#i just. i think kita has so much faith in aran even if aran doesn’t always have that same faith in himself
luminouschaotic · 2 years
thinking abt the idea of kita choosing aran to be the on-court captain again. feeling so many emotions
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emiliaheartfeel · 3 years
Chapter 7: Bro Code
AN: Atsumu did a shitty thing, that I do not condone. Hope your ready to feel smad!
It’s been two weeks since you started ignoring and avoiding Atsumu. You didn’t even reply to his message and he has been too stubborn to apologize. It’s starting to get on Osamu’s nerves because avoiding Atsumu included avoiding Osamu. He hasn’t seen or heard from you and Atsumu has been a bitch the whole time too. The coach had to bench cause he was being down right cruel to his own teammates. Osamu can’t talk to you and he hasn’t wanted to ask Atsumu, but this had gotten ridiculous and the team agrees. Kita calls a team meeting after practice one day. Atsumu is extremely bitter and becomes even more annoyed when all heads turn to him.
“What happened with you Atsumu?”
“I don’t know what your fucking talking about!”
“You have been rather irritable as of late”
“What he means is you have been a bitch.”
“In a sense, yes”
“I am always like this”
“Like hell you are man”
“Why don’t you all just leave me hell alone!”
Osamu can’t take it anymore and lunges at he’s brother in pure fury. This already was more intense then their usual petty fights. Fights about you always were. Osamu has Atsumu pinned under him hands in his collar holding him down. Both Aran and Kita are ready to get involved but Osamu sends them a nasty glare.
“What. The. Fuck. Did you do?”
“I already told you I don’t know what you are talking about”
“Bull fucking shit. Y/N is so mad at YOU she isn’t even talking to me”
“She chose you,”
“Three months ago she chose you,”
Osamu is lost now. What was Atsumu on about. Confusion is all he feels as he watches Atsumu looks broken. Years ago Atsumu was the first twin to tell the other he loved you Osamu revealed he did too a few months later.
“Last time she was in town she came to me to talk about you,”
“I don’t understand she barely even said goodbye when she left.”
“Because I had slept with her,”
Osamu’s mind goes blank for a moment before he pulls his fist back in punches Atsumu in the nose hard enough he feels a crunch. Aran grabs his arm as he pulled again to hit his twin again. He looks feral and Atsumu looks torn and ashamed. He’s not even fighting back not making eye contact with anyone.
“You! What!!”
Atsumu doesn’t answer finding his hands much more interesting. The team is stunned into silence this wasn’t the petty bullshit they were expecting. This was deep and personal.
“Answer! Me!”
“She loved you... Loves you”
“She came to me nervous a few nights before she was leaving to ask me a question”
You were in the Miya house in your pjs when you are pacing in the hall. Your right foot goes to rub up and down you left calf a sign of pure nerves for you. Atsumu raises an eyebrow at you with an annoying teasing smirk.
“What’s up, Supergirl,”
“What? Finally confessing your undying love to the lesser twin,”
He knew. Knew you had a crush on Osamu. You had told him a year ago, but you hadn’t acted on believing it would make your relationship with both the twins weird which Atsumu fully agreed with.
“Haha, no it’s something else...”
“Come on, you can always tell the great and generous Atsumu what’s troubling you”
“I don’t think I want to”
“Oh! She doesn’t want my advise! I am not good enough to give you my advise! Oh the betrayal. That promise when you were 8 and sobbing on front porch and I told you I always got you. That means nothing to you appare...”
“You dramatic bitch.”
*overdramatic sigh*
“Oh my god! Fine...I....to...Osamu...”
“What was that?”
“I want to give Osamu my virginity!”
Something in him really broke. Knowing you loved Osamu was and not acting on it was one thing, but this would definitely lead to you and his brother dating. He couldn’t handle if you two actively together. He couldn’t watch you be with another man.
“What’s that look for”
“I just think that’s a bad idea”
“Tell me have you really thought this through”
“Yes I want my first time to be with someone a love and trust,”
“Then let me do it!”
He knew he was running purely on emotions and needs a cover and fast. He’s panicking this isn’t how he imagined confessing to you. He had even thought about ever confessing to you.
“We love each other and you trust me”
“You know that’s different!”
“Not really it’s going be completely yours decision everything. Think about how weird it’ll if he says no or worse he says yes and doesn’t have feelings for you. Having sex with someone you love, but doesn’t love you is a new kind of torture that I don’t want you to go through!”
“How do you know he doesn’t love me!”
“I just do!”
“He told me!”
“I don’t believe you!”
“Atsumu I just love Y/N she’s like the perfect little sister!”
He know it was fucked up. He knew he was breaking her heart and lying to do it.
“Obviously I am not saying you need to have sex with me, but I am your safest bet,”
“I need to go home,”
“Let me walk you then”
“I don’t think that’s necessary”
“No it’s not but I need you to understand I am not trying to actively sleep with you. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
BULLSHIT! He was a liar and a horrible friend.
“Atsumu I just found out the guy I have been in love of with for years doesn’t love me and his brother, who looks exactly like him, offers sex. I am going to be fucking hurt! I need time to think and get over Osamu. And rethink shit about my virginity,”
He knew this wasn’t gonna be good for you. You already looked destroyed and all he wanted to do was hold you, but he knew that might just confuse you. Though the really dark voice in him wanted you confused, cause maybe then you would finally pick him. He couldn’t go that far. Everything had to be your choice.
‘But is it really her choice. You lied so she wanted go to Osamu, to make you seem more attractive more desirable. You are soliciting sex from the girl you claim to live because you are jealous and maybe this is the closest you’ll ever get to her loving you. You thought if you can’t have love, lust is just as good.’ He thought to himself. Guilt riddled him before you were even out the door.
“Y/N forget I said anything. You should love and trust the man you give your first to.”
You walk out and don’t back in until a few days later. Osamu isn’t home again. You knew that and Atsumu knew you knew it. He’s hesitant to even approach you, but it is clear he is who you came to see.
“I need to know this won’t change anything between us,”
“What won’t?”
“That if I give you my virginity. Your still my friend Atsumu. I can’t live my life with out you. You were right I didn’t think it through. Even if Osamu did love me it doesn’t mean we wouldn’t eventually fall out of love and then he would just be out of my life right. I need you by my side even if he isn’t.”
It almost sounded like a love confession to Atsumu, but he knows better. You are so desperate to keep Osamu in your life you have torn yourself a part to hide that you loved him. You just assumed Atsumu was always going to be there, you just need him to say it. It not like Osamu where you won’t even risk it. Atsumu, he knew you could live without him you just don’t want to.
“No matter we are gonna be weird with each other we both have to have faith in each other, but Y/N I was talking out my ass. It annoyed me that you were gonna have sex with Osamu over me. Yeah it doesn’t make sense but you know how competitive we are. You don’t got to do this. We pretend this never happen and have a sundae night.”
“I am sure Atsumu.”
That’s what he told his teammates and that’s how it went down. Osamu is livid. Aran is holding him tightly as Kita had put tape over his mouth so Atsumu could tell his story without interruptions. Everyone taking it all in.
“Wait then why is she mad now?”
Atsumu pulls out his phone and shows them the texts he sent.
“You are an idiot”
As soon as Osamu signals he is calm enough Aran slowly and with hesitation let’s him go. As he turns to his twin face hardened and swallows tightly.
“She can never know you lied”
“It would ruin her, Atsumu. You are her confidant and you took advantage of her. She can’t know. We pretend it never happened, we follow our bro code and neither of us go for her ever. We be the best big brothers we can. Nothing changes between us.”
“Shut up! You did a terrible thing and should be treating her like a goddess until one of you dies. You barely deserve to be in the same room as her. You are lucky I don’t break your hands.”
“I know”
AN: I don’t think I capture the amount of heartbreak Atsumu actually was suppose to be in but boy is suppose to seem fucking broken. Doesn’t excuse his action but he insecure scared baby that just wants love.
AN: Sorry this chapter took a little longer. If I don’t have you in my tag list just message me! I am so so nervous about how you all are going to react to this chapter and the next ones. Also there are more then 10 chapters this is just volume 1 🙃.
Please Comment!
@kaleidoscopekai @je-suis-argent-miel @liferuinedby5idiotsand1genius @poppi144 @idontevenknow129 @ssuna @im-the-music-whore @kac-chowsballs
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omiscurls · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters and you making a playlist reminding you of them
featuring: sakusa kiyoomi, miya atsumu, suna rintarō and kageyama tobio 
you left to make some tea, and left your phone in the room
it’s not like he was swooping through it! it was connected to a speaker so you didn’t turn it off, so you can easily change music
a song he really hates came on, so he decided to change it
he picked up a phone and realized, he doesn’t even know what to play
“what if I play something they won’t like” and all the dumb anxious thoughts started to flow through his mind
so he decided to play something from YOUR playlists! he’ll find something he likes, and it’ll be obvious you like the song, since it’s on your playlist. genius plan, right?
he started sliding the playlists until he found something that caught his attention
the title being a lyric from the song “Loverman” by Rick Montgomery
he entered it, thinking nothing in particular, but the caption below the title!
it said “I just miss my boyfriend, okay?”
wait... what? his brain didn’t process this correctly for a second
it felt so illegal to look through the songs in there, they seemed so private
he honestly felt the urge to put the phone down
but then he saw the most cheesy song he could think of
song being “18” by One Direction
you didn’t even listen to that band from what he recalled, yet it was there and he was familiar with the lyrics of it
he felt a weird drop in his heart, like a sudden wave of excitement, suddenly he couldn’t sit still
this didn’t occur often and he didn’t know how to act.
You came back to the room holding two cups of tea, the first sight being your boyfriend sitting unnaturally still and straight.
“You okay over there?” you asked softly, putting the cups on the table in front of you and giving him a small side glance.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he ask, eyes set or something in a completely different direction than your face.
You sat next to him and noticed that even though the same song was playing, your phone was in a completely different place than the one you left it in.
“Don’t you hate this song, Omi? Why didn’t you change it?” you asked, reaching for the device. Good thing you didn’t saw his eyes widen when he realized, he didn’t change the playlist he was looking at.
You were silent for an awfully long moment, eyes glued to the screen, while he was dying just two meters away. Were you gonna be mad? Sad? Disappointed? It would really be easier if you said something, he thought.
But then he started thinking about that playlist again. So you miss him, huh? That was a weirdly pleasuring fact, he didn’t know why. He was proud of himself for no reason.
But then he thought, were you really in need of a playlist like that? Maybe he was too distant, maybe he wasn’t enough boyfriend-ish?
The song he was looking at suddenly started playing, but it wasn’t enough for him to look up.
“You know, I listen to it every time you go for a game somewhere far, and you’re gone for a couple of days”
“It’s not possible to miss someone that quick” he replied almost immediately, as if he didn’t think about it before speaking. “At least to miss me that quick”
“Well, when you’re in love, it is” you replied, the grin on your lips so wide it could be heard in your voice. His heart skipped a bit. “And I have loved you since we were eighteen” you poorly sang the lyrics of the song, laughing immediately after, causing him to also smile a tiny little bit.
You rolled your eyes.
“Come on, Mr Insecure” you said, standing up and giving him your hand. “I always wanted to dance with you to this song.”
you were sleeping before he came over, and you noted that you were to take a nap and that he could let himself in.
chill music was playing inside your whole place
it didn’t take long for him to find you draped over the sofa, a peaceful look on your face
you’ve been really stuck on work recently, so he was happy that you finally got some rest
however it wasn’t going to stop him
he located your phone and planned to wake you up by suddenly playing some metal music instead of the chill lo-fi in the background
it was gonna be “hilarious”
so he proceeded to unlock the phone and was about to enter search bar when he noticed the name of the playlist that was currently playing
“missing my dumbass” huh?
he just looked through the songs endlessly, even though there weren’t that many
huge smile subconsciously appeared on his face and suddenly he didn’t have the heart to wake you up
However he did lift your head really slightly and put it in his lap instead of the pillow instead.
So you were napping while he just stared at the songs in awe, somehow surprised by the fact that you could miss him
“City of Stars, huh? I remember when you made me sit through that movie” he whispered, more to himself than to you. “And when you tried to teach me the chords to that, too” he giggled “Guess it’s better when you play and I pretend to know how to sing”
He kept chuckling and smiling to himself about what he was finding, until he put the phone down and looked down at your asleep face.
“Look at you. You really love me!” he grinned, peacefully sure of what he was saying. Wow, you really did love him. Why was it so surprising? Why was he this shocked?
He always thought he had plenty faith in himself, but somehow when it came to you, he could never hear enough of your praise before he’d actually believe your confessions.
You woke up soon after to him playing with your hair, a mindless look on his face.
“I remember falling asleep somewhere else” you commented sarcastically, but he only smiled, his mind some place else. “What’s wrong, Tsumu?” you asked, concerned about his cheeky attitude being gone. You got half up and looked him in those absent eyes, but he only hugged you closer to him, resulting in your face being buried against his neck.
“I just missed you” he said, hardly overcoming his emotions. “A lot”
“Did you? That’s rare” you laughed, but noticed the song playing in the background. You distanced yourself from him enough to look him in the eyes with the deadpan, but low key amused look. “Or were you just looking through my phone like a crazy person?”
He rolled his eyes.
“It was a great plan, until ya decided to make me emotional!” his nicely covered accent was always showing more when he was trying to remain calm. It made you giggle.
“Aw, look at you, are you gonna cry?” you joked mockingly, causing him to look away in embarrassment. He lightly pushed you off his thighs onto the couch. “Hey!”
“Yer the worst” he said, walking to the kitchen to pour himself some water. “The WORST!”
“You’re just mad because I made you too flustered to make a flirty comeback!”
„Shut it!”
this boy, oh my god
this boy has his own playlists for you
and he keeps them like a caged secret never to be exposed
seriously, he has a lock on his Spotify app
he’s secretly a sucker for all the romantic things like those couple playlists, photos of holding hands, that stuff
but he’d never, ever admit it, not even to you
so one day, you were at his place, and the Miyas, Kita and Aran were there, too.
His phone died, and it was connected to the speaker, as it always is, because
“you all listen to shit, I’m gonna choose something”
so when it died, he started aggressively poking your shoulder until you looked at him
“babe. baby. honey. y/n!”
“what, rin?” you finally reply, while in the middle of the conversation with Osamu
“Can i get your phone? music’s dead” he asks politely, and you nod mindlessly, while still paying attention to what Osamu was saying.
To be honest you didn’t even hear what you’re agreeing to, but soon he placed your phone in front of your face so you’d insert the password
You unlocked it, and he happily went over to the music app, while connecting it to the speaker
He was just gonna search for his playlist, but he forgot the phone isn’t his, and he needs to search it instead of just hitting “playlists”
But it was the first thing he mechanically did, and the first title he saw, was, drumroll please...
“it’s missing rin hours”
it’s what hours now? he could NOT believe his eyes
well well well, so he spent all this time hiding his Pinterest-like romantic dreams to himself, while you... had a playlist? to remind you of him?
he wanted to look. but he remembered how much he would be embarrassed if you were to look at his, so he decided not to
he just searched for his playlist and turned it on like nothing happened, but after handing you back the phone, he could not stop smiling
good think you were talking
Minutes passed, and the whole group was just chatting, eating and laughing, while the music was in the background, but Suna just sat back and didn’t pay attention to the conversation. Suddenly, he saw a palm right before his face, waving for his attention.
“Quit zoning out, Rin!” he heard your voice and looked over at you, and the amused smile on your lips. “Come on, we’re playing cards and nobody shuffles them like you do”
He simply nodded and proudly went over to the table, took his chair and started shuffling the cards in a truly “casino-like” manner, a confident smile never leaving his lips.
“What is it Suna, are you hiding all the good cards for yourself so you can win again?” Aran asked, and he just scoffed.
“Oh yeah, I remember we weren’t supposed to let him shuffle again!” Osamu joined.
“Yer a cheater, Suna, gimme that” Atsumu placed his hand in front of Rintarō, to make him surrender the cards faster.
“Please, you shuffle like a four year old” he bit back, already started to give the cards to people. “Alright what’re we playing?”
Suna was weirdly confident that night. Not that he was ever insecure, he just... acted more like Atsumu rather than like himself. It was weird to watch, honestly, but you didn’t mind, since he seemed happy. It was like this until you left, and you didn’t say a word, but as soon as you got to the car, you couldn’t bare to stay silent anymore.
“Okay, what’s up?”
“What’s supposed to be up?” he said, not even glancing over at you, eyes fixed on what was behind the vehicle, hand over the back of your seat, another one on the steering wheel, trying to leave the parking lot.
“What’re you so happy about?”
“What, can’t I be happy? That’s a rude thing to hear from my own s/o”
”You know what I mean” you whined, rolling your eyes.
“Do I?” He asked, and you started to get irritated with his responses, but before you could say anything, he just added “Maybe it’s just annoying my s/o hours”
After that, he simply smiled and focused on the road in front of him, leaving you to your own embarrassment, silently glancing to catch you get redder every time he looked.
this guy doesn’t have playlists on his own
he just listens to what he wants to, he searches it
so he’s really not in the subject when one day you’re in the shower when some weird music comes in
he just laughs at what the hell are you listening to?
and you say the playlist must’ve ended, and he can put on another one
okay but... where?
so you shout the instructions to just go to “your library”, pick one and just click shuffle
he does as you told, but- woah, why do you have so many?
he starts to go through them, but it’s really just pure chaos
up until he finds a playlist, named “don’t tell tobio but I miss him”
wow, the title makes it seem so private, he almost doesn’t want to ope-
oops, he opened it
and the songs there- it caught his heart from the very start
don’t get me wrong, he thinks they’re cheesy
but there’s something about them that makes his eyes feel hot all of the sudden
and you miss him? really? all this time he tried to be as distant and reserved as he could, so you wouldn’t think he’s clingy
and you-
he needed to sit down for a second
You came out of the shower, still with a towel wrapping your wet hair, when you noticed that a song you don’t know was playing, and Tobio sat on the couch with an uneasy expression.
“It’s not that hard to find it, you know” you said, walking over to him, about to take your phone away, but he quickly put it behind his back and looked up at you with an slight, tiny little grin.
“Gimme that”
“You have to come and get it” he said, moving back against the couch. You were shocked to the very core about his sudden confidence, and well, cheesyness, but what could you do, you sat in his lap and tried to get the phone from behind his back.
In the process, he started to tickle you, making you laugh, throw your head back, resulting in your towel falling to the floor.
“Stop, oh my gosh, just give me the- the- the phone!” you managed to say in between giggles.
When he finally stopped, your head was resting on his chest while you desperately tried to catch your breath.
“Sorry. I just wanted you to have a fun memory to think of while you miss me” he said teasingly, causing you to look up with a “how dare you” look on your face.
“So you-“
“Rewrite the stars? Really?”
You hit him on the chest
“Shut up you idiot”
“Awh, don’t act like that. You’re gonna miss it when I’m gone” he said in an over dramatic manner, looking away, and you couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head.
“Drama queen”
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chiyuukiaru · 5 years
In regards to the newest chapter of Haikyuu!!, can I say how happy I am that Furudate sensei hasn't shown any "quite decent players, probably could go pro, but anyway they didn't for this or that reason" in pro careers?!
It would be so unrealistic and looks more like fanservice than a solid storyline.
Of course, by me saying that, it means I do have a list (?) of people that I think will and won’t go pro. Yes, I know, unless I am Furudate, I can’t really pinpoint who will be pro athletes and who won’t be. But I believe, we as dedicated fans, can all at least make some sensible guesses about that.
Now, moving on. The players that I actually think would go pro so far have appeared in manga as pros (cheers me!). As for the rest of them, I’ll try to break it down by teams coz it’s easier and tidier. Mind you, I’m not athletic and can’t do any sports at all. So technique-wise, I can’t explain much. I go by intuition and deep thinking for pretty much all of my guesses below. So if you’re going to read my analysis (?) or opinion (?), please don’t be too harsh on me just because I can’t give you the logical reasons behind it. Maybe, I should apologize in advance for this.
Karasuno (brace yourself, it’s gonna be long)
Kageyama is the first one. I honestly can’t see any other career choice for him except going pro and finally be a coach after he retired. Kageyama has been playing and practicing volleyball the longest, since he was 7 (Hoshiumi too). And this is the reason why he’s so far ahead of everyone. Also, he’s even worse than Hinata in school, so there’s no way he went to university to me. So, pro it is.
Aside from Kageyama (and Hinata, but I believe I don’t need to explain Hinata to you coz we’re currently the viewers of his journey to be a professional player), I can only see Nishinoya going pro. For me, he stands in the same category as Kageyama. And he’s not going to university with a brain like his. Not trying to be rude or belittling him, but I just can’t see Nishinoya voluntarily enrolling in college. Other than that, Nishinoya is one of the best Libero in the series. It still bothers me even to this day, that he wasn’t invited to the Youth Camp with Kageyama. But I think I understand why: there are just too many great Liberos and The Youth Camp wouldn’t be able to hold everyone there. Besides, there’s the “positioning after receiving thing” that Kageyama had to tell him. Who knows if Nishinoya has been doing that for so long?! An observant scouting staff or professional coach would definitely think it’s a minus point. And there’s the suspension he got too. Idk about other countries much, but I know how Japan really takes care of their background and portfolio. His suspension may be not for something dangerous like drugs, but it definitely marred his resume for the Youth Camp a bit. But Nishinoya has moved past that now and pro career is not so impossible for him.
For the other 2nd years: Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita, they probably won’t go pro. Tanaka has a higher chance though, and deep down I want him to shine more in volley, but I still don’t think so. Tanaka & Kinoshita look like they will go straight down to labor working right after graduation. Ennoshita & Narita were in class 4 and can be assumed as pretty smart, so college and office working probably.
Tbh, I actually can see Asahi be a pro. But, he’s a bit tricky. It all depends on whether he got scouted after Spring High or not. Coz he already chose not to go to university, so it is not impossible as well. As for the rest of the 3rd years, no. I think they have other things (or a career) that they want to pursue and they are smart enough to do it (Daichi and Suga were both in college preparatory class). Though, I would love to see Daichi graduating from sport science or something and go back to Karasuno and be an assistant coach hehe.
For first years, I don’t think Tsukishima & Yamaguchi will go pro. Same like Daichi & Suga, I believe they both have a dream job in their mind, hence why they chose to go to university. Ofc, they can go pro after graduation, but I have little faith in it. Now, I think Tsukishima wanted to be an archaeologist or something along the line (all those dinosaurs!!!), I would be so happy if it turned out to be true.
Aoba Johsai
Except Oikawa, I honestly don’t think the rest of Seijoh will be pros. Maybe Iwaizumi or Kyoutani, but the others, not so much. On a side note, Oikawa (and Hinata) is the most surprising outta the rest of the Haikyuu!! characters. I mean, I never would’ve thought that he’d fly to Argentina and join a league there. I always think he’d join a Japan team. But I love the element of surprise, so I guess it’s fine.
Aone has the best chance. Simply because he has all the necessary skills. But he’s so quiet I can’t guess anything from him. I could be wrong, really. Futakuchi and Koganegawa aren’t so bad either, but Idk tho.
I have no idea, truthfully. But I’m leaning more toward the opinion that no one from the team will continue playing professionally.
I really really wish Hyakuzawa going pro. He’s blessed with the height and also power. With enough practice, he’ll be great. But that’s just my wishful thinking. I can’t really guess him, similar to Aone.
Ushijima is another one of my “definitely going pro people”. He’s just a complete package. He has the sense, the height, the power, the… everything. It would be a big waste for him to just stop. And Ushijima is a volleyball baka too, so he loves the sport too much to not continue playing.
I also think that Goshiki might try to get into pro teams too, maybe after completing college. I don’t think he’d stop just like that. I mean, after Ushijima retired, Shiratorizawa never went to National again. I think that hit him hard. Especially because Ushijima left the team on his hand as the next ace. I would really love to see Goshiki improving himself and kinda get a revenge by getting much much better than before. But, if he doesn’t go pro, it won’t be really disappointing to me. After all, Haikyuu!! always tries to be as close as possible to real life, and in real life not every good player can be pro.
Tendou is a no no. He said he’d stop and he wouldn’t lie about it. Shirabu is confusing, but I think he’d stop in high school or maybe university. He’s not a bad setter, he’s good, but even within Shiratorizawa, his ability is not better than Semi. He was the starting setter just because he was able to blend into the background and be a support for Ushijima so he could shine. So, I really don’t think he got scouted or still pursuing Ushijima.
For the rest of Shiratorizawa, we didn’t see much of them so I can’t make clear guesses. I apologize once again.
Nekoma is also a bit confusing. But, I could see Lev go pro. He’s not super duper amazing per se (I say this based on his performance up to National, idk how he is now okay), but he has the talent and all those height and power. His progress is fast too. I think it’d catch the scouting agents’ attention.
Now, Kenma definitely wouldn’t go pro and we’re shown that XD. Surprise though, I always had a headcanon that he’d be a pro gamer or secretly doing stock trading. Just never thought he’d be a YouTuber and a company board member (or is it CEO?!). Imagine my feeling when my “simply headcanon” became real.
Kuroo is a bit like Asahi, but I honestly believe he is really smart and probably wanna do something else. I wish Yaku would go pro coz he’s a really top caliber Libero (and I would really like to watch his rivalry with Nishinoya grow more), but he didn’t really show much “ambition” for professional career for me. The rest of the members wouldn’t go pro too imo.
Now, as much as it breaks my heart to say this, I don’t think Akaashi is going pro. He gives me “doctor/scientist/basically high and smart position vibe” somehow. And he’s very clever as well (all those thinking he does lmao), I think he’d pursue something else. So volleyball stopped in high school or university for him. Idk about the rest of Fukurodani though. I definitely wanna see more of Konoha, but the chance is small.
Bokuto >>> pro for me. Been that for a long time. He doesn’t strike me as academically gifted, but I can be wrong ofc. He could: a) straight going pro after high school or b) finished college then go pro. Either way, he’s definitely pro athletes material.
Atsumu (I’ll call him Atsumu to differentiate him with his twin, even though I prefer last name tbh) also >>> pro. The reason is pretty similar to Ushijima/Kageyama/Bokuto. He’s just that good. Oh on this, I really should mention that I believe all the Youth Camp candidates are going to be or already pros (this by extension means Sakusa & Komori from Itachiyama).
For the rest of Inarizaki, the ones that will be pro are Aran and Osamu. Aran is awesome and one of the best 5 aces in the nation. I know he would get scouted. Whether he go pro after high school or after finishing college, idk. But he will be pro. I would riot if he isn’t. And for Osamu, it would be really cool if he goes to a different team than his twin and they will fight it out on court.
On a side note, Kita is one of my favorite characters and he’s the one that from personality and mindset, can resonate the most with me. But tbh, I’m certain he’s not gonna go pro.
The only Kamomedai members that would be pro for me are Hoshiumi and Hakuba. Hirugami is high level himself ofc, but idk, I didn’t get the pro ambition vibe from him, similar to Yaku.
Hoshiumi is another one in my list that I think would be revealed as a pro. He’s small, yes, but there’s a wing spiker in Japan National Men’s Volleyball Team that’s around 178cm, and I believe Hoshiumi has grown around this height too. I mean, Hinata has reached 171cm, so it’s possible that Hoshiumi has grown taller as well. Besides, he’s really really really good. He has one of the highest overall skill after Kageyama. He only lose in power coz well, he’s smaller. After all, there’s the promise he made to Hinata. So a showdown between them will definitely happen. So, I think it’s safe to assume Furudate will make him a pro athlete.
Hakuba >>> same vibe as Lev and Hyakuzawa. He’s tall af. Not many people can reach 2 meters (especially Japanese), so he’d bring an advantage for any pro teams.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention Kiryuu. He’s definitely going pro (or he already is?). I really really like and admire him. His character is so wholesome and amazing, he deserves the best. And that translates to the best career too. I would be so disappointed if he isn’t a pro.
There’s also Tsubakihara High School that Karasuno fought in the first round National. Out of those players, the ace (Teradomari) and their wing spiker (Maruyama) have the best chance to get scouted. But there’s little information that we have about them, so I’m not sure. Furudate might not bring them back to the present. This also applies to Ubugawa and Shinzen High School captains from the training camp. Oh, Daishou-kun is also an interesting character, I would love to see him again. But maybe he won’t come back as pro player tho. But him giving commentaries will be very appreciated hehe.
PS: I kinda wish Furudate was a fic writer, lol. They would be able to write absolute masterpiece of crack-pair fics considering how they are able to make sense of Bokuto-Atsumu and Ushijima-Kageyama, lmao. Who else after this? Hoshiumi-Sakusa? Nishinoya-Kiryuu? XD
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