#i know it’s a lyric in bohemian rhapsody tho
hvly · 2 years
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it is a sign, start playing rn so i can come steal your mats
what’s a mat 🧍🏾‍♀️? is that a currency in the game?
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sol-consort · 8 months
Can you imagine tho the aliens reactions when humans all start collectively singing the same song. Like it’s busy in the bar or something, everyone’s doing their own thing, and suddenly Bohemian Rhapsody comes on and every single human in the bar stops what they’re doing to sing along like we’re compelled by some unseen force to do it, maybe some try to pull in their non human friends and get them to join in
You know for a fact Joker and Shepard definitely sang to some stupid y2k songs while sitting on the helm together and roped EDI into joining them.
Especially the meme songs, what's better than a whole ship captain and their pilot singing along to "I LOVE IT!" By Icona pop and Joker really bringing out the vocal cords in the "I CRASHED MY CAR INTO THE BRIDGE. I WATCHED AND LET IT BURN" while in the lower engineering decks, they're not sure why Liara keeps pinging them all panicking and saying "check on joker pls" and "is element zero inflammable?" and "coordinates for the nearest bridge?"
Humans L O V E joint community behaviour. We would do so many things for the bit, walk slower if we hear a song we like in a nearby shop, sing along if it's in a bar or a concert, drum our fingers to the beat if we're in a car with a strangers, have a rhythm to our footsteps when listening to music through headphones.
There are so many different songs, so many different instruments! A vast ocean of potential with more than a 100k songs being uploaded per day based on Spotify.
Hell have you seen these videos of military marches where the soldiers have to sing along to something like "I'm a barbie girl" or "call me maybe" and not laugh as a way to build discipline?
I bet you alliance marines still use the same technique with humans, so all the alliance ships and personals have so many songs memorised back from their training days.
Captian Anderson taking the crew to after a successful mission to unwind and the bar just happened to play a tone familiar to the human ear? Of course the literal whole drunk crew of the Normandy will sing like their it's their last day alive. Some yelling, some quietly, some so offbeat but confident and others nailing the beat perfectly but don't wanna look like show offs.
Humans are so adorable omfg, they love doing things in groups and they'd join stranger humans in singing along to a song they like. Humans love playing even as adults and singing is just a form of play. So is poker, billiard and so many things.
Garrus would definitely be roped into it, give him a hard hitting song about being a winner and he's so on board with the rowdy humans tugging him along to join and commenting on how they've never heard a turian sing before.
Tali would be so shy about it but maybe if it's a nerdy song about something she loves? Some human must have wanted to fuck spaceships and wrote something about it.
Oh and parades and ceremonies too! World cup opening and closing songs! The fan cheers in matches and concerts! Humans invented being cheerleaders and each human has one inside them ready to come out the second their alien friend is hesitant about something and needs a bit of enabling from good old chaotic humans.
Dude, just imagine karaoke night with all human songs. In ME1 boring rover planet exploration, Shepard and Ashley definitely sing along to a playlist they had Kaidan install into the car and he snuck some of his favourite songs in their to join them with.
With time and cycling team members, at first, the aliens are weirded out, wtf is this some kind of cult.
But then they're like.
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And it just becomes a tradition to sing along while on long car rides on planets. Sometimes, you catch Wrex humming the lyrics while on long elevator rides. Other times, Liara will have the song playing in the background while she works.
It's just so fun to introduce the aliens to how colorful life can be when you sing along, dance without knowing all the steps and being a silly little race.
On a less pop and enthusiast drunks note.
There are also the emotional songs, ones from sad movies or plays. The known songs people play in wedding slow dances or after a break up. A bunch of humans would sing it slowly, lovingly, emotions showing through the sheer importance this song ment for them.
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hi :D 4, 14 and 34 for the ask game?
which cryptyd being do you believe in?
I don't really. believe in any? I think? Every time I'm outside in a field around noon I'm reminded of Polednice tho
14 already answered
is there a song you know every word to by heart?
Oh, a bunch of them, though if I don't get to sing/listen to them for some time I might forget some lyrics or the order of verses. Most of the more popular Karel Kryl songs are easy to remember (Salome, Morituri te Salutant, Anděl). I grew up listening to Jarek Nohavica so I remember some songs by heart even after years (Hlídač krav is a staple family/school trip song). Batalion by Spirituál Kvintet. Non Stop by Michal David. I used to be able to remember the entirety of Horehronie but not anymore :(. Voda čo ma drží nad vodou by Elán. Rozvíjej se poupátko. Lásko má já stůňu. Most of the soundtrack of Ať žijí duchové. Trezor by Karel Gott. Miluju a maluju by Václav Neckář.
Gladiator by Jann. Ready As I'll Ever Be from Tangled the Series. A bunch of other Disney songs. I used to be able to remember the entirety of Je veux and Si jamais j'oublie by ZAZ and Milord by Edith Piaf and I'm rather annoyed that I no longer do. I think I could still sing the majority of Frankenstein: A New Musical
And ofc We Are The Champions, We Will Rock You and Bohemian Rhapsody because who the fuck doesn't know those right
Mind you, most of this is because whenever we're on a family trip, a school trip, going somewhere with friends and in general when there's a lot of walking involved we'll always resort to singing, so a decently sized repertoire is a requirement
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leopardom · 2 years
🦖 and 🎤 ?
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
spix’s macaw 🦜 (okay they’re blue but whatever)
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
there are many 🥲 i do feel a bit more proud for knowing all the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody and Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen tho because everyone in my irl friend group confuse some of the lyrics lol
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atomicbland · 3 months
the fact that the T-Rex emoji was in my recently used byeee
skskskssk t-rex in your recently used is so valid tho
also thank you for being the first in my asks! *mwah*
🍪 - If I were a cookie I'd be a ginger snap! Sweet and a lil spicy
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
🦖 - fav extinct animal... ever heard of a Tully Monster? They look like silly little guys!
🎤- there are a few songs I know the whole lyrics to; Bohemian Rhapsody I feel like is an easy answer and Im drawing a blank on my whole ass playlist
Play the Ask Game with Me!
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solalv · 1 year
Music Thru Ur Eras...
New tag game idea!!! ❤️‍🔥
1️⃣ First song/artist you remember liking: 🤔🤔🤔 idk, not really had a strong "like" over "just likes to listen to", but maybe The Pretender by Foo Fighters is when I had my first "discovering music I like" that wasn`t just my parents music
👶 Middle school anthem (age 11-13): ...I honestly don`t remember what i listened to, maybe that was when I had my Abba periode
🚗 Roadtrip must have song: "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
🙈 Guilty pleasure artist: Some might guilt me with Nickelback, but that's because they are weak 😤
💯 I know all the lyrics to: Most Queen songs 🤷🏼‍♀️
😭 A song that makes you cry: 😅 I don't really have emotional responses to songs
🤬 A song to yell to: I have a playlist 😉 "The Kill (Bury Me)" by Thirty secondo to Mars might be the best one
❤️‍🔥 Current favorite music video: Oh man, I miss music videos. I will go for "Man! I feel like a Woman!" Because I enjoy the reversed malegaze 😎
🥰 Current favorite band: Hmm, not really any atm, but I got tickets to see Muse here the other day, and going to Germany for it, so must be something.
🏟 Would kill to see them live/again: Queen, tho necromancy/resuraction might work better 🧐
🏝 If you could listen to one song for the rest of your life: Like... If I got the power to make sure I always enjoy that song for the rest of my life? I would pick a song that others hate, because they'll get it stuck in their head. Like Rickroll or something. (What a superpower)
🔄 Stuck on repeat: (Imma gonna give a long answer again 😘) I had "nobody likes me" by Northern Boys, but it got removed ☹️ So now I switch between "Honey, I'm Good" by Home Free and "Maybe My Soulmate Died" by iamnotshane.
Thank you @creeperfaec101 for tagging me, I imagane you like my liberal answering of these posts, since you keep tagging me 😘
I will tag no one... or maybe I should tagg some of those who reblog stuff from me, just to scare them 😈 @ourmaliuniverse @gamedork @troloyunu
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lord-of-the-weird · 2 years
I see your big into friends! That's fun.
Is Rose your favorite Golden Girl?
I love intimately knowing an album from start to finish, truly respecting the project the musician(s) created.
Sometime in elementary school (so before I was 11 years old), I played "August and Everything After" by the Counting Crows on repeat. Obviously, I didn't understand any of the lyrics at the time, but throughout my life, I return to that album. It's a haunting album, especially the songs "Rain King" and "Murder of One."
"Bridge over Troubled Water" by Simon & Garfunkel is a pretty basic answer, but damn, that's also a good album.
yea i love friends!
um no? ik she should be cause betty means so much to me (have you seen her show pet set?) but i love sofia! is helped me through a rather hard time (they all did) so she holds a special place in my heart. rose is a close second tho!
do you watch golden girls?
i totally agree, getting to experience the songs in the order the artist intended is something so personal
oh ill definitely listen to those! especially the counting crows one!
i love a night at the opera by queen i really have no explanation except bohemian rhapsody was how i got into rock. the stranger by billy joel is just a masterpiece to me especially vienna and the stranger. and green day’s american idiot is my favorite concept album!
favorite song from the 80s?
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hey-yes-hi-hello · 2 years
Hi! I’m just a little Panic! fan who’s listening to the new album and wants to share my little opinions even though no one cares 🥰 Let’s go!
Viva Las Vengeance
Okay this was the first song released and I played it about 30 times in the first 24 hours. I unironically fell in love with it- I loved the beat, the instrumentals, and though the lyrics were nonsense (like all others) I could understand them and enjoyed singing them.
Middle Of A Breakup
This song was… kinda bad ngl. I really wanted to like it but the lyrics were kinda trash (except for a few lines). The “oh shit you’re kissing my neck” part makes me physically cringe EVERY time because what even is this??? Needed a filler real bad 💀 It’s still a bop but I’m probs gonna say that about most of this album because I’m a sucker and don’t like disliking stuff. Doesn’t stop it from getting stuck in my head though-
Don’t Let The Light Go Out
I definitely liked this more than MOAB and Local God, though the verses felt a little rushed and still too high pitched, compared to the vibe the song was going after. And the way the chorus went all quiet and musicless and slow-paced threw me off a bit but oh well. I’d listen to it while driving in the rain.
Local God
It’s an okay song, but it lowkey annoys me LMAO. Maybe it’s just the way he says “local god” but I wanted to punch him in the face fr. I didn’t catch most of the lyrics but I think I just wasn’t paying attention- but I got the general vibe and it’s not awful.
Star Spangled Banger
God Killed Rock and Roll
Okay I can see why people are saying it’s a Bohemian Rhapsody rip-off- he didn’t even try to hide it 💀 Even this “slow-ish” song feels rushed and- wait why is it making clicky sounds- WHAT IS THIS SOUND LOL. If this man sings another high-note I swear- You’re tryna do that gritty thing but it’s not working 💀 Want a throat lozenge?
Say It Louder
First two lines really calling yourself out huh- THE SELF-MADE ECHO MADE ME CRY LMAO. Brendon the music covers up ur voice so much what are you even saying SAY IT LOUDER. This is such a mess I’m shaking and crying rn. The chorus has an good beat (rhythm? Idk I like how it sounds) but the lyrics- hm. This slow part does not go at ALL what was he trying to to LMAO. I like the little piano (I think) in the background tho that’s cool.
Sugar Soaker
Okay I like this more than the others so far, I like the soft thing he’s doing with his voice. Ah okay glad to hear the chorus sounds entirely unique and original 😃 Idk what decade this is reminding me of but it’s something old methinks. 60’s/70’s? Bro I don’t know but it’s got a vibe- not the chorus though the chorus sucks. WTF IS THE INTERLUDE LMFAO SOUNDS LIKE A DUMPSTER FIRE. “HA HA HA HA 🥵” STFU LOL. Okay I can handle a few “come on”s but dude 💀
Something About Maggie
Let him GOOOO- shh. WOAH straight into it with “makes me want to slit my wrists 🤪” bro read the room 💀 “People say people say run awayyyy” the level of cringe is unreal- THE HIGH NOTES ARE SO RANDOM AND UNCOMFORTABLE LMFAO. My dude you have a wife leave Maggie alone-
Sad Clown
Okay I heard 10 seconds of this yesterday and I think I’m going to like it so let’s see🤞🏻 “LEAVE ME ALOOOONE” BROSKI SOUNDS LIKE UR SINGING “INTO THE UNKNOWN” AGAIN LMAOOO. Okay nvm literally the only line I like is “your majesty’s magnificent, my tragedy is imminent” it’s literally the only good-sounding line WHY WASN’T MORE OF IT LIKE THIS HUH :( Every time he screams “I’m crying” I expect him to break out Local God again LMAO. “Is this all there is?!” made me wanna neck ngl I cringed 💀 Again, this slow part is NOT IT.
All by Yourself
“You sweet little kitten” STOPSTOPSOTPSOTP- Again, too many words in verses, or trying to sing too fast. Take a breather my dude. And the chorus- it’s a clear rip-off of the original but it doesn’t fit with the song at ALL. I like what he’s trying to do with his voice but he’s failing lol. I want more soft/slow lyrics/songs :( “It’s you and me~” alright Kate Bush 💀 And AGAIN he’s trying to do the gritty thing but FAILING.
Do It To Death
I like the music at the beginning. Why do “give it a try” and “before we die” sound like they’re from Grease LMFAO. Okay this isn’t as bad as the others so far I’ll give it that- nvm where did the music go 💀 Bestie you’re AT the limit and had surpassed your stay- Nvm this just sounds like such a try hard song lmao I’m not a fan. Now it’s slow and dramatic and for WHAT. OMG NO HE DID NOT. NO YOU SHUT UP. I SEE WHAT YOU WERE TRYNA DO BUT IT JUST SOUNDED LIKE THE SONG CUT OUT AND ACCIDENTALLY STARTED PLAYING VIVA LAS VENGEANCE 💀
Look, I went into this as a hardcore Panic! fan prepared to force myself to like these and defend them and bop along to them- but this was actual dogshit. As previously stated there were a few songs that I genuinely enjoyed and would listen to again but most of these were straight up PAINFUL. And they don’t sound like Panic! at ALL. And I know not every album has to/will sound the same and I don’t expect them to, but they all had a vibe, y’know? A Panic! vibe. Just enough uniqueness and boppiness and drama and angst for it to WORK. Pretty. Odd. and Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die both sound COMPLETELY different but they both sound distinctly like Panic! in ways I’m not smart enough to explain. This did not.
I’m a full on proper Panic! fan and this album was incredibly disappointing to me. I know I’m sounding really mean and negative here but I promise it’s just for the funny 😭 I don’t hate Brendon or anything. And if you enjoy the album then I support you 100%! It’s just not my cup of tea :) But I’m not giving up hope!
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scolek · 2 years
alalright time for dhbat songs reactions
found osaka first so theyre going first. im not sure its a good idea to name a song comedian rhapsody. you obviously invite comparisons to bohemian rhapsody which. u sure u wanna do that. what i want to compare it to is torima get on the floor though. similar vibes. my opinion on torima has HAD TO PAUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SONG BECAUSE GRANDMA HAD A PHONE QUESTION GDI anyway. my opinion on torima has become far more positive since it came out, so this is a positive comparison. god this chorus kills. makes me want to get up and dance.
under sail. what does this mean, well i wont find out for a bit bECAUSE ITS LOWES COMMERCIAL. oh boy labor day sale. i never wash my clothes in hot water so this tide commercial is losing me. oh boy this third commercial is trying to destigmatize the word pubic. girl help.
OK song time. the beat on this one another good one. theres never been a bad dh song. not sure about these yeah yeahs tho. p good. i dont think itll ever like. overtake own stage.
count the money is a fantastic title. yen yen bills and whatnot. this one is vibes. v good.  ooh whats this bridge here? lol mai waifu. OH KEY CHANGE!!!! just when i think i’ve got this songs number it reveals another digit! alright damn thats pretty stellar
fuck another lowes commercial. isnt this just riveting liveblogging content. i hate spotify. its just radio now.
aight hitoya’s up first for some reason. if i follow my heart. dig the title. dig the woodwind. ok he’s quieter than the woodwind, thats not good. HITOYA HONEY SPEAK UP. OK OK THATS. YEP THANKS. this is what the kids call a jam. but will it surpass its initial vibes? ok we’ve switched out for a lil electric keyboard. this is-- oh no the woodwind is back. mixed feelings on this woodwind now. i have a sneaking suspicion--OH SAX SOLO????--i have a sneaking suspicion. WHY IS THE SAX SO LOUD-- i have sneaking suspicion that the lyrics are gonna fuckin kill me. this sounds like a song where that would happen. so far all im being killed by is THE FUCKING MIXING WHO WAS AT THE BOARD FOR THIS.
young gun of the sun. this is a... not a cover? but he’s rapping over an existing song. so its not a sample either. i’m familiar with this comcept tho, heard other rappers do it. and kuko’s a known fan of punk rock so it makes sense. like i know these aren’t necessarily diagetic but i can so easily see him like, finding the instrumental of a song he likes and freestyling over it. this is what this feels like. what he does in his bedroom the second his dad leaves to run errands. also i love every part of this.
UGGGGHHHHHH MORE ADS FUCK YOU SPOTIFY this is why i barely use you anymore.
violet masquerade. first off the title rocks. but i wasn’t that impressed by the preview. not too into the. discordant carnival music vibe. and boyy the first verse is discordant. the chorus is decent but...? yeah no this is not doing it for me. as a jyushi lover this pains me. but compare it to moonlight shadow. moonlight shadow makes me cry. moonlight shadow is So Important. this is just. a song that exists
well, normally, i would say bat supremacy, but. well. they got smoked out by osaka man. that’s all i can say. happy 5th, hypmic.
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docheros · 3 years
@unpredictably-ghostly you made me incredibly happy Ghost i love you
the explanations might be very long or very short since it's 2am and i can't stop yawning
How to be a heartbreaker and karma chameleon: yeah just kinda there...... funky beats for funky painter
Love of my life: initially put it there because Jacques loves Queen and thought this music was pretty good for him, but then i thought..... one of jacq's main thing is self acceptance, self love. so this music isn't him talking to someone else, it's him... talking to himself. he have hurt himself and can't find the same appreciation he had for himself before he was 18
Bloody Mary: "bloody mary... catholic guilt... neat" and i think the song fits jacques' most ugly sides, from the melody to the lyrics, everything fits jacques' hidden thoughts
Cracked Actor: OK SO period of his life that his self hate was very very high so he tried to have other people fill that part of him, cue to him being too clingy and overdependent,, he's still a bit like this. He'd more of a cracked artist tho, but you get the point
Lady stardust: so i think the "he" in the song is him, the song is being sang by other person, maybe some old lover? Who knows. Lady stardust maybe is a metaphor for Jacques himself or maybe someone helped him, i still haven't decided, but point is he got his 5 minutes of fame /hj
Under pressure: Queen + David Bowie, his favorite musicians of all time, and also the lyrics kinda fit for someone going a midlife crisis at the age of 26 or something
Bohemian rhapsody: GOD. HIS SONG. EVERYTHING IN THIS SONG SCREAMS JACQUES. i'll probably do a separate post to explain his relation to the song because every single line (or almost every single line) matters
Fame: he's feeling himself, he's dreaming big. Duality of a person who hates themself but also thinks could beat god's ass, that's Jacques "Septique" Kästner for you
Killer queen: still feeling himself, idk how to quite explain this song but it's like. His most luxury, flirty, sexy side, but one that is trying to understand its valor instead of just giving all of itself to others without bondaries. He's the one commanding now
Applause: ok so. Maybe his cracked actor self and killer queen self mixed in something and now he wants attention. He loves being the center of attention. Give him attention
Dancing queen: his adolescence was Shitty so he's trying to live it again, this time properly! This is the current Jacques: outgoing, social, always with a smile on his face, after years of self hatred he deserves to be the dancing queen! He is 45, but he'll feel young and sweet, only 17! I think this is a good song to end the playlist, like his life wasn't so happy all the time but that doesn't mean just because he isn't 20 anymore he can't live his dreams or be happy like a teenager without a worry in the world! Plus i think that guitar solo and then the "digging the dancing queen!" is sick
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apple-bread · 2 years
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
when they show they care, when they get food and ask you if you want to try it, when they tell you about their interests and want to know what you like too, when they listen, give you song recommendations or ask you for the artists you like, when they're excited to talk to you!!
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
it reminded me of when i was still best friends with this girl, because every friday after school we would loudly sing different songs (and queen ofc) like nobody else can hear us and it was fun :]
sned me an askie
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gustingirl · 3 years
i want to start a new tag game as an excuse to recommend songs :)
rules: write down the 10 songs you believe are true masterpieces and why (no obligations!)
spring day - bts: this one goes without explanation. the whole song feels surreal.
bohemian rhapsody - queen: i know it's a classic but we don’t talk enough about this song, and no cover does it justice.
la leyenda del hada y del mago - rata blanca: the guitar solo is insane, barilari's voice drives me crazy and the song just makes you feel things, you know?
light my love - greta van fleet: i’m still amazed that this song exists, it's a whole religious experience, u listen to it and you float.
y si fuera ella - jonghyun: the original song is not even remotely as good as jonghyun's version, he put his whole soul in this one.
sincerity is scary - the 1975: the band makes such good song but this one and a few others are amazing, their lyrics always hit.
maria - kim ah joong: i know it's an ost but it's amazing anyways
sherlock - shinee: tho all their songs are masterpieces, this one is different, a whole different breed.
eight - iu ft suga: iu's songs are iconic but idk, this song feels superior
daechwita - agust d: i can’t forget about this masterpiece, yoongi knew what he was doing
idk if this will work but i wanted to try it out hehe
tagging @peachy-101 @christina-dh @trashlord-007 @reyofseokshine @korimi4 @iubot @kumihomars @my-faves-said-gay-rights @lollimewirek @jin7moon
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wint-er · 3 years
Rating the Choirs I've been in:
Kids For Kids Jnr Choir:
I was in: Yr 3 or 4, I was about 8
Singing ability of the choir: Absolutely awful, we were given the lyrics and told to sing -10/10
Teacher: Idek who they were ??/10
Vibe/Energy of the performance: 10/10 2,000 kids screaming the lyrics to I see red?
Vibe/Energy of the practices: 2/10, Boring, long, held in the library, would have preferred to be reading.
School 10 year performance:
I was in: Yr 3 or 4
Singing ability of the choir: Slightly better than the kids for kids one 1/10
Teacher: Assistant Principle, also her husband taught me in my yr 8 and they lived down the road from me, 3/10
Vibe/Energy of the performance: 2/10, It was a formal event and I was 8, I hated it.
Vibe/Energy of the practices: 0/10 this girl kept jabbing me in the back with her knees.
Lion King Jnr:
I was in: Yr 5
Singing ability of the choir: 6/10, We were actually taught by a music teacher and actually taught the notes.
Teacher: Mr Fucking Woodfield -10000/10 hated him with a passion
Vibe/Energy of the performance: 5/10, the songs where good but he kept glaring at us.
Vibe/Energy of the practices: 3/10 We got yelled at a lot but we got free food and to stay after school so that was fun
Chamber Choir:
I was in: Yr 6
Singing ability of the choir: 7/10, we were taught the notes and had the lyrics on a page finally.
Teacher: Mr Woodfield, -1000/10, he improved a bit.
Vibe/Energy of the performance: 6/10 We got to stay and watch the other choirs, so that was fun, also got to see behind the scenes of my favourite auditorium.
Vibe/Energy of the practices: 4/10, I had friends that yr atleast
Chamber Choir:
I was in: Yr 7
Singing ability of the choir: 8/10, Scarlet was there.
Teacher: Mr Randell 8/10, he was nice but not as strict, so the rest of us didn't do as well.
Vibe/Energy of the performance: We didn't get to perform :/ 0/10
Vibe/Energy of the practices: 5/10, gets to be a 10/10 because after them I hung out with my friends in the cloak bays and ate chocolate.
Christmas Choir:
I was in: Yr 6
Singing ability of the choir: 6/10 a bunch of kids didn't know how to sing.
Teacher: Mr Woodfield -10000/10
Vibe/Energy of the performance: We never performed because the event got cancelled :'(
Vibe/Energy of the practices: 6/10, held at lunch sang some fun songs.
School Choir:
I was in: Yr 9
Singing ability of the choir: 9/10, we had sheet music!!! With notes!!! and an actual piano
Teacher: Mrs Gilifin (Spelt that wrong) 10/10 brought us cake, let us use the piano, turned extra practices into social events.
Vibe/Energy of the performance: 9/10 some girls before us sang Juice. There were lights and it was at our school theatre
Vibe/Energy of the practices: 10000/10, bohemian rhapsody on the piano? yes please! Singing fucking Safe and Sound and Yesterday? YES!
School Choir:
I am in: Yr 10
Singing ability of the choir: 10/10 The new singers where Theatre kids so they know how to sing!
Teacher: Mrs G 10/10 still amazing
Vibe/Energy of the performance: I haven't been to one yet 😬 ??/10
Vibe/Energy of the practices: 10/10, tho Mr O'ryan banned us from the piano :/ but before that happened we got to sing I'm almost there from princess and the frog so that was fun.
Anyway in my current choir we're learning Hey Soul Sister and You'll never walk alone and I'm SO happy about that :)
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mistymark · 5 years
nct + wayv as types of friends
this isn't ordered im so sorry
Johnny: the hot guy friend that you wish you had fallen for, you've been friends for absolute years, probably met you when you were still sporting middle school acne and braces, he knows exactly what you look like when you wake up with a hangover and last night’s makeup still on, you always have a shoulder to cry on and he’s always slinging an arm across your shoulders just cause youre the perfect height, likes driving you places, stressed if you drive
Taeil: the older brother friend that jokes around with you all the time out of love, your parents probably love him more than they love you, invites himself over for dinner a lot and pretends your parents invited him without you, gets really happy when they go along it, accompanies you on errands just to spend time with you, makes you buy things for him as a reward, ends up buying you more stuff
Taeyong: the how-are-you-even-friends-he’s-so-out-of-your-league friend that you’re genuinely still surprised he hasn’t abandoned you yet, he doesnt notice the stares from others when you hang out, holds your hand platonically, jokes about how if hes not married when hes 40 hes going to propose to you, gets flustered when you assure him hell be lucky to make it to 30 without being snatched up, wonders why you can't believe the same thing for yourself when you're the greatest person in the world to him
Yuta: the k-drama guy friend that used to make you question how you felt about him, treats you like a sister, invites you on family outings and trips with his fam, everyone thinks you’ve been harbouring secret feeling for each other, but youre honestly just very comfortable around each other, will 100% pick you up and carry you around like its nothing, doesn’t understand why other girls that he dates get jealous
Kun: the too-perfect friend that honestly just has everything under control, he’s excelling at everything it makes you feel like even more of a mess, but he’s always willing to help you out, laughs at you a lot but he really doesn’t mean to, wonders why he’s friends with you but spends 5 minutes in your company and realises how much he loves you, brings you souvenirs from countries he’s visited when he goes on holidays
Lucas: the boyfriend-but-we’re-not-dating friend that treats you like his girlfriend basically, looks at you like you’re his entire world, daydreams about moving in with you and travelling and exploring the world with you, brings you as his date to every fancy event, constantly says you deserve better than any guy you date, tries to set you up with "worthy guys" (his friends), gets offended when you ask if he means himself
Mark: the FaceTime friend that you don't always see because he's so busy, but he facetimes and calls and texts whenever he can, stays up late on FaceTime with you to keep you company while you study, always makes you laugh, invites you to do really fun and odd activities over the summer, texts you dumb memes during that day, asks to call you when it's late at night, likes to sit at a convenience store or cafe and just talking when you hang out, always gives you a really big hug before you leave
Jaehyun: the friend your parents wish you would date, sweet and charming and always brings something when he's invited over for dinner, laughs warmly when your parents ask for the millionth time why you're not together when you're both single, dedicates songs to you on the radio passive aggressively like "here's to the person who thinks Bohemian Rhapsody is by AC/DC", won't ever (intentionally) embarrass you, once said he wanted to spend every valentines with you and didn't realise the connotation until later
Jaemin: the friend that makes everyone else wish they had a friend like him, has his own shit but hides it so well everyone thinks he's perfect, brings a bag full of snacks whenever you hang out, texts you when he's away with sad faces saying he misses you, platonic PDA, says he wants to watch a movie but ends up talking through it, you end up sitting normally on opposite ends of the couches but suddenly one of you lying against the other and that's completely normal, you spend hours in each other's bedrooms alone and no one bats and eye
Doyoung: the friend you want to keep for the rest of your life, he somehow knew how to adult at like age fifteen, the one you call when your microwave breaks or you get a flat tire, you get called mom and dad by your other friends, except doyoung is mom and you're dad, you see him shirtless a lot, laughs when you throw clothes at him and yell at him to get dressed, probably has a box of his stuff at your place because he never leaves, likes going out at night with you
Renjun: probably the friend you had a crush on when you were a kid, grown up together but you weren’t particularly close back then, “weren’t you the one in fourth grade who-”, constantly steals your food but always offers you half of whatever he’s got, “it’s your turn to pay”, once accidentally stood up a date because you asked him to come over and he forgot he had somewhere else to be, falls asleep way later than you so when he stays over you always wake up to some new piece of art he did cause he was bored
Winwin: the savage friend who will not let you live, basically acts like he hates you, squirms away and looks disgusted when you cuddle him, rolls his eyes and hugs you back when you pout at him, buys you coffee a lot, likes it when you try and sneakily take pictures and videos of him because he looks good, complains that his parents like you more than they like him, actually doesn’t hate wearing matching clothes, happy to do whatever when you hang out
Jeno: basically Kun part two, he is just so good at everything you feel infinitely inferior, always trying to impress you by doing some cool new trick, likes going to the park or local playground with you, you act like children around each other, offers to buy you ice cream when youre sad, ends up eating half of it himself, tells you that youre pretty with only a little bit of blushing, regrets agreeing to go to the school dance as a group and wishes he’d just asked you to be his date
Donghyuck: the teasing friend, hes basically your annoying little brother, which you absolutely adore about your friendship, makes you feel like a queen because he wants your attention so much, asks you to come over to help him study so he can spend time with you, video game competitions are a must, lots of playful bets, he asks you to be his date to the school dance in a joking “ur alright I guess lol” way but hes also kinda shy about it
Chenle: the friend that used to have a crush on you, he got over it pretty quickly after you became friends, always doing dumb stuff so if youre not there to do it with him hes sending you photos and videos of him doing it by himself, tells you that you should come with him on family vacations and actually means it, sends you happy birthday texts at midnight so he can be the first one, interrupts FaceTime calls with “hold on I gotta take a shit”
Jisung: (you guessed it) the baby friend that you feel like you need to protect, he actually ends up protecting you most of the time, hes kind of a human shield, laughs when you hide behind him, frowns when you squish his cheeks, his favourite place to hang out is your house, likes walking to the convenience store for snacks but pretends he doesnt, lies on your bed dramatically and asks you to go without him, shocked when you pretend to leave without him
Hendery: your knight in shining armour, you first became friends as kids when a teacher was accusing you of something (you definitely did do) but he stuck up for you and got you out of trouble, has been doing it ever since, asks you why youre not in love with him yet, best moral support and study buddy, gets offended when you tell him hes not your first choice for a date to the dance, definitely is your first choice tho
Xiaojun: the platonic-or-romantic friend that you always wonder about, actually kind of romantic, plays songs for you, isn't afraid to sing for you, laughs when you mess up the lyrics of songs, lends you his jackets and hoodies, daydreams about what it would be like if you dated and wonders if it would be weird, neither of you are interested in that though, steals your coffee and screws his face up when its not what he normally gets, impromptu sleepovers
Yangyang: the childhood best friend, been your best friend for years and won't let you forget it, jokingly gets jealous when he feels like hes being ‘’’replaced’’’, likes going shopping with you, very blunt about what looks good and what doesn’t, gives you things to try on as a joke, probably has a good texting relationship with your mother, smiles with pride when his pets like you, has a list of places he wants to go with you saved on his phone
Ten: the friend that acts like a five year old, always makes you smile and laugh, tires you out sometimes because he just has so much energy, dances with you around your living room, smiles really wide when you tell him hes handsome, teases you that you should just confess that youre in love with him, makes fun of you a lot and its so funny that you laugh along too, your contact name in his phone switches between “love of my life <3″ and “bitch”
Jungwoo: the confident friend, hes not afraid to embarrass you in public, yells across stores and restaurants for you, shoves his camera in your face to get funny photos of you, likes spending time with you in parks and outdoors, complains about it though, laughs when you complain that he takes up too much room on your couch and slouches so that he takes up even more, uses you as a pillow
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nostalgiaispeace · 4 years
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? i think i do a good mix
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? no
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? i use bookmarks
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? coffee = sugar. tea = sugar and honey
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? yeah
6: do you keep plants? no
7: do you name your plants? -
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? poetry
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? sure
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? idk
12: what’s your favorite planet? earth
13: what’s something that made you smile today? my husband
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? idk...bookish
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! no.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? pesto
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? blonde
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. idk
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? sometimes
20: what’s your favorite eye color? blue
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. it is a lana del rey tote.
22: are you a morning person? no
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? tumblr, watching a movie or reading
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? yeah
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? not my thing
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? idk
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? peppermint
28: sunrise or sunset? sunset
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? idk
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yeah
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. i’m not a fan anymore; sure; no; no
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. we went to bed
33: what’s your fave pastry? i’m not really a pastry person
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? it’s a frog; nanny; a frog; yes
35: do you like stationery and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? sure; no
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? none
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? i don’t really care tbh
38: tell us about your pet peeves! leaving out dirty dishes
39: what color do you wear the most? black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? it’s my wedding band, yes
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? troubled blood
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! no
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? idk
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? yesterday
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? sure
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. no
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? sushi
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? loved ones dying, yes
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? yes; AA like a house on fire
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? nothing odd
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? helpless
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? idk
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? yes, no, yes, yes, i like them fien
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? idk
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? idk
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? idk
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? no, it makes me happy tho
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? idk
59: what’s your favorite myth? idk
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? yeah sure. i like emily dickinson and lana’s
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? idk
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? no
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? music yes books no. no
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? blue
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? jordan
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? idk
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? peaceful actually
68: what’s winter like where you live? COLD
69: what are your favorite board games? Life
70: have you ever used a ouija board? no
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? chamomile
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? yes
73: what are some of your worst habits? biting my nails i guess
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. no
75: tell us about your pets! she’s my baby
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? yeah
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? neither
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? idk
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? off white, no
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. nooooo
82: are/were you good in school? yeah
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? idk
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? not really
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? i have, the umbrella academy
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? sure
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? not sure
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? idk
89: are you close to your parents? my mom
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. no
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? no where
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? drowns it
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? bun
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my dad
95: what are your plans for this weekend? chill
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? depends on my mood
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? idk, capricorn, hufflepuff
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? idk not my thing
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. no
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? back.
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gay-impressionist · 4 years
Hellooo! All the Song Rec questions with 3 please ✨
I guess you understood my not so subtle wish to answer everything so thank you haha 👀😅💕
PS : I don't always have a favorite so I often just chose something I really liked and tried not to put the same artist twice
1. Three songs with the same name
I couldn't find three 😬
Dreaming of you – The Coral
Dreaming of you – L'impératrice
2. A song for when you’re sad
Anyone – Demi Lovato
3. A song for when you’re happy
You Can Never Tell – Chuck Berry
4. The best song to dance to
Les démons de minuit – Image
5. The best song to drive to
Toxic – Britney Spears
6. The best song off your favorite album
Genius – LSD
7. The best song from any soundtrack
Seventeen - Lili Reinhart, Cole Sprouse, Vanessa Morgan, Madelaine Petsch (Riverdale Heathers musical episode)
8. A song for the morning and a song for the night
Morning : Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay – Ottis Redding
Night : Nuit – Requin Chagrin
9. A song that makes you nostalgic
Comme des enfants – Cœur de Pirate
10. The best instrumental song
Suite Bergamasque - Debussy
11. A song from the year you were born
La Tribu de Dana - Manau
12. A song from your favorite solo artist
Good in bed – Dua Lipa
13. A song from your favorite movie
La gloire de mon père – Vladimir Cosma
14. A song starting with the first letter of your name
Let's straighten it out – Latimore
15. A song by your favorite band
Sweet Sun –Milky Chance
16. A song from ten years ago
Over the rainbow - IZ
17. A song that reminds you of winter
Weiße Wand – AnnenMayKantereit
18. A song that reminds you of spring
Kiss in the Shadows – Sweatson Klank
19. A song that reminds you of summer
Chan Chan – Buena Vista Social Club
20. A song that reminds you of fall
California Dreaming – The Mamas & The Papas
(i know it’s supposed to be in winter but it has fall vibes to me)
21. A song for a slow Sunday morning
Charcoal Baby – Blood Orange
22. A song to fall asleep to
could cry just thinkin about you – Troye Sivan
23. A song from 2013
Thrift Shop – Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
24. A song from the 70’s
Soudain il ne reste qu'une chanson – Claude François
25. A song from the 80’s
Sunday Bloody Sunday – U2
26. A song from the 90’s
U Can't Touch This – MC Hammer
27. A song from the 00’s
Dernière danse - Kyo
28. A song that you discovered recently
Noir paradis - Georgio
29. A song you unexpectedly really like
Just because of you (Come on my love) – Eric Filet
= la chanson de Les Bronzés font du ski mdr
30. The best song to sing along to
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
31. The best road trip song
La Traversée – Radio Elvis
especially good for train rides
32. Two by an artist who passed away
Wishing well / Come & Go - Juice Wrld
33. Your favorite song from your favorite show
With Love, Vincent – Murray Gold
34. A song that reminds you of a book
Black Beatles (Rae Sremmurd Cover) - Waxx ft. Bleeker
(I listened to that song on repeat when I read Beronica fics a looong time ago, now it always make remind me of those)
35. A song that makes you want to go on an adventure
Into the Unknown – Panic! At The Disco
36. The best cover of a song
Rock El Casbah – Rachid Taha
37. The first three songs that come up when you hit shuffle
Finally – James Arthur
Cuz I Love You – Lizzo
Latch – Disclosure ft. Sam Smith
38. A song from your favorite genre
Sun – Two Door Cinema Club
39. A song with a number in the title
40 Day Dream – Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
40. A song with a place in the title
Paris – Brigitte
41. A song with a person’s name in the title
Marcia Baïla – Les Rita Mitsouko
42. A completely ridiculous song
Fous ta cagoule – Fatal Bazooka
43. A song by an artist from a different country than you
Σιγά μην κλάψω, σιγά μη φοβηθώ (I won't cry, I won't be scared) – Killah P, aka a Greek antifascist rapper who was murdered by a neo-nazi in 2013.
Here is a video with the lyrics in the subtitles
44. A song from your childhood
Confessions Nocturnes – Diam's & Vitaa
45. A song that makes you cry
Petit pays – Gaël Faye
About the Burundian civil war and theTutsis genocide. I cried even more after reading his book (I didn’t watch the film tho)
46. A song that reminds you of a vacation you took
Naive – The Kooks
47. A song that reminds you of a friend
Pompeii – Bastille
48. A song for a late night
Saint-Lambert – La Bronze
49. A song that makes you feel better
Mir-e Nowruz (Ramteen Remix) - Ahmad Ali Rezayi
50. Your absolute favorite song (or just right now)
My favorite song ever : Wastin' Time – The Shoes
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