#i looked through some bts stuff in hopes of more details but nothing rip
dickfuckk · 2 years
Question cause I haven't seen anyone else talk about this: where is Stede's bathroom? When Ed freaks out he scoots into the auxiliary closet. Then next we see him he's in the bathtub. Is his bathroom in the closet? Cause like, I can't imagine a man having a panic attack would come out of the closet (hehe), walk across a room full of people, and go down the hall to another room.
Which leads to another question: how is the auxiliary closet a secret?? Wouldn't he need help filling up the tub? I know the show's a bit anachronistic, but I doubt Stede invented plumbing/water heaters 2 centuries early.
Babe you are so valid for this, but I'm pretty sure the Revenge is about as nonsensical as Hogwarts
Although I believe I saw a post somewhere that had made a floorplan for the ship so if anyone knows what I'm talking about please feel free to link that post lmao
EDIT: Thank you @pickle92 bless you! Here’s the post with the floorplan
This post does seem to put the bathroom in a separate room though
But to answer your question, in ep6 you are correct, Ed enters the auxiliary closet
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(You can barely fucking tell in this screenshot but it's correct)
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In ep4 however, it does seem like the bathroom and closet might be in the same room, cause you can kind of see the sink behind Stede? (idk if that’s a sink actually but it does seem like the bathroom is behind Stede)
The bathtub would be hiding behind the wall I suppose.
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You add an interesting point with Stede needing to tell people about the bathtub and therefore the auxiliary closet. I briefly thought he could have told Lucius, but then Lucius would have definitely used that hiding spot in episode 2 & 3 when Jim was hunting him down - so that means Stede must be filling up that bathtub on his own I guess... I somehow feel like it's very out of character for Stede to fill up his own bathtub, but I suppose he values his secret closet enough? Unless he is somehow able to section off the closet with a sliding door or something, so it just looks like a bathroom? Much to think about
I have another question though. In ep4 Stede has to dramatically open the auxiliary closet with his little gay statue, but in ep6 Ed just pushes the door open no problem. Which means the statue really serves no purpose other than dramatic effect. They're so perfect for each other honestly
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction|| You’re an idol and you have a past together [Request]
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A/N: To the lovely Anon that requested this I hope you enjoy this and it was everything you wanted! If not I’m really sorry!  
You'd been dreading this day since you got the invitation, your manger accepted on your behalf without trying to get the go-ahead from you, assuming you would just go through with whatever she signed you up for like some kind of performing monkey. Standing in your dressing room as a group of stylists worked around you, one doing your hair, another doing your makeup, you were dressed in a silk ball gown ready to go onto the stage in front of thousands of people and present an award for someone, the easy part was talking in front of thousands of people but the hard part, the part you'd been worrying about the whole time was going out there with Kim Seokjin. The one that everyone loved, the most handsome guy in the world, which was true but whenever you heard the statement it made you want to rip the person who's head was closest to you off and scream about it. It's not that you hated him...well you did but it wasn't because he was Mr Kim Seokjin, it was because he was your ex-boyfriend who ripped your heart into a million pieces and left you to stitch the pieces back together.
"You look amazing." He said as you stood backstage together, you ignored him keeping your gaze in front of you as you waited for your cue to go onto the stage and start presenting but it felt as if an entity was passing while you were waiting.
"You can't still hate me, it's been seven years." You walked out onto the stage as soon as you were waved on and plastered the fake smile you'd become a professional at faking.
"Wow, let's give a round of applause for Xenex for preforming their debut song 'It's Gonna Hurt.'" The crowd clapped along with you and Jin as you smiled into the cameras, Jin said his lines while you stood there and looked as happy as possible, no one knew about your past with Jin. If they knew they wouldn't let you work together. You dated way back before you both debuted, both of you were in a strong serious relationship and you thought it would last forever, but so did everyone else in relationships, they all think their relationships will last forever and ever but that was fairytale nonsense, everyone knew that relationships didn't last.
"The nominees for The Artist Of The Year are as follows, TWICE, ITZY, BTS, AB6IX, NCT127."  You said into the microphone looking at Jin as he opened the envelope with the results in.
"And the winners are." There was a huge drumroll before he opened it and both of you smiled.
"TWICE!" You both yelled in unison clapping as the girls made their way onto the stage to receive their award and give speeches, you hugged each of them before exiting and heading straight for the dressing room, wanting to get out of the venue as soon as humanly possible but you knew he was following you, you got to the dressing room just in time, slamming the door in his face to make a point that you didn't want to speak to him.
"You can't ignore me forever, you know." You sighed as you came out of the dressing room and seeing him stood there, even though he still pissed you off he still looked unimaginably good looking, and the suit was only adding to his good looks.
"What do you want Jin?" You questioned putting your bag over your shoulder and waiting for your manager to come out of the room with the rest of your stuff, Jin's hand reached out and took your wrist into his grasp, your breath hitched in the back at your throat as you felt the jolt of electricity that ran through your body, your eyes prickled with tears as you realised you wanted to stay there in his grasp.
"I want you, I need you back in my life. Nothing is the same without you in my life." You closed your eyes letting the tears roll silently down your cheeks,
"No Jin. You can't do this. I have to go." You whispered trying to get out of his grasp but he span you around so you were facing him, only you tripped over your own feet and toppled into his chest, eyes gazing up into his beautiful large brown ones, he smiled down at you caressing your cheek with his free hand.
"Tell me you don't feel this, tell me you don't feel the same excitement as before and I will leave you alone. I miss you." He whispered to you, you leant into his hand the door to the dressing room snapping you from your daydream, your manager stared at you and you straightened up and moved away from Jin.
"I'll wait outside in the car." You manager said in a low tone, leaving you alone with Jin. You filled her in on everything while you got unchanged back in the changing room.
"Come back to me...I'll make everything up to you I promise." He pleaded but the moment was over, the mental image of being back together with him was no longer the sweet imagine you had in your head, it was a harsh reality of what happened when you broke up.
"No Jin, I can't go through that again." Shaking your head you tried to step away from him but he wasn't having any of it, he took hold of both of your arms and forced you to stare up at him while you told him you didn't want to be together again.
"Why?" You sighed looking at him, finally letting the tears you'd been trying to hide flow free, your eyes were bloodshot and he could see how hurt you truly were by everything happening,
"Do you know what it's like, to have your heartbroken over and over again?" You whispered to him, his grasp on you loosened and you walked away before he got take hold of you again.
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BigHit Entertainment wanted to hire you. You. They wanted you to work for them, and normally that would be one of the best things a person could hear but not you. Working for BigHit meant working with your ex-boyfriend, none other than Min Yoongi. You dated before he debuted and the relationship had its ups and downs like most relationships but the ending was the worst thing. It left you broken into pieces, you could hardly get out of bed for anything, you broke down and it knocked your own debuted date back by another two years thanks to the breakdown. Though your management at the time put it down to personal family issues, not wanting to go into detail about how you dated another trainee when you weren't supposed to.
"Miss Y/L/N." You looked up at the small receptionist and followed her down a long series of hallways, each of them covered in images of Bang Si-Hyuk with each member from the groups he had working for him and for the solo artists too, as you drew closer to his office you noticed more and more pictures of him with BTS, all of them looked so young. The final image was a group image of them standing together after they debuted, you smiled sadly at the look on Yoongi's face. That was the same day everything ended for you, the door opened and you walked inside, bowing to Bang PD and shaking his hand after he held it out for you to take.
"Welcome Miss Y/L/N," You smiled at him and sat down across from him, looking over his desk. A photo frame caught your eye, inside was a photo of him with the BTS members, all gathered around a dinner table and next to that one was another image with him and the boys from TXT. It made you feel as though he really cared about the people that worked for him and you felt good about going to work for him, your previous employer wasn't the greatest and you were glad another company was willing to take you under their wing.
"I would just like to thank you for this wonderful opportunity." You said as Bang PD gave you the studio tour, you'd signed the papers and you were officially under his company.
"No need to thank me, one of my other members suggested you and once I'd listened to some of your previous work, I have to say he was right in putting your name forward. I'm glad we can work with you." You smiled at him, wondering who it could have been that put your name forward when you stopped outside the studio with the words 'Genius Studio' written across the glass, a lock outside. It was definitely Yoongi's studio.
"Speak of the devil." He chuckled knocking on the door, it opened and standing there was Yoongi, staring at you his eyes not moving from your face, you felt your eyes begin to water the longer he stared into your soul, and Bang clearing his throat dragging you both away from each other.
"I'll leave you to give Y/N the tour, I have some more work to do." He left and you were alone with Yoongi, for the first time in seven years since he left you there was an awkward tension in the air.
"So you accepted their offer?" He questioned moving aside for you to come inside but you stayed out in the hallway, not wanting to go inside with him.
"Yeah...You showed them my videos?" You questioned wanting answers as to why he showed them you, you of all people. You were the one person he truly hated.
"You're brilliant, you deserve to work with the best of the best." You slowly moved inside when you heard people coming, you didn't want to block anyone's way. You sat down on the leather sofa inside the studio and glanced around, it looked like he slept there all of the time.
"Why did you do it though?" You questioned him, wanting to know exactly why he showed them your videos, sure you were good but there were better people out there other than you.
"I already told you-" You were shaking your head at him and he stopped talking, he looked down at the floor as he sat down in his giant leather chair.
"Why." You whispered to him, you stared up at him and he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.
"I broke your heart a thousand different ways and I'm sorry...This was my way to say I'm sorry." You scoffed and got off the sofa, going to leave the room.
"So they've only taken me on out of pitty because their number one producer broke my heart and they wanted to say sorry." Your back was slammed against the glass and Yoongi was standing in front of you, one arm above your head and the other next to your waist, he wasn't touching you but the way you were so close to each other made your stomach flip, you wanted to reach up and kiss him but you knew you couldn't do that. You and Yoongi didn't work as a couple, there were countless fights, sure the making up was good but the fights weren't worth the makeup, you knew it couldn't work between you no matter how much both of you wanted.
"You ripped my heart out and crushed it Yoongi...I can't do this." His hand dropped from above you and ran across your cheek, looking you dead in the eyes.
"I had to do that, I didn't want to but I had to." You frowned at his words but there was a banging on the door,
"Yoongi! We have to go." Yoongi moved you away from the door before you could question what he meant by he '' did what he to do.'' You smiled at Hoseok on the other side of the door and Yoongi walked out, leaving you inside without another word to you.  
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Hoseok saw you before you saw him, you'd just walked into the venue hall of the hotel where a party was being held for a bunch of Idol's to attend. It was a small get together for all of the Big Hit Artists and your manager convinced you to go along to make connections. Hobi's eyes never left your body once, he watched as you slowly walked through the room, greeting people on your way, smiling and bowing and then stopping to talk to a few people. Namjoon knocked his shoulder once he noticed Hoseok was staring but Hobi didn't want to look away, you were dressed in his favourite colour and favourite style of dress, it was as if you were begging for his attention. But you had no idea he was going to be there but once you saw him out of the corner of your eye dressed in a black suit you wanted to go over to him and hug him right away but you knew you weren't allowed, you knew you had to keep your distance and you also knew this was probably a text from your manager and his manager. They were the whole reason you and Hoseok broke, after all, telling you both that you couldn't go on to debuted if you were dating, neither of you would succeed if you were held back. So you both parted ways, on good terms but your managers made you promise not to see one another again unless it was absolutely necessary.
"Y/n, this way." Your manager said once she saw who you'd seen, you looked down at the ground and followed her through a doorway which leads to some more singers, you greeted each of them and smiled in the most polite way possible, trying to shake Hoseok from your thoughts, the way he looked in the suit, he looked toned and so grown-up, more grown-up then the last time you saw him.
The night had dragged on and it was finally coming to an end, your manager had gone to the bathroom so you escaped out of the area and went out onto the balcony, you looked down at the ground and it was crowded with paparazzi, the door opening alerted you and you sighed.
"I was just getting some air, I will be right back-" You stopped your sentence when you realised it wasn't your manager coming out to check on you, it was Hoseok. His suit jacket was undone, his tie gone from around his neck, presumably in his pocket.
"Oh. I was just leaving." You whispered trying to go back into the venue hall but he stopped you by taking hold of your hand as it reached the handle.
"Please don't." You stared at him with an eyebrow raised as he knew that you weren't supposed to talk to one another or be alone together.
"Hobi we can't be out here." You whispered to him but he didn't budge, he took hold of your waist and pulled you closer to him, both of your breathing hitched and you stared up into his eyes, wanting to do nothing but make out with him on the balcony, but this was dangerous if anyone looked up right now everything would be over.
"We can't be anywhere, but I had to see you." He pulled you closer to the brick wall near the door so if anyone did look up they couldn't see you, and if anyone came out onto the balcony they wouldn't see you because of the doors blocking you.
"I can't stop thinking about you. I've missed you so much." He whispered to you, moving his arms from your waist and up to your cheeks, cupping them and staring deep into your eyes, your arms slowly moved from your sides and to his neck,
"I missed you too Hobi, so, so much." You could feel your eyes starting to well up as you stared into his, but you didn't want to ruin your makeup so you closed your eyes., letting out a sniffle as you imagined staying there all night, his arms wrapped around your body.
"I have to go." You whispered knowing your manager would be out looking for you by now, and if she saw this there would be consequences.
"I have Joonie distracting her and when he fails I have the rest of them willing to step in." You let out a shaky laugh and finally hugged him tightly, his arms dropped to around your waist and he squeezed you.
"This feels like our last goodbye." He murmured into your hair, you hummed in response and pulled away.
"Not yet," You stood up onto your tiptoes and kissed him, your hands tangling into his black hair and tugging on the ends, he still let out the shakey moans he used to do when you were together and you smiled into the kiss.
"Now it does." You whispered as you pulled away, taking the handkerchief from his top pocket and wiping the red lipstick from his lips, putting it back into his pocket and sighing.
"Don't say goodbye." He whimpered but you knew you had to, the longer you left the more torture it was going to be for you both.
"Goodbye Hobi." You whispered leaving a small kiss on his cheek before walking back into the venue hall and going to find your manager who was in no doubt a hissy fit about you leaving your spot where she told you to wait.
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You took some shaky breaths as you looked out at the sea of people in front of the stage. You were performing at an award ceremony and it was almost time for you to go onto the stage and perform your debut song, it was a ballad about heartbreak and everyone close to you knew who it was about but no one apart from your close friends knew. Someone was straightening the end of your silk ballgown, it was a tight fitted red dress that had a long train on the bottom, you didn't want to dress up like this but your managers insisted, telling you it would fit the song perfectly,
"You're going to do great." Your stage manager reassured you, handing you the blue sparkly microphone, you stared at it this wasn't your usual microphone for performing.
"We lost yours, someone else who is performing tonight offered us his." You nodded and he walked away, you looked over the microphone turning it upside and seeing the letters 'RM' across the bottom, you knew instantly it was Namjoon's microphone, you looked around for someone to try and swap it but it was too late, your cue was coming so you walked out on the stage and hugged the presenter, smiling at her and then getting ready to sing. The venue quietened and you looked over the crowd while you waited for the music to start, front and centre sat Namjoon, staring at you. You felt your eyes begin to water and the song hadn't even started yet.
"I'm in my bed, and you're not here." You began singing, the lights dimmed and a single spotlight was on you, fake snow began to fall around you and you stared forward, trying not to look at Namjoon.
"And there's no one to blame but the drink and your wandering hands." You began to gain more confidence but your hands were still shaking uncontrollably. Namjoon knew it was about him, he had to know. It was all anyone talked about in your close friendship group when you first wrote.
"Forget what I said, it's not what I meant, and I can't take it back. I can't unpack the baggage you left."  You began to belt out the rest of the lyrics, putting all the effort you had into it.
"What if I'm down? What if I'm out?" Your eyes dropped to stare at Namjoon who was staring at you in awe, his eyes were filled with tears and you glanced away back up to the top of the room, you'd been crying as soon as you hit the first verse.
"What if I'm someone you won't talk about? I'm falling again, I'm falling again. I'm falling." As soon as the lights shut off you ran off the stage, shoving the microphone into your manager's chest and making a run for your changing room not caring about all the questions there would be after your performance. You just made it inside the changing room when Namjoon reached it, banging on the door but you were on the floor in front of it, so he couldn't just open it and walk inside. You brought your knees up into your chest and silently sobbed into them, you heard him knocking on the door and you felt your heart sink as he called out your name.
"Go away Namjoon." You stuttered out not being able to stand hearing his voice calling out your name like that, or just hearing his voice. It brought back all of the memories you had of your last night together, memories you'd managed to push into the back of your mind that you hoped would never resurface.
"Just let me in and we can talk." You sobbed out a whine and moved away from the door, it was now or never.
"Talk? Talk about what?" You asked opening the door, ready to fight him on this but he pushed you into the room and slammed the door behind you.
"Talk about us, everything we had." He said to you, trying to cup your face in his hands but you slapped them away and moved as far away from him as you could get.
"Everything we had, you threw that away Namjoon. Not me." You reminded him of what he did, he was taken back that you threw that at him.
"I told you I was sorry." You shook your head laughing at him as if he thought that saying sorry would fix everything he did to you.
"Please, as if Sorry fixes everything Namjoon." You whispered to him, going over to the dressing table and leaning against it, looking at yourself in the mirror and catching him staring at you.
"What I did was wrong." You stood up and turned to face him, this was the first time he was taking responsibility for his actions.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I know it wasn't easy for you, and I should have been there...I shouldn't have gone off and done what I did. It was wrong." You stared at him, he was finally admitting to cheating on you while you struggled with everything happening around you.
"Joonie I-" He shook his head at you, sitting down on the sofa that was inside the changing room, you watched him as he continued to talk.
"There's nothing I can say to you that will change your mind on how you feel but...I want you to know I am truly sorry. I never meant to hurt you...I was just a dumb 19 year old who." You looked at him and he was crying, you made your way over to him and sat on the sofa, not next to him but near enough to him that you could reach and rub his hand in a comforting way.
"It's fine." You whispered,
"Not it's not, I hurt you and I don't know how I can ever stop you from being so hurt." He stared at you and you stared back, you leant closer to him, not caring about the past anymore just him sitting there in a suit,
"Y/n!" The door opened and you sprang apart from one another, he got up and left the room while your manager came over to congratulate you.
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You were in your studio working on a new song when the door opened, you looked up to see Yoongi walking in with a bag, you smiled at him and he began unloading his stuff onto your desk, you span your chair around to face him. He was collaborating with you on your new song, your manager said it would be a good investment of your time and since Yoongi was one of the best rappers out there you decided it would also be a good idea, the song wasn't just for you though. It was for a new Korean Drama that was due to come out at the end of the year and they wanted you and the rapper of your choice to work on it. You'd been meeting up together for the last month on the low down thanks to your history with his band member Jimin, your ex-boyfriend, you didn't want to Jimin to know about this. The way things ended wasn't the best, even though seven years had passed there wasn't a day that went by where you didn't think about him.
"You ready?" Yoongi asked looking up at you, you'd been staring at him for the last two minutes in silence, you nodded at him and walked over to the sofa, bringing out your notes and showing him ideas you had for your own lyrics. The show was about past lovers finally coming together after some time apart and you thought it was ironic that they asked you to work on a song for it, of course, no one knew about your past with Jimin...At least you didn't think anyone did.
"Have you thought about who you're bringing to the premier?" Yoongi asked out of the blue, you stared at him. You never spoke about personal stuff together, it was normally small talk about the weather and then straight to work, you shook your head.
"I was going to go alone," You said with a frown, why was he all of sudden interested.
"So you're not dating anyone right now?" You shook your head trying to hide the clear frown that was forming on your face but he nodded, going back to your notes and taking out a red pen to help you out with some more lyrics
There was a rapid knocking on your door at 5 pm one night, you groaned coming out of your kitchen and making your way over to the door, you peered through the eye hole and saw Jimin standing there in the pouring rain, banging again on your door trying to get you to answers.
"I know you're in there Y/n!" You ripped the door open and he stumbled inside, taking off his coat and going into the living room.
"Make yourself at home." You said sarcastically, shutting the door and walking behind him, he sat on your sofa, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table and looking at you.
"What are you doing here?" You questioned standing in front of him and folding your arms across your chest, he smirked up at you, you'd gained confidence in the last seven years after he left.
"I wanted to see you." You stared at him and looked him up and down and then around the living room again, not much had changed since the last time he was here.
"Can you leave, my boyfriend will be home any minute." He laughed.
"You don't have a boyfriend, I made sure Yoongi found out before I did this." He said to you, getting up from the sofa and walking round to you, you were face to face now, he looked at you and licked his bottom lip.
"You sent Yoongi to spy on me?" You asked raising your eyebrow at him and staring at him, not wanting to show him that this was making you nervous and your heart skip a beat.
"No, I just asked him to make conversation with you." You glared at him and walked to the front door again, trying to get him to leave your house.
"Please get out." You said to him, you didn't want to go through this.
"No." You stared at him as he walked over to you again, and he pinned you against the front door.
"No Jimin." You whispered as he leant down closer to you, trying to kiss you but you moved away from him and slipped under his arm.
"You don't get to come back here! YOU left ME!" You yelled at him finally breaking down, tears rushing to your eyes and staring at him.
"I left you?" You nodded.
"You walked out without a word as if I was nothing to you. So do it again. Walkout as if I'm nothing and never see me again." You pleaded opening the door and gesturing for him to leave, he stepped outside and as soon as he was out of the door you slammed it shut and slid down the door, hitting the floor and crying into your knees.
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You stared down at your phone as it rang again, it was the 65th missed call you'd had from Taehyung in the last two hours, he was trying to get your attention after he spotted you earlier that morning. You'd gone to see your friend Kim So-Jung who worked in the same company as him, he'd seen you walking into the dance studio with her, and he followed wanting to see what you were doing there, and he stayed to watch you practise your new dance routine for one of your new songs. You'd always struggled with dancing and it was no surprise that even after your debut you still needed help, but he found it adorable that you were still trying so hard now you were a big star.
You groaned hearing your phone vibrate again, you ignored it turning it off and throwing it onto your sofa. You didn't want to speak to him, you didn't want to see him or hear his voice. If you did you knew you would turn into a weak little girl who wanted her ex-boyfriend back, but you couldn't go back to him. You laid down on the sofa and stared up at the ceiling, you had no idea how you were going to make it through the next week. You'd agreed to see Sowon for the rest of the week to work on your routine and you knew Tae would find out when and where your dancing would be since he worked in the same building. It wouldn't be hard for him to just "bump" into you while he was out for a walk through the halls.
You'd managed to avoid him all week, it was the last time you were supposed to be seeing Sowon and she was running late though so you waited outside the dance studio playing on your phone when it started to ring again, the caller ID popping up with 'TaeTae' on the screen, you groaned laying it down on the ground and looking up to see him staring down at you.
"You still have me saved as TaeTae?" You ignored him looking at the floor, wondering how long Sowon was going to be, you didn't want to have to sit here all day with him talking to you.
"Are you waiting for Sowon?" You nodded and he sighed sitting on the opposite side of the wall to you, you stared up at the ceiling, avoiding all eye contact as possible.
"She'll be late, they had a group meeting and it's still happening...I can help if you like?" You shook your head at his questions but you knew it wasn't going to stop him from talking, he was just going to keep talking over and over until he got a real response from you, so you stood up from the floor.
"Where are you going?" He questioned standing up with you, you looked up and down the hall damming yourself for not making it clear as to where everything was when you first got here.
"Coffee." You said picking a direction to go in and hoping it was the right one.
"Coffee machine is this way." You slowly turned around and followed him down the hallway, wanting to walk behind him and not beside him but he was making that difficult by slowing down to walk beside you.
"How have you been?" You stared at the floor as you walked, was he seriously trying to make some kind of small talk with you after seven years of silence.
"Been good. You?" You questioned him, trying to be nice but not really wanting to be since he ended the relationship. You reached the coffee machine and he began making it just the way you liked, you watched as he did so and then as he walked over to a table, sitting down and patting the chair beside him so you sat in the one in front of him, taking the cup and blowing into it.
"Can we just talk about it?" You looked up at him and then around the room, you were in some kind of canteen.
"No, there's nothing to talk about. You left me, end of story." You said to him not wanting to think about the way he left you. It was heartbreaking to think about, it was as if he really didn't care about your feelings at all.
"Give me one more chance, please, just one?" You shook your head at him looking over at the door as you saw Sowon walking past,
"What, so you can leave me again?" You questioned him, he sighed and reached across the table to take hold of your hand but you stood up in a rush, knocking the drinks over and drawing attention to you both,
"I have to go." You whispered leaving the hall and going to find Sowon, you couldn't be near him for any longer.
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Jungkook looked up as soon as you entered the venue, you were getting ready to perform as an opening act for the New Years Eve show and he was getting ready to perform later. You were dressed in nothing but some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt but you still looked as beautiful as the last time he saw you seven years ago, he was pulled from his daydream when he noticed someone calling out your name, you turned around and hugged whoever the guy was and continued walking together, he felt his blood boil as he watched the interaction you both had, wanting to find out everything about the person who had their arms wrapped around you that wasn't his.
"Jungkook," Jin said knocking him from his daydream, he looked away from you and continued to stare back at the plans in front of him. You'd noticed him the moment you walked into the venue so when your friend Changbin from Stray Kids rushed over to greet you, you were grateful. You didn't want to see Jungkook for too long and have the urge to rush over and hug him. It had been seven years since you saw him but just one sight of him had you weak at the knees and wanting to be back in his grasp.
"You're performing too right?" You asked Changbin as you walked through the halls going to find your own changing room, he nodded and you smiled looking around behind him for the rest of his members but they were nowhere to be seen.
"Jungkook was staring." He reminded you as you reached the dressing room, you groaned walking inside and wanting the earth to just swallow you up and never let you back out as long as Jungkook was walking the earth.
"Still not over him?" You groaned and Changbin chuckled, pushing you onto the sofa at how dramatic you were being.
You were all stood on stage for the count down, Stray Kids behind you and BTS right in front of you which was the most awkward encounter imaginable because only Changbin knew of your past with Jungkook and the rest of them were friends with one another, Jungkook was turning around every five seconds to smile at you while Changbin was staring down at you to make sure you were okay with what was going on.
The countdown finished and you walked off stage with Changbin, going to find something to eat to drown your sorrows in the food, being in that close proximity as Jungkook was testing your patience. You shoved a dumpling into your mouth and Changbin stared at you, trying to say something but cut himself off by laughing, you shoved another into your mouth.
"Jungkook is behind you." You almost spat the dumpling back into your hand but swallowed it down and turned around to politely greet him since you were in public view.
"Nice to see you." He said to you and Changbin, he was eyeing him up and down and you knew what was going through his mind so you moved closer to Changbin.
"I need to go and get changed." You said with a giant smile on your face, leaning up and kissing Changbin on the cheek, something you always did but lingered a little longer than before, he chuckled and dragged you into a hug.
"Do not bring me into this." He whispered into your ear so you scuttled away from them and made a dash for your changing room.
"Y/n!" Jungkook was running after you and you speed up, damming the person who made you wear heels tonight, he caught up in no time and you stared at him.
"What?" You questioned, dropping the smile since no one else was around you now, he touched your cheek and you moved away from him not wanting him to touch you like that.
"Why are you with him, when we both know you still love me." You sighed, it was the same Jungkook as before. The jealous boyfriend who wouldn't let you have any friends.
"He's a friend Jungkook." You said as you pushed open the door to your changing room,
"Now if you don't mind, I have to get changed." He made his way inside with you and sat down on the sofa.
"Change away, you know I don't mind the view." You looked away from him and walked over behind a changing screen but he followed, staying on the other side.
"Just come back to me Y/N...I can change...I was an immature teenager last time." You stared at the screen, he was slowly starting to convince you about it.
"We can go back to how we used to be...do you remember how happy we were?" You did, you remembered all of the good memories. None of the bad ones in your mind as he spoke to you in his sweet convincing voice.
"I love you Y/n." He whispered to you, you went to say it back when reality came crashing back down.
"Stop! Just...just stop speaking! Stop trying to change my mind Jungkook." You begged with him, you wanted him to leave but at the same time you didn't. Your heart and mind were going in two different directions and each of them were telling you they were the right one to follow.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks​  @yourguessisasgoodasminemate​
@lovies-kpop-fan-fiction​  @snowy-meowl​
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wocfics · 4 years
Step By Step
Part 2
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Arranged Marriage Series
KNJ x Poc Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, SMUT towards the end. Daddy kink. Lactation. Squirting.
Any bold words are Korean
Word Count: 7.7k+
“Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong or are you just going to ignore me?” You had just walked through the door, the car ride home was silent and Namjoon barely looked at you the entire car ride. Was he mad at you? You know you did nothing wrong but be friendly. Taking off your heels, you left them by the front door and sighed at the feeling of the flat surface under your feet again. Once again, he said nothing, just taking off his jacket and kicking off his shoes, leaving you to go into the kitchen and get himself a cup of water. 
You weren’t going to play this game with him, not at this hour. Rolling your eyes, you walked down the hall into the bedroom you were now sharing with Namjoon since moving your stuff out of the old one. Slipping off your jewelry and placing them in their rightful place, you moved to put your hair up and paused when you heard his footsteps getting closer to the room. Turning around, you placed your hands on your hips and shifted your weight onto your right leg. “If you’re going to ignore me the entire night then I’ll just sleep on the couch.” Moving to the closet to grab a pair of pajamas, the sigh you heard come from behind you made you turn around once again. 
His jaw visibly clenching and relaxing, he placed the bottle of water on the nightstand and shoved his hands into his dress pant pockets. “I know that we started off rough, and I like to think that we’re getting along fine but...you’re still my wife. It would be very appreciated if you didn’t openly flirt with my friend in front of me.” Was he being for real? You raised an eyebrow at him, drawing them together in confusion and blinking a few times. “I’m sorry, what? Flirting? I wasn’t flirting with him, I was being nice-” “You were still holding his hand and smiling. I was watching you, Y/N.” His voice was calm but the look on his face showed annoyance. 
“Seriously? So this is my fault then is what you’re saying? He held my hand, so what-” “And he kissed it and you let him.” He added in and you took a deep breath, shaking your head and walking into the bathroom attached to the bedroom. Closing the door behind you, you got set to washing your face and brushing your teeth. Was he really jealous over someone kissing your hand? Wasn’t he and Jackson best friends? Why did it bother him so much when he didn’t even want to be bothered with you in the beginning? The more you thought about the angrier you got. Staring in the mirror you squinted at your reflection, seeing something form on your dress. 
“Shit.” you cursed. You forgot to pump your breast milk before you left and now it was leaking. As if it could get any worse, you went to unzip the back of the dress, feeling the zipper get stuck. Covering your chest with one arm, you opened the bathroom door, seeing Namjoon already changed into a pair of pajama pants, bare chest and sitting on the edge of the bed playing with his phone. He glanced up when he heard you walk out and noticed you covering yourself. You said nothing as you walked over to him and turned around. “Can you unzip me please? It’s stuck and I’m leaking breast milk.” Why was this embarrassing? He’d seen you breastfeed before, of course with a blanket over you but still, he knew this happened a lot. 
Feeling him fumble with the zipper a few times, you heard a tear and gasped. “Aish...uh...sorry.” He mumbled. “Wow, are you really that mad at me that you have to rip my dress too?” You turned around quickly, seeing him fold his hands together. “Of course not, it was stuck, it’s not my fault the zipper was faulty.” He gestured towards your dress. “Thanks anyway.” You said quietly and walked back into the bathroom. Quickly peeling off the dress, you pulled on your pajama shorts and left the shirt unbuttoned that you pulled on, keeping the bra you had on and picking up your dress from the bathroom floor and taking it out into the room. Rummaging through the drawers of the dresser, you grabbed another bra and walked past Namjoon. 
You entered the baby’s room, taking off your shirt and bra and plugging up the breast pump before sitting down and putting it together before attaching the cups to both breasts and turning it on. Making sure both bottles were filled half way, you removed them and slipped on the new bra, grabbing what you needed and walked out and into the kitchen area. After checking the test strips for the milk, you dumped them and buttoned up your shirt. 
“I just got off the phone with my mom, she’ll bring YoungMi tomorrow afternoon.” Jumping slightly, you turned to look at him and nodded. “Okay, I’ll be okay by then. She’s okay though right? Sleeping and eating okay?” You asked. You always did when she wasn’t with you. You were still so used to it just being you and YoungMi that when someone else had her, you went into protection mode, wanting to know every single detail. Namjoon nodded, sitting at the island. “She’s fine, she ate, my sister gave her a bath and made sure she went to sleep on time. She’s in good hands.” 
Nodding your head, you chewed on your lower lip before leaning against the counter, watching him. “I’m sorry, if I was flirting with Jackson. It wasn’t intentional and I wasn’t trying to make you jealous.” An apology had to be made, especially if you wanted this marriage thing to work, and for the sake of your daughter. You could see his face light up a little, his hand coming up to run through his hair. “I’m sorry, for blaming just you. I want this to work, Y/N, I do but I don’t get jealous.” He shook his head. “You were just a little bit. I could tell, I don’t know why, tonight was the most you’ve ever touched me anyways.” With that, you walked past him, only for him to grab your wrist. 
He stood up, towering over you and stared down at you, lacing your fingers together. You looked back up at him, pushing up onto your toes to capture his lips. Your arms went around his neck as he snaked around your waist. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth when he pressed his tongue past your lips. It had been so long since you even kissed him, your lips moving together effortlessly, your tongues fighting for dominance. Feeling his hands slide under your thighs and pick you up, your legs tightened around him, tugging on his bottom lip as he quickly carried you into the bedroom and dropped you onto the bed. He stared down at you, his eyes scanning over your brown skin until he climbed on top of you and kissed you again. 
The kiss became more rushed, turning over so you were on top of him, your legs on either side of his body as he quickly removed your button up pajama shirt and massaged your breast through your bra. You moaned into his mouth, feeling him pinch your nippes through the fabric, which made you press your hips down and grind against him. Your lips moved down his neck, kissing and sucking the skin there until you heard a repeated buzzing sound followed by a ringtone ring through the room. “Don’t answer it.” You whispered as he reached for it and looked at who was calling. “It’s my mom.” He mumbled against your lips while you kissed him repeatedly before pausing and looking at the phone. Sitting up, you let him answer the phone and moved from on top of him. 
The sigh he let out made you furrow your brows before he stared at you before going back to talk to his mother. “Yeah, we’ll be up. I thought she grabbed the bag from the fridge when she picked her up. It’s okay. See you in a bit then.” He hung up and you waited for him to say something. “My sister forgot the milk and YoungMi’s hungry...I’m sorry.” He scratched the back of his neck. That was the cherry on top of this night. You buttoned your shirt back up, nodding. “It’s okay, are they on their way?” You asked, standing up and fixing your clothes. Namjoon stood up and pulled on a shirt. “Yeah, five minutes away. Y/N-” “It’s fine, Namjoon. Don’t worry about it. It happens when you have a baby.” 
Clearing your throat, you went into MiMi’s room to make sure her humidifier was on and made sure it wasn’t cold. You felt Namjoon’s hands wrap around you from behind and his chin rest on your shoulder. “Don’t be upset please, we’ll have some time soon. When BTS comes back from America I’ll have time off, we can ask my sister if she wants to babysit for a few days, she’s been asking anyways and I’ll plan something nice for the both of us.” He kissed the side of your neck, hoping that would make you feel at least a little happier. It was something to look forward to, you thought. Placing a hand over his that was lingering over your lower abdomen, you nodded. It would be a while from now before that happened but you would keep your fingers crossed. You had to make this work and you wanted to make it work. 
A knock sounded on the front door, Namjoon breathed in deeply and slowly let it out as he removed his hands from around you and made his way to the front of the apartment. You followed behind him, hearing small cries from on the other side of the door. Waiting for Namjoon to unlock the door, his sister holding MiMi’s car seat with her in it and a bag over her shoulder, she walked into the apartment and sat the car seat down, handing Namjoon the bag. You hated seeing the tears roll down her little chubby cheeks so you unbuckled her from the car seat and lifted her into your arms, kissing her forehead while Namjoon spoke with his sister.
“Sorry, we brought her so late, we didn’t know what else to do and she was getting hungry…” She trailed off, her eyes squinting at her brother as he raised a brow before looking at you. You looked at her before looking at Namjoon and your eyes widened. His neck littered in little hickeys from before. You cleared your throat and smiled. “I’ll go and feed her, she’ll go right to sleep afterwards anyways. Thank you for watching her.” 
“If I knew I was interrupting, I would’ve just grabbed some extra milk and went back home.” She laughed and looked at her brother who then cleared his throat. “Geong Min, thank you for dropping her off. You should probably go now.” He crossed his arms. 
Carrying YoungMi into her room, leaving Namjoon with his sister, you smiled down at her. “Don’t worry, you’re gonna get something to eat. Shhhh, it’s okay baby.” You mumbled to her while taking off her jacket and hat, seeing her curly hair matted down to her head from the hat. Sitting down in the rocking chair near her crib, you kept one half of your shirt off while waiting for her to latch on, leaning back and grabbing one of her small blankets and placing it over her body, leaving her head sticking out. 
She was getting big, already 6 months. She had dark curly thick hair, tanned skin and she was the perfect mix of you and Namjoon. She wasn’t crawling yet but she did sit up and babbled away. You had thought about not breastfeeding anymore but the thought of formula just wasn’t for you. Baby food wasn’t a problem but MiMi didn’t like anything, always so picky. She did sleep for most of the night, you only had to wake up once or twice to feed and change her but she was definitely an early riser. When you first got to Korea, she slept a lot anyways but after a few weeks she always woke up at 6:45 now, you figured it was because she heard Namjoon getting ready. 
Hearing a quiet knock on the bedroom door knocked you out of your thoughts and you glanced up, seeing Namjoon standing, his hands crossed over his chest as he watched you feed your daughter. She was drinking so fast that she started getting hiccups, pausing every few seconds before returning for more. “She must’ve been really hungry.” He chuckled, watching her little cheeks suction in and out. You smiled down at her, watching as her eyes slowly began to close, fighting her sleep. It was pretty late for her but since she was hungry, she’d be back to sleep soon.
After a few more minutes, she stopped and you looked at Namjoon. “Can you burp her?” You handed her to him, fixing yourself and pulling your shirt back on once he did take her and place her over his shoulder with a spit rag over him. He softly patted her back, rubbing it in between pats and looked over at you. “I can put her down when she’s done. You can go to bed.” You didn’t have to be told twice, standing up from the chair you were in and laughing quietly when she let out a burp. “Thank you.” You placed her blanket into her crib and leaned up to kiss Namjoon on the cheek.
You were already on your way to sleep when you felt the bed dip beside you, causing you to open your eyes and see Namjoon laying down, facing you. “That was fast.” You pulled the blanket up to your chin while speaking. “She went down without a fight, she likes when I talk to her.” He responded, to which you just simply stared at him before closing your eyes and moving closer to him. You turned the other way, letting him rest his hand over your waist and press his chest against your back before you both fell asleep.
With BTS going and coming back from the states, you waited patiently for Namjoon to let you know when his sister would be getting YoungMi so that the two of you could spend some time together. It had been two months and three weeks since then and still nothing.
Today however, was a group photo shoot with the boys and the other wives. Everyone wore pastel colors to go with the dreamland theme. You wore an over sized pastel pink knitted sweater and light washed denim jeans and Namjoon wore a similar sweater except his was purple and YoungMi wore pink overalls and a purple sweater underneath, her hair in two pigtails with bows on them. Namjoon was currently talking to the boys with her in his arms, babbling and giggling when he or another member did something she found hilarious. 
You played with your hair in the mirror the new bronze color you decided to color it suiting you more than you would’ve thought. You had straightened it and loosely curled it so it sat the way you wanted it to. Watching the other wives, you and looked at their outfits, some of them with cropped sweaters and the others with dresses. You chose the big sweater since you were still working on getting rid of your stretch marks. You were confident but not enough to show your stomach just yet. The body you have before having a baby was long gone and sometimes you cried about it, especially when it came to your breasts. They didn’t sit up the way they used to and although they doubled in size, it seemed to add more to the sagging and it wasn’t attractive to you. On top of it all, Namjoon told you this morning that his schedule was going to get busy and that he wouldn’t be having his days off that he promised you.
Of course, you being you, brushed it off as if it was a usual thing but deep down inside you wanted to scream. You had everything prepared and even ordered some cute clothing and lingerie for the week. You became more and more cranky and sexually frustrated as the days went by.
“That color looks really good on you.” Jimin’s wife popped up at your side in the mirror and smiled at you. The two of you had gotten close since Jimin wanted her to have someone to talk to. You were surprised how quickly your friendship blossomed and now you two told each other everything. Her and Jimin were on way better terms and he even got her a ring. Come to think of it, the members all got their wives a ring...except Namjoon. You weren’t going to lie, you were very much so jealous but you’d never tell him that. He was always busy and you didn’t want to worry him with something stupid like a ring, a very beautiful ring. 
“You like it? I did it a few nights ago, it came out really well.” You picked up your liquid lipstick to apply some to your lips, Jimin’s wife watching you and tilting her head slightly. “Y/N...so? Did anything happen yet?” She asked quietly. You sighed heavily and shrugged. “He has to catch up on work so...no. It’s okay though-”
“No, it’s not. We searched high and low for that nice lingerie. It shouldn’t go to waste.”
“It’s okay. Maybe some other time, when he’s not super busy.”
“I guess you’re right. Honestly Y/N, if Jimin said he was too busy for me I’d-”
“You’d what?”
Jimin popped up behind his wife and kissed her cheek. She turned around and looked at him. “Nothing, just girl talk.” She giggled and kissed him lightly on the lips, wiping away her lip gloss from his lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist, smiling at her before looking at you. “Y/N, oh wow nice hair. It looks great. Namjoon wanted me to come and get you so that we can take photos.” You nodded and moved around the lovely couple to seek out Namjoon. 
“I was gonna change her diaper before you came and got her.” He spoke, seeing you walk up to him. You grabbed your daughter and shook your head. “I can do it. You go take your photos with the boys.” You placed her on your hip, grabbing her diaper bag before looking at Namjoon who wanted to say something. You motioned for him to go. “I got it.” You sounded a little irritated and walked into the bathroom.
He didn’t say it, but he could tell you were frustrated and looked exhausted. Your dark under eyes were covered up with makeup but he could tell you were tired and needed a break, but there wasn’t much he could do. Frustrated as well that the days he wanted off were needed for dance practice and recordings. It was something he needed to talk to the other boys about but they wouldn’t understand too much because none of them had children. 
Upon leaving the bathroom, you played with MiMi, lifting her up in the air and mocking her when she made a noise. Seeing the dimples in her cheeks always made you smile, her cheeks hiding half of her eyes as she laughed and giggled. Walking back towards the other women, Taehyung’s wife smiled at you and your daughter, walking towards you to have a closer look at the giggling baby. “You are just the cutest thing aren’t you.” She let MiMi grab her finger and wiggled it around while she smiled at the woman. Slowly the other women and even the makeup and hair artists, surrounded you and your baby, cooing over her and having small conversations with you.
When it was time for you and the wives to have a group photo together, you gave her back to her father and joined the ladies. You played with the props on set, tossing a few balloons into the air and doing a few poses for the camera with some of the wives. You did some shots with Namjoon, each couple doing a segment and you and Namjoon did a few with MiMi. It was easy to make her smile. She crawled around to play with the balloons once the photos were done. 
The day wrapped up with everyone out to eat, MiMi sitting in your lap drinking her bottle while you ate and conversed with the others. There was no doubt that the others could sense the tension between you and Namjoon but didn’t speak on it. They didn’t want to start any unnecessary arguments for when you two got home. 
“Namjoon hyung, Y/N-ah, we wanted to know if it was okay with you two if we can have YoungMi for a day or two? We want to have the feeling of having a child so when we have one we know what to expect.” Taehyung spoke up. You glanced up from drinking your water and looked at them before looking at Namjoon who was already looking at you. Nodding your head, you cleared your throat. “Yeah, it’s no problem. I mean, we live near each other anyways. Just let me know when.” You smiled. They nodded and went back to eating. 
After the dinner and you said goodbye to the others, you returned home and took off your shoes, carrying a whiny baby into the bathroom to get her ready for a bath. “Can you get me her towel from her room, Namjoon?” You asked over your shoulder as you ran the water. Sitting MiMi on the floor by the tub as you put your hair up from your face and took off the sweater, leaving you in your tank top as you began to undress her. He nodded and went to retrieve her blanket for you. Placing your hand under the running water to make sure the temperature was okay, you stopped the drain with a stopper and let the tub fill up, adding a small amount of baby safe bubbles before placing your daughter into the tub. 
Namjoon came back into the bathroom, placing the koala bear towel on the sink and watching you quickly wash her up since she started to go into a fit. “I know baby, mommy’s moving as fast as she can. I know you're sleepy…” You softly spoke to her, quickly washing her hair after you took out the pigtails. After a few minutes, you pulled the plug on the drain and made sure Namjoon had the towel ready before placing her in his arms, wrapped in the towel. He walked into your shared bedroom and placed her on the bed while you cleaned up the bathroom. 
He was rubbing lotion over her little body and placed a diaper on her before grabbing her pajama pants and top. “Taehyung texted me, said tomorrow he would like to get the baby.” He mumbled. You grabbed a makeup wipe and began wiping away your eye makeup and nodded. “Okay, I’ll pack her bag in the morning.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry for not keeping my promise to spend time together.”
He picked up YoungMi and placed her over his shoulder, rocking her back and forth. You waved him off and walked into the bathroom. “Like I said before, things happen when you have a baby.”
“Once things lighten up for me with the schedule-”
“Namjoon. I said don’t worry about it, okay? It just...I’m too busy with the baby and besides, I still work so I have clients and I get it. You’re an idol, you have a busy schedule, busier than mine.”
 You spoke while washing your face and brushing your teeth. You hopped in the shower while Namjoon was putting MiMi down for bed, making sure she had everything she needed before turning on her nightlight and returning back to the bedroom. After your shower, you were more tired than ever, quickly changing into pajamas and climbing into bed.
After his shower, Namjoon joined you in bed and noticed you were still up. “Maybe you can catch up on your sleep while MiMi’s away.” he swiped under your eyes and you shrugged. “I’m used to not getting sleep, besides, she’s starting to sleep through the night now so they’ll have it easy with her.” You turned to face the ceiling and readjusted the scarf you had on so that it wasn’t tied too tightly. 
“Namjoon…” You chewed on your lip and turned your head to look at him. “You haven’t been sleeping with anyone right?” You asked. He quickly sat up and stared down at you, his eyes wide and his eyebrows up to his hairline. “Y/N, why would you ask something like that? Of course not. I don’t have time.” He quickly said. You sat up and studied his face for any trace of him possibly lying. He rubbed his face and looked away before looking at you. “It’s...not that I haven’t thought about it...but I’d never do that to you.” He quickly spoke. You paused, looking away and nodding. “I knew it…” You trailed off and shook your head. He clenched his jaw and looked back at you. “You’re busy on my days off Y/N-” 
“Namjoon, please shut up.” You snapped, making sure to keep your voice down.
“I haven’t slept with anyone else. Don’t do that.” He pleaded.
“It’s the fact that you thought about sleeping with somebody else...I’m not having this conversation.” You stood up, grabbing a pillow and a blanket from the closet. “Where are you going?”
“To the fucking living room, leave me alone.” You stormed out of the bedroom and into the living room, placing your pillow on the couch and laying down on it. 
“What, Namjoon? What do you want? You want me to give you permission to go and have sex with somebody else? I’m trying, I’ve been trying with you. I guess because I don’t fit your ideal image of what you’re physically attracted to, you don’t see a point in trying with me right? My body doesn’t look the way it used when you first met me because I had your fucking child and you have the nerve to tell me that you thought about sleeping with somebody else?” You angrily wiped the tears from your cheeks. 
He said nothing, just standing there in his pajama pants. Sitting up, you stared up at him, watching him look between you and the floor. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you...I just thought that if I was honest we could figure out what to do from there.” He moved to the opposite end of the couch. “Clearly this isn’t working out for either of us. Maybe we should talk to your boss about this five year contract-”
“I don’t want you to leave, or MiMi…” He quickly cut you off.
“Yeah, well I’m not living here with someone who doesn’t want to try with me.”
“I do want to try! I want this to work out with us. I just don’t know what to do anymore. Every time we try to do anything together we get interrupted and it’s frustrating.” He moved his hands around while speaking, sighing heavily and leaning his head back on the back of the couch. “I’m physically attracted to you, Y/N, there was never a doubt about that. I’m just, it’s been a long time since I even had a relationship and with me being an idol now, I’ve just been so used to just, coming and going, literally.” 
“If you were as attracted to me as you say you are, you would’ve tried a little harder to spend time with me. I know you’re busy with BTS and I get that. I have no problem with fitting my schedule with yours but the difference is that we have a daughter. I don’t want to just pass her off when I don’t feel like taking care of her. I love your parents and our friends but I don’t want to just offer her up when I get too tired. It sounds selfish but I think I’m making some progress with that.” 
“I feel so stupid for saying what I said to you. I don’t want you to think you’re unattractive and I know I should try more instead of saying I’ll do it. Easier said than done. I’m sorry, Y/N, just please come back into the room. I promise we can talk about it tomorrow when I get back from practice.” He grabbed your hand. Grabbing your pillow in his other hand, you left the blanket and shuffled into the bedroom with him, getting into bed and turning to look at him. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He pulled you into his chest, whispering the words over and over again.
You didn’t realize Taehyung and his wife were early birds when you were woken out of your sleep by a phone call. Namjoon was still asleep since it was only 5:45 so you woke up and opened the door for them, letting them in while you went and got YoungMi dressed and her bag packed. She was up when you walked into her room, so it was easier to move her around when she was up. Carrying her into the living room, you handed her to Tae’s wife and gave Tae the carseat and her bag, along with a bag of baby food and milk since she occasionally wanted a bottle throughout the day. You were getting her to eat more food than to drink milk but she still wanted her bottle which meant you still pumped. You couldn’t handle breastfeeding anymore since she got her first and nearly chewed off your nipple the last time you tried.
After they left, you laid back down and as soon as you closed your eyes, Namjoon’s alarm went off and he stretched, grabbing his phone to turn it off and sat up, looking over his shoulder at you. “She left already?” He asked. His voice was deeper than normal in the morning. You nodded, keeping your eyes closed as you tried to find sleep again. He went about doing his morning routine, taking a shower and eating his breakfast. You eventually got up to brush your teeth and put on some coffee while he was eating, yawning and tidying up the kitchen as the coffee brewed. 
You poured him and yourself a cup, letting him add his own cream and sugar while you added some to yours. Scrolling through your phone and answering a few messages from the girls and checking your emails. Namjoon walked over to you after finishing his coffee and kissed your temple. “We’re still talking when I get back, okay?” He kissed your cheek as you hummed while sipping your coffee and glanced up at him. “Have fun at the studio.” You gave him a small smile, watching him slide on his shoes and grab his keys before leaving.
You spent the day grocery shopping and doing any laundry in the house. You decided that you needed a night to yourself so you piled a few blankets in the middle of the living room with some pillows and started on dinner, making steak, rice and asparagus, while a cake was in the oven. Once your plate was made and the cake was cooling on the stove, you whipped up some frosting and began icing the cake when you heard Namjoon’s keys in the door. It was still pretty early so you didn’t know why he was coming home so late.
You were in a black silk robe that you usually wore when making dinner since it was light and quickly tightened the belt before he walked in. You had already put his plate on the side and he looked into the living room, a confused look at all the blankets and then walked into the kitchen after taking off his shoes to see you putting icing on a cake. “What’s the occasion?” He asked. You looked at him then finished up the cake and placed it on the table. “I was having a movie night to myself actually. What are you doing home so early? You’re usually here at 8 and it’s 6.” Adding some sauce to your steak, you cut into it, eating a piece and went to grab a beer from the fridge. 
“Oh...well can I join? I finished early so I figured I’d come home early. I’m gonna go change.” He eyed the cake on his way out of the kitchen and quickly walked into the room. You sat at the counter, finishing up your food and drinking your beer. You ate your last piece of steak when he walked out and made himself a plate. You handed him a beer as well as he sat down and stared at the cake again. “I want some of that cake when I’m done. It smells good.” He spoke over a mouthful of food.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” Slicing two pieces of cake, you placed them on two separate small plates. Your robe kept sliding open so you had to keep tightening it. What you didn’t notice was Namjoon’s eyes catching the material slide down your shoulder while he ate. 
“I was doing some thinking about what I said last night and I also spoke to Yoongi and Hobi about our situation.” He took a sip of his beer. You ate a piece of cake and stopped chewing when he said that. “Y-you told them about us?” You couldn’t get angry just yet without hearing him out so you took a deep breath and slowly continued to keep eating. “I needed an opinion and they told me I fucked up and I apologize for that Y/N. You do a lot for me and for MiMi and I didn’t see that. You’re one person but I should be paying attention more and they told me to take a few days off and they’ll talk it over with the manager and get everything done themselves. I have to work on us, it wouldn't be fair if I just let you put all the effort in without me doing anything as well.” He moved his plate over and grabbed the plate with the cake and began eating it. 
“Anyways, Taehyung has the baby for two days and I have the rest of the week off. I made reservations for tomorrow night at a restaurant so we can go on an actual date and work all of this out.” 
“So are you asking me out on a date, Kim Namjoon?” You couldn’t help the smile that spread on your face. That’s all you ever wanted from him and he was finally understanding. 
“Ah, yes. Kim Y/N, would you please go out with me tomorrow night at 6:30?” He asked, smiling up at you from where he sat at the table. You licked some icing off your finger and thought for a moment before nodding. “I’d love you. Thank you.” You walked over to kiss his cheek and walked into the living room, sitting in the pile of pillows and blankets. Namjoon cleaned his dishes and joined you in the pile of blankets, sitting close to you while you used a remote to turn off the lights and skim through the movies on Netflix, settling on a romance movie. 
Twenty minutes into the movie, you were leaned forward, intently watching the screen while Namjoon rubbed your back while watching the movie and texting on his phone. He tossed his phone on the couch and continued watching the movie with you, becoming flustered when a love scene came on. You squeezed your legs together as they were pulled up to your chest, feeling yourself become damp in your panties. Namjoon noticed the way you were sitting and turned to look at you. “Y/N..” He whispered close to your ear and you turned to look at him. 
He pushed your legs down and grabbed one thigh, pulling you so that you were straddling his lap and brought your lips down to his. His tongue quickly seeking yours out, your panties becoming more wet as they grind against the bulge that was forming in his pajama pants. His hands moved over the front of your robe, quickly untying it and sliding it down your arms and off of you. You tossed it onto the couch behind him, moving your hands into his dark hair, moaning into his mouth when he gripped your hips to help you move against his clothed erection.
You pulled apart, he moved to crawl on top of you and stared down at your matching blue bra and panties and kissed between your breasts before moving back up to your neck and sucking on it, your eyes closing as he lips trailed down, his hands moving behind you to unclasp your bra. You paused and looked at him, his lips pressing to yours again before moving your hands away and removing your bra. “It’s okay.” He spoke against your lips and lowered his head to suck your left nipple into his mouth, his tongue lapping over it and tasting the milk that leaked out. You moaned, looking down at him as he did the same to the other one, kneading the other one as he did so.
His lips trailed down your stomach, kissing, sucking and biting his way down to your thighs, stopping at your inner thigh, he hooked his fingers into your panties and pulled them down, seeing the slick stick to them from your core. You shivered at the cool air and bit your lip as his mouth attached to your swollen clit, circling his tongue around it while resting your thighs on his shoulder. You breathed in deeply and groaned, your back arching away from the floor. 
Flicking his tongue against the sensitive bud, his eyes watching your movements while his hands spread your legs wider, stiffening his tongue to push in and out of your clenching hole. Your fingers tangled in his hair, your head falling back as he moved back and forth between fucking your pussy with his tongue and sucking on your clit. Your heart raced, your legs trembling. 
“Fuck…” You finally moaned out when he circled a finger against your entrance while still sucking on your clit. He hummed against you, the vibrations making you moan over and over again. “You better not cum, baby.” He shoved two fingers into your, curling them upward to hit that sweet spot inside of you. Your head shot up as you looked down at him, grabbing his other hand and sucking on his index and middle finger. His eyes twinkled at the sight of you taking his long fingers into your mouth, causing him to rut against the floor for friction. He pumped his fingers in and out of you, hearing the wet noises come from his movements.
You tightened around his fingers and he circled your clit before sucking it between his lips and pumping faster until you pushed his hand from your mouth and tossed your head back. 
“Shhhhiiit, I’m cu-” You groaned as your orgasm washed over you and a white flash clouded your vision. 
Namjoon lazily rubbed your clit after removing his fingers and leaned up to kiss you, your body jumping slightly from how sensitive you were. You could taste yourself on his tongue, staring up at him when he pulled away to stare down at you. 
“Let’s see how many times you can cum tonight.” He nipped at your bottom lip and you stuck out your tongue to lick his lips, he responded by doing the same. Your tongues danced together until he sucked yours into his mouth while you pushed down his boxers. You went to move down but he stopped you and pecked your lips. “Let me make you feel good.” He whispered, pushing your legs apart. You looked down at his throbbing cock and licked your lips at the sight of it, thick and long. Watching him slowly slide into you, your eyes half closed before falling back onto a pillow as he bottomed out. 
“Finally..please fuck me.” You grinned when you heard him chuckle at your words before he set a moderate pace, your legs spread wide for him as he pulled all the way out to the tip before shoving himself back between your hot walls. “You’re so fucking tight, fuck.” He kissed your neck, placing his hands on either side of your head before pushing himself up and began snapping his hips into yours a little harder. Already your legs began trembling, your hands moving to your sides, gripping the blanket underneath as you let out a series of moans and curses.
Keeping your legs spread, he sat up on his knees, holding onto your hips and thrust faster and harder, your thighs slapping against his lap as your back arched your back higher. 
The moans and grunts that sounded from him only added to your pleasure,your breath caught in your throat as he moved so fast that all you could do was roll your eyes over in your head and let out tiny breaths of air. 
“I can feel you squeezing my cock with your tight pussy, baby. Are you gonna cum already?”
He rubbed your clit with his thumb, smirking when you finally let out a long moan. You looked down at where you were connected and tossed your head back again. “Fuck, keep doing that...make me cum, Daddy.” You let the word slip out but it did something to him. He reached up, gripping your throat lightly, a shaky moan coming from him as he grip tightened. Your eyes crossed this time before your body jerked as you came for a second time that night, your hand wrapping around his wrist where he was still holding your throat. 
You grunted, your toes curling until he slowed down and leaned down to kiss you, releasing your throat and picking you up to sit on his lap. He leaned against the couch and stretched out his legs. The sweat on his forehead was visible and he could see yours too, kissing your swollen lips once again. Staring down at him while you caught your breath, you pressed your sweaty forehead against his and softly giggled. “I knew you wanted to call me that.” His hand raised up and came down against your ass cheek, you yelped and pressed your chest into his. 
He lifted you up and pulled you back down on him, you steadied yourself, keeping your hands on his shoulders and planting your feet on the floor and began bouncing on top of him, feeling the pleasure build back up inside of you again. He slapped the other cheek, gripping both of them to spread you open as you kept your fast pace, watching his head lean back on the cushion of the couch, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he gulped and moaned. 
This experience was so much more vivid than the first time you had ever slept together all that time ago. You were both intoxicated when you hooked up, not leaving much to remember and now you’re both realizing that you missed out on a lot with each other. You were more responsive than the first time and he was more in control. You molded together perfectly and knew what the other one wanted. 
He began thrusting up, holding your hips in place, your fingernails digging into his shoulders before threading them into his hair, short breaths leaving your mouth. “Joonie…” You moaned his name, your knees falling to the floor. Your hips rocking back and forth as he pressed his fingers into your hips, knowing bruises were going to be left in the morning along with some aches and pain but you didn’t care. 
“Please cum inside me..” The words whispered and he closed his eyes and grunted, his balls tightening before he released inside of you, ropes and ropes of his seed spilling inside of you. Your third orgasm hit, your thighs shaking uncontrollably as he wrapped his arms around your waist and yours around his shoulders, burying your face in his neck as you groaned into his skin. “Y/N…” He growled, still slowly thrusting into you, you winced at the over stimulation and grunted when he moved his hand between you and began rubbing your clit. “Give me one more, baby…” He sighed heavily at your walls contracting around his cock. You whined against his neck, sitting up and letting him fall out of you. 
“Mmm, I can’t…fuck.” You stared down at him, breathing heavily, your chest rising up and down quickly as your mouth fell open in a silent cry. “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck!” You cried, another orgasm tumbling through you, his fingers quickly sliding into you to fuck you without mercy. His fingers curving once again to rub against the soft patch inside of you, your body convulsing as hot liquid squirts over his cock and in his lap. 
You nearly fell back but he caught you and laid you down on your back on the floor. You twitched before pushing his hand away and snapping your legs closed. He wiped his hands on his pajama pants and moved to lay next to you, pulling you to his chest and kissing your forehead. “That was only five, I never knew you were a gusher.” He chuckled. You looked up at him. “Neither did I.” You lazily kissed his lips, exhaustion taking over you as you closed your eyes. 
“You should rest up for tomorrow morning.”
“What’s tomorrow morning?” You asked.
“I never said I was done with you…”
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asifetch7 · 4 years
Nameless - Chapter 2: Three questions, a hundred answers.
Genre: Mafia AU, gang AU, BTS
Pairings: Yoongi x Reader, Hoseok x Reader, BTS x BTS
Warnings: Cursing. Gang violence. Gun violence. Kidnapping. Angst. Future fluff. Future smut. Referenced death.
—— Summery
We’re back at the mansion of Bangtan. The guys try interrogating the girl they captured, but things don’t go according to plan and a lot of new information is revealed.
Monday 8th of June, 2020
"Three days, it has been three days since that bitch from Marco Polo last opened her mouth Jin. I want answers and I wanted them yesterday so when the fuck is she gonna start talking?" Yoongi yelled at his old friend. He didn't mean to lose his temper like this but it had been a stressful couple of days for him. Not only for him, he knows that, his whole crew has become anxious and nobody has slept more than a few hours. 
He still didn't know how it all went down. After the girl spoke Hope's real name it escalated quickly. The only thing he saw was a red flag flowing right in front of him and like a bull he barreled straight towards it. Nobody knows the real names of his inner circle. For a few years even he was clueless to what some of them were called. Their names were only revealed to those who earned their trust and Yoongi knew damn well that nobody from Marco Polo earned that privilege. 
So, how did she know? How did she gain this knowledge? Where did she even find it? Did she know all of their names? Questions have been running through his mind 24/7 and he wanted answers but those were difficult to obtain. See, right after she called him a bitch, which still upset him, the girl revealed a pill from under her tongue that she broke with her teeth and swallowed before her words even reached his ears. He didn't know what it was but it knocked her out cold within a minute. It confused the fuck out of him.
Yoongi stared as the girl went unconscious in his hands. Her body fell forward but was held back by the rope that tied her to the chair. He released his hand from her jaw and tapped her cheek. “Hey, nameless,” he tapped her a little harder. “Agust, stop, it’s not gonna work. She’s out,” Jimin said as he stood from the couch and crouched in front of the girl. He opened her mouth and started feeling around with his finger.
“Euhm, Jimin, I don’t think that’s better than tapping her cheek,” Taehyung said, unsure of what the assassin was doing. “Shush.” Jimin felt his finger hook on something in the back of the girl’s mouth and pulled it out. He held the tiny bag triumphantly between his fingertips. “This, my loves, is the culprit. Well, what was inside this little bag is the culprit but that’s gone now.” 
Hoseok walked forward and took the bag from Jimin, examining it closely. He smirked. “She’s definitely part of Marco Polo.” A sigh came from his left. “We kind of already figured that out Hope, welcome to the party,” Taehyung deadpanned with a fancy wave to their surroundings. Hoseok rolled his eyes at him. “That was just a guess because she said their name, now you know for sure,” he said as he waved the bag around like a flag. 
“How come?” Yoongi asked, doubting that a bag could so easily reveal which gang she belonged to. “You know those suicide pills that agents used during World War ll?” “Yeah, what about them? She’s still breathing so it couldn’t have been that.” Hoseok laughed. “No, she didn’t use one of those but she did use the same method.” He walked over to the couch and sat down in a relaxed position. “When I was still with the Polos-” “Hobiii,” Jimin interrupted with a whine as he crawled towards him. Hoseok stopped and pulled the pouting boy in his lap. “I know you don’t like me talking about my time there, baby, but it’s important right now.”
He rubbed comforting circles on Jimin’s thigh to soothe him. “When I was there I saw a lot of twisted shit but this stuff really surprised me. Little bags like this one,” he held up said item, “were used to store suicide pills and the like. It’s very smart actually. They figured that when someone got captured that person didn’t have the time nor possibility to grab a pill from their pockets, so they just put them in their mouths. Ready for use when needed.” 
“And she used one to store something that would knock her out?” Hoseok tilted his head. “I think so yeah, she put it in the back of her mouth. See these strings?” Yoongi nodded. “They tie these around their teeth so the bag falls under their tongue. When they press against it the pill pops out. Then they just bite it, swallow it and tada... No chance of getting tortured or spilling any information.”
Jimin let out a whistle. “Damn. She’s just getting more interesting with the minute,” he said. He watched the girl in front of them for a minute, wrecking his memory of places he could've seen her before or people he could’ve seen her with. The assassin knew many people, it was one of the reasons why he got on Bangtan’s radar. His connections all around the world, both above and under-ground were extremely useful and valuable. Especially during things like this. Finding out who their chosen victims were was one of his main tasks, besides killing anyone who crossed his lovers of course. 
When nothing came to mind he figured he didn't know her, but someone might. 
“Hobi, I know it’s highly unlikely, but do you recognize her? Since she said your name and all.” Hoseok looked at the girl in front of him. If he were to be honest he did have an idea of who she might be. Although he prayed it wasn’t true. “Maybe,” he shook his head, “but I want to be sure before we take that road.” 
“Why not just figure it out on the way? A guess is a guess, babe, we need to help each other with this one.” Taehyung told him as he crouched in front of the girl and examined her. “Not this one, guys, seriously. If I’m right, then prepare yourselves for another war.” Hoseok padded Jimin’s thigh to get him to stand up. He walked to the girl and started untying her. After getting her upper body free, he ripped her sweater.
“Whoa, hold up, this is not how we treat-” “I know Chim and I’m not gonna undress her, that’s Solar’s job. I just need to see her back.” He moved the fabric out of the way and started searching for the only clue he could think of. 
Her upper back was bare of anything, just pure, naked skin. If you ignored the scars that is, but Hoseok wasn't looking for those. All of them had at least one reminder of ugly times on their body's. That didn't make it clear she was a Polo. 
He pulled the entire sweater of her body and threw it somewhere in a corner. His eyes slowly made their way down… His lips turned into a tiny smile when he saw the inked picture placed on her lower back. 
Found ya. 
Right there, just above the waistband of her pants, was a beautifully detailed snake. He couldn't deny that the design was gorgeous, but it wasn't the snake that grabbed the man’s attention. It was the tattoo hidden underneath. He guessed the purpose of the snake was to hide the compass he knew by heart. Hoseok couldn't understand why the snake didn't cover the whole thing though. It didn't even look like it was supposed to be hiding it. The snake was put in a position in which it added to the tattoo, instead of covering it up. 
 The compass was what he had been looking for. It was the brand mark of Marco Polo, any member has one somewhere on their body. He can still feel the scar burning on his left bicep from where sharp stones had slashed the skin when he tried to get rid of his. 
Only his didn’t have a poisonous snake resting in the middle. 
Hoseok grabbed the girl out of the chair and lifted her in his arms, making sure her back was visible for the rest of the guys. 
“So? Do you know who she is now that you’ve seen this tattoo?” Yoongi asked him, annoyance starting to leak in his voice. He was getting exhausted and just wanted to lay his head down on his pillow and sink into the heaven that was his matress. 
“Yeah,” Hoseok answered rather sombly, looking down at the face of the girl he once thought he would never see again. A heavy silence fell over the room as everyone waited for him to tell them who she was but Hoseok seemed to get lost in his thoughts. 
And he was. Every single memory of her came rushing back to the forefront of his mind from the deepest parts where he had buried them a long time ago. He was speechless and couldn’t believe that he didn’t recognize her the second Taehyung carried her through the front door. 
Friday 18th of August, 2006
“Mamba, meet our newest soldier Jay.” His capo said to the girl standing in front of him, well not in front of him. She was hidden behind a guy he knew to be Viper, the son of Consigliere Rizzo. Still, the twelve-year-old could feel her piercing gaze even if he couldn’t see her eyes and Mamba? What was it with all the snake names in this gang?
“Welcome, Jay,” the girl said in a calm voice, walking past Viper to greet him. Hoseok stared at her, bowing his head, because even if he didn’t know her status, the fact that she was specifically introduced to the boy gave him a hint that she stood far above him.
“He’s going to be molded into the perfect bodyguard for you, Mamba,” the capo said. The girl scoffed at that. “I don’t need a fuc-” “Mamba,” the guy next to her said. Hoseok didn’t know their relationship, but they seemed to be very close as the girl only rolled her eyes and went silent. 
Suddenly, her attention was on him again and he straightened up immediately. He had the idea she was about to analyze him and decide if he was worth it or not. His life lay in her hands, he figured, since he was supposed to become her bodyguard and all that jazz. If she decided he wasn’t good material to start with he had no doubt that they would replace him in a heartbeat, and he would be without his own rhythmic muscle.
“Fine,” the girl said as a sigh left her. “See ya another time then, Jay.”
Friday 18th of July, 2008
“Mamba, come on. You don’t need to learn all of that. What use would I be for if you didn’t need me?” Hoseok said, trying to get her to stop training. “Jay, I know you’ll be my bodyguard, my human shield, my personal escort for the rest of my life. Don’t you think it’s important I know the basics of self-defence? Like, for when you’re not present,” the girl said as she took a break to catch her breath. 
“Muay Thai isn’t exactly a basic of self-defence, Mamba,” he sighed. He knew there was no arguing with her but even after two years he still tried. Every. Single. Time.
Tuesday 17th of March, 2009
“Mamba, I’m fine. I promise.” Hoseok insisted for the tenth time. They were just a few cuts, nothing he hadn’t experienced before. “No, Jay, you’re not. You’re literally bleeding from multiple spots on your body. The person I’m looking at right now is far from fine.” She tutted disapprovingly as she started treating his wounds.
“I can’t believe he actually send you to do his dirty work.” “It’s what I’m training for bab-” He quickly stopped himself from finishing that sentence, but the girl was too pissed off to notice his slip-up. “No, it’s not. You’re training to become my bodyguard, not his personal minion.” She huffed irritatedly. Hoseok’s eyes shot up at that and he smirked. “Oh, so now you finally accept that, huh? Took you long enough,” he teased.
She slapped his shoulder softly, trying not to hurt him any further than he already was, although it was really tempting when he was being a smartass. “Shut up. I still don’t like it.” But even as she said it, he saw the small upward quirk of her lips.
Friday 25th of September, 2009
“Mamba, you’ve got to get up. You can’t keep lying in bed all day.” Hoseok looked at the fifteen-year-old who was wrapped up tightly in her covers. He sighed, knowing he probably wouldn’t get her out today. Just like all the other times the past week.
“Baby, I know you don’t want to and if I could I would give you all the time to properly grieve, but you need to get out. Otherwise it won’t be me asking anymore, your father is going to demand your presence soon.” He hated using her father against her, but he was telling the truth. Her father wouldn’t be as lenient as he was being right now, even if he had just lost his own son. 
A broken voice startled him out of his thoughts. “I-I can’t, I can’t JayJay,” a sob wrecked through her body and Hoseok could swear he felt it tearing through his heart. “I know, baby, I know, but I need you to be really strong right now and just, just take small steps for me. Let’s take a shower, huh? Or a bath?” He asked her. Trying everything to get her out of that fucking bed.
Friday 18th of November, 2011
“Mamba, now is not the time to play games with me. Where the fuck are you?” Hoseok yelled out while the burning smoke only got bigger and thicker. He covered his mouth with his shirt as he desperately tried to catch a glimpse of icy blonde hair.
The wind picked up and he finally got a clearer view of his surroundings. Looking to his right he saw the car that had driven off the road. “No,” he whispered after spotting a girl trying to crawl out of the wrecked vehicle. A fire made itself present in the back of the car. “No, no, no... Mamba, get out of there!”
Hoseok fell down when a loud explosion followed the fire. Squeezing his eyes shut he told himself to wake up, to open his eyes and see that his angel was perfectly okey, sleeping right next to him. But his eyes didn’t open to that image. 
All he saw was fire. Fire everywhere and no angel in sight. His ears picked up a sound that reminded him of a screeching banshee. Only minutes later would he find out that it was his own voice, screaming in agony as the girl was no longer there, no longer present in his life. The only light he had known, his little star, burned out without ever saying goodbye. 
Jimin saw the emotions flashing over Hoseok’s face. He walked up to him and cradled his tear stained cheeks in his hands. “Hobi,” he locked eyes with the shocked man, “can you come out of your head for us?” His hands slowly started stroking over his lover’s cheekbones, trying to get him back to reality.
Hoseok blinked a few times and shook his head. Noticing that his body was shaking he carefully laid the girl on the couch. Jimin was right behind him and grabbed his face again, wiping each offending tear off his cheeks with his fingers. 
“What happened my love?” He asked in a soft voice, not wanting to scare Hoseok now that he was in such a vulnerable state. Taehyung and Yoongi stepped closer to the pair, both shocked to see such an emotional reaction out of their boyfriend. 
Hoseok took Jimin’s small hands in his and kissed them. After taking a deep breath he turned towards Yoongi, completely ignoring Jimin’s question. “I need to go to bed. Can I tell you tomorrow, please?” He asked, after clearing his throat. Yoongi looked at him, saw the heartbroken look in his eyes and wrapped his arms around him tightly. “Of course, Seokie, don’t force yourself to tell us right now,” he gave the man a sweet peck on the lips, but didn’t let go.
It had been a long time since he last saw Hoseok like this, shaking, crying and on the verge of breaking. Determination to find out who this girl was and who she was to his lover grew in him. He needed to know who the woman was that crashed into their life’s for he knew she wouldn’t leave soon and definitely not without leaving destruction behind. 
“Why don’t you go with Jimin to his room? Tae and I will wait on the rest of the guys and give them a quick briefing of what’s going on and then we’ll join you, if you want. You can also just go to your own room, I don’t know wha-” Yoongi got interrupted by a giggle. He was glad to hear the other laugh again.
“You’re rambling Yoongles,” Hoseok said with a grin on his face that got even bigger when Yoongi scrunched up his face at the nickname. “I’ll let you have that one since we’re all tired and want to go to bed. So,” he patted Hoseok’s ass and let go of him, “go up with Jimin.”
Another giggle was heard and he expected to see the two of them disappear through the doors, but Hoseok surprised him for the second time tonight. He walked towards the girl on the couch and crouched down, caressing her face with his left hand, a sad smile on his lips. 
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, angel.”
With that he left the room, leaving a lot of confusion behind. Jimin send one questioning look back at Yoongi and Taehyung, who both shrugged since neither of them had any answers. 
“What the fuck was that?” Taehyung asked Yoongi as soon as the others had left hem. Blunt as always. “I have no clue, Tae, but we need to get her out of here, otherwise the guys will explode before we even have a chance to explain the disaster that’s been this night.” He said. “We can place her in the Light room,” he suggested. 
They did just that.
After Yoongi had explained the events of that night to the other guys he could finally slip under the covers and get a full three hours of sleep. They had planned to wake the girl up the next day for questioning, but she didn’t give any signs of consciousness for the entire hour they tried to wake her up. Taehyung got pissed off and offered to “awake the bitch with a kick to the ribs,” but Hoseok shoved him against the nearest wall before he could even take one step towards the bedroom. 
So, Namjoon advised to leave her alone and check on her every hour or so. The day went on as usual, a few business meetings, approving new soldiers, making sure Taehyung and Jungkook didn’t kill them within the first hour. All in all a pretty peaceful day, which left Yoongi with an itch when he stepped through the front doors of their mansion. Because the King didn’t have peaceful days, Agust D doesn’t go a day without getting challenged and Min Yoongi hasn’t rested since that dreadful night all those years ago.
He needn’t to worry though, since that itch was about to get scratched by sharp manicure nails and sadly for him not the ones his kittens loved to wear so much. 
In the evening, after all the guys had devoured Jin’s newest culinary creations and were lounching around, they heard a scream coming from the light room. Yoongi arrived first and stopped dead in his tracks when he took in the scene in front of him. On the ground next to the bed lay Jin, covered in the noodlesoup he’d made for the girl as dinner. The first thought running through Yoongi’s head was that she had attacked him and escaped. His eyes quickly scanned the room and soon found a pair of piercing eyes staring back at him. 
“Jin,” he said as he hesitantly stepped in the older guy’s direction, “would you be so kind to explain what the hell happened?” Jin stood up and glared to the bed where the girl sat straight against the headboard. “Well, Agust,” he began with a huff, “I was just turning on the light and walking towards the bed. Of course I expected her to still be asleep so you can imagine my surprise when I put down the soup to see her eyes wide open. Not just that, at the exact moment our eyes met she said boo.” The girl started smiling at that. “The only acceptable response to that was to fall down on the ground and I’d rather not disappoint the newest addition to this household.”
Yoongi shook his head as he tried not to laugh at the bullshit story Jin had just created. “Well, how thoughtful of you to not embarrass our guest with an inappropriate reaction.” At this Jin nodded his head, still holding tight on selling his excuse. “Yes, I thought so too.” 
The door got pushed open further and the rest of the guys made their way into the room. “Is everything okay?” Namjoon asked, looking adorably confused as he stared at Jin, still covered in noodle soup. “Yes RM, nothing happened.” “Nothing happened?!” Jin shrieked as he flung his arms around, noodles swinging around the room. One fell on the girl’s face and Yoongi went to take it off.
He hissed as sharp nails suddenly dug in his wrist, preventing his hand from touching the girl’s face. Within seconds he was pushed back behind Jungkook who made to grab the girl. She jumped up on the headboard of the bed, out of his reach, which even Yoongi had to admit was pretty admirable. That headboard was almost as thin as his arm, she definitely had to have some training.
“However fun it would be to stand here with all of you and watch Jungkook hunt his new prey down, I’m feeling really disgusting right now. So, please, everyone GET OUT OF MY WAY.” Jin yelled, he was already starting to shake. Namjoon and Jimin quickly grabbed his wrists and rapidly walked out of the room.
“So, sleeping beauty,” Yoongi began as he focused his attention on the girl, “finally managed to open those eyes of yours?” He didn’t get a response at that, just those green eyes blinking back at him. Her gaze followed his body as he moved towards the side of the bed and sat down, folding his hands in his lap. “Now that you decided to graze us with your conscious presence, I’ll let you in on what’s going to happen.”
“We’re going to ask you some questions and if you’re a smart girl,” he noticed her eyes twitching at that, something to keep in mind, “then you will answer each question truthfully. If you don’t then we’ll take you to the basement, where we’ll repeat every single question and trust me, you don’t want to make us repeat ourselves.” This time her eyes didn’t twitch, but he saw something flicker over her gaze, maybe she saw this as a challenge? 
He huffed. It’s been a long time since someone tried to really challenge him, well except the guys of course, they seemed to love pushing his boundaries these days. “JK, stand down,” Yoongi told the youngest, who still looked ready to pounce the girl any second. However, he was reminded of how well the boy listened to him as he backed down as soon as the words left his mouth.
The conversation only seemed to happen between him and the woman before him, but he felt the presence of Hoseok in the shadows and heard Taehyung move from foot to foot, energy always flowing. “How about you sit down?” He asked the girl, extending his arm to help her on the bed, but she just stepped down and squatted in the corner furthest from them.
“First question, what’s your name?” She didn’t answer, just looked around the room. He saw her eyes linger on the spot where he knew Hoseok stood, but they made their way to his before most would’ve even noticed. “Need I remind you that we don’t ask questions twice?” Again, no answer, just more stares. “Second question then, why did you kill Jaehyun?” A giggle was heard this time and a smile found it’s way on the girl’s face.
“Yeah? It was fun wasn’t it? Bet it felt really good to poison such a disrespectful asshole,” he leaned forward. The girl nodded with another giggle. It wasn’t a direct answer, but he figured it was as much as he was going to get at this point. He held three fingers up. “Third question, are you a member of Marco Polo?” 
She tilted her head and it reminded Yoongi of last night, of how innocent she made herself look while she was just giggling about murdering someone. Yoongi noticed that he was comparing her to his lovers. She seems to have a lot of different skills like Jungkook, is manipulative like Jimin, finds death a matter for giggles like Taehyung. He could go on and on, but he stops himself before ideas start forming in his head. 
We still don’t know who she is. Find that out first, then you can start daydreaming.
“That’s all the questions I have for now, sweetheart, just three of ‘em.” Yoongi stood up and motioned for the rest of the guys to start leaving the room. “We’ll check in every few hours and see if you’re ready to answer them. If you don’t answer in the time frame we want, well, then you’ll get to see the fun we have downstairs.” He holds the doorknob and casts one last look to the girl, who’s still sitting in the same crouched position as she had been the entire time. Just as he’s about the close the door she speaks. 
“I’d still like a bowl of noodle soup, please.”
Monday 8th of June, 2020
Now they're here, many bowls of noodle soup later and still none the wiser on who she was, why she killed Jaehyun and if she was a present member of Marco Polo. Hoseok still hadn’t told them what he knew and the tension was rising up.
"I don't know when she's going to start talking, Yoongi. It's not like I'm some kind of wizard who can just compel her to answer," Jin harshly said back. He sighed and let his posture drop, slumping down in the chair. “Let’s just take her down to the basement, tell her that the time’s up and start the interrogation process. Like we have done with every person we’ve ever taken.” That last bit was directed towards Hoseok, who had pleaded with them to wait a couple of days instead of the usual few hours.
“Let me ask her.”
All their heads turned to Hoseok. He hadn’t been in the room the girl resided in since she had awoken. “Are you sure?” Yoongi asked. “I don’t know what you’re relationship with her is or was, but we won’t push you to talk to her, Hobi.” His gaze was soft as he focused it on the assassin, but he was only met with determined eyes. “I don’t even know if it’s going to work but I want to try it out before we take her down.”
“How sad, I was already looking forward to-” “Shut up, Taeyhung.” “Fine, fine, just do it now then so we can move on and get back to business. This bitch has been taking up way too much of our time,” Taeyhung grumbled as he stood up and left the room. A few chuckles went through the room. “Even after all these years his temper hasn’t changed one bit,” Jin said. “Eugh,” Namjoon groaned, “I know, at least he’s learned to use words to make his annoyance clear instead of attacking anyone who displeases him.”  
“I definitely don’t miss the weeks of getting stitched up by Wheein, almost daily.” Everyone laughed again at the mention of Jungkook’s memory, well all except for Hoseok who stood up and walked towards the door. “You’re really okay with questioning her, baby?” Jimin asked from his place on Namjoon’s lap. “Yeah, I’ll be fine Jiminie. Just come check if I’m still alive and kicking in about twenty minutes,” he grinned and made his way to the light room. 
His smile dropped quickly after that.
You heard someone knocking on your door and prepared yourself to go down to the basement. It already surprised you how long they tried to get answers out of you in a civil matter. Probably has something to do with Hoseok. So it came as a bit of a surprise when you opened the door to be met with the one and only assassin.
For a few seconds neither of you said a word, just staring at each other, seeing the changes that eight years have brought upon the other. “Come to take me to hell?” Hoseok scoffed but the cold expression on his face remained. “No, I’ve come to talk to you.” “By talk you mean me answering the questions you already know the answers to,” you said. “Doesn’t that sound unlogical to you? I mean it is so much more work to-” 
Your sentence got cut off when Hoseok pushed you back into the room and, in your opinion rather dramatically, slammed the door shut. “It’s not fucking UNLOGICAL that I want to have a talk with the woman who left my entire being in pieces eight years ago!” He yelled into your face, tears already streaming down his cheeks. Just looking at you brought everything back, the good and the bad. The nights spend kissing your lips and stroking your hair. The nights spend screaming and sobbing in his hands until his throat was sore and his eyes were bloodshot.
“I thought you were dead, I mean I still do. My brain can’t even comprehend that your here right now, standing in front of me, breathing and talking. Talking like you never even died, like I never saw you die that day, crawling out from a burning car that was seconds away from exploding.” His voice broke while he talked about his memories. “I left that week, just like you did. I couldn’t stand seeing your family nor your bedroom. I grabbed my bags and got out before anyone even returned from the funeral, YOUR FUCKING FUNERAL.”
He was sitting on the floor now, looking at you with eyes that gave away how much it still haunted him even after all this time. This wasn’t how you wanted this to go. You didn’t want this at all. The day you ‘died’ was the day you blocked away all your memories of your time at Marco Polo, of all your struggles, but also all those days spend laughing and crying with him, your bodyguard, your sunshine, your Hobi. 
You joined him on the floor, sitting down next to him and putting your head on his shoulder, feeling it move as he took a few deep breaths. “I’ve always wondered what love would feel like, ever since I was a little girl, running around the garden and stumbling over my feet while I followed butterflies who were in the midst of a mating dance.” Hoseok chuckled softly at that, still sniffling and trying to get his breathing pattern in order. “The first time I felt something akin to love was when my brother started reading me bedtime stories, he always made sure to be in my room right when my bedtime was due. He started caring for me the way a parent should care for their child, he told stories about all the different kinds of love in the world and never failed to put in an ‘I love you’ every single day.” “Luca was pretty great,” Hoseok whispered absentmindedly. You nodded your head. “Yeah, he definitely was.”
“The second time I felt love it was another brotherly type, my brother’s best friend basically became my second brother, he was always a bit more lenient towards me than Luc and let me get away with shit a lot easier,” you laughed, thinking about all the trouble you got in. Your childhood wasn’t entirely made out of neglectment and sorrow, there were bits and pieces where you were just a normal kid, finding out that pranking your brothers with water and flower had its consequences.
“Jaebeom works under us now, has been working under Yoongi ever since Luca...” He didn’t finish the sentence. “You can say it, Hobi, since Luca passed away.” Your mind was so overwhelmed with all the memories that came crashing down that you didn’t notice the nickname falling out of your mouth. Hoseok swore his heart skipped a beat when he heard it. “I already knew that, btw,” you casually mention as you go on with your story, “I’ve been kind of working with them for a few years.” You didn’t explain further and he decided to leave it at that, it was a topic for another time. 
“So, you’ve only felt love two times in your 26 years?” He asked instead. “I thought so yeah,” you looked up at him, “until my uncle suddenly came up to me with this frightened twelve-year-old. I swore he was shaking on those skinny legs of his.” There was no laughter following your words as you had expected it would. He met your eyes, this time they were full of questions, unasked ones and ones that you never answered. “I really despised him at first, he was supposed to become my bodyguard,” you scoffed as your gaze fell to your feet, afraid of the emotions swimming around in his eyes, “, like I even needed one. Apparently everyone thought so and when I fell on my ass during our second meeting I didn’t provide him with evidence that would prove otherwise.”
Hoseok did laugh at that, the scène playing out in front of his eyes, it left a small smile on his lips as he focused his attention back on you. “Turns out the kid on skinny legs was very skilled and young y/n didn’t like that, she wanted to be like that. So, she started training and eventually they started training together. Of course seeing him all sweaty, strong and shining that bright smile of his didn’t really help her poor, teenage heart and she began crushing on him in secret.” He watched her hands draw patterns on the floor, something he remembered was a habit of hers when she was talking from the heart, often embarrassed by her own honesty.
“Eventually they both confessed during a sleepless night which turned into a wonderful dream. It was the first time she felt true romantic love, the one that gives you butterflies at first and slowly turns into this comfortable feeling you get when you’re near them. It changed into viewing their life as important as yours and wanting for nothing except their happiness.”
It was silent for a few minutes and then you suddenly took his face in your hands, cradling his cheeks as if they were made of glass. 
“I fucked up, Hobi, I messed up so bad but I had to do it. I had to get away before the ceremony and I can’t say I’m sorry because I wouldn’t do it differently if I had another chance.” Tears were now also running over your face, it felt as if a damn had been broken, every emotion found its way out of the confinements you put them in. “It just breaks my soul that I didn’t think about your happiness,” every sentence gets interrupted by deep intakes of air as you continue to sob. “I put my life over your own, I could’ve taken you or told you. I could’ve done something but I didn’t, because I couldn’t gamble with your life like that. I almost did die that day, the risk was never zero, b-but I-”
“You had to take it because otherwise you would still be stuck down there or,” Hoseok swallowed, “or you wouldn’t even be here at all.” You broke down more and he couldn’t take it anymore. Of course nothing was solved, this night opened wounds for him that never healed, but he saw that the same happening to you and just like you said. When you love someone you put their life, their happiness over your own and he could never stop loving you. Seeing you like this made him more upset and he just wanted to stop crying for a moment. 
So he lifted you in his arms and walked over to the bed, not even thinking twice before carefully laying you on his chest and pulling the covers over both of you. Before he pushed the button that would close the curtains and put out the lights, he looked the camera in the corner dead in the eye. 
“Her name’s Y/N Luna Rizzo, she is the daughter of Consigliere Rizzo. She killed Jaehyun because it was an assignment for Got7. On November 18th 2011 she escaped the mafia group known as Marco Polo by faking her own death.”
Across the hall Yoongi smirked as he twirled his whiskey around and watched Hoseok close his eyes on the monitor in front of him. Namjoon and Jin immediately started searching for any information they could possibly find about this woman. Jungkook had already left the room to go find Taehyung and Jimin made himself comfortable on Yoongi’s lap. “So what do we do now?” “Now we prepare ourselves for a war, just as Hobi predicted.” Jimin pouted as he inserted himself into the other two’s conversation. Yoongi’s eyes were still focused on the monitor, mind going through every single word the two sleeping lovers had said. He shook his head, thinking about all the shit that was waiting for them around the corner.
Welcome back, Mamba.
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gg-astrology · 4 years
a rambly all-over-the-place personal note! Incase you just want to hear from me and talk to me!! I know i’ve been gone for a while so if any followers old/new wants to hear what I actually say when Im not answering posts, here it is! 💓❤️💓 
the main point so you don’t have to see any of the mess: any asks that talks to me like im google will be deleted! 
note: the main part of this isn’t even about the above so if u’re looking for drama or me angsting you may not find it here!! i think i sound more like im fatigued and on my last brain cells.. talking about everything and being v sappy and mellow.. so!!! 💓❤️💓 no drama. not here! not today! 
ok now, consider:
what do u guys think about me just taking it easy... i dont know if you’ve been here for a while or for long.. but I usually do pretty detailed research posts?? about topics like moon phase in astrology, basics on essential dignitaries, etc. 
Astrology ‘topics’... stuff like ‘what is x chart what does it mean’ or ‘what is x concept how does it work’ -- not about placements usually!!! 💓❤️💓Asks about placements I just answer for fun from my inbox.. but posts I actually make.. those are the type of things!!! 💓❤️💓
And well.. I just came back.. not in the mindset right now.. so i was thinking.. would u be ok/interested if i take a break from those posts and maybe post more idol astrology stuff?? nothing serious, I just want to have fun and talk about placements and gush over people who may have similar placements to us and how good they are + how we can learn from them... 
Its just fun stuff?? very light-hearted (dont talk to me about crying through them sometimes, bc theyre so good even when i see harsh aspects/them going through manifestation of that throughout their careers) -- idk!! I just want to maybe talk about girls for a while and like, ask people to love girls and support/appreciate girl groups and asian soloists and artists... 
idk!! just a thought.. like.. i’ll still answer astro stuff and maybe i’ll slip astro posts in there as well.. 90% of my blog is still main astro stuff.. just that 10% maybe i’ll do more idol readings.. it lifts my spirits and i like talking about them!! i know its a niche in tumblr, esp the kpop gg astro stuff.. but like... girls...!!! and seventeen members (im nearly done oh my god theres 3 more left!!!)
I know i put a lot of effort into the bangtan readings bc theyre like-- the semi between my usual intense stuff and the light-hearted ones so im-- probably not gonna touch them yet (for now)  -- I always have high expectations for them because they have to be a certain Standard. There’s alot of great bangtan astro posts out there -- part of that is also v pressuring. But another part is that I want to contribute to something in the community as well! That is like, new and welcomed and good and Not Bad... so... I’m holding off bc I have to have like, a week to actually write, edit, re-edit, check myself before I (usually) publish them.. so... this is ur warning my bts inner readings wont be coming out soon!! 
im just talking about gg stuff -- or other idols, thinking about twice and gfriend and oh my god.... girl groups...
I rmb I used to do it to promote solo artists that might not have gotten alot of attention as well.. I still have drafts about Bolb4.. now consider: younha... also consider: xiao zhan, wang yibo... oh my god... but what if-- idk!!! idk!!!!!!
Anyways I just want to let u know whats been on my mind!!! I honestly dont really know? I posted the bangtan answer today (with a warning beforehand) and AS SOON AS I PUBLISHED 4 people left -- to be honest its pretty funny,,, its kinda funny right?? i think its funny,,, like kpop repellent,, but also i Get it!!! its not for u its ok dont take this social media thing so seriously... its fine i do it all the time too, dont feel guilty over blocking or unfollowing someone - do it as soon as you feel uncomfy tbh its a safe place for u make it ur safe spot!!
But!! Yeah!! 💓❤️💓 Idol things, thoughts? 💓❤️💓 
And this is not related but I was looking at old questions/asks in my inbox (some that ive alrdy answered but its still there -- like 6 asks? so thats... 6 out of the current 122 asks oof) and people are So Nice and So Polite to me!!!! amazing!!! fortunate!!!! One lucky bitch!!!!! Thats me!!!! Im the lucky bitch, who?? people are just so courteous towards when they request or asks for something?? wow---
Its only like, half way in the middle of my old asks that I realize once its more mainstream astro ppl start sending asks in like im google search... rip anyone who does that i deleted the ask bc i have a faq.. my only rule is that be nice.. not playing by the rules!!!!! 
Its also a little introspective to think about it now.. how back then when I didn’t realize it was happening I carried through and answered them anyways bc like... atleast people were asking?? they’re curious?? right?? keep the public fed! there’s people out there who does enjoy my actual answer than the ask itself...but like... now that i’m back and Refreshen: any asks that talks to me like im google will be deleted. I’ll quote this and put it up before the read more so thats the main meat of this long rant!! 💓❤️💓
basically what im saying about all this is: don’t let people treat you that way, or anyway you don’t feel absolutely positively happy about. I’m still keeping some asks that I do want to answer/I think can be turned into great points. But marie-kondo yourself, you don’t deserve to be treated like someone’s encyclopedia, dictionary or google!!!!!
they don’t really care, and it doesn’t really matter if you answer or not -- bc they can just type in the same thing to other astrologer out there and mayb someone will hit it and answer for them. So!!!! dont compromise, delete anything that doesn’t treat u like human. Bc u’re not a bot!!!! Do better!!! This is from future nita to past nita!!! Do better!!! This is why u burnt out and went awol for like a month!!!!!!!! Dont let this happen again or get into the habit, cry to ur friends!!! Ask ur beta for help!!!!!!! Add some people in as ur admin so they can clearly tell u what is right and whats wrong!!!!! dummie you’re too soft and kind!!!!! stop making excuses for others!!!!!!! do better in 2020!!!!!
So this is my rambling over!!! Answered 42 asks in my queue, know that around 30 of them have already been posted. That’s 72 done today!! Not to mention the 30 yesterday -- I was v dumb and didn’t close the ask box, thus I had +10 asks in my inbox today but its ok!!!!!!! Let the people Speak!!!! I’ll post this PSA now and go I hope u enjoy hearing from me even if I’m just rambling -- love u!! take care of urself!!! i hope this helps or entertain anyone who’s looking to know me better or hear some words from me personally!!!! this is me, signing out!!! 
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kmseokjins · 5 years
Thunderlight (Chapter 3)
Fandom: BTS Pairing: BTS x Reader / OT7 x Reader Warnings: n/a in this chapter Summary: You get a little visit from two of the maknae line and find yourself being roped into working with the boys again.
Thunderlight (n): Lightning; a bolt or flash of lightning. 
Archive Of Our Own || Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Weeks passed.
The day after you’d been dragged from your usual routine, you returned to your little corner, back to the quiet existence you were so used to. It was partly a relief, glad to be back to your usual routine, and not worry about keeping up with Iseul’s high standards. She’d made sure you knew that your “little adventure” had been a fluke; whatever you’d done to piss her off was lost on you. On the other hand, you felt oddly...empty. It was a nagging feeling, like you’d forgotten something, but couldn’t quite figure out what it was.
Chan-ri had been completely ecstatic when you’d met up with her that day, demanding to know every single detail about your interaction with the Idols. She’d invited you over to her apartment that evening, ordering takeout and even breaking out a bottle from her wine collection.
“Okay, okay, tell me everything!” Chan-ri reminded you of a school girl, eager to hear the latest gossip about her crush.
“There isn’t much to tell,” You’d mumbled around a mouthful of food, rolling your eyes as she glared at you.
“Oh please! Who did you work on? Was it Namjoon? Jimin? YOONGI!?” She leaned forwards, hands grabbing your knees as she got progressively louder.
“How much wine did you drink before I got here?” You, in turn, leaned away from her, attempting to stuff more food in your face to avoid answering her.
“It doesn’t matter, [Name]! C’mon, tell me! I have to live vicariously through you!” Chan-ri whines, releasing you and snatching up her half glass of wine and taking a big sip.
“Jungkook.” You sighed, setting down your box of takeout, “I think I might have upset him. He seemed upset that Eun-Min wasn’t there and that it was me. He couldn’t even make eye contact, and the boy couldn’t get away from me fast enough.”
Chan-ri blinked several times, “So he’s a shy kid, [Name]. That doesn’t mean he was upset.”
“Well....he did apologize. I think that was mostly Namjoon’s doing though…”
“Did you meet Namjoon?” Chan-ri’s voice rose in pitch on the leader’s name.
“Yeah, he was nice, but a little ...standoffish.” You tossed back rest of your wine, and your eyes widened when Chan-ri immediately filled it back up. “You weren’t kidding about his dimples though.”
“Right!? I’ve been trying to tell you! You think you’ll be on the stylist team if Eun-Min doesn’t come back?”
“Doubtful, Iseul has it out for me for some reason.” You snort, taking a sip of your wine. “It was just a fluke in the system, but at least I can say I got to meet and talk to 2 members of BTS.”
“Giirl, you got to touch Jeon Jungkook, the Golden Maknae! You know how lucky you are?”
“Very much so. Maybe you’ll get to work with them again.”
Everyday since then, Chan-ri always met up with you to ask if you’d seen or spoken to BTS again. You hadn’t exactly, but you swore you’d seen the retreating back of Jungkook or a glimpse of a head of silver hair like Namjoon’s over the past couple weeks since then. You could never catch a definitive look, so you’d chalked it up to your brain playing tricks on you.
That’s probably why you didn’t react right away to the two members of said group standing in front of your workstation. You’d merely glanced up, your brain briefly registering that two people who looked a lot like Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook stood there, before you’d returned to attaching a button to the shirt you were working on.
It’s a laugh that actually gets your attention. You freeze immediately, eyes darting up to rest on the two men standing in front of your workstation. They’re more breathtaking up close than they had ever been in pictures or videos, you decide. You’d been thrown by Jungkook’s good looks in person all those weeks ago, and it was a double whammy when Park Jimin was involved. You didn’t feel worthy to be in their presence, much less actually look at them to take in their handsome features.
“Oh.” You breathe out (once you can actually breathe), looking from Jimin to Jungkook and back again. “Oh!” In the next moment, you’re jumping to your feet, sending your chair wheeling backwards away from you. You bow quickly, attempting to keep yourself from face planting right onto your desk. “I’m sorry, I-I didn’t see you!”
“It’s alright,” Jimin waves his hand as if to brush off your apology, “We saw you were busy and didn’t want to interrupt,” The dancer grins at you, gesturing towards the shirt laying where you’d dropped it on your desk.
You follow his gesture, nodding silently before you look back up at the two, “Um...can I help you with something?” You tilt your head, shifting your attention to the maknae before back to Jimin.
“We wanted to bring this shirt to you,” Jimin lifts his hand to show you a dark grey tank top, and you note the rip in it along the bottom.
“Oh, what happened to it?” You lean forwards slightly before offering out your hand towards Jimin for the shirt, which he places in your hand. You yanked your hand (and the shirt) away when his fingers brush yours, sending a tingle up your arm.
“Nothing is safe from Namjoon-Hyung,” Jungkook answers, a grin quirking his lips, “He’s ripped many shirts.”
“I’d say. This is....” You trail off, a little taken back by the fact that shirt is ripped quite a bit. If you thought about it more, you might have come to the conclusion that it’d been done deliberately. “I’m not even sure I can save this…”
“T-that’s fine! No big deal if you can’t!” Jungkook blurts, “It’s just...it’s one of my favorite shirts..”
You hum in response, inspecting the ripped material carefully. You miss the “ seriously!? ” look that Jimin shoots Jungkook. “I’ll see what I can do,” You raise your attention back to the two, “Do you need it back by a certain day or..?”
“No, no! Whenever is fine,” Jungkook reaches up to rub at the back of his neck, immediately focusing on the shirt in your hands. He opens his mouth to speak again, but the ringing of Jimin’s phone makes him snap his mouth shut, watching Jimin step away to mutter into the phone.
Jimin returns a moment later, grabbing Jungkook’s arm and tugging the maknae away from you, “Hyung is looking for us,” He tells Jungkook before he settles his gaze on you, “We’ll see you later, [Name].” Jungkook manages a half wave before Jimin practically drags the maknae out of sight.
You glance down at the shirt you’d been handed before looking up to where they disappeared.
“Strange…” You mutter, before you flop back into your chair.
Only, your chair isn’t quite there anymore, and you end up landing right on your ass on the floor. You groan in pain before sighing.
The two had definitely distracted you.
“There you are,” Soo Jin’s voice greets you no sooner than you’ve sat down at your desk. You blink as you turn in your chair to look at her, eyes widening when she comes around the desk, beckoning you to your feet. “You’re being stolen away from your dark and lonesome world of yours.”
You let her pull you out of the chair, blinking rapidly as she practically drags you. “What’s the occasion?” You ask curiously, noting that she’s headed out towards the parking lot.
“The boys have a photoshoot today and you’re our only hope to help.” She answers with a grin, fussing at you as you apparently take too long to climb into the van she’s brought you to. You comply, sliding over to make room for her. “With Eun-Min missing…”
Eun-Min still hadn’t returned to work, and it had been well over a month; Eun-Min had been officially declared a missing person. It’d been a ripple of shock throughout BigHit when the news first came to light. As far as you knew, there hadn’t been any strong leads as to where the young woman disappeared to. It was like she’d vanished into thin air.
“Oh,” You say, not quite sure how you felt about being thrust back into the situation you’d been in a month ago. You’d seen Jungkook and Jimin several times since they’d dropped off that ripped shirt a week ago; you hadn’t really been able to save the shirt, but Jungkook had been tickled you had even tried when you presented the shirt back to him days ago. Jimin and Jungkook had made a habit of showing up unannounced at your desk, only to rush off several minutes later, or in the case of yesterday, been literally dragged off by their eldest Hyung, Jin. ( “Have they been bothering you? They know better, I swear!”)
“I swear, we’re all working on trying to get you officially on board!” Soo Jin breaks through your thoughts, “I know Jungkook and Jimin seem to like you,” She grins at you, nudging you with her elbow gently, “I’ve seen them coming in the past week almost every day!”
Your eyes widen at her suggestion, “Wha-what? I….They brought me a ripped shirt and wanted to see if I could fix it..” You trail off as she laughs, reaching over to pat your shoulder.
“I’m mostly teasing….but I’m pretty sure the maknae’s got a crush. He’s never been like that to any of us, not even Eun-Min when she worked with him a lot.”
The maknae with a crush? Pfft. You gape at her for several moments, turning away to watch the scenery pass by when she gets distracted by her phone.
Sure, Jungkook talked to you, but he barely had the courage to make eye contact with you. Jimin, on the other hand, was more than happy to steer the conversation, casually asking you this and that, and when he flashed that grin, you couldn’t help but answer him. Whenever the two scampered off, you couldn’t help but stare wistfully after them.
When you’d finally come back to your senses, you’d chastised yourself for looking like a dumbstruck fool in front of them.
Park Jimin was sitting in your chair. You had just finished setting your station up when you’d turned around and there he was.
You’d sucked in a surprised breath at the sight of the man, one foot firmly on the floor as he twisted it slightly to make the chair sway back and forth lazily. As soon as your eyes met his, he released his bottom lip from between his teeth and grinned widely up at you.
“[Name]-ah,” Your name is almost like a musical note from his lips, the sound so soft and delicate that you literally feel your heart stutter in response. The dancer stops the swaying of the chair, head tilted as he leans forwards towards you, “Miss me?”
Sea. The distinctive smell of the ocean envelopes you, and you swear you can hear the crash of waves as they desperate reach for the sand. You sway for a moment on your feet, not able to help yourself when your eyes flutter shut. It’s calming and you can feel yourself more than content to drift into the feeling, into the sea.
Your whole body stiffens at the sharp, commanding growl that jerks you back to the present, wide eyes settling on Jimin, who is no longer looking at you, but at the floor, head slightly bowed. You glance up to lock eyes with Namjoon at the station across from you and Jimin. The silver haired man breaks eye contact first, settling an unamused look at the back of Jimin’s head before he’s turning away to put his back to you both.
As soon as he does so, you release the breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding and the whole room swells with the usual soft chatter like nothing had happened. You absently reach up to rub at your temple, brain clouded in slight confusion. What just happened?
“[Name]-ah,” Jimin’s voice draws you to him again, and you straighten immediately when you realize you’ve been slacking. You can feel his eyes on your back as you turn away from him, grabbing the things you need to begin your work.
When you turn back to face him and close the distance between you both, you peer down at him curiously, “Shouldn’t I be working on Jungkook?”
His eyebrows raise briefly before he frowns, lips pouting with a whine, “Do you not like me?” Jimin asks, searching your face carefully.
You shift in place under his gaze as the ocean smell returns, but it’s faint, almost like a distant memory. “I..” You grasp at words, but utterly fail.
Jimin laughs suddenly at your flustering, “I’m kidding,” His wide grin is back, “We can pick and choose whichever stylist we like best.”
You slowly nod in response as you begin your work, hoping the slight tremor in your hands doesn’t affect your ability. “Oh, I see.”
The silence between you and Jimin stretches as you work on him, relieved to find that, despite your late start, you aren’t the last stylist getting their charge done. You step out of his way so he can have a clear view of himself in the mirror. You smile as Jimin praises you almost immediately before he’s standing and tugging you along with him towards the racks of clothing for wardrobe in the far corner.
You don’t take long to pick out his first outfit, already having been briefed about what styles they wanted for the photoshoot. Once Jimin has the articles of clothing draped over his arm, you’re ushering him towards the “dressing rooms” to change.
“If you need help, let me know, okay?” Jimin nods at you in answer as he closes the door behind him. You turn around to observe the happenings going on around you while you wait for Jimin to emerge back out. All of the boys are finished with make-up, and several are already finished with wardrobe.
A dramatic sigh from behind you has you turning, quickly covering your mouth with your hand to stifle a laugh at Jimin. He’s dressed, but the jacket he’s got on is actually inside out. Surely the dancer isn’t that uncoordinated to make sure he’s dressed properly. You could see something like that happening to Jungkook, maybe.
Shaking your thoughts away, you step towards Jimin, trying to suppress your giggle, “The jacket is inside out,” You point out.
Jimin’s eyes widen, before he’s attempting to peer down at the jacket, “What? Is it?”
You nod, helping him slip it off before you quickly fix it before you hold it up and out towards him in a signal that you’ll help him. He complies immediately, adjusting it slightly once he’s slipped his arms through the sleeves and turning back to you.
“What do you think?” He asks, putting his arms out to the side for you to get another look.
You can’t help but admire his ability to pull anything off. You wished you could do so. Realizing you’re staring, you rapidly nod, reaching out to fix the collar of the jacket “Perfect.” It slips out before you can correct yourself.
The smile that curves Jimin’s lips at the word can only be described as sinful . Even more so because you’re standing only inches from him, the distinctive smell of the ocean curling around you. You suck in a breath at the feel of cool fingertips against your jaw, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation, before the fleeting touch is gone as quickly as it came.
When your eyes flutter open, Jimin is already halfway across the floor towards his bandmates. You watch his retreating figure, fingers reaching up to brush against your jaw. You shiver slightly at the contact, wondering if you’d just imagined his fingertips on your skin. Surely you had. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you made your way back towards the make-up area.
You’d ponder about it later, when you could actually think clearly. You had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to do that until you reached the quiet confinement of your apartment later.
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eleventoes · 7 years
presage | oneshot
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⟶ pairing: park jimin x reader ⟶ word count: 12.3k ⟶ themes/genres: clairvoyant!au  |  angst & fluff if you squint  ⟶ ♪ : through the night - iu, ring my bell - suzy, going home - tarin , serendipity - bts ⟶ warnings: mentions of death ⟶ synopsis: 
mistake noun
1. an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong 2. you saving Park Jimin from his imminent death  3. and falling in love with him along the way
A boy, wide-eyed and fresh-faced, so immersed in the music blasting in his ears that he was blissfully unaware of the world around him, his steps decisive as he crosses the dimly illuminated street.
A truck, the drunken man behind the wheel in a state much too inebriated to care, spiraling out of control and swerving at all the wrong turns, its collision into the oblivious boy almost inevitable.
And you, a mere bystander whose purpose there should not extend to anything beyond.
The three of you were key players in the events that should have transpired that cold winter night, and each role had to be fulfilled perfectly such that the universe itself could retain its rightful order; one that would serve to be disastrous if it were to be disturbed, even slightly. Harmonizing with the howling winds, the truck would have skidded sonorously on the glazed over roads, ramming mercilessly into the boy and proceed to overturn, flipping eight times over and instantly claiming two lives upon impact, leaving behind nothing but mangled and bloodied remains. 
The town would have monotonously declared it a tragedy, and the devastation of both their families would have come to light via a poorly written article headlining the daily newspaper, only drawing attention for the sob story it would have provided. Sympathy was transient and fleeting, and soon the tragedy would amount to nothing but another traffic accident. You had a miniscule role, having to simply scream and dial for immediate medical aid, thereafter going back to your own life as if that night was but a distant memory, albeit a traumatic one. Had all three of you played into fate’s hands accordingly, the rightful order would be set in place, and the universe would go on to function as it always has, with no glitches in sight whatsoever.
Unfortunately, you had crossed the boundaries of which you were bound to, and had gone and broken rules that weren’t meant to be broken.
Only a couple of steps behind the unsuspecting boy, it was all too easy to reach out to grip his forearm tightly, thereby stopping him right in his tracks, pausing only a hair’s breadth away from where he would have been robbed of his remaining years.
Where he was supposed to have been robbed of his remaining years, if you hadn’t played with fire and decided to tempt fate itself, pulling the boy into safety once you had seen what was about to happen.
On hindsight, it was uncharacteristically impulsive of you, to intercept with the natural flow of events even if you had full knowledge of the near future, whether good or bad. Despite occasionally having visions of the eventual future, you rarely did anything about it, knowing full well that there would be unspeakable consequences if you intercepted, because there was a delicate equilibrium in which the universe has to maintain, and the faintest shift in that fragile balance would be chaotic, to say the least.
However, looking back on your recklessness, one variable that you had failed to factor in was your inexperience; one that would ultimately cost you a lot more than you had initially bargained for. In all your twenty years, you’ve had the pleasure of never having a vision in which you foresaw another’s death, and you never had to debate with your own innate humanity in order to save a life.
Perhaps you were only fearful of the immense guilt that would have ripped you apart if you had only stood by idly and watched an innocent perish, but regardless, your fingers had found its way to the boy’s forearm before you knew it, tugging him back onto the desolate pavement.
Earphones still plugged in, the boy only stares at you in incredulity, absolutely bewildered that a stranger had just wordlessly pulled him aside for no reason at all, but you only stare back blankly in an unspoken challenge.
He frowned, confusion clouding his features, but the questions on the tip of his tongue disappeared instantly when the box truck made its appearance. Gliding ominously on the road, the truck skewed dangerously along where the boy would have been casually strolling, before losing its balance, deafening squeals of the rubber tires roaring in the stillness of the night. The rest plays out exactly the way it did in your vision, the truck having ended up as beaten up as you had previously seen, and you don’t even look at the boy when the realization of what you had just done fully sinks in.
The beginnings of regret was starting to pool in your abdomen, and you were nothing short of terrified of what was to come, because you had done something that wasn’t your place to do. What exactly did you think you would accomplish, playing hero all of a sudden?
Not bothering to spare even a fleeting glance at the gaping boy, you trudged forward, eerily calm as you called up both the police and an ambulance. Quivering fingers betraying your stony façade, you almost lose grip of your phone as you rattled off the details and your location to the officers on the other end of the line, your heart wrenching in an emotion so strong you had to repeatedly tell yourself to breathe.
Truly, the root of all evils. The one emotion capable of rendering a person motionless, the sheer intensity of it able to drive all rational thought out of your mind, consuming your entire being in paranoia. What happens now? You had acted too quickly, too rashly for your own good.
The boy, the would-be victim of a tragedy that had been repeated far too any times to count, darted forward, having snapped out of his stupefaction a few moments prior, trying to prod near the now smoking truck in order to offer any sort of help. Desultorily, you stick out your arm to stop him, lightly shaking your head and mouthing a simple ‘he’s dead’.
Mind hazing over at the sight of the gruesome accident, you couldn’t help but wonder if you were supposed to save the drunkard behind the wheel as well, guilt once again worming back into your heart. Was there anything you could possibly do to save him, to reclaim his life?
“Hello?” The boy was finally talking, and was now preoccupied with trying to get your attention, “Hello?”
“Huh?” Came your vaguely unintelligible reply.
“Are you feeling okay? You don’t look that good.” The boy murmurs softly.
To say you didn’t look good would be an understatement. Hair flung wildly across your face and your shoulders, with your features twisted in both shock and a grimace, you had probably looked every bit deranged. Similarly, the boy hadn’t appeared any better, his eyes wide with mortification at almost having lost his life, earphones hanging limply at his side, long forgotten.
Nodding in acknowledgement, you dazedly chewed on your bottom lip, making your way over to the curb to sit down and get a better hold of yourself as you await the oncoming sirens.
The boy follows.
The cold nipped at your cheeks and your bare ankles, earning a subconscious shiver from you. You had dressed lightly that night, clad in only two thin layers and jeans to fend off the wind, having only left your house to pick up some stuff from the convenience store a couple of streets over, and you were expecting a quick trip. This, on the other hand, was far from what you were expecting when you left your apartment and had skipped over to the convenience store to grab some snacks. Burying your face in your hands in a valiant attempt to find warmth, you instead find comfort in a hoodie gently draped over your shoulders.
Dark orbs reflecting twinges of concern and curiosity were burning a hole into your own.
“You looked cold,” He suddenly grows shy, kicking at a small mump of snow with his worn sneakers.
You look colder, you were about to say, noting that he wasn’t very adequately dressed for the season himself, but you don’t say a word. The myriad of emotions that was engulfing you in blue flames was too much to handle, and truth to be told, you were uncertain as to how you were going to face the boy beside you, and even more uncertain as to what the future would now hold, now that you’ve gone and altered fate. Worry was seeping into the knots of your shoulders, the weight of the situation much too burdensome for you to comprehend.
And then red and blue was flashing obnoxiously all around you, a telltale sign that the authorities have arrived, and that you should start busying yourself with giving statements and whatnot. Dull or not, it was a welcomed distraction from all your unanswered questions that had your mind spinning.
A quick confirmation of both your identities and several basic questions later, the two of you were good to go your separate ways, the way it should have been right from the very start.
As it should have been, but the boy thinks otherwise.
“I’ll walk you home.”
Eyebrow twitching at the unexpected offer, you force a civil smile onto your exhausted features, “No, it’s fine, my apartment’s nearby.”
“It’s not safe to be alone at night,” He tenaciously explains, letting out an embarrassed chuckle, “I can vouch for that, considering how I almost just, um, died.”
“Do what you want.”
You had hoped your clipped tone would have the boy second thinking his offer to walk you home, but you were all out of luck, and he persistently falls into step beside you as you headed towards your apartment building, “Thank you, for saving my life.”
You don’t respond, because you shouldn’t entwine your life with his anymore than you already had, and to play it safe would be to stay as far from him as humanely possible.
That boy, however, doesn’t take a hint.
“I’m Jimin, by the way.”
“You’re Y/N right?”
Shit. Freezing, you slowly angle your head towards his, waiting for an elaboration, which thankfully comes soon enough without any prompting.
“I see you sometimes, at Seokjin-hyung’s café? Ah you probably don’t remember me, but I go there often.”
Squinting at him with only the florescent lights of the streetlamps as a guiding source of light, you realize that the familiarity of his silhouette wasn’t just your eyes playing tricks on you, and that he was indeed a regular at the café you worked at, though you don’t see his face at the counter often.
Fate sure liked to have its way with you.
The last vestiges of courtesy had already left your system, and you were far from being in the mood to entertain the very person who was, unknowingly, the root of all your vexations. Snuggling deeper into your clothes, you lengthen your strides, tuning out whatever the boy had been saying, because as nice as he was, he was the last person you wanted to see.
Convincing yourself that you should disregard the way his eyes droop at your unresponsiveness, you soon find yourself hovering near the entrance of your apartment building, with the boy, Jimin, shuffling awkwardly behind.
“Thanks.” You churn out gruffly, pushing past him and over to the lobby.
“Um, my jacket—”
Flushing scarlet, you spin back on your heels to hand the hoodie back to its owner, embarrassed by how cozy you had looked, with your hands buried deep in the pockets and all.
“No, I meant that you could, um, keep it.” He breathes, taking a few steps back, “Okay, I’ll just go now.”
And he bolts down the road, blatantly disregarding the fact that he had almost died a while ago whilst crossing those very same streets.
You sigh, but a small smile threatens to tweak at the corners of your lips as you entered the elevator, and you do all you can to squash any inkling of affection that was growing for the boy who called himself Jimin.
You were treading in dangerous waters, and as only a pawn in the grander scheme of life, you had just crossed a line.
“Hyung, you better wipe that creepy grin off your face before Y/N sees you,” Jungkook remarks insouciantly, sliding into his seat next to Jimin’s with a matcha latte in tow.
Narrowing his eyes to proclaim his annoyance with the younger male, Jimin only lets out a grunt, kicking Taehyung in the shin when he joins in with the harmless teasing.
Much to his chagrin, his friends had wasted no time dragging him by the collar over to the café owned by Seokjin’s parents once Jimin had filled them in on the whole ordeal, one that Jimin himself was starting to regret divulging. He wouldn’t have minded if it was just any other café (and he was quite fond of this particular café because the fruit tarts were heavenly), but this just happened to be the same one where you were manning the register, with a gorgeous smile atop your lips while Seokjin chucked out the pastries not far behind. Okay, so maybe the fruit tarts weren’t the only reason behind his ridiculously frequent visits.
The café itself was a sight to behold, really, Seokjin’s parents had gone all out with the interior design, not at all hindered by how small and quaint the space was. Translucent curtains lightly billowing in the winter breeze, the soft plush chairs were strewn generously with even softer coffee-colored cushions, and the low pinewood tables had only made the place even more cozy than it already was; more than perfect for a relaxing afternoon away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Jimin especially loved the redolent aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingering in the air, surrounding the café with a homely atmosphere so dear and nostalgic that he never wants to leave. But most of all, he was intrigued by you, mildly fascinated with the way your eyes would light up whenever there were customers, making light conversation all with a genuine smile gracing your features. You being so friendly and welcoming with all the patrons of the café had actually deterred Jimin from going up there to make an order himself, fretting that he wouldn’t be able to say anything back and would just wither away into a blushing mess, which was saying something because Jimin usually wasn’t all that shy, since that was Jungkook’s job.
But today was going to be different. He was actually going to have something to talk to you about, an excuse to get to know the girl behind the warm yet ephemeral smiles—last night, when you had pulled him out of the way from an oncoming truck that had only materialized seconds later.
Jimin may be spending more time than he should at the studio, going through dance moves again and again instead of burying his nose into books, but he was no idiot. He knew there was something up, how else would you have been able to pluck him out of harm’s way when the tranquil streets hadn’t given the approaching vehicle away?
But no, Jimin wasn’t intending to strike up a conversation with you just to pry; he doesn’t really care how you did it, what matters was that you had swooped in to save his life and he was already unbelievably grateful. He just wanted to make small talk, exchange a smile or two, and ask if you were alright. The accident had been pretty graphic and it had been disturbing, for lack of a better word. Even Jimin had trouble sleeping last night, the crimson stains and grisly body haunting the crevices of his mind until it had finally been subdued by overdue slumber.
But he simply couldn’t fathom why you had outright refused to even give him the time of the day, his heart plummeting all the way underground when you don’t even look him in the eye, humming disinterestedly as you counted the change.
“Can I—”
“But how did you kno—”
Frustrated and dejected at the same time, Jimin exasperatedly runs his fingers through his inky strands, trying his best to disregard the hurt from your rejection heartlessly jabbing into his chest. Having expired all his plans to just smoothly start up a conversation between the two of you, Jimin adopts a variation of different strategies to, at the very least, garner a reaction from you, earning the amusement of just about everyone else in the café.
He starts things off slow, propping an elbow on the countertop and staring holes into your side profile for a good ten minutes, before giving up at your continuous indifference. Jimin has often been told that he had admirable charisma, the kind that would make it difficult to not look at him, and he had been accepted as a trainee with a small part of the reason attributed to his ‘bedroom eyes’, but now he was starting to question the validity of their statements, because you hadn’t once thrown him a single glance.
Yet if there was one thing Jimin knows, it’s that he couldn’t pout adorably for the life of him, but what he could do was scrunch up his face, contorting it into what most people would have considered cute. And it does work, to the relief of Jimin and his lightly bruised ego, but only for a split second, your lips quirking into a traitorous half-smirk. Half because it vanishes soon after; so soon that Jimin had thought he was seeing things.
Jimin wasn’t one to give up easily, and you definitely don’t seem to be letting up anytime soon, and so the pertinacious brunette resorts to playing the guilt card.
“About the jacket…” He purposefully trails off, eyes scanning your face for any hint of emotion, any at all, perking up when you abruptly stiffen from behind the counter, muted red coloring your cheeks. Jimin then internally fist pumps, because yes, of course he was going to imprint your flushing face into his mind and revisit it over and over again, but you didn’t need to know that.
But the butterflies come crashing down in a flurry of whirlwind emotions when you only reach in the back to pull out his grey hoodie, soundlessly bundling the fabric into his arms.
And Jimin was utterly crushed, stunned speechless at how atypical your detached behavior was. He had been a regular for quite some time now, and every time he had the fortune of seeing you around, an amiable aura always surrounded you, sometimes accompanied by the tinkling of your laughter.
He doesn’t understand.
“Why do you hate me?”
He didn’t expect you to respond, but the question had slipped out somehow, and he couldn’t take it back, not even when he abhorred the disappointment all too apparent in his usually lilted voice.
He hadn’t expected you to respond, but you did.
“I don’t hate you, please don’t think that way,” You exhale, and Jimin looks up in time to see the softening of your gaze, sparking something suspiciously akin to hope in his heart.
Now that Jimin had all your attention, he wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself, if he was even supposed to be doing anything at all.
“I just think,” You quietly continue, “That it’ll be best for us to stay away from each other.”
And now that Jimin had all your attention, he wasn’t sure he wanted it anymore, your words cutting deeper than he thought they would; hurting more than he thought they could.
“But why?” He presses, he wasn’t one to give up easily after all.
From somewhere to his right, he could feel curious eyes on both of you, undoubtedly from the six idiots he now called his family. Jimin shakes them off; they had probably sensed the tension, but he’ll handle their teasing later. Right now he couldn’t care less, obstinately following you out from the back door as you engaged yourself in taking out the trash.
“No reason.”
And there you go again, back on with the ice cold exterior, even while you were ungracefully hauling the gigantic bag of trash behind you.
As if it was the most natural thing to do, Jimin eases the enormous bag of garbage into his own hands, effortlessly tossing the damned thing into the dumpster before turning to you, brows knitted in firm determination, “I’m not leaving until you tell me why.”
Then it happens again.
In a situation that was all too familiar, your small hand was clasped tightly around his wrist once more, and a forceful tug bristled with underlying fear and unadulterated desperation was all it took to have him stumbling in your direction. Just like the night before, the same tingles course through his arm, and a couple of beats passes with him scrutinizing your odd expression. You had your emotions flawlessly under control just a while ago, but it all came undone in an instant, horror and despair flashing across your confounded face.
Jimin understands why a moment later, when a startling shattering noise has him twisting his neck to locate the source of the commotion.
His blood runs cold.
There, at the spot where he had stood a few seconds prior, was a broken flowerpot, shards of ceramic scattered all around the back alley, mounds of dark moist soil sprinkled all around the thin sheet of snow. The flowerpot hadn’t been something to sneeze at; something to laugh over and brush it off if it had made contact with his head. It had been big enough to knock him out entirely, maybe even crack his skull.
It may have killed him there and then, if you hadn’t done what you did and got him out of the way.
Time stilled, both of you too bewildered to make the next move, but Jimin recovers fast, head stilting to only catch a meagre glimpse of a pair of outstretched hands dangling from the balcony conveniently located above the back entrance of the café, no doubt the culprit of his near brush with death.
The same strange mixture of dread and relief coursed through his veins, a sensation Jimin gladly welcomes, because it was a good enough indication as any that he was still alive and breathing.
You, on the contrary, looked incredibly conflicted, gaze wavering at your exposed palms as if you had just realized what you did, looking so unimaginably scared and vulnerable that Jimin was torn between enveloping you in a bear hug and turning around to give you space to breathe.
He daringly opts for the former, aware of how unusual it would be to have an almost stranger invading your personal space like that, but the situation at hand was far from being what was considered a normal occurrence, and he couldn’t think of a better way to calm you down. Bracing himself for a hard shove in the chest, you surprise him by relaxing into his touch, breaths gradually steadying against the harsh palpitations of his heart, and he prays fervently that you don’t notice.
A few minutes go by like this, with the two of you huddled next to a dumpster, you fisting the wool of his knitted sweater while Jimin comfortingly rubbed small circles on your back, comfortable silence taking the both of you into its open arms.
Tilting his head at just the right angle, Jimin looks down at your damp lashes and the stubborn purse of your pink lips, rolling his own into his mouth thoughtfully. Yes, he had always thought you were cute and outrageously likeable, ever since he first stepped foot into the café and had been greeted with nothing but kind smiles and mellifluous laughter, and had often suffered in the hands of the rest of the boys, who had thought that his mini-crush on you was hilarious. But the feeling blooming in the pits of his stomach and spreading warmth to the rest of his body even in the dead of winter was something else entirely, a feeling Jimin longed to cherish and treasure with all of his being.
So he speaks.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Mmph.” You deliver from where your face was still pressed against his sweater, tongue numb from the cold.
“You said we should stay away from each other.”
You nod.
“I don’t want to.”
And perhaps the moment those words had left Jimin’s lips would be the exact moment where everything had begun; the start of something treacherously beautiful, yet so devastatingly bittersweet.
Park Jimin had the uncanny ability to charm the figurative pants off of everyone he meets, and now, at the very top of the long list of people who have given in to his alluring charm, your name sits tauntingly.
You couldn’t believe yourself; you had done it again, sweeping in to rudely interrupt the cruel plans fate had for him, as if you prolonging his life would do either of you any good. There were consequences, and you hadn’t wanted to stay around to discover them for yourself, but your stomach had gone and did a couple of cartwheels when Jimin had thought you weren’t looking; your heart dropping too fast when you had caught his downcast expression from behind the counter.
Steering clear of him would be the obvious thing to do, and you hadn’t wanted to hurt him in any way, shape or form, but you did regardless, and the affirmation of the very slight affection you had for the boy came in the form of an apologetic squeeze of your heart.
Perceptive as you were, you hadn’t taken much notice of Park Jimin before that fateful night, the only knowledge you possessed being that he, along with Seokjin and the five other regulars at the shop, were all trainees in an entertainment company a short distance away, justifying their recurrent patronage. Sure, his sleek jawline and sinfully full lips made just about every female (and sometimes male) customer swoon a little if they spot him while making an order, but that pretty much applied to all seven of the boys who had made a home in that secluded corner of the café.
But it was precisely because of your perceptiveness that you could practically hear the warning bells going off in your head, cautioning to not take another step towards the boy with the most adorable eye-smile you have ever seen, the boy who tried to play it cool even though that had probably gave his tiny crush away.
Yet every other cell in your body was screaming for you to do otherwise, and what’s worse was that you could see it.
You could see yourself falling irrevocably in love with him.
A teeny part of you was hopeful; maybe now that you had prevented his death twice, it wouldn’t come knocking at his door anymore. You don’t know what kind of logic you had to back that hypothesis up, but the irrational voice in your head would whisper ‘maybe both potential deaths had cancelled each other out, and he’s free to live his life now’ or something as equally ludicrous, like ‘maybe all along the purpose of my presence there was to step in and save him’.
And even though you intuitively know that getting to know him would be a Very Bad Idea, you no longer acted as if he was virtually nonexistent every time he tumbled into the café at the weirdest times, occasionally right before closing hours and sometimes, if he had bad timing, he’ll catch you in the midst of peak hours, when you’d be too busy to even look his way. It had to be insanely tough to be him, having to juggle both heinous hours of idol training and college as well, which was already a handful by itself. Not that you would know though, having gave up college in your final year of high school, knowing that it simply wasn’t for you.
As Jimin wound his way in and out of the café everyday for the past two weeks just to reiterate cheesy and somewhat punny pick-up lines he got from Seokjin just to wrench a smile out of you (you were dead set on giving him your best poker face, even if you were dying laughing on the inside), you woke up one day to find that you had a huge soft spot for a certain boy with dark fluffy hair and crescent eyes.
Not that he would ever find out, no way, not over your dead body.
And said boy was once again leaning over the counter, where it was now infamously known as Jimin’s spot, a soft smile playing on his lips.
“Hey baby, are you a pineapple—”
Ah, there he goes again.
“Yeah of course I am, damn it, and I thought I was pretty good at hiding it too,” You deadpan, not even lifting an eyebrow as you chucked all the ingredients for Jimin’s green tea frappe into the blender and heated up some muffins in the microwave.
“God, Y/N, when will you ever let me live?” The brunette huffs, good-naturedly of course, because he’s sweet like that.
“Maybe I’ll do that when you stop hitting on me, Jimin.”
“That’s not fair, you and I both know that’s never going to happen.”
He’s not being fair, he can’t just say things like that out of the blue, and you hope he doesn’t see you almost knocking over the blender, your ears tinged pink.
“Okay, I’ll stop.”
“If you go on a date with me.”
Your answer was faster than Suga spitting fire, Jimin offhandedly notes, “No.”
“Well it was worth a shot.”
Rolling your eyes, you place his drink at the collection point, and instead of writing his name, you had written ‘idiot who doesn’t know when to give up’ in a neat scrawl, shifting back to admire your handiwork before gesturing to the idiot himself.
Jimin scoffs and takes a sip.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Yeah, what?”
“Can I get a pie?”
Frazzled, your answer comes out more like a question, “Um, sure?”
“Great! I’ll take you.”
“I’d love to have a cutie pie like you,” He spurts the pick-up line along with peals of sputtering laughter, because Park Jimin would not be Park Jimin if he doesn’t laugh at his own pick-up lines.
Fighting back a smile and pulling on the straightest face you could muster, you reach over to whack him on the shoulder, but you were admittedly in awe of how many pick-up lines he pulls out of his ass every day. Snorting back a chuckle himself, Jimin smoothly twists his arm around such that his hand was clasped around yours, before gently grazing the back of your hand with his chapped lips.
“Go on a date with me,” He whispers, eyes swirling with emotions you could not decipher; not yet anyway.
The tinkling of metal against metal, the subdued conversations happening all around, the dad jokes from Seokjin a few feet away; they were all but white noise, and there was no one else in the world but you and the twinkly-eyed boy.
The most perilous of thoughts that had slowly inched into the fissures of your mind were too fraught with danger to be entertained, but you were past the point of caring.
And I’ll protect you at all costs.
The first date had been like a dream and everything beyond; the kind of dream you would wake up to with the most enraptured of smiles as you bathed in the breaking daylight—the best kind there was.
Jimin’s day had started out like any other, having roused from slumber in his corner of the dance practice room, back aching in protest at his horrendous sleeping posture and bleary-eyed from the bare minimum of sleep he had gotten. As typical as the day had been, it had also been a little different, because Jimin suddenly thinks that the sun had been amazingly bright, the chirping of birds had been exceptionally melodious, and wow, has the grass outside the company building always been this green? All’s fine and dandy, except it was the middle of winter, and Jimin might need to get his eyes checked at the nearest optician.
“Hyung, this sweater—
Jimin plucked Taehyung’s favourite woolen sweater out of his makeshift closet on the swivel chair, ignoring the boy’s mild protests and plastering the fabric against the front of his chest.
—or this sweater?”
“Jimin,” Hoseok coos from the top of his bunk bed, “It’s winter and you’re going to an amusement park, she won’t be able to see whatever you’re wearing.”
“Unless you’re planning on doing something else,” Namjoon unhelpfully cuts in, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“Ugh, why do I even ask?” Eyes rolling so hard that they almost met the back of his head, Jimin doesn’t bother hiding the raging blush on his cheeks, only retreating further into the mountain that was Bangtan’s clothes pile to dig for something vaguely presentable.
Seven guys crammed together into a pocket-sized dormitory was no doubt a recipe for disaster, especially when all seven guys spent 12 hours a day sweating buckets to the pulsing of a beat, and Jimin only hopes to find a decent sweater sans ketchup stains.
By the time Jimin had unearthed a clean sweater (white, because you don’t remember having mentioned that that was your favorite color, but he does), changed out of at least 5 pairs of jeans and shrugged on a coat, he barely had any time to do anything except pull on a beanie and bolt.
And even while running he couldn’t keep the smile off his face; at least not until he neared the entrance of the café, the place of the promised meeting, and not to be mushy or anything, but the sight of you nearly knocked all the wind out of his lungs.
There you were, short puffs of air leaving your lips as you absentmindedly kicked at the dirtied snow beneath your boots, looking as ethereal as ever with the locks of your hair cascading down in waves and your ears snugly encased in fluffy earmuffs. You weren’t even donning anything out of the ordinary, only a long white coat and some skinny jeans, but Jimin, like the hopeless romantic he was, still thought you looked incredibly beautiful, and even more so when you almost spilt the coffee in your hand down your shirt.
Jimin belatedly realizes, damn I got it bad.
“Park Jimin, you’re late,” You say light-heartedly, innocently adding, “If we miss the bus, I’m going to kill you.”
“I’ll die a happy man then,” Jimin returns, teasingly pulling at your cheek, cracking up when your scowl makes you faintly resemble a gremlin.
A cute one of course, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Not one to be at the losing end of things, you swiftly reach up to tug at his squishy cheeks, and you too, start dissolving into giggles, even though he still looked absolutely adorable and you knew it.
The two of you had probably looked like lovesick idiots in the eyes of the public, or maybe everyone had thought that you two were trying to see who could rip each other’s cheek off first; but regardless, the two of you continuously wrestle right there and then, all thoughts of actually boarding the bus on time long gone.
And as ashamed as you were to admit it, yes, you were the one who started the snowball fight. You knew the both of you would miss the bus anyway; one of the minimal perks of your clairvoyance.
If everyone else around you had initially thought you two were only morons playing around, they were probably now wondering if it was safe to let two lunatics roam the streets freely like this. Skillfully amassing a spherical ball of snow in your palms, you aim at Jimin’s ass, letting out an animalistic war cry while he gladly reciprocates the gesture.
The entire afternoon saw the two of you chasing the other down the street, sometimes tumbling over into a blanket of snow in a park, other times so preoccupied with attacking each other that you almost slam face first into a streetlamp. Yes, the snowball fight had been extremely engaging and mature, perfect for two rational adults such as you and Jimin.
The same probably doesn’t apply to the both of you bounding after the last bus that was departing for the winter fair; the one where the scheduled date was ideally meant to have taken place at. Rational adults do not run after buses while their hands were tightly clasped together, and they definitely do not holler after the bus driver to beg him to stop. But rational adults or not, Jimin found that he doesn’t really care, because your smile had been bright enough to ignite scorching fires and illuminate an entire night sky.
You didn’t care either, because the hand in yours provided you with all the warmth you would ever need.
The bus did eventually stop, much to your amusement; the driver had probably taken pity on the both of you, who looked every bit a mess with the wayward snow-laden hair and all the breathlessness from running.
Clambering onto the bus and delivering words of gratitude to the driver, the both of you trod to the back, plopping down onto the cushioned seats with a strangled noise. All the sprinting from the snowball fight had done a number on you, and you were so exhausted you were this close to being knocked out cold.
“Tired already?” Jimin’s voice snaps you out of your knackered haze, and you peeked at him from under your unkempt hair.
“Your fault for chasing me halfway around the park and tackling me to the ground,” Your tone was light, though a tad sleepy.
“Go on,” Jimin juts out his left shoulder, nudging you to use it as a pillow.
You pretend to contemplate over the offer, before letting out a smug ‘no’.
Joke’s on you, because you do end up falling asleep on his shoulder, the heat emanating from his body far too tempting for your sub-consciousness to refuse. You dozed off a little too fast, and into a deep sleep at that, so you unfortunately miss the way Jimin’s look of adoration brushes over your form, and the slight shifting of his position to accommodate your falling head.
The brunette sighs contentedly, distractedly playing with the scarf coiled loosely around your neck and smiling each time you sneeze in your sleep and nuzzle into his shoulder, trying his best not to let his cheeks explode from euphoria.
For the second time that day, Jimin arrived at the same conclusion.
Damn, I got it bad.
As luck would have it, the droning of the engine and the exertion from all the physical activities a while ago had lulled Jimin into slumber as well, and before he lost himself to sleep, he made sure to incline his head against yours.
And that was the position the both of you had jerked awake to when the bus came to a complete halt, and the driver announced that the bus service has reached its final stop and would be terminating on the spot. Flabbergasted and still shedding the drowsy aftereffects of the long nap, the two of you belatedly realized that there were no other commuters on the bus, and immediately scurried off, embarrassed.
Lost and mildly confused, it didn’t take long for you to suggest the next destination, because how better to end a date than dinner at a fast food joint?
Fast forward 10 minutes later, and you two found yourselves in the nearest McDonald’s.
“I’m sorry we didn’t get to go to the winter fair,” Jimin apologizes, and from the look on his face you knew he felt bad for not staying awake during the bus ride, but he was insane if he thought you would hold that against him, “I wanted today to be perfect.”
Quiet, you sipped on your coke.
“You probably don’t want a second date, huh?”
“It was,” You suddenly speak, looking at everywhere else but Jimin, “Perfect, I mean. Still is.”
And then silence.
“Have I ever told you,” He leans forward to pinch your nose, while you scowled and did the same to him, “How ridiculously cute you are?”
You fling a drumstick at him, and it nicks him on the cheek before landing on his burger, to which you grinned triumphantly at.
“Have I ever told you how ridiculously cheesy you are?”
“Can’t help it,” He picks up your drumstick and twirls it around, “I’m a chick magnet after all.”
“Ha ha,” Laughing drily, you pluck the drumstick clean out of his grip and stuffed it gracefully into the black hole you called a mouth.
The night ends with a plethora of greasy pick-up lines and a neck-to-neck thumb wrestling competition, and you later find out that dates with Jimin rarely ever goes according to plan, though it never matters to you, because you always see them coming anyway.
Suffice to say, you agreed to a second date.
And a third.
You and Jimin may or may not be on your thirtieth date; no one knew because there were too many to count.
There were the coffee dates; the most common of them all, where Jimin would burst into the café with the happiest of smiles as he goes straight for the kill, pecking you on the lips even when you were in the middle of taking orders. You were taken off guard at first, but you adapted fairly fast, learning how to read his body language whenever he wants to embarrass you in front of a customer, dodging whatever cringey PDA he would toss your way. In return, you no longer ran on scheduled breaks; your breaks only came in the form of a certain Park Jimin, and you would never admit it but your heart would soar the minute he steps in, though for more reasons than one.
In due course, you meet the rest of his would-be band mates as well, growing to enjoy their company and join them in hour-long roasting sessions. Jimin doesn’t know you were added into a chat group with everyone else except for him, where you would receive notifications every once in a while with a derp photo of Jimin, and you would exchange it for one you took on your own. Or at least, you think Jimin doesn’t have a clue (hint: he does).
Then there were the quick lunch dates in their company’s dance studio, where you would sling a fake ID card around your neck (courtesy of Jimin himself) to enter the premises, heading straight for the studio and near jumping out of your skin every time you pass by an actual employee, though they were few and scarce. You thought it strange that no one ever gives you a second glance despite you lugging eight bowls of takeout with you, and Jimin, the nerve of him, never tells you that you didn’t need an ID card to enter the building after all; he informs security all the time. Each time, the boys would thank you for the food and push each other out of the small studio to give the two of you privacy, screaming ‘be safe’ on their way out, even though it was unnecessary because you two would just end up wrangling on the floor in a wrestle at the end of it all. You didn’t really understand why the hell you wrestled so much with Park Jimin of all people, but the make-out sessions afterward always wiped your memory clean anyway.
And you couldn’t leave out the karaoke nights, no, that would be absolutely appalling.
Not too far from the boys’ dorm sits a quaint little karaoke place, fully equipped with non-soundproof walls and no snack bar at all; but that place was an all-time favorite between you, Jimin, and occasionally the rest of the guys. The reason being that Jimin was a broke college student and you weren’t too well-off either, and both of you love cheap things; the cheaper the better.
The two of you wouldn’t be yourselves if you’d gone the mainstream route and serenaded each other with love songs all the time. That would too cheesy, even for Jimin’s standards, not to mention draining, and you both know the other would be squirming in their seats, unsure of how to respond to a confession in a song. So instead, you try to out-dance each other with your ugliest dance moves and see which of you was the better rapper by jamming to Tablo’s songs. The former proved to be difficult for Jimin; he was a dance major and he practically grew up perfecting dance moves, so you win all the time, uncertain if you were truly the winner because Jimin always ends up crouching on the floor, laughing his ass off at his oddball of a girlfriend.
Yet all good things come to an end, and the circumstance under which you had met Jimin had been pushed back into the recesses of your mind for a good three months. You were hopeful that maybe it had all disappeared for good, but providence had decided that it was about time for it to resurface.
The visions and the accidents were coming at an alarming rate.
“I can’t believe you spent the entire duration of the movie making me a crown out of popcorn,” You hiss, not menacingly, but disbelief had marred your voice. The two of you had been at the local theater, enjoying one of the few days where Jimin didn’t have training in the early afternoon, and you had strode out the theater with popcorn for decorative hair ornaments.
“It’s not my fault I can’t focus on the movie with you next to me,” He had grinned that shit-eating grin that made you weak in the knees, so you had elbowed him in the stomach.
“Well, now my hair is greasy, almost as greasy as you,” You remember retorting, narrowing your eyes at his unrepentant stance.
“You wound me sometimes, Y/N,” Or so he had said, but he had immediately picked you up such that you were only a few inches off the ground, ambling down the street with you struggling in his arms. With a purposefully drawn out sigh, you stopped fighting off his hold on you; you had seen it coming five minutes ago. Again, the miniscule perks of your clairvoyance.
“You’re going to be late if you don’t catch that bus.” Grumbling, you had jabbed a finger pointedly at the bus stop, where Jimin’s bus was in the midst of departure. Gently, he set you back down on the ground before getting ready to run for the bus again.
Then came a vision of that very same bus toppling off the road and into a shallow ditch, injuring everyone on board and resulting in a singular death—Jimin’s.
You had gripped his arm tightly, the same way you had all the other times, and Jimin had only taken one look at you before sighing sadly, “I’m just going to have to be late, don’t I?”
Jimin doesn’t ask any questions the next time it happened again, nor the one after that, and not for the countless times after that either.
You never do explain your clairvoyance to Jimin, because if wasn’t as if you had your strange ability all figured out; and you simply assumed he must have realized that by now. Ever since you were a child, you could sometimes see things right before they happened. It wasn’t uncommon for the incidents you witness to have no relation to you whatsoever; you could just be walking down the street and you’d get a vision of some cat taking a leak on someone else’s front lawn. Very seldom do your visions hit close to home, not before you met Jimin, and because everyone else seemed to think you were creepy whenever you revealed what you saw, you had learnt to keep everything to yourself and to pay the visions no mind.
Jimin had never once disregarded your fears, always making sure to ensure that you were doing okay even when technically, his life had been the one at stake. That was how selfless he was, and you just couldn’t understand why the good always die young, but what you did understand was that you wouldn’t let the same happen to him, not on your watch.
“Aren’t you scared of me? Every time I step in and stop some stupid accident, don’t you just want to run away from me?” You had asked one night, when there had been a little too much liquid courage in your system.
He had only scrunched up his nose.
“I think you’re the last person I should be scared of,” Not breaking eye contact, he had continued, “Besides, you’re my hero.”
His shit-eating grin had vanished as fast as it had appeared, melancholy settling over his face, “I just wish I could protect you as much as you do for me.”
“Cheesy.” You hear yourself say, but you had almost wanted to cry.
Park Jimin is a fucking saint, you remember thinking right before passing out on the couch.
But if it meant that you could bask in his presence, or see his crescent eye-smile for just one more day, you would fight the entire world if you had to.
That day comes sooner than you expected.
A voice, all too sweet and all too familiar, “Baby, wake up.”
And for some reason, you listen, eyes jolting open with a start, nausea rocking your sweat-drenched body. The comfort of your duvet does nothing to calm your erratic nerves, only sticking to your clammy skin as you fist the cotton tightly into a crumpled ball. You imagine that you probably looked like complete and utter shit right now, but no, that could hardly be a concern; not when your heart was nearly going into overdrive, and not when your only audience was a very concerned Jimin.
You were close to wheezing by now, disquietude throwing your body into turbulence, only properly breathing and taking in your surroundings when a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around your torso, along with a soft voice murmuring words of reassurance.
In the rosy glow of your room, the frightening visceral images you had been subjected to moments prior slowly seeped away into a jaded and distant memory, the touch of reality snapping you out from the effects of your nightmare.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Jimin has taken to stroking your hair gently, your head pressed to his chest as the fast yet steady drumming of his heartbeat sways your breathing back to a much calmer rhythm.
Opening your mouth to answer an affirmative, you pause and frown, “I…don’t remember.”
“It’s okay,” His breaths fan over your hair, tugging you closer into his embrace, “Nightmares aren’t worth remembering.”
Gradually sobering up with the hard-hitting rays of sunlight streaming in from the windows, you nod, almost succumbing to sleep again in Jimin’s arms. That is, until your feet were suddenly dangling four feet off the ground, and you were being whisked away into the kitchen with promises of breakfast.
“Omigosh, Jimin, put me down,” You whine in between bouts of laughter, poking at his cheeks and messing with his hair, “I’m not a kid.”
In response, he only tightens his grip, twirling you around in the empty hallway of the apartment you shared with Yerim, earning a childish squeal from you; not at all proving your point.
It has been just a little less than half a year since the two of you had started dating, and despite the recurrent near-death incidents that have recently increased in frequency, the relationship was still dancing vivaciously in its honeymoon stages. If anything, the both of you had only adjusted your lifestyles and routines to fit the other in without a hitch. Jimin, ever the romantic, still comes running into the café everyday in between the rigorous training he has to endure at the company and the expectations at his university, sometimes even staying your entire shift when his schedule allows for it, other times spending all of 15 minutes attached to your waist like some kind of koala. With how irregular his training hours were, it became routine for him to drop by your apartment long after dusk had settled in, panting from his short sprint to get to you, and the both of you would do nothing but cuddle and fall asleep to the movie neither of you watched. Sometimes it would be the other way round—you stopping by their dorm whenever the boys declare a bowling night and Jimin sneakily bails.
Last night had been one of those nights, and today wouldn’t be any different either.
“Movies tonight at the dorm?” Jimin asks with a grin, hovering near the doorway as he readies himself to leave for training, “The guys are going skating, those idiots. Only Namjoon-hyung actually knows how to skate, so I really don’t know how they’re going to survive.”
“Wow, never thought I’d see the day Park Jimin declining the opportunity of seeing the guys fall flat on their faces.”
“Tell me about it,” He grumbles jokingly, adding accusingly, “You’re the reason why they keep saying I’m whipped these days.”
“Aren’t you?” A shit-eating grin on your face (one that unsurprisingly reminds you of Jimin), you quickly swipe your lips across his cheek, trying not to flush.
“I am.”
And he pulls you in for a chaste kiss, smirking at your blush and disregarding his own before he looked at the time and did a double take.
“Shit, I’m going to be late, I’ll see you tonight babe.” Was all he said before one more kiss and he was out the door, running for his dear life.
Smiling and shoving on your sneakers, you start getting ready for your next shift, which would undoubtedly be boring with the absence of one particular mochi.
And you were right, as the rest of your day comprised of greeting lethargic customers and whipping up the magical concoction that was coffee; the usual. Of course, you liked your job, but it was always a little less interesting without Jimin around, though he doesn’t have to know that. Yet, despite enthusiastically serving all your customers and counting down the hours to the café’s closing, a couple of customers had still been milling around aimlessly, lost in their devices even when operating hours were over. Which meant that you had to stay behind to clean the equipment and lock up the shop, which also essentially meant that you would be late to movie night with Jimin.
Whipping out your phone, you send him a quick text informing him of your tardiness, of which was responded to with a selfie of him fake-crying dramatically. You ignore both the selfie and the stupid smile on your face.
Barely fifteen minutes had passed before your systematic cleaning of the equipment was intercepted by the vibrating of your phone, breaking the stone dead silence that had enveloped the café.
“Yes, Jimin? Couldn’t stand waiting for twenty more minutes to hear my voice?” Your voice had a teasing lilt to it, which would have been insane if Jimin considers the fact that you only wore a permanent scowl on your face a mere five months ago.
“Damn, hit the nail right on the head.” His voice was muffled through the terrible speaker quality of you beat up phone, but it still made your stomach flip all the same.
You laughed, bringing the phone to your ear as you wiped a mug squeaky clean, “How was practice?”
“Same old same old, I don’t think I’m even improving.”
Even through the phone, it was apparent that he was slightly down in the faint tremble of his voice and the frustration that laced through it, and your heart broke a little for the boy who never thought he was good enough, not even when he deserved the whole entire world.
“Jimin,” You sigh, “You’re absolutely wonderful and I adore the shit out of you, keep that in mind, got it?”
“Aw, I adore the shit out of you too Y/N—fuck what the fuck was that?”
Your heart stopped. Jimin rarely swore like that.
“Jimin? Jimin? Answer me, what happened?”
Desperation was infiltrating your tone, and you instinctively knew something was dreadfully wrong.
“Jimin? Jimin? Don’t you dare be playing a prank, answer me please? Jimin?”
The call drops, and you instantaneously pale, coffee mug crashing to the mahogany floor.
Jimin never hung up on you. Never.
It was exactly 10:13pm, and you can only hope you get to Jimin in time. Breaking for the door, you all but topple into the street, hailing a cab and flinging yourself into the passenger seat in a matter of five seconds. The dorm was further away from the café than Big Hit was, and would take you approximately fifteen minutes by car; and whether you liked it or not, you were going to spend the next fifteen minutes beating yourself up with despair and worry.
You couldn’t help but berate yourself for not having a vision as you usually do before something bad happens to Jimin, wondering why you hadn’t been more on guard ever since the accidents had started picking up its pace a couple of months ago. Now, Jimin was going to suffer the consequences of your idiocy; your negligency, and all because you couldn’t even do a good job of meddling with fate. Unknowingly, tears were spilling uncontrollably as you contemplated over the many things that could have happened to Jimin, and the fear of losing him had you gasping for air.
But what had truly transpired was way beyond your comprehension and your sanity, and as you stood before the familiar building, you could only gape.
Because in the tiny window where the boys’ dorm was located in the old and crusty building, angry flames were creeping up the walls, tearing and destroying all that was in its way. The fiery orange and blue embers were engulfing almost half of the building, but it had looked to be the strongest where their dorm had been, and you were unable to make out anything except for the copious amount of thick smoke, threatening to suffocate anyone within a ten-mile radius.
Sirens were roaring, and you register the sight of courageous firefighters drawing out water hoses and hurling themselves into the dangerous chaos without a second’s hesitation, but all you could see and think was Jimin, Jimin, Jimin.
Tearing through the throngs of people gathered all around to witness the raging inferno, you scan the area for that familiar head of dark hair, or for the pair of eyes that would soften whenever you called out his name, but to no avail. Your frantic shouting was only met with silence.
Teetering unsurely between distress and grief, your prayers were finally answered when the paramedics on site started tending to civilians who had only just escaped the burning building, injuries varying from harsh third-degree burns to minor scratches. This was it, Jimin was going to stroll out anytime now, unscathed and relieved.
Anytime now.
Except he doesn’t, and your world shatters around you when you see a body delicately covered with a singular piece of white cloth being carried over to where numerous ambulances were situated at, sympathy plain on the paramedics’ features.
And from underneath the blood-stained fabric, a hand peeks out; fingers limp unlike the ones you had held earlier on in the day, the ring which matches yours still perched daintily on his left ring finger.
Stunned, your legs give out and you collapse onto the damp gravel, choking on your spluttering sobs. Behind you, you catch the words of a police officer taking down statements from all those who had evacuated the building safely.
It had been an electrical short circuit in the unit next to the dorm, and Jimin had been trapped in its vicinity. If the fire itself hadn’t claimed him, the toxic smoke would have.
Fingernails drawing blood from your palm, you scream and scream; screaming for the loss of your lover, screaming at the unfairness of it all, screaming for the boy who had always been too good for the world.
You were still screaming when you woke up.
And once again, a voice, all too sweet and all too familiar, “Baby, wake up.”
Eyelids shooting open, you don’t wait for hysteria to consume you before thrusting your arms around Jimin, who returns the gesture immediately, as you sob wearily into his shoulder. The thumping of your heart was almost too painful to bear, and you should breathe; but you couldn’t will yourself to do anything but clutch him close, verifying that yes, he was alive and very much breathing.
And as in the dream, Jimin eventually takes to threading his fingers through your tangled strands, brushing them down soothingly as he spills words of comfort; except this time you don’t quite calm down as easily, body still as tense and stiff as ever.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
This time, you don’t hesitate before replying with a big fat lie, “I…don’t remember.”
As if following a cruel pre-written script, as if life was like clockwork rewinding itself over and over again, Jimin speaks the exact same words as he did in the dream; no, nightmare.
The surreal images had imprinted themselves into your mind, flittering through the interstices of all sane thought, and you just knew that it hadn’t been a dream; it had been a premonition, a warning of sorts.
That, was where you came into the picture, and the moment you realize that, the script would get altered and go off course.
Your bed lifts with the absence of weight, and Jimin was up on his feet again, a smile breaking across his chiseled features and making him look every bit as angelic as he was. You didn’t have to think back to the dream to get a sense of what he was going to do next, and sure enough, you were soon four feet above the ground, right on your way to the kitchen.
You don’t protest, and that out-of-character behavior had Jimin raising a questioning eyebrow, but you only bury your face deeper into his chest, inhaling his faint scent of vanilla and lavender, reluctantly unwrapping yourself from his body when he sets you down at the dining table.
Tossing the leftover pizza into the microwave, Jimin takes the seat across from you, tucking his head into his palms as he shamelessly stares at you, frowning at your distracted demeanor.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You know you can tell me anything.” He says it gently, for he was never one to pry unwarrantedly.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just a little shaken,” You confess, hoping the half-truth would appease his concern, “I’m just going to go wash up a bit.”
Scraping the chair noisily against the tiled floor, you all but fled to the bathroom. Your presentiments only ever came in the form of visions lasting less than a minute, never had you had a whole dream spanning an entire night, especially not one where you could feel so vividly and hear the dialogue still ringing in your eardrums. Call it a gut feeling, but you knew this was vastly different from all the other times you had hit the snooze button on Jimin’s ticking timebomb. The rest of your day could take on two vastly different directions; one, the matter gets resolved somehow and you proceed to live happily ever after with Jimin, two, it all ends and you never get to see him ever again.
Either way, decisions had to be made and you didn’t have all the time in the world to do that. Sucking in a long breath, you mull over the plausible options available, back still against the bathroom door.
And it takes you a minute to make up your mind before you step out, meeting Jimin’s worried gaze with a forced chuckle. His eyes don’t leave your frame even as you sat back down.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” A teasing smile from you was all it took to dispel all the tension in his shoulders, and he visibly relaxes. Everything was normal again, and whatever that was bothering you had seemingly disappeared.
“Already did.”
Lips stretching into a full-blown grin and eyes crinkling into the crescents you were so fond of, he flips his phone to shove his lock screen into your face; a blurry photo of you open-mouthed and drooling into his shoulder as he laughs his head off, bliss apparent even through the pixels.
“Oh no! The pizza’s burning!” You chuck out in an attempt to advert his attention away from you while you scramble to wrangle his phone out of his grasp; an attempt that was largely successful.
Frantically typing in the digits of his passcode (not difficult, it was your birthday), you were just about to delete all 30 of your unglamorous pictures from his photo gallery, but Park Jimin had annoyingly fast reflexes and had tackled you to the ground in the blink of an eye.
The phone clatters to your side, forgotten, as Jimin uses your surprise to his advantage and starts tickling you, of all things. And if you had a weak spot, it was tickling.
Your giggles resonates all around the apartment, joy practically bouncing off the walls. By this point, Jimin’s plump lips were dangerously close to yours, and who would you be if you didn’t grab that golden opportunity?
Cocking your head to have your lips meet his in a swift kiss, you take a moment to relish in his astonishment before flipping him over to subject him to the dreaded tickles, knowing full well that it was his weakness as much as it was yours. He was positively howling with laughter, head thrown back and cheeks flushed pink. Of course, it would be such a shame if you didn’t snap a photo of that. So you did, clambering to get to the abandoned phone and taking a selfie with Jimin’s face pointed at an unflattering angle (except nothing is ever unflattering on him), setting it as his new lock screen before he could even protest.
“You’re the worst, Y/N,” He groaned from his sprawled out position on the floor, pouting, “I hate you.”
Your lips widened into a soft smile, glancing at his hands on your waist securing your position on top of his form because he was probably afraid you were going to fall and hurt yourself.
“I love you.”
It had been five months, but neither of you had dropped the ‘l’ word yet, both afraid that the other wouldn’t say it back, but you figured there wasn’t any time better to say it than the present; it just felt fitting to say it there and then, and Jimin apparently shared the same sentiment.
“I love you too, Y/N.” He kept it simple as well, letting the words linger a second longer in the air before pressing a light kiss onto your forehead.
You snag a quick one on his forehead too, after which you pulled him to his feet, “Come on, you’re going to be late for practice.”
And Jimin was moving with urgent haste again, scuttling to gather his things at lightning speed. Soon enough, he was leaning against the doorframe, a slice of pizza dangling from his mouth (because breakfast had been neglected in lieu of wrestling) as he pulled his sneakers on, “Movies tonight at the dorm? The guys are going skating, those idiots. Only Namjoon-hyung actually knows how to skate, so I really don’t know how they’re going to survive.”
You shake your head apologetically, “Can we make it my place instead? I kind of want to sleep in tomorrow morning.”
“Mhm, okay,” He pulls you in for a kiss, “Anything’s fine as long as it’s with you.”
“Ew, cheesy.”
“You love it.” Tugging at your left cheek the way he knew you hated, he flashes you another award-winning smile before dashing down the corridor, vanishing from sight.
As soon as he was out of earshot, you let yourself crumple into the quietest of sobs as you got ready for work at an agonizing pace, wistfully hoping for time to slow itself and for this day to never end.
And work wasn’t any less mundane as it had been predicted to be; the hours still ticked by as you served strings of customers and poured endless cups of coffee, but the ineffable worry still stuck stubbornly to the back of your mind, even when you had tried to divert your focus elsewhere. With your irresponsible act five months back, the order the universe was supposed to adhere to had been thrown into disarray, and you fear that the last few months had only been you trying to prolong the inevitable.
Your brooding does nothing to make time pass slower, and soon the day was drawing to a close, and as per the dream, a couple customers were still around as closing time neared.
You send the text a tad bit earlier this time.
heyyy sorry, am held up at work so i’ll b a little late:–( let yourself in, k?
sent to jiMINIe, 9:34pm
Heart twisting at the dramatic selfie he sends in response, you get to cleaning quickly, knowing you had limited time to work with. Whirling around the shop to make sure everything was in order before you locked up and left, you end up hailing a cab; you didn’t want to be late.
Now huddled in the passenger seat, you alternate between catching glimpses at your phone and looking out the window.
Then the call comes, a little earlier than it should, and you pick up a little too excitedly, phone almost slipping out of your hands.
“Yes, Jimin? Couldn’t stand waiting for 20 more minutes to hear my voice?” Your voice was devoid of the teasing lilt this time, but God knows you tried to keep your voice from cracking.
“Damn, hit the nail right on the head,” His muffled voice was music to your ears, and you cradle the phone closer, thinking that it’ll somehow feel like he was right next to you.
“How was practice?”
“Same old same old, I don’t think I’m even improving,” And there is was again, his self-deprecating voice; the one that makes you long for him to see that he’s too good to be constantly belittling himself.
“Park Jimin, you’re fucking perfect and I love you to the moon and back, so please, please just don’t push yourself too hard,” You sigh into the voice, injecting as much warmth into your voice as was humanely possible.
“I get it, mom,” He teases, and pause, “I love you too, so hurry your ass here before my butt goes numb.”
“Okay, okay, I’m on my way.”
“See you in a little bit.”
“Love you.”
You hang up, the intense sorrow causing the lump in your throat to swell, and your fingers grip your phone tighter, knuckles growing white and strained.
The cab rolls into the parking lot, and the driver seems vaguely concerned about your state of anguish, but says nothing as you hand him the fare.
Legs moving all on their own, it takes you four minutes to make your way into the building, alight at the fourth floor, and arrive at the front door. The boys always kept a spare key underneath that dying potted plant next to the doorstep; today hadn’t been an exception. Your fingers soon made contact with the cool metal, and with an odd wave of halcyon, you let yourself in.
The dorm was expectedly empty, you noted with relief, crossing over the large piles of laundry to get to the only room, crammed full of bunk beds and the overpowering smell of air freshener.
Settling into Jimin’s lower bunk, you smile, the edges lined with bitterness and despondency.
The night you had formally met Jimin had been the beginning of the end, your fates had already been written in the stars aligning the night sky; stubbornly cast in stone, but you had simply turned a blind eye, losing yourself in your wishful thinking.
Would you had gone back to retract your actions? No, never, not in this lifetime and not in a million years.
But the universe was cruel that way; they couldn’t have that delicate balance being so easily tipped over by a mere pawn after all. What was meant to happen should have happened, and the lives that should have been lost shouldn’t have been reclaimed so carelessly. Life wasn’t a joke; it was fair. Nothing would come without a price, and often, that price has to be of equal value before a trade-off could be made. Essentially, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; those were the rules.
Your eyes land on the digital clock by the bed.
And everything falls back into its place as the universe resumes order, and all is right in the world again.
a/n:  because park jimin has been wrecking my (nonexistent) bias list, & what better way to celebrate than an angsty fic? also this was written before they released serendipity and i’m just super in awe at how well the lyrics fit?? thank you so much for reading^^ and please let me know what you think (i offer the usual, cookies and a virtual hug!)
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