#i like almost certainly need counselling again lol but i never do anything about it do i look like a guy who can make appointment 😂
steeleyespan · 1 year
my own thoughts annoy the shit out of me and i like consciously try and be zen about it like they are only thoughts let them go by undisturbed..but i also have like 6 voices in my head peer reviewing them and being like lol cringe and derivative try thinking of something true and beautiful. Also the instant i get bored i start psychoanalysing myself which is really unhealthy and also fucking exhausting. This is why i love adhd medication bcos it slows it down to like 1 thought at a time so i can consciously be like STOP wondering if youre actually insane or just faking it as an excuse and look at a flower or some shit instead of like [thinking im exaggerating everything][i need to make appointment i need to fill out form did i forget something][remixing 2 songs together in my mind] all at once
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johannestevans · 4 months
Hi! I just happened to see your post from 2023 about vaginal atrophy and it's such a eye-opener! I've been struggling with it for a while now (as an asexual afab with a male partner... Let's say that feeling uncomfortable and too tight during intercourse is my normal) and I suspect it must have to do something with my contraception ring, but all I got from my gyn was to use lube and that I'm only too tight (sometimes even putting ONE finger in to put the ring in irritates my entrance, but I need it to not have painful periods and diarrhea) because I only see my partner 1-2 monthly, so I'm not constantly used to stimulation, according to him. I've caught a candida infection recently (with no previous history of it) and I had had struggles with my vaginal ph nearing that of menopausal women before, but all I got from my doc were a cream (once! And he said that if it comes back I'll need extensive medical therapy) and every time I complain of any symptoms I get boric acidic vaginal insertions (idk the word, that cone thing which you have to insert then it melts and gets absorbed) which feel like inserting chili peppers and I'm struggling to keep taking that for even a week, so I never finish the whole pack. Your post made me realise that I might need to ditch my obgyn (and get a female one). I hope it's not my ring that is causing my athropy though since he never recommended oral contraception cause of my history of mental illness, which he says would be negatively effected by the greater hormonal swings of the pill. But at this point, I'm not sure if that's not him being misogynistic again lol. Anyways, your post kept me from gaslighting myself about my worries so thanks ❤️ I'm wishing all cis and trans vagina owners less struggling and better doctors! You deserve it.
Post on Vaginal Atrophy.
Vaginal tightness can absolutely be impacted by how regularly you're using the muscles and by extension how often you're having sex, but to be so tight as to have difficulty inserting your finger as a constant is definitely a sign that something might be up!
Extreme tightness can be a symptom of vaginismus as well as vaginal atrophy - "vaginismus" like other vulvodynic conditions is kind of used as a catch-all term for tightness that doesn't have a specific diagnosable cause. Mine improved considerably when I started testosterone (which improved my arousal, my blood flow, and probably impacted my feelings of gender dysphoria) and then cleared up almost entirely when I started receiving counseling for my experiences of child sexual abuse.
The thing is though, while vaginismus is often assumed to be caused by psychological issues and concern, it is the basic responsibility of a medical care provider to eliminate potential physical causes before immediately sweeping to diagnoses of the psychological and psychosomatic.
This sort of involuntary tightening of the muscles can be something to look out for particularly when you're under stress or feeling anxious about penetration, sure, but what you're describing does sound like you're immediately getting irritation and discomfort rather than just physical muscle tightness, and even if it's not an ongoing atrophy, it certainly sounds potentially like a lubrication issue or an issue with the sensitive mucous membranes around your vagina.
Absolutely get another gynecological consult if you can, and yes, woman doctors are always a good shout over men, especially in these fields - they're not perfect, of course, but definitely bring up your concerns and ask them to have a look at your medical notes and see if anything specific rings a bell.
Remember when you do for a vaginal exam that if you're particularly anxious about penetrative exams themselves, you can often ask in advance for a paediatric speculum which is generally a lot smaller than the regular specula, and a lot of doctors are able to apply a topical anaesthetic to aid the internal exam. When I went for a pap smear when my vaginismus was quite bad I had the topical anaesthetic in combination with an oral muscle relaxant as well - your doc should be able to provide more info if this is a concern for you.
Good luck, Anon, and I'm so, so sorry your doctor has been so shitty, it's honestly so common for doctors to routinely dismiss vaginal pain and especially vaginal tightness and to immediately work on the "problem" of how open that vagina is to presumed men's penetration of it rather than the actual vagina owner's comfort, safety, health, and pleasure.
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Achilles Come Down-- Damien (WKM) x Reader
Prompt; Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Warnings; slight swearing, bit of angst, nothing too bad
Word Count; 1.8k
Notes; not my best work because i have a ~brain injury~ but i couldn’t get this idea out of my head so i went ahead and wrote it lol
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Your eyes fluttered at the sudden bright light shining from above. A gasping breath racked your chest as you instinctively grabbed the fabric covering your abdomen. It was dry, no trace of the hot, sticky liquid that it held mere moments before. With a moment of hesitation, you sat up to survey your surroundings. Your brows knitted together. You were sitting in an open field, surrounded by tall grass, but weren't you just at Markiplier Manor? A flock of birds startled you from your thoughts as they flew overhead. You watched them dip in twirl with the wind until your eyes landed on a more captivating subject. "Damien?" He faced the opposite direction, sitting quite a distance away. His head turned when he heard your voice. A smile crept across Damien's features, and he was quick to wave you over. You pushed yourself off the ground and made your way towards him. There was something... off. He was sitting on the edge of a cliff, legs dangling over the side. His hair was ruffled, and his shoulders were slumped. But you found your gaze returning to his face. His warm, loving eyes and his soft smile made you fall in love all over again every time you looked at him. He gently bumped his shoulder into yours when you took a seat beside him. 
"I'm glad to see you here. Well, I'm not glad that you're here, but I'm happy to have you with me again." You raised a brow, and Damien pursed his lips. "What I mean is, I'm glad you're safe now. That's what matters."
"Where are we?" You glanced down at the dark waters splashing below. It appeared nearly as dark as ink, making its depths undetectable. Something about it unnerved you. You wanted to move somewhere else, but Damien appeared to enjoy sitting on the cliffside, where he could see the water. His jaw tensed at your question. He stared into the water. You placed a hand on top of his, hoping to calm some of the thoughts running rampant in his mind, but he stayed silent. "We're dead, aren't we?" A joking tone laced your words, but there was truth in them. You thought back to your last moments in the manor. You could have survived the gunshot alone if taken straight to the hospital, but you had little to no chance once you stumbled over the banister. Damien chuckled, finally returning his focus to you.
"You're not too far from the truth. We're sort of in-between realities at the moment. We're certainly not alive, but we're not quite dead either. It doesn't make sense. Hell, I'm still wrapping my head around it too, and I've been waiting here for you for a long time now."
"How long has it been for you? It was hardly an hour that I..." you faltered, struggling to find the right word, "appeared here after you vanished." Damien shook his head. 
"Time passes much differently here. An hour out there could easily be a decade here." Guilt hit your chest like a bag of bricks. He truly waited all that time, just for you? Damien caught the sadness welling up in your eyes. He cupped your face in his hands, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. "But that doesn't matter. I wouldn't trade a second of it because it means I now get to be here with you. Don't tell me you forgot our vows?" You couldn't help the laugh that escaped your lips. 
"We'd always be there for each other, and if one of us died first, they would accompany the reaper until it was time to escort the other to the other side. Quite ironic, given our current circumstances."
"And everyone thought we were just being dramatic!" His comment brought about another round of laughter, easing the guilt from your heart. Damien got to his feet and pulled you up with him. He stared down into the water once more. "Why don't we enjoy the time we have here before we brave the other side? Let's go for a swim. " You followed his gaze with a grimace. The waves below were calm, but the water still seemed unwelcoming. Something in the back of your mind warned you not to trust it. Damien wrapped his arms around you, laughing. "Don't tell me you're scared! Nothing can hurt us here. We're finally safe." Your eyes widened as you heard footsteps approaching. Damien went rigid. Neither of you moved until the newcomer made a dramatic gagging sound.
"Look at you two so in love. It's so sweet it almost makes me sick," he deadpanned. Your jaw dropped. Mark was here too? Damien squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, biting back all of the words he truly wanted to say. You tried to move away from Damien to get a better look, but his grip around you tightened.
"Don't. He's not real," Damien whispered in your ear. There was a sense of urgency in his voice that made you freeze. 
"Sharing secrets now, are we? That's not a very nice thing to do to a friend, especially when said friend was murdered," Mark whined. "Since we're in a secretive mood, I feel inclined to tell you that Damien is lying to you, (Y/N)." You glanced over at your partner, whose face had darkened. You could practically sense the smug smile on Mark's face. He took his time walking closer to the two of you, wanting to make sure that he held the spotlight. "You're not safe. There is no 'other side.' He's using you to revive himself and Celine." Damien cupped your face, forcing you to look at him rather than Mark. 
"Don't listen to him. I love you, (Y/N). I'd do anything to keep you safe. You know that." Damien glanced behind you into the open water. He opened his mouth, but Mark interrupted him. 
"How many times have you sought my counsel? How many times have I given you my thoughts? And when have I ever steered you wrong?"
"(Y/N), love, listen to me. I know you're scared, but we need to go. We're going to have to jump."
"Don't be dense, (Y/N)!" Mark shouted. "I know you hear those warning bells in your head. If you go into that water, you'll never come out again."
"It's safe, I promise. I'd never do anything to hurt you. We'll be in a better place." Damien's voice was filled with desperation. His eyes searched yours, urging you to trust him. You swallowed thickly.
"You'll be with me?" Damien offered you a comforting smile as he stroked your cheek with his thumb. 
"Of course. Do you think I'd let you go alone? If you jump, I'm jumping. There is no me without you." You slowly nodded, and Damien released his hold on you. You finally caught sight of Mark. He was in his signature red bathrobe, and he was shaking in anger. What caught you off guard were his eyes. They were inky black and unforgiving, much like the water below.
"He's offering you acclaim and the taste of a new life, but he can't deliver. Don't waste yourself on this cliff, (Y/N). You'll be trapped in your own personal hell if you jump." You shook your head, standing by Damien's side. He took one of your hands into his own.
"I'm sorry, Mark, but I trust him. Even if you're right in the end, I have to stand by him. Love is a dangerous thing. I have to accept that." You looked at Damien and nodded. He counted down, and the two of you stepped off the cliff's edge. Mark stood above, watching as you both sank into the dark water. He shook his head, knowing what was to come.
The water seemed to suck all of the warmth from your bones as soon as you touched its surface. On instinct, you thrashed you get back to the surface, but you continued to sink. Panic settled into your mind. You couldn't get back up, and you couldn't find Damien. He let go of your hand once you both hit the water. Now, it was rushing into your lungs with a fiery burn in its wake. Your mind felt heavy and muddled. You could form a coherent thought. The last thing that filled your mind was regret. 
You hit the tiled floor with a loud thud. Your eyes snapped open as a violent cough shook your whole body. You rolled over onto your hands and knees, coughing. You could practically feel the water all around you, but you were completely dry. You blinked, slowly becoming aware of your surroundings. You were in the manor's foyer, except everything looked a little dimmer. Sitting back on your heels, you inspected your hands. They had a slight translucency to them. Is this what the 'other side' was? Were you a ghost? "Damien?" you called out, getting back to your feet. 
"Oh, good, you're awake. I should apologize. I didn't realize the process would be so... painful." You furrowed your brows, glancing around. It sounded as if he was standing right beside you, but he was nowhere to be found. You finally caught sight of the old mirror hanging on the wall Instead of showing your reflection, it showed Damien standing with an apologetic look on his face. You carefully approached. "I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Damien, but what's going on?" He sighed, avoiding your gaze.
"I'm protecting you. With Celine's help, I created a sort of pocket dimension inside this mirror, and we put your soul inside." You put a hand on your forehead, struggling to grasp the situation. "Don't worry! I'll be able to visit you, just as I'm doing now."
"Okay, but when can I leave?" Damien's face fell. He stuttered for a moment before finally going quiet. "Am I trapped here, alone?" your voice was barely above a whisper. Damien's eyes widened. 
"No, no! Of course, not. You're not alone. As I said before, I'll be able to visit you through the mirror."
"Am I trapped in here?" 
"I don't understand. I'm only trying to protect you-"
"Damien!" you shouted, tears flowing freely down your face. "Please, answer me." Your voice cracked along with Damien's heart at the sight of you. He nodded, looking away. You grit your teeth, suddenly overcome with anger. "You had no right! You didn't tell me this would happen. You told me that we would face the unknown together, but instead, you fabricated your own little birdcage for me to sit in for the rest of eternity."
"(Y/N), please-"
"No, Damien." Your sad laugh echoed in the empty foyer. You ran a hand through your hair, pacing. "What happened to always staying by each other's side?" you scoffed, "I should've listened to Mark. I shouldn't have jumped with you."
"I did this because I love you."
"Well, maybe you should have loved me a little less." 
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padme-parker · 4 years
Collide / Chapter 2
[a Star Wars x Avengers crossover]
summary: You get interrogated by the Jedi Council and some calls home are made.
word count: 3,700+
warnings: my shitty writing, a few curse words, plot holes
A/N: I might’ve forgotten to edit some things out lol my bad, also this chapter is really messy but I will come back to fix it once I get the hang of writing for a series
Song(s) of the chapter: Creep by Radiohead, Home with you by FKA Twigs, and Softly by Clairo.
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read chapter one here
“Is it alright to feel this way so early? And in my blood, all the sweet nothings fallin' in love overnight” -Softly by Clairo
Anakin was walking amongst the halls with Master Obi-wan and Master Yoda when he felt it, a disturbance in the force. Obi-wan turned to him, “Do you feel it too?” Anakin had merely nodded before taking out his holo device, bringing up a map of the Jedi Temple. His eyes quickly scanned it before finding something out of place, “Look, it’s an unrecognized heat signature in the lower levels of the temple.” Of all the years he’d been living in the temple, he had never visited the lower levels. He knew of its existence and that only certain Jedi, like Master Yoda, could enter. However, he never understood why it was forbidden to enter.
“Master Yoda, what should we do?”
“Go down, you must. Alert the others, I will.” He gave Master Yoda a nod before taking off with Obi-wan. Using the holo map to guide him, he found himself in front of a large steel door. He placed his hand on the door, seeing if it’d budge, but it didn’t move an inch. Beckoning forth the force within him, he imagined the door opening. A warmth that spread from his heart to the tips of his finger, encompassing his entire being until he felt the door shift. Pushing the door open, he put away his holo device, his lightsaber now in his grasp.
“They’re close Master, I can feel it.” Obi-wan took the lead, using the force to guide him to the person they were looking for. It didn’t take the two very long to find them, well more like her. Anakin took notice as to how she was gripping onto the wall for dear life. With her back to them, he couldn’t see her face. Only the outline of her figure, clad in all black. Who are you?
Obi-wan ignited his saber, Anakin following. “Stop right there! Turn around and face us sith!” Oh, so apparently I’m a sith now. Anakin furrowed his eyebrows, why could he hear her thoughts? His ears picked up on the approaching footsteps, as he felt the other Jedi enter the room, his shoulders slightly tensing.
The girl raised her arms slowly, showing defeat. Turning around, his eyes immediately found hers. He watched as her eyes moved across the room until they landed on his. He let his eyes widen for a fraction of a second, before composing himself. He realizes that he’s seen her before, in his dreams. The ones where her beauty overtook him, and they’d spend their time together in the meadows. When he dreamt about her, he felt at peace. He felt whole. Even after waking up, only to find Padme at his side, he could still feel her lingering touch. He had always wondered why the force was showing him visions of her, of their future together. Now, he knew why. He felt a tug in his chest, the force insisting that he move closer. To take you in his embrace and never let go.
He watched as you blinked, licking your lips before uttering his name. He watched as your knees buckled, sending you to the floor. He watched as your eyes shut, your body going limp.
It’s you.
He was angry at the force. Why would they send him to you, after he had gotten married to the love of his life. The force had also shown him visions of Padme and him, their life together. He knew it was one full of joy and happiness, the force assured him of that.
“Anakin? Anakin, I asked you a question,” He was broken out of his reverie by Obi-wan, “Do you know that girl?”
“No, I don’t know her.”
Anakin found himself in your room, the steady beeping of the machine was beginning to frustrate him. He needed you to wake, he needed to know why you were here, in this exact moment. Why not earlier? Before he had fallen in love with Padme? He wasn’t sure, all he knew was that he couldn’t leave Padme, especially now that she was carrying his child.
He walked closer to your bed, before sitting on the edge of it. He observed your face, she looks the same. She even smelt the same, like a meadow of flowers with a hint of something fruity. He took his time to observe you, not knowing if he’d ever see you again. What was the Jedi Counsel going to do to you? He gently brushed a lock of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. Brushing his knuckles softly over your cheeks, he was interrupted by his holo device pinging. Signaling that he was needed elsewhere. He didn’t want to leave your side, but he has a life to get back to. He looked at you one last time before swiftly turning away, leaving you alone once more.
A few hours later, you regained consciousness. Sound was the first sense that came back to you, and all you could hear was the stupid beeping of the machine. The next sense that came was sight. Your eyes scanned around the room, noticing the IV that was hooked onto you, along with the heart rate monitor attached to your index finger. Using your free hand, you ripped off the monitor and IV, the beeping of the machine stopped, only to be replaced by a flatline sound. Oh my stars, does this thing ever shut up. Before you could make it to the door, it flew open. Obi-wan, Anakin, and Master Yoda walked in.
“Where do you think you’re going, sith.” Obi-wan asked.
You titled you head to the side, “What makes you think I’m a sith?”
“What other force user would be able to cunningly sneak into the temple unnoticed?” Although his face was completely serious, his voice held a sarcastic tone. “Besides, who wears all black in a Jedi temple?” You gave him a pointed look.
“Uh, Anakin. Duh.” Turning to face Anakin, you also gave him a pointed look. Both brows furrowed as you called him out.
“And exactly how do you know Anakin?” Right, you forgot that they were going to question you. Luckily for you, Fury had gone over the plan with you a couple of times, so you knew what to do.
“I’ll tell you, only if you bring me to the Jedi council.”
Standing in front of the council was more intimidating than you thought. Especially when your eyes landed on Master Windu’s. You couldn’t tell who was scarier, Fury or Windu. As intimidated as you were, you were also amazed. Gazing through the windows, you could see the flying shuttles and speeders, something Earth certainly didn’t have.
“Right Miss…” There was a pause, they waited for you to say your name.
Remember, no real names. Why? ‘Cause Fury said so, “Alyra.”
“Just Alyra? No last name?” Obi-wan questioned
“Yep,” the pop of your ‘p’ echoed throughout the silent room, “Just Alyra. No middle or last name. Mysterious right?” You said, wiggling your eyebrows, trying to lighten the mood. When no one laughed or cracked a slight smile, you gave them a tight smile. Right, the Jedi don’t like having fun.
“So Miss Alyra, please do tell us why you’re here.” Fu- Master Windu’s voice booms, showing that he isn’t in the mood for jokes.
“It’s extremely vital that you explain to the Jedi Council the reasoning for your arrival. And I don’t care how much you admire that Anakin Skywalker, don’t do anything that will forever alter their timeline. We need him to turn, because we need the Death Star.”
“So, you want me to watch and do nothing as Anakin suffers? Absolutely nothing. Also, how the hell am I supposed to acquire the Death Star?”
“Correct, I trust that you can do that. Right, agent L/N? As for the Death Star, just make sure you get close to Skywalker, close enough that he won’t kill you when he turns, but not too close.” You assumed Fury hadn’t watched any of the prequels because Anakin killed and pushed away literally everyone who was close to him.
You swallowed before swiftly nodding, “right.” you replied. Your mouth had gotten dry all of a sudden. You’d be damned if Fury thought you weren’t going to do anything to help Anakin. You couldn’t imagine yourself holding the knowledge of their future, Anakin’s future, and not doing anything to help. You didn’t know what you were going to do, but you sure as hell knew that you weren’t going to sit around idly. Something had to change.
How were you supposed to explain to the Council that billions of lives were being threatened, and that the only way to save them was through a weapon that doesn’t exist yet. On top of that, it was a weapon created by the empire. There was no way Fury’s plan was going to work without questions arising, so you created a plan of your own. Of course one that Fury would approve of.
“I’m here because not only is my planet being threatened, but so is yours, and every other planet in this universe. The only way to stop it from happening is if you train me.”
“Before we can even decide on if we should train you or not, please do tell us, how did you find out about our existence.” Taking a deep breath, you composed yourself before telling them the story.
“Long ago, there was a Jedi named George Lucas.” You glanced at Master Yoda, noticing his eyes light up as he remembered him. “He was a powerful Jedi, gifted with foresight. Almost always, his visions came true. One night, he dreamt of the destruction of Coruscant and it’s people. At the time, he didn’t know that it didn’t only affect Coruscant, but the whole universe. Scared of being caught in the destruction, he warned his friends, Jedi or not. Together they fled using the bridge, coming to my home planet. There, they started their new lives. George Lucas then created comics and movies to serve as a reminder to himself and his friends of their home. He did his best to replicate Coruscant, but I must say, it’s more beautiful in person.” I can’t wait to see Naboo though. You smiled, a frown soon emerging. This means that I can never tell Anakin of his future, not even a little. They wouldn’t believe me.
You cleared your throat before speaking again, “If that’s all, I’d like to go for a walk.” You waited for one of the Jedi to reply.
“Alright, you have 30 minutes. We expect you to be back once those 30 minutes are over. In the meantime, we will be discussing your stay here.” Master Windu said, waving his hand to dismiss you.
Quickly walking out of the room, you began to wander around aimlessly. You took in your surroundings, admiring the new environment. Who knows, you were probably going to hate it as time passed. The vibration coming from your chest startled you, picking up the necklace you pressed the button. A hologram of Director Fury and Mr. Stark came up.
“Hey kid, how are you holding up in there?”
“Well, I think I’ve got everything under control. I’ve told them about the mission,” well not really, “So far, everything is going as planned.”
“Alright agent L/N, if that is all, I’ll be ending the call no-”
“Wait, wait, wait! Can I speak to Peter, pretty puhhhleasee! Come on Fury, you owe me this.” You watched as Fury rolled his eyes and huffed out a fine, soon after Peter came into frame. “O. M. G. Peter you’ll never guess where I am.” You panned the device around the hall, showing off the Jedi Temple.
“Holy crap! You're in the freaking Jedi Temple. That’s so cool!” You heard feet shuffling behind you, “Hey, I’ve gotta go, but I’ll call you later Peter. See ya!” You shut off the device before a voice was heard behind you.
“Were you talking to someone?” Anakin’s voice rang out from behind you, turning around you found him resting against a pillar, looking casual as ever.
“Yes I was, Mr. Skywalker. However, that information doesn’t concern your prying ears.” you smirked.
“And that is where you are wrong Miss Alyra. You see it does in fact concern me, do you think the Jedi Council knows of this device.” He strided up to you, gently grasping your necklace. You were able to get a good whiff of his scent, he smelt like strawberries and cinnamon. It was a peculiar combination but it worked together. Honestly, that was probably the most attractive thing about him, besides his face. You could stare at it all day. There was just something so mesmerizing about his face, it demanded your attention.
“Why are you staring at my face?” He asked
“Hmm, oh nothing. I just thought I’d never see you in real life.”
“Real life? What do you mean in real life?” His brows furrowed, making the scar on his face more prominent. Shit, not even a day in Coruscant and you had already blown your cover, “Have you,” He inhales deeply before continuing, “Have you seen me in your dreams too?”
Wait, what? Sure, maybe you had a sexual dream about him every once in a while, but you didn’t expect him to dream about you too. “Umm, yes…?” It’s too late to stick to the original plan now.
“So, you’ve seen it then? Visions of us, in the meadow?”
“Yes, I was… unaware that you were having these dreams too. I thought I was going crazy.” Maybe you are.
“Well, we’ve only known each other for a short period of time, so it wouldn’t be plausible for you to know. However, I do suggest we talk about this tomorrow. I’m afraid we have to get back to the council now.” He motioned for you to go first, following closely behind you. The two of you walked in a comfortable silence until the doors of the Council came into view.
“Well, here goes nothing.”
“The Jedi Council has come to the decision that we will train you,” You let out a breath, “But you need to tell us of the threat first.”
“In my system, there is a moon filled with powerful beings. Their greediness and selfishness will ultimately lead to their demise. There was a famine, the poor and weak struggled the most, while the strong thrived for a short amount of time. However, once the food was all gone, everyone perished. Except for one. His name is Thanos. Struck with grief, he sought after power. Enough power to eliminate half of the universe. He…. He wants to spare us the grief of losing our loved ones to selfishness, but fails to realize how much anguish we will be in if half of the universe just disappears. That’s why we need your help. Without your knowledge and technology, we wouldn’t be able to save the universe. But once my training is over, I will need others to help me.” There was a pause, you let the words sink in before speaking again, “Like I said, they are powerful beings. But even they cannot survive a famine. The only reason Thanos survived was because he was exiled. An acquaintance of mine saw this, through a vision. So it hasn’t happened yet, but it will soon. So the sooner I can get trained, the better. But I will need others to train with me too. I cannot take down a titan alone.”
“It’s settled then, Kenobi and Skywalker, you will train alongside Alyra to help her. We will send more Jedi if needed.” After Master Windu dismissed the council, Obi-wan came up to you to formally introduce himself. Of course, he didn’t need to, you had already known who everyone was. But for the sake of the plan, you had to act like you didn’t.
“Hello there! I am Obi-wan Kenobi. I’d like to apologize for my behaviour earlier.”
“Oh, there’s no need to apologize. But thanks I guess.”
“I assume no one has shown you to your quarters yet?” You nod, “Let me show you the way then.”
Anakin watched as the two of you left, a gentle laugh escaping your lips. Although Obi-wan’s hands were clasped behind his back, Anakin didn’t like the way he was so close to you. The furrow of his brows were noticeable as he felt the jealousy grow in him. Snap out of it, you just met her. He took big strides in order to catch up to the two of you.
“Hey! Wait up.” Hearing Anakin's voice made the two of you stop in your tracks. “Where are you two heading?”
“I was just going to take Miss Alyra to her quarters. Anyhow, since your quarters seem to be closer to hers, I think you should take her instead.” Obi-wan stated, giving Anakin the information he needed before leaving.
“Well, it looks like your room is right across from mine.” He began to lead the way, taking smaller steps to make sure you kept up.
“Tell me Anakin, what’s it like living on Coruscant?” You’d been curious, life as an avenger was grueling, although you did travel many places for missions, it was never for leisure. Living in New York for most of your life, you lacked knowledge about culture and life in general outside of America. So being in a new environment like Coruscant was quite exciting to you, but it was also scary. Give or take a few Jedi, some senators, and siths; you barely knew anyone.
“Well, I’m not gonna say I love it, because I don’t. But Coruscant does have its perks. There are many different cultures here, you’ll never get tired of it. Plus there’s no sand here, I fucking hate sand. It just-”
“-gets everywhere. Yeah I don’t like sand either. There’s a lot of branches and broken shells in it, making it hard to walk on.” You finished his sentence for him. Not realizing what you said before it was already out of your mouth, you gave him a sheepish smile. Anakin gave you a smile in return.
As your quarters came into view, Anakin grew nervous. He didn’t want the conversation to end, “About tomorrow, how about I pick you up for some breakfast, then we can explore the lower levels of Coruscant while you tell me about your home?”
You looked to the floor, biting your lip to keep you from smiling like an idiot, “Yeah, I’d really like that.” you continued to stare at the floor as you felt your cheeks heat up. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Anakin.” Finally meeting his gaze, you gave him a small smile.
“Sweet dreams, Alyra.” You watched as Anakin disappeared into his room before entering yours. Truth be told, you weren’t expecting much from the Jedi. The room was moderately decorated, only containing necessities. The bed itself looked like a bag of rocks, but was surprisingly comfortable. Going into the refresher, you were delighted to find that it wasn’t some outdated 90’s looking bathroom, but a more modern one. There was a single sink, along with some counter space where you could put your toiletries. A circular mirror was hanging above the sink, giving the bathroom some style. Everything in the bathroom had been so monotone, the same shade of white. Except the shower curtain, which was a very light gray.
Walking out of the bathroom, you noticed a door which presumably led to your closet. In it you found Jedi robes already hanging, there was also some sleep wear too. The robe itself was black, just like Anakins. However your clothing had been variations of white and gray. What a weird combination for a Jedi. It felt weird to be calling yourself a Jedi, it just didn’t feel right.
You decided to take a quick shower before calling Peter again. Turning on the shower, you watched as the water fell from the shower head attached to the ceiling. To your disbelief, the water was already hot when you jumped in. You thought it would’ve taken a while for it to warm up or that the Jedi absolutely loved taking cold showers. They hadn’t given you any shampoo or body wash, so you just let the hot water do its magic. I should probably tell Ani that I need some tomorrow while we're in the lower levels. Stepping out, you hastily dried yourself before putting on your night clothes.
Sitting on the bed, you took off your necklace. Pressing the button to turn on the device, you scrolled through the hologram screen until Peter’s name came up. Clicking on his name, you waited for it to connect. After a couple of seconds waiting, the video connected.
“Y/N!” He said eagerly
“Hi Peter! How are you? It feels like ages since I last saw you.” It had been only mere hours since you had left, while for you it’d been almost two days.
“Honestly things have been...okay. It’s just not the same without you around y’know?” You could hear the hesitation in his voice, as if he was hiding something.
“What do you mean okay? What happened?”
“I meant to tell you this before you left, but everything happened so quickly, and then you were gone before I knew it.” He pauses, taking a deep breath, “Umm…. MJ and I broke up.”
“What, why? Peter what happened?” Before he could answer, the hologram disappeared and the call ended. You tried to call him back but the call wouldn’t go through. Giving up, you let out a sigh. It’s probably for the best, I need to get some sleep.
Crawling into the covers, you situated yourself before finding a comfortable position. Thoughts of Peter and Mj lingered throughout your mind as you tried to fall asleep. You decided not to think about them for the rest of the night, and instead think of your day tomorrow with Anakin. Soon your breathing slowed down, a smile could be seen on your lips as you fell asleep.
somewhere in the Star Wars galaxy
Darth Sidious sits on his throne, hood pulled up to hide his face. He too, felt the disturbance in the force. Reaching into the force, he sought to find the person responsible for the disturbance. Quickly finding his answer, he lets out a vicious cackle.
so, the last of the Andarae bloodline has returned.
read ch 3 here
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a summary of the summaries of the Mueller report
You don’t have to read the whole 400+ page Mueller report. I’d recommend at least reading the executive summaries of the report which were prepared for public consumption when the report was turned in last month. That’s about 20 pages in a PDF; you can also read it in plain text or listen to it read aloud as an hour-long podcast. (They’re good writers!)
If you can’t even deal with that right now – and honestly, nobody could blame you – then consider this your five-minute thumbnail sketch. This is important, it’s not going away any time soon, and you will want to know the basics when the nonsense starts flying.
The report is divided into two volumes. One is about all the stuff we call “collusion” with Russian nationals or government officials in the attack on the 2016 election, the other is about the obstruction of justice investigation. It’s important to remember that, in principle, the obstruction of justice was part of the collusion, because helping the attackers get away with it and allowing it to happen again is still helping them. There were good reasons to divide the report up this way, it’s just something to keep in mind.
The primary takeaway from Volume I is that the red-string Carrie Mathison shit people have been on about with Trump and Russia for three years now is true, except there’s way more of it than we realized. Like, remember how the Steele dossier was supposed to be so ridiculous because of the pee tape? Apparently we were all wrong about that, because according to Mueller’s office, there were a whole bunch of tapes! Now, those tapes might be real or they might be faked, but the point is: Individual-1 had reason to believe that Moscow was hanging a “flow” (lol) of embarrassing sex tapes over his head.
Nonetheless, the special counsel’s office did not think this situation fit into any existing criminal statutes. There’s a lot of talk about how the Individual-1 campaign’s participation in the Kremlin’s sabotage of American democracy didn’t “rise to the level” of a criminal conspiracy, and I think that’s the wrong way to look at it. The report doesn’t say that what these people did wasn’t as bad as a real crime. It shows that what they did is so fucked up, Congress never even thought to make most of it illegal.
Volume II is essentially an impeachment referral. The special counsel regulation doesn’t specifically ask for an opinion on impeachment, so there’s not a formal recommendation, but it’s the only logical reading of the document. There’s almost certainly going to be a lot of dust kicked up around this, so it’s worth spelling out the reasoning:
Mueller’s office accepts Department of Justice policy that he couldn’t indict a sitting president;
Mueller’s office believes that an indictment might actually get in the way of the constitutional process for dealing with presidential misconduct, which is impeachment;
Mueller’s office did not want to accuse someone of a crime if they weren’t going to charge that person;
Mueller’s office says that if they could exonerate Trump and allow the country to move on, they would do it
but that they could not justify doing so, because of about a dozen incidents that unequivocally meet all the elements of obstruction of justice;
therefore, the purposes of writing and publishing this report are 1) impeachment and/or 2) to preserve evidence for criminal prosecution when his time is up.
Any day now, you’re going to hear someone pretending it’s more complicated than that. It’s not. This is exactly what it looks like. Individual-1 is a criminal. If he were anyone else, he’d be under indictment already.
What’s in this document would be a genuine crisis and the biggest scandal in American political history, and it’s not even the whole story. This is the redacted version of a single investigation with a relatively narrow scope. It doesn’t tell us about:
fourteen open cases Mueller’s team passed off to other DOJ offices. A dozen of them have even the defendants’ names redacted.
The counterintelligence investigation.
Trump’s finances.
Anything they successfully covered up. Most of these guys are knuckleheads, but they did occasionally hire competent henchmen.
.....yeah. If you are a little bit overwhelmed by all that, it’s a pretty good sign that you understand the situation.
If you are persuaded by Special Counsel Mueller that it’s time to impeach this motherfucker already, call your member of Congress and tell them how you feel. It doesn’t have to be complicated! “My name is [X] and I am your constituent. I am profoundly disturbed by the findings in the Mueller report and I believe they are cause for impeachment.” Then you can hang up if you want. It’s a 400 page report; you don’t really need to elaborate.
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flourchildwrites · 5 years
Edwin 26 and 92 please.
A/N:  Hey, anon!  Thank you for dropping this FANFICTION TROPE MASH UP into my ask box.  I hope you check back in now that I’ve finally got around to responding.  You requested numbers 26 (massage fic) and 92 (kink) with an edwin ship.  I’m sensing a theme here, lol.  However, I’ve got to warn you that I’ve been in a heavy mood lately, and it’s coming out in my writing.  Trigger warnings for chronic pain and sacrilegious undertones.  This fic is also lemon flavored below the cut. :P  Here goes… something.
Special thanks to @bearonthecouch for the read through!
Read on AO3
Truth was a mixed bag.  At least, that was Winry Rockbell’s opinion.  In the years that followed the Promised Day, Ed described them as an amorphous being of indiscernible power, a haughty guardian of the veil between the physical and metaphysical realms or alternatively…  “That uppity bastard who stole my leg, my arm and my brother’s body!”  
Let it never be said that Edward Elric, adoring husband and doting father did not have a way with words.
Nevertheless, on the subject of the past, Winry kept her own counsel.  She neither delved deeply into the regrets of the yesteryear nor dwelled on impracticalities like God, Truth or the meaning of life.  Like the stalwart woman who raised her, Winry’s very existence was a testament to patience and persistence.  And yet, she’d be remiss to deny that, while Truth might have been a capricious guardian of the scales, they were most certainly a shitty surgeon.
Ed’s arm was all the proof she needed.  A mangled scar spilled across his shoulder, three inches deep with puckered flesh in all shades of ruddy red, yellow and purple.  Nuts and wires had jutted out from his restored skin, and if anything, the internal damage proved permanent.  Veins inextricably intertwined with threads of metal, a ghastly union of organic and manmade parts.  Secretly and silently, the young automail engineer sometimes wondered if Truth had bestowed Ed with a blessing or a curse.
Bathed in moonlight, Winry waddled down the staircase of the Elrics’ Resembool home with heavy footfalls.  One hand clutched her swollen stomach, and the other grasped the sturdy wooden banister.  Even in darkness, Winry knew that the walls were pristine, covered in pretty pictures and pastel paints that suited the quiet, country life that Ed and Winry enjoyed when they could get away from the hustle and bustle of Rush Valley.  And though baby Trisha’s nursery was only half finished, Winry could see Ed’s labor of love coming together, just as sure as she knew she was having a girl this time.
Winry smiled to herself as she appreciated the work that human hands had made.
“Ed,” Winry quietly called out from the foot of the staircase, careful not to wake little Yuriy.
“In here.”
The expecting mother made her way toward the sitting room and stumbled upon a familiar sight:  Edward Elric had, yet again, turned her elegant sitting room into an office.  Nevermind the actual study upstairs.  Books were haphazardly strewn across the small space interspersed with parchment bearing nearly illegible scribbles in Ed’s native Amestrian as well as flawed Xingese characters.  Winry had half a mind to chide her husband, but she refrained in light of the ice pack draped over his right shoulder.
“Couldn’t sleep?” she asked knowingly, coming close enough to admire the narrow spectacles Ed now wore when reading, the ones he obstinately swore he didn’t need.
“Nothing to worry about, Win,” the blond shot back, injecting confidence into his voice.  “It’s just a little sore.  The weather is changing, and Yuriy is getting bigger.  Besides, I need to get this work done for Al.  No time like the present.”
“You mean 3 a.m.” Winry shot back wryly as she placed her hands on her hips, “when our 2-year-old is finally sleeping, and we’ve got a full day of toddler tantrums ahead of us?  Why didn’t you just tell me it was hurting again?  Not for nothing, but I am one of the best automail mechanics around.  I think I know my way around human anatomy enough to ease a few tense muscles.”
Ed chuckled and rose from the couch, a merry glint in his light amber eyes.  “Well, not for nothing, but you are 25 weeks pregnant if I’m not mistaken.”  He wasn’t.  “What kind of husband would I be if I let you take care of me without taking care of you first?”
Ed moved quickly across the small living space and wrapped his arms around Winry.  His fingers moved restlessly, seeking purchase in the folds of her lightweight nightgown.  With eyes wide shut, she hummed as Ed reached around to massage the tight muscles of her lower back.  Winry buried her face in the soft cotton of his shirt, relishing the faint scent of sweat and freshly cut grass.  She loved Ed.  She loved being tenderly caressed by the warm hands that had never hesitated to pick her up when she was down.  To protect her just as she patched him back together time and time again.
Winry reluctantly summoned her wits in spite of Ed’s efforts and a raging case of momnesia.
“Not so fast, Edward,” Winry interjected, gently stepping back and placing a firm hand on her husband’s chest.  “Let’s have a look at that shoulder.  Then, you can take me upstairs and have your way with your bloated, pregnant wife.”
The glint in Ed’s eyes was inexplicably obscene.  “That a promise?”  
Winry rolled her eyes despite the smirk on her lips.  
“Take a seat, Fullmetal,” she said, gesturing toward the couch with an authoritative edge to her voice.  Though he practiced restraint, Ed’s features darkened hungrily as he took a seat on the floor near Winry’s usual perch on the couch, and if she had reminded him of a certain former commanding officer at that moment, he didn’t show it.
The bible according to Pinako Rockbell was pretty damn clear when it concerned the intersection of automail and pain.  It was merely the body’s way of communicating that something wasn’t working properly.  And though Winry still struggled to comprehend Edward’s refusal to dignify the pain he occasionally felt, she was all too familiar with his anatomy, right down to the battle scars hidden beneath the hem of his well-pressed shirts.
The young mother’s hands kneaded and pressed at her husband’s scarred skin, searching for knots and avoiding the places where she knew metal was permanently embedded within his flesh.  As her strokes turned long and languid, Winry felt Ed relax under her deft hands.  His arm and shoulder began to pulse as she stimulated blood flow alongside delicious friction and finally, she finished with a series of firm taps.
“Oh God, Winry,” Ed gasped.  “Do you have to tap it like that?  You’re killing the mood.”
“What mood?” she teased.  “Between the stretch marks and my swollen ankles, I don’t see how I can be the least bit appealing right now.  Then again, you are stuck with me.  I guess I can’t blame you for making the best of it.”
Winry’s words carried a self-deprecating edge, and she laughed with a good-natured timbre that belied the harsh truths sugarcoated by her humor.  The second time mother knew she’d grown bigger faster this time around.  Her ankles were puffy, and the stretch marks on her tummy had reasserted themselves in angry streaks of red.  Between her business and Yuriy, Winry found it difficult to think of herself as a sexual being, and honestly, Ed was more a partner in the trenches of childrearing than a lover now.
“Making the best of it?  Of our life together?” Ed scoffed.  “What makes you think that you aren’t exactly the person I want to be with?  Especially when you’re pregnant.”
“Especially when I’m pregnant?” Winry shot back.  “My stomach’s big.  My boobs are ridiculous.  In another month or so, I’ll be unable to see my feet.  Enlighten me, oh great alchemist, what’s there to like about all that?”
Ed paused in a rare show of speechlessness as he shifted at Winry’s feet and allowed his eyes to trace the outline of her figure.  It had been years since their first sleepless night together, but the way he looked at her was wondrous, reminiscent of their first fumbling time as well as the many happy endings they’d enjoyed after that.  Winry felt reborn when she considered herself from Ed’s perfective and saw all that she considered a nuisance as ancient symbols of power, unequaled by modern medicine or other mystic arts.
He took her hands in his and turned them, running his thumbs across her palms.  “I see hands that give life,” he said, kissing her callouses.  “And strong arms that cradle it lovingly.”
Ed turned his attention to her feet and massaged her ankles tenderly.  “I see legs that stood up for me when I couldn’t stand on my own.”  Winry shivered as she felt her husband place light kisses up her ankles, calves and thighs.  He gently pushed her nightgown up to reveal her round stomach, and as Winry’s pulse quickened, the baby inside her belly stirred.  Ed chuckled and pressed his hands against her, grinning as he felt his child’s movement.
“I love you like this,” he stated, almost breathless.  “I love seeing our child growing inside you, and you’ve got this raw, powerful beauty that makes me crazy.  You’re glowing, Winry.”
She started to tell him that it was just her acid reflux, but with those words, Ed kissed the top of her thigh near the plain white fabric of her panties.  Slowly, his tongue pressed against her, and Winry couldn’t hide the soft sigh which followed.  She leaned back, enjoying Ed’s attention as his mouth began sucking and pulling at her skin.  As was only fair, he repeated the same series on the inside of her other thigh, moving ever closer to her warm center.
As her breathing grew fevered Ed delved deeper, running his lips over the outside of her underwear in a way that made Winry sigh.  He sucked the fabric, and his fingers toyed with the low waistband, bowed by her growing baby bump.  One hand settled on the width of her hips, and again Ed caressed her belly as his tongue lapped at her through a pesky layer of cotton.
Winry moaned and pleaded for her pleasure until Ed finally kissed her clit.
“Oh, God!” Winry exclaimed, feeling both breathless and beautiful in the eyes of the person who mattered most.
He smirked in response, all humor and bravado intact.  “I prefer Ed.”
Winry laughed in a throaty register as she gave in to her husband’s skillful ministrations.  Pushing her panties to one side, his tongue set out to do its best, returning the favor for all Winry’s earlier efforts.  Ed was insufferable at times, Winry knew, and yet, as he cracked a blasphemous joke and ate her like it was his last supper, she couldn’t help but revel in her good fortune.  If no higher power had brought them together during their difficult childhoods or made them as mirror images of one another, being with him was a miracle all the same.
Like what you read?  Send me a prompt!
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Thirty-Nine: It’s Gigantic ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Divine Light ] [ AO3 Link ]
The past several weeks have been harrowing...but Sasuke will admit, their destination certainly seems worth the trouble.
Built upon a ridge that overlooks a large plain, the capital of light’s lost lands is beyond anything he’d prepared himself for. At the rear, beneath the citadel, it gives way to a cliff that drops sheerly to the lowlands below. Stone of a blinding white catches the afternoon sun as they crest the hill that rolls down to the expanse of land once known as the capital. And just visible from this distance, standing half as tall as the castle, is a statue of Luxeria themself. The elemental stands upon rear feet, feathered wings flared as they hold an orb aloft. From the heavens, white light pierces the sphere.
And blooming outward, in a great arcing dome, is the barrier that has held the city for more years than they have between them combined.
Without a word they all know to stop upon their mounts atop the hillock, all staring at the abandoned city. The lux mage’s expression is bright with a hunger he’s yet to see upon her face.
“It’s...it’s…!” Hinata struggles to find words in her whispers. “...gigantic!”
“And empty,” Sasuke adds, gathering his reins. “It has been since the elemental council was broken, and the Rift truly began. Which makes me wonder what we expect to find here…”
“A city untouched for centuries...guarded by the strongest shield any mor has ever known,” Itachi offers. “However it was left, and whatever was left in it, remains. Great efforts were made by el’kor and el’ven alike to breach it...to no avail. Since that day, the barrier has stood strong, unwavering.” He glances to their lux companion. “...but perhaps it only needs the right hand to break it.”
“Well, it’s still a good day’s ride from here.” The younger brother nods to their destination. “We’d be wise to wait out the day here in the treeline, and then travel on tomorrow. We’ll have both a vantage point, and cover...in case there’s still trouble lingering down there somewhere..”
“Agreed. One day more will not compromise any of our goals. Best to rest, and be prepared for the last leg in the morning.”
The four tether their mounts, setting up camp as they’ve done uncounted times by now. As the lux mage begins her daily upkeep of Itachi’s health, the younger pair move to the treeline as the sun sets. Brilliant colors alight in the sky, casting the capital into sharp relief.
“I almost can’t believe we’ve made it,” Hinata murmurs, staring at the shadowed city. In the dark, the barrier looks like a ghostly veil. “I never thought I’d see the old capital of the Luxerian lands. Then again...I never even thought I’d leave home. Everything I’ve seen, and...and done! We’ve been at such a pace, with such a goal...I couldn’t truly look back on it all until now. It’s...well, it’s far more than a life at Father’s estate would ever have been.”
“So, no regrets?”
“No! Never.”
“You don’t miss your pampered life?” Sasuke asks further, leaned against a tree with a hint of a smirk. “All these weeks in the saddle, the dirt...all the fights and camps and close calls. None of it ever made you wish for home?”
“...well...not exactly. It’s more like…” Staring out over the plain, Hinata breathes a soft sigh, shoulders wilting. “...I wish they could have come with me. Maybe then...Father would understand. My mother wanted our freedom...she wanted us to have a better life than one hidden away, and on the run. Ignoring the blessings in our veins…! At home, I’d never have gotten to learn all you and the others have taught me. There have been dangers, certainly...and difficult days. Injuries.” A pause, glancing to him. “...arguments. But...all in all, this is more than I could have ever dreamed of doing.”
“...will you ever go back?”
“...yes, someday. When I feel I’m strong enough. That I’ve...changed enough. But that may not be for a while, now. I want to help rebuild the council! I want to help usher in a new era of peace, and balance. I know it won’t be easy...I know it will be more difficult than anything we’ve done yet. But I also know it’s important.” A hand reaches to clutch at her necklace, staring determinedly at the capital. “...and I know it’s what my mother would want.”
Sasuke just watches her, expression unreadable.
“...what about you? What will you do when...all of this is over?”
“...I’m not sure. The whole reason I took your deal was to get my brother the healing he needs. Once that’s done…” The Uchiha lapses into silence. “...I want to go home. At least, to start. Mother and Father will want us to come back. To show that this entire endeavor wasn’t for naught. That Itachi really is cured. From there...it might depend on what my brother wants to do.” Red eyes shift to their corners back toward camp. “...he’s sweet on her. It’s easy to tell. I...worry that he’ll follow her, too. Like you plan to. All for this harebrained scheme of a new council.”
“Would you join us?”
“Why? My brother is older...and more powerful than I am. At least, he will be once his strength returns. Surely he’ll take on Iginitrios’ banner in the council, if she asks. And there only needs to be one.”
“You could still support him. Even a councilman needs counsel.”
“...we’ll see.”
Silences falls, Hinata regarding him for a moment before looking aside, expression torn. Pale eyes seem to flicker as she thinks.
Sasuke looks up.
“...what if - what if I...asked you to stay…?”
Hinata hesitates, mouth opening several times as if to speak...before closing again. “...you’ve taught me so much.”
“We’ve all helped you learn -”
“And...and I...I like you. We work well together, and...I enjoy your company. We might bicker sometimes, but...I think that’s just because we worry about each other. And I think we worry about each other, because…” Catching herself on the cusp, she manages to look up, eyes like moonlight. “...because we’re more than just traveling companions. We’re more than just...friends. I...I suppose I can’t speak for you. But...Sasuke, I - I think I’ve...fallen in love with you…”
He stares.
She...but he...they…?
“...I-I’m sorry if - if I’m speaking out of turn, or...o-or you don’t feel the same. But after all we’ve been through, and told one another, and -”
Ignoring her rambling, Sasuke pushes himself off his perch, striding across the gap between them, unnoticed for a moment as she looks to her fidgeting hands. It’s only as he takes them that her head snaps back up, eyes wide as he stares down at her.
“...do you...mean that…?”
“Even though...even though you’re of water, and I’m of fire?”
After a blink, she can’t help a single, soft huff of a laugh. “...you really think that matters to me…? I don’t care what blessing you carry, I j-just -!”
Sasuke takes her hands in his up to his chest, staring at her with eyes alight with intensity. At first, he’d fought any notion of it, even when it was just a glimmer of a spark. His family had always been so adamant...and it had all seemed so unlikely. But despite his attempts to stamp out those cinders...here they are, alive and well, only fed at her confession.
She may very well drown him, but...this foolish little flame can’t help himself.
“...because I think I’ve fallen in love with you, too...I just thought…”
“...I know. This is all very...unusual,” Hinata agrees quietly with a sheepish breath of a laugh. “...but there are unusual times we find ourselves in, aren’t they?”
“...so what do we do now…?”
“I suppose, just...what we’ve been doing. Nothing has to change, really. Though I’m sure it will. And I...I didn’t really mean what I said before. I don’t want to - to pressure you into staying. I just thought -”
“We’ve got time to figure it out. We don’t even know what we’ll find down there tomorrow,” Sasuke cuts in. “For now...we play it by ear. As we’ve been doing. Anything else, we just takes as it comes.”
Looking up with bright eyes, Hinata nods. “...agreed.”
Softening, a hint of a smile curls the Uchiha’s lips. His brow lowers to abutt her own. “...well...maybe this harebrained scheme wasn’t such a poor idea after all.”
She laughs. “I told you so.”
“Mm...you did.”
     Blugh, late night. Again, aha~      Not too much to say about this one. Seems their little group has reached a possible end...or have they? Either way, it's also leading to the start of something new!      And that's all this weary brain has to say, lol - thank for reading!
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renaroo · 7 years
The Search (5/16)
Disclaimer: Red vs Blue and related characters are the property of Rooster Teeth. Warnings: Language, Canon-typical violence, Psychological manipulation and trauma Rating: T Synopsis: [Canon Divergence - Alternate S15] The Reds and Blues saved Chorus, but it has been a year and they are still missing. A motley crew has been gathered with the common goal of finding the war heroes, though the road is more troubled than anyone seems to realize.
A/N: YAY. I updated on Thursday again which is like, maybe the first time this week I released something on the right day lol. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty proud of that record. But there’s some more development and some more surprises this chapter, so I hope you guys are prepared ; ) 
Special thanks to @secretlystephaniebrown, @blaireaters, @analiarvb, @cobaltqueen, @notatroll7, Yin, and JP for the comments and feedback!
Resident Troublemakers
“You want us to waltz onto an entire planet-wide prison in the hopes of finding someone who you think is dead?” Dylan attempted to clarify.
The group was gathered in the cockpit of the ship, circled around Doctor Grey whose blistering enthusiasm was something the reporter had only recently come to be wary of like a double edged sword. Especially when, like just that moment, Grey shifted her entire focus on her. The glint in those eyes were certainly something to be wary of, though Andrews as a seasoned reporter kept staring straight back into them.
If they didn’t solve the Reds and Blues mystery sooner rather than later, one of them was likely to crack.
Andrews was determined to not be the one to bring that prophecy to fruition.
“That was a rather condescending spin on my words, Miss Andrews,” Doctor Grey replied flatly.
“It’s a statement of fact,” Dylan replied. “This… President, on Chorus, who you’ve apparently given a direct communication line to from our illegally traveling vessel, is directing us toward a prison planet. And on that planet, according to records from an AI you downloaded at an aggressive force’s base while they tried to kill us, is a former lieutenant who you all believed was dead for years but is somehow listed in the files of Charon Industries.”
“I don’t seem to detect a question among that rabble, Miss Andrews,” Doctor Grey said, hands on her hips.
“Okay, enough with biting each other’s heads off,” Agent Washington interrupted, holding up hands as if to keep both women back away from each other. “Miss Andrews, we understand the risk of having an open communication channel with this much distance between ourselves and Chorus, but we trust President Kimball. She’s one of us. And with Santa running the program from their end, I have confidence in its safety.”
Dylan looked at them all, completely bewildered. “Santa?”
“It’s an amazingly simple but unnecessary story,” Agent Carolina assured her. “But he’s an AI.”
“He,” Dylan repeated with a hum of thought. “But as an AI shouldn’t it… be an it.”
“How rude,” the FILSS AI spoke from the ship’s speakers.
“Yes, almost as rude as questioning the only one who has been pulling their weight on this trip thus far,” Doctor Grey said, cocking her head to the side as she stared holes into Andrews.
“Emily, she has a right to second guess us,” Agent Carolina reminded her. “She doesn’t have the history or experiences with each other that we have.”
“Thank you,” Dylan replied.
“But we don’t have the time to second guess everything. Especially since FILSS has already directed us to the coordinates of the prison where we can find Lieutenant Husk,” Carolina continued.
“Uh, and because someone’s driving us with those coordinates, hello!” Kaikaina Grif snapped from the pilot’s seat. “Sheesh. What’s a girl have to do to get a little recognition every now and then? Take out my tits?”
“No,” Washington snapped while the alien progeny in his seat still began chortling and honking in laughter at the proposal.
“Well, maybe we should make some time,” Dylan interrupted, undeterred. “Because while I may not have the history of the rest of this team, I certainly have the information of what has been going on in the rest of the UNSC ran territories outside of your single colony planet that, until recently, has had no access to the rest of the Earth-bound settlements.”
Carolina leaned in closer, arms crossed. “Alright. As in…?”
“As in the fact that the prison planet you’re taking us to also should be abandoned at this point, though the record has been muddled since the story got buried during the reveal of the Chorusian situation and all of the scandal that ensued from your broadcast,” Dylan explained calmly.
“Should… why isn’t it certain?” Washington asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Because the final transport ship meant to bring all of those remaining convicts to a more permanent habitual situation was never given a final destination. Instead, it was kept in standby, going from one end of the galaxy to the other, keeping the criminals within from contact with any outside legal counsel,” she continued. “It was a huge UNSC scandal, considering the unalienable right to legal representation… until the USS Tartarus conveniently disappeared from radar.”
Immediately, Carolina, Grey, and Washington looked at each other.
“Wasn’t that…” Carolina began.
“It was,” Grey said confidently.
Washington ran a hand through his hair and groaned. “Our lives are a goddamn circle.”
“Or, a Venn diagram, because I’ve been listening this whole time and still don’t know what the eff is going on!” Kaikaina snapped from the front.
“We know about the Tartarus,” Carolina informed both Dylan and Kaikaina. “It was redirected toward Chorus, and many of its crew were utilized by Malcolm Hargrove to fight the armies of Chorus when they were united under Generals Kimball and Doyle.”
Dylan nearly choked on her own breath. “How… What? If that’s… If that’s true, do you realize what kind of story that is? That the Chairman of the Oversight Subcommittee to the UNSC, already dripping in scandal, was involved with the unlawful detention of over one hundred people and then employed them as his own mercenary force? Don’t you have any idea what that means?”
“I know it meant a lot of additional pain and suffering of my people, Miss Andrews,” Doctor Grey said coldly.
“Hey,” Kai shouted out, gripping everyone’s attention. “Aren’t we supposed to be coming up on a, like, ghost planet? Like no one around?”
“If we’ve got all our facts straight, yes,” Carolina answered, turning to face the front of the ship.
“Yeah, okay, well, that shit’s weird then,” Kaikaina informed them.
“What shit, Li’l Grif?” Carolina asked, leaning over her shoulder.
“We are receiving a beacon of approval to land even though I had not requested permission yet,” FILSS answered. “The approval seems to be signed by a Lieutenant Husk.”
“My stars and garters,” Doctor Grey gasped. “Kimball’s information was right — Husk didn’t die in his attempt to get off planet during the height of the war!”
“Or,” Washington interjected, “this is an obvious trap.”
“‘Kay. I see both your sides,” Grif answered, still focusing on the planet ahead. “But what’s that mean for us? Like, Boss Lady, what’s your call?”
All eyes fell onto Carolina as she stood up and looked at the planet squarely.
“Accept the approval and land. We’ve come this far on the information we have,” she answered. “And even if it’s not Lieutenant Husk, then we can still beat the answers out of someone.”
“Whoo! Violence! Can’t say no to that answer! Or they get smacked. That’s the reason it’s always the best option,” Kaikaina announced.
Warily, Dylan glanced between them all. “Of course…” she said lowly, though it did still grab all their attention, “even if this is your Chorus lieutenant… there are questions that you will need to have answered before we can take his word on anything.”
“Of course,” Carolina conceded. “We’ll be on the defensive either way.”
“Now landing on Gliese 163 c of the UNSC mining federation’s industrial detention compound,” FILSS chirped out happily from the speakers.
“We should let me take the head of this, after all Alexander was a lieutenant in the Federal Army of Chorus when he left. He will acknowledge me by my armor and it will be quicker for us to go through the motions and get answers,” Doctor Grey said.
“I don’t know if that’s the best idea,” Dylan argued, earning an immediate look of ire from the doctor. “Look, we still don’t know that it’s really him. And if it isn’t, then this entire plan is hinging on the relative drop of your guard as the one who would take the most meaning from this person’s presence.”
“I am more than capable of maintaining my sense of self-preservation, Miss Andrews,” Grey snapped. “You may receive fame from recounting the tales of the battlefield, but on Chorus I am known from surviving them, and making sure the population that exists currently also survived it.”
“It was not meant in disrespect,” Dylan bit back, though she knew saying as much through clenched teeth did not exactly help her cause.
“It sounds as if you’re attempting to put yourself at the forefront of this again,” Grey noted. “Which, I should remind us all, did not work out well last time.”
“Grey’s right in that this will be dangerous, Dylan,” Carolina cautioned.
“Despite what apprehensions you all seem to have about reporters, I have scruples and I have lived with more than enough danger,” Dylan answered sternly.
“Yeah, but you don’t have a gun,” Kaikaina suddenly spoke up, twirling a piston on her pointer finger with far too much comfort. “Even I’ve got a gun. Letting you off the ship on a prison planet — ghosts or no ghosts — without a gun would be like letting the alien puppy out. Probably not the best idea.”
“Give me that!” Wash snapped, yanking the gun off Kai’s finger and then handing it back to her with a proper grip. “Giving you a gun is probably not the best idea.”
Dylan was peeved but Kai’s words struck an odd cord with her and suddenly she was looking around the cockpit.
“Um… speaking of which… I don’t… seem to see…” Dylan began to point out.
Everyone else looked around as well before a collective, “JUNIOR!” was screamed in panic.
It didn’t matter if it was his prep school or if it was Sanghelios or if it was the stupid ship with his father’s eccentric and loud friends — adults were pretty much all the same to Junior. Annoying, slow, and far too reserved.
And slow.
If they were too afraid to venture out into the planet on their own, then it was up to Junior to get the search for his father and the rest of his family underway himself. Just like how the Freelancers still hadn’t left Chorus yet by the time Junior reached there in the stolen Sangheili cruiser.
As much as they may have acted different, it didn’t seem like his father’s other friends were any more prone to actually taking action over just talking than his father and the Reds and Blues had been before them. Everyone in Junior’s life needed a push.
And since Junior wasn’t a great conversationalist himself, he had long decided to be the pusher.
Still, the further he traversed the long, rocky grounds of the prison complex, and the more his every step echoed, the more Junior began to wonder if, just perhaps, his plan for action had been slightly impatient.
Reminding himself that they were supposed to be meeting with a friendly face, Junior sucked in a large gulp of air then cupped his hands around his mouth before letting out a few loud honks.
They echoed against brick and stone walls around him. In the distance, it sounded as though something was crumbling. Like even the abandoned walls of the prison were unsure of what to make of his calls.
Disappointment crossing over him, Junior huffed and lowered his hands before continuing to walk forward.
He might have been young, but Junior had been in enough space ports already in his life that he knew that air control usually had a station near the landing bay. And if they had a clearance granted to them, that meant someone was in the control room there to give it to them.
It was close to a lead as he could have hoped to have.
Looking around, Junior noticed a tower and decided that it — and its tall radio needle atop — were the most likely place to go to for control rooms and any prospected people that might be within it.
He walked forward at a decent pace before hearing another distinct crumbling noise from not that far off.
Surprised, Junior turned to look in its direction.
Once was nothing. Twice was coincidence, albeit heart pounding.
More suspicious than before, Junior began walking again when the third crumbling noise finally pointed him and his fierce, but also fearful, roar in the direction of his follower.
“The alien’s onto us!” someone shouted from the building above.
“Die, Covenant Scum!” someone else screamed.
Junior’s eyes finally found the followers only to see prisoners in orange garb, half covered in swat armor and various other guard gear. Though, most concerning from Junior’s position, was the woman between them whose armor was more military grade — like that of Agent Carolina or Washington — who came up between them and pulled a rocket launcher from over her shoulder.
“Blargh—“ Junior began to curse.
Agent Washington hit Junior at full force before he could process that it was the Freelancer’s voice screaming at him. They rolled — Wash holding to Junior tight — into the nearest space between the opposing buildings just before a giant explosion ate up the very ground where Junior had previously stood.
“When this is all over, you better believe I’m going to tell your father about this,” Wash snapped, breathing heavily from their near escape.
Honking, Junior worriedly tried to express that they needed to do something but he began hearing gunshots and the thunks of combat.
“Yeah, your Aunt Carolina’s a bit pissed to,” Wash warned.
Moaning, Junior covered his face with his hands.
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