#i keep syarting new ones
markama · 1 year
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(had to write this 3 times becacuse it didn't save to my drafts😭)
part [1] [2] [3](you are here) [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] ...there will be more in the future
As Mia woke up on a beach Narakumi island she stared panicking for what she is going to do. She managed to force herself to calm down with a deep breath and syarted to look around. She saw a labender melon tree. She always wanted to taste lavender melons to with a lot of excitement she climbed up the tree and got one of the fruit. But in her excitement the branch, she was holding onto broke and she fell. Luckily the tree was not that tall so she only scraped her knee a little. When she got up much to her horror her blood was golden. She started panicking again since she taught that it was infected "Oh no, no,no,no my blood is infected. I'm going to die beofre i even get to live" Mia soon relised rhat her blood wasn't infected but it had turned gold. She couldn't decide wich option was worse.
She sat on a rock and she streted to use the sea aater to wash her knee and she ripped some of her T-shirt so that she could bandage herself. Mia was lost deep in taught but all taughts sttoped when she saw that her eyes were gold. She stumbled back in panick but at this point she wasn't as panicked as before. She knew she hand to cover her eyes so she stared brainstorming ideas "Hm i can maybe give myself bags to hide my eyes...? No, they require high maintenance and i can't do that and they would block my vision and u don't even know with what i can cut them since, I'm not sure if there are scissors in Teyvat. Maybe i can wear a mask...? No that attracts too much attention and if it didn't where would i even get the mask form? Myabe i can just keep my eyes closed... but again i need to see and with closed eyes... that isn't possible..." she taught. As she lost hope she closed her eyes so she could think of something else and realized...
She could scence what is going on with closed eyes. Happy she found a say to hide her eyes she closed them, and kept them closed as she felt somone comming.
It was Kyojo Sara. Mis tried not to panick and run away but as Sara pointed her bow at her and said "In the name of Her Grace don't move!" she couldn't help but want to run. Run far, far away and go back to Earth.
But she didn't. "I think you've got the wrong person ma'am..." She was hoping, praying that Sara would leave her alone, but life doesn't always go our way. Sara raised her bow and pointed an arrow at 'the impostor' "In the name of Her Grace and The Shogun you will be brought to justice for impersonating Her Grace!"
As soon as Mia heard that she turned around and stared running, and running, running,running...running fatser than she ever has...running fatser than she was capable to... running impossibly fast... her legs felt light, she didn't loose any stamina, she even discovered she didn't need to breathe... but everything pointed to a single question "What am I?"
[Kyojo Sara POV]
I charged my arrow preparing to shoot the impostor as she turned around and started running... running very fast..."she has good stamina" I made myself a mental note. Soon i had lost her. It was like she was never here...but i knowdhe was and so I went to The Shogun and told her everything. "Bring me the impostor, at once!" she ordered. I sent out troops all round Inazuma in hope to find her but no one did.
[3rd POV]
Soon news of the impostor spread all around the world. Every visail of the Creator santed to enter Inazuma to hunt the impostor but Inazuma's boarders were still closed...so thats why Her Grace's most divoted followers went in Inazuma Iligaly. But no one could find her... it was like she was gone.
Only if thwy knew that Mia had left Inazuma days ago, right after she met Sara. And how did she manage to do that?
Teleporter waypoints.
Even though she hasn't unlocken any of them she could use them. She was sitting on the peak of Dragonspine thinking about her situation. "Okay so, I was playing Genshin one day and I fell to the title screen and I ended up in Teyvat, and apperantly there is some craetor that looks like me and so now everyone wants me dead. Perfect, just perfect. But at least the world seem to be on my side... I have bean here for two days but i haven't felt hungry nor tired nor am I feeling cold right now... also the enemies seem to want to help me.But again what on Earth am I?" she taught as she leaned back enjoying the beautiful view of Dragonspine when she released...
She had her phone on her...
(i will continue the story today after my English exam)
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themistressdomme · 6 months
Hey 🤗 I wondered if you have any tips for fellow dommes who happen to be switches. See, I sometimes get halfway into a bdsm scene/session and find myself mentally slipping out of my dominance amd into sub space. How would you suggest keeping yourself in a dom headspace in these scenarios? is there anything that helps?
I feel like I can be really dom, then ill reach a certain point of desperation where I end up not being able to gather my words enough to be a dom and just want to be submitting and syart begging to be touched even if I was supposed to be the one in charge here. It can work just fine if I'm with another switch, but it can also be rather inconvenient especially when I'm with someoen who isn't a switch, if say they just need a purely dominant woman.
Thanks ❤
- 🐇 (im new here, but you may have seen me/know me on mommyghostfaces page lol)
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Hello darling! 🤗
Hm, that's such an interesting question! I can't say I'm an expert and that my answer will help since I've never been in your shoes before, but I can give you some suggestions? Purely out of my noggin!
Perhaps when you feel yourself getting really desperate, but you still want to maintain Domspace for reasons such as being with an entirely submissive woman, you make her touch you? (Obviously this is all consensual). Make her serve your needs. Some things that you could say, for example, are:
"Show me how much you want to pleasure me."
"Show me how good your hands/tongue/mouth are/is."
"Get on your knees, where you belong, and eat."
"[Insert your title here]/I'll be generous, touch me. Go on, show me how much you want me/how much you want to serve me/worship me."
Etcetera, etcetera!
Obviously I don't know what kind of Dom(me) you are, so I can't specifically give you a tailored set of examples to use. I hope I helped, even in the slightest! If you want to talk more about it, you can DM me, if you're comfortable! Otherwise, keep coming back in my askbox, lil fox! 🥰😘
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awkwardpossum0 · 2 years
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boleo07 · 6 years
5 Things You Must Have to Succeed in Affiliate Marketing
The idea of being mere passengers on a ship meant to sail to the farthest points does not appeal to people who like to put their destiny into their own hands. They have the desire of maneuvering the ships themselves, of being able to be the ones to take it anywhere they want to. Being aboard a ship on its way to a particularly great destination is something each and every one of them dreams of, and the knowledge that they have the capacity to steer it themselves is what makes them actually want to.
Perhaps this is the reason why more and more people are succumbing to one of the most popular businesses around affiliate marketing. It is because in this business, there are no bosses to order the employees around. There are no deadlines to meet and no clutter of work do to. One only needs to be equipped with the tools needed to succeed in a business such as this, and he is bound to get what his heart ultimately desires.
Just what are the things needed to be able to succeed in affiliate marketing? What must one have within himself to be able to do well in this industry? There is a lot of competition involved in affiliate marketing, and to be able to rise above the norm, one must be equipped with just the right stuff necessary to propel him forward. There are five things one must ultimately possess if he wants to achieve the glory he is yearning for in this business, and these five things are a must for him to possess to be able to stand out among the rest.
The very first quality one must possess if he wants to try his hand in affiliate marketing is the willingness to learn and be trained. Treading through unfamiliar territory is scary stuff if one is not properly equipped, and he might get lost amidst a jungle of the unknown. Learning the tricks of the trade is also an important aspect of the game, and one's willingness to know it all will give him far better advantages in the business than he could ever imagine.
The second quality one must possess is the willingness to invest time and effort even if direct results do not seem at all apparent. Although several months may pass without good news, it is important for one who has his foot in the industry to hold on and wait. It is this quality which would save him from giving up after investing a lot of himself in the business.
The third quality one must possess is self-determination. If one wants to conquer the affiliate marketing world, he must have the ability to push himself ahead. Never having to say die is a quality each and every affiliate marketer should possess, and the ability to motivate oneself into scaling greater heights is an ability which would actually take an affiliate marketer there.
The fourth quality one must possess is discipline. If one knows how to teach himself to work every day with all the energy he can muster, then he is close to achieving what he has set his heart to have in the first place.
The fifth and last quality one must possess is optimism. Negative attitudes and hearsays should not discourage an affiliate marketer from pursuing what he has to in order to make life better for himself and for everyone concerned. Neither should anyone influence his attitude toward the business, because once in it, it is a must for him to be the captain of his ship and the master of his soul.
The ingredients to success in a business such as affiliate marketing are diverse and manifold, but the most important thing one needs to be able to make it big lies in himself alone. It is he who has the capacity to do everything to be able to realize his prospects, and the desire which fuels his heart in doing so is the gasoline which should keep the engine going.
Affiliate marketing is all about putting one's fate into his own hands. The right attitude is the key to being able to steer one's ship into that part of the ocean where a certain kind of serenity can be found, one that permeates the atmosphere as the ship sails calmly on.
A perfect program to set your site on to syart affiliate marketing, Really newbie friendly, step-by-step methods and I will help, just contact me. CBPassiveincome.com
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