#i kinda don't want to include the indifferent option
freaky-flawless · 4 months
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If you reblog, put in the notes what color you would call it.
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ravenwitch45 · 11 months
Can we get Platonic Headcanons for Moxxie and Millie becoming parental figures to male or gn reader? So reader is like, 18 or 19, and their parents never showed them proper affection, I think this could be fun! Thanks for your time!
Oh so essentially M&M adopt reader, okay then yeah this sounds cute. I'll go GN reader cause if that's an option or it's not specified I always do that so anyone reading can essentially choose the gender they like/identify as ^^
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Moxxie and Millie Adopting Teenage Reader who had bad parents.
Both have... not perfect parents, especially Moxxie so they more then get it and sympathize immeditately once they learn about your situation.
It start out with them offering to let you stay with them, when you just don't feel like going home to your indifferent parents. They insist on it if you try to say no. They only really have a couch to spare but they still try their best to accomadate you, blankets, pillows, even a stuffed animal if you need it.
This also leads to them bringing you to the office, mainly cause you don't want to be alone all day and the like. They don't mind bringing you, just tell you to be aware of Loona's grumpy nature and Blitz's mood swings. Though you actually hit it off with Loona, both enjoying just chilling round the office and sharing memes mostly.
It isn't until Blitz notices and goes "Mox, Mils your kid seems pretty close with Loonie it seems" and they just blank out at the idea, realizing they did kinda adopt you, heck you kinda moved in with them at this point, and they see you as their responsibility too.
There unsure if you see it the same way, just keep addressing you normally.
They, especially Millie include you in everything they can, pulling you in for team hugs and selfies, your part of family game night and stuff that Blitz does for the company.
If you decide to join the company, they'd likely try to push you into a safer manergerial part of the company, but if you insist on going out into the field with them, they will train you WELL, like weeks before they approve you to go out, but there not pushy, you learn at your own pace and they respect that.
They will also go with you on most missions to start just to keep an eye on you and to keep you safe.
Then, IT happens. After you come back from a mission or something, Moxxie asks you if you did a few things, cleaning weapons, reloading all that and you get exasperated and go "Yes Dad, I did all of those, It's fine." and Moxxie's eyes go wide before they start watering and he ducks into a hallway so you don't see him cry tears of joy at that.
Blitz sees, calling him soft jokingly before Loona calls out "Hey Dad! is Moxxie alright?" so he starts crying happily and the happy dads just hug eachother tightly as they cry
Millie is a lot more calm the first time you call her Mom, it's after a messy mission and after you finish cleaning up you hug her and say "I love you Mom" She sniffles a little but keeps her composure and hugs you back tightly "Love you too kid"
They do eventually officially adopt you, happy to have you legally and wanting to see you grow up and become the great person they know you'll be. And also have you along the ride of wacky and crazy hijinks there lives are.
Okay there you go, actually pretty proud of this one and hope I got the wholesomeness good, I really liked this. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for asking!
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vendetta-if · 1 year
December 2022 Progress Update
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For the past two weeks, I've been working really, really hard on Chapter 4 (one of the reasons I've not been too active on Tumblr lately, and I probably still wouldn't until Chapter 4 is done 😅). As of the time writing this update post, the word count is 23.6K words.
The talk with Yvette took quite a long time to write and it is indeed pretty long. Almost 12K of 23.6K words are dedicated to the talk with her. It's not only long, it also has a lot—and I mean a lot—of variations in responses depending on what your MC feels about her.
The last time MC decided on their feelings on Yvette, it was ten years ago during the comic book store incident. Now, your MC will be given an option to change what they think about her ten years later, before their very first conversation with her in their entire life so far.
The four different feelings MC can have on her are:
Hate Hate is straightforward; your MC still hates and is bitter about what she did and her neglect (not visiting MC for a decade).
Love-hate This is a more complicated feeling and I think it's a pretty good addition that makes MC feels a bit more unstable and add a bit more layers of complexity. Your MC still kinda hates her, but also yearns for her affection and mourns for the missing connection and relationship with her, and these feelings in turn feed into MC's hatred, anger, and bitterness against her.
Apathy/Indifference Pretty straightforward as well; your MC just doesn't really care about her and considers her a stranger.
Pity MC feels bad and pity for her and can sympathize with her plights. This might be the most positive feeling MC can have regarding Yvette, the second one being love-hate.
I spent a lot of time writing four different reactions and inner thoughts for MC based on these feelings they have about her. I hope I'll be able to showcase one of the variations in the Sneak Peek of the talk I'm planning to release tomorrow 😄
Also, in this chapter, you'll finally be meeting Skylar and Santana for the first time. Right now, I'm in the middle of writing the talk between MC and Skylar. After that, it'll be time to focus on Santana's talk instead.
These talks also take a long of time to write because I have foolishly decided to give six different options of responses every time MC talks with any of the ROs, half for different romantic responses and half for non-romantic ones 😭
I also did a lot of tweaking on the previous chapters (grammar & typo fixes, coding fixes, and adding some stuff).
First, by popular demand, MC can now choose their clothing style to be the same with Uncle Luka's style. The style is called "all-black".
Second, I tweaked and added some stuff with the Police Commissioner because it seems I missed the mark in trying to portray him as a grey character. Now, his involvement with the Nemesis Project will be more explicitly pointed out in the narrative than just implied subtly previously. Also, his other bad qualities, such as nepotism and hypocrisy.
Third, I tweaked MC's reactions when executing the commissioner—I think it's either your MC turns away and not wanting to witness the execution or your MC and Ash looking at the execution together in awe 😆 Now, instead of Merciful MC looking away and Ruthless MC spectating the execution, it'll depend more on your MC's choice in Chapter 2 regarding the mission (Ready to kill, reluctant to kill innocent, or don't want to kill).
Well, that's all I have to report for the month. As always, I just want to say thank you for all your support and enthusiasm for my story 🥰. I might not be able to answer a lot of asks in the coming days because I'll be hyper-focused on finishing Chapter 4 as quick as possible 😅
If you guys are interested in supporting me, getting some extra side contents on the side, including an early access for this upcoming chapter, please check out my Patreon!
[Patreon Link]
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 8 months
Help I'm crisising
I'm aroace and i have this friend who I've known for a couple years but only gotten close two in the last few months, and I really like her. I've had a weird alterous attraction crush on her for literal years and recently now that we've gotten closer I'm wondering if we could someday be in some sort of qpr thing. I know she's some sort of queer, and she knows that I am, though not specifically aroace, and I know she's not in any relationships.
The problem is:
I'm really confused about what I feel, cause I've never felt anything close to this for anyone, ever, and I'm also really aware that she's one of the first friends and definitely the closest that I've had since a major depressive episode I had that lasted 1-2 years and so I'm worried that maybe I'm kinda latching on to her to feel normal and not lonely anymore. Basically I'm just constantly second-guessing my feelings, but I also have pretty solid evidence that I shouldn't trust myself with them.
I don't know what she knows about being aroace, and I don't know if she'd be interested in a QPR
I don't know if she's interested in me. She definitely likes as a friend, but I'm horrible at telling what feelings people have towards me beyond than friendly, angry, or indifferent
And if ever she made a move on me, I'd be into it, but I don't know how to explain "actually I'm aroace and so like half of the things you'd expect out of an allo dating relationship are off the table, and also I will never be able to love you in the way most would people expect from me" Also, at what point do you even bring that up? Before or after doing anything? The inciting incident of all this was today when she was driving me home from her place and while we were leaving her brother was bugging me to tell him about her love life and asking questions like "Does she have a bf/gf? Is she dating (other friend of hers)?" and "Are you two dating? Are you going to kiss in the car?" and she told him to stop and not make me uncomfortable, but in my head I was just thinking "not as uncomfortable as you think." And then I was thinking about maybe kissing her the whole car ride, and I was kinda hoping maybe she would. Sorry for the massive wall of text I'm overthinking everything and driving myself mad. I don't have anyone who knows I'm queer besides her so I have nobody to talk to about this.
First of all Anon, remember that it's OK to be confused, and it's OK to not be quite sure what you want. You're navigating these feelings for the first time, and they're generally big feelings which can also make them harder to decipher, especially in the moment.
Sometimes imagining different scenarios can help and sometimes certain scenarios will appeal to you a lot more (remember QPRs are heavily tailored, and can include and not include whatever the people in them want). Sometimes journaling can help with sorting out what you're feeling too, and if you're not sure where to start, there's a lot of good tips for effective journaling online.
It is OK to not have everything figured out right away. Sometimes things also play out over time, you can talk and try things out and see where things go. Honestly my advice would probably be to just start by telling her you're aroace and, if this is something you want to pursue, talking about QPRs, or how aroaces sometimes do relationships a bit differently where the relationship can be tailored to each other/pick and choose what that relationship involves or not. And maybe that would be something that appeals to her, maybe it won't, and you can take note of how you're feeling too. (Of course if you decide you prefer the relatioship you have with her now and don't want to change anything, that's an option too.)
Go easy on yourself, you're figuring all this out as you go. Remember there's two ways this can go, either things work out how you want them to, which would be great, or they won't and you'll still learn a lot in the process and be a lot more ready and prepared the next time you find yourself in a similar situation.
All the best, and good luck!
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