#i know no king but the king of the court whose name is kageyama
tobioandsansa · 6 months
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teamiksong · 2 years
One thing I realised is that I am more interested with tsukikage and oikage ships than any other kageyama ships, despite my hatred for both tsukishima and oikawa, lol.
*sigh* I wish they were nice to my baby tobio.
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score-core · 4 months
Starshine [Haikyuu]
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chapter three
♡ anime masterlist ♡ previous chapter ♡ next chapter ♡
Kokoa Sugawara got through life by being herself. She didn't know how to be anyone else. Often times she felt as though she was stuck in her brother's shadow, after all, they liked many of the same things and constantly did the same things. Only, he was the fantastic volleyball player that everyone loved. She was just the sports photographer following in her twin's footsteps. But one day, she meets a boy whose freckles are aligned like stars, guiding her to him.
Tadashi was used to being in Kei's shadow. In fact, he often liked it that way. When he and Kokoa meet, he finds that he doesn't mind being in the spotlight, as long as she's controlling its gaze.
pairing(s): tadashi yamaguchi x fem!oc
warnings: none
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Kokoa walks into the practice match right as Kageyama is getting ready to serve. The first thing she hears is a powerful slam and a whoosh of air follows before the ball slams into the grou–Daichi’s waiting arms.
“Yamaguchi,” Tsukishima calls and sets up the ball for his friend.
“I got this, Tsukki!” Yamaguchi spikes the ball, hitting Hinata’s arms and going off to the side.
“Damn it,” Kageyama bristles.
“Nice set, Tsukki.”
“Steady receives are Daichi’s forte,” Tanaka tells the first years on his team. “He’s an incredible defender.”
“Were you expecting to score a few points in a row?” Daichi asks, confidence flowing from his body. “I don’t have any outstanding talents, but I’ve spent two years more than you guys etching this receiving skill into my body.” He gets into a deep receiving position. “Don’t think I’m going down without a fight.”
Hinata watches in awe. “So cool!”
“Come on, King,” Tsukishima ribs. “Don’t you think it’s about time you pulled out all the stops?”
Hinata sets his sights on the tall first year. “What’s your problem, man? You keep trying to pick a fight with him! What the hell is the “King’s set”?”
“Don’t you know why he’s called the King?”
“Well, for some reason, he’s really good. The other schools must have gotten scared of his skills and named him that, no?”
Tsukishima lowers his voice like he’s telling some great tale. “I’m sure there are a lot of people who think that way. But rumor has it that he was given the nickname of “King of the Court” by the guys from Kitagawa Daiichi. It means “Egocentric King”, or “Oppressive Despot”. I only heard rumors about it at first, but I was convinced after watching that match. He got so oppressive that they had to sub him out of the final.” Tsukishima notices Kageyama’s silence. “That’s why you stopped making quick sets? Are you chickening out due to what happened in that final?”
Tanaka steps forward angrily. “Hey, you’ve been running your mouth for a while now–”
“Tanaka,” Daich warns, shaking his head.
“If you make sets, but nobody jumps to hit them–,” Tsukishima continues before Kageyama cuts him off.
“That’s right. The idea of making a set only to find that there’s nobody there…terrifies me.”
“But that was back in junior high, right?” Hinata asks in confusion. “So long as he sets for me, I don’t really care. Breaking through your guard is a far more pressing issue! We’re gonna beat Tsukishima and join this team for real! You’ll get to play setter with your head held high, and then you’ll set for me! Does anything else matter?”
“That kind of pure and straightforward shtick really gets on my nerves,” Tsukki sneers. “Your spirit won’t make up for your lack of height. If you think hard work trumps all else, then you’re sorely mistaken.”
Tsukishima serves the ball and Tanaka easily receives it. “Leave it to me!”
“Gimmie!” Both Hinata and Tanaka shout, leaving the decision up to Kageyama of who to set the ball to.
“Tanaka!” He shouts.
Hinata screams out in response. “Kageyama!” He appears behind Kageyama as he gets ready to set the ball. “I’m here!”
Kageyama does a quick set to Hinata, who almost misses the ball. They watch as it lands outside the court.
Hinata blows out a breath of air. “That was close. I nearly whiffed that one. It went out, though.”
“What was that for?” Kageyama yells.
“But the ball did come to me!” Hinata says. “Who cares about junior high? I’ll take whatever sets I can get. And I’ll be grateful for all of them! I’ll jump anywhere. I’ll spike any ball! So…set for me!”
Kokoa shuffles over to her brother, murmuring to him quietly. “Kageyama was definitely going to pass to Tanaka just now.”
Koshi nods in agreement, matching her quiet tone before speaking. “It’s like he reacted to Hinata’s voice on instinct and changed his mind at the last second. To be able to make that accurate of a set on such short notice…”
“At least his amazing sets are kind of a distraction from his shitty attitude,” she replies, tuning back into the match before them.
On the court, Tanaka watches the younger boys in shock. “You guys can run quick plays?”
“Quick plays?” Hinata asks, not understanding the fancy terminology.
“Fast attacks like the one you just did!” Tanaka clarifies.
“No way!” The ginger tells him adamantly as if he didn’t just hit the quick set. “I’ve only ever spiked slow and looping sets.”
Tanaka looks at him like he’s crazy. “But you just did it! And besides, didn’t you once spike a messed-up set from that beginner on your junior high team? Stuff like that.”
Hinata reflects on the past match, confused. “Huh? Oh, but I don’t remember how I did that.” This makes the second year look at Hinata in confusion, not sure how to respond. “But I’ll spike any set that comes my way!” The first year continues. “You hear me?”
Kageyama glares down at Hinata. “We’ve never practiced plays,” he says, his tone never changing. “Running a quick one is impossible.”
“What are you being so timid for?” Hinata asks, backing away from Kageyama. “It’s giving me the creeps!”
“Oh, shut it,” the grumpy first year says as he stalks away.
The similarly grumpy Tsukishima turns his attention towards Hinata. “There you go, getting all worked up again,” he says, simpering. “‘Try and try until you succeed’ sounds nice on paper, but it doesn’t always work like that.”
“Why are you so negative?” Kokoa asks bluntly, bringing all the attention in the room to her. It was obvious that both Sugawara siblings received the same soft genes with the way her face resembled her brothers. She had a delicate bone structure complete with a button nose and soft skin and her hair was like a long, silver waterfall down her back. It’s no question that she’s attractive. Yamagichi certainly thought so.
“And who are you?” Tsukishima asks, narrowing his eyes at her reproachful comment.
“Kokoa Sugawara,” she says, crossing her arms and matching his tone. “You never answered my question, beanpole.”
Tsukishima scowled but answered her anyway. “Everyone has things they’re just not cut out for. And he’s clearly not fit to be a spiker.”
“Says you,” Kokoa cuts in before Hinata yells at him. “High school is very different from junior high. And anyone can improve when they put enough effort into it.” Hinata stands behind her, crossing his arms and nodding his head with a serious face as if saying “exactly”.
The shorter first year finally decides to speak up. “I know that a volleyball player needs to be tall,” he says, feeling slightly inferior to the giants around him. “That it doesn’t matter how high you can jump. It’ll never make up for a massive difference in height. But I don’t care if I’m disadvantaged or not cut out for it. I wanna fight using my own body. I wanna keep winning and stay on the court as much as I can!” His body was tense and his face was pulled taught, an obvious challenge for Tsukishima should he take it.
Kageyama suddenly pushes past Kokoa and grabs Hinata by his shirt to pull him away from the net. Sugawara does the same to his sister, practically scruffing her like a pup as he drags her away from the court. Both scramble and complain to their companions. 
As the game resumes, Kokoa turns to her brother. “I’m not staying for this, I’ve got some stuff to do.”
Koshi eyes her skeptically. “What stuff?”
“Stuff,” she smiles at him innocently while picking up her bag. Making her way to the gym doors, she turns her attention to the two first years she came to be friends with. “Oi, Hinata, Kageyama!” The two first years turn to her in surprise. Lingering by the door, she smiles brightly at them. “You both better win this. I’m looking forward to taking some action shots of that quick so you better make the team in your proper positions.”
“Yes!” They both yell, matching her grin and Kokoa makes her way outside.
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jeonghan-wonwoo · 1 year
found an old kagehina angst from 2020. enjoy!
note: this doesn't follow the haikyuu!! timeline/ universe where hinata went to brazil after highschool.
**1st year babies are juniors in uni, 2nd year babies are seniors in uni, 3rd year senpais already graduated.
"Oh? Sugawara-san!"
He ran up to Kageyama and gave him a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in a year!"
"C-can't b-breathe-"
"Oh! Sorry!" Sugawara released Kageyama from the hug. "It's been a while since I've seen you so I missed you."
Kageyama smiled, for the first time in a while. "I miss you too, Sugawara-san."
"Are you free right now?"
"I was about to go to the superma--"
"Perfect. You can join me for lunch." Sugawara dragged him towards a small restaurant across the street.
"So, how are you?" Sugawara asked, leaning towards his highschool kouhai.
"I'm fine, Sugawara-san. Just really busy with university." He tried to smile. "How about you?" He knew where this was going and he would not succumb to his senpai.
"I'm okay. I'm currently waiting for the results of an application I submitted at a school near Karasuno." Sugawara sighs. "I've never seen or heard from you, Kageyama."
"I'm just really busy with school."
"I know you're bad at studying and need to work extra hard but you can always spare time to send a message to me or to any of us!"
"I just wanna improve myself, Sugawara-san." He says so quietly and Sugawara's hurt. This is not the Kageyama Tobio he met in Karasuno. This is not even the Kageyama Tobio that was called King of the Court in Kitagawa Daiichi. This is not his Kageyama Tobio.
"But we miss you and we're worried about you. Everyone's asking for you."
"Maybe next--"
"Hinata's worried about you."
Kageyama's rendered speechless. He has been doing his best to forget-- forget his loud voice, his small but powerful hands, stupid expressions, orange- scented shampoo, warm kisses-- forget he existed. The wall Kageyama built for months came crumbling down with just one name.
"We're so worried about you, especially Hinata. But you're ignoring all of us!" Sugawara exclaims before taking a bite of his food.
"I--" Kageyama sighs in defeat, "I can't see him yet, Sugawara-san."
"It's been a year, Kageyama."
"I know." Kageyama chuckles. "I bet eveyone thinks I’m stupid." He pushes his food away.
"You are not." Sugawara misses his Kageyama Tobio. The one whose eyes burn with the passion for volleyball, the one whose eyes has never shown fear or doubt. "Come back to us, Kageyama. We're your teammates-- friends, even."
The younger looks up and sees a small, quiet smile on his senpai-- the one that he trusted the most and that's all the assurance he needs; he nods.
"You'll try, right?"
He nods again.
"Oh, thank you!" Sugawara flops beside Kageyama and gives him a tight squeeze. Kageyama missed this-- the warmth of another person and a friend. He missed having another living being beside him.
Kageyama receives a text from Tanaka. "I'm outside your building. Where are you?"
He smiles before sending a reply. "I just finished my classes, Senpai. But I'm already on my way."
“Hurry up!”
It's been two weeks since he had lunch with Sugawara and it's been a week since everybody's slowly creeping into his life again. It started with Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Ennoshita cooking and eating dinner at his place, lunch with Yachi, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, and the celebration of Sugawara scoring the teaching job he was waiting for.
By the fourth week, Kageyama was ready to combust and break down again. Being with them reminded him of too many memories that he has been working so hard to forget. "You don't have to force yourself. I told Suga you'll need time, and everyone's just so excited to see you. I'll tell them to slow it down." He didn't know their former captain saw through him. He has been doing his best to hide his anxiousness whenever he was with them.
He's slowly getting used to having people around him again. He's also looking forward to eating dinner with the senpais tonight.
There was suddenly a loud banging on his door, thinking it was Yachi and Yamaguchi. He was about to scream their heads off but when he opened the door, he was surprised to see someone else.
"Tobio-chan~" Oikawa says in a singy-songy voice that would usually irritate Kageyama. "Open up for your dear Senpai?"
And he does while gaping at Oikawa.
"Oh, Iwa-chan's coming too, okay?" His Senpai says, flopping down before the table.
"W-Why are you--"
"To check on my favorite kouhai, of course." He smiles. "We're cooking dinner so take this instant noodles somewhere else." He takes the unopened noodles and tosses it to Kageyama.
"Oikawa-san?" Kageyama calls out as he stashes the cup noodles away.
"Hmm?" His Senpai answers while mindlessly flipping through Kageyama's books on the table.
"Why are you here?"
Oikawa looks up at him. "Because I have not heard anything about you in a year after that incident. Then, Sugawara-san messaged me that he has finally seen and talked to you." He eyes Kageyama before continuing. "I know we have some issues between us, but I am your Senpai and I am worried about you. Everyone's worried about you. Imagine my shock when Sugawara-san called me up asking if I had seen you or heard anything from you when I was halfway across the world. The two of us haven't had any contact since you started university and yet, he still called me up frantically looking for you."
Kageyama's eyes and nose are stinging and Oikawa stands up to walk towards him. "Tobio, you are allowed to be weak. You are allowed to make mistakes. You are allowed to be hurt. You are allowed to be human." Oikawa pries Kageyama's hands away from his face. "Tobio-chan, there are things in life that you have to hold on and let go of. You have found amazing friends who will always be there for you in and out of the court; they're what you hold close. But you have to let go of the things that are hurting you."
Kageyama's tears fall and Oikawa puts his arms around him. Kageyama returns the hug before sobbing in Oikawa's arms. He has completely forgotten about his friends and yet, they were always there for him-- waiting, supporting, watching, loving from afar.
Kageyama thinks he can finally take a step forward.
It's all festive already when Kageyama arrives at Daichi's place. They were celebrating Daichi's birthday and engagement to Michimiya. Daichi, Azumane, and Tanaka are already grilling the meat outside. He walks inside and sees his senpais talking and laughing like before. He feels his chest tighten at the memories his mind conjures, but he shakes his head and smiles.
Kageyama is tastefully buzzed. He, Tanaka and Nishinoya have trying to get Sugawara drunk but all the senpai does is to walk straight and smile at them even though he might have drunk more than they have.
"Oi!" He hears a familiar voice scream. He didn't know getting drunk will let him hear a voice he has been wanting to hear.
"Shoyo!" Nishinoya screams and points somewhere outside. Kageyama follows his senpai's finger to see orange hair. He inhales and smells his shampoo meters away. His eyesight clears and his breath is caught up in his throat.
It was a mess. Nishinoya and Tanaka was tackling and screaming at Hinata. Yamaguchi and Yachi were singing old songs. Daichi, Sugawara, and Kiyoko were already preparing more food for Hinata and everyone. Kageyama crawled to the corner of the room, hiding beside Ennoshita who was watching everyone with amusement.
"You okay?" Ennoshita asks Kageyama.
Kageyama hummed before opening another can of beer and drinking.
He sees a grinning Hinata pull an unfamiliar guy beside him. "Everyone, this is Miya Atsumu, my boyfrie--"
Hinata is cut off by Kageyama running towards the direction of the bathroom.
Ennoshita walks towards Miya and Hinata, "I think he had too much to drink." He reaches a hand out to Miya. "I'm Ennoshita, nice to meet you."
"He's been there for an hour." Yachi nudges Yamaguchi.
"You know how he can be, Yachi-san." Yamaguchi whispers and Hinata hears them. He knew Kageyama could hold his alcohol pretty well.
"I'll check up on him." Sugawara walks to the bathroom. "Open up."
"I'm kind of busy, Sugawara-san."
"Kageyama Tobio."
The younger opens up the door because Sugawara never calls him like that. Sugawara sees the mess Kageyama became-- his eyes were puffy and he was sniffling non-stop.
Sugawara wraps an arm around him. "Pull yourself together. He's Hinata Shoyo, your former team mate."
"He's Hinata Shoyo, my ex."
Sugawara sighs. "Yes, he's also your ex. But I think that focusing on him being your ex isn't going to help you let go of the pain you have been holding on to so tightly."
Kageyama burries his head into Sugawara's shoulder.
"He wants you two to be normal."
"We can never be normal."
"You can try."
"I don't want to."
"If it makes you feel better, Atsumu and I dated for a while back."
"What?" He looked up to quickly and his head started spinning.
"He was the guy I dated after learning Daichi and Michimiya started dating. We hit it right off. I thought he was the one, but as you know, shit happens." Sugawara smiles.
"Hey." Hinata calls out. He found Kageyama sitting on the porch, drinking the tea Sugawara brewed for him.
"Oh, hey." Kageyama finally smiles. He breathes in the cold night air and gets a whiff of his orange-scented shampoo.
"How are you?"
"Headache. I think I drank too much."
"No, no. How are you? We haven't seen you in so long."
"I'm fine." He says so quietly. "University's taking up too much of my time. You?" He says the latter too thoughtful. He wants to throw up at the fakeness of his question.
"I'm fine. I'm starting to hate university too."
"How's Miya?"
"He's older than us, Kageyama." Hinata laughs a little.
"Miya Senpai, then. How is he?"
"He's nice. Responsible and talented. He's just really nice."
Kageyama is quiet, overthinking the information Hinata had given him. "I was invited to the US for training."
"Congratulations! We have to cele--"
"I'm doing my best to change, Hinata. I’m doing my best to learn and improve myself." Kageyama holds the cup a little too tight. "I'm doing this for you. So, I have enough reason to convince you to come back because I love you too much to let you go just like that. I love you, Hinata. I still love you."
Minutes pass and Kageyama regrets saying it.
"I'm- I'm sor-"
"Yeah," Kageyama’s eyes are glassy but he smiles. "You love him."
"We can still be friends, right?"
"Yeah." All their shared memories run through his head so quickly, he hears his heart being torn into a million pieces over and over and his lungs run out of air. "Of course, we can."
Hinata smiles again. That smile that Kageyama fell head over heels for and it doesn't make the pain bearable.
He realizes that moving forward means losing and gaining something: losing a part of him to the past and gaining new smiles from Hinata. Right now, he's content at this moment where Hinata is smiling that smile at him and it feels like he is his again.
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shadowgeist-stars · 3 years
Kitagawa First: So Heavy the Crown
It should've been like any other Monday. Toru and Iwaizumi should've gone about their day off from practice as they usually did. He'd brought his nephew home and the two had intended to get something to eat together.
They should not have seen Tobio, of all people, standing in the cemetery.
It was already unlike him to be away from practice with the other crows this early in the afternoon. Especially wearing an oversized jacket vaguely similar to what they wore back in middle school. The strange hoodie he wore was familiar, but somehow not quite right; it even looked a little big for him.
“What in the world is he doing out here?” Iwaizumi wondered.
“Let’s go check it out,” Toru suggested with a smile. This could be a perfect opportunity to learn something about their former junior.
He was talking, they realized as they drew close. To himself, most likely, but Toru decided to take the stealthy route to hear exactly what Tobio was saying.
“I didn’t make it to Shiratorizawa like you did… but I think I still found a good team… At least, I hope you’d like them. Shiratorizawa might be too different from when you were there anyway… I still think about what you told me, back then… how if I got really good at volleyball, someone even better would come find me. I thought I found that person in middle school where you used to coach… But I guess it didn’t work out how I hoped…”
A small pang in Toru’s stomach told him that was probably about him. He was able to look at the name on the gravestone Tobio stood in front of, though, as well as the birth-to-death dates.
Kazuyo Kageyama… 1936-2010… sounds like a grandparent. And a volleyball coach, as well? Hmm... Volleyball must simply run in the family.
“But now, I think I found someone who is like what you were saying,” Tobio continued to the gravestone. “He may not look like much. He’s short, super annoying, and kind of a dumbass… but he’s the fastest and highest-jumping spiker I’ve ever seen… And sometimes, he’s the best friend someone like me could ask for.”
His head eventually lowered, his body starting to curl in on itself like he was going to fall to his knees. The third years almost thought they were starting to hear him sniffle.
“I just wish you could meet him, and everyone else… I think you’d like meeting them all. Sugawara and Asahi and Daichi… All the second years like Noya and Tanaka… maybe even Tadashi and Tsukishima and our managers and our coach and Mr. Takeda…” He crumbled to the ground with a sob. “I just… I miss you, Grandpa. More than Miwa or our parents. I have ever since…”
That was when the name finally clicked. Kazuyo Kageyama was the old coach of the infamous local ladies volleyball team, the Kitagawa Birds, who was forced into retirement due to illness. If both Tobio and this Miwa were related to him and he taught both of them volleyball from a really young age, it would’ve made sense that Kageyama would be such a good player so early on. And since the date said he died during Tobio’s second year in middle school… that had to have hit him hard.
Possibly… hard enough to make him into what Kunimi and Kindaichi called “the King of the Court.”
Iwaizumi took a small step closer, flinching when he stepped on the grass in just the right way that would make noise. Enough noise for Tobio to flinch away from the source and twist backward to see them both standing there. And more importantly, for them to see the tears starting to dribble down his face.
“Uh-um… what are you two doing here?” he asked, trying to clean his face with his sleeve (most likely to be his grandfather’s jacket).
“We’d ask you the same thing, but we heard enough to answer for us,” Toru replied. “Please, don’t let us stop you.”
Iwa slapped him on the back of the head. “Ignore him. We were just wondering what you were doing away from your team in a place like this.” His eyes scanned the gravestone once more, guiding Tobio into a position where the three could sit together. “You never really told any of us about your grandfather back in middle school, did you Kageyama?”
The first year shook his head.
“Didn’t think so… Well, if you’re feeling up for it with your old upperclassmen… care to share?”
Tobio drummed his fingers on top of one another for about a minute, before nodding slowly.
“Alright, let’s start small. Was your Grandpa the, uh… reason, why you got into volleyball?”
Tobio looked to his grandfather’s grave. “Sort of. He and my sister, Miwa, would always tell me about how I managed to get my hands on her volleyball when I was… a baby… and how I didn’t wanna let go of it. That might’ve been where it all started, but since Grandpa is the only one I really remember raising us, we’d both usually be with him when he was coaching the Kitagawa Birds, playing with some of the ladies, helping them practice, or just passing a ball to each other in a corner of the gym or practicing ourselves with the wall.”
The small story piqued Toru’s interest. Frankly, he found the mental image adorable, seeing a baby Tobio holding onto a volleyball and somehow keeping a grip on it with hands no bigger than the end of his thumb. His memory might be a little faded, but something similar could’ve happened with his nephew Takeru. And Tobio Kageyama, not actually being an only child… He couldn’t help wondering if that sister of his looked all that similar.
Iwaizumi seemed to like how it was going so far. “Okay. We remember you wanted to go to Shiratorizawa even back in middle school. Did your Grandpa have something to do with that?”
Tobio nodded. “He used to be a middle blocker for their team. Showed me his old yearbook and everything. Probably before the current coach showed up, though.”
“So it really does run in the family,” Toru commented. “Guess I shouldn’t be surprised though.”
The smaller boy shrugged. “Miwa wound up quitting volleyball after middle school. She was getting more into fashion and stuff anyways, and didn’t like how she was always being told to cut her hair. At least, I think that was the reason.”
Wow. That, Toru could get behind, no questions asked. Sure, he wouldn’t give up volleyball for the world, but he’d definitely take offense if he was always being told to do something like change his looks or cut his lovely hair. That said, it was good to hear Tobio’s sister found her own calling, even if it wasn’t sports-related.
“Kinda wish you were able to introduce your sister and grandfather to the team, Kageyama,” Iwaizumi remarked. “They sound like it’d be pretty interesting to meet them both. Wasn’t your grandfather still coaching in middle school?”
The dark heaviness returned to the young setter. “No… Grandpa was already in and out of the hospital for a long time by then; more one than the other, though. He was able to keep on a brave face for me… but in second year, after you left, he… he…” his voice started quivering, the tears starting to return with new fury. “He left us behind… left me behind… I couldn’t even cry at his damn funeral because it never really hit me! And then after he left… Miwa had to get ready to move away for university… Our parents were distant enough even before he died, and… and then my own team left me!” He wrapped himself tight in his grandfather’s jacket, hands even moving to tangle into his hair. “I was all alone… I didn’t even know what I did wrong… Why all of a sudden I didn’t have anyone anymore!… Why?... Why, why, why?!”
Iwaizumi was quick to hug Tobio from the side, glaring over at Toru until he mirrored the action. It had already been clear enough that Tobio had been holding this all in for a long time. How just losing one person -- closer to him than anyone else in the world -- made him go from a sweet and eager-to-please junior (who still reminded Toru of Ushijima in some ways) to the bad-tempered dictator whose team got so fed up with him that he was given the boot.
No wonder, Toru thought to himself, sadness and guilt pooling in his stomach again. No wonder Tobio became so self-reliant. No wonder he underwent such a change in temperament. What kind of void did middle school leave behind while no one else was able to see?
First, he lost the two of us.
Then he lost his grandfather.
Then he lost his sister.
…Then he lost his team.
He understood now, to some extent. Kazuyo Kageyama didn’t just introduce his grandson to volleyball; he was the reason why the boy loved it so much. But when he left, so did the better parts of Tobio. There was no family or friends to help him carry that weight; it was just him.
Him, and the weight that threatened to crush him, that so many were so willing to call a crown. A tarnished, broken, absurdly heavy crown that they were only beginning to realize here and now.
Until by some miracle, Karasuno and that little shrimp brought him back to some semblance of his old self. Before them, he was left with nothing and no one but himself to rely on. He carried all of that grief, guilt, and frustration on his head for the better part of two years, not knowing what to do with it or with himself.
So they let him cry. They let him drop those long years of forcing down his grief over who he loved most, in loud, chest-ripping wails. Iwaizumi ensured they both kept him wrapped up in their arms, maintaining that small reminder that he should’ve never had to endure that alone. The spite Toru felt for Tobio all that time seemed to melt as well, filling in all the blanks for why he was such a good player and so eager to please and so not deserving of such hatred. Every assumption he made was dissolved by the knowledge about a single person.
“Huh? Toby, what are you doing over there?” a new voice inquired after a time they didn’t give any thought to. “And who are your friends?”
Toru looked through blurred vision at an approaching woman. She was probably around their age, with black, meticulously-styled hair and -- once he blinked away the mist -- deep blue eyes very similar to the first year he and Iwaizumi were hugging.
“Mi -- Miwa…” Tobio managed to hiccup out. The woman held a hand out to him, something he looked at with an almost painful mix of confusion and disbelief before he took it and let her pull him up. And even then, he barely maintained his composure long enough to droop over her shoulder, gripping at her in a desperate hug.
“Shh… I know, Toby, I know…” she soothed, rubbing circles into his back. “I miss him, too… I’m so sorry, Toby…”
He stayed there a little longer before numbly stepping away, wiping his face with his sleeve again.
The Seijoh players were shattered by the look in his eyes. The way they looked so… dead, and tired.
How did no one realize he was becoming like this?
Tobio almost swayed another direction before Iwaizumi stepped in and grabbed him. “Easy there, kiddo. Just lean on me -- there we go.” He looked over to the woman with a dip of his head. “I’m Hajime Iwaizumi, and this jerk over here is Toru Oikawa. We knew Kageyama back in middle school.”
The woman seemed to scan the two of them, almost skeptical.
“We’d be happy to help you out with Tobio,” Toru offered, all too happy to take on the diplomatic duty he was so used to. “He was telling us about his grandfather, you see, and it’s clear how much has been on his shoulders since his passing. We were doing what we could as his old upperclassmen.”
“I see…” Miwa replied, turning on her heel. “Follow me. My car’s not far from here.”
Iwaizumi had decided to sit in the backseat with Tobio, keeping him steady as he all but dozed on his shoulder. Toru rode shotgun while the Karasuno player’s sister drove them to the Kageyama household.
“I can’t believe he’s held onto Grandpa’s old track hoodie this long,” Miwa commented. “Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“Because he and his grandfather were that close?” Toru inquired.
The woman nodded. “Even closer than I was with either of ‘em. Grandpa was really all he had, ever since… well, there was always that one thing our parents didn’t like for some reason.”
...Secretly, Toru had a feeling he knew what exactly “that one thing” was. He had his suspicions of the way Tobio behaved, almost entirely fixated on volleyball. The way he subconsciously reminded him of Ushijima. Who knows? Perhaps even the famous Ushiwaka was introduced to volleyball that early on as well, and had the same sort of mind.
“I suppose that’s simply an unfortunate truth with some people,” he replied offhandedly. “I’ll admit, I and some of our current teammates weren’t exactly fond of him in middle school. But then again, none of us had a clue about his personal life, and I’d wager Tobio didn’t even give himself time to grieve.”
“I guess I can’t blame you there. Toby never consciously dwelled on things that he didn’t think he had to, for better or worse. He wanted to be just like Grandpa, but after graduating from middle school not being able to get into Shiratorizawa, he figured volleyball was the only thing he had left.”
“And even then, he was all on his own,” Iwaizumi finished from the backseat when they stopped at the house. He even helped carry Kageyama inside. “We all knew how Oikawa gave the poor kid a hard time when he was still an eager-to-please prodigy in his first year, and even heard how his sudden change in attitude in his second year left him ostracized by the team. Though we never saw the other side of the story until now.”
He didn't even need to say it was because they refused to hear it.
After the Aoba Johsai players put the younger boy to bed, they both went to the bathroom to wash their faces of tears. On the way back down, they discovered the pictures that littered the house. A happy family that comprised of parents, a grandfather, and a little girl. But when a baby boy appeared, there was only one of all five before the parents all but disappeared. The only ones after were the two children and their grandfather.
In all of them, the grandfather in question sported a wide, proud smile. Whether it be with a far younger Miwa trying to brush his hair, tossing a volleyball with the even younger Tobio, or all three of them together, he still had that smile. A sort of light that went missing when he passed away, leaving both of his grandchildren behind.
“Your grandfather must’ve been quite a splendid role model for the both of you,” Toru said softly. “A light that even Tobio didn’t deserve to lose.”
Miwa hummed thoughtfully, leaving some tea to steep in a pot. “I don’t think Toby even realized how badly he was hurting. Honestly, I kinda wish I didn’t have to leave him so soon. If I knew how badly he was affected by Grandpa’s death, I would’ve held off on school just to make sure he’d have at least someone to be there… Maybe I just put too much trust into his teammates supporting him.”
Because Kindaichi and Kunimi thought he was nothing but a dictator at the sport. They didn’t think for a second that he might’ve just been lonely or in pain.
…Then again, neither did we.
“I don’t think you have to worry much about him now, though,” Iwaizumi pointed out. “We know we failed the poor kid, as his former teammates and as his upperclassmen, and we’re far from the only ones who did so. But I plan to make sure we fix that.”
Toru smiled at the ace’s declaration, looking towards Tobio’s room. Even if the now-sleeping boy may never really trust Toru again, at least his beloved might be able to get through to the younger setter. If they find the chance, they might even get Kindaichi and Kunimi to understand as well, and enlist their help in making amends.
“Besides, ever since joining Karasuno, we can tell he’s doing a lot better,” Toru added. “He’s… finally found a place where he fits in. And I for one doubt those crows will leave him the way we did, especially not his new little go-to spiker. Whether he finds it in him to tell them about this or not, I can at least be confident that they’ll stand with him.”
Miwa smiled at them both, finally pouring the tea for all three of them. “I’m glad for that, you two. Toby needs a lot of friends to make up for not having anyone before. Whether they know about Grandpa or not, I just want him to find a family of his own, if only to make sure it’s not just the two of us looking out for each other.”
The two young men could only stick around for about another hour, conversing with Miwa and looking after their former underclassman. They told her about each of the crows to the best of their ability, the woman occasionally throwing in her two cents about whoever Tobio actually told her about. When the sun said they had to head home, they gave Tobio one last check before they left with a final goodbye and thank-you to Miwa.
As they left, though, Toru couldn't help but take a final look at the almost foreboding Kageyama household, holding onto his boyfriend's arm. "Iwa… do you think Tobio will tell his other teammates about his grandfather? Should he?"
Iwaizumi sighed. "It would probably be a good idea, but I doubt it. He'll probably tell the little sunspot and Karasuno's other setter, if no one else, but only time will tell."
…I guess that's true, Toru thought to himself dully. Only time will tell, and trust as well…
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coffeebased · 4 years
Hey! Wikathon na! I’ve started reading Relocations by Karen Tongson, about a third through now, but I had to take a little detour through Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir like I said I would. I’ve finished reading HtN but I’m not quite done experiencing it, so I’ll probably pick Relocations back up tomorrow.
But here’s what I read in July! What’s a segue?
1. Haikyu!! Volume 44 and 45 by Haruichi Furudate
A chance event triggered Shouyou Hinata’s love for volleyball. His club had no members, but somehow persevered and finally made it into its very first and final regular match of middle school, where it was steamrolled by Tobio Kageyama, a superstar player known as “King of the Court.”
Vowing revenge, Hinata applied to the Karasuno High School volleyball club… only to come face-to-face with his hated rival, Kageyama!
And with those two volumes, Haikyū has ended. I’m really glad that my cousin got me to catch up to the series because being a part of the sheer joy and love that’s poured out the fandom these past few months has been refreshing to my spirit. I enjoyed the way Furudate brought the series to its conclusion, by giving all the characters a future and room to grow. I hope to hear more from him in the upcoming years.
  2. Looking for Group by Alexis Hall
I read Looking for Group because I was reading up on Alexis Hall in anticipation of Boyfriend Material, which I will talk about later, and saw the synopsis:
So, yeah, I play Heroes of Legend, y’know, the MMO. I’m not like obsessed or addicted or anything. It’s just a game. Anyway, there was this girl in my guild who I really liked because she was funny and nerdy and a great healer. Of course, my mates thought it was hilarious I was into someone I’d met online. And they thought it was even more hilarious when she turned out to be a boy IRL. But the joke’s on them because I still really like him.
And now that we’re together, it’s going pretty well. Except sometimes I think Kit—that’s his name, sorry I didn’t mention that—spends way too much time in HoL. I know he has friends in the guild, but he has me now, and my friends, and everyone knows people you meet online aren’t real. I mean. Not Kit. Kit’s real. Obviously.
Oh, I’m Drew, by the way. This is sort of my story. About how I messed up some stuff and figured out some stuff. And fell in love and stuff.
And I knew that I had to read it. Immediately.
I enjoyed it way too much. The characters were adorable, the conflict was done well, the geeky gamer wrapper was AMAZING and the author never dropped the ball on integrating the online game into the narrative. It was very readable and I enjoyed the atmosphere of the book immensely. I also may have spent a heady week or so thinking of playing WoW, but I avoided that temptation. Made me miss uni too, and the way my friends and I would spend countless hours with each other.
  3. Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
Wanted: One (fake) boyfriend Practically perfect in every way
Luc O’Donnell is tangentially–and reluctantly–famous. His rock star parents split when he was young, and the father he’s never met spent the next twenty years cruising in and out of rehab. Now that his dad’s making a comeback, Luc’s back in the public eye, and one compromising photo is enough to ruin everything.
To clean up his image, Luc has to find a nice, normal relationship…and Oliver Blackwood is as nice and normal as they come. He’s a barrister, an ethical vegetarian, and he’s never inspired a moment of scandal in his life. In other words: perfect boyfriend material. Unfortunately apart from being gay, single, and really, really in need of a date for a big event, Luc and Oliver have nothing in common. So they strike a deal to be publicity-friendly (fake) boyfriends until the dust has settled. Then they can go their separate ways and pretend it never happened.
But the thing about fake-dating is that it can feel a lot like real-dating. And that’s when you get used to someone. Start falling for them. Don’t ever want to let them go.
I came into this book with high expectations after Looking for Group, and my expectations were mostly met. The few issues I had were ultimately negligible, probably cultural differences or conventions of a genre that I’m not familiar with. The characters were strong, and I found the book funny. I know it sounds as though I’m damning it with faint praise, so I’ll say it plainly: it was an enjoyable read and I was totally invested in the romance. I think it’ll make a really good film as well.
4. The Subtweet by Vivek Shraya
Everyone talks about falling in love, but falling in friendship can be just as captivating. When Neela Devaki’s song is covered by internet-famous artist Rukmini, the two musicians meet and a transformative friendship begins. But as Rukmini’s star rises and Neela’s stagnates, jealousy and self-doubt creep in. With a single tweet, their friendship implodes, one career is destroyed, and the two women find themselves at the center of an internet firestorm.
Celebrated multidisciplinary artist Vivek Shraya’s second novel is a stirring examination of making art in the modern era, a love letter to brown women, an authentic glimpse into the music industry, and a nuanced exploration of the promise and peril of being seen.
If you’re a millennial and if you’ve ever had complicated friendships, this book will ring really true for most of it, I think. I kept wincing at the characters’ actions and “mistakes”, recognising them as things I or my friends have done, but there are portions of the story that I found inaccessible because Neela, the main character, just seems really opaque even when they’re the ones speaking. The music Shraya made as a companion to the book slaps and can be found here.
  5. Empowered 11 by Adam Warren
Costumed crimefighter Empowered finds herself the desperate prey of a maniacal supervillain whose godlike powers have turned an entire city of suprahumans against her.
Not good! Outnumbered and under siege, aided only by a hero’s ghost, can Emp survive the relentless onslaught long enough to free her enslaved teammates and loved ones, or is this–*gulp*–The End?
From comics overlord Adam Warren comes Empowered, the acclaimed sexy superhero comedy–except when it isn’t, as in this volume’s no-nonsense, wall-to-wall brawl guaranteed to bring tears to the eye and fists to the face!
Warren’s tying up a lot of loose ends and answering a lot of questions and I’m wondering if that means Empowered‘s ending soon. I haven’t seen any info regarding this, even though the words “The End” are right there in the summary, because comic books always lean on the whole the hero could die! thing, and more often than not they never do. But Emp has come so far in the past 11 volumes, and I think that she’s ready to confront a lot of the stuff that Warren’s only hinted at in the past. Most of Empowered is about how Emp deals with failure and how she rises above it, and recently it’s become about how other people have failed her, rather than how she has failed, and how she deserves better. I’m worried about her, but at least we are another volume’s worth of evidence for the Emp/Thugboy/Ninjette OT3.
  6. Sex and Vanity by Kevin Kwan
The iconic author of the bestselling phenomenon Crazy Rich Asians returns with a glittering tale of love and longing as a young woman finds herself torn between two worlds–the WASP establishment of her father’s family and George Zao, a man she is desperately trying to avoid falling in love with.
On her very first morning on the jewel-like island of Capri, Lucie Churchill sets eyes on George Zao and she instantly can’t stand him. She can’t stand it when he gallantly offers to trade hotel rooms with her so that she can have the view of the Tyrrhenian Sea, she can’t stand that he knows more about Curzio Malaparte than she does, and she really can’t stand it when he kisses her in the darkness of the ancient ruins of a Roman villa and they are caught by her snobbish, disapproving cousin, Charlotte. “Your mother is Chinese so it’s no surprise you’d be attracted to someone like him,” Charlotte teases. Daughter of an American-born-Chinese mother and blue-blooded New York father, Lucie has always sublimated the Asian side of herself in favor of the white side, and she adamantly denies having feelings for George. But several years later, when George unexpectedly appears in East Hampton where Lucie is weekending with her new fiancé, Lucie finds herself drawn to George again. Soon, Lucy is spinning a web of deceit that involves her family, her fiancé, the co-op board of her Fifth Avenue apartment, and ultimately herself as she tries mightily to deny George entry into her world–and her heart. Moving between summer playgrounds of privilege, peppered with decadent food and extravagant fashion, Sex and Vanity is a truly modern love story, a daring homage to A Room with a View, and a brilliantly funny comedy of manners set between two cultures.
This was the third romance novel I read in July, and that’s honestly the highest concentration of romance novel I’ve ever had in my life. I know that I’m supposed to find romance novels like super kilig and stuff, but so far I am just very anxious for romance novel protagonists all the time. I think that the whole thing about the romance novels I have read is that they’re mostly about how deeply anxious people learn how to allow themselves to be loved and that is tough! I wanted to protect Lucie all the time! I was Invested in her Welfare, and I don’t think I cared about Rachel Chu from Crazy Rich Asians half as much, even if you condensed all my attachment from the entire trilogy. Also, small spoiler, there is a hint that Sex and Vanity is in the same universe as Crazy Rich Asians, which I think is awesome.
  6. Trust Exercise by Susan Choi
Pulitzer Finalist Susan Choi’s narrative-upending novel about what happens when a first love between high school students is interrupted by the attentions of a charismatic teacher
In an American suburb in the early 1980s, students at a highly competitive performing arts high school struggle and thrive in a rarified bubble, ambitiously pursuing music, movement, Shakespeare, and, particularly, their acting classes. When within this striving “Brotherhood of the Arts,” two freshmen, David and Sarah, fall headlong into love, their passion does not go unnoticed—or untoyed with—by anyone, especially not by their charismatic acting teacher, Mr. Kingsley.
The outside world of family life and economic status, of academic pressure and of their future adult lives, fails to penetrate this school’s walls—until it does, in a shocking spiral of events that catapults the action forward in time and flips the premise upside-down. What the reader believes to have happened to David and Sarah and their friends is not entirely true—though it’s not false, either. It takes until the book’s stunning coda for the final piece of the puzzle to fall into place—revealing truths that will resonate long after the final sentence.
As captivating and tender as it is surprising, Trust Exercise will incite heated conversations about fiction and truth, friendships and loyalties, and will leave readers with wiser understandings of the true capacities of adolescents and of the powers and responsibilities of adults.
This is a book I could not stop reading and I felt gross after I finished it. I think that I enjoyed it and that the narrative flips were well-done and it was engaging, but Choi writes teenage trauma in 3D, and you can smell her scumbag characters. Very good will never read again unless looking to feel bad.
Temeraire: His Majesty’s Dragon, Throne of Jade, Black Powder War, andEmpire of Ivory by Naomi Novik
Aerial combat brings a thrilling new dimension to the Napoleonic Wars as valiant warriors ride mighty fighting dragons, bred for size or speed. When HMS Reliant captures a French frigate and seizes the precious cargo, an unhatched dragon egg, fate sweeps Captain Will Laurence from his seafaring life into an uncertain future – and an unexpected kinship with a most extraordinary creature. Thrust into the rarified world of the Aerial Corps as master of the dragon Temeraire, he will face a crash course in the daring tactics of airborne battle. For as France’s own dragon-borne forces rally to breach British soil in Bonaparte’s boldest gambit, Laurence and Temeraire must soar into their own baptism of fire.
I started re-reading it because I wanted to introduce it to my girlfriend, and I outpaced her very quickly, and selfishly. She’s still at the beginning fourth of Throne of Jade, and I feel like I blinked and gulped down four of the books in quick succession. I had to stop myself after Empire, in a very belated effort to sync up to my gf’s progress. The series is amazing, and I don’t know if I’ll ever read one like Temeraire again. Being able to revisit it should be enough, really, because every time I do it’s as though I’m caught up in a strong and wonderful wind that fills me up with delight and awe. Novik’s starting a new series this September, and I hope it’s just as good.
    That’s it for July! I’m probably going to do two books at a time for my Wikathon posts, just to keep things fresh and current, so keep a weather eye out for those posts!
  July, next verse, same as the first Hey! Wikathon na! I've started reading Relocations by Karen Tongson, about a third through now, but I had to take a little detour through…
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haikyuu-misfit · 5 years
Now You See Me [Haikyuu x OC] Chapter One
Written By; @lizardboi-satori
Fandom; Haikyuu
Pairing(s); multiple characters x OC
Warnings; swearing
Tag List; if you would like to be tagged, let me know in an ask, comment or message!
Description; “Being an outcast was a choice up until now. Now, I was just sick of being invisible.”
Music played in my earbuds as I leaned against my best friend, Miwa’s, locker. We were going to walk to her club together but she got hung up by a few upperclassmen wanting to go on a date with her. She told me to wait by her locker and she would catch up with me.
Miwa was very popular ever since we hit High School. Puberty has done a lot of good things for her, considering how she used to be. Miwa and I used to be invisible throughout Elementary and Junior High, nobody really noticed us. But the summer before we started at Karasuno High, Miwa spent almost the whole summer overseas visiting her mother. When she got back though, she was almost a different person. I didn’t recognize her at first when she got off the plane and ran over to me. I actually asked who she was.
Miwa changed physically but mentally she was still the same and I was just glad she didn’t forget about me. She was my only friend after all. Don’t get me wrong, I am ecstatic for the woman Miwa was becoming but I was a bit upset, being invisible to everyone took a toll on me.
As for me, I don’t really know how puberty treated me and part of me didn’t really care. I was declared an outcast once stepping foot on Karasuno’s grounds, it was just easier to be an outcast than to actually branch out and find new friends. I did not do well when it came to socializing. Miwa tried pushing me to get to know other people besides her, though after a week of trying to make other friends, I gave up. People only befriended me for two reasons; 1. Pity, they felt bad because they thought I had no friends in general. 2. To get closer to Miwa.
“Whatcha listening to?” I look up and see Miwa smiling at me. She was an inch taller than me but that never bothered me.
“Uhh, a band called the xx. They’re alright.” I say shrugging my shoulders as I spoke. I watched as Miwa hummed in response and fiddled with the lock on her locker, “what did you tell those guys?” I ask as I scroll through my playlists trying to find something more upbeat for Miwa.
“I declined. Said I wanted to focus on my studies.” She replied as she finally opens her locker and grabs her notebook. I nodded and waited for her to close her locker before offering my other earbud to her. She smiles and takes it putting it in her ear. “Wow. Interesting choice of music today Ashlyn.” She comments.
“I do it for you. If I let you listen to the stuff I usually listen to, you’d probably say something along the lines of “this is not upbeat at all! No wonder you are always in a sour mood!”” I say trying to pull off her girly, upbeat voice. She lets out a laugh.
“I do not sound like that!” She giggles and I crack a smile, but it quickly fades when a crowd of girls and boys suddenly surround us asking Miwa questions and commenting on her looks. Miwa blushes at the attention and kind of sweat drops. I let go of Miwa for a second and suddenly I am on the floor annoyed.
“Uhh, is there a reason you are on the floor?” Someone asks looking down at me. I look up at them confused that someone actually was talking to me and not stepping on me instead. I huff and get up brushing myself off. I pick by earbuds and phone off the floor and look at Miwa who mouths that she is sorry.
“Nope. No reason.” I stated now fully getting a good view of the person. He had onyx black hair and dark eyes. I had never seen him around before so he must have been a first year. He looks at me for a moment, studying me before he looks behind me and at the crowd around Miwa. Great. Someone who probably has a thing for my best friend.
Compared to Miwa, i didn’t stand out. I had long dark hair with my bangs hanging over my right eye, hiding a prominent feature of mine that I was very self conscious about. The eye that was showing was a light grey and my skin was fairly pale even though I spend most of my time outside. I wore the girl’s uniform with the exception of thigh high socks and my high top converse. My tie was lose around my neck and my dress shirt wasn’t buttoned all the way. Compared to Miwa, I looked like a hoodlum and she looked like a literal goddess.
We stood there for a moment before he lets out a huff and turns his attention back to me, “Just don’t get in my way again. Okay?” He advised and I nodded moving out of his way as he made his way around the crowd and down the hall. I sighed and watched his retreating figure before plugging my earbuds in and going to the office to look at the list of clubs I could join.
Last year I was in the dance club with Miwa, but considering I didn’t think I fit in there, I dropped it at the end of the year right before a competition. The group members didn’t seem to notice though. Another reason was because every choreography I came up with, Miwa got credit for. I was nonexistent, but I never told Miwa that and never planned on it either.
I grabbed a list of clubs from the office and then walked to the bench just outside one of the gyms to analyze my choices. It had already been a few days and everyone was basically in a club by now, so joining anything this late in the game would draw attention to me. I took out a pen and started crossing out the clubs I didn’t think I would enjoy.
As I did this I could hear two people bickering back and forth. I try to ignore it by turning my music up but after a while not even my music was drawing out the constant arguing. Growling I rip my earbuds out of my ears and go to follow the two voices. On the backside of one of the gyms was a dark haired boy, whose back is facing me and a small ginger kid. Immediately I know they are first years.
“Hey!” I call out making the dark haired boy half ass his set and the ginger kid to completely miss the ball. The boy with his back turned to me spins around annoyed that he got interrupted. Once he is fully turned to me I notice it’s the boy from earlier, but I don’t let that fact stop me from ripping both of them a new one, “You guys mind keeping your bickering down? Some of us are trying to think.” I barked. Normally I wasn’t so forward but today was just not my day.
“You’re the girl from earlier.” The dark haired male points out, “shouldn’t you be in a club?” He asked in a monotone voice.
“Shouldn’t you?” I ask looking at the two of them. Then realization hit me that these were the two boys that knocked the vice-principal’s toupee off his head, “holy shit. Now I know who you two are! Didn’t you two knock vice-principal’s toupee of his head?” I laugh. Instantly the dark haired male’s mood darkened and the ginger blushed in embarrassment. “Man, I wish I was there to see that! That would have been YouTube worthy.” I giggle out.
“You got a sense of humor! I’m Hinata Shoyou!!” The ginger says with excitement lacing each of his words. His excitement catches me off guard making me start to take a step back.
“Uh- my name is Himura Ashlyn. You can call me Ash though.” I tell him as he shakes my hand vigorously. I look at the dark haired one once Hinata is done shaking my hand, “so what’s your name, el grumpo?” I ask. He rolls his eyes and looks at me with a straight face.
“Kageyama Tobio.” He mutters and I nod. I remember hearing about him. He is a really good setter for volleyball. But his sets are so complicated to perfect for most people. I remember people mentioning he was The King of the Court. Or something like that.
“So anyways. Please keep it down, I am trying to figure out what club I want to join.” I say as I snap out of my thoughts. I turn my back and leave the two boys standing there. After I get back to my bench I put my earbuds back in and him along as I continue to cross out clubs.
When clubs finally are done and everyone is getting ready to leave I look down at my sheet and see two clubs not yet crossed out. The first one I wasn’t quite sure about. It was a singing club. But that meant I had to actually be brave enough to stand in front of people and audition. I shook my head and scribble out that choice. The only one left kind of shocked me a little... i must have not seen it or something because at the bottom of the page was the last club.
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amandebw · 7 years
Stories Ideas
Akafuri - God akashi x priest furihata - Child akashi x babysitter furihata and when Akashi is older he meets Kouki again and decides that he'll be his. - Child furihata x fox demon Akashi Acelu - reincarnation au - they are soulmates and ace is a dragon - demons - gangs Kagehina - Hinata dresses up as Santa to lift Kageyama spirit and to show him what Christmas is about. Usuk - Werewolf America x vampire or warlock England - America times travels back to when England was a pirate due to one of Arthur's spells. Cue America being so confused because since when is Arthur this hot and rude? - Big brother America x child England Ereri - Possessive Levi x dense cutie named Eren - Host club snk Nalu - Demon/dragon Natsu x Lucy - Halloween demon Natsu x angel Lucy - Pirate Natsu x princess, mermaid, or peasant Lucy Russia x reincarnated Anastasia Hannigram - Will finds out - Alpha Hannibal x Omega Will - Wendigo Hannibal x Will - AU where Will's first meeting with Hannibal is when he is the Chesapeake Ripper and not Dr. Hannibal Lecter. - Demon Hannibal x Will - A/B/O dynamic where omega Will only loved one man, the Chesapeake Ripper - due to his empathy even though he's never met him- , until he meets Alpha Hannibal. They fall in love and at the end, during Will's heat, he figures out that Hannibal and the Chesapeake Ripper are the same person and finally succumbs to his own dark nature as he tells Hannibal his feelings for all of him and that he knows. - Hannibal as the Cheasapeake Ripper tries to court FBI Empath, Will Graham, by killing people that have offended him as gifts. What a delightful surprise he has when Will answers with his own murder. (Of course Will hasn't told anyone that all the dead corpses appearing are due to the Ripper and him courting and Jack thinks Will could never murder anyone due to the breakdown he fakes when he kills criminals on cases) - mafia Hannibal x Will - Will meets Hannibal for the first time without his encephalitis an it takes him about two second to realize the man in front of him is not only a killer but The Cheasapeake Ripper. Hannibal is charmed. Hartwin - Mafia boss Harry x Eggsy - Dark Harry x Eggsy - Soulmate tattoo AU where Eggsy sees Harry's tattoo when he's in a coma and is too scared to tell him they're Soulmates. When Harry gets shot by Valentine and is believed to be dead, Eggsy tells Merlin after V Day that he and Harry where Soulmates and showing him his tattoo as he cries. Cue Merlin awkwardly telling him that Harry is not dead and was on the computer watching the scene. Eggsy, remembering Harry's disappointment after their fight, runs only for Harry to run after him. - Alpha Harry who is the chief of a nomadic tribe rests at a village which he is allied to and meets Omega Eggsy. As he falls for the Omega he finds out about Eggsy's abusive step-dad and steps in (and by that we all know I mean that he viciously kills him because no one hurts his omega). Eggsy then leaves with Harry and they come back for holidays to see Daisy and Eggsy's mom. Gramander - mummy!Newt and daddy!Percy where Newt's creatures want their mummy to be happy and he seems to really like the nice man who let them stay in his house and they like him and want him to be their daddy too. Spideypool - Peter going to a convention dressed as Spider-Man and participates in a Spider-Man costume contest. Ironically, he looses to Wade who, at the end, goes to Peter to tell him his costume is pretty cool and Peter is like, "Shut up Wade, I can't believe I lost to Deadpool of all people." And Wade realizes that oh shit it's the real Spidey and he's so fuckin cute. Merthur - future au where both Merlin and Arthur are reincarnated with their memories and they meet again... While Arthur is the leader of the Round Table, the most feared mafia in England. Cue everyone with no memories of the past being so confused about why their big bad boss is so nice to this random guy who actually called him a prat. Tomarry - young Harry, after being beaten, gets teleported to the future in the middle of a battle with old Harry and Voldemort. Old Harry and Voldemort call a truce as old Harry heals young Harry as he knows exactly where all his wounds are- you don't forget the day the word Freak was engraved on you. Dumbledore tries to attack young Harry hence the truce since all magical children are precious, the only reason it was remotely acceptable for Voldemort to attack Harry was because of the prophecy. When young Harry wakes up, Voldemort finds out that this abused boy is Potter and when the child recognizes him as Tom it is revealed that Dumbledore obliviated him of his childhood memories and that he is a horcrux. - Tom and Harry love each other even if they won’t admit it and are, technically, enemies. But the thing is that Tom is really possessive of things he considers his so when another Dark Lord wannabe pops up and kidnaps Harry he finds the location and saves Harry using the excuse that Harry is his to kill, justifying his actions. Cue Harry thinking Tom is adorable for trying to excuse himself with a clearly fake lie and, before he 'escapes' Tom, he kisses him. A few months later, Tom takes over Wizarding Britain and claims Harry as his consort. - Hadrian Ciaràn Peverellus (Harry) is the son of the king of gryffindor and unknown to the Slytherin emperor becomes one of his ninjas as part of the squad the gryffindor kingdom gifts him. He goes by Ainon during that time. - Soulmates au where whatever you write on your skin appears on your other half too. Cue young abused Harry writing for help and Tom, who is either a mafia boss or a powerful politician/ceo, comes to the rescue. Then Tom dealing with the small boy who is his soulmate- and shit he doesn't know how to act with kids what is he supposed to do?- and raising Harry. - Makai Ouji Au where Harry/William (reincarnation of King ?/Solomon), Tom/Dantalion, Nagini/Mamon & Amon, Draco/Sitri, Bellatrix/Lamia, Dumbledore/Michael, Sirius/Uriel aka Kevin, Remus/S. Mathers, Luna/Isaac, Cedric/M. Swallow, - VR game, Harry has 2 avatars (one OP hero type, one crossdressing that specializes in the weirdest stuff) and meets Lord Voldemort the leader of a PK guild when he’s in his ‘girl’ avatar. - Time travel where Harry just tells everyone he s from the future and becomes the new loony love good since no one believes him... But Tom isn't quite sure that it s all lies and there's just something about Harry that draws him in. Danny Fenton x Danny Phantom - Danny was supposed to be an omega, but every ghosts are alphas. So, his human and ghost half came to an agreement and he becomes a beta. Cue Fenton and Phantom being separated and gaining their true classification and all they want is to be one again... But not necessarily to be the same person. Peter Pan - Abused Peter Pan who treats Hook like shit because he thinks that the pirate will be like all the adults he's ever known and by the time he realizes that Hook isn't like the others he's suceeded in making the pirate hate him. What happens when Hook finds out why Peter acted like an arrogant brat with him? Batman - Damian gets kidnapped and Bruce saying that he please doesn't kill him and when the kidnapper says he won't Bruce says he was talking to Damian. Random Prompt Ideas - Villains being protective of their hero. Ex: there's this new villain and he hurts the hero (The Flash, Harry Potter) and their villain (Len/Mick, Voldemort) get pissed and hurt the new villain saying that they're the only ones allowed to hurt the hero. - Villain finds out that the hero is a kid and suddenly becomes overprotective. Villain is like, "You're a kid, you should be doing homework. Go hang out with your friends." And just being a mother hen while the hero is like, "I'm a hero. Stop coddling me, I can take care of myself." - Villain is an abused teen whose parents are influential people, all his 'evil' plans were attempts to get rid of them. One day, the hero finds out when he attacks the villain and notices certain bruises and cuts that he most certainly didn't put on him. After all, what kind of hero would carve the word 'trash' into someone?
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haikyuulovercompany · 7 years
Oikawa - king by Lauren Aquilina
King - Oikawa Tooru. 
Oikawa left the gymnasium holding his head high, andhe kept it like that all the way home. Not a single tear fell from his eyes. Herefused to drop his chin in front of the people he knew looked up to him. Helistened to their coach. He praised everyone, and flattered their skills. 
“You all might feel disappointed, but what you did in the court was impressive.You need to…” Oikawa heard he coach saying as his attention swayed in and out.“The name of Aoba Josai…”
He looked to his side noticing the dried streams oftears on the faces of his teammates, on the faces of the people who trustedhim, and his words. He had promised they would win. They would beat Karasunoonce more, and then they would take Shiratorizawa’s glory out of their hands.
Instead, it was Karasuno the one who beatShiratorizawa on their first try. Oikawa had been able to see how much Karasunohad struggle throughout the whole match. He had pushed Iwaizumi claiming thatthe winning ceremony would make him sick. What was truly happening underneathhim was a complete different matter.
He closed the door of his room behind him watching thedimness it offered. He had faced that darkness before. He was familiarized withit more than he liked to admit. His shoulders grew heavier, and even the airwas denser. Just because he was used to staring into the void didn’t mean ithurt any less. He rested hi back on the door and his head finally fell down. Heslowly slid down letting the weight of his loss to settle in.
His hands went to his head, to his hair, and hisfingers started to scrap his skull and he grinded his teeth in a failed attemptto keep his emotions in control. Inevitably, faint whimpers escaped his mouthas thin lines of water framed his face. Their loss against Karasuno was like anearthquake destroying the foundations of his will. The ground beneath him shookso violently he didn’t have where to stand anymore.
You’realone, you’re on your own, so what?Have you gone blind?Have you forgotten what you have and what isyours?
He had worked hard. He had trained. He had spentyears trying to beat what he thought was his last obstacles just for Karasunoto come out of nowhere and stole what he had been fighting for. All fornothing. Because whatever he did would never be enough, wouldn’t it? Therewould always be someone to remind him his efforts were nothing but uselessreminders of the talent he lacked. When he looked back he only saw failure. Hegrasped victory, but never reach it. He was stuck in an infinite ‘almost’. 
Almost there.  Almost a winner.
Almost, but not quiet.
He could hear his phone ringing but he ignored it. Hedidn’t want to hear about the world. At the moment, even his soul feltpowerless and unable to answer any type of inquiring. There was not a bit ofhim that felt like trying.
He got out of his clothes still hearing his phonetirelessly ringing. He took it and turned it off before getting under hisquilt. His eyes were sore and his body begged for rest.  
She stared at the empty seat in front of her. Two daysstraight and he was still missing. Her heart clenched in her chest. She knewthere was no coincidence for Oikawa to be absent right after he lost. Hercellphone marked the thousands of calls she had made. All of them had gone intovoicemail. She had never imagined she would grow enervated of his cheery voice,but his voice telling her to leave him a message had become a nightmare.
She knew she wasn’t supposed to be calling him. If anyof her friends found out, they would sure be giving her a lecture aboutself-respect and self-love. She always saw in Oikawa much more than the othersdid. She had peeked into his heart once and she had never forgotten what shehad found. So it was near to impossible for her to leave him be, to simplyignore the hunch throbbing, indicating nothing was as it was supposed to be.
Glasshalf empty, glass half fullWell, either way you won’t be going thirstyCount your blessings not your flaws
He looked at his reflection on the bathroom mirror. He had big darkcircles around his eyes, and even when he had fair skin, he was abnormallypale. In the last forty-eight hours his life had been a mixed of drifting inand out of his sleep and hollowly staring at the ceiling of his bedroom. Thefood her mother brought him ended up flushed down the toilet.
He had to get up. He was aware that he needed to move on. Yet somehow,his mind didn’t act according to that knowledge. Would it matter? He could backto the gymnasium, back to court. For what?
He would stand behind the line waiting for his turn to practice. Hewould jump, he would strike the ball and hear it smash against the floor feelingunsatisfied because no skills had ever been sufficient to drive him to victory.So why would he make any new efforts, if the ending result would always be thesame? He didn’t want to see the dejected countenances of his teammatesagain.  
There would always be an Ushijima, or a Kageyama. Someone whose naturaltalent was so extraordinary, hard work would never outdo it.
Usually, his train of thought was the complete opposite. There used tobe no force on earth that could discourage him. With so much evidence along theyears there was no other conclusion he could reach. He couldn’t close his eyesto the facts anymore. To keep pushing countercurrent will only wreck himfurther.
He felt a jolt of desperation crossing his body caused by a crescentfrustration. To see himself so defeated made him feel pathetic and piteous. Theperson who was in front of the mirror wasn’t supposed to be him. He swanked hispride, his abilities, proud of who he was. He had sacrificed more than his timeto be who he was, to then just be reduced to that sad reflection.
He turned the shower on, and got in even when the water wasn’t warm. Histeeth clattered and his breath was heavy trying to resist the freezingsensation. Once the water felt hotter against his skin, he finished taking abath. He dressed in sports clothing and went out of his house.
 Youdon’t get what all this is aboutYou’re too wrapped up in your self doubtYou’ve got that young blood, set it free
Oikawa started trotting with a constant rhythm as if he was training. Hewanted to scare the demon that was suddenly living on his back, but it had itsclaws deep down his flesh and in a matter of minutes the trotting turned into amaniac running. Even though his feet seemed to be made of stone, he keptrunning. He wished he could outrun his misery, avoid the thoughts that didnothing but infuriate him.
He wasn’t aware at all of how much time, or how far he had run. Hesimply couldn’t take it anymore. He found himself alone in a public park, andtook his chance to hit the trunk of a tree repeatedly as he cursed under hisbreath. He was jaded. He was furious with himself, with life, with destiny,with whatever force was responsible. He stopped hitting the tree once henoticed the stinging pain on his hand. He also notice thin tears had fallenfrom his eyes at some point. He turned around resting his back on the trunk.
“Tooru,” he heard someone calling him. His eyes flew wide open at thesound of the feminine voice. _______ was there looking at him with the mostconcerned eyes he had ever seen on her. His mouth was ajar but no sound cameout of it. His state was deplorable and he didn’t how long she had been her.For the look of her face, he guessed that she had seen enough.
She walked to him with hurried step and inadvertently held him tightagainst her. “It’s okay,” she whispered to his ear. He stood dumbfounded for asecond.
His body started having small spasms as a soft wail came out of hismouth. His arms wrapped her in return, and he hid his face on the crook of herneck. She started stroking his wet hair as he let himself fully cry.
“It’s okay,” she whispered again. Her own heart was breaking as well.Oikawa had always stood so tall, so powerful. It was disheartening to catch himin such a vulnerable state. “You did well, Tooru, so so well.”
“I didn’t,” he said in a thin thread that sounded nothing like his usualvoice. “I was never enough” he stopped mid sentence. His voice got lost inanother painful sob. “I’m just another good for nothing.”
“You’re extraordinary. Do you even know how many people look up to you?”she broke the embrace and softly took his face so she could see him straight inthe eyes. “You’re an example to not only your own team but to so many others.”She took a deep breath maintaining her own emotions at bay. Oikawa was fullycrying now, endless streams slid down. “Who cares if at the end you lost.You’ve had three amazing years at Seijoh. Don’t you care about your team?” shestopped for a second as he nodded. “That’s what truly matters. They admire you. I admire you. Get over Ushijima foryour own sake. You have achieved so much on your own… Be proud of your team, ofwho you are, of what you had built.”_____ gently wiped away his tears before taking his face again pulling it down.She kissed his forehead and finally let go of him. “There’s more in this lifethan a high school tournament. What you have given to the rest of the team isfar more than important than a trophy. Try to think about that.”
She smiled sweetly, and continued her way. Oikawa didn’t turn to watchher leave. Instead, he walked back home with his head full of her words.
There’smethod in my madnessThere’s no logic in your sadnessYou don’t gain a single thing from miseryTake it from me
In another time, she would have stayed with him. If the circumstancesaround them had been others, she would have surely stayed. She felt tempted,but it wasn’t the right time.
The weekend went on without hearing about him again, but when Mondayarrived and she found him on class again, she felt glad. Despite the historythey shared, she wished him well. She had seen him on lunchtime laughing andsmiling with his in-crowd, and then she was beyond glad. It was nice to see himbeing his usual self.
She didn’t expect him to come to her again, so it was a genuinesurprised when he approached her at the end of the day. He looked as charmingas ever. The person she had seen on the Friday evening was gone. 
“Hey, ______, thank you for… for the other day.”
“Don’t worry. It was a coincidence to find you there. I only did whatevery descent human being would have done.”
“Yeah, I don’t believe that much in coincidence,” he admitted. He restedhis eyes on her taking in that small peaceful moment. They hadn’t share one inmonths. “What you said resonated a lot. It was a wake up call for me, so thankyou. I needed it.”
She shook her head. “Again, it’s nothing. I’m happy to know you’refeeling better.”
“Can we meet this weekend?” Oikawa asked leaving her speechless. “I wantto talk to you about Friday… and the aftermath of that.”
“Okay. That sounds nice.”
“Deal.” He smiled at her and then patted her head. “See you around.” 
You’ve gotit allYou lost your mind in the soundThere’s so much more
What had happened on that Friday evening had been a change of course forhim. He hadn’t lied to her when he admitted her words had been an enormoushelp.
He had returned home looking for the videos of any previous match. Thattime around he didn’t stare at him or at the opposite teams. He stared at histeammates. There was truth on what ______ had said to him. They didn’t have thetrophy, but the team he saw was a winner one. The chemistry between each ofthem, the agility they had was impressive. They were a team that knew how towork things out. At the end, he had led a team full of proud warriors.
His chest had filled with proudness, with that same pride he alwaystalked about. Maybe they weren’t the winning team, but they were a team anyonewould remember.
At the end of it all, everyone will always remember Oikawa Tooru as thecaptain and main setter of Seijoh.
And that was amazing enough.
You canreclaim your crownYou’re in controlRid of the monsters inside your headPut all your faults to bedYou can be king
Thanks for the request! I hope you liked it!
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teamiksong · 2 years
Reading sweet tsukikage fics on ao3 and gigling like crazy. Man.. my ass just got owned by this ship.
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