gyre tunnels until we reach Arcadia, and then we strike.
Elisi: You just said yourself she’s smart enough to see through traps. What makes you think she won’t understand what we’re doing?
Alora: Maybe she will. So, we give her a reason to chase us. We kill the bigger whelps, or the grown whelps. She’ll be so blinded with rage, all she’ll want to do is kill us no matter where we go.
Elisi: I’m still not completely sold on this idea.
Alora: She won’t drop eggs while chasing us, so there’s no reason to worry about whelps spreading through the Pacific Northwest. (pauses) I’m looking over the books and stuff Nadia found here, and jeez, these things are the duckbill platypus of the troll world. Like, why do you exist? Why does every inch of your weird self exist? Why?
Elisi: It really feels like she may know what we’re doing and stop chasing us.
Alora: I’m as skeptical as you are, but it’s either we try to teleport her out and fail. Or we teleport ourselves safe distances away and lure her down the tunnels gradually. Both have huge risks. If we try teleporting her, and Nadia fails, we’ve lost our only chance to do so.
Elisi: What about the teleport spell Nadia used to get you out of trouble? We can’t just take a gyre to Arcadia, find a secure, secluded spot in Trollmarket and say her name to teleport her to us.
Alora: You really think this bitch is so stupid to give me her real name after finding out I couldn’t die and was able to talk to her? You think they DIDN’T have rites of passage back then? Do you really want to take the chance of us believing without the shadow of a doubt that SAOMARA is her real name?
Elisi: You do have a point. But this is the safer option for us with the best guarantee.
Alora: And if it doesn’t work, what’s the plan then?
Elisi: (is silent)
Alora: Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Elisi: The other problem with this plan of yours is that it sounds like you want to be there. I heard you can’t walk yet.
Alora: Yeah, it’ll be a couple of days until I can. So, you’re gonna have to carry me.
Elisi: (groans)
Alora: Also, that bitch ate my phone. Someone needs to buy me a new one.
Nadia: (off to the side) I’ll get it for you.
Elisi: And how much does the Trollhunter know about this plan?
Alora: Nadia is texting him after this to go over it with him.
Nadia: No, I’m not.
Alora: Oh, yes you are.
Nadia: We’re throwing a vengeful brood mother right on his doorstep. One that we can barely handle ourselves. Why would he--
Alora: Tell him this is a call.
Nadia: I’m going to text him, not--
Alora: A TROLLHUNTER’S call. Tell him after this.
Nadia: (is quiet)
Elisi: You’re really serious about this.
Alora: This is the only plan I can think of that will work the best.
Elisi: Me carrying your butt through the tunnels?
Alora: We’ll be teleporting.
Nadia: I can’t teleport all of us that fast.
Alora: Find a way. Find something.
Nadia: (is quiet)
Elisi: That’s... pretty much what this is riding on. IF Nadia can even do it.
Nadia: ...there is a way. First, I need a map of the tunnels. The latest one.
Alora: (barks at some nearby trolls in Troll to get a map).
Elisi: Alright. Listen, I need to check on my own extermination teams and be sure the village is still alright. You both work the kinks out of this plan and call me back later. 
Alora: Roger wilco.
Elisi: Hand the phone back to Nadia so I can say goodbye.
Alora: Alright. Later, nerd. 
Nadia: (once she gets her phone back) We’ll call once we come up with a better plan.
Elisi: Sure. If I come up with something, I’ll text. You two get some rest.
Nadia: I know we don’t have time.
Elisi: Yeah.
Nadia: So, we’ll try to make this quick.
Elisi: Yep. Same here. You two rest up, we’ll talk later.
Nadia: Okay. Talk to you soon, sister.
Elisi: Talk to you soon.
(They both hang up)
(Call from Nadia’s phone to Elisi’s an hour later)
Nadia: Hello?
Elisi: I’m here.
Nadia: First, how is everyone?
Elisi: Scared. The sun is going down. The hatchlings are scratching around the house trying to get in. There’s casualties of ill-prepared people going against these things... Either we finish this now, or wait for summer when they hibernate and try to snuff them out then.
Nadia: Either way, time is of the essence. If we wait for summer, she’ll dig her nest anywhere and we won’t find her until she wakes up. I’m ready to start Alora’s plan.
Elisi: You have a teleportation method? For a place you’ve never been to?
Nadia: Yes. So, the gyre tunnels in Noatak have tracks, yes?
Elisi: Laid those out myself, yes.
Nadia: Well, you put markers on them detailing where on the surface you are. And there’s similar markers the gyre itself is propelled towards when traveling from point A to point B, after setting the coordinants.
Elisi: (sarcastically) Great, you just taught me how a gyre works. Learn something new every--
Nadia: I can teleport off of those.
Elisi: ...
Nadia: There’s just enough of an electromagnetic wave signature for me to see and teleport to it. So, I’ve made a map of twenty two that I can teleport all of us to that is short enough to make Saomara follow us, and is the shortest amount of teleports that I can do.
Elisi: ...
Nadia: Elisi, we can do this. And we’re ready to go right now. Just give the word, and Alora and I will be at your location, ready to start.
Elisi: ...(chuckles) I honestly can’t think of a better plan. But I strongly don’t think this will work.
Nadia: It is our best shot at stopping this while we can. Besides, we have our three best immortals taking point, right? So what’s the worst that can happen?
Elisi: That this fails, the three of us are food supply for almost a million hungry mouths, and by the time they go to sleep in the summer, everyone and thing in the preserve is dead.
Nadia: So, no pressure?
Elisi: None. (sighs a tired sigh) Alright, let’s do this. Is Jim up to speed on this?
Nadia: He sounded nervous on the phone, but he’s ready. I’ve already given word to close down the gyre tunnels so we don’t get any unwanted surprises.
Elisi: Okay. I’m ready when you are.
Nadia: I’ll text him that we’re about to start. We’ll be at your location in five minutes, and down the gyre tunnels shortly afterward.
Elisi: Let’s do this.
Nadia: See you soon, sister.
Elisi: See you soon.
(They both hang up)
(Texting from Nadia’s phone to Jim Lake Jr.’s phone.)
Elisi: Jim, this is Elisi, Nadia’s sister. We haven’t met, but I’ll be the one giving you updates. Nadia will be busy hurrying to teleport points.
Jim: Alright, I’m ready when you guys are.
Elisi: Okay, here’s the skinny: We’ll be teleporting along 22 points on the gyre tunnels. Each time we teleport, I’ll let you know with the corresponding number, counting down from 22 to 1, so you know when to be ready.
Jim: Got it. Where are you now?
Elisi: At point 22. Next text will be the next teleport point. Be on guard, Trollhunter. She’s coming.
Jim: Good to know. :) (he is silently panicking on the inside)
(Five minutes later, Alora uses a music app to blast Rob Zombie’s “Superbeast.” This is the distraction.)
(Texts sent from Nadia’s phone to Jim’s phone, sent by Elisi)
Elisi: 21
(Two minutes later)
Elisi: 20
(Two minutes later)
Elisi: 19
(Three minutes later)
Elisi: 18
Elisi: Dammit, she’s onto us, one moment
(Five minutes later)
Elisi: 17
(Six minutes later)
Elisi: 16 16 16
Jim: What’s going on?!
Elisi: Killed a whelp. Pbly won’t have time to tx.
(Four minutes later)
Elisi: 15
(Fifteen minutes later)
Jim: Nadia? Elisi?
Elisi: 14. Dragging her back. 
(Two minutes later)
Elisi: 13
(One minute later)
Elisi: 12
Elisi: Nadia is tired, we’re hoofing it.
Jim: Be careful!
(Half an hour later)
Elisi: Back on track. 11
Elisi: 10
Elisi: 9
Jim: Guys?
Elisi: Gotta go fast!
Eisi: 8
Elisi: Almost there, get rdy!
Elisi: 7
(Ten minutes later)
Elisi: 6
(Two minutes later)
Elisi: 5
(Ten minutes later)
Jim: Guys?!
Elisi: Nadia is too tired to keep teleporting. We’re running. Almost there.
Jim: No, I need that countdown guys!
Elisi: 3
Jim: askdjfoiahgaihg
Elisi: 2
(Five minutes later)
Elisi: 1
(Two minutes later)
Elisi: Knock knock
(Video filmed from Nadia’s phone. Saomara is in Trollmarket’s dungeon on the rocky ground, pinned with several spears and surrounded by burning torches and bright crystals. There’s several stone eggs and stone hatchling bodies under her. Saomara is conscious and glaring at the phone.)
Nadia: Okay, making a record for later. It’s May 21, the last living Evlakeel is secured and detained in Heartstone Trollmarket. Killing it has proven more difficult than thought, seeing as Arcadia is in the middle of a cold snap. We’re waiting for summer weather in a few days, or finding a suitable place to exile her.
Saomara: (raspy, growling voice) Who are you talking to, witch?
Nadia: (pauses, then chuckles) This device I’m holding does more than call people. I’m saving my words into it so others can hear it later. For all time. You’re living history, my friend.
Saomara: I’m not your friend. Release me.
Nadia: I won’t. Not after you called me a witch. Listen to me, exile is a likely fate for you and whatever is left of your brood.
Saomara: (growls)
Nadia: We could kill you in a few days when the weather gets warmer. And California is known for it’s warm sunny days.
Saomara: (growls louder)
Nadia: We could also find a nice sunny spot to leave you, that should kill you right away.
Saomara: What is stopping you?
Nadai: Well... you. You’ve been a surprisingly tough opponent. Our Trollhunter is in the hospital now, my sister Alora is dead yet again, and whatever you left behind in Alaska is terrorizing my other sister’s family. You’ve spread us all pretty thin, so all that’s left is me.
Saomara: Think you so tough?
Nadia: Well, where are you right now?
Saomara: (snarls and tries to get up. She’s also in one of Nadia’s protection circles, which keeps her from leaving while Nadia is present)
Nadia: I’d advise you to get some sleep. Take solace in knowing that you live for longer until we decide what to do with you.
Saomara: The possibility of life, this is what you promise me.
Nadia: Maybe if you answer some of my questions.
Saomara: (growls again) I will not fall for your fake promises. I’m sure there’s many books about me, and my kind.
Nadia: There are. But it’s a shame. I was really hoping to learn more about you from you.
Saomara: I have nothing to say to you, witch.
Nadia: (pauses, then lowers the phone to turn it off) ... (in a sickly sweet voice to the phone) Please excuse me.
(Text sent from Alora’s phone to Nadia’s.)
Alora: (sends a picture of a living hatchling next to the “Welcome To Arcadia” sign)
Nadia: Oh no!
Alora: Yeah
Nadia: I’ll deal with the problem as soon as I can!
Alora: Sure, but I get the feeling this won’t be like Alaska. Once that summer weather sets in, they’ll drop like flies no matter where they are here.
Nadia: Still, I can’t take that chance!
Alora: Get ready for more of those frograt statues!
Nadia: Ugh! I can’t believe that name stuck!
Alora: I’m thinking of painting them myself and memeing the crap out of them on the internet.
Nadia: How’s your legs?
Alora: Great! Physical therapy is coming along swell. Should be out of here in a week.
Nadia: Okay, so I have until then to solve the frograt problem.
Alora: HA
Nadia: The name stuck, shut up!
Alora: (laughing while crying emoji)
Nadia: Anyway, you get well soon, I’ll deal with this myself.
Alora: And what’s the verdict on mama?
Nadia: We’re waiting for warmer weather, when she’ll be at her weakest. And then give her a formal execution. Also, Alaska should be seeing the polar sun soon, and when it does the remaining hatchlings in Naotak will have nowhere to hide above ground. Things should return to normal in a few weeks.
Alora: Admit it, you wanna keep one of these little fuzzballs.
Nadia: Absolutely not! They eat everything they find! They’re all too dangerous to leave alive!
Alora: Teasing. Do what you have to do. I’m just really really happy that everything worked out.
Nadia: Yeah. Best case scenario. Thank you, Alora.
Alora: Heh. Sister’s help each other. It’s only natural.
Nadia: Shouldn’t you be getting some rest?
Alora: I guess. Nothing on TV. I’m bored.
Nadia: I need to go take a census of these frograts and keep them in one area. Not sure how long I’ll be.
Alora: Take your time. Just lemme know when you’re done. I’ll snag a wheelchair and we’ll get burgers.
Nadia: Sounds good to me. Rest well, sister.
Alora: Take it easy yourself, Nadia.
Nadia: Bye.
Alora: Later gater. (winky emoji)
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