#its great; just not the transphobia
nonsense-writing · 7 months
Trucks n Vans
These goobers are my comfort (=v=) not just as a ship but friends too i had so much fun drawing snipe-a-roonie
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saturnniidae · 5 months
I will never understand how people will agknowledge just how jk rowling is as a human being, and still like Harry potter. You can't fucking "separate the art from the artist" when the 'art' is filled with antisemitism, racism transphobia and more! You can't even think about doing that when the 'artist' herself is a fucking HOLOCAUST DENIER.
(Also it's even more pathetic considering jk rowling is actually a shit writer. Like let's be honest, everything people love about Harry potter is from the movies. Every bit of personality Harry had was from his actors portrayal of him)
These people don't care that they're clinging onto the mediocre work of a holocaust denier that wishes death to trans people because they're too wrapped up in nostalgia or whatever. It's pathetic and honestly disgusting.
And it speaks volumes how pretty much all the people I see behaving this was are white
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If you're interested in music sociology and the history of gender nonconformity and transness within music I highly recommend Sasha Geffen's Glitter up the Dark
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azemessence · 3 months
"I don't get to see much (gender euphoria) posted about transmascs"
"Good, I wish no one saw transfems either"
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drakey-wakey · 2 years
came across a post picking apart the term transandrophobia on like a linguistic level and like. really? for fucks sake yall. can you just drop the semantics for one second and listen?
Instead of focusing on whether the word being used is accurate or good or 'politically correct' or whatever can you guys fucking listen to us when we talk about whats going on. Denying your queer brothers a voice to talk about their own unique oppression is neither helpful or kind, and honestly just contributes to the transandrophobia further.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
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I'm describing my transition in these terms from now on, actually. I feel foolish for not having come up with this myself; it makes me feel like a lesser transsexual for it, in fact.
(Also, the person that was being discussed is cis)
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
I could see Ken Penders point with saying how similar the Sonic Chronicles games were to his Knuckles comics and getting upset with that since there was in fact a lot of similarities, granted they were all based around alot of common tropes but he did 'there's a secret society of Echidna, one of the leaders is evil, girl Echidna defects and helps main characters save the day' first in official Sonic media. And considering that his own comic was tanking and Chronicles was set for something like a promised trilogy then yeah, I'd be upset too. But then there's other things like him trying to claim Scourge (Penders made Evil/Anti Sonic but it was Flynn who gave him the redesign) or even trying to claim that it was his idea to make Sonic stand on the wings of the tornado and then I just stop caring.
That and he's trying to sell Sonic NFTs and thinks that he owns Shade because Sega hasn't uses her since the lawsuit.
yeah thats the thing i dont think its inherently bad for him to want ownership of stuff hes made and i can see where hes coming from with the sonic chronicles stuff but then like you said he does things like take sole credit for scourge despite most people who like him liking him based on what other artists and writers did with him, act like he owns the concept of knuckles having a dad, claiming ownership of and selling nfts of designs he didnt make after getting angry over anything similar to something he did being used, etc etc . so no he really doesnt deserve to be defended lmao
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snobgoblin · 10 months
me at work while my coworker talks about how all this gender stuff is getting out of hand (I can't say anything or I'd out myself)
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makedamnsvre · 10 months
i was looking at the free time events with tenko bc i was curious but also was just wanting to know more bc of her hatred of boys ("degenerate males") but then she like Explicitly States that she views trans women as women, well, more specifically she told shuichi (male protagonist/pov character) that she cant shake his hand since hes male But that if he got a sex change that it would be okay. ?? 😭
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ugh i need to email my GP reception again about how THIS form of gel testosterone is also 1) out of stock and 2) not available to order by lichrally any pharmacy in my area either :/
might be time to get an appointment and go over to stab butt i guess
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sereniv · 1 year
Practice being uncomfortable and learn to live with that
#purity culture#like theres tons of things i enjoy that also are problematic or uncomfortable#either bc of the time they were written or the topics#or whatever reason#like learn to put it to the side#ive watched old movies where theres stuff that just. not great#racist shit#and i acknowledge and know wow thats not ok#but i am able to pluck that out and put it to the side#i dont justify it. i dont ignore it. or even pretend it didnt happen (though sometimes i do)#its just like. ok that happened . very much hated it. moving on.#and im able to enjoy a movie overall but i still would warn people#JUST BE UNCOMFORTABLE#find shit that makes you uncomfortable and actually figure out if its harmful to you or if its simply uncomfortable#like theres been movies that have transphobic moments and then theres ones that sre transphobic#i probably will still watch through ones that have moments. i can still see it as a good movie but that doesnt mean the transphobia was good#for example the billboards movie a recent one. used the n word every moment it could#saw it in theaters and didnt know it would happen. it was said by white cops. and i was close to walking out of the movie theater#because it wasnt an uncomfortable I could stand. and i would say it was a mediocre movie#but i could also say it was a good movie in camera angle in story etc if that were the case (its not)#like be fuckint complex#and actuallt figure out what is somethinf you need to speak on and fight against#and what you need to just give opinions and know they are simply opinions#let yourself be uncomfortable until you can figure out what is a real problem and what just squicks you out GOD#learn to block people not harass people too
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undercoverangell · 2 years
dinner w the parents went horribly and i got told i ruined it bc i had the audacity to cry when yelled at. lawl.
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nururu · 1 year
thinking about how in fishman there was the theme of oppressed and discriminated against minorities giving blood to save members of the crew (Sanji & Luffy) and how sanjis experience was him like... actively being a problem for everyone in sight and having a rare blood type so the only ppl with his blood type are these gay guys and sanjis just screaming and throwing a fit.. and then jinbei gives Luffy blood and it's so emotional and profound and just.. fishman Sanji can fuck right off tbh.
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magioffire · 2 years
i applaud each and everyone one of you who resisted making a ‘master has given dobby a sock, dobby is a free elf’ joke at vali because i dont think i could stop him (or myself for that matter) from committing Unalive on you
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ohnoitstbskyen · 4 months
Would you ever consider making videos about the Persona series? I saw your game fest reaction vod, and I don’t know if the SMT/Persona series particularly interests you, but I think your perspective on the vast catalog of Persona in the series would be interesting.
Have a great day!!
I don't want to, no. I have a lot of love in my heart for the Persona series, but also I hate it a lot. There's an endemic homophobia and transphobia that runs through the roots of that series, and a conformist conservatism that keeps rearing its head in its storytelling, and I just can't suffer it anymore.
It breaks my heart because there is so much good in those games, there's so much great art and wonderful characters in there. There's a deep well of empathy for the crises of youth and the struggle to find an identity...
and then also it uncritically, unironically, with its whole full fucking chest plays the "gay men are simpering, pedophilic predators" stereotype for comedy
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And I just fucking can't. I cannot stand it.
All media is problematic, nothing is pure, and I don't demand purity of the art I enjoy because down that road lies madness, but I do have a fucking line for what I can stomach and Persona 5 crossed it so far that I have soured on the series entirely. I just can't play these games anymore without remembering that this is what it thinks of queer men.
Again, I'm not here to grandstand, or shame anyone for loving the good things about Persona, it just crossed my line and I don't want to engage with it anymore. I don't want to play it, and I don't want to do videos about it.
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catboybiologist · 9 months
Be honest: do you think there are femboys who aren't just eggs?
Yes, and tbh I resent that their existence is questioned so much. And I know this is gonna be considered a Bad Take by many people I've fostered a community with, so uh. Yeah.
As a former femboy, and current dykey/tomboyish trans woman, gender nonconformity within your actual gender is an essential part of a trans or genderqueer identity. In a lot of ways, my transition goals are the inverse of being a femboy- I'm going from a feminine man to a masculine woman. And yet, the trans community doesn't question my feminimity as a masculine woman in the same places where many people would question the masculinity of a feminine man. And don't even get me started on where NB identities fit into all of this. This is largely coming from the same place where people are okay with women wearing pants, but men or AMABs in general wearing skirts is Bad (tm).
Like don't get me wrong. The caricature of the Bad Trans pushing all the femboys to become eggs is a wildly overexaggerated, and I've met many, many femboys online that used that caricature to excuse rampant transphobia. But. I hate that there's a but. But.... I literally experienced it myself many times during my femboy days, especially online. Here's a short list:
-Had a transmed bombard me with harassing messages and comments on reddit telling me that I was a "fencesitter" and I just needed to "fucking transition already and stop making trans people look bad"
-Had a trans woman I knew irl shove an estradiol pill in my face, and try to order me to take it, in front of a group of people I wasn't even fully comfortable presenting as a femboy to, until she was eventually asked by someone else to stop.
-Had several comments indicating that I should be force femmed in femboy subreddits
-Had many, many DMs trying to tell me I was a "failed man" that should just transition already
And to clarify- all of this is so, so mild compared to transphobia that myself and others face. But it is a very real thing that happens. To many femboys, I think this is the first time they've received any kind of queerphobia or questioning of their identity, so it feels far worse in their heads than it really actually is. And, to be fair, I think it mostly happens from the more gender binary minded cis community than it comes from trans people- but as I've said, I've had it coming from trans women both irl and online.
I've also tangentially noticed that it seems to be transmed adjacent. Not saying that this anon is, or others who try to encourage femboys to explore their gender, but there certainly is a correlation. If its difficult for you to acknowledge cis gender nonconformity, then its easy to see that extending to a lack of understanding of nonbinary people or others with different trans experiences.
Every time one of these things happened, it didn't put me any closer to transition. It made me feel unsafe. It made me feel on the spot, and scared, and almost outed.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again- if you want historical parallels to femboys, we have a perfect example in drag. Drag is performative, over the top femininity that has become its own artform, style, and means of expression in a way that is intrinsically tied to gender nonconformity. Being a femboy is also all of those things. And guess what? Many drag queens have used it as a way to explore their own gender and realize that they're trans. There are also many who are cis, and remain confident in that identity. Is the percentage of trans people among people who have done drag at some point higher than the general population? Of fucking course- its one of the few places where exploring gender is encouraged and celebrated. Of course trans people flock to that. And the exact same thing is true of femboys. Are a higher proportion of femboys trans or eggs than the general population. Of course. It's a great venue for trans people to explore their identities. But even more of them are
Am I saying you're a bad person if you encourage femboys and gender nonconforming people to consider the possibility that they're trans? Of fucking course not. It was the gentle, affirming pressure with respect and care for my comfort levels from several incredible trans women I know irl that eventually made me confident enough to start HRT. Their continually support is a key factor in my social transition plans for the future. I needed that pressure, and I think everyone, including people who aren't actively engaging in gender nonconformity, needs some push to question their gender and start unlocking cis+. But to be blunt, questioning whether cis femboys even exist is not gentle, comfortable, and affirming pushes.
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