#i kinda nosedived into it tbh
playingplayer2 · 11 months
You ever just suddenly realize like 12 40k+ fics on AO3 in 3 days, 60 dollars and having to ask for help to find the display with the books, and countless hours later in including reading the entire manhua in two days, that maybe you are in fact, rather invested in the entirety of everything having to do with a fandom you've only known existed for maybe 8 months?
Anyways, I love all of them but especially the Nie brothers.
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bookishjules · 4 months
What are your thoughts on the Kel x Antonetta ship in sword catcher? 😊❤️
oh babe so many. from the moment kel sat down next to her at that first dinner, i've been soso intrigued by them. i think that's the difference between them and conlin tbh like i've been projecting the trajectory of that relationship since the beginning, but while i def nosedived straight into shipping kel with antonetta in the fucking prologue, they've really kept me guessing! there were times when i kinda drew back from their ship, but that was erased every time they were in a room together. bc kel is obsessed and so am i.
they are both just SUCH intriguing characters with their secrets and their masks and it's exactly what makes them perfect for each other imo. each sees through the other's exterior, but not far enough to know anything close to the truth and that's just so dsahflkj like i'm desperate for them to know things about the other that no one else does and for that to tie them together in some way that leads to romance (bc i feel like that's the only order in which that will be able to happen given the circumstances)
oh and don't even get me started on that grass ring??? i died. i died. i am a little worried that.. well given the theory that ana is actually prosper beck.. that she only had kel steal the locket so that he would find that and that would allow her to manipulate him in some way.. but that doesn't mean the love can't also be there hehe
i just can't get over the way kel kisses people as a distraction and a way to focus. and like not always in a good way. like what did merren say after he kissed him? about using him. but the conscious effort it takes kel to hold himself back from ana.. the way he'll kiss anyone but her.. i just.. o<-<
anyway i love them and their dynamic. also antonetta is an icon and i need to know simply everything about her, which means i need kel to do the finding out <3
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thatiranianphantom · 2 years
what's your opinion on the 6x22 jabitha scene?? their entire future together because imo it seems extremely suspicious they had them go through their whole lives together like that as if they don't plan on them lasting which I always felt anyways tbh!! I had a friend of mine tell me they thought that scene solidified jabitha endgame because IMHO it did the exact opposite!! jabitha are a very poor imitation of bughead only not nearly as amazing and perfect! they tried but failed to make them anything like bughead, jabitha are the most boring couple ever, after tangs! I was just wondering what your opinion was on it because the very few jabitha shippers I've seen think their endgame because of it ugh sorry not sorry but bughead will always be the best ship of this show, same with varchie they can't erase them no matter how hard they try or replace them!! sorry for bothering you btw <3
Hello love, you're not bothering me! I'm going to refer to them as JT in this, just so that it stands a chance of not showing up in the tag for the maybe 4 shippers.
Okay, so I guess continuing JT is theoretically possible as much as anything else in s7? But I have some severe doubts. Number one, Tabitha is and was a historically unpopular character, and JT is an incredibly unpopular ship. This isn't a bias thing, this is actual facts. Numerically, statistically, JT is a really really bad idea. That's to say nothing of the fact that the actors look like they're being forced to interact at gunpoint.
(Sidenote: how-do, Melinda! For your sake I hope it takes you more than 5 minutes to find and reblog this. And you should probably consider removing your full name from some of your socials. Just an aside.)
Anyway, could they return to s6 or keep the JT going in S7? I guess, but it's been to the detriment of both characters, who have really nosedived in popularity because of JT. Then we have to consider if they did, what story would there be to continue? Life with the JT kids? BA planning their wedding? Percival is gone, the comet has hit, the couples were wrapped up with a neat little bow, in all seriousness, what story is there to return to?
Then we get into Tabitha's role this season. The line she got in the description was very 👀 , as is the fact that she's hardly been seen in BTS this season. Making her an angel talking to Jughead makes her plot entirely contingent on his, and per RAS, we know that he kinda settles into the 50s thing at the end of the first episode. Again, this is all spec, but given her unpopularity, and given how much they need to keep this season to things that work, I do wonder if she is very sporadically in the season or only in the first episode. Who knows really, but is JT a thing I am worried about? Nah, not really.
(Also, thanks for mentioning Tangs, one of the most genuinely hilarious parts of last season. Without hyperbole, a couple with zero fans, I about died laughing when they were on screen. Chemistry comparable to JT, acting skills minimal to none, compatibility nonexistent, married on a lie. Ah, sweet love.)
Hope this helps!
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
ok mini 1.5 main story braindump under cut
im not gonna lie i think the plot for this round of tours was fumbled very badly. like the first tour i was genuinely interested into despite the fact that ive been pretty bored of the gatekeeper plot because negi and hitsugi seemed like somewhat interesting characters. i liked the first tour story, at least more than the rest of them, arashi's arc through the story while i havent fully read it felt pretty well rounded and according to things ive seen about the current event story i think things ended well for her. which. yay<3
i barely heard anything about the second tour aside from izumi being a loser over makoto so i dont really have anything to say about it. i hope aira had a good time
the third story is where my hopes for the story kinda nosedived though, negi and hitsugi being aboriginal is a super cool concept that was. immediately ruined by the context in that scene. also i didnt hear as much about them, but goddamn can the ryuseitai juniors have a break. let them be happy again
now. last tour. im ngl im kinda regretting wishing so hard for a mayoi tour in this series. however i did get ninja association tour so like. win ig?? negi and hitsugi i will miss you forever and i think that. maybe we should get some elaboration on the fact that negi was literally shot?? onstage?? like was no one affected by that? mayoi lore wise i think. that if written well it could be cool. tbh while i did have other theories i could come to like whats actually canon now. however this is akira we're talking about so im ready for the worst. mayoi opening up to shinobu about his past was really sweet though. ninja association my love and light
lastly. i cannot. take the gatekeeper plot seriously im sorry this entire thing just feels entirely too stressful for me to get emotionally involved in so i literally do not care. gatekeeper himself was a little funny in the last tour. loser man
anw. i wish hitsugi and negi were introduced under normal circumstances and i wish that we went back to where the biggest antagonistic force was eichi trying to break up trickstar. also anzu has been through so much shit, what the hell
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 7 years
I'm gonna fuckin. Write fanfic
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unibrowzz · 4 years
Mod (finally) reviews all 67 winners of the Eurovision Song Contest Part VI: The 00s
So I gave the 2000s a lot of shit back when I was rewatching them, mainly because the contests became much longer now with the introductions of so many more participants that semi finals had to be introduced, and also because the song quality nosedived. With the televote now in full control of who won, all you really needed to do to get a good result was either send somebody well known in your geographical area, and/or send something weird that would stand out amongst 40+ participants.
This is where the illusion of “bloc voting” came from.
So song, quality for the most part, was compromised in favour of either sending an attention-grabbing vote trap or just somebody famous. But that’s enough about the contests overall, how’s about them winners?
2000- Fly on the Wings of Love
Country: Denmark
Artist: Olsen Brothers
Language: English
Thoughts: I wonder how it feels to wait nearly 40 years to win again only to win as a complete surprise with a song 100/1 in the odds. Must be weird. My feelings towards this song are… kinda mixed. It sounds like the kind of song you swear you’ve heard before over a million times, be it in advertisements, on the radio, being played by buskers or bored guitar kids at parties. But at the same time it feels so completely different compared to other winners and, Hell, even other Eurovision songs at the time. It’s a very striking and recognisable song when talking about Eurovision music, sure. It’s very chill, and relaxed, and the singer has a bizarre voice which somehow sounds heavily autotuned even when he’s performing live.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Not really
If no, what is? Sweden- Roger Pontare- “When Spirits are Calling my Name”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 46th
2001- Everybody
Country: Estonia
Artist: Tanel Padar & Dave Benton
Language: English
Thoughts: And this folks, is what you call a guilty pleasure. I avoided this song for a while because I just knew it was objectively terrible. I knew this barely qualified as a song, that most of it was just two mismatched dudes shouting at each other over a disco track, that the lyrics aren’t that great at all… Et cetera. And yet, trashy as it is, I still really like this song. I don’t really know why, maybe it’s my barely-hidden desire to be an obnoxious contrarian, maybe it’s because the chorus has some fairly decent lyrics (especially for an eastern European entry), maybe it’s because it’s catchy… Or maybe because it’s fun, I dunno.
Is this my personal winner for this year? 2001 really sucked tbh
If no, what is? Honestly yeah, this song shreds
Personal ranking (out of 67):  13th
2002: I Wanna
Country: Latvia
Artist: Marie N (Or, Maria Naumova)
Language: English (I think…?)
Thoughts: You want a song which hasn’t aged well? Well here you go.  I’m sure this song was MUCH more bearable back in 2002, but listening to it now is just... What on Earth is she even saying?? I don’t think I’ve heard a song with such garbled lyrics before. On my first listen, I couldn’t even distinguish what language this song was in, and when I finally realised it was in English… good Lord, the lyrics are complete nonsense. And the rhyming? It’s non-existent. The funny thing is Marie herself speaks really good English, so why this song sounds like it was run through Google Translate five times and sung by someone who only started learning English 5 minutes ago is beyond me. But enough about the terrible singing, lyrics and butchery of the English language, does this song have anything else going for it? Not really. I’d put this song into the same category as “Diva”, in that it’s trying desperately to be the next big disco track of its decade, but it just never reaches the crescendo it sets out to achieve. It just drunkenly fumbles around until it ends. What a graceful entry.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? United Kingdom- Jessica Garlick- "Come Back"
Personal ranking (out of 67):  59th
2003- Every Way that I Can
Country: Turkey
Artist: Sertab Erener
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the original ethnopop winner. I’m still not 100% sure what ethnopop is, but I’m guessing it’s just slang for the kind of music you’d hear in a gay bar whilst on your holidays. Not that I would know. This is yet another winner where it took me a good few listens to properly enjoy it since I thought the lyrics were a bit… bad. But unlike those other songs, I got into this one way back in (checks playlist) 2014, and I still haven’t managed to fall out of love with it, so to speak. I still really like this song, I’d go as far as to say it’s in my top ten favourite winners in fact. A statement which still hasn’t changed after I watched the 2003 contest recently in July of 2020, so hooray for that. And ethnopop isn’t really a genre I tend to gravitate towards, but I think what makes this song stand out to me at least is how heavy it is. This is a very slow song when you look at its BPM, and the beat just pounds loud and clear all throughout it. It’s not as obnoxious or in-your-face as other songs of its genre, it’s its own thing and that’s what makes it a cut above the rest for me.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Yes
If no, what is? N/A
Personal ranking (out of 67):  5th
2004- Wild Dances
Country: Ukraine
Artist: Ruslana
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the superior Ukrainian winner. This song is kind of similar to the one above, in that just like “Every Way that I Can” this is a big, stampy dance number, only this time with the distinction that the lyrics were written in 30 seconds rather than a few minutes. It doesn't get lazier than this folks. But I'm willing to forgive lazy lyrics if the song can distract me from them, and thankfully this song can. Plus it’s not like this song needs good lyrics anyway, I get the feeling the focus is more on the beat and instrumental more than anything. And luckily I’m a sucker for that.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Yes
If no, what is? N/A
Personal ranking (out of 67):  7th
2005- My Number One
Country: Greece
Artist: Helena Paparizou
Language: English
Thoughts: I’ll give you “My Number One crawled so Fuego could run”, more like My Number One won so Fuego could pull up the rear in second place behind a song full of chicken noises. But I’m getting ahead of myself. This song I feel is the one which really popularised that… certain brand of Eurovision song. The female-led, east Meditteranean origin, “Yas queen slay” brand of Eurovision song. Yanno. The true gay bar song. Which is, as I said earlier, not really a genre I like nor care for. Do I like this song? Eh. Kinda. I can’t really bring myself to hate it, since I have some good memories associated with it, but... … Well, I wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to it, put it that way. It feels kind of aggressive, and not in a way I’m all that comfortable with. The way she snarls that she’ll “get vicious” if her love isn’t reciprocated especially doesn’t sit right with me. Like I don’t want to be a That Guy™ who says people would get offended if a man sang that line, but it still puts me off a bit.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Hungary- NOX- “Forogj, Viláj!”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 36th
2006- Hard Rock Hallelujah
Country: Finland
Artist: Lordi
Language: English
Thoughts: My mother always asks me “how did this win?” And I always tell her, “Well it’s been nearly 15 years since it won and you still remember it, so clearly it left an impact on people.” So, obviously, this is a gimmicky entry; without the giant monster costumes I highly doubt this would’ve even qualified, let alone won with what was then a record-breaking score. After all, rock/metal songs don’t tend to fare well at this contest. Even with the drunk European public in full control of the vote, most of them are lucky to even make it onto the left side of the scoreboard, and getting into the top ten? Forget it. It's too niche of a genre for it to have broad appeal, especially given how a lot of viewers (in my experience at least) DO tend to be older and more conservative, shall we say.  Now, I'm not an expert on rock or metal myself, so I can't really say whether this is a good representation of the genre or whether this is what outsiders THINK it's like, but even to my untrained ear this does sound very tongue-in-cheek. Like I don’t want to go so far as to say this is a parody of metal music, but it definitely doesn’t seem to take itself too seriously. The song, I mean. Apparently the band is very serious about their monster aesthetic; but I digress. That said, I do have a soft spot for whatever sub-genre of metal this is, so I don’t mind this one in the slightest. 
Is this my personal winner for this year? This or Croatia
If no, what is? Croatia- Séverina- “Moja Stikla”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 30th
2007: Molitva
Country: Serbia
Artist: Marija Serifovic
Language: Serbian (Translation: “Prayer”)
Thoughts: Ah, this one takes me back. This was one of the first Eurovision songs I remember truly falling in love with way back in 2013. I must’ve been about 16 or 17 at the time, heavily into dark, edgy music, and this song was just pure heaven for me. Ticked all the right boxes. It’s dark, it’s brooding, it’s sultry, the vocals are stellar, the lyrics are incredible; like, I wanted the title of this song tattooed on my wrist, I loved it so damn much, I just wanted to declare to the world that I loved this song. But that was then, how do I feel about it today? Obviously not the same, tastes evolve over time and after a while I wasn’t so easily suckered into this song’s spell like I used to be. But at the same time, I can’t deny that this is a fantastic song across the board, and one I still like despite it being my edgy favourite from back when my taste in music was terrible. Plus this is also the best-sung song of the 2000s, but that’s like being the tallest person in a room full of toddlers.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Yes
If no, what is? N/A
Personal Ranking (out of 67): 3rd
2008: Believe
Country: Russia
Artist: Dima Bilan
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes. The song that finally made Terry Wogan quit after 30 years of “commentating”. The song that proved to the people of the UK once and for all that the contest was rigged to favour certain countries and that countries in western Europe would never win again. Was it worth it? Not really, but I’m not complaining.  Now, I don't like Wogan's commentary at all, but really? This song? This is the straw that broke the camel’s back? This song isn’t bad per se, it’s just… Very underwhelming. And outdated. Like I can smell the 2000s off this one and it smells like Lynx body spray and hair gel. It's stuck in that awkward phase where it's too old to be cool, but not old enough to be retro, and it’s forever doomed to be a product of its time. It’s just an average, generic, “I have a dream and I can achieve it” pseudo-ballad; nothing outstanding or special. The performance feels very stale and formulaic too. The only way to describe it is it’s what I imagine an American person would THINK a winning Eurovision song would be like based on what they get told by their European pen pals. Dated music, hot Russian men, over the top presentation, like this just reeks of what outsiders (or British people, for that matter) think Eurovision is made of. On a different note, mediocre and dated as this song may be, I can still kinda see how it won (and no, it has nothing to do with Russia’s international relationships). Dima himself is a very… unique performer; one who performs with the questionable energy of an overexcitable children’s YouTuber, and his dramatic and exaggerated movements make this whole performance a bit of a blast to watch. But that doesn’t really save how painfully bland the song is.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Latvia- Pirates- "Wolves of the Sea"
Personal ranking (out of 67): 48th
2009: Fairytale
Country: Norway
Artist: Alexander Rybak
Language: English
Thoughts: I’m not going to lie, my feelings towards this song are incredibly mixed. There’s a lot of appeal here, with wild violin solos, swooping vocals and a pounding beat, as well as a very singalongable chorus; like, this is a good, solid song. But… something here just doesn’t gel with me. This, to me, is one of those “good by default” songs that’s a solid ‘A’ across the board, but something’s just… missing for me. There’s not enough here for me to go out of my way to download and listen to this on a regular basis. It's in the same boat as “Waterloo” in that I don't dislike it, because it’s still a good song, but I can't say I like it either, because it’s such a default "best Eurovision song”, so I can’t sincerely say I like it. Am I making sense? Probably not. But basically my thoughts are “it’s good, but it’s not my kind of good.”
Is this my personal winner for this year? Ehhhhhh
If no, what is? Germany- Alex Swings, Oscar Sings- “Miss Kiss Kiss Bang”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 29th
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thefloatingstone · 5 years
You should probably turn off anon, people are a whole lot less brave without it (yeah, I know, this is an anon, but I guess that kinda proves my point-)
Honestly, I had anon off for a long time (mostly before I forgot to turn it back on) and my messages really nosedived ^^; whereas when I turned it on again people were able to talk to me a little more again. I don’t really get mean messages tbh, so I’ve never felt an actual necessity to turn it off on a long term basis.
if ya’ll get rowdy, I’ll turn it off again for a while tho XD
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martinijordan · 5 years
I absolutely adore your art, it's divine! Who is your favorite DC character and why?
Hi!!! Thank you so much! This is a bit of a difficult question, tbh. I have a list of favorites and it’s super hard to choose one. But among them I really love Ted Kord & Booster Gold - Both are VERY relatable. I adore their relationship, devotion and how they aren’t cookie cutter heroes. But they try their hardest and I just find that extremely endearing. I love Tim Drake & Jason Todd. Both relatable in their own way I think. Tim more so, personally. Which tbh is a bit odd for me because when I was much younger and even into HS - I actually HATED him and adored Dick more. I was very strongly Pro Dick!Robin. But I had a mentor type figure in my life (that drew comic type stuff in my school)  and I used to pester him often (idk how much he liked me tbh cause he knew me as ‘the kid’, and I came like a horror creature to his office everyday to talk about comics and get drawing assignments from him)  and he would always try to nudge me to give Tim a chance. I wasn’t very convinced of this buffoonery but he managed to toss me a box set of Tim Drake Robin comics and stubbornly I still didn’t get it. Long story short, I eventually understood he was trying to tell me I was shoving my way into his office like Tim Drake did to Batman and he couldn’t fathom why I was so adamant about Dick. My love for tim doesn’t end there but when I realized all that , I just kinda nosedived into his comics and I loved him ever since. What I have noticed with the characters I do strongly like is that I cling to the ones I relate to the most. Or the ones that remind me of people I care about. Not so much to project onto the characters but that kinda adds another humanizing element to me because then I think “I could know someone like that in RL. Or I know that experience. they are tangible.”
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fangtasticghoul · 6 years
soooo I finally got around to watching welcome to monster high
the animation is really nice, I liked that aspect of it a lot. uhhh...the new characters they introduced were pretty cool too I guess?
as for everything else and what it entailed for monster high as a whole from that point on? not really the biggest fan tbh. it was charming and all but I'm pretty biased towards the original storyline. that, and I've fallen in love with all the characters and character development they established over the pre-reboot years.
The main fact that the quality of the content and the dolls started nosediving post-reboot is enough of a reason for me to kinda resent it, but it wasn't terrible.
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felassan · 7 years
Blackwall: 2, Solas: 1 and 3, Sera: 3, Cole: 2, Bull: 1, Vivienne: 3 and 5, Varric: 2, Dorian: 1 and 5, Cassandra: 4 and 5 and wow that's a lot of questions but I missed Gryff tbh
omg ♥♥ thankyou sm. me too tbh. she’s still my favorite of my children. I think maybe another run of DAI is due.
[msg refs this post]
cut for length.
Blackwall2. What did they choose to do with him and how did they feel about their choice? Were they guilty about leaving him in cell, if they choose to do so?
Blackwall joined the Inquisition and stayed until the Inquisitor could declare victory. Blackwall considered the Inquisitor a friend. Gryff strongarmed him out of prison using Inquisition resources and had him continue to fight as part of the Inquisition. ah, but his judgement specifics was a tough one. on one hand, she doesn’t care about what he did before she met him and things he did while outside the Inquisition. she doesn’t care about treason to a human kingdom, nor about the murder of nobles really. on the other, she values honesty and not being a coward, and more importantly, the betrayal of the loyal men under his command was unconscionable and indefensible to her - you protect your men, soldiers who trust you with their lives as their commander. to do otherwise goes against everything she believes in, she’d sooner die herself than betray her men. that was what she took most issue with really, over the general deception, lies or the murder of some people. if he’d done that or a similar thing as part of the Inquisition, while he was under her command, she would have executed him without a second thought. she had respected him as a warrior and as a Warden, but her respect for him completely nosedived and evaporated on learning what transpired between him and his men.
the first time around I had her free him and reveal his identity, but in hindsight I think it makes more sense for her as a character to opt to send him to the Wardens to undergo the Joining for real after Cory’s defeat. thank goodness for the Keep eh?
Solas1. Did your Inquisitor engage Solas academically with questions or were they uninterested in his experiences?3. If your inquisitor was told they were “unlike others of their race” by Solas, how did they respond? Were they angry or grateful? 
1. not at first, because she mistrusted him from the outset. she also has little interest in intellectual matters outside of theories of war (and definitely not in the metaphysical), and did not appreciate Solas’ criticisms of and comments about the Dalish. silly really, because they each looked down on the other for a time. it made for a bad combination initially - they had a strange, bitter and belligerent association for a time. the development into mutual respect, comrades-in-arms and eventual friends there is really interesting to me, maybe I’ll write about it to chart it out ‘on paper’ someday.. it doesn’t follow the game exactly.
she came to accept that he was an expert on the Fade, the anchor and the sort of forces she was dealing with when it came to sealing the Breach. consequently, ever the pragmatist, she sought his counsel on those subjects and had him join her in the field as she journeyed around closing tears. eventually her Dalish desire and drive to recover and relearn as much of the past and their culture/history as possible got the better of her pride and distrust, and she would ask him about what he’d seen in his travels through the Fade, about ancient elves, the ancient elven kingdom and what had been lost. then about other stuff, like spirits (her growing friendship with Cole helped springboard that one, she wanted to understand Cole better) and magic in general. and it went from there really. (I will say that I dooon’t headcanon or think of Solas and Gryff as having had a teacher/student or elder/child relationship, for me personally that’s an uncomfortable power dynamic. I think of them as two equals who just had different areas of knowledge and expertise, who learned from one another in a give and take sort of way. I think it’s possible to pick someone’s brain/knowledge banks about a topic without that kind of dynamic being present.)
he did continue to frustrate her sometimes with his occasional bursts of intellectual and general superiority, tendency to longwindedness, and especially over their clashing ideas on how to help the elves. I tend to think that some of the arguments Solas has with Disapproval Inquisitor still occur in a manner of speaking between Solas and Gryff. you know, like DA:I’s main basegame plot spanned a whole year or so and a lot can happen in a year, and Solas content was not as extensive as some of the other companions’ were, particularly as a romance compared to the others. a game is inevitably constrained by length, resources, simplistic axes like “approval” and “disapproval”, unrealistic mechanics like “touch all these orbs for bonus approval points”, etc. real relationships between people are obviously a lot more complex. ah sorry.. these 2 just fascinate me so much, 2 very different individuals who both deeply love the People but have totally different ideas about how to help them.
3. he did tell her that, and she was angry. smh Solas. Gryff believes the Dalish made her who she is, that she’s no different from the rest of them and that Solas misjudged them. she loves and respects the Dalish. there are the new pieces of information regarding portions of elven history and the Evanuris, and she has her newfound.. atheism? secularism? (the main change is that she no longer believes in the Evanuris as gods the way she did before) and has disdain for aspects of the upper echelons of ancient elven culture (ex. the keeping of slaves by an elite upper class), but she is still proud to be Dalish. she feels there is plenty of value and worth in modern Dalish culture and (still practises and takes part in) their traditions, and in what they have reclaimed and made their own. she will always be Dalish and culturally Dalish.
Sera3. How did your Inquisitor respond to the truth of Sera’s childhood (the cookie scene), if they received it? Did they empathize?
despite the differences and initial teething problems between Gryff and Sera, she received it. she did empathize and was angry at the notion of a human noble lying to a young elf and telling her that a baker hated her simply for being an elf. go figure. but she was initially a bit ? about what the hell they were doing on the roof with cookies, and doesn’t have a great interpersonal manner. Sera clarified that she was trying to say she liked it in the Inquisition, and share this with the Inquisitor. kinda ‘thats great and I’m glad, but this is a bit ?. I know! why are we yelling? because we’re friends now. oh okay. let’s go get drunk. :)’ by Trespasser they are good friends.
Cole2. What did your Inquisitor think of Cole’s ability to see into people’s thoughts?
she thought it was unnatural, but quickly realized the strategic value of and advantages to be gained from the ability and indeed, of Cole’s other abilities, both on and off the battlefield. later, she would come to love Cole as if he were a member of her clan.
Iron Bull1. Was your Inquisitor wary of Bull upon learning he was a spy?
yes, and she was wary anyway. it didn’t unsettle her though, and she understood where he was coming from and why - flip the script, and from a certain angle she was a bit of a spy for her own people for their own ends, among other races and cultures, at the Conclave. their early interactions were engaged on a level akin to two soldiers from opposing factions during a time when a temporary truce or ceasefire had been declared. I think they both recognized that. professionals.
Vivienne3. Did the feelings of your Inquisitor towards Vivienne change at all after completing her personal mission about Duke Bastian, if yes, in what way?5. How did your Inquisitor feel about Vivienne? Friends? Allies? Rivals?
3. Gryff got her the heart she requested. Gryff didn’t really know what to say when Bastian died, or in the aftermath, but she felt for her. this sad and unfortunate event showed a side of Vivienne Gryff had understandably not been privy to before.
5. initially she did not really trust her, but Gryff doesn’t trust many people at all early on. early on they had a bit of disagreement for example about the Dalish and mages, the Circle etc. but I think this was not great writing on the writers’ part regarding Vivienne here, as opposed to Vivienne herself. Vivienne is a formidable, compassionate, smart and wise woman of considerable ability and power. Gryff rejected the Game but appreciated Vivienne’s insights and political acumen, for often Vivienne saw what Gryff could not. they were definitely allies, and perhaps something akin to friends by the end - I think Gryff developed great respect for Vivienne, in time. they have some different views on some topics, but this is not a bad thing at all.
Varric2. How did your Inquisitor feel about Varric’s situation with Bianca? Who did they decide was right about what Bianca did?
Varric and Gryff are friends but she doesn’t really have opinions on his personal life. Varric tracked the red lyrium source. gryff thought Bianca was in the wrong with what she did, but at the time just shouted at them both to knock off the arguing.
Dorian1. How does your Inquisitor feel about Tevinter? Did Dorian change their feelings at all about the Imperium?5. Did your Inquisitor agree with Dorian’s decision to return to Tevinter? How did they feel about his choice?
1. dislikes Tevinter. dislikes what it did to Arlathan, dislikes it for its continued slavery and subjugation of elves. Dorian showed her that some Tevinter mages (later, Magisters, even) are different (they became good friends), and it is now of course known that the fall of Arlathan was more complicated than Dalish lore suggested, but she still dislikes the Imperium. she hopes Dorian and his faction gut it and reform it and burn away all the rotting corruption. she wishes them every success.
5. [bit of repetition here sorry] she wholeheartedly agrees with the need to reform the Imperium and remove the corruption, and with his desire to do so. she thinks there’s nobody better suited to doing so. she hopes he will succeed, and would render any aid she’s capable of giving, wolfhunt and clan-protecting duties permitting. she hopes he’ll be safe, be careful and that he’ll find success. she will miss him a lot though. they keep in touch via the sending crystal.
Cassandra4. Did your Inquisitor agree with Cassandra’s vision for the Chantry? Did they choose her as Divine?5. Does your Inquisitor know all of her middle names?
4. on balance Gryff doesn’t give a shit about the Chantry (dislikes it really) and didn’t really care about who the human grand clerics were favoring or not favoring to put on the sunburst throne, but is insightful and strategically-minded enough to realize that it was important to Cassandra, and, more importantly, that the belief structures of whoever ascended would most likely have far-ranging impacts on Thedas. by that point in the storyline she had been using her power and position as Inquisitor to help the People (Dalish and City alike) whenever, however and whereever possible. she supported Leliana for Divine because she agreed with the need for radical reform (specifically, Leliana’s ideas that all races are equal and that the Chantry’s tenets should reflect that). she had no desire to see elves be Andrastian and join the Chantry per se (if they didn’t really want to be that is - in the cases where ones do that’s totally fine), but Leliana’s ideas for how the Chantry should be were doubtless going to improve the lot of elves in southern Thedas in general. she also disagrees with Circles and Templars, and didnt want to lose her friend Cassandra to the Chantry throne, l0l.
5. yes. (♥ω♥ ) ~♪ there is a great affection between the two women, and they’ll always be friends. in turn, Cassandra knows the fabled deeds of the Emerald Knight Brocair, from whom Gryff’s name preserves her descent. its a love story for the ages tbh.
wew! there we go
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