#i know we got so much content apparently but i can't move on from this its too fucking funny
kitkatpancakestack · 4 months
I'm so sorry I can't let this go bc like if I was just some normal fucking firefighter at the 118 trying to clock in and do my shit with as little fanfare as possible before clocking out, I'd be so sincerely pissed off at the whole medal ceremony. And then imagine having to SIT through it. "Oh sorry honey I can't pick up the kids from school this afternoon. Yeah I gotta stay and watch the firehouse nutjobs get rewarded for their genuinely idiotic behavior. No it's not a prank. Yeah I don't think I get paid enough for this shit either. Alright see you at home after Im forced to look all these freaks in the eye and congratulate them on something that would have gotten literally anybody else fired." Like be sooo serious rn I'd be taking this shit straight to Taylor Kelly, like I got some new information for your next tell all book on these whackadoos, don't forget to compensate me bc my own job sure fucking won't.
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undreaming-fanfiction · 7 months
Okay, so vampire Eddie is a pretty standard trope at this point, but may I offer...Twilight vampire Eddie who is absolutely pissed off about his sparkly existence?
Eddie actually isn't that old, he was turned in the 80s when he was around 20. He lives with his small and not only vampire family. There's patriarch Wayne, his partner Scott who always becomes a teacher no matter where they move, Claudia Henderson and her son that have been with them ever since Scott noticed Dustin being unusually quiet in his class and soon after, Wayne kicked out his abusive father.
The problem with living with a smart man who loves educating people and a man who never received the education he deserved is - they take school really, really seriously. Whenever they move, Eddie usually has to re-join high school, it's all "just so that you have some socialization! Also we need to be able to blend in, so look around and see what's normal with young people! Also I'm pretty sure some of the stuff we know is now obsolete or disproven, so make sure to tell us!". And Eddie loves Wayne and Scott, he really does, but he had trouble blending in even when he was alive, so now? Impossible. As for gathering information, Eddie has been trying for decades to explain to Wayne that even if becoming a vampire healed the wounds from the lynching mob, it didn't do shit for his ADHD, so there. Wayne finds Eddie banging his head into a desk one day and chanting "WHAT-THE-FUCK-IS-TIK-TOK?!"
So yes, Eddie hates being a forever highschooler, but it also means he can run DnD clubs everywhere he joins and he's not even lynched for it like in the 80s, so hey, progress! He gets mostly content with his existence, except that he's fucking sparkly and can't turn into a bat, so what's the point?!
But then a huge group of people moves from the close town of Hawkins, they had a really fucked up earthquake - Wayne told him all about it, he often volunteered in rescue and high risk works, and he's never seen anything like it - and their little town becomes way more crowded. There are high school freshmen just begging to be introduced to his club, Hellfire, although one of them is scary observant and Eddie is really sure that Jane knows he's a vampire.
And then there's Steve Harrington. A young man with the prettiest hair ever who joined Eddie's class, apparently he needs to repeat the last year too because if your school burns down, you can't take final exams. He's stupidly pretty, snarky, bitchy, and even though he could be partying day and night and spending the rest of his time on dates, he prefers to hang around with the freshmen. Lucas tells him one day that Steve got badly hurt when he was digging through the collapsed middle school, finding and rescuing their whole group, and well...Eddie respects that. Dustin absolutely loves Steve and maybe Eddie feels a bit jealous, but he has to admit - the guy is cool.
The problem with Steve Harrington is this - he's seen so much shit that nothing really fazes him. Eddie loves shocking people. Steve is unshockable. It becomes their little game, they get close, Eddie realizes he has an embarrassing crush, all that jazz. He tries dropping hints, he slurps his bloody lunch from a bottle that has a "THIS IS DEFINITELY TOMATO JUICE AND NOTHING ELSE". He wears a cape. He adopts a horrible Dracula accent. Nothing works. Steve always just laughs and tells him that he's weird and that's why he likes him.
Finally, Eddie has enough. They walk in the woods to get high, Eddie decides to break the ice, he scoops up Steve, does his whole dashing-through-the-woods thing, and he hopes that he can finally share his secret with Steve.
Except Steve just pats his back and says "Wow, that was cool, man! You'd be amazing at track. Great core strength too," and Eddie's head implodes.
"Okay, Steve. Don't you think there's something rotten here?" he tries.
"I mean, it's the woods. Of course there's something rotting all the time."
Eddie tries again. "You've noticed something strange, haven't you. I'm inhumanly fast and strong."
"I sure didn't expect that! You must be secretly training. I didn't know this town had a gym."
Again. "My skin is pale white and ice cold."
Steve is watching a nearby squirrel instead of looking horrified. "Yeah, not all people tan great, Robin is like that too. And I told you, man. Your circulation is shit, you need better socks and some gloves too."
"My eyes change color."
"Yeah, I know, I do envy you that you can wear those cool contact lenses. My eyes are too dry for that."
Eddie is growing desperate, he's gesturing at the trees because Steve doesn't listen. "I speak like I'm from a different time."
"80s slashers will do that to you. You basically live on those. But I gotta admit that they're pretty fun. Oh look, she's got an acorn! Clever girl!"
"Very clever. Also I never eat or drink anything."
"Hey, I'm not judging. Some people prefer one or two meals in a day instead of the whole five meal thing."
Eddie feels like howling and he isn't even a werewolf. "I. DON'T. GO. INTO. THE. SUNLIGHT."
Steve's eyes finally leave the squirrel. "Duh. We've already established you can't tan."
And Eddie's had enough. He tears off his t-shirt, marches directly into the sunlight and throws the biggest tantrum of his life. "STEVEN HARRINGTON. PAY ATTENTION. I am 20. I have been 20 for a while now. You know what I am, right? I am a vampire. So ask me the question, what do we eat? That wasn't a fucking tomato juice Steven!!!"
Steve just watches him with quiet amusement, as if he's waiting for something.
Eddie doesn't notice. His monologue is reaching its most dramatic part. "I've killed people before! I'm the world's most dangerous predator!"
Steve snorts. "I saw you trip over your own feet in the cafeteria."
"Not the point!"
"You told a waitress "you too" when she told you to enjoy your meal."
Eddie actually howls now. "THE POINT IS." He spins in the sunlight and sees the reflections of light off his skin. "I wouldn't have minded becoming a vampire, but let me tell you. Being stuck in high school forever? Sucks. Craving chips and throwing them up whenever you try them? SUCKS. And thinking you've become the legendary creature of the night when you're a glorified glitter mascot?! And you can't even fly?! DOUBLE SUCKS."
He points at his bare glittering chest. "THIS THE SKIN OF A FUCKING DISCO BALL, STEVE!"
Steve just laughs and gets up from the tree stump he was sitting on. "Thanks for sharing. I was kinda hoping you'd finally ask me out since this is the first time we've had some privacy, but this was interesting too."
Eddie's sharing mania suddenly stops. He realizes he's shirtless in the middle of the forest, and his yelling has scared off the squirrel. He promptly grabs his shirt and puts in on. "Um. You...you wanted me to ask you out? Because I totally want to do that. Yep. But I thought it would have been unfair to ask you before I told you-"
"That you're a vampire? Dude, I know."
Eddie blinks once. Then again. "Excusemewhat?"
Steve smiles at him and touches his hand. "Look. After what happened in Hawkins, I know the smell of blood. I knew it wasn't tomato juice. Also I've accompanied the kids to enough monster flicks to know."
"Oh." Eddie licks his lips and doesn't really know what to say. "Um. What...does that mean for us?"
Laughing, Steve grabs his other hand too. "Definitely two things. One - you can and should kiss me. Two - you can stop wearing that cape. I got your point."
"Oh okay. Cool. Will do. Both."
And since Eddie Munson is a vampire of his word, he does.
(Wayne is absolutely delighted that Eddie is dating, he watches sports with Steve and discusses the pros and cons of Steve becoming a paramedic. Scott helps Steve with some of the subjects he's struggling with. In return, Steve works with Robin to find a makeup brand that is fully sparkleproof, giving the vampires a chance to walk in the sunlight again. And sometimes, he helps them answer the questions that have been plaguing the Munson-Clarke-Henderson household for years...such as: what is TikTok?)
(oh and also. Turns out Steve really thought Eddie was wearing creepy contact lenses. That one aspect of vampyrism he found very cool)
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zxxccx · 17 days
My Roommate's Manipulative Friend
This is a work of fiction. All characters are 18+. Contains male fart fetish content. This is my first story so I hope you enjoy it 🙂
My name is Jeff. One day during junior year of college, I was chilling in my off-campus apartment with my roommate Evan and his friend Matt. I've known Evan since freshman year and we're pretty close. Evan and Matt are childhood friends who grew up and went to high school together. They were both typical surfer/skater bros. I had only met Matt a few times before - his college was kind of far from ours, so he and Evan don't get to hang out as much as they used to. Even though we barely knew each other, I got the sense that he didn't really like me and if we're being honest, the feeling was mutual. On this particular day, there wasn't much going on and we were all pretty bored. Like typical millennials, we were all sitting there separately scrolling on our phones. All of the sudden Matt started chuckling so Evan and I looked up.
E: "What's so funny?”
M: "I was reading through this site that lists random world records and it turns out this guy Bernard Clemens has the record for world's longest fart at 2 minutes and 42 second."
E: "Pfft, I could beat that."
They cracked up. I rolled my eyes and apparently Matt didn't appreciate that.
M: "What's your problem?"
E: "Ignore him, he doesn't think farts are funny."
M: "Are you serious? Farts are fucking hilarious!"
E: "I tried to tell him that, but he's a total prude. I've never even farted in front of him before because I don't want to hear him complain. I just hold in my gas and let it out when he's not around."
M: "That sucks, no man should have to hold in his gas. Everyone should rip loud and proud! One time I even farted in Evan's face."
J: "Gross! Did you puke?"
They both laughed.
E: "Puke? It was only a fart. I swung around and blasted him right back. Don't dish it out if you can't take it."
M: "Ya know Jeff, I'd be happy give you some exposure therapy to help you appreciate farts more."
J: "No thanks. Can we please talk about something else?"
I could tell Matt was enjoying having fun at my expense, but fortunately he relented and changed the subject. He announced that he was starving and that we should all grab food. Evan immediately agreed, but I really wasn't hungry. I was also feeling kind of tired, so I decided to stay back and take a nap.
I woke up and felt like something was off. I tried to move and freaked out when I realized I couldn't. I opened my eyes and saw Evan and Matt staring down at me with huge grins. I tried to say something but I couldn't because there was tape over my mouth.
M: "Heyyyyyy. Enjoy your nap?"
E: "I can't, this is too good."
I took a moment to take in my current position. I was laid out with my head on a couch cushion and my lower body being supported by the coffee table. My legs were taped together and my arms were taped to my side. Again, I tried to protest but was only able to produce muffled sounds.
M: "We got a real treat in store for you. Ya see, I've been thinking more about what Evan said earlier about being able to beat the world record farter and thought it would be fun put his gas to the test. The Taco Bell we had for lunch should be more than enough to fuel this challenge, but I figure we need a judge to make sure it's fair and think your virgin nostrils make you the perfect candidate for the job."
Matt had the biggest grin I've ever seen. I felt annoyed that Evan would go along with this idea, but wasn't entirely surprised. While I know Evan didn't actually care about some dumb world record (I think the three of us all knew that it likely wasn't even possible), he's a really competitive guy who's not one to shy away from a challenge. I'm sure Evan only said he could beat the record earlier as a joke, but that was exactly the fodder Matt needed to take advantage of his competitive nature and turn it against me. Evan and I also never pass up on an opportunity to have a little fun at each other's expense, so I'm sure that only made him easier to manipulate in this case.
M: "Now Evan, to confirm, you've never even so much as farted in the same room as Jeff before, right?"
E: "That is correct."
M: "Wow, so that means his first experience with your gas is gonna point-blank. That's rough. As someone who's been blasted by you before, I can say even at a distance it absolutely reeked. I can't imagine how much worse it'll be at ground zero. Let's just say I'm really glad I'm not in his position."
E: "Yeah this is probably gonna be pretty bad. Honestly, I was a bit hesitant to go through with this. I mean farts are funny, but this is taking things to a whole new level. Does anyone really deserve to be subjected to something this disgusting? I wasn't so sure, but then Matt pointed out that this is only a prank and it's all in good fun. Who knows, it might even help you lighten up a bit. And if you think about it, this really is the opportunity of a lifetime for you. I've farted at people several times before, but I've never fully sat on someone's face and let rip. You're gonna get to fully experience my gas in a way that no one has before and possibly never will again. And of all the people who could possibly receive that honor, I'm kind of glad it's you."
Evan looked down at me with an amused smirk. I knew he was mostly just messing with me, but I couldn't believe how far he and Matt were taking this. Knowing that I was gonna be the first person to "fully experience" his gas and that he was glad about it only increased my frustration.
M: "Alright, enough chit chat. Let's get to it. Evan, your throne awaits!"
Matt motioned towards my face. I knew this was my last chance to put a stop to this. If only I could speak, I was confident I'd be able to talk Evan out of this. Unfortunately, I didn't have that luxury. I put up as much of a fight as I could and let out as many muffled please as possible, but they fell on deaf ears. Evan spun around and hovered his ass above my face. Then slowly and tauntingly, he began to sit down. To add insult to injury, he made sure to maintain eye contact with me until he was fully seated and his board short clad ass completely covered my face, enveloping it in warmth.
E: "Wow, he's actually kind of comfy."
He wiggled a little which caused my nose to sink further into his ass and settle right below his asshole. I can't believe my best friend was actually sitting on my face.
M: "This is so awesome! I can't believe we're actually doing this!"
They both laughed. I could feel Evan's body shake when he laughed. I had been holding my breath up until this point but my lungs felt like the were going to give out so I reluctantly gave in and took a breath. Fortunately, Evan's a pretty hygienic guy so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it still smelled like ass and wasn't exactly pleasant.
E: "Whoa, that felt weird?"
M: "What?"
E: "He just sniffed my ass."
M: "Nice, bet he's loving it! Got any gas in the tank?"
E: "Yeah, feels like the Taco Bell is fully kicking in so I think I'm ready to let rip."
M: "Do it. Blast him!"
I felt Evan start to bear down and push. I braced myself and wondered what I did to deserve this.
The fart vibrated across my face. I felt Evan let out a sigh and relax. I was afraid to breathe.
M: "Is he sniffing?"
E: "Nah, feels like he's holding his breath."
M: "That's no fun, we'll have to fix that."
Before I had time to process what Matt meant by that, he abruptly pushed down hard on my chest forcing the air out of my lungs through my nose. I was furious at him, but it was short lived. My body involuntary took in air to refill my lungs and, as soon as I took in my first breath of Evan's gas, my mind went blank. I had never smelled something so bad in my life and my body was having trouble processing it. Raw sewage would be jealous of the smell. I gave up on holding my breath and started struggling in my bonds in an attempt to try to get away from Evan's ass, but my struggles were in vain. Of course, Evan and Matt found this hilarious.
M: "I don't think he appreciates the stench of your special brew."
E: "Yeah he really seems to be struggling with it."
M: "I guess that means there's only one thing to do..."
E: "Way ahead of you!"
This one was louder and longer. It felt like my skull was rattling. How could they think this was funny? How could Evan do this to me? It felt like the stench of his gas was fully consuming me. I couldn't imagine how this could get any worse, but apparently Matt had other ideas.
M: "Is it just me, or does it feel like he's not fully appreciating your farts?"
E: "What do you mean? You can't possibly expect him to enjoy this."
M: "Maybe not. I just think that since you worked up all this gas for him, he should really be savoring it. None of this holding his breath business or taking shallow breaths to avoid it."
E: "How could we possibly get him to savor my farts?"
M: "Well...what if I tickle him? Then you can blast him and he'll have no choice but to literally huff your gas."
I was surprised not to hear Evan immediately reject this idea. Instead, it seemed like he was actually considering it. I started to aggressively protest, hoping that I could get through to Evan and make him see that this was crazy. However, evidently he couldn't pass up on an opportunity to mess with me more and decided to intentionally misinterpret my pleas.
E: "I appreciate you weighing in Jeff. I was going to say that you had enough and that we should let you go. But it sounds like you're begging us to go ahead with Matt's idea. Don't you agree Matt?"
M: "Oh yeah, it sounds like he's saying that he really wants to get aquatinted with your gas."
E: "Kind of weird Jeff, but if that's what you want we can definitely do that for you. Just know, that if we do this I'm not gonna hold back at all."
I struggled and screamed as much as I could in order to try to let them know I wasn't okay with this. It was no use though. They were clearly enjoying this too much.
E: "Okay, but remember you asked for this..."
Thus began one of the worst experiences of my life. True to his word, Evan did not hold back. He let out a constant barrage of farts and it felt like each one smelled worse than the last. Thanks to Matt's relentless tickling attack on my feet, I was forced to sniff pretty much all of Evan's gas. And, of course, throughout the entire ordeal my face stayed firmly planted in Evan's ass with my nose right at the source. I felt like my brain was melting. Evan's gas was all I could think of - I couldn't fully comprehend just how much of it I had inhaled. I started to forget that fresh air was even a thing. Finally, after what seemed like hours (but realistically was probably only 10 minutes), there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
E: "Alright, that was pretty funny but I think he's had enough."
M: "Aww, come on man this is too good. We could keep this up forever and he wouldn't be able to do anything to stop us.”
E: "Nah, enough is enough. After all, we don't want to permanently destroy his nose."
Evan laughed at his joke, but after what I had been through I wasn't sure if my nose would ever be the same again. If nothing else, I was definitely a lot more familiar with my best friend’s gas than I ever wanted to be. Evan went to get up, but Matt stopped him.
M: "Okay fine, we can call it quits, but one more thing first. Do you still have any gas left in the tank?"
E: "Yeah...but I really think we should let him up now. He's been down there for a while and this was just supposed to be a prank, not actual torture."
Note to self: Evan and I have very different definitions of what constitutes torture.
M: "Totally fair. We can definitely let him up in a minute, I just think we need a grand finale to help seal the deal and ensure this experience is something he'll never forget."
If I could talk, I would say that we're already wayyyyy past that point, but unfortunately fate prevented me from being the voice of reason. Also, couldn't they have this conversation with Evan standing up? Why was he still sitting on my face? Yeah he wasn't currently farting, but I was still being forced to sniff the remnants of his previous farts that had absorbed into his clothes. And he just said he's still feeling gassy, so I was anxious to get him off of me before anymore of his gas found it's way into my nose. Especially since it sounded like Matt was scheming again...
M: "As a final salvo, I think he should have to sniff a couple unfiltered farts from you."
E: "What do you mean?"
M: "I mean full on bareass. No board shorts and no boxers."
My heart skipped a beat. I can't believe Matt would come up with something so disturbing. There must be something genuinely wrong with him. I was about to freak out again, but then it dawned on me. There's no way Evan would go through with this. Sure he's not shy about things like burps and farts, but he's super reserved when it comes to his body. He won't even walk around the apartment in a towel - he always changes in the bathroom when he showers to avoid any accidental exposure. Same when we go to the campus pool, he puts on his bathing suit before we leave to avoid changing in the locker room. There's no way he'd feel comfortable showing off his bare ass. I was about to get in my first win against Matt. The excitement from that realization almost made up for what I just went through. Ok, it actually wasn't even close, but I was still happy about this small victory I was about to be handed.
E: "Ew, no way man! You know I don't like exposing myself and besides shoving his face in my bare ass seems super unsanitary."
M: "Aww come on! It would only be for a few a seconds. One and done!"
E: "I said no! Stop trying to push me man!"
M: "Wow okay. Guess Jeff's not the only one here who's a prude."
E: "You can't be serious. I just ripped ass all over his face. I'm still sitting on his face as we speak. How can you even say I'm a prude?"
M: "Because you're too afraid to reveal your bare ass for a second just for a prank. Haven't you ever heard of mooning? People do it all the time!"
E: "Why are you pushing so hard on this?"
This argument was music to my ears. I could tell Evan was getting pretty frustrated. Now if only he would stand up...
M: "Look man. You need to remember the main reason we're doing this. Yeah it's really funny, but the whole point is to help Jeff lighten up and break barriers. Before today, he wouldn't dream of putting his face anywhere near someone's ass, but now you've been sitting on it for almost a full half hour. Before today, you couldn't even fart near him and now he's literally huffed your gas directly from the source. If he takes some bareass farts from you, think of how high that would set his tolerance. You'd really be doing him a favor."
E: "I don't know. That all sounds pretty stupid."
I'm not sure where Matt was getting this twisted logic from, but Evan didn't sound as frustrated as he did a moment ago. Was this actually working? There's no way...
M: "It at least makes a little bit of sense. If you get it over with real quick, then it will be done and I'll stop nagging you about it. Come on man! Do it, you won't!"
My heart sank. I can't believe Matt went there. As I said, Evan's not one to back down from a challenge. The phrase "Do it, you won't" is like his kryptonite. I've used it on him plenty of times. He almost always follows through just to prove that he's not a wimp and can do the thing in question. But surely this was a bridge too far, right? After a bit of hesitation, I got my answer...
E: ".......Fine. Okay, I'll do it. But you have to look away and Jeff has to close his eyes. He may have to smell my ass, but that doesn't mean either of you have to see me naked."
M: "Really dude? You're not gonna be naked. It's just gonna be your ass."
E: "You want me to do this, we're gonna do it on my terms."
M: "Alright, fair enough. Let's do it."
I started to struggle and complain again, but Matt wasn't having it.
M: "Enough! I'm tired of your whining. We're doing this and there's nothing you can do about it. So just shut up and take it."
Evan finally stood up, but I knew this ordeal wasn't over yet. He put his hands on the waist of his board shorts.
E: "Okay, Jeff close your eyes and Matt turn around."
Evan looked at us to ensure we complied. I saw Matt turn around. I figured if I kept my eyes open, maybe he wouldn't go through with it.
E: "Come on, close your eyes so we can get this over with."
M: "Jeff if you're gonna be a dick about this and make Evan uncomfortable, then we'll just have him keep his clothes on, sit on your face, and blast you for the rest of the day. Is that what you want?"
Wow, as if I'm somehow the one in the wrong here. But that's definitely not what I wanted. I also didn't want me face shoved in his bare ass though. Still, I wanted this to be over as fast as possible and avoid prolonging it, so I reluctantly complied. I started to brace myself for what was about to happen, but Matt had other plans. All of the sudden, I felt fingers on each of my eyelids and my eyes were pried open. He gave me a look that told me I'd regret it if I said anything so I remained quiet. Unlike the first time Evan sat on my face, he didn't look back at me this time. I guess he was a little embarrassed by what he was about to do and didn't want to see my face. This meant that he was completely unaware of Matt's latest scheme. Interestingly enough, even though he was holding my eyes open, Matt continued facing away from Evan. I guess even though he was determined to make sure I got to see Evan's ass in all its glory, he had no desire to see it himself. Without any fanfare, Evan slowly lowered the back of his board shorts and boxers, and there it was: his bare ass. He definitely had quite the bubble butt. Aside from a thin layer of fuzz, his ass was mostly hairless.
M: "Don't forget to spread your cheeks so you can get him in their nice and deep."
Evan complied. His crack was slightly hairier than his cheeks and his asshole was now staring back at me. Then, he started to sit down. This seemed impossible on today of all days, but I really felt that I had sunk to a new low. When Matt heard Evan start to sit, he removed his fingers from my eyelids. I closed my eyes but the damage was done. I couldn't believe I'd been forced to see my best friend's ass and asshole against both our wills. The image would be forever burned into my brain and no one could take this moment back for me. I was temporarily distracted though when I felt Evan settle onto my face. He let go of his cheeks and they closed around mine. My nose was touching his asshole.
E: "I don't like this. I can feel his nose touching my hole."
M: "Bet it's not great on his end either. Jeff, do me a favor and take a nice big sniff of Evan's asshole."
I told him that wasn't gonna happen as best I could through the gag. He seemed to get the message.
M: "Do it or I'll press down on Evan's shoulders and send you even deeper into his ass."
I definitely didn't want that to happen. My nose was already touching his asshole, I didn't need to be any deeper. So, I gave in and took a big sniff. The minute I did, I regretted it. Unsurprisingly, it smelled like shit. I started gagging and struggling. Matt laughed.
M: "Yeah, I bet it smells pretty bad down there. Sucks to be you!"
E: "Could we get this over with already?"
M: "Ok yeah, sure. Now Jeff, here's how this is gonna work. You're gonna breathe out fully and then I'm gonna count backwards from five. When I get to one, Evan's gonna let rip and you're gonna start inhaling as hard as you can. And you better keep inhaling for the full duration of the fart. And before you start freaking out again, you should know that I took some pics of Evan sitting on your face before when he still had his clothes on. If you refuse to do this, I will post those pics online and tell everyone you begged to sniff Evan's farts. Evan will back me up, so no one will believe you if you try to say I'm lying. Right Evan?”
I tried to plead with Evan as best I could.
E: “Sorry Jeff. I feel like this is super weird for both of us, but you're just gonna have to do it. You’ve made me do some gross things in the past - remember when you dared me to eat that box of freeze dried crickets? Think of this as payback for that. I know it's not fully equivalent, but we all have to do things we don't wanna do from time to time. Besides, I have a real whopper brewing right now and I kind of want you to take it.”
M: “Then it's settled. Deep breath out Jeff.”
Feeling like I had no other choice, I did what I was told.
M: “Ok, ready? Breathe in on one. 5…4…3…2…1…”
Evan was right. This one was a whopper. I felt his asshole vibrating against my nose. I lost count of how long it lasted…but I do know it ended with a silent his. And I inhaled the whole thing. As soon as I finished inhaling, my body started shaking. This was by far the worst thing I had ever experienced. I felt defiled. Matt was besides himself with laughter and even Evan was cracking up a bit.
M: “Dude that was sick! I can't believe he just huffed a fart out of your bare asshole.”
E: “Yeah that was definitely disgusting. Are we done now?”
M: “One more and then we let him up. Sound good?”
E: “Fineeeee.”
I was numb at this point and just ready for this whole thing to be over. What's one more fart? It's not like it can be any worse than anything I'd already endured. Unfortunately, I spoke to soon. I should have known better than to tempt fate. This time, when Evan farted, we both got more than we bargained for and I felt a little something squirt out onto my nose. That's right, this last fart was wet. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I was done. I immediately started convulsing and going back and forth between screaming and gagging. Evan immediately realized what happened too. He jumped up, pulled up his shorts and boxers to cover his ass, and ran to the bathroom. Matt turned around and looked confused. He called out to Evan in the bathroom.
M: “What happened?”
E: “I accidentally sharted…”
M: “You sharted on his nose? That's the best thing I ever heard!”
Evan returned from the bathroom.
E: “Seriously dude? I can't believe that happened.”
M: “Are you sure it was a shart?”
E: “Dude, I'm telling you that fart was wet.”
M: “I know, but look at his face. There's nothing on his nose. It's not brown.”
E: “Really? That's odd, when I went to clean up in the bathroom, the toilet paper was clean too…”
M: “Damn, that means it wasn't a shart then, just a wet fart. Probably just sweat or generic ass juice.”
E: “Well that's a relief!”
M: “Yeah I guess…”
E: “Why do you sound disappointed? You actually would have preferred if I did shart on him?”
M: “Yeah man. That would have been fucking hilarious! Icing on the cake.”
E: “You're sick man! Whatever let's just get this tape off him. This has gone far enough!”
Right as Evan was about to start untaping me, his phone vibrated.
E: “Damn it! I totally forgot that I committed to meeting my lab partner today to finish our physics lab.”
M: “Can't it wait?”
E: “I wish, but today's the only day we both have free to work on it before it's due. Sorry to do this to you guys, but I really need to get this done. Can you take care of freeing him?”
M: “Yeah sure!”
E: “Ok cool. Thanks for being such a good sport Jeff. Once you're out you can get cleaned up and then we can hang later and put this whole thing behind us. I'll be back in a few hours.”
And with that Evan left and I was alone with Matt.
M: “Well I think we both know I have no intention of letting you go now that Evan's gone. Not when your face looks so comfy. Plus, I ate Taco Bell too and haven't had a chance to release my gas.”
I tried to tell him off but it wasn't very effective.
M: “Thanks for reminding me. We need to do something about your gag. Your pathetic complaining is getting annoying.”
Matt walked away and came back later with something in his hand.
M: “Earlier when we decided to gag you, I wanted to stuff something in your mouth. Evan thought that was too far so we just used tape and left your mouth empty. But…Evan's not here now and I think I found the perfect thing. This sock was buried in Evan's hamper and smells pretty gnarly. Here take a whiff.”
He turned it inside out and pressed it against my nose. I hesitantly took a whiff and it smelled awful - like old cheese. Matt was very amused by my reaction.
M: “Yeah it's pretty bad isn't it. Bet it tastes worse…”
With that he ripped the tape off my mouth and I breathed through my mouth for the first time in ages. I knew I had to reason with him.”
J: “Please Matt, can't you just let me go? Haven't I suffered enough?”
M: “No chance! I'm not gonna waste this prime opportunity.”
J: “But…why? Why are you doing this to me?”
M: “Because I can. And because it's fucking funny. Now enough talking, open wide and get ready to taste Evan's gross sock!”
I clamped my mouth shut but Matt was unphased. He simply pinched my nostrils shut. Soon my need for air overcame me and I had to open my mouth to breathe. As soon as that happened, Matt shoved the inside-out sock in my mouth and taped it shut again. Evan's sock tasted awful. This was the worst! In one day I not only got more acquainted with his ass than I ever could have imagined but I also learned what his foot tastes like. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to look at him the same way again.
M: “Yeah suck on that sock. I bet it tastes awful! Now that that's taken care of, it's time to get down to business. I'm not as nice as Evan, so I hope you're ready for a rough ride.”
Without any further ado, Matt pulled down the back of his board shorts and boxers and slammed his bare ass onto my face. He spread his cheeks and wiggled around to get me as deep as possible. My nose actually slipped inside his asshole. The smell was unbearable. His ass was hairier than Evan's and smelled stronger too.
M: “Perfect. Got you right where I want you. The Taco Bell is hitting hard, so you're in for a good time!”
He started farting nonstop. I was in hell. This torture went on for so long that I lost track of time. Apparently Matt did too, because when Evan got back a few hours later, Matt was still sitting on my face. Evan was pissed and they got into a heated argument. Evan let me go and I slinked away and took the longest shower of my life.
After I got out, Evan apologized profusely to me. He said he knows they took things too far and that if I was willing to forgive him, he'd never do anything like this again and go back to holding in his farts around me. Today aside, Evan was genuinely a good friend and I knew this whole thing was mostly Matt's fault. So, I decided to forgive him. I also told him that he didn't have to hold in his gas around me anymore. After what I went through today, I could tolerate the occasional fart here and there as long as my face was nowhere near his ass when it happened.
I asked where Matt was and apparently he decided to go back to his dorm after their argument. Him and Evan did eventually make up, but he never apologized for what he put me through. I was happy to have things relatively go back to normal with Evan though. Sure I noticed his ass a lot more than I used to. And anytime he did fart, the smell brought back flashbacks of this awful day. But the worst was behind me now…or so I thought. Turns out that Matt wasn't done with me. He had gotten a taste of using Evan to torture me and was hungry for more. I didn't know it now, but Matt was going to make sure that I was more familiar with my best friend's body than any one person should be. If I thought Evan's farts were bad, I had another thing coming…
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melodic-haze · 6 months
☆ — DEMO TRACK: bottom!Robin (HSR) x top!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Semi-public sex (it's in a venue green room), reader has a cock/strap
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Can't believe that my first post is Robin thirst (I say that when my acc theme is literally her 💀) but I REALLY can't stop thinking about fucking her in her private dressing room LOL
Like imagine she calls you in or smth as a form of "distraction" from "pre-performance jitters" with both of you knowing FULL WELL that she isn't nervous in the least. She's even acting the part: her eyebrows furrowed, a hand lightly tugging on the fabric of your clothes as she's asking you to stay with her
"I don't think I'd be able to get out there and sing without your help." Her eyes look at you as if she were pleading, though you've spent enough time with the singer that you easily spot the tiniest glimmer in that alluring sea of green, "Won't you care to stay a little while longer..?"
Doesn't really take long for it to go from simply talking and hanging out to bending her over on the table. All it took was a squeeze here, a graze there, and suddenly neither of you can keep your hands off each other
Could be that she's laying down on her back, legs spread and on your shoulders as you move your fingers in her to find that sweet spot that has her singing your favourite song made just for you on the fly. Could be that she's facing down as you use her wings as handlebars to keep her upright and she can see herself and her perfect image get absolutely RUINED and railed by none other than you on the mirror and her insides just clench at the sight
Her appearance is absolutely MESSED THE FUCK UP right now (the hair and makeup people are Stressing) but Robin really can't bring herself to care. Not when her brain's gone to who knows where. All that's important right now is chasing that high until she--
You hear a somewhat urgent knock on the door, your efforts stuttering at your moment's intrusion, "Miss Robin? We need to set you up in five."
You don't see or hear your pretty little angel respond, though judging by the dazed-out look on her face it's clear that.. well, it's not as if she's so dazed out that she can't begin to process the current events—it's more like she doesn't want to process it.
Apparently whoever it was didn't take the hint because the staff's voice rang past the door once again, "Miss Robin? Are you there?"
You eventually see her sigh resignedly, her eyebrows furrowed genuinely this time as she cleared her throat and answered awkwardly, putting all her strength into making sure she doesn't sound like some fucked-out mess.
"Yes, I'm fine! I'll be there on time," she let out a seemingly good-natured laugh to sell the charade, though the corners of her mouth twitched the slightest bit.. before she bit her lip as she slowly grinded herself on you. "Though careful there—worry like that and-- mm.. I might think you like me."
You hear the staff member stutter past the door before footsteps begin to scurry away. With the way your lover was just moving, you'd have thought that she wanted to continue.. but she pushes herself off of you and pulls up her panties with a small apologetic smile.
She tells you that as much as she really wanted to continue, she shouldn't. She has a job to do, and being late or skipping on a show just wouldn't do! She promises to finish things with you when she's done, and that promise comes in the form of cleaning her slick off of you and leaving a lingering kiss.. before asking you to help her with getting her appearance back to looking AT LEAST presentable LMAOOOO
It takes you both more than five minutes and the staff are baffled but it's not like you can explain it 😭😭 so have fun with the scrutinising stares 🫶
Robin's got better self-control than me I would've died if I had to perform while bricked the fuck up LOL. But trust me when I say that it's worth it when she gets off the stage and she pounces at you and begs you to finish what you started bc she deserves it as a reward after a hard day of work, right?
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anakinsbunniee · 1 month
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Nerdy!Suguru who can't help himself but ignore you a bit because of his finals!!
a/n: Please ignore how horribly this is written I have such a huge writers block right now:(
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Learning, Learning, Learning; that was the only thing on your boyfriend’s mind. It probably even repeated itself in his head like a broken record player, a constant chant that echoed in the back of his mind.
You had been sitting on his bed for approximately two hours, the silky blue sheets crumbling under your shifting body weight as you move around on it. No matter what you did – sighing loudly, calling his name, even humming a tune of a song he liked; he didn't stop typing on his stupid computer. His attention was unwavering, despite you calling out to him.
“Suguuuu..notice me, please..” you huffed out, crawling over to kneel at the end of his king-sized bed. You were watching him click away on his computer, the screens glow casting a light shade of blue over his pale face.
Click! Click! Click!
“Suguru!” you repeated in a sterner voice when he didn’t respond, hoping to gain his attention. He definitely didn’t like when you acted tough with him, so you hoped this would break his silence.
With a swift movement of his wrist, he shut his laptop and turned his swiveling chair in your direction, raising an eyebrow. “What could be so important that you have to bother me during my study time?”
“Oh so now I'm bothering you? Then why did you even call me over if I'm suuuuch a bother..” you asked, a hint of sarcasm creeping into your soft voice.
“Why do you have to start a fight everytime? Yes, you are bothering me but only right now.” he explained while letting out a loud sigh, his voice tinged with a hint of impatience. “I called you over because I enjoy your presence..I expected a bit more respect from you especially because you know that I have to study.” His purple eyes practically stared holes through you, challenging your attitude.
You could feel your cheeks flush a light shade of pink at his words. He scoffed when you didn’t respond, clearly frustrated with the sudden tension. He hated it when you shut down just because you didn’t like what someone said. “Hey. Hey. Look at me. Don’t shut up just because you’re mad.”
“I just don't get it. I know no other boy who ignores his girlfriend like you do..it's just unfair.” you mumbled under your breath. Tears were welling up in your eyes as your were laying down and pressing your head against the silky blue bedsheets. The cool fabric offered little comfort as you felt a wave of loneliness wash over you.
With a loud sigh, your boyfriend got up from his chair, approaching the bed and plopping down beside you. The bed dipped under his weight, and you felt the warmth of his body close to yours. With a quiet coo, he reached out and stroked your hair, his fingers threading gently through the strands. He watched as you hid your face from him, your body tense under his touch.
“Sweetheart, hey..I'm sorry alright..look at me please.” he begged softly, coaxing you to lift your gaze. His voice had lost its sharp edge from before, replaced by genuine concern.
When you still didn't look at him, he felt hopeless. Did you really care that much about spending time with him? He was a person who was content while having a person just around him, but you apparently didn't agree with that.
“We- We’ll do something together tomorrow, alright? Maybe we can go on a pretty picnic date..I know you like those. But you have to let me finish learning today..deal?” he offered, trying to show you that he does care
“Mhm hm..deal..” you sniffled after a while, finally relenting. You leaned into his touch as he slowly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a comforting embrace. His scent, familiar and soothing, surrounded you, and you felt the tension between you two begin to melt away – like icecream when it's laying for too long in the sun.
Suguru kissed the top of your head, whispering, “I promise I’ll make it up to you. Just let me get through this, okay?”
At his reassurance you nod and close your eyes, losing yourself in his soft embrace. His arms were truly one of the best places in the world.
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katakaluptastrophy · 8 months
So we all know how Ianthe became a Lyctor for “ultimate power—and posters of [her] face.”
And I'm sure someone made a nice icon.
But you know who would have definitely gotten a poster of their face? Coronabeth.
Think about it: every House but the Ninth has lost a scion. In a culture that thrives on melodrama and the conspicuous consumption of death, there is a wave of hysterical funerary fervour to mourn their lost leaders. And the Third - the House of glitz, trendsetting, and political intrigue - has lost its beloved Crown Princess.
We don't know a huge amount about funerals in the Nine Houses, but we do know a bit about Third House funerals:
The front coffin is distinguished from its fellows by its gorgeous arrangement of flowers and wreaths. The flowers are all in hues of gold or violet, and are fake. The coffin is hinged open at the front, with its contents hidden from view by the flowers. A tray of meat is rested on the closed bottom half of the coffin. A queue of gaudily masked mourners process past the coffin, slowly, each one taking a strip of meat, then stopping by the head to lean within—kissing or feeding; we can’t be sure. - TUG
Apparently, a Third House funeral - unsurprisingly for flesh magicians - focuses on the physical. The reverence of/fear of/(lust for?) the body. A wake on steroids. But they received no body for Coronabeth. So I can only imagine larger than life posters of Corona decked with flowers, the weeping crowds surging through the streets of Ida, etc etc... Poor Ianthe, second place once again to a 'corpse'.
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Moving past Ianthe to House funerary customs in general, and to the awful aftermath of the Lyctor trials in particular, it seems especially unfair that neither of the flesh magic Houses got a body back to mourn. Obviously Corona wasn't actually dead, but for those who believed her to be, the lack of a body for such visceral funerary rights must have been traumatic.
We don't have as many details of Seventh funerals, but the House famous for it's "beguiling corpses" likely also focuses much of its post-mortem ritual around the body. Dulcie suggests that the deceased might even leave specific instructions in their will about the appearance of their corpse:
That drawing looked nothing like me. I loved it. You don’t know this so it doesn’t help, but I included it in my will and put down that I wanted to look like that after I died. I thought maybe it would give you a laugh at the funeral, you know? - TUG
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Meanwhile, the Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth receive their perfect pairs of "statuesque and incorruptible" bodies, preserved beyond the wildest dreams of the Seventh. These Houses are all spirit magicians. The Fourth, for whom thanergetically detonating oneself on a battlefield far from the rays of Dominicus isn't unheard of, almost certainly have funerary rites that don't presuppose a body. And the Fifth, whose necromantic practice is far more concerned with the spirit than the body, likely centre their most significant funerary rites around the ghost.
Y'know, the bit they don't have? Just as the flesh magicians of the Third and Seventh would have been unable to mourn their lost scions with rites around the body, the Fifth would have been unable to call their ghosts, trapped in Harrow's River bubble.
So amidst all the grief and awfulness, and the Emperor refusing to answer any questions about what happened (why are they all dead? Why are so many bodies missing? Where are the ghosts? Why are the bodies so creepily perfect?), half the Houses can't even mourn their dead in the way they normally would.
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cinnamonsikwate · 9 months
i'm really curious about what marcille's mother's deal is. seems like she's not too big on the rest of elven society. here's what we know about her so far:
mage at a human royal court (adventurer's bible)
courtship with marcille's father donato lasted 17 years (adventurer's bible)
specialty is roast pork, which was also donato's favorite (chapter 81)
had a cheerful personality up until the point donato got too sick to eat his favorite food. her extreme emotional reaction to this left a lasting impression on marcille (chapter 81)
remarried to a gnome and moved away from the city at some point after donato died (adventurer's bible)
several portraits of her appear in marcille's nightmare (chapter 42); this is the second time we see marcille dream of her (chapter 3)
preferred non-elven food and didn't introduce marcille to any traditional elven dishes (chapter 74)
from the canaries' reactions in chapter 74, it appears elven society looks down on elves who go to live among and work for short-lived races. they seemed especially put off that she would have a mixed-blood child. when they're talking about the lyrikmumare to get marcille to trip up, marcille envisions her mother saying that the food "here" (i.e., the northern continent) tastes so much better. so the picture we're getting here is of an elf who has removed herself from elven culture, but the question is, did she do it willingly or was she forced to?
keeping her other actions in mind, i'm leaning more towards the former. the most intriguing thing for me is that she eventually married a gnome, despite elves and gnomes having infamously waged war against each other over differences in the practice of magic and presently tending to discriminate against the other on sight. (one thing's for sure — marcille's mother is winning the idgaf war!)
marcille never talks about her gnome stepfather though, and it's unclear what she thinks of her mother's remarriage. the timing of the remarriage is also a mystery. donato married marcille's mother when he was 32 (after having courted her for 17 years) and died at 82, meaning they were married for 50 years. marcille is also currently 50 years old, but we know she wasn't born immediately after the marriage: in chapter 81, donato's doppelganger says marcille was born when he'd started "getting on in years." based on marcille's memories of him and the established fact that the average tall-man lifespan is 60 years, i'd hazard that he was in his 50s then. this gives him 30 years or less with marcille — definitely less than 35, which we know is the age at which she left for the magic academy.
we don't know if marcille's mother remarries before or after marcille leaves (if before, than that's definitely a shockingly short time), but it's interesting that she chose to marry someone from a long-lived race this time. maybe this is her way of ensuring she spares herself another heartbreak? or maybe she *is* still heartbroken and is trying to cover it up.
but. i can't help but kind of agree with chilchuck in chapter 81, that marcille's parents are not blameless for marcille becoming the dungeon lord. since it's apparently well-documented, they surely must have known — as well-educated people — that mixed-blood children face not just discrimination but also mental anguish that comes with their unstable aging (not to mention the sterility). so the way they raised marcille feels frankly irresponsible 😭
anyway. i'd love to get spin-off content where post-adventure marcille and her mother meet again. i feel like there's a lot of unresolved issues there (that can of course be hashed out over a good meal).
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mrsoharaa · 3 months
˚₊ ‧ ꒰ა🤍x🖤 ໒꒱ ‧ ₊˚
-` MDNI +18 CONTENT; Slight sexting(?), facetime teasing(?), doggystyle, face shoving, satosugu (x reader), sub!gojo, dom!geto, slightly mean geto (towards gojo) if I missed anything please let me know! '-
Receiving a lascivious pic of Satoru wearing his blindfold, hands tied behind his back and bent forward while Suguru pushes his head down into the foamy mattress beneath him, hips roughly connected with a text beneath it saying "He's been mouthing off to me all day today, it was quite a nuisance...come get your man 🙄" had taken you by surprise, was an understatement.
But you can't help but emit such a small giggle, one that brewed with immense amusement and titillating arousal seeping into your fluttering stomach. You'd nibble softly onto your bottom lip, squishing your thighs together to prevent any excess wetness to pool out from your thin panties. Your fingers hastily roll over the keyboard, all while admiring the filthy image flaunting on your screen.
"I mean this is SATORU we are talking about Suguru...plus, he's your man too (he was your man first babe btw) 😘 and it looks like you're doing a splendid job of putting him in his place (shutting him up lmao). Good job, much applause 🤗👏" another giggle erupts from your lips, a warm tingling feeling searing into your body.
Suguru couldn't help the growing smile seaming onto his cheeks, while holding the phone close to him and typing away, he couldn't help but roll his hips rhythmically into Satoru with a collecting, precise tandem. Earning a few muffled groans and hisses in between thick sheets and fluffed pillows.
"Haha, you're absolutely right angel...and thank you, apparently he likes to be folded over and stuffed...also, keep on with the praising, I think it's doing something for the both of us pretty girl 🖤" the grin on Suguru's face continued to widen, a wave of heat flourishes across his perfectly silky skin. A clash of hounding arousal swimming directly to his hips, bucking them into Satoru that much deeper, harder.
God, how much you've missed your two idiots. And how much they've missed you.
Even away on tedious missions, they knew how to stir up the unwavered feelings that swells inside of you with insatiable temptation and longing. Especially with Suguru's way of words.
"Oh? is the great polite and suave Suguru begging me to throw in some more praises? 👀" Sent. A cheeky smirk stains your cheeks, thighs growing warm, pushing more intently against each other.
Suguru exhales a deep, collective baritone chuckle, typing away on his glowing device in his clasp. How cute, he thinks, and ever so bold of you.
"Keep it up sweetheart and I'll show you just how "polite" I'll be once I return from this mission...but yes" a low groan simmers deep at Suguru's chest, the tightening feeling of Satoru's hole snugging around his throbbing length oh so deliciously, hips rocking back into Suguru with dire desperation and need.
And as Satoru tears his pretty, sweaty messy face that coated with nothing but a gaudy expression, moving along with Suguru's hand deeply entangled through his soft snow tresses, Suguru's phone began to ring. The familiar tune of facetime bouncing through the darken room, into their ears.
"Ah, just in time, here look Satoru, tell your pretty wife how snarky you were being today" Suguru leans forward to Satoru's level, pressing onto the green answering button and angling the phone to his fucked out expression to be met with your luminous face on the other side of the screen.
Glossed over eyes of olympic blue hazes over towards the brighten screen, a streak of drool streaming down the corners of his polished lips.
"Oh Toru, always being the snarky smart ass...now look where that got you" you clicked your teeth, a tender, playful smile knitting on your face.
"N-No...Suguru's jus' m-mean and s-spiteful" Satoru manages to spur words, voice lilt with overstimulation and bliss. Pretty eyes rolling back into the foggy mess of his head, grunting more heavily with a impervious smack of Suguru's hips slapping into him with a piercing thrust. Shoving his head back down into the drenched fabric of the foamy pillows with a ruthless motion, forcing his back into a deep arch as much as he could, to take in all of Suguru's thick length.
A feeble, low chortle pitters off from your tongue from over the phone, watching the intensity in Suguru's pace accelerate more rapidly with each ravenous thrust. You bring your left hand up to gently nibble onto your pointing finger nail, soaking in the delightful sight of Satoru getting his back literally blown out by a surprisingly calm and sweetened Suguru. The image of Suguru's handsome face coming into view.
"You're being mean Sugu" you smile graciously, he scoffs with a pulling smile in return, gazing down at the moaning mess of a man withering below him.
"No, he's just being mouthy brat" Suguru inhales a breath, slurring out a slipped swear from his flushed lips as he feels Satoru's walls clench around him, insinuating a sensational heat to blossom in the pit of your stomach. Still softly chewing onto your bottom lip, you were finally met those beautiful pair of byzantium. A lulling familiar grin festering against his lips, followed by a weighted breath.
"So...about those praises my love, want to help your loving husbands out, hm?"
Oh, how could you say no to them?
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heartilywrites · 5 months
hi hi!! can i req a kuvira x fem!waterbender reader where the reader is on team avatar and they met in s3 and we’re all flirty, what would kuvira do to r in s4?? ty!!
،، Everlasting love ; Kuvira
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resume: where Kuvira and you started something you didn’t know how it could end.
content warning: fem!waterbender reader x Kuvira ; description of eye color ; you're part of team avatar ! ; time skip ; kinda long os ; no use of y/n ; open ending
wc: 3k
a/n: I'm sorry I took too long to write this one, but I was trying to get everything I wanted to explore in just one post and apparently I can't do that in under 2k words🧍🏽‍♀️ HOPE YOU ENJOY :D
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“ Once upon a time, I was falling in love, but now I’m only falling apart.
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Blue eyes wandered around the landscape with such fascination, you were so immersed in your own thoughts about the city that didn't realize when the group stopped by a big salon, your body bumped with Mako.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Shit, sorry...! Where are we?” you asked to the bender, clearly you didn't pay attention to anything said before.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Meeting the mother of the airbender.” he said making you face the other way were some metalbenders were doing a choreography.
Now you stood still watching the dance unfold right infront of you. You were so amazed at the way they used the metal to catch people and how easy it looked to bend.
At the final stand, your sight got caught by one of the girls at the very top, even from afar you could spot a little dot below her left eye.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Let's take a break, everyone!” you heard the matriarch say and giggle a little bit at how fast everyone scatter.
Your eyes followed the girl and Kuvira could feel your gaze in her, so when she turned around to get a glance of who was looking at her your hand waved timidly.
Korra called your name when she saw you distracted, her head made a movement about going out of there and you were quick to follow.
It was safe to say that now the metalbender was all you could think of, you went with the team to the city in a mission to meet the new airbender and take her to the north with the rest of the nomads, but that was all. You couldn't do much as a waterbender in a city made of metal, so you went wandering around the place, still mesmerized with the architecture.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Hey!” you smiled at the captain when both paths bumped each other. “You're the one in the dance group, aren't you?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Kuvira.” the soldier presented herself, you said your name back. “You're the one that came with the avatar.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I am, she's with Su's daughter right now.” you explained, tilting your head to the left. “And I wanted to explore a little bit...” both your hands went to your back, you didn't lose anything trying to shoot your shot, right? “Do you know any good guide that could show me around?”
Kuvira looked confused for a good second, she couldn't seriously don't catch that. “I thought Aiwei showed you around.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I mean... Not really, he showed us like two places at best.” you said, shrugging. “Just if you can, maybe you can show me around?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh...” you saw the girl's cheeks change to the most subtle tone of pink, her head moved trying to hide it. “Well, right now I'm on duty, but..”
She stood in silence, thinking for a bit while your bottom lip was trapped between your teeth for what felt almost an eternity.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “How about at dawn we meet at the door of your dorm?” she finally said, you nodded way too fast for your liking.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Would love to!” your smile grew being met with one smile of hers, a little bit smaller. “See you at dawn, then.”
She made a little bow which you reciprocated and both continue each respective way. 
The rest of the day you were humming a melody while walking around, sitting down or even just existing. Your friends were quick to catch up your change of acting. The first one to point it out was the avatar.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Spill it, what got you so happy?” she asked once your group was alone, Asami giggled.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Not what, who got her happy? Is the real question.” the inventor corrected the girl, Korra opened her mouth surprised looking back at you after looking at Asami.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “No one!” you started, trying to hide a smile, a couple seconds where needed for you to get closer to the girls. “Okay, there's this girl in the guard team...” your friends assemble with you, Bolin taking place beside the non bender, interested too in what was said about your new crush.
Mako rolled his eyes funnily before getting pulled in by his brother.
Now that your friends knew, you totally regretted it when the time came and you were waiting for Kuvira... with the rest of the team at your back. At the very sight of the metalbender, you were so quick to get water out of the container you always carry on you and threw it at them gaining a small scream from the earthbender and some grunts from the fire nation pair. A mufled 'bitch!' was said by the avatar in a friendly way, everyone went inside to hide giggling when they heard the captain greet you. Clearly peaking out the window, fighting each other in whispers and dropping to the floor when Kuvira almost got them in the act.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm sorry if I made you wait too long, there were some matters I needed to take care of.” she excused herself, you were quick to shake your head.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Don't worry!” you almost shouted, blinking a couple times before clearing your throat. “I mean, uhh, it's okay, let's go.”
Almost in a desperate manner, you took Kuviras wrist and made her walk with hurry away from your friends, you already knew they would make fun of you.
The first ten minutes were a bit uncomfortable for both parties, Kuvira would point a spot and tell you the history behind it and you would nod while looking at her instead of where she pointed, but you making questions about them was what made the metalbender relax in your presence and once you felt that from her, you relaxed too.
At one point of the night, Kuvira led both of you to a viewpoint in the city, the moon was starting to rise in-between the mountains surrounding the valley and the captain stopped right at the handrail.
She stopped your talking about how the night started to feel cool and pointed for you to look: they were closing the domes, your mouth opened amazed at the view of big pieces of metal rise on your surrounding and close on top like a cocoon would. While looking up you walked backwards and bumped into the dark haired making her laugh in low voice, her arms got you so you wouldn't fall.
Once the show was over you turned to the body next to you and took a step back from her almost embarrassed, Kuvira stopped her hands from looking for you again. “Sorry, heh, I don’t have good balance while looking up.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It's okay...” she murmured smiling a little bit, her hands rubbed against each other before putting them behind her back. “I think that's all the history and places of Zaofu that I can teach you so far.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It was great,” you confessed, your body looked to sit on the handrail, moving your feet in the air. “You should be a tour guide, it suits you.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm okay being a captain.” she said after laughing at your idea, you smiled big. “Want me to walk you back?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Let's stay a little bit more, yeah?” you requested leaning on your hands. Kuvira nodded before starting a new conversation.
The next couple of days were mere chaos for everyone since the infiltration of the Red Lotus, so you and Kuvira saw each other less and less, but everytime both were in the same area she would wink at you and you would smile back or vice-versa. Before leaving the metal clan to follow Aiwei on his plan you left a note for Kuvira on her hand on your way out and waved her goodbye without saying a word.
“I had fun with you this days, call me when all of this is over. ;)” followed by your land-line number and your name as signature.
If you were honest, the following days were a big blur in your memory. Fighting some crazy powerful benders and seeing your best friend so close to dying got the best of you, but you were so glad to have all of your friends alive and well.
A couple of weeks passed and after Jinora's ceremony and Korra's departure to the south, you received Kuvira's call.
You were so happy when you heard her voice again, the feeling was the same from her side. The first call would be filled with silence and some other typical question from the other, but both of you dragged it as much as you could to not hang up so quickly.
The next calls were more interactive, she would tell you about her day and you would tell her about yours, the thoughts on your mind, her descriptions about training or dance practice, both promising to visit the other as soon as possible.
But it didn’t last long.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You... You want to unify the Earth Kingdom?” you asked stopping your pace in your apartment, on one hand you had the phone's base and the other the phone close to your ear.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Someone has to.” she said, on her end you could hear noises of people walking and talking about loading stuff. “Bataar and I are going to take the role on that since Suyin is too self-centered to do so.”
Your body had moved to the closest sofa and you sat down in there while bitting your nail. “Are you sure about this? It could... I don’t know, be a bad idea? There are way too many bandits in every state. They will eventually choose a monarch, no? They can handle it.”
A deafing silence filled the line, Kuvira sighed.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I knew you wouldn't understand it, your nation is not the one on the verge of falling apart.” her voice hardened, you blinked surprised. You tried to call for her by name. “I have to go, there are things I need to do.”
And she hung up leaving you with a frown while looking at the phone.
That was the last you knew about her, you tried to call her back but only got through Bataar and when asking about the metalbender he would just say she wasn't there and hang up.
Weeks passed, everyone started on their own things and you could only get more worried about the girl. You knew Bolin got into her team and you thought that if maybe he was there it meant that the situation couldn't be that bad, right?
Wrong, as the time passed by you only heard bad to worse things about Kuvira. They called her the great uniter and with that name you heard about the way she would make the states surrender to her. After three years you had totally gave up on having contact with her, but you continue to have contact with Bolin, after all he was one of your best friends and you wanted to know about him.
He would tell you about the train, the destinations and how Kuvira was doing in a "discreet" way since he knew about how you liked her, Bolin was lucky to not be near you when you read those parts.
On the day of the coronation, you were in the north water tribe with your family; you've been living there after the second year with the excuse that your parents needed help at home and it would also give you time to breath familiar air with the whole team dispersed, but your peace wouldn't last much as you heard on the radio news about how Kuvira named herself the leader of the new Earth Empire.
It took a call from Mako saying how they needed all hands on deck to stop Kuvira to get you back in Republic City. Bolin was in charge to update you with everything after you greeted everyone with a hug.
You couldn’t believe how the ex–captain got so power-hungry to the point of initiating a dictatorship, you felt as she was a completely different person to the one you met at Zaofu.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You need to talk to her.” you heard the detective say, snapping you out of your thoughts.
After blinking for a moment and digest Mako's words, you frowned. “Why me? Korra should try to talk to her again.” you pointed to the shorthaired one.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Because she's crazy about you.” Asami said in a almost funny tone. “Bolin told us how she would ask him all the time how you were doing.”
Your eyes shot to the earthbender, clearly he hid that from you, the boy tried to shrink himself in his place.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “She used to say she wanted to talk to you and try to make you part of the army somehow, I used to tell her that it was a crazy idea because you are a waterbender and the army was all earthbenders... and Varrick, but he was the engineer and she would say that you could be her right hand at everything and–” his word vomit got interrupted by the avatar.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “See?” the other waterbender took your hands into hers. “Try it, for us... For the city, we don't have too many options and I know you still care about her.”
Korra said that last part with such caution, trying to not get a bad reaction from your side, expectant to your gestures and face. You were static in your place, how could you do that? It was true, you didn’t disagree with the avatar, you still cared for Kuvira. After all, the time shared with her was one that you always thought about when you felt nostalgic, she made you feel good, you had discovered feelings you didn’t thought you ever had with anyone ever and it did hurt seeing how the earthbender changed for worst.
Your hands squeezed the ones holding them and a faint smile appeared on your face.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Okay, I'll try it..” a cheer burst in the room by your friends.
You were amazed at how fast they got Kuvira on the line ready to talk to you, with everyone at your back you took the radio on your hand and cleared your throat. She talked first, calling you by your name.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Hey, you.” you said, nervously and bitting your inner cheek. You would never know, but she softened at the sound of your voice, thankfully she was alone. “It's been so long, huh?”
A small giggled left her mouth and you got goosebumps at the sound. “It has... I'm sorry at how I ended things.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You don't have to apologize, Kuvira, I'm just glad you're okay..” you said in a whisper, there was silence then, you were thinking and she was waiting for you. Korra poked your side making you wiggle a bit, saying non-verbally that you needed to start. “But you are in time to stop your plan.”
She sighed exhausted, shaking her head a little bit. “I knew this was about the unification.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Kuvira, you need to stop.” the avatar tried to jump in, your arm stopped her from taking the radio off your hand.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “...Can we talk privately? Just the two of us.” she talked to you, saying your name at the end. You turned to your friends who were looking over your shoulder expectant.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I got this,” you assured the group with a smile. “Please leave us alone, it will be fine.”
Everyone was hesitant about leaving, but finally let you by your own with only the radio.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Kuvira, please, think this through.” you started once they left the room.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Join me.” she spat suddenly, taking the words out of you. “Be my right hand in the unification.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Kuvira... I don’t—”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Rule the Earth Empire with me.” she interrupted. “There was not a day I didn’t imagine us together ruling the empire, of us being together.”
Your mind turned blank at what was said, she didn’t stop thinking of you. Just like you didn’t stop thinking of her...
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I would give my army if that means you will be with me in this new era for my nation.” Your eyes were dancing everywhere, looking for something that could give you answers. “Please, primrose, be my consort. Rule with me.”
The nickname and title said threw you out of yourself.
You were ashamed to say there was a part of you considering the offering, but how could you do that to your friends? to Republic City? Your feelings for Kuvira were strong, but were they that intense to betray everyone else? To betray the friends who lend you their hand when you needed them? Those who you have gone through hell and heaven with, the ones on the other side of the door waiting for you to have an answer for them, the group of people that wanted to save a whole city and called you in because they knew it would work out with you there as well.
After giving her your answer you stopped the communication and went to open the door, making the four fall at your feet as they were over the door trying to listen. “Oh, hey, how are ya?” Bolin asked like nothing.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “And? How it went?” Korra asked once she got back on her own feet, one look at your expression and she knew something was wrong with you. “What happened? Are you okay?”
You nodded and breath in deep before breaking the news. “We need to get ready to defend the city.”
Even though your feelings for the girl were strong, they didn’t blind you to follow her in the dark. With the hurt of your heart, you had to stopped her, even if that meant that what you two had would disappear.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 9 months
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Francis Drake Main Story
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect grammatical errors.
This is just a rough translation.
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One year later.
Mitsuki: "Well then, I'm off to go shopping."
Sebastian: "Okay. Take care."
Dazai: "Be careful not to trip."
Mitsuki: "Hehe, I'm not a child, you know? But thank you."
Mitsuki returned the residents' smiles and left the dining hall.
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Isaac, who was eating, watched her leave with a thoughtful gaze.
Dazai: "What's wrong, Isaac? You seem concerned about Toshiko-san."
Isaac: "It's nothing. I just hope she's okay."
Isaac: "The other day, I saw her gazing at the boat on the Seine River, so I got a little worried."
Dazai & Sebastian: ".........."
The three of them thought about the person she must have been thinking about, a man who lived in the mansion for a while a year ago.
Sebastian: "It looks like she still can't forget about him."
Dazai: "Yeah. They say time heals sadness, but no one can ever truly replace someone."
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Mitsuki: "Alright, I didn't forget to buy anything."
I checked the contents of the shopping bag and nodded to myself.
(I finished shopping pretty quickly, and there's not much work at the mansion today, so maybe...)
Before I could even think about it, my feet naturally moved toward a certain place.
Over the past year, I found myself visiting the places that held memories of Drake whenever I had the time.
One was the Seine River, and the other was a room with a domed ceiling and bookshelves. I removed the padlock that hung on the entrance of the building and stepped inside.
(Of course, no one's here.)
The only things present in the room were the light coming in through the window and silence.
This place was apparently his hiding place.
And at the back of the room, that door was still there.
(It still won't open, huh?)
I lightly put my hand on it and pulled, but the door remained motionless.
Over the past year, the door has never been opened. Despite that, Comte decided to manage this place to ensure that the door wouldn't be forced open or misused by someone.
I was given a special key to the building and occasionally came to check on it.
(I'm visiting this place out of nostalgia, but deep down, I'm still hoping he will come back.)
(I can't completely get rid of that faint hope.)
Even after a year, I still love him.
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No matter how much I distract myself with other things, he always remains in my heart.
(There's no one else I've loved deeply or who has stirred my heart like he did.)
Whenever I recalled the days we spent together and the events that occurred between us, my feelings for him intensified, never fading.
(Even if I don't say it, everyone in the mansion seems to care.)
(I know it'd be better if I forgot about him, but...)
(I still want to hold on to these precious feelings he gave me.)
Even if someday they sink deep into the sea of my heart and become painful memories, for now, I want to embrace this love.
As if to confirm the presence of those feelings, I pressed the center of my chest tightly. Then, as I turned on my heel, a creaking sound came from behind me.
Turning around, I saw the untouched door slowly opening before my eyes.
Mitsuki: "Kyaah!?"
Then, with the sound of wings flapping, something flew out from the gap in the open door.
I followed the afterimage and saw a parrot with bright red wings.
Mitsuki: "Draco!?"
The moment I called his name, someone pulled my body backward.
???: "The woman of destiny."
(No way, it can't be.)
Hearing the whisper up close, I anxiously turned around, and my gaze met his clear, aquamarine eyes.
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Drake: "Fawn."
Mitsuki: "Drake?"
There was the person I had always longed to meet.
The person I still love dearly.
Mitsuki: "Drake, Drake!"
I called out his name and embraced him with an uncontrollable impulse.
(Why is he here?)
(Ah, but that doesn't matter anymore.)
Overwhelming joy replaced my surprise and doubt.
Drake: "Mitsuki."
He called my name and wrapped his arm around my back.
Drake: "Ah, damn it. Even though I tried to act cool when we said goodbye, I still find myself longing for you."
The hand that was gently touching me gradually increased its strength and held me tightly.
Surrounded by his warmth, the overflowing, unstoppable emotions turned into tears streaming down my cheeks.
Mitsuki: "I missed you, Drake."
Mitsuki: "I thought I'd never see you again. I thought you had gone to some distant world."
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Drake: "I also thought I'd never see you again."
Mitsuki: "Still, you came back."
Drake: "Yeah."
Drake: "It looks like I couldn't hide my true feelings."
He muttered with a faint, bitter smile, and I looked up at him, confused. He then narrowed his eyes and gently wiped my wet cheek with his fingertips.
Drake: "Behind the door, Galileo and I made a bet this time."
Galileo: "Drake, I'll go on alone from here."
As they used the door to travel through eras, Galileo suddenly stopped in front of Drake.
Galileo: "Don't follow me until you can't see me anymore."
Drake: "Ha? What the hell are you talking about?"
Galileo shrugged off Drake's question and glanced at the hallway lined with antiques.
Galileo: "The destination of this hallway responds to our desires."
Galileo: "If your wishes and mine overlap, we will meet again in one of the worlds."
Drake: "........."
Galileo: "However, if meeting that girl, the woman of destiny, has changed your wish, then the destination you will reach will also be different."
Drake: "So you want to bet on whether I'm seeking the same fate as you based on the destination of this hallway?"
Galileo: "Yeah."
Galileo let out a faint sigh. It sounded like he was already anticipating what was to come.
Galileo: "If our paths differ, then there is no need for a companion anymore."
Galileo: "You can do as you please."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Drake: "So I crossed the hallway alone and arrived here."
Drake: "To where you are."
Mitsuki: "........."
Drake: "I lost the bet. Even though I tried to avoid it to establish boundaries, in the end, I couldn't betray my own desires."
(The door led him to what he wanted.)
His eyes, looking straight at me, conveyed that I was the one.
Drake: "Mitsuki."
He took my hand and put it in the center of his chest.
Drake: "I will never betray the feelings you gave me."
Drake: "Even if we never meet again, I thought that believing in you would be enough."
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Drake: "But touching you like this won't work anymore."
He tightly gripped my hand, touching his chest.
Drake: "With this hand, I want to claim you. I want you."
Drake: "I love you, Mitsuki."
Mitsuki: "Drake, me too."
My honest words of love were swallowed by his lips as we exchanged a kiss that I had been waiting for for over a year.
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A few days later, in the afternoon, in the mansion's garden:
Napoleon: "It feels good to hang the laundry in a weather like this."
Sebastian: "Thank you for your help. Hanging out and doing chores with you is really a dream come true."
Sebastian savored the moment while spreading the freshly washed sheets.
Napoleon: "You're exaggerating. I don't mind this much."
Napoleon: "Mitsuki had the day off today, right? Did she go out?"
Sebastian: "Yes, she went to see that person. She plans to stay overnight."
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Napoleon: "I see."
Napoleon smiled gently, thinking about Mitsuki's recent happy demeanor.
Suddenly, Sebastian muttered a few words beside him.
Sebastian: "The mansion was fun when Drake was here, though I don't think he'll come back anymore."
Napoleon: "…......"
The day Drake reappeared in this world, he visited the mansion with Mitsuki.
Drake: "No matter what, I can't get along with you guys."
Drake: "However, I won't lay a hand on you anymore."
Drake: "There is still a possibility that your existence will have an impact on the world. So I'll be watching your lives as a vampire, hoping for the possibility of your demise."
With that bold declaration, Drake seemed refreshingly resolute.
---------Flashback Ends--------
Napoleon: "No matter what his thoughts may be, we just have to see that Mitsuki never cries again."
With a determined gaze that wouldn't lose to Drake, Napoleon looked up at the sky.
Above his head was a blue sky as deep as the azure sea.
As the crescent moon rises in the night sky, we exchange words in a planetarium-like place with beautiful lights scattered on the ceiling.
Mitsuki: "Coming back and immediately working on the Seine River is so typical of you."
Drake: "You either earn your own food or steal it."
Drake: "So, how was it to be back on Captain Drake's luxurious cruise ship after a long time?"
Mitsuki: "It was fun, but, as always, your tour-guiding skills suck!"
Drake: "Haha, I'll work on it."
He lightly leaned against the armrest of the sofa, where I sat, and laughed openly. When I quietly sighed in relief, he seemed to notice the subtle change in my demeanor and tilted his head.
Drake: "What's up? You seem oddly relieved."
Mitsuki: "Yeah. I'm just happy that you're by my side."
Mitsuki: "Because you're the kind of person who might set sail on a ship and disappear when I'm not looking."
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Drake: "........."
Drake was like a ship that crossed the sea without being fazed by the high waves of a storm.
A person who set sail and navigated through the open sea without the need for any landmarks.
Perhaps, after testing whether I would betray him and experiencing a separation once, that impression became even stronger.
(It's probably just me being anxious, but...)
I lowered my gaze, and he pulled my head gently against his chest.
Mitsuki: “Drake?”
Drake: “This time, I need to make you believe in me.”
His voice echoed gently from the spot where my cheek touched, and my heart raced with excitement.
Drake: “Hey, Fawn. I don’t get along with the folks in the mansion, and I don’t care what happens to this world.”
Drake: “I honestly thought about going through the door again to chase after Galileo since I’m the only one who can accompany him on his journey, but...”
He murmured with a hint of loneliness.
Drake: “When I met you again, I realized I couldn’t live a life I didn’t want.”
Drake: “So, for me and Galileo, I decided to be the gatekeeper here.”
Mitsuki: “Gatekeeper?”
He deepened his grin like a mischievous child.
Drake: “I’ll prevent anyone who tries to use the door he created and interferes with his journey.”
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Drake: “Even though we’re far apart, I could at least do this much.”
Drake: “I betrayed Galileo in the very end. Even though he said he didn’t need me anymore, I will betray his intentions for leaving me behind.”
Mitsuki: “Hehe. Is that your way of getting back at him?”
Drake: “Yeah.”
He narrowed his eyes and chuckled.
(I'm not sure what his relationship with Galileo was like, but I'm sure he was also carrying something that resonated with his despair at the world.)
I wonder if I'll ever meet him again.
Suddenly, he tilted his face and peered into my eyes.
Drake: "That's my conclusion. From now on, I'll be by your side."
Drake: "Believe me a little, little fawn."
As he looked at me, seemingly gauging my mood, a ticklish feeling welled inside me.
Mitsuki: "Yeah, I believe you. I trust you."
(He didn't even believe in himself, but now he's telling me this.)
Drake: "Thanks. I have to live up to your trust."
Returning my smile, he patted my head and climbed down from the armrest, placing his hands on the backrest and pinning me from the front.
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Drake: "But be prepared, okay? Because I won't let you go anymore."
Drake: "The next time I leave, I'm taking you with me."
(I really can't compete with him.)
Just when I thought he was showing a boyish smile, he suddenly put on a serious expression, confusing me.
Gently and intensely, just like the waves, he has continued to stir my heart since the day we met.
Mitsuki: "Yeah. Take me away."
Mitsuki: "I want you to take me wherever you go."
Mitsuki: "But, you know? I might be the one to steal you away. The outcome of our bet is still uncertain."
Drake: "----!"
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Drake: "Haha, you really know how to catch a pirate's heart."
Intentionally teasing me, he laughed playfully and swiftly stole a kiss from my lips.
Mitsuki: "That's so sneaky!"
Drake: "Sneaky? But that isn't enough."
He drew close to me again and pecked me two to three times.
As the kisses gradually deepened, my chest grew warm and pounded faster.
(I don’t want to be separated from him anymore. I’ll follow him wherever he goes, even to the ends of the sea, even if destruction awaits us there.)
If the world were to crumble, I would face it with Francis by my side.
If the future is filled with hope and connection, then he will be mine.
This is our never-ending gamble, a promise that will never be betrayed.
In between our kisses, he suddenly removed his cape.
Suddenly recalling something, I gently pushed his chest back.
Mitsuki: “Wait, there’s something I’ve been wanting to return to you.”
What I took out of my bag was his golden gun. I had brought it back and kept it with me all this time.
Drake: “Ah, that. It’s fine. You can keep it.”
Mitsuki: “Huh? But...”
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Drake: “You’re prone to getting involved in danger, so it’s better for you to have a means to protect yourself.”
Drake: “Well, if anything happens to you, I’ll always come to your rescue.”
His reliable smile gave me an absolute sense of reassurance, making my heart skip a beat.
Mitsuki: “You’re right. I believe that you’ll always come to my rescue, no matter what.”
Mitsuki: "But you might be the most dangerous thing for me."
Drake: "Me?"
Mitsuki: "Yes. Because you're a pirate who is so destructive and could even make my heart pound so hard it could break."
Drake: "Heh? Well then, you better aim for me before it breaks."
Laughing, Francis untied his hair and grabbed my wrist, pointing the gun I held at his own chest.
Drake: "I don't mind getting shot or betrayed by you."
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Drake: "I love you enough to feel that way."
When we first met, I wanted to trust him, so I believed.
When I said I was okay with being betrayed, he shot me with a terribly cold gaze.
But now he was saying the same thing as me.
(Love seemed to surpass the sorrow of betrayal.)
Mitsuki: "I love you too."
Mitsuki: "If I were to shoot your chest, what I'd put in there wouldn't be a bullet, but love."
Drake: "Haha! That sounds perfect!"
His eyes, clear as the sea, which embraced both joy and sorrow, reflected me.
Drake: "If I betray you again, don't hesitate to pull the trigger."
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Drake: "I'll die with your bullet in my chest."
Will this love be pierced by betrayal?
I hesitated to believe and suffered from my nearly broken feelings, yet I still couldn't betray him because I ended up falling in love.
(No matter what happens, I will believe in you.)
In the love that exists between us, a love that will never be betrayed.
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Previous Part ╎ Masterlist ╎ Dramatic End
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hey there!
first of all i wanted to just gush over how incredible your writing is and that i can’t stop re-reading all of your works! they’re just so good!
second i wanted to say how sorry i am to hear about your dog :(( i have a dog of my own and the thought of anything happening to him moves me to tears, so i truly share in your pain 💜
and lastly, i was wondering you’d do the Only One Bed ™️ trope with hunter and a fem!reader? NSFW is accepted and highly encouraged ;) but if you’re not feeling up to it, please put your mental health over this request!! much love 💜
Thank you so much! Very happy to read this. And thank you for your kind words regarding my dog 💚💚💚
Only One Bed trope, with Hunter.... NSFW, sure thing 😁
I don't know what I did here, but I got carried away. Couldn't decide the fluff and/or smut level, so I kinda mixed it up, and I'm not sure what this is, but it's a lot more than I had planned in the first place...
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Hunter x Fem!Reader - One-Shot - The Tension Between Us
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Warnings: Sexual Content/Suggestive/No Established Relationship (yet)/Smut/18+
As Hunter and you are stranded in the small scout shuttle for technical reasons, you find yourselves on a very small abandoned outpost. Apparently, the tiny outpost has been abandoned for ages and was only designed for a single person, because there is only one bed. By necessity, you'll have to spend the night here until you're picked up, so you'll have to come to some sort of agreement on the sleeping situation.
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Oral Receiving/Dry Humping/PiV Sex/Fingering
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"Don't look at me like that," you grumble, rolling your eyes. Frowning, Hunter asks, "How am I looking at you?" "Like it's any of my fault we got stranded here. The crash was a technical error, not mine." Hunter shakes his head and says patiently, "I'm not upset with you, or your flying skills, I'm upset with the situation." "It wasn't my flying skills though" you insist, already raising your finger in the air to back up the statement. Realizing you've acquired Tech's quirk, you quickly lower your hand again. You're definitely spending too much time with Clone Force 99, you realize. Hunter smiles barely noticeably, raises his hands placatingly, and says, "Yes, I know it was a technical issue. Still, we're stuck here now, and we've both been out for a while, the shuttle is junk and there's only one bed." You sigh and look at the bed, which is neither particularly large, nor particularly small, but in any case a bit too narrow for two adults who don't necessarily want to have physical contact. Hunter has a silly idea, he knows it's not particularly clever, but hears himself say it before he can stop the words from leaving his mouth. "We can both sleep in the bed, can't we? There's no fallback, and we're both adults, we've known each other for a while now. I don't think either of us needs to sleep on the floor." The surprised look you give him makes his insides tighten for a moment. But when you finally shrug your shoulders, nod and say, "Sounds reasonable," he relaxes again. However, seconds later, he's plagued by completely different worrisome thoughts. Yes, you've known each other for quite a while, almost a year, and for a few months now he's started fantasizing about you. At first, he was just attracted without really understanding what those feelings were. Hunter has had a few flings, but never a deeper relationship, that was not allowed anyway. Until now, he didn't have to deal with that either, but then you showed up. In the beginning he was only attracted to you, he feels comfortable around you, he trusts you, at work as well as personally. Then more and more factors came into play. At some point Hunter couldn't get enough of your scent, you started showing up in his wet dreams and at some point he started fantasizing about you too when he needed relief.
By now it's clear to him that he has a thing for you, both physically and emotionally, but Hunter has no idea how to deal with it. What's bothering him right now is the worry that he might dream about you again while you're in bed together. Tech had already pointed out to him that he sometimes talked in his sleep. That could be a problem. As you begin to take off your armor, he stares at you as if thunderstruck.
"What is it?" you ask, frowning and pausing in mid-motion. "You're getting undressed?" "Yes. I can't sleep in the full outfit. Can you?" Hunter shrugs uncertainly. "Sometimes." "But it's not necessary now. Basically we're not on duty, we're stranded but safe. So I'll put my gear down" As he still stares at you, you say teasingly, "Don't worry, I'll leave the blacks on, I'm not going to lay naked in bed with you". You can see him gulp, but then he smiles nervously and starts taking off his gear as well. "Okay, sounds reasonable" he says, trying hard not to look, not to admire the way the tight blacks hug your body.
But all he can think about is that you probably don't have anything on under the blacks, like most soldiers. He can't see any bra or panties showing underneath, anyway. He blinks several times, takes a deep breath, and forces his thoughts elsewhere. Hunter may be into you, but he has too much respect for you as a person and as a friend to gawk at you the way he would like to. When you finally lay down next to each other, barely a hand's width fits between you, so close that you can feel each other's body heat, and you can feel how tense he is next to you. You turn your head to look at him. Hunter stares at the ceiling, his arms crossed over his chest as if he needs to hold himself. You frown and think for a while, watching him. You know that a certain tension has arisen between you, already a long time ago, something that cannot be avoided when you find the person you work so closely with attractive. Not only that, but you are sure he feels the same way you do, somehow you sense it, and sometimes you see it in the way he looks at you. He is outrageously handsome, in combination with his deep, slightly smoky voice, his skill as a soldier and the decent heart that beats under his breastplate, he is practically irresistible to you. But you know how regulations are, that clones aren't supposed to be in serious relationships, and you don't want just a fling with no real connection. The thought that he might be with other women if you don't work together for a while has kept you up many a night. But as far as you know, Hunter's last fling was about six months ago. It was about then that you noticed the way he was looking at you, that's when this weird tension started to develop between you. "You seem tense," you say quietly. Hunter swallows, he sighs softly, then says, "An unusual situation."
You talk for quite a while, about all sorts of things, until you feel that you both relax and eventually fall asleep. At some point during the night, however, you wake up, you feel a weight on your upper body and between your legs. Almost as if on cue, you feel warm between your thighs, even before you are fully awake. You blink, trying to get your eyes used to the darkness in the room.
Finally, you realize, one of Hunter's legs is between yours, slightly bent, his thigh right on your now heated center, one of his arms across your torso, almost like a hug. However, Hunter is asleep, probably doesn't even know what he's doing. His leg moves a little, the friction on your pubic creating a pulse that tingles in your pussy, and you clearly feel wetness gathering in the heated triangle between your thighs. Suddenly he seems to stop, he takes a deep breath, opens his eyes. His whole body tenses, trying to orient himself in the darkness. You know Hunter smelled your arousal, that's what woke him up. He seems confused at first about the situation you two are in. "Sorry," he mumbles as he realizes how close he came to you in his sleep and wants to pull away. Your hands claw into the top of his blacks, holding him in place, whereupon he reaches with one hand for the small lamp that stands beside the bed and turns it on. It's a fairly dim light, but strong enough for him to see your face. Your fingers are still clawing into the fabric on his chest. Hunter looks at you questioningly. You say, almost in a whisper, "Don't go away." He blinks, pauses. A barely noticeable smirk twitches at the corner of his mouth, and you can see his pupils grow bigger almost instantly. He moves his thigh a little between yours, tensing his muscles, rubbing over your pussy. "You want me to stay right here?" He takes another deep breath, knowing full well you'll say yes. You nod and say, still almost whispering, "Yes."
His hand that was previously on the lamp moves to your hip and grips, while his thigh continues to apply friction and pressure to your center. By now the moisture of your arousal has seeped through the fabric and the smell is so intense for Hunter that his cock pressed against your thigh is hard as diamond. His senses and hormones are already dancing tango, everything in him is in passionate flames. He knows exactly, he will enjoy this a lot. But most of all, he wants you to melt into arousal, he wants you to have so much fun that you want to come to him again and again, that when you look at him, you can think of nothing else but his closeness. As he kisses you he is gentle yet hungry, his tongue is so quick in your mouth and has the upper hand that you feel a deliciously sweet helplessness. You trust Hunter, completely, you know you are safe with him. If it's up to you, he can do absolutely anything he wants to you. His lips part from yours, his thigh still pressed to your pubic, his lips close to yours he says in his smoky voice, "My senses are full of your scent, but I think it's time for more, every one of my senses wants to explore you."
Swimming in arousal, you say almost a little breathlessly, "Yes, please." Hunter smiles in satisfaction. He kneels over you, his knees to the left and right of your hips and his hands reach for the hem of the top of your blacks, pulling it up, slowly and deliberately. You watch him lick his lips as your breasts emerge from under the fabric. Then you bring your arms up, so he can pull the top over your head. But he doesn't pull it off you, he keeps your arms and the top of your head trapped in it. He ties the fabric together, so it stays in place. You can't see anything, only your mouth peeks out from under the fabric and your arms are fixed in it. Theoretically you can free yourself, Hunter doesn't want to restrain you, certainly not against your will, he's more interested in creating an erotic illusion. A hoarse moan comes over your lips as his close around one of your nipples and teasingly suck on it. His tongue plays with it, his fingers gently knead the soft flesh. With a lot of skill and passion, he takes care of your boobs with his hands and mouth, making you squirm and let out sweet little sighs. Then, quite unexpectedly, his hand wanders down on you, while his mouth is still playing with one of your nipples, and slips right under the fabric of your black's pants.
At first, you make a small, startled sound, and close your thighs around his hand. Hunter pauses, his mouth moves from your chest to your chin, kissing it gently, and he whispers, "It's just me. I'm not going to hurt you, on the contrary. You trust me, don't you?" In response, you slowly open your thighs again and say in a whisper, "I trust you." "Good girl," he coos to you, kissing his way down your neck as his fingertips wander, carefully, gently, through your damp folds. "A good girl indeed, so wet for me". His words tingle under your skin, in your nerve endings. You could listen to his voice day and night, especially when he speaks to you as he does now. Hunter's fingertips find your clit and caress it playfully while his tongue dances circles around your nipple. Your hips automatically buck up, towards him, craving more. One of his fingers finds your opening and tickles it gently, teasingly. "You want to feel me there, don't you?" A hoarse, "Yes," passes your lips. Hunter withdraws his hand from you again, moving further down and pulling off the pants of your blacks, leaving you lying naked in front of him with your head and arms still trapped in your top. You feel his strong hands on your thighs and how he opens them, how his shoulders push in between. Shortly after, you feel his hot breath on your damp folds. His lips softly graze the insides of your thighs, slowly making their way to the center of your heat. You know what's coming, you're in aroused anticipation, yet the feeling as his tongue roams through your wet folds is almost overwhelming. You hear Hunter growl softly, like a predator descending on his prey, as his tongue and lips explore your pussy. Finally, he finds your clit and applies gentle, circular pressure with his tongue, eliciting sighs and moans from you.
Hunter's tongue gets faster and faster, everything inside you tingles, every muscle tensed in arousal, your pussy twitches impatiently and greedily. Then suddenly he lets go of your clit and drills his tongue deep into your opening with a growl, deep from his chest. Like a starving man he licks you out, drills his tongue into you again and again, fucking you with it while his hands have a firm grip on your thighs and your whole abdomen trembles with arousal.
Again and again you moan his name, it is divine, consistently on the threshold between maximum intensity and climax without tipping over, a wonderful, sweet agony. He keeps you on this threshold for quite a while, greedily absorbing your juices. Finally, you can't take it anymore. "Hunter, fuck me!" His tongue slips out of your pussy, skims over it once more, circles your clit teasingly before he rises and releases your thighs. You hear soft rustling of clothes and squirm in your top that also serves as your bondage. Your arms are still trapped in it above your head, but your eyes now free to admire him. He is a positively stunning sight, steeled, beautiful. Tanned, tattooed skin stretches over hard muscles. Then your gaze drifts downward. His cock stands erect, hard, thick, gently curved, rounding out the perfect picture you have before you. You're so hungry to feel him inside you, you can feel your juices pooling in your pussy. He shows you a smirk as your eyes meet, he knows exactly what you're feeling, can sense it with practically every one of his senses and he loves it. He leans over you, propped up on his arms, his hips dipping between your thighs, his cock gently nudging your wet hole. "Are you ready for me, girl?" You nod eagerly, "Yes, absolutely ready." Hunter never dreamed this moment would come, but now it has, and he's enjoying every second to the fullest, your scent, every little sigh from you, every movement, just everything he soaks up like a sponge. He applies pressure, his cock parts your wet folds, slowly penetrates you inch by inch. He keeps an eye on your face, careful that you feel perfect. Every little excited twitch in your face is a feast for him, making his chest swell with pride and his heart beat up to his throat. He knows that yours has been pounding behind your ribs since the first moment he touched you, and he loves that beat.
The stretching is glorious, as he finally sinks all the way into you, as he is inside you, his hips nestled against your thighs, his body hovering over yours, it feels like you two are made for each other, perfectly adapted to each other. Feeling his hips between your thighs, him deep inside you, feels so right. You're so aroused and excited, your pussy twitching around his cock even before he moves inside you, eliciting a surprised moan. Hunter starts to move, slowly pulling his hips back and thrusting again.
As he speeds up, the bed beneath you begins to squeak in time with your movements, but neither of you mind. Soon the squeaking is mixed with the sound of bare skin meeting bare skin and the wet sound of his cock drilling deep into your pussy again and again. The friction of his pubic bone is right on your clit, the perfect combination. Your legs wrap around him to pull Hunter closer to you. Your hands wander hungrily over his strong back, his shoulders, and down his neck. He holds your gaze captive with his, penetrating deep into it as he moves inside you. The intensity increases steadily, exponentially. You can't look away, your faces so close together, your breath mixing, your panting and his huffing. However, as you near climax, your pussy tightening around his cock, his eyes roll back, he squeezes his eyes shut, you see his jaw muscles working and feel his thrusts become erratic, his thighs trembling with tension. Sweat gathers on his forehead "F-fuck... where? Where do you want me to-" You don't answer his question verbally, clenching your legs tighter around him, pushing his body tighter against yours as a result. Hunter tears open his eyes, a half-stuttered moan coming out of his mouth as your entire abdomen tightens, the pulse of your orgasm taking him with it. Shortly after, you feel him cum inside you, his seed filling your cleft. Two, three more lewd sounding wet thrusts into your filled pussy, and he stops, breathing heavily.
His gaze finds yours again, and you grin at him in satisfaction. He returns the gesture, then leans his sweaty forehead against yours and whispers, as if he doesn't want to ruin the moment, "I certainly didn't expect that to happen today". "Neither did I," you admit, "But I'm glad it happened." He laughs softly, gently. "Me too" He's still inside you, but you suddenly feel uncertainty rising inside you. "Is it going to happen again?" He chuckles. "Give me about 20 minutes" You say a little more seriously, "That's not what I meant". He lifts his head to look at you, his cock slowly softening inside you, but he doesn't leave your body yet. "You don't want to do it again?" "Yes, I do, but... Not just today." He smirks and says, "I like that thought".
You take a breath and say more boldly than you feel, "I want it to be more than a thought" Hunter looks at you thoughtfully, finally rolling off of you and getting wet wipes out of his backpack that is next to the bed. He helps you clean up, still seeming to be thinking as you wait tensely for a response. Finally, he says, lost in thought, "I never used to worry about that, I never had to worry about breaking that kind of rules." You feel your heart grow heavy in your chest. You watch Hunter dispose of the used wipes, then he lies back down with you, both of you still naked, and covers you both with the wool blanket from the emergency kit you had managed to salvage from the shuttle earlier. To your relief, he doesn't pull back thoughtfully, as you expected. He slides an arm under your shoulders and pulls you close to him. Hunter kisses your forehead, tasting the salt on your skin, and says, "I don't know what you'll face if we get caught, but I, for one, am willing to take the risk of being decommissioned."
Your fingertips brush over his chest, over the tattoo. "Are you sure?" you ask softly. Without hesitation, Hunter replies, "Absolutely sure." You snuggle closer into his embrace, then with a smirk you say, "How long will it take you to get ready for our next round?" He laughs softly, you feel the vibration in his chest before he says, "Just a few minutes, my beautiful."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
daisy, porn links vol. 3
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this one is centred around their summer after high school (chapter 10) and the time after the series (college vibes, we love)
there might be spoilers in this for the series
daisy series masterlist – p links vol. 1 – vol. 2 – vol. 4 – vol. 5
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school is over and summer is upon us. sure, Steve is a bit sad that he's gonna have to say goodbye to the uniform, but it's good that he can cheer himself up a bit with flowy summer dresses...
beg and beg and beg on his knees till you occasionally wear them without anything under. give him easy access to tease you to his hearts content. watch as he gets you literally dripping down your thighs and wound up in a way that he might not even be ready for. although welcome the happy surprise none the less. it's his fault, if you can't get enough of him after he has cum, then that's his problem. he'll just have to take it (which he happily does omg, you can overstimulate him as much as you want)
and i mentioned that they go out on all sorts of adventures that summer? this one gives me trip to lovers lake. it starts off by Steve helping you with touching up your sunscreen and turns into this. he'd be whispering in your ear about how you never know who else could get the same urge for a dip in the water, maybe someone is just around the corner? maybe someone is already lurking behind those trees over there...
he'd totally also do that kind of thing where you go through all your memories together, like travel to the places where they happened. one day he takes you out into the woods at the exact spot where he told you that he loved you. it started out with him just being like well we have to reenact the kiss, but then before you knew it this happened.
and that road trip? *screams* CAR SEX!
he will make such a mess all over the seats...(ignore that the car is actually moving in this one lol)
and even at night when he's maybe driving the last bit before getting to one of the motels you were staying at, you're getting sleepy, getting comfy in the seat beside him. he just has his hand glued on your thigh, caressing it dangerously high. and the sleepier you get, the more you slump in the seat, gliding down and causing your dress to ride up... well, let's just say that he keeps you awake till you reach the motel...
but eventually you arrive at college, now with a new roomie at your little student apartment...
one could say that he's amazing company
he is your best friend after all
and now he's always just right there, ready to distract and help you relax, counteract some of that uni stress that is inevitable
one day you come home totally ready to fall back on the instant ramen that keeps so many students alive. but then, just as you enter the small kitchen, there is Steve! apparently, he's sick of watching you live off that stuff just because you don't have time. I have the time, I can learn how to cook! can't be that hard. so it becomes a ritual on days when your classes run long. you come home and sit up on the counter, watching the last few moments as he finishes up dinner
as soon as the food is in the oven and his hands are free, the pants are flying off! I've got you, ace, I've got you, he will whisper while keeping you from slipping off tiny sliver of the counter you're balancing on as he pounds into you
and even though you were done with private school, he still made sure you kept the uniform...
and living together means showering together.
and you two tend to get dirty so easily...
guess that just means a lot of showers!
steve, are you seriously hard again? I literally just blew you in the shower.
the former high school athlete even convinces you to join him at the gym, even if that just means never getting past your warm up because holy shit is your boyfriend hot when he's working out
you don't really wanna go to any college parties, but Steve keeps telling you how it's a crucial experience and that he'll go with you so that you won't get bored or even anxious. sure, you could say that he makes sure you have fun... he drags you into the frat house's bathroom after maybe a few too many shots, makes you stare at your own reflection as he fucks you from behind, telling you to ignore the crowd of guys that eventually gather outside the door once your activities became clear over the loud music. although, you can't help but notice how his own moans and grunts become louder as the audience outside offer drunken comments
one new years, this is his resolution. that's all. he just wants to train your throat throughout the new year so that you'll eventually be able to take him like that.
it's not because he needs you to learn that skill. you truly don't need to do anything but smile at him and he's blowing his load
and he knows he's huge and that you can barely even handle the tip, but fuck if he doesn't wanna try...
he just loves you so crazy much
and living together also means just all of the cosy domestic moments
just lazy little moments like this
an alarm clock? what even is that
from now on Steve is your alarm. he'll never let you get up late for class...
long story short, having your best friend as a roomie was a good idea
probably the best idea ever
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AITA for using my moms money to buy games?
The title sounds bad, but I'm not sure how else to word it. This is also going to be a weird one as, in advance, I know the other party isn't an asshole, however I think it's a similar situation im tone and I really need some feedback on this.
I'm 22 and live with my mom and cat. I've lived with her my whole life, and continue to due to disability. My mom has 2 jobs that she mainly works on weekends, and I'm unemployed. Ever since covid it's been incredibly difficult for me to find work because it is still very much a thing despite what people want to believe, and I can't be in contact with random people physically due to immune issues and the chance of getting sick. Online jobs are apparently very hard to find (my mom has tried) and many ask for a payment beforehand. I do however get social security income that pays most of our bills/utilities, and we're also on foodstamps for groceries.
My family has never been well off. I wouldn't call us dirt poor, we've never had to go hungry, and I always had toys to play with/clothes as a kid. But my mom has had to manage funds well and we've never had a lot of money for leisure or frivolous purchases. My mom will buy herself things like some new clothes, a phone charger, roku set, etc smaller things like that when she gets her paycheck but extra expenses such as furniture have to be planned out probably weeks/months ahead of time. We also moved recently and ever since then our budget has been more difficult, the down payment really screwed with my moms expenses.
Because of our situation, I never really had games growing up. I remember we had maybe 3 big family consoles during me and my sisters whole childhood (with like 3-6 games on them each, most of which were guitar hero which my mom and sister loved to play), and I would get a new handheld for myself every few years. I never got to play the new exciting games people were always talking about, and my gaming experience has really been limited to like. Animal crossing, the sims, and cooking mama.
I played a bunch of roms as a kid so that helped, but I was always kinda sad and felt left out that I never got to experience gaming the way other people did. I really wanted to try the "classics" people talked about but didn't have any way to. People (especially as I got into my 20s and started following streamers + nintendo direct for example) would always talk about the New Thing coming out and playing it the day it dropped, all the excitement and community people had around that, but if I really wanted that kind of game, I'd have to wait a few years before getting it and trying it out, and by then no one was playing it anymore anyways.
As time went on things got a little better. Especially because of my moms new jobs, both of which she genuinely loves doing, though it's still work, we have been a bit better off. It's only been recently we started struggling more again.
Recently I've been kind of asking for things from my mom. Mostly it's steam games. I found I've gotten much more into gaming as a hobby as I've gotten older, and I have a long wishlist of games that I really want to get into, but of course have no money to myself. I should also clarify that NONE of these are those big triple A $60 titles, as I still can't ever justify paying something so expensive for one game. So sometimes lately I've been asking my mom "hey, can I get this/these games?" And use her money/card to purchase them. I don't do it constantly, or even super often, but I feel like it's becoming more often and it makes me feel really guilty.
I have done this before, around high school I started asking my mom for certain things I wanted around the house, and usually she had no problem buying them for me. This also wasn't large stuff, nothing ever over $30 and usually only up to $20. But when I'd find something I *really* wanted, especially if it was a time limited thing like merch drops from a favorite content creator, often yarn for my knitting or art supplies I wanted to try, I would ask her.
I've pretty much always felt guilty about this. I would ask for something despite my better judgement, and for the most part my mom would say yes, and that it was okay, whereas I was the one apologizing and asking if it was "really alright". She has told me she has no issues buying things for me as long as I ask her. She says the social security I get is "technichally my money", and that she wants me to be able to use it. (Obviously we don't use the actual ssi to buy random shit, but her giving me spending money is the next best thing).
Every time I've asked my mom for something like this, I've told myself that it would be the last time, that I would get my own job and own money and not mooch on my mom anymore, but both with the stress of chronic illness and depression I never seem to get around to it. I try to do dishes and keep my room clean, take care of the cat etc as ways I can help without working, but for some reason the money really weighs on me. I know that it's really my fault, I haven't even been looking for jobs and I could always take art commissions again, but somehow a mental block always stops me.
I feel like I have a bit of an impulsivity problem when it comes to spending. The money I got from my one summer job and commissions would never last long, and honestly I couldn't even tell you what I spent it on for the weeks I had it. I have issues taking money from people, but when I realized that I may not have had the stuff I wanted as a kid simply because I never asked for/communicated that I wanted it, it made me more bold to actually ask my mom for things.
I never pester my mother about this. I'll ask once and if she says no I'll be dissapointed but won't continue. Sometimes she says that we don't have the money for it then, or that I'll have to wait until xyz thing is paid for, which is always fine. I also have *never* bought anything with her money without asking first. I get pretty much all the steam games I buy on sale (usually that's what prompts me to ask about them, actually) as personally I can't justify getting games for their asking price for the experience I'm going to get.
I feel bad as I feel like I'm wasting our money, mooching off my mom and not putting in the work to have spending money myself. I also worry that sometimes when she says it's fine, it's untrue and she's really just trying to make me feel better. I also sometimes don't play the games as soon as I get them, I have a sizeable backlog of games I have gotten but haven't "got around" to playing as I was excited to get them at a low price at the time, but then haven't felt like I'm in the right mood. This also makes me feel worse because I feel like I'm not being appreciative enough of her buying for me.
So am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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rarityroo · 4 months
ok this is me just like losing it and i need some type of comfort but.. mizu x reader who got banned from tiktok for NONREASON 😭
Content comfort
(Modern!Mizu x Gn! Reader)
I’m so sorry but when I first read this giggled a bit. Hopefully you like this, I made it into more of a funny cute fic because I didn’t quite understand the tone of what you wanted that’s probably my fault though. I clearly love writing for Mizu so please do request for her more she’s my actual GF, she’ll always have two pics instead of one whenever I write for her, anyway, Enjoy!🫶🏻
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You stared at your phone in disbelief, you looked at the notification, again, and again. It seemed to not fully compute in your head.
As you sat on the couch staring at your phone completely lost, Mizu walked from the kitchen to where you were, the living room, Mizu looked at you with a concerned expression.
“Uh, my love?” Her voice breaks you out of your shock-induced trance. “…yeah?” You slowly said, not fully able to respond coherently. “Are you alright?” Mizu asks cautiously. You look up from your phone and turn your attention to her, “I-I don’t know?” You say disbelief very evident in your voice.
You had no way to explain this, not just the situation to Mizu but why you got banned in the first place. This definitely caught you off guard, Mizu moves closer to you, sitting next to you on the couch. “Tell me.” Mizu softly demands, she’s not one to dance around serious matters especially when they came to you. You look back down at your phone still shocked.
She puts her hand under your chin, making you look up at her when your eyes meet her beautiful blue ones, you take a deep breath, and you finally explain what happened. "So, remember that silly video I posted yesterday with our cat, Vinnie? Well, apparently TikTok didn't appreciate Vinnies moves as much as we did," you confess, trying to lighten the mood with a small chuckle. "They banned me for no reason!” You exclaimed exasperated.
Mizu's eyes widen in surprise, her expression softening into a mischievous grin. "You know…TikTok's loss is our gain," she quips, trying to humor you. "Now we have more time for our own little dance parties with Vinnie without worrying about those silly algorithms." She chuckles softly, nudging you playfully. "Who needs TikTok anyway when we've got our own private entertainment right here?" She gestures to Vinnie rolling on the floor in a crazed manner.
You can't help but smile at her attempt to inject humor into the situation, grateful for her humorous approach. "Yeah, you're right," you say, with a small laugh. "Maybe this is a sign that we should start our own rival app, 'MizuTok' or something." Mizu says in a serious tone, you stop and look at her, you stare a each other for a long moment, then burst out laughing at the idea, imagining the ridiculous videos that would fill that virtual space.
With a small grin on your face and Mizu’s supportive humor, you couldn’t help but feel a bit better.
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jewish-vents · 2 months
Being ethnically Jewish, adopted by goyim, and only connecting to my heritage and my culture as an adult was hard enough considering I became an adult in 2016. Since then my dad has become a full-blown conspiracy theorist, Trump supporter, and rabid Islamophobe. He's gotten involved in this weird offshoot of Evangelicals who think nothing bad can happen to "the Jews" (he NEVER calls us Jewish people, or people at all) so according to him there is no rise in antisemitism. Things have been like this forever. There is no rise in hate crimes or hate speech. The CIA, FBI, NSA, NAACP, and Jews are all lying or mistaken because his conspiracy buddies say so.
I get called slurs and babykiller and pedophile every day when I go to work on campus. (Apparently goyim think we lick babies' private parts? Their kinks baffle me.) My coworkers make pointed remarks or talk about hoping Hamas wins and look at me just daring me to get offended or fight them or report them to the department head, who they and I both know would side with them. I am taking care of my disabled father and my newfound stray-who-chose-me dog, I have been repairing the attic and spare room because my sister and her daughter have to move in at the end of the month due to their rent being hiked up suddenly, and I am recovering from having a bleeding ulcer back in December, during which I lost over half the blood in my body.
And added onto all of this work, I can't even come home to peace and quiet. I come home to more and more conspiracy garbage. My adoptive dad was always emotionally abusive and has untreated Bipolar Disorder. He's never been kind to me. But now he's dehumanizing me, saying things like "the Jews and people" as if those are separate categories, rambling about "the mystery of the Jews" which appears to be how we survived if people actually hated us (which is apparently in question), and constantly, consistently, repeatedly talking about the Holocaust. I got up to get peanut butter for breakfast because I'm so busy that breakfast is two spoons of peanut butter and I couldn't even get that this morning without being told actually, it's Jewish people's fault for dying during the Holocaust because they knew it was coming and could've gotten out.
I'm a bad person.
I snapped. I just started screaming. Not words, not even syllables, just full-body, loud, long screams to drown out everything he said. I screamed until my voice gave out and then I clamped my hands over my ears, shut my eyes and waited until I had enough breath to bolt for my room, throw on non-pajama clothes, and went to work. I can't take it. I can't take this. I can't deal with this. I didn't apologize and I'm not going to because if I do I might have to hear more of it and it's too much. When I was a kid he used to get angry and refuse to talk to me for days, sometimes weeks. I am actively begging Hashem to let that happen because I just can't take this anymore.
I'm 24. I'm not even 30 yet and I feel ancient. Childhood feels like a half-remembered dream. I don't remember what it was like to feel safe anymore. I had a fine day at work because I've started... I don't think it's exactly dissociating? I imagine myself as a main character in a video game narrating the contents of a visual novel. 'Angry Coworker #2 is overly dramatic. You wonder how much of it is performance,' I narrate to myself in the second person, eating lunch, 'and how much, if any, of her emotion is genuine. She is giving a 2012 early YouTube caliber performance. Your smile should look appropriately strained so she thinks her attempt has succeeded, lest she escalate to full-on theatrics.'
This cannot be healthy. But the last therapist I had just taught me to feel guilty for thinking about the part or things I can't control because that means I have only myself to blame for feeling bad. The therapist before that I caught zoning out on me mid-session and totally not paying attention. The one before that kept telling me that the things that stress me out don't actually effect me and I was self-victimizing because the rest of the world doesn't "have" to effect me.
I am coming apart at the seams. I am consistently narrating my own life in the second person and not eating dinner because then I'd have to encounter my father and working on something because if I work I don't have to think. I don't know how long I can keep going like this. If I ever scream at work like I did at home, I'd be fired, and pretty rightfully so.
I'm so tired. I can't deal with everything. I can't kill myself because there's too much work to do, too many people depending on me. I can't keep patiently gritting my teeth and listening to another hot take on "the Jews" every morning. I just want to sleep. I just want to lay in bed and forget about everything. I can't do this anymore. I also have to.
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spotlightlowlife · 5 months
A step not forward but to the side.
First off, this family time tale is a nice idea.
Shorts is a good idea too. Filling in gaps without having to commit to a story, but that's also the issue and has been for a long while.
Though it's nice to have the sisters enjoy a day together, we gloss over what little we were offered in the first place.
The Millie episode in season one had the family be tough farm folk who were open about their disappointment at Millie's choice of partner and lifestyle, which truly didn't have to take away from Millie but it did because that was all their entire yet breif content and throughout these scenes, as is now usual, Millie had zero to say on the matter. It was up to Moxxie to find an excuse to finally stand up to the parents after making all the effort, though the impression of bridges burning thankfully wasn't there, Millie still had nothing to contribute.
Fast forward to this short and Millie has nothing to say on any matter. Moxxie not getting a mention doesn't make it more of a Millie story when Millie yet again has no argument for her frowned upon choices even when they're bought to her attention...
Why couldn't she defend her job?
Why couldn't she defend her choice to move?
Also for us...
Why didn't we learn why Millie moved to the city and why this particular place?
Did she leave home abruptly and why?
Did she always give the impression of wanting to be elsewhere?
When did Millie discover she loved spar days, shopping and clubs and why don't we know these things?
Dispite her lack of anything to say, I was impressed by Millie not feeling guilty about leaving the farm, but again this could be yet another example of nothing to say (if only at atleast one of the 'also for us' questions had been addressed)?
BS on Sally running that place alone, this is yet another example of pushing blame onto someone else to make a character seem nicer and more innocent, this show has a history of doing this, Stolas is sad because of Stella and (somehow) to a lesser extent Paimon being one example but there's one better. What we saw was a close knit family who were united in their bafflement at Millie's choices yet happy to see her, Sally was the only one who's judgment come across as fairly harmless teasing in the two lines she got, but now their parents are useless, the brothers are of little help, nobody else was around and Sally is sad because of this. It's reminiscent of Ozzie and Fizz exuding confidence, a love for lust and enjoyment at grudges (was the Fizzbot programmed to pick on Blitzø), the same two who happily mocked Millie, Moxxie and Blitzø, now push the blame for their unhappiness and work choices onto Mammon just as we meet him.
We really could have dwelled more on how much they miss one another and how much they have in common.
Sally coming across as a fish out of water didn't work neither, she dressed similar to Millie in the first place and again after the out of place dress scene that didn't even fit this series (maybe Hazbin), she never come across as rough and unglamorous.
Lastly Moxxie
Moxxie silently slipping past them unnoticed, apparently happy that his wife is happy to me isn't sweet, it's like he can't be comfortable in his home when Millie has her known to be hostile towards him for no good reason family over, that even so much as a greeting before leaving them alone ruins things. Had Millie and Sally been asleep this would have been exactly what was intended, sweet.
Has anything improved?
A side step this was.
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