#i know things could get better like they did after thatcher but honestly im not putting any bets on it considering how the current labour
bueris · 14 days
okay maybe I should seriously reconsider my path in life and sell my soul to marketing or journalism instead
#okay venting in the tags you are very welcome to ignore or not respond to it i just need to yell somewhere#i always thought id be an art therapist because well i care about people and want to help them and love art#but everyday i wake up feeling like a fraud and an imposter so like. should i really be doing all that when im not entirely#certain i cpuld handle it??? like i know i haven't gotten the meaty bit of the education towards that yet but like#university costs a disgusting amount of money here and if i pick the wronf thing im likely doomed forever thanks to awful government#i know things could get better like they did after thatcher but honestly im not putting any bets on it considering how the current labour#party is so like if i fuck up here im basically dead#also can i actually do art uni. like could i cope with that. im deeply unethused with art at the moment and honestly will i evwr be#idk#it was jusr a thing i always did but education around it is fucking soul sucking#also the emotional weight of hearing and solving people's problems as a therapist. i would consider myself quite empathetic for the most#part i feel other people's pain quite strongly and obviously as a therapist id be feeling that quite a bit so could i actually cope with it?#ik therapists have therapists but still#i mean im doing work experience at an occupational therapy place so ill just be extra inquisitive about it all to make sure im going#the way i wanna#I'll be fine by the end of a levels ill probably understand what i want in life#if not then gap year to work it out#should probably look at unis for english language too then#sigh#ucas website i may as well marry you#ill be okay im getting in my head about stuff im actually pretty good at art even if there are things i can improve on (like patience lol)#yeah maybe the voice telling me i suck doesnt know shit and should shut up#yeah#shut it nasty voice you're wrong actually!!! im doing just fine and you're being overly critical#they should make a brain that's your friend and not mush that hides the amalgamation of every bad thing ever in its crevices#crevices shoyild be filled with kindness and love.#sex jokes about that#why the fuck is yahoo mail syncing i dont use you you washed up search engine#bue waffling#vent post
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compilation of my favorite otp prompts 8
AUs for when both members of your OTP are stubborn pricks [x] 
you were sat in my reserved train seat and refused to move so i sat on your lap and now we’re both too annoyed and awkwardly turned on to move
ive been trying to grab your attention in class for over half an hour by poking you and throwing things onto your desk and you’re refusing to acknowledge me and gdi all i wanted to do was tell you that you look cute and now it’s gone too far and it can’t go back
if you’re struggling for AU ideas take a look-see at this list i wrote for my friend who dubbed it “better than the 10 commandments" [x]
Coffee shop AU
you give me a different fake name every time you come into starbucks and I just want to know your real name bc ur cute but here I am scrawling “batman” onto your stupid cappuccino
Weird places to meet/awkward meetings in general
“My shower’s broken but I’ve got a date tonight could I possibly use your shower please?” “Oh sure (neighbour that I’ve been crushing on for the past six months) of course you can use my shower to get ready for your date (fuck fuck fuck)”
Soulmate aus
You get an ‘impression’ of your soulmate when you turn 18 or something but all I got was a strong smell of bananas or an overwhelming feeling that Thatcher was a good prime minister or an image in my mind of a fucking unicorn
Other aus that I like
You’re an actor/other famous person that I really admire and I just saw you in the street and as I was debating whether or not to say hi you came up to me and started flirting what do I do??
I’m a waiter at this wedding and you’re a drunk guest who will not stop hitting on me please I’m trying to work no I can’t dance with you omg let me find you some water
Hey dude I read that cuddling helps you sleep better, you wanna try it out?
We fell asleep on the couch together on accident, how did my hand end up in your hair? Were you breathing on my neck?! (Why did I get tingly???????)
We’ve had this tradition as besties to have a sleepover once a year but this year….it feels different…were your pajamas always this cute??…did I always have butterflies???
Dork Otp Prompts [x]
‘I saw you rollerskating and I thought ‘that person is cool’ but then you crashed jesus are you okay’
'Me and my friends are such memey shits and they made me send you one of those 'send your crush without context’ thing problem is you don’t use the internet much and don’t understand and I’m so embarrassed’
'We’re at a karaoke bar and you went up as a joke but the lights are hitting you so perfectly and your voice is so angelic and wow I think I’m in love.’
Here are some winter aus too [x]
I slipped on ice outside and you ran over and tried to help but ended up slipping too so now we’re both just kinda lying on the ground
You built an igloo this morning and every time I look out the window you’re just kind of sitting in it doing nothing- are you okay?
You were walking your dog by my house and I was aiming to hit the tree behind you with a snowball but I just nailed you in the face I’m sO SORry do you want hot chocolate??
Camp Counselor AUs [x]
We’re co-counseling the youngest group of kids together and they’ve decided that we absolutely have to get married so now we’re holding a makeshift wedding ceremony and they’re insisting we kiss and you look so pretty up close and I’m about to die of embarrassment, please help.
friendship to romance tropes i can’t get enough of [x]
holy shit i just realized i’ve liked you for the past 8274 years and i really wish i didn’t but i dO and everyone somehow knows about it except for you oh my god why is this happening to me
we drunk-kissed but you forgot about it and i don’t know how to act around you anymore wtf
some cute aus [x]
“you kissed me on the playground the day before you moved away in the 4th grade and now your dorm is right across the hall from mine” au
“my friends forced me to ride this roller coaster but i just ate so now i puked all over the floor and you are an amusement park staff who is rushing over to help me but oh god you’re cute and i have chunks of barf on my lips” au
another list of weird but funny AUs [x] 
“You rubbed my lamp, I am your genie but I kinda suck at using my magic so bear with me here” AU
“you being part dog has its perks, mostly for me because whenever i toss something away your eyes follow it and you perk up like you want to chase it but restrict yourself and its honestly the cutest fucking thing ive ever seen”
“babe you know i love you and i would give up my life for yours but i sWEAR TO GOD IF YOU GIVE ME ONE MORE DOG TOY FOR MY BIRTHDAY IM GONNA PUNCH YOU SQUARE IN THE FACE”
a werewolf getting personally offended when someone says they’re not a dog person
“as a werewolf i can personally talk to dogs and boyohboy does ur little pug have some tea to spill…"
“when I saw you climbing out of the stream I was fishing in dirty, wet, and naked, I assumed you had just survived some kind of intense mob hit or something but really you had just detransformed from a werewolf after you were playing in the water trying to catch a fish, and ultimately failing. nice ass, by the way.”
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Falsetto’s Tour Review...
Sooo nobody caresss but I saw Toursetto’s Sunday June 2nd with Nick Adams as Whizzer, Max von Essen as Marvin, Eden Espinosa as Trina, Nick Blaemire as Mendel, Audrey Cardwell as Cordelia, Bryonha Marie Parham as Charlotte, Thatcher Jacobs as Jason an here are my thoughts ! 
♔ When I saw the block sitting in the middle of the stage I almost started crying ♔I couldn’t make out what they were saying at the beginning of Four Jews, but I’ve seen people say that Nick Adams says “Yeehaw” lol 
♔When Eden sings slavery-- she sings the OBC version instead of the higher notes Stephanie did ♔ I was sHOOK when Max opened his mouth to sing and sounded SO MUCH LIKE CHRISTIAN BORLE??? I was so WOW ♔ The Thrill of First Love gave me such a different vibe than the Revival version did. For starters, I did not hate Marvin in act one which is really unusual. In this song I usually view Marvin as mean and abusive, but I just felt myself feeling bad for him. This version of the song was more playful and less aggressive I think. ♔Whizzer doesn’t say “wash n’ wear” he says something like “what is this? A poly -blend?” ♔Marvin rips open Whizzers shirt and damn Nick Adams has some serious muscles lol ♔NICK BLAEMIRE??? Was soooo funny. He had me laughing to the point of tears. He was absolutely amazing. ♔ I didn’t realize in ‘Marvin at the Psychiatrist’ Whizzer was pissed when they called him ‘smarmy’ ♔Jason is so cute and his voice is so big ♔ When he says “just because you failed as parents” he says it through his teeth and his voice is really quiet ♔ I’m not sure what it was about Max portrayal, but he was literally just sad and decrepit. (Of course I didn’t like Marvin, but he just felt less mean) ♔ When they pull the chair away from him at the end of This Had Better Come to a Stop, Marvin turns and literally face plants ♔I’m breaking down was absolutely the highlight of Act I. Eden Espinosa was absolutely fucking amazing. In both productions, it was clear that Trina was having a breakdown, but here its less tears and more cackling and laughing. ♔ When she said “you ask is it fun to cry over nothing?” Her face was totally blank and sarcastic ♔ Of course we love a queen chopping a penis banana. ♔”Sure things’ll probably worsen but it’s not like I’m some happy person” she sits in the middle of the stage and laughs hysterically for a good ten seconds. ♔ “A freak who needs it maybe every other week” she stops and feels her boobs and sighs saying “ohhhhhhhh that feels reallllllly gooooooood” ♔ Every Trina belting with a banana in her mouth is a fucking icon. ♔ She fucking bolted off stage with the knife in her hand lol ♔ “YAH,, this is Mendel wisenbach-FÉLDDD” ♔ When Trina says “chicken marengo” she rolls the ‘r’ im gay dont @ me ♔ When Trina says “I’ll wait for you” she holds out the note really long as she runs of the stage with the chicken marengo and then theres a crash and offstage she shouts (SHIT) ♔ During a marriage proposal,, after he says biblical times— theres a long pause and Marvin leans in and was like “YOURE DOING GREAT” ♔ March of the Falsettos was amazing,, and somehow?? Nick Adams still sounded fucking amazing singing it lol. ♔ The chess game was heartbreaking as always. I just fricking love nick?? He did so well. Also Max??? seemed so much less aggressive than christian borle… and just more disappointed. Idk how to describe it. ♔ I don’t know how I just realized that they are making a home out of what’s left of the set after Marvin and whizzer break up ♔ THE GAMES THAT I PLAY?? ANOTHER HIGHLIGHT OF THIS ACT. Nick sounded sooo amazing and I either got chills from how cold the theater was or from his voice and I’m pretty sure it was the latter ♔ Marvin hit Trina. Yeah. This was completely heartbreaking. Honestly this Jason was shook to the core and you could see it (when Marvin hit her) and it was probably the saddest part of the scene. ♔ Also Whizzer is the one who made the slapping sound behind Marvin, ♔ Marvin tried to hug Trina and Mendel PUSHED him away ♔ Marvin put his hands on his head and let out this really pained wail.  Honestly I hate him, but I was like damn get help bc it was highkey sad. And poor Trina was trying to comfort Jason. It was a mess. ♔ Father to son was heartbreaking too bc Jason didn’t want to be anywhere near Marvin. Whenever he tried to touch him he would flinch away and Marvin was crying and hngggg. ♔ All I could say is that when he shined the light in our faces and called us homosexuals,,, it was blinding lol ♔ When he said a teeny tiny band and pointed to the orchestra the crowd cheered like crazy which is honestly what they deserved ♔ THE LESBIANS. THE LESBIANS!! Everyone was great in the show, but Dr. Charlotte. wow. She was so fucking amazing. I got excited every time she had a line because I knew she was about to slay. They were really cute together ♔ When Whizzer asks Marvin if he was still ‘queer’ in the baseball game Marvin’s voice got all old and he made his hands shake when he said “It’s been so long since I could tell” ♔ Good news, Nick Adams didn’t have a boner during a day in falsetto land LMFAO ♔ Something bad is happening. I was excited bc as I said. Bryonha is fucking amazing. She. Not only was her singing stellar, her acting was amazing. She was so angry and had so much passion despite her obvious confusion. Also Audrey Cardwell was the cutest Cordelia. ♔ During holding to the ground, three white sheets fall from the ceiling making the hospital room that Whizzer stays in. ♔ Not sure if it means anything, but I realize that the items at the hospital are the only things not made from the cube. Just an observation lol. ♔ I think Nick Adams Whizzer is my favorite (I think acting wise, I like Andrew better, but singing Nick takes the cake.) You gotta die sometime was beautiful and I started crying when he belted the last note. ♔ Jason’s Bar Mitzvah. Yeah. I was crying. They were all smiling but it looked so painful. ♔ Whizzer covered his mouth like he was about to cry and then reached out to touch Jason. He thanked him and left. Jason tried to follow him but Marvin stopped him and ugh. ♔ Before what would I do started playing (in the transition) the white curtains fell to the ground and pulled towards the edge of the stage. And when everything is gone marivin started singing. I like this— it made everything feel officially over. ♔ what would I do. This is my favorite song in the entire show and they were both so amazing I was crying uncontrollably (Even though was orchestra and pretty close to the stage, I was using my opera glasses ((yes I’m that bitch)) and god I could see Max was crying and FUCK I WAS RUINED. ♔ For falsetto land, they bring the block back on stage, and there is a piece sticking out. In the revival, they brought the block together from two pieces on either side of the stage, but in the tour they pushed it from stage left. ♔ Marvins sobs were really LOUD and heartbreaking. ♔ They put a spotlight on the chest piece until the blackout and I. UGH THANK GOD FOR WATERPROOF MASCARA.
♔I have seen so many Broadway In Chicago shows, and WOW this is definitely in my top three. The acting the singing, the orchestra and JESUS IT WAS JUST AMAZING
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simonxriley · 5 years
Another long one dksf, im sorry!!! but i just really love your ships!!! For the ship numbers can i get Tachanka 1 - 45....?
Good thing I knew exactly which ship lol because you forgot to put Skylar. The OTP of all otps, I love them! Thank you ^^ and since I can ramble on about them it’ll be under the cut. 
1: - How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
They, for the most part fall asleep in each other’s arms and tend to wake up they same way unless they drifted a part through the night. Tachanka is the first one up by like 15 minutes because he loves to cook breakfast for them and make Skylar some tea. Skylar will wash her face right after waking up and then go downstairs to help with breakfast. Now if the kids are in the picture than Skylar is the one getting them up. 
2: - How’s their team work? Do they share well?
Their team work is very good. They make sure they communicate with what needs to be done and if something comes up, like a mission or one of them falls ill, they’ll ask if they can do what the other was supposed to do. And they’ll always split up what the kids needs evenly if they can’t do it together. As for sharing, yeah they do share well. Unless Skylar is pregnant than that chocolate is hers. 
3: - Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
Very much so. Tachanka will never hide their relationship, even if it may seem ‘wrong’ to other people. And Skylar’s the same way. They both enjoy some PDA, and aren’t afraid to kiss or hug in public. They’re the couple that are so in love with each other it embarrasses the kids. 
4: - First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?
Their first impression of each other was too fast paced for Skylar to even get an impression of him besides he’s cute and seems nice. She was meeting so many people at the time it was kinda hard for her to stop and talk with anyone who wasn’t Thatcher or her CTU. However Tachanka had plenty of time to watch her from a distance. He thought she was gorgeous upon first glance and loved how her eyes crinkled at the sides when she smiled and thought she was kind and seemed like a hell of a soldier. 
Was it love at first sight? More so for Tachanka. As soon as he saw her, that was it, arrow through the heart. Skylar was still very much guarded because of her past at the time of joining Rainbow, so as much as she does love him now, it wouldn’t have been love at first sight for her. 
5: - Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
Tachanka calls Skylar - Sky, kotyonok (kitten), and sometimes lapochka (sweetie pie) and lyubov moya (my love)
Skylar call Tachanka - Alex, Moi Sladkiy (my sweetness) and sometimes kotik (pussycat)
6: - Any tasks that are always left to one person?
For the most part they both do the tasks around the house. Both will do laundry, both will cook and clean the dishes, and both will do maintenance around the home. But if it’s out of Skylar’s arm reach, than it goes to Tachanka. If Skylar is pregnant, than Tachanka will do everything, and will yell at her if she tries to help. 
7: - What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
What I said up above about Tachanka taking over everything when Skylar is pregnant, that’s the one thing that annoys her about him. She gets its, he doesn’t want her stressing over stuff because she is the one carrying their children. But somethings she can still easily do, like the dishes or folding laundry. And he won’t let her do that. But she wouldn’t change it because she thinks it’s cute that he’s so overprotective of her and their unborn child(ren). 
That Skylar wouldn’t let him spoil her. This was more so in the beginning of their relationship, she didn’t like him spending rages amount of money on her or paying for her things when she could easily do so with her own money. After a while she kinda gave in and let him start spoiling her a bit more, but not with extravagant gifts. Once they were married than he could go all out. 
8: - What do they like best about their partner?
Skylar loves his compassion. To go through the horrible abuse she did by her ex, to have someone who truly loves her and cares about her well-being is a miracle. She always knows she’ll be treated with respect and honestly and that’s the most she could ask for. 
Tachanka loves Skylar’s strength. She’s been through so much in such a short amount of time. From being horribly abused to losing her whole squad. She could have turned out a lot differently, but she made sure she didn’t. She;s still kind and loving and compassionate and funny, even when the world tried to make her cold and harsh. He will always admire her strength. 
9: - Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?
Absolutely and they have. Marriage and children were the big ones they’ve really disgust about, because it could happen especially kids since Skylar already had one unplanned pregnancy (ended in a miscarriage) and it’s best if they both know where they stood on such things. Death has been talked about a little bit, might go into that discussion more as Jade Helm progresses and they haven’t talked about religion yet. 
10: - Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public?
For the most part Tachanka drives unless he’s on a mission. Both of them cook and do the handiwork. Their bills are on auto pay so they don’t really have to deal with that. And Tachanka handles the public, sometimes Skyar, but mostly him. 
11: - Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?
Yes! They go all out for both because that’s how it was in Skylar’s home and they took that tradition to their own. Halloween and Christmas are Skylar’s favorite holidays, she’ll start decorating way before the month even started. As much as they enjoyed it being just them during the holidays, it got a lot better once the kids came along and to see their joy during the holiday season was the best thing. Anniversaries are a little more low-key, with it being just them at a restaurant. 
12: - Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
There is a wedding (spoiler, you’ll see it at the end of Jade Helm), it’s a medium size one in London filled with family and friends, lots of laughter and dancing. Tachanka and Skylar both write their own vows and it’s a beautiful thing to see. The proposal however I cannot tell you because you’ll see it happen in Jade Helm and I’m still trying to figure out which option I should use. And their is a small honeymoon. 
13: - What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
They switch things up, if something new pops up that they think they’ll like they’ll do it. 
14: - Anything they both dread?
Traveling with their eight (8) kids. Trying to get all eight out the door in time to get to the airport can be a hassle. 
15: - How adventurous are they?
They’re very adventurous, more so after the kids come into the picture. They’ll do pretty much anything that looks fun. 
16: - Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat?
Nope, they’re very opened with each other. And they would never lie or cheat on one another because they’re just not like that and Tachanka would never seep so low as to do something like that to her after knowing about her past. 
17: - What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
Death. Nothing could break these two up, nothing. They would go to counseling if they needed too. I would say cheating and losing the ‘spark’, but they would never cheat on each other and if the spark did go, it would be ignited again in a matter of days. Death would be the only true reason they would ‘break up’. 
18: - What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
Their dates are pretty simplistic, dinner at a restaurant or go see a movie. Depending on the whether they might do something summer-esque or winter-esque to change things up. They got together 12-15-17 and were married on -02-14-19 so nearly 14 months. And nope. 
19: - What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?
They usually fight over Skylar’s stubbornness, especially if she’s pregnant. Tachanka will want her to relax and not overdo it and she’s like ‘nah I’m fine I can to xyz’ and they’re usually easy thing too like folding laundry or doing some dishes. And she knows her body well enough to not overdo it. They never escalate to yelling though and make up pretty fast. Tachanka will just apologize with some flowers and say he was only adamant because he cares. 
20: - What does their home look like? Their room?
Their home is modern because Skylar likes the more modern homes, but it’s not too big. And it’s a mix of American and Russian culture. Their room is big enough to have a king size bed in it, a large dresser they both share (for the most part Tachanka’s clothes are in there and Skylar’s socks and underwear and stuff she can’t hang in the closet), a nightstand on each side with a lamp and a walk-in closet with an on suite. Decor wise, they have a few paintings, one done by Glaz, one of London and one of Saint Petersburg. This is a little while later, but above their bed is a family picture, Tachanka and Skylar with their eight kids. 
21: - Do they share any interests or hobbies?
They actually didn’t, but they were open to try what the other likes to do. And as their relationship progressed they found things they like to do together, like go camping. That they can thank Kapkan for. And they do go on camping trips with him from time to time, along with Glaz and Fuze, 
22: - Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
No it doesn’t. They’re both military and both understand that sometimes you have to be apart, even if it kills you. They know they love each other and nothing will ever come between that. 
23: - How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
I’m gonna go with comfort. Whenever one of them is feeling down, they take each other in their arms and just hold one another. To let the other cry or ramble about what is making them feel that way. 
24: - Any doubts about the relationship?
In the beginning there were, mainly on Skylar’s part. She didn’t really think she was capable of being loved, the abuse she endured broke her down completely and it took her a while to realize she deserved to be loved and she wasn’t this unlovable person she thought she was.  
25: - How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?
Almost all of their time is spent together. They live together, they work together, the only time they don’t see each other is when one of them is on a mission or they’re training with their CTUs. 
26: - How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
Their close friends were okay with it and were happy they found each other. Skylar’s family was completely okay with it, both of her parents’ loved that she finally found someone who treats her right. Tachanka’s sister was a little hesitant because of how much younger she was, but that soon changed the more she got to know her and figured out why her brother fell for her. The only friend that had an issue with it in the beginning was Thermite and Frost. 
27: - Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
They do, they have eight (8) kids all together. Grace, twins Marianna and Konstantin, Grayson, Lubov, Apollo, and twins Lizaveta and Vera. And they do grow old together for the most part, Skylar’s 26 years younger than he is, so he unfortunately dies way before her. But they do live a happy and healthy life. 
28: - What are their vacations like?
Between completely calm and hectic. If they’re not going anywhere their vacations are pretty laid back. They’ll catch up on shows or movies they’ve missed because of work or do some stuff around the city. If the decided to take a vacation elsewhere, whether it be Bangor, Saint Petersburg or somewhere else and if kids are involved than it’s hectic as hell. But a good hectic that they wouldn’t change for the world. 
29: - How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
For the most part calmly, they’ve been in the military long enough to know if you freak out, things can happen. 
30: - Could they manage a long distance relationship?
I think they could. It would definitely be hard, but I think they could. 
31: - Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?
The don’t finish each other’s sentences or really picked up any habits besides calling each other by pet names. They do know if the other is hiding something. Skylar is awful about it, she makes it so obvious. Tachanka however is a little harder to read, it’s usually when he keeps his phone very close to him. That usually means he’s planning something and can’t have her know what it is. 
32: - Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?
No they don’t. The only time they got into ‘trouble’ was when they decided to make out in the hallway on base and Thatcher turned the corner. He ‘yelled’ at them to get a room. 
33: - What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?
Tachanka will do it any chance he gets. For the most part he gets her flowers and her favorite candies, for more important occasions he’ll go all out. Clothes, jewelry, a new game she wanted, or a book. He has a lot of choice to get her.  
Skylar will sometimes gift him a new Degytyarov for a special occasion or something she drew. Tachanka isn’t a materialistic sort of man so buying presents for him is kinda hard. But he will always cherish those handmade ones. 
34: - Do they have any pets?
They do, they have two (2) cats, one’s a Russian blue, the other is a calico and a dog (pitbull). All unnamed right now. 
35: - Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?
They bring out the best in each other, or at least try too. They’re always there for one another, pushing them to do good. Their fatal flaw would be their over-protectiveness.
36: - What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
Their greatest strength is their selflessness. They always put the other and the kids before themselves. Their weakness would be their over-protectiveness, especially with the kids. It’s not bad, like they aren’t sheltering them or anything but because Skylar was abused she’s terrified of it happening to her own daughter’s. So when they get old enough she does put them in martial arts and is very adamant on them staying in it. Though Kapkan does take the liberty of teaching them a few things too and she’s beyond grateful for that. Tachanka is very adamant on teaching his sons how to respect woman and that they don’t owe them anything. And there will be consequences if they don’t abide by those rules. 
37: - How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?
They would sacrifice their lives for one another. That’s how much they love each other. 
38: - What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?
They’re pretty vanilla, sometimes they might spice things up other than that their sex life is pretty vanilla. Skylar does love some dirty talk, especially in Russian and oral. And Tachanka likes oral and the way she teases him. Since Skylar was abused in every which way by her ex, they won’t do anything that could cause her harm, so no spanking or bdsm, stuff like that. 
39: - Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love?
They kinda both did. Tachanka kissed Skylar first. Tachanka knew the moment he laid eyes on her and it took Skylar a little bit. After they got together and she saw how much he truly cared for her, then she accepted those feelings. 
40: - Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?
Their wedding day and the birth of their children will forever be a special memory. Yelagin Island in Saint Petersburg is one of their favorite places to go. It holds the most memories for them.  
41: - Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’re drunk? Does it happen often?
Not that much. If there’s a party on base than they’ll go, but they usually drink with friends every now and then. Skylar is one of those silly drunks and Tachanka doesn’t get too drunk, when he does he’s kinda his normal self just a bit more louder and will confess his love for Skylar to the world. No it doesn’t happen often because Skylar got embarrassed enough by him. 
42: - Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
Yeah, for the most part. Like the little things, Tachanka not putting the toilet seat down afterwards or him sending her cat memes. 
43: - Do they talk often? What about?
They talk everyday about legit everything that comes up. 
44: - Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?
Very comfortable with each other. So much so they know almost everything about them. Showering, especially for Skylar who has to do more. She will tell Tachanka if it’s alright for him to join her. 
45: - Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
Their main goal is to have a healthy and happy marriage and be good parents to their kids. The only heartbreak Tachanka had was when they ended up running into Skylar’s abusive ex and to see the fear on her face and how she gripped him so hard she broke skin through his Gorka broke his heart. Skylar’s heartbreak was when he passed away. They both knew it was coming, she was even preparing herself for it, but when it finally happened it still broke her. The only regret they both had was that they didn’t meet sooner. 
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