#i live in the south like honestly how did i not realize this
overwatch ratings based on how they would date
did this a while ago but spent too much time on it for it to not be posted. this is just a personal opinion and personal ratings based off lore and bias tbh. this will be updated with every hero (if I remember to lol)
D.VA: 6/10. Caring and loving, fun gaming dates, but gets recognized a lot, and if it came down to it she’d choose her job to protect south korea over her lover
Doomfist: 4/10. He’d be a gentleman but probably only in it for sex or to be a sugar daddy. He’d treat his “lover” with respect tho so not a total loss i guess.
Junker Queen: 7/10. After the shit she’s been thru i think she doesnt really want a partner cuz shes afraid they’re just using her to get to the throne or that she’ll lose them. She’s protective and caring but also a bit overprotective to the point where it’s like okay calm down. Also might get into a few fights but eh.
Orisa: 0/10. she thinks it would be cute to be in a relationship but knows she cant be in one due to being the “protector of numbani”. so no.
Ramattra: 8/10. Deadass depends if it’s an omnic or not. If his lover is an omnic he will cherish them and take care of them, knowing that they’re one of the few things he loves in this life. If it’s a human then theres some. Problems. He doesnt open up easily and while he’s still protective and caring he can sometimes get very distant towards them because he fears that they only got close to him to use him or kill him.
Reinhardt: 9/10: Perfect gentleman. Treats you with respect and love, and cherishes you no matter what. -1 is because he can be really loud sometimes even when he doesnt mean to be
Roadhog: 5/10. I think of him as aroace but he would try and give it a shot just to feel what it’s like. Hes very quiet but also very calm. He would listen to his lover and do his best to help them, but he moves around a lot thanks to junkrat now and might cut off communication with you just to keep you safe when he's on the run
Sigma: 5/10. A real gentleman, would treat his lover with respect and kindness and love. Only downside is when he has one of his mind breaks and breakdowns. He forgets who he is and just focuses on violence. Also his control of gravity in that state is very fucky so if he’s having a breakdown his lover might get throw to the ground. He feels like jackshit afterwards and probably realizes it’s best not to have someone he cares about so close to him
Wrecking Ball: 0/10 no. he would simply not even if he wanted to. Aroace hampter 
Winston: maybe a 1/10. i feel like he doesnt want a romantic relationship with anybody and just wants friends (aroace monke)
Zarya: 6/10. Protective and caring but would focus too much on her job. would also pick her country over her lover if it did come down to it
Mauga: 8/10: Would treat his lover right and give them anything they asked for. Free beach house, gifts, and a loving, protective, obsessive bf. -2 because slight yandere vibes and can get too possesive-
Ashe: 6/10. Partners in crime kinda thing but if you’re not really into that stuff she’s probably not that into you. She has BOB watching you when she cant during a fight but shes always next to you when she can be.
Bastion: 0/10. Dude just wants to live in the woods with his bird he doesnt want that stuff.
Cassidy: 8/10. Southern sweetheart. Treats his partner with love and respect. Only downside is that he’d be out a lot doing his job, but he would let somebody else do it to be with you if it’s a special occasion or if he really wants to stay with you.
Echo: 2/10. Not big on romance but would try it out for science. Sadly in the end it’s not real love so. Oof
Genji: 9/10. Probably doesn’t want a relationship at first because of his body but he gets used to it and opens up his heart. Honestly very good boyfriend would be there to listen and help you with stuff. -1 cuz he might be out doing overwatch stuff a lot and also might not be the most exciting person to be around if you're a hyper person.
Hanzo: 6/10. Can’t see him getting in a relationship after everything thats happened but if he did he’d be kinda bad at it but you could tell that he’s trying his best.
Junkrat: 5/10. I love him but i cant really see him *staying* in a relationship for long. He doesn’t know how to stop sometimes and can get really annoying really quick but he loves making things for his lover and would do his best to keep them away from the dangerous bombs. He loves them a lot but doesn’t know how to turn the love down. Really clingy so if youre into that cool.
Mei: 9/10. Absolute sweetheart. Loves you to bits and takes you out to her favorite restaurants and stuff. -1 cuz you had to have a long distance relationship due to her being in Antarctica and the fact she slept for years with no communication with her lover-
Phara: 4/10. Cares about her job more but would be an okay girlfriend, doing the basics.
Reaper: 1/10. He’s done with love and would probably just just be a sugar daddy or just be there for sex. Even if he did find himself feeling something he’d ignore it and move on
Sojourn:5/10. Not interested in dating or finding love but if it finds her she’ll go for it. Pretty nice girlfriend, makes sure to take care of her lover but does focus on her job a lot more sometimes.
Soldier:76: 0/10. Not interested and has made sure to break off any past relationships. Doesn’t want the people he cares about to get hurt. So he still cares but doesnt go see them.
Somba: 7/10. Would be a pretty good girlfriend if she wanted to have a relationship. She keeps all people she cares about far away and unaware of her deeds at Talon. So a long distance relationship until she can take some time off to go see her lover and vibe.
Symmetra: 3/10. Doesn’t know how to even start a relationship and doesn’t really want to. Her job is important to her so she wouldn’t want distractions from it.
Torbjorn: 6/10. His wife and him had a few children and have been married for a while so he’s probably got the whole love thing covered.
Tracer: 9/10. Probably one of the best on this list. She’s loving and caring and makes sure to spend a lot of time with her partner. 
Widowmaker: 3/10. Last partner she had was um. killed by her so. +3 if you could break down her walls and see the real her but very low chance
Venture: 8.5/10: Would talk to you about rocks, fossils, and everything else they can think about. They’d even let you name rocks around the house. -2 cuz they’ll talk your ear off about rocks n stuff while also bouncing around everywhere. They can also be gone for long periods of time but always makes sure to call. If you can deal with the infodumping and adhd then 9.5/10 for you 
Ana: 5/10. She doesn’t want a relationship but she’d be very loving and caring to her lover.
Baptiste: 8/10. Great boyfriend, lovers needs always come first and he’s very open and always has an ear out to listen. -2 because he’s constantly on the run and the relationship could get stressed.
Brigitte: 5/10. Mostly focused on her work but would make a pretty good girlfriend if she finds the right person. The relationship would mostly be a test one because she lowkey doesn’t understand it.
Kiriko: 4/10. Would love to be in a relationship but protecting her home is more important than finding love to her.
Lucio: 9/10. Actual sweetheart. Would make music for you and would cancel shows last second if something came up and you needed something. If you need anything he’ll be there to help.
Mercy: 8/10. She’s really focused on her work but no matter what would take time to come stay with you for a while. -2 because sometimes too focused on work and sometimes doesnt have time to see you for a long time.
Moira: 0/10. Not looking for a relationship and would probably lie just to get you strapped to a table and butchered.
Zenyatta: 7/10. Would make a decent boyfriend but he can’t have relationships due to being a monk. He’d be there to listen and to give advice when you needed it.
Lifeweaver: 9/10. Perfect boyfriend in every way. Like no competition. -1 cuz he's on the run from multiple governments so he won't be able to talk all the time or be with you much to his dismay. multiple texts a day tho
Illari: 4/10. Tbh I can't see her getting into a relationship after everything. She's too scared that something will happen with her powers again and hurt her lover
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tojisbbygworl · 11 months
Just For The Night - Hobie Brown x Black!Punk!Reader pt. 2
Summary: Two anarchists meet at a concert and decide that one night just isn't enough...but one night is all they have
Words: 5,697
Tags: 18+, 3rd person, Mutual Pining, SMUT, Oral (f receiving), Degradation, Marijuana, High Sex, Pussy Whipped, Slight Accent Kink, Slight Angst, Yandere if you squint, Reader and Hobie are 21+, Canon Divergence (Doesn't follow ATSV events/Hobie's universe is present day instead of 1978), Mentions of protesting and Cop City in Atlanta, I tried my best with the British slang
author's note: Here's part 2! This one is muuuchhh longer so you can really skip the part before the page break if you're just here for the smut. It's mostly just her (your) backstory.
Part 1 Epilogue
AO3 Version
My AO3
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"Shit, it's brick out here."
"You're telling me." The difference in temperature from the sweltering venue to the city almost made Hobie want to go back inside and fuck her in the bathroom instead. But Y/N did say that she had a blunt at home and she seemed very eager to smoke it. Or fuck him. Either one was good.
He took a moment to admire her. He was right about her Demonias. They were long with lot's of large buckles and he loved that he still towered over her even though they were platforms. Now that they were out of the dark building, he could see the various tattoos that littered her arm and thigh. Fuck him, he was going to have fun with her.
She told him that she didn’t live far and they could walk there. That was fine with him, he didn’t want to get on a cramped train anyway. He did wish that he could just swing them there, but then he wouldn’t see the way her ass moves while she walks.
He would be lying if he said she didn’t intrigue him. From his knowledge, Atlanta, Georgia was considered the Deep South of America. It had to have been hundreds of miles away. And this area doesn’t seem like a place someone who was swimming in money would be living in. Not that it was terrible, more so humble. Like where he lived.
“So, tell me,” he calls out to her. She was walking a little ways ahead of him, courtesy of Hobie wanting to ogle her. She turned around when he spoke. “How does an Atlanta babe find herself at a Rico Nasty concert in Brooklyn?”
She waits for him to catch up to her then starts walking by his side. “Huh, it’s a…long story.”
“I don’t mind.” He answers honestly. Since they’ve left the concert, Hobie has felt a strange pull towards her that exceeded his feeling of lust. He wondered if she felt the same.
She went quiet and opted to look thoughtfully towards the ground. Hobie began to backtrack. “Or, I could shut up and let you sit on my face instead. Whichever one you want.”
She squealed and hit his chest making him laugh. It wasn’t really a joke, but Hobie’s glad to see that he didn’t make her uncomfortable. “Nah, your good,” she reassured him. “I can do both.”
“Oh?” Hobie raised his eyebrows and gave her his full undivided attention. She takes in a deep breath, let’s it out, and begins to tell him her story.
“Well, you seem like someone who can appreciate a rebel.”
“Yeah?” Hobie bemused. What would this girl be rebelling against? “So, what your like a runaway? Parents, maybe?”
She looked away. Ah, he read her like a book. Then she dropped a bomb on him. “Eh, kind of. More so the Atlanta Police Department.”
He froze. She giggled to herself pretending to not notice and turn around when she was some feet away. She knew he wasn’t expecting that. No one does. She could count on her hand how many people up here she’s told and he was one of them. She trusted him, and she doesn’t know why. She hoped he felt the same.
Hobie couldn’t take his eyes off of her. When he realized how far she was, he ran to catch up. “You're on the run from the Atlanta PD?” She couldn’t contain herself enough and she let out a snort and nodded her head. Hobie shakes his. “No. I don’t believe it. You’re having a laugh.”
“I’m deadass.” She answers still laughing. Hobie drops his head in utter disbelief.
“Well what in bloody hell did you do?” The both of you start walking again.
“...You might not know but, a couple years ago there was a huge uproar of protesting here. In the US, I mean.”
Hobie did not know. He assumes something terrible must have happened, and he’s sure that something like that would have reached London. Maybe it didn’t happen on Earth - 138.
He gingerly shook his head. “I was a part of them. I would organize with some close friends and hand out water and snacks while we were there.” She explained.
“My parents weren’t too happy about that. I had just graduated and I wasn’t going to college. I had a job at a tattoo parlor so…they thought I was a failure.” Hobie listened intently to every word she said. “They would say I just love to bring trouble and always used me going out as an example.”
“They were afraid an officer would come to the door next. And then one day shit went left and we were getting sprayed with tear gas. My stupid ass picked up a can and threw that shit. I guess it hit one of them in the face, I don’t know. I couldn’t see shit.” She giggles and he laughs with her.
“I was pinned down and put in a holding cell for about a week.” She continues.
“Shit.” Hobie knew a few people who that’s happened to. Every story shares the same thing, it’s fucking terrible.
She nods. “Yeahhhh…then my parents kicked me out.”
“Shit,” he exclaims. She continues to nod. “So is that how you got here?” She shakes her head. Hobie gasps. “There’s more?” Nod. He gasps again making her laugh at him. “Tell me.”
“Okay, Okay,” She waits to calm down a bit. “I was just staying with friends after that. Then, maybe some months ago, there was this project announced for the city.” Hobie frowns noticing how much more dejected she had become. “They were going to cut down a forest to create a ‘training ground’ for emergency services.”
“What the fuck…?” Hobie was appalled.
“You can imagine how that sounds to civilians, right? A mock city for law enforcement to play cops and fucking robbers.” She spits out. “I was part of the groups of people who stayed in the forest to prevent construction.”
Just like before, he stopped again. This time, in complete and utter admiration. She smiled at him. “That’s…amazing.”
“Thank you.” She nods her head back to the path so they can continue walking. Hobie stands just a little bit closer to her now.
“So...did shit go left again?” He asked only half joking. She grimaced.
“It was bad. There were a lot of gunshots, and screaming. And fireworks.”
He stared at her expectantly. “And what did you do with them?”
She looks around cutely while smiling. Hobie knows that whatever she did, she didn’t regret it for a second. “Maybe I lit up and threw it at one’s foot. And then it lit the leaves on fire.”
He can’t hold back the laugh that kept from his throat. “Ha!” He clapped his hands and looked at her. “What happened after that?”
“I think he recognized me from the protests or maybe I’m just a hot topic, because the way that man came at me and mowed me down.” Hobie jerked his head back.
“Boy, yes. That man tried to beat me with his baton.” The story just kept getting wilder and wilder.
“How did you get out of that?”
“I stole his taser and shot it at his chest.”
“No, your taking the piss,” he shouted excitedly. “No you didn’t.”
“Hold on now because he was still holding me so I got shocked too.” Hobie cackled at her. “It worked though. He let me go and I ran away with some of the others. Only a few people stayed behind. I went back home and woke up to my face on the news the next day.”
The the emotional rollercoaster that Hobie was one was something for the books. He had never felt such quick changes in such little time. He was shocked, then sad, then impressed, then elated, then sad again. What is this girl’s life?
“Man I had to get the fuck out of there. My friend took me up to Maryland where her family lived. Then they brought me here. I got a lil’ ugly ass apartment and a new tattoo job. Made a couple friends, and now I’m here. With you.”
That last part wasn’t expected for either of them. It just came out. But it felt nice.
The two of them looked at each other and basked in their presence. She could feel the pride and admiration for her coming off of him in ways. She could see it in his eyes just as brown as hers. Good. He wanted her to.
A car pulled up from down the street. The both of them were released from their trance and looked. They recognized those kinds of headlights anywhere.
Hobie fought the urge to try and hide before the cop car got to them, as he didn’t want to scare her. There was no reason for her to run from NYPD, right?
Wrong. She grabbed his hand and slipped into the alleyway.
Hobie just let her pull him along. She clearly knows what she’s doing. After coming out on the other side of the street, she begins to keep her eyes alert. She lets go of his hand and continues walking. She just won’t stop giving him reasons to want her, huh?
“And what was that about?” He teases. She smirks at him.
“I didn’t come to New York to be a good girl.” And it was as simple as that.
She walks a few more feet then turns wondering why he’s not saying anything. But when she meets his eyes her heart start beating in anticipation. He was staring her down hard. His smirk was small and his eyelids were low. She couldn’t think of anything to say.
Hobie uses her surprise to his advantage. He walks up to her and pulls her into a tiny space between two buildings. It wasn’t much of an alley, but it did enough to shield their bodies from the street light; it only shining his wicks as he towers over her body and presses her against the wall. He nudges her chin up, winks at her, then meets her lips. Her hands rest on his shoulders as his arms trap her in. He resists putting his tongue in her mouth, as she still had her makeup on and this sweet but desperate kiss would turn sloppy.
He’s the one who has to pull away, her eyes were still closed when he did. “How much longer do I have to wait before I can have you?”
She catches her breath and tells him, “We’re only a couple minutes away, Hobie.”
Hobie leans down again and kisses her neck. She shudders and moves her hands to the back of his. Hobie gives her soft smooches, one lick, and a bite. Then, one more kiss, before he finally pulls away. He tugs her back onto the street and nods his head down the path. She starts to pick up the pace.
Her building wasn’t too shabby. At least the walls looked freshly painted. The inside of her apartment looked very cozy. She had rugs wherever it made sense to put them and low beam orange-yellow lights. She was walking ahead of him and turned around to speak. “Get comfortable on the couch. I’ll be right back.” Then she disappears down a hallway.
Hobie pulls off his boots and places them against the wall. Then he takes off his jacket and a few extra accessories that were a bit uncomfortable now that he had no adrenaline. He walks into her living room and plops himself onto the comfy, leather couch. Faux, he hoped.
He rests his arms and hangs his head backwards over it, eyes closed. Before Y/N disappeared down the hallway, she had flicked a little device on the wall. It must have been the heater since Hobie had just heard something blowing air in the walls. He lifts his head up and takes in his surroundings.
It was a bit small, but perfect for one woman living alone. There were unlit candles on almost every surface, and a beats pill sitting in the side of the room. His favorite sight, by far, was a fat bong sitter right on the coffee table. He chuckled to himself. She could probably live here with a significant other.
It was times like this that he wishes he was normal. He wishes he could wake up to a beautiful face, smoke something, leave home to work, dismantle corporations, or just spend time with his friends, then come back home to that same face, light some candles, and enjoy the rest of his night in her arms. He doesn’t understand why he’s thinking of her when he imagines this, but he invites it.
She comes back with a burner and a small Bic lighter. She uses the burner to light the various candles and Hobie admires her. She still had her clothes on except her shoes which he was happy about. He really wanted to see her tits in those fishnets. Her makeup was off. Her skin was glowing. Her Bantu knots were still in her head. He wondered if she would let him help her take them out, but he’s sure she just wants to fuck and get it over with.
He stops watching her to think about it for a second. When they’re done smoking and having sex Hobie would leave. Not just leave, go back to his own dimension. The thought that he couldn’t keep tabs on her, maybe follow her Instagram or even get her number hadn’t even crossed him. He didn’t like it.
His face must have seemed troubled, because she stopped and looked at him in concern. “You good?” She asks getting his attention.
“Hm? I’m fine, love.” She nods and reaches into her pocket and throws a condom onto the table, then behind her ear to take the blunt out. Then she sits next to him on the couch.
“Want some music?” She asks. Hobie nods. “I’m all punk’d out. Can I play RnB instead?”
“Please do. I feel like chilling right now.”
The pill begins to play soft drums and a bass before Erykah Badu starts singing. He liked music from Miles’s universe, regardless of the genre.
It’s like an unspoken agreement that they would be hanging out for a while. She lights it up, takes a couple puffs, then hands it over to him. He does the same. He takes longer drags producing a much larger cloud then breathes it all in. She looks at him incredulously.
“Ay? Problem, love?”
Her eyes narrow. “You think you’re so cool?”
He takes another drag. “I am.”
She grabs it from him and does a French inhale. Hobie couldn’t stop looking at her. He reaches his hands behind her back and pull her even closer to him. Her legs rested on his. She hands it to him.
“I told you everything about me. What about you? Did you travel to America just to see Rico?”
Hobie shook his head, trying to rack his brain for a proper explanation. “I travel around a lot. Had a pen pal who lived here and I came to see him. He told me about the concert so I went with him. Not as interesting as your journey.” He takes a drag. “Although I’ve had my fair share of trouble with cops.”
“Is that why we click so well?”
He smirked at her. “Yeah.” Another drag. “But, as banging as you are, you’re not on my level.”
Raising her eyebrow she sits up. “And why the hell not?” She jokes.
“Haven’t killed a cop yet.”
It was her turn to be shocked. She gave him the same fascinated look he had. “You’ve killed a cop?”
“Check the laces, innit?”
She stretches her head over the couch to look at his shoes and sure enough, his laces are blue. Speechless and filled with admiration, she freezes. Her neck is exposed, and Hobie doesn’t stop himself from licking it then giving it a smooch. She gasps and shudders. Slowly she smiles as she sits back down and stares at him.
“Does that excite you?” Hobie asks. She nods. He shifts, his pants beginning to get uncomfortable. He puts the blunt down on the side table, grabs her and pulls her into his lap. Her center collides with his crotch and they both groan. Hobie picks up the blunt, puffs on it to light it up again, then hands it to her. “Hit it nice and slowly. And lift your head up.”
She does as he asks. Hobie pulls her neck down to his mouth and his begins to bite and suck on it. She whines and takes the blunt out of her mouth, not being able to focus on it. Hobie hums in desperation when she starts grinding on him.
“You’re a proper sket, aren’t you?” He whispers. He’s sure she has no clue what he means, so he brings her face down to look at him. “Just a big fucking slut.”
She bit her lip and nodded. Hobie smirked, takes the blunt and drags, then kisses her. The smoke escapes their conjoined mouths as they explore them with their tongues. She starts to suck on his, making him hold her tighter to his body. Hobie makes a sound of pleasure in his throat that ripples through his chest. He pulls his face away from hers and they pant while staring at each other.
“Take this shit off.” He lays her down onto the couch and stands up to pull his shirt and jeans off. She takes off her shorts and fishnet bottoms at the same time. Before she could take off her top, Hobie holds her thigh and squeezes it. “Only take off the shirt.”
She nods and pulls the crop top off. Her tits fall in unison constrained by the fishnets. Hobie could moan at the sight of them. He was right about how good they would look. He doesn’t waste anytime in getting between her open legs and grabbing them. He lets his thumb flick her nipples, enjoying the feeling of fabric and skin. Her small moans go straight to his member, and he decides to take his underwear off completely. She braces herself.
He is long and curved. She knew he would ruin her when she got him home, but she underestimated how nice his dick looked.
“Don’t get scared. I’ll take good care of you.” He tells her.
“Yeah you better,” she tells him. She begins looking around. “Hey, where is it?”
“This?” He pulls out the blunt from seemingly nowhere then the lighter lighting it up once more. He hands it to her then leans over and takes a nipple into his mouth. Her moan was lethal, and Hobie loses his resolve. He was going to tease her, but he couldn’t deny the pleasure shooting through his body as he licks her nipple through the small diamond hole. She begins humping the air.
“You’re desperate to be played with aren’t you, love?”
“Uh-Huh” she says breathy. Her eyes are red and lidded. Hobie gets an idea.
“Hand that over,” he takes a couple more puffs giving her a kiss afterwards. She reaches out for it and he smirks at her. He holds it away from her, rubbing her thighs. She lets out an exclamation.
“Excuse you. That’s my weed.”
“What’s yours is mine.”
“Um, what’s mine is mine.”
Hobie trails his finger to her wet center, playing with her thong before pushing it to the side. He puts his thumb on her clit and she flinches. “Oh…”
“Yeah. Stop talking all that shit.” He begins to rub his thumb around it, his finger getting wet with each pass over. She’s whimpering and jerking her hips into his hand. “You like that?” All she can do is nod.
Hobie slows down and switches fingers. He smokes while inserting his middle finger into her. As it sinks further and further, she lets out a satisfied moan. He pumps it in and out of her pussy, a squelching sound filing the air.
He leans down and puts his tongue on her clit not letting up on fingering her too. She lets out a loud moan. Hobie puts the blunt on the floor, obsessed with the way her pussy gushes in his mouth. She starts to hump his face. Hobie watches her hand begin to reach out to him, then he grabs it and puts it on his head, wrapping her fingers around his wicks. He moans when she begins to pull him further into her pussy. He pulls his drenched finger out grabs her thighs and grips them tightly. He shakes his head back and forth, sucking and spreading her juices across her vagina.
“Ooo, I’m gonna cum.”
When he hears that he lifts his head and wipes his mouth. She whines but he shushes her by taking the blunt, holding it to her mouth, and she takes a drag from it. She is completely relaxed as she breathes it out, her eyelids lidded and eyes fluttering into the back of her head. He thought it was the sexiest thing you had done that night.
“Fuck, you’re peng.” Shit, he has got to start learning American slang. “That was sexy. I want to see you do it with my dick inside you.”
He takes the condom and rolls it on his dick, groaning under his breath from how it feels. He aligns himself with her hips.
“Ooo,” she lets out. “But wait, you don’t want some head?”
Hobie shakes his head and jerks himself. “I want you now, beautiful.” He keeps the blunt in his mouth and slaps his dick on her pussy. Her juices splash onto their thighs. Hobie grunts.
Keeping his head down, he looks at her face. Her eye lids are still low, but he can see her beautiful brown cornea staring at him full of lust and want. With the blunt in his mouth, he talks out the side of his mouth. “Beg for it,” he says.
Her eyelids widen, but the promiscuous look on her face doesn’t change. “What, baby?”
“Mm,” he says pleased by the pet name. He takes it out of his mouth and smiles at her. “Beg me to fuck you like a whore, love.”
She scrunches her shoulders up and tries to close her thighs, but she smiles and bites her lip. She liked the degradation and embarrassment of it all. Hobie liked it too. He pulls her thighs apart again. Placing his dick on top of her pussy, he waits for her to follow his instruction. “Come on, I know you can, pretty girl. You want this dick don’t you?”
“Yes, baby.”
“Call me baby again.”
“Please fuck me, baby.”
Hobie pumps his dick even more. He places the tip right at her hole, becoming evermore impatient. “Fuck, now say my name.”
“Hobie…mmm…” he slowly sinks himself into her.
“Fuck, say it again.”
“Hobie…” They sigh together when he’s fully sheathed inside of her. Her walls are already clamping around him. She’s so wet, and ready for his dick. Hobie keeps himself inside her and lights the blunt again reveling in her desperation. He takes his precious time to smoke some more while she begins to whine and grind herself onto him.
“Hobie, please fuck me.”
“Wait.” She whimpers for him, tears begin to form in her eyes from the depravity.
“If you keep saying my name like that I might stay inside you like this.”
“No, please don’t. I need it so badly.”
He inhaled a ghost. “Yeah?” He slowly unsheathes himself then slams back into her. She yelps.
“Yes, daddy,”
Hobie whistles. “Oh, I didn’t know you had that in the vault. You wanna keep calling me that, Atlanta babe?"
“Start fucking me and I’ll call you whatever you want.”
Hobie chuckles. “You got a mouth, don’t you?” He holds the blunt to her mouth again, grabs her hips, then starts fucking her. "I like baby a little more." She blew out the smoke the same way, it coming out in puffs from Hobie’s humping.
“Shit, love. You’re amazing.” He takes the blunt away and places it on the side table. Hobie grabs both sides of her hips and begins to fuck her harder. Their moans fill the apartment. Hobie stares at her beautiful breasts bouncing in her fishnets. Hobie’s too tall to lean down and suck on them, so he grabs one instead and squeezes it. She looks into his eyes and grabs his face. She smiles at him. Hobie’s eyes fill with curiosity.
“You can smack them if you want.”
Hobie slows down in disbelief. Then he smiles and starts fucking her harder. Hobie takes his hand and smacks one, as she requested. She moaned with a permanent beam on her face. Hobie is completely and totally enamored. He stops fucking her and pulls himself out.
“Come sit on me.”
“Okay, baby”
Hobie sits upright on the couch. She climbs on top of him and grabs his dick, loving the little grunt he let out She inserts him back inside her. They moan together while she sinks down onto his curved length. She pauses when he’s fully inside, his dick hitting places she didn’t even know could feel so good.
She grabs his face and pulls it up to meet hers. They stare into each other’s eyes for what felt like forever. Hobie lost himself in hers. He couldn’t move or speak or think. All of his emotions were portrayed in the way he looked at her. He wanted her, badly. In this moment she became everything to him. Then she started to rock.
“Oh, shit,” he muttered embarrassingly. The sounds that left his love’s mouth were lilted and pleasured. It didn’t take long for her to go faster. “Just like that, babe.”
Hobie’s breaths are loud and raunchy, while she lets out small pleasured hums. He takes his hands and rubs up her torso. Hobie wraps his arms around her waist and embraces her tightly. His head rests in her neck as he shifts down the couch the begins lifting his hips up into her. She doesn’t sound so quiet anymore.
“Oh…Y/N…” he whines.
Something inside of Hobie broke and he felt completely vulnerable. If she were to ask him anything, he would answer truthfully. He wanted to tell her everything. About the spider society, him being a spider man, the multiverse and everything within it. He wonders if she would accept it. Hell, he felt as though he could, she reacted better than he imagine she would when he told her he’s killed a cop.
For some reason, he felt like he could trust her. He thinks if he did tell her the whole truth, she wouldn’t even bat an eyelash. How would she react if he opened a portal right then and there and brought her to his own apartment in his own universe? Would she be okay with it? Would she even come in the first place?
He liked the idea of keeping her with him. He liked the thought of seeing her all the time without the risks of inter dimensional travel. Just coming back home, after the most tiring and troublesome day of working for Miguel, and seeing her beautiful body and even more gorgeous face.
Mm, he really liked it.
“Ngh…fuck, Y/N,” he whines into her ear, holding on to her body for dear life.
“Hobie, I’m gonna cum,”
He smacked her ass then pulled her face towards his. "Call me baby."
"Baby, I'm gonna cum." He bites down on her shoulder and begins to really pound into her forcing quick breaths from her lungs.
When the both of them come undone, they stare into each others eyes, not saying a word. She slowly grinds into him, and it overstimulates the both of them.
“Fuck, doll,” he whimpers looking between their stomachs. He was completely seated inside of her, and made him want to go for a second round. It normally would take him a minute to get himself back up, but with the way she was yearning for him with her eyes, it won’t take him long before he flips her around and takes her from behind.
As the both of them were coming down, Hobie began to feel an overarching sense of anxiety. This wasn’t Spidey-sense as there wasn’t any feeling of danger. No. Hobie was feeling…grief.
Grief from what? Why is it that he didn’t want to stop humping into her? Making her whisper curses into his ear? Was it because if he did, that would mean what they were having was over? If he pulls out of her, he’ll put on his clothes, find an alley, and travel back to Earth-138. Hobie can’t see or contact her. He would be gone forever.
Did she feel the same? Is that why she refuses to let go of him? Why she sounds like she’s on the verge of tears as she continues to milk his dick?
He could use some rest. He wanted nothing more than to finish smoking and fall asleep. But, when he thought of his bong at home it felt…wrong. As if there was a question and that wasn’t the right answer.
Why is he instead thinking about finishing what they were smoking then falling asleep on her bed? He needed to get a fucking grip. So he knocked out of his stupor. It felt like a bucket of cold water splashed over him and he came back to reality
She felt the shift. The thought they both shared that it was time to stop. Their time together has come to an end. The toll of a bell rings through her chest, and she fights the tears as she climbs off of him, kissing him sweetly before she goes.
Hobie sits there and looks at her standing up. He enjoyed that kiss. He wanted another one. He needed another one. He swallows his spit and asks her, “How was it?”
She smiles at him shyly. She was just the prettiest thing he had laid eyes on. “Amazing, Hobie.”
He smiled in content and relief. “I live to please,” he joked. It was otherworldly for him.
She giggled and walks by him, but before she could go, Hobie grabs her arm and pulls her down towards him. He captures her lips in a blissful kiss, then lets her go so she can walk to her room for a minute. Hobie isn’t sure what she’s doing, but while she’s gone, he lets his mind run. Tonight, he had found a perfect woman. She was beautiful and disruptive, not performative in anyway. All the qualities of a superhero in one civilian body. If anyone deserved the spider bite, it was her.
This…can’t be the last time he sees her. And why does it have to be? No one cares about the casual travel rule; everyone visits each other’s worlds all the time for whatever reason. The only thing was doing it sparsely so Miguel doesn’t catch on. Hobie could pop in here and there, right?…but would she want that?
How could it even work? He has no way of contacting her, so she’ll never know when to expect him. Is she just supposed to wait for the one day he can finally show up?
This was frustrating. Hobie always breaks the rules. He does what’s not supposed to be done, but he can’t figure out how this relationship would ever work. He can’t bring her with him, lest her particles stretch, bend, and spread across space and time, and he can’t stay here. His people need their spider man.
Damn, he wants to keep her so bad. She is perfect. Even if he could get to America back home, he would never be able to find her. The story is different in every universe. Hell, she probably wasn’t even in America.
She comes back into the living room adorned with pjs to see Hobie standing with his clothes back on. The condom had long been thrown away. Some of his belts and accessories were off as well as his jacket, but he looked as though he was ready to go. She felt…broken. And she didn’t know why.
This wasn’t her first one night stand, but she doesn’t think she’s ever clicked with someone like this before. Definitely not a stranger. Definitely not a fine stranger like him. He was perfect to her, in every sense of the word.
And she to him. Certainly, this was his Gwen Stacy. “You goin’?” She whispered. She cleared her throat and held up the roach. “Thought you would want to finish this.”
Hobie could feel that she was just as desperate to get him to stay as he was inclined to. He looked into her longing eyes with some of his own feelings, and considered a possibility. If Miles can have his Gwen from a different universe, why can’t he have the same? It worked for Miles.
And he knows the answer. It’s because she’s a regular person. Hobie is Spider Punk. He doesn’t belong here, and she doesn’t belong with him. But it wouldn’t hurt to dream of getting what he wanted.
He clears his throat. “I, um…” he couldn’t find the words he wanted to convey. How does he say, “I’m a spider man from a different universe and we will never see each other again.” without scaring her from how clinically insane it sounded?
Luckily, she speaks for him. “I’m saying…you can stay the night.” She finishes confidently. “If you wanted.”
He did. He did want to. He wanted to stay with her so bad. But he shouldn’t. He’s spent way too much time here, and he has no idea what would alert Miguel…he should go. He should go. He really should go.
“I would love too.”
Her beautiful smile makes its appearance and the doubts that Hobie had melted away. He drops his things and start to take off his shoes. When he walks towards her, he notices how badly she’s struggling to contain her excitement and he knows he made the right choice.
“…Just for the night,” She says, giving him the roach.
“Yeah.” He takes it from her and grabs her hand to walk down the hall into her room. “Just for the night.”
He’s gone before the sun is up the next morning.
ending a/n: I hope y’all liked this. I love writing angst so much y’all don’t even understand I had to put some in here. And yes, he takes her hair down for her.
I am cursed with writing way too much and I apologize for all that reading. I hope you still enjoyed it. It was very fun to write and it’s probably one my most favorite things I’ve ever written. I love Hobie so much, maybe I’ll write for him again idk chile. Maybe I’ll write these two again in an unrelated fic. Or maybe I’ll continue this and y’all can get y’all’s happy ending. Maybe. I don’t rly write those lmao.
Part 1 Epilogue
AO3 Version
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Taglist: @otaku-degenarate
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
Platonic! Korra Gang x Chef! Reader
This is the Request of @chantillymoon i hope You're doing good with your Cooking, i'm sure it's fantastic😋! I hope this give you a little motivation💞
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Korra probably met you in the events of book 1 (did you see the Gala where Mako went with Asami? one of those), you were in food service.
and since Korra was a bit moody and in a new city, you were friendly with her and they got along quite well. You tried to entertain her a little with your cooking (like the chefs in certain Asian places, if you're a firebending master or something like that, even better).
Thanks to this Korra was going to see you when she needed to talk and generally let loose a little. You guys became friends pretty quickly.
If you have your own place, Korra tries to promote you when she interacts with important people and the topic of Catering comes up.
She firmly believes that your food is much better than the holidays food honestly. especially those of Unalaq.
I have a feeling that in the water tribe, especially in the south, there is not a very complex gastronomy thanks to literally living at a pole.
It's a more personal hc, but I think Korra grew up eating mainly fish and its variables (maybe rice and vegetables)
Obviously, she ate more things in her training to be an avatar, but it's not like it was food as such to "eat" but rather those for nutrition purposes.
so when she becomes a friend of yours (cutie) and you give her VERY varied and VERY delicious food, she is delighted.
like “FINALLY something that is nutritious and TASTES GOOD!”
Besides, you cook a lot of variety, so Korra doesn't know where to choose. but she has a big appetite, so it's not unreasonable to think that you probably won't run out of leftovers with her.
If you're stressed about a particular recipe, she may try to help you by giving you a hand with things in the kitchen that she knows she can't screw up, like reading you the recipe book or handing you things, all while trying to joke with you to relax you and make you laugh.
If you want a definitive break, flour war! Whoever ends up completely white loses and Naga will have to clean it up!
Now, apart from improvised or high-survival food, Korra doesn't cook shit, she doesn't know how to handle herself very well, so seeing you be so fluent in that habit is something new for her. Of course, she was used to her parents cooking. but not at your level, so there's a lot of excitement on Korra's part about how you learned all this.
If you try to teach her, can she go either very badly or...decent? which cannot be said whether it is good or bad.
Since at first Korra may even, trying to make things easier (or imitate you, if you use your elemental control to cook) use her avatar skills in the kitchen, which since she has no experience ends very badly 😅 with muddy dough everywhere.
or even with BURNT water in some way??
but after a few attempts and several burnt bouls, Korra gets the hang of it and manages to start improving her cooking skills!
She can make simple meals now at least.
but she always prefers yours, you make them much more delicious, according to her.
Korra is not going to tolerate any destructive criticism of you, who does she have to hit?she's going to scare them with the fucking avatar state🤣😅
Sure, she can TOLERATE constructive criticism because it's not malicious, but she doesn't understand why people eat your products if they're not going to like it anyway?
do not understand.
In general, Korra encourages your vocation a lot and encourages you to try new things with her :3
Asami knows you because of Varrik, he needed as many staff as possible, including the kitchen, so he hired you as soon as he liked one of your meals without thinking about it.
Asami needed a break from all of Varrik's antics, so she went to the staff areas for a while (without realizing it) and you noticed her state.
So you talked to her while you prepared something simple for her to eat and get energy back.
It was kind of nice, since you didn't feel intimidated by her or what had happened with her father, a breath of fresh air, so you continued seeing each other after that (in a platonic way).
Asami is used to eat in High Quality and/or fancy places before this, and still doing it.
which most of the time is not bad, on the contrary, it usually produces rich and delicious food.
but there are also times when for some people (ahem VARRIKahem) it just needs to be prettier and tasteless to be considered "gourmet" and even if it's not high quality food, Asami sometimes misses the feeling of having a normal meal. .
That's when you come into her life, her bubbly friend, to make things way better.
Asami probably never had a home-cooked meal as such (no, it doesn't count if CHEFS make it for you Asami) so it was a new experience for her. In the good sense.
Instead of eating aesthetically impressive but disgusting food, with you I could eat things that were really modest but that TASTED GOOD.
If you are having problems like not finding someone to give you more advanced cooking classes, don't worry! Asami will give you a hand with her contacts and help you find a good tutor.
If you already have your own place, rest assured that Asami (and in general the entire Avatar team) will come to see you and buy you food often no matter what you sell.
Even if you have any financial problems with the place, Asami has your back and helps you as much as possible. You may even become a constant Catering associate for the company!
Asami also tries not to let her friendship with you affect you so directly, especially when scandals arise with her father.
He goes to you for advice when they go out to eat, your food gives him a certain feeling of peace after all, so when you both go out he can be with a cooler head.
It's a feeling of familiarity that she hasn't felt in a LONG time.
You can definitely see Asami especially liking food with meat or more complicated things, but then again, he also really likes it when you make really simple things, like pasta or pizza, for example.
She says that it is because "you do it with love" and it is partly true, that you put so much effort into the preparation makes it much more special and she appreciates it a lot.
but in general I think she doesn't usually give you negative comments.
I mean, if you happen to screw up some food and it tastes REALLY bad, you know it just by looking at her face, even so she will never give you a "bad" word so to speak, she use very sweet constructive criticism and still assure you that you did a good job.
and you can also guarantee that if there is a particular food that she likes, she will pay you to make a couple of reservations for her ;) she can't help it! She loves how you cook!
If someone tries to criticize you in a non-constructive way and is simply Bullying you, she will directly kick their ass and deal with the consequences then why would someone be mean to a little sun like you? It doesn't make sense to her.
In general, a friend who supports you financially, emotionally and psychologically is always willing to give you a hand in the kitchen.
That's right, don't let her cook☠️ she may hace good intentions but she'll burn everything.
Now, let's get a little sentimental.
Mako and Bolin growing up on the streets probably never really had much to eat, not to mention they probably didn't eat every day.
especially Mako, I imagine that he probably even gave what little they had to eat to Bolin.
It's a habit for him.
So when he meets you and you give him a taste of your food, for FREE, he thinks you're too good to be true.
but he appreciates it very much.
but seeing how much his opinion matters to you. warms his heart.
For the same reason you could feed him the most disgusting thing you could cook and he would eat it like a big child.
He will tell you the truth, but he doesn't leave a crumb.
For the same reason, I have two possible versions of how the two of you met and became close friends.
One, the one I like the most, is that probably when you were younger and trying to cook on your own, Mako and Bolin tried to steal your food, failing miserably.
But from then on you started leaving food scraps on your window for them to grab so they wouldn't die of hunger.
Thanks to this little by little they began to interact more and even began to help you to apply seriously in the kitchen!
and the other possibility is that he knew you thanks to Pro-control, being the one who will be in charge of the food at the events.
In this scenario at first he would be colder but eventually either because of Bolin or because of your adorable personality, you end up liking him.
other than that he can see that you can't swing a fly, and that you're REALLY passionate about your job, so he respects you a lot for that.
We all know that Mako is more of a tough guy or expresses that he cares through actions, so he shows that he cares by showing interest in your hobby and helping you as much as he can.
But when he already has a stable job and can give you a hand.
When something specific goes wrong, he tries to cheer you up in an unconventional way, such as telling you something about his work to distract you a little or even inviting you something to eat to de-stress.
Maybe even Mako himself has learned to cook from you, of course, he is not at the same level but when you are very stressed or tired he has your back.
and when you manage to do what you want, he sincerely congratulates you, he knows that you deserve it after all.
Similar to his other friends and Bolin, Mako is quite protective of you, especially if you can't control any elements.
It's like the dynamic of "Sunshine + Sunshine protector" basically.
It also tries to help you accept criticism well, which is necessary to improve after all.
Although of course, if there is someone who is telling you shit just because and without really wanting to help you, give them the names, they will not tolerate it.
In general, he is a friend who is a bit rude but who defends you, appreciates you and supports you in your tastes, hobbies and career. regardless of how You two met.
He knows that you are as good a person as you cook well, and you are a VERY good cook ;)
Bolin, similarly to Mako, has two possibilities for how he met you.
one more painful than the other.
the first, in which he knew you for trying to steal something from your leftovers when he was little, in itself, living on the streets of a republic city is not nice.
but at least you took pity on him and started leaving him leftovers. which left him EXTRACTED because (according to him) YOU COOKED AMAZING. even if at that time you were just practicing.
Even if you try to tell him that he was probably just saying that because it was his first meal in god knows how long, he still thinks the same thing.
and the second way, unlike his brother, is that he simply found you working somewhere he likes.
Maybe even with his amorous nature, at first he had a crush on you, but over time he realized that it wasn't what he really felt.
In general he is your personal cheerleader.
No matter how many times you fail to make a particular meal, Bolin eats it like his life depends on it. unlike Mako, he doesn't have the heart to say anything even remotely critical of your food :,)
He's also the kind of friend who constantly gives you ideas for new recipes. some good, some not so good, and some quite extravagant.
ex: some dessert based on Pabu.
It breaks Bolin's heart to see you sad when you don't get a particular recipe, but he will immediately move on to a session of giving you compliments and reminding you how you made other recipes to motivate you.
I can definitely see him recommending you to the important people he hung out with when he worked with Varrik, both to do you a favor and to be able to see you in those moments when Mako couldn't pay attention to him.
Bolin's favorite food is definitely desserts. cakes, cupcakes, pies, candies, anything that is sugary.
and if you get to practice making animal food (like for Pabu) Bolin is OVER THE MOON.
I can see Bolin trying to learn cooking things with you, both to spend time together and to be more independent, to help Mako out.
Apart from that, he would have the opportunity to try more of your food :D but he makes a great effort to listen to your advice and follow the instructions you leave him.
The results are quite promising! along with Mako, he is the best cook of the group (hc personal).
Similarly to Asami, he seeks advice from you when he feels left out of the group and doesn't know what to do.
Normally you prepare something hot for him so he doesn't feel so bad. It would probably be his second favorite food of yours, hot soups. In general they remind him of you, a warm and comforting presence.
Bolin is more passive when it comes to criticism and when it is constructive he makes sure to remember it and even writes it down so as not to forget it and thus apply it in his own attempts.
but eventually you can better distinguish between constructive and destructive criticism.
and when someone like that shows up, no matter how strange it may seem, they usually just ignore it. He wants to believe that he is better than them after all...
...only to launch Pabu on the attack in defense of your honor. Although well, didn't you see it coming?
He is generally a very sweet friend, he does not distinguish in social class or how or how long the two of you have known each other. He is convinced that you have genuine talent for cooking.
and he is very willing to show you that you have that talent and support you through everything.
Conclusion: They all love your food but they love the person behind that food more and how you support them in difficult times :,)
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Shares, reblogs, and comments are very welcome!
Thank you very much for this Request ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 1 year
On the Seas
Charles Leclerc x Yachtie Reader
**I've been watching a lot of Below Deck which is how this came about - Enjoy:)**
Part 2
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Is there a new WAG on the horizon? Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc was spotted chatting to a pretty woman on a boat ride, then later on a larger yacht, Monaco Grand Prix weekend. After a little bit of digging, we found that the woman was yntakestheseas. She appears to be based on the south of France/Monaco and the same age as Charles but we can’t quite figure out what she does. Her instagram is full of scenic, party & boat pics. Do we think trust fund baby? Gold Digger?
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Ferrrari4657 y’all are ridiculous. He was spotted with a woman, he must be dating someone. sure jan
F1fan19 You saw one blurry picture & found all of that? Thats such an invasion of privacy but I’m kind of impressed. 
Fan58 do you not see the uniform? She clearly works on the boat, it’s not like they were making out of something. 
Fan856 god forbid, a single man talking to a pretty woman 🙄
F1083 saying she may be a gold digger is so out of pocket. Maybe she’s just rich and honestly if she is, good for her. 
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yntakestheseas It's the Grand Prix, I never miss the Grand Prix
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Bestfriend1 did Red Bull win?
yntakestheseas you can fuck right off
Bestfriend1 rude
Fans57 thats the same club the driver were in 👀
yntakestheseas along with half of Monaco babes, its not that deep
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yntakestheseas Yes, I Cannes, finally walk the carpet at the film fest! 
📍Cannes film fest
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Bestie finally seeing what its like on the other side
yntakestheseas I don’t like it mom come pick me up
F175 Charles is there, coincidence?
yntakestheseas Pierre, Max and Lando are somewhere here too. That mean I’m fucking them? Hell, Tom Holland is here, maybe I’m
Bestfriend1 You mean to stop there?
yntakestheseas no, I just realized that that might not be the best example because I would fuck him so…
Fan0237 Oh shit 😂
Fan477 She definitely gives off socialite energy, but how have we never seen her before
F1946 she must be new money, seems a bit tacky
yntakestheseas babes the 24 euros in my bank accounts say I’m no money
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yntakestheseas people jumping to conclusions in my comments 
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Fan466 What does this mean!!! bestie3 ooh girl 
MaxVerstappen Why you gotta do me like that?
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yntakestheseas when the captains away, the crew will play 
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BoatCapJoe you know I can see this right?
yntakestheseas Sir yes sir, its a joke. We are actually working very very hard right now folding your underwear into roses. 
BoatCapJoe youre lucky I like you
Bestie babe…..
yntakestheseas I’m coming to live with you if I get fired
Bestie no youre fucking not, I've seen what C's apartment looks like when youre there
CharlesLeclerc do you ever actually work?
yntakestheseas No, my daddy pays for everything thanks for asking
CarlosSainz55 ew 
yntakestheseas what? All I said was my dad pays 
CarlosSainz55 You & I both know what you meant 
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yntakestheseas You can call me captain #8 years 
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PierreGasly your mental age? Yeah we know
yntakestheseas I think you have me confused with lando
LandoNorris or himself
Bestie only took 8 years
yntakestheseas you know what, at least I did it
Charlesleclerc did what?
yntakestheseas bag someone rich enough to own the boat
CharlesLeclerc that all I’m good for?
Bestie you have a nice car!
yntakestheseas no, you have a decent dick too
PierreGasly 😲
yntakestheseas oh shut it mr 🐶
Charlesleclerc Decent isn't what you were saying yesterday
LandoNorris My EYES MY EYES Jesus guys 🤢
PierreGasly yeah I dont want to know that 🥴
Ferrrarifan3 Things I didnt expect to see today. This comment section 
yntakestheseas you should see the group chat
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neuroticbookworm · 1 year
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Alright, I'm gonna make my case for the Bad Buddy Rooftop Kiss. This is probably gonna be the most personal I've ever been on this hellsite.
Let's get this out of the way. I loved Kinnporsche. I honestly did (even though it might not look like it since this is the second time I'm passionately campaigning against the show). I loved it so much that I made my very busy best friend, @tonysteve25 who is planning their wedding, make up the time to talk to me so I can rant for two hours about the show (no need to judge me, I know y'all are equally crazy)
I'm gonna strip the plot to the basics and then build my argument, so if I end up reiterating a lot of themes that are already discussed, apologies in advance
Bad Buddy is, at its core, a Romeo and Juliet retelling. Set in a fairly conservative Asian country, and produced by a media industry whose brand of storytelling often involves an AU-esque setting where homophobia does not exist. We are shown time and again that Pat and Pran's friends and family do not have a problem with them being in a same-sex relationship.
So the conflict comes from the history their families have with each other. As a South Asian cinephile, I've watched this trope play out so many times with heterosexual couples that I'm sure it has unwittingly become a part of my brain chemistry. Oftentimes, the reasons why the families are feuding are so over the top that every shred of relatability gets thrown out the window.
In Bad Buddy's case, the reason is kept simple, albeit childish in the beginning. A business rivalry between the two families, and as a result, the boys are also pitted against each other. This simplicity gives way to a lot of levity in the beginning, but as the story progresses, the real strength of this narrative starts seeping through. This show is relatable. Almost too relatable.
The constant pressure to outperform the other in every way, be it academics, sports, or romance; the expectation on Pat to follow his dad's footsteps and match his achievements, even in a dumb singing competition; the guilt that permeates every moment of joy they feel in their relationship, because they are always aware that they are actively disappointing their parents; the quiet, painful realization in the later episodes that they will never be accepted into each other's families, no matter how hard they try; the revelation that the root of the conflict came from a scholarship stolen from a woman, to satisfy the expectations of a patriarch.
Every statement above is the reality of so many Asians living their lives right now. I personally know couples who have been cut off from their families for over 20 years because they don't approve of their love/marriage. I have peers who blindly follow the career path charted for them by their parents because it is easier than resisting and doing something they actually like. A lot of us are left feeling unmoored and struggling to define our self worth in the real world, after we leave academia, because that is all we are ever taught: your grades indicate how worthy you are.
Now, I know not a single word above argues why the kiss is the best, but I'm getting there. Stay with me now. Many people more talented than me have argued the specifics of the kiss, the reasons why it grabbed us by our throats the first time we saw it, and why we are still on that rooftop with them. The reasons submitted in the poll describe it so eloquently, beat by beat (edit: I found out that it was witten by @tiistirtipii, here). @respectthepetty begs us not to disappoint Pat again here, @lurkingshan dives deep into the character analysis and why the kiss is the perfect culmination of narration, pacing, and the characters' journey here, @waitmyturtles explores the importance of foreplay, the 'how did we get here' before the kiss, here.
What I want to draw attention to are two things. One: how this kiss was executed in such a way that all of their deeper struggles are woven into the microexpressions, so when you rewatch the show, all of the added context makes it so much more heartbreaking.
Let's be clear here, Pat and Pran did not get a happily ever after. They did not break all of the chains that were weighing them down. Pat went on to follow his father into the business (who also followed his father into it). They have to keep their relationship a secret, with no end in sight. Even in the end, the audience is shown only a hidden, reluctant acceptance from the parents, not an open love.
Pat and Pran's relationship will always be bittersweet. And the kiss shows it. The fact that the kiss was the very last shot to be filmed is no coincidence. The actors know how it ends, they have already performed it. They also know that the characters in this moment know it too. They have lived all their lives playing their families' games, they know that if they take this leap of faith, then they are willingly giving up so many little moments in life, even something so mundane as entering each other's house through the front door. And we can see it, see all of it clearly in Pran's face. Pran, who plans every detail of his life. Pran, who is also in love with his rival for who knows how long. And then we see it in Pat's face too, if only after a moment, because that's the way he is. Pat, who has looked at Pran all his life as a rival, a bandmate, a secret friend. Pat, who is the only one who can completely understand Pran, his anger and grief and devastation, because they only have each other in this wretched game. We see his face fall, and we see confusion cloud his happiness.
This kiss is the perfect summation of their relationship, shown at the very beginning of it. They can have desire, but be riddled with guilt. They can have happiness, but only in secrecy.
Two: how this kiss did more for Asian queer representation than we can ever comprehend.
I was not present in the Tumblr trenches with y'all when the show originally aired, but I've read many, many posts about how it broke the internet. Western media often fucks up queer characters because they don't write fully fleshed out characters who happen to also be queer. They place enormous emphasis on the character's queerness, and end up writing a stereotypical cardboard cutout in the shape of a queer person. Complex queer representation is hard to come by, add Asian into the mix and the pool gets laughably small.
In the episodes leading up to the kiss, we see the characters get fleshed out, their struggles explored, but they are also deeply rooted in the middle class Asianness of it all. I know it is ironic to say that other shows from Thailand are less Asian than this one, but the struggles of a queer mafia boss/rich businessman/heir to the corporate throne protagonists can sometimes be a tad out of touch for the general populace, and we can only feel so much nostalgia for our school days before we are tired of the saccharine sugar high.
When I saw this kiss for the first time, my eyes teared up, not because these gay characters are having a hard time, but because I could feel their pain, irrespective of my sexuality. I knew deep in my bones how a kiss can simultaneously feel like freedom and a lifelong trap. And I'm sure so many others felt it too. The kiss went viral because it was a perfect representation of so many struggles of Asians and the diaspora (and beyond), and it happened to be queer.
I don't know how the results will tally up when the clock runs out, but I hope we can chalk up a honest-to-goodness happy ending for them, if only in a silly Tumblr poll.
cc @bl-bracket, here ya go, a very long and rambling campaign propaganda
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mylesimeblr · 5 months
Aged Up: after everyone learned Spider saved Quaritch (who goes on to lead the ash tribes) and kick Spider out as a traitor, but Spider joins the ash tribe as Tsahik, and comes back years later to help the other tribes when they beg for the Ash clans help. Whom ever is paired in this ship, Mets the ash Na’vi that Varang wants to Spider to mate with.
I just love the idea of this with any of the pairs, Aocorro, Locorro or Nocorro.
Ok, I love this one and funny enough I was currently writing a Locorro/Aocorro story aged up future fic with Spider as a (very, very badass) Dragonborn/Mother of Dragons and FUNNY enough too they were actually based on red-skinned Na'vi (were you in my head?!) (I'm not kidding I'm 10 pages into this already!)
However, it was kind of dark (honestly, I based it on Game of Thrones so Spider is not having a good time at the beginning then he becomes basically a God leading all the Na'vi tribes against the human cities and Lo'ak and Aonung live alone to serve him)
But based on this ask, here's how it goes:
After Spider is kicked out, he struggles to survive alone in the wild and after weeks of surviving on his own, he's found by red-skinned Na'vi
At first, they're really not friendly and more or less happy stuff happen to Spider with the clan before they discover he has a gift and strange connection to Ewya when saving Varang from near death and Spider becomes one of their own, his strange humanity/power making him unique and very respected
Time skip - rumors start running of a powerful Tsahik rising in the south
When things start getting complicated with the Sky People, Jake and Tonowari have no choice but to ask for their help and the help of their powerful Tsahik
Varang accepts on the condition that their fiercest warrior mates with the tsahik
Everyone agrees even if Lo'ak is a little reluctant at being mated by "force" with some girl he doesn't know (or so he thinks) - he never bounded with Tsireya because he actually doesn't like girls but has yet to accept it
And then a few days later, the delegation of the Ash tribe arrives with the Tsahik and surprise, surprise!! It's actually Spider, older, super beautiful and Lo'ak is very, very confused because that's his bro and at the same time, it's not and damn, he's supposed to mate with his bro?!!!
Aonung finds his confusion funny and proposes to do the mating himself because he's really, really ok with this and Lo'ak glares at him
Spider has changed a lot, he's still much smaller, but he has an aura of power that keeps everyone frozen on their spot and he's very confident
Everyone is shocked, Neytiri doesn't know what to think, she's both lost between compulsory respect and disgust because a human cannot be a Tsahik, Jake is completely taken aback by Spider's apparition, Aonung is instantly smitten and Lo'ak realizes that he's actually been in love with Spider his entire life
This isn't exactly your prompt, but here's an extract of the story I was writing similar to your plot:
After Spider disappeared, all those years ago, he thought he’d never see him again. He thought him dead and he mourned him deeply. In silence. He wasn’t even aware of the true nature of his feelings for the boy back then. His brother. How this makes him laugh now! Spider was never a brother. But it took him years to realize it. 
He did hear the rumors and the formidable tales of a growing power in the south, far, far from their village. He heard the rumors of the Dragonborn and the mighty warrior who bounded with the Chief of the tribe and gave birth to the Dragons World. 
But like many, he thought this was a Na’vi woman and from the sanctity of his life with the Metkianya people, he paid it no heed.
Then, this mighty warrior, this mother of Dragons was said to be a human. He was intrigued but there was no interest piqued.
Anonung left to find this warrior, this human who he wanted to meet and challenge. 
And finally, the rumor made this human a man and Lo’ak’s interest was piqued. Not to mention that Aonung never returned from his encounter with this human he wanted to best and conquer.
When he finally realized that this God - arose Khaleesi - was his dear, long gone Spider. He was shocked at first - his mother was furious, she hated him and all humans after Neteyam’s death - but he knew he had to join him and see for himself who this Khaleesi really was - if it really was his Spider. He rode day and night on his Ikran to Merene where the Dragonborn was said to have built the beginning of a Kingdom. 
He had expected many things upon this first reunion, anticipated emotions and looks based on his now feeble memory of what the boy was like. But nothing could have prepared him for the absolute perfection that was the Dragonborn. And he pledged himself to him on the day of their reunion and for the days to come.
He wasn’t the only one who lived only to adore him. Aonung had long lost himself to a passion he could never quell. And Lo’ak remembered the rumors that did portray Khaleessi with a beauty that could not be resisted. He had seduced the dangerous Chief of the most primitive Na’vi tribe after all. And from their union, three dragons were born. A miraculous birth. A prophecy fulfilled. 
His feelings for Spider were already strong. But when he saw him in his glory on that Throne, he felt his soul sip from the pores of his skin and air leave his lungs. It was more than physical perfection. It was an aura of absolute Power. A beauty and a strength that transcended everything.
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kr1osz · 2 months
I've recently finished TLOK & there for joined the fandom and... Did we even watch the same show???
(Very long & passionate rant under cut)
Like mf wdym Korra is the worst/weakest Avatar? It's physically not possible for her to be the weakest as the cycle goes on the Avatar spirt gets stronger so technically the weakest Avatar is Wan!! But I still want to point out the many reasons why Korra isn't the weakest or worst Avatar.
Firstly, I want to acknowledge vaid criticisms of Korra. Yes she constantly underestimated her opponents but in her defense she was severely inexperienced. She'd spent most of her life in that training facility in the south Pole and then once she got to republic city was almost immediately thrown into dealing with the equalits so she underestimated Amon due to lack of experience. She was then manipulated by her uncle so can you really blame her for not realizing he was evil till it was too late? THAT WAS HER FAMILY!!
Anyways, Korra has faults like every Avatar but she also has feats that you all seem to forget/over look!
My main example and my favorite to bring up in this argument is; Korra on harmonic convergence after having Raava RIPPED from her (need to emphasize the fact that Korra did not give Raava up willing like some of y'all like to think, she fought to keep Raava with her and was devastated when she lost her and the past lives. She didn't give it up willingly) meaning she didn't have the Avatar state and this fight was just her pure strength against UnaVaatu.
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But I have more examples of how strong she truly is (there is no order to them lol).
Korra broke out of Blood bending without the Avatar state (something Aang couldn't do).
She had control over 3/4 of the elements at like five, and the only reason it took so long to master Air bending (which still only took like a few months) was because she didn't get a teacher until she was 17!
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Korra fought one of the strongest air benders WHILE DYING, like ppl forget she was slowly dying during that fight. She was weakened and still won.
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Now let's talk about another one of my favorite feats of hers, REDIRECTING THE AVATAR UNIVERSE VERSION OF A FUCKING NUKE. Like it was so powerful it ripped open a whole in space & time, creating a new spirit portal and she redirected it and wasn't even fazed. Like I'm 90% sure she didn't even break a sweat!
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She's the first Avatar to metal bend, ik it's likely because she's the first Avatar to exist when metal bending was more common but she was metal bending in like a week! That's not something anyone can do!!
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Another reason I have is technically not about her strength but more about the strength of Korra's version of Raava. When Korra re-fused with Raava, the Raava spirit was bigger than it was when it was ripped from her and alot bigger than the version Wan fused with meaning Korra has a stronger version of Raava than previous Avatars making her inherently stronger than them. When Korra re-fused with Raava, she was big enough for Korra to ride on her but when Wan fused with her Raava fit in a tea pot.
Now time to defend Korra's loses!
・Korra lost against Amon because she was inexperienced, she'd spent most of her life away from the world and wasn't prepared to fight a master water bender.
・Korra lost Raava because it was supposed to happen. Ever Harmonic convergence Raava and Vaatu fight so it's likely that ever 10,000 year's the avatar cycle will restart, also did we not watch Korra be absolutely DEVASTATED that she lost her connect with the last Avatars? Like she spends most of the time during the 4th season wishing she could talk to Aang!
・Honestly I don't even know if Korra won or lost against Zaheer but I do know she was slowly dying during the fight. She was no where near her full strength! Also, the red lotus was actively surprised at how well Korra fought against going into the Avatar state just showing her control over it.
・Korra got her ass beat in that ring in the earth kingdom because she was rusty and GOING THROUGH IT! Like she hadn't fought in 3 year's and she was still working through her turama, it's the samething when she lost to old Toph, she was rusty, still being affected by the poison, and traumatized. There was on way she was going to win in that state
・ Korra lost in her 1v1 with Kuvira because she was rusty, she hadn't fought in 3 year's and you expect her to be as good as she was before her hiatus? Bitch please! Korra quite literally goes on to go toe to toe with Kuvira at the end of the season when she'd worked through her rust.
In conclusion, Korra isn't the wort or weakest Avatar your just over looking her feats and dumbing her down because you can't except your fav isn't as strong as you think. She was ment to restart the Avatar cycle, and she also isn't even in her prime! She's 17 in the first season, 18 in season 2 & 3, and 21 in the last season, Korra is still at the beginning of her career as an Avatar. She's only going to get stronger.
Also no, I'm not a Korra glazer. She's not even my favorite Avatar, it's Kiyoshi.
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ekwolfwriter-blog · 18 days
WIP Zutara Month Challenge: Scarf!
Finally! I can Finally share something that I have been holding off for a while!
Ever since the Live action (Be it good or bad or however you see it, I personally thought it was good and need to talk about it more, but any who~), I - like any other Zutara fan - fell in love with the scarf scene. I watched clips of it and it just just hits in the feels!
But... for the praise of it, I do personally feel like it could have been a bit longer or fleshed out, at least with the scarf and the moment that they met. I honestly thought there was a scene cut because in one scene Katara is facing one way, Zuko is right behind her, but then she is directly facing him. So I am fairly certainly something was cut, but that is okay.
Because if gave me this snippet! Enjoy!
Katara in her hurry to find Jet to get answers left her both on high alert but open to any prying eyes. Eyes that seem to recognize her from anywhere in his travels.
Zuko saw her from afar and can tell she is in a hurry. Maybe to find something for the Avatar. He needed to follow her. He pulled his own scarf over his nose to keep his face from being discovered by her. He knows she will recognize him otherwise.
Katara glanced around for any signs of Jet in the crowd, bobbing and weaving like she was ice dodging in the south again. Dodging people was no different. That was until a cabbage cart cut her off. She staggered a moment as she bumped into a stranger that she did not expect to be there. A tall, strong stranger from what she can tell. A male from his hands that braced her fall. And he was warm, extremely warm.
Katara is quick to pull away from the stranger that surprised her and looked up at him. He was wearing light colored browns and white fabric would not draw attention normally. However, everything except for the right side of his face was covered. As if to hide something but his right eye was still visible.
Enough for Katara to notice the color of his golden eye.
They shimmered like the sun on the water at sun rise. Or as she noticed in the real world, gold that had melted in a pool of flames. They looked at her softly before pulling away and adjusting herself, trying to look anywhere but his eye. “Sorry,” she managed to say. “I am not used to big cities.”
Zuko wanted to say something. He could feel his words on the tip of his tongue, demanding to know where the Avatar was and that she would take him to him. But his mind was stuck on how blue her eyes were. And how soft she was in his arms, and the chill of the south did not seem to leave her after being miles from her home. She seemed anxious; the crowds seemed to put her on edge.
Zuko recalled their village in the south, and how much smaller it was from this city. He understood better than anyone how scary and nerve wracking it could be to miles away from home and yet developed the sense of how to navigate the city. He needed to say something but when her eyes returned to him, staring right into his soul for some reason that he lost his ability to think clearly.  
He opened his mouth and finally said: “It’s nothing. Just be careful.” His voice was lower than usual and muffled to keep her from hearing his voice, and a low rasp of his voice came through the fabric on his face.
Katara blinked as she heard this stranger speak, and a chill ran down her spine. She wanted to say something else, but she suddenly saw Jet with Smeller Bee. She looked at him and nodded curtly before excusing herself to hurry after them.
Suddenly, Zuko’s mind finally caught up as he realized he was going to lose the waterbender and his clue to the Avatar. He reached for her but missed her arm. He had the scarf in his grasp, but he is not cruel to use a scarf to choke someone. But something else happened.
As he had the scarf fly from his fingers, one of the strands caught on his nail and arm brace before it freed itself from the tug of her pulling it close. In that second of it caught on him, Zuko could feel a shiver down his spine. He paused as he looked at his finger, the pinkie finger specifically, and felt some kind of lingering tug in his nerves. His breath stuck in his throat.
Zuko gripped his hand before he pushed down that confusing rush that sent his heart and mind a blaze to continue his mission to follow her. Ignoring the raging fire in his heart.
 Zuko managed to find Katara talking with some bushy haired mess of a man, lanky, but still has some muscle on him. Certain a heart throb for anyone, Zuko will admit to himself as he could see why she was in a rush if she was trying to meet him. He wondered if they were about to meet for a date, feeling jealous for some reason.
However, that idea was dismissed as their voices and body language looked like they were arguing about something. Zuko wanted to inch closer to hear but he knew he would be seen easily. It did not stop the raging urge in his blood to get that man to back away from her. He could see she was tensing up at his remarks and looked ready to cry but determined not to as she threw the scarf down and hurried away. The man looked at it a second before reaching to grab it before the second person with him urged him to hurry, making him forget about the scarf.
Zuko knew he needed to follow Katara, but he could not leave her scarf behind for some reason. He managed to see where she was going and when the two other people left, he quickly grabbed her scarf and stuffed it in his vest. Not sure why he had the urge to do it, but maybe it would prove to be useful for him.
Challenging the Avatar in the Earth Kingdom’s territory was definitely not Zuko’s brightest idea. But he definitely regrets it as he saw his uncle basically surrendered himself to let Zuko escape. He knew uncle could take care of himself normally, but to he surrounded by the guards like he did, Uncle Iroh was good as captured and would be sent to the dungeon. Zuko cursed under his breath as he realized he had to find a way to save his uncle. Even if it meant losing his chance to capture Avatar, he would not lose his uncle.
He hurried through the crowd and tried to find anything to hide his face in case any of them saw he was the true culprit. Suddenly he reached into his vest and found the scarf that the waterbender had before. He looked at it a second, standing still a moment as he looked at it more. Out of all the things that could have fallen out of his vest or on his person, this should have been it. But it was not.
It stayed for some reason. This blue scarf stayed and Zuko was not sure what to make of it or why in the deepest part of his heart that this made him happy that it stayed. Lapis blue eyes flash in his mind as he looks at the scarf and seeing how worried she was. Zuko wondered if she was okay in all of this or if she might have gotten captured by the Earth Kingdom too.
However, he did not have time to think as the crowd kept pushing and people were starting to notice him standing. He huffed and began to wrap it around his head and face, hoping it would help him keep a low profile. But in Zuko’s heart, he cannot stop the beating of the fact this scarf stayed with him making him wonder if this was fate or just dumb luck. And hoped some of that would help him save his uncle.
Hope you enjoyed and more snippets to come!
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yoinkschief · 5 months
I have to talk about this because the Glass Animals How To Be A Human Being album is one of my special interests that album is so cool you guys don't understand please
The album features 11 songs, each one corresponding to one of the people on the album's cover(s), each one telling a story about that person
I bring this up as context as to why, even though everyone in this community makes memes about it, Pork Soda is THE TomTord song, and here's why:
Pork Soda corresponds to the old man with a paddy cap and glasses in the back of the album to the left of the basket ball player, and as such it's sung from his perspective
The song is about two lovers who fell in love with each other because of their spontaneous nature,
Somewhere in South End when you were fun You took my hand and you made me run Up past the prison to the seafront You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge
However, this song is sung from the future(ish?), it's the old man yearning for the days when he and his lover were younger and full of sporadic energy, for when they would just pick up stuff suddenly and leave off on some crazy adventure,
Why can't we laugh now like we did then? How come I see you and ache instead? How come you only look pleased in bed? Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again
This is further pushed by the song's official music video where it shows a literal divide between the two lovers, living different lives as they live on completely separate floors of the house
The old man is portrayed as bitter and its suggested this song is him complaining about how his life isn't what it used to be to the listener, as he sits in his living room watching TV and doing pretty much nothing with himself, stuck in a constant loop of disappointment and resentment
Versus the wife who's seen with a dog that she's trying to get joy out of having, she tries to keep having a spontaneous life and do fun things to keep that spark in her going, seen with her dancing with the dog in the floor above the old man
I think this is great symbolism honestly, and it suggests the old man is to blame for this lack of spontaneousness in their love life anymore
Furthermore this is perfect for TomTord, more specifically, imo, enemies/friend to lovers to enemies WTFuture TomTord, although The End was also pretty good I think it would've worked better if it was pre Tord leaving and then Tord coming back, as that gives similar vibes yk?
It's perfect for them and I know this song is everyone's personal hell in this fandom and I understand why but you NEED to realize this is THEIR song
Along with songs like I Love You Like An Alcoholic and The Masochism Tango, the list goes on
I can make a list
I have two separate playlists for TomTord you don't understand how much I love songs
Extra information I know about this song that's cool to me:
Glass Animals got inspired to write this song after they met a girl (at a concert I believe?) with a tattoo on her arm that simply said "Pork Soda", and when they asked her why she got such a random string of words tattoo like that she said "cause I wanted to", thus inspiring them to make a song about spontaneousness
I know the reason she got that tattoo and why she said that she is so funny to me
She got that tattoo because there's actually a second Pork Soda, a band album: Primus' Pork Soda album, which is, I'm sure, why she got the tattoo because that album probably meant a lot to her
Thus making her answer "because I wanted to" seem like the generic answer every person who has a tattoo answers with because everyone always asks "why did you get that tattoo" or belittle them for the tattoo "not having meaning", etc.
Just a silly addition I thought I'd add to this because I love this album so much please ask me about the other songs I know about all of them
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quaranmine · 1 year
ngl this session was fire. but lets all not forget that grian did cause a number of jimmy's deaths. last session he cost jim 3 hours alone. for someone trying to keep him alive, grian sure doesnt seem to try untill the last second.
do you think grian realizes this, even just the tiniest bit, even if he doesn't want to admit his own faults? grian likes to deflect his faults, not acknowledge them. he presses the button and it kills jimmy, and then he gets defensive about it and tries to claim he can't be held responsible for pressing a button since everyone knows what he's like. but he still knows he shouldn't have done that and feels bad enough that he tries to feed jimmy kills to make up for it. but can he make up for it? can he make up for any of this?
i honestly don't think it's mutually exclusive that grian wanted to help jimmy live a longer even though he was responsible for so many of his deaths? he shows his care in a very....flawed and complicated way in the life series. like, just look at how much of a mess traffic series desert duo is. do any of his efforts ever actually outweigh the harm he causes?
life series grian is just. AUGH. he's so shifty and distrusting. he's always got a backup plan for if his alliances go south, not even realizing that he's the reason it goes south most of the time. he's playing to win first and foremost, and he'll kill an ally or former ally if he has to. but he'll also do stuff that just. twists your heart. he'll stick with scar even after their deal is up. he'll kill for him. he'll defy the Watchers to give jimmy just a little bit more time.
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cheesy-poofs · 1 year
Why Kyman?
This was a long time coming, so I decided it would be fun to touch upon some of my feelings on this ship Its mostly because its the ship I decided to stick with and I'm not a huge shipper in general. Honestly I didn't ship anything for most of the time I watched the show. Style, Kenman, Bunny, ect. never appealed to me because I thought they would work the same as friends (not that I have anything against those ships). Cartman and Kyle are a different story, though.
These are my feelings as of now, and are always subject to change. This is less of a meta post, and I mostly made it to think through some of my feelings about Kyman and some other ships. I touch upon some controversies lightly. This is not meant to be a discourse post, however.
Well, let's proceed. I wrote this all in one sitting, so its not well-thought out or anything, I might clean it up later or specify things better but in the meantime, I'm posting this raw.
First off, I'll touch upon how I ended up getting into it.
As for when I realized I loved Cartman and Kyle's dynamic a lot, it begun in the episodes "Tonsil Trouble" and later on "Cartman Finds Love" which made me appreciate the humor of the ship. When I finished watching the show, I thought it would be fun to look into the different ships of the fandom and decide what I liked. This actually begun with Candy (Cartman x Wendy) because I enjoyed their episodes and thought they were funny. But something felt like it was missing in that ship; it just didn't feel like there was enough there, and my interest in it was short-lived.
Then I came across my first Kyman fic, and if its not evident, I ended up really liking that fic...and reading a ton more Kyman fanfics and falling deeper into this ship. I don't read fanfics anymore because a lot of them don't quite capture the characters in a way I enjoy, but it did lead to me obsessing over Kyman and rewatching most of the episodes about them.
Then I made this account. I lurked on here for a while but I think I started actually posting on Stan/Trey's birthday. I was happy to see a lot of other people who still enjoyed Kyman, let alone South Park. I didn't touch social media during my first binge of the show, save YouTube or sometimes Pinterest. I also had no friends who liked South Park at the time, which was part of the reason I made a Tumblr in the first place. I wanted somewhere I could actually see people who were as obsessed as I was/am.
This was when I learned that Kyman was controversial. Honestly, I never thought of Kyman as "Nazi x Jew" because I didn't define them as characters purely based upon that. I never really saw Kyman as a wholesome ship either, but I kind of liked that aspect because its a fucked up relationship on both ends. They're just fictional characters who often do really fucked up things because apart of South Park's humor is kids doing things they normally don't do. That's why I roll my eyes at people trying to argue which ships are "abusive" or not because it doesn't matter. They're not real. You can have distaste for ships or be uncomfortable with Kyman because of the nature of the ship, that's fine. But its really not as bad as people make it out to be; not inherently.
Recently, I've reconsidered my feelings about Cartman, but that doesn't ruin Kyman for me because, at the end of the day, I ship them purely for fun. I don't take this show that seriously. I also don't get people trying to argue that Kyman is less tropey than other ships because its honestly just typical "Enemies to Lovers" (which isn't a bad thing, but let's be honest with ourselves, its a huge fandom trope). I have no issues with people shipping Style even if its not my thing, and I'll admit a lot of Kyman shippers have this weird superiority complex. I probably used to, but I try not to come off that way anymore. When I say Kyman is the most interesting ship to me I try to make it clear that its only my very subjective opinion. I'm biased because its the first ship I latched onto, and I still enjoy it a lot and find comfort in it.
So to summarize some of my current feelings; I think Cartman is (obviously) a horrible person, and I think people try too hard to soften him up or make excuses for his actions. I enjoy people going over why Cartman is the way he is now, yes, and I think Cartman is a really damaged kid and I get sympathetic of him sometimes myself. He's my favorite for a reason, he wouldn't be the same character if he wasn't awful. But even if I've been a bit of a "Cartman apologist" myself, I've come to accept that he will likely always be awful, and that's fine; that's by design, that's his purpose in the show, and I love him for it. I think people feel guilty for liking Cartman when there's no reason to, just because you like him doesn't mean you're okay with his actions. There might be some dumbasses who idolize Cartman, but they probably shouldn't be watching South Park anyway. Let's not forget what kind of show this is:
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I don't like it when people try to exclude Cartman either, because South Park would be nothing without him. I think about "The Death of Eric Cartman" a lot and how it shows that the boys could leave him anytime, and Kyle even admits that he knows Cartman thrives off attention (ironic since Kyle tends to give him a lot of attention, its a big reason why Cartman is so obsessed with him). My point is that the boys still choose to hang out with him despite it all, because they actually don't hate Cartman completely. Yes, they do sometimes, and they'll obviously say that they don't care about him, but often their actions show the opposite. Either way, he's a very significant part of the show, and I do not want to see the sanitized show other fans want this to be.
I don't think Kyle is quite as bad as Cartman (however I would argue Cartman, Stan, and Kyle are all huge assholes and deserve each other). Regardless, it won't stop me from shipping Kyman because I purely like the way they work off of each other, and I personally only care about Kyle when he's paired with Cartman. That's why Kyman is my only Kyle ship.
I thought this post would end up being longer, but I think I touched upon most of my thoughts. Remember, this isn't exhaustive, nor is it definitive. I essentially try to look at Kyman from a neutral perspective, acknowledging both of their faults while also not taking it too seriously, especially given what show we're watching. They're both interesting, layered, and morally questionable characters with a lot of episodes I really like. That's the gist of it.
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kyistell · 5 months
May I humbly request hc’s for the gay traumatized cowboy with daddy issues (texas)?👁️👁️
Oooooo yess, Texas was a fun one to think about because I had to think like a southerner slightly, and I live in Jersey lol (granted Jersey gets pretty southern if you go too far but I don't live there)
Used to hunt a lot, however with the Table becoming slightly more important in the 2020s he had to slow it down significantly
Has a massive ranch, horses, cattle, chickens, you name it, Texas probably has it
Would actually kill someone (but specifically Cali) if they took his hat, there is no way he is letting Austin be in control for that long
His wires are slightly crossed, hence Austin or literally any of his cities (though honestly the cities being personified depends on the state, Texas has researched this before and it’s not worth asking why, you won’t get an answer)
Guns lol
Will occasionally just cough up oil, it’s not common but it is annoying
He’s not gay, at all, what so ever, he’s just a very straight cowboy livin his life (guess the lie here, hint: he is for sure livin his life and is a cowboy)
He doesn’t hate Oklahomo, he just wishes the absolute best for him and the absolute best is dying
Loves cooking as much as he does hunting, which is a lot, he’ll do it whenever he wants, for basically no reason, it’s a fun hobby for him
Has dinner every other Sunday with Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries, Cali, Arizona, and NM will also join from time to time
He likes history a lot more than people realize, he has to be good at it to say that it’s all fake duh
Hates snow, never wants it ever again, the one time he got snow he doesn’t remember BECAUSE HE BASICALLY DIED MAINE (he’s only slightly dramatic, he didn’t die but it sure did feel like it)
Made Jersey teach him how to make “proper pizza” since he taught him how to make a brisket
He’s tall, like 6’3 tall, he could technically go taller but 6’3 doesn’t make him feel like he’s stretching his skin
If he’s exhausted then he won’t understand a lick of English, he doesn’t get that tired often but when he does it’s turned into a game to see who can get him to bed first (It’s normally Alabama or Oklahomo- I mean homa, Oklahoma)
Went back to high school in the 2000s, an experience he doesn’t know if he regrets or wants to study under a microscope
Has three dogs, they are his babies along with his horses, he fought long and hard to convince Gov to let him have them at the StateHouse even with the no pets rule that like 3 people didn’t follow at the time
Loves Football, obviously, Sunday Football is spent outside with barbeque and the entire south, even if their team isn’t playing
Doesn’t actually hate Cali, he thinks that he’s an idiot and never knows when to shut up but he can admire how smart he actually is even if Texas would never say it out loud, and Austin, Austin was a big reason
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strawbrrycuteblog · 5 months
I wanna try to be as nice as I can because I am not a mean person but when it comes to protecting Enhypen I can be.
write whatever you want okay? no one is stopping you and that's the problem. you have no one in real life who knows what ur doing and what you are doing is writing porn about a child (child pornography). typically people see child pornography as something that is only videoed but many versions of it just fly past people.
oh, but Ni-ki isn't a child? yes, he is. In South Korea, the age people are classified as adults is the age 19. now I want you to think about what you are doing (writing child porn) and start to think about the consequences that may occur when you have fully matured.
your account is all over Tumblr because people are being warned about you. Is this really how you want to grow your account as a writer? I know that I would want to be known for doing something that has my name going around Tumblr for a good Ni-ki fic that included no sexual references. even big writers like @jaylaxies are putting your name out there.
I would like you to answer this on your account so I can know why you do this and what good this really brings to you.
regardless of everything I wish you a great holiday.
from @rikiluvly.
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………I’m gonna be so honest I don’t know how to respond to this. Okay well first I don’t really gain anything from this I guess?? The last time I looked up legal age in Korea it said eighteen so I didn’t see a thing wrong with writing about him. The whole part where you said, you’re is all over tumblr because people are being warned about you. Is this really how you want to grow your account as a writer? And the rest with the jaylaxies putting my name out there.
That actually kinda changes my point of view on this whole thing because no that’s not how I want my account to grow as a writer if it’s people being warned about what I write. I started to write about it because I got an ask and I was curious to see if I could do good at it and then posted it.
I honestly didn’t think more than five people would see it since my other posts didn’t do well and I don’t genuinely like to write I mostly just read and jaylaxies was in my top three for that. I’m now regretting this because I feel bad and I wanna cry, it didn’t bring me any good and doesn’t satisfy me honestly because I just don’t like writing but I’ll be honest if felt good to get sooo many notifications and so on so forth.
I see that this is wrong and I understand I won’t be writing for Niki anymore probably for a while because I would rather not have an account than have one and it’s only people warning others about me.
I see where you’re coming from I’m guessing I should delete the posts and not write for him ever again, which I’m fine with but should I delete the whole account? I wouldn’t want to make anymore people uncomfortable that I already have, I notice now it’s wrong and probably would make Niki uncomfortable.
I don’t know how else to respond to this and I’m so so so so so sorry for what I’ve written. It honestly stung when after I read that and searched for jaylaxies account and nothing came up meaning I was blocked but of course I understand that and everything because I think I’d do the same if I was her.
I don’t want to be seen as a bad person and especially not one who writes child porn. I thought Niki was an adult and legal in both where I live and he as well, clearly not and I was thinking very idiotically, I was being stubborn and a bitch entirely invalidating people’s feelings, I thought if they didn’t wanna see it so bad then block me but then i realized aria blocked me and more than likely reported me to that changed how I saw all of this.
All I know what to do is apologize but lmk if I should delete my account entirely or just the Niki posts because I’m in an emotional frenzy now on two sides.
My original plan for this blog was to not do any nsfw but then i remembered the first Jake one I did and figured it was an oh well thing and did it anyways, I wasn’t entirely by myself comfortable writing smut for any of the members because I’m not that good with sexual stuff as it would usually make uncomfy from past experiences I’m genuinely sorry and regret writing all of what I did.
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Edit: I also now am thinking I should say that it shouldn’t have taken you to tell me this for to realize how wrong it was.
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4004notfound · 4 months
ok RIP i am very late but without further ado let's get it, i'm ines and this is kim noeul who tbh was a poor, easily forgettable girl in hs and now is one of the preeminent young novelists in south korea! under the cut here i'll get into a little more but pls like this and i'll def hit u up for plotting!
ok so first of all: pisces sun/taurus moon/aquarius rising
now onto like bg stuff so she's born to two teenaged parents right
and what's wild is her parents genuinely really love each other and like get married and noeul has a little sister who's like 9 now which is crazy
also bc a 16 year old girl named her like her actual name is noelle not noeul but like she's let everyone just assume it's noeul bc it's easier than explaning that her mom thought noelle would be a trendy name
but anyways having two teenaged parents doesn't like set you up the best financially so she lived with her parents and grandparents for a while when she was growing up and evenutally her parents moved out of her paternal grandparents place only to be living in a shitty half basement apartment with noeul bc like again how far can two high school grads from poor families with a whole ass child get in seoul
and tbh like bro noeul loves her parents but she DEF kinda resented them for being poor growing up and like so combined with this hatred of her situation paired with being a smart girl with a lot of drive she worked REALLY hard to get into shinhwa
only kinda realized that getting into shinhwa didn't mean a ton in terms of social standing bc u know she's still fucking broke and tbh rather than bullied i don't imagine people particularly even took that much notice of her bc she kept to herself a lot with like insecurity bc she was v obviously poorer than everyone and stuff and probs had a few friends but not a lot
tho lmao wildly and fully relating to her secret despite being this smart girl who worked hard to get her scholarship and school was v important to her she got pregnant right at the tale end of her last year at shinhwa and actually had to delay going to college the following year bc u know PREGNANCY
and there's like a lot of stigma that comes with being a single mother in korea and shit so like tbh did she want to keep her daughter? yes of course but like she didn't have the financials bc atp it's her, her parents, and her little sister living in a shitty little apartment and she literally shares a room with a 3 year old at the time, and then like she wants to go and better her life and stuff and it's hard to do when everyone judges you for being a single mom and it's not fair on the child so she makes the hard choice to give up her daughter for adoption and then go back to school
and like ok she goes to ewha womans and she does well there too bc again very determined to do well in life and all but like i think giving her daughter up fr had a sense of guilt, regret, and honestly depression that she never really expected so like she struggled with that and she ended up writing this story about it for a creative writing class and her teacher was like "hold up this is kind of good have u ever considered writing it into something more?"
and with her teacher's help and encouragement she did just that and ended up writing what would become a very popular novel about a young woman who gets pregnant, gives up her child, and navigating life through the tragedy over it. tbh it's kinda in the style of kim jiyoung, born 1982
and even cooler u know later it gets turned into a movie that's scheduled to come out later this year and fr like idk shit turned her whole life around like writing about the biggest misery and regret of her life gave her the money she always craved and a bit of notoriety and everything is cool and all but like on the other side of things people fr think the story is just a novel and are like "wow how did you come up with the concept?" and for obvi reasons like noeul is def more comfortable with letting them thinking it's all fictional
and yeah so ngl life has fr turned around really recently for her and it's really nice but like rip now the dawn of realization is setting in that like... people are gonna expect another novel and how is she supposed to provide that like...
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cherienymphe · 5 months
Y'all gone crucify me if I say I don't put much faith in white boys from the south?
Honestly speaking, I may like celebs but I never trust them, no matter how cute or nice they seem. Same with k-pop idols or anyone who's a celebrity, really.
We don't actually know them. What their real personality is - that's something their close circle and family must know, but not us.
So I hate it when people defend them like they've known them their whole lives.
Yeah I've always said that being a kpop stan will really kill the parasocial gene in you and it's funny bc that industry thrives off of parasocial relationships but with kpop it's literally all so artificial. These companies quite literally create personas for the idols and it helps you realize that the west is not all that different. It's definitely more lax over here and celebrities can get away with a lot more but generally speaking, we don't know any of them. For sure some do show us their actual personalities and might be just as great as they seem but again...how will we ever know for sure ? ����🏾‍♀️
It's why I don't get the hard defense either bc babe...you don't know that man or that woman. Especially in regards to something they've been confirmed to have did like what are we defending exactly? Their right to be shitty? Not every hill needs to be died on esp since they're not a victim 😭 if someone wanted to talk shit about every weird thing BTS or Exo has done tf I look arguing with them? It's true!
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can-of-pringles · 3 hours
Queer OC asks for Silas and Dannie please?
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
And for the author:
20. Have your ocs helped you in self discovery? How?
Thank you!
Silas: I think I've talked about it before. I would say around 11-13 he started to realize he was a boy. There were little things throughout his childhood that kinda hinted at that, but it didn't start to fully click until then. It was when major dysphoria hit and he was like I don't think this is right. Everything feels wrong (:'() and began to desperately find anything that could possibly explain what was going on (which was difficult considering it was the late nineties) but he eventually told his parents how he was feeling and thankfully they were able to take him to a trans specialist and help him with his transition journey.
Dannie: I think there were bits and pieces from their childhood that probably were signs that they were trans, but they didn't realize until later in their late teens, honestly a big reason they discovered themselves was because of the internet (this would've been around 2011 ish) as for sexuality it was a lot more obvious to them. Especially around middle school. But they just figured they were a (cis) lesbian and kept it a huge secret. They didn't actually officially come out to their parents until they were an adult and had moved out. (For both aspects) and while their parents needed some time, they eventually mostly came around to it. And once they started to understand nonbinary more, they would recall moments in Dannie's life and be like "ah, that makes sense" (in a good way)
(I feel like I kinda already answered this above so I'm probably going to keep this brief)
Silas: It's accepting for the most part (I think it helps living in a city in a usually more accepting country? It depends) If anything majority of people probably assume he's a cis gay man, and not trans. And people usually tend to mind their business. Silas doesn't usually bring up being trans as often unless somehow it comes up (or if he knows he's with people he trusts)
Dannie: Also lives in a city, most people are too busy with their own lives to care (at least just strangers passing by). (I'm going to try to answer this in a very careful way, since I don't live these experiences but I've heard about them, but I won't go into huge detail since I don't think it's really my place) but Dannie tends to face more day-to-day things/situations involving their race, rather than sexuality and gender. Of course their gender and sexuality play a role, but it's not the first thing people notice. Dannie tends to hang out with others that they can either relate to and/or people they can trust.
Silas: Oh definitely. Both external and internal struggles. Mainly about growing up religious and in the south.
Dannie: Yes, they've faced a lot of different types of struggles. Pressure from their family in general. Also religious stuff but in a different way (they grew up Muslim)
Feel like I kinda said above.
Yes, but not the ocs you'd think. Ocs I made when I was still a kid. I think really the first thing that started to open my eyes was Steven Universe and the ocs I made from that. And then when I made one of my fursonas queer (the first time I ever made an oc queer) under the guise of "Well it's fictional and queer people just exist" (this was mostly something I would say to my mom to look for approval, since I was like maybe 11 or so?)
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈PRIDE THEMED OC ASK GAME🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
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