#i lost my shit ngl when i saw them
nick--knack · 1 month
big sucker for necklaces that look like these
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piplupod · 4 months
re: prev post, just an anecdote of my family's bs
i remember when i was trying to have a conversation w my family, esp my brother, a while back (last year) about the prev post's topic, and ohhh my fucking god. it was one of the worst convos I've ever had with them. my brother was whining about how difficult it was to not be racist and to know what qualifies as racist and what's "okay to say" etc (along with ableism, but racism was the main point of that convo at that point), so I said he just needed to go searching out some musicians and podcasters and streamers of colour and you'd pretty quickly diversify your media intake and pick up good habits and good viewpoints just through that one simple action. it's like,,, really not that hard to find POC to subscribe to/follow if you do a simple look-around in your usual spaces u spend time in on the internet.
and he said, and I quote, "i'm going to be honest, i just don't care enough to do that" and yet he had just been whining about how hard it is to not be racist and how he was stressed because people kept telling him he was being racist,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, head in my hands !!!!!! he went on to explain just how little he actually cared and how it seemed like too much work to him even though he'd literally just been complaining to me for like 20 full minutes about how he was so stressed and didn't like people telling him he was racist.
like i know what he wanted to hear was "its okay if ur racist, im sure ur just doing ur best :)" but i'm not going to fucking say that to him. even if it would make me safer in this hell house, i am not going to fucking affirm anyone's comfort in being racist.
#this family drives me nuts. i lost all respect for my brother that day ngl#and he has gone on to be continually racist and brush off anything i've brought up in family conversations about racism#like that one youtuber that he and another brother love so much that is white and bastardizing an indigenous spirit for profit#he got so fucking mad when i said the words ''white saviourism'' fdsjjkl i saw smth in him just snap when i said that about the youtuber#and then he uses ''tribal savages'' in his DnD campaigns and i'm just....... so tired. having to listen to him excitedly explain his-#-new campaign that he came up with and he's yet again using the tribal savage horrific stereotypes#and if i say shit about that then i get yelled at by the rest of the family and made to feel like im oversensitive and crazy#anyways. wah wah poor me etc. im sure this is somewhat normal and nowhere near the difficulties other ppl face#i just rly hate trying to slooowly teach them and suggest the tiniest steps towards being less racist and they get so fucking angry at me#im still smarting over yesterday bc i had to hold my tongue through a lot of shit and i feel awful about it#i want to teach them so they aren't going thru the world hurting ppl but i have to weigh my safety against it#and tbh they are not receptive anyways so i'd just be throwing away my safety for no real progress w them#but i feel like i have to try idk !!!! if i don't try then nobody in this family has any real hope of improving !!!#god knows theyre not going to take the initiative themselves. thats been proven repeatedly over my goddamn lifetime#sigh. head in my hands. tearing my hair out. etc etc etc#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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flamestar126 · 10 months
Dentist/teeth venting lol
#turns out i have inflamed gums and the cleaning hurts like a bitch#the dentists are always so rough stabs and leaves me bleeding near the end#told the liquid to clean my mouth was gross then proceed to lift my chair without warning me i ended up swallowing some out of surprise#did x rays and they dig into my gums so bad i literally could taste blood during#“you need to floss more” i dont know how to care of braces! the first day of getting them you guys said ok and sent me off without any info#google doesnt tell you shit as a 17 y/o then questioning me using terms ive never heard of before im not a dentist im confused dumbass ;A;;#they dropped my wire theyre supposed to put back in my mouth and couldnt find it i saw it drop under the counter and struggled to pick it u#also struggled to put a new wire on and spent over 10 min trying to put back my rubber bands#i cant open my mouth bigger than that! my mouth is small im a tiny person please stop stabbing me with those sharp tools every 5 seconds#guess who just found that tiny lost broken wire in mouth as im writing this#when they cut my wire to fit in my mouth they lost them of both sides in my mouth and i could only found one until now#gave me mismatched color bands so i have black and red im not going to open my mouth until i go back loll#took 10 min to put my bands back and struggled so hard they were pacing back n forth and cursing shit motherfuck fuck damn instead 1 min#that part was amusing no matter how long it took them they kept asking if i was okay when i felt like i should be asking them that#my venting is out of order but the first dentist was so apologetic and kind joking with me and trying to calm down when I wasn't nervous#i couldn't stop smiling at their clumsiness but 2nd dentist was rough and wanted to speedrun me it hurt#ive been there for two hours i dont care if youre slow i just want it carefully#left there shaking and bleeding#not my worst experience ngl but doesnt make me feel less shitty#the place i go do not care about me for the almost past 2 years ive been there#my anger left im just being whiny now#flame vents#dentist
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UHM????? HELLO?????? holy shit wtf 👁️ 👄 👁️
enstars seems reeeaalll happy that im back lol
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Muzan x male reader
Warnings: Omegaverse, male reader, mpreg, gay, arguing, shit gets weird ngl
She's a long fic
Tengen set (name) behind him as the pillars drew their blades at the demon, the scent of pure rage falling off them in waves as Akaza smiled playfully before rushing at them.
(Name) saw the damage being done and made a run down the hall, not an easy task with a pregnant belly. The Omega realized how much of a maze this place was as the sound of crashing could be heard getting closer "nonono!" (Name) said shaking with fear for his pup, clenching his eyes closed as he hugged his belly, the sound of a woman laughing could be heard and it was almost in slow motion as black wisps covered his vision as a woman with white hair crashed through the wall fighting Shinobu, the pillar and (name) locking eyes before he blinked and was in...well he couldn't tell you where he was....well he didn't know where he was.
"H-how..." (Name) mumbled as he held his belly, looking down at his pup "did...did you do this?" (Name) was confused as he gently rubbed his belly, feeling a small foot kick back "thank you for protecting me my little dove" (name) said before standing and looking at his surroundings, he was in a field somewhere "might as well find shelter..." (Name) said wondering in a random direction, hard to see in the darkness.
He was thankful Muzan purchased him thicker materials, the night air slightly chilly against his skin "don't worry, I will keep you safe my darling" (name) said as he continued his journey.
"Where did he go?!" Tengen freaked out as the fight stopped for a second so all could process what the fuck just happened "where the fuck did you take him!" Tengen hissed out as he slashed at Akaza "we know as much as you do" the upper moon said causally "though our he won't be pleased with his mate and pup missing"
The realization amongst the demons dawned at the fact that they lost their Lords mate and Muzan was already well aware of the situation and like that the moons were gone.
"We have to find him before them" Tengen said coldly.
(Name) had been walking quite a distance before he came upon a shrine, old and abandoned but shelter none the less.
"Thank goodness your papa let me read those books, once I'm rested we can find food" (name) said as he sat at the tiny Engawa as the storm clouds rolled in, covering the dark sky "let's find some light..." He said worried.
Thankfully on the old shrine there were some candles and some match sticks "luck is on our side little one" he whispered as thunder rolled in "we got in just in time"
The storm raged on for hours, (name) humming his unborn pup a lullaby as he looked out the window, heart growing fond at the thought of his mate.
"I know this isn't the best but we will make it through this"
Muzan was ravenous with rage as he ripped apart the home he made for (name), the Alpha having moved the omega and pups belongings back to the infinity castle "when he returns he will never leave the castle" he hissed out all the lower moons bowing before him "find him, if he is harmed in any way you know what will happen"
It was a race between the slayer's and the moons, night and day for the Omega.
(Name) learned the shrine wasn't abandoned for too long, maybe a few months give or take, finding bedding and the like in a small closet "we really are lucky aren't we?"
(Name) constructed a small nest in the corner and removed his robes, revealing his shift that Muzan gifted him as apparently omegas wore these under clothes in the west.
The robes were large enough to suit as a makeshift blanket as he snuggled into the nest, the sound of rain soothing him as his pup moved slightly.
(Name) woke to the sound of cicadas as he opened the sliding doors to see the morning sun shine down on him, the rain completely gone.
Dressing himself the Omega stepped out and took a full look at his surroundings, what he thought was a shrine was actually an old farm "where there's a farm there's people" the Omega said softly while taking in his surroundings "I guess we're here for now..." (Name) said going back inside and taking a full look at his new temporary home "we should probably find people, we need food"
A month had passed, (name) using his survival knowledge Tengen taught him growing up and the Botany books Muzan let him read, finding roots and such and generally surviving.
He was outside sweeping the Engawa when a carriage with two women passed by and stopped while waving at him.
Curious (name) wandered to them "are you alright?" A woman asked curiously and (name) sighed "well you see... I have been stranded here" he explained and the two nodded "this farms been left behind by the former owners, the wife actually lives at our home..."
"Oh?" (Name) asked curiously "yes, you're welcome to come with us, we have a doctor in the village not to far from our home"
(Name) agreed to come with them, the women calling their home "eternal Paradise" where omegas and women go to find sanctuary under their ruler Doma.
Where had (name) heard that name before...?
The members of this place doted on (name), not a lot of people got pregnant here, having escaped abusive mates and the likes.
They spent their time bonding with the Omega, helping him get used to the space and finding darling baby clothes.
"I-I am actually trying to find my alpha... Or my brother, either is fine really" (name) said not wanting to admit he wants his alpha a little more, feeling a sense of betrayal at the thought of choosing between them.
"Maybe our Lord may know!" One of the omegas said happily as he cuddled (name), the Omega having spent a few weeks with them and though they were kind to him, he needed to get out of here.
"Of course, he's all knowing!"
(Name) was brought by the members of the 'eternal paradise' to their leader, a man with white blond hair and eyes (name) had never seen before "my... Hello little Omega, are you alright?" The man's voice was almost clipped, staged and calm.
"Hello lord Doma... I'm sorry to bother you like this" (name) said softly and doma smiled at the shy Omega "leave us" he said to the cult members who bowed and left the two alone "come here Omega..."
"You been through so much..." Doma said sweetly as (name) sat before him "why do you come to see me?"
"I-im looking for someone... Or someone's to be specific"
"I see... You must have travelled far"
"A bit, you see my brother doesn't approve of my relationship with my alpha and tried to take me back but I just wish they could talk a-and maybe work things out"
"They seem to really hate one another..." Doma said softly as the Omega nodded "they do, I-I just wish they could get along for the pups..."
"Well little one, you're welcome to stay in eternal Paradise for as long as you may need" Doma said softly, the demon letting (name) ramble and talk before the pups decided they wanted to have the attention "oh! Sorry... They have strong kicks" he said softly and doma looked curious "may I?" He asked and (name) let him gently place his palm on the others belly, feeling the movement.
"I'm having twins, my alpha is very excited" (name) said "oh! How rude of me, I spoke so much about myself but I haven't asked you about your day"
This actually threw Doma off for a second, people only come to him for guidance as they believed he could speak to the gods "My day was wonderful thank you" Doma said though today had been quite boring, hearing peoples woes and such.
But it was nice being able to talk about himself "I'm glad you had a good day! It must be hard running all this"
Doma didn't know why he let the Omega come see him every day, the two talking for hours.
Muzan failed tell Doma who his Omega was, the Alpha seeing as Doma never left the cult he wouldn't need to do so.
(Name) stayed for the remainder of his pregnancy, helping as he waited for the Alpha Doma wasn't looking for, the demon having grown attached to (name) who never asked from him anything but his company, the Omega clearly didn't understand what this place was or exactly what power Doma had but the Demon didn't mind.
"Oh... Oh no" (name) mumbled as liquid leaked down "no...! Alpha isn't here... He needs to be here..." (Name) sobbed out as the members tried consoling him, bringing him to Doma "I-I need alpha...! I need Muzan!"
The room halted at the name the Omega cried out, as Doma came to check on the issue "you're... That (name)?"
Another contraction rolled through as Doma began blasting his thoughts for his lord to hear "where is he?" Muzans voice spoke clearly before seeing his Omega get soothed by the omegas.
"You where here...?" Muzan felt like an idiot, not bothering to check with Doma because well as mentioned before, why would he?
He liked to keep out of the blonds head as much as possible.
The room cleared out of the members as Doma watched the two interact, he didn't know what he considered (name), the psychopath was attached to him but was quite pleased to know that they were mates with his lord.
That meant he could see him more.
"Shhh, dont fret Omega" Muzan said softly and like that Doma alone, the sound of a biwa heard.
He missed the peppy Omega already.
(Name) was clinging to Muzan as the Alpha tried soothing him, poor (name)s emotions spilling out fully as he tried to remain strong and calm but....
He missed his alpha so much.
Another contraction rolled through and (name) shook in agony "m-my brother..." He sobbed out "I-I want..."
Muzan kept trying soothing his poor omega "p-please... I need to see him..."
Muzan could feel the anguish from the bond and sighed summoning kokushibo and giving very clear instructions on what to do next.
It wasn't tengen who found the note in the night, attached to an arrow imbedded into a wall of the slayer's headquarters but instead Tanjiro who curiously brought it to Tengen as it was addressed to him.
'Tengen Uzui
Remember what killing me will do to your brother and the pups before reading the rest of this'
A thinly veiled threat Tengen noted as he continued.
'your brother and my mate is in labor though he demands your presence, bring whomever you desire but remember.
This isn't a battle.
Remember what this will do to (name)'
An address was added to the bottom, the Hashira shaking in rage but had to consider his brother.
It was a threat yes but... He needed to see his brother and the pups.
The address wasn't far, the slayer's managing to get there within half an hour as the moon hung high, the slayer's able to see the moons on guard both upper and lower "our Lord is with his mate, only the brother is allowed to enter" kokushibo said simply, eyes staring down the slayer's who were equally on guard, tengen walking forward "what is this is a trap?"
"He wouldn't risk killing his mates brother" tengen knew Muzan wasn't that reckless, the affects of that could put (name) into a drop or even a sleep especially seeing as the two siblings are incredibly close.
Tengen was let into the small home where (name)s scream could be heard, the Hashira rushing to see his brother being consoled by Muzan "hold his hand, he desires your comfort"
Tengen couldn't believe he was taking orders from a demon but when (name) reached out to him so teary eyed the Alpha instantly was at his brothers side as he gripped his hand almost painfully "darling I'm going to need you to push now" Muzan said and (name) shook his head "c-cant!"
"Yes you can... Come on darling, don't you want to see our pups?"
(Name) was sobbing as he tried pushing, letting out a painful groan as tengen supported his brother, whispering encouragement to the Omega "Fuck!" (Name) hissed out and that was the first time either alpha had heard him swear but not the time.
The slayer's and moons dead stared each other as Zenitsu tried not to make eye contact with them and Doma waved at Shinobu flirty to the woman's disgust "so.... Who thinks the pups will be human or demon?" Zenitsu asked finally and everyone stared at him with a look "they will obviously be human/demon!" And that created a debate as the poor Omega after four hours have birth to the pups, Muzan cleaning the pups before handing them to the Omega who looked at the two alphas "look pups, it's your uncle and papa..." (Name) was a mess but deliriously happy as the pups made little noises as the Omega scented them "thank you...both for not fighting" (name) said "I-I know this was..." (Name) was teary eyed as he clutched the pups "thank you..."
"Of course"
"Anything for you"
(Name) let the alphas hold the pups and watched Tengen make silly faces to the youngest pup, Muzan wrapping the pup so the folds moved to the left opposed the the right like the eldest.
Muzan was quiet with his pup, the two obviously bonding as the babe grabbed his finger with his tiny hand, the Alpha unblinking as he gently scented the pup.
The two alphas didn't want to admit it but they both had a deeper connection now that the pups were born.
Tengen knew he couldn't make his brother a widow and leave the little ones without a father and Muzan was well aware of the betrayal it would be to (name) to kill his brother.
It would be unforgivable.
"I... I don't want to be seperated from either of you" (name) said softly, playing with his fingers as the two alphas looked at him "please don't make me chose..."
(Name) never voiced his feelings on this but it was damaging that he was seperated from his loved ones because they hated each other.
He knew he was asking the impossible but he just wanted his family to get along.
"He eats people (name)..." Tengen tried reasoning with his poor brother who looked so heartbroken "I-I just want... I just want you guys to get along" and began sobbing, his distressed pharamones making the pups cry, the alphas now trying to soothe a crying Omega and two new borns, both looking alarmed though tengen was more openly worried "give me my pups!" (Name) hissed and the alphas complied "I-I just want my pups to have their family!"
Logically (name) knew why it wouldn't work but he just gave birth to two pups and his Omega was on high alert.
"(N-name)--""no! Out! Both of you!"
The two alphas were stunned but weren't given room to argue as the Omega growled at them.
And that's how tengen and Muzan were standing outside the small home wide eyed and kind of shocked.
"I- what...?"
"I wasn't aware my omega could react like that"
"Hes a Shinobi, he's capable of anything"
"...what happened?" Rengoku asked confused and Tengen didn't even process he was around demons "he kicked us out?" Tengen said still shocked.
"What did you two do?" Shinobu asked with a raised eyebrow and Muzan glared at her slightly "we didn't do a thing..."
"We refused to comply with what he wanted" tengen said "and what did he want?"
"For us to get along"
The moons and slayer's all looked at each other almost disbelieving "they literally eat humans"
"That's what I said!"
"Well unless you guys want (name) to let you anywhere near him or the pups, we can't fight" Tanjiro said simply and the two alphas realized he was correct, that would just make situations worse.
None of them knew how to proceed, a temporary truce being formed until they could settle on how to handle this.
(Name) was seething with rage as he flicked between consious and feral as his pups fed, the Omega kissing their tiny heads as he kept them close.
When the pups fell asleep, the Omega tucked them safely into the nest, body in pain from giving birth but he needed to keep his pups safe.
Crawling to the door he cracked it open to make eye contact with a six eyed demon and waved him over, completely ignoring his alpha and brother.
Kokushibo listened to his Lord's mate as he was held to equal importance by the moons, (name) whispering into his ear "could you tell Shinobu and Tanjiro to come here..." He asked softly, voice hoarse from screaming for four hours.
The demon nodded to the Omega who thanked him quietly before closing the door and returning to the pups.
The moons knew better than to not listen to (name) if they didn't want to face Muzans wrath.
The two slayer's went into the house where (name) doted over his babes "Shinobu... I want you to be the god mother...." (Name) said softly, not looking at them "I know if god forbid anything happens you will make sure they are loved and valued"
"I understand (name)" the Omega said watching the other "Tanjiro.... I have a request of you, I know it's a lot to ask but could you please get me supplies for the pups, I know you know what a pup needs and... Would you be willing to stay with me? Nezuko can stay as well but.. this is my first time really around children.."
"I-I would be honored!" Tanjiro said and bowed to the Omega "thank you...." (Name) said ushering them close "this is (child A) and this is (child B)" he introduced and Shinobu gently traced (child A)s cheek "they're beautiful..." She said softly "absolutely stunning" Tanjiro said genuinely as he smiled at the pups.
"I'm not leaving my pups with slayers" Muzan seethed as Shinobu explained the situation, and Shinobu wasnt having any of this shit.
She wasn't very happy her dear friend was mates with the king of jackasses but there wasn't much to be done!
"Well until (name) decides he wants to even look at any either of you, we will work in rotations on who watches him"
"And why should we listen to you?!" Daki hissed out, not wanting to take orders from a human "because I'm those pups god mother and what I say goes currently" Shinobu said with a smile.
Everyone could agree this was the weirdest and most uncomfortable time for everyone involved and no one was happy "where's Tanjiro?" Tengen asked confused and Shinobu just wanted to go home at this point "(name) chose him to essentially be a midwife of sorts to help him with the pup"
Muzan was furious at this, ready to rip the door open and bring his mate to the castle and force him to forgive him but it wasn that easy.
It never was.
So begrudgingly they worked out a crude schedule.
The forest was dense enough to keep out sunlight so it was one Slayer and one demon per shift.
Each shift being twelve hours.
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chattemagique · 4 months
yandere! AllMight headcannons + chapter 1 (?)
tw: self-harm, kidnapping, use of curse word (fuck), stalking, obsessive behavior, mentions of daddy issues, indirect mentons of suicide, reader has mental issues fem!bodied reader, mentions of sex
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- Basically his associations with his first crush and you influenced his main delusions. Also that you wanted to become a superhero, which is so altruistic, just as she was and he was. You were totally made for him. And even in this difficult situation he was there as your savior to guide you towards the right path.
-yan! All might doesn't see you as a villain
-rather as lost young woman or rather babygirl (im sorry for the old ass joke, this actually stayed in my drafts for almost a year)
-delusional yes -his roles in reader's life borders between someone similar to a father figure and a lover, leaning more towards the lover side -would play a therapist with you -could give you the whole world if only you stayed with him and listened to him, stop committing crime and maybe found yourself some hobby or activity that you like
-he would try to be your therapist, would do a little research on mental health and self-harm as he's busy with work/or ask the therapists that worked in the same company as him
Just imagine sitting in his lap while crying in his chest. His hand slowly caressing your back while whispering sweet, comforting words in your ear that it's going to be alright, that he's going to help you get through this.
-ngl I feel like (y/n) would be the first one to initiate sex despite All might being delusional he wouldn't force himself onto you he's just not built this way (kidnapping doesn't count tho ) besides he did that to save you from prison
-It'd be after some time, when he's tried talking to you, feed you with your favorite food and many other interesting, cute desserts that he'd usually bring Midoriya, walking with you in the garden (in the house that he'd brought you in) out of desperation you just kinda started to open up to him, bc there was nowhere else to go.
-he's actually completely fine with you disappearing and not appearing in public anymore, if you don't wanna be a hero
-if you do, then he will "wipe out" any information about this robbing case which has your name, using his connections or/and suggest you to change your name 
There used to be a time, when you wanted to become a hero. Not anymore tho. You're even started to doubt whether this wish was yours and not somebody else's.. Were you yourself or just wearing a mask, pretending to be a good person, when in reality just a hypocrite.
The bank's visitors and employees all had their faces planted on the floor while your partner in crime used his quirk to emit temporarily paralyzing smoke to watch them.  You took money from safe deposit boxes.  Someone's money lol.
You didn't expect that he would be here. You were hoping that some average hero would arrive here, when you had already stolen some amount and slipped away together with your partner in crime.
Having barely fastened your bag, you headed to the back exit, which led into narrow alleys.  Hearing how your partner was arrested, deciding that all the attention would be on him, you ran as far as possible, weaving through the streets.  Finally seeing the descent into the subway. Since it was night, there was no one in particular and you headed as far as possible.
"Damn, I thought, that I might have to use you, " you caressed the gun through your jacket. It had two bullets, in case if this ain't going to end well and you wouldn't want to suffer in prison. It was that bad and hopeless.
The thing is he still remembers you from the first time he met you 2 years ago, when you were leaving your job at night. He saved you from the robber with a gun.
You reminded him of his first crush, your face, your body, your hair, smell, voice, your beauty, everything. And your potential that he saw in you, when you still wanted to become a superhero.
From that time he watches you all the time.. At first he thought that it wasn't normal, but he just couldn't help himself to keep watching you. Especially when he saw the scars on your wrist.
So the days went on and on and you totally forgot about this accident and couldn't even imagine that someone like nr.1 hero was stalking you.
Obviously, he was very disappointed when he found out about your robbing plans. And he never really liked your villain friend. How could somebody like you even be friends with him?! But that was also a part of your charm, since you tried not to judge people by their cover. So why were you then so judgemental about yourself?
A sudden looming figure was approaching you from the other side of the tunnel. You tried to change the directions, but it was following you. You're at a dead end now. Either you're going to the police, either to them now. Well, you decided to test your chances and meet them.
"okay" you thought, "imma just act as if I'm lost and looking for a way out towards the forest."
You saw some tall middle aged man and decided to just walk past him, as if you're looking for another exit.
You stopped.
"You're on a wrong path."
"Sorry?" you were confused. Who the fuck was he?
You turned your head. Your eyes met.
No. There's no way it's him.
He transformed into his full form and the tunnel room seemed so small in a second.
You didn't realize how you released the bag from your hand and were going to try to run through walls. Your quirk wasn't that advanced, but you could walk through walls. Only it was already too late as you approached the closest wall and felt your heavy eyelids closing.
You woke up in bedroom. Similar to the one you had at your home. You even thought that It was the one and that this whole non-sense from yesterday was just a dream. But it wasn't. Soon you noticed the difference from your usual room.
Your left leg felt heavier than usual. There was a black anklet that you couldn't remove. The room lacked some decor and also the drawers and wardrobe had other clothes you've never had. After inspecting the room, you decided to see what else could be hidden here. There was a big, dark brown woody closet with mirror. You opened it. Suddenly you noticed that the back of the closet was covered with pictures of you. Pictures of you being outside and inside of your room through window.. Scary shit. What the actual fuck.
You just remembered that it was All Might who you've met yesterday in the tunnel. The shocking memory made you fall back and hit the side of the bed.
Suddenly the door knob started moving and he walked in.
"(y/n), are you okay?"
You were probably delusional. You were surely delusional. This situation wasn't even serious. It couldn't. You were sleeping. Sleeping for sure.
If only.
"W-what do y-you want from m-me?" your voice was trembling.
"I want you to feel and become better.. with me." Nr.1 said surely.
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swallowtail-lotus · 7 months
Potential Opponent {Thor x Goddess!Reader}
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A repost from my old blog!
Still kinda in love with Thor ngl (I keep putting down thot instead of Thor, my fat fucking fingers-)
In the middle of a humungous field full of flowers, sat a beautiful woman, who was admiring the butterfly resting on her finger with an gentle smile on her face. She watched its wings move slowly, giving her time to take in the pretty pattern it has.
The silence that filled the air around her was comforting to her, as it represents how she's feeling right now. At peace.
"To think my home used to be this breathtaking..." You muttered, your smile slowly fading from your face. With your superhuman hearing, you heard the sounds of footsteps rushing towards you.
"Lady (Y/n)! The Lord would like to speak with you!" A female servant exclaimed, stopping beside your sitting figure. The butterfly has fled from the two of you as soon as the servant had stepped too close.
"Which Lord? Because if it's about those marriages, I'll keep refusing." You hissed with disgust, rolling your eyes at the mental images of the Lord's sons trying (and failing horribly) at courting you.
Reason is that you always challenge them to 1v1 matches, and so far, you haven't lost a single one.
"Lord Zihao wants you to-"
"Tell them I refuse and that I'm busy." You interrupted your servant, your eyes moving to glance at her. The female servant gulped at your stern side glance and nodded vigorously, taking off from you. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration.
"These bastards clearly can't read the message." You grumbled, standing up from your spot and twirled around once, teleporting to a rather dark castle. You looked around, not finding anything familiar with the place.
"Shit, must've thought of the wrong thing."
You cursed yourself. As you were trying to make out anything, you felt a strong gust of wind hit your back. You quickly moved away, dodging whoever was trying to attack you.
"What the- Thor?!" You questioned, your gaze meeting his yellow eyes. Said God moved his hammer away from you when he heard your voice. You tried to see his face, but to no avail.
There was a deafening silence between the two of you. Without thinking, you grabbed his hand and pulled him to some light, relieved to see your love.
"So good to see you again!" You spoke up, trying to fill the silence. Thor look down at you, finally realising you and his face soften.
"Good to see you too, my love." He finally greeted you, a small smile on his face. His hands cupped your face and took his time to take in your features. He leaned down and kissed you softly. The gods didn't know who you were at all. All they knew was that you are a deity, just like them and Thor's love.
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They recently noticed the two small blades attached to your hips, some wondering why you have them. This was confusing them a lot because you spent so much time admiring the flowers and playing with small animals. They think there was no need to keep whatever were attached to you when you have the strongest Norse God by your side.
If only they knew...
Twirling a single flower in your fingers, you smiled fondly at it. It was like your normal day, going to the gardens and admire the plants everywhere. You always loved nature, so you were given a garden as a gift.
Deciding you had enough time in the gardens, you placed the flower in your hair, walking out and in the hallways of the castle.
Stopping in your tracks, you reached for your blade on the left side. You felt something touch your shoulder, and out of instinct, you swung your right arm at the person, sending them flying. You sworn you felt your soul leave your body when you saw who you hit.
"I'm sorry, Thor! I tend to hit whoever startles me!" You exclaimed frantically, rushing over to your love. The God picked himself up with no problem, but his face was something of shock.
You noticed his lips curl up in a smirk, you know, that one and his eyes glowing bright.
Maybe you shouldn't have hit him...
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youremyheaven · 2 months
I had some perspective altering sex with this Bharani Sun & Mercury man. He's been obsessed with me for over a year (idk what it is but men who want me, pursue me for years 😳) and he calls himself my "admirer" and he's just madly blindly completely taken by me, I'd never casually say that about anyone but for a year and a half, this guy has been there for me in a way nobody ever has 😭😭and he's never even met me. He came to my city today morning from ANOTHER STATE just to see me 😭😭😭😭and we had a great time just hanging out and stuff but then we went back to his hotel room and he was just being casual and just talking to me and stuff but then the vibe changed and I started to kiss him 😳and then he stopped me and hugged me and said "I don't deserve to have sex with a woman like you. Please never forget your worth. You're so precious, very very few people deserve to see you naked" 😭😭😭😭😭 I felt so ???? like he's 34 and he's very protective of me in a big brotherly way and he's just always seen me in such a positive light??? and i felt kinda embarrassed 🤡and he literally just lay there hugging me and told me how I'll go very far in life and how I have a bright future ahead of me and how he feels blessed to even get to hold me like this 😭😭😭 but then the vibe changed and he went down on me, and kissed every square inch of my skin and ate my 🍑and idk if this is a Bharani guy thing but both arm guy and this guy (who I'll call bald guy because he's a skinhead) just stare at me lying down or lying on top of me and don't do anything 😭😭😭 Venusian men are kinda awkward at making love I feel like??? Both of them treat me like I'm too precious to be fucked which I really like kinda tbh but sometimes you just want someone to fck you like a ragdoll if ykwim 😭😭😭😭 and both of them say the same exact thing "I just want to take it all in" like ok king but I want to take it all in too 😭😭INSIDE ME THO 😭😭 and I'm literally begging him to fck me and he says he can't 🤡🤡🤡 and I was like huh 😳 and he said he cannot bring himself to fuck me 😭😭 I WOULD'VE SCREAMED, like I'm horny out of my mind 😭and idk if y'all know what it's like to be edged BUT THAT SHIT IS PAINFUL 😖😫 and I gave up and we're just cuddling and talking about stuff and he says "I love you, if you ever need anything I'm here for you, I've loved you for a year and a half now and I've always dreamt of saying it to you and now I get to, so here, I love you" 😭😭😭😳🤡 and so many of his habits in bed reminded me of arm guy ngl 😭🤡 down to some of the things they said to me and the moment they said it etc 🤡🤡🤡 it's the Bharani effect I think 😳😳😳and by that point I lost all hope but then he started touching me again and finally he lost all self control and he was like fck it and FINALLY put it in 😌😌 and when i tell you, i saw stars 😩😩 but he lost his hardness and couldn't finish and said he wasn't feeling confident and I told him it's okay because I didn't even care about cumming at that point, I just wanted to be pounded into 😭😭😭 and then we finally left 😭he dropped me home in a rickshaw (he didn't have to come but he still did 🥺) and he spent hella money today just paying for everything 🫶 and in the rickshaw he told me "if anybody asks you who I am, tell them I'm your sugar daddy" 😭😭🤡 he was just joking obviously but it kinda felt like it 😳😤😳
But it was so emotional and so healing in some ways and just the way he handled my body like I was made of crystal or something 😭 really 🤌🤌rewired my brain I feel like 😭😭😭
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jedi-enthusiast · 8 months
Ok so, I need to infodump all of my shit about Alastor first bc he's my favorite and I AM FROTHING AT THE MOUTH CURRENTLY!!! BASHING MY HEAD AGAINST A WALL!!! EATING GLASS!!!
Firstly, I kinda figured that Alastor wasn't gonna beat Adam because-
1. it wouldn't make sense for the plot for Alastor to beat him since Adam has been set up more as an antagonist for Charlie, if Alastor beat Adam then it wouldn't be satisfying story-wise
and 2. because Alastor certainly isn't as powerful as Adam and, while I do think that Adam could be beaten by someone weaker than him via outsmarting him, obviously it wouldn't be Alastor because of the above reasons + Alastor is arrogant as fuck and I think he underestimated Adam a lot, which is part of the reason he lost
That being said, I think Alastor did pretty well all things considered and I loved the fight scene anyway just because of how much shit he was talking to Adam---it was fucking hilarious! It scared the shit out of me when Adam injured him, though, ngl 😭
The theory demons in my head are losing their shit because of Alastor's final song bit + Husk's comment about Alastor "being on a leash" because WHAT IF WHAT IF WHAT IF-
From what Alastor says in his part, it seems to imply that his power is constrained because of his deal AND he outright says he's looking for a backdoor to the deal and HOLY FUCKING SHIT IM EATING GLASS-
*cough cough* ok, but enough about Alastor for now and now onto the rest of it all-
It was so fucking sweet!!!
Also I love Lucifer so much, the way he was sassing Adam about the fact that he took both his wives 💀Adam really fumbled the bad twice smh
Speaking of which, I love that Nifty was the one to kill Adam---can you imagine how pissed he'd be about that? He's not even killed by anyone powerful, he's killed by the fucking housemaid who has a bad boy kink 💀🤣
Anyways, I'm done now.
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cocogum · 7 months
My honest reactions of episodes 5 and 6 (part 1)
We obviously start with the ✨sadidas✨ Armand and Amalia (as we should 💕) coming back from the assembly meeting with the Eliatrope goddess.
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Okay so were starting off pretty strong lol
I LOVE how Armand thinks about the Eliatrope goddess cuz yeah we were pretty much thinking the same thing (about how she’ll pretty much stalk them and will put her children in their world) and I just absolutely LOVE how he’s keeping his guard because of her and has become even more doubtful of Yugo. (Just look at his eyes as he stares at Amalia!!)
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Because yeah, even though he wasn’t as wary of Yugo before, some hints were still shown in the OVAs when he called him “a king without his people is unheard of” but Yugo shrugged his comment off.
BUT NOW WE GET TO SEE MORE OF ARMAND SLANDERING YUGO and basically exposing Amalia acting “not rational” when she talks about Yugo.
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Armand, my man, your sister’s clearly in love with Yugo OF COURSE SHE WOULDN’T BE RATIONAL WITH HIM (you should’ve seen how she kissed Oropo tho you would’ve lost your shit lo)
I just ADORE Az and his family playing on their tree Tofu tower they look so adorable ☺️✨💖 I already made a headcanon that Yugo and Alibert built it (while Chibi and Grougal just watched).
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Look at these two not doing anything and just being lazy bums 😭😭🥰💕💕
Also I need a gif of Yugo and Alibert hugging with Az and his kids in the background asap ✨
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But all cuteness aside, in all my years of being a Wakfu fan, I literally never saw Yugo make that face before. Like it was so uncalled for that my heart literally dropped when I saw him like that. I never thought that the face of terror and shock (combined with the booming sound in the background) could go so well on him and now I wanna see it more!! I HOPE YOU TORTURE HIM ANKAMA!!
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Btw the Eliatrope goddess is such a fraud and can’t think for herself even though she said she wants to rule a freaking planet but okay (u fucked up the first time by default when ur kids had one planet for themselves but ur already messing up ur second time cuz ur running away from ur problems when U AND NORA WERE THE REASON WHY THE NECROMES GOT OUT ARE U KIDDING ME- YOU DIDN’T CHECK?!!!???!)
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Armand’s really trying hard not to say something racist right now.
Dude can’t even look him in the eyes while saying hi lol
Also can we talk about what Armand told Yugo??? :
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No because im legitimately scared that something bad will happen to her, why else would Armand say these kinds of things to YUGO of all people????
I swear I will actually cry if this ended up being foreshadowing cuz honestly wtf…why did Amalia ever do to you people….My fear for Amalia was already there even before Season 4 so why do you gotta make my paranoia resurface like that??? Why do u gotta do me like that???? 😭😭😭
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This is the guy who started a genocide against his own people and has more common sense than the GODDESS right in front of him. I get that she’s traumatized cuz of what happened to her but you gotta realize that they’ll always run after you if you just keep running, so the least you can do is throw your kids to fight for you. I just love how the only reason why Qilby is saying any of this is because for once, he’s not the one in control of the fate of the world and can’t redirect the signal or stop it himself lol
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hanadulsetaad · 5 months
"In the Warmth of Trust: A Promise Recalled" part 2
BANG CHAN X READER x stray kids
(part 1)
( i feel the ending is very cringe but this only came in my mind)
(also bang chan is an angel, this is just fictional)
When Chan broke up with you and you stopped eating or going out, your dream of mastering your studies turned to shit and you scored the lowest grade in your class. All you did was text Bang Chan and cry for him until he blocked you. When the results of your first semester came, you were broken. You couldn't believe that you let Chan's situation waste six months of your life and take away half of your dream college experience. You went to your grade professor and explained the whole situation. Luckily, your college had two batches a year: the December winter batch and the summer batch in June. Your professor asked you to reappear in the December batch, which was ideal. That winter batch changed your life. It's been seven years since Chan's situation. You just turned 30 and were actually preparing for the reunion of your undergraduate batch in Korea with Changbin. You and Changbin both became college professors: he was in the music department and you were a law professor.
Fast forward to the reunion. You met all of your friends, but then you heard Changbin yell, "OMG!" and you turned to see Bang Chan and Felix. You felt no emotions; you were just happy to see they were okay and doing well in life. Changbin dragged you to see your old group, and you instantly got deja vu when everyone in the group blocked you, including Changbin. When you saw Bang Chan and Felix, Felix looked at you in an apologetic way. He pushed Bang Chan and hugged you, saying, "I am sorry for everything. I didn't know you didn't dump Chan; it was Chan who dumped you." You just smiled at Lix and said, "What happened was in the past, let it go."
Before you could reply to Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin, and all of them started beating up Bang Chan and Felix. Both Chan and Felix left Korea and went back to Australia five months after you left Japan. They started their own company in Australia, and since they got busy, they lost touch with the whole group. All of you sat, and Felix asked you, "Y/N, you are the only one whose life is a mystery." All of them looked at you, and you said, "Really?"
Felix asked, "What happened after all that drama? I don't even know how you and the guys became friends again. I mean, when Changbin hyung called me to come for this meet up, he also mentioned how Bang Chan was the one who left you. NGL, I stopped talking to him for two months, but at the end, I had to talk since he was my partner." You smiled, "It's okay, Felix." Chan and Felix looked at you and asked, "So what were you up to in these years? You don't even have social media; you look different."
Y/N said, "Are you saying I got fat, Christopher Bang?" Changbin quickly said, "Hey, it's happy post-baby weight gain," and Bang Chan and Felix were shocked. Chan's disappointment was showing on his face with regrets. Felix got more excited and asked you about your life. You replied, "Well, when my college ended, I had to come back to Korea. After coming back, I was a guest lecturer and preparing for the assistant professor exams. While preparing, I suddenly bumped into Changbin, and he gave me the dirtiest look ever. I ignored him, and he made a comment, 'Look, cheater is back.' I was angry; I turned and hit him with my book and yelled at him, 'Me, cheater? Really, Changbin? Your friend was the one who broke up with me and at the same week got together with Sana, and I am a cheater?' That's when Changbin, Hyunjin, and I.N. all came to me and apologized. I never wanted to be friends with them again because they believed Chan, but everyone deserves a second chance, right?"
Felix said, "Hey, hey, you didn't tell us about your baby and your partner?" Y/N laughed, "Well, I met my 'husband' (the word 'husband' made Bang Chan's eyes more regretful) in Japan itself. I was roaming in the market street and spotted a familiar face. We both looked at each other, and you know, it was only six months after the breakup from Chan, and I got news that I had to repeat a semester. I was emotional, so I just looked at him and started crying." Felix interrupted, "Wait, wait, wait, so you knew him?" Y/N replied, "Yep, he was from our batch. He just stood there and comforted me."
Y/N: Well, after the meeting, I asked him not to talk to the gang about this since I wanted to talk to everyone directly. And since I was starting a new college, I didn't want people from the past to be back again. My husband and I talked to each other via FaceTime every day. He came to Japan for my graduation and asked me on a date.
Felix: Aww.
Y/N: But I said no. Haha, I actually didn't want to be in a relationship. I had zero trust. So, he waited for my answer for one year, and one day when I saw him taking care of me, I confessed to him. Since then, we are stronger than ever. We got married two years ago, and we just had a baby girl. My husband was the reason I improved my grades in college, and I believed in love again. He was my strength and pillar during my worst times. I thought I would never believe in happiness again.
Bang Chan was shattered. He couldn't even look at you in the eye because he realized you lost your friends and had to repeat a semester because of him, just because he wanted to fool around with Sana for a few weeks.
Felix asked Y/N, "Hey, show us a picture of your baby." Y/N showed him the picture, and he said, "OMG, she is so cute! She looks like a bunny." Lee Know yelled from the back, "Of course, she is cute; she is my daughter." Everyone looked back at Lee Know, who was holding your daughter, who was wearing a bear suit. Felix ran to Lee Know, and Lee Know thought felix was giving him a hug , but Felix just snatched your daughter from him and started taking selfies with her. While everyone was laughing, Chan went to Lee Know and said, "Thanks for taking care of Y/N." Lee Know said with a cold look, "You don't have to thank me." He made his way to the gang who were literally fighting each other to hold your and Lee Know's daughter. Bang Chan just stood there, watching you, Lee Know, and your daughter being the perfect family with your friends, and he found himself alone.
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rems-writing · 2 months
To ensure your right-hand man's comfort
Pairing: gangster!Yunho × right-hand!reader
Summary: We really just need more mafia/gangster Yunho fics ngl. Also, this is not good at all so I'm sorry :(
Warning(s): mentions of guns, violence, gore, knives being thrown, gn!reader, soft!Yunho
Genre: Fluff with sprinkles of angst and crack to balance out the bloody scenario of this fic
Nets: @blossomnet @mirohs-aurora-society
I'm tagging @frenchkisstheabyss since she's a new moot of mine and I love her work
You and Yunho were laughing your asses off in victory as you drove away from the arson and bloodshed that you guys laid upon the location where your mission took place.
Well... Yunho was. You were sitting in the driver's seat, anxiously getting back home.
Your knuckles were white due to the tight grip you had on the steering wheel. Your anxiety grew even more when Yunho carelessly threw random bills out from the black duffle bag he kept in his bloodied grasp. Once you arrived home, both of you exited the car and made your way to the front of the large mansion he holes himself up in.
"Come on! Don't dilly dally! We should celebrate while the night is young!"
"You can do that. I'll be in my room."
Yunho's smile faltered and he sighed deeply before nodding firmly and watching you go up the stairs to your room.
He should've listened to his friend about tagging you along.
You've been Yunho's right-hand man for three years. You have been the backbone of his small yet dangerous gang and the reason why he smiles every day. Despite the grim setting you were working in, you never complained once. So he wondered why tonight was different.
You never necessarily complained per say. You've practically been desensitized to everything that goes on in the gang. From gun polishing to beating up suspects in order to get answers.
Let's not forget about all the times where Yunho got so angry that he would randomly throw knives at anything. It would range from vases to even the windows of the many cars he owned.
All of that you could easily brush past.
But when he personally asked you to be the getaway driver for tonight's mission, you immediately wanted to say no. You didn't hate driving.
You hated the anxiety that came with it.
Being a getaway driver was serious shit and you felt you weren't confident enough to pull this job off.
Yunho never knew that though. Why? It was simple.
You were afraid of Yunho getting angry with you.
As Yunho scrubbed the dried blood off his hands under hot water, he thought back to his conversation with his best friend Mingi.
"I don't know, man. Y/N is tough, but there have been times where they aren't so confident." Mingi said to Yunho.
"Oh come on! Have more faith in them!" Yunho exclaimed, seemingly baffled by Mingi's concern.
"I do! It's just... you don't really know what goes on inside their head. You just drop commands and they blindly follow."
"So?! What's wrong with that?"
"Have you ever considered that maybe they're comfortable doing everything else except that?"
"If they were uncomfortable with it, they should've told me!"
"That's the thing, Yunho... they're afraid that you might lash out at them if they spoke up against it."
"But they know I would never be angry with them!"
"Do they... do they really?"
The conversation ended there. As Yunho was hunched over the sink, he was deep in thought. He groaned in frustration and felt guilt creeping up on him.
He needed to talk to you.
You were sitting on top of your bed, knees folded up against your chest as you stared into the void. You were so lost in your anxiety that you didn't notice Yunho barging in.
He had a habit of doing that.
However, instead of flopping down on your bed like he usually does, the giant puppy instead hovered over you and placed a hand in your hair, his fingers lightly massaging your scalp. You looked up and grew concerned when you saw the guilty expression on his face.
"Is something wrong, Yunho?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
The softness and slight cracks in his voice made your concern turn into worry. You sighed and patted the spot next to you. Yunho obliged and sat next to you before pulling you into a hug.
You were shocked to say the least.
In all of your time being by Yunho's side, you have never this kind of proximity with your boss. The most he did was just pat your shoulder or head. So to be enveloped in the arms of the most dangerous gangster was slightly foreign yet deep down, you knew you needed this. You slowly returned the hug and froze when you felt a tear drop down onto your shoulder.
Was Yunho... crying?
"Hey. Tell me what's wrong."
"I should've known..."
"Known what?"
"That you were uncomfortable with being the getaway driver!"
So he figured it out.
"Yunho, it's fine -"
"You will listen to me and not say it's fine! Because it's not!"
The sudden exclamation made you flinch but you nodded slowly and let him speak.
"Look. You are the only one I trust with everything. And I am so grateful for that. However, I should've realized that you also have limits. I just thrust you into that position without asking you if you were ok with it first and I... I just..."
He hiccupped and hung his head in shame while you sighed quietly.
"Yunho, listen. You know that I would do anything for you. Ever since you saved me from dying on the side of that road after I was abandoned, I've been in debt to you. To have your trust is like winning an award at life."
"But in return, you should trust me! Y/N..."
He grabbed your hands and rubbed your knuckles with his thumbs.
"Are you afraid of my anger if you spoke up for being uncomfortable?"
"I wouldn't put it past you -"
"You do realize that I would never hurt the person I trust most, right? We are partners! If you don't like a certain task, tell me and I will assign you something else. Please just tell me... I can't bear the thought of you being so uncomfortable with something yet you push past it just so you can please me."
He leaned in and kissed your forehead.
"Promise me you will do that?"
"Only if you promise me to never assign me as the getaway driver ever again."
Yunho's heart skipped a beat upon seeing the genuine smile on your face. He ruffled your hair and grabbed you so you could sit up and lay against him while he sat up against the headboard.
"So... want to tell me how that hook up went with Mingi?"
"Ok but like I never said that though."
"Mmm. Sure. Don't forget our little convo about how you found Mingi so attractive and sexy and that you'd do anything for him."
"Ok listen -"
Yunho simply laughed while you tried to poorly defend yourself.
This is what he wanted from you.
He wanted to ensure that you are comfortable, no matter what the situation is.
After all, gangsters do indeed have a heart.
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sugar-omi · 8 months
I came here to ask for Rockstar! Cove rambles and saw the Rockstar! Baxter art you reblogged omfg it's so good.
Please can we get some of your Rockstar! Cove (and/or Baxter if you feel like it) rambles 🙏
(Hope your holiday has been great 💖)
this is more. rockstar!cove backstory but YKW ITS FINE BC ITS BEEN WHATS ON MY MIND LATELY we'll have to talk abt him again bc this post was getting LONG especially w baxterrr
tags : SFW, headcanons, step 2-4, rockstar au, so ooc, bullying mentioned, fighting, baxter's tags are below before his hc's
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im ngl. i want him to be maybe a little toxic. a lil crazy.
or into things he's not canonically into/does often
at least he's rough n impulsive at first
whenever he can get away with it, and before he got famous, he loves taking a long ride on his motorcycle
compared to when he was a young teen, he tries not to take drives when he's angry
bc when he was young, he'd put on some music and blast it as loud as it could go, and he'd drive and drive and drive...
ended up with a few warnings and speeding tickets that way because he'd get lost in riding n his thoughts n the music
but now that his life isn't so turbulent, he doesn't do that anymore
i wanna imagine he doesn't grow up with you next door n you didn't know each other until junior year of high school
he sees you n he's sold...
thinks you're so fucking beautiful/handsome and he sees you laughing n smiling w your friends n he's so, so whipped for you
he's still a sweet shy boy, so it takes forever for him to talk to you
n it's terry who introduced you two!!!
he's all flustered, bc you're even more lovely up close
n if you're all bubbly n extroverted, he thinks you're like sunshine
if you're more reserved, he thinks you're very cool or that it's amazing how calm you are all the time
if you're shy/easily flustered, will sometimes (and now that he's grown, always) mention out loud he thinks it's cute when you blush...
either way, just loves your personality n thinks you're amazing n cute
you actually calm him down. you ground him.
he used to get into fights kinda often.
i like to think rockstar!cove got like this bc his parents stayed together longer than they did, n there was no brilliant neighbor to reach out to him
he n his dad were still like oil n water, and the kids at school were less than friendly but usually didn't dare fuck with him
key word is usually.
just had a thought actually... cliff's family living nearby
not his parents. he moved as far as he could
and with him n Kyra on the brink of divorce, her moving out the house, n all cliff has to do to keep them afloat..
he didn't think his equally shitty cousins would be a problem.
but surprise!! they're a few doors down n too happy to "catch up"
cove n cliff avoid them pretty well, n cliff really didn't need to tell cove to avoid his cousins bc he was already 2 steps ahead of him
but his cousins dont get that message, they also think its a good idea to pick on cove...
so between the short patience of most hormonal 13 year olds, his parents (finally) separating, cove's intolerance for bullshit....
cove ends up rocking his 2 cousins shit when they snatch his glasses off his face, bending the frame
ignores his cousins mom yelling at him n cliff to apologize for hurting her kids. feels a bit warm when his dad tells her his son is more well mannered than both her kiss combined, even laughs when he says a rabid raccon has more sense n poise
but is even happier when his dad, after a moment of silence in the car, asks him if be used the right hook he taught him
n tries to hide his smile when his dad ruffles his hair n goes "that's good. good job son."
he does hear the whole, "violence isn't always the answer" and "pick your battles" thing
but he shrugs off the lecture when he and cliff have a tub of ice cream each n cliff holds a bag of peas to his face
professional at sneaking out n sneaking YOU out
cove at 4am: wanna get mcd's?
dont even bother saying no bc he's already outside
dont pretend to be sleep either bc he FUCKING SEES YOU.
will leave you alone if you genuinely don't wanna fuck around in the middle of the night, but how can you say no to him?
ah. before i forget
Will kiss you if you're bandaging his face
asks you to ice his bruises...
kryptonite. creep. p!nk and lady gaga PERIOD. all of it
serenades you with his guitar and/or voice
sometimes he's just fiddling with the strings, switching between cheery beats and trying to rick roll you but the beat is wayyy off
loves when you fall asleep to his music too, plays the sleepiest tune he can think of
you being his biggest supporter is what makes him fight to make a name in the music industry
after supporting him in his personal life, through all his lows and highs, then supporting his music that he was too scared to go for
he puts his best foot forward for his sake and yours
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+ TAGS: mention of FWB, toxic baxter <3, so ooc ofc, mm implied partying/drinking
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now rockstar baxter....
i want him to be a problem. he's the toxic one here
compared to cove, who is soft n sweet but impulsive and always willing to fight, rough but well meaning...
baxter is your situationship
your friends with benefits
friends if a loose word, since you hardly ever talk since you've met and unless arguing, bickering, or sexting counts as getting to know each other...
than you're best friends!!!
he's the big headed musician who always asks "wyd" and "u up?" whenever he's in town
at least he sends you money to doll up or eat, or whatever before he gets in town
"make sure you eat before i come. bc im not letting you go once i get there"
so.... if you want commitment. he's not it...
just saw *this tweet, and rockstar!baxter IS the type to email you after you block him
omfg. if any of yall have read armin x reader fanfics... yk how he is in those fics? all toxic n shit?
thats baxter.
not THAT bad. like baby trapping bad or cheating on you, manipulating you etc.
but he's bad
definitely the dumb choice you make at 18-20 smth years old n once you mature, you drop him because he doesn't grow up quickly...
he won't even have the realization that you're the one until he's MINIMUM 37-40+ YEARS OLD. AND FLYS UP FROM THE BED LIKE HE'S SEEN A GHOST
curses n curses himself to high hell and low heaven
now depending on how bad he's fucked you over, or you've moved on, etc... he understands if you don't wanna try being together, bc he was a fucking mess
at least, if he sees you catching feelings or himself, he does break it off
but there's still good times between you!!
he sends you things for your birthday
and when he's not on tour showing his ass, he comes to spend it with you
is very happy if you come to spend his birthday with him!!!
starts to look forward to it, but he doesn't really show it
although after the first time, he can't help crying, thought the first time was just a one off thing
unless you make the first one a big thing, than he cries then
even if all you did was get/make a cake and decorate your small apartment, he's so so happy
mm i started thinking abt smth
i don't think he's that bad, impulsive, etc. before his career
before, he's pursuing music because his parents hate it. its "not a useful career" and "embarrassing"
but then he starts to love it, its an outlet for him and then it's become a passion
but once he gets a deal with a record label, it's just a downward spiral
puts everything into music, ignores everything else and doesn't take breaks like he should
i think what breaks your "relationship" is him getting caught up in the darker side of the music industry, and losing himself.
he doesn't laugh or anything like before
doesn't make random trips to see you anymore
in fact, probably ends up flaking on you or suddenly canceling, or going weeks without talking to you
its rough. and you two definitely need time apart for him to grow and realize that this is serving anyone besides the companies pockets well
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signed-loni · 7 months
So can we have sally face chacter (by sally face characters I mean the gang: Ash, Larry, Sal) with a fem! S/O that is kinda like the fem version of rodrick from the diary of a wimpy kid like shes a rough person and in a band and etc also her style being similar to this u dont have to do it lol have a good rest of ur day and drjnk water pls :)
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Anyhooooo YESS!!
Warnings: cusssing, reader is fem!
Sal 🎭
Sal is like fucking crazy for you
He loves when you come over to his house and just mindlessly play ur drums while he tells you about his day/ olays hus guitar
Since your literally rodrick, your gonna be the oldest out of two sisters
Your little sister, whos in middle school, you LOVE to poke fun at.
Sal saw you making fun of her and was a bit concerned, but realized you were just playing around and was like “phew”
“Sup ugly? Y’gonna go see that loser friend of yours or what?” U say to your little sister “rachel is NOT a loser! Shes just different.” Your sister says back “whatever you say nerd.” You say and bring sal back up to your room
“Were..you being serious?” Sal asks, a bit quiet “huh? pft, no. Shes annoying but I love her.” you respond back, honestly “oh, ok.” Sal replies, a bit relieved
Comes to LITERALLY all of your band performances! Doesnt miss a single one and is your biggest supporter EVER.
probably owns every single piece of merch your band sells, and his room is just LITTERED with things from ur band
Your band mates can b fuckin jerks ngl
they comment on ur bfs mask and ur like “The fuck??? Uhm not to my fucking face i think tf not”
You probably beat then tf up or smth idfk
“so we fuckin with ur band music playin or nah?”
much like sal. Comes to every one of ur band practices and fuckin jams out to ur shit
Has all of ur guys’ music on a cd or vinyl
acc fuckin obsessed w u
likes to go on liquor store dates w u (kinda like the part in rodrick rules where him and greg go to the liquor store ykwim)
Acts offended when ur mean to him as a joke
”Babe! What the hell! I thought u loved me😞”
“Larry, listen CLOSELY, theres no fuckin way your laying a HAND on my drums. Theres just no way. I know u have cheeto fingers. Dont even think about it”
Laughs hysterically every single time u say smth “mean” to ur sisters.
but thats mostly bc hes normally high out of his mind
idk what its called, but when ur partner takes a hit and blows it into ur mouth, HOLY SHIT THATS FUCKING HOT
does that w u all the time btw
probably snuck into ur room one time to play ur drums, and right as u walked in u saw him, and literally slapped the FUCK outta him. Its was hilarious
overall loves the crap outta u and is so supportive of ur music career, always telling ppl at school or sm to listen to u guys play and gives them the address to ur guys’ next performance
best bf ever
sry i didnt add ash, lost motivation
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Listener bending Seth over their desk cuz they're stressed and need an outlet (NSFW headcanons/drabble?)
I'll be your stress outlet, Sugar.
Tried to keep is as gender neutral as I could??
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Seth def loves it when you use him to destress
whether it be you hopping on his dick and riding him till he's dizzy
Using his face as a chair making him eating/sucking you off
even bending him over your desk and using toys on him, along with tugging him
ngl loves when you praise him a lot when he's being a good stress reliver for him
With these let's see how I use it to write :D
Letting out a loud sigh Scout put their head on their hands. Their headache seemed to be coming back and holy shit their body is begging for a break. The thing they were working on wasn't going as they imagine.
Slamming the item they were holding, Seth peaked through the door way. Confusion was on his face before it morphed into worry. But when he saw Scout's eyes go on him he felt a bit of arousal shoot through him.
"Hey....You need help?" Slowly asking, testing the water of how mad his lover was. Scout said nothing but gestured Seth over, feeling heat rise in his face as he approached them.
"Yeah, I need help baby.....Can you stand near the desk in front of me?" Rasping out, Scout looked VERY attractive right now. Causing Seth's cock to twitch a bit, with a nod the tall man moved again.
Standing in front of them, Seth placed his hands on the desk. Feeling more horny by the second Seth flinched as Scout looked up at him.
"Like....this sug- AH!" When trying to confirm he did it rigth. Scout had their hands roamed his hips and tugged at his pants. Gently pawing him over his pants, enjoying the scene and noises he made.
"You wanna help right? Let me play with you for a while, please?" Begging a bit, with a whiny voice. The same voice that makes Seth fold over so fast to do what they want.
"Y-Yeah Sugar, I can do that- Oh fuck-" Stuttering a answer Seth's own moans cut him off. Scout started feeling him up even more, pressing down on the jeans he wore.
"Yeah? Want me to take your pants off? Stroke your thick, fat cock? Might bend you over if your good for me. My good boy." Huskily whispering, unbecoming the belt and pants their boyfriend wore. Hips bucked at those words and nickname thrown at him, wanting more.
Gripping the edge of the desk, Seth tried to stabilize himself and even tried sitting down. But he was pulled forward, looking down at Scout who's eyes had a shine of lust and desire in them. With that it made his cock twitch again from excitement.
"Hold on now....Let me get the pants off and I'll give you a good tuggin', my good boy." The brunette nodded at those words. Feeling more impatient to get their hands on him fully.
Tugging the pants and underwear down together, Seth's cock sprung up a bit from being contained. Making him hiss from the coolness of the room, then moan when Scout grabbed it.
Slowly going up and down, Scout giggled seeing Seth bucking his hips into their hand. Gently touching his hips they pushed Seth down to sit on the desk.
"Go on sit, lay down even baby, I'll make sure your taken care of." Comanding slightly, Scout smirked as Seth followed. Trying not to knock anything down, the desk had multiple things on it. However Scout seemed to jot want to pay attention to that and only focus on Seth.
"Ah!- Babe-" Moaning out Seth bucked into their hand as they moved it again. Pumping his weeping cock, focusing on his reactions to how they changed the pace.
With a wicked grin Scout went quicker, causing Seth to arch his back and lay on the desk.
"FUCK! Yes! Yes- oooohhh fuck your hand is amazing sugar!-" Broken words filed the room as Seth slowly lost himself to pleasure. Scout used their other hand to slowly go to their own arousal.
"God your so fuckin pretty. Such a good boy~ Being a whore for me to use~" Seth moaned ljt hearing what they called him. "....You like that? For me to use you as I please? Call you my whore?" Taunting the brunette that withered under those words. Seth nodded as he cried a bit as Scout went faster with their stroking.
"Yes! Wanna be used- Oh fuck- By you!" Whimpering out Seth's head fell back as he almost reached his climax. But, Scout wanted to be a little bit cruel.
"Awe....Did my good boy try and cum? I'm sorry baby, your here for me. Not you. Remember that!" Adding more to the taunts. Seth sniffed as he felt his climax go down, fuck he almost came!
"'M sorry! I didn't mean too!" Pouting as he pleaded with them. Scout decided to let it slide and shake their head slightly at him. God, he's so cute when he's like this.
"It's okay baby, here turn around and be a good stress reliever~" Telling Seth what to do. Scout then leaned to the side and grabbed a toy they kept in the office for situations like this. Seeing the toy made Seth whine, but Scout shushed him.
"I'm going to prep you okay? Then Ima use this on you." Telling him what they'll do, their boyfriend nodded. Presenting himself even spreading his ass and wiggling his hips.
"I'm okay with it, Sugar. Come on fuck me~" Poking them slightly, but moaned as Scout slapped his ass. His partner tsked at him as they grabbed the lube and put a generous amount on their fingers.
"Oh? Is my boy naughty or good? If naughty ill have to be a little mean. Behave." Whispering, they then winked at him before inserting the first finger. Waiting a but before slowly pumping it in and out of him.
Seth groaned as he tried to stay still, he knew Scout could be cruel if needed. But he gasped as a second one was inserted, looking back he saw Scout's smirk.
"Come oonn don't be meeeaann- AH! Oh fuck- yes!-" Moaning put Seth let his head fall into his arms as Scout abused his hole. Going faster pumping their fingers in and out of him, slightly giggling at his noises.
The brunette moaned again as Scout added another finger, humming to themselves wondering if they should add the dildo in him now. Seeing Seth shiver trying to stay still they smirked, slipping their fingers out.
"Wait! Why did you- OH!" Shouting a bit Seth arched his back as the dildo hit his prostate. Flinching hard as Scout started pumping his cock again, crying a bit as he tried to be good. Gripping the edge of the desk biting his lip hard, but let out a yelp as Scout smacked his ass.
"Don't hide those cute noises!" Singing out they continued pumping the dildo in and out of him. Nodding feverishly Seth got more vocal as he felt his orgasm building up.
"Can- Ah! Can I move now? please please please!" Whining out Seth's arms tense, clenching the desk. Letting his head fall as he moaned feeling all the pleasure he was getting form Scout. Watching him Scout giggled seeing how he was trying to not move his hips.
"hhmm...Should I?" Slowing their hand they smiled hearing Seth begging. Thinking a bit more they saw him turn his head and giving them those pretty brown eyes. "Fine. But don't get greedy baby okay?"
Babbling thank you's and yes's Seth bucked his hips the best he could to match their pace. With the dildo that kept hitting him good and their hand's tugging him. Scout giggled seeing him start begging to come.
"It's okay, cum. You've been such a good boy for me~" Cooing at him, smiling at how Seth started moving, losing himself to the orgasm that hit him like a truck. Slumping down fully on the desk, panting like a dog.
"....Holy shit- fuck....that....that took a lot out of me...." Rasping out Seth sighed as Scout slipped the dildo out of him. Grabbing a small towel from the same drawer from where they got the dildo. Wiping their hands form the cum Seth spilled all over it, then looked donw at the mess he made.
"Awe, look at the mess you made. So cute." Giggling out Scout started slowly cleaning Seth off. Who groaned feeling them touch his sensitive skin, but smiled as they kissed his back.
After feeling a small tap, Seth got up and huffed at the soreness of his body. Turning to Scout he smiled and kissed them, hummed into the kiss as he felt Scout rubbing his hips.
"You feel better Sugar?...Want me to go down there and-" A kiss interrupted Seth. Breaking it off just as quickly Scout shook their head and got off the chair.
"No need, seeing you come undone made me cum. But maybe in a few, you can have fun between my thighs." Kissing him cheek Scout then helped him put his pants and underwear back on. Letting their boyfriend lean on them, Scout guided him to the bedroom where he could take a nap.
Gently kissing his forehead, Scout went to the bathroom to clean themselves. And to start on the mess Seth made on the floor of their desk.
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aannonn · 2 months
★ ─。colorful text , strong colors , bold text , brief mention of suicide , implied/referenced grief , swearing
okay i know we are all excited about the actual short that just came out but let me ramble a bit about Red cause im getting emotional about this stick ... ( before my motivation to type all of this ends and i dont feel emotional anymore lol )
Red in season 3 went through so much istg ;; not only did he and Sec went through a very tense (and needed) fight which almost caused the end of their friendship (+ Sec was clearly in the winning side here, or Red was just really terrified of her at that moment given to how he tried to run away from her - of which i will probably talk about it in a later post maybe), but he was also really fucking tormented in monster school (i felt so bad for him in this episode i legit wanted to cry)
+ after all of this fiasco he really went ahead and carried this thing (of which, given to how he hit it on the ground and it made a soft thump, it must have been heavy asf) all the way to the other side and??? fucking smashed King's chin which made him fly to so fucking far ;; which means he literally used all of his strenght to carry this staff, and dropkick King with it, even if it was so hard he almost even dropped it at first
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there are also other moments where i think he really deserves a break tbh ;;
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he lost a pet. i have a pet myself and just the thought of ever losing him hurts so fucking much to the point i can feel my oof'ing urges coming back.
;; granted; it was a minecraft pig and it was high with all the potions, and also tried to kill all of them, but he clearly atleast had some care for that pig ... (the fact that he immediately stood up and spawned another animal makes me think about that one post/tiktok (i dont remember the user) i've seen ; which talked about Red possibly hiding/bottling up his sadness from others , in order to stay happy and positive or because he doesn't think his struggles are important enough compared to the others' - which i think it make alot of sense since you rarely see him cry or something, just going numb and/or looking down in despair - the only ever time we ever saw him cry was when Green supposedly died.)
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i haven't talked about this actual short before since i had no desire to , but damn bro the way i felt bad for Red in this(っ °Д °;)っ he just wanted to have red stuff for him aswell, since apparently it wasn't dropping for him for some reason???? okay he should have included green and blue stuff aswell instead of possibly removing them but. still. Green and Blue were so fricking wrong in this
and !! his and Sec's tense relationship in the past seasons ... i love Sec he's literally my fav out of them all but i cannot defend xem on this. i know she had her reasons and im not saying Red was in the right either but, gosh ... pretty ironic given he's the one who inspired xem to break in in their site and join them in their battle
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... i dont even need to explain do i
he lost a pet ... again. and because of his own fault aswell ! he knew the possible dangers of fusing the command block and the staff together , given how he almost got possessed alongside his friends the first time something like this happened , and yet ... he did it anyway . and beeper died as a consequence . i cant imagine how much guilt he must have felt .. (probably one of the main reasons why he didnt put up a fight when they put him in the timeout box)
i think he wanted to cry at this scene ngl ,,,
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thinking about this ; they are all really tragic characters tbh ,,, stepping away from the heavy angsty all of c!Alan's stickfigures go through , rygb goes through a lot of shit aswell , and tbh i just feel bad for all of them ; they are all such tragic characters that deserve a very well-needed break break/_ \
since we are in this topic aswell , i would like to mention how i really love Blue and his immediate rush in being a comfort for the others<3
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i used to think Yellow was the therapist friend but we only ever saw him comfort Blue lolll ( i love him anyway ;; i think Blue is more of a therapist friend than he is though )
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