#anti tw writers
immortalarizona · 1 year
listen. I have never watched Riverdale and never will. but that doesn’t mean I’m not sO FUCKING PISSED at the polycule ending.
I’m not mad about the polyamory (I would like to stress this point for anyone who wants to come after me for this post), I’m mad that Jughead Jones, one of, like, the two aroace characters in media people have actually maybe heard of (the other being Yelena Belova) is part of this romantic, sexual relationship.
he’s ace!!!
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he’s aro!!!
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and it fucking stings that the writers thought it was okay to erase that aroace rep when there’s next to none for us to begin with.
fuck your amatonormativity and fuck your queer erasure. we aspecs deserve better.
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lunar-years · 7 months
I wouldn't say Ted Lasso did any of its abuse/abuse recovery narratives "well" but I do think they did parts of all of them like really well, which is what makes it all so incredibly frustrating. Like, showing how hard it can be to intervene by having the Diamond Dogs be avoidant and non-confrontational despite their mutual concern about Beard's relationship with Jane, but then having Higgins step up and say something anyway (and even though Beard didn't take his advice, it still felt like okay, this is a good, this is a realistic and messy and complicated narrative to tell that nevertheless highlights the importance of speaking up and being there for your friends even if it doesn't always work out how you'd planned), having Beard & Roy jump in to help Jamie at Wembley and Roy respond so well to Jamie's story in Amsterdam, humanizing Rupert in International Break and giving the backstory for why Rebecca fell in love with him and offering them a moment of real connection again without once pushing the narrative that he should be forgiven or that Rebecca even considers for a second taking him back...all that shit was GOOD!!! it was really nuanced and complex and good!! andddd then it ended with the BeardJane wedding, a James Tartt Sr. forgiveness agenda and Rupert morphing immediately into an over-the-top cartoon villain like what 😭 they had the capacity...and yet!!! nooooooo.
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stromuprisahat · 12 days
Ivans loss: "soldiers aren't human beings" & "all grisha are soldiers" is probably what the author thinks. I still remember when RoW came out and someone asked Leigh Bardugo a very heated question about Fjerdans and she gave a strange justification (link below). She replied, no to making the reference (let's just respect that answer and let's say Fjerdans arent' what the question said they are - and I don't even want to type it out because it's like kicking a beehive and no good will come from it) Let's focus the issue of grisha = soldier = fair game Leigh justifies Matthias and Fjerda's actions by saying: @ 1:23 "Grisha are soldiers. they are weapons. they are ppl who are fighting back" But....SoC had Matthias and Fjerdans going after non-soldiers. They were quite literally hunting civilians, farmers, etc. in all the lands. "Pursuing rogue Grisha in other lands...liberating Grisha captives with the sole purpose of clapping them back in chains and sending them back to fjerda for trial and execution..." next page captive speaking "We are not criminals...we are ordinary people - farmers, teachers. Not me Nina thought grimly. I'm a soldier. ...Did Leigh truly forget about the 15 innocent souls who were chained in the ship? 15 souls who were there just for being grisha? Does she not re-read her works at all????? x.com/hellcatdynes/status/1584699468536221697
That woman! (derogatory)
(Ivan post)
tw: I'm not gonna hold back in this reply as much as I usually manage. It might get vulgar and harsh.
I've seen this particular pile of shit while it was fresh and gods! I can't even begin to explain how sick it makes me. No wonder so many of her fans are a bunch of ignorant idiots.
Let's start with the icky bit- the whole quote:
... people have drawn parallels between Matthias and the drüskelle and the SS, and I don't think that's completely accurate. The Jews, who were put to their death in WWII were innocent. They were civilians! Their crime was being Jewish. Grisha are soldiers. They are weapons. They are people, who are fighting back, so though the drüskelle are hateful and carry a lot of prejudice with them, it is not the same as them going after innocent civilians. And I need to make that clear, because I would never write a Nazi/Jewish romance.
Honey, that's exactly what you did!
I won't shy away from that passage, because it pisses me off immensely.
... people have drawn parallels between Matthias and the drüskelle and the SS, and I don't think that's completely accurate.
So, here we go with this one- I'm entirely sure their uniforms and Brum's accomplishments have nothing in common with fucking Nazis. If you're colour-blind, or US-American, so you don't grow up with photos of that particular chunk of history in your fucking town, because those people in nice uniforms used to burn corpses of their victims just behind the walls. The crematorium is still standing btw. Daily visited by dozens of tourists.
Seriously- fuck respecting what she said! I possess reading comprehension! These atrocities happened around HERE! It's not just an ugly story for me! I grew up in town once used as Jewish ghetto, concentration camp and Gestapo prison, so yeah, I might be overly sensitive about how you choose to dress you genocidal murder club!
The Jews, who were put to their death in WWII were innocent. They were civilians! Their crime was being Jewish. Grisha are soldiers. They are weapons.
As you mentioned:
... The drüskelle had existed for hundreds of years, but under Brum’s leadership, their force had doubled in size and become infinitely more deadly. He had changed their training, developed new techniques for rooting out Grisha in Fjerda, infiltrated Ravka’s borders, and begun pursuing rogue Grisha in other lands, even hunting down slaving ships, “liberating” Grisha captives with the sole purpose of clapping them back in chains and sending them to Fjerda for trial and execution. ...
Six of Crows- Chapter 14
If I wanted to be extremely kind, I could assume this is just Ravkan propaganda- it's what Nina had been taught-, but later we see her experience:
“You’ll be tried for espionage and crimes against the people.” “We are not criminals,” said a Fabrikator in halting Fjerdan from his place on the floor. He’d been there the longest and was too weak to rise. “We are ordinary people—farmers, teachers.” Not me, Nina thought grimly. I’m a soldier. “You’ll have a trial,” said the drüskelle. “You’ll be treated more fairly than your kind deserve.”
Six of Crows- Chapter 14
The wording's rather obvious- it's not about herding up enemy soldiers, but hunting down another species, another race, another kind. That's exactly the type of reasoning Nazis used- Jews were something different, inferior. Dehumanization is a significant part of their ideology.
*takes several deep breaths, because that Cola I've just drank is about to make a re-appearance*
I'll point out another part- already in one of the links in this post, but:
Until a drüskelle had accomplished a mission on his own and been granted officer status, he was required to remain clean-shaven. ... “Good work is right,” one said in Fjerdan. “Fifteen Grisha to deliver to the Ice Court!” “If this doesn’t earn us our teeth—” “You know it will.” “Good, I’m sick of shaving every morning.” “I’m going to grow a beard down to my navel.”
Six of Crows- Chapter 14
Capturing people to have them slaughtered is a rite of passage for drüskelle. It's an accomplishment worth marking. Something to look forward to and boast about.
Grisha are soldiers. They are weapons.
What about non-combatant members of Second Army? Healers, "untrained" Materialki, Grisha working for nobles? Those are weapons too?!
Like- we've already established nobody cares about the free-range Grisha (unless it's drüskelle in need of promotion), but even Second Army includes those, who aren't the first line of defence! Who won't be used to be attacked.
They are people, who are fighting back, so though the drüskelle are hateful and carry a lot of prejudice with them, it is not the same as them going after innocent civilians.
I'll make it even more obvious- would you say rape doesn't count as such, when its victim learnt self-defense before it happened?!
Nice opinion, Leigh! Great message for the poor young vulnerable girls! Very empowering!
And this is one of those days I'm sorry they don't organize full-experience trips to places like my ex-hometown, because I'd gladly invite that woman, so I can accompany her visit with loud reading of specific quotes from her work.
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look. i really appreciated this scene in s5.
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adora deserved this closure. she deserved to not forgive her abuser and reject their attempts at control. and i like that she gets to specify that she would never forgive shadow weaver.
i just wish that the context was better. this was right after catra abandoned adora, and shadow weaver tells her that it's for the best.
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now shadow weaver is definitely trying to manipulate adora here.. but she's also right. catra doesn't understand. she never tried to see things from adora's perspective, it was always about her.
it's like the old saying goes “even a broken clock is right twice a day”. shadow weaver is not a good person by any means. she's a child abuser. she's been known to lie and manipulate people for her own benefit. but her concerns in s5 was completely valid, but the writers act like they aren't. shadow weaver is villanized even though she's right for once.
also, adora only got mad at shadow weaver here because they were talking about catra. adora was once again defending catra and protecting her from shadow weaver, like she was conditioned to do from a young age. in short, nothing has changed.
adora defending catra wouldn't be a problem if catra was actually worth defending. again, i'm reminding you that this argument happened right after catra blamed adora for “choosing shadow weaver”, pushed her to the ground, and abandoned her. adora defending catra after ALL THAT is just.. sad.
does shadow weaver deserve to be called out? absolutely. but did it have to be this way? did it have to be all about catra again?
adora did stand up for herself in s1 but then she had to rely on shadow weaver again, so she wasn't really able to get the closure she deserved. and she doesn't get it here either because this conversation is about catra.
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greensaplinggrace · 2 months
unfortunately a large portion of the issue with spike's soul is that the decision was forced into the narrative for a number of shitty reasons, and i firmly believe that one of those reasons was angel. angel set a precedent of excusing one's actions if there's a soul tied to them. he set a precedent of separating the soulless personality from the souled one. the way he's idolized throughout the show leads to the writers attempting to keep forcing that black and white false dichotomy into future scenes where they are no longer applicable.
the reason spike was pushed over the moral event horizon to obtain his soul is because his existence without one put everything about angel's character into question - especially the way his soulless actions were excused. spike's very existence as a soulless creature that performed better than angel and who was developing positively in the story made people question our beloved star crossed angel's motives, and subsequently every theme surrounding soullessness and real love in a way that the writing team didn't want. because bringing that into question unfortunately brings the truth of buffy's romance with angel into stark clarity.
i think this is one of the biggest reasons for the sloppy and cheap way seeing red was handled. i think this is one of the biggest reasons for the way the show treats spike's soul and excuses his actions afterward (in the way that happens with angel). and i think it's the worst proponent for the way season seven goes down the fucking shitter.
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howhow326 · 3 months
I know I'm late but
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This is actually diabolical.
I don't know if the person who threw this togather was an unpaid intern or not, but this is another example of the shows team gaslighting us about how bad Gabriel actually is.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 2 months
*Gets changed into character* Rise my minions! We have another post to report!
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The post in question: https://www.tumblr.com/lily-orchard-stuff/758319509959507968/what-would-be-nivas-equivalent-of-the-tales-of-ba?
Once again, REPORT THE POST.
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sunnysideaeggs · 1 year
I’m so sick of seeing comments like “the fact that they showed us dyana’s reaction 🥺🥺🥺” when talking about that one scene as though we should be happy that the writers decided to add sa to the story for nothing more than a cheap way to make the dance more digestible for the general audience. If you are going to adapt grrm’s work, don’t make it hilariously one sided simply because most people are incapable of recognizing that two sides can be flawed and sympathetic. People who I know and myself who have experienced sa are not impressed, especially when daemon’s sa of actual minors is not critised properly.
Hi! Sorry for the late answer nonnie, it got lost on my notifications.
About Dyana, I think is terribly exploitative to add sa for a gratuitous purpose, that is: that we hate Aegon and TB forever has the high ground of ‘not supporting the 🍇pist’. The show also showed sa scenes for laughs (Alicent and Criston) and never properly addressed the trauma of those characters, and downright erased the characterization of Daemon as a ped0. Dyana is a character we can empathize with for a scene and will forget about it, the story is about her abuser and not about her, her suffering became a weapon. I’m so sorry for what happened to you, and if you ever need someone to talk my dms are opened. Hope you’re safe and healing.
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Am I the only one who was really creeped out by the way Millie, a grown adult, encouraged teenage girls to keep making advances on her in "Unhappy Campers"? You can't look at this
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And tell me Millie didn't know they had romantic feelings for her. Like, if you're an adult, it's your responsibility to put an end to the advances of a minor. This whole situation is made worse by the fact that Millie is pretending to be a teenager as well.
She loves the attention she is getting from them. She enjoys it, and it never once crosses her mind that what is happening is a bit fucked up.
Oh and also, if one of the underage kids send her a nude in her dm...yeah no Millie, you should've stopped interacting with them. No matter how desperate she was for validation, she shouldn't have allowed this.
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kidcooperart · 2 years
CW: bugs
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Are the things Chloe has done fucked up? Yes
Is the way her life has turned since Zoe appeared and slowly gained everything Chloe has been striving for also fucked? Yes
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"Why is everyone in GoE either ill, depressed, or suicidal? Is the writer okay?"
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sjbattleangel · 4 months
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So three major things Lily (using her Nooblord9001 sockpuppet) just admitted here:
She was never a fan of the Baldur's Gate series. She only ever loved it for being able to live out her creepy incest fantasies through a mod for the second game.
She has a massive hard-on for the cannibal incest game because of obvious reasons.
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anti-ao3 · 6 months
seeing ppl "fandomize" palestine reminds me so much of when fic writers used george floyd's death as a plot device.
like. stop bringing your goddamn fandoms to care about the world around you, i'm begging you
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shadelorde · 21 days
listen I get we’re all angry with nano now for their pro AI stance, but I need yall to remember the abuse and grooming. It gets so much worse.
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btw i saw a post that talked about the criticism on spop’s portrayal of war and the person basically said that “war isn’t the main theme of the show, it’s the emotional conflict”. and like?? the creators didn’t have to bring war into it then. you can write stories about emotional and interpersonal conflict and the cycle of abuse, without having to make it about war. and a story can focus on multiple issues at once, if the writers are competent enough.
if spop wasn’t about war, the creators could have just made it a normal highschool drama or something. there was no need to make it a she-ra reboot, especially considering the fact that they insulted the original and changed everything except for the character names. if you don’t want to focus on a specific theme, you don’t write it into your story. simple as that. it’s like writing a dystopian novel with no critique on real-world social issues. that’s what dystopia is all about, you can’t just say “well my story focuses more on the characters than the dystopian world they’re in”. just don’t write dystopia then.
and this is WAR we’re talking about. it’s not a fantasy trope, it’s a very real issue. if you’re going to include something like that in your narrative, you have to be prepared to address it with the seriousness it deserves, and not make light of it. acting like war is just this petty little pillowfight is irresponsible at best and outright insensitive at worst.
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gor3sigil · 30 days
Tailor your skin
[TW for mention of ED, rape, bullying, transphobia, sexual assault, transandrophobia]
[This text is one of the selection I'll put in my next issue of my zine, "From behind Tinted Windows and Cracked Screens", focused on transandrophobia. I was too happy with it not to share it. It's like the one I shared a while ago, but better, to me.]
My birth was a disaster. A disaster of closed call death, disease in undevelopped lungs, veins and poisoned flesh.
Growing up to be overprotected and neglected simultaneously. A clumsy and awkward kid trying to fit in, yet struggling to see the appeal of being like everyone else. My face hidden behind my long hair and my body behind baggy black clothes covering a starvation that no one was going to see anyways, I was still the curvy “looks-older-for-her-age” teenager. And then, I was trans.
What a surprise it was. Suddenly the mean girls who were making fun of my wasted attempts at femininity were claiming I was a woman too beautiful to be anyTHING else. My parents who complained about me being a tomboy all my life were scared to death of being right, after all these fights !
For my peers, the proud bisexual girl I had been had been eaten alive by my desire to escape my True Nature. Cis straight women who never were my friends would have switched up and given me head for me to stay the Holy Female their flawed feminism was forcing me to be, and to stay, for sisterhood, for the Cause.
I was turn in turn a victim or a traitor. My femininity raped out of me but not my love for men. Men scared me from being a woman but not from becoming one of Them. I was bullied from being an outcast but not out of being trans. I was a Lamb enough but not so weak I couldn’t be the Big Bad Wolf.
I started drinking almost at the same time I realized I was trans and I lost more friends over a simple switch of pronouns than I ever did after a drunken meltdown.
The sisters who swore to protect me told me now to catch the blows for everything I had never been nor done. And the final straw was seeking euphoria using a gender swap app and seeing my father staring right back at me.
What do you think I fled, then ? Do you think I doubled down ? Do you think I went head first into the pool of a manhood made with my bare hands and spite ? Or did I melt myself into a mold I didn’t fit it, so sure I was to never find safety or softness or tenderness or bonding ever again ? Did I ran away in the moods like a wounded animal, did I rather got sick from dehydration than having to risk seeing my reflection in the water I drank ?
I could go on for eternity, there are so little words to describe the isolation, the alienation you feel when being on your own makes you unsafe and seeking your kin makes you a predator. I went from a healer to the one taking the blame for men who broke me just as much, whom I also swore I’d never become, not in a million years. But in the confusion of trauma, it’s easier to bite someone who won’t bite back, isn’t it ?
I could tell you it gets better. I will tell you, in fact, that it does. It does get better in yourself, when you find your inner peace, your inner strength. When the mirror becomes a friend that shows you excitedly all the subtle changes that comes with shedding out of your shell, that there is a community waiting for you out there. That you deserve every bit of love and support, that you are not a traitor, that your manhood is holy, oh so holy, your transness is too, in short, YOU are. My beloved, as much as I hear your raw suffering, the weight of the fear of becoming the ones who hurt you, it won’t happen. I promise you. You are a treasure, you make this world a better place, and you deserve no shame, no pointed fingers, no mean laughter. If you can’t trust yourself, trust the process.
I assure you that when the sun will rise, one day, and you open your eyes to see the big blue sky, you’ll feel it. The comfort of belonging. The warmth of your skin, finally fitting right.
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