#i love azi and levi so much
ramblesbiab · 11 months
it has set in while looking for Scavengers Reign gifs that I can kinda just. Make them.
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wishing-well-art · 10 months
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My favorite part was when the scavengers said its reigning time and rained all over the place
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zincbot · 8 months
i kind of love barry. autistic king
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layzorr · 10 months
God y'know what I love. Scavengers reign not having them bullshit somehow stopping Kris. She took off. They're stuck on the planet for a while until they can figure out how to make another spaceship and it sucks.
But that doesn't mean it's hopeless. The planet is not evil. The planet is dangerous because nature is dangerous. Things are bad but they're alive. They're alive and there's hope as long as they keep going. They have a community, there's so much *life* on this planet. There's so much love that last shot. Ursula keeping her memento of Sam and grieving but making an entire garden and tending to it and drawing. Azi being *happy*, Levi completely at home with nature. Azi and May....
And Kamen. He doesn't have a cathartic villains death. He doesn't get that escape he tried to take. He has to live with his fuck up and people rightfully distrusting and hating him. He isn't punished with death. He's punished by having to be a better person. And he's given the chance to be better. Even if he doesn't want to. I think he's a bad person but I don't think he's irredeemable. Maybe he'll grow and change. Maybe he'll become a better person. Maybe it'll finally be closure for him.
This ending is fucking fantastic. No half assed "and then they stopped Kris." Instead: they stuck together and learned to live with the life they were given, while Kris rotted alone because she was too scared to care about other people.
This is a fucking amazing show.
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okay I realize my last ask with azi didn't fit all the requirements so let me do this correctly because I LOVE her and she deserves to be known widely
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This is Azi Nareen from scavengers reign, my absolute favorite piece of visual media ever (obsessed with cosmic horror sci fi stuff and it's so beautifully made). She's one of my favorite characters, period. She's incredibly well written, and her personality is really unique in my experience of media- she can be a bit of an asocial jerk, but she is inherently a good and kind person, just not the most friendly. She feels multidimensional and just deeply real, with realistic flaws and character growth. Her anger and coldness never feels stereotypical to me, she just feels like a human being reacting to her scenarios and honestly doing very well not freaking out and dying. Her relationship with Levi is my favorite dynamic in the whole show, which is a show with a whole list of amazing character dynamics. Also I just love the butch lesbian representation without any fetishization or tokenism of her sexuality. Tbh the only fully healthy romance in the show is her and her girlfriend. I just love her and the way she interacts with the world and others and everything about her writing. I'm also claiming her as an autistic character but that's just me projecting I think lmao, I love her so much and I hate how mean some of the fandom is to her
I know I keep saying this, but it doesn't shock me that people might not be kind about her. Perpetually hurtful, yes, but not surprising.
Hot Chocolate: We love it when our women are shown and understood as the complex people that they are! From these pictures it seems to me that Azi is "cold" as a result of surviving in the world around her. However, that doesn't mean she hates everyone or can't care about others. Ice and I will put Scavengers Reign on our list of things to watch! Thank you for submitting Azi, We're excited to see her in action!
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othernaut · 11 months
"Why Are They Like That?" Scavengers Reign edition:
Chris, Barry, and Terrence show distinct reactions to having all lived through trauma. I recognize my own reactions so keenly through every one of them.
Barry distracts himself. The world is surface-level and wonderful because it's all so incredibly temporary. I read him as being in a practically permanent level of dissociation; I wouldn't be surprised if he's older than he reads. He refuses to think about loss because one little prick in the balloon sends all the rage and pain screeching out. I also read him as autistic, but his childishness seems to me more as an urge to live in a world where the loss isn't, same way you'd hide from a violent home by putting on headphones and playing a video game.
Chris rationalizes the loss, tries to pick it apart, find an explanation. She holds a deep, abiding belief in rituals, mantras, and philosophy, as keeping loss at an intellectual level means the pain is far less acute. Her confidence is an incredibly thick shell, but it's still a shell, and it's grown to the level where she's able to maintain unity in her group but probably won't be able to stand up to a challenge of leadership. That's when she falls apart - when she's proven wrong not by circumstances, but by an argument she can't refute. And she needs that proof to grow - otherwise, well, she gives off very strong cult leader vibes.
Terrence is people- and community-focused. His drive is to acknowledge pain and make sure no one feels the same things he did. This leads to personal recklessness as, well, we've seen. He wants to find a way for everybody to be happy and he will give all of himself that there is in order to make that happen. His weak sense of self won't stand up to a bad call or challenge the status quo, but it will slip in through back doors and cracked windows and offer comfort wherever he can, regardless of deservedness.
It's questionable how much of the Healer Woman was still in there. Likely the same muteness/deafness happened to her husband and his death, given her eventual state, was unnecessary. She likely had the same drives and opinions she did before infection, as the parasite doesn't seem to want to interfere too much in who its hosts are, just what they do to serve it.
Which is why Sam's mania and renewed vigor read as weird. We haven't seen very much of his past, but there's something curiously military in how he interacts with others - specifically, I think his focus on his friends and comrades as well as his decision to work his very dangerous Space Captain job comes from not being able to adjust to civilian life. He's thought about dying; he expects it. What's intolerable to him is the long, slow, banal details of getting groceries and making small talk. It's everyone else's normal life that he finds offputting and unreal.
Which is why it's so precarious, how much Ursula needs him. We know even less of her past than we do of Sam's; she seems more a part of the planet than she is her own life. She, and the Healer Woman (y'now, before) were the only ones who interacted with Vesta like scientists, and I read Ursula's gratitude as much as a need to connect as what it is on the surface. She's also the only cast member I get straight-up depression vibes from. It's an ironic thing, that she'd be best suited to survive Vesta on her own but, also, least likely to be able to stand the solitude.
Azi is the toughest member of the cast, no question, but we see her exceptional adaptation to solitude even on the Demeter. She cares for people - very deeply, in fact - and seems to need to be loved, but is comfortable keeping that love at a far remove, as a fact to be considered in solitude rather than something that needs to be constantly reinforced. This speaks to me as a curiously sci-fi thing - the notion that knowing people are out there, knowing they love you, but being unable to touch them, unable to confirm it. Which is why she was so comfortable seeing Levi as an object; if Levi was a person, then that came with all the complications a person usually does. And why it was so comforting to see her do the right thing once she realized Levi's sentience.
I still hold out hope for mold-Levi.
Finally, Kamen. He's a dick, absolutely - but I read his dickishness as stemming more out of pretty much constant panic rather than anything else. You can read it in his movements, in how he speaks, in how even in his few moments of happiness he seems ready to back away and redirect at even the slightest hint of doing the wrong thing. He is in constant, complete terror of losing everything, so much so that his fumbling, destructive actions bring about the loss he's so desperate to avoid. His non-action over the last... Four episodes? Complete shutdown.
I know he doesn't "deserve" it, but I'm honestly hoping for a redemption for Kamen. These kinds of panic disorders rarely get any kind of media play, and when they do, they're either fixed by a pat on the shoulder and a "there there, don't be cry", or just continue on, unsolvable. I want to see what the other side of this looks like. I don't think he should die for his sins - I want him to live with them, to spend many long days in the same room with them. I want him to try to make things right and, when he can't because it's not like pushing a "fix things" button, to keep at it for the rest of his life. This, to me, is punishment.
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dmsr-art · 10 months
Who’s your favorite person and creature so far in scavengers reign? :)
azi!!! i just love azi so much 😭 (and levi too)
my favorite little creachur was the one ursula watched live out it's entire life over the course of a couple minutes
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i was blown away by this scene!!
i finished watching it btw, 11/10!! just a truly special, magnificent show <3
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sillywormz · 3 months
hi I'm obsessed with scavengers reign, LOVE your posts on Kamen. how do you feel about levi and azi, any thoughts or headcanons! they're my faves :)
i love levi and azi so much!! although i've posted a lot abt kamen and hollow, levi and azi are probably the characters i genuinely care abt/like the most in the series. i love their dynamic so much :-)
in terms of headcanons, i always use she/they pronouns for levi, it's just what felt right to me! and it's canon that azi sapphic for sure, but i headcanon her as a lesbian specifically (she/her pronouns).
i think what i really enjoy about azi and levi is how their friendship subverts a lot of typical science fiction tropes. usually when a robot character starts acting strange or doing things that the main character disapproves of, it's a sign that they're going to turn "evil" or have a conflict with the main character. instead, levi being changed by the planet is portrayed as a neutral/good thing, and it's azi who has to adjust her perspective and learn to appreciate how levi is changing. i rlly like to watch azi's perspective shift from viewing levi as a simple robot having a malfunction, to viewing her as a new kind of being and taking joy out of seeing her grow.
i think that robots often get portrayed as the opposite of nature in a lot of sci-fi, so it's also interesting how levi is able to become one with the planet moreso than any of the other characters. it's like her being a robot oddly makes it so she can bond with the planet more. i think it's partly bc the human characters, as humans, are very attached to their own identities, lives etc, and view any incorporation of the planet into them as an invasion or infection. whereas levi welcomes parts of the planet growing on and inside her and changing her into something new. so perhaps it's less to do with her being a robot, and more to do with her lack of resistance to the planet...
anyways yeah, i love azi and levi. i'm rlly hoping to see more of them as a duo if we ever get a season 2, but if we don't i will just imagine it in my brain so hard lol
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clonerightsagenda · 3 months
Scavengers Reign thoughts after contemplating for a bit:
I enjoyed it! While the weird little guys were interesting to watch I admit I enjoyed it more as we started getting to interhuman conflict. However the weird little guys were fun. As was the amusing contrast between pastel colors/soothing soundtrack and The Horrors.
Given the emphasis on recognizing and understanding the environment around you, it makes sense that the crew ends up staying on Vesta. Hopefully since they're in one place and not passing through unfamiliar biomes, they will not all get eaten as quickly. They've shown an impressive ability to learn to work with the planet, especially Ursula.
Big fan of Ursula! She is thriving in this role. Still a little worried about the fungus incident though. I got pretty excited about Azi in the second half because she was doing cool actiony stuff but I really enjoyed Ursula's quiet observation as her souce of strength.
We don't see Levi interacting with the humans in the closing montage. (And I have no idea what's going on with the Levilings. Levilets?) I'm curious, are they and Azi still friendly? Are the other humans perturbed by one of their robot drones gaining sentience? Or considering what they woke up to are they just like 'this might as well happen'. Imagining one of the newly awoken colonists trying to give the robot orders like they're used to and Levi going lol no.
The space death cultists seemed a bit out of left field, but I'm choosing to interpret the lily as a decomposer that brings things into some kind of planetary mycelial network afterlife, with Levi as a spokesperson for it. (With a dead woman's voice, no less. I was kind of wondering if we'd see one of the flowers growing from Sam and then have Levi say something only Sam would know. The planet wanted to assimilate that man So Bad.) In that case having two different takes on centering death could be an interesting potential conflict.
Bold choice to leave the psychic baby (or Hollow, if I must)'s intentions super ambiguous. How much was an animal's natural behaviors getting distorted by new situations? How much was Kamen influencing it? How intelligent is it? To what extent did it understand what it was doing? How is it going to handle being brainblasted by the majesty of the universe? IDK
Also Kamen is just there I guess. Azi's hostile to him; Ursula seems friendly enough. I suppose a lot of the colonists were asleep when he did the redirect, and there weren't any other crew survivors, so maybe none of them know what they did. I don't think Azi's the type to spread it around, even if she's personally annoyed by him. Can he speak and he's choosing not to, or did everything he went through change him? What do you even do after being psychically controlled by a weird frog pretending to be your wife. Gardening I guess. If he'd stuck with gardening in the first place he wouldn't have ended up in this situation.
I know the show got cancelled on HBO Max and we'll see if it survives the Netflix curse (probably not. Netflix loves cancelling shit) but tbh I think it works pretty well as a standalone! Bask in the majesty of nature. Do not try too hard to understand what's going on. Cheer on Azi's forklift prowess. Admire Ursula
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andmaybegayer · 2 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-07-15
I've been trying to be more thorough in putting down my thoughts about things in here because increasingly I don't do it anywhere else. Sure picked a week though because I went on a completionist streak for some reason.
Listening: Courtesy of making some muffins, Wet Leg by Wet Leg, who you probably know from their hit Chaise Longue.
it's a good album, very much dreamy alt-indie voice. At its best produces some sounds that are more fun to listen to than the lyrics suggest, good command of phonemes.
Also, a late rec off IRC by proxy from @amiscellany with Literary Mind, a new single from SPRINTS. Big fuzzy guitar on a retro rock soundtrack about being in lesbians with a girl.
I haven't gone through the rest of their music but I will be checking it out.
Watching: Finished Scavenger's Reign which was on the Canmom Animation Night last weekend, I only caught the front end because we started late. Really gorgeous show, if you want carefully considered realistic spec bio this is not for you but if you love That Moebius Shit then it's ideal.
I then rewatched the back half with Animation Night last night! Love to talk to my friends about beans.
The main selling point is that it's beautiful but there is also some very fun body horror and good amount of character. Azi and Levi probably have the most interesting relationship, with Azi being genuinely quite normal and polite with her little robot who is suddenly becoming a person. The very long sweeping views and extended scenes of things just happening occasionally breaking out into bloody messes keeps you alert, you can't get too comfortable assuming some part of the world is safe for the visitors.
There's space catholics? What's up with the space catholics.
Oh yeah, here's the original short that started the show, which was fun to see at Animation Night
Also finally got through the last three episodes of The Mandalorian, which. I really like quite a lot of The Mandalorian. I like it when Star Wars explores its backwaters and odd corners. They keep putting the skywalkers in it. I feel like this might be a way to get us to empathize with the residents of the Star Wars universe, who presumable also groan and roll their eyes any time a Skywalker shows up on the holonet.
The pitch for Book of Boba Fett at the end of the show is great. They killed my guy Bib Fortuna! He didn't do anything to anyone, except for the hundreds of murders! I love this weird power couple of Shang and Fett.
Reading: Finished The Traitor Baru Cormorant and picked up Monster. I am a tragedy lover and so this is great. Baru is in a race to kill the monster she's been digested by and unfortunately she's losing.
I like a fucked up secret political cadre. It's probably the least realistic part of the series but I also wouldn't be surprised to find out that it's also a trap. I mean it kind of is! Explicitly it's a trap for the most powerful people in the Masquerade, finding unusually talented people and binding them up with secrets in service of the Empire.
Playing: Beat Indika which is interesting but could probably mostly have been an arthouse film. I like the styling! It is very Arthouse Film, the weird framing, the somewhat stilted dialogue, you can even see it in the camera work, both in game and in cutscenes. The camera goes on an angle if you look the wrong way, which is very intenional, and there's lots of really beautifully framed cutscene moments like the watermill in the factory.
Is Indika good? I'm not sure. I think if you highly value your money it might annoy you. It's doing some fun things with the interactive medium in a very different way from something like, say, What Remains of a Edith Finch. It's doing movie shit. I forgot that video games could push my GPU that hard though.
Started the Dark Souls NG+, currently just beat the Moolight Butterfly. I would really like to build a dex fighter to try out rapiers, maybe Ricards Rapier, but you really need to have the upgrades to make it put out enough damage to stand up to the increased NG+ HP pools.
Making: Helping a friend put together some furniture, but little else. Fiddled with some music stuff to make new ringtones for my new phone, not that I ever hear those, but I like to know that I have them there.
Tools and Equipment: It's central hot water maintenance week so I don't have piped hot water at home. Reviving the great tradition of the washbasin shows you that you can actually get pretty clean pretty easily with like two liters of warm water and some soap, the hard part is really just long hair, which was also hard for people to manage in the 16th century.
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oddygaul · 10 months
Scavengers Reign
Holy shit, good western animation that’s not comedy and actually has a focus on aesthetics, setting and craft??
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Seriously, I still can’t believe something like Scavengers Reign got made. This feels like a student thesis film you’d see on Vimeo, not a full 12-episode series with a healthy production schedule.
I loved this show. The artstyle is a clear rip of Moebius, but that’s… fucking sick? I mean, given how little that style has been successfully adapted for animation, I’m all for it, especially when it’s done with this much care and skill. Seriously, some of the longer environments shots could genuinely pass for later Moebius illustrations. The colors are also gorgeous throughout, managing to make each biome feel distinct (and thus sell how far our characters have traveled) while maintaining a consistent, muted vibe over the course of the story.
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The star of the show, obviously, is the ecology and creature design. Even with no added context, the designs are all very cool, from the little rolling polyps we see everywhere to the stampeding ungulates. But the thing that sets this show apart is the clear ecological niche we’re shown for each species. Nearly every creature we see, we learn something about: their source of food, their natural predators, the unique behavior they’ve adapted to thrive in their environment. And the comparison to nature documentaries doesn’t just stop there - they even directly ape the style, editing and content of documentaries, like when the show focuses on territorial disputes between members of the same species, or highlights a predator taking advantage of its prey’s weakest moments to strike.
Some of my particular favorite ideas: 1. All of the various white-coated creatures near Azi’s desert encampment that blend seamlessly into the spires for camouflage 2. The seafaring creatures sucking up their young for protection during the lightning storm, and the parasites that come in to gorge themselves while they’re defenseless 3. The fact that the little Grey-looking gecko-apes (Hollow’s species), given their intelligence and powerful telekinesis, could clearly become apex predators and take on prey many times their size… but instead use their hypnosis to force other species to get food for them, because it takes way less energy expenditure. That’s nature, baby!
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The show definitely drags a bit around the halfway point. The start of the story is explosive, as we follow the viewpoints of 3 different groups of survivors and their drastically different situations. The character dynamics are great in the beginning - Ursula and Sam’s early mastery of the wildlife during their expeditions, Azi’s reticence contrasted with Levi’s developing personality, and the slow horror that unfolds as Kamen is taken in by Hollow. For the first few episodes, we have no idea where things will end up, and it’s exciting watching things play out.
By the midpoint, we’ve basically lost Kamen’s point of view, as his arc is put on ice until the end of the show, so we’re just bouncing back and forth between Sam & Ursula’s perspective, and the group Azi finds herself falling in with. Sam & Ursula’s narrative feels like it gets stuck in a rut here, as Sam gets infected with two different parasites back to back; I really feel like they should’ve committed to one (preferably the plot thread about the previous survivor) rather than trying to land the same emotional beat twice in a row. On Azi’s side, while I understand what they were going for with Kris and the other newcomers, their story never really got compelling for me. Scavengers’ strength is the planet and its bizarre alien life. Levi, with their dawning sentience and growing connection to the natural world, really fits into those themes; replacing that with a ‘Humans were the real monsters scavengers all along!’ subplot is a tough sell, especially when the characters driving it are about as charismatic as a puddle and have some of the most awkward acting / writing in the show.
There’s even some form issues in the middle section. In classic anime fashion, the visuals take a bit of a hit; there’s less standout background work in the 2nd act, and the character animation suffers at times. I also found the editing distracting in this section; with only two points of view to go between, the constant cutting between the A and B plot started to feel artificial and distracting. Also, since we more or less have an idea of how the stories are going to come together by this point, there’s a sense of inevitability to the proceedings.
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Fortunately, things come back together in the end; Ursula leaving Sam behind is every bit as bittersweet as it should be, Levi’s resurrection by the planet-flowers is fascinating, and the sequence where Hollow is returned to its natural self, courtesy of a Levi-supplied Total Perspective Vortex, is just goddamn gorgeous. Seriously, if anything can become iconic anymore in the constantly shifting hell that is today’s media landscape, it’s this breathtaking animated montage of life germinating and evolving on Vesta. Well, that and the buckwild life-to-death flower pollination sequence in episode 3. Fully expecting to see those posted as captures on random forums one, five, ten years from now.
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Here’s hoping for season two, or anything more from this creative team! They can’t leave us hanging with the fuckin Imperium of Man showing up at the end like that, can they?
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Aziraphale, forever misunderstood
In light of a month passing since the release of Good Omens 2, I’d like to speak on something I find quite alarming.
*spolier warning*
When it comes to Crowley and Aziraphale’s final confrontation, sort of speak, at the end of season two, I feel that the sheer amount of hatred being levied against one of them is particularly unjustified.
That being our resident fluffy angel, Aziraphale.
Now this isn’t to say that Crowley is the one who deserves more criticism, but that people need to put forth the same effort in understanding Aziraphale’s character as they so effortlessly do with Crowley’s.
Just because Crowley is an angsty bad boy dressed in black, and Aziraphale is a well meaning white wearing goody two shoes, doesn’t mean he is devoid of his share of trauma.
In fact, they reason for that plastered smile on Azi’s face at the end of this season, is the direct result of the millions of years of heavens brainwashing at work.
Just as Crowley was different from the other angels so is Aziraphale.
Aziraphale’s love for humanity is very unlike that of your typical angel.
Heaven, god, the other angels all “love” humanity at arm’s length, in a very cold and calculated manner. Just as sterile as the empty white halls they reside in. 
Whereas Aziraphale’s love for humanity is much deeper, it is in the records he hums to, the tea he savors, the books he collects, and in the sincerity of the bonds he forms with the people around him.
He isn’t looking down on these comparatively small creatures from his ivory tower in the sky. Aziraphale is right there with humanity side by side. 
But the struggle is still there. The struggle to separate himself from the humans he adores, to step back from the side of humanity and “love” them the way he’s “meant” to. The way the almighty wishes him to.
Through his time with Crowley, this battle waging in the back of his mind has grown steadily louder just as another catastrophic feeling has, alongside it. A great suppressed longing that, if let loose, would destroy everything Aziraphale has come to know.
So instead of, “ I love you” we get, “ I need you” and the ever disheartening, “ I forgive you”. After all, the will of the almighty is ineffable. He mustn’t question the will of God, even at the expense of his own love.
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volkswagenital · 4 months
anyways im about halfway through scavengers reign and this show is so nuts. everything going on with kamen is so nuts. i love ursula so much and everything with azi and levi is SO GOOD ..... i started watching this FOR azi and levi and unsurprisingly theyre my faves. love those 2. i have very mixed feelings on sam though i both love and hate him
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layzorr · 11 months
OHHHH MY GOD. Just finished episode five of scavengers reign. If I wasn't sold on this show before I sure as hell am now. where do I even begin?
I love that there wasn't like an hour long build up episode explaining All the Lore. All the information. Some people like that but for me I love that you're thrown into these people not really knowing much. I LOVE the slowly telling you more about their lives! I love the conclusions you can draw about them. Azi pushes people away and gets lost in her work, she doesn't know how to maintain relationships. She doesn't know how to relate to people. Ursula is extremely determined but also just...never stopping for a second. Never stops to check in with herself, never lets herself stop for a second. Sam doesn't trust people easily. He's extremely logic oriented. Emotions confuse him. He's angry and stubborn and can't see past his own nose sometimes. He never takes shit into account. Kamen is so many things at once. He's selfish. He makes everything about him. He's controlling. He's extremely depressed and fears loss or things slipping out of control. He fears change. He needs everyone to respect him. He treats people badly because he takes ANYTHING as a personal attack that he has to "stand up for himself" against. He's suicidal. He genuinely loves Fiona and yet has no respect for her autonomy. He doesn't value the lives of the people around him. He holds at least some worry for the crew. But was that just for Fiona? I don't know yet and that's why it's so COOL. I love that they don't tell us everything immediately! They space out different information reveals so it can be taken in! They let you get to know the characters in five episodes before even revealing how the ship got there. And that's what makes the realization what happened actually effective! You knew enough about the characters to care! You know enough about why they act how they do to go, oh FUCK. This is a show you cannot watch with a binge culture mindset or you won't enjoy it it's so good.
Ursula and Sam's dynamic is really cool, hope to see more of how they met/ended up teaming up in these next episodes! I like it's not like. They're besties they're inseparable. it's two people who had to team up and did, and now they might bond. They're not friends yet, they don't dislike each other. They respect each other a lot and I dunno, it's kinda cool to see a completely neutral relationship in fiction.
Sam not apologizing to Ursula and instead kinda implying it. "Without your instincts", as in "I'm sorry I doubted your sense of danger. You wouldn't do something stupid." and also "Thank you for not leaving me alone even though, yeah, you could." Sam's rage at Kamen really adds a lot to him. Ursula so far isn't grabbing me but hey there's episodes left currently out and more to come out! There's gonna be a lot of depth most likely. I am VERY excited for it.
I fucking love Levi. I love their arc so far. I love their being scared of going back to how they were. Unfeeling and not making their own choices. They were never happy before. Theyd never had wants before. It was wonderful. And them being upset at Azi was just??? So good. You treat me like I still have no autonomy. I'm not going to hurt you. Why are you treating me like me enjoying things now and acting differently than I'm supposed to is bad when I'm just existing? I'm helping you. This makes me happy. Why are you upset? Also the scene where she saw her own hands fucked very hard not gonna lie.
Azi realizing, oh. They're a person now. They feel things. That...would be shitty to ask a person to do, huh? Her growing is so good. Her realizing all the times she pushed people out. All the assumptions she made about everything. Her respecting Levi more! Her realizing, okay I need to be nicer to them She...feels it. When I say something they'll feel it. Her telling Levi they're their own person now, and just,, idk I REALLY love them. Azi has so much implications and I love her. The pain about her being so lonely and shoving people out. Never stopping to be around anyone. And her finding companionship on the being that called her out on her shit. Goddd. Something about her treating them better than we see her so far treat a lot of other people. This planet being introduced as Horrific and it still is but it's also just a planet. It's just animals trying to survive. It's just nature and she has to adapt and make it make more sense as she grows.
Kamen....man. The way they've been telling his story with Fiona....at first him thinking the weird creature is her. Then Charlie making him realize no wait is she still there. Then. No. She's gone.
I love the set up to the fiona isn't alive. I saw it coming but it's not treated as a plot twist, it's treated as a realization for the characters. And that is so so much better sometimes. Like you can see it coming and yet kamens reaction, even if he's a horrible person, is still so gut wrenching.
Him being suicidal is STILL so gutwrenching. Because they show you how he feels. They show you, yeah. He loves her. He's a bad person but he has feelings even if he's selfish about them. And the fact none of the other characters have cried before makes seeing HIM much more impactful. He's not a good person but seeing anyone accept assumed death Hurts. And that's what fucks you up.
Man. This fucking show. That shot of the creature kinda consuming Kamen was horrifying and I love it. Still not done so no spoilers but god. This show is fucking good and I need to meet more people into it. I fucking love it.
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Honestly my favorite black character rn is Azi from scavengers reign, I love thst show so much and her and levi's relationship is genuinely one of my favorite parts. I just love her idk like she's such a fleshed out person, she's an asshole sometimes but she has a great arc and it feels like she's an actual human being with an actual realistic personality
Black, and another vote for Azi! This is actually a show atp where I've heard more about her than anyone else on it. I like that! I have another one coming up with her in it as well; I'll let Hot Chocolate comment on that one!
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silicon-katydid · 4 months
Anyway, we watched some of Scavengers Reign when it first came out, but didn't finish it until now because what the hell is keeping up with things? Even though I thought about it constantly ever since.
And basically, my opinion is unchanged: this show was engineered in a lab somewhere to appeal to me specifically. Guh!!!
I really hope it gets renewed! I already miss my friends Azi and Levi so much! ;_;
Like... As someone who fell in love with Invader Zim when it was first airing, I know what happens: they cancel your space cartoon and it just lives rent free in your head for 20 years. And sometimes you watch it again! I'm used to this by now, but I would still like more episodes of this one to periodically rewatch for the rest of my life!
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