crowliphale · 2 years
See the thing is she's not a real aa character... But i still love her
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defaultzombiedreamer · 8 months
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin/Mayudzuki Daian | Daryan Crescend Characters: Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin, Mayudzuki Daian | Daryan Crescend Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Phoenix Wright Kink Meme, Scat, Pants soiling, pants messing Summary:
A fill for the PWKM "i want to see a male character soiling himself in his pants until it's full, preferably under another character's command and perhaps even in public if you want to go w that. you can choose the characters as long as they're not related no infantalization/diaper stuff pls, and no actual sex w this one"
Two fills for the PWKM. I may have gotten a little carried away, but I’m happy with them. Please let me know if there are any additional tags I should add.
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phantom-dare · 4 months
Happy Valentines' Day. If you haven't read the kink meme prompt fills people made of Klavier re-enacting romcom tropes on Apollo and failing miserably, now's your chance to do so on Dreamwidth.
Cheesy Serenading
Klavier's Hot Date
Also throwing in a bonus prompt that got filled for Klavier seeing Apollo with his hair down in court and losing his mind (There's one fill with Edgeworth reacting the same way to Phoenix too).
Reader Beware: A lot of these were written in the late 2000's, so reader beware for potential era-typical comments that would not be appropriate today.
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
Tall Kay half baked idea. Consider The following. After case 5 of AAI2. Kay Faraday gets offered a starring role as her self in GourdZilla Vs The Yatagarasu by Global studios. Literally just a Kaiju sized Kay Faraday in her usual attire playing the big hero enlarged through SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY methods. LolWe see cool fight scenes in the middle of the city. MONSTER VS HERO OF JUSTICE. and when you thought she wasn’t tall enough. :)
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Oh, it's half-baked alright...! lemme put it back in the oven so it finishes cooking okay~?
After all "Kaiju sized Kay Faraday in her usual attire" just sounds like the writer's poorly disguised fetish so we gotta give it an extra Thing™, not to mention a bit of a plot? So this is what I got:
In the year 2XX7, the world of science has began to experiment with the splicing of human and animal DNA, so (Kay Faraday), The Great Thief Yatagarasu, decides that it'd be a great idea if she had crow-like abilities like flying, walking on wires or poles or good memory. "it'd be cool!"- she says. But something goes wrong and instead of being just herself but with wings and bird feet she can pull out at will, she transforms into an actual yatagarasu, the three legged crow... but huge. And thats the only bad thing about it, (Kay) doesn't mind being turned into a monster chick if it helps bussiness, but being too frickin big does the exact opposite! On top of that, the contamination on the Gourd Lake has also affected Gourdy and now it's big and full of righteous rage! And The Yatagarasu is the only one who can stop it...
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((the name is in parenthesis as if will be replaced for the name of the fictional character she'll play, overall this sorta looks like drafts of early production hahah))
It is campy and action-packed but also has themes of humans playing God and Hell is paved with good intentions, so at the end of the day, there are no real villian or antagonist other than human ambition, and that is something no one can stop
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Now, if you just wanted a very huge Kay, here she is~ fetish or not, this was very fun and a good way to practice urban enviroments. I specially liked how it can be tied to the AA universe, be a way Kay can launder the money she makes out of being the Yatagarasu xd. I mean, Edgeworth just giving her money no context is so incredibly sus 👀
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I'm leaving them as sketches for now, i got a bit of a tight schelude, but if you want them finished lmk~!
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tibli · 2 years
only REAL ace attorney fans know about Earl Zach
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lambergeier · 9 months
i do think i know why everyone went off adrian andrews after the pwkm lost steam but it still kinda sad to have seen franadrian go. they have fun insane shit going on and they were such a popular ship for f/f, like sure it was plenty of token lesbians in a primarily m/m fandom but god knows there were enough kink meme fills for them that had no mention of phoenix or miles lol. a giant of a lost era.....
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heavenlycarsmell · 13 days
im writing a mitsumayo fic for the first time since i was 15 i think. and that was shitty pwkm stuff so this is my first real mitsumayo fic
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ihhfhonao3 · 4 months
Okay so um. Strange kinda ask. Sorta NSFW text below.
So, I read a lot of ace attorney fanfic. I think that’s kinda obvious because I write some myself. But I’ve noticed that some fics will say “pwkm fill” or “prompt from the phoenix wright kink meme” and I’ve always been a little curious about what it was from the start.
From my comprehension, anonymous requests would be sent in with certain prompts and people could pick them up and write them, they could be sfw or nsfw. And it definitely started wayyy before I was in the fandom (I kinda “joined” in 2020).
If anyone has like. More info, or a post explaining it more, or a comprehensive video, (or are a writer for it themselves!) I’d be fascinated to learn more because from the looks of it it feels like it was a pretty big chunk of the fandom’s history when it came to fanfic. How it operates, when it was at its peak, how people submitted/fulfilled requests, whether it’s still going, etc. Any info would be cool because I’ve been wondering for a little while :3
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snezfics-n-shit · 9 months
Sicktember Day 14:  "I shouldn't be worried about you, but for some reason I am"
Fandom: Ace Attorney Characters: Damon Gant, Manfred von Karma Notes: It is Old Man Hours™. I am Not Sorry™. It may or may not Happen Again™. Manfred does not need friends; they disappoint him. Do not concern yourself with the mere possibility he may have looked on in envy when overhearing a discussion between two friendly attorneys in the office lobby. Do not even think about the potential feeling he may have that something is off when entering his office doesn’t immediately spawn a visit from Damon Gant, who is not his friend. Set in 1999 for the very important reason of Franziska being born and also The Phantom Menace is in theaters. Yes, both are very important to this entry.  The elder von Karma sister is finally named because I couldn’t keep it a secret any longer: Adelaide. I was holding off until I finished a PWKM with her that’s been long on hiatus, but I grew impatient with myself.
@vonpharma, please enjoy the sillies.
     Damon Gant, Deputy Chief of the Los Angeles district police department, was a nuisance. This was obvious. Anyone who had shared a room’s oxygen with the man would most likely agree. At least, Manfred von Karma thought so.
If anything, a morning without being loudly greeted by the man ought to be considered a most welcome change. At least, Manfred von Karma used to think so. 
It wasn’t that Manfred was lonely. No, not at all. Even if his attempts at calling to check on the status of his wife and newborn second daughter were frequently shot down by the servants who answered the phone, he was not at all lonely! In fact, this morning, he listened to the conversation between a younger prosecutor and his bothersome defense attorney friend. It was beyond Manfred’s comprehension why such intermingling would even be desired in the first place, but he listened. 
He even bothered to remember the topic of the conversation, however dull it was, being the release of some ridiculous science fiction movie. The defense attorney had seen it already with his son and was inviting this prosecutor to see it with his family a second time. It was quite comical! Two grown men being so openly fond of their childish interests! Not to mention a father exposing his child to lowbrow, newfangled computer animation-aided drivel passed off as cinema these days, and twice at that! That was not at all anything Manfred would ever want to waste his valuable time doing.
Yes, his time was incredibly valuable. He already spent so much of it reviewing case files he had read and reread several times this morning, which was highly important; as was the time he set aside to enjoy a cup of tea served by his secretary, imagining the framed picture of his firstborn daughter on his desk was the girl’s actual presence savoring the moment with him. The lack of interruptions made the ongoing day perfect and not at all concerning once he considered the notable absence of a certain deputy police chief. 
He was especially not concerned once that absence was minimized into a mere tardiness, with a hacking cough from Gant replacing a typical, obnoxious greeting at Manfred’s office doorway.
“Manny!” Gant finally called out to him.
Somehow, this version of Gant calling out to him with a significant lack of familiar energy managed to bother Manfred even more than usual. 
“Damon Gant.” Manfred addressed him as he typically did, a subtle attempt at correcting Gant’s informality that never truly succeeded. Whether Gant continued using nicknames out of spite or simply because he could not get the hint was a mystery. “You’re late.” 
“Late?” Gant shook his head. “I’d say it’s more that you’re early!”
“It is nearly 2 o’clock in the afternoon.”  
“Early for a man I expected to have at the very least planned a trip back home!” Gant amended with a shrug.
“Why would I do that when there is still so much to be done here?” 
Gant perused through the collection of family pictures on the prosecutor’s desk, provoking a scowl from Manfred each time he left one out of its original place. 
“Because a little birdy told me you’ll be adding to this collection, soon enough!” 
Manfred furiously and meticulously placed each framed photo back into their original positions. Inconsiderate didn’t even begin to describe Gant’s carelessness, especially as he soon started coughing over Manfred’s head with what can hardly even be called an attempt to cover. 
“Yes, I am awaiting Adelaide’s school award ceremony pictures to be developed. She’s set a new record for her age group in how many accolades she’s won this year alone.”
“No, Manny! Your new family member!” Gant shot a disappointed look at Manfred. “For shame, not being present to see your own baby.” 
“Tell our family’s midwife who won’t let anyone besides a select few servants enter the entire east wing of the home.” Manfred responded glumly. “She’s far more overbearing than the one we had when Adelaide was born.”
“I see now!” Gant clapped his hands together. “You’re drowning those sorrows in your work, then! Typical Manny!” He let out his trademark jovial laughter, at least until that cough overtook him yet again.
“Would you please stop drowning me in whatever illness has you in its grasp? In fact, why not take leave for the day to avoid the risk of infecting everyone else?” 
“You worry too much, Manny! I’ve…” Gant stared into space mid-sentence. “I’ve taken a reasonable amount of medicine to lessen all those infectious symptoms.” Either he was lying, or neglected to realize that coughing all over another man’s desk was infectious in its own right. 
“Define ‘reasonable.’” 
“Of course!” The deputy police chief rummaged through his conveniently large suit pockets and pulled out a bottle of what Manfred recalled to be absolutely sickeningly syrupy blue-green liquid. Gant then went on rambling about how effective it was, before suddenly trailing off-topic into a tangent Manfred couldn’t bother to try understanding.
Manfred couldn’t help but notice the large letters advising how the medicine should be used: “TAKE BEFORE BED,” “DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY,” and of course “FOR NIGHTTIME.”
Not only was Damon Gant a nuisance, but now Manfred was suspicious that Gant was unable to read. It was almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon and Gant had proudly announced what was either impatience or incompetence when it came to taking cold medicine.
Manfred was now presented with the choice of either taking matters into his own hand to prevent the disastrous results of allowing Gant to stay at the office and eventually drive himself home or allow said disastrous results to occur. 
“That’s it.” Manfred stood up and inhaled deeply. He may have just taken in thousands of germs in doing so, but his exasperation was too much to go without expressing. “I am escorting you home.” 
“Aw, you’re worried about me, Manny?” The way Gant cooed was all the confirmation Manfred needed that he was far too overmedicated to be either out and about or driving home.
“I shouldn’t be worried about you.” After all, Gant was merely another cog in the Los Angeles legal district machine. “But,” Manfred added quietly, “for some reason, I am.” 
Gant let himself fall over to be propped up by Manfred, who couldn’t tell if this was intentional or merely an effect of the nighttime medication. 
“You’re a good friend, Manny.” 
No, no. Manfred von Karma did not need friends. 
He did, however hard it was to admit, need Gant.
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versegm · 2 years
back when it was on LJ, the PWKM used to have an affiliated LJ comm where mods would post round-ups of the day's works. That miiiight be slightly more searchable than the PWKM itself, since you wouldn't be getting prompts, just fills. (no need to respond to this; I just wanted to drop you the info in case it was helpful)
oh anon-press is still active dw anon, it's load better than most other kinkmemes on that regard. My post was more of a polite way to say "people who complain about ao3 have never been reduced to forraging through 2008 lj fic archives with no way to search for or exclude certain tags and usually barely a summary to go with it." it wasn't about the pwkm specifically.
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phantom-dare · 11 months
Watching the mini crisis in the fandom over the shippy content between the two leads in the dgs takarazuka musical is sad because I felt like I did see the signs playing the game.
(cutting for dgs1 and dgs2 spoilers)
(slash goggles off)
Look, ryss is a notp for me, too, but I feel you have to be willfully in denial to believe that the games doesn't ever tease it. Like... If not for the crossed swords promise and the heavier focus on rivalries and family throughout the second game, the private talk with Professor Mikotoba at the hotel in 2-4 and the Kazuma's lines at the end of 2-5 read very strongly as the typical "family members approving the relationship and letting the couple be together" kind of trope. Unfortunately, it does neatly explains why Susato goes back with Ryuu and doesn't stay in London. I personally find this kind of development not as interesting for Susato bc I have an unreasonably high standard for "female characters who are motivated by love for the hero".
(slash goggles back on)
Anyways, the correct response is to just draw/write whatever you like and not use this as ammunition in stupid ship slapfights. I think I'm a little grateful that the AA franchise never was the kind that goes all in on cementing ships the way other franchises do. In fact, this makes me appreciate the effort that went into writing Trucy into the story the way she is (although ppl also had a crisis when she was revealed for AA4 back then, too). Meanwhile, I am staying right here in my slash-happy dream land and not ever leaving it.
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randomfangirl330 · 6 years
Fav Narumitsu pwkm
I’m going to keep some of my favorite pwkm fics here that I can’t find on AO3 or Fanfiction.net These will probably mostly be Hurt/Comfort fics. 
Also, if you are any of the author anons of the incomplete works... PLEASE!
Caged (Incomplete, but stops fine) - Phoenix is an actual phoenix and is captured by a hunter
Frozen (Complete) - Phoenix is found trapped in a freezer, seriously beaten, and Miles is investigating who done it
Wright’s Love Guilty (Complete) -  "Edgeworth... we can't have sex in front of Charley!"
Hospital Fic (Complete) - Another missing hospital scene fic from 3-5
Hiding in Plain Sight (Incomplete) - Phoenix is shot after witnessing a crime, so he is put under Witness Protection while Miles tends to his injuries
Sleepless (Complete) - After Phoenix misses his flight from an overbooked plane, Miles agrees to let him spend the night in his hotel room
Heartbeats (Complete) - Miles is calmed after an earthquake by Phoenix’s heartbeat
Five Times...  (Multiply fics; Incomplete) Vampire Kristoph Gavin sets his eyes on a new victim; and that victim happens to be Werewolf Miles Edgeworth’s mate
Kinematics (Incomplete) - Phoenix and Miles are taken hostage by a crazed gunman
Turnabout M.D. (Incomplete) - Ace Attorney and House M.D. crossover
Sanctuary (Complete) - Miles reflects on how lucky he is to have Phoenix by his side while sharing a bed
Tremors (Complete) - Miles and Phoenix are in the same room when an earthquake happens and Phoenix gets knocked out
intertwined. (Complete) - Phoenix and Miles cuddle up together after a long week
Once Upon a Time... (Complete) - Princes Miles is sent to try to woo Princess Mia, but finds himself falling in love with her bodyguard, Sir Phoenix, instead
That Damn Feeling (Complete) - Miles can’t shake the bad feeling he’s getting from Phoenix’s latest client
Capsicum. (Complete) - Phoenix is sprayed with a powerful mace and Miles watches over him while he recovers
No Day But Today (Complete) - Phoenix is evicted from his apartment and tries to hide it from Miles
A Perfect Revenge (Complete) (TW: Graphic depiction of torture) - von Karma escapes death and patiently waits for the day to execute his revenge against Miles Edgeworth and the attorney who defeated him
Untitled Story... (Complete?) - A hostage situation happens in court and Phoenix is shot protecting Miles
2 fics with the same premise (Both incomplete) - Phoenix realizes his client is really guilty while in trial and tries to subtly let Miles know because said client is threatening him with a gun
Gazing Within (Incomplete) (TW: Referenced Rape) - Phoenix wakes up in the hospital to bad injuries and Miles by his bedside with concerning news of his condition
I’m so evil (Complete) - Miles and Phoenix are trapped in a glass elevator 40 stories up
A Gut Feeling (Incomplete) - Phoenix and Edgeworth are in the middle of a heated cross-examination when Phoenix collapses. It's his appendix, it has to come out now, he had appendicitis and hid it
Under the Gun (Incomplete) (TW: Implied NonCon) -  Phoenix plays poker and wins a familiar looking person
In Sickness and In Health (Incomplete) -  Edgeworth gets in a nasty accident and wakes up in the hospital with amnesia. His last memory is Phoenix Wright beating his perfect record. However, he is told he's married to this very person.
Sick Is As Sick Does Not (Complete) - Miles gets sick while forced to go to a log cabin and everyone is snowed in. The only one who seems to notice his state is Phoenix
List (Complete) - Miles keeps a list of all the things he loves about Phoenix
Nightmares (Multiply Fics; Complete) - Phoenix and Miles comfort each other after having nightmares (There’s also a Klapollo one too)
You Can Cry Now (Complete) - Miles wasn’t the only one who lost someone in that earthquake (This one MAY of been intended as friendship, but I’m consistently wearing shipping goggles)
Forbidden Fruit (Complete) - Just why does Miles always wear a cravat?
Dinner and a Movie (Complete) - Phoenix gets a horrible stomach ache and Miles takes care of him
Frozen (Incomplete; Different fic) - Miles finds Phoenix unconscious during a freak blizzard in LA
Of Life, Pride and Pess (Complete) - Pess seems to of taken a very strong liking to Phoenix, much to Miles’ shock
Post-sex fun! (Complete) - Some pillow talk after sex
Nick's Sick (Complete) - Phoenix calls in sick and everyone seems to have an idea of how to cure him
Dreams of Perfection (Complete) - Phoenix just wants his and Miles wedding to be perfect. Life seems to have other plans though.
Miles' Migraine (Complete) - Miles gets a migraine while working and Phoenix comes over to take care of him
Bad Day (Complete) - Miles has a long day and want nothing more than to go home to his boyfriend who is apparently also working late
Bitter Re-Union (Complete) - What if the poison in the bottle Phoenix ate took effect on him when he ate it?
Reverse Aromatherapy (Complete) - Phoenix accidentally uses Armstrong’s aromatherapy bottles and now smells. Everyone is avoiding him expect Miles, who seems to be trying to get closer to him.
"Hopefully you'll feel the same" (Complete) - Miles is completely wasted and confesses his feelings to Phoenix
Your Secret Admirer (Complete) - Phoenix gets a series of love letters from a secret admirer
Returning the favor (Complete) - Young Phoenix sees young Miles being harassed by bullies, so he stands up for him in thanks for helping him
I'm Yours (Complete) - The sweetest love-making fic you'll probably ever read
Unnecessary Feelings (Complete) - Miles wakes up and silently admires a sleeping Phoenix next to him.
More Loving! (Complete) - Phoenix gets mysterious treats sent by an unknown sender while Miles is out of town
Distant Traces (Complete) - Dahlia has trapped Phoenix in his own mind and is devouring his soul until Edgeworth comes to save him
P/E Kidfluff (Multiple Fills; Both Complete) - Phoenix continues to be picked on for the class trials, and Miles continues to stand up for him
exchanges (Complete) - Miles is planning on proposing to Phoenix, but he feels he needs Trucy’s blessing to do so
The Wright One (Incomplete) - Phoenix runs a matchmaking business and tries to find a match for the incredibly picky Miles Edgeworth
FILL (Complete)  Phoenix has a nightmare while in the hospital after his fall, and Miles finds himself on the comforter end 
The Not So Ordinary (Complete) - After being attacked in court, Phoenix dies in Miles’ arms... or so it seems
True Bluff (Complete) - The Princess Bride battle of wits scene reimagined as Ace Attorney
Consolation Prize (Complete) - Phoenix is tired of Miles always beating him in chess, so he offers a new game to play. Candy Land.
Let Go, Give In (Complete) - Miles accepts his own feelings and confesses them to Phoenix, only to find Phoneix trying to resist his own
Sofa Hair (Complete) - Miles is sick and refuses to go home, no matter how much Phoenix insists it
Commentboxing (Complete) After their officiate is arrested, Phoenix and Miles need someone to perform their wedding ceremony. It seems only Wendy Oldbag is able to do so
Edgeworth's Good Day (Complete) - Miles misses Trucy’s big show and feels absolutely guilty about it
Extinguished (Incomplete; frustrating incomplete) - Phoenix is buried alive somewhere and Miles has to find him
The Bad Guy (Complete) - Phoenix get a parental crisis when Trucy calls Miles the “Fun Dad”
Untitled (Complete) - Phoenix gets some advice from Maya and what to get Miles’ birthday not knowing what he was really asking
Blood Fever (Complete) - Miles has Vulcan ancestry and is going through the Pon Farr... with his eyes set on Phoenix
(If I find any more I like, they will be added to the list)
(This one’s not Narumitsu, but I still like it)
(Was probably supposed to be narumitsu, but the author didn’t get there)
(This is just funny!)
(Trucy doing the Flour Baby assignment)
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
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*internal screaming*
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eleccy · 3 years
it’s really interesting to me how jake marshall lost his younger brother and then klavier gavin lost his older brother and i imagine jake marshall was released from prison during the 7 year gap and idk if they let him work at the police dept again but that would be amazing because... i need content of jake marshall being a psuedo-big-bro to klavier...
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rivalsforlife · 2 years
I’m totally not procrastinating and poking around ao3 stats for literally no reason other than my own sick amusement. here’s some of my findings so far:
- narumitsu has made up at least 18% of fics posted to aa ao3 every year with a peak at 36.85% in 2019
- new fics to aa ao3 were stabilizing a little bit at roughly 1200 a year (with a slight jump for SOJ and trilogy rerelease) until pandemic hit. nearly 4000 fics were posted in 2020. 6494 were in 2021. For reference the number of fics in 2021 alone was nearly a thousand more than all fics from 2006-2017. For reference, the number of new fics written each year:
2006: 4
2007: 80
2008: 151
2009: 80
2010: 112
2011: 132
2012: 211
2013: 387
2014: 825
2015: 1161
2016: 1435
2017: 1267
2018: 1265
2019: 1639
2020: 3976
2021: 6494
- asoryuu jumped from not being on the top 10 to being the number 5 most popular relationship with 411 fics being written about it in a year. that’s over 4x the amount from 2020. Despite this, due to the massive increase in fics this year, both 2020 and 2021 had roughly the same proportion of fics being asoryuu (around 6%) despite an official translation only being available halfway through 2021.
- phoenix/maya has been in the top 10 most popular ships since 2013 and was the 3rd most popular in 2017, and is now at number 10 and probably going to fall off soon. in 2018 it made up about 4.9% of fics posted to ao3 and in 2021 it went down to 0.69%. For some reason I was under the impression this ship was way more popular than it was based on ao3 stats, probably because I didn’t consider other sites like the pwkm and ff net where I run into that way more often, or things like Court Records where I again run into that way more often. Either way I think it’s definitely taken a decline in recent years.
- franmaya actually was in the top 10 since 2015, displacing the previous most popular f/f ship fradrian. these two years (2015 and 2016) were the only years with more than one f/f ship in the top 10, though franmaya is now sitting comfortably at 3rd place which fradrian did not manage. For some reason I thought this ship was incredibly niche until it took off unexpectedly 2019 or so because when I look at older fan stuff, fradrian was way more popular.
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collabwithmyself · 4 years
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sometimes the PWKM gives you inspiration that you didn't know you needed
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