#i know you probably meant in v6 but i mean THIS is when he realizes
peridotite · 1 year
Adam saw what was going on between Blake and Yang just from watching them look at each other for a few seconds, and he (basically) only had one eye!
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bmblboop · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the scene of Weiss tossing that guy in the trash can?
Personally I say more power to her, I wish she’d kept that prepensity for on’y ducal violence when she saw Jacques
But doesn’t it kind of gone again the idea that “bad guys suffering isn’t a good thing”? Because it was clear weiss hurting this guy for no other reason then because he was being a dick,
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You are giving me V7C1 Discourse Flashbacks.
The Purpose of the "Weiss dumps a Racist guy in a Trashcan" scene was threefold:
1. Reveal how blatant and common Anti-Faunus racism is in Mantle/Atlas
2. Showcase Weiss' character development by having a former racist stand up to racism
3. Slapstick comedy
She could, and probably would, throw Jacques into a trashcan under similar 'slapstick comedy' circumstances, but not in the more serious tone that most of their scenes hold in Volume 7. She doesn't have authority over Jacques, she couldn't 'get away with' something like that. The guy she dumpster'd was a stranger - someone she could risk upsetting because he didn't know who she was.
Jacques, on the other hand, is her father. Everyone on this site says you gotta punch Nazis, but what if the Nazi in your life is your Mom? You aren't going to slap your own mother unless you are incredibly comfortable cutting them out of your life indefinitely.
The events of Volume 5 happen over 1-2 months, and the events of V6 happen over 1 week. It's unclear how long the Atlas upgrades took, but it's safe to assume the time difference between Weiss Sneaking out of the Mansion and seeing her father again in V7C4 was 3 months or less. Even though she is in a better place with her team now, she is still intimidated by him. She freezes up when they lock eyes. She heaves a sigh of relief when he leaves. She might know deep down that he isn't a fighter on par with her skill, but he has 'beaten' her in other fights that don't use swords or semblances. She isn't going to risk getting 'beaten' again when she knows how big his influence is, and what he can do at the drop of a hat.
This Part got Long.
TL;DR - Dumpster Guy didn't Suffer and Suffering isn't Justice.
What I mean by "bad guys suffering" doesn't mean humiliation or slapstick or fight scenes. Getting tossed in the trash did not injure him or cause him significant physical pain, and we see this character in the background of several later shots. The only thing that scene gave him was a bump on the head and some really stinky clothes.
Tyrian getting punched in the jaw isn't 'suffering', it's slapstick. It's funny because he wasn't expecting Qrow to go fisticuffs. Any villain taking a hard hit isn't 'suffering' in the context of a fight, when both sides are taking and dishing damage.
In a similar vein, I thoroughly enjoy watching that scene in As Above So Below when Jacques' plan is revealed, and tries to weasel his way out of irrefutable evidence, but that's not "suffering", that's humiliation; that's the classic Ace Attorney pulling-of-receipts as they realize they have nowhere left to run.
What I mean by "suffering" is fans calling for Ruby or Jaune to tear Cinder limb from limb while screaming vengeance for Pyrrha/Penny. What I mean by "suffering" is theorizing the only way for Salem to be defeated is to lock her somewhere she can't escape - like space or an abyss or cut up into tiny pieces and buried in every corner of the planet. She'd still be alive because she immortal, thus in constant agony, but hey! At least she'll be out of the way and the heroes get to win, right? /s
This show doesn't do gratuitous suffering. Adam's death was victorious sure, but Blake, who you think would be happiest about this outcome, breaks down crying because she had to take a life. The life of someone she once believed in, a life that caused her so much pain.
So no. I don't believe Jacques getting what's coming to him, in the form of a horde of vengeful Faunus, would be fitting end to his story.
(Unless you meant "thousands of Faunus" figuratively, in the form of a legal sentence that punishes him on behalf of all his victims. That would have been nice, but we already know that never came to be; truly unfortunate.)
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okay-victoria · 3 years
Status of Women in The Empire
Summary: LN gives some evidence women have a better status than they did in OTL Germany. It gives little to nothing in the way of evidence that we are in post-sexual-revolution territory. It presents little enough evidence generally that you can use this issue in your own story as you wish; however, using how humans actually work as your baseline, it would be a very definite handwave to think that gender equality is much more than marginally better than OTL would have been at the time, or that Tanya wouldn’t be negatively affected by it in some significant ways in daily life. On the other hand, the original story handwaves an eight year old enrolling in a modern military and getting promoted to a mid-ranking officer by age eleven, so as a reader, I’m obviously pretty down for handwaving some realism for the sake of a good story.
“The armed forces have a practical exception in place for just about everything.” <= I think in fanon the entire Empire as seen as this sort of “everything we do is logical” territory where gender discrimination would have had to be eliminated, but in reality it’s presented as the military, and they are making an exception for a rare and incredibly militarily useful type of person to be able to be put to use by them without gender discrimination stopping it.
“But in the far-from-gender-free world of “ladies first,” Tanya with her outwardly girlish appearance is, albeit only relatively, blessed compared to the other students” <= YMMV, but I would not describe modern society as a world of “ladies first”. Do people do/say it to hark back to pre-1960s chivalry? Sure. Is it really the standard we live by anymore? Not so much. Tanya seems to pretty definitely still be living in those days.
“Basically, apart from the mage branch, the army is a man’s world. Actually, even most of the mages are men.” <= this is notable because it is said when Tanya is in War College, at which point the war has been going on for long enough that available mages have been conscripted, so there is no selection bias that men have simply chosen to pursue a career as a mage more often than women. This is actually weirdly important because it either means:
Magic talent is like, an X chromosome trait and men are thus more likely to have it [in which case, it would probably be taken as natural evidence that men are superior and worsen the gender equality situation]; or
There in fact is a Youjo Konki-esque exception for married women and/or mothers. A nation has to still be relatively in the infancy of gender equality if Female Mage #102 has children with Infantryman #1,000,102 and the military decides that since it can’t leave these children parentless, it has to conscript the dude who is substitutable for literally anyone else and not the human weapon.
Tanya has a long-ish reflection on women in the military. Important points are, the rules have only been overhauled recently to make it practical for women to serve in combat. Women in combat didn’t really exist prior to this war, and women in the military were basically limited to noble/imperial families having their daughters serve out nominal duties. Whatever boost women as a whole get from serving in a capacity that people are used to seeing men in, it has not had time to transform society all that much.
“Women administrators are not uncommon, but in the Empire where gender equality still has a ways to go, their qualifications are always questioned.” <= YMMV as to what degree this is meant to be a statement on something that still troubles women in modern times, or something that indicates gender equality is not particularly close to modern.
“After all, now that I’ve been turned into a girl, I’m faced with this annoying military framework where men are superior. Just the thought of my promotions being blocked by an invisible glass ceiling is enough to dampen any desire I might have to act all girlish for propaganda…apart from that, the Empire’s personnel system has adapted extremely meritocratic principles for the war, in a way, so I’m more or less satisfied with it.” <= sort of same as above, YMMV on whether this is just Tanya realizing what life is like for a woman in modern society or meant as a “no, it was worse” point.
However, I will say this: I highly, highly doubt any men chosen for high military honors were photographed doing anything other than looking ultra manly in uniform. Women serving in modern militaries are not forced to put on showy dresses when they get their photos taken, they are treated, at least in photos, with the same respect as their male colleagues. The fact that anyone found it appropriate to only photograph the recipient of the highest military honor in cute girl clothes speaks to some deep discomfort with anyone outside the military seeing women not doing what they’re supposed to.
“The Imperial Army has already tapped all the population pools that can be mobilized, but it still has two options. One is to begin the general conscription of women. That said, they’ve already been mobilized in the industrial sector.” <= YMMV, again, on how willing a modern country would be to conscript women to fight a world war, but if you are as deep into a world war as the Empire is and no one’s trying it, at the least we can say the Empire is not the bastion of cold logic it fanonically is outside the military. Also, it pretty much seems like women working in large numbers has only become a thing because all the guys are off fighting, which very much sticks us in pre-1950s territory.
Andrew reacts surprised to see a female reporter from the Federation, and reflects that they are quite liberal in some ways <= while this is a non-Imperial guy, given his familiarity with the Empire, it would seem weird that if the Empire was particularly more advanced than his country that he would still be so surprised.
Other Working Knowledge Your Author Has On This Subject:
Women serving in the military, while certainly helpful to the cause of gender equality, by itself is not going to create a broad-based transformation in society. That sounds a bit like saying: As we all know, the US dropped any racist laws or regulations as soon as we started allowing non-white units in the military. After Elizabeth I serving as the Ruler of England, a very manly role that her tiny woman-brain didn’t fuck up too bad, the people who thought women were naturally stupider than men were quickly relegated to the margins and gender discrimination mostly became more of an annoyance than a real hindrance to the average woman’s goals. It just doesn’t work that way. And I’m not here to say that the US is a post-gender paradise, but the US, which has never had a woman president and is pretty slow about expanding military opportunities for women, nonetheless is a lot better on the gender equality front than some countries that have had women leaders and allow women a fuller range of military opportunities. There’s a lot more complexity to it than: My country respects military => military allows women => guess I’m going to stop being sexist
The same goes for something that isn’t about gender equality at large but how it relates to Tanya: The view that while gender equality may be non-advanced, Tanya specifically is exempt from dealing with it because she is “one of the boys”. It Does Not Work Like That. At All. And the further you go back in time, the less it worked like that. Within the military specifically Tanya will probably be alright, but society at large punishes men & women that break gender roles as brazenly as she does more than it rewards them. This is an entire essay unto itself, Google is your friend.
This is going to sound silly and facetious but I’m being dead serious, from what little we know of fashion in the YS world, it matches what would have been the case in the real world in the WW1 era. If society at large was really that different, that wouldn’t be the case.
There is no canon evidence that magic has made any scientific advancements outside the military sphere of influence. Before the advent of things like dishwashers, vacuums, microwaves, especially refrigerators, and especially laundry machines being common household items, the ideal family model was: one person makes money outside home, one person takes care of house. There wasn’t enough time in the day to work and run a household. Many women in poor households had to work, generally at the expense of being able to keep their own household running smoothly, and even then they often worked in capacities that allowed them to be at home or ones that allowed them the flexibility to take care of some of this stuff. It really just isn’t possible to have a society remotely approaching equality when one gender is automatically assigned to home unless necessary.
Same goes for something else - contraception. Women having access to a contraceptive device that they control is a major component of setting a society on a path towards equality. Birth control pills didn’t become widely available until the 1960s. Without being unable to at least kind of balance the outcome of sex (even between married couples) between men and women, women as a class have a hard time escaping from the housewife-mother archetype.
Not to get too political here, but the Empire matches OTL Germanic-Prussianness too much to ignore. Living under a military-worshipping, religiously-inclined traditional monarchy has not, in any real life example I’m aware of, gone hand-in-hand with anything other than a fairly conservative and patriarchal society, and I feel like the burden of proof is on the other side to explain why that isn’t the case in the Empire, and our original author makes approximately zero effort to do this.
Being X turns Tanya into a woman for the purpose of making her life worse. It seems simply illogical [although I guess Being X’s decision-making skills are questionable] that he would then drop her into a world that had undergone broad-based gender reform instead of a world that was just barely tweaked from our own in such a way that it would allow Tanya to serve in the military.
My conclusion: the most likely option is that gender equality is exactly enough better as it needs to be to allow the military to convince the lawmakers that they should be able to use a very rare & dangerous ability to be part of their arsenal without respect to gender, or age, and no more. That difference is not likely to make life for women significantly better than it was in the equivalent OTL time period.
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calliecat93 · 3 years
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So… been a while since I did one of these. Yeah, long story short 2020 just ruined my anxiety and a bunch of other things and I just couldn’t handle doing the reviews after I feel so behind during the first half of V8. Even the six-week break didn’t do anything to reignite the motivation or help the anxiety, so I decided it was best to quit and just wait for the volume to be over. Which with how emotionally draining the volume was which may have very well impaired my judgment at the time, was probably the best decision. But V8 has been over for months now and we’re awaiting V9. So it’s time to finally finish this.
I normally do one chapter per review, but since I now know all that’s coming, I’m going to do two chapters per review. That means four total reviews, then a mass V8 review, and then hopefully things go better when V9 starts. So last I left off, we got Cinder backstory, the Ace-Ops running into YJR, and Salem breaking Atlas’ shields to finally go forward with her invasion. The dark times are upon Atlas and our heroes are running out of time. So… what happens now? Well, let's find out.
I normally break down everything moment by moment, but we’re gonna keep it brief since there’s a lot to cover.
In War as Salem’s attack marches forward, all of our heroes are in a bind. RWB wants to help Atlas while May wants to return to Mantle and points out that they can’t have both. Nora is still in need of a doctor, which causes Whitley, who overheard, to call in a character that we haven’t seen in quite a while. With JYR, they were captured by the Ace-Ops, who has now been tasked to use a bomb to blow up the whale. Our heroes negotiate with Winter to allow them time to go in and rescue Oscar and causes Ren to make an unexpected discovery. Meanwhile, in the whale, Emerald overhears Oscar/Oz again pleading to Hazel to see reason, even going as far as to give him the password to the Lamp. Not for Salem, for Hazel. This causes Emerald’s doubts to become even more concerning and with Mercury leaving with Tyrian for Vacuo and Cinder focused solely on her quest for power, she is left alone to decide what she wishes to do.
In RWBY’s 100th chapter Dark, we are at the Schnee Manor where the power blows out. But when they recall that they have an emergency generator, Whitley realizes that they can use the SDC to get supplies to the Mantle refugees. Ruby and Blake go to restore the power as Ruby is still struggling to maintain her usual optimism, but they encounter a Grimm in the process. Specifically, The Hound. Meanwhile, Penny, who crash-landed in front of the Manor last episode, tries to maintain control as Watts’ virus goes into effect. During the battle, it ends with Ruby discovering The Hound. One that utterly horrifies her…
Okay, there is a LOT to go over with these two chapters, So let’s break this down event by event.
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Let’s discuss our villains first since we have some pretty major developments. First, we have Hazel. We had just about everything that I had assumed before confirmed. The reason that Hazel works for Salem isn’t merely just because she claims to want a new world order. Honestly, I think that Hazel just fooled himself to justify his decision to himself. No, as he talks to Ozcar, the truth becomes crystal clear. Hazel has given up. He confronted her once, and all that happened was she kept coming back until he was too exhausted to fight anymore. She broke him. Fighting her was futile and by taking advantage of this, Salem set him on the only path that he had left: getting revenge on Ozpin. Even though he’ll reincarnate, he can still be hurt. He can still be killed. He can still suffer. It was all that Hazel had left, and it consumed him.
As much as I know that some had issues with Hazel’s backstory, losing your sibling to circumstances that weren’t really anyone’s fault but you still feel so angry that you just need to blame something is very understandable. I’ve been in that place. I think that many of us have. And to learn that he did try to fight Salem at first but in the end, gave up due to her immortality… can you imagine how many others likely went down that route? Wanting to fight Salem but when the horrible truth came out were left empty? RWBY went through it in V6 and barely recovered, so it’s easy to see where Hazel is coming from. It’s easy to see why he won’t believe Oz when he tells him what Salem’s true goal, the release of death via summoning the Gods judgment, is. Oscar takes over and reveals the password, trusting Hazel to decide for himself what to do. Not Salem, Hazel. Will it pay off? Only time will tell.
But Hazel isn’t the only one privy to this new information. Emerald overheard all of it. Whatever fears that she had were all confirmed. Mercury is dismissive, both not believing it (until Tyrian confirms it) and even if he did, points out that Hazel failed and fell into line. It’s going to take time for the assassin to change his mind. As far as he’s concerned, he’s on top of the world, or at least in the best place that he can be in. Better than when he was with Marcus at least. Emerald though? She’s been doubtful and scared since at least the end of V3, even earlier if we count the flashbacks in Beginning of the End. The only thing that has kept her around along with the fear of Salem has been her devotion to Cinder. But with how Cinder has been coldly dismissive of her thus far this volume and now knowing that she’s part of something far worse than she imagined, it looks like Emerald may be deciding that it’s not worth it anymore. The question is, will she act before it’s too late? With Mercury off to Vacuo, she’s on her own to make that choice.
The villains’ stuff is mainly setup for Chapter 9 but it’s good stuff. We’re getting everything in place for the many payoffs that we’ve been waiting a long time for. Many of us have been hoping for Emerald to defect. While IDT as many have wanted the same for Hazel, he’s certainly the nobler of his buddies and has shown signs of possible redemption, so I’ve been hoping for it. Oz and Oscar’s efforts seem to be paying off and Oscar taking over and playing a huge gamble is pure excellence. It’s both Oz trusting the boy and working in tandem with him showing how he is genuinely trying to be better and showing Oscar’s growth with his more diplomatic skills here. It failed to work on Ironwood, but perhaps this time he’ll have better luck.
JYR and the Ace-Ops
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Like with the villains, their stuff is contained all within War. But boy do we have plenty to go over. With Atlas in utter chaos, to the point of all the citizens having to hide in a subway, Ironwood has decided to have Winter and her team bomb Monstra. Which makes sense… except that Oscar’s in there. Needless to say, JYR isn’t happy about that. But Harriet, Elm, and Vine remain committed to their ‘we have no feelings’ routine. Even though it’s so obvious that they’re lying through their teeth. Ren’s Semblance confirmed it, but it’s not hard to tell. Elm and especially Harriet are hiding their feelings through their anger and doubling down on following orders. Vine does try to remain reasonable, but otherwise retains his emotionless demeanor. Marrow… he just clearly doesn't want to be there anymore. He’s still trying to remain comitted to what he’s doing, but this and Chapter 9 are going to be changing that big time
And WInter? Oh Lord Winter. She wants to do the right thing but is bound to her loyalty and duty to Ironwood and Atlas, and she doesn’t know which one to follow. Her orders? Or her heart? The choice may seem like a no-brainer to us, but to Winter it’s more complicated. She feels that she owes Ironwood so much. Because of him and the military, she escaped her father and his control. I think that she does realize that this point that she’s just exchanged one puppetmaster for another, but she doesn't know how to cut the strings. We see some signs of hope, both in the last volume when she allowed Weiss and the others to escape, and here when she grants JYR’s request to go into the whale to find Oscar before the bomb arrives. She knows that if Ironwood finds out she’ll be in trouble. She remains conflicted, but it’s still a signt hat it’s not too late. It allows her (and Marrow forthat mater) to remain sympathetic while others like Harriet… well, they’re not making it easy, let’s leave it at that.
That brings us to Ren. He’s had it hard thus far, his emotional control slipping, his split-off from Nora, and everything that built up the last volume coming crashing down. He’s been pushing everyone away, but now? He can’t afford to do so. Not with Oscar in danger. When Harriet says that teammates are replaceable, he strongly disagrees. He and Jaune would absolutely know how wrong this is. They’ve never replaced Pyrrha after all. Even if one considers Oscar part of JNR, he’s never been considered the new Pyrrha. He’s just Oscar, their friend. When he finally admitted that to himself, it allowed Ren’s Semblance to evolve. Instead of simply masking emotions, he can now see them via colored flower petals. Yes dear readers, Ren is an empath.
This development is perfect/. It happened at the right time, Ren finally admitting his feelings for those that he cares about instead of internalizing them and pushing those people away as he has been with Nora. It’s a natural evolution of his powers. He can mask emotions to protect others from the Grimm, and now that he can take it off he can see beneatht he masks of others. Harriet and Elm’s rage. Vine’s uncertainty (I’m assuming anyways based on what happens later). Marrow’s sadness. Winter’s collection of so many different colored petals, reflecting the war that she is having with herself. Now that Ren is beginning to open up, he can now help others do the same. Semblances reflect the on using them, and I think this says a lot about what Ren is truly meant to be and will be in the future.
Schnee Manor
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Now we get to the meat of this post. Let’s go over the events in War first. While our heroes are safe at Schnee Manor, they’re conflicted on what to do. May wants to, and by Dark does, go back to Mantle since things are just as bad there and they don’t have the military to save them. Weiss however? She wants to help Atlas. Despite everything, Atlas is still Weiss’ home and there are still family and innocent people that she wishes to save. She’s a Huntress, that’s her job. May however? Her family dismissed her when she was their son, and she made it very clear that she is in no way their daughter. Which first, that was a brilliant way to add that representation. Kdin confirmed that May was Transgender last volume, but now we have undeniable proof in the show itself and it was perfectly delivered. She also makes a good point, Mantle has no protection. The whole reason that RWBY went against Ironwood was that he chose to leave Mantle to die. At this point, it does seem like the heroes can have it both ways. It worked in the past, but not here. Not anymore. But even May admits as she leaves that at this point, there might not be anythign left to do for either city. It’s just… bleak. Even moreso than in V3.
This of course hits Ruby. Normally, her optimism and hope carry her through. It was practically what got the heroes through V6 alive and well. But now? No. Even she can’t deny how bad things have gotten. When she and Blake go to turn on the backup generator, it’s clear how conflicted she is. She wants to help everyone. She chose to send the message because it seemed like the best chance to save everyone. But the longer that she waits, the more unlikely it all seems. She’s becoming utterly overwhelmed. Honestly, with how 2020 went, I find this very relatable. You w\see all the suffering caused by COVID and the horror of the police brutality against Black people and so many other awful things we’re still in the midst of. You want to do something. You want to help everyone and want things to just be okay. But when you do, all of it weighs down on you because you simply can’t help everyone. As Klein said, you can only focus on what’s in front of you first. You feel helpless, scared, maybe even angry. But we’re only human. We can only do what we can a step at a time in whatever way we can, even if it’s just being a shoulder to lean on. It’s at least something.
This leads to something that I have practically been begging CRWBY to do for years now, have Blake comfort her. We’ve had very scarce Ruby and Blake interactions, but it’s always been pretty clear that Blake trusts Ruby and has followed her lead faithfully more or less since the team formed. I think it was very fitting for Blake to be the one who reached out to her as it calls back to when they first talked in Volume 1. Back when Ruby expressed her love of books and wanting to make the world better like the heroes that she would read about. How Blake admired her goal but also viewed it as rather childish. Considering everything with the Faunus oppression, the White Fang, and of course Adam, who could blame her? But Ruby gave her hope. Ruby got her to see that they can make the world better. That despite everything, it’s their job to protect everyone and to move forward. Ruby’s been able to push them ahead so much, and they all still need her. It’s what Ruby needed to hear and it shows how far that both girls have come since those early days at Beacon. Which since this happened in the 100th episode, was very fitting.
Now I’m not gonna say too much about The Hound here. The entire fight scene was awesome and the thing stalking through the Schnee Manor? It somehow felt more horrifying than The Apathy did in Volume 6. How do you manage that?! Whitley and Willow ultimately killing it via the armor was also pretty cool and it’s nice to see the civilian characters getting involved, showing that they don’t have to be helpless like with the ship captain and crew back in Volume 4. Then the final revelation, that The Hound was not only human but had Silver Eyes… yeah Ruby’s reaction could not be more justified. I’m gonna go into my thoughts more in the 11-12 review since Ruby goes more into her feelings there. But the revelations that this one scene caused… yeah, it’s added a whole new level of horror to not just Salem, but the Grimm as a whole. It’s kind of a bummer that The Hound was killed off and it just feels so soon, but with how so much is going on at this point… yeah I’m gonna forgive it especially since the death still leaves a lot to think about in the future.
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So let’s talk Schnee family! First, Willow. I like how they handled her here. She’s an anxious mess, which makes complete sense. She has to keep forcing herself to not drink, but without that coping mechanism, she’s so anxious that she ends up running out of Weiss’ room in utter panic. Fortunately, she’s still able to get her act together enough to be of help. She uses the security cameras to warn Weiss and keep an eye on The Hound. Which also allows her to see it heading for Whitley. But instead of waiting on Weiss and since Whitley understandably doesn’t want to listen to her, she does the right thing: act like a mother and save her child. Including actually using her Glyphs to summon a Boarbutusk. Yes, Willow. In a jam-packed volume like this, it’s nice to see these bits of character development for even the minor characters and it was done well here.
Then we have Whitley. I’m gonna admit it, it feels like his change is pretty rushed, but again we have about a million other things going on. Plus I guess the worst situations can bring out the best in people. That’s certainly the case here. He over-hears RWB and May talking and decides to call Klein, who is apparently a doctor, not only a butler (the temptation to NOT make an ‘I’m a doctor, not an X’ joke after getting into Star Trek is REALLY hard XD) to treat Nora. Which Weiss’ reaction to seeing him and him not at all blaming her for being fired was just beautiful. But it’s Whitley making a decision. Not due to his father’s influence. Not to get Weiss’ attention. He did it because Nora needed help and it was simply the right thing to do. The fact that he acted independently makes Weiss so happy that she hugs him. It surprises Whitley… but you can tell that he’s happy about it.
I think that really encouraged Whitley. Jaques isn’t there anymore. There’s no one controlling his fate anymore. It doens’t matter if Whitley defies him now, Jaques can’t do a thing about it. It’s Whitley who realizes that they have the resources and ability to send supplies and help to Mantle. It’s him who goes to his father’s office to get the process underway. Even when The Hound comes in, he still makes sure to give the authorization before making a run for it. With the fear of his father gone and Weiss showing more support, Whitley is showing that he’s not a bad person. He was very much like his sister was; someone trapped and forced to succumb to the toxic influences to survive. He didn’t have the support that Weiss did, nor the skills that either of his sisters had that let them escape. But he’s taking those steps now. He has an attitude still, but he’s kind of where Volume 1-3 Wess was; a major brat but one very much on their way to improving. If Whitey ends up taking over whatever remains of the SDC or outright remakes it, I think that he’ll be a fine leader while his sisters continue as Huntresses.
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Finally, we come to Penny. I should probably talk about Nora as well, but since Chapter 11 is when she expresses how she feels ike how Ruby does, I’m going to hold off until then As far as Penny goes… God, I… it just hurts. Knowing how this ultimately will end only makes it more painful to go back through. But just as Chapter 5 made it look like Penny would finally be allowed to choose for herself, Watts ruins all of it. This is a girl who is utterly trapped. Ironwood bound her down by isolating her and then forcing the protection of a whole city on her. Pietro, while well-meaning, was over-protective and allowing that to keep Penny held by her strings. He let go… and look at how it ended. The Maiden Powers, while something that Penny accepted, now has her targeted on all sides and she can’t escape them while bound tot he responsibilities that come with it. Now we have Watts’ virus and despite her best efforts, she can’t stop it.
It’s just… heart-wrenching. Especially when Nora wakes up and calms her down by reminding her that whatever is trying to take over is only a part of her, not the whole being. It works… for a few moments. But in the end, all that Penny can do is succumb. This girl truly has no control over anything. Not over her own life. Not over the abilities that she possesses. And now not even over her own mind and body. She keeps having her strings yanked back and forth, wanting to just snap them off but all her limbs are held in place so she can’t. Watching her act utterly robotic, blankly describing how she will open the Vault then self-terminate… it’s just so wrong. Not to mention her coming dangerously close to being carted off to Salem with only Ruby managing a Silver Eyes blast saving her. It was hard to watch back when these premiered but after the finale? It’s just… it’s just so cruel.
Both of these chapters were excellent. War is mainly a setup chapter and ho boy the event that it sets up for… Chapter 9 is gonna be fun to talk about! But it also had plenty of pay-offs, especially for Ren and great moments like May’s scene, Salem conducting the Grimm, and it just captures the bleakness yet determination of our heroes perfectly. Then Dark… boy is that chapter title appropriate. Again great moments like the Ruby and Blake talk, the entire fight sequence, and probably the most horrifying revelation thus far. There’s some minor stuff like the jailbreak as well that made RWBY’s 100th chapter, as well as the chapter to kick off the return after the six-week hiatus, a thrill to watch. That's not even going into Alex Abraham's spectacular score, especially when the big reveal/death of The Hound happens. Just... it's just perfect. It can feel like there’s just so much going on that it gets hard to keep up with at times… but to be fair, that’s how our heroes feel as well, so I supposed that’s appropriate.
Chapter Stats
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Favorite Character: Lie Ren
Favorite Scene: Ren unlocking his emotion-reading power
Least Favorite Scene: RWB sipping tea. It’s not a bad scene, but them just kind of standing by while the chaos is going on… it just feels a tad out of place.
Favorite Voice Actor: Kdin Jenzen (May Marigold)
Favorite Animation: Salem conducting the Grimm attack.
Rating: 8/10
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Favorite Character: Ruby Rose
Favorite Scene: Ruby and Blake talk
Least Favorite Scene: I got nothing. Everything here was perfect.
Favorite Voice Actor: Arryn Zeck (Blake) and Jason Liebrecht (The Hound)
Favorite Animation: As horrifying as it was, The Hound reveal.
Rating: 10/10
Final Thoughts
When I watched these, all I could really do was stare wide-eyed. Even though I knew that this volume was going to be intense, somehow I wasn’t prepared for any of it. Certainly not for everything in these chapters. But all of it was just so freakin’ good. Does it feel emotionally draining? Yes. It was a big part of why I’m only getting to these several months later. But was it still worth watching? Absolutely. Compare Dark to the first chapter of Volume 1. RWBY has come such a long way. A lot of things both good and bad have happened in between, but it’s still going and I plan to be here until the bitter end. With quality like this, it gives me a good reason to stick around. So six more chapters/three reviews to go.
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A false chosen one
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Now we go onto Ironwood's early years of his Huntsman career. Okay not much history or details to explore about the huntsmen academies other than their secret purpose. So we can just assume Ironwood did and completed his 4 years of education and enlisted soon after. But we can guess that he at least participated in 2 Vytal festival tournaments during his curriculum.
My best guess during his first tournament he most likely met his fellow future headmasters(Theodore and Lionheart) for the first time as well as to be noticed by his other hero as well(The Warrior King of Vale).
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Now you’re asking why would a past Oz incarnation be his hero? Will to start the warrior king pretty much set and laid the groundwork and structure of the current modern world of remnant that every kingdom most likely tells to their next generations. And let's be honest any child would be at awe about a story of a king let alone one with an epic tale of war and POWER(emphasis on the power for Atlasians).
Now picture this;
You're the perfect model of an Atlasian citizen. You are training in one of the world's most prominent careers  where you are exposed to the outside influences of other kingdoms and societies that yours has taught you are beneath you. But you are stunned and amazed by how lower societies have accomplished so much that your left wondering is my kingdom the greatest?
And you perform so well that the current Oz incarnation notices you. And you amazed him so well that he invites you and gives you the promises of grandeur and the ability/power to help aid/change the world for the better. And soon after accepting his proposal and endorsement he lets you in on the secret; That he is the reincarnation of your hero and asks for your help with his war.
That could serve as a first meeting between a young Ironwood and the man with two souls. Now you're wondering why I say past oz incarnation instead of the king or Ozpin? With the new information confirming(sorta) Ozpin's age and dialogue of Ironwood inV2 & V7 it is in my theory that there have been 4 Oz incarnations that have affected the current rwby story and characters at present
The Warrior King of Vale/ Founder of the Huntsmen academies and ended the Great war
Ozpin's predecessor/ Recruited the current members of the secret brotherhood of Oz (STRQ) and Raised Atlas to the sky
Ozpin/ Teacher of STRQ The Headmaster of Team RWBY  and guider of the events of V1-3
Oscar/ The Current incarnation and bystander of V4-present
Given this it is quite possible (since we don't know his age) the King had died sometime prior to ironwood's birth or childhood. Leaving a new incarnation to meet and recruit him. Now why would middle Oz choose Ironwood? A random nobody that hails from the world's most faccist inhuman warmongering kingdom that engages in periods of isolationism and hoarding power with the potential intent of starting a new war. Well that's probably it.
We don’t know much of the Treaty of Vytal but we can assume it's like the Treaty of Versailles of WW1; were harsh penalties had been emplaced on the losing side which led to loss of territory, economic distress and demilitarization, and a very large amount of humiliation in the years to come. Which led to the rise of Hitler and the Nazi’s as well as WW2
Now we know Mantle had nearly depleted its natural resources which led to economic instability and despite how well advanced their technology was they still lost to Nations that they considered below them. Another comparison is despite the “ quote on quote” gifting to the world their assets it could be intrepid as a subtle demilitarization act forced upon Mantle by the rest of the world as to limit their Military strength to ensure that they would not be able to start a new war.
Now what does this have to do with Ironwood? Just like how the treaty of Versailles screwed Germany and led to the rise of the Nazi’s and WW2 the treaty of Vytal screwed Mantle and led to the rise of Atlas and the conflicts of RWBY.
Mantle passed on its toxic ideology to Atlas and now it buys its time to wait so that it can make its grab for power in the future and achieve what Mantle couldn’t; the World under their rule.
The current Oz at this point in time has already seen the signs of this and is trying to avoid war in the most subtle way possible as he no longer has the status of the Vale king anymore and figures that the potential warmongering Mantle would listen and be swayed by one of their own instead of a forgein leader that has yet to earn their respect.
Insert the Vytal festival tournament with Ironwood participating for the first time. From the perspective of this Oz he sees a potential candidate to be his political figure head of an unstable kingdom with a war is the answer mentality. This Oz doesn’t want a figurehead because he wants to but because he needs to if he wants to uphold the fragile peace that his past king self had accomplished and tried to maintain.
But sadly due to reincarnating he has lost that influence and has to rebuild it which takes time, time that he does not have. So he must elevate others to be able to influence people that he can’t.  This is where Ironwood comes in as a native of Mantle and born during its social transition to Atlas Oz hopes that he can make this promising huntsman into someone that can help carry and pass on his ideals of peace and stability in hopes of avoiding another war for Salem to take advantage of.
Ironwood now being informed by the introduction of secrets to get him hooked and joining Oz’s group is more than willing to help. Especially after believing Oz’s promises to him. Now you're wondering what promises. My evidence is what said Qrow in V6;
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No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good… Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life…
Oz appeals to and makes promises to those that he recruits whether or not he follows through on them is up to debate. From this we can assume he promised ironwood something similar.
The only difference between the 2 is that one had a very unhealthy opinion of himself and tried to search for meaning in his life while the other is a stark contrast by being sorta healthy with himself and had found meaning by serving and later leading his Kingdom. As well as the difference between their relationships to the man with two souls.
Ironwood was more or less loyal to the incarnation before Ozpin as he saw this as his hero back from the dead to ask for his help. Even elevating him to positions of power and status that he may not have been able to achieve on his own just to do that. This is probably why Ironwood didn’t just freak out and overreact immediately and lash out because this is coming from a man who he hopes was the man who had kept his promises to him and rewarded him.
While Qrow was more or less buddy, buddy with Ozpin during his time at Beacon, who had offered him a place with meaning and purpose to replace his world of loneliness and self pity as well as redemption. But when the truth is exposed he just condemns Ozpin ignoring Oscar for empty promises instead of realizing the truth that Ozpin was only meant to show him the path and that he was the one who to take it. To put it quite simply Ozpin was there to help guide Qrow to see the good that he already is as well as deal with his issues in a healthy way.
(Now that I think about it Qrow and Ironwood actually parallel one  another in terms of narrative and character.)
Point is Ozpin’s past incarnation had a major influence over Ironwood to the point the he along with his Atlasian brainwashing had led Ironwood to believe  that he was this chosen savior that he was the hero that was destined to win that he can do no wrong because his ideals and heritage told him so or at the very least didn’t correct his thinking.
When in reality OZ wanted a guardian that would keep the status quo not the Soldier who wanted to change the world as he saw fit. (Hence the section title a false chosen one) In Doing so he ended up instigating all of the conflicts of rwby under the intentions of good only to lead from bad to worst if not catastrophic.
Simply because Oz didn’t keep his ambitions in check and make it clear that he was meant to be a loyal lap dog that heels to his owner. Instead Ironwood became the rabid dog that's all bark and no bite. This has resulted in Ironwood developing a false sense of chosenness and that it is either his way or the highway.
Another thing to look at is even though this  Oz had his influence on ironwood he was however too late as the ideology and philosophy of Mantle/Atlas had already consumed his mind so much that even though he was willing to embrace the outside world his mind would be forever locked and kept to the kingdom he hailed from.
Now with the outside influences outside let's see the opinion of how he sees himself and why he would think of himself as this chosen savior and the potential events that led to that mindset.
I’ve survived Now I’m Invincible
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
Pinehead Headcanons: Oscar’s Humanity
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You know, I've been thinking about the whole "friendship bracelets for Team RWBY" idea that the CRWBY Writers revealed was scrapped for RWBY V7. 
For context, you guys remember the scene at the start of V6 where Ruby had a little gift shop bag that she was grinning and skinning about all happy Ruby-like, promising an impatient Yang that she’d have to wait till they got to Atlas to see exactly what her little sister had bought.
Remember that bit that wasn’t followed up in V7? Well according to one of the CRWBY Writers over on Twitter (can’t remember which one of them it was), apparently what Ruby had bought was supposed to be friendship bracelets for herself and the members of Team RWBY. Y’know something to symbolize their bond as a team that was originally meant to play a part in their final fight against the Ace Ops finale. I say “originally” since as I said, it got scrapped.
In more ways than one, this squiggle meister is actually kind of glad that the CRWBY decided to not go with that idea for the time being. If I'm being completely honest here, when I first heard that that was what the CRWBY Writers were planning to do with that bit, I didn't really like the thought that Ruby only purchased friendship bracelets for her team to commemorate their bond.
Listen. I get that Weiss, Yang and Blake are Ruby’s teammates and her supposed sisters in arms and while I understand that this would’ve been a cute idea to highlight the strength of the bond between RWBY…I’m sorry but in a way; I can’t help but feel like doing that could’ve unintentionally underplayed the importance of Ruby's friendship with JN(P)R especially coming off the events of V4-V5.
While Weiss, Blake and Yang are Ruby’s team---Jaune, Nora and Ren have also been there for Ruby too and have always had her back just as much as her teammates did with V4 andV5 highlighting that case for me prior to Ruby being reunited with her girls by the end of V5.
It’s why when I first saw the Gift Bag scene in V6, I was more open to the theory of the bag containing something that Ruby bought for everyone; not just her teammates. To me, it would've been sweeter if Ruby bought friendship bracelets for all of her friends---not just as token of appreciation for all the times they’ve ALL supported and been there for her when she needed it most in their own respective ways but also as a symbol of linking both teams together as our core hero group whose shared journey we’re following.
With this in mind, I like the concept of Ruby fashioning her whole group matching friendship bracelets with beats comprised of colours to represent everyone within their circle of friends---y’know red for Ruby, white for Weiss, black for Blake, yellow for Yang, perhaps a darker more golden yellow for Jaune while Ren and Nora both share the colour pink. I also like the idea of the beads being marked with letter of everyone’s first name with Ruby being thoughtful enough to even include two extra marked beads to represent the friends they had lost---meaning Pyrhha and originally Penny before they revived her for V7. Y’know something like this, for example:
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In a way, this idea makes me think back to that moment from the original Yugioh series where Tea took a marker and drew symbols on her and her friends’ hands as a sign of their strong friendship and support of Yugi before he went off to dual Kaiba for the first time (at least, I think it was Kaiba. Correct me if I’m wrong).
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And something like that could’ve also been used to highlight Oscar’s inclusion in the group as well with a bead in his signature colour---pine green branded with the letter ‘O’ for ‘Oscar’  being included in the bracelet design.
Think about it. Imagine…a tender moment where Ruby is giving out the friendship bracelets to everyone only for her to surprise Oscar with one too. I understand that the bracelet idea was scrapped for now but imagine if the CRWBY Writers decided to bring it back for V8 under the new notion that it’s something used to represent and strengthen the bond within the whole hero team rather than just RWBY alone.
With that thought in mind, as a way to work that idea into the established canon of the show, let’s say…instead of Ruby’s gift bag containing bracelets, what if…the bag only contained only the materials that Ruby was planning to use to make the bracelets.
This helps tie into her line to Yang about her having to wait to see what it was since Ruby hadn’t crafted the bracelets herself. I’m kind of digging this small little red headcanon I have here of Ruby using what little spare time she had between missions and training while in Atlas to craft the groups’ friendship bracelets in secret. I dig this concept just as much as the dig the thought of Ruby originally planning to surprise all of friends with the finished bracelets (inclusive of the newly reformed Penny) at some point during their stay in Atlas however she never got the chance given everything that happened while in the kingdom (preparing for Amity, the elections, the attack at the rally, etc).
I know the idea of having the bracelets now might sound weird however the reason I brought it up was because of this one thought. If the bracelet concept was meant to be something to bond the hero team together, then imagine…how depressing it would be if Ruby never got the chance to gift Oscar’s his own as her way of saying he was now officially a part of their team because she late discovered that Oscar was "dead"?
Imagine…how depressing it would be for Ruby to look back and realize that the very thing she had planned to be something to bind her and her friends together became a reminder that Oscar was now “gone” and that Ruby would never see him again.
Imagine…how depressing it would be for Ruby for her to realize that, much like her mother, Oscar had “gone away” and she never got a chance to say goodbye to him.
And…imagine how especially depressing it would be if Ruby had to hear that news from Qrow upon the team basically busting him and Robyn out of prison when they were hoping to rescue Oscar too. Crows are harbingers of death after all. So for me it would be fitting if Qrow is the one to begrudgingly deliver the news of Oscar’s “murder” to the team after Ironwood confessed to him while imprisonment under the guise of a threat on his life (or something like that).
I like this idea since it could lead into a potential parallel between Oscar and Summer Rose since I’d still like to stand by the assumption that Qrow was the one who broke the news about Summer’s death to her family. For that instance, I’m imagining a scene where a young Ruby and Yang are hiding in the stairway of their house on Patch, secretly eavesdropping on a private conversation between their father and Qrow who had suddenly shown up at their doorstep to tell Tai what happened.
I’m picturing a miserable-looking Qrow needing to prop up a now emotionally distraught Tai Yang who had just fallen apart at the news. Meanwhile in the background, young Yang is doing her best to hold back her own tears at the news; tightly hugging and doing her best to comfort a toddler Ruby who was just frozen at the whole thing.
In V2, Yang mentioned that due to her age, Ruby didn’t take the news of Summer’s death the best since for the most part she believed she was more confused at the whole thing; unsure of how to really process it.
This is why I’m imagining something like that happening similarly for Ruby with the news of Oscar’s “death”. With Qrow revealing to truth and Ruby just becoming completely frozen by everything---moving in a somewhat detached manner from the whole ordeal which was forcing all her repressed feelings regarding her mother to resurface in the process.
I’m even thinking of a scene where as Ruby is absorbing the news of Oscar’s death, she suffers a moment where while processing the news, she’s bombarded with the same flashes of her mother standing alone on the hill with her graveside, only this time Summer is joined by Oscar standing on the hill with his back turned to Ruby and the apparition of her forming her friend refusing to look her in the eye or something cryptically dark like that.
I just would like for the Writers to use Oscar’s “death” as a means to reveal more details about Summer and her death since in a sense, the way how Oscar “died” is kind of similar to Summer.
As a matter of fact, the way Oscar “died” is similar to how Pyrhha was killed. For me, I’m picturing Jaune being the most affected by Oscar’s “unfortunate passing”. In fact, I’m thinking Jaune would be livid over Oscar's "death".
For me, I’m envisioning a scene where a distraught Jaune is just angrily punching the wall so hard that it was slowly starting to bruise his fingers with small flecks of blood starting to trickle from underneath the armour giving the force of his punches.
I’m picturing Jaune bawling his eyes out and practically screaming how much nothing has changed for him. In spite of his training, in spite of how hard he had worked to grow stronger as a huntsman, in spite of the promises he had made and the things he had said, here was another example of him failing yet another friend he let walk off to “handle things on their own”.
Oscar was a part of Jaune’s team. He was placed in his care and had his trust and protection and I can picture Jaune believing that he had failed Oscar just as he had failed Pyrhha.
It would actually be kind of sad how just as Jaune and essentially Ren and Nora were starting to slowly  come to peace with Pyrhha and move on with Oscar looking to join them, he too suffered the same fate as Pyrhha and it’s a fate that I can see all of them taking responsibility in some way.
Heck I can even picture Jaune and Ren probably having an argument over this with poor Nora being forced to come between them. I’m thinking Jaune might get angry at Ren holding him responsible for making Oscar think he had to do something to help given his statement following the loss of the relic. That could be something but then again, these are only ideas.
Nevertheless, the similarities between the circumstances in which Pyrhha and Oscar were both “murdered” are too present that I can’t see it not being brought up for V8 as part of JNR’s side of things. Moreover, this is another opportunity for Oscar’s whole humanity and the way in which the whole group perceived his presence within their team to come into focus here. Think about it.
Imagine a moment where…upon learning the dark news, someone---maybe Nora--- brings up the fact about reincarnation clinging to the hope that perhaps Oscar could “return” somehow in some shape or form…only for Qrow to more or less burst their bubble.
According to my understanding of the whole Ozma Cycle, I’d like to believe that the way in which the reincarnation works is that Oscar would’ve only been able to return as a secondary soul inside the body of another is if he and Oz had already merged into one soul with Oscar becoming the dominating personality.
However if Oscar was killed before him and Oz could become one, I’d imagine that Oz---as the last version of Ozma’s soul---would’ve just moved onto another chosen vessel and have to redo the same induction process he had done with Oscar all over again. However Oscar would not be so fortunate. Basically what I’m saying is that Oz would be fine but Oscar on the other hand would be gone for good.
I just want the thought of Oscar---the soul that was Oscar----The part of him that was still the cute 14-year-old former farmhand that had shown up to RNJR in Mistral was now gone. I want that very thought to hit the whole hero team like a ton of bricks and to just see the reactions from everyone on the team at that profound realization. Especially the members of Oscar’s Inner Circle meaning RNJR.
For me, RWBY as a show has a weird habit of kind of doing a not-so-good job of proving how much the hero team actually value Oscar as their teammate. So I’m hoping that the news of his alleged “death” can spark this level of angst. It’s why I loved that V7 ended with Oscar being separated from the others with only Oz as his companion. It’s why I’m hoping that the CRWBY Writers allow for Oscar and Oz to finally have their own “journey” story away from the others.
As I’ve mentioned previously; not only is it a chance to develop and strengthen the relationship between Oscar and Oz that’s been strained so much since their first union but it’s also a way to highlight the importance of both souls’ existence to the people who knew them.
For Oscar, it’s a chance to see how he impacted the group in spite of his “short time” with them. Especially for RNJR since they technically knew him the longest having met him first and being comprised of the people who Oscar are closest to: Ruby as Oscar’s true rose (and potential love interest) and JNR as his team and surrogate family.  
And for Ozpin, it’s a chance for the show to finally touch base on his ties to Qrow, Ironwood and maybe the whole STRQ group particularly Summer Rose. There is so much potential in this for Oscar’s character and his respective relationships with his closest confidants that as a Pinehead, I honestly hope it will be taken. Finger crossed to that for V8.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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nerdsideofthemedia · 5 years
Filmmaking and Bumbleby (RWBY)
I have this posted on the nerdsideofthemedia a while back, but since I’m not going to be writing many more posts here for a while, I’ll post it here too.
This is an analysis of the finale of V3.
Because I am going to talk about writing and filmmaking, so I think I have to say this: I don’t have an education in those fields (so people who do, feel free to correct me). What I know I learned either by analyzing things myself or via reading/watching videos from people who have an education in those fields. While I have attempted to write stuff, so far I’ve thrown everything in the garbage.
Writing process
This obviously changes from a writer to another, but it usually goes something like this: outline (which can be more or less complete or skipped, if you’re one of those), writing, editing, editing, editing. Editing is the phase where one and others read what they wrote and perfect it. A ton of stuff either is cut or is rephrased, entire scenes can be cut, others are put together, etc. Seriously, the first draft and last usually look nothing alike. The number of edits is dependent on the time and experience of the writers. And yes, I know CRWBY isn’t great handling time, so I understand maybe they don’t edit as much as they should or do it in a more superficial way, nonetheless that phase exists.
Kuleshov effect
Kuleshov was a Soviet filmmaker who defended viewers deride more meaning from two sequential shots than one. He did his own experiment, shooting a man with a neutral expression and intertwining these shots with different things: like a plate with food and a dead child. Hitchcock also did a variation in which he showed a close up of a man, then a woman with a baby, cut to the man smiling. In this case, the man is a sympathetic figure.
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Then, he changed the middle shot to a woman in a bikini, so it was: close up of a man, woman in bikini, man smiling. And the conclusion is: the guy’s a pervert.
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This is the power of editing in filmmaking: create meaning. And to quote Dan Olson (whose video on the Kuleshov effect is linked below): “Because this meaning becomes inherent to the sequence, a careful consideration of placement, order and timing is necessary to both create desired meaning and to avoid undesired meaning”.
Let’s look at RWBY’s “Heroes and Monsters”:
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“ I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love”
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They hear Yang call Blake, cut to Yang, cut to Adam again.
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Then Adam turns to Blake to judge Yang’s importance to her, so we cut to her again and he takes his conclusions.
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“… starting with her” 
“Love doesn’t have to mean romance”. Sure, but to use such a loaded word in that context is to put romantic meaning undoubtedly on the table, not just as a possibility, but due to the stakes and how the entire scene is edited as likely. It seems like a pretty deliberate choice since the writers could have chosen to phrase it differently like “I’ll destroy everything you care about”, but they didn’t. And they confirm this was indeed deliberate in V5, when Sun does fight Adam for a while yet, when choosing a word to connect him with Blake via Adam, they went for… “classmate”. Remember the writing process? Editing – still a thing in there too.
The entire scene is done in a way that Adam not only understands the importance Yang has to Blake, but also for the audience to associate the word “love” with those 2, even if Adam only discovers they are in love in V6.
After the fall of Beacon, Sun looks at an injured Blake and Yang while the first apologizes to the latter with tears in her eyes. That shot exists for Sun to realize the connection between the 2 girls, not for him to see Blake injured, otherwise it would have been better if Yang had been kept out of the frame, not to mention that he had already seen her injured. 
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No, this shot doesn’t exist to show Sun seeing Blake injured, because he already knew that. When Weiss arrives and sees Yang and Blake injured, he’s already there. Plus, he was the one who told Ruby Yang was going to be OK.
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If the point was to make him notice Blake’s injuries, it makes no sense for their hands to appear. Yang would have been kept out of the frame, instead of taking up more space than Blake. If the point was to show him notice an injured Blake, it would have made much more sense to use a sequence like this: 
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Sun’s expression should be a bit different in the last to emphasize concern. Or they could have had the entire like the one they showed, but with a different angle in a way to cut Yang out of the frame.
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In the original RWBY, the shot of Blake is seen through the perspective of Ruby, not Sun’s. Instead, we only got a shot of him with both girls. No close ups, no particular importance placed on Blake, their hands near the middle of the shot, with Yang taking up more space than Blake.
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To me, this is the moment where Sun realizes Blake’s feelings for Yang, it’s the reason why he brings up Yang in V4 after his injury.
CRWBY could have done the same with their hands: Sun – BB hands – Sun again, but this way they left it more ambiguous which was probably the intention. It would have made no sense for them to go for subtlety if it was meant for Black Sun, because the audience was more than aware he was interested in Blake since V1 and subtlety had never entered the equation when it comes to them. For example, when they first meet, it was even used slow motion with him winking at her. I’d say BS was intended to be a red herring from pretty early on.
My previous posts on RWBY:
Bumblebee was Always the Plan
Bumblebee was Always the Plan part 2
Faunus and the White Fang: The Portrayal of Racism
BB & Renora
Weird Post on Weiss’s Clothes
Foils: Adam and Yang (this one is in wordpress; it was my first one and I didn’t have Tumblr then)
Let’s talk about Adam Taurus
(I didn’t post this one on Tumblr because the title and tags could lead Adam fans thinking this was about “his wasted potential” when really it defends the decision of killing him off and explains why it happened)
Kuleshov effect:
Folding Ideas (Dan Olson – watch his videos. He’s great): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy2Vhnqtu8I
Hitchcock explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNVf1N34-io
Kuleshov effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gGl3LJ7vHc
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shirorozutriea · 4 years
RWBY Theory ft. The Oz
Also thanks to @chemethstry95
Okay so, basically I'm just trying to dig what I've seen, read and know so far from both the RWBY franchise and the RWBY fandom. And that is about Ozpin or well, Ozma and his couple of thousands of reincarnation.
Please be aware of the fact that this is just a theory, may it makes sense to some of you or not. This could also be baseless depending on you(reader's perspective). And of course, I just whipped this out of a whim in a previous conversation with a friend (Hi Chem!) So lez go.
So I was watching the last episode of the volume 7 and of course, (We) saw Oscar using, what we could probably think of or assume as (his?) semblance. Since we never have seen him portraying any semblance on the previous volumes he is in, so surprise surprise.
But of course this talk is a theory(?) So of course I saw something, somewhat peculiar. On the previous volumes, V5 I think, we know Oscar's aura is color green and everyone knows colors meant something when it comes to the show. Green is always seen with Ozpin, Ozma and probably is safe to assume that well, other reincarnation have some green with them(?). And on V6, Ozma's magic is of the color green. And what does it have in common with Ozpin and Oscar, their semblance is green and as well as their auras. (Also there's other theories, now probably not just theories anymore regarding with the fact that Ozma is both the Wizard and The Warrior King of the King of Vale. And guess what, they are portrayed with the color green.)
Now here's the conversation I have with Chem:
It all started with me "claiming" Ironwood is a dick. The fans are going to kill me. (I will have my take on him, not a theory but more of what I think Ironwood is probably thinking.)
We know Ironwood shot Oscar, and he plummeted down on a huge hole in the facility that leads outside. Anyways, we saw Ozpin helping him again, making him not lose his cool. And I have a speculation, that Ozpin told him something in his head, and is backed up with added memories coming from Ozpin. And with that he was able to used The Long Memory and had an access to a semblance. That's where I realized something, (kudos to Chem too for making me realize it). Oscar used what could probably Ozpin's semblance. And here's the thing:
Chem pointed out that Ozpin saved him by giving him his powers or semblance we don't know, yet. So I said:
"Yeah but it was all Oscar's doing Oz helped him and probably gave him memories because Oscar mentioned "This memories.."."
And he replied:
"Yea it may have been Oscar's doing but Oz gave him some of his power. Bc did you see that green sphere? That's Oz's power"
And I'm like, whoah, wait...
"But what if that was his semblance tho owo" And I am pertaining to Oscar.
So I bombarded him with these statements:
"Could it possibly be that Ozma can pass his semblance and other powers (If he had coming from the god of light) to whom he was reincarnated with?"
Because it kinda make sense?
"Think about it, Ozpin has his semblance the same as what Oscar was able to use. The green probably time semblance, I dunno. And thinking back on V6, Ozma's semblance/power was of green color too (probably safe to assume that the rest of whom he was reincarnated had also green colored semblance) But really what if he can actually pass not just his soul and memories but also his semblance"
And Chem said he liked the theory.
So yeah, basically what I was thinking that during those reincarnations that Ozma have, he may have unlikely passed on some things to them that distinguished them as being merged.
“I am the combination of countless men, who have spent their lives trying to protect the people of Remnant. With every rebirth my soul is eventually merged with another, and I am changed. But my memories stay with me.” (V5E3)
And soul as Pyrrha said, "Aura is the manifestation of our soul"
And I remember my teacher in philosophy telling the class this, "Soul, [is what means as our individuality. It] is what we call as "self"."
So I have a thought that, since aura is the manifestation of the soul, then that means as the other Oz' body dies, the soul is merged with someone who is the same as them, in term of what possibly what he thought about humanity, possibly beliefs etc. This means that, his aura may be able to be passed down to the next host of the soul, and that's why Oscar was able to use Ozpin's semblance and aura because of that. So not just the "self" is passed and the memories but also the innate capabilities of the soul.
So some of you may noticed that I am actually playing with the font styles here because, this is the first time I used them hehe
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nekojitachan · 7 years
TFCFansgive fic - Favor with the Stars (TFC Renison)
This is the fic I wrote for @cabeswaterlovesthem as part of @tfcfansgive - I really hope you like it, I had such fun filling the prompt! Much thanks to @magnesiumeternity for the beta.
So, basically a T rating, no trigger warnings other than references to Allison’s past and the sexist nature of Exy. I’ll probably get this up on AO3 later.
Allison groaned as she felt the bed shift next to her, unwilling to wake up just then since she was still tired and there was a crick in her neck and things were so nice and warm…. Something cool and smooth stroked along her left calf, followed by a hand sliding along her left hip, which caused her to murmur out a complaint. "Not playin’ fair, dammit."
"Hmm, looks like you're not awake yet, sweetie. Still dreaming or something," Renee told her as Allison snuggled closer. "Good morning," she said before she placed a kiss against Allison's left shoulder, body warm against Allison's back.
Dammit, it looked as if she had no choice but to wake up after all, Allison realized with a bit of grumpiness as she hugged Renee's arm tighter against her belly and tilted her head up and back enough for a proper kiss. Even with her eyes closed, she could feel the smile on her wife's lips, begrudgingly giving in to one of her own as their fingers entwined, before rolling onto her back with Renee leaning above her.
"It's morning," she admitted as she opened her eyes to find Renee still smiling, pink-hued hair tousled from sleep and framing her lovely face, and dark eyes sparkling. "I'm not conceding anything else right now." Not until she got at least another kiss and a couple of espressos into her.
Well used to their morning routine by then, Renee's smile deepened. The faint wrinkles around her eyes crinkled (Allison would be appalled for her, except - as with everything related to Renee - it was adorable as hell. Besides, Renee didn't give a damn about crow's feet from smiling). Allison had just managed to sneak her left hand up beneath Renee’s cotton t-shirt when there was a loud shout about ‘not fair’ (which oddly enough echoed her thoughts just then), prompting a low moan caught between amusement and frustration.
“Why did we adopt again?” she asked, her arms flopping back onto the luxury mattress even as her lips twitched into a smile. Renee gave her a slight peck on the tip of her nose before slipping from their king-sized bed (sadly not so huge because of the very enjoyable things they did in it when they had the time and energy, but because of the shared company they usually had crawling into it at all hours of the day and night).
“Ha, ha,” Renee chided as she grabbed her robe from the chaise lounge at the foot of the bed. “I’ll go see what’s causing the latest crisis while you get ready.”
“If it’s Jared fighting over pop tarts again, tell him he’s lost his internet privileges for the day,” Allison called out, although, judging from the glint in Renee’s eyes, she shouldn’t have bothered; Renee was an amazing mother, was there for their ‘brood’ 24/7 and even cut back to part-time work at the local woman’s shelter so she could take care of the two youngest kids while Allison managed to balance running a successful clothing line and have enough time for her family. Still, that didn’t mean she let any of their four kids walk all over her, even if she was better with the whole ‘affection’ thing.
Allison was doing her best, was determined to not make the same mistakes which her parents had made— her and Renee were both determined to give their kids everything that had been denied them growing up, to provide a safe, stable home where their daughters and sons could achieve their dreams without censure or abuse. Some days, though, the doubts were ever present.
And some days, the doubts vanished when she walked into the kitchen to find Jared laughing as he helped Maddy with the breakfast dishes, as Renee and Ryan sang along together to a popular tune while Hailee finished the last of her cereal. Allison hummed along as she grabbed the mug of coffee waiting for her, swooping in to give Ryan a kiss on the top of his awful bedhead and going over to tousle Jared’s bleached spikes, as always torn between joy and a slight heartache at how he looked so much like a young, carefree version of Seth. A version of Seth she was determined to ensure would have the best chances in life this time around, who would avoid all of the demons which had dragged her old boyfriend down.
Maddy laughed at Jared grimacing at the gesture of affection and smiled at Allison; she was growing lovelier each day with her long black hair, dark eyes, and sun-kissed complexion. “You two almost ready?” Allison asked. She was responsible for taking them to school on her way to work; Renee would get Ryan to preschool in a little bit and Hailee to daycare for a few hours when she went to the shelter.
“Yes,” Jared and Maddy said in unison while Maddy put away the last of the dishes and Jared hurried to dry his hands. They rushed over to give Renee a kiss ‘goodbye’ before they grabbing their backpacks and the large duffel bags which held their sports gear; Jared was on the under 10 soccer team and doing well, while Maddy wanted to (so far) ‘carry on’ the family ‘tradition’ and was into Exy.  Allison had to say that she was a damn good offensive dealer, and even Dan agreed.
It was an unexpected emotion, to feel so much joy and pride in what another person— a child at that— did, in their accomplishments, but there it was. Allison was doing a lot of new things these days, was in a lot of uncharted territory, and it was all because of Renee.
It wasn’t the fancy life she’d imagined— the endless parties and the expensive penthouse and a different city each week— but she was happy. She had a nice home in a gated community not far from downtown Los Angeles; she had a successful business, an amazing wife, and a wonderful family.
Not to mention her kick-ass custom pink Porsche Cayenne with a supped up v6 engine, which purred like a kitten and handled the highways (when there wasn’t too much traffic) like a champ— and always got her a few narrowed looks dropping off the kids. She made sure to give the other parents a big grin and a wave of manicured nails before she floored it out of the school zones on her way to work.
Once at the office, she got down to business, which was getting the winter collection ready for show even if it was early spring. She worked on a few new designs of her own and approved several others while her assistants, Emilio and Becca, ran around like the well-organized lunatics they were and helped her field the calls for new orders, interviews, production lines and so forth.
During lunch in her office, she took the time to chat with Renee, and spending the rest checking up on her Foxes, on seeing the pictures that Dan had posted of her kids (Abram was the spitting image of Matt while Tori and Davey were getting so big) and of Nicky and Erik’s recent vacation. The Foxes were off to a good start in the latest season, Matt’s team had just beaten Kevin’s, and of course there was nothing but cat pictures on Neil’s Instagram.
Seeing that his and Andrew’s team would be in LA in two weeks for a game, she fired off a message to the hopeless case that she expected the two of them to free up some time for dinner. She knew that Renee would be working on Andrew as well and figured it would be worth putting up with Andrew to get her Neil time for the night. She spent the rest of her break heaping more abuse on Kevin for his loss, which made her smile, especially when Nicky came online and joined in on the fun.
Then it was back to work, especially since she had to leave early for Maddy’s Exy game. For years, Allison had sneered at the term ‘soccer mom’, at the thought of the parents who had shown up all the time to the Exy games she’d played while in high school, who had cheered on her teammates and yelled at the coaches if they felt a call had been messed up— overbearing parents who pushed their kids too much, in her opinion, who lived through their kids’ accomplishments rather than their own.
Her parents had never come to one of her games, had never supported her while she played Exy. They might be coming around now that she had her own successful business and adored Renee, but she never forgave them for being unable to accept her for so many years, for letting her struggle on her own and stand without support. But that was the past, and she refused to repeat those same mistakes, to be like them.
When Maddy and Jared had come along, she’d realized that going to the games was important to them, to show them that she (and Renee) was there for them, to cheer them on and offer encouragement and support. Most days, Allison and Renee had split the games between them— to have Allison go to Maddy’s one day and Jared’s the next and then Renee switch off with her, but the kids were happy as long as someone was there to watch them play.
After all those years where Allison had struggled with Exy, had gotten by with sheer determination and spite, had put up with the bruises and abuse merely to prove everyone wrong… she wasn’t going to let Maddy down or go through it alone. She wasn’t going to let Jared feel that he didn’t have any support, that he didn’t have someone who believed in him (she never could convince Seth that he had at least one person who believed in him, dammit).
Traffic being the bitch that it was, she got to Maddy’s game right before it started, which meant that there weren’t any good seats left around the court. Allison shrugged and went to stand near the Plexiglas barrier, where she reached into her Chloe bag to pull out her phone so she could let Renee know that she’d made it to the game.
Already out on court, Maddy waved when she caught sight of her (the five inch Prada heels helped, and Allison refused to take them off after she caught a snide comment from one of the other mothers that ‘it’s not the division championship, what’s her deal?’, even if they would start to hurt like a bitch by half-time) and she settled in for the game. Allison filmed a few minutes of it so Renee could watch their daughter in action later, as always proud of the girl; it was the under-13 division so some of the kids were bigger than Maddy, had already hit their growth spurt and so could really shove the smaller kids around.
And, as always with Exy being a co-ed sport, you got some boys who seemed to think that girls had no right being out on their court. ‘Still, Maddy refused to be intimidated by them and stood her ground.
Allison and Renee had raised Maddy— all of their kids, really— to stand up for themselves, to know that they were worthy of respect and of being treated properly. Maddy had several ‘uncles’ who played Exy and believed that women had every right to be out on court, and had been taught she could do anything she wanted. She faced the challenges on court without fear and played with a sense of determination and skill which made Allison think that here was a Reynolds (well, Reynolds-Walker) who would take Exy all the way to the pros.
So when a backliner for the away team knocked her daughter down in a blatant foul that made Allison ready to rip open the door and go charging out onto the court, she forced herself to take a deep breath and remain calm. She knew how she’d have hated it if someone interfered when she’d been playing, if she thought that someone else had been fighting her battles. Pride swelled in her chest when Maddy got up on her feet and, after patting down her legs and letting the team nurse check her out for a couple of seconds, picked up her racquet to continue playing.
Except the Cougar’s latest coach indicated that he wanted Maddy off the court, when she was one of the team’s best dealers and clearly fit to play. Maddy frowned at that and tried to argue, but Coach Nichols didn’t listen and waved her off.
Allison caught her daughter’s eyes, giving her a reassuring smile. She watched from the stands as the Cougars lost to the Sea Lions 4-10, as the away team battered down their defense again and again. Maddy never got a chance to get back out onto the court, while Allison bided her time until the pathetic game was over.
Her feet aching and temper in shreds, she managed a smile when an upset Maddy came out of the locker room with her arms open for a hug. “I’m so sorry, mom. You came only to see us lose.”
“Hush, you were great out there,” Allison assured her as she held her daughter close. “You did your best, as always.” She gave her a quick kiss while she kept an eye on the doorway, and soon enough, Nichols finally came out into the parking lot.
Stalking forward to get the man’s attention before someone else could, Allison called out the bastard’s name. “Nichols? Mike Nichols?” When he gave her a curious look, she smiled, the expression poison-sweet. “I have a question about the game tonight.”
“I’m sure you do,” he said, his tone as sour as he glanced around. “Which kid is yours?”
“Maddy Reynolds-Walker, offensive dealer, number nine.” Maddy had been so happy to get Renee’s old number for her own.
“Right.” Now Nichols’ expression was as sour as his tone. “Look, kids are going to get roughed up in this game, if you don’t like that-”
“No, that’s not what this is about,” Allison said as Maddy crept up to stand beside her, as a few other parents and their kids stopped to watch the interaction. “I very well know that Exy is a contact sport.”
“Sure you do,” Nichols said in a patronizing manner as he pulled out his phone to look at it, as if he had a better way to spend his time than to listen to a ‘soccer mom’.
“You better damn well believe I do,” Allison snapped. “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but both me and my wife happened to play Exy in college. We were on the same team as a few people you may have heard of  . . . Kevin Day, Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, and Matt Boyd, to name a few.” She didn’t usually drop names like that, but she had an asshole to tear apart and a point to prove, and not much time to do it since Renee would have dinner ready for them soon.
As soon as she’d said ‘Kevin Day’, Nichols jerked his attention away from the phone to gawk at her, and his jaw had dropped when she got to ‘Andrew Minyard’. “Yes, I’m an ex-Fox, in case you don’t recognize me,” she told the bastard. “So I damn well know a few things about the game, and so does my daughter. You know, the girl who had helped to keep the team who went on to beat your team’s ass in check until you pulled her off the court for some stupid reason.”
“But… but… she’s just a gir- ah, a kid,” Nichols attempted to argue. “She was getting smacked around out there.”
Just as Allison had thought, another asshole who thought that women couldn’t handle playing Exy. “Maddy? Were you or weren’t you fine out there? Tell the truth.”
Maddy straightened up and nodded. “I had the wind knocked out of me, but I was fine to play. I know what Uncle Kevin and Aunt Dan told me about playing injured and I wasn’t hurt at all.”
There were a few twitters at the ‘Uncle Kevin’ part, and Allison noticed that a couple of other parents with young girls as players appeared very interested in the exchange with Nichols at the moment. “See? My daughter has had it drilled into her head to get off the court if she’s hurt and she told you she was fine to play, yet you ignored her. You took a player who’s a starter for a reason out of play because… well, the only thing I can think of is that you’re a chauvinistic asshole and that makes me rather unhappy,” Allison warned. “Unhappy enough that I’m sure my daughter can find a better team to play on with a coach who knows the value of his players.”
“Mom,” Maddy whined, but settled when Allison gave her The Look.
Meanwhile, Nichols shook his head. “It’s not like that, I just wanted to make sure that your kid didn’t get roughed up!”
“Yet you allowed boys her size to continue to play,” Allison pointed out, which made several parents raise their voices in agreement. “Something to consider, no?” Feeling that she’d proven her point, she motioned for Maddy that it was time to leave. “If I see you making a negative call against Maddy or another girl on this team again, we’ll find another team for my daughter to play on, one that truly is co-ed.”
A few of the parents joined in on that statement as Allison and Maddy made their way to the Porsche, where Maddy waited to say anything until they pulled out of the parking lot. “Really, Mom? Did you have to do that?” she asked with a pout as she folded her arms across her chest.
Allison didn’t respond until about a minute later, when she was certain her tone wouldn’t be snappish in any manner. “Look, I get it, I do. That probably was a bit embarrassing for you, but I’m not going to let some asshole get away with something like that, with belittling any of you kids and your skills.” She glanced over at Maddy and smiled, the expression a little sad. “Ask Aunt Dan one day about all the stuff she put up with for being the first female captain in the Class I division, but it’s not going to be pretty, those stories. I can’t fight all your battles for you, I don’t want to fight all of them because that’s what makes you stronger, but I’ll do what I can to get you to where you’re ready to go out there and kick ass yourself.”
Maddy stared at her with those full lips of hers pushed out in a pout, and then she smiled. “Okay, first? Mom would yell at you for all of that swearing, you know.”
Allison smiled in earnest at that. “Yeah, so do me a favor and keep it a secret between us, all right? Mani-pedi on Saturday?”
“Deal,” Maddy agreed in a rush. “And second?” Her expression softened. “Thank you, even if it really was a bit embarrassing.”
“Then I’m doing my job.” Allison laughed when her daughter groaned at that statement. “Just be thankful it was me here today, because your other mom would have handed that guy his spleen for treating you like a delicate little flower.” There was no way Renee would have just stood there and allowed some asshole to sideline their child like that.
Maddy groaned again as she tucked back a lock of hair, which had escaped the bright pink elastic she’d pulled it back with into a messy ponytail. “Oh no, I still remember what she did to Jared’s math teacher when she told him that he clearly didn’t grasp the subject just because he doesn’t speak up in class!”
Oh yes, that had been quite the takedown, one Allison was sorry she’d missed because she’d been in New York City at the time, but she’d heard enough from the kids to savor the way Renee had torn into woman – hell hath no fury like the truly righteous who knew how to kill you with a slip of paper. A truly righteous person who could hold their own against Andrew Minyard and Neil Josten at that.
Allison and Maddy spent the rest of the drive home talking about colors and styles for their ‘girls out’ morning on Saturday, and arrived just a little later than usual to find something delicious scenting the air in the kitchen and Jared setting the table with Ryan’s help. He dumped a handful of forks to come running over to give her a hug and brag about his win, which set off some teasing when Maddy had to admit that her team lost – but only because her coach was an idiot. Allison left them to their bickering to go give Renee a kiss.
“Hmm, how was your day?” Renee asked as she smiled up at Allison, lovely as always, dressed in faded jeans with an old Fox t-shirt with her hair pulled back from her face in a loose ponytail.
“Interesting.” Allison picked up Hailee and settled her youngest daughter on her hip, uncaring that her Lanvin silk dress would get wrinkled. “The restock of the fall collection is well on its way to selling out, I threatened to castrate the guy who’s handling— or mishandling, I should say— the production of our coats for the winter collection and I think he liked it a little too much,” Renee laughed at that, “and I gave a verbal beatdown to Maddy’s coach because he seems to think girls are too breakable for Exy, of all things.” She rolled her eyes at that as she bounced Hailee up and down, making her daughter laugh and grab at the long gold necklace she wore.
“Hmm.” A blank look came over Renee’s face for a moment as she stirred some more paprika into what looked to be some sort of goulash. “Well, I helped Laura sign the paperwork for her new apartment,” she said, which made her smile – Allison knew that helping the women move into a new home was one of Renee’s favorite aspects of her job – “assisted a few others with filling out some resumes and agreed that we’d co-chair a fund raiser next month.” Now her expression turned a bit rueful. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“You know I love to throw parties, and it’s a welcome change from kids’ birthdays,” Allison said as she held Hailee up above her head. “Someone didn’t want black tie for their second birthday, you heathen.”
“Black tie!” Hailee cried out with evident glee. “Higher, Mommy!”
Allison gave her a gentle toss a couple of times before she set her down on the floor, where Hailee went stumbling off toward Maddy, laughing all the while. Renee watched on with a tender smile curving her lips before she turned toward Allison, her expression suddenly much more intent.
“So . . . Maddy’s next game is Thursday.”
“Yes, I believe so,” Allison agreed as she picked up a spoon so she could taste the goulash. “Oh, that’s good.”
Renee gave her wrist a gentle swat. “It’ll be done in five minutes, you can wait that long. I was going to take Ryan to the dentist that afternoon, but I want you to swap with me.” It was clear that it wasn’t a request.
Since Allison very well knew why the love of her life wanted to switch things around, she smiled as she leaned in close. “I’ll do it for a kiss, and if you promise to tell me all the gruesome details.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal.” Renee rocked up onto her toes to seal the agreement, while Jared complained that he was hungry so no more kissy stuff and Ryan ran over to hug them both, his short arms barely fitting around their hips.
They broke off the kiss with a laugh, Allison almost dizzy with joy as she held them against her close.
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Only company I know of that doesn't charge down-payment or upfront fee is geico. Anyone know of any other ones?
Family Health Insurance?? Question Help?
I was wondering does family health insurance, for example. like in my situation, i want to go to a dentist to whiten my teeth, but will the insurance cover for that?""
Car insurance student help?
Hey guys, I want to ask, is it possible to get a Mini Cooper convertible with car insurance. I'm 20 and I passed my test in November 2012. I'm planning to buy a mini but will they let me have the insurance ? All answers would be very helpful, thank you X""
Older Model Mobile Homes Insurance?
My sister & husband are buying a 1975 Moblie Home in New York State and need Insurance on it, All the insurance companies they looked at said it is too old. My question is where can they get insurance for a older type moblie home ?""
Mazda Miata insurance is wacked?
I got a quote from Geico, which is the best I could find, on a car that I'm thinking about purchasing and financing. The car is a 1996 Mazda Miata with 80,000 miles on it. Geico gave me a quote for $882 for six months, thats $147 a month and $1764 a year. What the heck?! I'm 18 and don't understand why insurance is that expensive. I've never had a ticket or an accident. It also says that I need to get a deductible when the car is selling for $3995. Any advice?""
""Who has the most lenient car insurance? Husband has points on his license from speeding, need cheap coverage.?""
Who has the most lenient car insurance? Husband has points on his license from speeding, need cheap coverage.?""
How much would my car insurance be?
Right now I have a Nissan Maxima that im paying about $1000 per year liability insurance on. But this car is giving me problems and I am tired of putting money into it so im looking into a new one. I seen a nice 08 Honda that I can afford but my only concern is that my insurance will skyrocket because I have been told that I would have to get full coverage on it. So about how much would insurance on a 08 Honda accord be for a 20 year old male. Btw I have all state right now can anyone recommend a nice cheap insurance?
How much is insurance on a mustang?
im 17, my parents are clean drivers, i want a v6 mustang, possiblbly 2010 or 11. how much would my insurance be? how much more would it be than my civic? rough estimates welcome lol :)""
California motorcycle license???????????
I want to get a motorcycle license but heres my question, I dont have a motorcycle and if I was to buy one how could I get it insured? if I dont have a MC license? cause I know the insurance guy will ask me for my MC license first ( just like when you insure a car ) and heres another question, if I had a MC how would I be able to show proof of insurance to the place where you take the MC highway test ( not sure what its called ). Just to let you know I dont know anyone who has a MC so I could borrow it to take the test.""
USA Insurance for New Immigrants?
Hello!! I would like to inquire about medical insurance for new immigrants in the state of Florida. We have been here for 1 year now and who or what organization should we turn to? I have heard that a lot of them are expensive. I was told that we could get family insurance through employment -- but at the moment, my mom is the only one working with us, 3 dependents. So suggestion?""
Want to sell my insurance idea?
I have a unique idea 4 a short term insurance in south africa. How do i sell it 2 insurance companies?
What would my insurance be in this situation?
I am 20 years old I have had my license for 10 months but did not have insurance nor have i ever had insurance or a car under my name. I am goin to buy a cheap non sports car and am wondering what it will cost me for LIABILITY only to have insurance, yearly and monthly , and do i have to make a down payment?""
arkansas insurance adjuster jobs
arkansas insurance adjuster jobs
600 sport motorcycle such as the r6 or zx 6r insurance quote in Ontario?
Could anyone tell me roughly how much the insurance will cost for a 600 cc motorcycle in Ontario? I'm 20 years old and i will get my M1 really soon. Also I've had my G1 in August 2006, G2 in June 2007, and my G in april 2009. I'm a university student living away from home. Never got a ticket or an accident. also, I've never been in an insurance before. I really appreciate anyone who could answer the question.""
What are the Best Life insurance companies out there ?
We are looking for term Life insurance for my dad -He is 48 years old. -He drinks occasionally -Tobacco user -full time Truck driver -Has Type 2 Diabetes (Right now its not in control he had high Hcl results last time he got his lab done ) -He applied for New york life insurance and they denied his application coz of high blood sugar results ) so what company can provide him good coverage with affordable price or its just impossible for Diabetes patient to get a life insurance ? what are the high rating insurance companies out there ? I searched online but when it comes to reviews every company has 50/50 good and bad reviews .doN'T KNOW HAT TO DO.!
Who can give me the name of some good health insurance companies or health insurance assistance programs?
Please tell me your monthly payment, the company name, your deductible, whether it's an individual or family policy, and if a family policy, how many family members in the plan. This info will help me decide who has the most affordable insurance for my budget. I just got layed off and my $60/mo medical insurance will cost $900/mo to keep it going. Like how the helll am I supposed to pay $900/mo; that's $225/wk! They must be dammm crazy!""
Car Insurance Quote Accuracy?
I was considering leasing a BMW 3 series coupe and tried getting an anonymous insurance quote online from thegeneral.com, to avoid spamming and releasing my personal information, but they do not allow it for the NY region so I eventually used the zipcode for Louisiana, and got a quote of about $350/month. How accurate is that figure? Im 25, had a license for 6 years with a squeaky clean record (though I have never owned a vehicle under my name), male, and use a Long Island address. I expect it to be cheaper due to the fact that I'm 25 and have a good record, and reside outside of the city but is that realistic""
""How much insurance(fully comprehensive, USA) do I have to pay for a 400,000$ car?""
For a 400,000$ car in the state of New-York how much car insurance will I have to pay fully comprehensive insurance. Like a Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe how much insurance has to be paid for that type of car. Don't want an exact number, just round it off.""
How much will my auto insurance rate go up after an acciedent?
i have lieability insurance and pay 55 a month
How can I check what is affecting my car insurance prices?
Would there be a website to do this? I am struggling to see why my car insurance is so expensive. I've checked my insurance prices on gocompare.com, it's around 4,500, so I think it would help if I could find out why it was so.""
How much would my car insurance be?
I'm looking to buy another car. I would really like a BMW or a VW, years like 1996 to 2004. I'm thinking like a 3 series BMW or a passat or jetta. I know these are typically nicer cars thus insurance would be higher, though some people claim they're cheaper because they're more safe. Anyway, how high are we talking here? I don't need an exact number but a decent estimate would really help so I don't buy a nice car and find out I can't afford the insurance. I'm an 18 year old guy, I have NO tickets of any sort, no accidents, I commute about 20 miles to college, iv been licensed for over a year, I took drivers education. I'm under my own name not my parents so my insurance is astronomical cause I'm an 18 year old guy. Please help.""
Car insurance question?????
me and my husband both have a car and have full no claims on both of them however we went to france for a year now we have returned but our uk insurance company are saying our no claims is no good as last year we were in france and they can't read whether we had a claim or not as our policy is in french!! the french company wont translate it to english as it's a french legal document!! so now although we have full no claims we are being penalised for leaving the country for a year!!!! we feel this is discrimination!!!!! we can translate it for them and the english lady in the french office has said it is ok for the uk company to call but of course this is not good enough!! any advice would be great!!!
Wat is the avarage cost for car insurance in nyc? anyone! please be as specific as posible?
so ive been thinkin about getting a car. but i dont know how much i would be paying a month for car insurance..i would really appreciate to get accurate answers...thank u guys
What is a good reputable Insurance Company for Health Insurance?
I need health Insurance and I want to get quotes.
Insurance for 17/18 yr old female?
hi i have an 08 civic lx sedan still currently paying for for about another 2 yrs . im looking to get another car paying it cash . i want to add my younger sister as a driver for the civic but i know she will need full coverage for we still owe money. she knows how to drive but still has not gotten her restricted yet.. how much would i be looking at for insurance for her.
Insurance on a 1998 Toyota Camry 16 y/old about to be 17?
Ok so i need your help. I am 16 years old and about to be 17 im going back to the u.s. and have a old 1998 toyota camry waiting for me (btw yuck) ok and my parents said to drive this until my insurance lowers and theyll get me a new car by graduation which is next june. So my question is how much do you think my insurance will be? Its a fairly old car and not in a good condition and i have had 1 accident which was pretty big but not completly my fault like 60%
What do you think is the cheapest insurance out there? i'm trying to switch from my current one.?
i currently use allstate. I pay about $160 a month and its not even full coverage
Still have to pay car insurance after selling the car?
I had an accident a couple of months ago, my car was written off so i bought another car which i've now sold because i dont really need a car, but my insurance company wants me to pay the remains of my policy, i take it there's no way to get out of this?""
Affordable Cosmetic dental insurance in NYC ?
I really want cosmetic dental surgery maybe back braces or invisalign, I live in NYC and I just want recommendations for which insurance company to go with. Also I'd really like something affordable. Any information would be helpful :)""
Car insurance while buying a car.?
I live in Washington and i plan on buying a car, $700 cash. Do i have to have insurance to drive it off the lot? or can i just go without insurance, i'm not financing or anything, paying full price.""
Why are insurance companies such bastards?
I could never figure out why people screw their insurance companies when they can. Well now I know. They are a bunch of ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So go for it, screw them when you can for all you can. You can be assured they will do it to you first wether you are honest or not.""
Got a ticket for no insurance?
An officer pulled me over for not using my blinker. He gave me a ticket for that and not having insurance. The problem is I have insurance, I just had an expired card in my car. I don't remember getting the knew ones in the mail and I had just forgotten about it. I know I pay my preimum every month because it is taken out of my checking account electornically. The officer didn't believe me. I even told him he could call my insurance company to verify. He refused to do so. I am very upset. He could have spent 5 minutes calling my company, instead I have to spend several hours going to court to get this cleared up. Is it true that officer doesn't have to call a company if he doesn't want to? Shouldn't it be a department policy that he verify insurance if someone asks him to?""
Need help buying and insuring a motorcycle.?
I am trying to buy and insure a motorcycle without my parents knowing. I am 21 years old and have moved out of my parents house. I have my own car and my own job, but my car is still insured through my parents' insurance. Is there any way I can start my own insurance plan, without my parents knowing, to get motorcycle insurance? Or would motorcycle insurance have to be tied back to the same insurance that covers my car (through my parents). What kind of monthly rates would that cost me? (I'm a 21 year old male living in Nebraska) Any and all help and advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
Which car insurance have you got the cheapest quote from for a 1.0 car?
my family is looking to buy a new car. My mum would be the main driver...my father the additional driver and me as another additional driver my mum has had her license for 15 years my dad has had it well over 30 years and i just passed a week ago any suggestions for the cheapest car insurance company ive been to gocompare but some sites dont show up any result....well quite alot frankly that i cannot go to each one individually to find a quote
How much does it cost to insure a child care center?
I am enrolled in a college course called Administration of Early Childhood Programs. My final project is creating my own child care center (the project covers everything and is very detailed so we can use our materials if we actually do open up a center). Anyways, I am stuck on one part of my budget. I have been researching for hours and cannot find what my estimated cost of what liability insurance would cost me per year. Because this business does not actually exist I am having difficulties obtaining a quote from insurance companies. My center is licensed for 140 children at one time. If anyone has an estimated cost or a source that would give me an average cost per child or an insurance estimate calculator or anything like that would really help. Thanks!""
Is there a CHEAP car that fits my needs?
Hey, Im a soon to be 19 year old, looking for my first car, I iwll be getting my licenses next month and was wondering is there like a cheap big body cars out there sorta like the ...show more""
""Can I get my drivers license, not drive, then later on get insurance?""
I was just wondering if I'd be able to get a drivers license much before i get actual car insurance. Since i'm a high schooler, and my grades aren't too good, my parents don't want to buy insurance for me yet, however, It would work out great for me if I could get my license first, just so the 6 months until i can ride with buddies will end sooner. Please comment with whatever you know about this subject, much appreciated!""
Do you think insurance policies are a waste of money?
i dont mean the ones we all have to have like motor and house insurance. I mean, small insurances for electical goods etc""
arkansas insurance adjuster jobs
arkansas insurance adjuster jobs
When can I get my own insurance?
Im 17 Ill be 18 in june. I had chip but my mom moved states and left me with my dad and chip expired and she cant re-apply because shes not in the same state. My dad doesnt want to pay for my insurance so now Im walking around with no insurance. I have medical problems and it requires surgery but I cant get anything now. I'm supposed to go get my eyes checked but I cant because of not having insurance. I dont know what to do. None of my family wants to add me on their insurance plan because it's too expensive. My sibling is on my mom's insurance because she live with her and my brother is on my step-mom's and my dad is on his own and pays child support. Im at a loss for what to do. My dad cant apply for chip because he is tied with my stepmoms income. What do I do? Can I get my own insurance? I start college in the fall, should I get insurance from the university?""
How much does it cost to insure a Ford Mustang?
Now for my first car I really wanted a Ford and the only one I like is the mustang. I know that they are sports cars so the insurance is high but I would like to know exactly how much it would cost for insurance especially since it would be my first car.
Question about car insurance?
I'm wondering something about car insurance. I am a 17 year old male, (turning 18 in 1 month) and have been driving a 2001 Hyundai accent since October. I am insured with esurance, and have liability only. I have a clean driving record. My monthly insurance is $197. I am on my parents policy. When I first called to get a quote, (cheapest company for me) it was around 120 a month, but then they got the VIN number and of course it went up because it knew exactly what car it was. Of course car insurance is very expensive for a male my age. My question is that I'm trying to save money to buy a jeep wrangler this summer. Will probably be a year 1997-2003. I want to know about how much it would cost to insure the jeep. I hear mixed responses about the cost to insure a wrangler, iv heard it's expensive because of the high theft rate and roll over chances. I know of course I don't know how much it will be exactly, considering I don't have a VIN number for the jeep wrangler. I get extremely expensive quotes when I search online, and the are all completely off. My parents policy has probably 4 or 5 cars on it and I am excluded off everyone's car. My sister has been in 2 wrecks and 2 speeding tickets, which I heard makes my insurance increase also. Anyone who has a general idea about cost for me to insure a jeep wrangler, thank you.""
Can home insurance companies completely deny you because you have a dog that attacked someone at one point?
I'm going to try to keep this short.. just know that, this is for my dog and I'm trying to save him... he's a 10 year old Akita. A year ago, our family dog bit someone. They sued for an insane amount of money, but it wasn't our fault completely, so our home insurance and their health insurance settled out of court for a lot less. Still, the settlement was expensive, and our home insurance didn't like covering a 6-digit figure claim because of the dog so they dropped us. Since then, all home insurance companies don't want to cover us, even if we don't have a dog , this information is by my father who doesn't like the dog already. There is only one house insurance that will cover us, according to my father, but they will only cover us if we don't have a dog, and even then they will charge 4 times as much. I'm not old enough to completely understand how insurance and claims and contracts work, but I'm just trying to save my dog, because my father is going to put him to sleep by the end of this month. I just need a good starting point or phone numbers that could maybe discredit what my father has been saying, or anything that could help. We live in Southern California. Apparently Akitas are listed as vicious, but at the age of 10, he's old enough to be mellow, but still too young to put to sleep. Any help would be appreciated.""
I need help with sending to cancelled auto insurance policies stating we have new companies and lower rates.?
Its an auto insurance company trying to win back cancelled policies.
""Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Dropped from car insurance?
I got dropped from my insurance because i could not afford it.. I have money now to pay for the insurance so what do i do now. Can i go to another company or can i try to be reinstated with my previous company. If i try to be reinstate how would i go about doing that. ps car insurance
Are there any cheap car insurers for older cars?
I am a 38 yr old woman who has held a license for 20 yrs but has not driven for about 10 yrs. Therefor i have no NCB (No claims bonus) which i can use as it needs to be current or expired for no more than 2 yrs. I have bought a very cheap car for about 300.00 and have looked at insurance but the cheapest so far is around 600.00 which i simply cannot afford. If i could afford to pay that amount i would have obviously bought a car that was worth much more but unfortunately at the moment a cheap car is all we can get. We have been desperate to get a car as i am in a new relationship and my partner has a 13 yr old son who we want to take to lots of lovely places over the summer holidays for some fun. It seems that we will not be able to do it as the insurers are penalising me and im sure lots of other drivers who are sensible drivers but have just not driven in a while for many different reasons - I think this is very wrong! I cant feasibly pay 600.00 for a car that isnt even worth quite half of that - its lydicrous!! Please can someone help me by pointing me in the direction of a cheap insurer who is prepared to insure for the minimum amount. I have read about pay as you go car insurance but dont really know if it is a good option although we ont be doing many miles so i dont know. If anyone has used pay as u go car insurance could u tell me if it is any good please. I hope anybody reading this can help me with the cheapest insurance possible as i am totally deflated at the moment as it has taken us ages to save up enough for the car and tax and what we thought the insurance would be ( we saved another 300.00 for insurance as i thought it would be as much as the car roughly). Thankyou ever so much. Jane.
Does Navy Federal require full coverage insurance on auto loans?
First time using an auto loan to buy a vehicle and I have never had full coverage, always just liability. I cannot afford full coverage insurance. Would I need that to get a loan from Navy Federal Credit Union?""
Need Health Insurance Advice: Colorado?
Question I had a shoulder injury while weight lifting last November. I recently graduated and my school's health insurance is going to end soon, and I need health insurance to help pay for a possible MRI/surgery down the road. Or even more PT. I don't have much experience with health insurance because I never get sick or had injuries before so I need advice on what to look for in the policy. Do health insurance generally allow pre-existing shoulder injuries to be covered?""
401k vs Life insurance?
Which is a better way to plan for the future? 401k or life insurance? I think life insurance would be better because if I died tomorrow it would pay off and take care of my wife, but what would my 401 k do? She could take out the money I guess but how much would have to be in there for it to be more than life insurance?""
Can you purchase auto insurance over the phone or online??
can you purchase auto insurance over the phone or online??
Seriously...How do you really understand your car insurance coverage?
It's certain things that the company doesn't make very known about how much is paid if an accident occurs. Can someone help me? I recently purchased a policy with Geico. 500 deductible on comp and colli. Still owe 14,500 on car and it's only worth 10,000 per blue book. My goodness. This world is not fair. Father save us. So many people out to get over on consumers.""
Adding teenager to car insurance?
I'm turning 16 in a few months and my parents said if i paid for the extra cost they would put me on their policy and i was wondering how much money it would be. We have Geico
How do i switch my auto insurance policy before my term is up?
I currently have Direct Auto insurance, but i would like to switch companies to get a cheaper rate. i never had to cancel my insurance before the term is up, and my term isnt up till november 2010. my question is, how do i do that (if i can), and will i be charged for it?""
Report someone who is driving without insurance and not registered?
how do i report someone driving without insurance and who isnt registered? and what happens to them when they get caught without both??? in california.
Where can I find cheap car insurance for my BMW 7 Series car?
Hi. I just bought a BMW 135i Convertible. Where can I find cheap car insurance for this car? I've checked the major ones like Geico but the quotes they list out are pretty expensive in my opinion.
What is the cheapest insurance I can get after an accident in NJ??
I am 18 years old so insurance is already extremely high for me(1100 for a 6 month policy through GEICO) and I recently had a minor accident where I rear ended another car and got a careless driving ticket. Im sure my rate will skyrocket in my next policy and I am wondering what I can do about it.
What is a price of car insurance in Italy?
What is a average car insurance premium for 25 years old with 5 years of no claim bonus in Italy?
Best motorcycle insurance coverage and cheapest in PA?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance i can get in Philadelphia PA? I know i could get a quote but i dont want to get a bunch of junk mail and give my personal information away. Basically, which insurance provider is the best? For the price? And also, what do you think would be my quote and what provider? Im 18 years old, with my first motorcycle, 2007 suzuki gsxr 600 (dont whine, im not wasting money on a 250cc bike) i also took the MSF safety course. (gives me about a 10% discount) ill choose the best answer if i get a good one.""
Where can I seek affordable health coverage for general and emergency care?
I'm currently jobless, and living abroad in Central America with my boyfriend. I need health insurance for emergencies and general health care. The plan I had was too expensive and I am desperate for a sense of security in case something happens. Also, I have been struggling with some more minor health issues and need to be able to see an American MD when I am home in the states. Please advise. Would also appreciate helpful weblinks as internet resources. Thanks.""
What are my best options for Martial Arts Insurance?
I am going to begin instructing self defense soon, more as a passion than a business, and I am trying to research and find a good liability insurance provider that will cover martial arts training at a low cost.""
Is it possible to get a loan and homeowner's insurance for a post & pier foundation house?
It's a small home and it's not located in an earquake area. Would having this kind of foundation reduced the value of the house?
How much will i pay for health insurance?
im a 46 year old man
Car Insurance?
I wanted to know how much would it cost for a 16 year old teen to get car insurance just to cover damages to someone elses car they damaged would it cost alot or not?
arkansas insurance adjuster jobs
arkansas insurance adjuster jobs
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
Will my insurance cover this?
I recently traded my phone and i called radioshack and they said my insurance should be transferable. is this true?
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
Cheapest car insurance in ontario?
I need help finding medical insurance?
I found out I am pregnant and I was denied medicaid due to income. I figured since I need it asap I would pick something with a higher monthly figure and a lower deductible I don't understand a lot of it though and not sure where to look .My old work health insurance was very expensive so I had cancelled it only to realize months later I should have kept it :/ any advice? Thanks
Whats the typical cost for fr-44 insurance - monthly?
more info: It would be a cheap car for example a 97 escort or corrolla in the state of florida. Thanks!
I bought a car with no tax road and no mot and no insurance.?
hi there. iam one of the unlucky driver in london , i have bought car from acution few days a ago and i was driving it from biritsh car acution to garage where my mechanic can have look at it. i was in my way to garage and some one carshed in my car, police where there and i asked for my info and i give it to them, i have said everything as i am saying it to u guys. i just bought car didnt have time for insurance and mot and tax road im in my way to mot station where i can get one, and they toke my info and drive off. as i have been moved from my perviuos address i didnt got any letter from them which i meant to be in court, now i have other letter which shows i have to be in court by 27 march, i just wana know, what will happen and im i gona get any points and how much fine?? is there any prison for it ,, please help me is so important ,this matter is playing with my life at the moment ?""
How does car insurance work?
I'm a 17 year old girl and I recently got my license. Yesterday my dad bought car insurance for me, but I don't have a car. So i'm assuming that this insurance is for his car, but can that same insurance be transferred if I get my own car? Or did my dad just put my name on his insurance? I don't really understand.""
Need help on polo 2004 1.4 car insurance and road tax?
hi can anyone tell me or give an estimate how much the polo 2004 1.4 will cost me for insurance and tax, am 21 and this will be my first car help""
CDW for car insurance?
When I went to Ireland in 2010 and other previous years, I did not get collision insurance on my rental car as it was covered by my credit card. My World MasterCard no longers offers this coverage. Does anyone know a credit card that does?""
Motorcycle insurance?
Hello. I live in ontario. I am currently interested in getting a motorcycle and undergoing my m1 then thereafter m2 licencing. I am interested in getting a sport type bike (600-750cc). Either being a YAMAHA or Kawasaki. I am 26 years old. Who would be the best to get the insurance from and what regulations are there towards the insurance for motorcycle drivers? THANKS!
Thinking about buying a house... Homeowners insurance?
How does homeowner's insurance work? Is it part of your monthly mortgage or is it something you pay separately?
Do you believe in any type insurance ? why ?
what is advantage and disadvantage of insurance ?
300cc Moped Insurance...about how much would that cost?
I know lots of factors go into calculating insurance costs, but about how much do you think insurance for a 300cc moped would cost per year or per month? Thanks.""
How much would a convertible raise my insurance?
I'm 16 and my parents are thinking of getting me a convertible. I'm just curious as to how much insurance would charge us extra per month (ON AVERAGE) since the car is a convertible?? By the way, its a Chrysler Sebring Thanks for your help!!""
Honda Fit insurance question?
I was planning on getting a Honda Fit and I was wondering about the insurance rates. I was thinking of getting a 07-08 Sport model. I don't know if transmission plays a role in the insurance, but I would get a manual. I am a 17 (turning 18 in June) year-old male. I would get full coverage. I would figure that it will be expensive but okay because of safety features, and that it is a fuel economy car. Any information would help. Thanks.""
What will happen to me if i can not provide proof of insurance in the state of California?
What are the laws regarding vehicle proof of insurance in the state of California?
How many cars can you have insurance on?
I have a permit, No drivers license the only way I will learn how to drive and get a license is if I buy my own car. My mother ( the asswhole ) has three cars already and uses her insurance.. is there a limit on how many cars your allowed to have insurance on?""
Do illegal immigrants get health insurance?
What insurance and how?
Best overall car insurance company?
In your opinion (or based on any experiences) what is the best kind of car insurance?
Newer the car the more expensive the insurance is?
Btw. Is it ok if i use my dads car *with his permission of course* and god forbid theres a small accident, would his insurance cover the damage? We dont live under the same household. I live with my mother.""
My job offers awful health insurance?
Our company got bought out & our new employer is doing open enrollment for health insurance next year. I currently have roughly a $75 monthly premium with a $500 deductible, then the employer pays 80%. The insurance I'm being offered has a $60 monthly premium, $100 deductible, then the insurer pays 80%, but only pays a max of $750 for the year. As it was explained to me, it is like partial health insurance-but I think this won't be enough to cover what I need. I had major surgery last month & even after meeting my deductible, the out of pocket expenses were a struggle. So should I get a HSA or apply for supplemental health insurance? The other employees at my company are in the same position as I am & I feel awful having to look elsewhere for better coverage. No spam please, I beg you!""
Can you buy multiple life insurance policies?
If one had a whole life insurance policy valued at $1M, and through a life settlement company sold it for $455K; could you essentially use those same funds to purchase another life insurance such as a universal life insurance policy for $1M?""
How much do you pay for individual/family health insurance?
At my work I only pay 67.34 a month for health insurance. It is just me, single. Awesome insurance, no deductible, low co-pays etc. VERY lucky. However, if I had 1 spouse it sky rockets to 447.71 a month, and a family, any size would be 877.11 a month. (Great deal if you have 5 kids, not so great with 1 child) Is everyone's insurance like this???""
Civic mustang camaro insurance compaison?
just wondering because im getting raped by the insurance company right now. im paying 510 a month for a civic ex coupe, i am 17 but thats still insane. so i want to know if any of you know how my car compares the the insurance rates on say a mustang or camaro for me? im not getting one btw""
Can i get a california health access card if my mom has me under her insurance?
I want to get it so i can get on birth control but my mom has me under her insurance and i cannot let her know. I am 19, a college student and part time worker.""
arkansas insurance adjuster jobs
arkansas insurance adjuster jobs
0 notes
Car insurance turn me in for dui?
"Car insurance turn me in for dui?
i blacked out a few nights ago driving . i know thats a terrible thing and ill probably get flamed on but i was wondering if i call the insurance company if they would turn me in to the police. im not sure what i hit. it must have been wood since there is some stuck in the tire. but  will they help me even though i left and could turning it in now, get me into trouble? i have full coverage also.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does anyone know of any really cheap car insurance companies in the u.k?
Preferably ones that dont want a lot of money up front
Question about different garaging address on insurance policy?
I had had my license for 6 years in October, and called my insurance company to make sure my rate would go down. While on the phone, the rep and I got to chatting and I mentioned to her that I have been staying most nights (6-7 nights per week) at a different address for over a year now, but my license and policy are still listed at my mother's address. The rep explained the garaging address can be changed without changing the billing address if the two are different. Today I received an email about being refunded the difference at the end of my policy term. I didn't realize the changes would generate such a huge difference in price (The zip code of the town I have been staying in has a low crime rate and my mother's address is in a city). I realize people change their address to commit fraud, and now seeing such a difference in rate, I want to sure there is no legal ambiguity- I want to be crystal clear on what garaging implies and what I need to be aware of. 1) Am I in a gray area...If I go home for a weekend? If I lend the car to my brother for a few days? Do I need to be at the garaged address 80% of the time? 100%? I almost want to call them and ask to change it back just so as not have to worry. 2) Also, what would generate the bigger rate difference- the garaging change or the fact that I have had my license for 6 years? (is there a way to tell? Can I request a revised policy? 3) I am planning to replace my car soon, possibly donating it by the end of the year (very old car with continuous engine problems), so I will need to cancel my policy before it is up in April. Will this complicate things further? Any advice or resources are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and thank you for reading!""
Sr22 for car insurance?
does any one know which car insurance company's will carry a sr22
Will my car insurance skyrocket if I switch from a '97 to a '09?
I live in NYC so my car insurance is already astronomical. I drive a 97 Saturn right now and Im thinking of getting a Prius because of gas prices. Do you think my insurance will increase by a lot because of the difference in model and year? I know I could just get a quote but that's a process with my insurance company.
Would removing individual state's regulation of health care insurance reduce insurance cost?
Would removing state control and regulations on insurance companies bring down insurance cost? Right now there are 50 separate markets in the USA for health insurance. In each one, the cost of policies is based a profit mix of that particular market. Would removing state boundaries and allowing insurance companies to design policies at the national level rather than the state level make insurance more affordable? Shouldn't we try a reasonable approach such as this before leaping into a federal healthcare plan?""
Is there affordable health insurance available for fertility: tubal reversal?
Me and my fiancee' are wanting to have another baby. The only problem is that my tubes are tied. I wanna know is there afforable health insurance that covers fertility? Is there ...show more
""I been in a car accident with no car insurance, so I want to know how much should I pay the person who's suing?""
I was in a car accident with no insurance and they claim I owed over $6,000. I end up talking it down to $3,000 even. I wanted to know did I over paid or was that a fair amount. The person had whiplash and received treatment and the car was damage at the rear end.""
""Car insurance, and registration in illlinois.?
hey. i was wondering how much would the avg price be for car insurance for an 89 acura legend 2 door for a 17 year old boy? and how much would it be to register a vehicle in the state of il? also are there any places near or around chicago that sell reposed vehicles. answer to either questoin will be very much appreciated.
How do i open a car insurance company?
my husband and i were thinking ofdoing this .We would sell insurance for geico or any other insurance company basically we would be the middle man. But we dont know who to talk to ? how to begin ?
How much would this cost to insure?
Hi, I'm looking to buy my first car. Two I have my eyes on are an automatic 2002 Chevy Camaro and a manual 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. Both cost just over 5k. I'm 17, a male, I have good grades, I don't smoke or do drugs, I'm in honors classes and I've taken drivers ed. Approximately how much would they cost to insure? Please don't say They're too challenging to drive , or They have too much power. I've driven cars with power before (both manual and auto) and I don't find it challenging at all. I have pretty good hand eye coordination. Also, my apologies if this somehow gets asked in the UK answers, I'm asking this fairly late at night.""
Short Term health care insurance plan in California?
I am looking to get insurance for a short period of time - 2 months. Which plan and provider be appropriate ?
Is pregnancy a pre determined condition in insurance?
Hi my husbands insurance was terminated because they called him back to work to late so he didnt have enugh hours built up. It reinstates in October, If I were to get pregnant would they not cover me?""
What does insurance car mean?
I'm trying to purchase a car on craigslist and the add said it had to go through state patrol. I asked the seller what he meant, and he said insurance car . I still don't know what that means!""
Cost of Auto insurance for 16 year old in North Carolina?
My son will be getting his license in a month. He already owns his own truck (1990). Any ideas about how much liability insurance will cost him?
What qualifies you for Medicaid in California?
Im 19years old. im in school but didnt get enough classes to stay on my parents insurance. now i dont have any and i only make like 600 dollars a month. i also dont get any financial aid for school. IM not pregnant or anything, i just need insurance. How much would it cost me per month to have Medicaid? Do i even Qualify? What does it cover if i do? How long would it take to get on it? PLease help im stressing so much about this.""
Massachusetts Health insurance?
Massachusetts Health insurance? I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
Liability insurance for an online vitamin store. Do I need it? And how can I get it?
Hi yahoo friends, I have a new website. I want to sell vitamin and supplements. One of a whole sellers asked me for copy of liability insurance. What is it? Do I need it since I sell their products, should the liability go to them? How can I get it? Please help me , if you know the answer. Thank you.""
Car insurance?
Car insurance? Question. My boyfriend was driving my car... and my insurance is just liability insurance...My boyfriend does not have insurance. He was pulled over and given a speeding ticket. It says on the paper attached that if he did not show proof of insurance he would need to send that in with the ticket.. the cop did not ask for proof of insurance.. and also on the ticket... it says financial responsibility shown? and the office marked YES..... does that mean he lucked out this time
""My father's health insurance was inadvertently cut-off, can I add him on to my health insurance plan?""
My father's health insurance was inadvertently cut-off, can I add him on to my health insurance plan?""
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
""Insured car, uninsured driver?""
I have a free-loading bother in-law and I was just wondering. If he uses the family car which is insured but he does not have car insurance, can he be liable in any accident situation? Please tell me yes, so I have a reason to refuse my car to him. Anything from if he is at fault or not at fault, injury, coverage, or settlements... Thanks""
How much would insurance cost for me?
I'm a 15 year old male living on Long Island, New York. In May I get my permit and I will be taking Drivers Ed and Defensive Drivers to help reduce insurance premiums. My dad is offering me his 2004 Ford Mustang Coupe V6 before he decides to trade it in for a new car. I would be owning the car, and with the two courses I was curious as to how much insurance may cost for me. Any info and tips would be appreciated, thanks in advance.""
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
With full uk licence and as named driver or owning the vehicle. Does any remember what they were when they were 17.
Is there insurance on a person instead of a car?
What I mean is can you have insurance for say me to drive any car. If I drive my car I'd be insured if I drive your car I'd be insured if I drive my girlfriends car I'd be insured. Does such a thing exist because I heard something about it from a friend but I'm not sure what it is or where to find it. Help?
Affordable Health Insurance?
I am a 19 year old college student. I have always been on soonercare but I stopped being covered when I turned 18. I take over 20 hours in college and live with my fiance so I am unemployed. I need health inaurance so I can go to the dentist and eye doctor but everything is way expensive. My fiance is covered by his work but they dont offer family coverage so even when we get married a year from now I will still need my own health insurance. Ive tried getting some quotes but I cant pay $200-$300 a month. Is there somewhere to get afordable coverage that I am over looking?
Car insurance turn me in for dui?
i blacked out a few nights ago driving . i know thats a terrible thing and ill probably get flamed on but i was wondering if i call the insurance company if they would turn me in to the police. im not sure what i hit. it must have been wood since there is some stuck in the tire. but  will they help me even though i left and could turning it in now, get me into trouble? i have full coverage also.
Which insurance company in California offers a $5K-$10K term life policy?
I am looking for a term life policy which pays $5-$10K. All of the major companies I searched for do not give online quotes and the services that do offer online quotes start at $100K.
""Can i make a car insurance in my name, if my girlfriend owns the car?""
I had some problems with DVLA some time ago becose i didn t SORN a car in time. Now i want to buy a car and make the papers on my girlfriend name becose of that...she dosen t have a driving license and the car is for me, so i want to make the insurance in my name....is that possible, will the insurance coste more becose i m not the owner??""
Mortgage company wants us to pay hazard insurance premium up front?
I am getting an FHA home loan. My mortgage company sent me a good faith estimate stating that my hazard insurance premium will be included in closing costs, but that I will also be paying a monthly hazard insurance payment, the same goes for the mortgage insurance. They are also wanting us to put $591 into hazard insurance reserves. What is this all about? Is this normal? I was pretty positive that when you got insurance you just paid your premium monthly, not up front and then monthly also? Help me understand what is going on here.""
How do people in Florida cope with high car insurance rates?
Let's say for a young single person who has been driving for 5 years with a 2 year old car. How can someone afford insurance with a tight budget?
Do you really believe that America has the best healthcare in the world?
Please say why you believe this when all evidence points to the contrary. You talk about health, cost, care, ect, we do not have the best. People in other countries have better. I mean...I listened to sean hannity say that we have the best healthcare and the only evidence he could provide is some vauge story about a politician from another country coming here to get healthcare...that doesn't really qualify as evidence. Especially when the world health organization ranks healthcare, and we're nowhere near number 1. Now this is a fact that I've known for about two years before this debate even flared up. How is misinformation getting so out of hand? Please...tell me why we have the best with 50 million people uninsured. When we pay the most of any country in the world with some of the worst care. When we have some of the most unhealthy people. When insurance companies exempt for preconditions, when healthcare cost is the biggest contributor to our debt, when we pay premiums every month for something that doesn't happen, and when it does we have to co pay, then when it runs out we're screwed. Healthcare is the number one bankrupter in this country...over 70% of the people have health insurance when they first get sick and they still go bankrupt. Explain how this is the best please. And this has nothing to do with Obamas plan so keep it to yourself, this is about thinking we have the best healthcare and that other countries are somehow much worse then us (they aren't). Provide a source if you can.""
Can a non-relative be added onto ones insurance?
Example: A friend and his daughter that are living with me  He has no insurance, and wont be getting any for at least 6 months, and I am helping to support her. I would like to add her onto my insurance so she is at least covered in case of emergency.""
Why would insurance pay double what someone paid for a motorbike?
If a motorbike was stolen and returned with minimal damage why would the insurance company pay out twice what the bike cost?
""Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Should i tell my car insurance about some mods?
still on my 1st year driving and looking at a new car thats going to be a steal. Only thing is its got a few mods. its a 1.4 05 corsa with alloys, full leather seats, tinted rear windows and a performance exhaust fitted. when i shopped online and said it had NO mods it was like 950 insurance (im 24 so) and when i changed it to see what it was WITH the mods your talking like 1600 odds. Whats the advice on this one? i know i SHOULD tell them but does the exhaust really do anything to engine power? so should i bother telling them and just continue driving safe? of tell them incase someone drives into me lol points for best answer :)""
Insurance for 16/17 yr old?
I finally convinced my parents to allow me to get a bike, only catch is i have to pay for everything. And full coverage is a must. I know I'm probably going to get raped by the cost of it all but I'm willing to do it. So for a 16 going on 17 yr old rider needing full coverage Mostly liability and collision Everything pertaining to others... not me. or the bike. what would be a ball-park guess at the cost each month to insure these bikes.. Ninja 250r Gsxr 600 R6""
Which of the following are proof of insurance?
i wanted to know is $35,000 cash to dmv, dmv certificate of self-insurance, insurance policy card from car insurance, or all of that is proof of insurance""
How much does it cost to insure a 49cc moped?
I'm looking at getting a 49cc moped so I don't have to get a motorcycle license. I want to know if anyone has a moped and what the insurance cost is.
""Car accident, no insurance?!!!!?""
A high school kid hit my car today, I was at a stop sign and he turned too early and hit my car. I do not have insurance(welp I know, I'm a single mother we can't afford it all). Anyway, he did have insurance and he was at fault. Will his insurance cover the cost to fix my car or no? Since I didn't have insurance and all that is?""
Who Is The Best Car Insurance Company For A 17year old?
Who Is The Best Car Insurance Company For A 17year old?
Should I trust car insurance comparison sites?
Should I trust car insurance comparison sites?
Car Insurance Question?
I'm going home for the holidays in December and want to borrow my dad's truck for the 3 weeks I'm there. Does my insurance policy (currently drive a Prius) cover me for driving my father's vehicle? Does his policy cover me driving his vehicle?
Geico home owner's insurance?
Anyone out there have Geico for home owner's insurance? Are they good? Ever had a claim and how did they handle it? I refuse to use Statefarm after how they handled Katrina, or ...show more""
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
What is the best kind of health insurance for fertility treatment?
Shopping for insurance and would like an honest answer from the people. I know I will be seeing a fertility specialist and doing lots of lab tests. Does anyone know which kind of insurance would best fit my needs? fyi, I live in northern California. Would a health savings account work?""
How much do you think my insurance will cost for my car?
I'm 16 and a female. I'm getting my license in a few days, and my parents are going to add me on to the insurance list. We've never had any accidents, except my dad, but someone hit him on his motorcycle, it wasn't his fault. My car will probably be made around 1998-2008. We have Allstate. What's your rough estimate?""
Can you have a separate car insurance policy for a different vehicle?
I am 18 and I am insured under my parent's policy for my main car. I'm really into cars so I wanted to buy an old Explorer or something as a throw around car to work on, but my parents would never let me put it on their insurance. I don't need collision or comprehensive, just liability insurance. Is it possible to be insured under my parent's policy for my one car and insured under a separate policy for a second car? I live in New Jersey if that makes any difference.""
How to calculate the insurance expense?
a company had an opening balance in its prepaid insurance expense account of $57 and a closing balance in the same account of $876. During the year it paid $4086 for insurance excluding GST. What is its insurance expense for the year? Thanks
Temporary car insurance problem...Help!?
My car has to go away for repair and I don;t know how long its going to take, so I want to get insured on my parents car. Because I am still 20, I cant get temporary car insurance and the insurance policy on my parents car won't insure me as an additional driver because of my age and because the car is fairly new. Any ideas on how I can be insured on this car would be welcome, as I still need to get to and from work! Thanks.""
What company has the least expensive auto insurance for young drivers?
Does anyone know of an insurance company that is reasonable with it's rates for a young lady driver with a good driving record but bad credit? Full coverage is needed on the vehicle. Thank you for your time and your answers.
How much cheaper will my insurance be ?
Want to no how much cheaper my insurance would be if my mum insured my car but put me down as a name driver? I have just passed my test, looking to get a fiesta 05 plate 1.2 something like that, also my mum has been driving for over 20 years ?""
Car insurance turn me in for dui?
i blacked out a few nights ago driving . i know thats a terrible thing and ill probably get flamed on but i was wondering if i call the insurance company if they would turn me in to the police. im not sure what i hit. it must have been wood since there is some stuck in the tire. but  will they help me even though i left and could turning it in now, get me into trouble? i have full coverage also.
Arizona Law on insurance pulling your driver record ?
does anyone how long (in term of years) can an insurance company pull your driver record? i know here in Arizona i can pull my record from servicearizona.com for 39month. but some people tell me they can pull up to 5 years from your record.
""What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?""
What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?""
Report to her home owners insurance?
I was living as a roommate with a woman who's house was burglarized. The only things taken were two of my Mac Books and three iPods. I didn't have a lease, OR renters insurance. She was not open to reporting it to her homeowners insurance. Did I get screwed? This happened in Oct. 2010.""
Car insurance on parent's insurance??? NCB?
I have no idea when it comes to insurance but basically if i get on my parent's insurance...can i still mount up 2 years no claims... or does it not count so that when i get my own insurance it's like starting from scratch?
How does being self employed affect car insurance rates?
I was laid off a month ago (I'm actually happy I was because I was not enjoying work at all). I've started my own company, and I mostly work from home and I don't drive ...show more""
How much would insurance be for a jeep Cherokee?
i am planning to get a jeep cherokee or wrangler and want to know how much car insurance would be. i am 16 and want to know how much money i should pay insurance to see if it is in my budget.
Motorcycle Insurance?
I got into a car accident almost 2 years ago and I was wondering if it will effect me when I get insurance for my motorcycle?
Insurance for 1998 Corvette for 18 Year Old Male?
Okay, so this question is one of those, if you have to ask you can't afford it type of questions. Now I have loved Corvette's since I was old enough to identify cars. I have always dreamed of owning on, and the opportunity is upon me. After selling my car, and saved money, and saved funds, I can afford a 1998 Corvette Silver Automatic. Now it's a V8, and is pushing over 300HP easy. Insurance is ridiculously high, even with 2 and a half years of perfectly safe driving. (I hate the stereotype of just because I'm young, I'm an unsafe driver. Alas, all the idiots ruin it for us safe young adults.) Anyway the Vette clears out and is mint shape, no accidents, and is selling for $14,900 with 74K miles, a steal if you ask me. Anyway I have over $16,500 saved up, which leaves me with an issue. I can afford the car no problem, but I just know the insurance will be through the roof. However I was wondering if any of you have any idea on the cost. I have Metropolitan if you were wondering.""
Changing Auto Insurance?
My 6 month insurance is up and its time for a renewal, recently i felt that my rates are to high and i would like to change to a different insurance company. But i have a couple of questions before i proceed and would like some suggestions. 1)How do i change my Auto insurance? Such as what are the normal processes one goes through. 2)Will cancelling my current account with them result in any extra charges? it is a renewal btw. 3)Should i get a quote from Geico first? (im trying to switch from Safeco to Geico) 4)Are there other Auto insurance companies i should consider? THANKS!""
How much would a 2005 car cost to insure about?
So i am 16 living in massachusetts and found a 2005 acura that i want to buy and its only $2750 so i can afford it. The only problem would be paying for the insurance. So im just wondering about how much my insurance would cost for the car, i just need a good estimate, thanks.""
What is the best car to buy with cheap insurance for a 17yo? ?
as above, UK only thanks in advance""
Is it possible to get an SR22 Insurance on a scooter ?
I received a DUI in California - now I'm required to get a SR22 in order to get my drivers license back. Why not get a scooter and get that insured for cheap? Is my idea.... is it possible??????? Thanks
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
""Bought a new car, but now is too expensive. How do I trade in for a cheaper car?""
I bought a 2013 Ford Focus S, I love it but its starting to cost me alot. I still owe 18,800 on it. I make about 1300/mo Car payment is $320/mo Insurance is $230/mo And I have a few other bills.. So it leaves me like $150 for 2 weeks every paycheck. Which, isn't enough. I want a Wrangler, and I found great prices on then and insurance believe it for not is cheaper on it, but the problem is.. Is the equity on the trade in. I made a mistake on this car, and now.. Really I'm trying to get rid of it as soon as possible, so I can start saving for my Wrangler. What do you suggest I do? Thanks. (by the way, I'm 19 and in the Navy)""
Help! i need to find out insurance costs if i add parts to a car?
hi, im 17 and i own a peugeot 206, im wanting to tune it, and i need to know where to find a cheap body kit, new headlights, and some wheels? just trying to make my driving life and little more better :) i need to know roughly how much it will up my insurance cost, im currently paying 1,650 for it, and i can mabye go up to 2,000 also i need to find some speakers to go in the boot of my car, will that make my insurance go higher to? thanks for your time.""
How much does car insurance cost for a male mid 20s in Boston?
Ill be moving there in a few weeks and need to get insured. I was wondering how much I can expect to pay every year to be insured fairly well. Thanks
Which car insurance would be cheaper?
I know it's different for everyone but which would be cheaper (details about me would be exactly the same)? Getting my own 1L car and insuring it as the main driver or becoming a named driver on my mum's 1.4L car? Her being the main driver. I'm a 17 year old male on a full license. Thanks x
Motorcyle insurance laws in Michigan?
I know motorcycle insurance is required in MI, but what is the penalty for being caught without it? I am planning on buying a used bike that I saw for $250 but to get it insured, it would cost me $200 per year. It doesn't make sense.""
How to explain therapy on health insurance application?
I graduated from a University of California last quarter and now I'm applying for health insurance. For my last year as a student, I took advantage of the counseling services offered at my school. I took part in therapy because it helped me get through the stress of an extremely difficult course load during my last few quarters. To be honest, I would not have gone to therapy if it hadn't been 100% covered by my student health insurance. I was never prescribed any medication, I'm not seeing a therapist at the moment, and I don't intend to start seeing one again any time in the foreseeable future. Obviously, I have no choice but to write that I've seen a psychologist for mental/emotional reasons. The question is how do I explain it so that it causes the least harm to my application? Do you think this is something I should be concerned about?""
What is the cheapest insurance in alberta for a new driver?
What is the cheapest insurance in alberta for a new driver?
Who the best auto insurance that dont cost too much?
Who the best auto insurance that dont cost too much?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for a young driver?
I am 16 yr old and passed my test 1 month ago! I have done my pass plus too! The best quote i have found is $1200 and that is without telling them i have done my pass plus! It was also for third party fire and theft! Can someone recommend a cheap insurance company. Thanks!
State based car insurance?
Looking for new car insurance that covers only a couple states for a cheaper price. Looking for one that covers in FL
""If you are a teenager with your own car, how much do you pay for car insurance???????""
i was just wondering because i want to get a car eventualy and i know that it will be very high......... also for example if your 16 and you get a car from 1991, how much would you think you would play a month for insurance?""
Baby Insurance at 19?
I doubt it will, but, I am 19 years old and I am still on my mom's insurance plan. So if I were to get pregnant, would the insurance cover my baby's delivery and pregnancy appointments or would I still have to pay the noninsured payments.""
Car insurance turn me in for dui?
i blacked out a few nights ago driving . i know thats a terrible thing and ill probably get flamed on but i was wondering if i call the insurance company if they would turn me in to the police. im not sure what i hit. it must have been wood since there is some stuck in the tire. but  will they help me even though i left and could turning it in now, get me into trouble? i have full coverage also.
I have a question about health insurance?
I have a 4 year old daughter,I have joint legal custody,my daughter has health insurance with her mother,is possible to have a secondary health insurance?""
""Progressive auto insurance wants me to show proof of health insurance, what do I send?""
I signed up for Medicaid (Michigan) a couple weeks ago and picked a health plan, but I won't get my health plan card until June 1st. I just got Progressive auto insurance today ...show more""
Can anyone give me a quote for car insurance on a 2006 Trailblazer??
I'm 22, female, a college student, I've never had any tickets (knock on wood) I wanted to lease the car but I wanted to know what people thought my insurance would be.""
Affordable Health insurance for nannys...anyone know of any?
My wife recently switched jobs from a day care where she had health insurance to being a personal nanny for a family with 3 children. We were going to switch her to my health insurance, as my work only has me pay 15% of the cost. I thought this would be the same if I added my wife but we would have to pay full price for her costs (and while the insurance here is great, it is a Cadillac insurance, and is VERY expensive). My question is does anyone know of affordable insurance options for nannys?""
How much will my car insurance be?
I live in Dallas Texas, I'm 18 years old, I've had defensive driving school, which I've been told gives you at the most 10% off your rate...i own a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, in REALLY good condition, car alarm...all the gadgets...but since I'm 18 who would be the best to go with...also I'm seeking FULL Coverage for the first 6 months of driving in Dallas, because people do not know how to drive and I want to make sure I'm covered...any help or advice??? THANX""
Will a speeding ticket affect my insurance rates?
This is my first speeding ticket and the cop claims I sped 15 mi over the 25 mph limit. If I plead guilty and pay the fine and attend traffic school, will this still be reported to my auto insurance company?""
Is my insurance rate going to go up? High Point Auto Insurance?
Long story short, I received a speeding ticket today. It will be a 2-point ticket. I called my insurance provider and they said yes, my insurance will go up but she couldn't tell me by how much. She also didn't sound like she knew what she was talking about. This is my first moving violation in 8 years, so I was wondering if anyone with High Point had any experience with this so I can weigh my options between pleading guilty and fighting the ticket for a dismissal. NYC is a non plea bargain jurisdiction so plea bargaining is not an option. I am not asking for exact answers, I am asking whether there has been anyone in my position, with a relatively clean record, has experienced an increase in their insurance rate, and if so, if it was a substantial increase.""
""Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
How to calculate california disability insurance?
How to calculate california disability insurance?
Car insurance for family car?
My mum is learning to drive and my dad got her a small Vauxhall Corsa and the idea was to insure me on the car so I have access to it should I need it. The quote just come in at 1300 ish and well for a car I may or may not be driving that much I am not going to pay it. On my own if I owned the same car I have found insurance of around 700 which is more acceptable. The problem is I don't own the car and my dad is insured on it and my mum is insured on it as a learner, but could I then insure myself on that same car separately? Naturally I'd have to tell them who owns the car but other than that? The main problem is I'm 21, have not driven in three years since passing my test (due to insurance funnily enough) and a student, which is a potent mix for insurance companies ripping you off as much as possible.""
How much does auto insurance cost in Orange County?
can someone please just give me a rough estimate of the cost per month for one car? Just a used sedan, nothing fancy. I am a single male with a good record. I know it would vary based on a lot of factors, but I'm just looking for a ballpark figure for cost per month.""
What is voluntary access on car insurance?
i saw it on the go compare web site but i dont know what it is as im a 1st time driver
Using car insurance comparison sites?
Hi, I'm 18 years old and taking my lessons. I've been trying to get a quote on a couple of cars that I would like to buy for when i pass or to get provisionaly insured on, I got a quote as having a full driving licence on a 2000 3door 1.2L for fiesta, I filled in all the relevant information no modification, using for social and commute to one place of work etcetc and its comes up with the cheapest being aroud 7000, this cannot possibly be right can it? Ive checked over the details and used different cars and the same price always comes up.""
What is the difference between being forced to buy auto insurance and being forced to buy health insurance?
From my understanding: People have to buy health insurance so that if people get sick/injured, other people won't have to pay for them. Medical bills are very expensive so that's why people have it. And if a patient doesn't pay their medical bills due to not being able to afford it they will be treated anyway because of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. The health insurance companies will compensate for this by raising insurances rates of the insured. Having car insurance is so that if a driver causes an accident that driver's insurance can pay for the victim's damages. But if an uninsured driver hits an insured driver, the auto insurance company is allowed to raise the insured driver's rates. The reason for this is because the insurance company has to pay for their insured driver's car because there is no on else to pay up, and sometimes even they raise rates because they believe the insured driver is purposely putting themselves in situations to cause accidents. And it is a fact that unless a person lives in a major US city such as New York City, driving a car is a necessity. You need a car to be able to function in a non-metro environment without a car. The only time a person should have their driving privilege taken away unless they hurt someone. So the point is if another person doesn't pay into either health or auto insurance. The people who do pay lose. Because their rates increase. I don't see any significant punishment for people who do without either insurance. Because I know illegal immigrants pull stunts like these all the time. So I just don't see how their different.""
How do i compare insurance companies?
My boyfriend is the sole souce fo income for teh two of us right now (and for teh forseeable future), do to a medical issue i am dealing with. and that brings up the issue taht we would be in a world of troubel if he is hurt, or if he dies i would be in trouble. So we are thinking about getting him life and disability insurance policies. But there are so many companies out there, it seems daunting to research them all. and if i were to use a broker, how would i knnow they have my best interest in mind? so i was hoping people could share their knowledge and experience in this area. any tips are helpful! any stories (good or bad) about yoru experience with a particular company are great as well! Thanks so much!""
Health Insurance question?
So I just turned 18 and I will no longer be covered through Amerigroup so was looking at some Health insurances to buy. I know the deductible is the amount you need to pay out of pocket before the insurance will start paying, but how will the insurance know when you have payed the deductible?""
Where can I get renter's insurance for cheap?
For an apartment in California
Can u keep a car in a garage without it having insurance?
I'm getting a car this weekend. It is taxed but I won't be able to afford the insurance stright away, what can I do??? I'm 18 and haven't passed my driving test yet. Any help welcome, thanks""
What is a good car insurance for someone that is 21?
im 21 my car is insured by my moms insurance but she wants to take me off. What are some good options??i live in california and im a full time student.
Should I yell at the insurance company?
I'm very frustrated at this point. Two years ago I got braces, at the time I was still living on the east coast. I then moved to California halfway during treatment and learned that my insurance was not going to cover treatment after my transfer (even under their providers). I still needed the braces at the time so I found a seperate orthodonist and paid for all treatments as though I had no insurance. Its been almost a year now and I need the braces removed. However, I cannot afford to remove them and my insurance still won't cover for any ortho procedures. Should I be a pacifist about all of this? I've spent quite a lot of money on treatment w/o the help of insurance. Now I'm in a rut, stuck with braces even though I don't need them anymore and I feel as though no one will help me.""
""Not at fault in car accident, but insurance says I am?""
I was involved in an accident in 2011. I was going straight past an intersection and another truck going the opposite direction turned at the intersection, striking me. He admitted he did not see me and was clearly at fault. I filled out the police report and it states, by both parties, that he was at fault. A year later I bought a new car. I tried to get insurance. Everywhere I go my quotes are sky high, like almost $200 a month. I asked them why so much, and they advised I was listed at fault in the accident. I called the DMV, the insurance adjuster, and the police, and they all say I am not at fault. Well, the DMV says they see an accident but it does not show who was at fault. The insurance companies keep saying they are getting this info from the DMV but thats not possible. I was told by one small insurance company that this is a tactic used by companies. They see me as not at fault but try to manipulate me to get more money. What do I do to clear my name? I have the official police report, as well as all my medical bills from the accident. Again, the DMV cannot see any at fault, therefore cannot do or change anything.""
Insurance cost for Dump Truck?
Without knowing a lot of information right now except it would be in the 1990's year range what would the APPROX. cost of monthly insurance be for a dump truck? We are in Ontario, Canada.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in queens ny?
What is the cheapest car insurance in queens ny?
Can a dying person get life insurance?
I found out recently that my terminally ill father-in-law has no life insurance, or only a tiny policy. How can we pay for a funeral?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for a new driver?
I'm 23, female, and a new driver. I don't care about the quality of the insurance, I just need CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. A potential job depends on a car I'm about to get, and I need cheap insurance ASAP.""
Car insurance turn me in for dui?
i blacked out a few nights ago driving . i know thats a terrible thing and ill probably get flamed on but i was wondering if i call the insurance company if they would turn me in to the police. im not sure what i hit. it must have been wood since there is some stuck in the tire. but  will they help me even though i left and could turning it in now, get me into trouble? i have full coverage also.
0 notes
littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
Honestly, Squiggles I share you annoyance with Volume 8 only lasting 1 to 2 days. I was really looking forward to Oscar and Oz bonding and reconnecting. Maybe we would even get a flashback of Oscar on the farm and actually see his family. Sadly, we wont since too much will be going on for anyone to feel anything, apparently. I expected this story to go on for months so we can Witness Oscar and Ruby missing each other. I WAS hoping that Ruby would actually feel bad for what she did.
Thanks Dagger. I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only person not really feeling the aster from this new RWBY news. To be more frank, I’m more feeling the mode (to quote Robin and Impulse from Young Justice). I’m not sure if you saw my last response post to @keyenuta​ but after some more thought, I’m starting to see the 1-2 days decision as being not too bad. At least, it’s not so bad when I think about it from the perspective of what if…the CRWBY Writers pulled an Avenger’s Endgame at the very start of V8?
I’m starting to dig the concept of…what if…V8 began with our heroes learning of Oscar’s presumed death from the start leading to them spending the volume dealing with the impact of his death on the team; particularly the members closest to Oscar (meaning Ruby, Jaune, Nora and Ren).
Here’s how I’m looking at it:
What if…in the first chapter of V8, the volume kicks off exactly where the last season left us. Salem has officially arrived in Atlas and is demanding that the kingdom be surrendered to her or face destruction. Let’s say in the wake of Salem making her assault on Atlas, our heroes get wind of Qrow and Robyn being imprisoned and taken to Atlas Prison. This is after Jaune also informs the group that Oscar went off to do something on his own and didn’t come back which just sends red flags to Jaune who is more or less having Pyrhha flashbacks.
Therefore…what if… RWBY V8 CH1 throws us straight into a rescue mission where our heroes decide to take a chance to return to Atlas with their goal being to rescue their captured comrades---using Ironwood dealing with Salem’s arrival as a distraction.
At the start of Endgame, we began the movie with our heroes learning of Thanos’ whereabouts and in the first few minutes of the movie, we got them tracking Thanos down, apprehending him---realising that he had destroyed the Infinity Stones and their last chance of saving their loved ones lost to “the snap”, all culminating in Thor killing Thanos by decapitation. As the audience, we got all of that within the first few scenes of the movie before the title sequence.
So I like the concept of V8 beginning with a similar feel. First episode is our heroes seeing that Salem has arrived alongside discovering that three of their allies were captured. So the story for the first episode is focused on the rescue mission to save Qrow, Robyn and Oscar. I’ve started to dig the idea of V8 starting like this right off the bat and by the end of the very first episode, much like in Endgame, the chapter ends with Ruby and friends learning that they failed to save Oscar since their actions lead to Ironwood “killing” Oscar as a result of their betrayal of his trust.
Perhaps it can even conclude similarly to how the first portion of Endgame concluded---upon learning that Oscar was dead---it’s a case where everything goes blurry for everyone involved---Ruby especially. Basically picture a moment where Ironwood announce that Oscar is dead and it leads into a moment where time practically stops for Ruby---everything becomes blurry for her to the point that she doesn’t even realize that the group had run out of time for their little rescue mission and needed to leave. It basically takes both Yang and Weiss grabbing Ruby and dragging her away for her to finally move.
Part of the reason why I’ve been anticipating the reactions of the group learning of Oscar’s “death” is to see Ruby’s reaction most of all since a part of me strongly believes that this could be a really good segway for the PLOT to delve into Ruby’s repressed emotions of losing her mother and finally address how her death has affected her both emotionally and psychologically.
Given how it was briefly mentioned by Yang way back in V2 how young Ruby took to her mother’s death and given how we had that scene from last season where Ruby practically fell apart at the mere mention of her mother by Salem---I would very much like for V8 to finally address this lingering elephant in the room and the alleged loss of Oscar would’ve been a good parallel to lead into that. At least in my opinion.
This is why I’m now very, VERY curious to see how V8 will start. Because now that I think about it, regardless of whether or not the story for the season will take place over 1-2 days; there is still a chance for it to more or less hit all the emotional benchmarks that some of us Pineheads and Rosegardening Pineheads wish to see in respect to the growing bond between our two smaller, more honest souls.
For all we know, V8 could be just like V6 in terms of time line. As I’ll reiterate, V6 took place over the span of 4 days after a time jump of 2 weeks. So…who’s to say something similar won’t be done for V8? As far as I know, the only thing that was confirmed by the CRWBY is that the events of V8 will take place over 1-2 days.
Will those 1-2 days happen AFTER another brief time jump like in V6? That’s what I’ll wait to see confirmed or not.
Personally I’m willing to let the whole 1-2 days decision slide if another momentary time jump was done AFTER where V7 left things off. Just like V6. Let V8 kick off where V7 ended. Let us have the failed rescue mission resulting in the team learning of Oscar’s death while Atlas falls to Salem. Then from V8CH2, let the actual story kick off after a time jump of a couple of weeks. I’m hoping it’s something like that and that’s the small inkling of hope I’m going to cling to for now.
Other than that, I think the whole Ruby and Oscar missing each other can still be done for you, Dagger. Think of it like this, fam. Imagine…part of Ruby’s development for next season involving her as our so-called indomitable spark of hope being forced to lead her team in the wake of Atlas and its people falling prey to Salem and her army all the while repressing her feelings over Oscar’s “death” just as how she repressed her feelings over her mother’s death?
Imagine…watching Ruby be all nonchalant over her grief to the point beginning to affect her actions---making her more reckless and moodly---only for her to ultimately suffer a meltdown at some point because of it?
And imagine if…at the same time Ruby is having her breakdown over her feelings of losing Oscar mixed in with her feelings over her mother, let’s say…somewhere in another part of Mantle; Oscar is having his own little meltdown moment as being on his own is starting to make him lose hope as well.
In the Little Prince story, there is a point in the tale where the Prince discovers a rose garden which causes him to abandon his feelings for his rose. Perhaps….there could be a point in both Ruby and Oscar’s respective stories where both children lose themselves in their emotions sparked by their feelings for each other and in that moment, they both simultaneously either realize just how much they truly meant to each other.
I can probably say more about this but bottom-line, what I’m mostly saying is that the Rosebuds realizing their feelings for each other can still be done Dagger. It might be done differently than we anticipated but…I think it can still be done. I want to believe it can still be done.
Despite the part of me that’s peeved by this writing decision by the CRWBY Writers---nevertheless, after more thought, I think things can still be done especially if it’s done like Endgame. While I wanted to have the team learn of Oscar’s death later in the volume, I actually think it wouldn’t be so bad if the volume starts off with our heroes already learning of Oscar’s death and we spent the season seeing how it has impacted them; particularly those closest to Oscar (i.e. Ruby, Jaune, Nora and Ren).
We’ll have to wait and actually see how V8 kicks off but in the meantime, that’s how this squiggle meister is going to look at it from now on. I hope this alternative perspective can help you feel a bit more optimistic fam.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
13 notes · View notes
littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
To anyone who believes that Oscar is going to be completely erased by the Merging of the Two Souls with Ozpin then I encourage you to go back and rewatch the conversation between Ozpin and Blake from V2CH2. 
I’m pretty sure that this has probably been a point of discussion in the past but I personally didn’t realize this until I did my recap and I’ve been meaning to talk about it for some time.
In rewatching that particularly scene knowing what I knew about the true nature of Ozpin at the time, it’s only then when I realized that we’ve already gotten a clear example of what it’s going to be like with the Merge.
It’s not so much one personality eclipsing the other while the previous soul disappears. As a matter of fact, if I had to describe it based on my observation from V2, it feels more like it’s going to be one person embodying personality traits from both original souls that they can switch between while still being the current soul at heart?
What I mean by that is, when Ozpin inevitably merges with Oscar and becomes a part of him; as Oscar inherits Ozpin’s memories, a part of Oz will still be retained in Oscar’s personality. But it will still be Oscar who you mostly see.
I’d also like to think this is adamant on how others perceive Oscar as well. Like I’m imagining the people who knew Oscar personally like Ruby Rose and the JNR trio for example will wish to continue to see him as only Oscar. But for folks like General Ironwood and even Qrow Branwen, that will be a coin toss for them since they mostly know Oscar as Oz. So it wouldn’t surprise me if they continue to talk to Oscar as Oz. So when it comes to them, Oscar will channel the side of himself that he retained from Ozpin but when it comes to her own confidantes---his own Inner Circle of most trusted allies, he’ll more be himself.
I’d like to think that Oscar’s eyes and tone of voice might change to indicate the difference between when he’s channeling himself and when he’s channelling  the persona of Oz---the previous culmination of the souls.
In reviewing the scene from V2, I noticed that Oz’s eyes sort of changed colour at some point during his talk with Blake.
For the sake of rationalizing myself, I’m going to refer to the original Ozpin as “Oz” (since he was his own person before) and the other soul with him at the time as “The King” as in the King of Vale.
In watching the scene, from the start of the conversation---Oz’s eyes were their natural brown colour and he maintains a warm, welcoming tone with Blake.
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However at some point---the moment where the Faunus are mentioned--- Oz switches to a more serious tone. His eyes are still their natural brown colour but there seems to be a more, icy haze to it. This is the point where I interpreted The King intervening to talk to Blake. So Oz is channeling his predecessor's persona, not his own.
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The King’s persona is maintained for the remainder of Oz’s talk with Blake until her leaves. But before departing, Oz looks back at Blake to assure her that she could’ve talked to him at anytime. At this point, Oz is back to his original self and it’s indicated by not only his gentler tone of voice but also by his eyes returning to their original dark brown colour.
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I’d like to think, only the people who really knew the two souls individually on a more personal level would be able to spot the difference. But I guess the point I’m trying to get at here is that both minds will be there even after the Merge occurs.
Ironwood’s remark to Oscar in V7CH7 definitely made me consider this thought:
“It feels strange, knowing a part of me helps come up with all of this.” “You’ll get used to it, I’m sure. Eventually, you wouldn’t know who’s who anymore.”
Seriously each time, Ironwood briefly mentions the Merge to Oscar, I can’t help but thing that there is an unspoken history between Ozpin and the General that transcend two lives. Like I’m imagining that James must’ve met Oz when he was once in Oscar’s shoes---sharing a body with his predecessor and the shuffling of the minds was still evident to tell them apart.
Until one day, that stopped being the case. You can tell that Ironwood is talking from that experience of being an ally to both souls and I sincerely wish we could get a full conversation of Oscar just probing James with more questions of how much he knew regarding the Merge and what his history with Oz was life both pre and post Merge was like. 
I’d like to think that Oscar and Ozpin are going to blend together so seamlessly, that you really wouldn’t be able to tell that they were once two different minds from differing walks of life. However I’d also like to believe that at heart, inspite of this big change that is to come to him, Oscar will always be himself. He’ll just have a part of Oz there with him forever that only he can tell.
And for the people who knew Oscar and got to know him outside of Oz, for them it will be a choice on who they continue to see him as. Himself or Oz?
So yeah, I definitely do encourage folks to go back and watch the talk between Oz and Blake from V2.  Even though it was Oz talking to Blake, you can’t help but get the impression that two personas were talking to her---one that was more firm but still respectful and another that was compassionate and understanding.
I’d like to think that back then, the more serious side of Ozpin’s personality was what he retained from Wizard before him---Phadrig: The King of Vale. Whereas the more compassionate side of Oz, the one who brought Ruby a plate of cookies during their first meeting and the one who also advised Blake that she could always come to him for advice, that’s the side that was Ozpin himself. The man he was and has always been pre-Merge.
While I still believe that Oscar’s experience with the Merge is meant to be different and more unique from all  the other Wizards, I’m open to this concept.
As a matter of fact, I kind of have this idea of Oscar and Oz kind of coming together pre-Merge and agreeing to always work together as one regardless of the outcome.
Like let’s say…by the end of this volume, Oscar reconciles with Oz within his mind and rather than the two resume their original partnership of switching back and forth, both souls agree to remain together and work together so that Oscar will never feel like he’s going to lose himself ever again and Oz would never have to feel like he’s let anyone down again because with Oscar at his side, he was never alone exactly as the God of Light envisioned.
So it’s this thing where Oscar and Oz work in sync from henceforth. No more switching. Just as one. So basically it’s a fusion of the two but... it’s not the Merge. It’s more so a choice between both souls to always work as one until the Merge happens, if that makes sense?
And from there, whenever Oscar spoke, you never get the impression that it was just him talking to you. There was a bit of Oz being channeled into his personality as well since Oz is there with him, refusing to leave his side again and the same for Oscar. If that makes sense?
I’m just curious to see what it would be like for Oscar and Oz to work as one without the Merge, y’know what I mean? I know the Merge is something that is ultimately expected to happen, but until such time, we haven’t really received any opportunities for Oz and Oscar to work together. It’s always been one mind in control while the other stays back.
So...how would it be if Oscar one day turns to Oz and is all like “Don’t fight for me or I fight for you. Fight with me so we can fight together as one!”
If Oscar is to do anything remotely bad-ass for later in this season---I hope part of it is him and Oz finally fighting as one. 
Not Ozpin taking over and fighting for Oscar. Not Oscar being badass all by himself while Oz stays back.
But Oscar fighting with Ozpin channeling himself into his movements so it looks and feels like the two souls are fighting as one soul; even though they’re not merged. 
That’s what I think could be interesting. Oscar and Oz choosing to work together from now with Ozpin promising to never leave Oscar’s side again. At least until the Merge happened and even then, I don’t think either will know the difference since by then they would’ve grown accustomed to working in harmony with one another. So it becomes second nature.
In a way, this also helps play into my longstanding Pinehead headcanon of Oscar being the one true Ozma. If it is revealed that Oscar is Ozma’s original body while Oz is the current version of Ozma’s soul, then the two of them coming together---body and soul---has always been in the cards.
Only this time, unlike other lives; Oscar and Ozpin’s merge would be as different as Oscar’s experience as a Wizard of Light. Instead of their union representing another life in the cycle being taken, it would be return of a hero are “Ozma” is finally made whole again for the first time since his very first life.
Buuuuuuuuut....y’know, these are just my theories. For now, I’m just going to safely place my bets on Oscar and Oz coming together to fight as one. That’s something I’ve been hoping for since V6 so who knows? Maybe it might happen for this season’s finale. We’ll see.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
80 notes · View notes
littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
Pinehead Headcanons: Oscar’s Noble Move
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So the thumbnail for tomorrow’s ninth episode is out and naturally this squiggle meister got a few things to muse over before it drops. 
What I’m mostly curious about for tomorrow’s episode is the build up to the inevitable moment that is going to go down. Y’know what I’m talking about. I believe it’s safe to speculate that Oscar may attempt to convince Ruby one more time regarding telling the truth to Ironwood.
What would be interesting if the ‘reveal scene’ plays out almost similarly to what happened in V6CH2? Imagine if…Oscar gives the Relic to Ironwood and provides him the same information about Jinn that he once gave Ruby. However, somehow I don’t see tomorrow’s reveal playing out exactly like last season considering one small detail.
Let’s not forget the angle of what happened happen in the V6 finale between Ruby and Jinn. If I may recall, there was a bit of foreshadowing involved there with Jinn warning Ruby about abusing the power of lamp the way she used it to get herself out of trouble with the Leviathan.
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What would happen if Ruby were to summon Jinn's power again without a question? The last time Ruby used Jinn in such a manner, the mystical genie of the lamp made sure to warn our little red rose that she wouldn't allow her to do so a second time.
“I’m sorry. I don’t have a question for you. I just…I just needed a little more time.” “I know and while you don’t seek knowledge, just this once, I shall give it freely. I will not allow you to use me without a question again; even if this was clever…”
Ever since I reviewed the last episode of V6, I’ve been quite curious about what Jinn meant by that. For her to say that she wouldn’t allow Ruby to use her again without a question, it makes me wonder what the consequences of that might entail. 
On one end, I’m envisioning a scenario where Ruby might attempt to use Jinn in such a manner for a second time (because obvious foreshadow is obvious, am I right?) and either Jinn would not appear since she would obviously know that Ruby isn’t seeking knowledge again or…would it be a case where Jinn would outright punish Ruby for using her in such a fashion in spite of her last warning.
Since the Lamp of Knowledge comes with its own set of ground rules to use it, does it come with its own set of penalties as well? What would happen?
Somehow I'm picturing Jinn sort of holding Ruby or whoever practically hostage in the Realm of Revelations until a question is asked. As a matter of fact, what if…Ruby ends up backed into a corner where out of fear that Oscar would use the lamp against her, Ruby attempts to get the lamp away from Oscar similar to what Oz tried to do with her.
Let’ say, Ruby succeeds in grabbing the lamp from Oscar or at least touching it, calling for Jinn---but unlike like last time, Jinn doesn’t appear to Ruby in her moment of desperation. So it’s this extremely sad moment where a desperate Ruby keeps calling for Jinn in hopes that the genie would help her this time but nothing happens so it just makes things worse for Ruby since her saying Jinn’s name leads to the Atlesians---Ironwood and co---to question who Jinn is; just like she once did when Oz had tried to stop her.
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All eyes are on Ruby at this point thus highlighting the synopsis for the episode:
“…Will you tell the truth? Or will someone tell it for you? The answer will make all the difference in the world.”
So it’s a scenario where Ruby is forced to come clean but it’s not just Oscar who pushes Ruby to tell the truth. Imagine if…Ruby is put on the spot with an aggravated Ironwood; still brooding from his meeting with the Council where he possibly lost his seat thanks to Jacques, demanding that someone speak up and tell him what’s really going on…only for Yang, of all people to say something. Maybe she’s followed up by Blake or in not-so-surprising twist--- Nora.
So Yang and Nora basically reveal small bits of the truth but it’s not the whole story. Or rather it’s a case where Ironwood and the Atlesians are in disbelief of what they were telling them. That’s when eyes fall to Ruby again with the final call still falling to her lap to make the right move.  
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This is where I’m conflicted and why I’ve been more of an advocate for Ruby seeing the error of her ways through Oscar’s encouragement and fessing up of her own choice. 
My reason for not wanting for Ruby to wind up in the same spot as Ozpin is, not just because of the obvious rehash of that particular scene from last season; but more because the show has built Ruby up to be this influential figure who always makes the right call in the end. Beyond that, I actively did NOT want for it to come to Oscar putting Ruby in the same horrible position where he uses the lamp on her like what she did with Oz.
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While I feel like that’s more likely going to be how things play out, that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Seriously I don’t want that. I feel like that would be the expected thing to happen to at this point and from a story standpoint, I still don’t want it since it would be the expected thing.
As a matter of fact, the more I think about it, the more I realized that it would probably be more fitting if Oscar does a more extreme version of what he did in the Dojo scene from V5.
Remember how I said in my analysis of that scene that Oscar challenging Ruby on her emotions in that moment was his way of knocking down her apathetic nature during that moment and forcing her to finally confront her true feelings on how the Fall of Beacon affected her?
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While this episode could play out like a reverse version of V6CH2, I can also easily see if being the Dojo Scene 2.0 with Oscar once again putting Ruby in a position where she has to confront the truth of her own actions. She may not like this approach but by the end of it all, she ends up feeling better about herself for being honest with her feelings and rather than be upset with Oscar, she’d end up appreciating and respecting him a bit more for getting her to open up the way he did; if that makes sense.
So rather than expecting Oscar to use the lamp on Ruby, here’s what I’m hoping for:
I’m hoping for Oscar to challenge Ruby on revealing the truth. I expect him to call her out on her way of handling things the same way he did back during V5, backing Ruby into an emotional corner where she has no other choice but to fess up; this time not just for herself but for everyone involved in this whole charade.
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Call me stubborn but this squiggle meister still wishes to believe in the Ruby who would do the right thing in the end and I also still want to believe that Oscar would do the same. He will believe in Ruby to make the right call, even if it has to come to a point again where he feels inclined to push her to this point.
I don’t exactly know how this will be done however; I want to bank on Oscar not using the Relic on Ruby. I want to hope for Ruby to reveal the truth for herself since she would’ve been brought to this point of no return as instigated by Oscar challenging her, just like her did back in Mistral. I feel this way would be more in line with the characterization of Oscar we’ve received so far in the show since it feels like how he would approach it.
I can see Oscar backing Ruby into a corner, just like in V5, where she is forced to do nothing but tell the truth. What I think would be interesting is how Ruby reacts to it? What would make the difference is what call Ruby choses to make this time?
Will she chose to come clean about the truth to their Atlesian comrades (repeating herself back in the V5 Dojo Scene) or will she make the same mistake as Ozpin did in Argus leaving Oscar no choice…but to tell the truth for Ruby.
While everyone is probably expecting Oscar to be the Stoolpigeon---I mean Informer, I’m looking for my boy to play the Judge. 
I feel like Oscar will give Ruby the choice the tell truth herself and in the event that she doesn’t do it, he’ll do it for her.
 Do you know what would be an interesting twist and a real honourable thing for Oscar to do that would make others think even more highly of him? 
Imagine if…Oscar revealed the truth about Salem, by word of mouth rather than wasting the Relic, but takes responsibility for everything? 
Like he basically tells Ironwood that everything that has happened was as a result of mistakes made by his predecessors including Oz and as his successor, he plans on rectifying it. So Oscar basically tells Ironwood that if he should get mad at any person and hold anyone accountable, it’s him.
Imagine if…the truth comes out and Oscar just takes responsibility for all of it making the JNR_QRWBY feel like trash because since Oz’s departure, all Oscar has done is pretty much take the brunt of punishment for Ozpin’s actions and now here he is this time actively choosing to take the fall, not just for Oz but for them as well.
I actually think it would be pretty freaking cool if Oscar did that for the group and Oz. Will it happen? Probably not but who knows?
I will take anything else over Oscar using the Relic on Ruby because I really don’t think he will use the Relic. I don’t want the last question to be wasted on a recap either. I feel like it’d be more compelling if Oscar raises the Relic to Ruby in a threatening manner, giving her the choice to come clean. And in the event that she doesn’t, Oscar will tell the truth anyway.
Like legit tell the truth. The last question is too important to waste on a rehash of events. So Oscar tells the truth to Ironwood but rather than have Ironwood point fingers at Ruby and the others for their actions, Oscar instead tells Ironwood to let him take responsibility since in retrospect, everything that has happened up until this point---the good, the bad and the ugly---are as a result of choices made by the Wizards including Ozpin and as the Tenth Wizard, Oscar felt inclined that it was his duty to not just accept the burdens of the choices that his past selves made---understanding their tough choices--- but to also make things right.
I can see Oscar calling out Oz’s mistakes but not in a way that’s chastising. It’s an understanding way leading into him making his own choice to do what he could to make a different move than his predecessors.
Or something along those lines. I can very well be very wrong about this in the end but…I dunno. Like I said, I’ll take anything over Oscar using the Relic on Ruby. I want Oscar to make a good choice but also expect him to make a move that feels like something he would do that’s within his character. I dunno. I guess we’ll see for tomorrow’s episode.
Overall, I’ll be paying close attention to the Rosebuds for this new episode since, as I’ve said before, they are the drivers of this subplot so I’m looking forward to the exchange of words and looks made by these two smaller, more honest souls. It should be a ‘fun’ episode.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
Hey what did you think of this week's episode it was really good and i fell like everything came full circle. What do you think of ironwood actions. I also see ozpin returning to help oscar soon since I imagine that neo is probably just bring oscar to cinder as soon as she realizes it is ozpin but I do not know if she knows about Ozpin and salem's war tho...
Hey there Dagger. I thought this week’s episode was pretty great, actually =D Easily one of thebest episodes of the season so far for this squigglemeister. In regards to Ironwood, would it be weird if I said that I’m halfand half on his actions from last episode?  
It’s one of those rare moments whereyou expected something to happen given how things were being staged but stillfind yourself being shocked when it does go down, y’know what I mean?
Like I was actually expectingIronwood to go off on Team RWBY from as early as CH9 but when it didn’t happenand our heroes once again got away with their deceitful actions towardsIronwood, I was left feeling like the Writers were once again playing off yetanother scenario where the heroes did something wrong while portraying theauthority figure challenging them on their actions as the bad guy when inactuality, they were more in the right than the heroes. I figured it was goingto be just like Argus again. But no, the Writers subverted my expectations withIronwood giving into his Baobab and turning on our heroes, calling them out fortheir deceit. And to that, I clappedbecause I’m sorry, they deserved it.
I know Team RWBY are supposed to beour heroes and therefore as ourheroes, I’m always supposed to view their actions as some brave act ofrighteousness done for the greater good---but I’m sorry fam. I couldn’t get behind anything our heroes have done since…welllast season.
For the folks who’ve been followingmy posts since the start of V7, you know that my stance has always been that the heroes were heavily in the wrong fortheir deceit towards the General. I did not agree with that one bit nor didI buy into their reasoning for it either.
So seeing them finally receive theircomeuppance as a result of this is the poeticjustice I’ve been waiting on since V6. In a way, you can almost say thatour heroes unintentionally were partially responsible for the creation themonster that is Heartless Ironwoodsince their deceit provide fuel to the Baobab that’s been manifesting withinhim since the Fall of Beacon.
Don’t get me wrong---Obviously I amnot in favour of Ironwood’s new plan to shoot Atlas into orbit while abandoningthe People of Mantle especiallyafter he promised on camera while standing in the presence of Robyn Hill---theproverbial voice of Mantle---that he wouldn’t leave them behind ever again. Formost of V7, we’ve observed the results of Ironwood’s neglect of the Mantle andits citizen. This was what made the moment in CH11 so virtuous and benevolent.It was great to see Ironwood finally take a stand with the People of Mantle andspeak towards looking out for their well-being. All the more reason why seeinghim go back on his promise to Mantle feels so disheartening. This was themoment where Oscar’s words about keeping one’s humanity even in their pursuitof their accomplishments came back into play. I’m not trying to say thatIronwood losing his humanity wasn’t properly foreshadowed. I’m more saying thatit still doesn’t make it any more disappointing as a fan of his character tosee him fall so low and to witness yet again that Mantle is the unfortunatevictim caught in the wave of Ironwood’s descent. So yeah; I’m not happy with whatIronwood is doing to the people of Mantle.  
However, at the same time I’m not mad for the General reacting theway he did towards the heroes. In my opinion, the heroes deserved this punishmentsince their past actions put them in this position. The one thing Ironwoodasked of them from the get-go was to reciprocate the trust he was willing---emphasis on willing---to offer them. Instead theheroes actively chose to lie to theirAtlesian allies from the start and continued to do so up until the point theywere called out for it. The only reason the truth managed to come out in someshape or form was due in part to Oscar’s encouragement. Yes I understand thatRuby also agreed to tell Ironwood the truth too and it’s actually a decisionthat she and Oscar were on the same page about. However, the difference betweenRuby and Oscar is that Oscar was shown to disapprove of the team withholdinginformation from their Atlesian allies. He even challenged Ruby on the matter.
Not once has Ruby has been shown toregret her actions towards the General. On the contrary, she seemed rather indifferent about it even whenchallenged by Yang about the subject. The one time we’ve seen her express doubtin her decision to deceive Ironwood was in CH4 during her conversation withQrow, which I’d like to believe was influenced by her talk with Oscar at thestart of CH3. Though initially apathetic on the matter, I could at least tellthat Oscar’s words weighed deeply on Ruby’s subconscious after their talk. Allthe more reason why I was disappointed in Qrow for actually encouraging Ruby intheir deceit of their Atlesian allies. Especially coming off the outcome ofwhat happened back in Anima with Oz and the Lamp.
Apologies if I sound like I’ve beenharping on Ruby a lot for this volume but I’m afraid I have to because hercharacterization for V7 hasn’t been favorablefor me. However if there is one takeaway from the Writers’ approach to Ruby’sstory for V7 that I liked a little is showing more of those “faults” about her that Oz mentioned toOscar about back in V5.
“…In some ways, yes but in many others…no. She has quirks. Her faults, just like everyone else. But she also possessessomething unquantifiable. A spark that can inspire others even in the darkestof times…”
“This must be really hard on hertoo.”
“It most assuredly is.”
For many seasons, Ruby has beenplaced on this pedestal as this voice of guidance and inspiration within thehero team. In spite of her young age and her initial shortcomings in the past,we were able to watch Ruby grow into the role. While the leadership was thebadge she was graced with based on Oz’s decision, over the story, we watchedRuby slowly and surely grow to prove that it was a title she was meant to have.She earned it of her own diligence.
But like every leader, at somepoint, you waver and make poor decisions that end up bringing the worst outcomefor you and your team. What bothered me about the way Ruby was written so farfor this season is that it never felt as if she genuinely thought that heractions towards Ironwood and their Atlesian allies were wrong. The show always portrayed her with this sort of bright smilethat, to me as the viewer, gave the impression that she’s almost blissfully naïve to the cause and effectof her own choices.
Basically the point I’m trying tomake here is that in her own Ruby way, she became arrogant. Without even realizing it for herself, in an ironic way,Ruby didn’t just mimic Ozpin’s behavior. She also became just like Ironwood,mimicking the same behavior that became the basis for her choice to deceivehim.
Doingwhat you think is best for everyone while completely ignoring the ramificationsof what your choices might do to others and/or how it might cause others toview you in the end once the action is committed?  
Wasn'tthat not the reason Ruby and by extension, the other heroes used to explainwithholding the truth from Ironwood? Don't tell the General the truth becausehe was doing what he thought was best for the People of Mantle while ignoringhis reputation in the eyes of the People of Mantle and how his actions wereaffecting them? Didn’t our heroes not commit the exact same feat but with theirAtlesian allies?
Basicallythe main point I’m making here is that, in trying to do what they believed wasthe right call, everyone made the wrongone. It’s not as one-sided assome folks might think. It’s not so much that Ironwood is wrong and the heroesare right or even Ironwood is right and the heroes are wrong. From myinterpretation, everyone is in the wronghere. Both sides have done bad inthe name of good. And both sides need to understand this very importantfactor.
However,at the moment, both sides are too ignorant to really listen to each other andthe rising tensions caused by the evacuation/abandonment of Mantle and theimpending arrival of Salem isn’t helping the situation. Despite being two sidesof the same coin---our brave faction of heroes and so-called protectors ofhumanity, they are divided.
Whatthe group needs more than anything now is a middleman.An impartial voice. Someone who hasspent time with both sides and has earned their respect or at least, the trust of their leading figures (i.e.Ruby and Ironwood). Someone who has listened to the rationales of both sidesand understands what either was tryingto accomplish with their actions. Someone who never took a side but rather identifyand spoke out on the flaws in either side’s actions.
Onnormal circumstances, Ruby would’ve been that impartial voice given herinfluence on her team. However right now, I highlight doubt that Ironwood (orany of their Atlesian allies for that matter) would be willing to listen toanything Ruby has to say after what has happened.
Itis for this reason why I’m looking to Oscar to set things straight. In previousmusings and theory posts, I’ve advocated for Oscar to be the smaller, more honest soul to mend thetethered bonds of trust within his team. I figured he would’ve played a role inOzpin’s reconciliation with his former team. But now we have the tension withIronwood.
Thisis what I believe the season has slowly been building up to with Oscar. I believe Oscar will be the one to finallytalk some sense back into Ironwood. You’ve heard me quote this once ortwice before but last season, Watts remarked that Ozpin was the only person whocould talk sense back into James.
Originallymy assumption was that Oz would’ve return to the PLOT to help with that.However, while I do want to see Oz return, I feel like Oz being the one to talkto James might somehow undermine Oscar’s development for this season. V7 has steadilybuilt Oscar up to be someone whose advice Ironwood might look towards when he’sat a loss. Not to mention that this season has also been slowly building upIronwood respecting Oscar as himself and NOT“another life for Oz or Ozma to live”.
Sowith that thought in mind, I want to see the payoff of this development for Oscar. I want it to be a case whereIronwood comes to accept Oscar as a worthy successor to Ozpin while still respectinghim as his own person.
Iwant Oscar to be the one to talk sense into Ironwood and talk him off the cloudof conceit he’s risen into. Even if it means having to actively fight him first to get him to listen tohim. It’s a shame Oscar can’t simply just project Ozpin’s soul as some kind ofastral projection before Ironwood to see. And no I’m saying that should be hissemblance. I’m just saying it as an idea.
Oh!As a matter of fact, what I would actually dig is a parallel to V5. Remember that scene with Lionheart where Oscarfirst drew the Long Memory, surprisingly Leonardo and prompting him to say“…Ozpin?” only for Oscar to smirk and cheekily respond “Not quite.”
Ithink I need a mirror of that moment with Ironwood now. I need Oscar toapproach Ironwood with this kind of commanding aura about him that demands hisattention and respect---a presence that James had only once seen reflected inthe eyes of one man named Professor Ozpin.
Imagine a moment where Jamessees Ozpin mirrored in Oscar and in a similar manner to Lionheart, it promptshim to ask “…Ozpin?”
Onlyfor Oscar to respond, in a gentler tone. “…Notquite”
Becauseit wasn’t Ozpin. It was Oscar. But now he was channelling some of Ozpin’sinfluence (as per his guidance) as ameans of getting James to finally listen to him, which he does.
Ithink that kind of moment would be great for little barn prince. Maybe it couldeven be complemented by Oscar glancing back at an apparition of Ozpin standing over him with a proud smile on hisface at his growth since his absence.
Imagine if…this moment evenencourages Oz to take more of a backseat within Oscar’s mind; relegatinghimself to more of a watchful guardian role, silently continuing to watch overOscar from the back of his mind while only offering advice when Oscar asks ofit.
Iknow some Ozpinheads want Ozpin toreturn to the story. However, let stress this by saying that Oscar is meant tobe Ozpin’s successor. The one to take his place in time. While I don’t mind Ozsticking around to look out for Oscar, I can’t picture things going back to theway they were before with Ozpin constantly taking control of Oscar’s body.
Itwas for this reason why I was glad that the show took him out of the story fora little bit since it allowed for Oscar to learn how to stand on his ownbearings while forging his own identity within the team. It was a way tofinally have Oscar step out of Ozpin’s shadow and earn his own respect amongstthe peers that he gained through Oz. While I didn’t always agree with the waythe show executed this development on Oscar’s part, my views on the outcomestill remain.
IfOz is to return, I expect him to be more of a bystander while Oscar continues to pull the reigns moving forward.Picture it as being equivalent to watching a father raising his son; helping inhis development from boy to man. At some point, the son grows up and the fatherhas to take a step back in order allow him to continue to grow on theirown---only returning when his guidance is asked of him unless it’s desperatematter of ensuring Oscar’s protection.  
Itis at this point I expect Oscar and Oz to be more in harmony with one anotherthan they’ve ever been with Oz watching Oscar continue to grow into hissuccessor until the time comes for him to become a part of him. At least,that’s how I see it.
Ifanything I’d much prefer it if Oz only returned to lend Oscar some of his poweron the battlefield. While I share in your theory of Oz returning, I’m not sure if Oz will be the one to help Oscar with Neo.
Based on the way CH11 ended off, itappears that JNR might be the ones to help look for Oscar. I’m not even sure ifOscar was even kidnapped. Some FNDM theorists seem to believe he was takenhostage by Neo while others believe he might be off on his own in pursuit ofNeo. I, for one, am indecisive on which theory I think it will be.
I’m starting to lean more towardsthe notion of Oscar pursuing Neo on his own since I like the idea of Oscarbumping into JNR along the way and the four of them devise a clever scheme tolure Neo into the Tetris Training Room so that they can corner her and take herout in a similar manner to Neon of FNKI.
But in the event that Oscar has beenkidnapped, I do like your idea of Oz returning to help him out of that trickyscenario. I’d like to think that Neo is aware that Oscar is Oz since Cinderknows and she probably would’ve told her back in Mistral. Speaking of Oz, perhaps, with his guidance again, Oscarmanages to free himself from Neo’s captivity, blindsiding her and retrievingthe Relic back from her before making his escape.
As a matter of fact, instead ofbeing kidnapped, how about the idea of Oscarbeing probably off somewhere in a game of cat and mouse, trying to protect theRelic from Neo who is hot on his tail.
Perhaps…after Neo took out the droids, Oscar blindsided her and made a quick dashbefore Neo could get the Relic off of him. So for all we know, Oscar could besprinting through the halls of Atlas trying to avoid Neo. Atlas is a bigpremise since its home to the huntsmen academy and the military in addition tothe Vault and the medical facility that’s secretly housing the Winter Maiden.
So Oscar could be anywhere on the premises trying to desperately get awayfrom Neo. What’s worse is there is potential for that to actually provemore difficult for Oscar than one might realize. Since Neo’s semblance isIllusions and since she’s able to mask objects with her semblance, imagine…poor Oscar being trapped in anillusion where he’s running around in circles unsure of which direction to gosince let’s say…Neo masked off all the real exits----making any exit Oscar stumbled up berevealed to a dead end while the deadends were the real exits. Or something like that. Picture Neo toying with Oscar is that kind of way. Even worse ifshe disguises her as one of his female allies who he might desperately wishwere there to help him (like Ruby or Nora).
And with Ironwood locking offcommunication between our heroes, Oscar is probably a poor sitting duck unlesshe takes Neo head on by himself. I mean, it’s ain’t bad as a Pineheadheadcanon.
That being said, I hope the showgives us a nice little flashback of what happened with Oscar in the lastepisode. I hope they actually deliver on that explanation this time but whoknows. Overall, I hope this answers you, Dagger.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Hello! I don't know if you've seen the Trollhunters series, but in the third season Jim has the opportunity to become a troll/human. However the effects would be permanent, and in the words of Merlin "Part of you will remain Jim, but the other part will never be the same." I've been thinking that something similar could happen with Oscar. That he has the opportunity to "fuse" his soul with the soul of Ozpin. Feeling not like Oscar, nor as Ozpin, but as someone else.
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Hi there Los! I have actually seen Trollhunters and was a fan of the series for a while when it first dropped. However I sadly never finished the series (or checking out all it’s other spin-offs). I made it as far as I think the sixth or seventh episode of S2 and never got around to finishing it. So…yeah, thank you for that nice spoiler there XD Just kidding, I kind of already know about the Jim turning into a troll bit but mostly from spoiler screenshots on Twitter. I didn’t really know the context behind it until you explained it. Again, thanks for the spoiler but it’s cool.
In regards to Oscar and Ozpin and the Merge—well once upon a time, in a RWBY Musing of mine way back before V6, I shared my own views on the merging of the two souls that was not so different from your theory fam. 
I figured that the Merge would’ve been similar to fusion in Steven Universe and I even used the character of Garnet as my example. Not sure if you’re a SU fan but in the series, Garnet is a fusion of two gems named Ruby and Sapphire and the embodiment of their love for one another. 
While Ruby and Sapphire are their own individual characters with their owndistinctive personalities, what’s interesting to note about Garnet is thatinspite of being a fusion of two gems, the show and by extension, the other characters within the Steven Universe world have always treated Garnet as her own character outside of the two gems she’s comprised of.
As a fusion, Garnet possesses physical characteristics, mannerisms and of course abilities that she inherited from Ruby and Sapphire respectively. Nonetheless, Garnet is still seen as her own gem and thus her own character. This is how I originally pegged the Merge to be with the treatment of the ‘new Oscar’ afterwards.
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This squiggle meister has NEVER 100% bought into the holdnotion of Oscar completely losing himself to the Merge. Ever more after I recapped V5 and remembered how Ozpin told RNJR that HE is the one destined to change with the fusing of the two souls. NOT Oscar.
I originally pictured the Merge would’ve involved Oscar and Oz forming a new persona who I dubbed the Wizard—the embodiment of both minds,inheriting all of Ozpin’s original memories and abilities while still retainingOscar as the dominant personality since he is supposed to be Ozpin’s successor.
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Despite the CRWBY Writers attempting to sort of convince the FNDM with the idea of Oscar disappearing entirely by having that be a concern of said character, I still don’t buy into it because there have been other little breadcrumbs sprinkled throughout the last few seasons that highlight Oscar’s experience with the Merge being different from his predecessors.
Hence why I’ve now dropped my original theory in favour of a new one. Nowadays, I’ve deviated to my Pinehead headcanon where I think that Oscar is actually Ozma
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I’m going to tag @daggerpawstudios​ here as well since my points in this response post also answers her inboxed question:
Hey squiggles!! I read your theory on Ozma and Oscar joining souls to just make Oscar whole again. I think you mat be on to something. I recebtly just rewatched eipsode 3 of volume 6 and i never noticed that Oscar and Ozma have the same voice actor as well. You can hear it wheb Ozma says his lines in the stories. I also find it interesting because it is implied that Oscar is the last recarnination of Ozma by the way he speaks in volume 5.
Basically my idea was that Oscar is possibly the teenage re-embodiment of Ozma’s original form that he never regained after his soul was first resurrected in the body of Diggs (Ozma 2.0). In the Lost Fable, it was highlighted that only Ozma was only brought back soul form. He never truly regained his original body; hence Ozma’s genuine surprise when he realized that he wasn’t in his old body and was instead inhabiting the mind of somebody else’s (Diggs). 
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It also justifies Oscar’s reaction to seeing Ozma’s shock of being paired with Diggs the firs time and his solemn “He didn’t know” remark since Ozma didn’t know the Gods would bring him back in the body that wasn’t his own.
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The narrative has placed too much emphasis on Oscar being his own person to just have him become somebody else.
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Not to mention there’s the whole important bit with Ozpin’s allies and enemies reacting to his sudden reappearance as if they weren’t expecting him back, at least not so soon.
My hunch with that the Ozma Cycle doesn’t work like the Avatar Cycle or the Doctor Lineage. Instead of being brought back almost immediately after the death of their predescessor within the same time period, my guess is that a new Wizard is reborn every half a century or so. I do a much better job at explaining this theory in this post right here. 
But the general consensus is that Oz was NOT supposed to be back this soon.
I initially figured this was the case after recalling Lionheart’s reaction to Oscar back in V5 and Tyrian’s reaction to the news of his return in V6 and now  Ironwood’s reaction to Oscar being revealed as Ozpin’s successor in V7 further supports my theory.
“...This can’t be...I knew you would be back, but...you made it here! You found Qrow! How?” - Lionheart (RWBY V5 Chapter 11) 
“...Ma’am. I have more to report. Qrow and the children are taking the Lamp to Atlas...” Hazel Rainart.“...Not if I can help it...” Tyrian Callows“...And they’re being led by Ozpin.” Hazel“...So soon?!” Tyrian (RWBY V6 Chapter 4) 
“Oz? I’m so glad you’re here. I didn’t think you---” Ironwood (RWBY V7 Chapter 2) 
Here are three examples of characters being surprised to see Ozpin back so prematurely so clearly there is something is very, very different about the Cycle when it comes to Oscar. 
Instead of being reborn in another like-minded soul possibly years down the line as the cycle probably works, Ozpin’s soul took an unexpected detour and was instead paired up with Oscar.
You might be asking why though? 
Why would the cycle suddenly do this all of a sudden and why would it suddenly chose Oscar Pine—a 14-year-old farm boy from Mistral all of a sudden.
This brings me to my headcanon. I’d like to believe that Ozma’s cyclehas been pretty consistent up until Oscar’s lifetime. While the show didn’thave Ozpin make a big deal about him suddenly being brought back sooner than usual inside the body of Oscar Pine, it’s the characters associated with Ozpin and the Ozma Cycle that give me this strong impression.
I’d like to think there is something very special about Oscar that sets him apart from other Wizards and Ozma successors and it’s why I strongly believe his experience with the Merge will be much different and much more significant. 
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This is why I like my theory of Oscar secretly being Ozma’s original body that he never regained after his first reincarnation, now resurrected in Modern Remnant and given a second chance at life.
This theory of mine was inspired by a similar scenario in the magical girl series Sakura Cardcaptors where the character of Eriol Hiraigazawa is one half reincarnation of the great wizard and creator of the Clow Cards: Clow Reed while the second half was Sakura’s father.
Both characters were two halves of Clow Reed, only Eriol was the younger half who inherited all of Clow’s memories and magical abiltiies while Sakura’s father---Fujitaka Kinomoto---didn’t. 
My idea was that since Ozpin is the current version of Ozma’s soul (theculmination of him and all the other Wizards over the years), if Oscar is revealed as the other reincarnated half of Ozma---his body--- then that could mean that our impression of the Merge has been wrong.
What if...the Merge isn’t meant to erase Oscar. It’s meant to make him whole. Body and Soul together as one make a person, right? 
So my idea was that merging with Ozpin would help Oscar see the truth of who he really is. That Oscar is in fact the one true Ozma. 
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This also ties into my theory where I believe Oscar is meant to represent the end of the Ozma Reincarnation Cycle. He’s meant to be the last life. 
This is also why I love the idea of him being revealed to be the true Ozma. This whole shebang with Salem began with him in his first lifetime and therefore should end with him in his last lifetime. 
Ozma was the beginning so Oscar will be the end. The end of a cycle. 
I love the concept of the Merging of the Two Souls actually representing the reunion of Ozma’s soul with his original body, therefore fully resurrecting the original Warrior of Light from First Remnant to become the Warrior of Light of the New Remnant. 
...or at least one of them.
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The irony with this is that neither Ozma’s soul nor his body are the same anymore. They’ve both been changed. Ozma or rather the soul of Ozma has definitely changed from all of his lifetimes spent living in the company of the like-minded men he was paired with while his original body was given a new life and purpose in the Modern Word. 
Ozma has been a lingering sentiment of First Remnant who has withstood the ultimately test of time. This all started with him and Salem basically. Ozma is a primary player in RWBY’s key arc with Salem. All the more reason why I think it would be so cool if Ozma and Oscar are actually one and the same.Thinkabout it.
I also really love the concept ofor the obvious nod to the Wizard of Oz and its sequel story--- The Marvelous Land of Oz. 
Wasn’t the Wizard original believed to be the ruler of Oz until  later it was ultimately revealed that Princess Ozma was the true ruler.
Princess Ozma was the true ruler of Oz. Oscar is true reincarnation of Ozma. Here we’re all thinking that Oscar is going to become the Wizard when it actuality, he’s the true ruler of Oz.  Think about it.
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Imagine…how compelling of a twist it would be if, here we have Oscar believing that he’s going to lose himself entirely to Ozma—becoming someone he didn’t recognize—living as just another one of Ozma’s many lives when in reality, he’s not meant to lose himself.
He’s going to be made whole again. He wouldn’t become someone he didn’t know. He’ll be himself again and instead of living another life as Ozma, Oscar will be the proper second chance at a new life that Ozma never thought he’d get.
I really like the idea of Oscar realizing he is in fact the real Ozma and then afterwards deciding for himself who he wants to be. 
Now that he knows the truth of who he really is, courtesy of the Merge, does hetake back his original Ozma name or will be continue forward as Oscar? 
Naturally, Oscar chooses to be Oscar. Although folks can still address him as ‘Oz’ if they’d like for those who were more familiar with him under that nickname. 
Fun Fact: Did you know that ‘Oz’ is actually a pet name for ‘Oscar’.
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As Oscar, our little barn prince now fully reborn as a Warrior of Light, still plans on fulfilling his duty to save humanity from Salem but he now does so under the firm motivation that his life as Oscar will be his final one. No more innocent souls being dragged into his war with Salem. It may have began with Ozma but it will end with Oscar.
This is my current impression on the Merge and my main theory for where I think Oscar’s Arc might go. I could essentially be wrong but nonetheless, this is one of my favourite Pinehead headcanons that I really, really love at the moment. And I hope you like it too, Los.
I hope this post also answers your question along with Dagger’s. 
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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