#i love Scooby-Doo sm
cirque-dhomosexual · 1 year
My own personal Scooby-Doo re-imagining canon includes:
-out and proud lesbian Dominican/Puerto Rican Velma (yes I'm projecting, leave me alone)
-Velma has audhd
- velmaphne happens eventually
-sapphic/unlabeled daphne
-ace/homoromantic and autistic Fred Jones
-he's dating Shaggy who is a pan Trans man
- they are adhd/autism boyfriends
-fuck it, they're all autistic and you can fight me
-Velma and Fred have a shared special interest in machines and will talk about it with each other. They love to share what they know or what they learned and talk about improvements to designs and the like.
-daph and Fred grew up together. Daph's family works in politics and Fred's dad is running for governor or some other government role. Maybe daph's dad is a congressman.
-Daphne is very romantic and tried to liken their relationship to that of a fairytale with Fred being her prince charming but it didn't work out that way
-the two are fs soul mates just not the ones Daphne wanted originally
-she did play match maker to shaggy and Fred and it was a feat. Although, she couldn't clock velms would practically break her back bending over backwards for her.
- they meet in college where velms is majoring in forensic science , Daph is double majoring in business and hospitality (because of her parents) but she switches to journalism where she is much happier, Fred is in Mechanical engineering (idk it makes sense imo) and shaggy is majoring in veterinary science or culinary arts.
-they met in a creative writing class for their humanities credit where they find out they have a shared love of horror movies and mysteries. They did seriously debate on creating a Vincent Van Ghoul fanclub.
- they don't become an actual mystery solving group until they find out about a missing person's case for a student in their class and decided to take matters into their own hands
-found family™ they understand each other like no one else
-besties shaggy and daphne! Daph is a huge foodie and runs a vlogging channel with him! They love romantic comedies and this one novella in particular and will have frequent sleepovers where they do each other's nails and hair and gossip and fan tf out
- Fred joins in on occasion. He loves it even though he doesn't know what's going on. He does engage when he can though and somehow becomes very versed in the relationship dynamics of the show
-shaggy plays wingman for velms and daph and will listen to both of them pine over the other. He is tired.
-velma is fluent in 5 languages and uses them frequently, even to flirt.
-Daph can speak 3 but mostly just to talk business.
-daphne tries so fucking hard to live up to the expectations that her parents has for her and she does but they are never completely satisfied. Her whole arc is finding her own sense of self outside of her family.
-she's head of the cheer team, debate club, and the fashion column in the school's newspaper and graduated saludatorian at her high school
-Velms is also a journalist and she will try and work with daph when she can
-Supernatural occurances does happen. Eventually at least. In the beginning it's their regular whodunit shtick until they meet cosmic horrors that even Lovecraft couldn't imagine and cults (gasp)
-there will be stakes! It will be mature and dark but bc the plot calls for it
-daph was a part of the hex girls as she roadie and backup to Thorne, she did use this fact to flirt with velms.
-They are their brujas on speed dial.
-The gang doesn't know how Daph did it or for how long and they'll never get a straight answer. One day daph will say she found them practicing in an abandoned space and the next she might say they met at a commune. Her favorite thing to say is "oh. You know." as cryptically as she can and just stare off into the distance, just for kicks. Shaggy is convinced Thorne is Daphs twin sister or clone and they won't try and convince him otherwise.
-the hex girls are a polyam couple
-Scooby is young dog instead of having grown up with shaggy. Great Danes only have like an 8-10 year life span where 6 is average. Shaggy found him a injured and wandering on the edge of the woods that's next to the school.
I do plan on writing out this fic but idk if it has any merit. If I do write it would anyone be interested in reading?
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scrappedtogether · 10 months
SD really enjoys having Shaggy and Scooby as the resident scaredy-cats be the ones to love/befriend the monsters and I eat it up every time. Because, of course these guys are going to care and look after the Grimwood Girls even though their fathers are the stuff are nightmares. Yeah, they’re going to fall in love with Crystal and Amber and miss them even after their true forms are revealed. They’re going to become like family with Vincent Van Ghoul and pals with the Boo Brothers and when Shaggy thinks he’s going to turn into a vampire, Scooby still sticks by his side because he’s always going to love him more than he could be afraid of him. Because even though Shaggy and Scooby’s main trait is cowardice whenever there was an opportunity, they overcame it with compassion.
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bookdork1 · 11 months
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ghostfaceaddams · 10 months
Tara Argh Carpenter - a scream drabble
summary: Tara is having trouble juggling her scars and finding a Halloween costume. Sam, as always, is there for her.
warnings: cussing, scars, mentions of violence. I think that's all?
word count: 1,567
a/n: This lil idea just popped in my head the other day and I shared it with @psychofreakforc who loved it. So this is for her and any other lovers of the Carpenter sisters! Hope you all enjoy.
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The doctors told Tara that regaining full sensations in her left hand was slim. 
The doctors also told Tara that she’d always have a limp and metal stuck in her leg because the break was so severe. 
But the doctors had also advised her not to play sports due to her asthma, and she had been the reigning star player on her soccer team for five years straight. 
Surviving seven stabs and a broken leg was impressive enough. Surely these docs were just quacks. They didn’t know her. They didn’t know Tara. No one knew exactly who the Tara Carpenter was except for one single person. 
And that person was her older sister: Samantha Carpenter. 
Sure, Sam had abandoned her five years. But Sam had come back when Tara needed her most and she apologized for her absence. “I’m never going to leave your side again. I promise.” That’s what the older, taller Carpenter had said to the younger, smaller Carpenter. 
Sam had her reasons and her apologies, and the sisters had shared trauma from their boyfriend and girlfriend trying to murder them and their friends. They both had Christina Carpenter as their mother. 
With all of that being said, Tara knew - she knew that there was one person who always believed in her no matter what and that was Sam. Besides, Tara was constantly proving people wrong. She proved Christina wrong when she said she wouldn’t last a week after her birth, she proved all those taller kids wrong at soccer, and she proved Amber wrong. 
Tara knew she wasn’t going to magically heal over night and that some parts would take longer than others. She’d waited five years for Sam to come back to her, she was a patient person. 
But it’s October now, and Halloween is only a week away, and she can’t find a costume for the big party one of the frat houses were going to throw. Every outfit either looked weird on her or clashed too much with her scars. And she still needed that damn cane to walk on, which didn’t match any costume. 
She guessed she could go as an old lady. Old ladies use canes to get around. But Tara’s cane was also special. 
With a cane, you use the hand opposite of the injury. Which is fine and dandy if your ex didn’t snap your right leg in half then shove a knife through your left hand. So, her grip wasn’t the best suffice to say. Google Kerry Weaver from ER and you’ll know exactly the type of cane Tara had. 
She growled as she tossed the cowgirl hat Anika had given her to the floor. Anika and Quinn had suggested a Cowgirl Barbie (Margot Robbie representation!) and Tara figured it was worth a shot. It almost worked. Almost. 
“Hey, sweet girl.” 
Tara glared at the visitor as she eased herself down to her bed. 
Kirby tossed her hands up with her eyebrows in surrender. “Woah. What’s the fuck-the-world glare for?” 
“Maybe this is just my resting face, Kirby.” 
The blonde shaped her lips into an o. She just got called her first name, that meant Tara was in a mood. Kirby said nothing as she left. 
Tara figured that was it - hoped it was, she didn’t have the energy to deal with any bullshit at the moment - but of course it wasn’t.  Barely two seconds later and there Sam was, standing in the doorway with her head innocently cocked to the side. 
“Hey, babygirl. What’s wrong?” 
That was a hilarious remark. Tara almost told Sam she should be a stand up comedian. 
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that my body is fucked up and I can’t find a fucking decent Halloween costume to wear! What nineteen-year-old shows up to a party with a legit limp and cane?” She went with that instead. 
Sam didn’t say anything. She just sat down next to her trembling baby sister and cupped the shell of Tara’s tense shoulder blade. 
Tara’s entire body twitched as if she’d been stung. She moved away from her sister with a whiny, “Sammy” but it was no use. Sam saw the way Tara was trembling with rage and knew that soon enough it was going to fester into sobs. 
Sam just rubbed Tara’s back soothingly, easing the younger girl into the crying stage. And when Tara ended the next phase, Sam was there to pull the small girl against her. As Tara curled into Sam’s side to hide away from the world, Sam wrapped her arms around Tara and solidified the wall between Tara and the darkness of the world. 
It wasn’t until Tara’s sobs had receded to shaky breaths that Sam spoke. She made sure to give Tara her spare inhaler so that she could have a clear mind and not a clenched chest to listen to Sam. 
“Tar, your scars-“ 
“Sam, I swear, if you say that my scars are beautiful and I should embrace them, I will throw myself down the stairs.” Tara threatened with a wobbly voice. 
The both of them shared a terse, watery chuckle before silence settled over them. Sam took the moment to admire her baby sister’s side profile. Her eyes picked up on the barely noticeable scar on Tara’s chin. It was just a speck, barely noticeable, but Sam remembered it as the plate Christina had thrown and a shard had nicked Tara. 
It wasn’t bad at all, but Tara had sobbed and sobbed after it happened. Sam cleaned the little girl up and took Tara to her bedroom to read a story to the younger girl until she was calm. 
Sam was always taking care of Tara. Tara wanted to be able to take care of Sam too. 
Tara took another puff from her inhaler, blowing Sam from the past to the present. 
“Your scars don’t have to be a bad thing, Tara. They don’t need to be the focus of you.” 
Tara screwed her face up in bewilderment. She didn’t want any sort of motivational speech about her scars to love them. 
“Come on, what was your favorite episode of Scooby-Doo as a kid?” 
Okay, now Tara was lost. “I don’t know, that was forever ago.” 
“It was the one with the pirate! Remember? What was his name? It had something to do with a beard…” 
Tara shook her head. She couldn’t believe she was actually playing into this. 
“The Ghost of Redbeard.” 
Sam clapped excitedly and gave a slight nudge to Tara. “Pirate Redbeard! Yes!” 
Tara nodded her head, a grin slicing across her lips despite not wanting to. “Yeah, but it was the movie I was obsessed with. Pirates Ahoy!” 
Now it was Sam’s turn to be lost. “They did pirates more than once?” 
Tara laughed at her older sister. 
“Okay, even better then. There’s numerous representation of pirates in Scooby-Doo, and there’s a whole movie series based on pirates.” 
Tara raised her eyebrows. “You mean Pirates of the Caribbean?” 
“Yeah, that.” 
Tara snorted at her sister. 
“Pirates are very common. And what do you think of when you first hear the word pirate?” 
Tara wrinkled her nose up as she shrugged. “I don’t know. Arrrrg matey! Give me yer money!” 
Sam couldn’t contain the laughter from bubbling over at Tara’s (awful) interpretation of a pirate. At first, the younger girl could only blush and shake her head, pouting at her older sister. But then Tara started to grin, and she ended up laughing along with Sam. 
It felt like Sam needed an inhaler this time, she couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed that hard. Or when was the last time Tara laughed that hard. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffed before continuing. 
“No, but good guess.” 
“A plank?” Tara guessed next. 
Sam shook her head again. The other girl sighed, clearly exasperated. 
“Come on, Sammy. I’m tired of guessing.” 
“A wooden foot and a hook for a hand!” 
Tara stared at her sister, not really knowing what to say to that. 
“It’s your leg you’re most worried about, right? And there’s no way to hide the scar on your hand. So, use it to your advantage! Be a pirate!” 
It was true that boats, jewels slash money, and those replacements were the first thing to come to mind when associating pirates with things. And it was true that, in a way, Tara did have a wooden foot and a hooked hand. 
The third truth was that Tara used to love pirates, only because she’d play it with her friends and Amber would get to save her at the end. She missed having Amber as her hero instead of her villain. 
“Okay. A pirate it is then.” Tara confirmed. 
The squeal that came out next wasn’t from Sam but from Quinn. The Carpenter sisters scoffed with a smile on their faces as the redhead went into a long spiel about helping Tara be the sexiest pirate anyone had ever seen. “Maybe someone has a pirate kink.” Had been said. 
In the end, Tara was still limping and she couldn’t feel everything in her left hand. But she did go to the party and have a good time. That was proving the people who thought her injuries would ruin her life, wrong. 
And Sam was there with a beaming smile on her face. 
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pinkkittycoffin · 1 year
*clear my throat*
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starring : kazzy, mari, barry, ginnie and toby THE HELLHOUND. They solve mysteries together bc 1. no one passes bar exam 2. they're jobless college kids 3. chasing + running away from fake ghosts AND CRIMINALS are thrilling !
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Here's the mini version. At first i tried to use the gang's original colour palette but it didn't look as lovely, so i decided to let the babies have their own colours back and yeah this is the result. i really love how maria turns out, purple really is her colour. my sweet goth babyㅠㅠ
I still have the original palette one tho. allow me show you :
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// bonus : liddol doodles
(which I drew in my legal instrument class out of desperate. hope you enjoy)
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sweetestofheartz · 2 months
If I had a dime for every fictional character crush I've had with the last name Rogers I'd have two dimes
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purrc1val · 2 years
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Velma for blacktober!!! She’s also lesbian in the new movie and I’m just like 🥺💕
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deityofhearts · 1 month
no one is ever aware of my scooby doo interest Q^Q
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rye-kin · 2 years
Think about how fun of a villain doctor Jekyll is, like,
Just some friendly old man casually turns himself into a fiendish short guy with a top hat and goes around terrorizing people just by the sight of him. Then he just casually comes back in time to have dinner with his friends like…
Come on…
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places-people · 1 month
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💛
AHHH BABES HIIII OMG this is so so sweet omg sorry I didn't see this for weeks omfg
I'm just. going to shuffle my workout playlist as it's what I play most often and also has potential for incredibly funny results
The Middle, by Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey
Dover Beach, Baby Queen
Mastermind, Taylor Swift
Inferno, Hiroyuki Sawano
Gotta Go Fast, the sonic x theme sung by Natewantstobattle 💀
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scuddish · 2 years
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nemmet · 1 year
✌️📀 🐶
✌️ favourite side character?
it’s always been marcie! i just adore everything about her; her design is so unique and fun to draw, it’s so cool to see her role in the story expand and grow more complex, and her love for velma and all-round selflessness is so touching. if they brought her back i would cry.
here are some other favourites besides marcie (i have too many):
vincent van ghoul, flim flam, madelyn dinkley, coco diablo, crystal (alien invaders), marius brâncuși (big top) and jack o’lantern (goblin king)!!
💿 favourite tv show?
mystery inc, what’s new and 13 ghosts are the only three i’ve seen in their entirety thus far!! i’ve seen every movie except two (if i recall correctly) and have seen bits and pieces of the other shows (i’m working on it i promise). while i appreciate the overarching plot of mystery inc and many of its individual elements, and the camp and creativity of 13 ghosts, what’s new will always be my favourite!! a lot of it is the nostalgia talking because it’s the iteration i grew up with, but i just love the painfully-early-2000s-ness of it all. the gang are all so well characterised, the comedy is fantastic, and i love the variety of monsters and locations!!
🐶 scrappy hater or scrappy lover?
he’s not one of my favourite characters, but i like him in everything i’ve seen him in thus far (save of course the first live action movie). i just think the hate towards him is super undeserved and he deserves a second chance from both the franchise and the fans. he’s just a little guy your honour. 😭
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scrappedtogether · 1 year
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mythicalllamaxo · 2 years
Buddy, we are getting lesbian Velma and Daphne in the same week. Continuity Schmontinuity, I’m celebrating.
Alrighty then? Celebrate away. Honestly idec anymore cause I won’t be watching the new series anyway cause I think the animation looks terrible so I’m treating it like Be Cool Scooby Doo in the sense that I just ignore it’s existence so even if stupid shit happens in there it doesn’t matter cause it won’t affect me
Personally I think it should look more like this fan art, tho Fred must stay the classic white guy for obvious reasons I shouldn’t have to explain.
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detritivoresquad · 1 year
Ik the new show is laughably bad but and so scooby doo is on everyones minds but im going to start throwing shit if I have to hear tumblr user #258 talking about how THEY would make an adult scooby doo. Not everyones ideas are bad this website is just too predictable and annoying sometimes
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furiousssheep · 1 year
Adore that this Velma show has brought everyone together to talk about how great scooby doo is and it’s potential to fill so many different niches
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