#i kinda wanna do their battle poses now
maxaroniiiii · 10 months
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it's them!!
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Btw I’ve started playing the funny stars and time game. The the one about the loopty loop and the white diamond ass shit
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princessbrunette · 4 months
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when did you know you loved me? pt.2/4 ♡
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kitty!reader knew she was being a menace when she posed the question. infact, she’d been bothering him with pointless shit all afternoon. she wanted attention, above anything else — and would climb all over him and attack the second she didn’t receive it. jj sat in his home, trying to unwind as he plays on the playstation — and lo and behold, kitty sits half on his lap, poking him whilst he tries his best to focus on the game.
“you hate me. i’ve decided.” the ridiculous statement comes out muffled through laying across jj’s lap with his forearm between your teeth as your boyfriend simply tries to win the battle onscreen. he blinks, lips parted in concentration as he thumbs at the joysticks— acknowledging what you’d said and choosing not to pander.
“yeah? you really think i just let chicks i hate climb all over me like this? you must think i’mma slut or somethin’.” he hums, a little less energetic than his usual chaotic self, but that was due to the intense week the two of you had.
he was used to you, and your often attention seeking ways when you were bored, understimulated, horny or neglected. he liked that about you, that although sometimes it’s hard to tell people what you really want — you’d never shy away from showing him.
“mhm. your other girlfriends.” you grump, and immediately have to hide your victorious smile when you hear the game pause instantly. you knew how to get his attention.
you wriggle into a sitting up position until you’re straddling his thigh, face to face with the boy.
“oh you are walkin’ on some mighty thin ice. y’wanna make those kinda accusations when you are in perfect tickling distance and i happen to know all of your worst tickle spots? mm—mm, bold move.” you sense the jokiness in his tone and know you’re off the hook when you feel his threatening fingers lightly jabbing at your waist, ready to tussle with you.
you flinch, grabbing his hands and shuffle closer on his lap— launching for what you really want.
“pay attention to me jj.” you whine, and even you knew you were being annoying. despite this, there’s a patience to him, one he only shows you. where demands from anyone else might cause jj to rage, he has endless reassurance for you.
“im payin’ attention to you right now, mama.” he reminds kindly and you soften a little, the gentle tone he only used on you tugging at your heart strings. swept up in a wave of affection, you throw your arms around his neck once more, sinking your teeth into his neck.
“um, ow?”
“aww, you do love me!” you coo, and to this the boy raises an eyebrow. placing two hands on your shoulders, he peels you off him so that you sit face to face, his eyes dancing between your own in concern.
“woahwoahwoah—wait a second. were you actually questioning whether or not i loved you? ‘cus you know i’d rather stick a bomb up my ass and light it than be with anyone else, right? tell me you know that.”
“i knooow, jj.” you roll your eyes, thinking for a moment before peering up at him through smudged black liner. “when did you know?”
the blonde blinks, a little dumb.
“when did i know… what exactly?”
“when you loved me. i wanna know everything. the exact moment you knew.”
he reclines in the seat now, yanking his black backwards cap off in thought to rake a hand through matted hair, sighing in thought as he thinks back to the start of your relationship. with the action, his matching black t-shirt rides up just a tad, and you take the opportunity to drag your clawed hand up along the sensitive skin beneath his belly button. he flinches, muttering an “easy.” before settling on a memory.
“a’ight so… it’s pretty random. n’don’t judge me but i think we’d only known eachother for like, pro’lly two weeks.”
you launch forward excitedly, getting in his face with a big and excited grin.
“tell me now.”
“alright alright, back up a little kittycat, damn.” he commands casually, readjusting you on his lap for his own comfort before delving into the memory. “‘kay so it was the first time you’d tagged along with me n’the pogues. i was kinda nervous, not gunna lie ‘cus like — i thought they were gonna say somethin’ to put you off or whatever… but anyway, the cops rolled up on us, as they always do, never mindin’ their own damn business…” he rambles and you shuffle excitedly on his lap.
“i remember that day.”
“right, so you’ll remember i had that glock — the one i definitely shouldn’t have had, n’it was all tucked into my waistband… and like, i was already in trouble with the cops, so i could not get caught with that thing on me right? i didn’t wanna get arrested infront of you.”
you follow along with your own memory, however your recount of this day was hazed by how aroused you were by the sight of him with the gun tucked so casually into his pants, walking around with an attitude, willing to whip it out at any moment to protect you. you recall riding jj into the bed that same evening because of it.
“mhm…” you encourage him along.
“so we had like — five seconds to spare, and you just turned to me, grabbed the gun, n’shoved it into that ugly ass purse i used to rag on you about.” he grins at the thought and you lean back, caught on the small offensive detail.
“ugly purse? what ugly purse? the fuck?” you crinkle your eyebrows and he waves a hand.
“oh like, the one that looks like a pair of titties?”
“my corset purse? i love that purse! jj!” you frown and he rolls his eyes, placing two hands on your cheeks to focus you.
“whatever okay, i love you and your titty bag. the fact is… you hid my gun for me, and i remember lookin’ at you and thinking ‘damn… this girl ain’t scared of nothing.’” the lighthearted tone of his storytelling moulded into something more sincere, something so rare from JJ — a satisfied smirk etched into his features.
a slow smile spreads across your own as you bat your spiky black lashes at the blonde. “and that’s when you knew?”
he leans in, eyes now on your lips. “oh that’s when i knew alright, baby.” he retaliates, before pulling you in for the kiss.
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leopardom · 7 months
i saw this pic a bit late but now it’s stuck in my head. there’s probably no special meaning behind it, just some posing that could fit the theme of Everybody’s Waiting since it’s taken on the set of the mv, but i started having Thoughts™️ so… (more under the cut)
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i suppose we can all agree this photo is fitting the vibe of the song perfectly. it’s about how everybody’s waiting for them to do something pleasing for the audience, how they wanna see them shine at all times because well, they’re not that small band anymore, they’re certainly more famous and with fame comes pressure. all the phones around them, pretty much shoved on their faces, ready to capture every single detail, is a pretty valid representation of said pressure
now moving from left to right:
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both Nace and Kris seem to be cautious about their surroundings. Nace is probably a bit more alert since this is a bit newer to him than the rest of the guys, when Kris looks like he has accepted he’s being seen and he can’t really control it, especially now
there’s a hint of sadness in both their eyes, the result of pressure. but at least they are not alone; Kris has someone to lean on and Nace has a hand to hold on to when it’s getting too much. they’re in this together
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the same sadness Nace and Kris carry seems to be following Bojan too. except that Bojan doesn’t even dare to look up anymore because if he does, someone may see through him. he’s tired, defeated, the pressure has taken its toll on him and he doesn’t know what to do. he can only try to shield himself by not looking up and by crossing his arms, a sign that no one’s allowed in but also maybe some sort of hug from him to himself
him being more closed may come in contrast with Kris being more open while battling with emotions, but this way they kinda complete each other. they’re in this together
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while Bojan may not be able to look up, Jure is not able to look anywhere at all. this is supposed to be fun - he is supposed to be fun. but he doesn’t feel like that and that’s not something people will like so what’s better than closing up completely?
he’s attempting to hide, no one has to see what’s going on in his head. he doesn’t want anyone to see so he’s not only closing his eyes but is also trying to hide behind Bojan, who admittedly receives a lot more attention than he does. however, even if he’s leaning on his bandmate and friend, he’s aware that this attention is breaking him too, so he’s got his back. they’re in this together
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among everything else that make people notice the contrast between Jure and Jan (i.e. the looks: Jure is blond, Jan is dark haired), their reactions to the matter of pressure seem to be a bit different too. Jure is hiding, but Jan is trying not to. this doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s succeeding and he’s dealing with pressure just fine, because there is sadness in his eyes
you could say he’s trying to play it as cool as possible, no one needs to know what’s up. but he also looks cautious. cautious like Nace on the other end of the group picture. and he realises that not everyone can deal with pressure in the same ways so the least he can do is let Jure know he’s there for him by leaning his head against his. they’re in this together
and finally looking at the photo as a whole? they’re certainly on the spotlight, the centre of attention for so many people around them. they’re trapped and can’t escape from the watchful eyes and the pressure is definitely hitting them, each one of them in different ways
but at least they’re close to each other. each of them is trying to make sure the others know that they’re there and not going anywhere. not because they are trapped and can’t escape, but because they’re a group of friends after all and they’ll stand next to each other through good or bad
they’re in this together
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moongothic · 9 months
Tbh I wanna see crocodile fight someone so we can see how strong he is because the last time he’s gotten in a real fight was in marineford. Does crocodile have haki? Does he need it at all to survive the new world? Like with most of the relevant pirates knowing haki, retroactively or otherwise, it’s kinda hard to gauge what he’s capable of
Anon I am so sorry I'm gonna go slightly off-topic/become deranged because I've been thinking about writing a whole ass post about this very subject and now you just gave me an excuse to word vomit incoherently instead. So I'm just gonna do that. I'm so sorry
(Hey won't you look at that I actually came back and edited this so it's vaguely legible and there's like a proper point to my thesis lmao)
Also I am. So sorry. For how obscenely long this got. Holy shit I have no idea how this happened I am so sorry
I can not put into words just how badly I want to see this man have an actual, proper 1-v-1 fight with someone. Oda, for the love of god let him fuck up someone, please, I c̵͍͛r̶̢͠a̴͕̾v̷̠͆ḛ̶̐ ̸̤͝t̷̟̋h̷̳̓ḙ̵̀ ̷̱͌b̶͓͑l̸̦̚ô̶̠ȯ̸͇d̴̲̕
No for real though, the one, true, proper 1v1 we ever saw Crocodile have WAS with fucking Luffy and like, to be fair they did fight three times, but still, during Summit War? Sure we see him exchange a few blows but it's never a proper 1v1 because we keep on cutting from one thing to another and the opponents keep on changing etc. So there was no time for a proper battle with anyone
So out of principle alone I want to see him have a proper fight with someone (who isn't a Strawhat preferably) at least once before the series ends (though honestly if we could have more than just one fight scene with Crocodile I would not complain at all, but I might be asking too much at that point)
But also yes. I want to know Croc's actual Power Level in the story right now (and I don't mean that in a powerscaling-kinda way, just in a "I want my husband to look cool because it's what he deserves" kinda way)
Like. The Crocodile we've seen in the past absolutely under no circumstances deserves the fucking unit of a bounty he has on his head right now. And I mean, to be fair Buggy doesn't deserve his gigantic bounty either, canonically the numbers don't matter or mean THAT MUCH-- They just reflect what the WG thinks a person is worth, not the true level of threat the person actually poses But also. Croc's bounty has literally gotten like 24 times bigger from his OG pre-Shichibukai era bounty. To be fair, according to trivia his OG bounty would've at least doubled had the WG known about Baroque Works, but his current bounty would still be like 12 times bigger than before. And god fucking knows Crocodile does not fucking deserve a bounty this fucking big if he hasn't gotten any more powerful since Alabasta. No amount of hanging around with Mihawk and running evil organizations should beef up his bounty that much
So surely, he must've gotten more powerful since we last saw him action, right? Surely? Somehow?
But indeed, how?
And that's where we kinda get to the interesting part, don't we? We have no idea what Croc's been up to for the past two years. Like whatever he's been doing, surely it's been better than spending a decade sitting on his ass and barely ever lifting a muscle when overpowering rando pirates attacking Alabasta with his Logia powers, right. Like surely being in the New World alone would be enough to make him break a sweat for a change
But then like, the only two times we have seen Croc post-timeskip (pre-Cross Guild) he has been just sitting around reading the news (to be fair, the scenes were also about him catching the news about Luffy, it's not like he can't do anything else outside of those scenes). So like. I feel kind of conflicted, like on one hand to get stronger then surely he must've been working out or something. But also I do kind of mentally associate Training Arcs with much younger characters, and Crocodile is quite middle aged, like is he even allowed to go through a training arc anymore?? Especially when he's like a such a Proper Gentleman, it's so hard to imagine him to go back to the basics or anything
But also?? How else would he get stronger?? Like?? Maybe there really was?? AN OLD MAN TRAINING ARC??
But also, to be fair
Crocodile did make a big point about how he "keeps on honing and developing his Devil Fruit skills instead of stagnating like some other losers" back when he and Luffy had their first match. So I really would love it if Oda kept that actually true for the character, I'd love to see him actually whip out some new tricks, techniques and attacks instead of us seeing Sables again for the 839423th time
And really he can't really whip out new attacks if he hasn't at least tried to come up with new tricks (and preferably tried them out)
But that was just the basics right, Croc's Devil Fruit capabilities
Then there's the whole mystery of Crocodile's Haki Status. A whooole different can of worms. Considdering how the only actual damage he seemed to take during the entirety of Summit War was because of Jozu's Haki, and the fact that even fucking Blackbeard can use Haki now, it'd feel deranged if he doesn't have any kind of Haki capabilities. Like everybody knows Haki is going to be Croc's persona kryptonite, including Croc himself! And Haki Mastery really is The Thing that decides whether a pirate crew can actually make it or not in the New World (Kaidou made a specific point about that too). So surely, considdering Croc's supposed to be A Smart Boy and all, he knows he'll need to actually figure out how to use Haki if he doesn't want to lose another limb, right. Like surely he's figured that shit out, right???
Now people have been speculating for years if both Crocodile AND Moria used to be Haki users who lost their Haki after getting their asses kicked in the New World. Which, in theory would make sense, since Haki is essentially just willpower, and getting crushed the way they did would give them good in-universe reasons to why they didn't use the ability, as their traumas could translate to them losing their wills. But also it is willpower, that's not really a tangible thing you can really lose, and the idea of "Haki loss" isn't actually canon (yet at least). So although it's great fanon, we can't assume it's true. Like just as an example, we know Hancock can supposedly use Conqueror's Haki but we've never actually seen her demonstrate the ability
And to be fair to Croc (and Moria), the concept of Haki didn't really start to get Truly Solidified in the story until post-War, so expecting Alabasta!Croc to use it a whole decade earlier in real world time would be ridiculous since Oda hadn't figured out the system yet.
And while that is 100% true and fair.
Thing is. Although extremely vague, I do think Oda had been slowly starting to build the IDEA of Haki already in Alabasta. Like we know the concept gets properly introduced during the Skypiea Saga where Blackbeard both namedrops it and we get to see Observation Haki in action, under the name Mantra. But already in Alabasta, when Zoro is trying to figure out how to cut steel (to defeat Daz), that whole "breath of things" and hyper-awareness he gains when near death... I'm not the first one to point out how much that sounds like rudamentary Haki. And like, yes, on paper the idea of the battle was that Zoro became strong enough to cut steel. But also, learning to use Haki would be what would allow anyone to cut through a Devi Fruit ability like that. The same applies to Luffy's final attack on Crocodile too, his punch destroying the sand blade that before would've sliced his entire hand in half before is poetic on its own, but makes even more in-universe sense if you considder the possilibity Luffy might have subconciously been using Haki at the very end, his sheer willpower allowing him to punch Croc.
The reason I'm pointing all that out is that I kinda wonder if we might've gotten hints at Crocodile having not just Haki, but fucking Conqueror's Haki in Alabasta
This is based on two things:
First, Crocodile's pet bananawani. Yes, he could just be Really Good with animals and that would be adorable on its own. But we know Conqueror's can be used to intimidate and tame animals, including really fierce beasts. Keeping in mind that bananawani are meant to be one of the few species of animals that prey on Sea Kings, IDK, if you told me the reason Crocodile was able to tame them and keep them as pets thanks to Conqueror's, I would believe you. It's nothing solid, there's no proof one way or another, but it would make sense in-universe, it is plausible.
Second, this scene.
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Does that blast of Ominous Air/Energy on the third page not remind you of one of those Conqueror's Haki shockwaves?
Of course, considdering Luffy was able to knock out Bon-chan with his untrained, uncontrolled Conqueror's in Impel Down (though to be fair, in the Impel Down scene Bon-chan was in rough condition anyways), if Crocodile was displaying his Haki here, either
A) Shit's real fucking weak or
B) He must've intentionally "kept it down" in this scene just to make sure his agents didn't actually pass out on the spot
But of course, if Croc had fullblown Conqueror's that he was able to control that well, you'd think he might've actually used it to subdue weaker enemies at some point or something (though, again, Hancock also supposedly has it and we haven't seen her use it, and if we had seen him use it on Luffy or something then the story really would've ended in Alabasta). So if that really was Conqueror's, I'd personally maybe rather lean on it being weak as hell (especially if Haki Loss was canon) over him having perfect control over it
Of course, just because that ominous blast of air in hindsight might resemble a weak ass Conqueror's Haki Blast, it doesn't mean that's what it was. Just like with the Bananawani example, there's nothing solid here to go off of, it's just plausible
(Also just for clarity's sake, Crocodile doesn't need Conqueror's Haki. I just think there could be evidence to suggest it if you overthink it just right)
All of this to say
Regardless of what Croc's Haki Status was during Alabasta and Summit War, the fact is that the dude really does kind of need Haki just to survive in the current storyline. So if he can't use ANY KIND OF HAKI, I'm just gonna be speechless. Like Luffy could kill him by just farting on him at that point Not to mention I'd actually love to see the Haki Loss-concept explored in the canon. Like either have it debunked, or somehow confirm it's a thing and show off what a horrifying threat Crocodile can be when he's actually putting his everything into a fight (same for Moria btw, if all he has to protect rn is Perona I'd love to see him go apeship and use Haki to protect her)
So I've seen a lot people speculate about Logia Awakenings and what they could be like. Most people seem to agree on the theory that Punk Hazard being the way it is could be a result of two awakened Logias (namely Akainu and Aokiji) clashing. Similarly that Enies Lobby could be where an Awakened Light Fruit did a thing in the distant past, causing the eternal daytime on the island
I'm not sure I'm entirely convinced that's what Logia Awakenings will be like (some people have also suggested Enel's Final Form was a Logia Awakening, which I kinda doubt but okay), it's a neat idea in any case, we'll just have to wait and see what Oda has cooking for us
Regardless. On a mere narrative level, if they're even possible then I think it'd be cool as hell if Crocodile could act as an introduction to Logia Awakenings and what they're actually like. Because, depending on the role the bastard is going to take going forward, it could prepare us and Luffy for what's to come with Akainu (the real threat)
And again, depending on his role in the story, I think he could be an actual candidate for someone who could deserve to be Awakened-- like the whole Awakening State is sliiightly OP, and Logias are also kind of OP by default. So between OG Croc being kinda weak as hell (by current standards), but also him being an experienced pirate who's known his abilities for god knows how many decades... IDK I think he could deserve The Honors, y'know?
Like compare him to someone like Sabo or Blackbeard who got their Logias only recently and are still learning to use their abilities (more or less). If either of those fuckers somehow Awakened their Logias before Sir Fucking Crocodile I'd be kinda pissed off y'know?
The Admirals are kinda OP to begin with anyways too, I kinda just don't want Smoker to get The Honor of being the first on-screen Awakened Logia either, and really that would leave us with like... Ceasar and Enel as our only remaining options
And Dragon, if he does have a Wind Logia (which remains to be seen)
So. Yeah. If Logia Awakenings can be a thing, I think Crocodile could be the perfect guy to actually introduce them in the story (depending what his role will be).
All of this nonsense to say
Mr Oda, please, I would like to see Sir Crocodile in action pwease
And I want to know what the hell that weird spike thing was
Mr Oda please, I wish to see the Husband and see what kind of tricks he can do now after all these years, please allow him to commit a murder or two or three
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newleaf92 · 6 months
Favorite Lines from Hazbin Hotel songs Part Two:
Poison—this song broke my heart as Angel Dust is one of my favorites, and seeing what he had to deal with from Val was devastating.
“I shoulda known it when I looked into your red hot eyes.”
“Addicted to this feelin’ I can’t help but swallow up your poison.”
“I got so good at tellin’ you what you wanna hear.”
“Poison, I'm drownin' in poison. I'm fillin' up my glass but it's always hollow full of poison, I'm sick of the poison. Wish I had somethin' to live for tomorrow.”
Loser, Baby
“You’ve lost your way. You think your life is wrecked. Well, let me just say you’re correct.”
“You’re a fucked up little whiny bitch. You’re a loser just like me.”
“You’re a power bottom at rock bottom, but you got company.”
“I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak.”
“And you think that makes you unique.”
“Baby that’s fine by me.”
“I’m a loser, honey. A schmoozer and a dummy. But at least I know I’m not alone.”
“It’s time to lose your self loathing. Excuse yourself, let hope in,baby. Play your card, be who you are.”
Hell’s Greatest Dad
“Looks like you could some help from the big boss (😈)of Hell himself.”
“With a punch from a pentagram.”
“I’ll rig the game for you because I’m the ref(😈)
“Champagne fountains, caviar mountains. That’s just a start.”
“I’m your guy, your day to day, your chum, your steadfast hotelier.”
“I’m truly honored that we built such a bond.”
“It’s a little funny. You could almost call me dad (👹😈)
“There’s no substitute for pure angelic power! Who just so happens to also be your blood.”
“Can you butt out of my song? (Your song?! I started this!”)
More Than Anything
“Now you’re the only thing worth fighting for.”
“I’ll shelter and adore you more than anything.”
“So in the end, it’s the view I had of you that showed me dreams can be worth fighting for.”
“I’ve been dying to find out who you are.”
“All that I’m hop in’, now that my eyes are open, is that we can start again. Not be pulled apart again.”
“Cause in the end, you are part of who I am. I’ll support your dreams no matter what’s in store.”
“I’m grateful your my daughter/father.”
Welcome to Heaven
“Welcome to Heaven, oh-oh!” (🎤🫦)
“Where the virtuous reside 24/7, oh-oh!” (🎤🫦)
“Welcome to Heaven, oh-oh!” (🎤🫦)
“Check out our sick decor, the spirit’s leaven, oh!” (🎤😏🫦)
“And everyone is hot!” (🎤🫦🤤🫠)
You Didn’t Know
“Checked all the boxes that you said would prove a person deserves a second chance. Now we turn our backs, no second glance.”
“It’s not fair, Sera.”
“That just because someone is dead, it doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways. Turn the page, escape infernal blaze.”
“What are we even talking about? Some crack whore who fucked up already?”
“There’s no question to be posed. He’s unholy, case closed.”
“A man only lives once. I’ll see you in one month. Gotta say I wait can’t to come down and exterminate you.”
“Well, I don’t need your condescension. I’m not a child to protect!”
“Was I too naive to expect you to heed the morals you’re purveying?”
“That’s what the fuck I’ve been saying.”
“If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie.”
“When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again.”
Out for Love
“I see you’re driven by your detestation.”
“You need a different type of motivation.”
“Think of who you care about. Protect them and be out for love.”
“Fuel yourself with the fear of losin’ that somebody who’s your reason to live. Harness your heart and you can’t help choosin’ to fight with all you can give.”
Ready for This
“And though I kinda feel unsteady, now I gotta be ready for this.”
“Not to mention the camaraderie. Yes sure, you’ll form life-changing friendships with folks along the way.”
“Oh, don’t be put off by their snarlin’, that’s enthusiasm, darlin’!”
“Don’t worry, honey, that’s their thing. Keep singing.”
“When Adam brings the battle here, I must appear like I’m ready for this.”
“Surprised? Why, I knew she could do it all along.”
“Stick with her and you’ll be on the winning side.”
More than Anything-Reprise
“And in the end, if it’s only me you saved, there’s something I’ve been dying to say.”
“Need you to know I love you more than anything.”
“I know I could have done better, better than letting you down.”
“You can do this, now I know it! For your story has just begun.”
“The stage is wrecked, the crowd is gone, but, by god, Charlie! The show it must go on.”
“With more sinners than you can dream.”
“It starts with you. You know it’s true. Fulfill your destiny!”
“With a bit of bravado, maybe tomorrow, we’ll be atop the heap.”
“Nature abhors a power vacuum. It leaves room for you and me. The power of hell belongs to the Vees.”
“I’m hungry for freedom, like never before!”
“Once I figure out how to unclip my wings, guess who will be pulling all the strings?”
“And then tomorrow, it will be a fuckin’ happy day in Hell!”
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kozachenko · 5 months
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I've crawled out of my cave after playing Final Fantasy IX for a long ass time what have I missed?
Artist's Notes:
I'M BACK BABY! A while back I made a post with a new style experimentation thingy but I ended up deleting it because it was just kind of a boring face thing, I was planning on doing more art but then I started playing Final Fantasy IX and uhhhh yeah so that game has kind of taken of my brain for the past two weeks and I am 20 hours into the game because I love it so much. I wanted to draw Vivi because Vivi is just really fun to draw ok? I've kinda been feeling really burnt out with my lineless style, mainly because of how hard it was to do lighting. I'll show one of my initial art style tests on the bottom of this post. Again, used to have it be an individual post but it was just one face so it was kinda boring, so might as well include with this one on the subject of art styles. I wanted to kinda mix some aspects of my older style with the sketchy shading lines with a more painterly way of doing the lighting (mainly in the shadows). All in all, I think that's my favourite part about this drawing, it feels nice to finally be able to do some proper lighting again, and I want to experiment even more with my lighting and rendering in future pieces. Also, part of the pant shading got kinda lost in the sketchiness, so for next time I'll probably focus on the clarity of the more sketchy parts of the drawing, since I did go with my initial sketch for the final drawing. I also gave up on the background since I had no idea what to do for it, and I didn't put too much detail into the staff as I forgot which one I gave him in my current playthrough and I didn't want to risk spoiling myself via looking up references, but that's ok I like how the singular yellow circle on it matches Vivi's eyes. Also I was having a bit of trouble figuring out how to draw his body and how to pose him, but I like how the pose turned out a lot. It was inspired by his idle animation when in a battle in game where he does a little shimmy.
Ok I need to talk about Vivi's design because I love it so fucking much oh my god-
I absolutely love how his face is just in complete shadow and only his eyes stand out, it's so cool and unique and I love how they recontextualized the original black mage design from the classic Final Fantasy games. How they did it I won't say because I don't wanna spoil the game, but someone give this poor baby a therapist because he goes through a lot. Actually, same can be said for all of the FFIX cast, they all need therapy (again, I won't spoil anything, please go play the game for yourself).
While I do love almost all the characters in the game, even though Vivi is most fun to draw, my favourite character has to be Zidane (the main protagonist of the game). He's a really fun protagonist, and they could have easily written him as a misogynistic jerk who doesn't respect women but they didn't, and I really appreciate that. He's just an overall cool dude who's a really nice older brother figure to Vivi and also just has a cool character design (who I also want to draw eventually). Initially in the game I was planning on grinding levels for Vivi to make him the tactical nuke of the party, but then that title went to a different character (who was initially multiple levels behind the group since I grinded the party in the starting area way to much before they joined, but now they are two levels ahead of everyone and have pulled the team through a lot of tough battles, again I won't say who it is because it is kind of a spoiler and the way the gameplay actually ties into their character arc is just so good omfg). Once I eventually finish the game I'll probably write a full review on here, so no spoilers until then lol
Also, I've kinda been burning out a bit with making Touhou art, which also made me a bit burnt out with Touhou stuff in general (although I will continue keeping up with the manga) so getting into other things (i.e. Final Fantasy and even Fallout since I've watched the first season of the TV show which is a whole other post for another day) has helped me refresh and given me something new to think about. I've ended up in the exact place I feared ending up, where I would start drawing fanart for it not because I wanted to but because I felt like I had to, so I'm taking a bit of a break. When I do draw Touhou fanart again I'll try to draw for the sake of myself, and to all the other artists and fanartists on this platform (and on any social media for that matter), take care of yourself and don't forget to take breaks when you need to!
(Ok part of that last paragraph was definitley influenced by the good ol' "it's 9:00pm and I need sleeb, but the message at the end still holds up, always take care of yourself)
Oh yeah, and here is that one style experiment I did btw
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Man I really fell down the "Yoshitaka Amano art enjoyer" to "Final Fantasy fan" pipe line didn't I?
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comicaurora · 2 years
Question, from one aspiring writer to another: how do you manage to maintain the drive to keep writing and how do you not lose interest in what you've created before it's done? Asking because I need advice.
Tricky question. I don't think it has a single answer.
For me personally, there are a few things that buoy up my enthusiasm:
Rabbit Holes - random deep-dives into topics I find incredibly interesting. Because I have so many outlets for my rants about highly specific cool things, I don't need to stifle any random hyperfixations because almost all of them can be turned into scripts or worldbuilding concepts. If I feel the enthusiasm strike, I chase it down as far as I can and take as many notes as possible along the way. However, these things work like lightning strikes and I can't just get randomly super interested in any one thing. Almost all of my longform videos start out as these.
Comedic Reframing - the bread and butter of the channel and the lifehack that let my poor brain actually focus on extremely long and boring books through college. It's easier for me to retain information and enthusiasm if I can find humor in what I'm dealing with on a smaller scale. When working on illustrating videos, for instance, the way I avoid burning out on individual frames is by making sure they have witty dialogue or fun character moments, because I genuinely enjoy drawing those a lot more than just "character moves into position" or "scene change" shots. Same goes for the comic - the more dynamic or interesting the pose, the more interesting the panel is to draw and the easier it is for me to stay jazzed.
Audience Feedback - I feel like this part is simultaneously understated and overstated in different ways. Creating art solely for the accolades it might garner is seen as generally both gauche and inefficient - it'll turn into an existentially draining losing battle like all pursuit of fame for fame's sake does - but any writer or artist will tell you that people losing their minds over their art is the number one way to guarantee they want to make more art. When drawing the comic, even when I'm lower energy, I'll often think to myself "oh man, they're gonna be yelling about this panel" and that'll help give me a boost. Early on in the comic I read through the discord discussions almost every day, but now I'm mostly sustained just from people yelling in my askbox.
Letting The Characters Run Wild - I've mentioned this elsewhere, but one of the most fun parts of writing for me is when the characters kinda tap me on the shoulder and say "hey boss, I really wanna do this". Their character-moment is almost always spicier, more complicated and more interesting than whatever plot-serving guideline it's replacing. Making the characters act as automatons that solely move the plot forward is less interesting for me as a writer than turning them loose and seeing the havoc they cause. Before I ever put pen to paper for this story, half my fun would just be playing out extremely fraught conversations and encounters between characters - no script, no plan, just "here's the premise and GO." Lots of stories start out as daydreams, and daydreams are like the purest form of energizing creation, existing only for the joy of the creator and thus flowing almost effortlessly; I think it's important to retain the heart of that when the daydreams start being set down on paper. If it's not a little self-indulgent it's not gonna be too much fun, and sometimes all it takes is letting the characters do the wild thing with consequences you haven't fully worked out yet.
In my experience, the thing I enjoy most as a creator is solving puzzles. I have more fun writing my story when I only mostly know where it's going, and I have to work out the most interesting consequences to my characters' unexpected actions. I have more fun drawing out a joke if the punchline didn't even occur to me before I started the frame, because the idea is fresh and fun and hasn't gone stale from sitting in my head too long. And my enthusiasm for my older work is reinvigorated when I see how other people respond to it, because it lets me almost see my own work through fresh eyes, which is a rare treat for any creator.
And when I get really worn down, I treat that like a sign that something needs readjusting. I don't force it when I'm worn out or can't bear to look at my tablet - I step back, take a break, take a walk, indulge in Floor Time, watch a movie, buy a coffee, do something that isn't trying to floor the accelerator when I'm stuck in a creative snowdrift. Sometimes that means putting a project down for months. Sometimes that means realizing I wouldn't actually be able to make a project happen because it'd be draining my will to live the whole time.
I sometimes use the metaphor that a creator's mind is like a garden. Its works need to be cultivated, but sometimes they also need to be left alone, or maybe the soil needs to be actively left fallow for a while. It may look like the project isn't doing anything, when in actuality it's spreading its roots and developing a much more solid foundation where you can't see it. Maybe two concepts cross-pollinate in an unexpected way and you get a new third thing to cultivate. But the most important part of this metaphor is that the well-being of every individual thing growing in the garden is heavily dependent on the heart of the garden overall. If you aren't doing okay, your art isn't going to be okay either. If it's feeling like a fruitless and nothing is growing, you might just need rain. Or nitrogen-fixers.
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lion-buddy · 4 months
OK YOUR FRIENDSHIP CHART MAKES ME THINK... Is Preme like. still an all powerful celestial/alien being??? I know we saw their chest crystal(?) get shattered in the final battle but like?? Are they basically just a super powerful fairy now????
ough i actually do have a lot of thoughts regarding prim and pukas power sets,, ty for giving me and excuse to share them
I feel like prim and pukas powers as cures are left kinda ambiguous by the end of the movie, so i wanna try and maybe pick out the details and comes to a conclusion
I want to start with what we do know and then go into my headcanons i guess. So to start, from what i can tell Supremes power set can be divided into three categories. Creation, Destruction, and Electricity. Since its stated that Supreme split their power with puka, we can assume puka can do all of this as well.
[this is long continuing under the cut]
For Creation, i feel this ones not super defined. We see Supreme use it a few times, once to recreate the earth, recreating themselves, and also to create life on earth, including puka. I also believe that puka is seen using it. I always interpreted that puka, after breaking apart supremes earth, was the one to put the pieces back together and reform the actual earth with the help of all the precures memories. I would also argue that puka used that same power to create the miracle lights. I understand the miracles lights just kinda Show Up and dont necessarily need a reason to exist, but i think this explanation is fun. 
this is also just speculation and probably not intentional, but i noticed that when supreme recreated the earth, the particles and blue. and when puka recreated the earth, those particles were pink <3 [the particles are most likely just the miracle lights but i like this explanation better <3<3]
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I feel that the Destruction and the Electricity powers supreme and puka show off can often get confused with each other, so im gonna try and define their characteristics. For Destruction, we see puka use it whenever their paw pads and heart symbol start to glow green. Supreme also follows a similar format, with the green heart jewel on their chest glowing when they specifically use that power, or when we see the symbol on supreme origins chest glow green as well.
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We also see it represented with the gold star circles, with both cure puka and supreme beta using them while fighting. Tho i also attribute the star circle to their Creation power as well, since we see supreme beta use it to summon the white supreme clones before the final fight, so its no mutually exclusive to the Destruction power.  [love how the stars have a warping effect around their edges argh <3]
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The final category of their power set is just an Electricity motif more than anything. We see supreme use it whenever they do their peace sign hand pose, and for them its blue electricity. We see cure puka use it a bit too, more as a charge up before they punch supreme, and we can see that their electricity is pink. Overall this power seems to be what they default to when fighting and not trying to destroy or recreate the world. 
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There are also a few other little flares of power here and there, with supreme shown to be able to summon bunny shields and use their electricity in a few unique ways. I know personally i like the idea of cure supreme and puka having a variety of powers because i like the idea of them being a duo team. theyd only be able to rely on each other, and would need a variety of attacks to keep things interesting. [im aware there are other cure duo teams but i imagine the enemies supreme and puka fight are much more involved <3]
Now when it comes to the end of the movie, we’re not really told what these two are capable of, but i can speculate. From what we do know, i believe its confirmed that supreme is human by the end, and puka is still a fairy. To me, that means puka can still transform between fairy and cure puka, and prim cant transform into supreme origin or beta anymore. And in regards to what power cure supreme has left, how i interpret it is that they no longer have that power of Destruction. We see the green jewel on their chest shatter in the final fight, and to me that green jewel represented their power of Destruction. So by destroying that jewel, they no longer have that ability. 
Now that we have all the information laid out, im going to start headcanoning things for fun. I really like the idea of supreme and puka having contrasting abilities that complement each other. supreme lost their power of destruction at the end of the movie, but that leaves the question: does puka still have it? I dont see a reason as to why they wouldnt still have it. There is something i adore about the idea that the character who despised their power not only used it to save the world, but is now tasked with the responsibility of ensuing its used responsibly. 
They would also contrast each other in fighting styles. We know that supreme is very skilled at physical combat, and i believe that its something they would need to rely on more as a human. i like to think theyre more limited in their moves as a human cure. we see supreme beta floating and teleporting, but now they cant do that anymore. theyre really just limited to their electricity blasts and own skill. And while skilled, i do believe they would have to adapt to fighting as a human. Something i noticed during all their fights is that if they do get hit, they always seem relatively unaffected. As origin gamma and beta, supreme would just take the hit point blank. The only times theyre somewhat out of control being when theyre taken off balance. But as a human, taking a hit hurts, and i think theyd have to learn to get used to that. It doesnt matter how skilled of a fighter you are, as a human you have limits. these limits frustrate supreme, but theyd learn to enjoy the challenge that comes with it and fighting.
when it comes to puka and fighting, i feel they still dont really enjoy it. theyre powerful, thats for sure, but theyre clumsy. they landed one great punch in the movie, but that was it. they seem like the type that would charge in with too much momentum and then not know how to put on the brakes. they understand their destructive abilities are linked to their emotions, but maybe falter every once and awhile. but they are determined to get better. they look up to supremes coordination and composure, how they were able to harness such power so gracefully. even if their intentions back then were not ideal. puka knows the power they have is important and their responsibility to use to help those who need it. supreme understands that too. puka is more willing to change than them, thats why its their responsibly.
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emeritus-fuckers · 10 months
Hi!! I saw that headcanon requests for the Repugnant members was open and as a Repugnant stan I can't not join in (I love yalls headcanons btw, you're kinda who inspired me to do headcanons but I'm too nervous to reveal who I am at this exact moment)
Could you do headcanons of the Repugnant members (or just Mary if you don't wanna do all of them) catching their S/O trying on their clothes and making silly poses in the mirror with their instruments/drumsticks?
Repugnant catching their s/o mimicking them in front of a mirror
Mary Goore
They've been looking for their favorite leather vest for a while now.
After a while they've figured out they must've left it at your place when they were over last time.
So they simply went to your place and got in using the spare key you gave them.
They would have to come over soon anyway. Since they also left their guitar at your place as well, deciding to leave it there for a while after you asked them to teach you a few riffs.
They didn't hear you do anything at first, so they just assumed you weren't around.
Until they came over to your bedroom and heard not only their guitar, but also their partner trying to imitate their growls, clearly trying to do your own little attempt of a Repugnant concert.
They leaned against the doorframe like a lesbian would (something DD teased them about relentlessly) and watched.
You even nailed the little speech they gave before Morbid Ways.
And then, just as you were about to announce the title of the song, you heard a familiar voice growl it out instead.
"Mary?! The fuck, dude?! Scared the shit out of me!"
And they just grinned, pulling you into them with a corny "Mary Goore 2.0" joke.
And then, finally taking their vest off you... as well as the rest of your clothing.
Yup, they fuck you over it.
Are you really surprised?
DD Sars (fwb, not s/o)
He was getting frustrated, not able to find his favorite shirt.
He spent the night at Mary's, since he got wasted last night and their place was simply closer to where he was.
Yes, they did fuck. But that's besides the point.
He ended up taking one of Mary's shirts before heading home.
And as it turned out, you decided to stay for the weekend again. Which was fine, of course. He gave you a key for a reason.
Though it did surprise him a bit to hear his guitar playing "From Beyond the Grave" in his bedroom.
And so he sneaked in there to see you. In his favorite shirt, with his guitar. Imitating the glare he would always give Mary when they started to say dumb shit on stage.
And seeing that made him snicker, which in turn absolutely fucking terrified.
"What are you doing here?!"
"I live here, you stupid cunt."
"... oh. Right."
He's gonna make fun of you for a month.
G. Grotesque
He loves his family. But he also loves his bass. So when his aunt decided to visit his family for a weekend, he wanted to make sure his precious instrument was safe from his very young cousins.
Naturally, he left it with you. His darling, his sweetheart, his pookie, the love of his life, his beloved partner.
And now he was going to visit to pick his bass back.
Maybe (hopefully) get a cuddle session.
And a few kisses.
Okay, lots of kisses.
And since he decided to make this a surprise visit, he did not expect to see you attempting to do a riff from "Another Vision" in his battle jacket that he forgot at your place.
You were failing miserably, hitting the correct notes with luck instead of skill, considering you didn't even hold the guitar properly. Clearly more focuses on making silly poses than actual music.
And fuck, it was absolutely adorable in his eyes. He didn't have the heart to stop you.
Once you finally notices him, the just hugged you, kissing all over your face and repeating how cute you were.
E. Forcas
You felt cold while watching a movie together at his place, so he gave you one of his grey hoodies to warm you up.
And after the movie, he went to make you guys more tea. He had those cool, really big cups that you really liked.
And as you waited in the living room for him to come back from the kitchen, you could hear his fingers drumming against the kitchen table. Sometimes you wondered if he even realized he did that, or it was just a habit of him drumming whenever he had nothing else to do with his hands.
Speaking of drumming, as you waited, you got bored, too. And then you saw his drumsticks. And so you picked them up, pretending to play the drums, imitating the sounds it would make with your mouth.
You didn't even realize when he came back, somehow managing to always be almost completely quiet. But you did realize what you were doing when you saw his amused, yet adoring look.
"I've... made an idiot out of myself, huh?"
He just patted your shoulder before quietly offering to let you try doing it again, but on his actual drum set.
The way your eyes lit up in excitement told him everything.
He showed you a bit of how to play some of their songs. Slower than he would actually play them on stage, of course.
While you had something else planned originally, there was something very endearing in seeing you play (well, attempt to play) his instrument, so he just let you have your fun.
Written by Nosferatu (Jez).
Taglist: @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @thermodynamic-comedian @vampyrolesbos
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kebriones · 1 year
Okay here we go.
Reviewing all old paintings of Alcibiades I can find, part 1
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Starting off with the classics. THIS HELMET, I HATE IT I HATE IT. What is it supposed to be?? He's wearing it like one would wear a Corinthian helmet in rest (pushed back on the head rather than down over the face) or at least from the shape of the metal part I would assume it's a corinthian helmet, but all the golden thingies on its front?? Are you meant to be blind when wearing this thing in battle? New technique?? And anyways why is he even wearing it. And one last thing about the helmet which you'll see is a reccuring theme: why does it have feathers. Unless i am forgetting something, fancy helmet crests were made from horse hair.
Moving on from the helmet, i have to say that even though I don't agree with it, his color choice for the outfit is....brave. green with pink. It works I guess, because he looks so confident in it. The sash tied around his middle is kinda whatever but the way he's holding his clamys???? I'm swooning. Very good hand.
Socrates' color choices are also quite bold today. Were they going to a fashion show? Is he advertising IKEA? Who knows. His skin is vet nicely painted though, I like it a lot.
Now of course we need to mention the angel behind Socrates who has a bit of fire on their hair. Is that the holy spirit? Is this some criminal anachronism??!! The angel seems to be judging Alcibiades' "sinuous" pose (i learned a new word yesterday and I feel like I'm using it wrong but I wanted to use it okay. "Sinuous". Idk. Sinuses.)
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Moving on to something different. Alcibiades and Pericles! How cute is that, they're bonding like family. Or they're discussing the grocery list. I like Alcibiades' chiton and his hair and how his hand is casually draped over a helmet. Speaking of helmets, look how nice and accurate these are. No feathers anywhere. Also Pericles is wearing his helmet to hide his weird alien head presumably, so this is very legal and we won't execute the artist for drawing Pericles with a naked head.
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Here's one of many depictions of Alcibiades' death. The anatomy is good, I very much enjoy that. I also really really like his face. Dark haired Alcibiades works better in paintings imo. His pose is kinda wayy too dramatic, that or he slipped on some lube i mean olive oil on his way out. Anyways he's not doing a very good job defending himself. The lady is trying, I'll give her that, but she's not doing enough. The attacker guy is.... wearing pants, but his top isn't very Persian so that's off-putting.
And of course we can see the javelin sticking out of Alcibiades' side but in my professional opinion, if he was lucky he could survive that wound if it didn't pierce any major organs. He just needed some bed rest and he'd be good to go. Alas, he died. But yeah overall I like this one a lot.
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Okay so this one I'm 99% sure it's Alcibiades, if I'm wrong let me know. The dark figure on the left is definitely Socrates, I would recognize him anywhere. I really like this even though Alcibiades looks like his twelve, because he's sitting on some lady's lap, surrounded by other ladies, as he's having his actual lesson with Socrates. Like he's taking notes and everything gfhdgsj he's raising his hand he has a question let him speak.
Also how cute is his hair?? Someone give this child some ice cream.
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Here we have no Socrates, which is quite rare. BUT we once again have a very stupid helmet that makes zero sense. And a vey stupid sash that also makes zero sense. But at least we have some drama, like, what's going on here? Is she refusing him??? Is she offended?? Who knows. Anyways very cool fabric rendering but why is Alcibiades so.... barrel-chested. It's kinda scary. Also who's that snitch back there. Does she wanna join.
Overall, I like the colors and the environment here, and the poses are fun. Alcibiades looks like he's reciting poetry but he's so drunk the only thing he remembers is the ship list from the iliad, so that's what he's reciting, and his girlfriend is having a hard time enduring this torture.
Old painters really like putting helmets on head that didn't need them. Like they're IN A BEDROOM why is he in full tactical gear.
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This one is one of the weirder ones. I don't know why the vibes are just weird. Socrates is holding his oscar. What did he get an oscar for. I like his outfit it's like he's wearing a shower curtain or a beach towel. Alcibiades on the other hand is straight up naked. Like, that's the level of confidence and comfortableness we should all aspire towards. But I don't like his face, they didn't even try to make him pretty.
Not to mention that Socrates fell into a tub of bleach apparently. Blonde Socrates is even more illegal that unhelmeted Pericles. Maybe that's why i find this piece so strange. This isn't Socrates, this is santa claus.
I do however think the pose is very Alcibiades-like. He would absolutely look at Socrates like that.
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Last one for part 1, we have this one! The classic, beloved theme of Socrates taking Alcibiades away from his girlfriends. "Why don't you go play with the boys, Alcibiades? " said Socrates.
No wait wrong story.
Anyways i like this because it has some davinci-ness to the colors and faces and Alcibiades' hair is cute and the girl in white is really trying her hardest to pull him back.
I also like that gigantic column in the back, suggesting that these maniacs were planning on having an orgy right at a temple. They even brought a whole bed over there.
Last thing i like about this one is the way Socrates isn't even really holding onto him. Alcibiades has this haunted/far away look and Socrates can make him follow him just by touching his arm, rather than pulling on him like the girl is. That's because Socrates was half siren, his father had actu
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whiskeysmulti · 3 months
Red Eyes, White Lies
KHR Rarepair Week 2024 (Lightning Day)
Prompt: Rival Families Word Count: 602 Summary: Tsuna can't forget those red eyes, Enma can't forget the white lies. Rival Families prompt! Pairng: 2700, Tsuna x Enma
There were only a few things Tsuna couldn't forget, some he wished were easier but this time he wasn't certain he wanted to. A pair of red eyes burned into his memory and now he saw those same eyes every night when he went to bed. A new transfer student from Simon middle had caught his attention and though he was advised to approach the boy with caution, Tsuna didn't get any sort of uneasy feelings from him. From the Namimori student's perspective this kid was just another boy who had it rough too. He actually felt kinda sorry for him as he seemed far too shy and timid to even pose a threat.
"Be careful with him, Tenth." Gokudera would warn, but as much as Tsuna wanted to believe it, he couldn't. There was pain behind those red eyes and to Tsuna, underneath it all Enma was just like him just another loser who had been hurt before. But as much as he wanted to reach out to the Simon boss, Tsuna felt his offered hand would be rejected anyway. Why persist when the person doesn't want saved? Because that's what you do when you care about someone, rival or not.
They were on two separate sides of the battle field, one believing the other family had left their first boss to die, the other who would never in his life believe their Primo boss could do something so callous and cruel. The Vongola were now at odds with the Simon due to misunderstanding and secrets kept from the others, one family deceived into believing they'd been betrayed years ago, the other knowing the truth that their boss retired and was never lead to his death.
Tsuna might have been young, but he knew one thing, Vongola Primo was never a man who would betray a friend so easily. After a long battle the truth came out, but how can you so easily trust someone? How can one just forgive at the drop of a hat?
"Enma-kun?" Tsuna asked, uncertain if the young Simon boss was alright or not. "I understand if you don't trust me or want to talk right now…" He was cut off.
"I'm sorry, Tsuna. I need a minute." Enma forgave him, but he wasn't too pleased with himself for how he'd treated the tenth Vongola boss. But at the same time, it wasn't his fault, they had all been misled.
Tsuna fell asleep that night dreaming of red eyes again.
Days passed and the tension between them seemed to dissipate. He'd run into Enma again, walking the shopping district with his guardians. "Enma-kun!" Tsuna eagerly waved, hoping for any sign that things could be better between them. Could they really trust each other? When someone's lied to for years, it's hard to let that go and suddenly believe everything is fine.
But with time and careful approaches, Tsuna was determined to mend that.
"Ah, Tsuna!" Enma smiled and waved. Sorry for everything he'd done, he wanted to reach out, but he was afraid. Little white lies can hurt a lot. But could one even call what had happened a white lie? Being deceived for most of your life is far more than a white lie, but now that the truth had come out, Enma didn't blame Tsuna, he couldn't.
"Enma-kun! Wanna grab lunch together?" The brightest brown eyes in Namimori sparkled as he smiled at the Simon boss.
"Sure." It was a small step, but maybe the two could mend a past broken by deceit and bring back a bond that was destroyed with white lies.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
I still have Thoughts on Volume 2, but I think it's time to start Volume 3. Maybe the Volume 2 thoughts will sort themselves out better in the meantime.
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6
TriMax Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 3, Chapters 1-3 below.
TriMax Volume 3 Covers
Eyyyy! It's blonde Milly!
I kinda miss Meryl's long hair....
His life as a what?!?!
Whyyyy is Vash getting punched on the alternative version of the cover?? Hasn't this boy been through enough pain???
LOL, Milly eating the food from Meryl's chopsticks.
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I just wanna point out that the kanji all over the alternate front cover just says "meat" over and over again. Sasha Braus would be proud.
Nooooo, send the puppet guy awaaaaaaay! No more puppet guy! *cries*
Yes, the puppet guy bothers me more than the otherworldly horror on the bottom of the back cover. And more than Legato, who is arguably also a puppet guy.
I'm a lot less sure about all the untranslated Japanese on the alternate back cover, but it looks like Wolfwood is saying something about meat, and the text bubble on the bottom left just says, "Meeeeeeeaaaaaat."
LOL, tiny poorly drawn penis on the giant monster-guy.
Chapter 1: Reservoir Dogs
Awww, look at everyone being deceptively happy! Even Kuroneko's making an appearance! (Also, yes, this is Wolfwood's happy face.)
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I love how calm Vash looks here despite everything. Wolfwood, on the other hand, seems to have some different thoughts. But... he's actually onto something. That level of calmness despite everything is and should be terrifying. (I colored it because Vash is so pretty.) (Also, I legit forgot the smudge on his face was blood until I started coloring this.)
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Pretty sure this guy is giving Wolfwood major tit window envy.
Heh, the real reason Wolfwood is swearing is because everything Vash has told him is messing with his head. What would normally be a point-and-shoot choice for him has suddenly become complicated with Thoughts.
Not sure what happened here. Something exploded... and... Wolfwood threw up??
Well, that cleared some stuff up for WW. Though I get the idea this guy can eat a LOT of lead before it gives him an upset tummy.
LOL, "Takin' out his hands is like disarmin' him." I'm not sure if the pun works in Japanese, but it's funny in English.
No no no no no! Put Puppetman BACK WHERE HE CAME FROM!!!
I don't even mind his horrible body-moosh-horror abomination as much as I mind Puppetman himself. (I know he's "Puppet Master," but he doesn't deserve enough of my respect for that.)
Is... the abomination trying to do a video game cheat code on Vash?
Shoot all the things, Vash! I dunno what you're shooting, but as long as you do, that's what matters!
Cool guy pose.
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Awww, sad Vash. When this battle is over, someone needs to give him the biggest of hugs. He's earned it. He needs it.
WTF, bat wings??? From where?!
Oooh, creepy comparison shot of Vash plus Knives. I approve.
Dude. Now the creepy guy is digging trenches in his own face with his own hand. While wearing gloves. What the hell. Please get rid of him.
Untainted material?! Make him your puppet?!? Where's Wolfwood with his murder-cross? I need some murder to happen here.
Oh, he's in a hole.
"Yer name might remain, even long after ya die... but yer ideals join ya in the grave." I love this line. It reminds me of a favorite of mine from Mass Effect's Samara: "Only your actions will be remembered. May you choose them well."
I like how, all throughout this scene, Wolfwood's got the Punisher on a little leash like it's a boogie board or something.
Holy crap, the girls are here, too??? This is not a safe place for the girls. Or for anyone, really. But particularly people without some sort of superhuman something going for them.
Saved, by terrified toma causing delays!
Chapter 2: Cement
Legato, you freaking dork. Glad you're enjoying being carried everywhere in your weird coffin-iron maiden thing.
Heheheheheheh. Wolfwood the traitor. <3 you, Wolfie....
LOL, Wolfwood's absolute casualness at this accusation is beautiful.
Dude. Ninelives needs some dental work pronto.
For as much as he resents certain aspects of his life, Wolfwood really seems to revel in certain kinds of carnage. He's nothing but focus and falling bullets in this fight.
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One must wonder, does the Punisher ever run out of ammo? Does Wolfwood even know that machine guns are best used in short bursts, or is he just that good at "pray and spray"?
Ninelives clearly ate ALL his vegetables as a kid. WW's looking a bit worried.
RIP Wolfwood's ribcage.
And the Punisher is so far away, too....
Ha! Pocket Pistol!
I just wanna say that despite this guy having a cat-like name, Ninelives is a disgrace to cats everywhere. He's nothing like a cat and that's not a compliment.
You know... using a big-ass industrial factory-type door to keep out the giant murder monster is a pretty good plan at this moment.
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LOL, Wolfwood, you cheeky bastard.
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I dunno if taunting Ninelives is a great plan, even if he's missing an arm. Congrats on finishing your disarming procedure, though, Wolfie!
Or is he the dumbass who dove right in and is now torn apart in this place...?
I don't have any idea why this chapter is called Cement. Like, usually I can make some sort of connection, but this one is lost on me.
Chapter 3: No Escape
Wait wait wait. Did that disembodied arm just CRAWL ACROSS THE ROOM AND OPEN THE DOOR?!?! Gods, someone kill it with fire, please.
This is just... so Wolfwood. You do you, my lovely foul-mouthed murder-friend.
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I feel like Vash heard all that and is mad because Wolfwood is trying to kill someone again.
Gods, why did Nightow have to make Vash SO PRETTY in this arc??
Ew, Ninelives is gross. He's just gross. Puppetman is creepy. Ninelives is gross.
He's called Ninelives. Maybe you just have to kill him nine times....
Uhhhh... Ninelives has EYES in his belly?? PEOPLE IN HIS BELLY?!?! LIVING BELLY PEOPLE?!?!?!?!
For some reason, Wolfwood cocking the Punisher here amuses me. (The sound effect is "ga-kin".)
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Scenes like this make me kinda glad this isn't in color. Then again, I got through Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man, and Hellsing Ultimate despite all the guts and stuff, so *shrug*.
SO. MANY. GOOD. VASH PANELS. Ugh, I just want to pour them on pancakes and eat them all up.
Ugh, Vash knows as soon as he sees them. He has no choice but to know. The situation means there's no way it could be any different. But part of him would still hesitate.
Also, the baby pulling a gun is REALLY darkly hilarious.
This whole business is really mucking with Vash's instincts, and Puppetman knows it. Can we please throw Puppetman into Mount Doom now???
Wait, who's Emilio??
Ugh, I have to call it here for the night. I just want to get past this. I want Vash to get past this.
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the-meat-machine · 1 year
what's your thoughts on most of caliborn's ships (like him with all/any of the alpha kids, his sister, the handmaid, etc) ((feel free to choose any of the ones you rarely talk about, I genuinely wanna hear your thoughts.))
oh heck yes let's see
i don't think i need to elaborate on how much i love this ship seeing as i'm currently writing a fucking novel about them. though i will mention that this is a ship that i ship in two totally different ways - "predictably, they make each other worse" and "against all odds, they make each other better". two delicious flavors with very different moods
this could be a really fun kismesissitude! jane despises him, and for good reason - he's absolutely vile towards her. but honestly, i think it could be cathartic for her to have an acceptable target to take out all of her frustrations on
they'd have to be on an equal footing though, with jane able to get one over on caliborn at least as often as he triumphs over her. which might be kind of a tough sell, since caliborn is genuinely extremely threatening. he's on a whole other level from most characters in this story
(kind of a side note, but this power imbalance is an issue for most caliborn relationships unless you're looking for tragedy or whump where caliborn just straight-up slaughters the other person in the end. caliborn is a total idiot, but he is so damn effective at achieving his goals that it's basically impossible to get the better of him in the long term. he may lose individual battles, but he will never, ever lose the war. pretty much the only way i've found to resolve this in more light-hearted works is to change the rules of the game that caliborn has decided he's playing.)
another fun one. i think that jake is one of the few people who could actually be capable of throwing caliborn off. i want to see caliborn baffled and infuriated by seeing this weenie accomplish the literally impossible with his bullshit hope powers. i want to see jake inspired to step up his game in order to show this cad who's boss! i want jake to either fucking hope caliborn into a better person, or cheerfully steamroll him while acting like it's nothing
jake absolutely has the capability to keep caliborn on the defensive buried somewhere deep inside him. now, can he believe in himself long enough to exercise it? who knows! (but… maybe caliborn wants him to believe in himself enough for that. maybe he wants to see what jake could do if he really let loose. maybe he wants to build him up into a worthy opponent. fuck i love pitch/pale vacillation.)
i... don't think i've ever seen this ship, actually. maybe not that surprising since they never actually talk to each other in canon. i'm not so sure about this one - roxy hates caliborn, but not in a sexy way, and it's all driven by her care for calliope. you could maybe go in some kinda dark direction where she's hunting him down to get revenge for calliope but starts kind of guiltily getting off on it? hm
i'm including this one mostly because i think it could be intriguing, but i haven't given it enough thought to really have a feel for their dynamic. my gut says it could be an interesting kismesissitude, though. give john something to focus on other than moping around all depressed. and his retcon powers pose a genuine threat to caliborn, so that's something
please don't subject dave to caliborn
this one i think is funny because damara worships lord english. she longs to serve him. but imagine her meeting caliborn and realizing that this wretched little shit is her god. holy shit would she be pissed. hilarious.
i also have an au where caliborn, damara, and meenah are "friends", by which i mean they're always hanging out together for some reason even though they all openly despise each other. fun dynamic
this has the potential to be both hilarious and incredibly fucked up. bro meets the guy behind his best puppet bro. does he like cal as much when he's not plush? (no.) does he feel used? is he even capable of realizing that what he's feeling is "used"? didn't he want to be used? (...did he ever really stop to wonder what he was being used for, until now?)
also caliborn would just flat-out think bro is smokin' hot. the ideal man. it don't get better than this.
and then, finally. the big one. the most important caliborn ship. yes, way more important than dirkuu:
yin and yang. two halves of a whole. they define each other. they need each other. they need each other to die. their relationship is foundational for both characters and they were absolutely both horny about it. this is canon i stg
very, very difficult to turn into a long-term relationship, however, because caliborn will always, always, truly and genuinely, want calliope dead, even as he craves her, even as he envies everything that she has and he never will have. the tragedy of their relationship is that they need each other, deeply and utterly, but they cannot both survive.
and in canon, caliborn wins! he achieves his biggest goal! he eliminates calliope for good! ...and then as lord english he spends untold eternities literally chasing her ghost. and he can tell himself it's because she's a threat to him, which of course she is. but... would he really have anything left to live for if she wasn't out there, somewhere, to be his white whale?
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moonlarked · 2 years
More incorrect quotes from the quote generator
Wylie: Let's just agree to both say we're sorry on the count of three.
Wylie: One... two... three.
Maruca: ...
Wylie: ...
Wylie: See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.
Sophie: Are you a cuddler?
Dex: I'm a machine of death and destruction.
Dex: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
*While the Squad is in a battle*
Dex, trying to warn about the location of an enemy: To the left!
Biana: Take it back now y'all!
Marella: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
Keefe: Hi, who's this? Sophie changed all of my contacts to mythical creatures.
Marella: What's mine?
Keefe: Dwarf.
Keefe: Oh, hey Marella.
Marella: FUCK!
Wylie: Are you ready to commit?
Rayni: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Jensi: Where's Sophie, Linh, and Tam?
Biana: They're playing hide and seek.
Jensi: Where?
Biana: I don't think you get how this game works.
Jensi: Why are Sophie and Keefe sitting with their backs to each other?
Tam: They had a fight.
Jensi: Then why are they holding hands?
Tam: They get sad when they fight.
Maruca: Pose as a team because SHIT JUST GOT REAL!
Marella: Would it be discrimination to only hire employees at my doughnut shop who have the same name?
Sophie: Legally, I don't believe that breaches any discrimination laws. Morally though... I don't know.
Marella: I believe god is on my side when it comes to Duncans' Doughnuts.
Stina: What? I'm not aggressive!
Marella: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips?
Stina: Survival of the fittest, bitch.
Rayni: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Sophie: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey!
Fitz: But I'm a vegan.
Sophie: Wakey Wakey Vegetables and Sadness.
Marella: What the fuck? People actually tell their crushes they like them??
Dex: What the hell do you do?
Marella: I die? What kinda question...
Linh: I'm never having a debate with Dex again, they literally started their argument with "Riddle me this."
Sophie: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
Fitz: Advice of the day kids, if you ever meet someone who calls Gatorade flavors the actual name of the flavor instead of just the color then they are a certified nerd.
Wylie: Yeah but you have to specify, frost glacier or cool blue? You can’t just say blue because there’s more than one blue.
Fitz: Blue and light blue, nice try nerd.
*Linh and Biana are in a car teetering on the edge of a cliff*
Linh: oh my god, Biana, backwards!
Biana: Really, Linh? I thought I might go forwards into the river, I thought that would be a fun thing to do.
Jensi: Marella's refusing to wear their glasses!
Marella: Jensi, look, I wore the glasses for a day. My eyes are much better now. Watch.
Marella: *points to Dex* Dex.
Marella: *points to Wylie* Wylie.
Marella: *points to Stina* Sasquatch.
Jensi: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Maruca: Cannibalism.
Jensi: *confused chewing noises*
Tam: Why is Keefe crying on the floor?
Stina: They're drunk.
Tam: And?
Stina: They saw a picture of Sophie's spouse.
Tam: But they're Sophie's spouse.
Stina: I know.
Rayni: You remind me of the ocean.
Tam: Because I'm deep and mysterious?
Rayni: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.
Linh: You’re alive.
Rayni: No need to sound so disappointed.
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pikawarrior · 2 years
👀 hi mutual in law tell me about your rats
I see you have fallen into my trap dear mutual in law, welcome. You cant escape now. My thoughts are a mess so the words are also a mess, good luck and have fun.
Now as you can probably tell, I (re)named Watcher after the Watchers from Evo and the fandom. Their purpose here within the worlds is to watch and protect them if the chaos levels become to high and pose a threat to the to whole Ultraverse. (Kinda think the chaos control from Henry Stickmin) Since said Ultraverse is huge Watcher really only watches over section A but sometimes helps out with other parts.
They where tossed into the void at a young age, deemed to be a curse upon their family. But the void is kind, the void is merciful and offered Watcher their powers. They accepted and became a Watcher, quickly raising the ranks and being assigned to directly handle some cases solo.
[Basic Info]
Name: Watcher, formerly known as Ena
Pronouns: They/It
Job: Chaos Watcher (temp name cuz i cant name stuff)
Group(s): Watchers, Alliance of The Stars, File Not Found and "Envy's traumatized creations" (No one wants to be here)
Here's where Dimension comes in.
Dimension, consume by the darkness within them, they became a villain A threat to individual worlds and section A as a whole (plus the other parts but thats rare)
Outcasted from their own world, they seeked revenge and someone was there to offer some help. With that help, their world was destroyed and nothing was left but them.
But it came with a price, the lack of a world for them to go back to caused them to glitch. And without any help they glitched into the anti-void.
Doomed to the faith brought on by this space, they fought back. They fought against the powers trying to destory them.
And they won.
They took control over what was being done to them. They took over and controlled the powers that threatened to take over and destory them.
But darkness thosee powers held, took over them in their battle. And it lend them even further down the dark path they now take.
[Basic Info]
Name: Dimension, formerly known as Ellie
Pronouns: They/It/She
Job: Freelancer for the "dark side"
Group(s): "Envy's traumatized creations" (they dont wanna be there, send help)
Now you may be asking?
"How did these two get together?"
Well, Dimension has made a name for themself within the Ultraverse even outside of section A. And in doing so has caught the attention of the watchers, enough to have a bounty on their head (8,000,000 gold (or whatever currency the one capturing them uses) and quickly raising)
And since Watcher is in such a high position, with very little failed missions, they got personally assigned to Dimension.
Words words, look its been hell recently and my brain is scrambled. I'll give more details later buuuutttt
Watcher disappears for 2 years (still sends in their normal paperwork somehow) and comes back to work like
"Hello there, apologizes for my absence but I have recently gotten married and adopted a child. I promise I will give a notice before doing something of that regard again. You will find that all my work for this week has been completed so I shall be going, I'm taking my child out for ice cream. Goodbye."
I'm still working on them and their worlds so things are very much subject to change down the line
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Dont let the weird cropping confused you, Dimension is the short on here
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