#i know theres not a lot of variety here but eh. not everyone is a skinny twink at least lMAO
raitrolling · 2 years
was thinking of character body types
Liiore: previously had a slim and fit body type as a result of an intense exercise and diet regime, but since quitting the idol industry he’s began gaining weight and returned to a more natural level of pudge. he’s much happier this way, and thinks the bits of chubbiness here and there makes him a little cuter
Katrin: slim and straight with little curves, somewhat underweight but eats just enough that at the very least her ribs aren’t showing. no i dont know how she can weigh a little under 50kg but still have an average sized chest, i guess all the fat goes to her boobs
Nancor: Beanpole #1. willowy, androgynous appearance with long legs, but with a bit of muscle in his arms from flag spinning. he’s also underweight, but he tries to eat as well as he can
Dismas: Beanpole #2. actively struggles to gain weight because his psiionics burn through so much energy and has to consume a lot of high-calorie foods just to maintain a skinny-but-healthy frame. fairly straight body type otherwise, no muscle definition to speak of. also, y’know, missing an entire arm so you could probably attribute a good 10kg of his total body weight to just his cybernetic because that thing was not made to fit him
Aislin: slim and petite, with little curves or body fat to speak of. she’s a little careful about her weight, but also just really loves snack foods and instant ramen so she’s not overly fussy about her diet. she’s also a little self-conscious about her small figure that lacks the curves/bust like what society deems to be more ‘conventionally attractive’, but she does like the way she looks
Eichio: very average body type. stays fit and healthy, but isn’t doing any exercises that will actively build muscle. has been eating better nowadays that he’s no longer punishing himself for failing to meet his lusus’ standards, so he’s gained a bit of weight from consistently eating three meals a day
Benrii: not quite as beanpole-y as Nancor or Dismas, but still on the side of being tall and slim. has a notably smaller waist compared to his hips and shoulders, but not to the extent that one would call him curvy. tends to use clothing to make his figure seem more exaggerated than it is, such as how his boots make his legs look longer and the way his coat flairs out gives him a stronger silhouette
Soroll: chubby and rectangular, with not much difference in proportions between his chest and stomach, and the weight fairly evenly distributed. somewhat poor health due to consisting on a diet of mostly scavenged / dumpster dived foods, but that does not affect his natural body type
Callan: the fact that he is quite fit despite eating horrendous junk food garbage should be the first indication that he has a much more active lifestyle than he leads on. lean, but toned, perfect for someone who does a lot of parkour and gymnastics. but other than that, his figure is perfectly generic. he claims he totally has an eight pack but everyone knows that’s a lie
Somerl: average, but with a decent amount of muscle. not ridiculously ripped, but with more muscle bulk than someone of his stature has any right to have. he’s unnaturally strong for his caste, and does a lot of heavy lifting when maintaining his boat (which includes using an anchor as his strife weapon)
Amarys: slim and lithe. few curves and very little chest to speak of, but she knows how to dress her body type to make it work. she’s very fit and athletic, but apart from whatever muscles one may naturally gain from a lifetime of fencing she doesn’t have any sort of bulk to her. she eats very well and looks after herself
Ananta: skinny, leaning on the underweight side due to a generally poor diet. there’s nothing really notable about their body type, they have a straight build with little curves. tends to wear baggy, shapeless clothing which makes them look bigger than they actually are
Rosato: if he wasn’t undead this man would be legitimately skeletal from how little he eats. he was already slim with a bit of a small waist, but was a lot healthier when he was alive. now he’s incredibly malnourished to the point of near-starvation
Ashell: pear-shaped build with large hips. average, healthy weight that doesn’t fluctuate due to being undead. when he was alive his weight tended to fluctuate much more thanks to a combination of stress from university and a good old Uni Student Diet, but luckily for him he happened to die during one of his more healthier periods
Vivyin: lean, straight body type with little curves and a small bust. wears padding when cosplaying, primarily hip pads and silicone breast forms for an hourglass look that matches the characters she dresses up as. she’s somewhat apathetic to her real body type, as she doesn’t care about looking appealing for others outside of costume
Ariete: chubby, apple-shaped body type. tends to gain weight easier on her chest, waist, and thighs, but is otherwise fairly easily distributed. full bust, but not a lot going on in the butt department. don’t look at her old art i was drawing her way too thin when i first started rip
Celise: thin, willowy build with a small waist. a little more on the underweight side than they’d like to be, but also they’re not a big eater so it’s difficult for them to put on weight. their legs are disproportionately long in comparison to the rest of their body, a real shoujo anime figure
Velour: average, very rectangular build with somewhat broad shoulders and barely any difference between his waist and hip proportions. he personally dislikes his body shape as he feels like he can’t wear certain outfits as well as trolls with curvier features. he tends to not eat very much so he weighs less than he should be, but he’s very careful to not dip into unhealthy weight ranges
Mikiel: i hate to say it but honestly mikiel is pretty ripped for someone who is five foot nothing. he’s not actively trying to build muscle, but being a fighter who is also a trained ice skater and learned ballet as a child means that he really does have the most killer legs imaginable and a decent amount of muscle everywhere else. he also burns a lot of energy from his psiionics + lifestyle so while he eats very well it’s unlikely that he’ll gain a lot of fat
Lusien: Big And Tall. stocky and well-built, but also with some chubbiness. there’s some roundness to him, but it tends to be covered up by all the layers of thick clothing he wears. you know for a fact that he eats well and also does a lot of heavy lifting, but sweeps of smoking has done a large number to his fitness levels
Sharle: very toned with a decent amount of musculature, which is to be expected of a professional athlete. he has to maintain a strict diet to reach the minimum weight requirements, and has everything to do with his health closely monitored by his dietician and personal trainer. broad shoulders and a slight reverse triangle body shape, and has a thick neck due to the kinds of exercises he needs to do to ensure his body doesn’t snap like a twig when subject to the massive G-forces from driving a racecar
Viltau: average, leaning on the thin side which is what he believes to be the ‘perfect’ weight. he’s incredibly obsessive about his weight to an unhealthy degree, given that he was bullied for being overweight as a child and still puts on weight quite easily if he’s not careful. counts calories, goes through periods of excessive working out if he stress-eats too much, the whole shebang. but, poor body image aside, he has a small grabbable waist, and a very nice ass
Glasya: average, hourglass-shaped body type with bits of chub here and there. tends to gain weight easily on their stomach and thighs, which tends to make them look a little more bottom-heavy. noticeable hip dips, especially when they’re wearing more form-fitting pants. they’re very proud of their big boobs and butt
Vallis: Beanpole #3. legitimately zero curves or muscle definition to speak of, a mcdonalds napkin of a man. the most painfully average skinny build in existence... if not for the fact that the eldritch nature of his body makes him a good 40kg heavier than he appears. where is that weight stored? who fucking knows, probably in the black hole that replaced his stomach
Belamy: what he would call ‘perfect’, everyone else would call ‘perfectly generic’. there is legitimately nothing notable here; he keeps to the weight range that is expected for a healthy seadweller of his height, he only works out to the extent that is required of him, and of course he eats well. boring, bitter twink
Linnae: slim, and while their curves are not as pronounced as Ashe’s, you can see the makings of a pear-shaped figure there. more hip than waist, and not particularly broad shoulders either. they spend a lot of time out in the wilderness and hunt their own food, so they’re quite fit but not overly muscular. maybe a little bit of tone to their arms
Fleure: average, rectangular build, and rather fit for someone who spent hundreds of sweeps in stasis. spends more time in his dragon form, so he’s gained a bit of bulk from a very protein-heavy diet but not overly so that you would call him particularly stocky. he’s a wizard, do you really think he’s shredded?
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augujerdeer · 5 years
🍎👠🎃🌆👂😱💬!!! Feel free to not answer any of them!
🍎what are yall’s favourite foods?
I think this is gonna be a long post now that I think about it, but i’m asking everyone what their favourite food would be if they could only pick one or two (not everyone answered or can but >:0)
Mine (Jamie) would be pancakes! or grilled salmon! OR SPICY TUNA SASHIMI!!!!
Kris, Chara and Matthew immediately just have chocolate as their answer dicenksfvjk but kris says “anything” and he lives up to it sometimes
Jaiden says gummy bears and gummy worms (all he eats is CANDY)
Kobe says flowers,,,,
Sal is picking between pizza and cheesecake smoothies
Peter says he doesn’t have one yet ;;
👠how difficult is it for y'all to agree on one cohesive outfit?
So this kind of depends on how many people are out, but I usually follow whoever wants to wear something if only one person is requesting something (Like when Kris would screech and ask for me/us to wear the pink hoodie or his sequins sneakers)
But if there’s multiple people, (usually Kris, Chara, or Matthew) it might take a while ksjskjskjs but generally everyone would go rock-paper-scissors or let the other person have us wear what they want! Usually because they deserve this turn or we take turns :0
🎃how many head mates could be considered scary?
HMM,,, I guess I would say Severous first. He’s a 8+ foot werewolf man, he is a BEAR
his fur is PITCH BLACK especially at night and his eyes and drool glow white (so he has no pupils, that’s his entire eyes), so if you’re in the forest in Providence in the middle of the night, you’ll just see a scary OwO face in the dark
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he always stands on two legs unless he’s SPRINTING , but honestly??? HES BABY and we all love him, Kobe calls him “PUPPY” and even drew him a few times while fronting ;;;;;;;; He’s actually a dad to one of our littles Penny and is gay and dates someone from one of my partners’ system
Also he doesn’t speak very well? He used to speak fluently but overtime and he was recovering from being a persecutor, his ability to speak was kind of, disintegrating? So he only speaks in SUPER SHORT and almost broken english sentences. if you visit him you can catch him reading children’s books and practicing to read and speak again,,, he’s baby,,,,
Chara (from undertale) could be considered scary inspace becaus ethey can go goopy- they’re not a scary person but if they want to scare you, (especially if you don’t know who they are i mean), they will be intimidating and stuff ;; when i first met them, they did spook me, and their eyes are very bright red
Sal (from Sally Face) I guess could be considered spooky because i was drawing him in class one time (prosthetic ON of course) and my friend said he looked scary ;;;? poor sal;;; he’s not scary at all
🌆what does your headspace look like?
*clasps hands together* goodness it’s a good thing i made this map. it’s VERY OLD but it’s still the same except imagine everything is WAAAAAY more spaced Out!
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honestly i need to move the teleporters and mansion higher up (and the main tree closer to them) but this is it!!!
The most common places people go to is The Mansion, The Bunker, The Farmhouse, and The Picnic Ground! People when going for walks in the forest usually stick around the Picnic Grounds-Cave Pool-Farmhouse Triangle but usually can go anywhere- the forest is SO big though (alven took me flying once and it stretches to the horizon)
The Mansion is where most of us live! Here you can find Jaiden and the kids (Kobe, Aco, and Penny– and Carla (Carla is an NPC [who is aware of the outside?] but we don’t care she is family). Alven is also here with his lab, so is Joseph and Louise!! (and their dog, Troy). On the outside, you can’t see the mansion, only two giant doors (nobody ever uses kdndckdocsl we honestly just use the teleporters to go anywhere– Also, everything you see INSIDE the meadow excluding the bunker was what our headspace FIRST looked like!!! it was the start of everything ;; Jaiden made the mansion. The mansion has two main rooms- The Main Hall, and The Tall Corridor. There’s a looooot of history here
The Farmhouse is where I (Jamie) live! But i’m not inspace a lot so it’s honestly empty until i meditate there ;;
The bunker existed and is a place some people permanently moved to because we started having some Bad Refuses To Do Good Persecutors, or just bad people. They were VERY violent so half of us went to hide- and eventually the entire system actually moved to the bunker for almost a year and a half before moving out- and then some people stayed- mainly Matthew. People who live in the bunker are Matthew, Kris, Peter, Jade, Chara, Liam, and Sal! Icari should be here somewhere but i think she’s still hiding ;;
Most of the time if we have a new person, they move to the bunker right away. There’s a teleport system almost all over the frequent spots in the headspace so they can easily leave and enter! Matthew lives one the second ground below the 1st ground below because of some bad things that happened- he never leave the bunker because being outside scares him a lot- especially with the entire headspace being a forest :( you need special access to get down there
The Picnic grounds isn’t very special to me personally but Jaiden made it so people can have picnics!! It’s honestly SUPER pretty oh goodness, and no matter what time of day (unless it’s night) the sun is always shining nicely and it’s so pretty there, and people actually go there!!
The only people that don’t go there are Joseph and Louise because we had one bad person hurt them badly in that area,
Also the Ruined City i didn’t mention because– no one goes there- but we all know it exists. Basically it’s a purely grey/monotone/greyscale land? Like the moment you enter, the world transitions to black and white (not your body but the environment) and the only things that have colour are the miss and greenery in the background (mostly grass and parks, not a lot of trees). all the buildings are collapsed or destroyed in some way- so imagine a big area with degree and rubble and standing building but there’s so many destroyed parts like one building is missing an entire second floor and another has a giant gaping hole not eh side, etc.
we also don’t go there because it’s dangerous- there are giant SPIDER robots that patrol the area- we still don’t know why, but they shook lasers! (come back to this post later because I WILL add a picture of what i’m talking about!! i just don’t have my phone on me)
👂What kind of music do y'all like?
Jamie - what do you mean people have favourite music? i’m just kidding uksdeijfdkj i like indie and broadway!!! pop is pretty cool but it’s not my first choice at all ;;; rock and metal hurts my ears
Chara - they have 4 playlists on spotify! One playlist is called Soft Knives for calm music (it’s usually happy but there could be some sad ones there- but no angst songs- imagine songs you can sleep to or calm down with). Blunt Knives is for angsty or apathetic moods- and Angry Knives is for ANGRY LOUD music. The have a 4th playlist called Chara’s Classical Collection. Chara can range from Classical music to indie music death metal and rock. They usually hate pop
Kris - he loves rap and r&b! though he loves a lot of music besides those! He loves tally hall and kid bloom :0 mostly chill or music that makes you go aW YEAH (his words) he also has Classic Songs in his playlist. So if you have it one shuffle, you’re listening to some sick bops and then all of a sudden Rockefeller Street Nightcore comes on and you get whiplash. doesn’t like metal or rock. He has a second playlist called “it’s Saturday Morning” for stuff like heo soul or “music you can dissociate to but not in a bad way” (Listen to Sugarcoat by Kid Bloom or Different State of Mind (some artist) for a general idea)
Matthew - rock and stuff similar to chemical romance and panic! at the disco. they like metal and rock but he says Sal’s and Chara’s are too aggressive for his taste- and hen you find out he sometimes listens to screamo
Sal - honestly i find his playlist super weird ? Some music sounds weird to me but otherwise his playlist is full over a lot of genres ! It’s kind of wack and funky- not the genre- but the amount of variety he has. And in his 2nd playlist is death/metal and rock- a bunch of loud music that can be fast sometimes too- is not afraid to head bang in public and do air guitar
Peter - We’re not sure yet but he likes music from his time- plus old music- specifically New Wave for now!his playlist is super new and he hasn’t been here a while so we’re not sure o>o
Jade - Soft calm or upbeat and happy music
Kobe and Aco - they are babies- Kobe still sings the ABC’s everyday so
😱do your headmates have any phobias?
i don’t think any of us has phobias- because it’s defined as “irrational fear” actually wikipedia says it can be CAUSED so nevermind dkjjkfd
Honestly these feel like triggers more than phobias butnit first thendescription of a phobia so;; i’m putting POSSIBLE because we’re not sure
Chara - Possible Nyctophobia (fear of the dark, but specifically extreme pitch blackness for Chara), Possible Ecclesiophobia (fear of the church -either building or what it represents])
Matthew - Agoraphobia most probably (fear of going outdoors/leaving the house, some say wide open spaces)
Sal - somewhat Cynophobia but wants to overcome it (fear of dogs) ((likes dogs but is afraid of them honestly))
Kris - Monophobia/Autophobia (Fear of isolation and abandonment) ((this is a big one))
That’s all i can think of for now
💬free space! one cool fact!
uuHHH,,,,,, i can’t think of any, but i know one thing: i love our system and i can see everyone’s trying really hard to take care of each other or are doing a lot to process their own memories and feelings ;;;
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viralhottopics · 8 years
How to make the perfect lemon curd
Bring a golden glow to January with a Victorian classic, and, no matter if youre looking to be eased into the day or hit with a full-on acid trip, theres a variation for you
A ray of sunshine in one of the darkest months of the year, lighter and zingier than marmalade (and considerably quicker to make), lemon curd is guaranteed to brighten up any breakfast or tea, as well as making a great filling for cakes. (Youre back on the cakes, right?) Formerly often known as fruit cheese (curiously, this name survives only in the sugary, dairy-free damson and quince varieties served with actual cheese), according to Laura Mason and Catherine Browns meticulous work The Taste of Britain, it probably started life as what the 18th-century cookbook writer Elizabeth Raffald refers to as a transparent pudding. The thought that this mixture might be bottled and stored for later use, or even for sale, was of a piece with the industrialisation of food production in the late Victorian period. What did the Victorians ever do for us, eh?
Thomas Kellers lemon curd. Photograph: Felicity Cloake for the Guardian
One thing all fruit curds have in common, apart from fruit, is eggs. What form those eggs take, however, is a matter of contention. One recipe I see recommended again and again online is from Americas Fine Cooking magazine. The author, Elinor Klivans, writes that she prefers the lighter, almost custardy results I get from using whole eggs but, because the eggs whites cook at a lower temperature, theyre more prone to coagulation. These cooked bits dont ruin the flavor of the curd, but a smooth texture will require careful straining, and quite a bit of the mixture can get lost in the process. Mary Berry and Stella Parks of the Brave Tart blog both use only egg yolks, which makes for a very rich, slightly gelatinous consistency, whereas Thomas Kellers Bouchon Bakery Book and Thane Princes Ham Pickles & Jam both stick the whole lot in, which does indeed produce a lighter, creamier result. Testers, however, express a preference for recipes like the one in Catherine Phipps new book, Citrus, and Kylee Newtons The Modern Preserver that employ a mixture of whole eggs and yolks, offering the ideal combination of lightness and richness.
Sadly, for those of us trying to cut down our sugar consumption, there is no curd without sugar, though it does contain far less of the stuff than most sweet preserves. Keller calls for granulated, and this works fine, though caster dissolves more quickly. But, if youre after that sunshine-yellow colour, avoid the mistake I made golden caster sugar will give you a murky-golden result, so white is preferable here.
Stella Parks lemon curd. Photograph: Felicity Cloake for the Guardian
The lemon
During testing, the overwhelming preference is for the sharper curds of Newton and Parks: lemon curd, one guinea pig tells me, should wake you up in the morning. If you prefer to be eased more gently into the day, however, then feel free to reduce the amount in my recipe.
Not all the recipes I try include the zest, and some recipes recommend sieving it out before bottling the curd (a tedious process given how thick the curd is at that point I only bother if I think some of the egg may have cooked). We think the odd fleck of zest adds textural interest, however, and miss its bitter perfume in the recipes which leave it out altogether to make the most of this, copy Dorie Greenspan and rub the zest into the sugar until it releases its aromatic oils.
The dairy
Most curd recipes depend on butter for their characteristic richness of flavour. Parks, however, prefers doing it the 19th-century way, using nothing but lemon juice, egg yolks and sugar (though this must be the 19th-century American way, because most Victorian recipes I find are pretty heavy on the butter). It certainly gives her curd an almost shockingly keen acidity and a slightly jellied, rather than creamy, texture that divides testers; I love the flavour, but its not a classic curd as we know it. Worth a try, however, particularly if you prefer to avoid dairy.
Prince, interestingly, swaps the butter for double cream, which she says makes the result a little lighter. It is indeed very light, though, as cream is sweeter than butter, it blunts the sharpness of the lemon; perfect for sandwiching cakes together with but a bit mild for those chasing an acid trip.
Butter, we conclude, is an essential element of the flavour and texture of the more traditional lemon curd, yet recipes differ on the best time to add it. Newton starts with melted butter, Klivans beats it together with the sugar then adds the eggs, almost as if shes making a cake, and both Keller and Greenspan beat it in at the end, once the mixture has slightly cooled. Greenspan (who credits the great patissier Pierre Herme for her recipe) writes that, by adding the butter to the mixture at a lower temperature, instead of melting as it does in curd, the butter emulsifies (just as oil does in mayonnaise), so that the resulting texture is velvety and deceptively light. It is a stroke of culinary magic.
Its true that it is hard to avoid a certain subtle graininess in the simpler curd recipes which heat all the ingredients together possibly because of the fact that, according to a poster on the food site egullet, the lactose matrix is broken when heated too high (any thoughts of this from more scientifically minded readers very welcome). Certainly, Greenspans lemon cream is the smoothest of all, which is more than enough evidence for me.
LM Ansteys lemon curd. Photograph: Felicity Cloake for the Guardian
The details
I try a very old recipe from one Miss LM Anstey, included in Florence Whites 1932 collection Good Things in England. She writes that, though it was passed down to her by her mother, who was born in 1819, it is possibly much older than my mothers dates and may have come from my grandmother. Quite different from modern versions, it beats sugar, ground rice, grated zest and lemon juice and eggs into creamed butter, and then pots it, no cooking required, though I wish Id used my common sense and added the eggs more gradually, as this may have stopped it curdling. Anstey recommends it as a filling for a lemon cheesecake (traditionally British cheesecakes contained no actual cheese), and perhaps it would be better for this than as a spread, because it reminds us of a slightly powdery brandy butter, but without the booze.
Prince makes her curd in a shallow frying pan, which I find rather nerve-wracking (overheat the mixture and youll end up with scrambled eggs), though I dont think its necessary to mollycoddle it with a bain marie as Greenspan suggests a medium heavy-based saucepan and a low heat does the trick. Nigel Slater sensible advises that, while most lemon curd recipes instruct you to stir the mixture with a wooden spoon I find that stirring lightly with a whisk introduces just a little more lightness into the curd, making it slightly less solid and more wobbly. Its also easier to get into the edge of the pan.
Keller adds gelatine to his mixture, which may well be helpful in a patisserie context (he uses it to fill macarons, amongst other things) but serves no purpose if youre using it to spread on toast. It also, of course, means that the curd isnt vegetarian and this is something everyone deserves to enjoy (on which note, has anyone come up with a vegan version?)
Perfect lemon curd
(Makes 400ml) 5 unwaxed lemons 225g white sugar 6 eggs (3 whole eggs and 3 yolks) Pinch of salt 100g butter, cubed
Zest three of the lemons into a bowl with the sugar and rub together with your fingertips to release the oils, then squeeze enough of them to give 225ml juice.
Whisk the eggs into the sugar followed by the lemon juice, a little at a time, until fully incorporated.
Put in a heavy-based pan over a low heat and stir continuously with a rubber whisk or wooden spoon until as thick as Birds custard which should take about 7-8 minutes. Whisk in the salt and pour into a food processor or blender if you have one. Cool for five minutes.
Start the motor and blend on a low speed for 30 seconds (alternatively, beat with a wooden spoon), then start dropping in the butter, a little at a time, still with the motor on, until smooth. Transfer to sterilised jars.
Are you a lemon curd fan, and, if so, what do you like to do with it apart from slathering it on toast? (Or eating it straight from the jar?) Which other fruit curds would you recommend and does anyone have a vegan version?
Read more: http://ift.tt/2iS7Egr
from How to make the perfect lemon curd
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