#i like that you guys are starting to include mal
night-market-if · 2 years
Once again, idk if anyone has asked this already but it's too cute. SO! What are the RO’s reactions to MC asking if they can hold something for them and then just gives them their hand? (plus Mal plz I love him)
Gabriel would take it, very very confused, but when he realized what you have done, he would then kiss your hand politely.
Belladonna would fight you on holding anything to begin with. She has people for that. When she finally gives in and holds your hand, she'd roll her eyes, but end up keeping a hold of you.
Hazel would just think it's the cutest thing ever and probably do it back to you several times.
Milo would snort, make some sort of sexual innuendo, and then when you tried to take your hand away, he wouldn't let you go because he takes his job very seriously.
Malcolm would take your hand automatically, probably already realizing what you are up to. If he was in the middle of something, he would squeeze your hand to let you know he was listening. If you two were alone, he would squeeze it and give you his undivided attention.
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kazvha · 2 months
hiiii I loveee your blog sm <3
could you do bllk character introducing you (as the gf) to their teammates
{especially kaiser, Rin, sae and ness but anyone else is fine to}
have a lovely day!!!
Summary: Introducing you to his teammates
Including: Kaiser, Rin, Sae & Ness
Notes: Thank you & have a nice day too!!💐
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• I don't think he would even introduce you to his teammates, they would have to find out for themselves who you are and why Kaiser is always around you
• "Michael! Who is she?"
• Ness would immediately introduce you as Michael's amazing girlfriend, bragging about how great Kaiser is to be the only one on the team with a partner
• And Kaiser would tell Ness to shut up, sling an arm around your waist, and warn his mates,
"Now that you know that she's my girlfriend... Do one thing to annoy her and you will regret it."
• It was really noticeable when suddenly Rin, the lone wolf, was always around a pretty girl
• His teammates became curious and wanted to tease him, "Rin! Seems like you finally found your soulmate, huh!"
• Rin reacted clearly irritated, "Hah? What about it?"
• Before the situation could escalate, you pushed your boyfriend behind you and introduced yourself with a polite smile
• "Hey guys! I'm [name] and yeah, you're right about me being Rin's soulmate."
• "You don't need to talk to them [name], let's go."
• You visited him for the first time during his training
• His teammates noticed this straight away since he was usually alone, so they approached you two curiously and asked, "Hahaha Sae! Who is this beautiful lady next to you?"
• "This is my girlfriend.", he stated blankly.
• They were expecting more of a reaction from him, but that was all he said
• So they bombarded you with other questions "How long do you already know each other?", "How did you meet?", "When did you start dating?", "How do you manage to stay in contact?", etc.
• You answered their questions in the shortest sentences as possible while Sae wasn't willing to say anything more. At the end you were both annoyed because they interrupted your time alone
• Would definitely introduce you to Kaiser first
• "Michael! Schau mal!* This is my new girlfriend! I met her at ..., and ..." He wouldn't stop talking until Kaiser interrupted him, saying he didn't care
• Then he introduced you to his other mates who also didn't care
• "Guys! Look at my girlfriend! Isn't she pretty?"
• All they did was glance in your direction for a second, then return to what they did before
• Ness became annoyed but you quickly reassured him, "It's okay Alex, don't you think it's better if you're the only one who has eyes for me?"
• His eyes regained their twinkle. "Yes! You're so right!"
* "Look!"
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sharkylass · 28 days
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YOU I LIKE YOU @faislittlewhiteraven These questions are a little hard to answer with doodles but I tried my best- Nil generally has a pretty heroic and brave personality overall. She's loud and brash and ready to jump into things super quickly.
She's not the best with words, but she is very reliable overall
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More art and writing under cut, it's just a long post man-
In terms of helping about during travels, she likes doing a lot of heavy labor jobs- She's the type to fix broken fences, gather supplies for folks, carry stuff around, tend to crops or lend a help wrangling animals. Nil wouldn't be great at things like sorting and organizing tho- Just tell her what you need and where to put it and she will! I mentioned she's not really the best with words (she is very emotionally intelligent just sometimes struggles to communicate stuff), HOWEVER, With folks that have been frozen she connects with a lot. How it's scary that you've been frozen for so long when your entire belief is to change and evolve, how (if Mal Du Pays is anything to go by) they had to fight their own demons in there, how everything can change so easily without you even noticing- It's terrifying to think about.
Actually- a while ago I made battle sprites with Nil- I wasn't happy with them so I never shared them BUT
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Specifically I wanted to contrast her frozen sprite with everyone else's- Cause if she were to SOMEHOW be frozen again, knowing what it feels like, what could happen while she's out- It would TERRIFY her instantly. Not just a mild shock or surprise, it would stick with her for a while-
Speaking of battles tho-
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Nil is super brash and lively as a whole. She puts up a brave face for a LOT of things, including fighting. She jumps in without really thinking, and as long as it goes their way, she'd have a smile on her face doing it.
However, while brave, it does come from both a place of coping and naivety. She's not used to genuine fighting, in fight or flight situations she actually tends to flee. (Which is why honestly, if she had to fight the King I don't think she could do it-)
If a battle were to start going south, she'd actually start to panic more then anyone else- Physical wounds and seeing the people she loves hurt would lower her accuracy and general capabilities, despite the brave face she puts on.
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And due to her lack of experience, especially in bigger groups- Nil tends to... miscalculate sometimes
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She had to learn the hard way not to just jump at any opportunity she sees. The party can see where Bonnie got it from (also after the battle Nille proceeded to heal Sif, profusely apologizing, I forgot to doodle that whoops-) (Also gameplay wise, imagine every second turn she does an action of her own without your command)
Also just the Sif image by itself cause I liked it :]
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As for chores and stuff-
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She does foraging and stuff! Honestly I don't think the other 5 would have done so before they traveled together.
Mira would have most DEFINITELY learned about it but didn't feel confident in her abilities. Bonnie will grab stuff they think is edible from what they remember Nille telling them and they'd grab a stick to cook. Odile would not be interested and would prefer buying the ingredients rather then wild scavenging. Isa doesn't read to me as a biology student, I see him more of a math history type of guy, so either he doesn't know, or him and Mira did it occasionally together, but only as a last resort type of deal (maybe when it was just the two of them and they had to manage alone) And Sif in my mind is an accident prone goober who'd forget which ones are edible and which ones aren't so I wouldn't trust him personally.
SO! LONG STORY SHORT! I don't think any of them are really experienced with foraging. And as a means to make money management easier- I imagine Nil (nature being a passion of sorts to her) took up the mantle! Probably taught the rest how to do it too!
That's it when it comes to stuff specific to her- Other then that she's kind of ready to help out with anything! She can help set up tends, do odd jobs for money, help cook if for WHATEVER reason Bonnie wanted her to or wanted to do something else in that time, bring water, wood, fish, help with weapons- She's not the best at those things, but if anyone needs a hand to be lent- she is there!
I'll be entirely honest, I don't think I understand your last question- But I do wanna say that Nil and Isa become like. Best buds real quick. He is the first one she instantly trusts, since she rivals with Mira, is prickly with Odile and Sif is someone she wants to help rather then ask for help. So if she needs someone to turn to, or needs a partner in crime- Nil would turn to Isa And now I just imagined Mira and Nil bonding over how to grow plants. Cause Mira tried REALLY REALLY HARD and couldn't do it, so Nille would actually love to give some tips- Imagine Mira genuinely walking up to her with a little alive plant with a proud glint in her eyes and have Nil fully support her- Honestly I could keep going for forever, I have so many thoughts on her and her dynamic with everyone- Bro I even have nicknames, you don't even know-
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marjorie189 · 2 months
Solo Trip (A Jude Bellingham Imagine) Part 2
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Jude Bellingham x Mexican!femreader
It's specifically a Mexican reader but there's cute Jude moments on here I think everyone should have a read at :)
Click here to read Part 1!
contains: social media au & text messages!
wc: 6,571 (in total of pt. 1 & 2)
summary: Y/N goes away on a trip to Mexico much to Jude's dismay!
includes: suggestive content and sexting!
I don't see much love for us Mexican and Brown girlies on here so I must deliver 🫡 I honestly had SO much fun writing and creating this, I hope you all enjoy it! I really connected to this post and poured out all my love and devotion to it!
meanwhile y/n and jude oblivious to the whole twitter situation: 
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judebellingham posted a story
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vinijr posted a story
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back to twitter:
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Guy in the photo talking to his friend
Guy in photo: “Ey, ey, ella que no es la novia de jude?” (Hey, hey, isn’t that jude’s girlfriend?) He points out starstruck, pointing at Y/N who was nearby. 
Friend: “¿Parece que sí es?”  (It seems like she is?) His friend replied recognizing her. 
Guy in photo: “Oye le pediré foto?” (Hey, should I ask her for a photo?) He nervously asks. “¡Tal vez me menciona a Jude!” (Maybe she’ll mention me to Jude!)
Friend: “¿estás bien hermano? ¡Tú crees que van a platicar de ti! Ay wey en realidad estas mal” (Are you good bro? You think they’re going to talk about you? Oh dude, you’re so wrong!) 
Guy: “callate! ¡No me arruines mis esperanzas! si hay hasta una pequeña posibilidad de que Jude simplemente escuche de mí por parte de t/n, ¡moriré feliz!” (Shut up! Don’t ruin my hopes! If there’s even a slight chance of Jude hearing of me from Y/N, I’ll die happy!) The boy smiled, determined to go up to Y/N. 
Friend: está bien, vamos (fine, let’s go)
The two boys appeared to walk, on video, towards Y/N. 
They tapped her on her shoulder once they had reached her. She turns around, appearing on camera. 
Y/N smiles kindly at them. 
Guy: Hola perdón por molestarte. Es que soy un gran fan de Jude. ¿Está bien si nos tomemos una foto? (Hey, sorry to bother you. It’s just that I’m a huge fan of Jude. Is it okay if we take a photo?)
Y/N smiled widely at the question. 
Y/N: “¡Claro!” (Of course!)
They both pose for the infamous photo and the friend retrieves it from the video. 
Guy: “Gracias t/n!” Te lo agradezco.” (Thank you Y/N! I appreciate it) The boy expresses. Y/N smiles and nods at the fan. 
Y/N: “¡Por nada! Tengan una bonita noche, que la disfruten!” (You’re welcome! Have a great night guys, enjoy it!) Y/N wishes, ready to part ways. 
Guy: “¡Me saludas a Jude, porfa!” (Say hello to Jude for me, please!) The guy pleads, causing Y/N to giggle at the interaction. 
Y/N: “Cuéntalo hecho!” (Count it as done!) Y/N smiles before walking away. Keeping her promise, later that night mentioning the encounter to Jude. 
Y/N leaves and the friend starts to scold his friend. 
Friend: “No manches! Salistes bien amargado en la foto wey!” (Seriously? You came out so bitter in the photo, dumbass!)
Guy: Es que estaba bien nervioso hermano. O sea es la novia de Jude Bellingham!” (It’s because I was so nervous, bro! I mean it’s Jude Bellingham’s girlfriend!) The boy exclaims to his friend. “¡Cómo crees que me sentia! Estoy por las nubes!”  (How do you think I felt? I’m over the moon!) 
Video ends
Back to Y/N & Jude: 
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liked by yourmom, judebellingham, erling.haaland and 369,583 others
yourusername en el coleadero y empolvada 🏇 dia seis! (in the coleadero [a horse sports event] and dusty 🏇 day six!) 
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yourmom you look so cute mija (darling)
yourusername thank you mami i love you! 💜
com1 she looks adorable in the first pic! 
com2 okay but the sky!!!
erling.haaland I didn’t expect Jude to last this long without you! I just know he’s hanging on by a thread 🤣 I hope you’re having a great time out there y/n/n 
com3 i’m dead erling 💀
judebellingham trust me mate I am not doing well
yourusername you know he’s the biggest baby erl!! Thank you ☺️
judebellingham you look hermosa! 
yourusername did you use google translate? 😂 but thank you bebe 🥰
com4 A+ for effort lmao 
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liked by judebellingham, jesusortizpazfr, and 397,539 others
yourusername bailes en el rancho son mis favoritos! ya estamos listos para mañana 🥳 day 7 (dances at the ranch are my favorite! we’re ready for tomorrow 🥳) 
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yourusername before anyone mentions my cousin on the last pic, he took me out to dance bc I was the only one from my primas (female cousins) who was standing alone at the baile while the rest were dancing w their mans🥺 
com1 y/n better than me bc if my man didn’t know how to dance and I was at a baile I would be dancing!! not my fault my man don’t wanna learn 
com2 you look like so much fun! 
com3 the vibe in all of her daily dumps are EVERYTHING! 
com4 I miss mexico now 😩
primo.user (cousin.user) mi compañera de baile MAS favorita!! 💃🏼 (my MOST favorite dance partner!! 💃🏼) 
yourusername gracias por sacarme a bailar me moría de ganas (thank you for taking me out to dance, i was dying to dance!)
com5 Not y/n wanting to dance but couldn’t bc she’s a faithful woman! props to her cousin for standing up 👏 
judebellingham la mas chula 😘 (the prettiest 😘)
yourusername you got me blushing bellingham 🤭 i’m glad you’ve got the google translate app installed 
com5 not jop in the likes
com7 fr, first peso now jop
com8 jop didn’t have it in him to leave a comment like peso pluma thooo
com9 damn they’re already pregaming for the feria (festival) tomorrow  
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liked by judebellingham and 387,437 others
yourusername sabado de gloria was one for the books ❤️‍🔥 mi mexico querido, el pais con tradiciones increibles 🥹 (saturday of glory was one for the books ❤️‍🔥 my beloved mexico, the country with incredible traditions 🥹)
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com1 okay bc Jude with a Mexican girlfriend was something I never expected but they’re so cute together!!! 💗
com2 the cultural difference between them is mind blowing but i kinda like it
com3 okay it’s been a week we need Jude and Y/N back together ASAP
judebellingham mi niña bonita 😍 I hope you’re having a blast darling! 
yourusername the spanish better not stop when I get home because it’s so cute! 
judebellingham i’m thanking google translate rn 🙏🏽
com4 that last pic is so aestheticly pleasing
com5 okay now I understand why Y/N had to go to Mexico!! That looks like sm fun
com6 fr i was like why would she ever leave Jude but I see why now
com7 her outfit and boots are so cute 🤩
Y/N’s POV: 
I spread my limbs throughout the comfy bed but not as comfortable as the one awaiting me back home. My eyes flutter open, as I bask in my last morning in Mexico. 
The morning sun shining through the window, brightening up the room. I take one last look through the window, the tree tall and green, dogs laying out on the ground, the pretty plants and the great range of mountains surrounding the rancho. 
I let out a deep sigh as I sat up in bed, a mixed emotion about leaving this place. Leaving the peaceful and warm lifestyle that is Mexico was always heart wrenching but my skin tingles at the thought of going back home. Not a home, like a house or a place but Jude. Jude is my home. 
I smiled at the thought of him and a warmth at my core enlights. 
A home cooked meal was already awaiting me in the kitchen and family slowly started filling my grandparents' home to say their goodbyes. 
I frown at the thought of leaving them but I know life would never be the same if I stayed. 
The time is approaching to my last minutes with everyone. An emotional goodbye to the animals, the beautiful home that holds many wonderful memories, and of course to all of my family especially my grandparents. 
“Te amamos mija. Ya sabes que aqui siempre esta tu casa, (we love you darling. You know that you’ll always have your home here” My grandma tells and we pull each other into a tight hug. 
I wipe the tears that we are threatening to spill. 
“Hasta luego muñeca que dios la bendiga! (Until next time doll god bless you!)” My grandpa expressed as he kissed my cheek, pulling me into his arms. 
After all the goodbyes, my uncle started the truck and loaded my luggages. 
On our way to the airport I watched the landscapes contentedly and whispered my goodbyes to the familiar roads. 
yourusername posted two stories 
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judebellingham posted a story 
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taglist: @annab-nana @hoodpankow  @alaynahope714  @jeyramarie @lemur46 @goldenroutledge @valluvsu @paleprincessturtle @hoelesslyt @drewsephrry @northernstarkey
All pics are from Pinterest!
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lilisouless · 3 months
Nikolai: Pineapple just doesn't go on pizza
Alina: is pineapple too much for your pretentious palate?
Zoya: its a fine palate that only accepts high quality food, which of course, doesn't include pineapple pizza
Alina: you a-
Mal: no,Alina, they are right. Its impossible for pineapple pizza to be good
Nikolai: "improbable"...WAIT, NO!
"Alina and Mal high five"
Genya: i am team pinapple pizza
David: me too
Zoya: no you don't, you hate it. Genya just wants to be against me and David just agrees because its Genya
Genya: you can't prove it
David: with me you can prove it but still
Tolya: as a foodie , i should be open to anything
Nikolai: well, but as a loyal subject shouldn't you support your captain AND queen?
Tolya: thats true, but if you are going to pull the loyalty card, saint beats captain and queen, so i am with Alina...
Zoya: i am a saint too!
Tolya: i didn't tattoo your symbol on my arm
Tamar: just take the fall , Zoya
Zoya: oh, don't tell me you like pineapple pizza too, or are you going to be "my saint´s word" too?
Tamar: no, i just like Alina
Zoya: what about everyone else? i am sure most of you don't like pineapple on pizza
Adrik: i don't like pinepple pizza, nor pinneaple....nor pizza...nor apples...i do sort of like pines
Nadia: he is adopted
Leoni: i like it!
Adrik: you are allergic to pineapple
Leoni: still, if i die , it would be tasting something that makes me happy
Nikolai: alright, lets ask the people that don't know Mal and Alina...HEY YOU GUYS THERE! WHO LIKES PINEAPPLE PIZZA?
"all of them raise their hand"
Zoya: is it true or you are just mad we put you on the kids table?!
Nina: i could have some pinapple pizza...with cherries!
"Zoya gags"
Jesper: And banana slices!
Zoya: please, make it stop
"Nikolai trows a wad of kruge at Kaz who starts counting them"
Kaz: hmm...actually, i don't like pineapple pizza
Nikolai: yes!
Zoya: perfect! Brekker is exactly the kind of person i like to agree on things!
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wingsoverlagos · 3 months
This is a fun collection of quotes from the Let It Be Beatles Interview with Mark Lewisohn conducted on August 20, 2018. This is mostly for @mythserene's enjoyment, but it's also a fun lil supplement to this comment by @talking-perfectly-loud on a post by @anotherkindofmindpod, which includes some revealing, deeply salty quotes by Lewisohn from an episode of Nothing Is Real.
The below soundbites focus on Lewisohn's feelings towards the Harrison estate, particularly Olivia, though Lewisohn also lets us know that he considered suing George at one point. Italics used to indicate tone; bold font is added emphasis by me.
This is from ~1hr8min into the interview, after a discussion of Mal Evans diaries. Here's a partial transcript:
"No, no, Olivia Harrison doesn't want anything to do with me at all. Yeah, so it's very frustrating because I just want to make the history better and better and better and more and more correct, especially more and more correct in terms of balance on all four Beatles, but whatever."
This is a longer clip (6:26) from ~1hr23min in the original interview. They're discussing Lewisohn's falling out with Apple/the Beatles/George in particularly, which came about because he was falsely accused of bootlegging, or something like that. He's told a few variations of this story.
The first 3ish minutes give some flavor and backstory. Some choice quotes (they're at about 2:50, 4:35, and 5:42 in this clip):
“To the day he died, George blocked me, and Olivia blocks me in George’s name, and so it still carries on.”
“I’ve never, ever leaked, and that was why it was so galling to be accused of being a bootlegger. George Harrison accused me of being a bootlegger to my face in front of a whole film crew, the bastard. I mean, really. A horrible, horrible thing to do. I really should have done him for slander, and in fact at one point I was tempted, believe it or not. Because, you know, I’m a professional, I’m on a shoot, I’ve got a whole unit with me, and he’s accusing me of being a bootlegger in front of everybody, which was- he had no evidence for because there wasn’t any, but that didn’t matter. He was accusing me without evidence, and it was wrong, and um, you just have to put up with these things. These people, they can get away with murder. Celebrities, you know?”
Lest we think George was wilding out solely because of the bootlegging, Lewisohn helpfully clarifies that it was also Paul's Fault:
“The irony of that was that I actually had started off really well with George. I knew George from ’87, personally, and we’d had nice times, and it was- one of the things that flipped it was when I began working regularly for Paul.”
This was the part of the podcast that really took me aback, from around the 1hr43min mark. There's some chatter about Let It Be (the film), and then Lewisohn goes off once again about Olivia Harrison. He's quite impassioned, and then seems to make a conscious effort to talk himself down.
“I don’t know Olivia Harrison. I’ve never met her, which makes her- just- [angry] blocking of everything I do so ridiculous, because she doesn’t even know me. But if, as it would appear, she’s taken it upon herself to perpetuate George’s wishes, which is something that you might expect a spouse to do when their partner’s died, if the partner says, ‘Don’t ever allow this’, then she would take it as her duty not to allow it.”
This is followed by some hedging.
There are several other choice tidbits in this two hour Lewisohn marathon, but Olivia Harrison was foremost in his mind. But don't worry, guys, he's not biased!
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gaysindistress · 1 year
When Night Comes- four
Summary: Who would win in a staring contest? New York’s resident mob boss and master of the side eye Bucky Barnes or the daycare teacher who really wants to go home and smoke?
pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
warnings: cursing, mentions of blood drinking, creepy cab driver
word count: 3.2k
three | masterlist
Tag list: @vickie5446 @cakesandtom @buckybarnessimpp @hidden-treasures21​ @unaxv​ @mal-adaptive-dreams @elizacusi-blog
disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
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A groan rips through her body as she blindly searches for her phone while it vibrates on the coffee table. Reaching across to the table, her upper half falls off the couch with a thud and another groan (this time one of pain) rings out. The phone ceases its dance on the table when her alarm stops and she just slides off the couch entirely in her sleepy state, laying on the floor in a heap of blankets as she opens her phone. As she guessed there are missed calls and unopened texts from Bucky but the text that isn’t from him stands out. 
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Bravery should’ve been her last name for attempting to steal her away for a date the same night that Bucky had one planned. Well key word is had and since it is no longer on the books, accepting an invite from Yelena doesn’t seem like the worst idea she has ever had. A certain recent ex would be the worst idea she’s ever had but that’s a story for another time. At the moment, responding with “sounds good” as she struggles to stand amidst the blankets to get ready for the day are her only tasks in mind. 
Blackbear streams from under the bathroom door along side steam letting her know that Jessica is also getting ready and will probably make them both late if Sunny doesn’t demand she get out right now. 
“Jess!” she calls but gets no response. 
“Jess!” she tries a little louder before pounding in the door, “Jessica Lee Reyes get out of the shower! Other people need hot water too!”
Her laugher overpowers the sound of the water and music as it all comes to an abrupt stop and she swings the door open. 
“Calm your tits. I was literally about to get out,” she says as she slides past Sunny, a fog of steam following after her, “Did Bucky ever stop texting you last night?”
“Uh yeah,” Sunny’s voice is barely audible thanks to the fan but Jessica still hears. 
“Thank god. I almost blocked him for you. I really hate that guys can’t take a hint sometimes.”
“Yelena texted me though. She either is really lucky or knew that I canceled on him because she wants to go out tonight.”
Before she disappears entirely into her room,  Jessica freezes with glee at the mention of the blonde’s name, “Oh she did? And what did you say?” “Yes.”
“Thank Jesus! I’m so glad you’re finally starting to put my hard work to good use.” “Yeah, yeah whatever,” sarcasm is not uncommon with her but it’s extra thick when Jessica is around and even more so when it comes to debating Sunny’s love life. 
“I’m dressing you and you have absolutely no say.”
Sunny chuckles to herself while she strips off to get into the shower. Only god will be able to save her from whatever outfit Jess has in mind for her. 
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The moment they had ended their second shift at 6pm, Jessica all but dragged her back to her apartment to get ready for her date with Yelena. She may not have been freaking out about it outwardly, every fiber of her being is on fire with anticipation of what the night has to bring. All Yelena told her was that she’d be there at 7 and that they’d be going out, other than that, she is in the dark and at the mercy of Jessica’s interpretation of ‘going out’. Her definition included putting Sunny in baggy black cargo pants and a black corset because “what’s hotter than the big pants and little top combo?” as she put it. 
“As hot as I might look, do you really think this is appropriate? Going out could mean so many things and wha…”
Jessica presses a finger to her lips, “I know Yelena and when she says going out, she means clubbing so this is… actually maybe you’re right. I think you need a skirt instead, ya know small bottoms, small top is better anyways.”
She leaves Sunny at her vanity staring at her reflection as she searches for that one skirt she swears will be the perfect addition. The woman at the vanity on the other hand, is mentally tearing herself to bits as she inspects every inch of herself that can be seen in the mirror. No matter how hard she tries, Bucky comes flooding back to the forefront of her mind as she looks over the makeup Jessica put on her. It’s simple, bordering the clean girl look and something she isn’t used to seeing staring back at her. It makes her wonder if she had tried harder, would she be getting ready for HIM instead? 
“Oh for the love of god,” she mumbles under her breath. She never even kissed him and this is the hold that he had over her? One close encounter and she’s consumed by him? Shaking her head to shake him from the inside of it, she picks up the lip gloss Jessica used earlier and reapplies it. The shiny gloss catches the vanity light and glitters, cheering her on and boosting her ego. 
“Found it!” Jessica calls from the closet and comes back to her with a pale pink mini skirt, “What do you think?” “I like the pants better.”
“Ugh, you’re boring but have it your way,” she flings the skirt behind her with a chuckle, “You are going to wear heels though.”
“We’re going to a club not to the Met Gala, I’m sure my air jordans will be perfectly fine.”
“Why won’t you let me live through you? I’ve always wanted to go out with Yelena and it’s only fair that I get to style you since I set you two up.”
Sunny whips around to face her, “You dragged me to a party after I said no and then left me alone with a grade A douchebag only to be saved by Yelena. I would, in no way, call that setting us up.”
“I got you there and you met her only because you went so yes, yes I did set you up thank you very much.”
Before Sunny can get a retort back, the front door opens and Yelena’s voice rings out, letting them know she’s here. 
“Do you ever lock you door, Jess? It’s really not safe,” she says, appearing in the doorway and leaning against the frame. 
“I knew you were coming so I left it unlocked.”
“I know you better than that, you forgot but good try,” she chuckles at her failed attempt to cover up the truth before settling her eyes on Sunny, “You look good, голубка. Are you ready?”
She can feel her friend vibrating with excitement from behind her at the nickname and turns to her date, nodding and standing up. It’s the prime opportunity to smack her ass so Jessica takes it as she says, “Good luck. Don’t have too much fun without me!”
She sends her friend a nasty death glare while her date and her laugh manically like little school girls at her expense. Yelena is quick to stifle her laughter with a smirk when Sunny brushes past her on her way out of the room. This is an even better opportunity to look at her ass as she walks away which doesn’t go unnoticed by Jessica. 
“God you’re no better than a man,” she chides while cleaning up the remnants of their get ready session. 
“Says the one who slapped it.”
“Go have fun and don’t bring her back until tomorrow morning,” Jessica sends her a wink as she slides off the frame and goes in search of Sunny who is muttering to herself as she searches for her purse. 
“Looking for this?” 
Quickly looking up, she spots Yelena holding her missing purse with a cat like grin and eyes glittering as they take in every ouch of skin her outfit leaves out. Nodding she takes it from her and slips into her leather jacket, still feeling the heat of her date’s gaze on her. It’ll either make for a torturously long night or a far too quick one if she keeps up the way her green eyes leave chemtrails across her skin. 
Clearing her throat, she says, “I’m ready if you are.”
The smirk doesn’t leave her face when her eyes make their way to Sunny’s, “Of course голубка.”
She offers out her own leather clad arm to her before leaving Jessica’s apartment and lecturing her about never locking her door. 
“The boogieman is going to get you one of these days!” is the last thing Jessica hears while the door is shut and the two woman leave the apartment complex. 
Their walk downstairs and out onto the street is filled with the normal small talk; how was your day, any funny stories, what’s your favorite color, you know the usual things. Sunny wants to ask if she knew about her date with Bucky but bringing up a rival suitor is definitely not the best idea when on a date. If Yelena does know anything about it, she doesn’t give it away and avoids saying his name when talking about her job. Come to think of it, she’s rather vague about her job description in general and only mentions how it’s boring and how she works with her sister, Natasha. It’s a given that she does work in the criminal world to some degree if she knows Bucky well enough to crash one of his homes but Sunny isn’t about to pry that information out of her on the first date. 
The standard creepy cab driver does nothing to assuage the idea that she’s a criminal. His lewd stares and borderline harassing remarks causes her to keep a protective hand on Sunny’s knee. She can see her free hand itch to reach for something hidden under her jacket the entire ride but it never leaves her lap. Several times Yelena had to interrupt him mid-sentence and even threatened to get out without paying if he didn’t keep his mouth shut. She would have or pulled the gun tucked against her side if Sunny hadn’t squeezed her hand to ground her. 
“Don’t. It’s not worth it.”
The murderous glare softened the moment it left the cab driver, “The moment you’re uncomfortable, we’ll get out, okay?”
The nod of confirmation wasn’t enough though for her, “I need you to say it, голубка.”
The air left like it had been sucked out of her lungs with the simple demand but she managed to mutter back “I promise I’ll tell you if I am.”
Satisfaction from both her reaction and her words, she keeps a tight grip on Sunny’s knee and rubs small circles into the inside of it. The simple action is burning through her pant leg, trailing upwards as she has struggles to maintain a calm and collective exterior. 
Once at the club, Yelena tosses the cash at the driver and gives him a side eye deadly enough he keeps his eyes trained in the road in front of him. She makes a mental note of the license plate number to follow up on hum after their date is done. As her sister always said, the scum of this world cannot go unpunished and his time will come. However now is not that time and the woman tugging gently at her hand reminds her of the task at hand; dance the night away with the vision of a woman next to her. 
“What is this place?”
“Oh,” Yelena starts as she leads her towards the entrance of the old brick building, “It’s called Strigoi, a friend of mine owns it.”
“That’s an interesting name,” Sunny muses as she flashes her id and award winning smile to the bouncer before following her inside. 
Anything she might have wanted to say gets stuck when the club’s red lighting bathes over them as well as the interior of it. Unlike most other clubs, the floor has booths scattered throughout with platforms occasionally raising above to provide brave club goers a stage to demonstrate the courage bought by alcohol. The bar is backed by a wall of mirrors while the signature red lights cast a devilish glow on the matching mirror shelves filled with expensive liquor. Beyond everything is the DJ stand where dark synth music streams dramatically from. 
“Who exactly owns this club? A vampire?” Sunny whispers to Yelena, half joking while also hoping her earlier suspicions of Peter aren’t true. 
She doesn’t answer with words but instead with a deep laughter that vibrates into Sunny’s chest as well as they weave through the crowd towards the bar. A familiar voice catches her attentions when Yelena stops at the edge, leaning over to order drinks for him. Only a few seats down is the Peter Parker she’d hoped to never see again with the same girl from the kickback turned party. The red ambience makes it difficult to see much of him but yet there is another flash of something when he smirks down at the party girl. In his hand is a short glass of thick dark liquid and if Sunny didn’t know any better, she’d assume it’s blood. Obviously that’s insane and no one is drinking blood so she tears her stare away and looks to Yelena who’s already looking at her in puzzlement.  His arrogant chuckle draws her attention to him and it clicks; Sunny had spotted him in his natural habit and of course, is confused by it all. 
“I can have him kicked out if you want,” she says while handing Sunny her drink.
“Nah leave him. He’s not worth the hassle.”
“For you, any hassle is worth it.”
“Wow already laying it on thick I see. Think you’re going to get lucky?” she chuckles as she takes a sip of whatever Yelena ordered for her. 
The blonde woman shrugs as she scans her face, “Now that you mention it.”
She rolls her eyes at the suggestion and tugs on her arm to lead them away from the bar. Spotting an empty booth among the crowd of people is no easy feat however it’s not up to Yelena’s standards because she shakes her head and points to an area that’s roped off with even more bouncers guarding it. 
“Did you really think I’d bring you to a club and not sit in the VIP section?” and when she doesn’t answer, she continues with her playful teasing, “Cat got your tongue? It’s okay, голубка, what I have planned doesn’t require any talking.”
Behind the ropes and bouncers, lounges Bucky with Steve and Peggy, short glasses filled with the same thick dark liquid as Peter’s. That intoxicating smell drifts in amongst the waves of other club goers’ smells and has him narrowing his eyes at nothing and everything at the same time, searching for the owner. Peggy whispers something to her husband, red lips mere inches from the shell of his ear. Steve glances to his blue eyed friend and chuckles in agreement with what she said. 
“Find your companion for the night?” he taunts while taking a sip from his glass, the dark liquid leaving a slight film on his tongue. 
“No,” Bucky states plainly as he sets his glass down on the table before them, “She’s here.”
Peggy snorts, “You already have her smell memorized? I see her almost everyday and I barely know it.”
“For the safety of your child, I hope you’re joking,” he says while standing and walking towards the bouncers. 
In his absence, she turns to Steve, “Do you?”
“Have her smell memorized? Only enough to know the difference between the staff though. I wouldn’t give any thought to him right now, he’s all fired up over her, that Lycan woman from last night, and Alix.”
She huffs in response which earns her words of reassurance from him. Meanwhile Bucky is instructing his men to keep a close eye on Yelena and especially Sunny. When he returns to the booth, he doesn’t sit right away and takes his glass from the table. Yelena’s voice echoes past the music and noise of the club, letting him know that he is about to face confrontation no doubt. She spots him before Sunny can and she does what she can to guide her away from that booth much to his dismay and pleasure. Her efforts to distract her fail and Sunny sees Steve, giving him a small smile which falls when Bucky comes into her view. The trio pick up on parts of what she’s whispering angrily to Yelena, “What… he… here? You….me….was going to be….”
Yelena, although, hears every word loud and clear, “What is he doing here? You didn’t tell me he was going to be here.”
“I didn’t know he was there. I’m sorry if it makes this,” she gestures between the two of them, “awkward. We can go somewhere else.”
“No this is ridiculous. He can’t fucking ruin everything,” she runs a hand over her hair and takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry if I made things awkward. It’s just… a little complicated I guess.”
Yelena’s ring filled hand cups the side of her face, tilting her hand to look at her, “Nothing’s changed. Trust me I know how complicated things are when it comes to him but I won’t hold it against you if you don’t against me.”
“Ya know,” she takes a step closer, closing the distance between them, “We could just ignore him. This date is between you and I, he is not involved in any way.”
“I like the sounds of that,” Yelena whispers back as her hand shifts down to cradle her jaw, her thumb ghosting over her glossy bottom lip, “You’re going to get me in trouble if I’m not careful.”
Sunny smirks against her thumb, “Why do you say that?”
“I think you know why,” she leans impossibly closer, “Can I kiss you?” Her eyes flicker down to Yelena’s mauve lips, nodding ever so slightly before they meet in one small kiss only to be drawn back in and devour each other in the middle of a crowded club. 
Having watched the whole exchange, his body tenses as her smell shifts when the kiss deepens. Jealously bubbles in his veins and the only thing stopping him from ripping Yelena to shreds is Steve’s hand on his wrist and Peggy’s reminder that “she is not yours. Stand down.” Rather than give into his animalistic urges to destroy, he settles for his usual scowl, hooded eyes trained on the couple in hopes that he can will them apart and her into his arms. His self control doesn’t last long and he’s marching over to the women in no time. 
“Yelena,” he gives her a curt nod, “Sunny, I need to talk to you.”
Neither is able to protest before he is dragging her towards a closed door hidden from view by more guards until now. Yelena shots Steve a lock of contempt as she approaches their booth, “You two are absolutely no help. Why didn’t either you of stop him?” “Do you really expect me to get in between him and what he wants?” Steve says expectedly as they all know no one is stupid enough to do so. 
“A heads-up would’ve been nice.”
“I’ll keep that in mind next time you’re on a date with the woman he’s interested in.”
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insecateur · 8 months
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I'll be standing tall (La Maison-Dieu)
A 10 songs bilingual Sycamore/Lysandre playlist (in honor of Pokémon X&Y's 10th anniversary)
(Unfortunately, I don't use Spotify, so you'll have to make do with this YouTube playlist or look for the songs yourself. But do look under the read more for Lyrics Excerpts and all of that.)
Why a bilingual playlist? Well because I'm a bilingual guy, for a start, and because my experience with Pokémon X&Y in general and this ship in particular has always been bilingual as well (even trilingual, arguably.) I wanted to put together some of my favorite songs in English for them and introduce English-speaking fans to some of my favorite French songs for them, too. A lot of those songs are songs I've quoted, mentioned, or even used as inspiration for art and fic.
(Why is Augustine on the English side and Lysandre on the French side? Because I thought Lysandre would be offended at the idea of being on the English side while Augustine wouldn't care about it as much.)
Sunburn by Muse
He burns like the sun And I can't look away And he'll burn our horizons Make no mistakes
This is the classic, quintessential PRFR song for me. Its only crime is that it's het, sung from the point of a view of a man singing about a woman. That pesky little detail cannot stop me, however.
Without You I'm Nothing by Placebo (feat David Bowie)
I'm unclean, a libertine And every time you vent your spleen I seem to lose the power of speech You're slipping slowly from my reach You grow me like an evergreen You've never seen the lonely me at all
Do I even need to say anything about this? I listen to this song when I need to make myself Suffer thinking about them. Oh to be unable to bring yourself to say something about your beloved friend's downward spiral...
Hardest of Hearts by Florence + the Machine
Darling heart, I loved you from the start But you'll never know what a fool I've been Darling heart, I loved you from the start But that's no excuse for the state I'm in
My friend sent me this song saying it was about them and they were RIGHT. Shout-out to my friend for that. I like how it can be alternating POV, too.
Changes by The Happy Fits
I try to run away but I find myself, again Stuck in the same place Who will I be today? I can't control the world or change it
This one was suggested by @jonphaedrus and I'm really happy I could have its contribution in here as well. This is very meaningful to me.
Celebrate by Metric
Even the darkest hour soon will be over My friend, it will be over
I couldn't not put a Metric song in there! It was tough finding the right one... But I thought putting a more optimistic spin would be nice, too. I actually associate this song with SLaWCS specifically as well, which is a nice touch.
Pâle Septembre by Camille
Mâle si tendre Au début de novembre Devint sourd aux avances de l'amour Mais quel mal me prit De m'éprendre de lui ?
Did you know? This song is the reason why I associate Lysandre with the Tower arcana. Or at least, it's what put the idea into my brain first. This one is also a quintessential PRFR song for me.
7 Vies by Kyo
La vue est magnifique Contemple-la tant que tu peux La lumière alcaline Le bien, l'ennemi du mieux Tant que le temps défile Tout doit se vivre à deux Je pratique le langage des signes Et celui du feu
I think I should be allowed to include some more vibes songs in there, although I'd argue this one fits them well. It's a bit abstract, but it fits.
Tout donner by Maître Gims
Tu es ma maladie Ma guérison quand tu l'décides Mes nuits s'illuminent J'en confonds le jour et la nuit
A desperate, self-destructive pining song... What else could a man want in this world. It's very tasty. I think about those lines way too often.
Aimer à mort by Louane
L'espoir qui joue, le feu, le froid Un souffle au cou, baiser de roi Pour nous reprendre, pour nous défendre Pour se comprendre chaque fois
Another intense but more optimistic one. I want to believe... I want them to believe as well...
Rouge Ardent by Axelle Red
As-tu trouvé, dans les feux, dans les flammes Ton idéal rouge ardent As-tu froid As-tu peur de l'aurore Tu disais "tout s'évapore" Tu as eu tort
It's a song about being in love with a failed idealist. And also the color red is there. What more can I say. (Also, this time it's originally a het song from the POV of a woman singing about a man, which ties it all neatly together, I think.)
Happy 10th anniversary to all my fellow shippers, young and old, new and ancient, whether you were in the trenches with me back in October 2013 on this webbed site or you joined us in 2021 with the Pokémon Masters revival, thank you for loving them always. Here's to loving them more and more in the future, and here's to the Pokémon X&Y remakes as they become clearer and clearer on the horizon. (And maybe we'll get a Legends game, too? Wouldn't that be something...)
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obitv · 1 year
i feel like. for the most part, pd fans dont think about the spirit world often. despite the ENTIRE ARC they spent there the ost people take away is mal = big evil guy and.. idk. the wispering woods Exists? but there is SO, SO MUCH going on there thats so much more important than youd think. just for starters
mal? not so important there. his guide, ghoul (who we see a grand total of ONCE, in episode 10, and is mentioned again in episodes 11 and 12), is POTENTIALLY THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD whereas mal i wouldnt put above 50, and thats even a stretch (i will get to the why later)
domains! those floating islands? all domains! ghoul? technically owns most of the domains! what does that mean? HE KNOWS EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS THERE AND CAN CONTROL IT.
also i think everyone forgets this but william was, visually, in his wisp form the entire time they were there
oh also ghoul has dozens if not hundreds of paintings of a man who might be jason king (ORIGAMI) in his castle.
so. ive taken the time to compile most of the information i could find on mal, ghoul, the spirit world, the wisps, an more into a handy post because im fucking insane (note: im only up to e13, the smoke samurai fight, in my rewatch. this IS where the majority of spirit world facts come from anyway, but anything i mention that isnt from those episodes wont be in as much detail bc my memory is ass. if you remember more things, let me know!) (also also, im going to avoid bringing up deadwood as much as i can because.... i think ive talked about it enough 😭)
starting with: GHOUL!
lets be honest. theres a very small chance you even remember this guy exists. but he is FASCINATING
to start with, he has a.. symbiotic relationship with mal, from what ive seen. he needs mal to interact with the physical world, mal needs him to go to the spirit world. ill go into this more in mals section
aside from that, mal is NOT the first physical vessel ghoul's taken. its not clear when he began working with mal, or how many forms he had before, but he's one of many
(also just a note because it can definitely be confusing... ghoul and mal seem to share control over the castle, but before seeing that mal is waiting for them in the dining room everyone was focused on ghoul and mal was barely brought up. its not clear if the things they see in the castle before going in to mal were his choice or ghouls but... ill include the paintings here)
on that note: the paintings!
what the fuck is going on in there
so. yeah. ghoul has.. dozens. and i mean DOZENS, hundreds if you count that they repeat over and over, of paintings featuring a man with "blond hair and chiselled jawline" in various important historical events. they line the walls of the upstairs corridor (the one that seems endless) and are never brought up again
do i think this is jason king? well im not convinced they ARENT... i will touch on this again later just keep it in mind
jumping back to domains, ghoul seems to have.. some degree of control over all of them. at least in the part of the spirit world he rules over, which i assume is. why he rules it. going by the king stuff its like. he owns all the land and "rents" it out to other spirits
rent is a nicer word, since he can CURSE PEOPLE to control domains and dictate how they behave
thats why the carnival is evil, if you remember. ghoul cursed the carnival skeleton (the REAL groundskeeper) to rule the domain and attack anyone who entered
what the fuck
also ghoul is a king
when looking for ghoul in ashes book, despite the very low roll they got some VERY important info: ghoul (who, when we see him, is comapred to antivenom from spiderman) -
this guy
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HE WAS A HUMAN KING. his name is mentioned ALL THE WAY through ashes book, from front to back. a picture of a man in royal garb, was labelled with his name
something.. happened. that turned him from that spirit world king to a monstrosity.
its also never made clear if the man in the paintings is ghoul? we dont get a description of the kings face in the book and we dont get a description of the mans clothes
also, finally: when theyre in the physical world, mal and ghoul essentially share a body, with the body turning into That Thing ^^ when ghoul is in control. ghoul HAS to take control to open portals to the spirit world - he does it to william, and cantrip mentions it too when they interrogate her
he also appears separately from mal when they take william to the spirit world, but we dont see him at all in any other domains so thats a small sample size
BUT he Does have a fucking. encyclopedic knowledge of domains (which ill talk about later). he "knows all of these places [domains]"
where do i fucking start.
basic mal facts: asshole, british, very powerful, knows far too much about the spirit world to make any sense
just a basic overview of his powers, btw:
he can create illusions, float/fly (in the spirit world, at least), ghostshape, go intangible, and mayyybe has some sort of connection to earth or gravity powers because theres one point where he makes the ground beneath someone burst up but also that mightve been a weird ghostshaping trick and im honestly too scared to think about that
basically he seems to have most of williams powers + illusions and whatever that ground trick was. the only things we havent seen are invisibilty (which considering mechanically its just a flavouring of an advantage which isnt technically a power, makes sense) and the wisp form, though id consider the ghoul transformation to b the equivalent of that
oh in case you forgot he can also FREEZE. TIME. william isnt affected by this but im not sure if that was because mal wanted him to see what happened or because spirit shenanigans
also little aside but while williams powers manifest as wispy blue flames, mals are always black lightning (his ghostshaping, most noticeably)
the biggest mal question is.. how does he. know all that shit? youd expect ghoul to be the one who actuall has the knowledge but mal is ALWAYS the one they deal with
now you may be wondering: why is this an issue? well the thing is. we dont actually know ANYTHING about mal. we dont know where he comes from, what he wants, how he met ghoul, if his powers are his own or all come from ghoul... none of it
what we can ASSUME: mal was alive when he made some sort of deal with ghoul, because he obviously had a physical body. my personal theory is that mal is (one of?) the previous owner of ashe's book, since so far that's the only thing we've seen that allows you to summon spirits and allow them to possess you, and its full of references to ghoul. and quite honestly the thought that theres MULTIPLE books like that is terrifying. so
ok i actually just came up with that one on the spot but if mal had a better understanding of the language the book is in than ashe and wasnt so afraid to use it then actually him knowing a shitton about the spirit world makes so much sense. what the fuck
bizly bizlychannel youre prying that theory from my fucking corpse im in love with it now.
so. yeah. presumably, mal and ghoul made some sort of deal, because they work together. its not clear if mal is working to get william on his side by his own volition or if ghoul wants him to, or if its like a "ghoul brought it up and mal decided to go for it because hes better at talking and also isnt a horrifying monster" but whatever. unlike william and the wisps (amazing band name) who fight fucking constantly because william never ASKED for his powers, mal is comfortable with them
another thing mal seems to have control over is ghouls castle. he lays out the red carpet and makes every door lead to the dining room and also makes it impossible to leave
specifically, irt all the doors going to the dining room, bizly said "if he can control this castle and where it goes, thats what he wouldve done"
the corridor upstairs (without the carpet, with the paintings) also goes on literally forever. you cant go back once you walk far enough you have to go through a door. i have no idea if this was mal or ghouls choice
another thing! specifically layed out on the walls next to the carpet ("things he specifically wanted them to see") is an ornate dagger in a glass case. which vyncent with a gun steals but i dont think is brought up again ??? also the wording made me feel like there shouldve been more items listed but since condi immediately started stealing he just didnt include the rest ?? unsure
this is just a weird thing to note but theres like these freaky black tendrils that grab the table and hold it down when dakota tries to flip it. i dont know what to do with this information its just there
when william confronts mal on how much the spirits seem to hate him and ghoul, mal says "that's not what im here for" and, when pressed, says thats "a conversation for another day"
first: basics
the spirit world is, from what we've seen, a collection of floating islands over a void. these islands seem to all be "domains", places that are controlled by special spirits
the spaces between domains is the dead zone! this is where people go when they die, like 99% of the time. going there without special means (the hot air balloon, the carriage) will kill you.
so, how do you get a domain? ah. good... question....
one way is to kill whoever currently owns it. then its yours! congrats! you can alsp give away domains, but the only time we've directly seen this happen was the groundskeeper who was also cursed at the same time and ghoul seems to still have some control over the carnival anyway??? unclear
which leaves. william fucking wisp. because he has a domain! i am not getting into it here because ive said it all already but its there
also a little worth noting that williams domains seems to be shaped subconsciously without him even knowing it was there
i honestly cant speculate much more on williams domain because we just. dont have the answers. i could ask domain questions all fucking day like "did the wisps give william a domain" or "by being a powerful spirit did he just get an empty one or was one created just for him" etc etc we have no way of knowing
domains we know about: williams graveyard, the carnival, ghouls castle, the wispering woods (perhaps a series of domains? unknown), and the tricksters... house thing. do not ask me what the chaos zone is, i dont know and it scares me. if i had to guess itd be a series of. well. chaotic domains perhaps all partially ruled by the trickster but i also dont have ANY trickster lore written down bar "has a domain" so ill come back to that another day
and the obligatory deadwood mention: from what we can gather, the woods surrounding deadwood are where the barriers between the physical and spirit worlds are thinnest. specifically the area william died in was brought up which is totally linked to Everything about him
the wispering woods, in ashes book, is described as a "sanctuary" or "oasis". barely anybody has ever seen it and come back to say what it was like
ok bonus fact time. i dont know where to put these
when they first talk to mal in his domain, he says the phrase "william! be a sport, be a pal, be my friend." its specifically noted that william recognises that phrase as something his dad said to him a lot as a child
mal is also pretty much.. the only person to call william "wisperer" consistantly. but for that phrase he said william
additionally, this entire. interaction between bizly and charlie
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ill go crazy if i dont bring that up. so its here
in williams party city doritos induced fever dream (i am not talking about that ghost. i refuse) he sees the spirit world (floating islands) and he sees a throne made out of paper. this reads very clearly like a reference to origami/jason king, since hes dead at the start of the story
also i just want to say there IS a rolled where they say how jason died but theyre laughing really hard so i have absolutely no idea what theyre saying all i can hear is "dickass" im so sorry
so yeah. with that image in mind, hearing ghoul be described as a king (who HAS A CASTLE), and having so many paintings of a man who sounds similar to jason (am i reaching? maybe. but hes also the only prominent dead figure who already has connections to spirit world royalty and hes blond so let me have this) is just like. insane coincidence
i have nothing i can really prove here, because have o idea HOW jason an ghoul could be connected. but they are. i know it. believe me
thanks for reading this far it took me 2 hours to compile it all. if you have anything to add esp from later episodes PLEASEEEE PLEASE DO also if you wanna discuss anything i mentioned here i am always down.
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heart has his heart | part 2.
Summary: (Y/N) Heart is chosen alongside her friends to attend Auradon Prep. Of course her friend Mal’s mom, Maleficent, has a much more sinister plan than the kids just attending Auradon. Will they be able to pull of stealing the wand or will (Y/N) find herself liking Auradon a bit too much?
Pairing: Ben x reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: none
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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“So you guys have a lot of magic here?” Mal asked as you guys entered the dorm areas of the school.
“I mean it exists, but it’s pretty much retired. Most of us here are ordinary mortals,” Ben answered.
“Yeah, ordinary mortals that happen to be kings and queens.”
“That’s true.” Audrey put Ben’s arm around her shoulders. “Our royal bloodlines go back hundreds of years.”
“Wow, really?” you asked.
Both Ben and Audrey nodded, clearly not hearing the sarcasm. The VKs smiled knowing you weren’t genuine at all.
“Hundreds, huh? Call me back when you hit the thousands.” You would’ve stopped there but the look on Audrey’s face was too good to drop it.  
“Carlos? How old is Wonderland now?”
“It’s entering its third millennium in a few years so currently 2,992.”
You could always count on Carlos to be a smart-ass and have the exact answer you needed.
“And the Valley of Hearts was founded when in Wonderland?”
“Approximately two thousand nine hundred years ago. Give or take twenty years depending on if you count its Warring States period.”
“And the Royal Family? The Hearts…”
“Never been usurped once. Only family to maintain rule within a single family.”
“Wow. So two thousand years runs through my veins. I mean, hundreds is cute though… so the dorms would be?”
“That way.” One of the marching band boys said from where he was coming down the stairs.
“I’m Doug, Dopey’s son. I’m taking the tour over from Ben and Audrey.”
“Oh, be careful Doug. It’s Prince and Princess Ben and Audrey. We wouldn’t want to offend their royal blood.”
Ben gave a sarcastic laugh, “okay, okay we get it.”
“A bit much?”
“Just a bit. We’ll see you guys around.” Ben and Audrey walked off.
Doug was very nice as he led you guys through the dorm area explaining the common areas, snack bar and kitchens, the public bathrooms in case you can’t stop all the way to your room. Finally, you arrived at your dorms.
“Everyone chooses singles or doubles. We thought it would be best if you guys had people in your rooms, so you didn’t get too lonely in Auradon. We’ll be happy to give you singles next semester or next year. Jay and Carlos are together. Evie and Mal are roommates.” Doug handed them the keys.
“Unfortunately, there are three girls and we only do doubles so we couldn’t get you all to room together. But one of the Auradon girls did offer to room with you, (Y/N).”
Doug pointed to the door right across from Mal and Evie’s room. He handed you the key before continuing on. He gave out schedules. You guys had the weekend to relax before starting classes on Monday, including Goodness 101 with Fairy Godmother.
You gave a small wave to the other VKs before entering your room to figure out your mystery roommate. The dorms at Auradon were actually perfect, at least according to you. Mal was probably internally screaming across the way with all the cleanliness. It was so light and airy, so pretty.
“I know. I had the same reaction the first time I saw the dorms. Huge aren’t they?”
“Yeah, huge,” you said absentmindedly.
The girl jumped off her bed, setting down the sharpie she was drawing on her skin with. “Nice to meet you. Moetini, Maui’s daughter.”
“Maui? The demi-god? I’m roommates with a demi-god?”
“Eh, quarter-god.”
“Still pretty cool. (Y/N) Heart.” You shook her hand. “Love the drawings.”
“Yeah? I’m testing out tattoos. Not sure what to do first.”
“I like that one.”
You pointed to intricate sun design on the back of her hand. Like father, like daughter. No surprise to you that Moetini would want tattoos like her dad.
“Really? Wicked. Guess it’ll be my first one.”
“Will it move?”
“If I get my dad to do it, probably… do you have any stuff with you?” Moetini looked behind you but saw nothing.
“Uh, they said it would be in the room, but… it looks like my luggage got lost.”
Moetini frowned. “Looks like we’ll have to go get Ben.”
She grabbed your hand and marched out the door. At first when Doug said that an Auradon girl volunteered to share a room with you, you didn’t think it would end well. But Moetini was pretty chill and you were actually kind of happy she volunteered. You followed all the way to what you assumed was Ben’s door. Moetini knocked in such an odd fashion, making a song out of it until Ben opened the door.
“Moetini, what do you want?” You could hear Ben on the other side of the door before he even opened it.
“How’d you know it was me?”
“Who else would knock like that. (Y/N)?”
Ben noticed you behind Moetini. “Don’t tell me there’s a problem already. You volunteered, Moetini.”
“Oh, no. We get along great, don’t we? (Y/N)’s luggage is missing.”
Ben scratched the back of his head. “Oh. Well, there was nothing important in there, right?”
“No. Lucky for me I put my crown on. Just clothes and snacks,” you said.
You were glad you kept the picture of you and your parents in your pocket. It was a bad picture, from a broken camera, but you loved it nonetheless.
“Okay. Then in that case…” Ben went into his room before popping back up with his wallet. “I don’t think we’re going to find the luggage, especially since all the others have theirs so just take my card. We’ll consider this part of the program budget.”
“Sweet! Diamond, wow, never held one before. Dad’s only up to the black card.” Moetini admired Ben’s credit card. “This is going to be fun, (Y/N)!”
“Um, no. I’m a villain kid. They’re going to think I stole your card. I’m not trying to get sent back to the Isle on my first day, I’ll just have to figure something out. Probably Evie, you’d be surprised what that girl can do with a bedsheet.”
“We’re not letting you walk around in bed sheets. I’ll just come with you guys, I guess.”
“Are you sure? Shopping up your alley?”
“Not really,” Ben said grabbing a jacket and closing his room door.
“But you need stuff and like you said, we’re not trying to get you sent back to Isle on your first day… just how long do you two think this is going to take? Please say nothing over two hours.”
Ben shuddered, thinking of all the shopping Audrey had dragged him along to. You and Moetini just looked at each other.
“Moetini, how many shops are in Auradon’s mall?”
“Just under 200. A few of them are food stalls, though.”
“Ooh, shopping and snacks… sorry Prince Ben, you might be used to this but I’ve never seen a mall before. I’m about to go wild, especially with this.” You grabbed his credit card out of Moetini’s hand, waving it around and smiling.
“This might’ve been a mistake.”
“Too late now, Benjamin!” Moetini laughed as she dragged the two of you along towards the mall.
You were in your eleventh store. Skin care, handled. Now you were on to shoes and clothes and then you’d head for makeup and accessories. You lost Ben somewhere back in the sixth store so now it was just you and Moetini.
“Look at these shoes!” You were admiring a nice pair of heels.
“Hey, Heart. These ones have hearts on them.”
“Is that too much? Would I be like, too extra for going with the heart and roses motif?”
“Too extra? You’re asking me if something’s too extra?” Moetini held up her arm covered in sharpie drawings, that looked like a real tattoo sleeve.
You looked at the shoes before grabbing them. “If they go with an outfit, then I’ll get them.”
Moetini clapped her hands and you two walked towards the dressing rooms. You were going from the changing room to the little sitting area where Moetini rested back and forth. It was a mini fashion show, occasionally even the store clerks would chime when they thought something looked exceptionally good. You were taking a mini break just to try on shoes when Ben came back with three pretzels and some lemonade.
“Do you girls never get tired of shopping?”
“Shopping like this?! I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of it. You sure I can get this stuff?” You stood up and walked around in the heels you just strapped up, testing them.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. You needed to replace your luggage.”
You were having fun but you probably wouldn’t buy everything you liked, or you would at least work to pay Ben off for some of it. You went to sit back down and take off the shoes, they weren’t as nice as the heart ones Moetini pointed out. Ben handed you your pretzel and lemonade.
“Thanks, Prince Ben.”
“You don’t have to call me that.”
“Some people made it clear that titles were important.”
“Yeah sure they are; but, everyone at school calls me Ben. You go to school right?”
“Okay. Thanks, Ben.”
“No problem. So, does you sitting down mean we can leave?”
“Ha. No. We’re just taking a snack break.”
You were back in the dressing room, trying on your last outfit in one of the last stores. The zipper was hard to reach in the back. Normally, you’d have no problem unzipping it but Auradon liked to coat their zippers in something shiny. That also made them a bit slippery and you couldn’t get a proper grip on it.
“Moetini?! Moetini?!” You yelled for the girl but no one responded.
“Do you need something?” Ben asked from the other side of your dressing room door.
“Where’s Moetini?”
“Bathroom, why?”
“I’m stuck…” you muttered.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I’m stuck in this dress! I can’t get the zipper.” You flung open the door, to show Ben the zipper that was in the one spot your hand couldn’t reach. “See, it’s too slippery to get. I need her to undo it.”
“Oh, I can help you with that.” Ben unzipped it halfway to a point you could reach but without exposing anything as to protect your modesty.
“Umm, thank you.” You closed the door with one hand, careful not to let the dress fall, so you could change.
(Part 3)...
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s-aprua · 6 months
thoughts on the paralive ending (spoilers, very incoherent)
lots of mixed feelings but I'll start of with the one thing I really liked: rowdiez instrumental made it into the ending :') didn't get a 3d mv but good enough ig
something I realized (kinda embarrassing it took me 12 eps but) finally figured out why the lab coat guy sounded so familiar. I tried checking MAL and the wiki but he didn't have a page so I had to check the ending credits but he's voiced by fyodor (also funny that he literally has no name. he's just "white clothes guy")
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ok so for the mixed feelings part: I'm generally pretty open to adaptations doing something different (trimax vs trigun vs stampede and I like all of them) and maybe paraani will grow on me but the CD dramas are still better. I don't like how they removed a lot of iori akyr in general the characterization outside of the groups (satsuki's crush on anne, tsubaki entirely, club candy is there in theory except nobody talks about it, iori and zen are just in some really office building, yohei and iori's past (unless shuffle ovas???? /overdosing on copium))
the whole metal corrosion thing came kinda out of left field, especially how it started affecting the audience? somehow?? Like the other phantometal users sure, but the audience?? moving on already bc too many questions to unpack (I haven't listened to s2 of the dramas, but I heard cozmez never got that match with buraikan? do we get an explanation for that btw? I know I didn't happen like this but I mean I guess the ending point won't affect s2 too much)
I was kinda right abt the BAE saves the day thing but at least it was also all of them saving kanata? but the idea if ppl rapping at you until you get over the angst of remembering your twin is dead (except he's actually not but wtv) is kinda silly. (I'll take all the akyr actually doing something crumbs I can take at this point) bonus points for shura to just start playing a beat from the speakers and then leaves
I don't think they explained how nayuta's alive? and they had the audacity to not include shiki in the ending rooftop scene? (I know they were doing unit montages but like. did shiki even get to see real nayuta. he just. never got closure???) at least we got alt hair for cozmez tho (black hair kanata and long hair nayuta)
sorry I've been thinking abt this episode for a day and I still can't articulate anything :/
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bedtimegiraffe · 28 days
I've been thinking about Mal and Aerin's dynamic, and how Aerin really did a number on Mal's growing desire to actually trust people.
Mal start with a very (understandably) negative view of the nobility, including Aerin.
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But, Aerin wins him over pretty quickly. He's nice and and willing to get his hands dirty (relatively speaking).
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Through the power of friendship, Mal slowly learns to trust people! He's very upfront about that if you romance him.
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Now, Mal's general attitude toward nobles stays consistent, but Aerin is the exception. He's understandably skeptical of Aerin's no-cost solution to their problem, but he lets him put the plan in place. Mal lets himself trust Aerin.
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Right up until Aerin proves Mal right. Aerin wants what he feels like the world owes him, and he's willing to hurt anyone in his way to do it. To Mal, I'm sure it feels like he let his guard down and the whole party suffered for a year as a result.
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And then, after all the trauma of MC disappearing and coming back, MC goes, 'Yeah, you know that guy who almost killed us all last year after gaining our trust? He's coming too.'
But then Aerin seems kind of genuine. And even when he leaves, Mal isn't pissed or sad like everyone else. I think there's part of him that like, 'Yeah, that's what I would have done 2 years ago.' He's not happy with Aerin! But I think he understands it as a familiar self-protective thing on some level.
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I think the key to their dynamic, and Aerin's influence on Mal's arc, is how similar they are in a lot of ways.
They both communicate via jokes and sarcasm when uncomfortable (which is a lot of the time). Both are very understandably misanthropic after their childhoods. They have a similar arc of accepting that there are people who deserve their trust and protection.
I would guess the corruption piece is a little confusing to Mal (I know it is to me), but generally, he gets it. I think it's why his attitude toward Aerin changes so fast when he comes back. Aerin points out that Mal has benefitted from having the opportunity to change and prove himself. And Mal is willing to give Aerin a second (third? Who's counting) chance. He goes from "I might slit your throat," to being the one to shake his hand in a "We're cool" gesture in like, a minute!
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Come on, Mal would not participate in banter with Aerin if he wasn't a little fond of him.
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izartn · 1 year
Rereading the scholomance series, and on the bit after El and Orion have their first time and wow.
Orion knows so so well there's something incredibly wrong with him, from the way he seems to have been avoiding getting more intimate with El bc he fears feeding on her mana (the implication it was this from the start of his mana starvation on senior year, not just the general risks El fears) to how he breaks down sobbing right after they have sex because she's the only (first) right (human) thing he ever wanted, and he explains he only ever wanted to hunt mals and suck their mana since he was little so he doesn't resent his parents for letting him do that (and he knows exactly what el thinks of that but orion is grateful, bc yeah. mawmouth-boy amalgama he needed it) (and the were desperate to make him more normal, except in golden enclaves we discover they're at fault orion is like this and wow.) and how he knows going fucking nuclear on the Shanghai Enclaves and co who tried to murder El wasn't normal, and that it unsettled El. I love that he remembered that it scared her, bc he doesn't want to, and tht after the incident he thought on it all and decided he didn't want to be that kind of guy.
I mean, getting angry and trying to reflexively retaliate when someone tries to murder you and El (whom he adores) I get it, most of us aren't heroine El Higgins as much as she likes to pretend she isn't, but that scene lasted more than just the moment, El got her giant shield, and then Orion demonstrated he's got a fucking nasty temper and a reflex for going to inflict gruesome violence, after taking the most chilling seconds on book canon trying to process just what almost happened to them both, but mostly El on his PoV. El tried to redirect him like twice and he went back to try very intently to have his chance offing Yuyan, Zixuan and Co, the second one when Magnus came with New York and the rest of allied enclaves thanks to Liesel and wwiii magician versión almost gets off was O.o, until El threatens everybody with mass destruction which brought back Orion to the world of, oh yah my scary girlfriend who could kill everyone in this room including myself is awesome. Dude.
It's the way you end reading all that scene and their conversation almost at the end of the book, and you feel El is not getting what Orion is trying to say, missing that there is something really really wrong with him. Because I think senior year Orion has had no choice but notice all the ways he doesn't make sense, and the way he seems to always need more mana from mals so much he starts looking mad to the outsiders and not caring for anything else (I think it feels to him like executive disfunction in that he gets into a loop of "I should be doing homework x but I can't bc I first need to hunt mals except I can't find any so I'm tired so I can't do anything") , to the point he starts fearing taking El's which almost happens in the library if not for Precious (hello??? rereading that having read the golden enclaves sent chills through my skin, holy shit) and I think he must have noticed by then. Because Orion is simultaneously more observant and more out of touch than he seems on first impression.
Agh no wonder he decides to stay behind and disappear into the void with the Scholomance, I wonder if face to face with mawmouths and his own almost lost of sense of himself to the rush of mal-mana consumption right at the end of The Last Graduate he realiced what he must be and just. Choose it as the only option so as to not go mad and hurt(eat) El. Must have killed him.
No, given The Golden Enclaves I'm sure this is exactly what happened. Orion needs a hug so so badly.
And then he passes that last book lost on the hunger, then goes through a grueling purification to bring back what's left of his sense of self and humanity, with the knowledge that hes more like a mawmouths but back (but still a monster inside) , discovering his mother did this to him after killing hundreds of kids actually, and she may love to get her hands on El and use her (which Orion isn't thrilled about), and the enclaves may go to war in wwiii magic version (this time for real) , and you know, no wonder he quits trying to stay (alive, as a person) a quarter to end or so of The Golden Enclaves.
I love him, I want his perspective on a spin off novella or something after canon, bc it has to be the most weird mix of super transparent and also heartbreakingly sad and heartwarming once you read between the lines, and because I want his super subjective PoV on Galadriel because he loves her so so much in both the adorkable teenagy way and in a "you've saved my life and existence and the world makes sense bc of you" which has to scare them both a bit. Also Orion PoV on the rest of characters now he isn't blinded by the hunger and he can actually interact with others and have interests of his own. Fascinated by his possible hobbies.
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mosses-gate-3 · 2 months
Introduce me to your OCs because ice been scrolling too long to find them and i wanna know im nosy 😭
OKOK so all the posts i've made with them are under #bg3 tav and #moss says things and they also have individual tags you can search too-- #salix, #reneeginald, #andis, #monty, and #cesair.
but i can do a formal introduction as well if you'd like :D (also tagging @haterofastarion as per request)
Andis is my first proper tav oc and probably the one I put the most of myself into. He's a spore circle druid whose body, due to a series of medical mishaps, is now being slowly overtaken and replaced by this magical fungus. Basically he's turning into a myconid but retaining all the cognitive function. (can you tell I really like body horror...) He's around 27 ish and has been living in Baldur's Gate for the past several years after having escaped from the lab that had been running experiments on him post-fungal encounter. Currently he works as a waiter and plays drums in a small local band. Despite all the medical trauma he's probably the most well-adjusted of all of them. He's in a polycule with Wyll and Karlach.
Salix is my beloved psychic damage bard. She's a siren who was kidnapped from her birthplace and raised by an elven noble. She was married off to a man named Lord Helrien who had a ring made to suppress her magic, basically keeping her as a decoration for entertainment in his court. After about sixty years of marriage, she snapped and killed him. She's currently on the run from both the Fist and Helrien's more illicit associates. None of this is to say she's a particularly good person-- she's mean, manipulative, deliberately cruel at times and pushes people away on purpose. I call her my Vicious Mockery bard for a reason lol. Her relationship with Astarion is very interesting because of this since they both need something from each other (protection) and feed off each other's worst energy in the process but I won't get super into it because there's A LOT of lore.
Ren or Reneeginald is a half-drow artificer who's most definitely being haunted. Their ghost's name is Juniper Stormaven and she's a long-dead pirate captain who's trying to convince Ren to resurrect her. Juniper's death, or in this case lack of one, is tied very closely to the disappearance of Ren's twin sister Marcella a few years before the start of the game. There is incredibly complicated lore for this and I have a whole companion quest written out for how these things play out as well as multiple AUs including a TMA one so I won't get super into it but that's the gist. Ren can come off as pragmatic and stony-faced, but they're deeply creative and enjoy creating and building beautiful things. They're romancing Gale (and I have a lot of notes on their romance but again I won't get into it).
Monty is my favorite (and only) Durge! He's a dragonborn and very much cowboy-themed, he's one of my favorite character archetypes of "hot roguish traveling fighter with an alcoholism problem and a deeply rooted anger and pain just past the happy-go-lucky mask." Prior to the events of the game, he wandered around, fighting in cages and tournaments to try and sate the Bhaalspawn bloodlust. This earned him the title of the Man Mal Fet, or the Ill-Made Man- Arthurian legend reference!! Monty's theory is that it's better to give in to the urges while he's conscious and can choose who to kill than to try to resist and end up killing indiscriminately. I have a companion quest written out in which he's not a Bhaalspawn but a normal guy who's been cursed and/or has entered a pact that forces him to kill a certain amount of people in order to retain his free will because I like making original backstories for my characters.
Cesair is the bard I made for my multiplayer runthrough with my beloved ex wife @doomedpuppetyuri . He's a lying, conniving little bitch, or at least he used to be. He grew up an orphan on the streets of Baldur's Gate and learned to play music to feed himself and his siblings. He was hired to become a jester in the court of an evil king. For years he was in love with his new boss, but something horrible happened and he was exiled forever. Now he's attempting to be a good person out of spite for his ex. This is also why he doesn't listen to the Emperor; in any other circumstances he'd love to consume the tadpoles but his dream guardian looks too much like the evil king so he refuses to listen to them.
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
Did someone say free Disney villain gushing ticket? :D
- What do you think is under Maleficient's cowl? Like, do you think she has hair under there like the live action movie? Do you think she's bald? Do you think it's not a cowl at all and just a part of her head/horns? (I personally like the idea that it is a part of her head because... It just sounds like Mal to not have so many human features, including hair.)
(On that note; tooootally pure thought. Imagine Mal having a snake/reptilian-like tongue. This is purely for science, I swear.)
- I keep forgetting how much I love Alameda Slim! And just Home on the Range in general. But Slim is especially a fun villain! He kinda gives me 'Cowboy Ratigan' vibes with how extra he is and his musical prowess XD how do you think either of them would feel about this comparison?
- I think if you use specific things to burn, fire will change color. I'm not quite sure if I'm correct, but can you imagine Hades turning into different shades depending on what's around him? Also, also, if I'm correct, blue fire is actually hotter than red fire, which means when Hades is actually a higher temperature when completely calm! And somehow cools down when he's raging XD
- Silver and Scroop... Just... The alien husband's XD they're always on my mind. Nothing even specific, just them- wait WAIT! Imagine being in a throuple with them! You get to have your warm, affectionate, absolute lovely captain, and also your mean, dangerous (they're both equally dangerous, but Scroop is more aggressive about it), not so PDA but will still fight for you lover. The best of both worlds <3
- OK, you knew it was coming... Another Toon Patrol imagine XD imagine that you get to know them because they kept kidnapping you (not like a dark scenario, if that makes sense? Literally just them wanting to hang out, but they- especially Smartass probably- have no clue how to approach you normally, and they're all their own flavors of extra since they're villain toons, so they just 'pick you up' when they just want to play monopoly with you or something). And at this point, you just get used to it... But also tired of it. You're just like "Smarty, I get it, you guys are socially awkward, but I've used your shower and have eaten your food; I think we're past the burlap sack part of our relationship." Idk, this wouldn't leave my head and it made me chuckle so here XD
- Imagine all the side kicks start a support group in the Disney Villain House. Iago has anointed himself as the head of the group, next to Sir Hiss. Pain and Panic and Lefou are the ones who need the most help. Fidget is finally making some friends. Kaa and the hyenas are here for the food. And occasionally the weasels make an appearance since they are supposed to be Doom's henchmen. That's all I can think of at the moment XD
- OK we need Wheezy fluff/comedy, so here; imagine trying to help him with his clothes? Like, my guy here is wearing that ratty vest and that nicotine stained dress shirt everyday. He pulls it off, but for his own sake (and ours because *ahem* those Bill Moseley gifs), we gotta figure something out. It may not nearly be Goob level since he at least has some self-respect, but still. Maybe you two go clothing shopping, or you try to figure whatever concoction of detergent, bleach, and pure willpower and elbow grease will make his shirts white again. Or at least get the smell out. Your thoughts?
Ok this was more of a imagining then a gushing, but I hope you like these XD
OKAY OKAY OKAY you should know that when this came through I was making my bed- and Lotso got thrown in my effort to finish it so I could read this XD sorry lotso
Maleficent: I do think that's part of her head!! :D I agree, hair makes her a bit too human. If it was a cowl- I think she'd shave her head. She doesn't want to be seen as a beautiful fair Tinkerbell-type. Men cannot be trusted to not try and hunt her down in the woods for a glimpse, and thats just more trouble then its worth. Besides, being fair is kind of Hilda's thing XD And Gastons.
Imagine seeing her bald head for the first time; horns brown and rough, under the slick black cowl and telling her she's amazing, gently guiding her down into a kiss <3 She's very proud you're the way you are, and she found you.
She's not shy about thrusting her slimy, forked tongue carefully into your mouth and forcing you to moan for it.
(Um?? Yes to her having a reptilian tongue!! Oh my goodness! It's very in character XDD Haha)
Alameda Slim and Professor Ratigan: Ahhh, I can see that!! XDD Very eccentric, and sensitive XD I don't think either of them would be pleased at the comparison though! 😂😂😂 They're both just silent, giving eachother sideways glances, thinking... 'the rat?' / 'the fat guy?' .
'Cowboy Ratigan', though XDDD Thats so funny XDDD
Hades: Oh I have heard that too!!! I wish they would have used that in the movie, that would have just been so cool! Hades' bodily lore just gets more and more interesting XD
And- right??? I'm sure that's just a design decision (Blue is a calm colour, red passionate) but I do think they coulda made the opposite look pretty cool (Imagine he turns electric blue when furious) but the blue suits him ^^ Red woulda been a tip off XDD Haha. And besides, blue fits with his smooth talking, used car salesman vibe.
Silver and Scroop: ALIEN THROUPLE Y E S XD You get a gentleman who stands up for your honour from behind you, a hand on your shoulder, only subtly threatening people lives when they insult you or make you uncomfortable, and then immediately works to cheer you up again- and also your mean, asshole boyfriend who will get in between you and any threat and just boldly threaten their lives... descriptively (Who you have to calm down afterwards XD). Best of both worlds, haha.
Imagine some asshole at a bar getting mad when you don't react nice to his flirting, and before you even know it Scroop is hissing obscenities in that gravelly voice that make your cheeks hot at the guy. You're shocked, though you don't know why you are (Scroop is always like this), and you let Silver guide you carefully back from the two, guiding you to another seat. "We'll sit 'ere til he's done, lass. I'd step in, but... I think I'd like to keep this old hardware attached ta me." He winks. "Mr Scroop's got this under control. Lets getcha another drink, eh?"
Toon Patrol: Ahhhhh, yes perfect! XD Haha. Omg. Guys, you can- you can call them up and just invite them somewhere- *sigh*
I can totally see this XDDD
Imagine the bag gets ripped off of you and you're just deadpanned, looking at Wheezy who pulled it off of you. "... you must realise, that this has become ridiculous."
"I do... boss doesn't. And, 'sides... its amusing."
"Grrrrrrr- "
Sidekicks: I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH. I JUST LOVE IT XDDD Imagine Sir Hiss and Iago arguing over leadership and everyone else, even Smartass, is just like 'isn't this supposed to be for support??... we getta enough of this at home. XD like 'I have ssssssss-eniority, over you! Besides, more experience- ' 'well, I'm more popular than you bub so shut up and gimmie the gabble.'
Wheezy: I- I cant- I'm weak at the thought XDDD You get to choose his clothes?? Ahhhhhhh, that's absolutely a dream XD He'd be so relaxed, letting you hand him damn near anything and trying it on, staying still while you make adjustments, not making it uncomfortable at all, just looking hot, etc. Reminds me of this one scene in Gilmore Girls XD
Incorrect Quote:
Smartass, walking in on Y/N tightening Wheezy's belt: ... what in fucks name are the two of you doin'??
Y/N: Oh!- *Startled to see Smartass, hands flying away from their boyfriend* Its not what it looks like!
Wheezy: ... *Chill. Taking a drag from his cigerette*
Smartass: It looks like you're dressing 'im...
Y/N: Oh- well then. uh. It's exactly what it looks like! 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Smartass: well now i don't believe you-
Alternative excerpt though, with and Wheezy Y/N being an old married couple XD :
Wheezy: Stop tightening my belt, I don't wanna look like a kid goin to prom.
Y/N: You have a slim waist. You need the support!
Wheezy: *Rolling his eyes and groaning around his cig* Look if my pants fall down- just call it a bonus okay? Just let me go, woman.
Y/N: Wheezy, sweetheart, your flaccid penis is not the turn on you think it is.
Wheezy: God I could use a smoke right now.
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bonefall · 1 year
What herbs should a med cat use to treat epilepsy?
Now that the epilepsy herb guide is out, I can say with certainty that The BEST treatment for canon-compliant warriors is cannabis or valerian root, and a dietary change to fatty prey + eggs.
But let me tell you about the whole journey I went on in research, complete with links to the most helpful educational sources I drew on, in case you would like to learn more
(CONTENT WARNING: Historical discussion of abelism towards epileptic people, animal testing resulting in animal death, links to resources that discuss seizures affecting both humans and cats, cannabis, gross cuts of animal meat, and Pliny the Elder)
So I actually made a bit of a mistake that I won't make again; when I did the HRT guide, I started with modern medication and went backwards. That worked for HRT but didn't for Epilepsy-- because modern epilepsy formulas are almost completely synthetic.
I started with some casual googling for epilepsy in cats, and what treatments they tend to get. After that I started comparing that to epilepsy management in humans
THE big boy epilepsy drug is Phenobarbital. Only RECENTLY (as in, the past 30 years) have we really started to branch out past it, and they're mostly extra types of barbituates. These cannot be found in nature.
So then I was like, OK, I can step back a little bit more, right? WRONG. The predecessor of Phenobarbital was Potassium Bromide-- and I was kinda horrified to find out how much worse it is in comparison. Bromide has a bad habit of building up in your body and a ton of super, super nasty side effects.
The rise and fall of Bromide in epileptic treatment is an epic story all on its own!!!
I was going to include it anyway since Bromide was better than not dying (and indeed it was REVOLUTIONARY at the time), but even BROMIDE is made chemically. The easiest process includes boiling salt and iron together-- iron would not be something warrior cats can access.
Besides-- Bromide is sometimes used for epileptic dogs, but in cats, it causes lung failure of all things.
So, at this point I was realizing I was not going to be able to make the guide with the same methods I used for HRT. I couldn't even find barbituates or potassium bromide in Natural Review of Products, so I was gonna need a new source.
It dawned on me that managing Epilepsy through the eyes of a Clan medic would involve the seizures specifically--- and I was already realizing that the best recommendations I was going to end up with were non-herbal.
So, before I dove into chasing down herbal remedies, I was going to make a section on general seizure management. Especially first-aid.
Which was where I realized I didn't know as much about Epilepsy as I thought I did. I was only actually familiar with first aid (even got training on it). I didn't even know if a seizure hurt or not (they don't) and I didn't know about the different types of seizures. The "famous" type of seizure is the clonic/tonic, or 'grand mal,' but the most common types are absence seizures, sometimes called the 'petit mal,' as well as localized seizures.
So it was here I nodded and said, "I need to make sure I listen to first-hand experiences of what it is like to have and self-manage epilepsy."
And it was very insightful. I went through firsthand accounts, and came across the Epilepsy Society, and double-checked their credibility (since after all I didn't want to accidentally run into the Autism Speaks of Epilepsy, y'know? As far as I can tell, these guys check out. Lmk if they're sus).
Their Youtube channel was helpful. Lots of stories from epileptic people, some nice informative videos, all short. This video specifically made me dive into absence seizures.
I couldn't include every experience because I was trying to keep the guide short and focused on this being a Battle Cat Fan resource.
So-- that's why the guide takes a lot of time setting up non-medication aspects of Epilepsy care. That entirely came from what came up in my careful research.
But! Of course! I still have a lot to learn so I'm still happy to go back and edit anything if I messed up. I tried really hard to get this RIGHT, y'know? I hope it shows!
However... I still wasn't done.
You can't listen to marginalized voices and not learn about abelism; and I was about to face against the long, cold medical history of ancient Epilepsy treatments.
I still needed to find herbs for the Funny Fight Cats to actually use. Googling wasn't going to cut it anymore. I worked through citations to find A Brief History of Epilepsy And Its Therapy In the Western Hemisphere by R.A Gross and Epilepsy – From Mysticism to Science, which is taken from a translation of the Revue Neurologique.
Historically, Epilepsy was widely seen in Western society as a spiritual possession, with varying degrees of sympathy through history. I would really recommend checking out the two sources I linked, but I was VERY taken aback by Pliny the Elder saying "The best treatment for epilepsy is spitting on them so they don't come near you." FUCK YOU, PLINY.
Unfortunately Pliny was just a huge bitch reflective of the general feelings of the time. It was a constant back-and-forth between people saying "EPILEPSY IS EVIL SPIRITS" and "no it's a medical thing"
And that came crashing to a head in the 1800s with the birth of modern medicine....... and unfortunately, institutionalization. Which is where the vast majority of modern attitudes towards epileptics was born.
Modern attitudes being those that strip epileptics of agency. This has been used to take away their autonomy and legal rights. So I did a lot of revision to try and make sure my guide wasn't reinforcing that, especially considering Warrior Cat's dodgy history with abelism.
Most epileptics can be completely independent-- so the majority of warriors would just need someone to patrol with when they're going to be walking in the dangerous woods.
I removed a recommendation I had in my first draft to completely prevent epileptic warriors from going on battle patrols for this reason. Stress and head trauma caused by violence can worsen Epilepsy; but I don't think it would be responsible to patronize a warrior for whom battle is an extremely important part of Clan life, when they could still choose to fight.
So, onward,
Those two books also gave me herbs to check. When I saw something I wanted to consider, I would jot it down and then go research it individually.
(this was helpful for filtering out some of the... interesting suggestions. I think I counted 8 different types of cooked animal testicles which OBVIOUSLY were not going into my SFW herb guide)
Mistletoe was the first one I found. I even found a study on its usefulness in treating Epilepsy. It was eliminated for being poisonous and being more regionally limited than chamomile, while is naturalized pretty much everywhere.
White Hellebore immediately made me tilt my head because Hellebore is notoriously poisonous. I knew it was used in herbal medicine, just like yew, but it was followed by a whole chunk of herbs well-known for being EXTREMELY deadly. It didn't make it into the guide because of just HOW deadly it was-- but this is the reason why I included Chamomile and Mistletoe.
There were LOTS of herbs eliminated for being too poisonous to cats, though. Hyssop, peony, datura, foxglove...
Chamomile was almost axed by the 'no poisons' rule. In high doses, it can be harmful to cats. I was pretty sad to be cutting it, but if HELLEBORE could be used for people, chamomile easily wiggles in if its dosage is controlled.
In my mind, Chamomile is the Warrior Cats replacement for herbs like Hellebore. The one closest to how humans were treated for epilepsy traditionally, and the one you'd use to strike a balance between the "traditional treatment" style of herbs the Erins use and the "soft realism" of the cats being slightly different from humans (can't taste sweet, can't eat certain things that would be fine for a human)
There were a ton of herbs cut for being in the wrong region, including camphor tree products. There's a lot of history to Middle Eastern, Chinese, and South American treatment of Epilepsy. I didn't dive too deeply into it, since my guides focus on the most common type of fan clans; Temperate biomes in central Europe and North America
Which brings me to my darlings, cannabis and valerian root.
I initially thought that cannabis was going to get cut, since I was only familiar with industrial level production. I was surprised to find out that feral ditchweed actually has a very long history.
You know when you really should have known something, but it catches you off guard regardless? That's where I was with ditchweed. I knew that a lot of early American items were made of hemp (the declaration of independence is actually written on hemp paper), but I didn't realize it could... grow feral like that.
Anyway, cannabis is actually one of the oldest epilepsy treatments on record. It's also fine for cats, as long as it doesn't have a high THC content, which feral weed does not have.
(it's also full of seeds which would be AWESOME for a warrior cat, I should actually make a guide on cannabis uses since it's one of those "golden herbs" like my friend Fennel)
Lastly, there's valerian root. Which is actually fascinating.
See, valerian root is another herb that was used to treat epilepsy in antiquity, but modern studies don't seem to know what chemical inside of it is the anticonvulsant. It's probably isovaleric acid, and REAL high doses of it have shown promise in treating epilepsy...
But this shit is stinky
It's STINKY and not palatable. Valerian root tastes like ASS. And it only gets worse the higher the dose you have, something you don't notice when it's just a herb and not a super concentrated supplement. Apparently it's so bad that the research I've seen has said outright, "We should synthesize isovaleric acid from somewhere else because this is gross"
But... cats?
Valerian root is practically the opposite to cats. They LOVE the stinky. It's like catnip to them. Though it's a sleep aid to humans, it can energize a cat and is only a danger in excessively high doses.
And the best part is that both of these herbs are all over the place. Valerian is invasive in America and likes to grow in wet areas, and ditchweed (cannabis ruderalis) is native to central Europe to begin with... though, funny enough, through American Historical Shennanigans™, ditchweed is now more common in the midwestern united states than its native range.
I was also going to read Plants and Plant Products with Potential Anticonvulsant Activity – A Review and The Falling Sickness by Owsei Temkin, but at this point, I had three solid herbs and a whole guide on epilepsy management as it pertains to Warrior Cats. I'd recommend these two if you guys would like to read further than I did.
I've been working on this one all week which is actually a LIFETIME considering my average attention span, so I'm ready to move to the next big thing!
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