#i keep reimagining scenes from last life with him as a werewolf
silverskye13 · 3 years
omg i love your ren comic so much!!! /pos
do you think you could explain/expand on the lore behind ren being a werewolf? like did he keep it a secret? or was it just already known by the last life servermates? and what exactly can he do and not do as a werewolf? theres so many possibilities!!!
Hey I'm glad you liked the comic! To say I had a ton of fun making it would be an understatement. I adore werewolf/shapeshifty characters and there needs to be more of them in fiction.
Renwolfy headcanons! Below the cut I guess! It's a long ramble.
I think everyone who followed him into Last Life from Hermitcraft know already that he's a werewolf, but everyone from off the server don't, which is why he pounced on Scott in the comic instead of Cleo. I feel like Cleo knows to stay wary when Ren's getting violent, self defense or otherwise - and also probably wouldn't be afraid of fighting back to keep him from getting his teeth on her. Monster/monster solidarity, you don't allow for there to be any of those "I'm a monster who hurts my own friends!!" moments. Her and Ren have probably bonded over being monsters with monster problems over the years [being that both werewolves and zombies tend to have a violent streak and a craving for human flesh at times].
That being said, I don't think he goes out of his way to keep his werewolf-y-ness a secret, but he also doesn't bring it up in conversation - he feels awkward about it in a "we all have our own problems, no use dumping my weirdness on someone else" sort of way. And a lot of the Hermits, who are used to his random shifting by now, all forget how weird it is for newcomers when the harmless dude with a flair for dramatics randomly turns into an 8ft tall wolf man. Lizzie definitely knows he's a werewolf, and his werewolf-ness would have been really evident when he was the boogeyman [the scene where Lizzie says she doesn't believe him when he says he's not the boogeyman gets so much funnier if you imagine her being busy when he walked up. And she's like looking through a chest going, "So how about you? Are you the boogeyman?" and he says nervously, "What? No, definitely not." and she turns around to see he's a giant wolf man, and without missing a beat she deadpans, "I don't believe a word you just said to me." "I'm such a bad liar," Yes Ren, yes you are. You turn into a dog when you're scared my dude.]
Something that comes with the territory of being a werewolf for a long time and being relatively in control of all your faculties is he controls when he shifts somewhat. There are still some pitfalls he falls into [if he's really freaked out and the fight half of fight/flight is kicking in, he'll shift, and of course during the full moon he has no control over that and stays shifted for the full 24 hours] but for the most part he picks and chooses when he can change. If people need help carrying heavy loads around the server he'll frequently Wolf Up to twice his normal size and throw heavy deepslate tiles around like they're made of sawdust. I feel like when Lizzie first called him over as muscle for the enchanting table, he probably stepped up with all his tall fuzzy glory, axe in hand, ready to intimidate people just by standing nearby.
I'm a bit generic when it comes to what I think he can do as a werewolf! He gets a lot tankier for one thing - he's thick furred and thicker skinned, and all the weapons made for cutting down regular people sized enemies tend to harm him less. That being said, any wound he takes as a werewolf transfers to his regular human self when he shifts back, and there's been many times where he's underestimated just how hurt he was and collapsed the minute he turned back into his more human form [which probably happened immediately after the comic ended, poor dude]. Ren himself has stated he's not a fighter, and he isn't very good at it, and I think that mostly comes from the weirdness of swapping his body around every time a fight happens. He might feel reasonably proficient with a bow and arrow as a human, only to be really clumsy with it as soon as he has big wolf paws. And biting people to do damage is fine when the wolf brain has the reigns, but gets considerably more gross when he has to clean himself up after as a human.
Since Minecraft doesn't have things like Silver or Wolfsbane, those are kind of counted out as Werewolf Ren Weaknesses (tm), but I do feel like copper stings him when he has to handle it too long, and he tends to stay away from flower biomes because all the overpowering smells overwhelm and confuse him at times. He also has a hard time finding people on the LL server because it's so small, and people are constantly running from place to place, he has a hard time picking out what smells are new and who has been through recently. On cold nights at the Fairy Fort he definitely shapeshifts into a massive doggo to keep everyone warm, and when Lizzie wasn't paying attention he would romp with Dragon, Ogre and Taxes. He has a hard time telling when Joel is around because he smells so much like Lizzie that he gets them mixed up, so Joel sneaks past him easier than most of the other folks on the server [which is how he was able to do things like trap Lizzie's houses multiple times]. He had a lot of respect for BigB's "Terry" disguise because he sympathizes with someone feeling so bad about their actions as a monster that they felt the need to take on a whole new identity. Ren feels like he himself is a lot angrier and more violent in his wolf form, and while he's never attacked anyone just out of annoyance, he has snarled and barked and generally scared/intimidated people before, which he feels a lot of shame for later when he's back to human again.
Also I feel like the reason he says things like, "Well if you want to go we can go, I'm ready to do this thing," whenever he gets threatened [cough -- Etho pretending to be the boogeyman -- cough] it's because he's trying to scare people out of picking a fight with him. You want a fight? Okay I will wolf it up and we can fight and you'll lose! Because I'll be a scary wolf! I'm ready! I'm turning into a wolf now! You better back off or I'm going to do the wolf thing! Please!!
He doesn't follow through with it most of the time, but when he does people recognize he's getting serious and tend to backpedal pretty fiercely.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
What the Candyman Ending Means for a Sequel and His Immortal Legend
This article contains Candyman spoilers.
It is an exquisite final image. Swarmed in a symphony of bees and standing triumphant over his latest victim—a police officer sprawled out in an alleyway’s gutter—Candyman looks joyful. He’s the monster who’s haunted the ruins of what was once Cabrini-Green for more than a hundred years, and the legend who frightened children and caused lovers to cling closer in their rapture, and now he’s at last returned to his flock. Only this time Candyman is saving the woman who summoned him instead of destroying her.
As Teyonah Parris’ Brianna Cartwright looks on, her salvation is a wondrous thing—both a ghost and a living ghost story—who has killed something far scarier than his legend. The truth of this is told by the bodies of corrupt police officers strewn around the scene. Moments earlier, those same cops in cold blood killed Brianna’s boyfriend, artist Anthony McCoy (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II), after assuming from a glance this Black man was the criminal they sought. In doing so, they permanently secured Anthony’s place in the Candyman mythos, crafting his sad story onto the enduring larger one written in blood by the Black bodies that’ve been destroyed on these lands for more than a century. So when Brianna summons Anthony back by saying “Candyman” five times, it is not Abdul-Mateen’s face we see. Rather a de-aged Tony Todd stands defiant again. The everlasting saga of the Candyman walks again among us.
It’s a loaded image that speaks greatly about the movie we’ve just watched… and the inevitable Candyman sequel we are about to get.
Because rest assured, there will be a Candyman 2 (or Candyman 5, if we’re getting technical). After all, this new movie just grossed an impressive $22.4 million in its opening weekend, which nearly matches the film’s entire $25 million budget. There is thus little doubt about whether Universal Pictures will want to continue the story. But of course the entire point of Candyman is that this is a story which never ends, not in the last vestiges of Cabrini-Green, and not in America. All of which makes the prospects of another movie fascinating…
A New Candyman for a New Type of Victim
If Bernard Rose’s original Candyman (1992) was a Gothic Romance of the nihilistic order—complete with the loaded imagery of a Black man haunting the dreams of a white woman—then Candyman circa 2021 is functionally something else. At its barest bones, it’s a werewolf movie, and a Jekyll and Hyde reimagining. Abdul-Mateen’s Anthony is a good man who says his prayers by night (or at least kisses Brianna before bed), but when the moon rises, and “Candyman” is whispered five times before a mirror, something supernatural and beyond his control takes hold.
If Virginia Madsen’s Helen was bedeviled by the assumption that she was responsible for Candyman’s murders in the original movie, Anthony is damned by the much worse realization that he is becoming Candyman. Of course the idea of what that means is something far more tangible than urban legends about mirrors and spirits.
As eventually explained by Colman Domingo’s William Burke, Candyman is more than just a ghost story; it’s the tale of systemic oppression of Black men since time immemorial. The original Candyman might’ve been Daniel Robitaille, a Black artist in 1890s Chicago who dared to fall in love with and impregnate a white woman—which led to his body being mutilated by a lynch mob—but as Burke explains in Candyman, all those innocent Black men who’ve been brutally murdered by white authority over the decades were real men who existed beyond the confines of campfire stories. They lived, they loved, and they died horrible, gruesome deaths. In the case of Burke’s own childhood boogeyman, Sherman Fields (Michael Hargrove), that came in the form of a simple neighborhood man who liked giving candy to children, and the cops naturally assumed he was responsible for the recent death of a white child before shooting him.
These real stories are twisted into an urban legend that shrouds the ugliness under a veneer of Gothic horror and romance. That is the true tragedy of Candyman. Hence the horror of Anthony becoming just another Black face to fear for those with the power, another boogeyman whom cops will eventually shoot on sight simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Society is literally forcing and contorting these Black men’s bodies to fit a prejudiced assumption.
That is why, according to Burke, and by extension Nia DaCosta and Jordan Peele’s script, the Candyman story lives on with a mystical sort of power. Throughout the movie, Anthony McCoy is haunted by Candyman’s reflection in the mirror, even though we rarely get a good look at him. The role of a monster is being thrust upon him.
Yet who does the revived Candyman kill? Whereas in the original film he considered the impoverished residents of Cabrini-Green’s projects his “children” and “flock,” whom he occasionally would select victims from to keep his legend alive, the Candyman of 2021 has few Black faces to cull from. Gentrification has literally pushed them out, and the high-rises Rose and Tony Todd shot the original Candyman in have been torn down and erased.
So Candyman’s victims in the 21st century are largely the white faces who’ve displaced the original flock. Tellingly, the first victim in the new movie is Clive Privler (Brian King), a white man who curates Black art and generates wealth for himself by exploiting local trauma. What sets Anthony on his fateful descent is being told by Clive that art about Black struggle in the South Side is played out; dig into that Candyman nonsense in Cabrini-Green instead. So it is that Clive and his girlfriend, who pay no credence to the rituals and awe Cabrini’s previous residents had for Candyman, are among the first to summon the ghost—tasting his glorious treats.
The next victim is a white art critic who has little interest in Anthony’s art when she first sees it. Rather she has the chutzpah to tell a Black man about why he is guilty of gentrification and dismiss his art as blunt and common. Yet when she sees commercial appeal in the story following Clive’s gruesome murder—suspecting there is now a Black story to benefit from telling herself—she circles back to Anthony’s Candyman art and seals her fate.
In the original Candyman, Tony Todd purrs, “They will say that I have shed innocent blood. What’s blood for, if not for shedding?” In 2021, no one who dies by Candyman’s hook is particularly innocent. Even the teenagers who summon him to a high school bathroom have benefitted from a culture that relies on complicity. They were of course too young to know they’re part of that system… but then so was Anthony when he was taken as a baby by the Candyman 30 years ago, and doomed to the same cyclical violence perpetrated against Black men each generation. Innocence and ignorance save none in this story we’ve built for ourselves.
Which brings us back to that ending with Anthony dying so as to fully resurrect Candyman’s legend. As Burke plainly spells out, a ghost story for Black communities could be laughed off by the elite and bourgeois white classes in the past. Now Candyman can live forever if the blood he is spilling belongs to white culture—beginning with the cops summoned to the scene.
Where Does This Leave the Candyman Sequel?
The last line of the new Candyman is Tony Todd’s visage commanding Brianna to “tell everyone.” He’s back. The full impact of that is revealed during Candyman’s end credits. Initially, the film fades out on DaCosta’s use of haunting paper shadow puppets, which were used throughout the movie to recreate old myths about Candyman: Helen Lyle’s fate and Daniel Robitaille’s courtship of a wealthy white daughter and a father’s terrible vengeance. Yet if you stay long enough in the theater, a new shadow play is enacted, one in which an artist loses his mind, and his paint brush is replaced by a hook.
This puppet play ends like the movie: Candyman has risen and five treacherous police officers are left in pieces. The implication is, clearly, that Brianna has obeyed Candyman’s edict and spread the good word.
Yet if this is the new legend, where can that lead a potential follow-up? Is Candyman essentially a superhero movie? The story of a ghost who punishes those white faces that dare dismiss the Black culture they’ve supplanted and profited from?
Possibly, although I think that is too reductive and simplistic for DaCosta and Peele, as well as somewhat of a betrayal of Candyman’s appeal if it stops there. Like the beautifully haunting melody of Phillip Glass’ original Candyman musical theme, there is an intoxicating allure found in the sorrow and tragedy wrought by this character. If Candyman’s story is transitioning from one about meta-textual mythmaking to one about cultural revenge against repression, then it must still remain a revenger’s tragedy.
Read more
What to Expect from the Candyman Reimagining
By David Crow
Candyman Origins Explored in Haunting Video from Nia DaCosta
By David Crow
As Burke said in the new movie, Candyman is a tale folks use to comprehend and organize their thoughts around long systemic violence against Black people in this community, beginning with Daniel and carried on through Anthony in this particular case. That story is, sadly, unending in American life, but it can be told in a new way by a Candyman sequel.
If the 2021 movie is, in its barebones, a werewolf narrative with a central victim coming to terms with his transformation, then a follow-up could pivot to returning to the heightened operatic quality of the original Gothic film. For instance, as brutal and merciless as DaCosta’s on screen violence is in the new picture, I would argue there is nothing as unnerving or unforgettable as Tony Todd’s big entrance in 1992.
Halfway through the original movie, after being told repeatedly there is no such thing as Candyman, Helen and the audience eventually turn the corner in a parking deck and there he is: formally draped in a fashionable coat and standing at a posture that is simultaneously inviting and foreboding. He’s no slasher killer who will float across the floor to get you. He is an almost godlike presence who has the infinite patience of a spirit that knows time is on his side, and his reach is inescapable. The more Helen attempts to resist, the more she and the audience are helplessly drawn in by the irrepressible power derived from a legend.
A sequel to Candyman (2021) could lean into those abilities and allow Abdul-Mateen to fully inhabit the role in the way Todd did for a previous generation. Abdul-Mateen certainly has the talent to use a soft-spoken voice to dominate the screen. However, the trick could be to use it to a different end.
With Candyman returned as a spirit of revenge against a white society that has finally grown forgetful enough to move into his domain—the ruins of Cabrini-Green—he can now be a presence that at last victimizes those who oppressed Daniel Robitaille, Anthony McCoy, and all the others. By virtue of that long sad history, the melancholic fatalism of the character can never feel empowering… but it can be righteous.
Anthony becoming the face of Candyman for this new era makes sense as the story of the artist’s madness and demise is now forever coupled to the legend. Just as Anthony saw Sherman Fields in the mirror because William Burke told him the Candyman story of his youth, so will new generations see Anthony McCoy when they dare summon Candyman.
And if Anthony is the face of Candyman going forward, he can continue to haunt Brianna’s dreams while drawing her into providing him more victims—sweets for the sweet—which would recontextualize the fatalist romance from the original movie. Theirs could be the ultimate art piece in the new Candyman’s mind, one where he cuts a bloody canvas so vast that even Lakeshore Drive cannot look away. How delicious.
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The post What the Candyman Ending Means for a Sequel and His Immortal Legend appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/38nbpDM
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randomfangirl330 · 7 years
Fav Narumitsu pwkm
I’m going to keep some of my favorite pwkm fics here that I can’t find on AO3 or Fanfiction.net These will probably mostly be Hurt/Comfort fics. 
Also, if you are any of the author anons of the incomplete works... PLEASE!
Caged (Incomplete, but stops fine) - Phoenix is an actual phoenix and is captured by a hunter
Frozen (Complete) - Phoenix is found trapped in a freezer, seriously beaten, and Miles is investigating who done it
Wright’s Love Guilty (Complete) -  "Edgeworth... we can't have sex in front of Charley!"
Hospital Fic (Complete) - Another missing hospital scene fic from 3-5
Hiding in Plain Sight (Incomplete) - Phoenix is shot after witnessing a crime, so he is put under Witness Protection while Miles tends to his injuries
Sleepless (Complete) - After Phoenix misses his flight from an overbooked plane, Miles agrees to let him spend the night in his hotel room
Heartbeats (Complete) - Miles is calmed after an earthquake by Phoenix’s heartbeat
Five Times...  (Multiply fics; Incomplete) Vampire Kristoph Gavin sets his eyes on a new victim; and that victim happens to be Werewolf Miles Edgeworth’s mate
Kinematics (Incomplete) - Phoenix and Miles are taken hostage by a crazed gunman
Turnabout M.D. (Incomplete) - Ace Attorney and House M.D. crossover
Sanctuary (Complete) - Miles reflects on how lucky he is to have Phoenix by his side while sharing a bed
Tremors (Complete) - Miles and Phoenix are in the same room when an earthquake happens and Phoenix gets knocked out
intertwined. (Complete) - Phoenix and Miles cuddle up together after a long week
Once Upon a Time... (Complete) - Princes Miles is sent to try to woo Princess Mia, but finds himself falling in love with her bodyguard, Sir Phoenix, instead
That Damn Feeling (Complete) - Miles can’t shake the bad feeling he’s getting from Phoenix’s latest client
Capsicum. (Complete) - Phoenix is sprayed with a powerful mace and Miles watches over him while he recovers
No Day But Today (Complete) - Phoenix is evicted from his apartment and tries to hide it from Miles
A Perfect Revenge (Complete) (TW: Graphic depiction of torture) - von Karma escapes death and patiently waits for the day to execute his revenge against Miles Edgeworth and the attorney who defeated him
Untitled Story... (Complete?) - A hostage situation happens in court and Phoenix is shot protecting Miles
2 fics with the same premise (Both incomplete) - Phoenix realizes his client is really guilty while in trial and tries to subtly let Miles know because said client is threatening him with a gun
Gazing Within (Incomplete) (TW: Referenced Rape) - Phoenix wakes up in the hospital to bad injuries and Miles by his bedside with concerning news of his condition
I’m so evil (Complete) - Miles and Phoenix are trapped in a glass elevator 40 stories up
A Gut Feeling (Incomplete) - Phoenix and Edgeworth are in the middle of a heated cross-examination when Phoenix collapses. It's his appendix, it has to come out now, he had appendicitis and hid it
Under the Gun (Incomplete) (TW: Implied NonCon) -  Phoenix plays poker and wins a familiar looking person
In Sickness and In Health (Incomplete) -  Edgeworth gets in a nasty accident and wakes up in the hospital with amnesia. His last memory is Phoenix Wright beating his perfect record. However, he is told he's married to this very person.
Sick Is As Sick Does Not (Complete) - Miles gets sick while forced to go to a log cabin and everyone is snowed in. The only one who seems to notice his state is Phoenix
List (Complete) - Miles keeps a list of all the things he loves about Phoenix
Nightmares (Multiply Fics; Complete) - Phoenix and Miles comfort each other after having nightmares (There’s also a Klapollo one too)
You Can Cry Now (Complete) - Miles wasn’t the only one who lost someone in that earthquake (This one MAY of been intended as friendship, but I’m consistently wearing shipping goggles)
Forbidden Fruit (Complete) - Just why does Miles always wear a cravat?
Dinner and a Movie (Complete) - Phoenix gets a horrible stomach ache and Miles takes care of him
Frozen (Incomplete; Different fic) - Miles finds Phoenix unconscious during a freak blizzard in LA
Of Life, Pride and Pess (Complete) - Pess seems to of taken a very strong liking to Phoenix, much to Miles’ shock
Post-sex fun! (Complete) - Some pillow talk after sex
Nick's Sick (Complete) - Phoenix calls in sick and everyone seems to have an idea of how to cure him
Dreams of Perfection (Complete) - Phoenix just wants his and Miles wedding to be perfect. Life seems to have other plans though.
Miles' Migraine (Complete) - Miles gets a migraine while working and Phoenix comes over to take care of him
Bad Day (Complete) - Miles has a long day and want nothing more than to go home to his boyfriend who is apparently also working late
Bitter Re-Union (Complete) - What if the poison in the bottle Phoenix ate took effect on him when he ate it?
Reverse Aromatherapy (Complete) - Phoenix accidentally uses Armstrong’s aromatherapy bottles and now smells. Everyone is avoiding him expect Miles, who seems to be trying to get closer to him.
"Hopefully you'll feel the same" (Complete) - Miles is completely wasted and confesses his feelings to Phoenix
Your Secret Admirer (Complete) - Phoenix gets a series of love letters from a secret admirer
Returning the favor (Complete) - Young Phoenix sees young Miles being harassed by bullies, so he stands up for him in thanks for helping him
I'm Yours (Complete) - The sweetest love-making fic you'll probably ever read
Unnecessary Feelings (Complete) - Miles wakes up and silently admires a sleeping Phoenix next to him.
More Loving! (Complete) - Phoenix gets mysterious treats sent by an unknown sender while Miles is out of town
Distant Traces (Complete) - Dahlia has trapped Phoenix in his own mind and is devouring his soul until Edgeworth comes to save him
P/E Kidfluff (Multiple Fills; Both Complete) - Phoenix continues to be picked on for the class trials, and Miles continues to stand up for him
exchanges (Complete) - Miles is planning on proposing to Phoenix, but he feels he needs Trucy’s blessing to do so
The Wright One (Incomplete) - Phoenix runs a matchmaking business and tries to find a match for the incredibly picky Miles Edgeworth
FILL (Complete)  Phoenix has a nightmare while in the hospital after his fall, and Miles finds himself on the comforter end 
The Not So Ordinary (Complete) - After being attacked in court, Phoenix dies in Miles’ arms... or so it seems
True Bluff (Complete) - The Princess Bride battle of wits scene reimagined as Ace Attorney
Consolation Prize (Complete) - Phoenix is tired of Miles always beating him in chess, so he offers a new game to play. Candy Land.
Let Go, Give In (Complete) - Miles accepts his own feelings and confesses them to Phoenix, only to find Phoneix trying to resist his own
Sofa Hair (Complete) - Miles is sick and refuses to go home, no matter how much Phoenix insists it
Commentboxing (Complete) After their officiate is arrested, Phoenix and Miles need someone to perform their wedding ceremony. It seems only Wendy Oldbag is able to do so
Edgeworth's Good Day (Complete) - Miles misses Trucy’s big show and feels absolutely guilty about it
Extinguished (Incomplete; frustrating incomplete) - Phoenix is buried alive somewhere and Miles has to find him
The Bad Guy (Complete) - Phoenix get a parental crisis when Trucy calls Miles the “Fun Dad”
Untitled (Complete) - Phoenix gets some advice from Maya and what to get Miles’ birthday not knowing what he was really asking
Blood Fever (Complete) - Miles has Vulcan ancestry and is going through the Pon Farr... with his eyes set on Phoenix
(If I find any more I like, they will be added to the list)
(This one’s not Narumitsu, but I still like it)
(Was probably supposed to be narumitsu, but the author didn’t get there)
(This is just funny!)
(Trucy doing the Flour Baby assignment)
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By Topic
Words, words, words.
Flat Dreams
Alright. Full disclosure. This is a really good fic. But … I’ve never understood the whole - ‘it makes Bill Cipher into a redeemable character’ thing. Bill feels well rounded and it gives Bill Cipher good motivations for the show. But … he’s still actually a rather genuinely rude person who does bad stuff with only slightly more understood reasons. If anything it just pulls him from psychopath to misguided. I don’t feel sorry for him, I’m just six times more interested in him as a character. But other than that - Man is this a really great fic.[Note to Self. Edit this description][Edit of the Edit: Ignore me. I know nothing]
DisneyMuse, slytherintbh
The Demon’s Apprentice
Yes ish
2 major works, plus a drabble and alternate endings
Have I read this? I feel like I have, but I’m not sure. It’s where Dipper becomes Bill Cipher’s apprentice of magic and Ford is just not having it. But … have I read this?
One Sword
Yes and No
First Posted
Last updated
9 May 2017
9 works
Oh, just lots. Portal adventures. Reimagining of canon episodes. Crossovers. But what I wanna know is how they get away with some of that purple prose stuff? Poetry? Different formats? It’s brilliant. How? Just - how?
Math is Money
First Posted
Last updated
28 Nov 2016
As I recall - this one was actually kind of adorable. Right? I don’t know why it’s marked unfinished unless the Tell_Me_Tales had more in mind. Otherwise it feels like a pretty cohesive pair of one-shots. And Filbrick is … normal.
A Girl Named Carla
Carla McCorkle meets Stanford and it’s awkward, and funny, and adorable.
One and a Half Stans Au
2 works
De-aged Stanley
Wearing the Working Man’s Clothes
No -
First Posted
Last updated
25 May 2017
So it says Tiny Ford Au, and I was thrown off. I thought - the shrink ray stuff. But it’s kid Ford. And Kid Ford’s mind too. So it’s cute! But also - how can Cipher NOT take advantage of that? A One and a Half Stans, with Ford.
It’s A Great Idea (Who Are You To Judge?)
Relativity Falls. Grauntie Mabel and Grunkle Stan compare lives over drinks. Not the best idea.
Gravity Falls: It’s Relative!
No -
First Posted
Last updated
Stanley and Stanford go and visit their Great Auntie Mabel for the summer.
Theory of Relativity
Relative Falls. Au colliding with Canon. Stanley and Stanford end up in relativity falls on a boat trip. Actually, the kids meeting their older selves - that’s neat.
The Devil You Know
Possession. Mystery trio. Ford gets possessed before he realizes that’s not a good thing. And Stanley … obviously gets caught in the crosshairs.
Trust Me
It …
Well anyways. Stan falls into the portal and … just … BADness ensues. Ford gets him out, but … so yeah
Finding the Right Frequency
Ford, and that radio! Talking over the air! Him and Stanley! It hits the spot.
Fractured Fingers
No -
First Posted
Last updated
25 Aug 2016
I shouldn’t like this one so much, but um … I REALLY like this one. Stanley comes to help Stanford in Gravity Falls.
eosrealis (Aurorealis)
Cooperation is Mandatory
No -
First Posted
Last updated
6 Nov 2015
Stanley is a werewolf. And yet outcast from all other werewolves - of course he couldn’t just get with the program, even as a wolf! And so Ford leaves Gravity Falls to study the phenomenon.
Gravity Falls Timestuck AU
Mabel trapped in the past and Stanley has to help her get back. Mostly through finding Stanford, and we all know how that goes down.
Silent Falls
No -
First Posted
Last updated
26 Feb 2017
Absolutely no idea, but it’s got one helluva mystery element and it feels like it’s going someplace, but I’ve no idea where.
My Demons
No -
First Posted
Last updated
28 Mar 2016
Mystery Twins.
Demonic Possession included. Kazriku also made a lyric video based on the same title and I recommend listening to it. Possibly while reading.
The Last Speecher (HeidiMelone)
Stanley McGucket
Stanley MCGUCKET. And that’s just PART ONE.
… wait. Guys. It UPDATED since I last saw it. I have so much to catch up on.
Gotham Falls
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First Posted
Last updated
18 May 2017
Batman, Gravity Falls crossover! What more do you people want?
Time Has Changed Me (And Left Me Full Of Doubt)
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First Posted
Last updated
13 May 2017
REALLY GOOD ONE GUYS. Everytime I think about - Stanley. Going through that portal. Coming out. And still not speaking to Ford for another couple of years. Having that kid. Dealing with trauma of having been on the other side of that portal. REALLY GOOD ONE. Major focus on awesome slice of life that just is REALLY GOOD.
Raising Stakes
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First Posted
Last updated
4 Jun 2017
Vampire Stanley. Enough Said. Also Stanley showing up at his old ‘friend’s’ house when the guy is thinking about how harmless Stan Pines is. He was BEGGING to get his throat ripped out. That scene was so cool.
A Time Wish
Stanley goes back in time to stop himself from landing Ford in the portal. He lands as a old mind in a young body and stays level headed as Ford wigs out. And proceeds to relieve the next thirty years.
Kalajorn (Mortsyn)
And Then There Were Three
No -
First Posted
Last updated
25 Jun 2016
Mystery Trio.
The Devil You Know
Possession. Mystery trio. Ford gets possessed before he realizes that’s not a good thing. And Stanley … obviously gets caught in the crosshairs.
No -
First Posted
Last updated
10 Feb 2016
Mystery trio and Stanley has issues from his time on the road. It is unfortunate that it is incomplete.
No -
First Posted
Last updated
23 May 2017
Carla McCorkle. Tell_Me_Tales adds a great addition of her as her own mystery trio in some of their work. Short chapters … that I feel get better as time goes on, but is that just me? Also - Gargoyle Stanley Au, but not monster Au.
A better place, a better time
Yes and No
First Posted
Last updated
22 Feb 2016
3 works
Mystery Trio. Stanley and Stanford reunite. Help.
Mystery Nerds AU
Yes and No
First Posted
Last updated
2 Jun 2016
5 works
Series. It’s the last one that isn’t finished, with a 4 chaptered 46k word count hanging off the side.
In Search of Antidotes
Historical Au. It’s great. So Stanley goes to help Stanford and it’s all in 1892. Double thumbs up.
Takin’ Care of Business
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First Posted
Last updated
19 Mar 2017
Modern … sort of Au. Where … Stanley goes to help Stanford. But Mabel and Dipper are more like niece and nephew - not great nibings. And … it’s really good. I really like The_Lionheart. They’re a really good writer.
delcatty (Harlecat)
The Thing On the Doorstep
What is this - lovecraft? ... Ha! I was right. I also don’t know much about lovecraft. But I do, however, know about this. And it’s Stanford getting himself into messes in a 1930’s setting and Stanley trying to help while overcoming Fiddleford’s phobia towards horrors of the eldritch type. The actual thing on the doorstep is … a mixture of a shiver down your spine and ‘bleck.’
How Stan has dentures. A basic recap of when and where he lost most of his teeth WITH CRIPPLING FEELS.
Now You See
Stanford never feels like he has to ask for Stanley’s help to come to gravity falls. You can probably guess how well that goes. Cause he finishes the portal but how to keep the world from ending?
The People That We Always Hoped We Would Be
Christmas Carol AU where everyone comes back into the past to get Stanford to reconcile with Stanley. Oh my gosh. THIS ONE. That one scene. WITH THE GUN.
Gravity Falls Timestuck AU
Mabel trapped in the past and Stanley has to help her get back. Mostly through finding Stanford, and we all know how that goes down.
Takin’ Care of Business
No -
First Posted
Last updated
19 Mar 2017
Modern … sort of Au. Where … Stanley goes to help Stanford. But Mabel and Dipper are more like niece and nephew - not great nibings. And … it’s really good. I really like The_Lionheart. They’re a really good writer.
Silent Falls
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26 Feb 2017
Absolutely no idea, but it’s got one helluva mystery element and it feels like it’s going someplace, but I’ve no idea where.
The Last Speecher (HeidiMelone)
Stanley McGucket
Stanley MCGUCKET. And that’s just PART ONE.
… wait. Guys. It UPDATED since I last saw it. I have so much to catch up on.
Five Years Older
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10 Jan 2017
27 year old Mabel going into the past and finding Mullet Stan. Come on guys. This one is almost mandatory viewing.
TheLazyBAMF (TheGuardian219)
Fixing a Mistake
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7 Nov 2016
Stanley uses a time wish to go back in time and relive his life so he doesn’t ruin Stanford’s. So … he’s in his kid body with his grumpy grandpa mind, and kid Ford wants to play all the time, but is smart enough to see something’s up. How could you not want this?
The People That We Always Hoped We Would Be
Christmas Carol AU where everyone comes back into the past to get Stanford to reconcile with Stanley. Oh my gosh. THIS ONE. That one scene. WITH THE GUN.
The Ghost that Lives in Great Uncle Ford’s Basement
Stanley - GOES BACK IN TIME, and ends up as a ghost. But I think what’s most important here, is that he’s basically lived twice but looks young. And the ending. It finally makes Canon the better option in a not ‘rip your heart out and feed it to cannibals’ way.
Gravity Falls Timestuck AU
Mabel trapped in the past and Stanley has to help her get back. Mostly through finding Stanford, and we all know how that goes down.
A Time Wish
Stanley goes back in time to stop himself from landing Ford in the portal. He lands as a old mind in a young body and stays level headed as Ford wigs out. And proceeds to relieve the next thirty years.
Haha! - No, I’m sorry. This one. This one is great. Portal Ford.
Gravity Falls: Aspects of Stanley
500 Fords Au. In a hall of Fords, Stanley splits himself into parts of his personality. And Ford has to put that back together.
Searching For Stanford Pines
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7 Jun 2016
Portal Ford.
A Tale Of Three Stans
They’re in iceland. Stanley and Stanford get separated. Until Stanley runs into another portal Ford. This is a really nice read. Short, but not too short. In a fun setting, running around doing interesting stuff. Police get involved to some degree. Otherwise it wouldn’t be Stanley and Stanford.
Lost and Found
2 works
Connected to Elementary Falls. “CanonFord!” lands in Elementary Falls universe. It creates TWO happy endings, so plus.
Reminiscence at Sea
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29 Sep 2016
Reverse Falls. Stanford ends up in reverse falls in one of his trips through the multiverse. And really learns to like … Will Cipher.
The Last Speecher (HeidiMelone)
In Another World
One shots of Portal Ford. Journal Style.
Ad Astra
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First Posted
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3 Jun 2017
Mabel falls into the Portal to find a new Grunkle. The selling point would have to be how amazing the portal Mabel bits are. Ford and Mabel. It’s just fantastic at times. And then in rolls the Dipper and Stan bits and everything is up in flames.
One Sword
Yes and No
First Posted
Last updated
9 May 2017
9 works
Oh, just lots. Portal adventures. Reimagining of canon episodes. Crossovers. But what I wanna know is how they get away with some of that purple prose stuff? Poetry? Different formats? It’s brilliant. How? Just - how?
Blind Faith
Stanley and Stanford both land in the portal. Stanley loses his eyes. Blind Faith Au.
Darkened Light, Starless Night
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12 Dec 2016
BlindFaith Au. They get out of the cave, but things aren’t peachy.
Blind Rage
BlindFaith Au. Stanford goes off on some midnight attackers and Stanley isn’t handling heat of fire too well.
Silent Plea
BlindFaith Au. Stanley helps Stanford with cave flashbacks.
Seeing is Believing
BlindFaith Au. Stanley regains some of his sight
Sleight of Hand
Oh my gosh - MagicStanley! It’s beautiful.
HA! I was wondering what ‘homologous’ even means. And then I saw the author’s note. Read my mind.
Reread it. I have no words. Monster. Angel. Blessing. Curse. How shall I describe this author?
Stan Protecting his Kids
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6 Mar 2016
2 works
First one is Soos’s dad. The second is a tourist and Wendy. I actually thought the Soos and the dad bit was interesting. I never would have thought about it, but yeah. That could go down like that.
Gravity Falls: Aspects of Stanley
500 Fords Au. In a hall of Fords, Stanley splits himself into parts of his personality. And Ford has to put that back together.
Key Moments
Stanford looking into different realities. Seeing the consequences of various actions over the course of his life. Post Weirdmeggedon. It’s good, but also full of Stanford hate propaganda NOPE THAT IS A LIE. Why am I lying like this?
Lost and Found
2 works
Connected to Elementary Falls. “CanonFord!” lands in Elementary Falls universe. It creates TWO happy endings, so plus.
Reminiscence at Sea
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29 Sep 2016
Reverse Falls. Stanford ends up in reverse falls in one of his trips through the multiverse. And really learns to like … Will Cipher.
The Demolition Log of Stanford F. Pines
A really amazing, after Dipper and Mabel leave, but before they set sailing sort of random adventures of the Stans. Full of humor, fun, and if I have this right - proper flash-back angst?
The one where Stan’s old buddies catch up with him, shove him in a trunk again, and Ford has to find him. And he does! Wait … oops, spoiler.
Mabel and Ford for Gravity Falls
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Ford and Mabel Fluff as they try and save their kidnapped siblings. Apparently. Actually - you know what? I think it updated since I last saw it. I should … probably go read that.
Demonic Conman
Reverse One of Us Au. Stanley becomes the demon for Bill Cipher. What an exhausting ride. And the ending. Pretty much low-grade torture for the soul. As I recall, wasn’t there an alternate ending to this too?
Note: Have not read. Vaguely skimmed. Looks interesting. [Note to self: read]
Post Canon horror story with casual fluff and happy ending. I think. Wait - how is this in my history if I haven’t read it? *Sigh* I don’t even know anymore.
There’s an Endless Road
This one is so great. Who doesn’t love a road trip? With your annoying brother and archenemy? Stanford sure knows how to pick ‘em. Also, this tag - ‘horror that is completely undercut by humour.’ It’s adventure in an almost episodic way, but also not at all, and is just super fun while not simply ‘pure fluff’ in any way shape or form.
Gravity Falls Adventures
Yes. But you kinda wish no. Series is marked incomplete, so maybe?
3 works
The Adventure with ____
How else to describe? Hurt/Comfort.
Stanley, Stanford, Mabel, and Dipper. Post Weirdmeggedon/in Weirdmeggedon.
A Thousand Natural Shocks
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3 Aug 2016
Neverhuman AU. As in, ‘Stan Pines Dead’ Stanley actually died in that car crash and made a deal with a demon that wasn’t Bill Cipher and melded and is … no longer … human I guess.
A Different Form a Different Time
Yes and No
First Posted
Last updated
16 Apr 2017
6 works
Based on Flat Dreams and Pengychan’s and doodledrawsthings probably ideas and drawings. Bill is stuck as a human and is mostly annoyed.
Ad Astra
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First Posted
Last updated
3 Jun 2017
Mabel falls into the Portal to find a new Grunkle. The selling point would have to be how amazing the portal Mabel bits are. Ford and Mabel. It’s just fantastic at times. And then in rolls the Dipper and Stan bits and everything is up in flames.
Motorbikes and Sailboats
3 works
Okay, so if you’ve ever heard of Jimmy Snakes being a jerk and being in cahoots with Stanley in any way shape or form … this was probably where those ideas came from. That and the original Jimmy Snakes character info from the show. This um … it breaks you. If I was going to warn against any of these fics. This is the one I’d seriously warn against. I’m serious. Parts of me wish … that I’d just glanced over this one. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover. You should finish it, bordering on tears if not outright crying. It’s good. Really, REALLY good. Almost too good. I’m warning you DO NOT READ THIS ONE (you’re gonna read it anyways aren’t you, well I tried)
One Sword
Yes and No
First Posted
Last updated
9 May 2017
9 works
Oh, just lots. Portal adventures. Reimagining of canon episodes. Crossovers. But what I wanna know is how they get away with some of that purple prose stuff? Poetry? Different formats? It’s brilliant. How? Just - how?
2 AM
In relation to the title. One word. Relatable. But other than that - these two. I tell ya. Sea adventures.
It’s A Great Idea (Who Are You To Judge?)
Relativity Falls. Grauntie Mabel and Grunkle Stan compare lives over drinks. Not the best idea.
So the Ocean Soothes Our Scars
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First Posted
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27 Nov 2016
2 works
Grunkle Adventures at sea
A Pound of Flesh
I remember this mostly for the Clairvoyant. Post Weirdmeggedon boat adventures.
A Tale Of Three Stans
They’re in iceland. Stanley and Stanford get separated. Until Stanley runs into another portal Ford. This is a really nice read. Short, but not too short. In a fun setting, running around doing interesting stuff. Police get involved to some degree. Otherwise it wouldn’t be Stanley and Stanford.
And You Were Not So Old
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10 Mar 2017
Stan contracts a serious illness and Ford is obviously extremely upsetted (yes I mean upsetted). Guys, right about now I’m banking on the lack of Major Death tag. Also how is this not longer? It feels longer. Huh.
Changing Tides and Tribulations
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23 Jun 2016
Really fantastic Stanley and Stanford post weirdmeggedon on their boat sail away and still deal with nightmares and disillusion and ‘what did Ford get up to in the portal?’ and STUFF!
Two Old Men and the Sea
Boat adventures that head back to Gravity Falls. This one includes werewolves, nightmares, amnesia, seizures, Demonic possession, and torture. All from the tags, because for the life of me this blends in with other fics. I should probably reread this. (I remember the werewolves well enough ...? and obviously liked it ...)
Fisherman’s Knot
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First Posted
Last updated
27 May 2017
You think it’s over. And then there’s another twenty thousand words if not more. You don’t know how to handle these feelings.
Motorbikes and Sailboats
3 works
Okay, so if you’ve ever heard of Jimmy Snakes being a jerk and being in cahoots with Stanley in any way shape or form … this was probably where those ideas came from. That and the original Jimmy Snakes character info from the show. This um … it breaks you. If I was going to warn against any of these fics. This is the one I’d seriously warn against. I’m serious. Parts of me wish … that I’d just glanced over this one. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover. You should finish it, bordering on tears if not outright crying. It’s good. Really, REALLY good. Almost too good. I’m warning you DO NOT READ THIS ONE (you’re gonna read it anyways aren’t you, well I tried)
our past ghosts always haunting
Stanley never regains his memories. And it’s okay.
Amnesia Stanley. Andrew - ANDREW - *he thinks he’s andrew … * I can’t -
Things You Can’t Take Back
Stanley in the Colombian forest. But why is Stanford there? Dun, Dun, DUUUN. But no, actually - the feels.
With the Help of a Brother
Amnesiac Stanley. They get to the boat. Sad Ford. With a happy ending.
Weep Not for the Memories
Scrapbook doesn’t work. Amnesia Stanley.
A Lot More Lost
Feral Ford Au. Stanley Amnesia.
Summer’s Over
3 works
I’m - no THEY’RE trying to kill you. And I quote “Making Ford Feel Guilty For Fun And Profit; Actually There's No Profit; And No Fun; only pain”
A one-shot that wasn’t meant to be more unfortunately, but has a very interesting premise about Bill not being gone from Stan’s head.
Liar To A Liar, For Lies Are His Coin
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First Posted
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13 Mar 2017
Same Coin theory. Bill is back. Mucking about in Stanley’s head.
No -
First Posted
Last updated
18 Jan 2017
Post Weirdmeggedon and Bill is back. The Stans head over to Gravity Falls from their sea voyage to let family comfort, and maybe find a solution.
Two Old Men and the Sea
Boat adventures that head back to Gravity Falls. This one includes werewolves, nightmares, amnesia, seizures, Demonic possession, and torture. All from the tags, because for the life of me this blends in with other fics. I should probably reread this. (I remember the werewolves well enough ...? and obviously liked it ...)
A Grim Night
I could care less how short this is. It’s that Grim dog. I’m so glad this was written. Any and all ‘Grim’ fics about Stanley and this dog are blessings in my eyes.
Death Omen, Shmeath Omen
Just the title. Just the title on it’s own is enough. THAT TITLE.
Kalajorn (Mortsyn)
The Black Dog
This one has Stanley befriending the grim because of an accident. It skirts the depressing and jumps into the Stanley is amazing.
Signs of a Well Lived Life
JOML AU @notllorstel
More Grim Au. I think they actually die in this one. Quote on Quote “Bittersweet and stuff”
Estranged, Lost, Found
This exists. And that is enough. I have no idea how this could have been thought up, but … I rather thought it was okay. You know. Once you get over the Stanley feels. What is it with this man. And my poor heart.
Elementary Falls
15 works
Stanley and Stanford get an orphaned Dipper and Mabel. A lot of oneshots around this, filled with feels and fluff.
Stanley … strikes it rich, become an even worse person, and then gets the kids when his and Stanford’s names are mixed up.
Overall - Excellent. Very, very Excellent.
3 notes · View notes
theonyxpath · 8 years
Yes. We’re headed out this week to the MidWinter Convention in Milwaukee!
It’s going to be cold.
It’s also going to be a great chance for fun, edumacation, and making deals and brainstorming projects. See the notes in the BLURBS! section, below.
I’m planning on bringing a folio of character art from both Pugmire and the new signature characters from Monarchies of Mau, so hit me up while we’re there and I’ll give ya a sneak peek.
    Beast: Conquering Heroes art by Avery Butterworth
    This week, Rose and Matt continue to grow into their full time positions with serious work on our infrastructure, and conversations with our Devs. Many Google docs and Excel spreadsheets were started and consulted.
They will both be at MidWinter, and my plan is to have a mini-summit where we look at both current projects and our possible releases for the next three years. I doubt we’ll get into new gamelines, but we’ll be devoting serious thought to the White Wolf lines, and Scion 2e and the Trinity Continuum and how all these lines need to fit together.
So, most of our conversations today were some discussion followed by “we’ll go over this when we’re sitting down at MidWinter“.
  Lavinia from Scarred Lands The Wise & The Wicked by Bryan Syme
  Meanwhile, while I’m running amok in Milwaukee, it is the beginning of the year tax time for Lovely LisaT, our Office Manager, as she prepares all the documents our accountant needs to tell us if we are still OK as a business.
I really feel bad about heading to a con during this time of the year.
No, really.
We’re exploring card game Kickstarters, packaging, and components, for Prince’s Gambit. Justin, Eddy, a crack team of players, and our talented videographers have finished shooting the KS videos in Atlanta and are assembling edits even as you read this. Things look good, and we are all for starting the KS in late January so long as the process of pulling the KS together cooperates. If so, then Monarchies of Mau KS would be next, after Gambit.
    Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://ift.tt/1ZlTT6z
    The cards are alive! Conditionally. This Weds. the Advance PDF version of the Promethean 2nd Edition Condition Cards goes on sale at DTRPG!
    It is now the preordained time for Dawn of Heresies, the Mummy: the Curse novel written by internationally renowned author Brian Hodge to arise! Both PDF/electronic and physical book PoD versions will be available Wednesday the 9th on DTRPG!
    Open the V20 Dark Ages: Tome of Secrets now on DTRPG! Both PDF and physical book PoD versions are now available! http://ift.tt/2i1XOXd
The Tome of Secrets is a treatment of numerous topics about Cainites and stranger things in the Dark Medieval World. It’s about peeling back the curtain, and digging a little deeper. Inside, you’ll find:
• Expanded treatment of Assamite Sorcery, Koldunic Sorcery, Necromancy, and Setite Sorcery
• A look at Cainite knightly orders, faith movements, and even human witchcraft
• Letters and diaries from all over the Dark Medieval World
      Travel with us all the way to the Red Planet for the Cavaliers of Mars Jumpstart: A Festival of Blades, available in PDF and PoD on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2biWBpR
Live, fight, and love on Mars, a world of red death and strange mystery, a world of savagery and romance.
A complete adventure set in one of dying Mars’ greatest remaining cities.
The innovative DEIMOS rules, for high-flying, swashbuckling adventure.
Four pre-generated player characters, ready to get into the heart of the action.
    The Advance PDF for Reap the Whirlwind, the Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition Jumpstart swirls into being on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2i1WPpD
You are a vampire, a junkie. Every night, you beg and you borrow and you steal just a little more life, just a few more sweet moments. But there’s a guy at the top. The Prince. He’s got everything. The money, the secrets, the blood.
Tonight, you’re going to take it from him. Tomorrow, there’ll be hell to pay.
This updated edition of Reap the Whirlwind features revisions to match the core rulebook for Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition. Text edits and rules clarifications have also been updated.
Reap the Whirlwind Revised includes:
Rules for creating and playing vampires in the Chronicles of Darkness
The first two levels of every clan Discipline, the dark powers of the dead
A complete adventure by noted horror author Chuck Wendig
This new revised Reap the Whirlwind Revised includes an updated booklet, 7 condition cards, and the interactive Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition character sheet.
    The Locker is open; the Chronicles of Darkness: Hurt Locker, that is! The Advance PDF is now available on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2gbM9me
Hurt Locker features:
Treatment of violence in the Chronicles of Darkness. Lasting trauma, scene framing, and other tools for making your stories hurt.
Many new player options, including Merits, supernatural knacks, and even new character types like psychic vampires and sleeper cell soldiers.
Expanded equipment and equipment rules.
Hurt Locker requires the Chronicles of Darkness Rulebook or any other standalone Chronicles of Darkness rulebook such as Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, or Beast: The Primordial to use.
    Discover the long-awaited  Secrets of the Covenants for Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition as we unearth the Advance PDF now on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2gbQjus
This book includes:
A variety of stories from each of the covenants, all told in their own words.
Never-before revealed secrets, like the fate of the Prince of New Orleans.
New blood sorcery, oaths, and other hidden powers of the covenants.
      We have now added a B&W PoD version of the Endless Ages Vampire Anthology to the existing full color PDF and PoD choices! Celebrating 25 years of personal horror, the eighteen stories in Endless Ages range in style and aesthetics from the very first edition of Vampire released in 1991, all the way to the latest books put out for the 20th Anniversary Edition. http://ift.tt/2dL7Gkt
    Seek the Cainite Conspiracies, the fiction anthology for V20 Dark Ages, in PDF and PoD physical book formats! http://ift.tt/2fMksQQ
This collection of short stories features tales by Vampire developers such as Justin Achilli, Eddy Webb, David A. Hill, Jr., and Neall Raemonn Price along with award-winning horror authors including Maurice Broaddus, Catherine Lundoff, and Richard Dansky.
      Promethean: the Created 2nd Edition comes to life in both PDF and PoD physical book versions NOW on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2aUBEnc
You are a pilgrim now, one of the Created. You rose to life from dead flesh or inert matter, under the ministrations of one of your own, or a mad scientist, or perhaps just the power of the Divine Fire. You wander the world, sometimes alone, sometimes in the blessed company of your own kind, driven by memories of events and facts you never knew, all in the service of one Great Work…
…to be human.
Humans don’t make it easy, though. The Divine Fire that animates you burns too bright, blinds people, and scorches the land if you linger too long. It masks your disfigurements and makes you appear human, but that mask slips and people see your hideous, true form. The Pilgrimage is a long, difficult road, but it is yours, and you know, somehow, that the salvation of the New Dawn waits at the end.
This book contains:
The complete guide to playing a Promethean in the Chronicles of Darkness
Reimagined Lineages and Refinements, and a redesigned system for Transmutations
A more detailed approached to the Pilgrimage that presents players with more control over their characters’ path
New challenges on the road to humanity, including deranged, greedy alchemists
Onyx Path will be at Mid Winter Con 2017 this week in the lovely city of Milwaukee. Come brave the cold wastes to game and cavort with us! Please keep an eye out on the MidWinter site for announcements as to our very special beta test and Play With The Creator special events! http://ift.tt/Lfx9nY
Here are three reasons to attend, if you had any doubts!:
RPG Playing! We have once again convinced Dave Martin and his Wrecking Crew team of game masters to run a vast plethora of Onyx Path games. Everything from World of Darkness to Scion to Cavaliers of Mars and Pugmire, as well as a bunch of Prince’s Gambit casual vampire card game sessions. We have a whole ballroom dedicated to our games this year, so sign up and play.
RPG Playtests! Onyx Path loves to use MidWinter as a sort of test-lab for our games, and this year is no exception! Eddy Webb will be playtesting Monarchies of Mau, the cat follow-up to the smash-hit Pugmire, as well as a couple of card game projects he has been tinkering with. Rose Bailey will be running a playtest sneak-peak of Cavaliers of Mars, and Neall Raemonn Price may have some Scion 2e goodness to share.
The Onyx Path Gang! Yep, a bunch of us will be at MidWinter, and not only will we be at the intimate Onyx Q&A listed during the events, but we’ll be at our booth in the sales area, at other events, hanging out in our gaming room with the Wrecking Crew, or just sitting back and chatting around the hotel. MidWinter is a great venue to speak with us as it is nowhere near as hectic as GenCon, and we have fewer business commitments. So look for me, Rose, Eddy, Neall, Monica, Matt McElroy, and a bunch of our awesome creative contributors too!
      And now, the new project status updates!
    DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM ROLLICKING ROSE (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
V20 Dark Ages Jumpstart (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Cookbook (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
GtS Geist 2e core (Geist: the Sin-Eaters Second Edition)
VtR Half-Damned (Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
CtD C20 Jumpstart (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Pugmire Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers (Pugmire)
Monarchies of Mau Early Access (Pugmire)
Scion: Origins (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Hero (Scion 2nd Edition)
Kithbook Boggans (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
  Second Draft
The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Wraith: the Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition
BtP Beast Player’s Guide (Beast: the Primordial)
W20 Changing Ways (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
SL The Wise and the Wicked (5e – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
SL Ring of Spiragos (Pathfinder – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Ring of Spiragos (5e – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
SL Dagger of Spiragos (Pathfinder – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Dagger of Spiragos (5e– Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Arms of the Chosen (Exalted 3rd Edition)
VtR A Thousand Years of Night (Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition)
Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
V20 Beckett’s Jyhad Diary (Stretch Goal Content)
W20 Song of Unmaking novel (Bridges) (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
BtP Building a Legend (Beast: the Primordial)
CtD C20 Anthology (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
CtL fiction anthology (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
Cavaliers of Mars
      Post-Editing Development: Indexing:
In Art Direction
Dark Eras Companion
Beckett’s Jyhad Diary
M20 Book of Secrets – AD’d
W20 Pentex Employee Indoctrination Handbook
V20 Dark Ages Companion
Mortal Remains – Beast – AD’d
EX3 Tomb of Dreams Jumpstart – Continuing to get sketches and seeing first color comps.
Dagger of Spiragos – Putting together the art buy.
Marketing Stuff
Banner and Slider Updates – Working on new stuff for Hurt Locker, Secrets of the Covenants, and Scarred Lands.
  In Layout
Necropolis Rio
Promethean 2 Condition Cards
V20 Lore of the Bloodlines
Prince’s Gambit
Wise and the Wicked PF – Cover design stuff and it’ll be done.
Wise and the Wicked 5e – Starting on it sometime this week.
Beast Conquering Heroes – To WWP.
SL Wise and Wicked Update
  At Press
Ex 3 Screen – Finished at the Printer.
Ex 3 core book – From RichT: manufacturing continues. Printer confirming gilding numbers this week and then on to binding.
Dawn of Heresies Mummy Novel – On sale PDF/ePub/PoD versions on Wednesday.
Beast Condition Cards – Getting physical cards uploaded.
CofD Hurt Locker – Waiting for errata to make PoD.
Secrets of the Covenants – Waiting for errata to make PoD.
Revised Reap The Whirlwind Jumpstart – Processing at Lightning Source.
Beckett Screen – Going to Printer.
W20 Shattered Dreams – Deluxe Edition at press.
Shattered Dreams Screen – Going to Printer.
Dark Eras: Ends of Empire – Processing at Lightning Source.
Dark Eras: The Sundered World – Processing at Lightning Source.
Promethean 2nd Condition Cards – Advance PDF going on sale this Wednesday.
      TODAY’S REASON TO DRINK: Have to imbibe something to wash down the salty bread at Maders! Might be a boot of beer, might be Malort, might be Riot Juice.
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