#i keep giving past me a side-eye bc it was my favorite opera for a significant amount of time
monotonous-minutia · 4 years
Cast of Mignon: reality check
(apologies in advance if none of this makes sense. It’s a pretty obscure opera.)
Mignon (Sperata), mezzo-soprano
Mezzo heroines for the win! Gets a relatively famous mezzo aria (”Connais-tu le pays”) Here portrayed as older than her literary counterpart, but still unfortunately in love with one of the biggest jerks in opera and literature in general (sorry not sorry Goethe). Canonically genderfluid because Barbier and Carré are awesome. She deserves much more than what this world throws at her (including Wilhelm) and unfortunately her naivete is probably what leads her to believe she doesn’t have the ability to seek out better things. If she were given the chance to explore the world and gain experience outside her former captivity (and Wilhelm), she would be better able to make smarter choices. Aside from this general misfortune, she is extremely sweet and adorable, altogether too accommodating (a trait that literally almost gets her killed). She should have gone off with Lothario after he adopts her, like he asked her to, and the two of them could have travelled to her homeland and made the discovery of their relation without Wilhelm. Also, she should totally date Frédéric. Although getting together with Wilhelm isn’t the ideal happy ending, she does find her father and her home and her real name (Sperata). It’s unfortunate we had to wait three hours to be able to call her that.
Wilhelm, tenor
A student. Classic example of the Dick Tenor. Basically wants to roam the world without commitments or consequences, which truthfully is relatable; but when it’s at the expense of the well-being of people in your life, it’s not really fair. He is decently nice to Mignon, taking care of her when she starts following him around and when she gets sick. However, the fact that he only starts to fall for her when she presents as feminine is unfair and tbh kinda gross. He does not heed the warnings of Laerte, who (as seen below) has gotta win some kind of record for tenor braincells. Wilhelm is totally smitten with Philine because of her charm and her fame; we can’t really blame him for that, since pretty much everyone is. And yeah, he does risk his life to save Mignon. Still doesn’t save his dick personality, though. Overall he just needs an attitude adjustment, a splash of reality, and probably a good slap in the face. (Sorry, I just really do not like Wilhelm.)
Lothario, bass
A wandering musician. Genuine Good Bass. Traditional operatic adopted father figure, but in this case, it just so happens that the child he rescues and adopts actually is his kid. This isn’t discovered until the end, though. He’s clearly traumatized, and of course society interprets this as him having lost his mind. He turns to music for comfort. Constantly searching for the thing he has lost, but he can’t remember what that is. Primarily only interacts with Mignon, whom he tries to protect from the rest of the world. Unfortunately he is also very suggestable, which leads to the unfortunate incident of Philine’s theater getting burned down when Mignon wishes a fiery death on her rival. Once he rediscovers his identity as both Mignon’s father and a nobleman, it’s clear he’s going to put these roles to good use and make the world a better place. Now if only he’d have the sense to kick Wilhelm out.
Philine, soprano
A singer and actress. Thing is, Philine would probably be more of a halfway decent person if she weren’t infatuated with Wilhelm. After all, she is the one who paid for Mignon’s freedom, and in the extended ending she has a moment where she almost apologizes. Plus, the biggest mean thing she does wasn’t meant to be life-threatening for those involved, and she only did it because she was jealous of the attention Wilhelm was giving Mignon. Another case of sopranos losing brain cells around tenors. In general, she’s still a vain, self-centered drama queen. We can understand her desire to live life to the fullest; if only it weren’t at the expense of those around her. Truthfully, she and Wilhelm are probably a better match for each other than the (operatic) canon couple, because of their mutual obliviousness to the needs of others and their similarly self-absorbed attitudes. In the original (extended) ending, she does say she’s going to get together with Frédéric, but for his sake, let’s hope that doesn’t happen.
Laerte, tenor
An actor in Philine’s troupe. Plays the role of Genuinely Good Tenor since Wilhelm can’t be bothered to. Probably the smartest person in this opera. He sees what everyone else refuses to see and tries to be practical, but that’s hard when you’re surrounded by oblivious lovebirds. Primary function is to provide sarcastic commentary. Has a delightful little number where he teases Philine. Tries to warn Wilhelm against falling for Philine, but of course Wilhelm doesn’t listen. Laerte clearly feels for both Mignon and Frédéric. However, he has basically given up on trying to interfere in other people’s lives. Why he continues to follow Philine around is anyone’s guess. He probably just enjoys observing the drama that consistently surrounds her.
Frédéric, mezzo, is absolutely never a tenor because that would be ridiculous
One of the most adorable and underrated trouser roles in opera. As per usual, very much crushing on the soprano and jealous of her affections for the tenor. Has an absolutely delightful number when he sneaks into Philine’s room. Draws his sword on Wilhelm as a challenge when they find they’ve each snuck in to meet Philine in her room. Wilhelm clearly does not take him seriously. Pretty much no one does, in fact. He does laugh at Mignon when he sees her in a dress, which isn’t very nice, especially given her self-esteem is almost nonexistent to begin with. He’d probably gain a few brain cells if he gave up on Philine. It’s insinuated at the end (in the original ending, at least) that he does, in fact, wind up with Philine. However, I’m still in camp Mezzos Should Run Off Together, and I think if Frédéric lets go of his obsession with Philine, and Mignon lets go of her obsession with Wilhelm, the mezzos could totally get together.
Jarno, bass
Functional purpose is to be the one who kidnapped Mignon and eventually sells her to Wilhelm (who sets her free), but is also a really insulting portrayal of stereotypes surrounding Romani people, which isn’t entirely the librettist’s fault because it’s based on the original source material, but still, Barbier and Carré could have done better. But this opera is pretty messed up in general. They probably should have just picked a different story.
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606mc · 8 years
RFA University AU [Chapter 5]
Author’s note: So i was finally able to finish this chapter and i’m honestly relieved bc i thought it would take more time. I hope that if you read this chapter you take time to read this note since almost at the end; the opera, is inspired by this [video] so yeah... I hope that if you read this you enjoy it, and please feel free to let me know what you think ♥
[Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]
Once my Tuesday classes have finished, I start making my way down the hallway to the photography club so I can turn in the few pictures that I’ve been taking in the past week. Progress is what they want to see after all, even If it’s quite small.
As I turn to the right, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out and notice that I received a text from Saeyoung. I unlock my phone and tap on the RFA messenger app.
Saeyoung: -Hey MC are you on your way to your club?-
After he sends the message, he adds a little emoticon that looks exactly like him. How cute.
MC: -Yes, why? Is there something you need?-
Saeyoung: -Nah, I just wanted to remind you that you can start inviting people for the event, so I thought that you invite everyone from your club-
MC: -Yes, it’s a good idea, thank you Saeyoung!-
After including one of my emoticons I close the messenger and put my phone back inside my pocket to keep walking towards the photography club.
I knock on the door twice before letting myself in, the room is filled with several equipment and in the walls most of the work done by students is hanged for exhibit. Two students; who seem to be comparing a few photographs, greet me as I walk inside.
“Hello MC, it’s nice to see you” Says one of them; who I remember said he was the president of the club. “You brought some of your work for us to see?”
“Yes, do you have a moment?” I ask him.
“Yes of course, just give me a second.” He answers happily before turning to the girl beside him, pointing at the photographs in her hands “Change the lighting of the second set and bring them in next week, the other ones are really good.”
“Alright, thank you so much Rui” The girl answers as she grabs her backpack and heads out the door, “I’ll see you next week! Goodbye. The girl waves and he waves back before turning to look at me once again.
“How are you MC?” He asks, I walk closer to him and I reach for my camera inside my bag. “I’m glad you could come today to show your progress.”
“I’m good,” I tell him “I was free the other day so I went out to take some pictures, but after looking the pictures in the wall I’m sure mine are really bad.” Rui laughs and pats my shoulder with reassurance.
“MC don’t worry about that” He says, “We all have to start from somewhere, and we are not going to be very good at first. But it’s alright because that’s why we’re here for, to learn and improve.” He takes my camera in his hands and starts going through the pictures one by one. “You are not as bad as you probably think you are.” He confesses, “I like them.”
“Really?” I ask him.
“Yeah,” He tells me “Some of them could use a better lighting, but you’ll learn more about that with experience.” Rui returns the camera to me and then walks to the back of the room looking for something. “I actually want to lend you the lens I used when I started coming to the club.” He says as he continues searching for the object. “I think you can out it to good use.” As he keeps looking around all his equipment, I observe closely the framed photographs in the walls; some of them have Rui’s signatures at the bottom, others have the names of other students, but the one in front of me has the letter V at the bottom right; Jihyun’s signature.
“Here it is” Rui says while holding a small lens in his hands. He returns to my side and hands me the expensive-looking piece. “I just need you to write your name and date in here.” He explains as he puts a notebook in front of me along with a pen. Once I sign the bottom of the page, he closes the notebook and smiles. “You’re free to go MC.”
“That’s it?” I ask him. “You’re going to give me the lens just like that?”
“Yes,” He starts “Most of the equipment here belongs to the students, we are able to buy things for the school with the money we earn from selling our own photographs, so when we upgrade our equipment we leave the old stuff behind for everyone to use whenever they want.”
“That’s really interesting” I tell him, “But also strange that you can easily trust someone with something quite valuable.”
“Well, if something happens to it you’re going to have to pay for it” He says, “but you can always earn money by working hard and delivering good photographs for us to sell. With this I’m not saying that you don’t have to be careful, what I’m trying to say is that you don’t have to worry about it too much.”
“Alright Rui” I say, “I’ll take care of it, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He says, and he smiles at me. “Is there something else you need?”
“Actually yes,” I start “Before I go I want you to invite you to the party at the end of the semester the RFA is preparing.”
“You are part of the RFA?” He asks, “You must know Jihyun then.”
“I don’t know much about him but I’ve met him.” I confess.
“It’s funny because the lens I gave you was his.” Rui tells me, “And yes I’d love to go, thank you MC.”
“Alright, thanks Rui” I say as I start to gather my things, “I’ll let you know the details via email later.”
“Sounds cool,” He concludes, and he waves at me as I walk out of the room. “Goodbye MC.”
As I walk through the hallway, I feel my phone buzz repeatedly in my pocket.
“Hello?” I say once I answer the call.
“MC, it’s me Jumin Han” he says, “Are you still at school?”
“Yeah, I’m actually on my way out” I answer, “Why do you ask?”
“If you are not busy I want to suggest that we continue with our project.” He continues, “Is that okay with you?”
“Sure, I’m free all afternoon.” I say. “Where are you?”
“I’m outside,” he tells me “Driver Kim is going to take us to my apartment, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” I answer, and I start walking to the entrance to meet Jumin outside.
As I walk down the stairs I notice a black car parked beside the side walk, and I see Jumin standing there starring at his phone as he waits for me.
“How long have you been waiting here?” I ask him, getting his attention away from his phone.
“Hello MC” he says to me as he puts his phone on his pocket and opens the door for me to get in the car. “Not very long.” Once we are both inside, he tells driver Kim to take us to his apartment.
“How was your day?” I ask him, and I hear him sigh deeply.
“It was a long day” He answers and he seems more serious than usual. “I’d rather not get into details.”
“Are you alright?” I ask worried, “If you want we can continue with the project some other day, so you don’t feel stressed.” Jumin smiles and puts his hand on mine, giving it a small squeeze.
“Its fine MC, don’t worry about it.” He reassures me, “I actually want to distract myself today, and having you as company makes me feel quite relaxed as well.”
“Oh, well then I’m glad.” I say smiling back at him.
“How was your day?” He asks me.
“It was alright,” I say “I went to class and after that I went to the photography club. I invited Rui to the party and told him that I would email him later, and he also lent me a camera lens.” I tell him as I start digging through my stuff looking for said object. “Rui said it was Jihyun’s” I put the small lens in Jumin’s hand so he can take a closer look at it.
“This was one of his favorites.” Jumin says, as he examines the object in his hands. “I remember going with him to buy it a long time ago.”
“For how long have you been friends with Jihyun?” I ask.
“Since we were little kids,” He explains “We grew up in the same neighborhood and we saw each other quite often.”
“Oh, so he’s your childhood friend” I say; more to myself than to Jumin, “He must mean a lot to you.”
“Yes, V is one of few people I consider close to me.” Jumin explains.
“That’s good,” I tell him, feeling relieved that he has someone who he trusts in his life, but then I remember something else. “Do you miss him?”
“I do,” he admits “But we still keep in contact every now and then.”
“I’m glad,” I say “Keeping your friends close even if they are far away is really good.”
“Do you have childhood friends MC?” Jumin asks, and I stay quiet. I look down at my shoes as some memories start to come back to me unconsciously; even after so many years it’s something I can’t completely forget. Jumin puts his hand on my shoulder and calls my name, bringing me back to reality.
“Are you alright MC?” He asks concerned.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I answer, “I just got a little bit dizzy that’s all.”
“Driver Kim can you hand me a bottle of water?” Jumin asks the man in the front seat, and thanks him once he has the bottle in his hands. “Here, drink this.” Jumin hands me the bottle and I start taking small sips of the water. “We’re almost there.” He reassures me.
“I’m feeling better,” I tell him “Thank you Jumin.”
“You’re welcome.” He says, and as I look at him I realize that in his mind there are several questions and doubts going around, just like in mine.
I stretch my arms and let out a sigh once I set down my pencil on the table in Jumin’s study room.
“I think we’re done for today.” I tell him, and he nods as he leans back in his chair. Jumin stands up to open the door and let Elizabeth inside, and as he does I start looking around.  My eyes land on one of the many bookshelves in the room.
“Oh! You got some books for our language class” I say, as I stand up and reach for one of the books.
“Yes I’ve been studying.” He tells me, making his way to me with Elizabeth in his arms.
“Really? Can you read this?” I ask him as I walk to the navy blue couch at the corner of the room. Jumin sits by my side and sets Elizabeth between us as he takes the small book from my hands. I run my hands over Elizabeth’s fur as Jumin reads, and I notice that his pronunciation is really good.  Between some sentences he stops; going over and over a certain word that he can’t completely comprehend, but I quickly help him so he can continue with his reading.
“You’re really good” I tell him, “If you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t you get a perfect grade on our first exam? You definitely seem to have the knowledge.” Jumin puts the book down and smiles before answering.
“I didn’t know much about it back then, but languages is something I’m usually good at and I learn pretty fast.” He explains.
“That’s amazing” I say, still petting Elizabeth gently as I listen to her soft purring. “I wish I could learn that fast.”
“How did you learn though?” He inquires. “You seem to have a broad knowledge on the language.”
“Well that’s because it’s my grandparents and mother’s first language.” I tell him, trying to open up a little. “So they taught me since I was very young.”
“Your family was very smart in doing so,” He says “You seem to know perfectly both languages.”
“Do you know more languages?” I ask him, glad that I’m able to know more about him.
“I do, actually I’ve learned most of them by traveling around the world.” He answers as he smiles, possibly remembering all the places he’s been before. He seems to be as interested as I am on getting to know each other, because he asks me if I like traveling.
“I do,” I admit “My family couldn’t really afford to do it often, but we had fun whenever we did.”
“Have you traveled somewhere recently?” He asks again, his eyes wandering from my lips to my eyes every now and then, giving me his full attention.
“Not really since I haven’t seen my parents in a while, and I don’t have the money or the time to travel by myself.” I tell him, and he only nods. “Besides, even if I could, I don’t think it would be nice to go alone.”
“What do you mean?” Jumin inquires, and I notice the way his head tilts slightly when he’s looking for an answer.
“Well, I think the best way to travel is with someone by your side.” I explain, “Some things are better when you do them with someone else, and they lose their meaning when you do them all alone.”
“Like happiness that you can only obtain a certain way?”
“Yes, something like that.” I say “Happiness can come in several ways, and because of that it can have different meanings, even sometimes a certain feeling of happiness is stronger than another one.”
“You have an interesting way of seeing things.” Jumin says, and I can’t help but blush.
“I’m sure it’s just a regular way of thinking.” I tell him, “To be honest sometimes I just say things that don’t make a lot of sense, so I apologize if what I say is confusing.”
“Don’t worry MC,” He reassures me, moving his hand to pet Elizabeth the third and brushing my hand on the way. Perhaps by accident, but he smiles nonetheless. “I think I know what you meant to say.”
I smile at his words and his eyes travel down to our hands. Elizabeth stretches a bit, looking satisfied with the attention we’re providing her. I pat her head, and then turn to look at the clock on the wall; I should leave now, it’s getting late.
“It’s getting late so I probably should go now.” I tell Jumin, and I notice how his smile slowly starts to fade away; turning into his usual serious features.
“Let me walk you outside,” He says as he starts to walk towards the door. “Driver Kim will take you home.”
“Oh, it’s not necessary” I reassure him, but I still let him walk by my side on my way out. “I can take a cab.”
“No Please,” He says, “I want you to return home safe, I insist.”
“Alright, thank you.” I say after a few seconds of hesitation, and then he escorts me out of the building. Jumin opens he car door for me, and asks Driver Kim to take me home safely.
“See you tomorrow” I say once I’m inside the car. Jumin nods and smiles once again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow MC” He says lastly, waiting for the car to disappear from his sight before returning back inside the building.
“Ah, I’m so glad tomorrow is Friday” Jaehee says with a smile on her face as we walk along the hallways of the school. “I would love to take a break and watch one of Zen’s musicals once I finish all the work I have.”
“That sounds like a great idea,” I tell her “I think you should relax for a while since you always work so hard.” Jaehee blushes slightly and thanks me for the compliment.
“Perhaps if you don’t return too late from the Opera we could watch it together” She adds, and then she looks behind me to look at Jumin “Are you two going to return late tomorrow?” She asks him.
“I don’t believe we will.” He answers, and I turn my head to look at him. I smile sweetly at him, and I see him return the gesture before I turn my head back at Jaehee who’s still walking by my left side.
“I won’t return too late,” I reassure her “we’ll watch it together don’t worry”. Jaehee smiles brightly once more, before redirecting her attention to something beeping inside her bag. She pulls her phone out and looks at the time; turning her alarm off.
“Oh, I have a Judo class today” She says, putting her phone back in her bag. “I should get going if I want to get there in time.” Jaehee starts to make her way to the exit, but I call her before she can get out.
“Take his with you.” I say to her, as I hand her the keys of my car.
“Are you sure MC?” She inquires, unsure if she should take the car instead of the bus.
“Of course,” I tell her “This way you’ll get there faster.”
“Alright then,” She says and she smiles as she thanks me. “I’ll see you at home later MC.”
I wave at Jaehee goodbye, and I watch her make her way to the parking lot, looking for my car. Jumin and I walk side by side on the small garden at the front of the school. I see him turn to look at me and open his mouth to say something, but he is interrupted by Zen; who arrives driving his motorcycle.
“MC! Hello” He greets me, switching of the engine and taking off his helmet. “What are you doing?”
“Hello Zen, I’m just walking home.” I answer, “Do you need anything?” Zen smiles and he steps away from the motorcycle, walking closer to Jumin and I.
“I was wondering if you’d like to go on a ride” He explains, “I got you a helmet.”
“Sure that sounds fun” I answer, but before I’m able to reach for one of the helmets Zen is holding, Jumin grabs me by the arm stopping me completely. I turn to look at him, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. What is he doing?
“I’m sorry but I can’t let you go with him MC.” Jumin says in a strict tone. “It’s too dangerous.”
“But I’m going to have a helmet on at all times” I say, moving my arm trying to make him let go of it. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Let go of her arm you jerk.” Zen scoffs, finally acknowledging the man in front of him, but Jumin doesn’t listen.
“I’m going to take MC home safely.” Jumin insists, his grip never softening.
“Jumin let go of my arm.” I say to him; never raising my voice but always maintaining a harsh tone. My words seem to work on him because he finally let’s go of me slowly.
“Since when do you care for anyone who’s not yourself?” Zen questions, sounding more irritated by each second that passes.
“She’s a member of the RFA,” Jumin clarifies, as if it was the most obvious answer. “I think I need to be responsible for everyone since V and Rika are gone.”
“Well you don’t have to worry about that since she’s going with me.” Zen says, “Now go, your driver must be waiting for your spoiled ass to take you home.” I turn around to look at Zen, and I notice that his face is slightly red from anger.
“Zen, don’t speak to him like that.” I say, starting to get mad at both of them for being so childish. I turn around once more, to face Jumin again. “I know you don’t want me to go, but it’s my decision to do so.” I explain in a softer tone, but Jumin’s expression never changes. I can see he’s trying not to show any emotions, but deep down I know he’s very angry; both at me and Zen.
I turn around and walk back to Zen, taking one of the helmets and putting it on my head. Jumin doesn’t say anything anymore, but he watches me take a sit behind Zen and wrap my arms around his waist for stability. I close my eyes, wishing he’d stop looking at me like that. I know I shouldn’t feel guilty for this; going on a ride on a motorcycle is something I want. But still, in my mind three words are being repeated over and over again. “I’m sorry Jumin.”
“Where are we?” I ask Zen, once we stop completely.
“This is my secret place” He answers once he takes off his helmet, and he helps me get down the motorcycle carefully.
I take off my helmet and walk close to the edge of what seems to be a mountain. A big part of the city lies in front of us, and I can’t help but wonder how it would look if we got closer to the top.
“This place is amazing Zen!” I tell him, unable to take my eyes away from the splendid view. “How did you find it?”
“Well” he starts, as he walks closer to me “Whenever I wanted to be alone, I took my motorcycle and drove around the city.” Zen rests his arms on the wooden railing in front of us; the one that prevents us from falling off of the cliff, and then he continues talking. “One day I came up here, and I noticed that thing” He says, as he turns around and motions what seems like an unfinished grey building made of concrete. “It kind of looks like the ruins of a castle, doesn’t it?”
“It does, a little bit” I admit, before turning my attention to him again. “How often do you come to this place?”
“I don’t do it very often since I only come here when I want to think or be by myself.” He explains, “But I think it’s a really nice place, and I thought you would really like it.”
“I do,” I say to him as I look around to look at the flowers and the trees. Zen takes a deep breath and smiles, but when he turns to look at me he stares at my left arm; the one Jumin held into.
“Did he hurt you?” Zen asks concerned, leaning over to observe my arm carefully.
“No, he didn’t.” I say to him. “His grip was firm not violent.”
“I think it’s going to bruise MC” He tells me, and I look down at my arm; unable to see anything.
“I don’t think it will,” I object “perhaps you are exaggerating It a little bit.”
“I am not.” He elaborates, “He really shouldn’t have treated you that way! I mean seriously what was that jerk thinking?”
“Why do you hate Jumin?” I ask suddenly, and Zen looks back at me with wide eyes. He opens his mouth to answer but words fail to come out. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, then he looks at me again.
“I don’t hate Jumin Han, I just can’t help but find him extremely annoying since he reminds me a lot of my brother.” He answers, “Always thinking that money can get you anything and it can solve all your problems, but not everything that matters has to be related to money.”
“You don’t get along with your brother?” I ask him, careful that my words don’t sound nosey and inappropriate.
“I don’t really get along with anyone from my family.” He answers, “I haven’t talked to them for several years.”
“I’m sorry Zen,” I say to him. “I had no idea.”
“It’s alright MC,” He says “It was my decision to run away from my home after all.” Zen sighs and looks down at the city, “My family never supported me or my dreams, and I always felt like I didn’t belong with them since I was so different,” He continues. “The only one that cared for me was my brother, but only for a short time.”
“You don’t miss him?” I ask, and he thinks about it for a few seconds.
“I do sometimes.” He admits, turning his head to look at me. “A few months ago my brother sent me an email; asking me if we could meet, but I never answered.” I ask Zen the reason why and he only shrugs. “I guess I’m scared.”
“Perhaps, you should think about it.” I advise him, “If you brother sent you an email then I think that means that he still cares for you.” Zen nods slightly but doesn’t seem too convinced about it. “I do not know what happened between you two or what you went through Zen, but if you miss him I think you should see him at least once, and see how it goes.” He stays quiet and looks down at his feet, so I continue speaking. “If anything, you know that we are your family Zen, and we will always be with you.” He smiles and nods, finally turning to look at me.
“Thank you MC” He says, “I’ll think about it.”
“Will you also try to be a bit more considerate of Jumin?” I say almost as if I’m begging him, and Zen rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless.
“Can’t promise anything,” He says, and he puts his hand on my shoulder “But I guess I can try just for you.” I look at Zen and as I return the smile, he pulls me closer in a hug. “It’s going to be late soon, I should take you home” he tells me once he pulls away and I nod.
“Let’s go.” I say as he takes my hand, guiding me back to his motorcycle.
I make my way home along with Jaehee after a morning filled with awkward silence between Jumin and I, although we were sitting by each other’s side in class, neither of us even bothered to say a single word.
“At what time is Jumin going to pick you up?” Jaehee asks as she opens the door of our apartment.
“Ah, well… I don’t think we’ll be going to the opera today” I say to her, and she turns around looking confused.
“Are you still fighting for what happened yesterday?” She asks, concern filling her words. “You didn’t talk about it today with him, did you?”
“He is very stubborn Jaehee” I point out, but Jaehee doesn’t seem very happy with my answer. “I don’t know how to even approach him if he’s like that.”
“You are also very stubborn MC.” She scolds, and as much as I hate to admit it I know she’s right. “Eventually you’ll have to talk to him.”
“I know,” I say after letting out a long sigh, “But it’s probably too late for tonight’s event.”
“You don’t know that.” She says, caressing my shoulder once she notices the disappointment in my voice. “If you don’t go, we can cook dinner together here and watch a movie,” She continues trying to make me feel better, “I know it’s not what you want but we can watch whatever you want.”
“Thank you Jaehee,” I tell her as I smile “I’d like that.” She smiles back at me, and I turn around to walk inside my room. “If you need anything let me know.”
“I will MC,” She answers “I’ll make sure we have everything for dinner.”
I nod my head before closing the door and dropping my bag on the floor. Suddenly I start feeling very tired, but there are things I still need to do. I let my body fall on the chair in front of my desk, as I start looking around for something to do. I sigh once more and I open the laptop in front of me. I open a new document and start typing my assignment, but stop to turn my attention to my phone as it starts vibrating. I look at the ID caller hoping to see Jumin’s picture, but instead I see Yoosung’s cute face.
“Hello?” I say after picking up.
“Oh, you answered!” He says sounding surprised, “I thought you’d be busy with Jumin doing your project together, but I’m glad you could pick up!”
“Ah, I’m actually at home doing my homework” I explain to him, “But I have time to talk, what is it?”
“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to come to my place next week for lunch” He says “I found a few recipes online and I was wondering if you would want to try them out”
“Yeah, that sounds really fun Yoosung” I tell him, “Let me know when do you want me to go.”
“Alright MC, I’ll make sure to get everything we need and I’ll let you know! Bye Bye!” Yoosung says cheerfully before hanging up, and I realize that he must spend at least 80% of his life in a good mood; he always seems to cheer us up without even trying. I put my phone down and continue doing my work, now feeling a little bit more relaxed.
After two hours of typing and reading, I close my laptop and stretch my arms in my seat. As I stand up I hear my phone ring again, and I notice that this time it’s Jumin who’s calling.
“Jumin?” I ask, wondering what his reason of calling now could be.
“Driver Kim will pick you up in two hours, be ready.” He says in his usual serious voice before hanging up, not even letting me say something in return. I stay still for a few seconds, trying to process what he just told me. I get to go to the opera after all.
“Jaehee!” I shout loud enough for her to listen on the other room, and I hear several quick and loud steps getting closer to my room. Jaehee suddenly opens the door of my room agitated.
“MC are you alright?!” She asks as she catches her breath, and I realize that I made a mistake by screaming like that.
“Yes I’m fine,” I apologize “I just wanted to tell you that Ju-” I stop talking when I notice something different in her, “are you wearing glasses?” Jaehee lifts her hand and touches the pair of glasses on her face, blushing a little bit.
“Yes, I was only trying them out” She explains, “Do they make me look smart?” Her question surprises me, but I answer nonetheless.
“Jaehee, what do you mean?” I inquire, “You are smart. I don’t think you need glasses to look smart, but if you like them I think they are cute.” Jaehee smiles and takes her glasses off as she starts to walk closer to me.
“What was the thing you wanted to talk about?” She asks once she’s sitting on the edge of my bed.
“Oh right, Jumin just called me,” I start “He said that Driver Kim is going to pick me up in two hours, and that I need to be ready.”
“Really?” She asks surprised, “Did you guys talked about your problem?”
“Not really since he just told me to be ready and quickly hung up.” I explain. “But if he’s willing to listen then we’ll talk.” I notice how Jaehee shakes her head slightly but smiles nonetheless.
“Do you know what you’re going to wear?” She asks me, and I realize that I haven’t thought about that at all. My expression seems to answer her question, because she laughs lightly as she stands up. “I have a few dresses that might fit you, come on.”
I follow Jaehee to her room and she opens her closet, revealing both formal and cute dresses. She starts looking through them and takes out a black dress with a white edge at the top.
“Jaehee It’s beautiful” I tell her, and she nods.
“I think it’s perfect for tonight.” She says, handing me the dress.
In two hours I’m ready and waiting for Driver Kim to arrive. Jaehee stands beside me, fixing a few strands of my hair that are out of place.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t stay for dinner and a movie” I say to her.
“Don’t worry MC,” She reassures me “I know that you really want to go to the opera tonight, and we can have dinner and a movie another night.”
“Thank you Jaehee.” I say, turning around and giving her a hug.
“No problem MC.” She answers, returning the hug. When we hear the sounds of the doorbell, she lets me go and she smiles. “Have fun tonight.”
“I will” I answer as I make my way to the front door, “I’ll see you later”. When I step out, I see Driver Kim standing in front of a black car.
“Good evening Miss” He greets me as he opens the door for me.
“Hello Mr. Kim, Jumin’s not here?” I ask, noticing that he is not inside the car.
“No Miss, he had to solve some things at work.” He answers, closing the door after I enter. “He asked me to take you to his apartment and so then you can both go to the event.”
“Alright, thank you.” I tell him, just before the car starts moving.
Mr. Kim opens the door of Jumin’s apartment for me, letting me walk inside.
“Jumin’s not here?” I ask him, as I notice the place completely quiet and empty while I walk towards the kitchen.
“I believe he’s changing in his room,” Driver Kim answers, “He won’t take too long so please feel comfortable taking a sit.”
“Thank you Mr. Kim,” I say smiling, sitting down in one for the stools from the kitchen counter.
“I’ll be waiting for you both downstairs.” He says, before he steps out and starts closing the door.  “Please excuse me.”
I start looking around the apartment, seeing things that I never saw before since the only place I’ve stayed in is Jumin’s study room.
The kitchen is big and extremely tidy; almost as if no one ever uses it. To my left there’s a sliding door that must connect the kitchen to the living room and Jumin’s bedroom. Would it be wrong if I open it to take a look at the other side?
My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by several knocks on the door. Perhaps Mr. Kim came back for something else. I stand up and walk towards the door, getting confused when I see a girl standing at the other side instead of Driver Kim after opening it completely.
“Hello.” I greet her awkwardly, realizing that she looks quite familiar and maybe I’ve seen her before somewhere.
“Are you going to let me in?” She asks in a slightly annoyed tone, crossing her arms on her chest and waiting for me to move.
“Oh sorry.” I say, moving to the side to let her walk through. She walks inside and my eyes follow her, almost never looking away from the dress she’s wearing; a bright purple puffy dress, making her resemble a big colorful cake.
“Where’s Jumin?” She asks suddenly, taking a seat on the stool I was sitting on a few moments ago.
“He’s in his room,” I answer “I think he’ll be out soon.”
She nods, taking her cellphone out of her purse and giving her complete attention to what she sees on the screen. I’m about to ask her for her name, but she speaks first.
“Can you bring me a glass of water?” She asks, not even bothering to look up from her phone. I stand next to her unsure whether to as she said or not for a few seconds before deciding that I don’t lose anything in doing so. Besides, this girl is Jumin’s guest.
“Sure.” I answer lastly, walking into the kitchen and serving a glass of water. I return to her and hand her the glass, the girl takes a sip and leaves the drink on the counter. “What’s your name?” I ask her, and she finally looks up from her phone. She stares at me and narrows her eyes, as if she can’t understand what I’m saying.
“I’m sorry for how long have you been working for Jumin?” She asks, and now it’s me who’s confused. Work for Jumin? What is she talking about?
“I apologize for taking so long.” Jumin suddenly speaks behind me, and I turn around to look at him; he’s wearing a very elegant black suit, with a striped white shirt underneath along with a black tie around his neck. “What’s going on in here?”
“Oh Jumin!” The woman says, as she stands up and walks towards him. “I’m glad you are finally done, so we can go already.” Jumin turns to look at the woman, looking her from her head to her toes and then tilting his head in confusion.
“Sarah, what are you doing here?” He inquires.
“What do you mean?” She asks, laughing awkwardly “I’m here so we can go to the play tonight.”
“I’m sorry but I already invited someone else tonight,” He answers, sounding almost uninterested in the woman in front of him “since you rejected the tickets that my father gave us the other day.” Sarah looks both confused and upset as she turns around to look at me.
“You’re taking your maid with you?” She asks, almost shocked. Maid? She thinks I’m his maid? I look down to see the dress I’m wearing; black and white, just below the knee and a bit elegant. Is this the reason why she thinks that way?
“I don’t work for Jumin.” I explain to her, feeling a little self-conscious “We are classmates, he’s my friend.”
“Yes, and we are also late.” He tells Sarah, “So please leave, before I have to call the guards.”
“Jumin Han if you call the guards I’m going to tell your father.” Sarah threatens, but she starts making her way outside the apartment nonetheless.
“Do as you please,” He answers in his usual monotone voice “I really couldn’t care less.”
Sarah walks out as she murmurs a few words about how she’s going to speak to her father about what happened and a few other things that are completely unintelligible. Jumin turns to look at me, but shows no expression whatsoever. Is he still angry at me?
“Are you ready?” He asks me, and I nod in response. “Let’s go then.”
The lights in the theater slowly dim as the show starts. Jumin, who’s sitting by my right, hasn’t said anything to me since we got out of his apartment. If he’s still mad at me, then why are we here?
He still seems to be mad at me, but then why did he invite me here if he’s upset?
The music starts playing softly, and everyone in the audience goes completely quiet. A woman comes out and starts singing beautifully; her voice is smooth and silky, always remaining in a peaceful and sweet pitch.
The story that’s being told is about a young woman, who falls in love at first sight with a man. He, as equally in love with her as she is with him, promises to give her the sun, the moon and the stars. The young couple then becomes blinded by their love and naivety, never realizing how their relationship is slowly turning unstable as time passes by. The man now feeling an unhealthy amount of love for her, kidnaps his lover; keeping her inside his empty basement. The woman dies of abuse and neglect after a while, and the man; unable to live without the love of his life takes his own life.
In my chest I feel my heart beat heavily; everything I’m seeing is absolutely breathtaking. Every single move and every single sound is filled with passion and pain. For a moment I stop breathing, and I concentrate on the woman’s face at her very last scene; she’s filled with fear and regret for not being careful enough, and for some reason I’m feeling it as well. At the corner of my eyes I feel the tears start to come out, and as she gives her last breath I finally exhale.
The lights around us enlighten the room once again, and as they do people start to clap and cheer for the artists. After a few minutes, Jumin stands up from his seat and walks by my side on our way out of the theater. He stops walking just before we reach the entrance doors.
“MC, wait.” He says, and I turn around to face him. Jumin hesitates for a few seconds before he speaks again. “I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I had no right in telling you what to do.” I look at him and in his eyes I can see the same pain the naïve lovers had a few moments ago; a mix of grief and fear for not being able to keep the person you care for by your side.
“I’m also sorry for yelling.” I confess, getting closer and taking one his hands in mine. “I know you had good intentions.” With his free hand, Jumin reaches over to his pocket and takes a small black box from it.
“I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to buy your forgiveness,” He explains as he opens the black box “But I wanted to give you this.”
“A butterfly.” I say, as I take out from the small box a silver necklace with a three small amethyst stones attached to the beautiful butterfly pendant.
“I thought it would be appropriate,” He starts, as he takes the necklace in his hands and taps my shoulder to turn around. “Since butterflies are lovely but not meant to be trapped.” Jumin adjusts the necklace and I turn around to face him again.
“I love it.” I say, as I smile to him and lean closer to embrace him. “Thank you Jumin.” He returns the hug right away, and I feel the way he rests his head on top of mine.
“Are you ready to return home?” He asks me, not moving from our embrace. I nod my head and he finally lets go of me, only to take my hand in his as we walk outside. “Let’s go then.”
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