#i know gotdang well that he can jump ANYTHING
sidetongue · 2 years
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thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #21- Situations in Which it is Appropriate to Stab Your Roommate
You know what’s generally considered bad for your health?
Getting fingers stuck into your brain meat.
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Tailgate reveals himself to be immune to Tyrest’s “fall down on the floor” signal, because his hearing’s gone to complete shit due to Cybercrosis. Tailgate then turns off the “fall down on the floor” signal, allowing everyone back up. Tyrest dislikes this turn of events every much- so much so, in fact, he’s turned into a Nazgûl out of sheer rage.
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Rodimus, feeling a bit bolstered by the fact that he’s gotten his hands on one of the massive guns the Legislators dropped, tries to talk a big game at Tyrest, before being reminded that a lot of their party is still at risk of dying, by way of their souls cheese-wizzing out of their heads.
Tyrest, now using Tailgate as a hostage, tells everyone to back off so he can go hang out with the Guiding Hand, otherwise he’s gonna poke holes in Cyclonus’ morality pet. Tailgate screams for Rodimus to fire, finally revealing that he’s been dying this whole time. Rodimus has a weird moment where the plot overrides his knowledge of his situation as a character, as he claims shooting them both is unnecessary, as it looks like someone’s already working on it.
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Not sure how he saw the gun and not the man it was being held by. And Minimus has some fucking explaining to do.
Outside, Star Saber is yelling about everyone being unworthy of God’s grace, save for himself, because Real Bastard Hours are 24-fucking-7 with him around. Cyclonus decides that he’s going to deal with the stress of not being able to find his dying roommate through violence, and agrees to a religiously-inclined sword fight.
Star Saber has a good start, sucker-punching Cyclonus in the chin, holier-than-thou as he goes. Cyclonus turns the tables however, when he uses his remaining helmet horn to gouge one of Star Saber’s eyes out, revealing his fashion statement to be a deadly weapon in its own right.
Then we get a taste of Cyclonus’ personal brand of faith.
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That’s a mighty high opinion of Tailgate you got there, pal. Quite the jump from “I think you’re pathetic.”
Unfortunately, having this little character moment gives Star Saber enough time to warp the hell away from Cyclonus’ Nazgûlian wrath.
Back with Zombie Bullshit Part 3, we get some friggin’ answers.
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Minimus looks super tiny here, but remember that he’s still at least ten feet tall. This is not a man you can invite inside your house for a tea party.
After Minimus’ head got crushed, he had to Alien chest-burst his tiniest self out, which allowed him to grab that gun that’s as big as he is and shoot Tyrest in half. Rodimus has to be reminded again that people are still dying, including Brainstorm, which is weird, because he made it seem like he was forged a few issues back. Perceptor runs off to try and parse the Killswitch, and Pharma offers to help, striking a weirdly sultry pose as he does. Everyone ignores him, because that’s just what happens when you become evil and cut your old coworker in half hotdog-style- you get ignored.
Off in the corner, Swerve is talking to Tailgate about the fact that he didn’t tell anyone he was dying, then makes a joke about his impending demise, because Swerve has a lot of trouble handling serious situations. No one has helped him pop his nose back into place, either. This entire team is just falling apart.
Skids stares blankly at Ratchet and First Aid as they check to make sure all the cold-constructed ‘bots are still dying- they are- then remembers that he’s supposed to be watching Pharma.
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Prowl only hires the best, clearly.
Skids runs for the portal, with First Aid right on his tail because there’s a gotdang score to settle, and also Rung for some reason. They find Pharma chilling in the tunnel, completely unable to get through to the other side, not because he’s guilty, but because there’s a forcefield in place.
Of course, because Tyrest was an engineer, and you can always find a running theme with everyone’s work, Rung theorizes that the forcefield is working with Aequitas rules, and actually can sense guilt- not of the legal sense, but of the personal variety.
Which sort of implies some unfortunate things about the Aequitas trials as a whole.
Skids starts sinking through, whereas Rung is hitting a wall. Rung, the hell you got to feel guilty about? What sort of horrors have you inflicted upon the world, you skinny creamsicle of a man?
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Skids, people are dying. Can your personal nirvana not wait until after this galactic-scale crisis is resolved?
While Skids fucks off into the portal, First Aid’s taking care of Pharma, as Rung watches and has a Nam flashback to issue #6 in the distance.
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Sometimes I wonder if First Aid is somehow aware of how Eugenesis went for him, and that’s why he’s so aggressive all the time in MTMTE.
With his revenge exacted, First Aid finally has that breakdown that’s been a long time coming.
You know what we haven’t had in a while? Gratuitous religious imagery.
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“They call it the Eugenesis Code. Has something to do with intellectual property, I dunno.”
So this move they’re about to pull might kill Rodimus, and is for-sure going to annihilate the half of the Matrix they have. Bummer. Perceptor goes to finish setting up, leaving Rodimus and Minimus alone to discuss that thing Getaway brought up about Ultra Magnus luring the Lost Light to Luna 1.
Over on the floor, Tyrest isn’t dead, because of course he isn’t, and enacts the homophone game with Swerve and Tailgate as he relays an order to the Legislators.
Outside, all the Legislators stop whaling on Whirl with their swords and start parroting prime numbers at the sky.
Back with Rodimus and Minimus, it’s revealed that Magnus/Minimus/Miniminimus DID lure the Lost Light to the moon, but it was to have Tyrest yell at Rodimus for being a crappy captain. He didn’t know that Tyrest had gone completely bonkers.
The worst part is that Minimus doesn’t know the half of all the bullshit Rodimus has pulled since the end of the war.
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No wonder Rodimus was so upset before the funeral- Overlord was partially his fault.
Prowl, prior to the Lost Light’s launch, had wormed his way into Rodimus’ brain, convincing him that an Autobot Phase Sixer was absolutely necessary for the safety of everyone. He, along with Drift, Brainstorm, the Duobots, and eventually Chromedome, assisted in what culminated in one hell of a bad day.
Rodimus would really prefer if this whole space-crucifixion didn’t kill him, because he’s feeling like he’s got a lot to make up for. Which, yeah. I’m guessing all of Tripodeca’s friends are going to be mighty sore about this whole thing once it comes to light.
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And that’s a series wrap on Rodimus!
We get a brief intermission, as we find out where exactly Skids got to. It’s… somewhere. Not even he’s sure. He tries to ask for directions, but it would seem there’s a language barrier.
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It really speaks volumes to Skids’ sense of self-confidence, that he’d see a giant ball of technicolor light and decide he’s gonna go try to talk to it.
Back at the current crisis at hand, Rodimus screams some more, the Matrix shatters alongside any hopes of finding the Knights of Cybertron, and Ratchet has himself a little smile, because that did the trick.
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The reason we aren’t seeing Crankcase in this set of panels is because his head wound was also spewing oil, and he looks super nasty right now. Well, nastier than any of the Scavengers usually are on a day to day basis. They regularly drink corpse juice, they can’t NOT be nasty.
Unfortunately, we aren’t out of the woods yet, as that whole Legislator thing still needs to be taken care of. They pour into the room, throwing Swerve along with the steel door, as he shrieks in terror.
Back outside, Cyclonus and Whirl are having a little breather up on the edge of the smelting pool, since all the Legislators they were fighting went inside. Whirl, who is looking just awful, brings up that little deal he cooked up in issue #19, where Cyclonus would stop trying to murder him if they got through this fight. It’s important to remember that verbal contracts aren’t binding, and that Cyclonus didn’t agree to anything.
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And that’s a series wrap on Whirl!
Actually, no, Cyclonus was just daydreaming. He agrees to put the past behind them, then shoots off to go find Tailgate.
Back in Legislator City, things are getting dicey, as Rung screams for Skids to come back, because if nothing else, he knows he can depend on Skids when the chips are down.
Skids, playing to Rung’s expectations, vaults over Pharma’s headless body out of the portal, and starts kicking ass. In the background, some creepy tentacle nonsense pulls Pharma through the portal. This, surely, will never come up again, nor will it be a major plot point down the road.
Because Tyrest decided he was going to play fast and loose with the law, Minimus has no idea what “one one” is meant to refer to. Tailgate decides that cram school did serve a purpose after all, and books it towards that massive computer off in the corner. After a bit of combing through the index, he finds what he’s looking for and makes a few choice edits to the Autobot Code. The Legislators freeze in place, and Tailgate reveals that he’s just completely voided a section of the law.
Just off panel, Minimus barely contains the urge to pop Tailgate’s cubic little head off of his neck. Not that he’d have much time to do it anyway.
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Smash cut to the next day, where Tailgate’s laid out in a dark room, Cyclonus sitting by his side. Chromedome is also there for some reason. Rung is nowhere to be seen, despite him likely being a better fit for this situation than the guy whose husband died less than a week ago. Chromedome leaves, because this is a very intimate moment between these two guys who are roommates.
Tailgate, who has developed an honest-to-god “guy-who-is-going-to-die-by-the-end-of-the-movie” cough, tells Cyclonus that he made him something, and it’s waiting in their room for him. I’m going to guess it’s a macaroni art picture of the two of them fighting a dragon.
Tailgate has literal minutes to live, and Cyclonus just sits there, Nazgûling with grief, until Tailgate decides that NOW is the time to reveal his hand.
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…Well, there’s the answer to the Babygate question.
Tailgate’s come to the conclusion that all his wanting to be important and a hero was a bit misguided, because as it turns out, it kind of sucks when it’s your final act in the world of the living. He really would have preferred to do just about anything else with his last days, even if it had been just chilling in his room with Cyclonus.
Tailgate asked Cyclonus off-panel to do him a solid and kill him before the Cybercrosis did, a plea which Cyclonus couldn’t agree to. Then he gets a call, and the tension of the scene is somewhat ruined by some goofy-ass cinematic parallels.
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Where the hell is Tailgate, that Cyclonus has to book it down the hall to make it to the medibay? That isn’t clear, but what is is that Tailgate has the rottenest luck in the world; they figured out a cure for Cybercrosis, but his case is too advanced for treatment to be effective.
Cyclonus thinks that this is a major bummer, but thanks Ratchet for trying anyway. Whirl tries to talk to him, and he better watch out, before that little deal he made gets thrown out the friggin’ window.
Tailgate hits the final two minutes, as Cyclonus returns, sword in hand.
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And that’s a series wrap on Tailgate!
…That was almost a sincere one, you know. Tailgate was supposed to die here, in an earlier draft of the story. He didn’t, because Roberts realized it would completely nerf Cyclonus’ character development. I can’t even begin to imagine who Cyclonus would have been if both the Rewind/Chromedome thing hadn’t gone over well, AND Tailgate got offed.
Later on, Ultra Magnus is back in action, Minimus Ambus having redonned the armor to reassume his position as S.I.C. of the Lost Light. He discusses the changes that have come about as a result of their time on Luna 1 with Rodimus, who’s pretty bummed about the whole situation. A quick rundown of all the nonsense that happened:
The mystical portal to the Guiding Hand no longer works
Hot Spot faded out and won’t come back on
Ambulon is dead
First Aid is very sad about Ambulon being dead
The ship is falling apart
The only person who seems to have had any sort of a positive experience is Brainstorm.
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…James, did you put that baby inside that robot?
Anyway, so yeah. Luna 1 sucks butt. One star, would rate zero if I could, I don’t care if it has sweet rocket thrusters strapped to the back of it and is super mysterious, and might potentially be an idea pulled from the delightfully earnest Children of a Lesser Matrix.
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Later on, Magnus makes his rounds, stopping by Cyclonus and Tailgate’s room to check the vibe. Turns out that stabbing sick people is considered medicine on Cybertron, at least when you’re using a Great Sword to do it.
Whirl had the awesome idea to slap Cyclonus’ weird spark energy into Tailgate’s frail body, so it could kickstart his heart and give him enough time to actually get treated for Cybercrosis.
Ultra Magnus is impressed, and perhaps a bit concerned with how easily Cyclonus was willing to risk dying so that Tailgate could potentially live. So much so, in fact, that Cyclonus gets an achivement- he’s finally collected enough good karma to be allowed to have friends!
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Looking mighty fresh-faced there, Cyclonus. And is that a new horn? Someone’s got a plastic surgeon on speed-dial.
No, this is actually the gift that Tailgate made him, the one he was working on in Hoist’s workshop back in issue #15, just before the Overlord attack. The one we never got to actually see, probably because it would be very easy to tell what it was and who it was for if we had. The set up for our slowburn romance has to be just so, no shortcuts allowed.
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upslapmeal · 6 years
Yooooooo, all of Nu!Who is on iPlayer for unemployed folks like me lol. However, I can't stand Rose or Drose any more; any idea how to rewatch it?
Also, Moffat. Stopped caring about his work and the show halfway through S6. Ugh.
Hey! Firstly thanks for letting me know New Who is on iplayer, I gotta go and rewatch stuff now!! 
Ok right well I’m someone that loves Rose but doesn’t ship her and the Doctor so maybe you could try from the start of s1 but approaching it from a non-shipping perspective? I mean I feel like I can’t really help you w Rose bc I love her but I feel like a lot of people prefer her in s1 to s2 so maybe you could just start there and see how you go? I would suggest going straight to s3 but if you really don’t like Rose or Drose it might not be great jumping back in to the Doctor really missing Rose so I feel like the best idea might be to just try and start fresh with the two of them…which is probably easier said than done especially considering the fandom presence of the character and ship but I’d say it’s worth a shot! If you can’t get through s1/2 then maybe watch Smith and Jones to get into the Martha mood then skip to a few eps into s3 to when the Doctor is a bit less missing-Rose-heavy. And then for the last few eps of s4 you could always skip them? Though that’s a shame bc I feel like you’d be missing out on rewatching some good stuff, especially with Turn Left… I guess it’s just a case of seeing how much you can take them and how much you can convince your brain to think of the Doctor and Rose as starting with blank slates.
And hooo boy yeah s6 is……..a gotdang MESS. Honestly? From s6 I’d rewatch just like…The Doctor’s Wife, The Girl Who Waited and The God Complex and just leave the rest. Like just forget anything that’s actually relevant to that series arc unless there’s anything you particularly remember enjoying. For s7 I suppose it depends how much you care about Amy and Rory but I found it was better than s6 but just…kinda boring for the most part (I think Hide was probably my favourite even though retrospectively Clara didn’t actually feel like Clara though that can be applied to s7 in general a lot of the time). I’m assuming you want to rewatch all the way through? Did you stop watching partway through Moffat’s era? S8 is definitely messy but I enjoyed a fair few stories and the bits of Twelve’s personality that I loved through all his rude dickishness were the bits that they really followed through with in s9 and s10 which I was delighted about. I know that I really loved s9 (honestly I was surprised by just how much I loved it, easily my favourite Moff series right up there with the RTD stuff) but I don’t know if you watched it/liked it so I’m not sure how to recommend rewatching it? A friend of mine gave up watching towards the end of Eleven’s era and asked for recommendations of ~essential viewing~ to watch if she decided to catch up for s11 so this is what I said:
Deep Breath (8x01) - Capaldi’s first ep
Flatline (8x09)
we meet Gomez’s master in the s8 finale two parter so you could watch that if you wanted
The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar (9x01/02) - not the first story for Gomez’s master but the best one I think
The Girl Who Died/The Woman Who Lived (9x05/06)
Face the Raven (9x10)
Heaven Sent/Hell Bent (9x11/12) - Heaven Sent is almost entirely a one-hander by Capaldi and he’s incredible
(I know that’s a lot of s9 but almost all the stories were two-parters)
The Pilot (10x01) - meet Bill!
Smile (10x02) - Bill’s first proper adventure
Thin Ice (10x03)
(all of the first five eps are great tbh) 
if you like David Suchet then you might want to watch Knock Knock (10x04)
The Eaters of Light (10x10)
the finale two-parter wasn’t the best they’ve ever had but you could watch that if you wanted just since it’s where we left off, 10x11 was better than 10x12 but Simm’s master is in 10x12
Then there’s the Christmas special which hadn’t aired at the time and is a fine story but I will forever be annoyed about how Moff wrote One. 
Basically it all just depends of how thorough you want your rewatch to be. If you really want to rewatch it all but are wondering how to get through stuff you don’t like you could just have it on in the background while you do something else? Lol this ended up being way longer than I planned, hopefully it’s at least some help!
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Really Long Character Survey
Rules: Repost, don’t reblog. Tag 10! Good luck!
Tagged by @themisfitmouse
Tagging: @genius-vondrake, @amadeus-aerinstat, @alphagearloose, @unclescrooge, @askflintheartglomgold, @thesmallestarchitect, @tempest-loupnoir, @the-queen-needs-us ...I can’t really think of two more people to tag who haven’t already been tagged by somebody else.
((Hoooo boy there's gonna be so many headcanons in this.))
FULL  NAME : Gyro Percival Gearloose
AGE : 28
BIRTHDAY : September 18th
ETHNIC  GROUP : Uh... chicken? I guess I kinda headcanon that he's got some Italian in him, but other than that, idek man.
LANGUAGE / S : English (possibly others, but that's woefully all the mun is fluent in)
CLASS : Uh... upper-middle, I guess? I mean, he's gotta afford all those parts somehow.
HOME  TOWN / AREA : Duckburg, Calisota
CURRENT  HOME : A workshop/barn on the south side of Duckburg, near the river
PROFESSION : Inventor/Repairman
HAIR : It has never been consistent. Like... in DuckTales and the related comics, it's orange. In some of the old comics, it's light brown. In the Italian comics, it's bright blonde. I just... I have no idea, my dudes. Gyro's addicted to hair dye or something.
EYES : Blue
NOSE : He's a bird. He has a beak.
FACE : Uh... round? Covered in feathers?
LIPS : Again, he is a bird.
COMPLEXION : Pristine white feathers.
BLEMISHES : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SCARS : He's got a good few nicks on his hands, and probably a couple of other random scars from miscellaneous lab accidents, but nothing major. Plus, it's not as if you could see most of them anyway.
TATTOOS : None. 
HEIGHT : 5'5"
WEIGHT : Uh... I dunno, probably around 130-140? Gotta take into account that his bones are probably hollow.
BUILD : It varies. In some comics he's kind of plump, and in others, he's like a scarecrow. I'm gonna tentatively put him at athletic, with a little bit of a paunch? 
FEATURES : Big blue eyes, (usually) bright orange hair, slightly curved beak, glasses.
ALLERGIES : Blueberries, but he doesn't bring it up unless he has to.
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : He basically just rolls out of bed and runs his fingers through it a couple times.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK : Lost in thought
USUAL  CLOTHING : Hat (with chin strap), button up shirt (usually pink, red, blue, or yellow), open black vest, jeans or khakis, work boots.
FEAR / S : Failure, mostly.
ASPIRATION / S : He wants to discover as much as he can, for discovery's sake. To do things before believed to be impossible just to say he did.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Generally cheerful, independent thinker, kind, clever, creative
NEGATIVE  TRAITS : Easily frustrated, bottles his feelings until he explodes, tends to run from his problems, occasionally forgets to take care of himself
MBTI : ENFP, but only just barely (x)
ZODIAC : Virgo
TEMPERAMENT : Sanguine (x)
SOUL  TYPE / S : Creator (no surprise there), followed closely by Educator and Helper (x)
ANIMALS : Apparently he's a Zebra (x), which is not necessarily something I would have chosen but I guess it fits? (x)
VICE  HABIT / S : Can be kind of lazy sometimes, major sweet tooth
FAITH : "The Powers that Be"
GHOSTS ? : Skeptical, but willing to be convinced
AFTERLIFE ? : Who knows?
REINCARNATION ? : He wouldn't discredit it.
POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT : He doesn't really bother himself with politics.
SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : Everyone deserves to be treated with basic decency. Beyond that, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
EDUCATION  LEVEL : I'm gonna go ahead and say he's got a Master's in engineering, and then a bunch of random courses he thought would be interesting but don't actually add up to any kind of extra degree.
FATHER : Fulton Gearloose
MOTHER : ??? Gearloose (Until I find a canon name, I've called her Tallulah)
SIBLINGS : It's implied he has at least one sibling, since he's got a nephew in some of the comics, but I don't think they've ever actually been seen
EXTENDED  FAMILY : Ratchet Gearloose (Grandfather), Copernicus Gearloose (Great-grandfather), Descartes Gearloose (Great-uncle), Newton Gearloose (Nephew)
NAME  MEANING / S : Gyro, as in gyroscope or gyrosphere. Gearloose, as in a literal loose gear.
HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? : His great-grandfather assisted a gentleman thief in the 1920s. Long standing family ties to Scrooge McDuck. Gyro himself is a knight of the kingdom of Quackalot thanks to time travel shenanigans.
BOOK : Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
MOVIE : Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
5  SONGS : 
Why Does the Sun Shine? by They Might Be Giants 
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds by The Beatles
Poison by Alice Cooper (kind of a guilty pleasure)
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
DEITY : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
HOLIDAY : New Years
MONTH : I don't think he really has a favorite month.
SEASON : Spring
PLACE : His workshop
WEATHER : Partly cloudy, 68F, low humidity, light breeze
SOUND : Clocks ticking, birds singing, keyboard clatter, that wobbly sound that laminated paper makes
SCENT / S : Freshly cut grass, sunscreen, baked goods
TASTE / S : Fresh fruit, anything sweet
FEEL / S : The weight of a wrench or a hammer, the texture of blueprint paper, working outdoors in the sunshine (or by a window), laying in a hammock
ANIMAL / S : Dogs, bees, butterflies, songbirds
COLOUR : Orange
TALENTS : Not sure if you'd really call it a talent, but he's canonically ambidextrous. 
BAD  AT : Cooking, singing
TURN  ONS : Not getting into that here.
TURN  OFFS : Not getting into this either.
HOBBIES : Baseball, soccer, fishing, bug catching
TROPES : Cloudcuckoolander, Gadgeteer Genius, Mr. Fixit, Identical Grandson,  and probably a whole lot more that I can't be bothered to keep looking for.
AESTHETIC  TAGS : Tools, metalworking, robotics, clockwork, spring and summer landscapes, baseball, soccer, orange, circuitry, beaches, Arthurian legends, medieval weaponry, castles, old sci-fi, space, cyberpunk, steampunk, science labs, dragons
MAIN  FC / S : Rick Moranis
ALT  FC / S : Don't have one
OLDER  FC / S : ...Older Rick Moranis?
YOUNGER  FC / S : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
VOICE  CLAIM / S : Well, his last voice actor was Chris Edgerly in the remastered game, but I don't think it's been confirmed yet who his new VA will be.
GENDERBENT  FC / S : Don't have one
Q1 : If  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?
A1 : I have no idea. It would probably be a campy, 80's style sci-fi though, like Honey I Shrunk The Kids or Weird Science.
Q2 : What  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?          
A2 : Lighthearted, but with a sense of wonder. It would make occasional use of odd instruments.
Q3 : Why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?          
A3 : I had just rediscovered DuckTales and Tumblr RP blogs were starting to become this big thing that everyone did so I just sort of jumped on the bandwagon.
Q4 : What  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?          
A4 : I've always loved nerdy, quirky characters. Being a ginger doesn't hurt either.
Q5 : Describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.          
A5 : He is usually portrayed as having human-like feet, which makes no gotdang sense. The ducks have duck feet. Cats and dogs have paws. Other chickens have chicken feet. BUT LET'S MAKE GYRO A WEIRD MUTANT, MWAHAHAHAHAHA! ...How about no? I'm just... completely disregarding that as canon unless there's an explanation for it. I'll even take a one off, throwaway comment. Otherwise, y'all can fight me.
Q6 : What  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?          
A6 :  A tendency to get way too invested in a project and forget to do things like sleeping or eating a reasonable meal.
Q7 : How  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?          
A7 : He doesn't know I'm there, and I intend to keep it that way for now.
Q8 : What  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?        
A8 : He has had some truly memorable relationships and interactions with other muses throughout my time playing him, and I don't think I could adequately cover all of them in just a little survey post.
Q9 : What  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         
A9 : I've got a playlist of songs that remind me of him that I listen to sometimes. Other than that, I find inspiration for Gyro in some of the weirdest places, like my history textbook the other day, or a particularly scientifically inaccurate episode of Danger Mouse I watched the other day.
Q10 : How  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?         
A10 : About two hours.
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