#i liked how i coloured her all blue haha i think it made the pink stand out more
f1letters · 2 years
midnight rain | gr63
"chasing that fame, he stayed the same, all of me changed like midnight"
summary: what happens when he decides his career will always be more important than their relationship?
warning: angst, overall just sad, heartbreak, breakup, swearing, mentions of mental health struggles, mentions of hate from fans and media, lowkey toxic George, the beginning of the story takes place at the end of 2021 when George was announced as the new Mercedes driver, happy-ish ending
pairing: george russell x reader
word count: 3.1k
note: everything in bold are song references and in italic are thoughts not only by the reader but also by other people.
well... this story REALLY wanted to be posted, iykyk 🤠 hope the wait was worth it and you enjoy the FINAL version of this story! haha
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Life as we know it is made of cycles.
A conversation started with a hello ends with a goodbye. The beautiful birth ends in a painful death. An open door eventually closes. A sunrise in the morning ends in a sunset at the end of the day. Light always ends in darkness.
And love is very similar to this philosophy of nature.
Like the long-awaited magnificent spring flowers, it is born out of nowhere, giving a new colour and a completely new meaning to our lives. It symbolizes a fresh start, a new chance. With it comes enthusiasm, warmth, eagerness. You wake up in the morning happier, looking forward to facing the day ahead. Everything looks better, more colourful, happier.
Spring was in fact beginning when Y/N met George.
She could still remember the 16-year-old boy at the back of the classroom, constantly lost in thought as he stared out the window. His eyes were on the pink blossoms beginning to bloom on the long branches of the old tree in the high school garden. The girl found herself thinking "Why does he look out there so much?" and hence her curiosity arose. She wanted, no, she needed to meet the quiet guy in the class.
She remembered it all too well, and she was convinced that she would never be able to forget it.
She would never be able to forget how no one made her laugh as he did. How his hand fit hers as if they were made for each other. How the scent of his perfume made her heart beat faster.
Young Y/N didn't know if soul mates were true, or a myth created by hopeless romantics. But of one thing she was sure: if anyone was hers, it was George Russell.
Two halves of the same heart made to unite, two souls destined to meet in this life and all the ones to come, two bodies attached by an invisible thread.
However, every spring inevitably leads to cold, harsh winters. Blue skies are replaced by dark clouds. The sun rays by thunder. The flowers by snow. The colour by grey.
Again, love always follows nature's trend and, as time goes by, it too inevitably leads to rain.
He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
Chasing that fame, he stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
Years passed and with them went birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases, New Years, family gatherings and vacations. 
With them went births and funerals, laughter and tears, fights and reconciliations.
But although the wind changed with the seasons, one thing that always stayed the same was the passionate way that Y/N unconditionally supported her partner.
Seven years later, the young woman screamed his name from the audience with the same intensity as when she saw him win the first time in Formula 3. Her heart seemed to jump out of her chest with the same anticipation as when she saw him become a Formula 2 champion.
It didn't really matter to her whether he was racing karts or Formula 1 cars, as long as he was happy and fulfilled, and although his world brought cages and fences with it, she never felt so free as when she had him by her side.
Everything suddenly seemed to change with the announcement of George's new contract at reigning champions Mercedes.
With the career opportunity of a lifetime came happiness, gratitude, finally the reward for all the effort not only by him but by everyone who was part of his support system.
But on the other hand, what for some was paradise... for others has become a torturous hell on earth.
All of a sudden, all eyes were on the Brit. All the media wrote about the talented star who was to succeed seven-time champion, Lewis Hamilton. All the attention was on him, and so was all the pressure.
And to be perfectly blunt, George lived for it. The fame, the luxury, the focus on him, it was everything he ever dreamed of. 
He lived for the flashes, for the applause, for the screams of the fans. 
The lights that seemed to blind Y/N were swiftly becoming the cause of the driver's tunnel vision.
My town was a wasteland
Full of cages, full of fences
Pageant queens and big pretenders
But for some, it was paradise
In the midst of all the chaos, the same eyes that put the driver on a pedestal were the ones that threw knives at the innocent girl for simply... Existing.
In the blink of an eye, and with her boyfriend's last season in the Williams team now wrapping up, all of the young woman's movements started to be carefully studied, millimetre by millimetre.
How dare she be so happy and smiling ear to ear when he just finish the race dead last.
Look at that frown on her face when her boyfriend scored points in a weak car like that.
She looks so annoyed to be there, so ungrateful.
She has a millionaire boyfriend and yet she doesn't have the money to hire a decent stylist.
My boy was a montage
A slow-motion, love potion
Jumping off things in the ocean
I broke his heart 'cause he was nice
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain
Everything was a critique. Because she did something, or because she didn't. Because she said this, or because she didn't say that. Because she used a white that was too white, or because she used a black that was too black.
George Russell was a montage, and she was just an accidental stain beside him ruining the perfect picture.
But she tried. 
For him, she tried to be the bride people wanted for him. And nothing hurts more than trying your absolute best and still not being good enough.
George's focus was solely on making his own name in the world of motorsports and Y/N ended up forgotten and overlooked by the man while she was facing a world of hate alone.
He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
Chasing that fame, he stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
Suddenly two halves that once made a whole became two pieces of a puzzle that didn't fit together.
She was sunshine, he was midnight rain.
Y/N was sitting on her couch, just like every night. Propped up on her beige pillows, the young woman followed her daily routine of masochism and scrolled through screens and screens of comments about her, mentally taking notes of what could be improved.
She shouldn't do it, and she knew it herself, but the desire for approval and validation from others was more important to her than keeping her heart intact.
The unexpected sound of her doorbell woke her back to the real world and the girl was immediately confused, as she wasn't expecting anyone at that time of night.
The only company she wanted at that moment was the thunder that lit up the living room every couple of minutes.
The woman got up, putting her hands comfortably in the pockets of her sweater, and walked towards the entrance of her apartment. She looked through the silver peephole and a wave of panic ran through her entire body.
Fuck me, the team party.
Amid all the stress, Y/N completely forgot about the invitation until now she saw her boyfriend, in a full suit, standing there looking at the expensive watch on his wrist, indicating that she was fighting a ticking time bomb.
When she opened the door, George let himself in without even looking at her.
"So? We're already late." The man questioned, still with his vision glued to the counted minutes, while Y/N froze in her place, in her pyjamas, not knowing what to say.
"Why aren't you ready?" Russell questioned, confused and slightly upset with the girl. "It's almost midnight."
"Sorry my love, I completely forgot" Y/N answered sincerely, approaching her partner and placing a tender kiss on his cheek.
"How? I told you multiple times." The boy spoke angrily, releasing a frustrated sigh. "Come on. Go get ready quickly so we can get out of here. We're already going to be the last ones to arrive. Good job, Y/N." The irony escaped his tongue.
Although the guilt was already consuming her insides, the emotional exhaustion associated with the team only made her want to stay home more. She didn't have the energy to socialize, to make small talk, to keep up the shiny appearances.
"I don't feel like going, to be honest." The woman confessed, exhausted, crossing her arms in front of her chest defensively.
It came like a postcard
Picture perfect shiny family
Holiday peppermint candy
But for him, it's every day
"You never fucking do." His voice rose in pitch as he brought his hand to her hair, tugging at it, irritated with his girlfriend. "It's excuse after excuse. You never stop to think this shit is important to me and my career."
The words that escaped his mouth fell on the young woman like a bucket of cold water and, like the deafening lightning outside, the darkness charged through her and consumed her utterly.
There was no turning back.
"You must be fucking kidding me. This has to be a joke." She laughed humourless, in disbelief. "I'm the one who doesn't care. Me."
"What the fuck are you trying to say?" His eyes landed on her, sharp as knives. "Come on, say what you want to say. You started it, now you better finish it."
"What I mean is, I'm done with this picture perfect act. I'm tired of doing everything for you and getting nothing in return other than scorn, indifference, cold words." The girl screamed, releasing the feelings she had hidden for so long. "I never demand anything from you, I do what you ask me to do, I go where you want me to go, I act how I should act."
Y/N felt tears form in her eyes as she continued her rant. "All of that and what do I get in return? Nothing. Not even a single thank you. It's like you don't even care about me at all." A sob escaped the girl.
"Don't be dramatic, Y/N. For God's sake." George shook his head, completely dismissing his longtime partner's admissions.
"See?" A sob escaped the girl, now shattered and heartbroken. "It's all about you. I have zero value in this relationship. What are we even doing in it if you only care about your fucking self and Mercedes and Formula 1? I'm nobody in your life. You don't have space for me in your life anymore."
The driver looked dumbfounded at the girl in pyjamas while trying to understand what he was feeling in the face of her accusations.
Ignoring the time and the party that awaited him, George turned his back on his girlfriend, leaving her alone to cry sitting on the edge of her sofa, and went to her balcony, closing the glass door and creating a physical barrier between them.
How did things go so wrong all of a sudden?
Neither of them understood how such a warm, sunny love story could lead to the beginning of such a cold, rainy end.
So I peered through a window
A deep portal, time travel
All the love we unravel
And the life I gave away
'Cause he was sunshine, I was midnight rain
Putting some distance between them at that moment was undoubtedly the only viable option to avoid ruining everything. Although the future of the two was uncertain, both would rather die than tarnish the past that they shared over the years.
One minute became five, five became ten, and ten became twenty. 
In her anticipation, the sound of the clock hands seemed even louder than the thunderstorm on the other side of the window to Y/N.
Eventually, George returned to the living room, with his jacket now over his arm and a few drops of rain running down his forehead, resembling the tears that now also fell from his sad eyes.
Without breaking the deafening silence between them, the boy moved to the sofa and took his place next to the trembling girl, not a word escaping both of their mouths.
They were both afraid, but they knew what inevitably had to happen.
"This isn't working anymore, Y/N." George was the first to speak, sighing. "This is not healthy for either of us."
The young woman's head and heart battled within her.
On one hand, she knew; she knew it was right and she agreed that it would be better to end it there than to ruin something that until then had been wonderful, even with its challenges.
But her heart…the poor thing wasn't willing to give up the one person who she believed to be the love of her life.
The girl stood up abruptly, making Russell's neck turn towards her, caught by surprise. "No, no, it can't be. I'll just go get dressed and we will go to the party and everything will be fi-."
"Y/N." The man got up and grabbed her hands, keeping her at arm's length. "This. Us. It's hopeless. It's for the best."
"You can't do this to me." The girl screamed, full-on crying and sobbing now, in complete denial. "You can't, you just can't. Not after all the life I gave away for you. You can't, George."
He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
Chasing that fame, he stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
She couldn't help but think of all the sacrifices she'd made for him, for his success even against her own well-being.
All the long flights she took to the other end of the world to support him no matter what place he ended up in. All the plans she cancelled to attend his celebrations, galas and dinners. All the mental health she put at risk. And now…she was alone, with nothing, no future, no hopes, no goals, no dreams.
She simply couldn't imagine a world where her future didn't involve him.
"This can't be the end…" She whispered, letting her inner thoughts escape.
George let his forehead rest against hers, savouring what they both knew were their last moments.
"I'm sorry for everything, love, I really am. You deserve so much more than this. But we want different things in our lives now, one of us would've ended up unhappy and resentful for having to be the one sacrificing everything."
The girl's silence was more than an answer for George, understanding that she agreed with him, even though both hearts felt like they were being ripped out of their chests at that moment.
The driver lifted his head until his lips reached the top of her head, where he placed a lingering, heartfelt kiss. His eyes closed tightly, trying to prevent more tears from spilling at the sound of the small girl's cries.
George broke away from the girl and, after letting his eyes study her image one last time, he walked to the apartment door and just left, not looking back once.
He knew that if he did he would never be able to make the right thing and let their beautiful story end there.
He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
Chasing that fame, he stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
How to move on when the person you love leaves? Time.
And like the seasons, time moves on.
You learn to get out of bed again in the morning. Getting dressed to go to your family. Gaining motivation to get on the bus and go to work. Accepting invitations to have a drink or go out with friends, even when you want nothing but to stay in bed crying, eating some ice cream.
You don't feel whole all of a sudden, you might still feel like a part of you is missing but you learn to feel... okay.
Time moved forward, and Y/N slowly began to regain her happiness, now depending on no one but her.
Her life went on and she got just what she wanted: anonymity, peace, comfort.
After a year, she never thought of him daily like she used to.
Except when she turned on the TV in her hotel room, after returning from a girls' night in Cancun, and she saw him.
On top of the podium, the driver had finally accomplished his dream of winning a Grand Prix Prix for Mercedes and, with that, add his name in Formula 1's history.
She couldn't help thinking about the "what if"s.
While she would never be able to admit it to another soul, she couldn't help but think about how much she still hoped he was the one.
I guess sometimes we all get
Just what we wanted, just what we wanted
And he never thinks of me
Except for when I'm on TV
Whether haunted by the memories of them or the happiness she could only feel with him by her side, Y/N would survive the heartbreak, and she knew it.
Of course, she still loved him and she believed there would never be a day when she didn't.
But the beautiful thing about love is that you can love someone and want all the success in the world for them… and still go on without them.
What cold, dark, sad winter it was.
But spring always finds a way to come back.
I guess sometimes we all get
Some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted
And I never think of him
Except on midnights like this
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taglist: @dan3avacado @starxqt @roseinnej @spiidergirlsworld @ccloaned @hotpigeon22 @dr3lover @lovelytsunoda @primadonnasdream @luxebeautystyle @wallfloweriism @ilivefortheleague @gwynethhberdara @satellitelh @adavenus @audreyscodes @wifeoflucyboynton @th6ccnsp6cyy @classifiedsblog @flyingmushroomss @motylekrozi @claramllera @gabrielamaex @handsupforamiracle @pierre-gasssllyy @lorenaloveslewis
@idkiwantchocolatee @simpforsunwoo @kissatelier @xweirdxsceletton @micksmidnights @miniminescapist @inchidentwithmax @hopelesslyromantics-world @alwaysclassyeagle @indieclarke @capela-miranda @okokoksblog @pulpfixion @sins-only33 @sainzclerc @allisonxf1 @honethatty12 @amsofftrack @flannel-cures @junkiespromise @loudoperahumanoidpanda @honeyric3 @holy-macncheese-balls @ricciardosheart @pierreverstapkin
@ravenqueen27 @majkaftorek @home-of-disaster @buendiabebeta @itgirlofnowhere @roses-of-eden @thewintersunset @rubychocolatechips
(taglist continues in the comments)
thank you to everyone that asked to be tagged! please let me know if you want to be added to the next stories! 💌
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blank-house · 10 months
So, trying really hard not to dive on spoilers!
I suppose family is going to be kind of an important topic, but the basics like knowing if the cast comes from a big or small family? If they are an only child or are really close with their family? Could we pls get any clue about it?
These are really basic questions so maybe at this point they're answered if so ignore them! Do they have any favourite type of food or favourite dish? And do they have any favourite colour?
Is there any of them who are like... Top or model students? We got that image from Deja and we'll get to know more about them in game but just wanted to have an idea if there's any of them who get like really good grades 👀
Haha I applaud your efforts
Sure, yeah I can talk about family! But like you said, it's an important topic, and the game will explore more about these topics. So I'll have to refrain a bit from some aspects--
But right off the bat, Percy, Cameron, and Reynah are an only child. Deja has an older brother by five years and Jamie has an older sister by six years. Elio has... *counts on fingers* five siblings, two older and three younger!
And since MC is meant to know more about Deja and Cam, I can talk about their family!
Deja's family is close but they value independence a lot. As such, they don't actually keep frequent contact with each other and the holidays are when they consistently meet up. But that's just how it is in the Lamarre household. But Deja's parents do visit the trio when they can and as soon as they can. They also like treating Cameron and MC out for dinner as if they're their own family.
One time, Deja was in an SGB meeting when they pulled up so they just took Cameron and MC out for dinner instead.
MC and Cam: *spams the gc with meal shots and a photo of her parents waving*
Deja: My parents are in town?
Deja: Wait, are you eating with my parents??
MC: They said they'll pay.
Cam: Dude, the lobster here is to die for.
Deja: I-
Deja: Ask them if they got a substitute. brb
She called the meeting short to eventually join them heh
Though they have a pretty Laissez-Faire kind of lifestyle, they all love each other very much. They just prefer not to waste time with mushy words. Rather, they'd let the proud smiles do the talking.
The Molinares family is a lot closer and a lot bigger. Compared to the Lamarre's, they meet up every month for a get together. Whether it's to celebrate someone's birthday or to go on a weekend hike-- there's always a reason for them to meet up.
Cameron's loved by all of their extended relatives but they're really close with their cousins since they grew up and took care of them during these family events. And as the oldest of all of them, they're idolized by all of their cousins. MC and Deja saw firsthand how they were swarmed at a family potluck they had been invited to-- like a mother hen and her baby chicks, Cameron always had someone dangling off their waist.
Their parents work long shifts so they feel bad that they don't get to welcome Cameron home after their classes. But they thank Deja and MC for keeping them company and for letting them crash at their place when the commute gets too late with homemade meals. They make the best arroz con pollo, and of course they substitute for Deja.
Though their family doesn't come to campus, the trio are more than welcome to come by their place and their family events. Though when they do, they prepare themselves for talks about love. Their aunts, especially, look forward to the day they hear MC and Deja have a partner.
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Favorite color... that's something I didn't really think about because I don't have any favorites haha but let's see...
Percy - Red (I think he'd like all shades of it)
Elio - Green (but not neon)
Jamie - Silver and Blue
Deja - Purple and Pink
Reynah - Pink, there's a specific shade. Otherwise she really digs the pastels
Cameron - Hm... I think... I think they wouldn't have any favorite colors. Doing art for so long has made them pretty unbiased and appreciative of all shades
As for their food tastes. You can't go wrong with something from their background. They all like the food they grew up eating.
And though I can't think of any specific dishes they'd like, I can talk about their eating habits!
Elio is a carnivore. Barbeque makes him salivate. Percy's into broths, something that warms him up on the inside. Jamie's a bit picky though so he's got a really light palate. Reynah's the same way but she'd still eat everything, she just won't have much of an opinion. Cameron would love rice-based dishes and Deja-- ah, there's not a lot she can explore given her diet. But she likes snacking on fruits. The apartment is always stocked with grapes because of it.
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Haha yeah Deja gets good grades. So does Jamie. They're both kind of like the perfect model student.
Strictly speaking, everyone has good grades considering that they're in majors that require them to continue their education. So they don't really have any room to fuck up if they're shooting for a PhD.
But where studying comes easily to Deja and Jamie, the rest have to put in the hours. Cameron especially. Law's a lot of reading and it takes them longer to understand the material. Percy could honestly be in D and J's level, but he procrastinates. Reynah and Elio are diligent but only when they're actually studying. They're both busy people with plenty on their plate haha
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Admin prompt 12
“Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing”
I am extremely curious 👀👀
Also I hope no one is bullying you in the asks box! Haven't asked for a bit because I was worried you got overwhelmed.
Att. Saiyuki boys person
Thank you so much for checking on me! You’re so incredibly sweet, my Saiyuki boys anon! (Also, like, bless you and the one other Saiyuki follower I have for helping keep this fandom alive!) I actually only had one more rude message after those first couple I complained about, so I lucked out there. I think, because I addressed them publicly in a separate post, without naming them or publishing their words, they didn’t quite get the attention I’m sure they were after and moved on, which I’m very happy for and I had so many supportive readers, so thank you all once again. And thank you for this really interesting, surprising request, though Goddamn, I admit it’s probably the hardest thing I’ve ever written because when asked to describe myself, I tend to just give basic stats – height, eye and hair colour, visible markings…basically, whatever you’d note down when conducting an autopsy, haha! I have rewritten this countless times and am just saying fuck it, and I’m just going to bore everyone by narrating the last ten to fifteen minutes of my life as if I was writing a scene in a book.
A sudden gust of wind whipped by, blowing her hair all over the place. Oh well, it was messy anyway, hastily whipped up into a bun held in place by a pen when an elastic couldn’t be found quickly enough for her liking. Taking one last draw off her cigarette, eyes taking in the gorgeous blue of the sky as her thoughts wandered, she half-turned and tossed the cigarette into the butt can, dousing it with the bottle of water she kept outside for just that reason. She sighed and allowed herself to bask just a bit longer in the warmth and atmosphere of the day outside as she pulled out her phone and scrolled through the to-do list she’d made for the day yet again. Ticking off the latest completed task, she shook her head and, half-smiling that crooked smile of hers, stood and stretched before heading back inside.
Her feet padded audibly across the floors of her apartment and though she tried to avoid the creaky spot in the floor, she hit it once again, not quite used to her new place enough to have guessed the correct spot. Damn…she hoped she didn’t have neighbours trying to sleep underneath her. Though she was surprisingly light on her feet and quick for both her size and height, she always worried she was making just a bit too much noise when it came to disturbing her neighbours.
Making her way quickly into her  kitchen, with the click of a button she set the coffee going into her favourite mug (chipping now, but she hated to throw it out – who knew when she’d find another Inigo Montoya mug, after all?). Her thoughts seemed to be going a million miles a minute, so many ideas and plots and stories whooshing around without rhyme or reason, and she groaned, lifting a hand to rub at her tired eyes, pushing her glasses up into her mess of dark hair. She should probably clean those while she waited, honestly, and she reached up to pull the thick-rimmed tortoiseshell frames from their perch before giving them an almost thoughtless, habitual wipe with the bottom edge of the baggy, stained, ripped but incredibly comfortable Nirvana hoodie that was always her go-to on writing days.
The coffee shut off and she prepared to add in the usual, swinging herself up on the little pink stool in the kitchen to reach the cupboard where she kept the creamer and sugar. It seemed that no matter where she lived, kitchens just really weren’t built for short people. Even standing on tiptoes, she was just barely able to reach the second shelf of the upper cupboards…God, someday, she swore she’d have enough money to buy a place and have the kitchen custom built for people five feet and under. See how all those tall people struggled then!
Her feet knew just where to go though, after she tossed the spoon in the sink, and with coffee in hand, she headed back to her desk and the computer. A click of the mouse brought the word document back up onto the screen and her brown eyes scanned the sentences already typed onto the page. Small, broad hands, stubby fingered, with nails kept almost brutally short but brightly polished (chipping – she’d have to redo that before work tomorrow) settled onto the keyboard. Please let me find all the words this time, all the sentences to get my thoughts properly to all of them, she prayed before the air was filled with the sound of keystrokes, fast and forceful.
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reallygrossstuff · 1 year
since you mentioned it in the diaperstuck discord... Kris equipping the party with increasingly embarrassing and babyish items with weird effects... but the stats are so good! They can't just throw away items that powerful!~
This request spoke to me, I love RPG mechanics and I love getting to describe outfits, so thanks for indulging me! And I'm glad you liked that conversation, it was definitely a fun one.
(Had to cut myself off from describing about three tiers of increasingly embarrassing and humiliating outfits, lmao)
“Can I say? I freaking hate all of this crap.”
The chests Kris had been finding as they moved through the Dark World were... unexpected, to say the least. Some of them simply held weird items, friendship bracelets or brooches or average new weapons for their party members, but yet others seemed decidedly out of place.
Unlike the red chests, these boxes were always a pale blue, held shut by a pair of flimsy latches instead of a single clasp. In the beginning, the items these chests contained weren’t as necessary, and generally they didn’t ask anyone to wear them unless truly needed. Sure, a certain wristband might have increased Susie’s defence by a few points, but it wasn’t worth it if she was constantly distracted resisting the urge to chew on it. And what was the use in a pair of shoes that boosted Ralsei’s healing, if they also made him stumble and trip during combat?
As the party moved closer to the king’s castle and its fountain, though, the gap between the ‘normal’ equipment they found and the less usual pieces grew larger, and their bonuses grew more necessary to continue.
The outfit Susie was complaining about at the moment was the latest in a line of clothes she’d been voicing her displeasure at. In a paradox that would have been amusing if it were present in a game instead of real life, the clothing that granted her the most defence and survivability also appeared the daintiest. This one, a peach-coloured baby romper with a subtle zigzag pattern, was certainly the daintiest yet, only made more so by the pink ribbon pulling her hair out of her eyes and into a small ponytail.
“Sorry,” Kris said, trying to convey past their flat affect that they really were, “but you need the extra defence. That last jigsawry nearly knocked you out, and if it had then the rest of us would’ve gone down too. You need to be able to take more hits.”
Susie growled, clenching her fists around the grip of her new hammer - it squeaked when impacting enemies, but made them tired extremely quickly. “How the hell does that even work? My normal clothes are thicker than this, they should give me better defence!”
“But Susie,” Ralsei said soothingly, “if you’re cuter, darkners won’t hit you as hard.”
“You calling me cute, feather-duster?!”
Ralsei squeaked as Susie gnashed her teeth, taking an unconscious step behind Kris to shield himself. “N-no, of course not, w-who’d call you cute, haha! J-just, um, other people might think that, a-and you are taking more hits the cuter your, um, your clothes are, so...”
After a few more seconds of levelling a murderous glare at Ralsei, Susie deflated slightly, turning a slightly less violent look on Kris. “If you tell anyone I wore this crap, they won’t believe you, and I’ll throw you in the dumpster behind Ice-E’s.”
“I’m not going to tell anyone,” Kris sighed, tugging gently on Ralsei’s arm to get him walking with them as they continued forwards. “Who’d believe me about the Dark World in the first place? And besides, we’re all dealing with this.”
Susie snorted, falling into line behind Kris, on the other side to Ralsei. “Some of us way more than others.”
“Susie’s kind of right, it is strange there isn’t really anything for you in these chests, Kris... maybe we should go back and see if we’ve missed any, it’d be bad if your stats fell too far behind.”
Looking backwards at Ralsei as they walked, Kris conceded the point. While Ralsei’s clothing wasn’t as drastically changed as Susie’s, he was in a shorter robe than he’d started the adventure in, one that somehow looked even fluffier than his original one. It, along with the plastic diaper cover made visible by its short hem, was one of the best items for magic power Kris had found so far, while his new duck-patterned scarf sharply boosted his ability to channel tension points. Yes, it also made him poorly balanced in combat, and the matching mittens he wore made him unable to access his inventory quickly, but it was getting harder and harder to put enemies to sleep, so he’d had to get used to it all.
Kris knew in comparison they’d gotten it easier so far. They wore a silicone chew necklace over their armour which improved their ability to act at the cost of a quiet urge to stim with it, but otherwise all of their armour and weaponry had come from red chests. They were certain they would’ve found equipment if they looked, the same way their teammates’ outfits were clearly intended for them, and while they hadn’t ignored any blue chests they’d actually seen, neither were they keen on going back and searching for any.
They wouldn’t rub salt in Susie’s wounds, but the longer they could go without matching her, the better.
“Going back means more time for us to be worn down by other darkners,” They explained, shaking their head. “It’s better if we keep moving forward and try to find new things instead.”
“Man, stop being right, it’s not fair you get to dodge all this crap,” Susie groused, but kept following them regardless. “I swear, it’s like you’ve got some kind of magic shield stopping anything from-”
“-oh, there’s another chest!”
Ralsei’s call came a minute before they actually reached the chest, before they could even determine which kind it would be. But as it came into focus, no longer obscured by trees, all three of them could see that it was another blue chest, guaranteed to be more powerful - but less convenient - than someone’s current loadout.
Kris took responsibility for opening it, like all the other ones, and like the others they crossed their fingers as they levered the lid open, hoping that nothing too bad would be inside.
Unlike those other times, their luck ran dry.
Susie barked a single, sharp note of laughter when the contents were revealed, though whether at the equipment itself or from how the colour drained from Kris’ face was an open question.
“I don’t actually need to wear this,” Kris said quickly, making what they knew was a cowardly exit. “It won’t make my acts any stronger, and the downsides aren’t worth it like yours-”
“-It’ll make you take as many hits as Susie can, and you’ll always move first in fights,” Ralsei interrupted, kindly but without mercy. Fixing him with their flattest look only made them shrug nervously, clumsily tugging on the brim of their hat. “I-it’s true.”
“What was it you told us, Kris?” Susie clapped one hand on Kris’ shoulder, locking them in place in front of the chest. “Downsides don’t matter if they get us through this place faster, right?”
Forced to stare at their new equipment, robbed of any out they could find, Kris could only mumble, “where do I even start with putting that on?”
“I think I can see how it fits. Susie, if you help me take these mittens off, I think we can sort it out together...”
Kris was never going to be able to open a chest again.
As Ralsei neatly folded their previous gear to pack into the next dimensional box they found, Susie started laughing at them all over again, watching their clumsy attempts to stand upright. “Oh, god, this makes it all worth it actually. You look like the world’s worst spaceman!”
“We’re absolutely not talking about this,” Kris forced out in a deadpan, taking their movements even slower, insistent on being able to stand on their own.
On the upside, Ralsei was right; Kris felt sturdier wearing their new equipment, and that strange new sense they’d gotten since arriving in the Dark World said they would in fact move first in every fight. On the downside, that came at the cost of wearing a full-body sleeper with sewn-in mittens and booties.
The bulk of the sleeper was the same night-sky blue as their bodysuit, but there were accent stripes up their outer thighs and along their arms in the hot pink of their original cape, and their extremities were swaddled in the same colour. The sleeper had large pads of foam to replicate the armour they could no longer wear, albeit the cuirass was designed to look more like a sewn-on bib, complete with a childish card suits pattern. The zipper keeping them in ran parallel to their spine, which had required Ralsei to help them into and would certainly require Ralsei to get them out of, since they doubted Susie would cooperate with that.
Somehow making it worse, the sleeper was padded out around their waist, the material there baggy enough to accommodate the thick diaper they wore underneath it. Kris had tried to insist there was no reason to wear that too, but Ralsei had innocently commented on the underwear’s all-stats boost, and after that Susie had refused to let them opt out, which they should have expected.
Finally reaching their feet, Kris’ arms windmilled for a second, trying to find their balance with their gait and centre of gravity so altered. They stood at least an inch shorter just from how bow-legged the diaper made them, and every testing step they took was both insultingly slower and accompanied by a loud rustle, not at all muted by the thick sleeper covering their diaper.
“I mean,” Susie started, words interrupted by yet more laughter, “I’m not gonna tell anyone else, that’d be stupid with what you’ve got on me. But oh man, Kris, you are not hearing the end of this from me any time soon.”
Feeling unwanted colour rise in their cheeks, Kris looked away, hoping for some kind of support from Ralsei. But the goat simply hid his face under his hat, now finished packing their supplies and fumbling with his own mittens. As Susie helped him into them, Kris realised that Susie was now the only member of their party with quick inventory access, or available to help with changing equipment.
“Let’s just. Go. Before this manages to get even more awkward.” Setting a much slower pace, Kris walked - or waddled - onward, uncomfortably bare-handed since their mittens wouldn’t close around the hilt of any weapon.
Maybe that was a blessing, they thought. With how their luck had turned, any new weapon probably would’ve just been a giant rattle.
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fmp2emilycywinski · 1 year
Valko’s Skin & Coat Colouring Experiment
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When talking with my friend Wendy, she suggested that I should experiment on his skin a bit more, so I did and found a nice skin tone. One was quite red and dark but the other was just perfect.
I love this one, it's got a greyish tone to it and I love it! The more I look at him, the more he is starting to look like a character I know of in a Minecraft Roleplay series by a YouTuber called Aphmau.
I will leave a link to her YouTube channel but just a heads up, her content has changed a lot since covid 19 so her content is targeted toward young children sadly, so a lot of her recent content is unwatchable to me which sucks since she was such a big part of my life.
Anyway, she used to do more mature Minecraft role-plays. Well when I say mature, I mean, not for 1-year-olds...so more for teens. There was this character named Aaron and he was the main character/love interest character, funny enough though, he is also a wolf character. Well, he was human for the majority of the series but became a werewolf at a certain point. He was always one but never got his ears and tale.
Anyway, he looks so much like him. Minus the pixels. Haha. Here is what he looks like without the blocky exterior...
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Anyway after I got the skin tone all figured out, it was time to move on to the coat. Since the last time you saw it, it has changed quite a bit, for starters, the coat became a lighter blue and the strips of colour on the edges of his coat used to be a dark blue but now I changed it to more of a light blue or white with a blue tone to it.
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The gradient went through some changes, I wasn't sure whether to put some colour into his gradient on the coat. It changed from pink, blue to black. I just want sure, but then I changed it from a dark blue colour to black and that ended up working pretty well so I kept it like that.
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I then started to shade everything like I usually do, us using two shading colours etc.
But when I finished that and started to work on his little flame ball thing, I coloured it with a light blue colour, but then I realized, he is a shadow wolf, why would he have firepowers? So I changed the fireball into a shadow ball. But how so you make something look like a shadow?
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I made the shadow call black with a dark blue colour in the middle. But sadly something was missing and I didn't know how to proceed. Right now it just looks like fire more than a shadow flowing from his fingertips.
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So I had an idea to add to the shadow ball with little strings of shadow and little black particles flowing off of it. I like how that looked so I kept it and turned the middle into a dark blue but darker than last time.
I also decided the change the boots and anything leather into black leather because I felt it worked way better than brown.
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This ended up looking really good and I'm proud of what this looks like so far. However I still think it needs some improvements.
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suhnnyskiess · 2 years
Hehe yessssss I love flowers very very much!! And those are exactly it!!!
In terms of cosmos flowers, they are a symbol of beauty and love in Chinese culture.
Oh also! one of my fav flower facts is the legend behind the name of the “forget-me-not” flower. Apparently it’s named after this tale of a knight walking down a riverbank with his lover. she saw these beautiful blue flowers by the bank and he bent down to pick them for her but slipped and fell inside. so he tossed the flowers over to her and yelled “forget me not!” as he got carried away by the water currents since his armour was too heavy for him to get out. It’s so sad but such a pretty story.
I also love the fact that the same flowers but with different colours can have different meanings. Like hydrangeas! Pink ones are for heartfelt emotions so they’re given as confessions, white are for purity but can also be for vanity, purple is for a deep desire to understand someone, and blue are for apologies!
And haha…. yeah… I do hope you’d like my fics when my identity is revealed. Tbf you’ve read a few HAHAHAHHAH so I’ve got high hopes!
OH NO THE KING TALE MADE ME GASP OUT LOUD THATS SO 😭😭😭‼️ LIKE its both so dramatic and sad yet very very interesting I actually had no idea the flowers had such a background story like that 🥺🥺
And the facts about hydrangeas makes sense!! and they are so pretty!!and I say it makes sense (as I said before I have no understanding of flowers 😭‼️) bc I remember I posted a picture of purple hydrangeas my mom had brought home and I think I posted with some song or something bc a friend messaged me if I was okay or hurt and I was like so confused bc I simply liked the flower 🧍‍♀️but uhhhh now that I see what they can mean it makes sense my friend approached me 🤪🤪
You made it all sound so pretty and interesting! Like I knew flowers could be very meaningful but I think I never put into thought how much they could be 💗‼️
also I'm quite embarrassed to know you know I've read yr stuff not bc I am ashamed or anything but like, bc I never quite make sense when leaving reviews or anything and i always have typos 😭😭‼️‼️ but hey, nice to know I do know you in a way, it makes this experience less scary HAHA
Anyways, sending you a big hug fella<3! 🫂
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cactuskhee · 5 years
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resoyani · 3 years
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Iruma kun wings headcanons 
One thing that has peeved me for a long time is how all demons seem to have the same type of wings. You have so many unique designs and even though the characters get different horns and sometimes tails, for some reason (almost) all of them get the same black bat wings, which just seems like such a missed opportunity to me
So even though at first I only planned to do a few characters I ended up having too many ideas which resulted in me doing the entire misfits + Ronove haha--
Clara - The demon Valac is said to ride a two headed dragon, so I gave her dragon wings. After seeing Urara I started associating his green-blue colour scheme with the Valacs overall, so there you go, Clara
Asmodeus - Azu’s mother is the head of lust, so I thought his family should have elegant, pretty wings. I know pink is stereotypical but their main colour is already pink so pff
Agares - They may be angel wings but actually a lot of demons are presented with wings like these. Agares is a smol prince with a pretty face so I thought soft fluffy feathers would fit him nicely
Jazz - Not much here, black wings seem to fit him fine, I just tried giving them a bit more personality. And they’re not actually torn, his family’s wings just grow like this
Caim - He’s an owl. He already has wings. Why would you give him another pair??
Elizabeta - After seeing that one panel in the manga I’m unable to imagine her wings as anything but gianormous so that’s personal bias. The flower pattern may be a bit too much but knowing her and her design I don’t think it’s too out of place actually
Kerori - Ice powers. Ice wings. Need I say more?
Goemon - It’s fluff, not feathers! He’s a fluffy mop so he gets fluffy wings
Lied - His entire design reminds me of a lighting bolt so I gave him aerodynamic looking wings. I feel like he could swoosh down really quickly with them! (Note I don’t actually know how wings or aerodynamics work please don’t kill me if I made a big mistake)
Sabnock - Cool and edgy wings for a cool future demon king (again they’re not actually torn)
Allocer - They’re chimera wings. I gotta say I didn’t have a great idea for him and wondered hmm what wings can I slap onto a lion and let’s say it’s good enough
Purson - Perfect tiny canon wings nothing to change here
Ronove - Big dragon wings to match his big lizard tail! 
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seodami · 3 years
Train to you | CBG
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Genre: ANGST, tiny bit fluff in between
Warning: !!!!!! death, suicide, dark thoughts, 1 tiny curse word !!!!!!!
Word count: 3417
Pairing: Choi Beomgyu x reader (GN)
Note: well well well this was ANGSTY gdhsj it’s the first real angst I’ve attempted to write and I cried so...either I am too absorbed into the story or it really is sad haha. Please don’t read this if you have trouble with sensitive topics like these, yet anyone else who dares enjoy :))))
Main Masterlist
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You cursed under your breath as you hastily ran up the cold Beton stairs, two steps at a time, trying not to collapse until you at least reached the incoming train. You were late again for work and you could already hear your boss screaming at you for being late the third time this week. It wasn’t fully your fault, you thought in your defence, remembering your defect alarm clock, the emergency call of your friend Soobin and the bottle of wine the previous day. Yes, definitely not your fault this train always leaves this early in the morning.
Lucky for you, the train was still at the platform, signalising the doors were about to close. You quickly squeezed yourself through the door before it was too late and to your surprise, there even were a few seats left. Still panting heavily, you plopped down on a vacant seat while trying to catch your breath. You used your red cardigan to pat away the sweat on your forehead.
It wasn’t until the train slowly started moving, that you caught a glimpse of an all to familiar cardigan outside on the other side of the platform. It was a brown haired boy, who was wearing the exact same clothing piece as you. And the longer you’ve watched him, you noticed that in fact his whole outfit was the same as yours today. Black jeans, red cardigan, black converse and a silver necklace.
You gasped at the boy, trying to not lose him as the train sped up but failed of course. Soon he was way out of sight and reach for you. You felt a weird tuck on your heart. Disappointed. You wanted to look at him just a tad longer.
The boy never left your mind for too long this day, always staying in your memory to be recalled back. He was wearing the same outfit as you, sure it could have been pure coincidence and you knew this world was probably smaller than it seemed but nevertheless, you found it fascinating. It was the first time this ever happened to you.
The next day, you managed to wake up earlier for once, having slept only a little, mind too clouded with everything and nothing at the same time. You were surprisingly excited to go take the train this morning. You didn’t want to tell yourself that it was because you wanted to see the stranger once more. So you nearly ran upstairs, without really needing to hurry, and there you saw him on the other side again.
He wore the same outfit as you again. A beige coat, black turtleneck, blue jeans and a black beret. You didn’t expect this at all, leaving you baffled. Sure, it must have been a coincidence again. But why was he so captivating for you?
You didn’t know how long you just stood there, looking at him and his face, oh his very pretty face. You wanted him to notice you. Just one look maybe? One tiny glance? It would do your strangely beating heart some justice. But he seemed like he was in his own world, smiling up in the sky, eyes slowly following the steady floating clouds.
You asked yourself if he took notice in you as well but soon came to the conclusion that he had not as the train arrived right on time.
You decided to test your outfit theory right the next day, being way too giddy to see the good looking stranger again. Luckily you still had some extremely ridiculous and questionable clothing pieces you buried in the back of your closet, not being all too happy to see your failed purchases again. You made a mental note to donate some of them later on.
You couldn’t hold back a snort when your eyes met yours in the mirror against your closet door. Why exactly were you humiliating yourself again? The pink baggy pants hung low on your hips, paired together with the ugliest Christmas sweater you could find. To top it off, you wore your long cheetah print fur coat with a blue collar and you couldn’t resist putting on your red bucket hat. This must do it. If the stranger still happened to wear the exact same outfit as you, you knew it had to be more than coincidence.
And just like that, you found yourself staring at the boy with wide open mouth, gaining weirded out looks from bystanders. He wore it. The same. Your mind was racing with thoughts and possible explanations but you cannot seem to find any. How was this possible? You thought of it as a joke at first but now...you didn’t know what the hell was going on. Were you slowly getting insane? Was he your stalker? But how could he even then have the same ridiculous clothes as you? Maybe he was some kind of soulmate? It sounded hilarious and absolutely mad but so was this situation.
It was short - maybe a split second - and your eyes met. Subconsciously you stepped closer towards the stranger, nearly ignoring the huge gap between you two. He saw you. It almost hit all the air out of you. There was something so familiar about him. Something so...so...unexplainable.
Suddenly your view got blocked and something roughly pulled you back, that you nearly fell right on your butt. Confused, you looked up just to see a mid aged man with a pair of round glasses on his nose. There was a disapproving look on his face, helping you stand straight again.
“Miss, you need to watch out. The train could have hit you.” His voice was stern, making you gasp in realisation with the train slowly coming to a stop in front of you. You really just forgot that you were on a train station. All you thought about was him. About going to him. You just wanted to know his name, having another conversation just between your eyes.
You quickly apologised and thanked the man before stepping inside the train, eyes searching for him. But he wasn’t there anymore. Your heart suddenly hurt - more than before. It was so strong. Where was he? You wanted to see him.
It was that moment when you realized you somehow, not knowing the reason, longed for this person. It was such a deep feeling, you never felt such a strong emotion before in your life. You wanted to cry.
Just as the doors were about to close, you caught a glimpse of a red hat and cheetah print coat right outside, where you just stood seconds before. You didn’t think much, you stood up running towards the door, frantically pushing the opening button again and again, but the doors were already closed. So so close. He was so close. But you couldn’t reach him. Why had you to enter this stupid train? He was right out there looking at you with these big brown eyes. It hurt your soul. He was so pretty. Oh you longed for one touch, one word. Why can’t you be with him?
Your hands were pressed against the cold glass, eyes never leaving his enchanting ones. But the train was already moving. It was too late.
A hand on your shoulder suddenly tore you out of your miserable state. Your heart was hurting so much by now. Why was it hurting so unbearably? “Is everything okay?” A woman with a child on her hand smiled at you sympathetically, offering you a warm hug after she saw the thick tears in your eyes, soon streaming down your warm cheeks.
Why felt it so thorning just to be with him? Why felt it like you just missed your only chance to ever meet him?
“It’s going to be okay.” The woman muttered under her breath, gently rubbing your back. “You are strong.”
The next day you woke up even earlier, almost not finding sleep at all that night. This feeling of lost and utterly sadness and hurt. You felt it ever since he was so close. Ever since you almost were by his side. This feeling never left you.
Today you felt just weak and so exhausted. You didn’t have the energy to go to work but you needed to see him again. One last time?
A white shirt with a pink sweater vest on top and a pair of loose white pants were your fit for today. Your mind wandered to the brown eyed boy as you chose the colourful item out of your wardrobe. It reminded you strangely of him.
With heavy heart, this time you trotted up the stairs, surprisingly noticing not a single soul at the platform. No one but him on the other side. You let out a sigh, you didn’t know you were holding. He was still here. You could’ve hit yourself with the realization that it was in fact Saturday, meaning you didn’t need to go to work today. It was silly of you, but deep down you still would’ve come for him. Only for him.
This time your eyes met immediately and your heart beat picked up. He gave you a bright smile and a tiny wave of his hand, making you nearly choke on air. He looked so pretty in the pink sweater vest, you were absolutely right. His hand was moving again, showing you to come over to him.
You gulped nervously. This was your time. No one would come between you this time. No life saving strangers, no wine bottles, no defect alarm clocks and definitely no trains. Without wasting any more time, now having found a sudden boost of energy, you sprinted down the stairs again, almost tripping over your own feet. You were gonna meet him. Finally.
When you reached the other side of the platform, you frantically looked around, searching for him. But he wasn’t there. You were standing right where he stood. You glanced over at the other side, where you were just coming from, seeing him standing there peacefully still with a smile on his face. He looked ethereal. The sun was on his side, making him glow in a heavenly way, you haven’t seen before. His brown fluffy hair was sweeping softly with the wind and his deep brown eyes sparkled with hope.
Suddenly it was as if your head hit a solid brick wall. Beomgyu. His name was Choi Beomgyu. Beombeom. Your dear Beombeom. How could you ever have forgotten him? The pain in your heart was now as strong as never before. You wanted to die, it was that painful. You fell onto the ground, clutching your heart desperately. Of course.
It was so contradicting. Hot tears were streaming down your face by now, the unbearable pain getting worse every second, yet Beomgyu seemed so peaceful, so calming and so sweet. You needed him for your heart to heal. He was the reason you were here. You needed him by your side.
He smiled and waved you over once again. He was waiting for you. You needed to get to him. With heavy breathing, you heaved yourself up one last time. You couldn’t just give up like that. “Beomgyu...” you screamed with all your energy, sobbing in pain. It was a heart wrenching moment to witness. Beomgyu on the other side nodded smiling, his eyes glistening as a single tear slipped down his cheek.
You couldn’t bear this pain anymore and started running. Right on the rail. You couldn’t care less at that moment. You needed Beomgyu.
You jumped down the ditch onto the track. You were almost there. Just a few more steps and you could touch him. Your heart was getting warmer and warmer. It felt so nice. So comforting. So familiar.
It all seemed to go so well but then it all happened so fast. It went wrong so fast. You could see Beomgyus hand reaching out for yours, just mere centimetres away. Then there was a bright light. A loud noice inside your ears, a shrill scream and an insufferable pain inside your head. It only lasted a split second and then everything was black. The last thing you’ve heard was Beomgyus warm voice calling your name. Then there was nothing.
The next thing you remembered was a bright white light. Then there was a steady peeping noice. And lastly an extreme sterile scent. You already hated it. You longed for the same warmth you felt before, when you were about to be with him.
The first thing you remembered was coughing. Extremely harsh coughing. It was like you were coughing out your soul. You heard more voices, slowly getting clearer to hear, and saw shapes forming behind the bright light.
“Y/N, Y/N honey yn darling do you hear me? Y/N?” Y/N... that was your name. Right? You felt something soft yet ice cold touch for face, something wet touching your nose. Your mom, you thought. It was your mother’s voice.
Before you could realize anything, there were other voices, strange and familiar ones. As you finally could make up semi clear shapes, your eyes met a pair of circular glasses. A brighter light than before was now shining directly into your eyes but soon enough vanished again. You were still coughing.
“Y/N oh my gosh darling, honey, you are back. You made it.” You heard your mother cry besides you, grasping your weak arm as if it was her lifebuoy. “Thank you thank you thank you”
“Miss Y/L/N? Can you hear me?” A mid aged man behind the glasses asked you. You’ve barely managed to open your eyes and look around you, eyes meeting your mothers wet ones. A sob escaped her lips. Beside her you could make out a mob of pink hair. Your brother.
“Miss Y/L/N? Everything is all right. Very good.” A nurse in baby blue clothes spoke gently to you, as you started to gain back some control over your own breathing. You noticed something big inside your mouth, surpressing the urge to cough or vomit it out.
“One second Miss Y/L/N, I will now remove your breathing tube. It won’t hurt, just relax.” She patted your arm and made her way towards your face. A breathing tube? After a few moments you felt a weird sensation inside your throat as if something was pulled out. You immediately started coughing again once the tube was removed but slowly getting a hold of it again.
Yeonjun kneeled down besides your mother, gently taking your hand in his warm one. It was sort of comforting. He had tears in his eyes, eye bags clearly visible on both your mother’s and brothers face. What was going on? Why were they crying?
“All right there, here we go. Welcome back Miss Y/L/N, how are you feeling? Good?” You wanted to say something, your head still spinning, but could only make a hoarse sound, feeling just how sore your throat must have been.
“It’s okay you don’t need to answer yet. You still have a very sore throat due to the Intubation we had to put you through.” The man, you assumed doctor from his white coat, explained you patiently. You managed to nod but you were still trying to figure out the situation. You were more than confused. Why were you here and where was Beomgyu?
You tried speaking again but just a very strained “What-“ could be deciphered, followed by some coughing again. You were feeling weaker than ever and everything hurt.
The doctor nodded sympathetically, already knowing what you were about to ask. Your eyes wandered wordlessly to your brother’s and mom’s. They looked so hurt, yet relieved.
“Let me explain. You must have a lot of questions right now. We take everything slowly, alright?” You nodded again, Yeonjun slightly squeezing your hand. “You just woke up from a four week lasting coma as you previously had been rushed into hospital after a collision with a train.”
You noticed your mother sob harder than before, your brother gently laying an arm over her shoulder. “You tried to kill yourself Y/N...” Yeonjun whispered, heart breaking once more. It all came flooding back at once. Your head hurt at the sudden heavy feeling growing inside your breast, overtaking your heart in just seconds. You felt devestating.
Tears welled up in your eyes, remembering what you did, what you wanted so dearly and why you did it. You remembered the last seconds on the platform you were standing so often with Beomgyu, where he held you tight in his arms, where he softly told you he loved you, where you shared your first loving kiss and you both laughed afterwards at how clumsy you were being. And lastly, it was the place where Beomgyu died, where he found his bitter end at the tender age of 22.
Anger bubbled up inside you, remembering how he had died. He wanted to visit you with a beautiful bouquet of yellow flowers, as beautiful as him himself. You just aced your last exam of the semester, wanting nothing more than celebrate with your boyfriend of over two years. It had been your fault, hadn’t you just failed the exam, things would have been different. He wouldn’t have gotten to you by train at this hour, the drunk man wouldn’t have started a fight with him and Beomgyu wouldn’t have been pushed onto the tracks just before a train came rushing by. Beomgyu would have still lived. He would be with you on the couch, legs intertwined, stealing small kisses now and then and probably also a few bites of your snack. But something deep inside you told you that he still would have visited you, maybe to be there for you or maybe to just give you a hug.
Your heart stung painfully inside your chest. You wanted to forget again. You wanted to pull your damn heart out of your chest and throw it on these stupid train tracks. You hated how much it hurt.
You wanted to end it there. You’ve remembered it as clear as daylight. A life without Beomgyu seemed so impossible for you, you never could heal without him. He owned your heart and it was impossible to live without a heart. So you jumped. You were so sure. Even wrote letters for all your friends and family, the last one for Beomgyu, probably still laying on his grave stone. But why didn’t you make it? Why couldn’t you reunite with him? You saw him so clearly on the other side, dressed in his favorite pink sweater vest. Why had it to be him? He was so full of love.
“Beomgyu...” you whispered, painful sobs now tearing your heart apart once again. Yeonjun and your mother rushed to hug you as tight as they could, never leaving your side and crying with you.
This day wasn’t a day joy or freedom, no. It was far from that. It was a terrible, hurtful day. You missed Beomgyu more than ever before. You realized he was gone for good. And you were here.
But it was also a day full of comfort and understanding. You still thought about Yeonjuns quiet words besides your ear.
“I miss Beomgyu so fucking much as well. He didn’t deserve to go that early, I know. And it’s not your fault YN, remember that. He still loves you so so much and he is here with you, with us, every second. He didn’t want you to go from us that early as well, he protected you YN.” His hand payed over his heart, eyes fixated on yours, showing you how he meant every single word.
You nodded, your tears never ending. Yeonjun hugged you again. He firmly believed that Beomgyu saved you, so you believed it as well. He wouldn’t want you to end your life that easily, that pathetically while mourning over someone, who was instantly dead in just a split second. It wasn’t fair, no, it would never be.
And Beomgyu showed you in his own way that he not only loved you deeply and will forever, he also teaches you so much in life: joy, love, anger, sadness, overwhelming sadness and how to live life the fullest.
He will always be in your heart, no matter how much time will go by, and you will be forever thankful towards the brown eyed boy, who taught you how to love, live and leave. Your dear Beombeom.
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almondmilks-posts · 3 years
Schlatt- executed pt2
*I am so proud of part 1
pls go show some love
Maybe a SERIES?? Maybe pt3??? Maybe some more angst?? Maybe some cute fluff with glatt?? Maybe idk if you would like to see more uwu
This took so long omg... I'm sorry
Context: in part 1 you became ghost!y/n much like Ghostbur  you forgot most of your memories including your death...
Life after death was weird. You had very vague memories of each member of the sever but other than that you completely forgot about your past life including how you died. You never expected that you would become a sentiant ghost on the server after death you also never expected Wilbur to become one either so here we are. You took a great liking to Ghostbur as he did to you, you both hanging out became a regular occurrence on the SMP you mainly liked hanging around quackity he had these homely vibes to him that made you want to be around him but you were not quite sure why although he had been seeing you less and less and when you did meet he seemed on edge always looking behind him, shaking his head off to the distance when you turn around, nothing.
You didn't know why Ghostbusr was obsessed with the colour blue, always handing out lapis lazuli to saddened goes by with a "here have some blue" but he always did. You guys can't mine down in the caves something about bedrock pressure?  but he always had stacks of blue on him at all times.
You- hey bur where do you get the blue from?
Ghostbur- oh uhhh umm I just have it sometimes I get it from Phill
You- oh cool. I want something I'm not sure I've decided on what...
Ghostbur- hmmmmm y/n how about
You- I know red mushrooms because they look so cool like lil toadstools.
Ghostbur- yes that's such a good idea
You- I need to ask Phil to see if he has any spare mushrooms adiós bur I'll see you later.
You began to float your way over the the snowy tundra that Phil resides in. You passed many different landmarks on your way only knowing by the names you and ghostbur had given them. Home home also known as the community House although in ruins after it was exploded by puffy. You did try to stop her however your attempts were unsuccessful. 
You- omg I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going here look I have some seeds take this as a sorry
You were in your thoughts so much that you had phased into a body. As a ghost you are able to phase through people However you phased into the body meaning whoever you walked into was not alive. You reached your arms into your pockets to see what you have as a sorry before the mushrooms which you still haven't been managed to find any. Thecno needing them for potions ofc knowing the butcher army was coming for him he planicked stealing so many resources including some of blue from Wilbur accidentally. You found three seeds in your pockets your had picked up from when you were hanging around Callahan (he's my fav on the SMP omg) and punz this one time just giving while punz went on a nether mission for ghast tears. You extended your arm out to the person, lifting your head up to look the person in the eyes.
Glatt- y/n?
He had Horns. Deep black horns protruding out the side of his head. His skin a pale grey ash colour, contrasting his flaming red eyeballs which looked down upon you due to the height difference. His suit a very dark grey almost black but not quite,  You looked at him than back at the seeds. He seemed like he didn't take any interest in taking the seeds from you as a sorry, you furrowed your eye brows at his sort of question? You really didn't remember your past life, thecno told you that most ghosts don't when they die the ones that do are 'poor damned souls of wrong doers' comforting you that you did some good when you were living.
You- uhh sorry I don't know a y/n?? Im ghosty/n! Well it would make sense that I'm y/n well was y/n hahahaha I don't remember much from my past life unfortunately
Glatt- you don't- you don't remember how you died do you?
You- uhhh no? Should I? I ask quackity you know quackity right? Small guy, blue beanie anyway he wouldn't tell me how I died he said it was a too long to explain anyway I gotta go bye uhhhh...
Glatt- oh it's glatt
You- well nice to meet you glatt if you see Phill tell him I need some red mushrooms
And with that you floated off on your mission to find some red mushrooms. Glatt stood there face slashed red. He felt embarrassed? Sick to his stomach? He wasn't quite sure what he felt, quackity had told him of your ghost life when he was pestering quackity this one time however he was scared. He was once a ruthless tryrant president drinking all day and all night because he couldn't handle the power and disappointment of his peers knowing he was struggling being president so he turned to alcohol. He was so plastered when he stabbed you he didn't even know what he did until quackity and Niki Walked out on him with some fruitful words.
Schlatt thought back to when quackity had confronted him, carrying your enchanted diamond boots Phil brought on your wedding day and never took them off since. Quackity looked so hopeless his eyes filled with tears, trembling hands as he screamed at schlatt so hard his vocal cords never recovered even after all this time and everything he's been through. Despite this he carried on trying to ruin quackity's life. Even after death the fucker never lost his need for power and bullying quackity is all he knew how. The issue was he could not find the small mexican, he floated all through what manburg was, he floated past the church, the target, the community house but no sign of quackity. He was searching through the community house for anything he could steal just because 'he was glatt he could do what he wants'; as a ghost he really didn't change. A fit of giggles rung through his ears, he hadn't heard that noise in years. Glatt knew that it was you of course you were married for several years before the incident. He caught himself smiling as he once did to see your face (which could easily fit between his larger hands.) He floated across towards where the noise would come from. To see you, a blue sheep with a wonkey eye and Wilbur? He felt anxious, his ghost heart started beating faster, if he wasn't dead he would be having another heart attack right now that would actually kill him. He wasn't sure of it was because you look so happy contracting the last time him saw your glum face as the XP dropped or knowing Wilbur might still be bitter about the election or what happened as a result of it.
You toyed with the blue sheep known as friend. Friend was the first thing ghostbur saw when he woke up as a ghost so there was a major bond between the two,.you would argue it was a closer bond than what tied you with Wilbur but nothing could compare to that. You both had years and years of history some even before Tommy was born but you both just didn't know that. (maybe pt3 y/n becomes human??) Friend was very entertaining for a blue sheep fried could make you and ghostbur cry with laughter but just standing there. ( Ok this is my HC so it's not cannon but I think it should be) The blue sheep had a lazy eye, so for long enough if the sheep did nothing the eyes would travel opposite directions as per usual you and ghostbur were dying over this. You bent down to pick at a blade if grass to feed to friend when a glum feeling came over you. Were you being watched? You wanted to cry, so you turned your head to Look at the assailant to see glatt standing there just looking at you or through you it was unclear.
You-oh hey uhhh glatt? Ah yes I'm right would you like to come hang out with friend, ghostbur and I would love it if you joined us and I'm sure friend doesn't mind you do you? No you don't because you are a cute sheep boopboop
Glatt- I'm not so sure
You- oh come on don't be such a killer it would be fun friend is very well friendly haha come on.
You grasped his cold wrist with your much warmer hands. The size difference between the two contrasted immensely. You blushed, a warm feeling coming over you almost as if you had known him for years. Which y/n did but you didn't know that.  Schlatt frowned at you calling him a killer, did you know? Did Wilbur tell you? A lot happened to manburg after you had died, stuff you missed that you could and would have stopped. You dragged schlatt closer to where friend was excited Wilbur could meet your 'new' friend glatt.
You- hahah bur meet glatt
Ghostbur- oh uh hey glatt nice to meet you, your a friend of n/n's huh?
Glatt- uhh yea something like that
Ghostbur- oh crap! I have to meet with Callahan (he's my fave member) I'm helping him build a forest, well you guys have fun with friend. And glatt? Its nice to see you again.
And with that he floated away from the pair riend looked at schlatt than back at you, than back at schlatt. Its pink tounge slipping out of its mouth. Glatt looked down at you sitting cross legged on the grass petting friend. He thought you looked beautiful with the sun on your ghostlike form, he felt shame wash over him he really ruined you.
You- sit next to me glatt, the sun isn't that bright down here
Glatt- no I don't want to get my suit dirty!
You sighed, why was he so cold? Was it that he didn't like you, was it the fact that he didn't like friend no that's not true everyone loves friend. You frowned over thinking lots of things glatt noticed your frown after he yelled at you; he felt worse that he yelled. Many nights after your death did he think about you and his actions. He numbed the feeling penultimately resulting in further alcoholism and finally his death. He kept your diamond boots in his desk draw so they could be next to him at all times he even picked up some of your XP but that stuff didn't matter to him. Nothing mattered to him. Expect you. He never was good at expressing his feelings to you, and you never pushed him to do that.
Glatt- do you seriously not remember your past life?
You- hmmmm not much
Glatt- what do you know tell me?
You- well, I don't really remember memories it's more feelings and smells towards something? Like Niki I feel very calm and peaceful around her she smells like bread, Wilbur it's like he feels like a brother to me and he smells like gunpowder almost, ummmm who else? Oh Tecno smells like potatoes I'll tell you about that some other time
Glatt- what about me? What do I smell like ( Father Fragrance??)
You- ummmmm it's a weird metallic smell? At first I was like iron smell but I'm not so sure. I was super anxious when I first saw you almost hmmm anger? Fear? But I also wanted to give you a hug it's weird what about me... Your a ghost I'm sure it's the same for you it is for wilbur... What do I smell like glatt?
Glatt- uhh well, it's metallic aswell
You-oh heyy look it's ranboo, Ran heyy look down here? Ranboo? Oh no he's enderwalking again ok well this conversation isn't over glatt
You followed the half enderman who appears to be on his enderwalking state. You don't say much to him as you know he won't hear or respond to you. You follow him past twitch prime, past the portal near to the prison? Confused you stood behind him a little, why was he going to the prison? To see Sam you hope...
But no. He didn't.
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cherrylight · 2 years
2, 4 and 7 for the s/i ask meme!!
EEEEEEEEEEEE !!!! super duper sorry if i unnecessarily start rambling 
2. How similar is your s/i to you? Are they a carbon copy, completely different or a mix of the two?
shes a mix of the two! 
ally was always widely different than me technically in appearance wise, she has blonde hair, i do not and her eyes are around pastel blue/pink and i do not have them. i always been really attached to that though.
however! i think her personality is similar to mine! im really kind, and generous, and would do anything to help anyone! ally definitely holds that aspect of her, and her loving things too much or being very attached to things is something that i genuinely have. she has a goofy side that i have too haha
so, i guess the answer is: her appearance is widely different than mine, and her personality is similar to mine! majority of it is, as there are some traits here and there i dont exactly have.
 4. How did your s/i feel when they first met your f/o(s)? How do they feel about them now?
nervous! really really nervous!
well, if im talking about ben drowned, the two bonded mostly over their like for video games! and it made her ease up a lot, but she was still very nervous around him for like the LONGEST TIME. however, now, she isnt as nervous and can talk to him without much of a problem!
with dave strider, HOWEVER! she was a nervous wreck around him; she couldnt get a sentence out without immediately thinking it was so dumb of her or like it was the most uncool thing she has ever said in her entire life. ally was so scared to mess her words up and had to rehearse them continuously to not stumble her words, because she was so SCARED. 
technically, to ally, dave was like an odd safety net to her and she didnt want to lose that safety net even though she was a nervous wreck around him; her friends usually helped keep a conversation going when it was her, dave, and them and it did wonders! it helped her feel a bit at ease and she started to open up.
yet, now, she is a huge lovey dovey towards him, and tends to not mind if she messes up words because they both are so comfortable with each other that they end up messing their words up from how much time they spend together. shes so affectionate and just huge heart eyes at him all the time <3
this answer is so long im so sorry daveally makes me so gushyyyy e
7. Give us 3 random facts abt your s/i!
1 - ally has natural heart pupils!! i adore hearts as a shape in general and anytime i see hearts i get insanely happy, and in my eyes, ally gives me major lovecore vibes! and her eyes being a mixture of pastel blue and pink, it makes the hearts look so pretty! i also always loved shaped pupils and it just makes her very unique to me <3
2 - she has an older brother that she adores more than anything! his name is asher and she treasures him and looks up to him. i... dont really have any siblings, so im not sure why this brings me a lot of comfort, but he is literally the best brother ever to her and would do anything to keep her safe <3 he also gave her one of her traditional green hoodies! its been a common theme with her for years! ally adores that hoodie a lot 
3 - her skin is like a pastel pink! well, technically, her joints, around her eyes, bits on her cheek, and nose, knuckles, etc tend to give off a soft red look to them! it makes her skin appear pastel pink! its really cute! and may be kind of weird :( pink in general is a very special colour to me so ehsdjfdg e
oh gosh this is SO LONG IM SO SORRY
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It’s Scientifically Proven
Bruce Banner x Reader
Hulk x Reader
Summary: Y/N gave Bruce a small collection of potted plants to take care of believing it’ll help relieve his stress. Bruce doesn’t really appreciate the sentiment, Hulk however...
Okay! My first real piece of writing for a long time! I would appreciate some feedback if you please. I want to know if my writing is as stiff and jilted as I think it is or if it’s the same quality as normal and I’m just over thinking haha, I’ll probably only release smaller one shots at first but we’ll see how I go! Also I’m uploading this on my phone so fingers crossed it doesn’t mess up the spacing.
Bruce sighed as he turned the science labs tap on, filling the tiny purple plastic watering can to the brim before making his way back to his desk. Sitting delicately on the corner was a plastic tray filled with tiny potted plants. He slowly began watering each tiny flower stalk and cactus.
“Y/N I really don’t want these,” His memory replayed. “A lab is no place for a plant and they’ll just die under my care if we’re being honest with ourselves.” Bruce deadpanned.
“Nonsense Bruce!” Y/N waved him off as she set up the pots, arranging the cacti and succulents on one end and then colour coordinated the various blues, pinks and purples of the flowers on the other.
“Studies have proven that indoor plants improve concentration AND productivity. They reduce stress levels while also boosting your mood! It’s SCIENCE Bruce! You LOVE science!” Y/N raised her finger at him to make a point before she turned, humming and reaching into the plastic bag to produce said watering can and a small bag of food pellets.
Bruce internally cringed at the amount of space his new plant life was taking up on his otherwise meticulously clean work space.
“And they won’t die, I made sure to do my research, these are super low maintenance! Even you can’t kill them, besides,” She spun around so fast, Bruce awkwardly stumbled backwards when she faced him.
Y/N smiled softly at him, “I have faith in you.”
Bruce nervously wrung his hands before an awkward and somewhat forced smile twitched onto his face. “Greeaat...” He droned out the word, which seemed to satiate Y/N. Faith never got him anywhere but he couldn’t deny the skip of his heart when she smiled that way at him.
“So what are you going to name them?” Y/N grinned excitedly.
“.... I’m not naming them Y/N... That’s...”
“It’s not silly!” She interrupted. “Plants are alive! You can’t deny that! One of those PHDs of yours has to be in biology!”
Bruce made himself keep a straight face. “Okay, we can call this half,” He pointed to the barren cacti and plain succulents. “Bruce Jr. And this half,” He pointed to the bright and cheerful flowers. “Y/N Jr.” A small sly grin cracked through his stoic expression.
“You think you’re being funny, but all you’re telling me is that you liked Nemo enough to remember the dialogue and therefore you can’t complain next time we watch an animated movie!” She laughed as she made her way to the door. “Besides it’s my pick this week and I happen to know that you’re gonna love Wall-E!”
The memory faded away along with her laughter as Bruce was bought back to the present as he finished watering his collection. Y/N had encouraged Bruce to talk to the plants but Bruce hadn’t quite been able to bring himself to that just yet. It had been... Annoying to take care of these, and more effort than he was promised, buuuut he was kind of enjoying it, maybe a little. Not that he would admit it.
“Ow!” Bruce jolted as he felt a shock. He pivoted around to see Tony holding a small pronged device. “I’m not really in the mood today Tony.” Bruce muttered as he manoeuvred around a giggling Tony and trudged back to his desk. He had an annoying formula he was trying to solve and he was missing something, he just couldn’t figure out what and it was wracking his brain.
Tony frowned. “Did you just dismiss me? ME?! Me BrucieBear?!” Tony’s frown deepened as he watched Bruce’s back as the man returned to his chair.
“Fine, I can take a hint.” Tony spoke, more to himself, a cheshire grin crept onto his face as he snuck up behind Bruce, his little joystick, as he liked to affectionately call it, had been calibrated to a higher voltage, nothing dangerous of course, but definitely irritating and he hasn’t had the chance to test it out yet.
Feeling particularly bold he sent a surprise shock at the base of Bruce’s neck.
Bruce released a deeper yelp of pain then usual and whipped his head towards Tony as he let out a guttural growl.
“Uh oh...” Tony quipped quietly as he stared into Bruce’s glowing green eyes and growing form.
Tony quickly dive bombed into the air his suit meeting him there and melding around him. Maybe he deserved this? Hulk appeared fully formed and let out a deep growl.
Nah, Tony reasoned to himself. It was funny.
Definitely worth it.
Tony quickly dodged a chair. “Whoa! Calm down Big Green! What did we talk about taking a joke?!”
Hulk roared at Tony, Hulk wouldn’t totally hurt Tin Man, Hulk would just make Tin Man squirm.
He slammed his hand on Bruce’s desk, fingers clenching ready to hurl it in Tony’s direction before he stopped.
He looked at the tray on the table. His anger ebbed for a moment as his chest made a happy rumbling noise as he smiled. The pretty flowers his pretty Y/N left for Hulk. Hulk had loved the atmosphere they created, the touch of green, the bright colours and the gentle waft of smell that Bruce had mostly tuned out but had reached Hulk deep in Bruce’s subconscious and calmed Hulk.
As delicately as he could he carefully picked up the tray, balancing it as best as he could as he took a few wide steps towards the other side of the room. He placed the tray down on the floor by the wall, content with how far away he placed it.
Tony was just staring in awe at the scene in front of him, wholly distracted from Hulk’s rage.
Hulk on the other hand turned back around, any sign of a smile was completely gone as he snarled.
“HULK SMASH TIN MAN!” His fingers cracked and dented the desk, now plant free, as he picked it up and hurled it through the air aimed at Tony, who quickly shook off his surprise and braced for impact.
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fanficparker · 4 years
Hey! Can I request for a Haz x shy!reader where they go to his house to meet his family and she is all nervous or probably makes a mistake and is like, “your family must hate me now” and Haz comforts her? asasjajskkssjsk
Boyfriend!Harrison Osterfield x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.7k words
Warnings: A little bit of blood, minor injury, anxious reader, loads of FLUFF, hurt/comfort
A/N: I made it a complete one-shot, haha. Hope, you like it :)
Summary: It starts on a crisp winter morning with a rose. It continues on a lazy summer afternoon with a bouquet. It doesn’t end on a pouring monsoon evening even with those three magic words.
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Sometimes the thing you are searching the most in your life, never comes to you, no matter how hard you try to find it. But when you finally give up and stop searching for it, it may just right there, find you itself.
That thing was love in the case of Harrison.
IT HAPPENED ON ONE COLD CRISP MORNING. He was brisk walking on the pavement, enjoying the cool wind hitting his face when he was stopped by a little "Excuse me!"
He stopped and plugged the earphones out of his ears, turning to find a woman around his age, holding a piece of paper in her hand.
"Yeah?" He asked, shifting her eyes from the paper to his face.
"Er..." She walked closer. He could sense a brief hesitation in her movement, nevertheless, she stood in front of him, speaking - "Do you have any idea where this (she read out from the paper) Mi-Michi and Mavey's Bookstore is?"
The name seemed familiar to his ears. Before he could think any further, she interrupted him: "It's near some Burger shop... I forgot its name."
The bells rang this time.
"Yeah... It on the opposite side of the post office to the left!"
Oh, of course, she didn't know where that was either. He could tell by her expressions. She must be new here.
"Thank you." She smiled, though. He could again read the hesitation in her voice and movements. She was moving away from him, walking towards the wrong direction, away from the bookstore, from the post office. And that's when he offered to walk her there.
He wasn't looking out for anything that day. He wasn't looking out to talk to her. To notice the slight smile on her lips, or the great complimenting colour outfit she was wearing. Or the way she hid her embarrassment over small things. Or the rose she gave him either.
The rose.
Yes, it was the rose that did it all.
He wasn't expecting anything more than a thank you. And definitely nothing like a flower, a rose specifically.
When they stopped outside the bookstore, she did say thank you, but she also fiddled inside the handbag she was carrying. She plucked out a pink rose and handed it to him. He couldn't deny it because he never had learned to expect it in the first place.
Someone just gave him a rose. Someone he didn't even know the name of.
"Wait... What's your name?"
But she had got inside the bookstore and he had some urgent errands to run.
There was a shop tag attached to that rose. He could read it. He knew where to find her again. He did find her again.
And then again and again...
IT HAPPENED ON ONE HOT LAZY AFTERNOON. He had brought a red rose bouquet for her. How stupid it can be? After all, she worked here in a flower shop.
"You know this a flower shop, right?" She leaned across the counter, biting her lip.
"Yup, but this is not for you." He smirked while her face grew panicky.
"Tis' for my girlfriend..." He whispered, pecking at the base of the bouquet.
Not for her... She tried to push away the feeling of her heart ripping apart inside her rib cage.
It was okay; she told herself. She wasn't expecting him to fall in love for her like the way she did for him.
It was okay. She tried to smile.
"Oh... Th-that's great!" She showed some fake enthusiasm.
It was okay.
"I-I will like to meet her someday."
He noticed the hesitation again. But this time he wanted that. He watched her as she pretended, pretended to not care, to be happy for him.
It was too much.
"You can take that spot though and get these for yourself..." He sucked in a deep breath, "Be my girlfriend."
They kissed that day at the back of the shop in that narrow alleyway, slowly and passionately. Softly and hesitantly. Shyly and confidently.
They kissed again.
And then again and again...
IT HAPPENED ON ONE POURING MONSOON EVENING. He invited her to meet his family. She hesitated again. He had held her hand, not wanting to let go.
"Please... They will love you."
She still hesitated, not wanting to meet just yet. She was ready before they actually stepped on the front porch. She literally spent two hours getting ready. But now...
"Please... For me?"
His eyes, the way they glimmered and pleaded, was again too much. He was always too much for her. She closed her eyes and pressed the door-bell. Her smile was strained when his mom welcomed her. Her heart was pounding when she hugged her. She was anxious upon removing her wet sandals, afraid if the wooden floor got dirty.
Harrison noticed again. He dumped the umbrella in the stand and stood close to her, his palm stroking her bicep, shooting her a smile which did all the magic.
She heard the unspoken message in his actions.
It's going to be okay.
Should she wait at the dinner table or help his family in the kitchen? It became the question that bothered her after a few minutes of positive interaction, draining all the optimism she had gathered. It became awkward when both his mum and sister left for the kitchen. It became weirder when he followed them, leaving her alone near the dining area.
Playing with the hem of her long sleeves was no more a suitable pass time. She didn't want to chip off the nail paint she applied so intricately. When the noise of a metal spoon or spatula falling to the kitchen floor reached her ears, that was it for her. She walked to the kitchen, desperate to get involved in whatever Harrison and his family were doing.
"Sorry, love. We should have arranged everything on time, but it got a bit delayed." His mum addressed her apologetically.
"Harrison, why don't you spend time with her?" She asked him next.
"No problem. I was just... bored... thought I could be of any help?" She smiled, joining them inside the kitchen, standing beside her lover, finding something to do.
"I can chop the salad?" She offered when her eyes landed on the uncut vegetables lying over the chopping board.
They were talking and laughing. So far, so good. His sister was stirring the soup on the stove. He and his mum were arranging the plates and crockery while she was cutting the tomatoes and the green vegetables.
"You can use the serrated knife for the tomatoes. It would be easier." His sister suggested.
"It's fine." She placed a tomato on the board after removing its core and started running the blade vertically. She needed to impress them, flex her chopping abilities. She went on faster, slicing the large tomatoes one after another. Until the knife slipped off and ran across her finger instead. No, the tomatoes were too soft and juicy for that kind of cutting.
The knife dropped on the floor with a sharp noise, diverting all their attention to hers.
"You oka-"
"Yeah. I will just use the bathroom," She excused herself, moving at a pace that was something between running and walking.
Opening the tap of the basin, she let the blood wash off her finger. It was a minor cut but deep. Upon hearing Harrison's voice calling her outside, she turned off the tap instantly and searched the cabinet to find some cotton and rubbing alcohol.
She walked outside, pressing the cotton over her wound, hiding it from Harrison's vision.
"Are you hurt?"
"No. Of course, not." She let out a burst of staggering laughter, trying to surface the lie.
He hummed, pausing for a second, looking into her eyes. She refused to meet his icy-blue ones, clenching her fist tighter to ease the stinging pain.
"There was some blood on the board."
And now Harrison found her outright lying, hiding things. She had read on various online articles how for many people this was the end of the trust. All she wanted was to look good in his family's eyes and they must have come to know about her carelessness too. She even rejected his sister's advice.
Instead, she received a hug. Harrison had softly pushed her back into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around her body, keeping his head on her shoulder.
"I told you it was going to be okay..." He whispered below her ear, softly blowing some stray hair off that area.
"It didn't go okay though," She could feel her voice breaking.
"What didn't go okay, love? All I see is my family being absolutely fond of you." He kissed at the spot below her ear, his favourite place to kiss her.
"I just... made a fool of myself. I am such a noob."
He giggled at the choice of her words.
"No, you are not," He stepped in front of her, lifting her chin with his fingers.
"First, cutting yourself while chopping isn't a big deal. And second, even if you were a noob (he made a dorky face at the word, pouting dramatically), I don't see how it will make you a fool. Come on Y/n, we are here to meet my family not to give an exam." He wiped the little wetness on her eye-lashes and leaned in to peck her over her eyelids.
"I love you, you know that, right?"
Her heart again thudded inside her chest. He just said those three magic words for the first time or was she hearing wrong... She nodded instead, unable to say anything back.
"So, no need to feel embarrassed. And now get me your hand. Let me fix it real fast."
He made her sit over the counter and wrapped a band-aid over the cut. Meanwhile, she still thought of the words, dreading to reply.
"We good to go?"
"Huh?" She realised she was blankly staring at his face. "Er... Yeah."
She jumped off the counter as he walked towards the door.
"Hey, Harrison?"
He stopped at her voice and turned to see her walking towards him.
"I love you too." She said, pressing a kiss over his lips.
He was smiling into the kiss.
She bet she could make him smile again and again. And she did.
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key-to-my-heart · 3 years
DISCLAIMER: you do not have to agree with the following writing. you can believe in these pairings romantically or platonically, however you’d like to interpret them! these are personally written to be in a romantic way, as ships, so please at least acknowledge that! you don’t even have to like any of these ships! if you are still into shipping but don’t ship these pairs, that’s completely fine! you are not obligated to agree. this is a post about positivity.
Jade x Skyler
Poppy x Skyler
Ruby x Bella
Sunny x Poppy
Bella x Sunny
Skyler x Violet
Bella x Amaya
i haven’t really thought of a ship name for them, but i’m getting nature vibes (blue like the water and green like the earth) so idk! maybe something elemental? i have no clue haha.
anyway this ship is so underrated! one of their most iconic moments (in my opinion) is the way they look at each other in the fashion studio commercial. ofc, there is more to them than that. i like how in tune these two are with their emotions. they feel them on such powerful levels. i feel like they can really connect this way, even when there’s a misunderstanding going on (episode four) i love how they made up. usually jade is the one to focus hard on projects, even if it’s in a sarcastic manner, but the roles sort of switched with skyler thinking about the project and jade being caught up in her emotions. i love how they made up & bonded at the end of the episode, too!
i also don’t know if these two have a ship name. maybe Blue Butterfly? or SkyFly? or Popler? i have no clue! but i do know that these two are super underrated! i have been shipping them from around episode three because they are just so cute! they definitely seem to have a close bond, especially being complimentary colour gals along with being roommates.
i feel like even though skyler gets very emotional, she is still pretty grounded & realistic. i think poppy gets caught up in her feelings in a different way than skyler does, so i imagine skyler could be someone who helps bring poppy back to her senses. i also imagine they are supportive gfs who give each other tips & advice from time to time. i feel like one of skyler’s fav things about poppy would be her sense of silliness as well as her skills with music. i can imagine poppy would often talk and brag about skyler to all of her friends.
i haven’t really seen an established ship name for this pair nor have i come up with one for myself. i’m thinking of something along the lines of Valentines, Roses, Strawberry or Sweet Cherries! but i think this pair is very overlooked in the series.
they are definitely close, being roommates and all. they are both very amazing gals, impulsive in any way possible, and always there to help hype a friend up. i feel like they share a common interest in getting the job done, no matter what the cost is. ruby needed to prove her point to violet, even if it meant contradicting herself. bella wanted to take a photo of her set design, even if it meant losing her spot at rainbow high. i feel like this duo could accomplish a lot together, and they’re definitely smarter than they appear. i feel like they would do amazing things together!
i have seen Sunset used at this pairs ship name! i personally use Citrus but i think Sunset is just adorable! i feel like this is yet again, one of the most underrated duos in rainbow high
i love how poppy just knew her music would cheer sunny up when she was feeling down. i also love the chaotic energy these two hold. they simply share one brain cell. i feel like my top three scenes of theirs would be when they were dancing together in episode two, when they were trying to read the words behind the mirror in episode four, and when sunny was trying to stall from poppy entering her dorm room in episode twelve. i just love the goofy energy this duo radiates. cheerful girlfriends! i feel like they would have very little complications in a relationship together and would always come to mutual understandings.
i personally refer to this ship as Pink Lemonade and i haven’t seen another ship name for them! but ive never really seen content about this duo. they haven’t gotten too many scenes in the series so it’s understandable. but of course, i see potential in them!
i feel like they would possibly be a thinker x feeler duo, so i already sense a sort of balance between them. they’re both very considerate and caring. i feel like sunny, with her naturally sweet and convincing personality, would be able to successfully handle bella’s impulsive decisions and i feel like bella would make sure sunny gets the care and support she deserves! they were both very caring of skyler and ruby’s whereabouts in episode six, and i feel like they would have fun working on projects together.
i don’t talk about this duo as much as i should! i refer to them as “Skylet” and they give me mega rarishy vibes! (from my little pony)
honestly, i think they aren’t so bad. ofc, there’s the factor that violet showed absolutely no care whatsoever for skyler’s breakup and really only wanted to stream it for her channel. i like to think that behind the scenes, violet realized that and apologized for it, and skyler was understanding and thanked her. i feel like the more developed version of violet pairs well with skyler. violet is another one of the impulsive, aggressive characters in rainbow high. she does what she wants when she feels like it. with skyler being someone who usually sees both sides to a situation & gives extremely helpful advice, i feel like she could ground violet when needed. that is, if violet were able to consider her words. i also think this duo would just generally be very soft! vi would totally give support to sky when she’s feeling v emotional.
okay hear me out. this duo has potential. of course, i can only really run off of headcanons and theories with my thoughts on this ship, since they lack content in the canon series. but i feel like they have potential. i kinda wanna call this ship Strawberry Marshmallow but idk haha. maybe there would be a cooler name that is kind of in reference to the episode 7/8 drama
i feel like bella, being considerate in the way she is, would definitely make sure amaya feels included during group tasks. they both play leadership roles and would honestly make a great power duo in that sense! another thinker x feeler ship in my opinion but they still share common personality traits that i feel wouldnt clash. of course, they have a misunderstanding going on in canon, and last we knew, bella wasn’t real fond of amaya. but she doesn’t know amaya personally so who is to say that wouldnt get along if they did!
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morethanwords0475 · 3 years
November TC Challenge
1. If your TC were the same age as you and studied in your class instead of teaching it, would you still have a crush on them?
I honestly cannot imagine what he would be like at my age, but from what little he has described to us before, probably not?
2. What overused romance trope would you use to describe you and your TC?
I feel like catharsis counts, although it’s not overused and neither of us dies. Him leaving a year earlier than we would have parted feels like a tragic ending that has to happen and is supposed to heal me in some way, but in reality I’ll probably just be heartbroken *tears*.
3. POV: it's your TC’s birthday. what are you giving them as a gift?
His next birthday is too close to when he leaves so I’m saving the gift as a 'parting gift'. Hypothetically, probably something related to one of the poets/books/movies he mentioned to us before.
4. Did you become a teacher's pet to get close to them?
You bet lmao, and I have to say it hasn’t been easy. T is good at not showing favouritism, and to this day I still cannot be sure I am his teacher’s pet, but I’m getting there ;)
5. What's the most embarrassing thing you've done in front of your TC?
I once wanted to put a small gift on his desk but kind of got caught? It’s been two years and I still want to stop existing every time I think about it aslkdjsakdjal.
6. Have you ever been on a school field trip with them?
Yes! He took us on a school trip abroad once, and that was when I realised he was my next TC. I still miss it after two years ;-;
7. What are they like as a teacher? Are they strict, laid-back, passionate, etc.?
I feel like he appears strict but he’s actually quite laid-back, especially as we are much older, and his passion definitely shines through when he teaches 🥰
8. Do you find it difficult to hide your crush on your TC? Have you ever done anything around them that made it obvious?
Oh boy I am so bad at hiding it, I'm low-key surprised he hasn't done anything about it yet. He would sometimes catch me staring at him, I've given him all sorts of gifts, I would occasionally have the courage to compliment him, and I always find excuses to be around him.
9. What do you think is the first thing that goes through their head when hearing your name?
Haha yeah about that- his wife basically has the same name as me, so if he heard my nickname he would definitely think of her.
10. If your TC saw you crying, how do you think they would react?
For some reason I really can't imagine it. I do feel that he would be very gentle and caring, ask me what's wrong, and reassure me. A part of me wants to find out before he leaves.
11. Do you prefer their looks or personality? Which made you fall for them first?
It's extremely hard to tell for someone that good looking, but I'm pretty sure I did fall for his personality first. To me, he is like the combination of the perfect looks and the perfect personality.
12. Have you ever been jealous because your TC spent time with another student?
ALL THE TIME lmao, especially with his homeroom class because we're the same year group. A lot of them are in both his homeroom and English class so they get to spend so much time with him, it really kills me.
13. Can you picture yourself staying in contact with them after graduation? If you are graduated, is this the case?
He’s going to leave this year - before I graduate - but I really wish that we could at least maintain email contact because I just cannot imagine losing him. Whereas we never email even now so I don't envisage this being very realistic, especially as I am contemplating confessing to him before he's gone.
14. Do you have a favourite outfit that your TC wears?
Ahh this is so hard to choose! I love him in plain-coloured outfits, like white/blue/pink shirts and blue/black ties and blue/black/grey suit jackets. The black jumper he wears in the winter is also super hot. He looks great in our school's dark blue hoodie as well...
15. Has having a crush on them had an impact on your grades?
I work so hard in English to try and make him proud, to make him see me. I have been among the top of his class both this year and last, and I'm always obsessively striving for even higher marks - which, to be honest, has caused havoc on my mental health, but hey how.
16. What do you have in common with your TC? Are your personalities similar, or are you polar opposites?
We're quite different in the sense that he loves sports and English and reading and all that but hates STEM, and I'm certainly more of a natural+human sciences kind of person. I am really happy that our values seem to align very well, at least from what he's told us.
17. Do you think you're their favourite student?
Haha I definitely would say I'm one of his favourites in our year group. I do think there's a girl in his homeroom whom he likes better than me, but I like to think that we're almost equal in his mind.
18. Has your TC ever done something that made you upset or angry?
This year, other than English, T also takes our class's Gym sessions. We were doing a warm-up activity once and I was with a group of some of the least-athletic people so we did really bad, and he kind of jokingly laughed/mocked at us for it. It was evidently not malicious in any way but I got upset because it kind of hurt my ego, especially since I already feel inferior to him and S because they're both really athletic people and I'm not.
19. If your TC wasn't a teacher, what occupation do you think they would have?
He could totally train to be a professional footballer, or... sport literature? Is that a thing?
20. Has your TC ever given you a gift?
I wish lmao - the closest would be when I won the writing competition near the end of last year with my poem and he gave me some prizes, which was really nice 🥰
21. Is there a colour that you associate with them?
Dark blue, mostly because he wears dark blue ties and suit jackets a lot, and his eyes are blue (light blue though). He's dependable and poetic and elegant and feels strongly about things, although dark blue does not do his vibrant energy justice.
22. Do you know if any of your classmates like your TC as well? Can you see this being the case?
This year with him being half of the year group's homeroom teacher, I definitely see it being a possibility. His other 'favourite' student in our year likes him a lot, but I doubt any of them likes him the way I do.
23. If you could call your TC a pet name, what would it be?
'Darling', probably? Although I feel like he's not the pet-name kind lol.
24. What's a song that you would use to describe them?
Crazy in Love by Sofia Karlberg? More so to describe how he makes me feel ehehe
25. Have you ever done something dumb to get their attention?
Totally oops, trying to sneak him gifts and him realising, speaking louder when he's around, inserting myself into conversations... I could really go on all day. That's another downside about having one specific TC for this long - too many embarrassing memories.
26. What are your interactions with your TC like? Are you teasing with each other or strictly professional?
He does tend to be quite professional with almost all of his students, but I do think that this year we've been getting slightly closer. I can actually feel the reward of my constant struggle to build a connection with him, and sometimes he gives me the feeling that he seems comfortable talking to me. Only sometimes though 😢
27. If you saw your TC outside of school, would you go up to them? How do you think they would react?
I have seen him outside of school a few times in the past, I was too scared to go up to them lol. That one time when we saw each other at a crossroads a year ago, he smiled and waved at me 🥰
28. Has your TC ever done anything that made you wonder if they knew about your feelings for them?
Not really, even though I always feel like I'm so obvious that he has to has to know by now. Maybe in the way I can never be sure that he doesn't hate me? Like, sometimes he could feel quite distant from me, and I'm not sure if it's him being careful, if he's like this to others as well, or if it's just my insecure ass.
29. What do you think is their biggest fear?
Once in lesson he told us he was afraid of sharks, "and maybe dying…?" For some reason it was adorable.
30. If you found out that your TC was leaving your school, how would you feel? Would it be easy for you to get over them?
News flash, T is leaving us this year. I absolutely hate it and I’m really scared of losing him. He has been such a prominent part of my life, increasingly so every single year, and my whole mind seems to revolve around him. It would not be easy to get over him - I wonder if it would ever happen. In a nutshell, he's leaving and I am terrified.
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bookworm-2692 · 3 years
For the ZE Ask Game: 1b, 1e, 2a, 3d, 5e, 5f and 5n!
Thank you for sending the asks! I love talking about Zero Escape so thank you for enabling me :D
Questions from here
1b: Favourite character design?
Okay, you know how hard it is for me to pick favourite characters because they’re all wonderful and that’s why you went with this question haha. Hmm. There are so many good designs (especially with the colour coding!!!). I prefer the designs in the first two games, since they’re really bright and colourful, and the third game is darker and dingier. I like that each character has a main colour that stands out and doesn’t really belong to anyone else (except for Dio and K who both have the red and gold aesthetics, but that’s valid because red and gold is a brilliant aesthetic). I think in 999, my favourite is actually Junpei’s - I love the blue colour of his vest, and the blue vest and red shirt just. Work super well together. It’s a fashion disaster but it’s also an aesthetic I vibe with so. (also love the red blue colour coding with Junpei specifically so). In VLR, much as I loathe him, I really like Dio’s design. The top hat and the braids and the red and gold work really well together and it’s fun. Dio is super frustrating though, but his design slaps!
1e: Favourite scene?
Oooo tricky. There’s so many good moments. I think I have to go with the classic though - the moment in 999 True End where Junpei gets the safe end code, and the narration goes “How did Junpei know? He knew because I knew”. It’s so chilling and also so satisfying to see everything suddenly click. I love it, and I love watching people experiencing that for the first time. It’s like. The best part of the game, I reckon.
2a: Least favourite character?
Okay I’m trying to not immediately say Delta but like.... Delta. I think he had a super interesting concept, but the way it was executed made it so much worse. I hated that they just.... hid him from view so then the twist was that this character you didn’t even know existed was Zero? It just felt cheap. Also ~complex motives~ got really annoying - I would have much preferred it if he had said “yeah I’m only doing this to ensure my birth (and the birth of my sister). soz lmao”. Because that motive feels more real? Rather than just adding a whole random “religious fanatic” in a vague sort of way. I do like the concept of him and Phi being twins and being separated in such a way that they’re very different ages now, but again the execution of Sigma and Diana’s romance was like. Not done well.
So yeah, Delta is my least favourite because he doesn’t significantly effect the plot, barely exists, and when he is present his motives don’t make sense and his abilities are not foreshadowed at all (morphogenetic fields in 999 were good, the entire game was spent explaining the concept. Mind Hack? Right outta left field and also if we’re trying to make it work based on how morphogenetic field theory was explained in 999, the “reading minds” part of it is “extremely strong receiver”, and the “forcing people to do actions” part of it is “extremely strong transmitter”, so he should have one of the abilities but not both. And if he is a really strong transmitter.... he’s gotta mime out the action in order to write it into the fields to encourage others to follow! And I reckon natural transmitters, who are worse at receiving, are naturally slightly resistant to this, natural receivers are more vulnerable to this, and normal people somewhere in between. But yes, if Delta is gonna Mind Hacc Eric, then we should see him in the corner miming holding a gun, pointing, and firing!! Bleugh!
Wow that turned into a bit of a rant. Whoops?
3d: Rank the endings
I have been given the choice to either rank the true ends across the three games, or all the endings within a particular game. I am so bad at choices ugh.
Anyway, the true ends:
999 - it really tied everything together and explained everything. The sequence in the incinerator, seeing 12 year old Akane and 21 year old Junpei talking to each other, Junpei saving young Akane, Clover’s absolute joy at finding out Light is alive, the “he knew because I knew” thing that I mentioned above, just everything. It was a self contained story, so everything was addressed and it was good.
VLR - this is more second by default, since I love 999′s true end and hate ZTD’s true end. But overall, this is fairly solid, and I like the concept of them doing this in 2074 to change an outcome in 2028, but it loses points because it relies on ZTD to “complete” it
ZTD - I hate this true end. The game has very enjoyable moments, but unfortunately the true end amounts to “oh let’s just... SHIFT to a timeline where we all survive” and that’s it? Which just feels sort of pointless tbh. And is so unsatisfactory
Within 999, I feel all six five endings are extremely solid, and all have a part to play an a story to tell. Knife End may be the most unsatisfactory, but it’s still okay. True, Safe, and Sub Ends are the ends with credits, and they’re all full of great dialogue and story. Axe End is also great, and I love the way you get to see the other side of Clover (and I really like the art of Clover holding an axe, I actually drew it on Saturday (when I started writing these answers, but it’s Wednesday now because I’ve been busy) for a friend’s birthday, which is technically my first ZE fanart and I’ll post it here at. Some point. Knife end is a bit quick, but honestly that’s okay? Especially when considering how many bad ends the other two games have that aren’t even named. Coffin End was my first end, and I wasn’t expecting the “to be continued” so I basically just collapsed and lay face down on the ground for a fair bit, but again given how many plot locks the other games have, coffin end is chill. So 999 has the most solid endings overall.
Within VLR, there are nine named endings, one for each character, and 13 ish unnamed bad ends. The unnamed bad ends are all like.... basically as soon as you make the decision you die or whatever, they don’t continue onwards like they do for Axe End etc in 999. I like that the named endings are designed for you to learn about each character, even though some of them are kinda weak. Like Quark’s ending, we didn’t really learn about him, and most of what we learnt about him was from Tenmyouji’s ending. I agree with what you said, Finch, about how it would have been nice to get some more Quark content/bonding/something, after he wakes up. Clover’s ending was also pretty disappointing, since she vaguely alluded to 999 and then everyone killed themselves. But there were some really good ones, like Luna’s and K’s and Dio’s (very fun that Phi was about to smash his head with a rock even if betraying Luna to get to that point is painful). Actually I really like the whole murder mystery aspect of everything behind the Magenta door. 
Within ZTD, I do appreciate that the endings all served their purposes, but I disliked the way there were sometimes multiple endings in the same timeline, while other timelines... had none. It just was a bit all over the shop. Most of the endings were informative for the characters, but the true end sucks.
5e: Rant about something you liked from the games
I adore all the red/blue symbolism in the games, especially in 999. The way every time the morphogenetic field is described, the transmitters are red people and the receivers are blue people. And then when you learn who the espers are, you can see how the colours align. Clover is a transmitter, and her colour scheme is a lot of dark pink, close to red, while Light, a receiver, has lots of blue in his design. Junpei and Akane can both transmit and receive (with each other), and this is shown by Junpei wearing both red and blue, and Akane wearing purple, a mix of red and blue. It’s really neat. Also, Junpei is new to the morphogenetic fields, so his blue and red is still separate, but Akane is so entwined within them, and uses them so easily, that her blue and red have mixed to become purple.
In VLR, Clover is still pink, and Junpei still has blue (even though he’s lost the red, but that could show he’s lost connection to Akane and now has no one to transmit to, although I think it’s hilarious if he was still unintentionally transmitting to Akane over the years, and that’s how she kept tabs on him and found him again for VLR.
In ZTD, Diana is red and Sigma is blue. I actually headcanon Diana as a receiver and Sigma as a transmitter (as in, he transmitted his memories to himself across timelines rather than a natural receiver ability), so I like that in ZTD they have opposite colours/each other’s colours. Phi is blue in both games and still a receiver imo.
So the colour symbolism is obviously strongest in 999, but I really like it.
5f: Rant about something you disliked from the games
In VLR, Clover says that stronger espers absorb the powers of weaker espers, and that’s why she can’t contact her brother. I hate this “fact” actually, because it directly contradicts the way the morphogenetic fields work in 999 and ZTD, and also in VLR itself. In 999, we have nine sets of esper siblings during the First Nonary Game, and since they all survived, we know that their esper powers must have worked correctly.... which means we can’t have had one Super Esper absorbing all the powers. The true end of ZTD has the powers of all the espers working together to create a resonant effect so that even Eric and Mira, non espers, can SHIFT. I also dislike SHIFTing (a rant for another day), but the idea of multiple espers in a vicinity resonating/boosting everyone’s powers makes way more sense than.... one person absorbing everyone else’s powers.
And even within VLR.... Tenmyouji does the ally/betray swapsies thing with Sigma and Phi, which means he is also remembering another timeline.... which means his powers are still working and not being absorbed by Phi and Sigma. Also.... both Phi and Sigma are using their powers and SHIFTing everywhere. Why doesn’t one of them absorb the other’s powers? Also also, we learn in the True End that Akane was in K’s armour the entire time during the timeline where Sigma and Phi most use their powers for all the bomb passwords and locations etc. You cannot try to tell me that Akane isn’t the strongest esper, ever. She simply is. If absorbing was true, then we would literally never see anyone else use their powers, because Akane is always there (FNG, 999, VLR, ZTD) and would have to be doing all the absorbing. Gah.
So I reckon, even though Clover said that, that she was simply wrong. That was the current theory SOIS had, but.... they don’t have to be right.
In any case, there are other reasons why Clover might not have been able to contact Light in VLR. The first is simply that he is dead. Another is the idea that minds linked by the morphogenetic fields have a sort of... shape. That fits perfectly with those they are esper partners with. And as the espers grow, so do their mind shapes. Clover was frozen on the 22nd of December 2028, and awoke on the 25th of January 2074. Her mind shape was not able to evolve and grow, so it is preserved. Light however has been living those 45 years, which means that’s been a lot of time for his mind shape to grow and change. Clover can’t find Light’s mind in the morphogenetic field, since it no longer looks the same, and their shapes no longer fit together. This is my personal headcanon, and it means that when Clover finds him, their minds can get used to each other again and their shapes can align, and they can be linked again.
5n: Do you have any fanart/fanfic/fangame recommendations?
Boy, do I ever? The First Nonary Game by @airdeari . What it says on the tin, folks! Airdeari has named all nine pairs of siblings, and created unique sibling relationships and unique experiences with the morphogenetic field for all of them, and woven a beautiful story together, and it’s just wonderful. It’s my favourite fic ever, to the point where I literally bound it and it now exists as a physical book in my life. Like, I cannot recommend this fic enough, it is the best.
AO3 Summary: A tale of nine children aboard a sinking ship, and the unbelievable story of how they survived.
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