#i know the narrator isnt shown yet but he will please believe me
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Stanley: Become Human comic done!! i wanted to involve some type of interaction with dear ol narry (whom i havent given an actual name yet as i havent figured out some plot stuff yet). and yeah im goin the whole ‘oh wuah an android and a human’ route. 
also i grabbed the asl from a website for the last frame if its wrong someone PLEASE LET ME KNOW-
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marvel-lously · 5 years
Words: 1100
Pairing: avengers x reader
Warnings: none
A/N: As promised, I am now finally posting the requested fic. I’m so sorry I haven’t written anything recently. I find myself often preoccupied, and even when I do have time, my mind is filled with hundreds of ideas that I just can’t seem to put into words. I promise I will try to write more. Please reblog if you like this.
This was the request:
Can you do a avengers x reader where the reader voiced a bunch of cartoon characters and the avengers don't know. So one day, they are playing a game together which is you get a card and it says any cartoon characters name and they have to a impersonation of that character and the avengers have to guess and when reader gets a charachter that she voiced and avengers are comfused why she sounds so much like the character? P.s. she's an avenger
P.S. I´m posting this again because I´ve noticed that it didn´t appear in the search results before. I´m so sorry, I don´t know why tumblr is messing it up again.
Taggs: @supersoldierfreak @mandatheredpanda @ryleighisapanda@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @angeliceverything@itsbuckysworld @thats-so-bucky @hufflebucky 
“Okay, okay… my turn.” Wanda happily chimed as she already stretched out her hand to grab the next card.
She coughed before she stood up confidently, starting to swiftly dance around the room and sing.
“Let it go, let it go, can’t hold it back any more-“ she nearly tripped on the chair behind her, nevertheless continuing to sing completely off tune, yet still at the top of her lungs “-let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door. Here I stand and here I stay. Let the storm rage on. Cold never bothered me anyway.” She finished her performance by swinging her hand just like Elsa did in the movie.
You and the entire team started applauding her. »What an astounding performance Ms. Maximoff« Tony joked.
»Thank you, I live to entertain.« Wanda grinned and bowed mockingly.
You were playing a game where you picked a card with one of the famous Disney character’s name on it and you had to impersonate that character. Whoever made the best impression, got to choose one of the other’s most prized possession and keep them for one day.
»Who wants to try next?« Nat claped her hands giddily, excitment clear in her voice.
»I’ll go!« Sam snickered before he started his impersonating. He leaned back, standing in what seemed to be the most unstable position one could master then started talking as if he had had at least five bottles of rum that day.
»Crazy people don’t know the’re crazy. I know I’m crazy therefore I’m not crazy. Isnt that crazy?« He slurred his words as much as he could, waving his hands frantically in the air.
The entire room burst out laughing, clapping and whistling while Sam stil continued on with the show. »Did everyone see that? ‘Cause I will not be doing it again.« After finishing that line, he too, took a bow and laughed along.
»A striking act of Jack Sparrow indeed.« Tony continued to narrate.
»Captain Jack Sparrow.« The entire team shouted at once.
»I want to go next.« Rhodey cleared his throat before doing his impersonation of Donald Duck. He was surprisingly good at it too.
Then next went Scott, impersonating Minnie Mouse.
»You know, it’s scary how your voice can reach such high octaves you know?« Bucky teased.
»Hey, sometimes having to entertain your daughter while being on house arrest can be challanging, you have no idea to what extents I had to go, learning how to talk like somebody’s squeezing my balls just so I could do the princesses’ voices when reading a story isn’t even half of it, but hey, it comes in handy at moments like this.« He chuckled.
»Okay Y/n, wanna go next?« Steve asked, seeing as it was only the two of you left, who hadn’t ˝performed˝yet.
»Sure.« You smiled, pulling the card off the deck. This one was going to be easy, you had done it a hundred times before. You cleared your throat and took a deep breath in before words just naturally rolled off your tongue.
»I gave my mum a cake, she turned into a big bear, my own dad tried to do her in, if that’s not pure mess i don’t know what is!« You finished off by plopping dramatically back into your seat on the sofa. However, there was no applause or whistles after that, only a bunch of shocked faces and wide open mouths.
»How… how did you do that?« Wanda asked, a curious tone coloring her words.
»Do what?« You asked, your voice now shy from feeling all the stares on you.
»The… the voice, the Scottish accent, all of it!?« It was now Scott who spoke, his surprise still written all over his face.
“Yeah, this was way to real.” Bucky added.
»Well… I… I used to voice cartoon characters before I became an Avenger.« You explained, a nervous sigh escaping your lungs.
»You what?« Sam, Bucky and Nat all spoke at once.
»Who else beside Merida did you do?« Rhodey questioned.
»Well let’s see…« you had to think for a moment, since it was quite a while ago »I did Ana from Frozen, Tinker Bell, Princess Jasmine, Rapunzel and…«
You were about to continue, before Nat interrupted you.
»Wait… you voiced Rapunzel?« She asked, exhilarated.
»That’s like, my favourite Disney movie ever!«
»Oh really? It was one of my favorite I voiced in.« You smiled at how enthusiastic she seemed to be.
»Alright guys, give her a moment to breathe.« Tony said, stepping towards you and outstretching his hand.
He coughed before swiftly lifting you back into a standing position.
»Ladys and gentleman, I believe, although our initial response might not have shown that, we have a winner!« He lifted your hand up, while everybody around started cheering.
»Hey, what about me? I didn’t even get my turn!« Steve pouted.
»You really think you can compete against that?« Bucky raised his eyebrow in amusment.
»You’re probably right.« He laughed, turning to you. »So.. Y/n, the big question remains, who’s the unlucky victim that will have to give up the thing they hold most dear to their heart for the entire day?«
You looked around the room, thinking about what would be most fun to use for a day.
Steve’s shield? Useful but boring. Nat’s guns? Meh, maybe some other time.Tony’s suit? Tempting.
Finally, it hit you.
»I want Scott’s suit.« You outed after a few seconds of consideration.
»What? Y/n! I thought we were friends.« Scott cluched his chest, acting broken-hearted.
You just snorted in response. »Hey it’s for a higher purpose.«You smirked, mischief seeping from your eyes.
»That being…?« Scott awaited an explanation.
»Getting back at my Maths techer from high school.« You simply said, shrugging your soulders.
»And that counts as higher purpose?« Tony raised his brow bemusedly.
»Well naturally, I will spare all the future generations of kids from having to listen to her and dealing with her inability to teach and that to me is a higher purpose.« You smiled cheekily.
»What are you gonna do? Crawl up her ass and then expand?« Sam joined in on the conversation.
»No, I was actually only thinking about getting an army of ants to her house, seeing as she hates them so much, but now that you’ve mentioned it…«
»Y/n no!« Scott almost stuttered, now semingly genuinely concerned aout his suit.
»Catch me if you can!« You yelled, already sprinting to his room, hearing how Tony shouted after you.
»Don’t let him get you Y/n, avenge the children!«
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