#i know they're probably like 14 but seriously. it was a dance show and they did not shut up for more than ten seconds the whole time
calumsash · 2 years
went to a ballet show tonight and was sat next to this group of girls from middle school who study dance at their school and i only wish for those girls one thing: i hope that one day they'll be on a stage like that, performing their hearts out, and then they'll have a group of people just not shutting the fuck up and laughing as they dance and then the for the other half they're gonna scroll on instagram the whole time <3
except that one girl from their class that told them to be quiet multiple times during it, for her i only wish the best <3
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ordinaryschmuck · 7 months
Bob's Burgers Halloween specials ranked
(Because screw it, why not?)
11. Tina and the Real Ghost--This one's more awkward than funny. I honestly feel bad for Tina for falling in love with an empty box...and grow to hate Tammy for being so petty to steal the box away from her. Even the B-Plot of ghost hunters in the restaurant isn't all that funny. Honestly, the funniest bit is when Bob's unexpectedly swarmed with bugs after a brief moment of cockiness. Other than that, pretty weak episode.
10. The Wolf of Wharf Street--PROBABLY the most irresponsible Linda's been with the kids and Bob believing Teddy's a werewolf was a bit of a stretch. Still, some spooky atmosphere carries this one a bit, so I can't hate it THAT much.
9. Apple Gore-chard! (But Not Gory)--There need to be more episodes with Louise and Jessica. Their friendship is easy and cute in a lot of moments. Anyways, as for the episode, it's pretty standard. Some REAL Halloween stuff doesn't happen until half way through and the jokes aren't all that funny. There's barely any attention on the lesson, making it feel more like a waste of time if anything else. It's just Louise and Jessica's friendship that carries things if anything else (Seriously, MORE of that)
8. Pig Trouble in Little Tina--A great episode about peer pressure and with a fun subplot about Bob's gross ear wax. It's just that none of it screams HALLOWEEN to me. There's some spooky imagery, but a lot of this episode feels like something that could happen in ANY episode, especially Bob's subplot. Great episode, but not so great of a Halloween special.
7. Heartbreak Hotel-oween--This one's cute. That's all I can say.
6. Teen-a Witch--Tina trying to be a witch is more cute than it should be, even if the jokes aren't strong with this one. Thankfully the subplot of Bob obsessing over who's stealing his jack-o-lanterns is funny enough to carry it.
5. The Pumpkinening--Weird title, but it's an episode with Gayle. They're naturally weird, and this one's no exception as Linda and Gayle hunting down who knows that they smashed pumpkins from a contest. Add that with a warm ending and a great subplot of Bob dealing with the stress of being a house with GOOD candy, and you got something fun.
4. Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street--The kids hunting down a candy kidnapper is fun and Bob and Teddy trying to show up an impressive handyman has some good laughs to it. Solid special.
3. Full Bars--It's always fun seeing the Belcher kids use their brand of chaos to do something good. The only thing that drags it down is the guinea pig murder mystery. Some good jokes are there, but I can't help but cringe as Teddy ruins his own party and the payoff isn't all that funny. That credit scene where Bob danced in the fat suit for Linda was cute as shit, though.
2. Fort Night--The introduction to Millie, and a great one at that as she tortures the kids who are in a situation that's...way more dangerous than you think in hindsight. They really were that close to death, huh? Still, a pretty empathetic episode as we all know there's no worse fate for a kid than missing Halloween and you REALLY want them to get out. And I'm sure some parents can relate to Bob and Linda's plight to make a costume for their kids and the payoff for this one is pretty good.
1. The Hauntening--A genuinely creepy and intense special for this show, where the jokes don't take away from the scares but add to them. This really feels like how these characters would react to a horrifying situation, making you fear for their lives even more. And even the big twist in the end doesn't ruin the episode, but adds to it, showing how much this family cares for each other and how much they'll do to make one of them happy. They might have gone a LITTLE far, but it's in that gray area where you can accept it. Being sweet and spooky is no other combination you can get from any other show except for this one, and I love it.
And that's all. Well, for now. Season 14 hasn't had its Halloween special yet. It's probably pulling a Simpsons and waiting until November for some reason. And I'm not waiting until then. This is the Halloween Special on MY blog, so there. Happy Halloween.
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stargazer-sims · 9 months
You know how you have an idea and your brain just gets stuck on it until you share it or otherwise do something about it? Or are you normal?
Yes, this is about my OCs. In fact, it's probably everything you (n)ever wanted to know about Nikolai Pavlenko.
It's gonna be long. Apologies.
Seriously, you get all the 🍪 and ⭐️ if you make it through this Chaotic Info Post™
Anyway, I was just thinking about how some of my best and/or favourite OCs were only meant to be secondary characters, but somehow became so interesting to me (either on their own or in relation to other characters) that I absolutely had to develop them. Nikolai was one of those, and now, so are his potential love interests, Ginger and Mishka.
I already had skeletal backstories for both Ginger and Mishka (Ginger's was a bit more in-depth, to be fair, but still...) Now, suddenly they're both telling me all kinds of things about themselves to the point where I can't even decide which one of them Nikolai is meant to be with. I mean, let's face it; he's definitely not meant to be with Anya again, and he's too loving and sweet to be alone.
Nikolai can credit all his former coaches and his figure skating friends, and his students to some degree, for shaping who he is as a person. He loves his parents and has a good relationship with them, but his father in particular is not the sort of person to show much emotion or demonstrate affection and his mother is a bold, no-nonsense woman who can come off as brusque and rude to people who don't know her. Nikolai is not like that. He's gentle and patient and he likes to show others how he feels and loves to give and receive affection. It was his coaches, Stanislav and Beth-Anne, who brought out the best in him, and in reality they often parented him just as much or more than his parents did. As an adult, and since becoming a coach himself, he's also learned a lot about how to have good relationships with people and also a lot about himself.
As a teenager, Nikolai's closest friends were all figure skaters, like him. He started skating at the age of five, when his family lived in another town. At his old skating club, he didn't manage to make a lot of friends and would have been desperately lonely if it weren't for his sister Natascha.
He was sixteen when his family moved, and he flourished at his new rink with his new coach, Stan, who taught him just as much about life and love and the challenges of growing up as he did about figure skating. It was there that he met the people who would become his core group of friends; Anya, Ginger, Hunter, Juliet and Christian.
Vivienne "Ginger" Holmes moved to town during the same summer Nikolai did, so they already had that in common when they met. She was only 14 and had come all the way to Canada from the UK specifically to train with Stan. She was living with a host family, but was essentially on her own, according to her. She and Nikolai bonded instantly, not just over being the new kids at school and the rink, but also over their shared love of dance, bike racing, comic books and spicy food. Ginger never acted stereotypically "girly" and Nikolai appreciated that. It was easy to think of her as a buddy and a confidante, without the complication of adolescent infatuation.
Anya, on the other hand, was a totally different story. She was also 14 when Nikolai met her. Like him, she was the child of an immigrant family, but unlike him, she was well-integrated, attractive and popular. Nikolai tried to avoid her at first, thinking that she was probably mean and shallow like most of the other pretty, popular girls he'd met at his old school. It was actually Anya who approached him. She was learning photography from her grandfather, and wanted to take pictures of Nikolai on the ice. He refused at first, but after Anya kept pestering him, he finally agreed one day. After practice that day, he agreed to go with Anya to get food, and they naturally started talking. Slowly but surely, they got to know each other, and he learned to trust her. As they both approached adulthood, he realized that somewhere along the way, he'd fallen in love with her.
Nikolai and Anya married when he was 25 and she was 23. They were both actively competing and were at the peak of their skating careers. The year they got married, Nikolai won his first World Championship gold medal, and Anya came away with bronze, her second World Championship medal in three years.
Unfortunately, their marriage was not meant to last. Neither of them were ready for the responsibility of a marriage. They were juggling their training and competition schedules, their finances, managing their shared home, and dealing with growing pressure from both their families to start a family of their own. Even though they didn't realize it at the time, neither of them had been ready for a marriage. They hadn't been mature or stable enough, and Anya in particular hadn't been ready to settle down.
The final blow to their marriage that they hadn't been able to overcome was the injury that abruptly ended Nikolai's competitive skating career. He was 27, and competing in the Four Continents Cup, when he injured his knee in a spectacularly bad fall. Even before the doctors and physical therapists assessed his injury, he somehow knew that his career was over, and that he'd never be in another competition.
The eventual prognosis was that he would recover enough to be able to walk and run normally, and even to be able to skate again one day if he did everything the medical professionals told him to. But, they said, he would never be able to compete again. His damaged knee would not tolerate the amount and intensity of training required for it.
Nikolai wasn't ready to accept that reality. He couldn't decide if he was more angry or sad about it, and he became increasingly depressed. Anya couldn't handle the burden of taking care of him while he recovered, with his irritability and mood swings and seemingly random bouts of crying or angry outbursts making things even worse. She decided to leave, and packed her things to go move in with her grandfather.
As if Nikolai wasn't already broken enough, Anya's departure absolutely shattered him. He felt like he was losing everything. He actually contemplated taking his own life, and he might very well have done if not for his coach at the time, Beth-Anne.
Beth-Anne received a phone call in the middle of the night, and on the other end of the line was Nikolai, sobbing inconsolably and telling her that he was scared. Beth-Anne didn't ask questions. She told him to go and unlock the door and not to do anything else, and that she'd be there in ten minutes. She threw on some clothes, grabbed her car keys and sped all the way there. When she got there, she found Nikolai sitting on the floor in the entryway, still crying and looking absolutely exhausted. He hadn't even made it back to the sofa or his bed or wherever he'd been when he phoned her. He literally had unlocked the front door and done nothing else until she arrived.
Beth-Anne gathered him up and took him to the ER. She knew he needed help, at least to settle him down. Anything else he needed after that, she could handle herself. She lost patience with the doctors who were going on about anti-depressants and therapy, once they'd heard the full story, and she vetoed the idea of them admitting him for a psychological evaluation. She verbally exploded on the doctor with, "He doesn't need his head examined and he doesn't need fucking drugs! He needs a sense of purpose and someone who actually gives a shit!" That got the tiniest smile out of Nikolai, and Beth-Anne was silently and secretly pleased.
In the end, she and Nikolai did acquiesce to a painkiller for his leg and some medication to help him sleep, and agreed that he should stay in the hospital overnight for observation. Beth-Anne bullied the doctor into letting her stay with Nikolai all night, and she didn't leave his side for more than a few minutes. In the morning, she called Nikolai's parents and informed them that he'd be staying with her for a while, and then with the consent of the doctor, she took a still-drowsy Nikolai home to her place and tucked him into bed in the guest room.
For the first couple of days, Beth-Anne cancelled all her students' practices and stayed home with Nikolai. She made him stay in bed or on the sofa, and practically waited on him. On the third day, however, she bundled him up and took him to the rink with her, telling him that he needed to watch her and observe her students, because she'd be asking him for commentary and critique later. That was his first glimpse into the skating world from the other side of the gate.
As the weeks progressed, Nikolai began to feel better. Every day, he went to the rink with Beth-Anne to be a second set of eyes for her, spotting different things each of the skaters did exceptionally well and things they still needed work on. At home, Beth-Anne helped him work on his physical therapy exercises, taught him how to cook, introduced him to yoga, and happily expounded upon the joys and pains of being a figure skating coach. She answered all his questions about coaching, and encouraged him to join her as an assistant when he was ready.
Eventually he did join her as a coaching assistant. After a few months, he was able to skate again for short periods of time, and then it wasn't long before he'd taken over one of Beth-Anne's beginner groups, teaching his five little skaters mostly on his own, with minimal guidance from Beth-Anne. He was happy to realize she'd been right. The thing he'd needed most was someone who cared about him and something to bring a sense of purpose to his life.
Meanwhile, Anya was deeply regretting her decision to leave Nikolai. She still loved him and wanted to come back, but he wasn't ready for that. He was still hurt, and he didn't think he could put himself through another ride on the emotional roller coaster that had been life with Anya. He filed for divorce, and she didn't contest it.
They were able to repair their friendship, but Nikolai wasn't interested in renewing their romantic relationship at that point. Eventually, he would be, but he needed time. He had to admit that he still loved Anya too, but he realized things would never be good between them until they both changed.
At some point, they settled into a "friends with benefits" arrangement, where they agreed that they weren't going to commit to each other and that they'd be free to see other people.
During that period of time, Nikolai went out with his good friend Ginger several times, but they never once slept together and never liked to say their outings were dates. Nikolai dated other people as well, but nothing ever developed with anyone.
It was on the night that he, Beth-Anne, Ginger, Juliet and Hunter were out at a club, celebrating his thirtieth birthday that he met the person whom he'd have his next serious relationship with, Mikhail Vasiliev (a.k.a. Mishka). Nikolai and Hunter were up at the bar, getting drinks for themselves and the ladies when they noticed a man around their age apparently struggling to explain something to one fo the bartenders. The man was enormous, with bulging muscles clearly visible through his snug-fitting shirt, and Nikolai guessed that if they were standing side-by-side, the top of his head would only come up to the man's shoulder. Despite that, however, the man had an oddly childlike quality about him. His sweet face was crumpled with frustration and he looked like he might cry at any moment if he couldn't make himself understood.
Nikolai's second observation was that he recognized the language the man was speaking in between snatches of halting, broken English.
"He's speaking Russian," Nikolai told Hunter. "I'm going to help him."
As it turned out, Mishka was lost and had come into the club for directions. After not having succeeded in getting help at a convenience store down the street, he'd wandered into the only other establishment that was open at that hour. He explained to Nikolai that he was a professional hockey player, and that he'd been part of a mid-season trade from his old team to the one in Brindleton Bay. He'd only arrived a few days ago, and was staying at a hotel until he found a suitable place to live. This particular evening, he'd had dinner by himself at a restaurant, and then on a whim, decided to take a late evening stroll around town. But then, he'd gotten confused and couldn't find his way back to the hotel.
Nikolai and Hunter invited him to come and join Nikolai's little birthday party, and then Nikolai would take him back to the hotel afterwards. Mishka agreed, mostly because he was a little desperate, but he would later say it was the best choice he'd made in a while.
Nikolai and Mishka spent a lot of time just getting to know each other after that, and soon realized this was not going to be just a friendship. Everyone agreed that Mishka was good for Nikolai, and his family and most of his friends liked him. As for Mishka, he was very happy to find himself surrounded by so many people who cared about him, and to be falling in love with somebody who treated him gently and took care of him the way Nikolai did.
For all his strong, tough appearance, Mishka is a meek and quiet person. The thing he appreciated most about Nikolai is that he recognized Mishka's vulnerability and never judged him for it. He was always there to support him and look after him. For Nikolai, Mishka inspired the same kind of nurturing and protectiveness as his young protégé Eden Seong and all his other students, and the relationship offered him that all-important sense of purpose.
His relationship with Mishka was quiet and steady, with none of the chaos and emotional turbulence that his relationship with Anya had. There were fewer risky adventures, far less wild sex, very little personal drama, and no all-out screaming arguments. They often disagreed, but they rarely fought, and they would always try to make up before going to sleep if they did fight.
To Nikolai, their love was all the sweeter, knowing that they were able to successfully navigate through the aftermath of an argument and still want to curl up together in bed when all was said and done. That always made him feel safe, when they felt satisfied enough with the outcome to finally let themselves go to bed, and he was wrapped in Mishka’s huge, gentle arms. Sometimes Mishka would sing to him; the most unexpectedly angelic voice coming from this massive man who looked like he’d be more at home yelling commands to workers at the dockyard than chanting in a choir.
(Mishka had been in an all-boys choir as a child and young teen)
Mishka is cuddly and affectionate, just like Nikolai, and they both fulfilled each other’s need for physical touch. They also had no qualms about being affectionate in public, and it wasn’t at all a rare sight to see them holding hands while out for a walk or to catch Mishka hugging Nikolai from behind and shyly kissing his cheek while they waited in line for coffee.
Mishka shared Nikolai’s love of cycling, and the two of them liked to go on bike rides together. Their favourite thing to do together was to bike somewhere and go exploring. In the summertime, they’d take several small trips where they’d bike for a while, then hike into to the woods and find a nice spot to put up their tent, and camp in the forest for a night or two. Sometimes they’d find a place to fish, sometimes they’d sit in the sun and read, and sometimes they’d wander around and look at the flowers, mushrooms and trees and simply enjoy the quiet. Mishka often got stressed about getting lost, but Nikolai is good with a compass and so they never did.
Other things they enjoyed together were swimming, dancing, playing video games and of course skating. Sometimes the skating was more about Nikolai showing off while Mishka admired him, but mostly they’d skate laps together until Nikolai’s knee dictated a halt. Then, they’d go home, and Mishka would ice and massage his leg until he felt better.
One of the big challenges in their relationship was Mishka’s travelling. The team was constantly on the go throughout the regular season, and even longer if they made the playoffs. Nikolai didn’t like how often Mishka was away from him, and even though there was a set schedule for the team’s away games and home games, the whole thing still felt unstable and uncertain to him. Psychologically, it was difficult for him, and although he tried not to show how upset and stressed he was every time Mishka had to leave, Mishka always knew. He hated that Nikolai was upset, but there wasn’t much he could do in that situation, which naturally upset him too.
Perhaps the biggest hurdle for them was Anya. Nikolai and Anya’s on-again, off-again friends with benefits situation was in a definite “off again” phase when Nikolai and Mishka decided they were in an official relationship, but that didn’t stop Anya from coming around and trying to make herself at home. She’d show up ostensibly to cook for them, help them with their laundry or bring them something she’d knitted. The whole thing made Mishka feel extremely uncomfortable, and he said so on multiple occasions.
Regardless of the fact that Nikolai told Anya several times he wasn’t interested at all, Anya still tried to flirt with him (and with Mishka, much to Mishka’s distress). Mishka was never worried about Nikolai being unfaithful, but he neither liked nor trusted Anya.
One of the worst things for Nikolai during all this was that he didn’t even have his buddy Ginger around to talk to about it. Not long after Nikolai and Mishka had gotten together, Ginger had returned to the UK to begin her own journey as a figure skating coach and, as it happened, a wife. She and Nikolai did their best to keep in touch, but with their schedules, time zones, and Ginger’s new husband Liam not liking her to talk to other men, it was a challenge.
Inevitably, Nikolai and Mishka reached the conclusion that as much as they loved and cared for each other, this was not the right time or the right circumstances for them to stay together. They mutually decided to part ways and remain friends, and they promised that if their situations ever changed, they'd look each other up and hopefully try again. They did their best to keep in touch after that, but just like his contact with Ginger, Nikolai's contact with Mishka was semi-regular at best and sporadic at worst. He never forgot what they'd promised each other, though, and neither did Mishka.
Fast-forward a few years, and Nikolai receives a message from Ginger, telling him that she and Liam are divorcing, and she's moving to Japan to continue to train her star student, Sebastian Fujikawa, a Japanese citizen who'd previously been training in the UK while he attended school there. The teenager was ready to go home to Japan, though, and he'd practically begged Ginger to come with him. She told Nikolai she was ready for a change, and that she'd gladly agreed.
Meanwhile, Nikolai was busy with Eden, his own young champion in the making, as well as his other students. Eden and Sebastian were the same age, Nikolai discovered, and soon they'd be competing in the senior division, where they — and their coaches — would undoubtedly meet at international competitions. It was easier for Nikolai and Ginger to keep in touch, now that she didn’t have Liam breathing down her neck, and their contact became less sporadic. Nikolai always looked forward to the chances when they'd encounter each other in person at a competition or training camp. Seeing Ginger again always made him happy.
Fast-forward another handful of years, and Nikolai finds himself in the unlikely scenario of being begged to come to Japan by his own student. Eden had decided to follow his brother Charlie to Japan, where Charlie was going to pursue his career as a professional aesthetitian, hoping to become the proverbial beautician of the stars in the J-pop music industry.
Initially, Eden asked Nikolai to come with him, and Nikolai said no. For one thing, he was terrified to uproot himself from his family, students and familiar surroundings. He was never good with instability, and he didn't think he could cope with that drastic a change in his life. His other reason was that he thought Eden might need to assert his own independence a bit. He didn't want Eden to leave, but knew that it'd be wrong to hold him back.
Eden found a new coach to train with, but the whole thing went terribly wrong after only a few months. Coincidentally, he was skating out of the same rink in a small town in Japan where Ginger was coaching her student, Sebastian. Nikolai heard more of the story from Ginger than he did from Eden at first, as Eden didn't want to upset him with all the horrible details, nor did he want Nikolai to think he was trying to guilt him into coming to Japan.
Finally, Eden did confess the whole truth, and Nikolai was heartbroken to realize that he'd made a huge mistake in not going to Japan with Eden in the first place. He'd all but made up his mind to go, and it really took very little extra persuasion on the part of Ginger and Charlie to fully convince him.
He was overjoyed to be reunited with Eden. Three months had felt like forever to him. He's struggling to adapt to life in Japan, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared, but having Eden, Charlie and Ginger close by helps him. Anya, a professional sports and entertainment photographer, has been there to visit him, while she was travelling in Asia for work. As much as he wants to deny it, he was glad to see her too and try as he might, he can't deny that he's looking forward to her coming back again.
But, other than training with Eden again, the real highlight has been his reunion with Ginger. It's brought him much more joy than he'd expected, and he's really not certain how to explain his feelings about it. He and Ginger spend as much time together as they can, and it didn't take much for them to slip back into their old friendship. They still don't want to say they're dating, and neither one of them really sees their relationship as a romance, but they're nevertheless very happy together. Nikolai can honestly say he loves Ginger, and he sees nothing wrong with that.
It's all good until he receives a long email from Mishka. Now 35 years old, Mishka has decided that too many injuries and stamina that's fading with age have finally made him uncompetitive as a pro hockey player, and it's time to retire. Nikolai could read the excitement in Mishka's written message, and he easily could picture Mishka's sweet face glowing with a smile at the sentence, "I never forgot you. I'm coming to Japan to find you, my love."
Nikolai is excited too, until he thinks about Ginger. And Anya.
He's still figuring out his feelings for Ginger, who is already right there in town, and Anya will be back soon on another business trip. How's he supposed to handle Mishka too, in the midst of that?
He has a problem, and not the sort of problem most people have. Some people have trouble finding one love interest. Nikolai's problem is that he may have far too many...
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zoey-angel · 9 months
Why are people so mean in the a2k tag? Calling never-properly-trained-before teen girls bad and saying they won't make it in the market??? Hello wtf are you on about
First of all idk what kind of training you think western superstars like Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande had before debuting, but I assure you they didn't have to spend hours every day practicing dancing in formation to become successful.
If you're "worried they'll flop with the Korean crowd" they're not meant to be big in Korea. They're supposed to bring kpop concepts to the western market that's why the show is in english (not korean) + they're not just under jyp they're also signed to REPUBLIC RECORDS aka the same as all of these guys
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Thirdly you know this is just the process of picking who will be trained to debut, right? Rn They're mostly testing who's got the attitude (bc idol life is brutal) and who's capable of improvement. They get more training during and after the boot camp, they're aged 13-17 like most trainees when they enter the trainee process.
Saying stuff like "they're not already perfect (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) they suck" is like... dang do you think the trainees on normal survival shows are just born like that or something ?
They're probably not even going to debut yet. They're young. For nizi project, the survival show's filming started in September 2019 and began broadcasting shortly after the lineup was established, then the last episode was released in June 2020, but niziu only officially debuted in December 2020. And Niziu has in it some girls who were jyp trainees beforehand. AND the youngest idol to ever debut in jyp so far was 14- Gina and Kaylee are both younger (the auditions were open to ages 12-17) which leads me to believe the group will train for at least another year, and that was the plan to begin with.
Also and this shall be my final point, who tf are we netizens to say someone's gonna flop? I can't even walk into a 7/11 without getting the anxiety tingles and needing a 12 hour nap, and I'm 23. Can you imagine being one of these girls? These young stars who train every day for hours until their voice strains, in a foreign country with some girls they only just met that same year, filmed for the whole world to see as they perform in front of some super corp head in hopes he'll tell them to comere. Seriously fuck off
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Rei Takeo/Cure GoldenAsh Being A Mood (Sketched Artistry Pretty Cure) (Part 2)
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Episode 13:
Jiro: “And according to my calculations, an Inkling appears once every week, so you will be fighting a monster every. single. week."
*everyone bursts out laughing*
Rei: "That's a good one Jiro! There's no such thing as a monster of the week! You're full of it!”
Rei: “Scavenger hunt. Great."
Botan: “And I see the rest of you are chic's."
Rei: *cracks her knuckles* "Oh, you think you're funny!" 
*Shes about to charge, but Keiko and Sora hold her back*
Botan: “Overreaction. Typical chic." 
Rei: “Chicks are idiots, and I'm looking at one right now."
Botan: “I deal with stoves every day, that doesn't hurt me.”
*Rei snarls*
Keiko: “Don't worry about it, it's all okay, Shiro's probably a picky eater, maybe more so than Rei is-"
Rei: “At least I'm not a brat about it!"
*Cherry Azure GoldenAsh and Crimson are stuck in a pot*
*GoldenAsh snarls and punches the walls with fire and metal*
Cherry: "Cure G, that won't work-" 
*She dents the pot*
Azure: “Oh wait... That works somehow."
Rei: "You better explain yourself right now Nikko!"
Shiro: "What? Why? What did I do?" 
Rei: “You were working for Botan! Giving away Midori's full name to him, so Midori could cut herself and lose the game? Your mean comments from earlier, telling Midori-Chan to quit?! It adds up!"
Shiro: “I didn't even know who that egomaniac was until today, alright?! I just moved here!! How could I have had an alliance with him?!"
Rei: “Oh okay… 'Just moved here', tense to wear anything other than black, rude as can be... Are you working for those aliens that've been attacking?!"
Shiro: "Alien things...?! I-I haven't seen those until today either-! H-how c-could I possibly-?!" 
Shiro: (thinking) Kaede, you were wrong, they're smart! This one knows! She already knows!! What do I do?! They know!!!
Midori: “Rei-Chan, seriously? That's way too far of an accusation! Give her a break!"
Keiko: "Sorry about Rei-Chan, she's impulsive like that..." 
Rei: “I'm telling you-!" 
*Sora and Akemi put their hands over her mouth*
Episode 14:
Sora: “Ah, here we go! You want one of us to warm up your vocals?"
Keiko: “Oh! I'll do it!"
*Sora and Jiro run to the back and plug their ears*
Akemi: "This is..."
Orenji: "TERRIBLE!!!"
Rei: “HEY!" 
*grabs Keiko by the wrist*
Rei: "You are a disgrace to the very concept of warm ups."
Jiro: “That was actually, the dumbest thing we could have ever done. Why did we do that?"
Keiko: “Because it's fun!" 
Rei: “You three are actually insane. Guess Akemi and I are the only sane ones here."
*Akemis happy enough, giggling*
Rei: “I will show you how to dance the steps!"
Keiko: "Like you can do better!"
Rei: "Unlike you guys, I actually know dancing choreography and took lessons from my dad, before he left, I mean."
*Rei demonstrates for Akemi*
Rei: “Second position vertical. Hand up and over. Bend the left leg. Hands to the chest. Hand out. Raise it. Right foot step in front. Transition to a twirl from there. Tip toe to right stage. Scroll hand through the balance beam as though they're human artifacts. Lay on the floor. Look frustrated.”
Keiko: “That's you everyday.”
Rei: “Leg over the back. Roll over. Sit up. Look up. Hands to the chest. Aim right hand at the ceiling- That's your left.”
Akemi: “S-sorry. Shall we do it all over again?"
Rei: “Is there something I'm doing wrong?"
Akemi: "What? Oh no, it's not you. You're cynical and you're aggressive, but you're not necessarily doing the wrong thing by calling me out."
*All the Cures get muted.*
*Azure is trying to explain what’s happening, but is muted.*
*GoldenAsh mocks Azures lip sync with her hand, but is muted*
Noir: “Voice cancelation aura! That doesn't affect Erasers! I just erased all your voices in an instant. Frankly, it sounds so much better in here."
*GoldenAsh is screaming something. Probably bad words. But she’s muted.*
Noir: “Music to my ears.”
Akemi: “I don't know what path my life is going, and I don't know where my voice will take me, but... it's just nice having one, ya know?"
Rei: “Oh yeah, definitely. Honestly, the nerve Noir had the guts to take away my pleasant voice! I mean come on, everyone likes it when I talk!"
*Keiko, Sora, Jiro, and Midori give iffy looks at her.*
Rei: "What? It's true! Don't give me that look!"
Keiko: “Maybe that Kaede girl had a wig.”
Rei: “Or it was Shiro.”
The others: “Rei, no!" "Seriously?!" "Come on, Rei!"
Rei: “What?! Don't you think I have a point?! Shiro shows up, and then there's this new Eraser?!"
Midori: “You don't have proof besides that!" 
Rei: “I think it's proof enough! There's eyes on us! They're trying to get us from the inside! Sure, we foiled their plans on Akemi, but it's not stopping there! Keiko could be next!"
Keiko: “D-does that mean I get Rei protection?"
*Rei nods yes*
Keiko: “…sweet."
Episode 15:
Keiko: "I told you that you weren't good at math!"
Rei: "Yeah, like you are any better!"
*They both got bad grades*
Rei: "I still did better than you.”
Keiko: “Like, by two questions!"
Rei: “It's a basic equation, I get two questions more than you, therefore I get a higher number than you do, therefore I get more questions right, therefore I did better."
*Keiko draws a little medal around Rei's neck in her head, reading 'Not as bad at math as you could have been'.*
*Keiko and Rei are coming over*
Keiko: “Sora-Chan!" 
*Sora doesn’t answer*
Keiko: "How'd you do?"
Rei: "Oh please, I'm sure she got a perfect score and she wants to rub it in our faces."
Sora: “I failed, I failed so bad, I'll never recover from this, I'll never recover from this..."
Rei: “It's a 97! Get over it!"
Akemi: “Yeah, that's still an A.”
Keiko: “I did so much worse than you."
Sora: “You don't understand... I can't get any job whatsoever if I don't get good grades. Let alone with my father... he's gonna kill me."
Rei: “Over a 97, who cares?!"
*Soras on the desk bawling*
Rei: "I dunno about you guys, but... I find this to be absolutely pathetic to cry about."
Orenji: “Alright, Pretty Cure! I'm just concerned about one thing... where's Ayano-san?!"
*They only just now noticed she’s missing*
Rei: *face palms* "How do we not notice she's not here?!"
Jiro: “…she was screaming. That's it. Screaming. For no reason at all. It was like she was possessed by a ghost."
Rei: “I guess she's really insane, then... I mean, hanging out with Keiko so much earlier than the rest of us..." 
*Keikos offended*
Orenji: “Sora-Chan sold her soul! Sora sold her soul! Sora sold her soul!!"
*Keiko, Rei, Midori, and Akemi charge at the door, trying and failing to yank it open*
*They fail and collapse on each other*
Jiro: "That's a push open door."
Rei: “Why does it have an arched handle then?!"
Keiko: “Sora-Chan!! I-I know you're in there, Sora-Chan! You love fashion! You can't give up on it! You're smart, and beautiful, and you can do anything you put your mind to! Don't let the Erasers take you over!!"
Sora: “Uh, Keiko? I'm not brainwashed."
Rei: “Exactly what brainwashed people say..." 
Rei: “She is not invested in that marketing test.”
Jiro: “Can you blame her?"
Shiro: “Wow..."
Rei: "Why are you here?"
*Rei is locked outside the classroom. She’s banging on the door. No one notices*
Sora: “I get at least a hundred on this test, I can do the edit. That'll be my reward. I'll deserve it."
Rei: *trying to get a bird out of her hair* “Deserve it? Girl, no one said you had to deserve doing the things you like! I don't like that mindset. You like doing something, do it. You don't have to earn it."
Shiro: “Of course she does."
Keiko: "N-Nikko-san! What are you...?"
Rei: “Painting birds.”
*The bird continues to use her hair as a nest. Rei groans and gives up*
*All the Cures are studying the same textbook together*
*Keiko falls asleep on the desk*
*Rei falls asleep on Keikos shoulder*
Rei: “Seven hundred eighteen inches divided by four! Go!"
*Sora hesitates*
Rei: "Did I stutter?"
Sora: “No, just, I don't know how to do that in my head.”
Rei: "Write it down. I'm not stopping you."
*Writes it down*
Sora: “One hundred seventy nine and five tenths!"
Rei: "Nineteen hundred fifteen divided by twenty three!"
Sora: “What?!"
Rei: "Eight hundred one divided by twenty!"
Sora: “Okay, I didn't mean 'what' as in, 'I can't solve it', I meant 'what' as in, 'why should anyone have to answer that?'"
Rei: “Tell me about it!"
*Rei snaps her pencil in frustration of the test*
Rei: "Hey hey hey! This isn't mine!"
Teacher: “Is there anyone else here named Takeo Rei?" 
*Rei slumps in her chair over the 59% on her test*
Keiko: “Thought you were smarter than that, Rei-Chan.”
Rei: "Math is not my strong suit, okay?"
Shiro: “Ninety seven?!! Ninety seven?!! That's impossible! I ch- I... was just picking random answers!"
Sora: “That's... strangely good luck.”
Rei: "Oh please, Nikko-san cheated. She's just mad that the tests are rigged against us."
Shiro: “Cheat? Me?! I have no idea what you're talking about!"
Keiko: “You did better than me and Rei.”
Rei: “It's an A! You aced it! You're this upset over a 93?! Who cares?!?! You still did better than so many of us!!"
Sora: “I care, Rei! I don't need your mean jabs right now!"
*Rei stops talking*
Shiro: “It's not mean when you're just telling the truth. You said you had to get a hundred to be able to do this dress edit. Your reward. Well, you didn't get a hundred. You can't do the edit. You didn't earn it."
Rei: “Get out! Sora doesn't need you to throw her down right now!"
Shiro: “She's throwing herself down!"
Rei: “Get. Out!" 
Shiro: “We're in class. I want to get out. But I can't."
Rei: “Then... go to a corner, read a book, or something, I don't know! Just don't be near Sora-Chan!"
Rei: “Well... Not what 'please let us get there first' being wrong, is exactly what we had in mind..."
Keiko: “W-who are you...?"
Kuran: “I believe the question should be, who are you?"
Rei: "We're not scared of you Shiro!"
Kuran: “Shiro? Don't know who that is, but sounds like a human's name. Bleh!"
Midori: "Shiro? Really?"
Rei: “It's obviously her! She just dyed her hair and she's wearing different clothes."
Keiko: "Or, you just don't like Nikko-san, one or the two."
*Kaede aims a scythe at Rei*
*Rei tenses up*
Inkling: “What is a theme?"
Cherry, GoldenAsh, Teal, and Crimson: “Huh?"
GoldenAsh: "Be more specific."
Inkling: “6/2(1+2)"
Inkling: “Cure GoldenAsh!" 
GoldenAsh: “Of course... Nine!"
Cherry: “I thought you were bad at math!"
GoldenAsh: "I'm bad at math that has no relevance to life. There's a difference."  ~
Cherry: “That's not even a question, that's..."
GoldenAsh: "Oh my gosh, it's simple multiplication! You got this!!"
Cherry: “Eh... You see... depends, what kind of crackers are they?"
Inkling: "WRONG!!"
Cherry: “I never studied that!!"
Teal: "Yes we did!" 
GoldenAsh: “You actually have the IQ of a ROCK!!"
Teal: “Eh?"
GoldenAsh: “Oh come on, that's an easy one!"
Kaede: "No giving away the answer! We'll eliminate you automatically!"
GoldenAsh: “When was that a rule?!"
Teal: “I blame my job not being related to this…”
Crimson: “Just guess!!"
Teal: "The setting affects the plot by affecting the plot!"
GoldenAsh & Crimson: "You call that a guess?!!"
Inkling: “9 - 3 / 3 + 1"
Inkling: “Cure GoldenAsh!" 
GoldenAsh: “How is anyone supposed to solve that?! Nine, minus three is six, divide that by three is two-"
Inkling: "TIME'S UP!!"
GoldenAsh: “Wha-?! Since when was it timed?! You never said that!"
Kuran: “I just did. Your fault you can't find the answer fast enough. Such a failure."
*Shes not happy*
Inkling: “The answer is 9! Cure GoldenAsh: Eliminated!"
*GoldenAsh gets trapped in sticky notes*
GoldenAsh: “That's not fair!!"
Kuran: “I'm sorry, it is fair. It's your fault you're not good enough."
Crimson: “What was I thinking?!"
GoldenAsh: "I don't know, but I don't get how you miss that!"
Crimson: “There's no purple in our group! That's how my director describes spotlights!"
Azure: “Hit me with your best shot!"
GoldenAsh: “Azure! You don't have to do that!"
*She says while trapped on the wall by a sticky note*
Akemi: “Well?" 
Sora: “She loved it!"
*Keiko, Midori, and Akemi squeal and throw Sora into a group hug*
*Rei smiles but tries to stay out of it. Keiko drags her into the hug*
Episode 16:
'April 8th,'
'It's me. Takeo Rei.'
'Even to this day, I hate the fact my mom made me move to this boarding school.'
'Not to say it's all horrible. She's doing her best to keep us financially afloat in our shabby little place. Other girls at my school stay in these cozy little dorms. Not me. Can't afford it.'
'I will admit this, I told myself for awhile that I was done with friends. I didn't need them. They only tore you down. Then like some anime, a talking bird comes down to force you to become your fantasy superhero self insert, Ash Goldenflame... kinda. Okay, so they only allow you to have 'Cure' at the start of your name like some cult, but point is, I'm a superhero.'
'I also associate with girls now, which is... kind of a huge shift for me. Like, I'm not 'the tough sarcastic outcast' anymore.'
'Gina Akemi is actually a really nice girl, and I relate to her quite a bit.'
'Chokawa Midori is a girl I have huge respect for, even if I don't always agree with her.'
'Ayano Sora, I admit, we're still working things out, but I do think we've overcome her... jealousy?'
'Over who? Well, her best friend, Sakura Keiko, who...'
‘I have mixed feelings about.'
*Rei goes after her, seeing Ichiro bullying Keiko*
Rei: “What's your problem?! Why don't you just leave her alone?"
Ichiro: “Relax, okay?! I asked the chick if I could see what she was drawing, she agreed, so I took her book so I can see, and suddenly she's mad when I turn the page!"
Rei: "Don't. Mess with her."
'Ichiro is problematic to say the least. I do everything to slap sense into someone immature as him, and yet he never listens. Treats me like I'm the bad guy. Hey, I'm a very noble person.'
Ichiro: "This is why no one likes Takeo."
*He leaves*
Keiko: *blushing* “Rei..."
*Rei hands Keiko her sketchbook back, realizing there’s a drawing of Rei*
*Rei blushes hard at that drawing*
'I'm upset she drew me without permission. I'm upset she drew me without permission... I swear!'
'Frankly, I have a reputation in my school. It goes like this: I mind my own business, then someone thinks I'm pretty, walks up to ask me out despite not even knowing me...'
Boy: "Come to claim that kiss beautiful?"
Rei: “I told you no! Never gonna happen! Not when you act like this around me!"
Boy: "You're so annoying... aw, that beauty of yours is a waste!"
'...I give the logical answer. And then they find out my personality, and bully me for the rest of the year.'
*A guy throws paper at Reis head*
*Rei catches the paper and tears it up*
Rei: "You better have a proper definition of what a trash can looks like buddy!"
*They run away*
'It's always the same. Sometimes I... I don't know if it's me, or not me.'
Teacher: “How about Takeo-san?"
Rei: "I didn't raise my hand."
Teacher: “I called on you. Not paying attention, are we?"
Rei: “If I wasn't, I wouldn't have responded.”
Teacher: “Give me the book."
Rei: "It's private!"
Teacher: “I'm not gonna read it. Your attention needs to be brought onto the things that'll benefit you in the real world."
Rei: “Okay." *goes back to the book*
Ichiro: “You are impossible, Takeo-san... Was she always like this?"
Rei: “Yes! It's called being real."
Teacher: “Alright, that's it.”
*he throws textbooks on her desk*
Teacher: “Send these to the library. Now."
*sees Rika*
Rei: (thinking) Go in. Set the books on the front desk. Get out. Go in. Set the books on the front desk. Get out... No. Go in. Set the books on the desk. Get out. Go in... Set the books on the desk... Get out! Get out before she sees you! There's no way she's here... she can't be...
Rika: “Taki?"
*Reis frozen*
Rei: “Suki?"
*Rei and Rika stare at each other, Rika with a smile*
*Then Rei turns her back on her*
Rika: “Wait, why are you-? Taki-sama!!” *grabs Rei* “Please don't tell me you forgot about me!"
Rei: “Your name is Suki Rika.”
Rika: “It's so great to see you again! I didn't think you'd be in this school! I mean, I thought you quit writing after you..."
*she hugs Rei, who is uncomfortable*
Rika: “It's so great to see a friend again! Oh, did I mention how great you look? Takeo Rei with short hair? Gloves? What?!"
Rei: “Great, bye Suki!"
*she tries to leave. Rika follows her*
Rika: “Taki! I got so much to ask!"
*Rei is doing schoolwork, ignoring her classmates getting into a paper fight*
*At the door window, Rika is banging on it and waving at Rei*
*Rei is having lunch behind the stairs, minding her own business*
Rika: *popping out of nowhere* “Hi!!!”
*Rei is jumpscared*
*Rei is at the library reading a book*
Rei: “I can see you!" 
*Rika is hiding behind a bookshelf*
Rika: “Coincidence?"
*Rei gets up and leaves*
*Rei is walking down the hallway*
*She whips her head back behind her*
*No Rika*
*She jumps the turn*
*No Rika*
*Rei sighs in relief, walking ahead-*
Rika: “Taki!!”
*Shes outside. Banging on the window. She has paper that says ‘I love you Taki-sama’*
Rika: “I love you!!! Taki!!!! Talk to me!!!!”
*Rei, embarrassed, walks away*
Rika: “Wait!! Taki!!! Come back!!! Taki!!!!”
*Rika falls off the windowsill*
*Rei is exhausted, head on the desk and book over her head*
Shiro: “Tak-"
Shiro: “U-uh..."
Rei: “Oh… Thought you were someone else, Nikko-san..."
Shiro: “Someone push your buttons?”
Rei: “Why do you care?"
Shiro: “Hey, who are you avoiding anyway?" 
*Rika shows up and charges at them*
Rika: “Who are you?! What are doing with Taki-sama?!"
Shiro: “Excuse me?!"
Rei: “She's not my friend."
Rika: “I'm already starting to like you! Miss...?"
Shiro: “Nikko Shiro.”
Rei: “I see you two are perfect for each other.”
Rika: “You think so?"
Rei: "Yeah, you're both stalkers and you're obnoxious."
Shiro: “I've been called much worse."
Rika: "Taki-sama! You should go!! You should do this with me! We could be friends, be a little trio with us an Nikko-san... who knows? They might teach you a think or two on originality."
*Rika leaves. Rei looks at the poster of the book club*
*She crumbles the paper and throws it away*
Keiko: “Rei? Rei-Chan? You're not going?"
Rei: Too much on my plate.”
Keiko: "You don't even do anything!"
Rei: “I don't want to go! Okay?"
Jiro: "Rei-Chan, I really think this will be a good experience for you, as a writer, and since you know people, you can... talk more?"
Rei: “I can't write."
Sora: “Rei-"
Rei: "I'm not going, and that's final!!"
*Sora steps back*
Rei: “Sora, I'm sorry, okay? I-I said that badly... I-I know you're trying to help, but... I can't do this..."
Rei: “I get that. I do."
Shiro: “Sure you can! I know you can! You are a brilliant strong girl, and you're scared of a little book club?! Come on, I'll be there with you!"
Rei: "The cure to my curse..."
Shiro: "You know, Suki-san will probably force you to come anyway."
*Rei is dragged to the library by Shiro*
Rei: “Nikko-san!!!"
Shiro: “This will be fun!"
Rei: "Getting pulled by the arm is not fun!"
*They get in, and the entire book club stares at Rei*
*Rei is shaking*
Rika: "You came!! Taki-sama!!"
Rei: “Let's get this over with..."
*Rei takes a seat next to Rika*
Rika: "Don't worry! As long as you earn it, you're fine."
Rei: "Like how you earned the markers I gave you."
Rika: "Okay seriously, what is your problem?"
Shiro: “This is a book?" 
Rei: “It's mythology. Read the room."
Shiro: “How do humans read these things and not get bored? There's no pictures."
Rei: “Your head is a picture.”
Shiro: “Wow, Takeo-san's insulting me!"
*Rika shoves Rei to make her raise her hand*
Librarian: “Takeo-san! Participating!"
Rei: “U-um... Person versus self."
Librarian: “That is correct!" 
Shiro: “You know this stuff?"
Rei: "It's beginners writing class."
Shiro: “There are classes?" 
Rei: “Yes, and guess who took them. Since she was four."
Rika: “She said she was self taught. That's why she's always writing and not paying attention in math class."
Rei: “Suki..."
Rika: “Then she reads a lot of books, books that nobody wants her to know that she likes."
Rei: “Suki!"
Shiro: “Oh, what kind of books? I'm curious."
*Rika holds up the book*
Rika: "The Chibi Gold Games?"
Rei: *embarrassed* "Suki! Stop it!"
Rika: "She has all nine books. Her social media account is filled with reviews on them. As well as some other books she dunks on."
Rei: “It's a good series for kids!"
Rika: “She's 'BookBurner58' if you want to find her.”
*people look at them*
Rika: “Yeah, she's THAT chick! She doesn't want to tell anyone that! Her own mom doesn't know she has social media!"
Rei: “SUKI RIKA!!"
Rika: "She ships Mai and Mia! She has one shots! And she has a knock off of-"
*Rei duct tapes Roma’s mouth*
Shiro: “Takeo, what gives?" 
*Rei buried herself in her book*
Rei: (thinking) I can never talk to humanity again. I'm just gonna be friends with the Chibis for the rest of my days. Their lives are simple... so much so that book eight was the worst of the saga...
Rei: (thinking) Whatever. This can't get worse.
*she enters the club room*
Rika: “She's great! Isn't she?!"
Rei: *dropping her stuff* “What are they doing here?!"
Shiro: “Was only introducing Rika to the rest of your friends.”
Rika: “I'll be honest, surprised Taki-sama even had friends.”
Rei: “Har har.”
Akemi: “Weren't you Rei's friend?"
Rika: “Yeah! Of course! I was shocked to see Taki-sama in this school, considering how much she 'can't write'. But we were great friends in elementary school! Then, one day, Rei just... stopped talking to me and... I don't know why."
*Reis fists are clenched from her seat. She’s not happy. She’s standing up*
Rei: “Alright, we have club stuff to do, and you're not a member! The exit's over there!"
Rika: “What?! You can't force me to leave!"
Sora: “Yeah Rei! What's the problem?!"
Rei: “Suki-san isn't a poet, she's a hack! She just copies and pastes, changes the subject, and then somehow nobody catches onto the plagiarism!"
Rika: “Ha! Wow! Saying something that only applies to YOU! Just great!”
*The Cures are confused*
Rika: “Fine. I'll leave. I thought I was talking to Taki-sama. Guess not."
*Rika and Shiro leave*
Keiko: “Rei...? Something you're not telling us...?"
Rei: “I don't want to talk about it."
Keiko: “Rei-Chan?"
Rei: “You can't keep away from me for two seconds, can you?"
Orenji: “Hey, Keiko-Chan's worried about you, and so am I."
Rei: “Oh I'm fine, I'm just... reading a book!"
*She’s holding up her Chibi book*
Rei: “Wait..."
Keiko: “So you're into that, huh?" Rei: “O-of course not! My account is secret to my family, and-" 
*Now it’s even more embarrassing*
Rei: “It's training for writing! Writers train a lot..."
Keiko: “They do? Wow! Can I follow you?"
Rei: “It's not mine! It's for a friend... you're my only friends..."
*Rei face palms*
*Keiko holds up a drawing*
Keiko: "So for this friend, you kept this doodle of these two chibi girls making out for them?"
*Rei uses her Neon Pen to burn that doodle* 
Keiko: “Okay..."
Rei: “I like it. So what? It's been with me since I was a kid."
*Keiko elbow bops Rei to get her to loosen up. It works*
Rei: "If you tell anyone about that, you will sleep on pencil shavings."
Orenji: "So what's the deal with Suki? Don't like her?"
Rei: “Don't like her? That's putting it lightly! And for the record, she didn't win any of that stuff. She didn't do anything with her life besides draw emo sketches! That stuff was... my rewards."
Keiko: “Figured. If she's using your accomplishments to look cool, she must like what you do."
Rei: “Did you not hear me? She's lying to you to make herself seem friendly and cool. At least I'm straightforward."
Orenji: “And yet you're not telling us what's going on! Please, we care about you Rei."
*Rei sighs, slumping on the edge of the bridge*
Rei: "She didn't lie about one thing. I was friends with her once. A pretty long time ago. Then she... then she... then she said I needed to be 'tougher', that I needed to work on my mean sprit... and then I moved on to better things."
Keiko: “Who said you needed to work on meanness? That makes no sense."
Orenji: “I mean, it did rub off on you-"
Rei: "Did not!"
Rei: “There's such thing as a 'true friend'. Rika isn't one of them. Sometimes... sometimes relationships can't be fixed. Sometimes dark colors can't be made bright again. I mean, that's like saying an Eraser, our sworn enemies, can become a Pretty Cure."
(Are you sure about that?)
Keiko: “We all have stuff to work on, but that's why the past is... whatever! Who cares?! Right here, right now, Takeo Rei is a golden gal! Nothing will change the core of that!"
Rei: "Goodness..."
*An Inkling shows up*
Rei: “You gotta be kidding me..."
*Kaede and Kuran appear*
Kaede: “Nope. We’re pretty serious.”
Kuran: “When I feel like it, at least."
Rei: “Who did you rob this time? Huh?!"
*Notices the Rika statue*
Rei: "Okay. That's fair."
Keiko: “You're not supposed to like this!!"
Rei: "Did I say I wouldn't save her?!"
Kaede: “Now now sister, all good things come to those who wait."
GoldenAsh: “Yeah I don't believe that policy."
GoldenAsh: “I am not nothing. I have my faults, like everyone does... but I'll make up for them and protect everyone! Suki, Nikko, my friends, Canvas Corner, EVERYONE!! And I can do so much more than be firepower!"
Sora: “Are you gonna tell anyone?"
Shiro: “Oh yeah, I'm announcing it to the entire world as we speak."
*All the Cures become shocked. Except for Rei*
Shiro: “I'm kidding. I gain nothing from telling people."
Rei: “You meant that?" 
Shiro: “…Yes. I was wrong to accuse you before I even knew you and what you... I'm sorry."
Rei: “I'm not innocent. And I... this is a lot of trust I have to put on you now. I'm not comfortable with that. Seems I have no choice though."
Shiro: "Is that forgiveness?"
Rei: "You need me to spell it out?"
Rika: “I didn't know what I did was gonna be... tone it down, will you?!"
Rei: “Please get off me."
*Rei runs up to see Ichiro bullying Keiko*
Rei: “Ichiro, get a job! You want to see her drawing? Keiko-Chan is gonna present it."
Ichiro: “Is she now?"
Keiko: “Rei-Chan..."
Rei: "You will never feel better if you keep that stuff hidden. Are you an artist?!"
*Keiko shows them a drawing of the sun*
*Ichiro’s impressed, and Rei gives a thumbs up*
'Would have been better if she drew me to be honest.'
'Frankly, I have a reputation in my school. It goes like this: I mind my own business, then someone thinks I'm pretty, walks up to ask me out despite not even knowing me...'
Boy: “Come to claim that kiss beautiful?"
Rei: “Hey, I am not ready for that yet."” *points to Rika* “Did you know she's single?"
*the guy chases after Rika, who’s scared out of her mind*
'...I offer a new situation. And then no one bullies me for the rest of the year.'
'It's always the same. But that's just me being me.'
Teacher: “How about Takeo-san?”
Rei: “I didn't raise my hand."
Teacher: “I called on you. Not paying attention, are we?"
Rei: “That's a thirty degree acute angle."
Teacher: “…I stand corrected. My bad."
Librarian: “Takeo-san, were you always so good with literature?"
Rei: “I'm a bird."
Rei: "I did something right today!"
Sora: “So... are you getting back to writing?"
Rei: “Uh-m-maybe...? I...? C-could I...? I could... I have a lot of ideas..."
Keiko: “What kind of ideas? More Chibi shipping fanfics?" *She’s reading one* “I didn't know you had a thing for rainbow colored kids!"
Rei: “AAH!"
Keiko: “Sheri? And her pink bun? Is that me?"
Librarian: “Get out of my library!" 
*Rei chases Keiko out of the room*
*They’re still loud outside*
Keiko: “Aw come on it's addictive!" 
Rei: “It's private!" 
Keiko: “You left it open in the library!" 
Rei: “Keiko, give it back!" 
Keiko: “You're just asking me to say I love you at this point!" 
Rei: “My story needed a lo-loafer! A loafer!" 
Keiko: “Now you're calling me a shoe?!" 
Rei: “Ye-I mean no! No! Keiko!!! Give up!!! I will chase you across the country!!! Give it back!!!"
Akemi: “Should we help them?"
Sora: *drinking coffee* “I say let them have it."
Episode 17:
Cherry: “I am so sorry! I-I tried to get here, and-"
GoldenAsh: *shivering* You left us in freezing temperatures! Other than that, I don't care. You saved us."
(This is one of only two lines she has in this episode)
Episode 18:
Rei: “Orenji, it's the weekend. We're meant to sleep."
Sora: “We need to know how they're even broken, right? Like, what's clogging the ink to work?"
Rei: "Maybe we should open them up and find out..."
*she tries to break the Neon Pens. It’s not working*
Rei: “O-okay, hang on, I can get it. I can get it..."
*Orenji snatches the pens from her*
Orenji: "These Neon Pens are not replaceable!"
(Flashback to Episode 11 when she nagged Midori for attempting the same thing…)
Orenji: “Okay, so first thing we need to do: We find Keiko's third pen!"
Rei: “How do we do that? You want Jiro to make a Neon Pen tracking device?"
Keiko: “About Shiro... Do you think she'll come back?"
Orenji: “I don't know.”
*Rei looks up from her seat*
Rei: “She took advantage of you. How can you forgive that right away?"
Keiko: “…Rei, I... I'm so sorry!"
*Rei turns around*
Rei: "Sora-Chan? Do you know anything about this place?"
Sora: "I don't. This is kind of Keiko's place."
Rei: “Yeah... Keiko's place..."
Orenji: “I guess this is Keiko's old school?"
Rei: "Keiko's old school? But..."
Akemi: “Rei, what's wrong? You've been awfully genuine ever since we started this trip."
Rei: “Wow..."
Sora: “Do you know this place?"
Rei: "To tell you the truth... this isn't just Keiko's old school..."
Keiko: *banging her head on the desk* “NOTHING!" *bang* “NO IDEAS!" *bang* “NOT FOR HOURS!" *bang* “USELESS.” *bang* “STUPID.” *bang* “HEAD.” *bang* “OF NOTHINGNESS!!" *bang* "That is now probably concussed..."
Rei: *writing in her notebook* “Wow..."
Orenji: “You don't know how to make this?!"
Rei: “That is a first for you, I have to say. I don't know how I feel about it."
Jiro: “I'm gonna go get ready to eat out.” *leaves*
Keiko: “Okay...?" 
*Keiko looks at Rei, who is blushing at her* 
Rei: “U-uh... I-I'll go too... starving..." *runs away*
Rei: "She's like a blank slate. Not the writers block kind, but like there's nothing going on in her head."
Keiko: “Maybe she was raised differently?" 
Rei: “Either way, our point is, she's like diet Keiko, but without the cutesy appealing density."
Keiko: “The soldier represents war. The ramen represents peace after the war. And the noodles represent... the grandparents?"
*thought process broken*
Keiko: “It sucks! I'm sorry!"
(Delicious Party roast)
Rei: “Have you tried... uh... N-nevermind."
Keiko: “Rei? Are you okay?"
Rei: “I-yeah-I-I take back what I was gonna say. Really, it would make things worse and..."
Keiko: “I never said that, I would like your input, actually.”
*Rei blushes*
Rei: “U-uh... jelly! W-would that work?!"
*Midori, eating some, nods yes*
*Rei chuckles and fans her red face*
Rei: “It’s hot in here. I’m dying.”
Sora: “Okay, I guess Rei's out of the idea list..."
*Rei sighs in relief*
Shiro: “And I thought grandparents were supposed to be cooks.”
*Rei pinches Shiro’s feet*
*It makes Shiro fall over*
Shiro: “What is that for?!"
Rei: “If you want to stay with us, you better be nice. Senior Sakura does so much for us while we're here."
Akemi: “I haven't had chili in a long time..."
Rei: “Great. You two can try it together."
Seikai Takeo: “Loud crowd, huh?"
Rei: “Hi dad.”
Seikai Takeo: “You okay, sunshine?"
Rei: “I'm fine."
Seikai Takeo: “Okay... fine as in you're fine, or fine as in you're not fine and you just don't want to talk about it?"
Rei: "Why do you feel the need to do that?”
*He stares down his daughter*
Rei: “It's my... friend... We came on this trip for her. This is all about her needs. And you know, Sora, Midori, Akemi, they're all supportive. They have no problem helping her with what she needs to get done for the best of... everyone. I can't support anyone for the love of me."
Seikai Takeo: “That's ridiculous. Why can't you help the Sakura kid?"
Rei: “I'm... me. I open my mouth, and bam, everything becomes about me and my bad mouth. Keiko doesn't need that, she can't afford that, so... I'm doing her a favor. Then of course, doesn't help that you're here, and..."
Seikai Takeo: “You speak, and it's about you. That's the basis of life for anyone. In one of my classes, a kid cracked a joke about Pluto. Kids laughed at the joke. It became about the kid. But I didn't react, and I let it be."
Rei: “We're teenagers now. Doing dumb girly teenage stuff..."
Seikai Takeo: “You want to help her."
Rei: “Of course I want to help her! Are you kidding me?! But this is about HER. Not me. She knows what's best."
Seikai Takeo: “You know... if she didn't need anyone's help to find her inspiration, she wouldn't bring you here."
*he tries to hold her hand, but she moves it away*
Seikai Takeo: “You were your own inspiration with writing. Since the day you told me about a kid being made fun of at school, you wanted to write a happy ending for her. Since the first black light sequence of the fair you saw, you drew your own characters. Keiko may not be like that, but I don't know her well-"
Rei: “She's... I didn't know how I wanted to approach her, other than she was nicer to me than anyone has been for a long time. On the one hand, she can do really stupid stuff with her mind, which is both chaotic and cute-I mean-uh-crass! It's crass! That's a bad word to use... But any way, she doesn't know what to do, which is a first, so I don't know if she needs me-of course she doesn't need you, what are you thinking-UGH!! Y-you get it! I'm bad. She's great. Even when she's not great, she's somehow better than me..."
Seikai Takeo: “Sounds like you won't know if she needs your help if you don't help her. I met Satomi and Koi at these fairs, and your mom was helping clean their house floors. She needed help, but she didn't want to disappoint anyone either. From there, you can tell what came of us. And seeing how she's raising you, I think the messy parts are my favorites. Yeah?"
Rei: “Yeah... It's... messy... I just thought I hated people and people were dumb, but since Keiko... I'm seeing good sides of people I never knew were there. I'm feeling things I never knew I could feel..." 
*She looks over at Keiko in the fields, admiring her* 
Rei: “Puberty sucks. It sucks."
Rei: “What's your problem?"
Shiro: “H-hi Takeo... Okay, about Keiko-"
Rei: “Save it. You're being no help."
Mei Nikko (Kaede): “Don't tell me how to deal with my sister-"
Rei: "You can chill out."
Shiro: “Huh... I thought darkness was bad."
Rei: “It is. That's why people do this."
GoldenAsh: “Cherry, your call?" 
*No answer*
GoldenAsh: “I say we go silent fist.”
Azure: “Cherry, we are in no condition to get her! We have to get her some other time..."
Cherry: “But-"
*She thinks about it*
*She sighs and back off*
*GoldenAsh puts a hand on Cherry’s shoulder to comfort her*
*They both hug each other* 
Cherry: “I thought they were gonna take you too..."
GoldenAsh: "I know..."
Rei: “If that was me, and one of my friends was kidnapped, and all my loved ones were turned to stone, I'd probably be that upset too."
To be continued…
(I both love and hate this character)
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
ok ok these are the Questionable Local Felix rumours ive gathered but i cant stress enough to take this with a Massive grain of salt bc it was never from the source themselves. 1) felix is a weeb and used to call his fav anime girls his waifus. this one i wholeheartedly believe imo i see it. i can feel it. he was probably a mikasa stan. im projecting shut up. 2) he lost his v-card at 14... im not gonna elaborate on that one for obvious reasons, im just gonna say me too bro we livin this whore life together✨3) he was a kik kid. this one is actually confirmed as true mf had his old kik profile pic leaked and it looks like every 12 year old fuckboi wannabe ever its the Funniest thing ever. i cant rmb any of the others but ill come back to you if i do
chan thot wbk we all heard the moaning in the back of tiktok and then theres just wow as a whole. tag yourself im the one bitch who he called pretty during the predebut 3racha live stage of id:a and started screeching belligerently.
literally Dont Even Get Me Started on the whitewashing in the kpop industry. im a tanned skin asian myself and it just makes me ::::'))) they be whitewashing entire videos not just photos and using makeup and skin brightening creams and its horrible. its seriously horrible. ppl often make fun of darker skinned idols too... "hurl a bottle of makeup remover like a molotov cocktail" PLEASEEE that sent me but youre so right for this take tho. men w makeup outsold. like the makeup from the victory song mama stage? UGHHH PLEASE. makeup artist felix when. i literally know nothing about makeup bc im trans and femininity usually makes me dysphoric (but also i wanna get into makeup highkey? i just dont want it to make me look like a girl?) but like i am So Here For It.
anyway here's a thread of unwhitewashed skz for the soul: https://twitter. com/aintcheww/status/1338395728620605440?s=20 and here's a thread of felix's freckles: https://twitter. com/Bllack98/status/1390808708544925696?s=20 as u can see they often only show his cheek freckles but it does down to his ears and theyre adorable. im in love with this man -felix bi anon
I just know in my heart, in my heart of hearts, deep in my soul, that these are all true 😂.🙊 Because if I was gorgeous, talented, charismatic, and ever had even a single occasion to show up in a head-to-toe sky blue suit decked out w the gold rolex, even once, even as a joke, I too would show up to life every day going, "Yeah, I could steal your girlfriend AND your boyfriend in the short moment while the next episode of this fuckin anime is loading. What of it? You can't touch this. Hi, flop 😚" with my fuckin deep ass voice, and then just fuckin dance my lil ass off into the sunset. Would you not, if it was you?! I'd be up in EVERYONE'S dms with the unbearable fuckboy energy, giving that lip bite jaw stroke shit, and STILL winning. STILL serving, as he should 😂 I feel like there is an energy to predbut pics of him that I actually relate to, he just seems (to me) like this very bright, very sensitive kid, kind of not really sure how to channel that and definitely having success in how he's perceived but not really letting his true vulnerability or creativity shine through... And I think that's very much what adolescence is about, I mean they are literally still kids, they are all SO young, I could give them very much "back in my day" lectures as I hobble in with my cane and my bad back and my outdated slang, they're that much Fetuses in my eyes as the resident old ass bitch 😂 but I do relate to the way I feel like as time as gone on his sense of self and confidence in his own abilities and identity has just completely started to shine through, so as someone who sort of looks at all the kids with this benevolent, protective energy as well as acknowledging how fabulous they all are—the way you hype your friends up, like YAAAS BITCH, give it to them! Let them have it! Also I love you and would ride out for you! Very THAT energy—I feel like there's a growth w Felix that is very palpable and is really heartwarming to see. But at the same time I also know deep in my soul that Felix was that kid that worked part time at Abercrombie & Fitch—not Hollister cause Hollister was the broke bitch alternative to A&F if you were a bitch that had money 😂—and would curate the store playlists, be too busy talking w his friends to greet customers, and audibly sigh when someone rifled through the table of denim he just folded immaculately (same bestie 😔) before getting froyo with his work besties in the food court and using it as an opportunity to flex on everyone who didn't have the newest statement tee that he bought w his employee discount. He also defo got the job because he couldve been one of the iconic A&F models himself and always reeks of the cologne they spray on all the clothes in store. And none of that is a read, it is a FACT 😂😭 I also live for Chan giving us whole entire golden retriever energy, as well as exhausted mom of seven no braincell havin ass children, on top of Business Professional, Sickening on the Sales Floor Business Fish, inspiring motivational poster at the dentists office energy, at the same time as SIR WHO TAUGHT YOU TO MOVE LIKE THAT 😳, and then on top of it all whatever that is thats been coming to light on my fyp these days 😳 bitch idk wtf an eshay is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
(sidenote I s2g if I was that girl at that show that he called pretty my heart would have leapt out of my chest cavity like it was fuckin fire drill and they would have had to close down the whole venue while they waited for the coroner, I would NOT BE OKAY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
I literally cry at Chan being like "oh no I'm barefaced" like SIR. I want you to go sit in a corner and think about what you've done. I will pick your short ass up by the scruff of your neck and throw you out the damn window. Knowing DAMN WELL they all gorgeous NO FUCKIN FILTER, meanwhile I'm sitting there entombed in blankets like a fuckin earthworm, bags under my eyes like I work at Prada Marfa, body shaped like a refrigerator, adult acne signing into the chat every chance she gets, double AND triple chin reporting for duty, hairline RUNNIN from my face like it's got a warrant, giving very much Danny Devito as The Penguin teas 🙄🙄🙄 like sir I will shove a falcon wing up your fly ass 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Like hello hi hello sir from the uggos, we see you and your crew and REJECT you from the club, none of yall qualify on your worst day, goodbye, dismissed, case adjourned, bring in the dancing lobsters 🙄 if I was that pretty YOU COULDN'T TELL ME SHIT. I would be UNTOUCHABLE. Idk man I mean like I see the difference in the beauty standard socially, but I hope that tide turns and shit changes, it makes me sad and it's so harmful.
I always felt a little out of place in the makeup world because, at the time, when I was coming up trying to learn shit it wasn't like it is now where there's respect for creative freedom and there's a niche for every style. It was like, if you wanted to learn to do makeup, there was a Right Way to do it and that meant worshiping Kevin Aucoin and Bobbi Brown books like the bible and making every look the standard of Flawless, Effortlessly Eurocentric Youth-Fetishizing 90's Supermodel Minimalism. I wanted to create looks that felt inspired and were performance art and statement pieces, my personal aspiration with my looks was that like... I wanted to achieve something beyond the banal of being human. I wanted to look like a fucking alien, I wanted people to see my makeup and go "I don't know what the fuck that is but it's confusing and scary and I am feeling Emotions about it" but there wasn't room for that, not in the spaces I found online but especially not in the irl world of makeup around me. I saw makeup and fashion as a tool to take control of the way the world experienced me, I wanted to transcend the petty rules of peoples perceptions of me, but... Idk. I wish I could rediscover that passion for makeup as a medium and the human body as a canvas, but... Idk. I'm a tired old bitch now and I can't be bothered anymore. I don't even wanna be perceived at this point and any form of self expression that falls short of an invisibility cloak is falling short of the goal lmfaoooooooo 😂 ugh how depressing! Not the mood. But ANYWAYS I completely live for the boys and in my head Felix is literally four inches tall and could fit into my shirt pocket, I mentally picture him as the epitome of Pampered Smol, and no one can convince me otherwise, the boy is Tiny, a Petito, a Micro, a Wee Bern. If I even begin to approach the absolute hysteria that thinking of Lee Felix Ear Freckles would cause me I will absolutely collapse and once I am revived with smelling salts I will need to be sent to the seaside for the season to recover 👌
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Taylor's Gayest moments
1. And I snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate
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2. She performed the closeted gay anthem that is Let It Go
3. Waking up next to a naked woman dressed and a man in a song all about how if she was a man everything she did would be considered normal/accepted
4. The concept of "Breakable heaven" sounding a lot like "glass closeting"
5. All her varied pride/bi/pan flag moments
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6. The pride speech on the rep tour
7. Saying gay pride is part of what makes her, her
8. Karlie having her own room in Taylor's house but Taylor not mentioning if any of her other friends have the same treatment
9. How the vouge photoshoot looks like Ellen's wedding shoot
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10. How she only ever genders one person in How You Get The Girl
11. Her performances with openly queer artists, Ricky Martin, Hayley kiyoko, Troye Sivan, St Vincent, and Tegan and Sara
12. Being a unicorn/Pegasus while she was on Elvis Duran a radio shows who's host is openly gay
13. Speaking of kissgate they were literally dancing/swaying with their hands tied with bonus of E News shipping it
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14. All the similarities between her and Evelyn Hugo and the author even saying she wouldn't mind Taylor playing her
15. The timeline not really allowing Forever And Always to be about Joe because they broke up in October and Fearless came out the next month meaning the album was probably already finished finalized and maybe even sitting in various stock rooms around the world waiting to be released
16. "I don't want you like a best friend" only making sense if it's gay because straight people just kinda inherently know when they like each other where as gay girls are never sure if you like them or if you're just being nice
17. The basketball "date"
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18. Dedicating a song on tour every night to a known to be out person
19. Putting herself in the middle of the LGBTQ community for the whole You Need To Calm Down video to deal with the homophobes too
20. The narrative of the Ours music video not adding up with the song. Seriously who would disapprove of a relationship with someone in the army? The wives/girlfriends of army people are the strongest people ever
21. The infamous third polaroid we never got to see
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22. Riptide cover
23. "now I understand why they lost their minds and fought the wars"
25. "World's Okayest Brother" not really making sense unless he's okay with Taylor being gay (it could be a big inside joke) all credit for brining this to my attention goes to @urgirlmarialz
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26. Refer to my first point. Cruel Summer is about he whole summer when kissgate happened
27. The similarity between the lyrics "Bite your face to spite your nose" (Girls, the 1975) and And I cut off my nose just to spite my face then I hate my reflection for years and years". Kissgate happened at a 1975 concert while Girls was playing.
28. This whole video
29. That time Jack Antonoff accidentally outed Taylor by saying "I like women and particularly gay women" and covered it by quickly stumbling to say that he works a lot with Tegan and Sara but nobody listened
30. All these gifs
31. "You and me would be a big conversation" why would Taylor and a guy ever be a big conversation in any other way than the normal "be careful shell write a song about you"? Now Taylor and a girl that would be a big conversation in general
32. The beginning of Only The Young being exactly how lgbtq people felt on election night
33. "So I guess all the rumours are true" doesn't that sound weird to anyone else? It sounds like Taylor is accepting they're true but not in a happy way more in a sarcastic way
34. "Closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you've ever seen, oh"
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35. The whole Haylor relationship being so clearly PR considering she was able to get away with sneaking about new York for almost 2 years a short time later. Always remember Niall Horan's quote about how paps only really ever come if you call them.
36. That one time she sampled a cautious clay some in London Boy and the original played during a lesbian sex scene in Booksmart
37. Saying Victoria secrets models are and actual fantasy
38. "you're the west village" isn't about joe because he can't simultaneously be he London Boy but also represent The West Village which is in New York
39. That one time she basically serenading Karlie with Dress (all credit for the video goes to the person who posted it)
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
oh my god i am SO in love with lord of the dance. however i never think about michael flatley first when i think about it because in my mind gillian norris is the most important and iconic person in that show.
i used to have it on a dvd when i was little, i must have watched it like two times a week and never got bored of it. it was the original 1996 dublin stage, the only version i enjoy to its maximum capacity. fun fact, they came to bucharest in 2014, and i wanted to go, but ultimately didn't. and thank god for that. i found clips on youtube after that and everything was worse: the music, the outfits, the acting.
fortunately there are clips on youtube of the 1996 dublin stage too, as well as the whole show. i still sometimes watch them. and after much consideration, i have come to the conclusion that fiery nights, warriors and gypsy (however unfortunate the name) are my favorite numbers, in that respective order.
fiery nights wouldn't be what it is without the soundtrack, that fucking saxophone. i saw somebody say that that is what sex sounds like. i have heard the same thing said about ateez's desire outro. these things are so unrelated right now but i honestly can hear it and feel it for both and it makes so much sense to describe them that way. gillian norris is so mesmerizing, so captivating, like i am fucking seduced through the screen. and when she starts dancing with the guy who plays don dorcha and gives him that smile you can only see a brief second in shitty 360p quality? i am positively passed out. after they leave the stage the rest of the performance is kinda meh because the other girls don't give me any passion, much less the guys. they're lucky the choreography is so tight tho.
warriors is a fucking experience from start to finish. the "oh shit it's going down" vibe right from the beginning, the intensity of the dance, the speed, the accuracy, the synchronization, the piercing looks of don dorcha - i am both horny and intimidated. today's warriors number doesn't even come close to sparking up the same kind of heavy feeling the original did. it's so... cartoonish.
and finally, gypsy, which was my og favorite. i really wonder how i did not turn out bisexual, because gillian norris definitely made me question some things. i was always impressed with her elegance and power of seduction, my dream was to be sexy like her but also to jump as high as her for my birdies. sadly i never did learn irish dance. also i really wanted her hair.
special shoutout goes to breakout tho. i don't even know if i love the first half of it or the second more. bernadette flynn as the leader all the other girls follow, girlboss moment. her unspoken duel with gillian, exchanging those fucking murderous looks, i was SO there for it!!! again, watching today's version, it's like watching a bad disney channel series. there's no seriousness to it, no commitment, it's like putting on a puppet show for kids, which this musical is so not.
ugh, i'm probably gonna go and watch some scenes again. thank you for letting me rant in your inbox!! i've only really shared my interest and love for this show with my parents, who only like it a moderate amount (not because they think it's bad but because it's just not something they're passionate about) and my ex, who couldn't care less about dance and acting and who wasn't really interested in it.
if it's okay, let me ask, how did you get interested in stage performances, dance, theatre, all that jazz? for me, it was because i did cheerleading and dance for 5 years when i was little (then i quit because i thought i had it hard in school in 5th grade). i regret not continuing with it so much. and i daresay i was pretty good at it too. oh well, at least the passion for dance remained. it's the main part i got into kpop!!
it's no problem at all!! like i said, this is my virtual pub please come talk about about random things while i serve you a pint!! i love reading about other people's passions, this was lovely!
i only think of michael flatley because he's top billed and also one of the producers so his name is always on it, and also i haven't actually seen the whole show since probably 2005 because it didn't much strike a nerve with me as a kid. i think it was probably because i watched waaaaaayyyy too much cirque. i won't say very much on it but i will say that adolphe saxe knew what he was doing when he unleashed the saxophone on the world and we are still dealing with the repercussions (i say this lovingly as a saxophone player). i'm also a horrible person and i cannot watch any fiddle + flute based musical and not think of the the lord of the rings musical, because i love the lord of the rings musical.
well i got into theatre kind of unintentionally because i thought it might be fun to try doing stage crew for the musical when i started high school and then a year later i was the stage manager. my tragic flaw is that i need to be in a position of knowledge and authority at all times, but i’m slowly getting over it. i liked it so much that i decided at like 14 that it was going to be my career and here i am over a decade later. but i also watched a lot of perfomance and art programming as a child because my parents were weird hippies, so lots of cirque du soleil, a lot of classical ballet, and also shows like toy castle (do not click on this is you are in any way afraid of clowns or frogs) which is mildly horrifying in the way all children's content is mildly horrifying in hindsight but as a child in 2000 i ate that shit with a spoon. i also dated a contemp/ballet dancer in high school and then had a very weird and ethically dubious affair with another ballet dancer in undergrad. it's a long story. it helps that i'm truly obsessed with performance and art in pretty much all its forms and i'm one of those awful people that draws in art galleries and watches shows that i know are going to be bad so i can analyze them and avoid making the same mistakes in the future. kpop was a thing that just happened as a byproduct of being friends with lot of first gen asian immigrants as a kid. i've been around and aware since 2008 but i didn't get that deep into actually following releases until first lockdown because i just didn't have the time. but i'm glad i did, because it's been a really nice hobby!
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danni-chuu · 4 years
The 7 brothers with a 10 year-old lilith (+ side characters & mc)
This is an hc is inspired by the chapter 14 flashback, so the gist of this Hc is what if lilith gets turned into a 10 year old child try as diavolos way to save her. This is gonna be a really long post so strap in~❤️.
This hc post is made with the help of my friend, @heeminchan, thankiez.
General info about 10 year old lilith:
She has no recollection or memories about the celestial war or being an angel at all.
The post might say 10 years old but she's probably already pass the 1000+ mark, but still is and acts like a child.
She looks like ruri chan ( for reference here)
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So without further babbling, lez go❤️
" if you behave I'll give you a princess poison apple and play with you "
Lucifer being the eldest takes it upon himself to be a father like figure to her. In front of the others, he makes sure to keep a strict front but in private, he's alot more softer on her.
Lucifer's room has a toy chest for her since she likes spending time and playing in his room. And being the child that she is, she even dresses up the skeleton in his room. If he's not busy, he would play with her, simple playing house and all.
One time while lucifer was doing paper work,lilith wanted to help him . So to keep lilith busy, he handed her a bunch of void documents and told her to sign them. In the end she got bored and decided to draw her with her 7 older brothers. Which luci decided to frame and put up at the entrance hall.
If lilith gets into trouble, luci doesn't shy away from punishment. But rather than stringing someone upside down and leaving them like that for 100 years, he would just ground lilith and take away her toys. (Buuuuut her other brothers would just sneak some of her toys to her room, especially beel and belphie)
" heh you should be greatful you're brothers with the GREAT mammon, shortie! Huh?! w-wait dont cry! "
Mammon loves teasing lilith. Be it calling her a pipspeak, shortie, cry baby, etc. He's said them all, buuuuut he always takes it back because lilith might tell lucifer and he gets punished AG A I N.
Lilith as much as possible doesn't leave any of her things in mammon's room, because her other brothers warn her that he's going to sell them away.
One time mammon stole something from lucifer (probably something to profit from), and lilith was in lucifers room because she was playing hide and seek with beel. Seeing mammon stealing, she gets out of her hiding spot and tells mammon that she will rat him out to her big brother lucifer.mammon taking non of this shitz says he'll do whatever she wants. By the end of the day, lilith gets a new plushie and mammon still got ratted out because how can she lie to her big brother lucifer?
Mammon does try to get her involved in his schemes sometimes. Making her ask money from her other brothers and other more shenanigans, but when he's feeling it he will in fact spoil her with little treats such as candy.
" wooah you look so much like ruri-chan! Can you sing too?"
Levi is still as much of a shut- in, having a younger sibling that he can teach TSL or play games with is his dream come true. Lilith goes to his room to watch anime (for her its cartoons but dont tell levi because he will be very triggered) with him and play video games.
If lilith does go to levi's room , he's always watching out just in case she ends up using his precious figurines as dolls or touching his precious merch. Sometimes( most of the time) when he's too busy playing his games, lilith will just talk to henry 2.0 and feed him.
Levi is a mega ultra super duper (insert more hyperbolic words) fan of ruri-chan, so during lilith's birthday..he gave her a ruri-chan costume (the other brothers already knew where this was heading but they couldn't stop it since lilith liked the cute clothes). She wore them and levi literally freaked because she looked just like her! He posted a picture of her on devilgram and the pic got a decent amount of likes.
The only time that lilith gets in trouble with levi is her staying with him past her bed time, she gets pouty about it but in the end she still gets taken to bed by her big brother lucifer.
"i can read you a story or we can play tea time, what do you prefer? "
Satan acts alot like a tutor to lilith, he teaches her about manners, reading and writing, and many other things. Satan loves teaching lilith especially when he sees her trying to pronounce big words, which he finds adorable.
Satan for the most part wants lilith to stay out of his room because there are too many dangerous books around. But he would rather play with her in her room instead, either reading a children's bed time book before going to bed or playing tea time with her. They both share a love for pets and animals, so in his free time, he will take her to a kitty cafe where she can play with the lil furballs.
Satan was regulary teaching lilith about different animals, until they got to the cat. Lilith became so intrigued by cats that satan spent a good 30 minutes to an hour of answering her questions about cats. One day, he saw lilith crying by the stairs. He quickly went over and asked her what's wrong, only to find out that she asked lucifer if they can adopt a cat wherein lucifer completely dismisses the idea. Knowing that Lucifer's mind wont change, the next day satan surprises lilith with a black cat plushie with a red bow tie thats as tall (or alitte bit smaller) than her. Until this day, the cat plushie satan gave her is her favourite. She is never seen without it, and she even gave it a name, mr. Momo.
The only time that lilith ever gets in trouble is if she joins in on satan's pranks on lucifer. But most of the time she's let off the hook if they're harmless ones.
" waahh~ lilith's so adorable, but not as adorable as me"
To lilith, asmo is the closest thing to a sister she can have. Being the only girl in the house( before mc, if mc is a girl ), asmo likes to doll her up and make her his little dress up doll. He often buys clothes for her because he just LOVES making her pretty.
She doesn't spend as much time in asmo's room because there isn't much to do there, but when asmo calls her in after a shopping trip. She already knows he's going to make her pretty as a peach!
It was lilith's birthday and Asmo wanted to dress her up for the occasion! Hair? Check! Make up? Check! Clothes? Check! She was looking as pretty as ever (but not as pretty as him). After dolling her up , lilith went to her other brothers to show Amos work. All of them asked if a child should be wearing that much make up, but asmo tells lilith to shrug them off because they can't appreciate beauty even if it hits them in the face!
The one thing that gets lilith in trouble is lucifer seeing her being dressed by asmo , wearing clothes not fit for a 10 year old girl. Seriously, devilgram level make up on a kid is not appropriate (well in lucifer and some of the other brothers point of view)
" the eggs taste like plastic..huh? I'm not supposed to eat them? Sorry, they looked too realistic"
Beel is very close with lilith. He spends most of his time watching over her or bringing her to his favourite food joints to eat. Since beel is so big, she loves it when he carries her around, either on his shoulders or just being carried in general. Beel wants to protect lilith at all times, so if sorcerers or witches want to summon lilith, he comes along to watch over her still.
if its not Lucifer's room, lilith's next stop is always the twin's room. She goes in and jumps on either of the beds and having her toys there as well she can already entertain herself. When beel is there to play with her, she likes to play chef and make him food using her plastic kitchen toy set( though some pieces are missing since beel keeps forgetting that its plastic). If she doesn't want to play with her toys, she tries to tickle fight beel and always wins.
Beel was in his room eating a box of cupcakes until lilith barges in and sees him eating cupcakes, she pouts at beel asking why he didn't tell her that he had cupcakes. Beel, being beel just says to her, " they're my cupcakes". She pouts even more and says that she wants a cupcake as well. Beel couldn't resist and splits the cupcake, giving the other half to her. After finishing the cupcake, he promises to buy her a box aswell next time.
Lilith having a sweet tooth herself will often look in the fridge for sweets. She sometimes ends up eating beels food(custard), and hides the evidence. Beel rampages again and breaks the kitchen. Lucifer then lines all of them up and ask who ate the custard, and all of them immediately suspect mammon. But being a good girl, lilith admits her mistake and apologizes to beel, who calms down and says ," you could have left me some..".
" how about later...? Im still too sleepy to teach you..."
Belphie, same with beel, is pretty close with lilith. If he isn't cuddling her as his favourite cuddle buddy, he's teaching her how to dance ballet(Based it off his dancing sprite). Lilith spends most of her afternoon napping with belphie.
Besides playing with beel , lilith also loves playig around with belphie. She makes it an everyday challenge for herself to wake him up in the most creative ways. It can be things such as ice,drawing on his face, tickles, etc. When belphie is too lazy to stand up from bed( which is often), she just plays with his hair and does whatever she wants with it. When he finally does stand up, he teaches lilith some ballet. While she's even wearing her full ballet attire, with tutu included.
It was the middle of the night and lilith had a nightmare, she wanted to go to her big brother lucifer, but it was already late and she might be disturbing him. But then she remembered that mid nights is when his big brother belphie is awake, so she goes over to him with mr.momo. belphie is alittle confused since its way past her bedtime so he asked her whats wrong. She climbs up his bed and hugs him, after calming down she tells belphie that she had a nightmare. Belphie was well acquainted with nightmares, so he knew exactly what to do. They went to the kitchen and both had a cup of warm milk. Going back to his room, he cuddled up with lilith and made sure she had a good nights sleep.
Lilith ends up over sleeping and gets very cranky if she gets rudely awakened.the others find it very adorable.
"...." * Huwgs*
So this depends on the mc's personality but lets start from the beginning. After being sent to the devildom and having the basic run down of what is to come, mammon takes you to the house of lamentations. The first thing you notice once the door opens, is toys scattered all around the entrance hall. Not only toys, but you see a height lines at one of the door frames. Mammon gets more annoyed because he stepped on one of the toys and he shouts out," lilith!". A small girl carrying a black cat plushie almost her size comes down the stairs. Mammon scolds her for leaving her toys out like that and he introduces you to their 8th sibling, lilith. Lilith immediately hugs you (no matter the gender), because it's been a while since she's seen a human. And you become her instant play mate.
The mc's room already has a toy chest, filled with lilith's favourite toys. She likes to play around with the mc and actually gets quite attached to them.
Lilith gets so comfortable around the mc that she ask permission from her big brother luci if she can make a pact with the mc. Of course, lucifer is skeptical but he allows it because of liliths enthusiasm.
" ah lilith , I didn't think you would be accompanying lucifer today. "
Dia acts alot like the rich uncle that only comes back during the holidays to give out presents. Lilith rarely gets to see diavolo because most of the time it's only lucifer that gets to see him. But, when lucifer does come back he often gives lilith sweets that barbatos made by diavolo's order.
On the rare occasions that lucifer brings lilith along with him, she acts very reserved and shows off the manners lessons that satan has been teaching her.
On one evening, lucifer brings lilith along to dinner with diavolo. While eating, diavolo jokes around saying that lucifer should just stay in the castle with him. Suddenly, lilith bumps in and protests against the idea, " no big brother luci's staying with us". She hugs as much of lucifers arm that she can, giving diavolo her most pouty and "menacing face". Dia loves seeing how much she cares for her brother, while lucifer is trying his best to hide his embarrassment.
" ahhhhh! Im not a child! I dont want to play with a demon!"
When lilith first saw luke, her mind immediately said," playmate! ". Though luke always complains about being treated like a child because he's short, he tries to bare it because simeon convinced him to play with lilith.
When in the purgatory hall, she brings along mr.momo and some other toys. luke sometimes pretend he isn't there so he doesn't have to play with lilith, but once he hears a sniffle of her almost crying. He couldn't help but open the door for her and play.
Upon first meeting luke, the key difference in height was..still... apparent. Somehow, lilith is still a few inches taller than luke. Being the giddy child she is, she tells her brothers about it and they all start laughing their lungs out. And when luke finally got wind of it, he was so flustered and embarrassed, he almost refused to leave his room.
" why not make a pact with me?"
All her brothers warn her about solomon and to stay as far away from him as possible, she rarely gets to interact with him. But most of the times they do meet, he often ask her to make a pact with him. She always replies to him, " i have to ask big brother luci's permission first". Solomon just smiles and pats her head.
Huhu not much i can say about him since im sure the brothers distance lilith from solomon as much as possible.
And that concludes this very very long post , hope you guys enjoyed it❤️❤️❤️
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Joe & Ronnie
Joe: Hi Joe: There's no gentle way of doing this, so I'll just get to it, I'm sorry if you don't want to talk about it but you're free to ignore this if that's the case Joe: but I've been looking for my half-sister, and I think its you Ronnie: if youre basing that on a family resemblance youve shot yourself in the face like Ronnie: reload & keep looking Joe: Yeah, I know Joe: but I ain't Joe: Aside from coming at you with what's on any facebook profile anyway Joe: do you know your biological mum's name or? Ronnie: whos used facebook in a decade thats your 1st fuck up Ronnie: 2nd to reckoning my dna is any of your business Joe: who's putting their date of birth and hometown anywhere else? Joe: you were born in [hospital] right? Ronnie: phone numbers on toilet walls getting played out Ronnie: yeah & Joe: then it is you Joe: everything adds up, you have the right birthday, right place, right last name, and first, still Ronnie: right colour Ronnie: miss me with your schoolboy maths Joe: its your bio dad that's black Ronnie: fuck you i know that Ronnie: read my file well before you stalked me Joe: so do you know her name or nah Ronnie: it was in there Joe: Tess Vickers Joe: she is your mum Ronnie: i came out of her Ronnie: shes not my fucking mum Ronnie: id know you if she was Joe: 'course Joe: that's what I meant Ronnie: pick your words more careful soft lad Joe: she don't have any more Joe: I ain't had to do this before, like Ronnie: made up for her Ronnie: & you Ronnie: only took her how many years to claim her bastards Joe: I don't know why she didn't, only what she's said Joe: but if you wanted to ask her, I could set that up Ronnie: if it took her a bit to recover from goin black i don't need to ask her about that Ronnie: got my own experiences cheers Joe: is there anything you do Ronnie: if i had any questions id have chucked 'em at her when i aged out Joe: fair enough Joe: you wanna ask me anything then Ronnie: you old enough to be cleaning out your mas skeletons & seein if theyll dance for you Joe: not what I'm doing Joe: but I'm 19 Ronnie: course she never kept herself stitched up for long Ronnie: got a taste for it like Joe: by all accounts she met my dad the same year she had to give you up so Ronnie: bet he was proper comforting Ronnie: fucking hell Joe: Must've been Ronnie: if she kept you longer than the hour yeah Joe: I've got 3 brothers and a sister too Ronnie: when did she meet their dads Joe: we've got the same, like Joe: youngest is nearly 5 Ronnie: shes still alive then Ronnie: impressive Joe: is it? Joe: suppose so Ronnie: he got cash your sperm donor Ronnie: less dangerous game that one Joe: they both do alright now but you'd probably aim higher if that was the game you were playing Ronnie: shifting gear aint no game now or back then Ronnie: but she was small time Ronnie: that hand to mouth shit Joe: yeah, for years Joe: her dad's debts not helping none Ronnie: hes gotta be dead Joe: yeah Joe: year I was born Joe: so new mouth to feed and inheriting the neverending debts of John Joe: must've seemed like a great time to have more 'cos my brother is only a year younger than me 👍 Ronnie: least you aint inherited his name Ronnie: like i said insatiable Joe: thank fuck Ronnie: piss poor addiction but fuck it Ronnie: shes keeping 'em fed & clothed this time 👏 Joe: gutted social don't hand out round of applauses no doubt Joe: know she is for a fact 'cos she ended up working for 'em, and fostering two poor kiddies in need Joe: what do you reckon to her addiction now? Ronnie: sounds about right theyd left her Ronnie: state of the cunts running that show Joe: mhmm Ronnie: white kids are easier to love Ronnie: its on the posters like Joe: in theory Joe: but this way she gets to be obsessed with you from afar Ronnie: pay me enough & ill come press my face longingly against her windows Joe: I'll keep it in mind for her birthday or something Ronnie: fuck all else you wanna rock my world with or what Joe: Hmm Joe: hold up whilst I trawl a lifetime of overshare for any more tidbits Ronnie: she aint rotting by the roadside or ashes i can snort means my hearts already broken Ronnie: take your time Joe: sorry to disappoint Joe: suppose by the time you got to your file, it told you she'd run away from Liverpool, yeah? Ronnie: bullshit are you Ronnie: youre loving having another cunt to share it with Ronnie: whats the matter dont your brothers & sister wanna play Joe: I'm the favourite Joe: favourite that's about Joe: they got the gist but no file for them Ronnie: 💔 Joe: you said Joe: so, what you saying, you care if I tell her I found you or what? Ronnie: if it feels good do it baby Ronnie: why would i care Ronnie: shes not gonna show up Joe: what if she did? Ronnie: no fixed address Joe: I've told you she loves a cause Joe: say you don't wanna see her Ronnie: shooting the messenger aint no kill shot Ronnie: youre not invested in me Joe: I'm not not, clearly Joe: I'm the one looking, ain't I Ronnie: let her look under every rock with you Ronnie: i hope one bashes her skull in Joe: alright Joe: I'll pass it on Ronnie: good boy Ronnie: get that sticker on your reward chart Joe: god I hope so Ronnie: 🙏 Joe: Your profile says you're in London, still true? Ronnie: i don't need you at my door either Joe: 🙄 Ronnie: roll your eyes at me again Joe: 🙄🙄 Ronnie: 🖕🖕 Joe: 😏 Ronnie: what the fuck do you want Joe: I've told you Ronnie: nah Ronnie: spit it out Ronnie: youre circling around it stop being a pussy Joe: how am I? Ronnie: what do you want for fucks sake Joe: meet you Ronnie: its not happening Joe: why not Ronnie: i hate that you exist Ronnie: that she got a 2nd chance & i didnt get 1 Joe: that's fair Joe: you can hate me in person Ronnie: i aint goin to prison for killing you Ronnie: you wish Joe: yeah Joe: oh well Ronnie: take your death wish home Ronnie: or on a different part of the internet Joe: awh, cheers for the sisterly advice Ronnie: shut your mouth Ronnie: i ain't your sister Joe: kk Ronnie: dumping all your bullshit on me dont make us related Joe: we are Joe: you not wanting it don't fight biology Ronnie: her not wanting me cancels it all out Joe: not to me Ronnie: i give a shit how you feel Ronnie: youre a stranger with fuck all i want Joe: you ain't checked what I've got Ronnie: until facebook adds income i dont care Joe: 💔 Ronnie: you must look like your da Ronnie: dont be Joe: well you look like her Joe: not that I've seen yours Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: i dont Joe: yeah you do Joe: [sends pics] Ronnie: shut up Joe: alright Joe: catch you around then Ronnie: get it through your head Ronnie: you wont Joe: what you scared for Ronnie: youre having fun trying to mess me up Ronnie: that aint how i get mine Joe: I'm seriously not Joe: I've got the message though, alright Ronnie: youre seriously throwing all this shit at me like im gonna smile as i eat it Ronnie: what the fuck Joe: I don't expect fuck all Joe: I just wanna know you but if you don't then that's alright Joe: I won't message again Ronnie: bullshit Ronnie: you aint asked about me Ronnie: you wanna bitch about 'em Joe: that's why I wanna meet you Joe: I've thrown enough questions at you for one convo Ronnie: nah you wanna meet me to see if i proper look like her Joe: I've got eyes Ronnie: if thats what you reckon you see they dont fucking work Ronnie: get down the social & claim Joe: you're fine, its not dead ringer levels Ronnie: im fucking fine cause theres none of her in me Joe: I'm glad for you Ronnie: were not family save your lies Ronnie: i dont need any blows softened Joe: its only me bitching Ronnie: yeah Ronnie: & you can save your tears Ronnie: you already cant see fuck all like Joe: what do you want? Ronnie: too late to give a fuck Ronnie: youve shit over me with this Joe: I'm sorry Ronnie: nah Ronnie: sorry for yourself aint the same Joe: Why would I be sorry for me? Joe: I got everything Ronnie: not how youre framing it Joe: why would you believe me Ronnie: not hard to believe mummy dearest loves me best Ronnie: not like she dumped me fast as she could & legged it Joe: she weren't allowed to keep you, she was 14 with a junkie non-dad to look after you both Ronnie: & what she didnt get any older or get her shit together Ronnie: fuck that Joe: did you want her to come 'round and pick you up 4 years later? Ronnie: she had you cunts instead Joe: so she comes and gets you and the social come with and see the fake bailiffs and the bashed in door and we all go back with you Joe: I see the appeal Ronnie: you reckon i had it better Ronnie: thats what this nancy drew bullshit is about Joe: nice one, genius Joe: in what world is that adding up Ronnie: yours Ronnie: in what world would i have not gone with any cunt to get me out of that place then Joe: I'm telling you why she didn't get you, not telling you why you wouldn't wanna be there Ronnie: youre giving me both Ronnie: cant help yourself Joe: they're the same reason Joe: if she tried to get you, they'd say nah 'cos her life was a mess, simple as Ronnie: & yet here you are Ronnie: not a care kid a single day in your fucking life Ronnie: so like i said she got her shit together in the end Joe: she was 18 when I came around and we got taught how to say the right thing to socials and how to shut our mouths the rest Joe: but that's just what she told me Joe: she probably didn't want you, looking back Ronnie: why would she Ronnie: had a new set up with a cunt that stayed Ronnie: cuter kids Joe: 'cos she loved your da the way only a 14 year old girl can Joe: pro and a con in your favour Joe: does she want the reminders or does she not Ronnie: not Ronnie: youre the only pussy walking memory lane Ronnie: aint her looking Joe: yeah, s'me, so why you chatting at me like I'm the one that fucked you off Joe: not productive Ronnie: cause you are Joe: I've gone to leave loads now Joe: you've clearly got shit to say Joe: so just say it at me, I've already offered that n'all Ronnie: fuck you Ronnie: i didnt ask for this Ronnie: she was in the ground for all i knew Joe: she still can be Joe: I ain't telling Ronnie: nah you opened your gob & let all that shite out Ronnie: i couldve been about to slit my throat or pull a shift Joe: you could've easily found out she weren't dead yourself too Ronnie: what should it tell you that i didnt Joe: ignorance ain't such bliss I've tipped you over the edge Ronnie: you dont know shit Ronnie: how does yours feel Joe: how do you think Ronnie: i think you should ask if people have got time & space to spin out before you fuck with their heads Ronnie: i think you should go suck a dick mckenna Joe: why should I? Joe: no one asked me and I owe you shit Ronnie: she owes me Ronnie: youre nothing Ronnie: you dont see me knocking cause im not looking for answers & theres fuck all else to collect by the sounds of it Joe: then fucking collect Ronnie: talk to your ma like that Joe: hit me up when you stop being scared Ronnie: keep it up and ill smash in your face Joe: how Joe: you don't wanna meet Ronnie: dont flatter yourself nancy drew Ronnie: i can still kick your door in Ronnie: be like the baliffs are back Ronnie: you can revisit your childhood Joe: now who wants to go for a jaunt down memory lane Ronnie: you wish Joe: 🙏 Ronnie: i reckon your imaginary friends gotta be sick of your bullshit by now Joe: no doubt, nancy drew Ronnie: we cant both be nancy Joe: alright you be sid then Ronnie: still not gonna kill you baby Ronnie: but youre getting warmer Joe: I know, stalked you, remember Ronnie: get a hobby or habit mckenna Ronnie: your little misery boners aint cute Joe: oh I got plenty of thoses Joe: your concern is, kinda Ronnie: youve thrown me into the big sister deep end Ronnie: sounds like how you want it Joe: very obliging Ronnie: unloved kids get it where they can Ronnie: thats on the back of the poster Joe: trust, I know Ronnie: 💔 Joe: not me Joe: never mind, not my sob story to hit you with Ronnie: you only wanna share yours Joe: maybe when we get cosy I'll divulge all the family secrets, sis Ronnie: maybe if you chat shit like that to me again ill choke on my puke Joe: n'awh Ronnie: kill yourself Joe: sure thing Ronnie: very obliging Joe: it was already in the diary tbh Joe: but I'll pop you in the note if that makes you feel 💘 Ronnie: show me yours & ill show you mine Joe: deal Ronnie: 💘 Ronnie: [skippity skip] Ronnie: pick me up Joe: where from Ronnie: [location that's sketchy as all hell] Joe: alright Joe: that should take me 'bout half an hour this time of day Ronnie: im not goin anywhere mckenna Joe: you alright Ronnie: 🖕 Joe: got it Joe: 🚖 📵 Ronnie: important for you to know your place Joe: must be popular with the cabbies 👑 Ronnie: yeah im on a ban Ronnie: look out for my picture hanging Joe: what did you do Joe: vom and not pay the fine one too many times? Ronnie: we taking another trip down memory lane Ronnie: i aint 12 Joe: go on then, what was it Ronnie: the cunt crashed its fuck all to get excited about Joe: did you get hurt? Ronnie: didnt feel it Joe: what about the driver Ronnie: i reckon he felt it Joe: fucked you're stuck with the tube then Joe: 💔 Ronnie: cheers motherfucker Ronnie: cant you drive Joe: 'course I can Joe: where'd your license go, got a story for that and all or? Ronnie: car theft would be a dead good sibling bonding activity Ronnie: but i dont need your help to break a window Joe: another time Ronnie: nah Ronnie: next time some other cunt will pick me up Joe: good thing I didn't specify Joe: tah for keeping me well in the loop of your schedule though Ronnie: other shit in the diary besides blowing my brains out Ronnie: can move it up if you aint gonna shut up Joe: 🤐 Joe: you can keep all your dates Ronnie: made up i am Joe: no need to say thanks, I feel it Ronnie: you wanted to meet up Ronnie: wish granted Joe: I know Joe: reckon blue would suit Ronnie: what Joe: genie Joe: you owe me 2 more, yeah? Ronnie: rubbing me up the wrong way dont count Joe: damn Ronnie: i can do black & blue Joe: changed your mind then Joe: my 🍀 day Ronnie: you got the accent Ronnie: my head cant do subtitles Joe: not really Joe: not proper Joe: some of my younger ones do but they can barely remember Liverpool Ronnie: nothing to be 💔 about Ronnie: its a shithole Joe: least its a shithole with some history Joe: we moved to a newbuild shithole so Joe: win some lose some Ronnie: your boner for history aint that big Joe: you checked what I'm studying? 😏 Ronnie: you dont post about fuck all else Joe: I'm barely outta freshers let me have it Ronnie: dont give me the flu Joe: thought that was just a euphemism Joe: either way, on my life Ronnie: fuck knows Joe: not as much fun as people chat, shockingly Ronnie: what is Ronnie: the shit that feels good is the shit youre meant to keep your mouth shut about Joe: hear hear Ronnie: 💘 Joe: 💘 Joe: you live there or am I picking you up from a mates Ronnie: neither Joe: alright Ronnie: drop me on the other side Joe: no problem Ronnie: then you can go back to wanking over symphonies Joe: you wanna help me with my homework Joe: so nice Ronnie: what are big sisters for Joe: yeah Ronnie: shits fucked up Joe: right Joe: but you can be more specific Ronnie: nah i cant Joe: don't know where to start? Ronnie: it starts with being born Joe: okay, so the starts the easy bit Joe: the middle Joe: we don't have time Ronnie: we aint gonna trauma bond mckenna youve been beaten to it Joe: ah you got a troubled boyfriend Joe: that's cool Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: you heard me say i aint 12 Joe: you know what I mean Ronnie: not very nancy drew if you reckon im that bitch Joe: we can't both be sid Ronnie: touche baby Joe: 💘 Ronnie: im gonna carve up this cunt if you dont pull me out Ronnie: & thatll make him feel too special Joe: who? Joe: I'm nearly there Ronnie: my not boyfriend Ronnie: dont waste romance like that on strangers Joe: sensible Joe: just carve anything but 💘 and he shouldn't get too clingy Ronnie: whats the symphony that gets you off fastest Ronnie: ill do that Joe: Khachaturian's Sabre Dance works as a play on words and should get him to crescendo 👌 Ronnie: hot Joe: orchestra nerds get all the bitches Ronnie: yeah Joe: you aren't a catfish, are you Joe: I mean, I'll recognize you Ronnie: look for your mas face Joe: fuck it, therapy overdue anyway Ronnie: fuck you for saying that Ronnie: making it go round my head Joe: I shouldn't have said that Ronnie: i should stab you Ronnie: all these pieces of mirror Ronnie: fuck him Joe: you can, long as you keep it shallow, or don't mind swinging by the hospital Ronnie: i dont get my kicks at a&e Joe: you'll have to play nice then Ronnie: youll get too clingy Joe: avoid the 💘 Ronnie: some other bitch can have the honours Joe: or has Joe: don't I seem 💔 Ronnie: dont need to hear how you lost your virginity mckenna Joe: noted Joe: save that trip down memory lane for private time Joe: me and mozart Ronnie: explains a shit ton if the conductor is molesting you Ronnie: but not gonna be the sister who tells him where to put that stick he waves about Joe: Mozart was pretty fucked up but I don't reckon it went that far Ronnie: i dont know him 💔 Ronnie: there was a Moz here earlier fuck knows if theyre any relation Joe: You're more a Liszt type, called it Ronnie: what the fuck kind of fuck you is that Joe: 😂 Joe: actually he's considered the world's first rock star, I was being nice Ronnie: shut up Joe: what, you ain't seen the ken russell film with daltrey in? Joe: have a word Ronnie: get a life Joe: tomorrow Joe: maybe Ronnie: i cant fucking believe it had to be you Ronnie: thank fuck i already aint showing my face here again Joe: thought you said you weren't 12 Joe: but I don't need to come in if you don't wanna be embarrassed in front of your mates Ronnie: i said my mates aint here Joe: no need to tell me why you're there Ronnie: where the fuck are you Joe: just got out, 5 minutes Ronnie: i need to get out Ronnie: move it like Joe: alright Joe: come find me then, make it go faster Ronnie: fucks sake Joe: what's wrong Ronnie: if my body would do what it was told i wouldnt need you Ronnie: cant even paint you a fucking picture Joe: right Ronnie: theres a shit load of stairs yeah Ronnie: i cant do 'em Joe: if you're fat I swear to god Ronnie: calm your tits nancy drew Ronnie: you know thats bullshit Joe: I'll trust you ain't catfishing then Ronnie: thats my next tat Ronnie: all for you baby Joe: sweet Ronnie: hurry up Joe: I am Joe: [show up boy] Ronnie: [when you're just there like damsel in distress which ain't you so it makes it more awks] Joe: [what a first meeting just having to carry her away from god knows where like] Ronnie: [just like we don't know each other but just carry me to your vehicle thanks] Joe: [just doing it silently like this is normal] Ronnie: [since I cant find a pic she should go get that tattoo now just casually drag him along] Joe: [once you get the use of your limbs back lol] Ronnie: [lbr its blatantly someone sketchy she knows the state of them all] Joe: [god bless] Ronnie: [when I know its gotta go on her face somewhere cos #triggered by looking like Tess and I'm just screaming like NOOO] Joe: [my boo is horrified and Joe too] Ronnie: [soz you're so cute bitch and you wanna look so ugly] Joe: [lowkey dread to think how annoying the heal time is on a face tat] Ronnie: [blasting that orchestra bop he mentioned earlier as loud as poss cos yeah you searched for it and yeah you don't wanna hear your thoughts or have a convo] Joe: [when you don't run like you should 'cos you too are a crazy person] Ronnie: [match made in heaven lol] Joe: [🔥😈] Ronnie: [does he have any tattoos I have forgotten] Joe: [Oh, I don't think so??? but he probably would in a self-destructive manner too, as long as they could be hidden like his self-harm like go ahead] Ronnie: [just thinking get one now if you want boy #bonding] Joe: [yolo] Ronnie: [ooh what should it be] Joe: [the real question, hmm] Ronnie: [perfect excuse to be staring at each other while that's happening though cos you can't be moving all about] Joe: [but of course] Ronnie: [Joe can move around more cos not on his fucking head but] Joe: [probably get a cherry or something for the lols] Ronnie: [love that for you Joseph]
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sol-the-builder · 7 years
Talk of Cruelty
(Her) why are people so Cruel?
(Him) cruelty begets more cruelty, I blame Religion and kings personally because it made the idea of intolerance and who is better than another, so it made conflict and then because they could do it to strangers of a different style of person they grew used to it and it spread everywhere.
(Her) Do you think there is a balance? Between good and bad in the world?Or do you think the scales are uneven?
(Him) Honestly:
No, there will never be balance.
Yet there is the idea of Yin and Yang, darkness is the light and light in the darkness. So there will always be both, but as humans we are imperfect creatures we don't know balance.
(Her) Yin Yang.
If I believe in the no balance, I'd never have faith in anything anymore.
Everytime I see,read,witness,experience something really shitty and unfair happening I try to calm myself by thinking there's something equally good happening somewhere else and this is all a pattern I don't get.
(Him) I never said the balance was in favor of the bad. Nor did I ever mean to make it seem like there isn't a way they dance in fairness.
Think of a seesaw, you know the playground toy that tips one way or another on a fulcrum, it's a fulcrum right?
(Her) I do believe it is a fulcrum. And yes, the seesaw example makes a lot of sense.
You're 17. What ruined you?
(Him) Ruined? Elaborate please, I don't understand.
(Her) Maybe that is a strong word. But what I mean is for you to talk the way you do about the things you do, something has to have happened to you to make you this way at the age of 17.
(Him) I've lived, I've been raped, I've been burned by cigarettes, I've been beaten bloody, I just see life as it is, still the poet in me trusts that the world can heal. A lot of things have happened.
(Her) None of that has happened to me. How fucked up is it that I still feel fucked up?
It's refreshing to know that there are people who still believe irrespective of all the shit that has happened to them.
(Him) Irrespective? No, I just forgave, I can't forget it. And everyone has tortures they have lived and without walking in another's shoes, they don't know their pain isn't as much. My cousin has had it worse, I won't tell what because they don't do the sharing of their soul but I was there next to them as it happened, only some of it.
(Her) Forgiving takes time and courage. I'm still working on it.
I know pain can't and shouldn't be compared but sometimes it can be. I mean my pain and misery has been probably 14% of yours and I still feel like shit and knowing that makes me feel more like shit. And this reasoning is wrong and I know that but it's still fucked up.
(Him) Having been through what I have, I've learned to hate myself before I loved myself, I understand why you feel like crap, but once you learn what it is, and learn from it, there is no more reason to feel like that, you are no longer ignorant.
(Her) I'm not ignorant I think I live too much in the past and the pain keeps amplifying and the only solution to that is to have more relations and activities in the present but I can't step out of my house and make a single friend.
(Him) You made a friend right here, and that's why I write of the now, the here to escape my mind.
(Her) Do you mean you?
(Him) Yes I mean me, hahaha, don't worry, I mean when I open up and talk like this with someone, they're close, you don't talk feelings with just a random stranger, you talk about their views on politics. An acquaintance you'd talk about how they feel. Someone closer you'd ask about things that touch your soul.
(Her) That's so true. These aren't the normal conversation norms.
I only confirmed because if I'm being completely honest sometimes I feel like you don't really have a positive view of me? I don't know how to explain and I know it's probably irrational.
(Him) Oh I get it, yes, I seem a bit cold and negative sometimes, it's something that broke me up as I said before, but to show friends I'm still friends I try to make sexual jokes to A. Show we're relaxed enough to talk about that. B. Try to assure myself that those things are really okay. C. Because if I don't I come off a bit too cold.
(Her) I'm waiting for one.
(Him) Well I'm scared about doing it to you and they just slip in. *That's what she said* I guess that's an example.
(Her) Don't be scared. If you believe we are friends just be yourself and say random stuff and the most silly things and the most important ones?
I take that word and relation pretty seriously. Also most times I don't really get sexual jokes. Stupid stupid stupid me.
(Him) Well if you want I can drop an innuendo in ur endo. Goodness I just said that.
(Her) Haha, that wasn't too bad.
(Him) I do my best. But that wasn't it, there's a timing to it. Kinda like Nooky itself you know?
(Her) Haha, now I know, I had to look up the word 'nooky'
(Him) oh you get it?
(Her) I like talking to you but sometimes I feel like I don't know how far I can go? That's why I brought it up. Now I do.
(Him) Yeah? Well I say Nooky because I don't want to seem crass. But literally anything.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
People Think These Guys Are Spooky But They're Much More Than Halloween Mascots
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/people-think-these-guys-are-spooky-but-theyre-much-more-than-halloween-mascots/
People Think These Guys Are Spooky But They're Much More Than Halloween Mascots
Come October, people start to get into a spooky mood. Scary movies play on cable and lawns are covered with everything from cutesy-scary decorations to full-blown haunted houses. A lot of these decorations show eerie pictures of bats or black cats…but these animals aren’t actually scary animals! Just take a look at these Halloween mascots being purely adorable for proof:
1. This teeny vampire just flew straight into my heart. Not to suck my blood, though.
Reddit / TheBloggingCEO
2. I mean, just look at how small they are.
Reddit / ihateusernames42
3. He’s just trying to get his healthy snack on.
Reddit / obviousfish
4. He knows that bananas are a good source of potassium!
5. This one just wants a nap!
Reddit / garfieldsam
6. This little nugget kind of thinks he’s Batman, but he’s not sure.
Reddit / hannahftw
(function() var sc = document.createElement(‘script’); sc.src = ‘http://player.mediabong.net/se/414.js?url=’+encodeURIComponent(document.location.href); sc.type = ‘text/javascript’; sc.async = true; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, s); )();
7. He may look like a tiny Darth Vader, but all he wants to do is eat all the pesky mosquitos.
Reddit / TheAlcoholocaust
8. Lots of people think black cats will bring them bad luck…
A photo posted by Grizz Ev (@grizzev) on Sep 5, 2014 at 9:00pm PDT
9. But they’re just little weirdos.
A photo posted by Grizz Ev (@grizzev) on Mar 1, 2014 at 2:59pm PST
10. Black cats are at risk around Halloween because some people do monstrous things to them.
A photo posted by Grizz Ev (@grizzev) on Sep 29, 2015 at 4:21pm PDT
11. So if you’re thinking of saving one of these special buddies…
A photo posted by Grizz Ev (@grizzev) on Jul 12, 2015 at 5:14pm PDT
12. Now’s the time!
var OX_ads = OX_ads || []; OX_ads.push( slot_id: “537251604_562b119460718”, auid: “537251604” );
13. I can testify that these masters of camouflage are the best friends you could ask for.
A photo posted by Grizz Ev (@grizzev) on Jun 18, 2015 at 8:37pm PDT
14. Yes, wolves are wild animals…
Reddit / OutFerARipAreYaBud
15. And you probably (definitely) shouldn’t ever walk up to one and feed it mango ice cream…
Reddit / jmundell817
16. But they do apparently love fruity snacks.
Reddit / Mastershake156
17. It’s also highly improbable that they’ll turn into weird, furry humans in a full moon. (That’s how werewolves work, right?)
Reddit / shakycam3
18. I mean, look at them around bubbles!
19. Oh, and owls?
20. They just wanna dance.
21. Seriously, show them a dance floor and they’ll be there.
Reddit / EvenIfIWantedTo
22. And they’re really interested in everything going on, which is a wonderful quality to have in a friend.
Reddit / PhantomKei
See? That wasn’t so bad. Next time you see one of these guys doing something evil in a horror film, don’t believe it for one second!
Also, full disclosure: I couldn’t find any black cats quite as cute as mine…but that’s just a testament to how much of a grip these “unlucky” babies can have on your heart!
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/not-so-spooky-animals/
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