#i know i should be going mad over jonas/martha
beverlycrushr · 4 years
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"You want to protect her, I know. So do I. And I will. After you were killed." Elisabeth and Noah | Dark
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roddy-yu · 4 years
Dark S3E1
Extreme spoiler alert!
Just finished the episode.
Definitely need to share my thoughts about the final scene. (And the whole episode)
My God, he doesn't know who she is!! Does it mean that it never happened before? Or did he lose his memory? It breaks my heart how happy he was to see her, and how his hope was taken away from him again. Because it's not his Martha.
However, the fact that she wants help him to find the origin and to begin it all gives me the vibe that Martha 2.0 is also being manipulated by her older self, otherwise how whould she know what exactly to do and where/when to search for The Stranger?
Should we also talk about all the same or mirrored events and details worth mentioning?
Let's go:
The mirrored date of "the beginning"
The house exterior/interior (it really is mirrored)
Martha waking up like Jonas
Martha sniffing the milk to be sure it's safe to drink it (like Jonas did)
Morning routine of a Nielsen family shown in a long take
A family photo with a ripped out family member
Morning sex in a red house with someone interrupting it and one of the partners escaping through a window in a hoodie
Ulrich is coming back to his wife much later, explaining it by a line in a bakery. (And I am surprised by Hannah's looks... For a moment there I thought he wasn't cheating, I've got that tiny light of hope, but then this happened)↓
"Ich liebe dich"..."Schön bist du" (That explained me everything I needed to know about their relationship)
A protagonist in a yellow raincoat riding a bike and seeing a note about missing of Eric
"Don't forget to breathe" - well, that's old. "Don't forget to think" - oh, that's new. Glad Martha is standing up for herself here.
Martha is kissing someone and the other person who likes her, standing there uncomfortably
The headmaster
"It will happen again", and gosh, I expected it to be your ear
Doppler's marriage presumably having issues
Oh, Wöller, it's so lovely to see you in one piece! (*a second later* Are you effing kidding me?!)
A hair on your husband's hoodie that isn't yours
An explanation about how the black holes are formed by a diligent student
Someone is asking how the other person is doing after the death of his/hers partner in a conversation with a power plant director.
A meeting between Katharina and Hannah that actually leaves Katharina smiling
A kiss in the evidence room between Ulrich and his mistress
The play rehersal
Franziska and Magnus doing it in a small room mirroring their first time in Jonases world, but there is small plot twist too! (And I also love that they have strong feelings for each other)
The talkative Doppler girl! At last!
A visit to a graveyard
Alexander and Erik's dad are up to something again
Oh. The "déjà-vu" déjà-vu. I have seen it and I have heard it somewhere. You know... "Das Licht. Der Wald... Oder ein Fehler in der Matrix"
The meeting under the bridge
The cave incident
Protagonist falling and seeing & hearing someone covered in black paint
The appearance of Mads
The protagonist's possible love interest recognises the older version of the protagonist.
Jonas is terrified, confused and happy at the same time because he sees Martha, being sure that she is his Martha, only to be left heart broken and more confused.
I would call this episode "a way to mirror-recap two seasons in one over adding more details that will blow your mind"
An absolute effing masterpiece.
I am thrilled to bring able to watch it.
And a bit tired of typing 😂
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 18
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah. After this chapter, it will jump to ‘(They Long to Be) Close to You’ chapter 1. The next chapters of this series is just more background information about how this series cycle works and will be released in tandem with the Part Two of the Series. I hope you guys liked Part One!
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence, Suicide Mentions, Cutting, Violence.
Word Count: 5.8k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [(They Long to Be) Close to You] [Next Chapter]
It started to snow once more in 2053, Elisabeth knew what this meant. She unburied her box and pulled out the picture of her family along with her beanie. She looked at pictures of herself, Noah, and the baby of her mother. 
The Beginning is the End.
In 2020, Charlotte lay with her daughter watching her sleep in the middle of her and Peter.
And the end is the beginning.
Charlotte stood up to walk out of the room.
Everything is interconnected. Future, past, and present.
Noah looked at his younger version and told him, “I’ve reflected on this moment for many years. My older me wanted to tell me something, but he couldn’t.” He looked at Hanno and told him, “If you knew what I now know, then you would no longer do what you must so I can get to this moment. Me, as I stand here now, cannot exist if you don’t take the same path as I did. We’re not free in what we do, because we are not free in what we desire.”
Magnus and Franziska opened the door. Magnus told them, “Everything is ready.”
Noah nodded to the boy and said, “You must go.”
Hannos nodded and walked into the room followed by Magnus and Franziska.
It was the 27th of June in the year 2020. It was the final day. The older Jonas stared at the clock. He had left Annalise to sleep upstairs. She had been tossing and turning all night so he knew she would still be asleep for some time. He knew what had to be done to prevent all of this from happening again. He opened the box and pulled out the pistol staring at the floor. He sighed, put the gun into his waistband, and walked out of the house determined to have this cycle stopped.
“My future me tried to shut the hole,” Jonas told Claudia, “to reverse it all. He shut the passage, but hadn’t broken the loop. But you said we can change a small part of the equation, so he… So I will be successful next time.” He shook his head, “Then none of this sick shit will ever happen. Mikkel won’t disappear. Michael won’t die.” He looked down then back at her, “Your father won’t die.” He walked towards the wall of radioactive waste, “Big and small things don’t abide by the same laws. Maybe nothing big can be altered.” Jonas grunted as he opened one of the crates, “but small things can.” He opened up his canister and explained, “We’re changing a grain of sand. And with it, the whole world.”
Regina lay in bed staring at the ceiling as her son asked her, “What was Grandma like? I mean, as a mother.”
“Why does that suddenly interest you,” She asked her son.
Bartosz turned his head towards her and said, “She isn’t dead, you know?” He sat on the edge of her bed.
“What do you mean,” she asked her son.
“She was here,” He explained, “Last fall.” He looked out towards the woods, “After Mikkel disappeared. She… She left something here.” Bartosz reached into his pocket and handed a picture to his mother, “For you.” Regina swallowed her pride and used her withering strength to sit up and open it. As she revealed that it was a picture of her and her mother, Bartosz continued, “She said she was sorry and that if she could turn back time, she’d do lots of things differently.” He watched as his mother’s jaw trembled trying to keep all the emotions inside. Bartosz gently grabbed his mother’s head so that he could place a gentle kiss on her forehead. He pulled away and told her, “I’ll be back. I promise.” He left his mother’s side and grabbed his jacket.
“Where are you going,” Regina asked her son.
Bartosz just turned to her and didn’t say anything. He walked out the house on his own mission.
Clausen flicked the search warrant towards Aleksander telling the man what it was. Aleksander looked up. His hair was completely a mess as he stated, “Special conditions apply to the plant.”
Clausen countered, “The judge issued the warrant immediately. I think, given the ongoing legal proceedings against you, he may be interested in what’s to be found there.”
Aleksander looked at him bewildered. He turned and watched as Clausen walked out. The man begged to Woller, “You have to let me out of here.”
“That’s impossible,” Woller relented, “I can’t do that.” He walked away leaving Aleksander there.
Aleksander yelled after him, “You can’t let him onto the site!”
Stranger Jonas banged on the Nielsens’ door. Upon seeing the girl’s face he told her, “Martha, I didn’t want any of this, believe me. Please listen…”
Martha whispered, “What are you doing here?” She pulled him inside quickly, “Come on.” Once inside, she asked, “Why are you here? What do you want?” 
“You have to come with me,” He begged, “Please. It’s my fault everyone dies. It’s all going to blow in a few hours. Annalise is going to try to kill you...”
Martha shook her head, “What?”
He slowly approached her, “Everything starts all over again. The future starts. A new cycle.”
Martha stared at him confused, “What are you talking about?”
“Please… Believe me, please,” The older Jonas begged his old love. He pressed his forehead against hers, “You have to trust me… Please.”
Martha hit his hands and pulled away quickly. She walked to the other side of the room. She started to heavily breathe, “This is wrong.” The girl started to shake her head. Annalise, though mad at her, would never go that far. She hugged herself and started to rub her arms. She shook her head and told him, “We’re wrong. Please leave now.”
The Stranger swallowed hard. He shook his head, “No.” He reached behind him and pulled out the gun. “I can’t let you stay. I saw the both of you die once. I won’t let it happen again.”
Martha begged him, “Jonas, please… Let me go.”
“I can’t,” He told her, “I promised to make this right. I’m making it right.”
There was only six hours left before the apocalypse, Annalise walked under the train tracks. She spotted Franziska and Magnus. She sighed and continued on her way to the meet up point. 
They both looked up at her. Magnus growled and rushed at the small teen. He grabbed Annalise and pushed her against the wall. “YOU KNEW,” He roared in her face. He slammed her against the wall again, “You knew and you didn’t tell us! You didn’t tell me!”
Annalise fought against the boy’s strong grip, “Fuck off! I didn’t know shit.” She curled her legs up and pushed her feet into his gut causing him to drop her onto the ground, “You really think I wouldn’t tell you if I knew anything about Mikkel and your dad?!” She started to cry, “I LOVED MIKKEL MORE THAN YOU AND MARTHA!” She pounced on the boy. Franziska tried to pull the other girl off of her boyfriend, but the other girl’s legs kept her cemented on top of him and Annalise hit him. “You two just left him,” she screamed, “You left him alone! You left me alone! Fuck you! Fuck your stupid sister. Fuck your goddamn mother who let me get tangled up in this! Fuck all of you!”
Franziska just finally punched Annalise on the side of her head, causing the girl to fall away from Magnus. She growled at the other girl and told her, “Leave!” She sneered and said, “You should have never came back.”
Annalise nodded and stormed away, “I wish I hadn’t. I wish I would have never even came to Winden. Could have drowned in the harbor with the one person who loved me.”
Magnus stood watching the girl leave. He panted. Part of him wanted to go to his friend and tell her that he was sorry, but he knew she wouldn’t accept it right now. He really did just blow up at her and she did just react back. He watched her leave before going sit down next to Franziska again.
It wasn’t long before Bartosz emerged. He looked at the two very clearly upset. He shook his head and then noticed the machine was gone. “Where’s the device,” He asked the two. When they didn’t respond, he asked again, “Where’s the fucking device?”
Magnus stood up and admitted, “My mom has it.”
Bartosz’s eyes widened. He looked down trying to calculate things, “That’s not right. It shouldn’t happen this way. It’s all my fault. Why didn’t Noah tell me what to do? Why didn’t he tell me it all? Explain the thing to me and doesn’t tell me what to do with it.” 
Franziska tried to comfort him, “Maybe you did exactly what you were supposed to do.” She stood up and said, “You showed us how it works. Maybe that was your sole task.”
“Fuck,” Bartosz whispered. Things that Noah had thinly veiled hinted towards him slowly came together, “Fuck!” He tripped as he tried to rush away.
Magnus asked him, “Where are you going?”
“To find the device,” Bartosz yelled, “And to find Annalise!”
Franziska looked at Magnus as they both ran after him.
“Hello,” Katharina called inside of the Kahnwald house. She walked inside. Seeing no one home, she climbed the stairs and investigated his things. She found his light and the map.
The younger Jonas led Claudia to the passage. She commented, “You said you wanted to shut the passage. In the future. Or the past… Your Future!”
Jonas stood and stared at her, “It took me ages to accept having to be part of the disaster I wanted to prevent.”
“How do you know all of this,” Claudia asked.
Jonas sighed as he explained, “In the last 12 months. You taught me everything, about the future and past. Everything that happened. Everything that will happen. There are two sides out there. Adam and Sic Mundus want to create a new world. You and I want to save this one.”
Claudia asked him, “Who is Adam?”
Jonas was silent as he tried to debate what he was going to tell the woman.
Adam sat in his chair staring at the time. He had all of this memorized by this point.
The Stranger forced Martha down into the bunker. She turned on the light and saw everything. “What is this,” Martha asked him.
The older Jonas let the gun down and explained, “The only safe place.” Martha growled as she tried to get past him. The man brought the gun back up and said, “Please. Don’t. Please.”
“Why are you doing this,” Martha barely made out.
The man explained, “Because I know what happens today.”
Martha started to cry, “The Mikkel story… Is it true?”
He nodded, “Yes. I didn’t want all this, Martha.” He started to cry, “She’s kept me alive. I’m still here because of that. Jonas will come back. It’ll all happen as it always had. But I can’t stop hoping I can change something. I have to.”
“Jonas will come back,” She asked.
The man approached her, “Promise me you won’t leave this bunker. No matter what happens.” He turned and walked out. Before he closed the heavy metal door, he told the girl, “I’m sorry.”
The younger Jonas crawled through the cave with Claudia close behind him. They stared into the darkness.
Clausen walked through the power plant. He paused at a door. He requested to go inside. Something inside of it called to him. He needed to go inside.
Katharina climbed down the stairs. On her way out, she spotted the photo album labeled, ‘Michael’ She picked it up. Her chest constricted. She took this time to sit and look through it. There in it’s pages was her son slowly growing up. Katharina started to cry. When Jonas walked in.
“Katharina,” He greeted the woman.
She put the album down. She walked to the device and plead with him, “How does the machine work?”
He shook his head, “Even if I explain it to you, it’s impossible.”
Katharina sneered, “You don’t want me to because then you wouldn’t exist.”
“I wish it were so simple,” the man explained, “Things in the past can’t be changed. Mikkel can’t return because I already exist.”
“Mikkel belongs here,” She started to yell, “Not you. You shouldn’t exist at all!”
Jonas nodded. He looked down at the box and whispered, “Yeah. I’d trade my life for his anytime. But I can’t die, because my future already exists. You’d be incapable of bringing Mikkel back.”
Katharina shook her head in confusion, “Then why did you return?”
“I tried to prevent the origin,” He explained, “But it’s impossible. I can’t. Adam is the endpoint. Maybe I can’t prevent myself from becoming what he is. But I can stop what has become of me.”
Adam stared at his painting as Noah entered the room.
“I know you lied to me,” Noah told the man. He strolled over to him and said, “You never meant to save them. None of them.”
Adam turned around, “We can’t escape our fate. Neither you nor I.”
Noah told him, “You aren’t raging a war against God.” He pulled out the last pages of the book and said, “You’re waging it against humanity.” He threw the last pages at him watching them rain down, “Here are the last pages. You used me.” Noah took out his pistol and told the man, “You had me do all these things, but I know now what I must do.” Noah cocked the gun and pointed it at Adam.
“Claudia was right,” Adam commented, “You still don’t understand how this game is played.” He stared down the gun and asked, “What are you waiting for?” Noah pulled the trigger, but it didn’t fire. Adam continued, “Time plays its cruel game with us. You believe your destiny is to kill me. But that is as little your fate as it is mine to die here and now.” He strolled over to his desk as Noah fiddled with the gun trying to make it go off. Adam grabbed the picture of Elisabeth and told the man, “Only when we’re free of all emotion are we truly free. Only when one is ready to sacrifice what one holds dearest.” He handed the man the picture and said, “Charlotte is your daughter. She is Elisabeth’s daughter and her mother. No human is without guilt. None of them have earned a place in your paradise.”
Noah turned to see Magnus, Franziska, and Agnes approach him. “Agnes,” He whispered to his sister.
“This knot,” Adam explained, “can only be undone by destroying it entirely.” Agnes grabbed the gun from her brother. “We can’t escape our destiny,” Adam explained. He nodded to the woman. She lifted up the pistol and shot her brother. Noah grunted then fell to the ground bleeding out and crying.
Hanno walked out of the church and continued on his way through 2020.
The young Jonas started up the machine. Blue particles arose into the air. Jonas commented, “It is time. We connect the past and future.”
Martha sat in the bunker. She glared at the door. She watched as the blue particles started to swirl in the room. Clausen was just about to enter the room as the lights flickered. Peter was driving with Elisabeth to the bunker as the birds rained down from the sky.
Katharina looked up and asked the man, “What is happening?”
The man replied, “It’s Jonas. He opened the passage again.”
“The thing Mikkel went through,” She asked.
The man nodded, “Yes.”
Katharina grabbed her bag and hurried out. Peter and Elisabeth ran into the bunker. Peter stopped when he saw Martha. He blinked and asked her, “Martha. Is everything okay? Who locked you down here?”
Martha ran past him despite his arguments. The teens stood in the Nielsen house as everything started to shake. 
“What was that,” Magnus asked Bartosz.
The boy looked up then to his friends and said, “Fuck.”
“It was the same noise as the one from in the cave,” concluded Franziska.
Bartosz shook his head, “Fuck. Did you get it?”
Magnus shook his head, “The device isn’t up there. Mom isn’t here and neither is Martha.”
“Do you think she’s with him,” Bartosz asked, “With Jonas? Noah was right. He was right about everything. I told you guys. Jonas is to blame for all this shit.”
Claudia and Jonas walked out of the cave. She asked him, “Where are we going?”
Jonas put down the suitcase and told her, “You have to take it to the bunker. Near Helge’s cabin. You don’t have much time.” He started to walk away. 
“And you,” she asked.
Jonas turned to her and said, “I have to find my mother and Annalise.” He turned and started his trek to his house ignoring Claudia calling his name behind him.
There was only two hours left.
Magnus called Martha once again, “Hey Martha! Call me back.” He looked at the group and said, “None of them are answering.”
Franziska looked down at her phone after receiving a text. She stood up and told the group, “My father is with Elisabeth in the bunker. He says I should join him.”
Bartosz pushed himself off the door frame as Magnus asked, “In the bunker?”
“Shit,” Bartosz said, “Something’s happening.”
“I have to go there,” Franziska told Magnus.
The boy debated within himself for a second before telling her, “If they’re not here in 30 minutes, we’ll go join your father.”
Elisabeth signed to her father, “Where’s Mom and Franziska?”
Peter held his daughter close after telling her, “I don’t know.”
Charlotte and Woller drove down to the power plant. They were going as fast as they could to try to stop Clausen. But alas, he was already inside staring at the pool that was concreted over. He looked at the engineer and told him to uncover it. 
Regina yelled over the phone trying to get in contact with her husband. She heard her mother’s voice. She turned to see Claudia standing there… but the way she looked in 1987.
Claudia begged her daughter to come with her to the bunker and to forgive her.
The older Jonas stared at the door with the gun in front of him. As the footsteps grew closer, he raised the gun. When he saw the boy, he lowered the gun, “Noah?”
“You look different,” Hanno told the man, “Well, different to when I saw you last.”
The man held up the gun as he growled, “He sent you. Adam.”
Hanno commented, “I always wondered when you became him.”
“I won’t do that,” Jonas seethed through his teeth, “I’ll never do what he did.”
Hanno sighed, “He said you’d say something like that.” He approached him, “He also said we’d become friends, before you’d betray me.”
The Stranger asked the boy, “Why do you follow him?”
“Why did you follow her,” Hanno asked, “Claudia? Because we want to believe. Because we cling to the salvation promised to us. If you kill him… You kill all hope of salvation.” He put his hand over the man’s and said, “He’s the savior.” He made the man lower the gun as he said, “You are the savior.” The boy took out a letter.
“What is that,” Jonas asked.
Hanno told the man, “Read it.”
Jonas took the letter and started to read it. He panted, “That’s impossible.”
“You have to save them,” Noah told the man, “Bartosz, Magnus, Franziska. And later me and Agnes. The loop has to be closed so the next cycle begins. As the prophecy dictates. And so they both can live.”
The man panted, “No, this can’t be.” He closed the letter, grabbed the machine and ran.
Katharina walked into the cave as Elisabeth crawled through the hole under the plant in 2053. Franziska and Magnus helped Adam get ready for his journey. The crews dug into the pool. Elisabeth and Peter sat in the bunker as Regina and Claudia joined them. Charlotte walked into the room as they were digging trying to uncover the pool.
Jonas walked into his childhood home. He was finally back in his own time. He looked around for Hannah and Annalise. He walked up the stairs calling for them.
Martha walked into the Kahnwald house, “Jonas?!” The boy ran down the stairs once more to see the girl. She gasped, “you’re back. You really came back. I’ve been looking for you.” She slowly approached him.
“I have to tell you something,” Jonas rushed to her.
Martha nodded, “I know. Everything. That’s why you said that back then in the rain. Mikkel… I know everything.”
Jonas shook his head, “No, Martha,”
“It was you at the lake,” She interrupted him, “You were the boy with Annalise too, weren’t you?”
He started to cry, “I was wrong then.” He felt her wipe his tears away, “I… Annalise.”
Martha nodded laughing through her tears, “I understand.” She shook her head as she pressed her forehead against his. They laughed together desperately as they cried. They felt so stupid.
Annalise walked in interrupting the two teens. Her heart raced feeling the cold metal in her hands. The heartless object weighed upon her more than life itself. Jonas stared at the girl’s tear-stained face. For the first time ever, he realized her pain. Jonas saw her for just how broken, lost, and scared she was. His heart ached. She was just as locked in this as he was. They were perfectly falling into the darkness together. She was broken nearing the edge of unrecognition. He looked at the gun in her hand. Annalise slowly lifted it and pointed it at Martha. She squeezed her eyes closed and started to whisper under her breath, “Please forgive me. Please forgive me. I have to. I have to. I can’t let the world end again.”
Jonas’s eyes widened as he yelled at Annalise, “Lise! What are you doing?!” He rushed to her and touched her face. His hands were shaking. It had taken him a moment to actually fully realize what was happening around him. “Annalise, talk to me,” He pleaded with her, “Please. Open your eyes and look at me.”
Her lips trembled as she slowly opened her eyes to look at the dirty boy in front of her. Her heart stopped. The wall she built up suddenly crumbled. Her breath taken from her. There he was. Just like the day they first met. The day she had her first kiss. The day she fell in love with a boy who would not love her back right before this moment. The gun nearly dropped from her hand. Everything else in the world faded from her for a second. As she felt the gun slip, she gripped firmly onto it and back to reality. She shook her head of those earlier thoughts. Her tears fell from her eyes, “Jonas, I have to. You can’t hate me if I don’t.”
Martha stood there terrified. She didn’t know what to do. She started to panic. This was all too much for her. She started to sob as well. She had no idea what was going on. Those two seemed as if they had seen and came back from war right there under her nose. They acted so hardened when just a few months earlier, they were soft and warm.
“Hate you,” Jonas asked. He started to cry, “Lise… We both know that I couldn’t do that. We both know I can’t.” He wiped her tears from her face, “We’ve come so far. I’ve grown to meet you where I left you standing a year ago. I’m finally here. I’m so sorry I left you.” He wrapped one of his hands around hers with the gun, “Annalise please give it to me. You’ll regret it later if you do this. I know you. You love Martha just as much as I do. You don’t want to do this. Please just listen to me. Please forgive me for taking this long to realize.”
Annalise sobbed, “But if I don’t, then the Apocalypse is just going to keep happening and I have to stop it Jonas. I have to stop you from looping us over and over again.” The breaking point of suffering revealed itself across her face. Her chest squeezed onto itself as she yelled at the boy, “If you hate me, then all of this will stop! I have to make it stop! I just want all this pain to end!” She was finally fully spiraling down. She could finally unleash everything with the one person who could truly understand. Her voice was strained from her tears and guilt. Her heart raced. Her mind was running faster than time itself. She just wanted everything to stop, just for a single second; Time to stop.
Jonas soothed her, “I know. I promise you. I know.” He wrapped himself around her for a small moment before pulling away again to plea, “Annalise please… Listen to me. Give me the gun. Everything is going to be okay. You trust me, right? That’s why you’re here, right? You have to just trust me just a little bit more, okay? I promise I’m going to stop this, okay?” He brought his body close to hers. He tried to wipe her tears with one hand while the other still tried to have her let go of the gun.
Annalise slowly loosened her grip just enough to where Jonas felt comfortable to wrestle it out of her hand. With one arm, he pulled her close to him for an embrace. Annalise wept into his neck wrapping herself around him also. Martha started to approach them to join in the hug. All the while Jonas’s other arm reeled back and tossed the gun away from them. BANG! The gun roared as it released its chambered bullet after being carelessly tossed aside. Martha screamed and lept back once more. Jonas pulled Annalise closely to him trying to protect her only for it to be proven useless. Annalise coughed and red blood waterfalled out of her mouth and onto his neck and shoulder. Her chest heaved as she tried to breathe. She was like a fish out of water.
Jonas cried, “Annalise! Annalise no!” He pressed his hands against the warm wet wound as he lowered them to the ground. He pulled her into his lap. His salty tears washed away the blood from her chin, “Stay with me.” One of his hands moved to her face to caress her cheeks leaving his bloody fingerprints behind as he nodded telling her, “You’re going to live with me and we will get married. Right here in this house. We are going to have two beautiful children. Because we don’t want them to be lonely. I won’t leave your side. Ever. Never again. Just... Please. Please don’t leave me.” He felt shuffling around him but he didn’t care his focus was completely on the girl he loved being drained of her life in his arms. The boy pressed his forehead against hers. 
Annalise reached up to touch his face. She wiped his tears with a small smile, “I will never leave you. We were meant to be. This was destined to happen.” She coughed having more of her blood drench the both of them, “Please… Don’t let me go until I’m asleep.” As much as she would have hated to tell him, she didn’t feel any pain. She just finally felt at peace. Like she could rest without worry now.
Jonas cradled her, “But you can’t. You have to stay with me. We have to spend every night together thankful that we have each other. You have to be the one who finds me in the dark! Don’t leave me! Promise me you’ll stay with me! Annalise, you have to promise me, please!” His head kept shaking trying to deny all that she and the world was telling him. He swallowed hard. His breathing was shallow as his ocean blue eyes drained everything from them.
Annalise shook her head while rubbing his cheeks, “I would have never known I could love so much without you. Just keep me safe and close right now.” She tried to keep her smile plastered on her face to try and comfort the boy she loved. 
Jonas nodded, “Of course. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He sobbed more as his entire body trembled with fear, “Annalise, you have to pull through though. We have to… I want you here with me… I want us together… Here… I want to see your smiling face every morning and take a walk with you through the woods so we can just scream out our troubles… I want your burnt pancakes…” He whispered desperately, “Please…”
Two familiar faces appeared to her right past Jonas. Mikkel, who constantly was shifting between when she knew him and when he was Jonas’s father, and her father stood there with welcoming arms and smiles waiting for her. She started to look past the solidly there boy, “I’m going home. I’ll see you soon.” Annalise finally felt at home again. Her heart at long awaited peace. She turned her face back to Jonas. Annalise had a small smile painted across her face, “I love you.” With the last of her energy, she snuggled into his chest and pulled him down for a small tender kiss.
Jonas didn’t pull away from her until she was fully limp and gone. He had pressed his lips hard and desperate against hers. Hoping by some miracle that his love would cure her wound and she would come back to him. “I love you too,” He whispered to her as his tears splashed on her face. The boy slowly removed her necklace and put it into his pocket for safekeeping. He heard another bang near his head. He looked up to see Adam and a fallen Martha. Jonas panicked and crawled over to Martha, “No. No no no. No. No. Martha no.”
Adam gently placed the smoking gun down next to Annalise. He scooped her limp body up and in a pained whisper told her body, “And so the circle closes.” He turned to the young him and said, “I told you that all the pieces are in their places. All that’s needed was a little push.” He turned his head back to his limp love in his arms and moved the hair out of her face. He placed his forehead against hers with his eyes closed for a moment feeling more of her warm getting sucked away.
Jonas grit his teeth, “You lied to me! You wanted it all to happen again! Why else?! You’re the trigger!” He bore his teeth at Adam wishing he could pull his love away from his perverse older self. Yet, he dared not move from trying to hold Martha’s wound. It slowly started to click. Adam must have gotten to Annalise too and lied to her. Filled her head with nasty corrupting lies that lead them to this moment… and he had helped him. Just yesterday for him, but a full year ago for her, he had planted the seeds for her to trust Adam, just as he also planted the seeds of their future love.
Adam stared at him, “We’re all the trigger. Each and every one of us.”
“Why do you want that,” He yelled, “Why do you want the future to be repeated?! Annalise is dead because of you! She trusted you!”
The man sighed, “Because what is created today is the beginning of the end. The dark matter, it has to be created so that in the future I can lead it to its new purpose. The end of this world. I am the trigger, only not of what you think. I am the trigger that will make you become what I am today. Some pain is unforgettable. You will carry this pain with you all your life. Until you’re finally ready...” Adam strolled over to the calendar and marked the date for his past and future self, “to let go. Of her, too.” He nodded towards Martha. Adam walked towards him, “You can stop me or try to save her. You’ll know what to do.” The elder Jonas walked out with Annalise’s limp body cradled in his arms leaving his younger self to cry over Martha.
“Please don’t go,” Jonas begged, watching the life drain from her eyes, “I can’t lose you too. Please.” He watched as the life drained from her as well.
The crate was opened despite Charlotte protesting.
The adult Jonas banged on the door. He stormed inside the Nielsen house ignoring Magnus’s questions after the boy let him inside. He placed the machine down.
“It’s him,” Bartosz slowly approached him, “It’s you. You’re Jonas. It’s all your fault.”
He nodded, “Yes. It’s all my fault. All of it. But I’m here to save you.”
“Save us from what,” Bartosz asked through gritted teeth.
“From the apocalypse,” explained the man.
“What apocalypse,” Magnus asked.
Bartosz growled, “What about Martha? Where is Annalise?” He rushed at the man as Elisabeth in 2053 threw the switch. Bartosz gripped the man’s shirt and yelled, “WHERE IS ANNALISE?!”
The older Magnus and Franziska turned their machine on full power as the 2020 atom expanded into the room. Katharina followed the particles through the cave to the passage as the bunker lights started to flicker. Hanno slowly walked into the bunker as the atom lowered and collapsed in on itself.
Katharina opened the passage seeing a giant light. The portal slowly opened revealing the older Elisabeth to Charlotte. They stared at each other for a moment before reaching out to touch each other.
The machine whirled to life as Magnus and Franziska tried to pull Bartosz away from trying to kill the man using only his fists. Bartosz continued to scream at him as the machine’s portal slowly opened.
Jonas cried over Martha’s body. “I’ll make it right.” He heard footsteps behind him causing him to turn around. When he saw who it was, he scurried away from the girl’s body.
A short haired Martha with a scar approached him. She had dark hair and bangs. She looked at the girl’s body and back up at him, “I’m not who you think I am.” She turned hearing the noise then rushed back to him. 
“Wait, Martha, that’s not possible, I..”
The girl turned to him and took out a device, “We don’t have time.” She activated it, “I’ll explain it to you later. We have to go now.”
Jonas stared at her, “What time are you from?”
This Martha turned to him and responded, “The question isn’t from what time, but from what world.”
Jonas turned to stare at the girl, then down at the screaming ball as the nuclear blast hit his home.
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wo-wann-was-wer · 4 years
Who are these dudes with the harelip and what do they want
Why did she just take him to a cave and leave that’s kinda rude
So everything in this universe is just gonna be backwards. Love it
Ugh I’ve said this a million times but this show has such Fringe energy and I can’t wait to get a tattoo for this too
This is super freaking me out, i dont like that everyone’s in everyone else’s house.
Ooooh Katharina with glasses yes girl you better work.
I like Michael and this hat he’s rocking
Super into the fact that magnus and fransizka are involved in this universe too
There’s nothing cuter than sex before school. Ahhh the nostalgia
Ten bucks says that Hannah gets out of this bed and is pregnant
Fucking YEP
I am loving Martha in this Jonas journey
I know that all they did was flip the lens of the camera but my brain is breaking at this flipped Winden
Who the fuck is this random dude Martha is with
You know what he kind of looks like Jonas. I wonder if that's relevant or if I'm just grasping at straws
Bartosz looks like he's going to his first grade violin recital
I straight up just did not recognize Charlotte with makeup. She looks hot
There's got to be another person in that picture other than Ulrich because that's a lot of space to rip out for one person
okay hold up Woller looks so good and then when I saw that he was missing an arm I almost lost my fucking mind
Oh shit okay Hannah is living in Katharina's house.
Oh my God are Ulrich and Charlotte having an affair
Is it normal in Germany for kids to just walk into classes that aren't there’s and just sit down
follow up he has a clear noose mark on his neck
Aleksander looks so hot with this beard. universe B is the fucking glow up universe
It's weirding me out that the whole school is black and gray instead of light brown
The look of satisfaction on katharina's face
Wow honestly Louis just broke my heart with his facial expression when he realized his mom didn't know who he was
he looks so scared
Yes yes do it afffffffffair
Oh no you done got found out!!!
Oh the theme of the play here is red and set of gold
Fransizka looks so cute in this little outfit
Oh my God she's deaf!!!!
What the fuck. the fact that this actress can talk is blowing my mind
RIP to Regina a real queen
Peter's a fucking priest
All the fucking weird-ass freaky motherfucking trio is back
The dopplers have the same house That's cool
excuse me sir I think your child is broken
these guys are so creepy What the fuck
I definitely don't like the piano wire
oh this motherfucker is the one who gets lost
I feel like winden in this universe is just a little bit fancier
Well Charlotte and Ulrich just be fucking like crazy
Bartosz is the Jonas of this group and I love it
who was that??????
I cannot get over Aleksander in this beard
I like that things are opposite but they also have things that are different enough.
Like I'm so into the fact that they all went down into the bunker
who in the unholy fuck is that. who is that
Oh shit old Martha
What the fuck is this Tannhaus’ factory we're at
hold up Martha's in 1888
What the fuck. why is Jonas in 1888 and looking SO good
casually sitting over your bed watching you sleep
he's look so good though
yo what the fuck everybody else is there too
Oh no things got really ugly at Mads’ wake
Not for nothing but Tronte is a dick
I kind of don't understand why Claudia would want Regina to live in such pain in this type of universe
Peter is such a good boy
lurking is the freaking national past time of this place
Oh shit we got some spin-off timeline stuff good
who is This is blind guy
I love Katharina so fucking much
I know what she's thinking and it's the same thing I'm thinking which is can I kill a child
why does this picture of Tronte make him look like Jimmy Smits
Katharina looks amazing in this jacket
Also I definitely did not just start yelling GO GET YOUR MAN KATHARINA
Regina just gets more and more badass as time goes on. Also all of the women of the tiedemann family are so fucking badass
I am so excited to watch this fucking relationship develop. they're both too cute
awwww he's using signs!
oh they're writing back and forth
I always feel like little Noah should do fuckboy sign offs when he leaves rooms because he's so smooth
yesterday Laurel said that this was back to the future but serious and just now Bartosz said it's not super easy to get nuclear fuel in 1888 and now I think that Laurel's right
I will never get over how good he looks JONAAAASSSSSSS
This guy feels like the OG inventor of sic mundus right
Katerina why are you even trying to check in at the front desk bitch Go and get your man
Is this Katarina's mom why does she just recognize that woman's name
everyone on the show is so talented.I spend the whole damn time being like oh my god the performances on the show and it's like yeah we know
Katerina get your man
I literally love them so much look at the look on her face She is a mama bear She is not going to let anybody take her man or her children and I love her
Not a huge fan of people who quote Shakespeare right before they kill other people or am I an enormous fan of people who use Shakespeare right before they kill other people
using a garotte to kill someone is ugly as fuck
I feel so bad for Jana
see this is one of the reasons why I'm like why would you bring Regina back to this world.
wowwwww TRONTE what's up dude
Oh so how did Charlotte get back there but Elizabeth's still there too. didn't they switch places?
oh the head bump
Not excited for the mother daughter abuse stuff that's about to happen
I love these split sequences that they do at the end
anytime somebody stands and stairs for a lonely at a spot on the ground I assume to somebody died there
Oh shit that guy is a tannhausokkkk I see you
a religious images we love to see it.
This show is a whole series of pause that frame.
No I ruined something for myself!!!!
got to love those through and through Ariadne references
okay so Charlotte's great great grandfather has her watch?
who are these horrible traveler human beings
they look like less sexy Francis dolarhydes
I can't get over the fact that wollers missing an arm here I swear
we ARE the glitch BITCH
alternate universe Ulrich is a better person than standard Ulrich
what's this new like zoom-y thing they're doing
I was attracted to Magnus at this jump of the show but he looks better with dark hair
How did they not all die of fucking flu
eternally repeating deja vu
I looked at the production stills and I was like what the fuck is this hair do that Moritz has but he looks amazing
Also everyone on this show deserves an acting award
and Magnus is wearing a skeleton sweater
Hannah does that deep dive detective work any bitch knows the Nose doesn't lie
why doesn't anybody want to fuck wöller
omgggg eat the RICH
also he has that x tattoo on his hand that represents the no future thing
oh the light is rectangular and not circular ooooooh fancy
The show is also a lot of people catching each other's wrists as they walk away
I knew we couldn't trust this bitch
What did he give her
I love the parallels and characters behaviors between universe a and universe b
I want to know how Noah factored into all of this on this side
Martha has a type and her type is iconically Aryan
Oh Aleksander's back with that beard he's back
Hannah is such a snake
Omg that's her!!!!! I thought she was a trans actress.. hm. not super happy bout that :/
What is Helge talking about Ulrich did what??? omg
I stopped taking notes for the last half of that episode cuz I was really sucked in haha
second of all why is this guy being like oh I took your name
why does he have Agnes's bracelet I don't like that
I don't like anything about this guy That's the end of the story
Also hold up a red hot second is Agnes dead cuz if so that's a hate crime
see what did I say
I knew that Hannah was going to get involved with Egon
from the second she walked in that office I was like that bitch has her eye on him and as she should he's handsome as fuck
Also he spoils her so much more than any other man she's ever been with AKA is Egon the only man she ever deserved
Is Hannah going to develop a heart cuz I'm not sure how I feel about that
Also what happens if Hannah gets pregnant
why is Ines a bitch I thought she was mad cool the beginning and now I feel fucking deceived
Also it's such a sweet gig that The kids who are playing kids can now play teenagers
poor Doris. Also he was shitty to her but he was far nicer than I would have been
Doris is so beautiful it's bullshit
older Magnus is so handsome
All I wanted was middle-aged Martha
bitch you have been having unprotected sex with him why do you think that pregnancy was not on the tabl
I'm like who's this guy in the church if it's not Noah I bet it's that little bitch
yeah I fucking knew it
Is this the dude that was married to Agnes I feel like this guy isn't real or something
I'm not surprised he let her go but I don't know why I'm not surprised. I feel like she's important to his timeline and I'm not sure why
look at these relationships forming between these sweet little bab
Hannah looks good in this red. Hannah looks good in all of these styles. 
who is this child
I like that already as a child Bernd had his eye on Claudia as someone who was smart and had a ton of potential
 I keep forgetting that I'm taking notes because I get so invested in episodes
Also I realize the zoomi thing which is going back and forth between the universes
Is Agnes Silja’s mom And if so with whom 
he gave her Agnes’ bracelet that dope All right Tronte
Wow Claudia needs to back off her man
Claudia force him into a relationship with her
I fucking hate Hannah but sometimes she speaks so much sense
ooh I don't need anyone Yes girl that's true You don't need anyone You needing people was what made you act fucking crazy You don't need anybody
This was always my big problem with Hannah was that I initially identified with her because she was such a survivor but then she did such horrible reprehensible things I just couldn't let it go and I absolutely couldn't identify with her anymore
Oh here's my daddy Noah looking so good
I mean okay so I have been in this position before where I was cheating and then my man cheated on me and I was like how dare you but also you cannot be mad if your partner cheats on you when you cheated too. You both fucked up
Is Hannah going to have a redemption arc cuz that's a lot
Oh my God she's not going to get rid of this child is she
Oh my great God I cannot believe that she gave Helene that necklace. 
I knew she was fucking connected to Katharina in the older generation I knew it
Louis and Lisa are a super cute couple and I know that they're not dating in real life but I think that they're very cute together
Oh everybody fucking
yeah they created the Apocalypse yeah
Oh no they have a child outside of worlds that's a mess How does that work so they had they gave birth to that ugly fuck
honestly I hate that he's their child for the most part just because he's ugly as fuck and neither of them are ugly as fuck so it makes me mad.
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in33years · 7 years
Complete Recap, Details & Thought Starters [1x1 “Secrets”]
Sliding everything under the cut so as not to expose anyone to spoilers…
What follows is:
A complete 1x1 recap
Rundown of details from this episode that seem important (to me)
Questions/statements from the episode that I’m pondering…
Damn. The first scenes of this damn pilot got me. You’ve got a man (Michael) hanging himself with an eerily specific suicide note left beside what we’d assume is a family portrait… Then you have a boy (Jonas) waking with a start, in a cold sweat, downing pills, clearly distraught… and then a bit later, Jonas’ mom is straight up fucking some guy (Ulrich) while Jonas is trying to decide what the hell he can salvage out of the fridge for breakfast… uh, WOAH.
Needless to say, I knew within minutes that this show was gonna be a wild ride.
Next, you’ve got an intro to Peter Doppler, who is apparently Jonas’ therapist, taking a walk with Jonas in the woods checking in on how he’s been doing these past few months since his father’s passed. Jonas has a breakdown of sorts (poor baby) about how many unanswered questions his father’s passing have left him with.
We meet Ulrich’s family next and they’ve got what feels like a quirky if not a tad bit tense family dynamic. It’s a bit fun at first glance. There’s Ulrich (fresh from another woman’s bed and a jog through the woods), his wife Katharina, daughter Martha (who seems to be a bit of a social activist), older son Magnus (brooding bad boy?), and youngest son Mikkel who is just too stinkin’ adorable with his skeleton PJ’s and his magic tricks.
Jonas goes to school and has a short exchange with his friend Bartosz Tiedemann, wondering if Bart told anyone that he’s been away getting treatment for the past couple of months, and Bart lets him know that the lie he’s spread is that Jonas was away in Paris on an exchange program playing “hide the baguette”. (L O L)
Next, Ulrich walks into the police station and we learn that he’s an officer. Erik Obendorf’s parents are there raising up a stink about their missing boy. They feel like the police haven’t done enough to investigate and both Ulrich and another officer, Charlotte Doppler (Peter’s wife), are fighting to calm them down.
A mysterious figure emerges out of a cave wearing a black, hooded coat!!!
Cut back to the high school where Magnus, brooding bad boy that he is, is skipping class, smoking a joint. Franziska Doppler (Peter & Charlotte’s daughter) happens upon him and they exchange some barbs. “Shouldn’t you be inside with the geeks?” is Magnus’ first thought and Franz comes back with a cool, “Should the son of the principal be smoking a joint in school… especially such shit weed” after taking a hit. And so maybe she’s not much of a geek at all, huh? ;-) 
Back inside school, there’s an assembly and Jonas and Bart are waiting in their seats when Martha walks in. Jonas smiles at her so big that my heart almost bursts but Martha is giving him a look that reads “oh, shit…”. Jonas looks downright horrified when Bart and Martha kiss and Bart takes her hand. Martha looks clearly uncomfortable and then asks Jonas “how was France?” which makes it obvious that they haven’t talked in some time. Martha’s mom, Katharina, comes up on the stage to start the pep rally, begging the kids to come forward if they know anything about Erik’s disappearance, while Jonas can’t tear his eyes away from Bart and Martha’s joined hands… This is a moment, right here, y’all. I want to delve deeper into it. I will, too. You’ve been warned.
At the station, Charlotte and Ulrich are talking about Erik’s disappearance, too. She seems convinced that this is connected to Ulrich’s brother Mads and has a deeper meaning, which is interesting. Ulrich thinks not, and seems to think that Erik may have just run away of his own volition.
There’s a gorgeous, lavish-looking Hotel Winden and Regina Tidemann’s (Bart’s mama) at the front desk taking a call from the bank, begging for a deferment on payments. Evidently business isn’t going well, due to the disappearance of Erik (because who wants to vacation in a town where a kids’ just gone missing?… But honestly, I think the bigger question is who wants to vacation in a town with a nuclear plant? I mean, Amiright!?)
Bart and Jonas are in class and Bart’s somehow found out that Erik left his stash of drugs in the Winden Caves before his disappearance. Bart thinks their crew should go snatch it. Jonas seems to think that’s crazy…
Now, Ulrich’s visiting his mother, Jana, who apparently he hasn’t seen in a while. She’s seen something in the woods again. “A dark figure with a gigantic looking head”. But Debby Downer Ulrich doesn’t believe her. She’s also found a candy bar wrapper in the woods and it was Mad’s favorite candy…
Then there’s older Helge Doppler (Peter’s dad, Charlotte’s father in law), staring off into space in a haunting scene, chanting “it’s gonna happen again.”
Okay, creepy scene alert! Here’s where the show catapults us into this strange little room - the brightest scene that we’ve seen by far, totally contrasting the dark, gloominess of Winden - where “you spin me right ‘round” in all it’s 80′s glory is playing on an old box TV and the missing kid, Erik, is laying on a bunk bed looking… concerned. Worse, there’s a super terrible looking chair-thing in the center of the room…
Then we get The Squad in the school hallway. Jonas and Bart meet up with Magnus and Martha (and Bart and Martha kiss… again… poor Jonas) and they go back over the plan to steal Erik’s drugs from the caves that night to smoke some of and sell the rest. Oh and Franz and Magnus have another awkwardly tense run in, too… there’s a story brewing up in there there, btw. And we need more of it. Jonas is the deciding voice, eventually, with his definitive “Okay, let’s go to the caves tonight.” And that seems to be all the group needs to hear to decide to move on it.
Back at the Nielsen house, Katharina is cleaning up (But is school over already? Why isn’t she there? She’s the principal… right?) and finds what we’d assume is another woman’s hair on Ulrich’s sweatshirt. It’s the same sweatshirt he pulled on after sleeping with Hannah that morning so like.. we know it’s hers. Katharina sniffs the sweatshirt, too. For good measure. She’s definitely suspicious… and for hella good reason, smh.
Hannah’s at work in the nuclear plant as a masseuse and she’s massaging Aleksander Tiedemann (Regina’s husband, Bart’s dad). Aleks seems a little melancholy over the fact that the nuclear plant is closing soon. Apparently it’s been almost 33 years to the day since he first came to Winden.
Ines Kahnwald enters now (Michael’s mom, Jonas’ grandma), sitting in a doomy gloomy living room, receiving a voicemail from an angry Hannah about how Jonas hasn’t seen Ines in months and how the power in Hannah and Jonas’ house is out again and how, according to Hannah, Ines is “sick”. Ines doesn’t seem that bothered by Hannah specifically, though. She’s all about the “suicide note” that Michael left behind which she’s got in an ornate little box, at the living room table, staring anxiously at the clock over her shoulder, waiting for it to be after 10:13pm.
Trifling Hannah show’s up at the town meeting at the high school and hugs Katharina who may suspect Ulrich is up to something but clearly doesn’t suspect it’s with Hannah. Hell, they seem to be friends because Katharina hugs Hannah, asks how she’s doing, gives her a warm smile…
Cut to The Squad meeting up in the woods to grab those drugs. Jonas and Martha are there first and they have an exchange - Martha giving something like an apology for this thing she’s got with Bart now. Apparently she wrote Jonas a couple of texts while he was away but was scared to send them because of how Jonas’ dad died last summer. Somehow the texts felt “wrong”. Jonas swears it’s okay. Then Martha has a case of deja vu about feeling like she’s been there in the forest with Jonas before…
Magnus and Mikkel show soon and despite Martha telling Magnus that he needs to take their little brother back now, they don’t, Bart showing up and bopping Mikkel on the back of the head before one of my favorite lines from Magnus: “Hey! Only I can do that!”
As the group sets off into the forest, older Helge is loose on the streets, still chanting “it’s gonna happen again”…
Back at the town meeting, Charlotte is addressing the adults in the town, asking people to stay vigilant and report anything they hear about Erik and Katharina is talking about how there’s new security measures at school. Regina is real mad during this, and it’s obviously because the increased security measures and whispers about there being a murderer in Winden is hurting her hotel business. Regina’s taking it personal and her and Katharina have a smidge of a heated moment right there in the meeting as Hannah sneaks out…
With The Squad, sweet Mikkel is worrying about Erik’s disappearance as the crew walks through the woods. He says, “So what if Erik’s lying dead somewhere and no one finds his body? That would be the worst. Even if you’re dead, you’d want to be found”… this is poignant, especially later when we find out what happens to Mikkel and how he becomes connected to Erik…
Older Helge busts up in the Winden community meeting and Charlotte stops him. He asks “is it already too late? it’s gonna happen again!” and the only thing he’s regarded with are curious and pitiful stares as Charlotte leads him out of the assembly room. 
Meanwhile, we see that Hannah’s snuck out to meet Ulrich behind the school and they’re now kissing in what looks like it could be the very same alley where Franz and Magnus had their moment earlier in the day. I don’t wanna judge nobody but… that’s messed up, Hannah!!! His wife is literally right inside!
The time has finally come for Ines to open Michael’s letter… but as she does, we get no insight into what it says just yet…
The Squad reach the spot where Erik’s drugs are supposed to be and surprise, surprise, Franz has beat them to it. She tries to sell it back to them for a couple hundred bucks and then Bart has the nerve to actually snatch it from her and push her down. I was really surprised when Magnus didn’t step in here to Franz’s defense, especially knowing how he feels about her and having just seen her get pushed down in the dirt… But, shit, I suppose chivalry is dead ‘round Winden, huh?
Anyway, the whole little scene is interrupted by a growl-like sound booming out of the Winden caves, twigs snapping nearby, and the sudden malfunction of all of the flashlights that The Squad are holding. Needless to say, the group takes off running for their lives in what’s one of the scariest scenes of this episode. 
Jonas falls and when he gets up is when he realizes that he’s lost sight of Mikkel who, just a few seconds before, was running by his side. It’s blood curdlingly scary when Jonas hear’s someone… something… call his name. And when he turns around it’s his father, seemingly back from the dead, staring at Jonas, covered in a strange black liquid. Jonas bolts and it’s pouring rain now. When he meets up with the rest of The Squad there’s a terrifying moment when they all realize that they’ve lost the youngest of their group, Mikkel.
Back at the school, older Helge looks up into the rain as Charlotte leads him out and says, “It’s too late to stop it” just as the Winden adult’s all start getting phone alerts that interrupt the meeting and Ines closes the “suicide note” back into her special box and collapses over it.
In the woods, Ulrich, Charlotte, Regina and Hannah are all running to their babies, embracing them. They’ve heard the news. Ulrich takes off into the woods with his flashlight, yelling for Mikkel, but we get the feeling that it’s much too late… there seems to be no one out there to find but Ulrich does hear the same ominous sound booming out of the cave again just before the scene cuts.
The next morning, the nuclear smoke stacks are still billowing faithfully but the people of Winden are morose. Charlotte and Ulrich are out in the woods where the police are conducting a full out investigation. Peter calls Carlotte and says he needs to tell her something but Charlotte rushes him off of the phone and he’s left to stand alone in their study, praying the serenity prayer to himself.
A body is found in the woods and Ulrich has a gut wrenching moment of gently removing the leaves from the body before realizing that…. it’s not Mikkel. 
We cut back to that scary, bright room with the dangerous looking chair and now Erik’s being strapped into it, a penny on a red string being placed around his neck just before the machine’s head lock-thingy is closed over his eyes.
Mother’s Day, 1986: the date on the childhood pic of Mads & Ulrich at his mom, Jana’s house
June 21, 2019: the date of Michael’s suicide
November 4, 2019: “Present day” where Erik Obendorf has been missing for 13 days and the town’s nuclear plant is soon going to be shut down with a stellar record of no incident
November 4, 10:13 pm: the do-not-open-before-this date/time on Micheal’s “suicide note”
The scar on Aleksander Tidemann’s back during the massage scene with Hannah.
The Walkman found with the body of the dead boy who turns up in the woods the morning after Mikkel’s disappearance and the 80′s sounding song that it’s playing, “we fall through the time stream then awaken from a dream”…
“The question isn’t how. The question is when.” - Mikkel to Ulrich after his magic trick at the kitchen table.
“You ever find yourself wondering where you took the wrong turn in life? When your life started becoming the exact opposite of what you always wanted it to be?” - Ulrich to Charlotte a the station after they discuss Eric’s disappearance.
“You know this whole business with that missing kid, Eric? It’s like your brother back then. Everything’s repeating itself. Everything’s like it was, 33 years ago.” - Jana to Ulrich at her home.
“Just because you can’t see past your own nose, doesn’t mean there’s not really weird stuff going on out there. The kinda stuff that the nuclear power mafia keeps secret from the public.” - Martha to Magnus.
“The light? The forest? It’s as if it’s all happened before.” - Martha to Jonas in the woods, before The Squad meets up to grab Erik’s drugs.
“My dad used to say good and evil is a matter of perspective.” - Jonas to The Squad in the woods.
1. How long do we think Hannah and Ulrich have been sleeping together? Since just after Michael’s death? Like, was this whole affair a coping mechanism against the grief for her? Or do we think they were sleeping together even before Michael passed? I mean, I could sympathize with the former a bit more than the latter but if this show teaches us anything it’s that people are capable of some pretty fucked up things. What do you all think?
2. The yellow piece that Mikkel makes “disappear” in his kitchen table magic trick… does that thing remind anybody of a tiny Jonas in his yellow rain coat? Think about that… Jonas disappearing… or more specifically, Mikkel making Jonas disappear… hmmm.
3. Notice that Charlotte seems to already suspect something weird going on in Winden when she and Ulrich are at the station talking about Erik’s disappearance… She seems to already be making a connection to Ulrich’s brothers’ disappearance… just wanted to throw that out there… She’s got a head start on a lot of the others where that’s concerned.
4. There are two times when Jonas seems distinctly mesmerized by the smoke stacks at the nuclear plant: once when he’s riding his bike to school and then later, in the woods, when The Squad are going to steal Erik’s drugs. For a kid who’s grown up his whole life in Winden, you’d think those things wouldn’t be anything special for him anymore. Hasn’t he been seeing them there billowing smoke since… well, forever? What exactly is it about the vision of the smoke billowing out of the stacks that draws him in so?
5. When Michael appears to Jonas in the woods after Mikkel is lost, he’s covered in black liquid of some sort. The first thing I wondered was whether or not it’s actually black rain/ nuclear fallout. I mean, Jonas has been mesmerized by the smoke billowing out of the nuclear plants all episode long, hasn’t he? Could it be that in some alternate time, the plant has malfunctioned and Michael was near enough to it to be affected by the fall out?
6. When Peter calls Charlotte while she’s out at the crime scene after Mikkel’s disappearance, what was he wanting to confess? Was he going to confess the affair he’d had? Or was he going to share something about Winden’s disappearances/the body about to turn up in the woods? Because later on in the series we learn of what he sees in the cellar and how he’s not exactly innocent in all this…
Whew! Okay, long post dunzo. I know these episodes can be a bit mind bending so if anyone’s confused, I hope the full text recap of 1x1 up top can be helpful.
Y’all, please hit me up and let me know what you think about the questions/statements I’ve raised or if you’ve got some of your own. Let me know if you caught any other little details that you think should be recorded here so that we can come back to them. I’m doing my best to create thorough records here so that as the season continues to build, and Season 2 builds further, we can come back and remember key points from the episode and think about how they relate to what is revealed about Winden’s past, present and future.
Much love and can’t wait to talk with those of you in this fandom more!
(tagging my new friends: @bobwithextramullins; @windener, @coloradoartistspotlight)
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morifinwes · 4 years
hi laura!! sorry this is a bit late i barely survived finals week :’) i just woke up after sleeping for like 18 hrs after my last exam fjdns
oooo yes i love yanqing too!! they’re my fav ship apart from wangxian (also jc/lwj w h a t why would anyone do that o.O)
halsey!!!! i love her sm i’ve followed her from the time she released badlands (i was such an emo kid istg that album was everything to me) omg your music taste is so similar to mine wtf??? the other side by ruelle AND mystery of love AND folklore ur taste is exquisite. i’ll check out the other songs i’m sure i’ll like them! (also based on your music taste i recommend u listen to the loch ness monster by matilda mann 10/10 would recommend)
okay today’s questions!
🎀 since i asked about non-canon ships last time, what is your favourite fic you’ve ever read in the mdzs fandom? or a favourite trope?
🎀 tell me about your favourite show(s)/movies other than cql/mdzs! i need something to binge watch over winter break hehe
hope you’re doing well! it’s getting cold where i live so if it’s the same where you live i hope you’re staying warm >.< now that i’m free i will try to send asks more often! - 🍵
hey c!! don't worry, you have to take care of yourself, i'm glad that you finally have more time for yourself too!
sleeping 18 hours after being stressed is valid, after a panick attack i once slept like 16 hours simply because i was extremely exhausted.
i listened to the song and it's!!! so good!! i really like this part of the song: now you've faded, / with no traces, /so who could ever tell. / what you've taken's, / been misplaced / but your name doesn't ring any bells, / since the day that they took you to hell.
halsey is!!! i remember hearing badlands when it came out but i only really got into her mid 2018? i listened to hopeless fountain kingdom then and realized that badlands and hfk where both from the same person!! folklore is @/keepyourlife's fault, annika reblogged a bunch of things and just went crazy over it, so i listened to it. i don't listen to much else from taylor, i like getaway car a lot tho tbh. i saw mystery of love in a wangxian edit on youtube and went !!!!!! over that song, so now i'm obsessed with it.
1. i've got a bunch of favorite fics but _none of them are finished _and ajdkskks i do have some that are finished but i can't remember for the life of me what they're called. so here are five of my favorites: love, in fire and blood by cicer (which i'm recommending to all of my mutuals always) which is a 212K wip of immortal/yp!wwx + war prize au with no rpe/noncon but in the first two chapters lwj is afraid of that happening. it doesn't. then there is this time/universe/dimension travel fic called a song to bring you home by neoserenity, where basically canon!lwj who mourns wwx meets a modern!sick wwx and apparently there is no modern equivalent of lwj? or at least wwx doesn't seem to know one. the updates are sparse but i reread this so often in hopes that updates will appear. an arrow through time by syrus_jones is a young!lwj time traveling to post canon mdzs and pining after "husband" and wwx at the same time and feeling guilty over it bcs he doesn't know wwx is "husband" and then there is the murder of crows by cerbykerby which is a yilingwei sect au. here is a modern office au: hello, IT. have you tried turning it off and on again?* **by overmountainandmeadow, which us just really funny so i've been reading this for stress relief. i actually quote like time travel aus? also just wangxian meeting other versions of themselves is fun!! i have a bunch of modern college au tabs open but i don't actually seek them out, if i see one and like the plot then i'll read it. there are a lot of good time travel aus in this fandom!! also i like it when people get wangxian together earlier than in canon, it's just really fun to see how that would go. i don't remember the name but i think there was one fic where lwj tried to flirt with wwx and wwx just didn't notice? until somebody pointed it out to him i think? that was fun to read because lwj was just so frustrated!!
2. i feel like i forget what shows i watched after i watched them? movies too, though i like to stick to rewatching movies i already know. but here are some shows: dark on netflix, if you have netflix it should be there, it's a german netflix show about time travel and fate and things being really fucked up. basically there is this endless loop of the world apocalypse happening in 2019? 2020? i'm not that sure of the timeline rn but it's either 2019 or 2020!! and jonas, the male lead, wants to prevent it but this shit gets complicated because this is a time loop, everything he has done has been done before him. there are some really great quotes in the show about things, there is a wangxian gifset that actually uses a quote from dark, and that's the one about having three deaths. (i'll probably add a link to the gifset when i find it) also martha, the female lead, seems not that important in the first season but don't be fooled by that. the ending is.... complex and cool and holy shit there is still one thing we don't know and ahdkksks it's a surprise tho so 👀👀. i recommend watching it in german if possible and with subtitles. i've watched a few scenes in english and idk the voice actors don't seen to fit, but i don't know about other languages. the 100 is also a pretty good show but it's.... it has queerbaiting. and to be honest, the queerbaiting is probably the only reason the show made it to a seventh season. lexa, a lesbian, dies and they use her death for the queerbaiting since she gets together with clarke, the lead character. clarke is a character that gets a lot of hate from both fandom and the characters, a lot of unfair hate if you ask me. she has to do a lot of decisions that are just not meant to be for a single human being, @/solntserises and i and a lot of arguements over placing the blame on her or placing the blame on society and the situation itself. clarke basically does what she needs to do, what she needs to do in order to protect her people, her friends, her family. she often just doesn't have good options, and if she has then she deems the risk too high or something too good to be true (which, she often is right about???). after s1 her friends push her into situations where she has to make the hard choice, but if it doesn't work out how they want it to work out they get mad at her. which is not fair. i remember hearing that raven finally understands what clarke goes through in s7? but i haven't watched the season. i gave up the moment lexa died and didn't want to watch past it, but when @/solntserises started we watched the other seasons together.
there is also shadowhunters which is an okay show ig, i've watched vikings until s5 too and i quite liked it, prison break has a lot of cool stuff to offer but i'd be careful watching it in case of any triggers you might have. i don't remember 100% of the plot but enough to say that one of the characters is a pervert and an awful person, so lots of murder, a lot of blood and yeah. the two main characters are brothers and mostly innocent in this but yeah. they break out of a prison y'know.
lucifer is !!! i think it goes after dc comics? so ig it's somehow part of the dceu but they're like.... never mentioned so idk. it's really fun tho!! you probably have heard from the vampire diaries right? yeah well, there is a spin off called the origianls and it's actually really good. it had some times where i was going to call it off but it's fine, legacies is both tvd's and to's spinoff and from the quality it can't really compare, it's still fun to watch and seeing the new generation grow up. (also a lot more canon gays)
for some movies: i don't really watch many but i've watched every movie in the mcu so far, i have the extended special editions for both the lord of the rings and the hobbit trilogy, the half of it is about ellie chu, an asian girl living in a small town with her depressed dad and falling in love with aster flores, and just.... finding herself, finding out what she wants, who she is and trying to figure out where life takes her. the movie is great!! the romance process is really slow and not that much of the main focus, but more of ellie finding her place in the world? the old guard is a fantastic movie that i watched because of @/keiraknigthly, it's really fun to watch!!
i look forward to talking to you more often!! 🥰💞
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fathersonholygore · 7 years
Netflix’s Dark Season 1, Episode 6: “Sic Mundus Creatus Est” Directed by Baran bo Odar Written by Jantje Friese & Ronny Schalk
* For a recap & review of the previous episode, “Truths” – click here * For a recap & review of the next episode, “Crossroads” – click here Love the title of this episode, as it goes back to the sort of Celtic symbol, whatever it was, and the tattoo on the Stranger’s (Andreas Pietschmann) back of the Emerald Tablet of which the words “Sic Mundus Creatus Est” are a part. Look it up here. A girl is lost in the woods, she calls out for young Ulrich and Katharina. But nobody answers. Not far off is the entrance to those caves. Waking up, we see it was Regina Tiedemann (Deborah Kaufmann). She wakes up, asking her partner to tell her “everything‘s all right.” That’s one intriguing cold open to an episode that’s name suggests we’re going to see a lot of interesting things. I wonder what’s in store, and how does Regina connect to the rest of the characters, the events? This little German town is rightfully terrified, everyone is worried about the missing children, another child dead. So Charlotte Doppler (Karoline Eichhorn) is urging people to let the police know about any incidents, even if a child went missing for “24 hours.” Everything matters. At home, Jonas Kahnwald (Louis Hofmann) asks his mother Hannah (Maja Schöne) how she met his father, after recently discovering Michael was once Mikkel Nielsen, who travelled back in time from 2019 to 1986, beginning an entirely new life. But Jonas doesn’t press his mother too hard. He can barely grasp the concept, let alone telling her about it. Not to mention he’s still playing around with those maps his father had; I assume Michael was trying to discover his own origins, trying to find out who he was before Ines took him in as her own, wanting a child so bad she accidentally rewrote history. Meanwhile, Ulrich Nielsen (Oliver Masucci) is digging into the files on his missing brother Mads. He looks through the old police records, listening to the tapes, one of his mother in particular interests him. His wife Katharina (Jördis Triebel) is in emotional shambles, as well as trying to protect her daughter Martha (Lisa Vicari), her son Magnus (Moritz Jahn), worried about them after their little brother vanished. I’m most curious about Regina. Obviously she’s a Tiedemann, she has close links to the town, her mother ran the power plant. We get one brief bit about her when she receives a letter, after undergoing a mammogram recently. All those years around the family business, did it give her cancer? Sadly, yes. Ulrich goes over to talk with his father, Tronte (Walter Kreye). He asks if Ego knew anything. He believes this is all linked the 1980s, when Mads disappeared. Then he asks where his dad was the night his brother vanished. Mother Jana (Tatja Seibt) says her husband got home late. Dad denies being capable of what he’s suggesting, though there’s a mystery buried there. Tronte leaves, so mother and son chat. She reveals Tronte was having an affair; Mads went missing, he was in another woman’s bed, none other than Claudia Tiedemann, of course. Ah, the family way. While Martha prepares to perform onstage, Bartosz (Paul Lux) apologises to her. When he tries for a kiss, she’s cold. She and Jonas have rekindled their relationship, which he doesn’t know about yet. Jonas is busy trying to find out more in those caves, using his father’s maps; one part reads FOLLOW THE SIGNAL. And now he’s headed into another cave’s mouth, using the light from the box the stranger left to guide him. I feel terrible for Katharina. She’s caught between putting up posters for her missing boy and scouring Ulrich’s cellphone bill to find out what he’s been up to underneath her nose. That’s when she manages to find a number, call it, getting Hannah on the other line and confirming what she’d already suspected. Ulrich goes to see Regina, who was the last person to see Mads before his disappearance. She knew about the affair between their parents, too. She says there’s “no justice in this world” and wishes it were Ulrich who’d disappeared. He has always hated her, because he believes she was the one who claimed he raped Katharina. This is when he finds out the truth, that it was Hannah. OHHH, SHIT. The past is coming to bear on the present in a lot of unexpected ways. That night Katharina calls a radio station. She claims there is a murderer living amongst their town. “We‘re all so blind,” she says. And in many ways it’s true. Ulrich is finally seeing the truth, confronting Hannah, as is Katharina discovering her true husband. As is everybody. Jonas, as well. He’s seeking the truth more than anybody.
In the caves Jonas finds a tiny red rope attacked to a hook in the wall. He follows it in deeper. Soon he turns on the Geiger counter; ah, the signal! He lets it click away, and he moves deeper through the rocks. Eventually he reaches a panel with SIC MUNDUS CREATUS EST on it, a solid stone, that Celtic-like, runic symbol. He opens it, a wind blows through it, and once he’s inside the door closes behind him. Where does it lead? Simultaneously, all the lights at the school flicker as Martha breaks down onstage during her performance. The lights throughout the town flicker. Tronte, he has a book with the same symbol as is found on that door; in it are marked various dates, times. Does he keep track of these events? Jonas crawls down a long corridor, which splits in two directions at a certain point. He goes down one, then comes to another door like he saw before, the same symbol on it. He opens it and goes through. Then the flickering lights in town stop. He goes on through to more caves, coming out into the trees. And when he walks a little longer, he sees that he’s gone back to ’86 himself. He sees posters for a missing child: Mads Nielsen. And who should come along to pick him up? His own mother, as a girl (Ella Lee). Damn, that is a headtrip. In 2019, Ulrich is starting to wonder if the boy they found in the woods, the corpse, dressed as if it were from the ’80s, may in fact be his brother: he confirms it from a story his mother told, a scar Mads had on his chin from when the brothers fought. Never saw that part coming. Holy fuck. What an episode! Continually gets better, but the way they’ve already told us about Mikkel/Michael and now they’re pulling on more threads is genius. A brilliant show of writing, can’t wait to see more. “Crossroads” comes up next. Dark – Season 1, Episode 6: “Sic Mundus Creatus Est” Netflix's Dark Season 1, Episode 6: "Sic Mundus Creatus Est" Directed by Baran bo Odar…
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
(They Long to Be) Close to You | Dark Fix-It Fic Series Part 2 | Chapter 3
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah. This is part two of the series! You can start the full series here!
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence.
Word Count:  3.9k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Martha walked up the cobblestone street to the Tannhaus company warehouse as the thunderstorm raged on. She peeked her head into the makeshift time machine workshop. There was the crinkling sound of electricity arcing between the three towers until it stopped. Her eyes lay upon a man gripping at the table. His sorry head was hanging in exhaustion. She slowly found her voice again and asked, “Jonas?”
The man looked up and immediately stood back from his work station. He took a step back from the girl in surprise and confusion. He breathed heavily as he slowly approached the short haired girl crying. It had been so long since he had seen her face. He looked up at her and whispered, “You’re alive.” He shook his head and whispered again, “You’re alive.” He took her face gently into his hands.
This alternate world Martha slowly took his hands in her and lowered them. “I’m not Martha,” she whispered, shaking her head, “Not your Martha.”
The man shook his head and asked, “What does that mean?”
She explained to him, “I’m here to help you find the Origin.” She explained, “The one thing that’s the beginning of everything in your world and in mine.”
Martha dreamed of that night. The night she slept with a boy who didn’t love her and also the same boy she didn’t love at all. It was a momentary weakness for both of them over the girl they both loved choosing someone who wasn’t them and the fallout their moment of weakness created. The girl sat up panting and turned to see the bearded older Jonas next to her. He did not seem amused. She got out of bed and stared at him as well.
Jonas looked down at the letter in his hand then stood up. He told the girl callously, “get dressed,” before walking out.
After she was dressed, she walked back into the warehouse to see the alternate versions of her friends. They all stared at her as if they had seen a ghost.
“Martha,” Bartosz asked, walking closer towards the girl.
Magnus shook his head in disbelief, “This can’t be. You… You’re alive.” He ran to the girl who shared the same face as his sister and held her.
“This isn’t Martha,” Jonas explained harshly.
As Magnus slowly let the girl go, Bartosz turned towards Jonas and asked, “What is this?”
Everyone’s eyes shifted between Martha and Jonas before the girl spoke up, “He’s right.” She explained, “I’m not Martha.” She looked down, “Not you’re Martha.” She looked up with gritted teeth and explained, “I promised to make everything right again. So none of it happens. So you don’t die in my world and I don’t die in yours. So that Annalise… Ulrich… Dad… Mikkel… So they all come back. So everything finally comes to an end.” 
It was the 22nd of September in 1987 that Katharina found herself waking up in Jonas’s, or should she say, her son Mikkel’s room. The alarm blared waking her up. She glared at it as she got up. She turned off the alarm and stared at the picture of Mikkel with Ines on the nightstand. She listened to the call left for Ines as she rounded up her things to leave for the day. She grabbed the missing posters of Mikkel and went on her mission to try and find her son.
Tronte and Jana were having a hard time across town with their own memories and funeral for their own missing son. Jana looked at her husband and demanded, “Tell them where you were when our son disappeared.” When he refused to speak, Jana announced to the room, “When my son disappeared, he was screwing Claudia Tiedemann.” Whispers filled the room as she spoke again, “If only you’d put as much energy into finding your own son as you’re wasting on finding your mistress. Then maybe Mads would be back by now.”
Tronte looked down embarrassed and dejected. He whispered, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Jana sighed and stood up. She grabbed his bag and dumped its contents onto the floor. “‘I have no idea what you’re talking about,’“ She mocked at the reveal of all the newspaper clippings and photographs about Claudia lay upon the floor for everyone to see.
Tronte sighed. He hung his head as he walked out.
Claudia opened up the police station on that same day only 33 years later. She listened to the radio as it talked about the events of three months ago. She turned it off as she approached her daughter’s room. She looked at the cancer medication in her hands and walked to her daughter’s side, “How are you?”
Barely able to breath, Regina struggled out, “Momma.” She held the woman’s hand and hummed happily. When her mother released herself from her grip, Regina asked, “Are you leaving again?”
Claudia turned and explained, “I’ll be back before the sun sets.”
Across town, Elisabeth walked out of the trailer her and her father started to live in. Peter turned on his detector and started walking with his daughter to find out more if they had found his wife and older daughter yet. Another figure watched as they walked away. 
Freida stood inside the tent looking through the faces. She had heard that they were walling off the area in another five days. She prayed that they would find her daughter’s body by then. By all accounts, Annalise should have been found by now. Freida turned to look at her father who was nervously pacing around. He was mumbling under his breath about this reminding him too much of the war. She held onto her father and whispered, “It’s alright, Abba. No one’s going to hurt you. You’re safe.” She pulled him close to her.
“I want to go home,” David complained looking at the wall of faces, “I keep telling you she won’t be here. Annalise is with Adam now!”
Freida turned to her father crying and yelled, “Stop Abba! This isn’t funny anymore. My husband and my child are gone! I need to find her so I can bury her next to-”
The tent opened interrupting the two.
Bartosz chuckled and asked, “You come from a parallel world?”
“One where Mikkel doesn’t disappear,” Magnus asked with his arms crossed.
Franziska asked, “I’m mute?”
“And Jonas doesn’t exist,” Bartosz added.
Martha nodded and explained, “And Annalise is in love with Bartosz.”
Bartosz let out a small chuckle feeling vindicated in his own feelings, but earning a sharp glare from the older Jonas. 
Magnus continued to the main part of the conversation and asked, “Where we’re all dead because your world ends just as ours does?” Seeing Martha nod, he placed his hands on this knee and complained, “That’s bullshit. I’m not dead. I’m here.”
Jonas slowly approached the girl and let out a small growled, “How did you find us? How did you know where to find us?”
She stared up at the man and said, “Jonas told me.”
Franziska crossed her arms and called, “I thought Jonas didn’t exist in your world.”
Martha looked down and explained, “He traveled there. From your world to mine.”
Jonas stepped closer to her inspecting her. He growled, “You’re lying. I was never in your world. Did you write the letter?” When she didn’t answer, he grabbed the back of her neck violently and yelled, “What do you really want? Did Adam send you?”
Bartosz and Magnus stood up and pulled the man away from the girl.
“What did you use to travel,” He screamed as he fought against them to try to get to the girl, “I want to know what you used to travel!”
“You’re late,” a deep voice interrupted the argument, “the machines aren’t running yet.” He approached the group and stated, “You have a visitor.”
Jonas stormed out of the warehouse as the other man touched her face, “So you’re the reason for his mood being even worse today that usual.” He chuckled and explained, “Don’t let me scare you. People might say I’m not quite right in the head, but I assure you that I see more than those among us who see.”
Katharina stood in the middle of the school handing out the flyers. Everyone kept denying that they had ever seen Mikkel. She turned to give out another flyer seeing the face of the younger version of her husband. She whispered to herself, “Ulrich?”
Ulrich turned to see a blonde woman. She was older but something inside of him yelled at him that she was familiar. He asked the woman, “Do I know you?”
Her breath trembled and she held out a flyer, “Do you maybe know where this boy is?”
Ulrich took the flyer and nodded, “Maybe the madman got him after all.”
“What madman,” Katharina grabbed onto the boy.
Ulrich pulled his arm away and told her, “Don’t touch me, Typhoid Mary!”
Tronte sat in the nuclear power plant waiting for Yasmine. He confronted her and asked if she noticed anything strange. That was when he learned of the older Claudia meeting her younger self before her younger self disappeared.
Peter nodded towards Freida, “Hello. We’re sorry to interrupt.” He looked at the pair and turned to the wall of faces, “Any news?”
“No,” admitted Freida shaking her head. Tears welled up as she bit her lip, “I-I’m sorry about Franziska and Charlotte. Charlotte was such a sweet woman.”
Peter nodded, “Thank you. None of them deserved this.”
David looked at them and stated, “I’m going back to the car.” He cursed under his breath about how all of this was useless. 
Freida nodded and asked the man, “Would you like us to wait for-”
“That won’t be necessary. Thank you,” Peter bowed his head. He watched as the woman nodded to him. 
The woman knelt down and gave Elisabeth a sweet smile. She reached into her bag and handed Elisabeth a pack of scrunchies. She smiled and explained, “These were my daughter’s. She used them for her track meets. I think she would want you to have them.” She kissed the blonde girl’s forehead and then followed her father out.
He looked at the wall once more. He walked over to two of the medics inside of the tent. He walked over to them and explained, “We’re looking for a woman. Late 40s. Blonde and a 17 year old girl. Red hair.”
The woman medic looked at him sorrowfully, “If they aren’t on the wall, they aren’t here. I’m sorry.”
Peter slowly turned back to Elisabeth and he sighed, “This is good. If they’re not here, then…”
Elisabeth signed back, “maybe they travelled.”
Peter walked over to his daughter and held her.
Katharina stormed through the police station demanding to know about the man who had escaped from the psych ward just earlier that year. She tried to get more information, but got shot down until the man took pity on her situation. She was told about the man and how Ines and Michael were in child protective services. She found the information on the man locked in the ward for 34 years interesting. She blinked and made her way out of the station.
Tronte started to drive down the road when he spotted Regina. She was sitting there with Gretchen the dog in her hands at the bus stop. He stopped the car and asked her, “Is that your dog?”
Regina replied easily, “She was my mother’s.”
Tronte sighed and asked, “Should I give you a ride?” When she didn’t respond, he just opened the door for her. He looked at the girl as they drove down the road and chuckled, “Strange. Looks like Gretchen.”
Regina made a face and commented, “I think that’s why she kept her.” They sat awkwardly for a moment before Regina spoke up and asked, “Do you think the disappearance of Mads and my mother… that they are connected?”
Tronte shook his head and commented, “I don’t know. The week before she disappeared, did she say anything to you about an old woman?”
Regina shook her head.
“And,” he asked, “did she say anything to you about me?”
Regina shook her head again.
Tronte shook his head and admitted, “I… I just thought maybe she’d said something.”
“I...I’ll,” Regina stuttered out, “get out just up ahead and walk the rest of the way.”
Tronte nodded and pulled over, “Well, if  you need anything…”
Regina exited the car and waited for him to drive away before she started to walk back home.
Claudia stared at the canisters and the machine. She picked up the microphone of the recorder and started, “My name is Claudia Tiedemann. I am one of the few survivors of the apocalypse of June 27, 2020. Almost three months have passed since the catastrophe. It’s still unclear what exactly led to the events in Winden. But the God Particle… If we can stabilize it, maybe it is a way back. Back to the past. Maybe we can save them. All of them.” She turned to see the pictures on the wall.
Peter and Elisabeth walked to the Kahnwald house to try and find supplies or bodies. He signed to his daughter, “I’ll take a look around upstairs.”
Elisabeth nodded and waited downstairs. She looked around the house. She then picked up an old picture of Hannah, Ulrich, and Katharina when she felt a presence. She turned to confirm with her full vision that there was a boy standing in the back door. He waved his hand and slowly took off his face mask and hood. He walked into the home and motioned for the word food.
His deep voice spoke slowly, “I’m looking for food. And you?”
Elisabeth took out a pencil and a notebook to write to him, “Mama and sister.”
Hanno had to take a step closer to be able to read her handwriting.
Elizabeth signed to him, “Where do you sleep?”
He wrote back, “Cave.”
Peter walked down the stairs to see the boy with his daughter, “What is this?” He stood between Hanno and his daughter and asked, “Why are you here? Have you been following us? I told you, we want nothing to do with you.”
Hanno looked from Elisabeth to Peter and stated, “You want to protect her, I know. So do I. And I will after you were killed.” He put on his face masked and left the two of them alone.
Back at the Machine Factory, the outside was storming. Bartosz used this time to knock on the Alternate World’s Martha’s door. He apologized to her and said, “I’m sorry about Jonas. Since we’ve been here… he’s… he’s been different.”
Martha looked at the boy. She felt sorry for him. The boy reminded him so much of her own world’s version of him. Well, except for the girl they both love being clung to his arm. The girl sighed and asked him, “How did you all get here?”
“We traveled,” Bartosz answered plainly, “Exactly the moment everything blew up.” He looked back at Martha and admitted, “He didn’t want to come here. It just happened. The device is empty. It’s not that easy to get nuclear fuel from the future in 1888.” He looked down again.
“And this,” Martha asked, “What is this? The workshop? The blind man? Does he know who you are? Where you come from?”
Bartosz looked around then stood. He held out his hand and said, “Come on. I need to show you something.”
The older Jonas stared at the letter in his hands and growled.
The blind Tannhaus spoke to him, “The young woman. Is she one of you? A traveler?” He sighed and then stated, “When I found you, it was a sign. A godsend. Whatever that woman means to you, don’t forget what we are going to create. Paradise. Every calamity can be reversed. Every pain, destroyed before it even comes to be. A perfect world. Sic mundus creatus est.”
Jonas sighed as he turned away from the man.
Katharina walked into the psych ward. She stared at the woman working behind the entrance. There in front of her was her own mother. She was nervous at first. Katharina slowly spoke up, “Excuse me?”
“How can I help you,” Nurse Albers spoke to Katharina.
Katharina stood in silence for a moment before slowly stammering out, “I’d like to visit someone. He’s been here for 34 years.”
Helene blinked and shook her head, “The inspector?” She stared at the woman and something in her rang a bell. She asked, “Have we met before? Somehow you look familiar to me.”
Katharina shook her head and told the woman, “He’s my husband.” Tears ran down her face.
“Oh,” Helene said, “You’re one of them. One of those women who go for madmen or prisoners because they can’t find anyone else. I’m off duty. Come back tomorrow.”
Katharina’s face fell in disgust. She then spoke to her mother, “I’ve traveled a long way. Let me see him. Please.”
Ulrich sat at his table by himself. He was staring at his chess game when Katharina sat in front of him.
“Ulrich,” She whispered to him. 
When he raised his head, he was surprised to see his wife there. He spoke, “Katharina?”
The woman sat back in surprise, but then reached to hold his hands, “I’ll get you out of here.” He nodded deliberately, “I promise.”
Yasmine walked into the power plant when she saw a flash light. She walked inside of Claudia’s office to see a man standing there with some of the files in his hand. “Excuse me, what are you doing here,” she asked bravely.
As he turned, his younger self closed the door. Mary sat in one of the chairs and stared up at the woman as the older version of her son appeared.
“What do you want,” the native to Adam’s world asked the imposters, “I… I’ll call security.”
The man stated, “No. You won’t do that.” He closed the file and placed it down. He looked at her, “Yasmine? Right?” They all closed one hand over their wrist and continued, “Hell is empty. All the devils are here.” He took out his wire and slowly approached the women telling her to hush.
As the other woman dropped to the floor, Mary looked up at the group and said, “Good job David. Let’s go.” She smiled. That was not his name, not natively anyway, but Mary thought it fit him well since in some ways, The Unknown was also her son. So she could get a say into naming him as well, right? So she named him after her grandfather. Someone who Eve helped raise so that Mary could exist.
Tronte walked into his home to find his wife waiting up. He sat next to her on their sofa.
Jana told him, “At some point, you have to decide. For us. Or against us.”
“I…” Tronte started, “I saw Regina. She’s all grown up.”
Jana told him, “I’ve wondered all these years… If she… Claudia never said who the father was.”
Tronte’s brow furrowed as he commented back, “You’re right. I have to decide.” He grabbed her hand and held it.
Regina shook awake from the storm. Tronte slowly revealed himself to the woman and said, “Regina… I’m so sorry, but this has to happen.” He left go of her hand, took her pillow and started to smother her saying, “She said it’s the only way to save you.” Tronte cried as he carried out the act.
It was snowing in 2053. Charlotte stroked the picture of her family as the older Elisabeth walked to her mother and daughter’s side. They sat in silence before holding onto each other. 
The older Jonas walked into Martha’s room as Mary slowly disappeared with her son back into their own world.
Bartosz and Martha slowly approached the Sic Mundus lair. He allowed the girl inside. He watched as she studied the room. When she turned to ask him what this was he responded, “This is kind of a secret lodge. Old Tannhaus is the only member left. His father was convinced he could override the rules of space and time. He dedicated his entire life to this. And so did his son. 
“They tried to build a time machine,” Martha put together the pieces. 
Bartosz nodded and told her, “Jonas is trying to rebuild things the way he saw them. He’s been here before. Not now. In the future.” Bartosz slowly approached her and said, “He asked you something earlier. Whether Adam has sent you. He said… He said Adam killed Martha and Annalise… Who is this Adam?”
The girl looked at him confused, “He didn’t tell you guys?” When Bartosz blankly stared at her she broke the news to the boy, “He is Adam. Jonas.”
A cry was heard within the Erit Lux lodge as Jonas sat with Eve. Jonas watched as an older Annalise rushed over towards the crib and picked the baby up. 
“Oh Jonah, don’t cry my dear,” Mary cooed to the child, “My sweet baby, please don’t cry. Mommy’s home.”
Jonas felt his heart racing as he watched the woman cradling her child. He listened to her hum to the child before singing. 
When I was young
I'd listen to the radio
Waitin' for my favorite songs
When they played I'd sing along
It made me smile.
Mary rocked the child and danced with him to help him slowly fall asleep. Her voice was just as angelic as Jonas remembered.
Those were such happy times
And not so long ago
How I wondered where they'd gone
But they're back again
Just like a long lost friend
All the songs I loved so well.
Eve seemed to be smiling watching the mother and her son. The older woman starting to hum along with the song as if she knew it by heart as well.
Every Sha-la-la-la
Every Wo-o-wo-o
Still shines
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
That they're startin' to sing's
So fine.
Mary’s voice became hushed as if she were whispering to her son. Jonas wanted to go to her and help, but he watched as an older Bartosz walked over to her and kissed her temple. 
When they get to the part
Where he's breakin' her heart
It can really make me cry
Just like before
It's yesterday once more.
The baby’s eyes had slowly closed and he started to sleep once again. Jonas watched teary eyed as the couple kissed the baby’s head and slowly walked away. They treated him and Eve almost like ghosts. 
Eve turned towards Jonas and stated, “We don’t know our end. But our end knows us. Salvation or damnation. We can indulge in the illusion of free will, but we cannot escape our ultimate destiny.” She stood and walked to the family tree on her floor.
Jonas stood and followed her.
“The choices we make in this world may be different,” Eve explained, “but nevertheless, they converge on the same moment. Things may not happen in the same way, or at the same time. But they happen. You believed a world without you would be a better one.” She turned towards him and said, “But they will all die. Mikkel. Mikkel will die. Everyone will die. The apocalypse takes place in my world just as it does in yours. But in mine, that’s in just three days.”
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