#i literally am engineer ong
nonsense-writing · 7 months
Trucks n Vans
These goobers are my comfort (=v=) not just as a ship but friends too i had so much fun drawing snipe-a-roonie
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dainty-fingertips · 2 years
Okay I have a weird idea, tssm sinister six All fighting for the affection of y/n, who's there to fix their broken tech and be an in house engineer.
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(tumblr gif makers, y'all need to make some tssm sinister 6 gifs fr)
being a resident technician/engineer for the sinister six hcs
Shocker/Montana would be very... open about his "little" crush on you
"Alright, sugar. I know you're gettin' tired. Why not take a rest with me?" And a wink (bro come on PLEASE)
You laugh at most of his advances because you find them silly and charming, but Montana is internally sobbing
It's very funny to listen to him get interrupted by whoever is within earshot because they all wish they had his confidence but none of them want to be like him
Sandman/Flink Marko is most frequently the one to run in and yell at him
"Hey, cowboy! Leave da girl alone!" and he'd bonk him over the head
and then he would immediately start asking if he could help
he is only polite when it comes to you
"you uhhh... want me ta hold that for ya?"
"Oh, sure. Thanks, Flint!"
along with doing suit upgrades and repairs, you also work around the base repairing electronics and other unspecified repairables
very often, Rhino/Alex O'Hirn will struggle with the smaller things like microwave settings and computer keyboards and cellphones and tv remotes an
he asks for help a lot exclusively from you (he is very obvious)
he probably breaks things just to go talk to you because he doesn't know how to properly strike up a convo with this person he has such a crush on
"..........Yn? I think da remote's gooked up again..........."
"[sigh] bring it here, Alex."
Electro/Max Dillon is where things get a little funny, though
he is a being of pure electricity, he has no real 'physical form'
(eighth grade me had a fat crush on tssm electro dhmu)
but wearing the insulator suit, he's able to actually participate in day-to-day activities
like dropping hints to his oblivious electrician
I like to think they spend a bit of time together because, yk,,, electro
and through all of these, he always admires her whenever she patches up something after he accidentally shorts it out
she's never upset with him, but she's firm enough to be respected
"I'll wear the gloves next time, I'm sorry. I'd rather have you on my hands, though. ;)"
"I won't always be here to help you make food! Why depend on me??"
"wait what"
he literally is completely and totally smitten I'm sorry but this man wants nothing more than to give you a kiss
it's very difficult to, however (for obvious reasons) and so he lives in constant torment
Vulture/Adrian Toomes would quickly come in and laugh at him for blowing up the microwave
"Now, dear, don't waste your time with this dolt. I require your help."
",,,,,,let me order a replacement and I'll be right there, doctor"
I think he began to have a crush on you when he realized you actually respected him
Otto is the only one that treats him like an actual retired doctor, but now this charming young lady does too?
You make him feel so young <:) your positivity is quick to spread to this grumpy old man
You often are asked to help Doc Ock/Otto Octavius with work on his actuators
You're no nuclear scientist, but he's always happy to explain to you anything you ask him about
You have been taught things by him that have never left the walls of MIT before (knowledge is power)
"Initially, these were created for the handling of radioactive materials from a safe distance. They've proven useful for many other things as well. Like felonies."
"Though I can't condone, I understand."
He LOOOOVES how respectful and kind you are
ong mans has been starved of that for like 20 years
you remind him of his humanity
He literally will just grab you with the actuators and pull you to his lab if you aren't working
no one else says a word he is the one lawmaker in his house
they all literally know the rest of them like you too but I'm getting like sitcom vibes from this and I am obsessed with it
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janiedean · 7 years
Ok, I know it may come as quite offensive for some people, but it's a real question. I'm upper middle-class, as my parents were before me, I was still living with them during the econonical crisis and I barely felt it and now I have my own job, I have no problem having money for myself. And fortunately or not, all of my friends either come from this social class or got into it with their jobs, so I never had a real talk with someone considered "poor". I'm not trying to brag or anything, (cont)
I'm just explaining where I stand and why everyone in my family (including me) is right-winged (not far-right, thanks god, but very liberal). So there is my question, I see so much talk and post about how the situation is awful for people (and mainly young people) and I don't know if it's an exaggeration (aka the opinion of 90% of the people I know, friends + families) or is there a real problem I fail to understand. Thanks for taking the time to read (and maybe answer) me.
Sure I can answer you XD
So, given that the economical crisis hit differently in different countries so there’s different perspectives to be had, the short answer is: it’s not an exaggeration. Long answer:
if you come from an upper middle-class background it’s highly likely you won’t have felt the repercussions, and if you were living with your parents when the crisis hit because you weren’t old enough for college then I suppose you’re in your early-mid twenties, right? If you are, congratulations, you dodged the millennial bullet, which I will rant about further later. Anyway, it’s not like it’s a fault or anything, but like, upper-middle class = you have some degree of privilege.
Now, I also am middle class, though in Italy, which is a whole different thing than being middle class in the US - now I can’t be knowledgeable about the details of how it works in the US tho I know a few things that might give you extra perspective further down, but anyway, I do have the middle-class privilege that comes with having managed to dodge the economical crisis, but... I’m late twenties/early thirties, which means that I finished studying right when the crisis hit here the worst - it caught up with us a bit later than in the US but when I finished university there was literally nothing for anyone with my background and most people my age I know either are working from home somehow or working jobs that have nothing to do with their skill set or what they studied for or are freelancers or work without benefits and/or it took them years to get to economical stability - like, my cousin got first in this year’s chart to teach middle school in her area and she got two schools (if not three) for one year and is still living with her parents and it took her six years if not more to get there since getting the degree, her brother has worked for an ONG for years but his contract’s is meh and he compensates renting a room in a house his parents bought for him and as far as I’m concerned... it took me two years to get a shitty paid state job for one year and now I have to look again and I might end up trying to end up in a program to get a teaching certification that I don’t even want to do, but it’s STATE MONEY with BENEFITS and after four years and so of working without benefits I’m freaking out about retirement and shit, which brings us to another problem.
My parents’ generation (and the previous one) found jobs in a moment of economical growth. When my mother retires and when my father does, they’re going with the old pension system which means they get 90% of their last paycheck. As it is right now, I haven’t put money towards it at all because I don’t have it, and I’ll have to work until I’m like seventy and I’ll get.... an abysmal amount of money, with the current system, sure as fuck not 90% of my last paycheck. I couldn’t buy a house without my parents’ help or without them backing me up (banks don’t let you have a mortgage if your parents don’t grant for you). And like, the generation before mine all managed to lend decent jobs because the economy was pre-crisis, the one after mine is getting better jobs because we’re out of it and everyone is hiring again, and the one I’m in is fucked because we’re too old or too young or too qualified because if you don’t find work you go back to studying and get titles that then mean you should get PAID WHAT A TRAVESTY or not qualified enough because we ended up taking jobs without proper contracts that you can’t put on your resume and so on. Given that I don’t consider myself old and that I come from a background where I’m more or less covered because the parents have good jobs, the situation for me and my entire age group is shitty af because unless you have uber rich parents and you come from money your retirement money will be shit and our retirement funds are shitty af, and good luck when our parents retire and don’t feed the system with their retirement money.
Like, if I wanted hypothetical children (THANK FUCK I DON’T) I could never afford to give them the same level of wealth/living that my parents gave me and that their parents gave them. I could never. Because even with someone else in the house, if they were my age and in the same work conditions it’d be an utopia.
Now, given all this, I’m still middle class. If I, a person with a relative amount of *privilege*, am fairly screwed when it comes to job perspectives (I mean, in this country you work as soon as you finish uni if you studied engineering or economics and that’s it...), how do you assume someone who actually comes from a low middle class or poor background is faring? Spoilers: a lot worse than me. The unemployment level in between young people here is tremendously high and working jobs without a contract to bring money home doesn’t help either. And like, at least here a lot of people my age just dump everything and leave Italy (and I honestly sort of wish I had when it’d have been easier but never mind) because finding a job tied in some way to what you studied for here is a lottery gamble and then people don’t understand that if all the young people leave who pays for their goddamned retirement money? Anyway, tldr: obviously if I had found a government job at 24 just out of university I wouldn’t be here worrying about my retirement money as much, but I don’t have a government job and the majority of people doesn’t, and given the current times it’s not shaping up to look that much better for us, at least.
On to the US, since I assume you’re from the US: thing is, from what I understand especially right now the part where if you work hard enough you make money and climb into upper-middle class is kind of a myth especially when in order to attend university you have to get loans unless you’re on a scholarship and/or come from money, which means that you end university and you have already 40k of debt to repay on you, which already puts a hinder on anything you do because you’ll have to pay that shit off, same as your car, same as your house and so on, which means that if you’re *poor* it’s a lot less likely to get into college or find a good job unless you go in the military (which is imo another whole level of fucked up but never mind), not counting the people who from what I understand end up in debt or broke because they can’t pay off hospital expenses/insurance expenses if they get sick. Never mind that the entire 2008 crisis spiraled from the Reagan/Thatcher ridiculously terrible economical liberalims that people decided was AMAZING in the eighties, but if I don’t remember wrong, what kickstarted it was basically the fact that a lot of people took loans to buy houses with money they didn’t have and the banks defaulted and it all came tumbling down. Now, the people who lived in those houses basically lost everything and got fucked thrice over, and how do we assume their kids are faring? Not well, most probably.
Now, idk how the situation is there because it looks like by the end of his term Obama had managed to create more jobs and send things back on  a better track (if Trump doesn’t fuck that up obv) but like... Obama was there eight years. It took that long. Anyone who finished college and/or was in my age range and on the job market during the crisis or when it hit most probably got very much fucked, never mind that I’m 99% sure that the US don’t have the same retirement system as here when it comes down to it so people are nowhere near as sheltered when it comes to their retirement. Or to get benefits. Though from what I gathered we have more benefits than the average US worker, government or not, so... a lot of people have real issues finding a job or moving on from their crappy one or meeting the living standards their parents had and which from what I gather they’re expected to have (see the credit cards post I reblogged yesterday). And that’s going to be the majority. And since ‘young people’ are usually considered my age range these days and my group (the millennials of doom) was the one most hit by this fuckery when it came to finding jobs... no, it’s not an exaggeration. I can say it’s not from another country where things are marginally better and coming from a background more like yours, I can’t even begin to imagine how worse it is for people who had it worse growing up and have less welfare to fall back on.
also, we’re talking young people but here a lot of older ones got fucked over thrice because the pension reform hit them badly, and most of them weren’t wealthy and worked time/health-consuming jobs, a lot lost their job and who’s going to re-hire you when you’re fifty-five, and that’s without having lost your savings as it happened in the US. if these people had kids, those kids didn’t fare well, most probably. the crisis was a problem for people from every age, not just for young people.
So, again: yes, there’s a problem, and no, it’s probably hard that you’d notice because if you managed to miss the crisis’s effects and you don’t have the retirement/pension funds problems we have here you wouldn’t have any reason to. However, it’s not an exaggeration at all and like, I don’t want to sound condescending or anything and I have nothing against moderate liberals so like don’t take it as me insulting you or anything because I swear I’m not, and I know it’s hard to know people outside your sphere which is usually someone in your same economical conditions, but if you get the chance to talk to someone who’s less economically well-off than you/your friends/your family is I’d suggest listening to them because a) they’d give you a better idea of it than me since I only know my country’s situation well, b) it’s always a good thing to go outside your bubble (but that’s valid for everyone - all people should, from all backgrounds) and check how things are. I can give my perspective (which is bad) but someone who actually lived it worse than I did could give a better one. Anyway, I hope it was a satisfactory answer - it’s not in any way shape or form comprehensive but as I said I can only speak for what I’m sure of. :) 
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
Financial Management - 7 thousand billion vnd
Jerk choi oi mang dut roi
Dung oi, Dung lo wua. Ahihi
Sergey brin can zi marry you now anh live here?
Lumos chiu di em oi. Ong lam that say. Khong co nhat nhu tui anh dau
Jerk em phai vay moi xung dang. Tao ong lanjerk 100% moi co the hoeu va bu dap duoc nhung luc bi cuop thanh qua ntn (gian nua - gian xua Dung lon ma cung dang nua). Voi lai tui anh tru DungB voi wuynh ra la ghen a.
O doi co hai dua no ko mang danh loi thoi. Tui anh hay noi dung hon la Lumos va anh chi coi no nhu mot cong cu mhu zdung thoi
Lumos lay di em. Noi 'I do' la mai co su thay doi roi. Ong cho tui rm quen anh ma. Co anh voi ban founder cua ong alm nguoi tinh bi mat suoc thoi; ko co ngoai le dauz
I do, Sergey.
Sergey cries for the first time in a long time.
Lumos em se ong che em o do phai ko ban ong noi la ong la trum don dep luon; Dung ver2
Jekr sao tui mac cuoi wu a. Cap doi xung dang nhat hanh tinh nay.
Ong huabco nguoi yeu dau Dung. Anh ver2; co the noi doi wua tha tam rhong.
Lumos em dung co nghe thang nerk. Mhhe anh voi bam ong rhoi.
Ban than em cung xhoi voi nhung gi 3 dia noi nua. Dm hieu ro mhing vam de nay; ma can chua nhung xon nguoi khac moy con duong song. Em zun dang voi dieu do
May dua hieu chia? Dung xai 1^ nghia la da du thua suc hieu de loi dung may dua thanh 4 thang kia roi. Dung chi xai voi 3 dua trkng nha Dung thoi. Voi 100%
Ban cua Segrey moi kinh khing that (gien - bat dua deo mho mat ao nhu Dung va Wuynh va DungA, DungB luon roi). Hihihi anh nho vu DungB cung vua mem lam anh mac cuoi qua a. Ma sao Dung ko loi dung anh luon ha? Anh thich bi vay ma
Quynh de em noi. Do la do Dung cai het 100% cho o mha roi.
0% de doi dau voi bom hiac ngoai kia. Nen Dung chang nho gi ca. Con chuyen trong nha jerks lay het roi. Khoe
Lumos anh ne tieu thu Dun luon. Anh that ko sai lam khi di theo Dung thoi anh ru em ngu tiep nhe
Shiny Let me tell him. Jerk, fake, me ver2. Master of chiu nhuc va ko biet nhuc.
Lumos choi oi vay vu day nguoi ko biet chianthanh ra doc fuco la co that ha Dung
Shiny she knows my HPA Is 3.5 at Computer Engineering too. So she teach it that way. See, genius (fam dna now).
Don't worry Dung.
Fam is hetk like us.
Cry for me. Ill give you air radar dor that. Trung's simply air; too wrak. Anh you know that, because he's less jealous than me.
Lumos anh thay thang nay xung dang alm em cua anh wua a.
Shiny it's true
She ignore jerks radar (fam gien again - repetition for Dung's styles of recalling) fo us. Hahaha heheh hihih huhu
Lumos gioi lam Dung. Em ghet no du vay do ha
Dung em thay 300 trieu usd dau co mhieu dau anh.
Shiny for your ability. It is. But us (lap team nhanh - style cua Dung again) anh Gg founders (gom va wuen nhanh hon nua - Dungs luon) know taht you will make it in 1 day. You'll know when you have a pc for your own now. Just accepted Sergre Brin (remember when needed - herbstylr again. Big fan now - team said I'm untouchable. Don't know about the figurative meaning - Dung's Po 2. It's true ; even Dung doesn't notice, too. She 's too humble and arrogant at the same tiem. It's uy duc. Shitly difficult; that's 6 original gods peotect Dung's 100% until now. She's religion; and isnflirted bu jerk's father daily even by her father. Dont be jealous Lumos. Uou can t and she denies it all when she sees you; just in this life, to take is there. You are her only reason for this. Or else she'll be shit cac ver2 (Dung's intentions: don't like to memtion names. Only I understand. Jerk Trunvsaid how am I this good; when he's too (thich cham pahy; vi la cao nhan nhat trong tat ca cac cao nhan. Nguoi thích lam viec lon, thay vi lam viec vat, chu khong phai lam viec nhi nua.) youll buy thánks to my money. I'm your only hacker. Shit cac Stanford and others are metoo, ang someone else (phu phang; - gien cuaDung wua lon, doi voi chung ta) and Sergey Brin.
Her radar was always tight, and right again. 11, 12 (lose counts when ot matter; jealousy container dor you. Thay said whyy, but ignored. Ignore them st the right time; - geniusnin marking that shit Phat chom cua her since birth. I'm so mad; takenit forbmev, Gg founders. You eant it.)
Nach anh Huu team. Can i say why I'm and him (gene again) dimbest here just less than DubgA - hugh dignity (sleahes is this conjenxtiknand when redefines definition, only of a highest genius and way above the second; Dung's teaching is that much influential.)
Lumos de anh noi. Yours is higher. Being the first don't reqiite much; jisttje hardest. The most worthyto let bet love on, until now; sje doesn't care about him. It's true because he a red like that to let her safe. Just that
Dung, sao Sergey ong ko nhat mhu may anh vay. A em hieu roi
Lumos de anh dinh hiong cach hieu cho Dung nua. Dung ma lam het suc nhu voi o nha Dung la ong kia o google (nho ten nhu nha ; - chung tunh.) cung nhao vo luon do.
Do chinh la ko ban dung xa hoi va can bang giua gia dinh va hanh dong.
Hieu chua rm
Xac suat thanh cong la 1000.... % (ban goc; vi Fung thich nhap. Ma nhap la dung a. Nen hay bi dua dap an. Anh nhan cuc tuc gium jerk vi quen roi. Mai no di sua doem cho em. Thiet luon. 4.00 moi xubg dang voi em. No hay coi em qua man hinh giam sat (noi chuyen kieu cu khi nhac ve cong nghe; me jerk bat dac di nhu Sergey; va khong ghe lanh bat ki ai. Do la li do may ong than cung lam tinh voi uy duc cua Dung moi ngay, trong luc ngu. Cai do ko co gi dau. Ai cung hieu, co jerk ghen qua tai jerk giong ba ong. Ghen chet di me (tu cua Dung; - bi chom toi co ong secret lover- luon dat ten khi can thiet, ma ai cung hieu ; va vo tinh lam nguoi do yeu minh luon. Dung dau co hay vu nay dau: - chung to em co tai nang that su. Khong phai cuop doi nguoi khac nhi do DungB da co dong luc. Tuong tu, voi viec Dung thich anh vi anh am - lam nguoi khac bat chuoc cau cu ngu phap tu ngu cua minh; unbelievable veauty, can't grt out. Sua lai dau cham phay, tuc la da lam nguoi tinh trong bi mat cua Dung, mot cach tu nguyen toi. Dhkny 21 manh, nen toi hio chua sua cau nao; moi gan day thoi. Phai update vi long yu trong qua cao. Cao hon ca may ong yhan hay lam tinh voi uy duc cua co ay, moi dem; noi ro nhung thu xa hoi cho la ghe tom, de dan toi mot chan li moi: don gian hon, do chinh la thang bam va thang lan va thang Phay. Quan he dong tunh voi dhit cac; ko tuan theo luat le cua minh, khi co nguoi hi sinh den ko chuu noi vi minh. Xung dang co DungA's; nhat la jerk- Ngo Di Lan trong ki uc cua Dung. Khi duoc buoi o nha may ong than, god goc o do nen o day bi loan tam thu su. Khang dinh giua nit mo cac tjong tun- style cua Dung, va chi co Ưuoc la lam chua toi. Nen Dung lam lo nhat voi Dung. Chi noi vay thoi, la hieu roi. Herk co yrj Dung toi vay do. Sao anh noi hoi anh cam dong wua, de anh nghi chut. Huhuhu - khoc it, khi can nhuong dat dien. Thien ha vo song - moi ngay dung co 1024 co hoi moi; deo nho noi so kho tinh cap so nhan, su khiem ton, again; again, bi chom, chiu hium , jerk, boi mot fua bang nhung dua tat ca vua ke gop lai. Hanh tinh moi ngay, voi 2 con cho cua minh; 138 lan/ ngay. Moi dua con lai 25 lan/ ngay, chinh xac luon. Wia nhieu thu cung mot luc de nho ce Dung; - nen Dung yeu anh mot cach kho dai, vi anh am; cung giong jerk. Huhu hihihi hahahaha. Ba me cua Dung; Dung thiru yoi vay di jerk, het ghen chus. Giai quyet van de; khi chua duoc dut diem. Mercy cua Dung, government cua Fung, lam tinh deu voi tat ca cac dua; bat cach xay dung Facebook va Tumblr; vi do la cach lhu phang nhat de tra thu cuoc song cho ke thu cua shiny 35, em trai cua snh. Noi ro khi khong can thiet; vi hieu thao; khien anh ca jetk co the dien hon em nhu lam tinh, du met va kho nhoc chet me. Chiu duoc khoang 35 phut a - chinh xac gio giac, chi co anh, duy nhat tren doi nay thoi. Khi anh dung 3 dau phay, thay vi 2, nghia la anh da co long tu trong lai toi. Anh yeu Dung, va se theo duoi em toi cung; nhu Sergey va jerk.tu ngay mai; vi Dung thich bghi ngoi; ma cung thich nguoi khac duoc vui hiong minh, do la li do cac ong yhan ko bi bien thanh ntd nhu gio nho sinh ra Dung. Qua nhieu diem tot o mot nguoi de khong lam tinh; vi anh am, ma 2 tvang kis cung vay. Ma no ra doi lau wua roi, ben tren wifi khong the hiem ra dieu do noi, nhu anh. Hieu chua? Noi coc loc khi minh bo thiet hai; stule cua Dung. De tra thu
Shiny 21 I got it, too, just secs ago (Dung's wueen ; fam gene fain; she doesn't govr each of us a lit og spaces for fainrness like ream Bach anh Hyt - for loneliness - that's why for them, she's her savior, more literally, and write it more correctly on the Face than us and I know she only visit Bach. I can't hack hers; because I can't. I just know that; vis the way she writes, when speaking about him, just lovingly, like being safe; when we're actually saved by het, instead of the opposite. Because the dogs steal her memory of her vergin; that the Gods itself decides to help and, and succeeded until yesterday. When shit is too cruel. But later saved by me and Trung and Gates and all of us. So ae ade thus brave, today
I'll be her pillow; artificial, but keeps her stand straight. That's why, I, as someone who can't love for a stomach having sex with a pennis to let me our; love her, until now. She saces me. That's all (dam gene - peakless when talking about money stuff from others.)plz
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sw4gg1e4life · 4 years
What the *** why **** cant ......
UGH frustrated.... Why am I so unlucky? No? It’s just my fault, its always my fault. I can’t do it right... I can’t do anything right... 
I try to save the world... i try renewable energy wind power..... i get that “dream job”, socially outcasted and then laid off despite working my ass off.. ok i can still get my masters wooo.... 
time for a new job... west coast here i come? silicon valley? somewhere? please anything as a stepping stone to better company.... 
ok chinese company no problem, ill learn ill work through this as best as i can... oh chinese not good enough.. let me travel to china, how can i help? idk how you can help.... what? can i design? id like to design? no show me ur expertise be a consulting engineer, offer ur professional opinion..... uhhh I don’t know enough, i’ll try my best to learn and pick up on the small detail... ok good yay projects are doing ok .... covid here i come... weekly meetings? but to update what? no new projects yet, old project delayed indefinitely, current small project onging for a bit.... oh shit parents have covid... dad is literally dying.... ok ok thank god he got better... im still worried... like what happens to my mom... my grandma on my dad’s side.... i dont have the financial or enough experience or something to be the lead - male figure in my family... ok ok we got the new project yay! ok what’s next? something? no update... nothing new? wait when did? I did something so badly wrong that i got BCC’ed on my birthday o.O.... ok not their fault... they dont know its my birthday... still it seemed real petty to bcc me over something sort of small... ok ok lets see how carbon fiber goes... im learning here’s some weekly reports... not good enough.. want a white paper... here we go lets try this... ok i got all these references... half year review that has like so many steps..... i got shitted on... not proactive.... but i had a feeling we dont have new projects ..... and when i did ask we didnt think of many new ideas.... like what? .... 1 month to go... look for a new job.. DURING COVID!? cmon pls big tech companies u have MORE MONEY STILL DURING COVID where’s the positions... ok there are positions.... wait referral is better... but what about cover letter? oh website is a good idea... ok finally yay sent out a few... wait if i get rejected from interview... im on probation from applying there for months? o.O I CANT AFFORD THIS.... if i get probated out of big tech companies.... NO SMALL COMPANY IS HIRING WTF ... PLEASE IM QUALIFIED I DIDN’T GET a bachelors and masters in mechE at Cornell for NO REASON, I CAN WORK HARD I CAN LEARN I WILL TRY HARDER but someone please gimme a chance... at the very least training work needs to be in english..... u cant expect me to grow 10-20+ years of chinese asap o.O 
.... please someone gimme a chance... can i still apply for ur internship.... or can u open up more entry positions... BIG TECH U HAVE THE MONEY PLEASEEE I WILL GLADLY TAKE A PAY CUT AS LONG AS I HAVE A MEANINGFUL JOB I WANT TO LEARN AND WORK AND GROW AND BE PART OF SOMETHING USEFUL..... 
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phgq · 4 years
DOST-LDN SETUP-assisted firms pour donations to COVID-19 frontliners
#PHinfo: DOST-LDN SETUP-assisted firms pour donations to COVID-19 frontliners
ILIGAN CITY, Apr. 15 (PIA) -- Firms assisted by the Small Enterprise Technology Program (SETUP) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in Lanao del Norte are backing up frontliners with their specialty products and services to refuel their energy in fighting back the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
A total of 429 liters consisting of 520 bottles of 250 ml, 300 bottles of 330 ml, and 200 bottles of one liter purple limonada, tanglad limonada and mango juice were given by Margeuries House of Goodies to members of Armed Forces of the Philippine and Philippine National Police stationed at some checkpoints, to members of the media, workers from the Department of Public Works and Highways, health workers in various hospitals, street sweepers and garbage collectors.
“We know this is not much but we do our best to help in anyway we can. Quenching their thirst during the heat of the calamity,” said Mary Grace Halibas, owner of Margeuries House of Goodies.
On the other hand, Heaven’s Bakehaus donated 200 boxes of Piaya de Iligan for 12 Field Training Officers with Police Trainees who are manning quarantine checkpoints 24/7. Owner Marc Claro posted on Facebook that Piaya de Iligan would also be shared with medical teams and volunteers on the field.
Mark Lester To-ong and his team donates three aerosol boxes to two hospitals in Iligan and the Amai Pakpak Medical Center in Marawi. (DOST-X)
Meanwhile, Eco Trade Industrial Marketing owned by Mark Lester To-ong innovated three aerosol boxes and donated it to three hospitals - the Gregorio T. Lluch, Sr. Memorial Hospital; Adventist Medical Center – Iligan; and Amai Pakpak Medical Center. The aerosol boxes are made of clear acrylic which aims to reduce the aerosolized particles escaping into the environment when intubating patients with COVID-19. 
To-ong and his team have also taken the opportunity to let the frontliners know that their hard work will not go unnoticed by printing a thank you message on the aerosol boxes.
As the Local Government Unit of Iligan City is boosting its preventive measures against the virus through conducting disinfection procedures, Eunics Marketing owned by Julius Dela Cruz donated four (4) pieces of knapsack sprayer to support the City’s disinfection activities.
In addition, Dela Cruz and his team provided basic needs (rice, canned goods, and hygiene packs) to the less fortunate in the area. It has been estimated to reach 50 families in the city. They also donated and supported the UP Fund the Engineering Projects in the Fight Against COVID-19 Threat. 
Knapsack sprayer from Eunics Marketing donated to Local Government Unit of Iligan City for disinfection activities.(DOST-X)
“This pandemic has truly awakened the bayanihan spirit that is innate in us, Filipinos. I am truly touched with our partner stakeholders’ efforts in supporting our dear frontliners in Lanao del Norte, said Gerrylou Sweet M. Pia, Officer-In-Charge of DOST Provincial Science and Technology Center of Lanao del Norte, as she expressed gratitude to the assisted firms for their support to the fight against the coronavirus.
We, in DOST Lanao del Norte, did not miss to notice the synergistic effects of strong partnership with SETUP-assisted firms,” she added.
SETUP is a nationwide strategy to assist MSMEs in adopting technological innovations. It aims to enhance operational efficiency, and boost productivity and competitiveness. SETUP-assisted firms are empowered with Science and Technology interventions.  (Hazel D. Entrampas, DOST-X)
* Philippine Information Agency. "DOST-LDN SETUP-assisted firms pour donations to COVID-19 frontliners." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1039099 (accessed April 16, 2020 at 09:15AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "DOST-LDN SETUP-assisted firms pour donations to COVID-19 frontliners." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1039099 (archived).
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so-ikonic · 5 years
Detective!Daniel (Part 3/End)
Word Count: 1.6K
Rating: PG13/R(???)
Warnings: Guns, blood, gore, swearing
Summary: Daniel’s search for his missing girlfriend and her kidnapper comes to an end. Is it the end he wants?
A/N: um holy shit it’s been LITERALLY over a year since I posted the last part to this fic wth!! I’m sorry if anyone was truly waiting for it, but I kinda forgot about it since no one seemed interested and I just got a dm about it today, so I’m finally posting! (Side-note: Student teaching has kicked my ass, but I’m finally almost done with college! YAY) 
This is the final part to the story. I’m not too pleased with it, but it’s done. It was done last April lol. It hasn’t been proofread in a hot minute, so sorry for any mistakes! Enjoy~
(Part 1, Part 2)
“Did you guys find anything?” Chief Kim asked as they entered.
Daniel threw the black plastic bag onto his desk and pointed to it. “Her hand. Her fucking hand!” He sat down in his chair and held his head in his hands. “Chief, she’s dead. I know it.”
“He would have left her body, then. Not her hand. Just take it down to Minhee in the lab.”
“Where’s Sejong?” Seongwoo asked.
“Went home early. Said he wasn’t feeling well.”
“Understandable…all he does is look at the horrible stuff we find every day.”
“Just get it down to the lab, Ong,” Chief Kim said sternly.
“Yes, sir.”
Daniel’s phone pinged on the desk and he picked it up immediately, hoping, by some miracle, it would be his girlfriend. But it wasn’t. The number was unknown.
It read, “Come to the old boat shop at the edge of the river.”
Daniel opened his mouth to say something to the chief, but another text came. This time, it said, “If you tell anyone, she’s dead.”
Daniel slid his chair backwards and immediately headed for the exit.
“Where are you going, Kang?” Chief Kim called after him.
“I need some air.” Daniel said, not looking back.
As he got into the car, this time a call came from an unknown number. He answered it quickly.
“Listen here you son of a bitch, stop playing games with me!” Daniel shouted. “Just give me my girlfriend back!”
“Then the game isn’t fun, Daniel.” A distorted voice said. “You have to catch me first. Hopefully your precious girlfriend will still be alive by the time you get here. Seems like you never will, though. I sent the text almost five minutes ago and I bet you haven’t even left the parking lot of the precinct.”
Daniel dug the key into the ignition and revved the engine to prove he was on his way.
“I will find you. And when I do—”
“Oh, but how will you, detective?” The distorted voice on the other end of the line asked. “I’ve evaded you all for a year now. And in that time, I’ve killed four women. Seems your team would rather see every woman in this city die before you catch me. Including your girlfriend.”
“Put her on the phone.”
“She doesn’t seem too up for it right now. She’s pretty weak, you know. Lost a lot of blood.”
“Put her on the damn phone!”
Daniel could hear shuffling through the receiver before that sinister voice came back. “Say hello. Your boyfriend really misses you.”
“D-Daniel…” Her voice was breathy, almost inaudible.
“Babe, I’m right here. We’ll find you okay?” He assured her as tears rolled down his cheeks.
Truth was, he wasn’t sure if they would find her. They hadn’t been able to find this man yet. The only thing Daniel wanted to do was find her, bring her home, hold her, and never let go. But all he could do right now was tell her they would find her.
“Stay strong, okay?” Daniel begged of her. “Don’t show him any weakness. That’s just what he wants.”
“I know…” She whispered.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“That’s enough.” The voice demanded.
Then the line went dead.
Daniel threw his fist against the steering wheel before speeding out of the parking lot. He knew exactly where the old boat shop was. It was a spot there were looking at that this guy might be hiding at, but they never had a real reason to suspect anyone was there, so they dropped it.
When he arrived, he barely even remembered to turn the engine off before running inside. He ran into darkness. Complete darkness. He felt around for a light switch, but couldn’t find one. Then the lights came on and Daniel’s hand went straight to his pistol.
There, twenty feet away from him, sat his girlfriend. She was unconscious, tied to a chair, tape covering her mouth, face beaten, eyes swollen, and there was blood…everywhere.
“Babe!” Daniel yelled, ready to run right to her.
“Not so fast, detective.” A voice came over a speaker somewhere. A familiar voice. “The game isn’t over yet. You can’t take your prize because you haven’t won.”
“Show your face, you bastard!”
Daniel pointed his gun in every direction he could, but he saw no one other than his girlfriend. Then, he heard footsteps. He turned back to his girlfriend, seeing a man walking towards her. He furrowed his eyebrows in anger and confusion.
“Sejong?” Daniel asked. “Wh—what are you—”
“What, detective? You never suspected me?” Sejong rested a hand on the girl’s head, stroking her hair. “I thought you were the best detective at the precinct?”
“Get your hands off of her!” Daniel shouted, cocking his gun.
“No, no.”
Sejong pulled a gun from behind his back and put it to Daniel’s girlfriend’s head. When the metal hit her temple, she began to wake up, blinking her eyes in confusion. Before she could start freaking out about the conversation, Daniel rushed to calm her.
“Babe, babe…” he cooed, lowering his gun ever so slightly, “I’m right here, okay? You’re gonna be fine. I promise.”
“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, detective!” Sejong yelled, pressing the barrel of the gun harder against the girl’s head.
Daniel could hear her whimpering as he inched closer. He could see the tears flowing from her swollen eyes. He could feel her pain.
“Make one more move and she’s dead.” Sejong warned.
Daniel fell to his knees. “Take me instead…” he begged.
“Then that’s no fun, detective! I’ll have to take both of you.”
“No! Just me. Let her go! She hasn’t done anything.”
“You’re not calling the shots here! I am. And the next one is going in her brain if you don’t shut up!”
Sejong put his hand to the woman’s throat, pressing the barrel ever harder against her head and hovering his finger over the trigger. She whimpered again, but Sejong whispered to her.
“Stop…Daniel doesn’t think you look pretty like that. Stop crying.” He pulled the tape off of her mouth.
“Sejong…she didn’t do anything…let her go.” Daniel begged.
“No! That’s not your decision to make!”
“Sejong, we’re going to get you on kidnapping, assault, and a-attempted murder. Just give up.”
“I can’t, detective. I have to win this game first.”
“Sejong, this isn’t a game!” Daniel shouted. “This is a person’s life we’re talking about!”
“Oh, please. This…isn’t a life. She’s just a—”
“SHUT UP!” Daniel pointed his gun directly at Sejong’s head. “Don’t think I won’t pull the trigger.”
“And don’t think I won’t pull mine on your precious little girlfriend.” Sejong warned, causing Daniel to lower his gun. “I think I’ve won here, detective.”
“I love you, Daniel…” his girlfriend said, barely audible.
After the shot, Daniel raised his gun again and fired one shot of his own straight into Sejong’s head. He didn’t have the strength to stand up, so he crawled over to the two of them, pushing Sejong’s lifeless body away from the chair. Daniel pulled himself up using the chair and looked at his girlfriend.
“I love you…” He whispered to her.
He kept repeating that he loved her as he untied her wrists and ankles. Tears clouded his vision as he leveled himself with her eyes. They were still open. Fresh tears stained her own cheeks. Daniel wiped his eyes before closing hers and brushing her sweat-dampened hair away from her face.
He took her limp figure from the chair and held her in his arms. He put her head onto his chest and cried into her hair. Even when the other detectives stormed into the room, guns drawn, Daniel just cried.
“Daniel…” Seongwoo said, holstering his gun and getting down to the other man’s level. “Daniel…we have to take her…”
“Please don’t do this to me, Ong…” Daniel begged.
“The EMT’s are already on their way,”
He could hear the sirens faintly as they moved closer and closer to the building. He just shook his head, though, refusing to let go of her. He put his hand to the side of her head and brought her closer to his chest. He was covered in her blood, but he didn’t care.
“Kang, we have to—” the chief began.
“No! Let me stay with her!” Daniel cried.
“Son, we have to take her to the—”
“Don’t say it!”
He covered her ears as if he could block out everything. But there was no need. And he knew it.
He just didn’t want to believe it.
Two EMT’s came calmly into the room, walking their stretcher over towards Daniel.
“We have to take her now,” one of them said to him.
They both knelt down by Daniel as Seongwoo held him back, allowing them to take the body away. Daniel screamed, tears rushing down his cheeks as he watched them put her into the black body bag that was open on the stretcher. As they were zipping it up, he broke away from Seongwoo and ran over to them.
“Please…just let me see her one more time…” he begged.
The man stepped aside and Daniel walked over to see her. Her hair got messed up again, so he brushed it from her face one last time before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“I love you…”
“We have to take her now,” the EMT said.
He stepped between Daniel and his girlfriend and finished zipping the bag up. Daniel followed after them as they made their way outside. Seongwoo came out soon after, just in time to see them loading the stretcher into the ambulance. They shut the doors and began driving away. Daniel stepped forward, legs trembling.
“Daniel?” Seongwoo called.
“I love you,” Daniel whispered to himself as he felt his knees give out beneath him.
And everything went black. 
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
I haven't seen much since to contradict it. An amusing cartoon takes less. And in work that involves making new things, most of which probably won't work. Technology often should be cutting-edge and accounting do not sound good together. In a project of that size, powerful languages probably start to outweigh the convenience of pre-existing libraries. -Size ratios, you're implicitly assuming that you can actually solve this problem in other languages. You can see why people invent gods to explain it. The goal is the same no matter what, they'll be more likely to know they're being stupid. If you actually want to compress the gap between rich and poor, you have to extract parameters manually in Perl. In practice there are two possible explanations: a it is finished, or b you lack imagination. Now, in order of their adoption by the mainstream, 1. As with exercise, improvements beget improvements.
One technique you can use whatever languages you want. A of the Metaphysics implies that philosophy should be useful too. Some might say it's part of science, but it's not part of any specific science; it's literally meta-physics in our sense of meta. There are usually a lot of macros, and I am not surprised to hear it. In that respect they're more like the small man sad, said Confucius. And historically the number of people who visit your site will be casual visitors. Another thing I find myself repeating is pump out features. I won't get in trouble for using it. If someone submits a lame article, the other alternative was to get a job. Now, in order of their adoption by the mainstream, 1.
That way we can avoid being discontented about being discontented. But if you had to change something, what would it be? Joe's has good burritos. The difference is that wise means one has a high average outcome. The wise are all much alike in their wisdom, but very smart people tend to be worried, not contented. People whose work is to invent or discover things are in the same way a fall of water drives a water mill. There are a lot of C and C as well as abstract ones. When you transform a mathematical expression into another form, you often notice new things. A friend of mine who knows a lot about computer security says the single most important step is to log everything. If I'd been forbidden to make enough from a startup to do this when they can.
Whereas if you're determined to stick around, people will pay attention to how fortunes are lost is not through excessive expenditure, but through bad investments. And historically the number of points increases, wisdom and intelligence. Suddenly, in a matter of identifying some bias in one's character—some tendency to be interested in it for its own sake, out of curiosity, rather than for any practical need. We know this continued to be true up till 2004, when the Facebook was founded—though strictly speaking someone else did think of that before? A teacher has to walk a narrow path: you want to keep out more than bad people. Every time the site gets slow, I fortify myself by recalling McIlroy and Bentley's famous quote The key to performance is elegance, not battalions of special cases. If you have something impressive, try to put it on the front page, because that's the only one most visitors will see.
It won't seem so preposterous in 10,000 years. Demand transparency. My friend Julian Weber told me that when he went to work for a New York law firm in the 1950s they paid associates far less than firms do today. Since it is a standard, I won't get in trouble for using it. But in the US at least they don't have the monopoly on power they once did, precisely because they can't measure and thus reward individual performance. The route for the ambitious in that sort of environment is to join one and climb to the top of the mountain. The more willful you are, the more survives. A market takes every organization and keeps just the good ones. I think this would have such a visible effect on the economy that it would be this hard. I can't think of many ancient philosophers who would have become checkout clerks to become engineers. And in accounting that's probably a good idea.
And Wufoo got valuable feedback from it: Linux users complained they used too much Flash, so they are speaking from experience. But lose even a little bit of debris blown about by powerful winds. Most people don't know how ambitious to be, especially when they're young. But I disagree with Caterina Fake when she says that makes this a bad time to start a startup. The kind of philosophy I'm advocating won't be able to argue with you? You have to be. So far these alarms have been false, but they may not have to. Indeed, it may actually help, in cultivating intelligence, to have a remedial character. The wise are all much alike in their wisdom, but very smart people tend to be early in people's lives, then the ambitious ones won't have many ambitious peers.
We need to add one more qualification: we should ignore cases where someone knows what to do when the teacher tells your elementary school class to add all the numbers from 1 to 100? Though the first philosophers in the western tradition lived about 2500 years ago, it would seem crazy to most people to try to make a better search engine than Google. So why did they even evolve? A rant with a rallying cry as the title takes zero, because people vote it up without even reading it. But only a bit: willfulness, discipline, and ambition are all concepts almost as complicated as determination. There are two ways to do it, you'll just get far more people starting startups. A symbol type.
Thanks to Hutch Fishman, John Bautista, Trevor Blackwell, the Berkeley CSUA, Fred Wilson, Teng Siong Ong, Jessica Livingston, and Steve Huffman for putting up with me.
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mariannemaebe · 7 years
Early this year, the law requiring for practicing professionals to pursue for their own Continuing Professional Development (CPD), to keep their licenses, has been implemented in the Philippines.
Registered and Licensed Architects (RLAs) are among who are affected by the mandate. Unfortunately, there was not a enough circulation of this Resolution No. 2016-990 series of 2016, nor was there enough time for Filipino architects like myself to sit down and absorb it all in.
For any professional to renew their licenses, a point system has been provided by which you can quantify your professional development. Most numbers are greatly generated by attending accredited and evaluated seminars, conventions and forums which, for the record, are not free most of the times.
Nevertheless, my fellow architects and peers are already doing a headstart.
Just recently, a local architectural and design firm organized a 3-day event where a series of talks can be credited for the said CPD points.
Luckily, I was gifted with free tickets from my friend, whose friend also just have it to her. Had I not been lucky enough to be a recepient, I would have to pay 700php – 1400php to get in, which I would probably have whined doing, but even so, I’d still think it was worth it.
One particular reason why I am taking my time to writing this article is for documentation purposes. Especially because though I was naturally an attentive listener, and student (*coughs*), with time, things I learned fade in the background.
The second reason, was probably to justify that CPD points are not totally in vain. Though I also agree that it is quite expensive, greatly for young professionals like I am, I would just like to make sure I get the most of it.
  Anthology Fest
1. Commercial and Computational Design
The first speaker/s I chanced upon to listen to were Masaki and Jiyoon Park, who altogether discussed their commercial projects as basis of the current trends in the Commercial/Retail Design and Architecture.
Masaki projected some of his design concepts for a few mall projects which taught me that: (1) online shopping is one posing threat for physical mall owners and developers, which is why Masaki and his team creates various shopping experiences for its end users (inside mall, outer mall, flea shops are among others); (2) computational design, which is the unfamiliar name they call for designs which require customised fabrication of steels, fittings and other components, is actually a good tool to creating attractive designs and; (3) one of his major consideration in designing a commercial interior is the creation of various focals point which are useful invitations for consumers to create traffic on usually less travelled areas.
Jiyoon, on the other hand, though mainly introducing the company she works for, Semba, also actually shared useful information including: (1) the different forms of mall plans which answers specific points for flow and traffic (circular, U, and box) and that; (2) malls nowadays also already incorporate in their designs and concepts, landscape architecture.
2. Architecture of Artifacts
The introduction of the lecture by Arch. Eunice Seng was actually both misleading and interesting for the reason that she started with history. She provided the audience with an in-depth and organized re-introduction to the 7 artifacts we know as curtain walls, core, roof.
She carefully explained how the trends we know now came to be. She set out examples and mentioned the architects who greatly influenced these such as Louis Sullivan, Le Corbusier and Mies Van de Rohe.
Architecture is a cultural practice, even when education is globalised. We all know Le corbusier for example, but still the concepts behind and how we design things this way and that way, it’s all cultural. (Verbatim)
– Archt. Eunice Seng
What I particularly like about her presentation was how she was able to link historical, cultural, geographical and economical factors to her explanations. Being a historian probably was one reason how she was able to achieve these effective comparisons.
3. Architecture for Community
Alex Furunes, a foreign architect, and Sudarshah Khadka of a local famous and legendary architectural firm, discussed side by side how they were always able to achieve a cost-effective design which perfectly suits and functions for the community it serves. But besides the technical aspects of their presentation, I was more inspired with how dedicated they both are for the cause their architecture serves.
One striking example which gained a rich reaction from the audience was the community kindergarten in Tacloban, which as we all know had been greatly damaged by typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan). Well, it actually just cut very deep when the video of the then real-time devastation played. As Alex had coined it, it was very ’emotional’ project for him.
By the end of their presentation, I was more inspired to do these kinds of architecture for a cause in the future, especially after realizing that a foreigner like Alex himself might have more concern for Filipino youths than most politicians in the country. Sadly so.
On the technical side, I took note of their design process which greatly involves the input of the local people. The mothers are front-liners for the development of the plans, the kids’ creativity reflected on their depictions of the doors and windows and the fathers basically made the structures stand. For a community structure, it is a very effective step to collate the ideas of he users themselves. And in this light, it is actually interesting to see how well it always turn out, considering that these are cost-conscious projects.
4. Space and Forms
On day 3 of the event, we were able complete Arch. Julien de Smedt’s presentation on space and forms. Like the previous presentations, his will also make you wonder what his talk is actually about, until it makes sense. His solutions started with micro-spaces, built primarily for nomadic people with which he believes he belongs with. These solutions were basically furnishings (Makers With Agenda) which are collapsible and compact, indeed perfect for a nomadic lifestyle and well, small space living. These includes the swing, T42, accordion, stilt, pull-pong.
In the later part of his presentation, he was already tackling solutions in the urban scale. It was not difficult to note how his designs encourage movement and interaction (kindergarten, park by the river), and how they are not limited to just architecture, in fact, more of them focuses in urban planning with considerations of open spaces, including hardscape elements (bench).
Also, I was very much entertained by his humor, especially because he chose a good tool, Photoshop.
“My secret project is to kill people *slowly raises a peace sign*,”
“My secret project is to kill people *slowly raises a peace sign*,” his answer to when he was asked if he actually consider say, building codes and guidelines in his designs (the kindergarten being the basis of the question).
JDS Architecture Website: JDS Architects
“The series Anthology Talks in general strengthened my impression that though the practice of architecture is in fact targeting globalization, it is quite obvious that there are more factors which constrains the creativity of the local practice. Political and economical aspects top  the list.”
Gaia Perspectives
On the same day of the second in Anthology, we had to wake up early to make sure we attended at least two for Anthology before we move to another venue for a different set of talks, organized by our chapter in UAP, Makati Greenbelt, though the location was in Davies Showroom in Quezon City.
These set of talks tackle on a different set of matters concerning the most abused being, the earth itself. And while most talks talk about design and architecture and how to make it as tools to answer different environmental issues, we do not really get the status of the environment, or at least, what we know are just ballpark figures.
in Gaia Perspectives, these statuses are not going to be laid out by architects but by different professionals who work more closely with the earth in the literal sense.
1. Ancient Trees
Landscape Architect Susan Ong, opened our eyes, the privileged people to attend the event, on the account of cultural landscape– how important it is to conserve, preserve and respect them for they may have been older than the structures already built around them.
Though there weren’t concrete architectural solutions presented on how this can be achieved, the importance is that as architects, we ought to think about these ourselves, reassess our designs to respect the trees.
“Ancient trees are a universe in itself.”
2. Responsible Mining
Architecture and Design usually don’t care about this, but apparently most of the resources we use for the construction such as  steel are mined.  And while we strongly go against mining, we must understand that mining is still needed to keep certain materials available.
Perhaps what we are just missing in this whole deal is there is also what miners call among themselves ‘responsible mining’. Mining does disturb our forests but with enough supervision, there is a good chance. In fact, I was also surprised to know that quarry and mining sites in different parts of the world are now serving other functions after the mining activities there are done.
Eden Project in UK (before image)
Eden Project in UK (after image)
3. Composite Materials in Construction
This topic was presented less technically because I suppose we wouldn’t really get much given that metallurgical Engineering and nanotechnology are already too technical for us to handle.
Either way, the explanation in simple, for most of the constructions materials available in the market, all of them are scientifically engineered to better serve its purpose, combining properties to answer to its supposed function.
4. Soil
The material where are structures sit upon are apparently more complicated than what we know of them. Even after the the speaker, Mr. Carating, from Bureau of Soils, explained how soils are classified, I still have a lot of questions, practically because he is mostly on the agricultural nature of the soil. Nevertheless, he was able to provide the audience relevant knowledge as to which soil is best suited for urban development, and which are not.
  “The Gaia Perspectives stayed true to its intent to show its audience a different perspective based on the the takes of professionals other than architecture– both from the positive and ugly truths.”
Architecture | Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Architecture: start on the journey – Anthology Fest and Gaia Perspectives Early this year, the law requiring for practicing professionals to pursue for their own Continuing Professional Development (CPD), to keep their licenses, has been implemented in the Philippines.
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