#i love azula sorry lol
ssreeder · 2 months
I'm so looking forward to iroh and zuko properly talking and seeing irohs reaction to zuko being gay.
Like we all know he doesn't agree with the fire nation rn but how will he react?
Will he not support him cause sokkas a guy? Will he not support him because it's SOKKA? Will he accept him? Will he reveal he's known for years zuko was gay?
Especially with everything that happened with zhao, regarding to what jee said to bato on their date. (Which is a very understandable perspective, zuko just got out of this very sexually traumatising situation and almost immediately starts a relationship (his first relationship) with sokka, but then again it is a very unique situation)
One thing I love about some atla fics is how they portray the FNs thoughts on queerness, cause on one hand they were one of the only country's (I think) that treated men and women the same but then again it's also the fucking fire nation.
And I also think zukos whole canon arc can be very comparative to queerness,
His dads an asshole and after speaking out against him he throws him out, and zuko try's for 3 years to regain his father's love and acceptance, and then faced with the opportunity of regaining it takes it immediately regardless of who or what he may hurt (iroh, his own morals etc) but once he makes it back home realises how fucked up everything is and eventually confronts his dad and openly tells him he doesn't agree with him then runs aways.
I also wonder if iroh secretly knows jee is queer it doesn't seem that likely to me but it also is iroh so who knows.
I do think Iroh’s reaction will be a big moment for not only the story but for Zuko’s character development. Right now, Zuko’s technically still a prisoner, holding himself there by assuming Iroh will not understand or judge him when in reality he’ll never know what his uncle is thinking until they TALK ABOUT IT. (Which the FN royal family is just sooo good at healthy communication I don’t understand why this is so hard for them lol?!)
I do agree that the suddenness of the relationship combined with the intensity from both zuko and Sokka is very alarming for people looking at it from the outside (I mean we all totally get it cause we were there but others are like uhhhh hmmmm ok this might be concerning) so I get them gossiping and wondering if this is truly real or what the fucks going on with those boys.
I love Zukos canon arc because there’s just so much about zukos story that can be relatable no matter who you are and I think that’s why he is a fan favorite (it doesn’t explain why we torture him the way we do but ehhhh it’s fine haha)
Hmmmmmm does iroh know Jees gay? Depends on how saucy those music nights got ;)
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aangs-love · 2 years
I am kinda confused about this Modern AU of yours, So can you explain it in a simple way for me?
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It's basically my own modern world I made based off some of my modern head canons for the characters
Except for punk!aang that comes from the brilliant mind of one of my mutuals (the link will take you to the original post) While that AU still exist and is wonderful, it's separate from this one.
In my modern world:
Katara is a ballet dancer
Both aang and toph are punk. (Pranksters on the side)
Sokka does fencing
I don't have things for zuko and azula yet because a lot of things for this au just come to me randomly. (Which is why a lot of the characters don't have tags yet.)
Nothing has been written for the AU as of yet. (But I am collecting references for oneshots so)
I hope this cleared things up! If you have any more questions you can always ask!
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acarillustrated · 8 months
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i like to imagine that azula is getting the intensive care that she needs, but with her incredibly strategic mind i think the only activities she would remotely find stimulating are board games/card games that involve strategy. but also she's azula and the table is wood.
also completely unrelated but someone tagged this as dilf zuko??? i know from personal experience that facial hair can grow at any age after puberty lol. doesnt matter that i specifically have a thing for facial hair, which i think is obvious to everyone in my life who has interacted w me and my very hot boyfriend. personally i hc that zuko would do as much as possible to distance his image from his father, and so that means wearing more thai inspired clothes for his mother (who i also hc as thai) and growing facial hair as soon as possible to resemble his uncle.
someone said that toph should also be in fight club and i agree. actually hold on let me find that person and tag them @clubolive thanks to u i love that idea
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all text is typed out below sorry that handwriting looks like the ghost of thomas jefferson possed me lmao
image 1
azula: Your move
image 2
zuko: hmm
image 4
zuko: really?
image 5
toph: Rule number one about fight club is: don't talk about fight club
toph: Rule number two is don't tell Zuko that this isn't a mother's group because he will get us disbanded again if he finds out about fight club part two
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 4 months
examples of atla live action’s attempts to be more feminist and how they actually had the opposite effect and/or hurt the integrity of the show
already talked about katara and pakku. does not make sense that she did not have a master. point blank. just because something sounds empowering (ie katara saying “yes. and ur looking at her.” after zuko asked if she found a master) doesn’t mean it automatically is. there still needs to be logic and katara “being her own master” defies logic imo im sorry!
katara in general. she has no ferocity here which to be very honest i dont think is fully the writers’ fault. some of the blame goes on them but the actress for katara just delivered alllllll of her lines w the same exact mild tone. katara is overly motherly. she is bossy. she is passionate. she is nurturing. she is emotional. THERE IS POWER IN THESE THINGS!!!!! why would we take away her spark?!?!?!
i loved live action suki. however, i LOVE the line in the original when her and sokka part ways and sokka says “i treated u like a girl when i should’ve treated u like a warrior.” and suki says “i am a warrior” *kisses sokka on the cheek* “but im a girl too.” THAT LINE WAS SO PERFECT like lemme say it again there is POWER IN FEMININITY! there is no shame in that!!!!! why does this show wanna take that away so badly. at one point live action suki says something like “im not just a warrior, im a kiyoshi warrior” and before she parts ways w sokka she thanks him for showing her some of the world or something like that. which was fine but i just love the simplicity of the original. a girl can be a warrior and have a crush. why do we have to change that?
this is a small one and it doesnt REALLY matter, but i cant help but think they changed this to be more “feminist” which is just dumb. yue isnt betrothed? well she was but she broke it off? and hahn (her ex) isnt a huge dick? i mean it wasn’t the worst thing and i didnt really mind it but i was just kinda like ?????. feel like yue being betrothed tied into her sense of responsibility and foreshadowed the sacrifices she will make for her people. so. feels rly weird that they changed it. i think it was to show more women agency which is always cool. but in the original, yue finally gets her agency by becoming the moon spirit. that should be the end of her character arc. idk. a weird change that seemed unnecessary.
sokka not being sexist. honestly i think the live action did a good job at omitting this while not REALLY making it feel like something was missing. with that being said, something was still missing lol. once again, its apart of sokka’s character. i feel like everyone has already expressed their hate for this so ill just leave it at that.
i am a TAD indifferent on the women of the northern tribe joining the forces during the fight. on one hand i cant lie i smiled bc obviously i love water bending and i love women so there was definitely apart of me that was happy to see that moment. however. it was kind of giving like in endgame when theres that random shot of all the women superheroes in one frame so the movie could have a “slay queen. we are girlbosses:)” moment. like it just felt a little empty and it wasnt the feminist battlecry they thought it was. these women have been healing their whole lives. why would they be any good on the frontlines of a fight? they never learned combat skills! HOWEVER, when we see them, its mainly just them reinforcing the walls so like. that makes enough sense. im cool w that.
i know im dwelling but as we know i hold atla in the highest regards. it does a lot of things perfectly imo. and one of the things i think it does PERFECTLY is its treatment of female characters. literally the only thing i can think of that i dont like is when team azula beats the kiyoshi warriors and ty lee says something like “u are NOT prettier than us” NDBSKSJDJ like ok that was weird. but anyways. it irritates me how the live action kind of seems to have this pov that says “the original was good, but there were some ideas and plots that were outdated so we changed them to keep with the times” like they’re fixing something that was broken if that makes sense. when in actuality, i think atla’s representation of women is perfect and timeless. it was relevant and powerful in 2005, and it is equally as relevant and powerful in 2024. there was nothing about its feminist themes that needed to be “fixed” or “updated”.
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sokkastyles · 2 months
I’ll never understand people who trash Zuko in the finale for using firebending to try and push Aang to train more. They treat Aang like he’s some poor little meow-meow or like an actual 12 year old when he’s quite literally the mf powerful Avatar who can defeat Zuko with EASE. Like he ain’t in danger and is fine lol. It’s just Zuko pushing him, or at least that’s how I saw it-
Look, if Aang can be a pacifist while doing back-breaking moves on his opponents, Aang can take a little tough love from Zuko. Aang actually is the one who ends the fight by blasting Zuko through the roof.
Also, Zuko didn't know that the gaang decided to wait to fight Ozai because nobody told him, and once the gaang do talk to Zuko they understand his actions and agree with him.
It's just people trying to cancel Zuko for something that's resolved within less than half an episode in canon. And mostly, it comes from people who have no defense against some of the things Aang does that are never resolved in canon *cough cough the EIP kiss* or when Azula does...literally everything she did in canon that she was never sorry for.
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vanilladrizzlequeen · 7 months
i’m sorry but AITST Ozai is kinda hilarious
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why’s he look so dumb 😭
never in a billion years did i think i would say Ozai looks like a good dad but I’m sorry him and Ursa and Azula are kinda really adorable together
and honestly that’s the sad part- this is what it looked like to Azula; to her, at least as a child, he wasn’t the horrible evil man Zuko saw- he was her dad and he loved her. It’s made clear to us viewers that it’s her power he loved, not her, but how was little Azula supposed to see that? It was for her hard to see how much he manipulated her emotions, and that even shows plenty when she’s her normal age in the show. Even after the betrayal from Ty and Mai, she still falls for what might have looked like a simple lie, but was her truth: when Ozai kicks her off of the trip to conquer the world, and tells her that guarding the fire nation is a “very important job” and that he’s making her the fire lord. Obviously the title of firelord means absolutely nothing when Phoenix King Ozai’s ruling the world, but she couldn’t see that, because he raised her in a world of lies.
Ok damn i did NOT mean to turn this into an Ozai rant my bad-
back to previously scheduled programming
like i personally love this art style on him but it’s kinda hard to look at him and go “wow phoenix king so powerful so abusive” (disclaimer I know he was an absolutely awful character and as an Azula stan i hate his guts but this is a joke post lol)
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yandere-avatar · 1 year
Hello!, I hope your day/night is going well!, I thought of something to request and just wanted to shoot my shot lol!
- How about some headcanons of possessive yandere ty Lee?
- // oh and I just wanted to ask this in case your comfy with writing team up yandere scenario's if not I totally understand!-//
-Maybe a scenario where the fire nation squad/ zuko, Azula, mei and ty Lee are all yandere for the reader?
/ I totally understand if you don't vibe with these requests! No pressure to do them just wanted to stress that hgbgb, anyways have a lovely day/night :) /
I write Polygamous stuff, but I don't know if it's the best, but I can always try. This has been in the drafts since: July 14, 2022 [Almost a full year... I'm so sorry. You've probably forgot you requested this because it's been so long] (3rd oldest draft and oldest ask)
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[Possessive] Ty Lee
She doesn't understand why you get so mad that she only wants you to pay attention to her
Granted multiple people flirt with her, but she always shuts them down
She watches you and uses her abilities to get to high places to see you
If you're a bender, she uses her Chi Block on you
She's very giddy and loves being with you
She loves partying w/ you and taking you places
She doesn't want you to meet her sisters, in fear of you comparing them to each other
She wants to be herself with you
She's ecstatic and always energized
She always defends you when someone tries to make you look dumb
Unlike Mai, she would trade the other nations if they kidnapped you, because she loves you more than anything else in the world
Though, she is like Mai in the sense she'll betray Azula, because she loves you more than she fears her
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Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko
You were at first with Ty Lee
Though, you two were never official
You two just bonded better than the rest of them
Zuko and Mai became protective over you, seeing you repeatedly get hurt
Azula just saw you as stupid and she liked humiliating you
Zuko saw himself in you and wanted to protect you from Azula
^Mai was jealous at first, but soon realized you weren't enemies, but friends. You deserved to be protected from the monster that is Azula
You love Azula, because you've realized that she's never really had love in her life [It's more out of pity]
You go with them everywhere, though this gets you a lot hurt
They always get you, but then Azula becomes a little more anxious about letting you come
Azula would never tell you, but she loves you more than anything in the world and that scares her
Ty Lee just thinks your fun, but she doesn't really form a complex feeling for you. She just likes that you're fun
Mai and Zuko see themselves as your protector, especially against Azula. They kind of act like your parents, but they're both distant emotionally, but you definitely open them up
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The GAang [Katara, Sokka, Aang, and Toph]
Katara was the first to fall for you, but not the first to tell you her feelings
It's probably Sokka who tells you
But you don't take it seriously, because he's a flirter
Toph is mean to you and is kind of like a big bully
Aang is nice and treats you like he's known you forever
You both just click so well
When Toph and Katara fight, you are brought into their fights, because they want you to be on their side
"I think Sokka is calling me-"
You don't want to catch that smoke
You're probably the most scared of Katara, she reminds you of a scary mother, but don't tell her, because she wants you to see her as a lover not a mother
It took you the longest to get close to Toph, because she has walls up and it's hard to get them down
You bring up her being blind and she get super angry and you quickly blush in embarrassment
^ You do try and watch it and be more considerate of her, but she also doesn't want you to treat her different. Just treat her like the rest. Once you do, she'll let you in
Aang and Sokka make fools themselves in front of you, because they're not good with crushes, no matter how smooth Sokka is
Though you do all get along better than the relationship with the fire nation group [Ty Lee, Azula, Zuko, and Mai]
You're very close and it's hard to break you apart
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allgremlinart · 7 months
hai good friend,, tell me about mai. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of her before… look what we are doing to our beautiful queens 😔
YIPEE I love when me going insane about a character for a day makes you curious about them... especially cus atp I can kind of predict what is going to pique ur interest
ok ok: so, Mai. She's 1/3 of Azula's Evil Girl Group, colloquially known as Ozai's Angels, and thats the context you see her in for most of the show which is why it's important to know. You know how all cartoons in the 2000s HAD to have ONE morose goth chic? Well she is atla's quota. She's a noble, she's an only child (THEE only child. The first only child they made at the only child factory <33), she fights with 🔪KNIVES 🔪!!! she's Zuko's canonical comphet love interest and she has a very understated but underrated arc..
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Her role/arc in the show:
I mentioned Ozai's Angels because her interactions with Azula and Ty Lee are the real meat and potatoes of her character. They're like... baby's first toxic yuri love triangle <3333 REALLY can't overstate how toxic yuri love triangle they are. Mai and Ty Lee end up betraying Azula in season 3 which is both the climax (imo) of Mai's arc and the inciting action for Azula's descent (but we're not getting into Azula never ask me to get into Azula please). A lot of people reduce Mai going turncoat to JUST being about saving Zuko - and like partially it IS. She saves Zuko from dying because she loves/cares about him and that's a big part of it.
But it's ALSO about her finding her voice ?? Like throughout the show we NEVER see her voice opinions about something unless it's to say that she's bored, or jaded, or what have you. She never seems to have strong feelings about anything; her stated reasoning for joining Azula's Imperialism Girl Band is because she's bored living with her parents 💀 but it's like. It becomes clear to the audience later in the show that she was raised to never speak unless spoken to, to mask emotions, etc etc LIEKKK SHE'S SOOO REPRESSED ONLY CHILD SHE'S SO WOMAN TM... So her telling Azula "I love Zuko more than I fear you" was THEE cuntiest moment EVER because it's like oh shit ?? this is something pretty unexpected from this character ?? Waow so crazy so cunt ??
A lot of people point out that she and Ty Lee never really got a "ohhhh Imperialism is bad" arc like Zuko did but. imo there wasn't a whole lot of room in the show for it lol. Would have been something interesting to explore in the comics for sure !! but uhmmm I'd rather walk into the ocean than watch Gene Luen Yang try and write about imperialism and colonialism again so maybe its better we never got that.. (no offense to him he's just... not that great at doing it in the atla comics...not his strength..)
Her reception in fandom:
She's usually only ever talked about in the context of being Zuko's love interest (either positively OR negatively) hence my post that you saw. Like. Victim Numero Uno of zutara/kataang shipping wars cus at least a bunch of people LIKE Aang whereas people either ignore or actively dislike her.
There's often discourse about like. Who's the "toxic" one in the Mai/Zuko pairing and it's annoying when she gets flak for it cus like newsflash: they both are. My GOD they both are. They've canonically broken up twice. They're the emo boy/goth girl pairing. They're cute together. They're miserable together. They're both homosexual. You get it.
Also a lot of times people just call her boring or emotionless and it's like congrats !! you have fallen for her facade... in conclusion... sorry this is so long uhm.. your fault for asking me though... how long is it going to take until I've just told you the entire plot of this cartoon piecemeal ask by ask...
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azurlily · 1 year
Hello, how are you? I hope you're alright (:
Is it possible to request an Azula x gn reader with an arranged marriage trope (both reader and Azula are aged up of course)? Both of them have feelings for eachother, but since Azula doesn't want to accept that they were married against her will and reader values morals like honesty and sincerity very much (those morals are of course humiliated by Azula on a daily basis lol) they need a bit of time to really find together.
I hope you like the request, please have a great day (:
Ooooo I like this!! I'm doing well! Better than before! I'd like to point put that this is the last month I'll do a specific reader type(shy reader, trans reader, mean reader, you get the idea).
ANYWAY I LOVE THIS IDEA THIS SOUNDS SO INTERESTING TO ME!! Sorry if I didn't get it exactly right!
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"I haven't done anything wrong! If you didn't want that old man to get hurt- oh- and you're crying...sorry?"
Azula doesn't know what too rough means. She also doesn't know what mean means. She assumes you cry because you're sad or angry, not because...of her. Okay, maybe she knows, she just doesn't want to admit it.
Azula sees your sincerity and honesty, she sees it as weakness at first. Slowly it becomes one of the things she loves about you the most. How lying is wrong, and hoe you want people to be happy. She sees it as something to protect. You don't see this type of thing often.
Azulas feelings blossom when you start bringing her things. It's your way of showing your love and interest in her. You bring her things she likes, or things you've been told she likes. There has been an occasion where she lied about liking something and you learned about it. You chided and scolded her for a few days.
"Yes, yes, yes, I'm listening. What we're you saying, uh-"
She finds herself falling in love with you. Wanting to watch you more and more often, seeing all the nice things you do. It's a complete contrast for her, and she knows it. That's why she likes it so much. Azula likes knowing something so different is more than willing to be by her side.
She does mention you and your family to her father. Wether you're an important figurehead or not, she wants to see you higher up. Azula wants a reason to be closer to you; her father acknowledging your family. Well- that's just an amazing reason. She does try and help your status, she wants people know you. Know how amazing and beautiful/handsome you are.
When her father and your parents have a meeting. They talk about Azula and your common interest in eachother. They talk and come to an "obvious" conclusion. The two of you should marry. Your family could help influence, and maybe a lifetime partner will help Azula be a bit more interested in in the things her father wants.
(Not like she isn't already)
They finalize everything before either of you know. They have everything signed and agreed upon, then wait some time. The closer the two of you are, the easier this will be.
Anyway this marriage is definitely not one that anyone else would have seen coming. Azula, on the other hand, knew. That's why she's been pulling away recently. She doesn't want to be married to you forcefully, even if you are cute.
Even though Azula has strong feelings about you, it takes a damn while for her to admit it. When the two of you are hidden in the darkness of her room. Her hands holding your own, her face much too close to yours. The warmth of it all, the love and kindness she'd rarely ever show.
It was all ruined when the marriage was announced. At first you were both dumbfounded. How could this have happened? Right under your noses?
Azula, instead of feeling a sort of happiness, being happy that her relationship with you is secure. Instead she's angry, how dare she be forced to marry you. Marry someone so kind, so truthful, so sweet. It felt like she was drowning in her own angry fire.
She goes from watching you talka bout something you were interested in, to glaring when you even mention love. Azula hates how weak your tears make her, she tries to avoid them. Her being a bitch all the time doesn't help.
Azula, during the wedding planning was nothing short of rude. You tries talking to her, giving her idea on how to make things more her style. She refused to listen. Why would she listen when her father wouldn't care in the slightest!?
"Mhm, yeah. Listen [Name], I understand you're sweet and you want this wedding to be about me, but I dont care."
Over time she's gone from being a bitch, to teasing you. While she doesn't like that she was forced into a relationship, she does like you. So it, in a way, evens out.
About three or four months into the marriage shes back to herself. She's back to pulling you into rooms with a cold glare...only to kiss your lips and walk away. She teases you when you see a hurt animal and run to help it.
Secretly though, she adores seeing you. She adores your truths, she adores how you value the real her. She adores every bit of you, especially when you give her a sweet smile and hold her hand. She makes fun and pushes you around(hopefully you know she doesn't always mean to be rude) but in reality, seeing you just makes her day.
Of course there is the darker side of things.
"Stop crying. I'm not apologizing, you know I'm right. So what if I lied!? I haven't hurt you."
That's what she doesn't understand. Why would you feel empathy for others? She could understand her, yourself, family(barely), even friends. She doesn't get why you'd feel back about someone that doesn't matter. These ideals of her strain your relationship. You fight, and she refuses to admit her wrongdoings. Anymore at least.
She needs time to understand she's done something wrong. You need time to calm down and see things from her eyes. She was forced into a relationship, no matter how close you two were. It was still against her will. Taking away her freedom, taking away her ability to choose you as her forever.
The two of your fight a lot, and you're both hurtful sometimes. That doesn't mean either of you loslve the other any less. It just means you don't agree. She takes time to learn you, see what to and not to tease you about. You take time to see what she sees, to see her fears and anger.
Your relationship does mend, it take a year or two, but it mends. And you two come out stronger than ever. I mean, it's not like either of you have the choice to leave the other.
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Sorry if you didn't like it. I tried, but I didn't fully understand what you meant. Also sorry it's short. I have a lot of Azula requests and I didn't realise how much yall like her.
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withgirl-sq · 2 months
Do you have any more azutara headcannons? Do you plan on writing more azutara in the future?
So here is a couple that come to mind (sorry if I've said them before, I'm losing track lol):
I really believed that part of lightning bending includes preventing the lightening from scarring your skin, which Azula was always really good at. During Sozin's Comet, she wasn't in the right frame of mind for this so she ends up with extensive scarring over her arms. Katara is the first person to find out about this because she refused to show them to anyone else.
I think that Azula would be reluctant to get married because she can only model it on her parents marriage so she just associates it with duty rather than love. Hearing Hakoda tell stories about Kya changes her mind and is what sets her on her plans to propose to Katara.
To answer your second question, I think it will really depend on how I feel after finishing the Avatar Azula AU. I've literally been writing it for years so I don't think I can see myself writing something as elaborate again but I will definitely look to finish all of the prompts in my inbox (Sorry to anyone waiting for a prompt, I'm a lot slower in writing than I would like!)
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ssreeder · 5 months
Chang: I killed Zhao
Sokka: *sokka.exe Has stopped working*
Sorry, not sorry :)
I think these Nick Miller gifs describe Sokka’s current emotional state:
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mugentakeda · 3 months
speaking of Emotional Reunion for the dai li au, i have to ask bc i remember seeing you mention iroh flying into a rage at long feng: does iroh kill him, or does he just rough him up badly before someone steps in/iroh himself realizes what he’s doing? do zuko and azula ever learn about this? does lu ten???? (im sorry for so many questions i just. i love angst. i love torturing these people. you understand how it is)
WELL. to be honest i was considering that iroh roughs him up pretty bad and ALMOST kills him but is stopped by lu ten (who was set off by the “the earth king has invited you to lake laogai” shit by long feng, to keep him in attack dog mode when long feng realized lu ten wasnt gonna attack the children). and thats when lu ten and iroh duke it out, which is what long feng wanted to happen.
because he knows that while iroh is powerful, lu ten is intensely strong, fast, and unpredictable (and has a pretty large amount of weapons on him lol). plus, its not like iroh would want to hurt his son after he just got him back, so the fight is like the most violent game of chicken ever. long feng knows that iroh will eventually tire out or get caught off guard by lu ten and die, or he’ll miscalculate within the heat of the fight and kill lu ten by accident. which is the less ideal option, because as long as lu ten’s brainwashing sticks there’s still a weapon left that long feng can salvage and fix up again. but at least in that scenario where lu ten is defeated, long feng can die satisfied knowing he beat iroh twice.
and the lu ten iroh fight gets very nasty. obviously katara aang and zuko catch up and manage (with great joint effort lol) to get lu ten down long enough for katara to heal him again.
and its at this point where i was considering that lu ten ends up being the one killing long feng. or at least badly injures him and its left up in the air whether or not he survives up until the end of the war and king kuei has long feng hunted down and arrested? like, long feng tries to lash out on zuko or azula during the fight, and lu ten kills long feng before he can get them out of instinct. BUT IDK. rhats kinda what i have in MIND.
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comradekatara · 2 months
I know ppl are yapping at you abt Dungeon Meshi so sorry but I’m joining in. Who in the Gaang (or Gaang-adjacent) do you think would enjoy the dungeon most and least? Sokka would be having a grand time, eating cool food and rescuing sisters and learning about biology and doing puzzles. I can imagine Aang on the other hand having a very bad time; even the plants are animalistic so he would feel weird about eating them. He would appreciate Senshi’s care for the ecosystem though.
idk why ppl keep saying that sokka would be laios.... like laios does say that he wishes he could take falin's place and clearly means it, but he also has the mental fortitude to step back and look at the situation more rationally when he needs to. he clearly loves falin a lot, but he's also able to pace himself and acknowledges not to push himself beyond his own limits, so that he can make grand sacrifices when the time calls for it (and even then, he pretty much knew that losing his leg wasn't gonna be permanent). like, my point is, if katara got fucking eaten by a dragon, sokka would not even bother going back up to the surface to the regroup. he would not be able to approach the situation rationally whatsoever. laios wants to take falin's place because he doesn't want to see her in pain (and also because i'm sure there's a part of him that just wishes that he could be a really cool monster too, lol), but sokka would want to take her place because he fundamentally believes that his role in life is to sacrifice himself for her?? and he would feel like he had failed in some grand, existential way if she sacrificed herself for him (but also, falin is not katara, and so katara wouldn't make those same sacrifices either). if sokka was in laios's shoes, he would be acting far more like toshiro, and we know this because "the boiling rock" exists. sokka is someone who is easily motivated by guilt, and feels guilty about basically everything. there's no way he would be enjoying his time in the dungeon if he felt that he had failed the one person he valued most in the world. he barely enjoys doing anything as it is.
that said, if he was simply in the dungeon for work and katara was there with him or safely on the surface or otherwise healthy and intact, yeah he'd probably like the hunting and puzzle solving and the learning about ecosystems. and since magic is something that can be taught, i'm sure he'd also be fascinated by the science behind it and learn as much magic as he can. aang would be fine food-wise because he'd simply pack enough food in advance, which is what most people do anyway. katara would love it because she loves going on any sort of quest-like adventure, and she loves getting to be the hero. she and aang are the resident healers, naturally. toph enjoys it because she likes hanging out with her friends and getting into weird little situations. suki is slashing up monsters with her katana but mainly she's just vibing. zuko is having a bad time unless he has a fixed goal, just like, in general, so he's only going in the dungeon (or anywhere) if he has a very specific reason. people see azula, mai, and ty lee in the dungeon and they're like "that party is way too small they won't last a day" and then they work as such a perfect and efficient team that everyone is just like "okay. i stand corrected." but anyway. if anyone is falin, it's yue.
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moodymisty · 1 month
Continuing with "What could possibly happen, good and wrong, with one's daughters if they were born?" *and also my headcannons lol, sorry for it being long, I have brainrot now* I wonder If the task will be cut off due to sheer lenght.
akhem Those are on top of my head, there are surely more maybe even bordering on being possibly in male offsprings ,though it takes much more notice in women f.e. dressing inmodestly. Because I doubt misoginy had completly dissappeared in the fashist state that is the Imperium of Man. shrugs I imagine taking the genes of your biological demigod not chaos created father would copy their personality even more in offspring than in adeptus astartes, or even intensify it. Won't be in direct order, my mind cooks diffrently. Hope I don't overwhelm ya lol.
When it comes to the father being that one uncle who can drink whole mjod like it's nothing, I imagine possible daughter having complexes on about she cannot drink as much as her father or his astartes. (since women have lower alcohol tolerance, but it's still better than in her mortal mother...just to add into the angst, I am not really a fan of perpetual loved ones, though there are expections) That may or may not cause the offspring to be much more...provocative, just to show her worth and to get the name of Leman's daughter. Pushing herself to the limits and getting to even more dangerous territories, getting some regular poison doses to make her more invurnelable to those and laying in the most unconfortable places possible.
2. Cruze ah...Cruze daughter. Would be best described as Azula from Atla, though I belive mother would have to be an complete shadow in fathers terroristic tactics in controling the population negotiations or encourage it with her fanatic dogma and devoution to the Imperium. She'd be probably the one you'd call Daddy's daughter (with his borderline obsession to keep her safe, maybe even surveil her without her knowledge) and equally if not even more insane due to direct teachings and not consequences coming from the enviorment. I could imagine her martyrhood being percived as being even deeper into the primarch teachings than her own father despite the possibility of it being otherwise. Maybe she would develop a yes man syndrome after the mortal mother, causing incredible suffering of internal guilt and need for the justice, while being incapable of standing up.
3. Sanguinius daughter is fun. Cause peroid blood and stuff, I imagine her red thirst is fucking INTENSE when it's that time of the month, to the point of locking her up not to cause any harm. Like an actual lack of control, turning into feral dog. It hurts her greatly and I belive she could develop even more of...Dorn characteristic ie. the stoic behaviour and self-harm tendencies in secret. I imagine she could develop an terrific talent when it comes to the diplomatic skills, but that would be a very thin double edge sword.
4. Lions daughter would be paranoid and having some sort of martyr complex. With need to be noticed by the absent father figure napping. She'd be the one who'd devout to her duties with no signs of rest. Feeling as if she's absent, whole thing is falling apart. End of the discussion. is that a spy over there? No...or is it?
5. Fulgrims daughter would be an example of wanting to be a perfection incarnate. Think of the influencer slowly buying more and more things to correct the assesments to the point of being invisible to anyone outside of her. She'd fall to Slaanesh one day or another, though I also imagine her as being one of the more...suprisingly tolerant when it comes to xenos. Especially Aeldari, having some sort of fascination of them and having abilities to withhold the emotions. Even if that's due to risk being eaten from "princess of excess" as they call the chaos god. Oh and the complex of being the best, not an failure. I'd see her as fem Lucius the Eternal.
6. Perturabo's daughter would be best described as constant sterotypical old cat lady behaviour. I belive she'd hate the Iron Wariors even more. (as the biological offsprings were not really expected in this fuckwat plan...somehow though I belive in canon it actually was, I imagine due to the primarchs genes SM are infertile) She'd wish for them to be something more and with her not having as much of an ego to protect herself from, she'd be the #1 encourager for Iron Wariors to develop something beyond the war artistry. Thought it begun with prostetics to make them a bit more...approachable or with more mathematical like patterns. But still decorations, to then slowly develop them in more architechual sense. As much as they are bitter, I see them as being somewhat protective, being that one little sister that's somewhat mischevious (to them) but too adorable to refuse or not listen to her suggestions.
7. Perturabo is done now time for Dorn's daugther. She'd be the typical autistic lady that doesn't get exactly social clues, and has some weird ways to stim not inserting myself, not at all lmao. I honestly cannot imagine any deviations away from her father, like an complete copy of him when it comes to worldview and outside behaviour. Though there's my little thought that due to her bluntness she would be percived as someone "delayed" in development, possibly being a shame in the god-like family. A failure, simmiraly to Mortarion. I won't listen any objections. Though I imagine that she'd be incredibly loyal and liking uncle Horus, having even more hard time beliving that he was a traitor is she was birthed in HH times.
8. Ferrus child would be the description of trully the child of Omnisiah. She'd modify her body even more to the point of lack of recognition like to the point of cosmic horror, completly erasing her own gender due to feeling somewhat very dysphoric with how those stiff guys are. And being some sort of outcast while they are more so an example of unity.He's so barebones in canon I struggle to find any more ideas for the child, if he had anyone at all considering his focus. I wouldn't be surprised if the hypothetical child would end up as living saint and/or one's of possible Omnisiah in some sects. And yes, she gets a kick-ass titan.
9. Vulkans child would be also be the dipomat in all this fuck-up of the family. Much more persistent with father being...I belive the best father out of *points the primarchs* those. She's also fucking burning and it requires to have all windows and AC open to not be cooked alive.
10. Angron child would be best described as being the "empath to the point of pain" which surprises everyone who did not knew him before butcher nails. Well ,maybe expect the soulmate of his, like to headcannon if he got with someone, it would be one of the slaves in Nuceria with her being somewhat a light in the darkness. Returning to the topic at hand. She'd be incredibly intrested in anatomy, primarly due to her wanting to ease father's suffering. (though it can be noted to the male offspring). What is unique with gender of the child is her very close relationship with Lotara and deep seated hatred of the Kharn. While the son would be much more proffesional with her, the daughter would develop really close platonic relantionship. Maybe in alternate reality she'd try to set up her with Angron. Daddy's daughter ver. 2.0. TLDR.
11. Khan's daughter would be example of just chillin and grilling. No diffrence between the male possible offspring, simmirally to Vulkan. I'd see her though as one who loves aircraft and being a pilot for no particular reason. One rides the bike, one flies in the skies. Oddly supportive and kind, would SEETHE if anyone dares to be sexist piece of garbage to HIS daughter even more than the rest of those
12. Bobby G daughter would be best described as that one mean library lady who's very good at the job and knows the antic secrets of excell spreadsheets. While the possible son would still have those, he'd be much more paraded and shown, she'd be more in the shadow. Maybe possibly in adepta ministorium ranks incognito if she didn't had any outside characteristic that would show her connection to the XIII ( a rare chance tbh ), maybe even some preacher very fanatic of her grandfater godhood.
13. Lorgar ah Lorgars daugher would be the definition of being birthed into the worst of the primarch imo. With his zealousnes if the offspring did not belived or share his core belives. (though they surely will get into lots of disscusions considering the faith and such, but the window for discussion is very thin) He'd be the one to take a particullar notice of gender of his daughter, making her somewhat into the example the sororitas should be, molding her very harshly. Also also, if she ever came into contact with Erebus, he'd definitly catcall her if he knows that his genesire won't belive her and get insane powertrip from that. Kor would despite her HARD, being THE EXACT OPPOSITE of one's idea of zealousness and would percive her own little cult as heresy to be cleanesed. Of course in secret.
14. Horus daughter would best be described as one that goes into a path of her father. Since warmastery and shit stuff. Though she'll revice some problems with that, not being a son but a daughter of his, getting into quite some conflits with Luna Wolfes. Probably she'd try to be like little Horus, with her shaving her head and mimicking his speech that would come to her naturally if she was the male. She'd get quite hurtfull and her ego would be even more fragile than of her father, trying to procces it as best as she could. Her mortal mother wouldn't help AT ALL.
15. Magnus would be an epitome of typical asian, tiger parenting when it comes to the child, just a notch. But he'd also be the one to notice gender diffrences, due to him having that curiosity of one, well THOUSAND SONS and there's one exeption. I'd be hillarious if she was like one of the most powerfull blanks, just saying, like the mother sucked all the possible psycic powers the child would have. As long the child would share his personality and belives (though there's uch more leeway than in Lorgar's case), all will be fine. Well if not for that female range, since it seemed the psycic of such power being your father would cause the emotions to errupt and intensify. Would relate with Angorns daughter.
16. Alpharius/Omegon would be simirarly to Ferrus daughter when it comes to gender dysphoria, since the legion is also so unified, though she'd turn somewhere else. To the Callidus clan. And while the son would just be Alpharius 2.0, the daughter would get into much more personal discusions with Malcador, much more aware and being closer than any primarch and their sire would be.
17. I have no ideas for Morty and Corvus. :(
Thanks for the more detailed ideas, I really enjoyed the read. It’s always interesting to think about how each primarch could potentially affect their child’s personality.
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biconickyoshi · 5 months
zukaang dynamic interests me because i am very much drawn to how much their dynamic is similar to the complementary forces of fire and air. wind can make flames grow stronger (thanks for that one azula <3) but air can also snuff out a fire if necessary. Very similar to how aang helps zuko grow and develop as a person (whether he is aware of it or not) but also is not afraid to confront him and is very capable of handling him and all of his hotheadedness. it's a silly thing to imagine but to me aang is a walking and talking fire extinguisher.
Lastly i love the zukaang imagery my brain conjures up when you realize in certain instances if you combine air and fire, you can also make shit blow up (flamethrowers ftw). So how fire can make air more deadly if you're not careful, zuko tried to imbue in aang a little more forcefulness but in the end aang got over his fear of burning/harming people and they both learned that fire doesn't have to be aggressive or destructive.
sorry for this zukaang rambling i don't think any of it made sense but i just wanted to share those thoughts :v
Yessss thank you so much for sharing this analysis!!! What’s funny is I almost named my fic something along the lines of “Air Makes Fire Stronger” based that Azula quote, but I felt like it didn’t quite flow as well as I wanted lol.
I love what you said about them both being able to help one another in different ways by providing something that the other lacks and creating balance. That’s one of the reasons I find their relationship so compelling, regardless of it being platonic or romantic. They really are yin and yang, two halves of the same whole that balance each other out - Zuko helps Aang grow stronger and more confident, while Aang helps Zuko be more gentle. Aaaaa I love them so much
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struggling-author · 5 months
Hey what are your avatar otps besides azulaang?
oh umm… I wouldn’t call them OTPs since that is exclusively Azulaang, but my bi Azula headcanon lives in a variety of ships. Azutara, Azuki, Maizula… not Tyzula tbh because that feels like… imbalanced? and not Tophzula because they are menace-besties but not romantic, but with any of the other girls I think it could be great. Azutara has the enemies to lovers from Azulaang but with more spice and less forgiveness, they‘d tear eachother apart first but that makes it even sweeter if they eventually fall in love. Azuki is kind of different because Suki is more rational and holds less of an emotional grudge, it‘d be difficult for Azula to earn her trust but she would not be openly hostile to her unless necessary. I imagine this one could only happen if Azula is already in the middle or post redemption though, because Suki would not put up with any EtL shit. I guess that is exactly why it intrigues me too, I feel Suki would be more willing to give Azula a chance, more than Katara for example, but at the same time it would be impossibly hard to win her trust and I‘d like to see if Zula can manage it. Lastly Maizula, and I prefer this one over Tyzula because I feel Mai is more capable of holding her own against Azula in a relationship. It’s a complicated version of childhood friends to lovers and I‘m kind of here for it. No idea how it would work though lol.
Aside from Azula ships, I think Zutara is pretty cool and works well alongside Azulaang. Kataang is kinda cool in theory too, but I don’t like shipping Aang with anyone except Azula, it feels wrong 🤷‍♂️ The only other Aang ship I can imagine liking is Zukaang, but I don’t talk about it much.
Oh and I have to give a shoutout to Sokkla, I don’t particularly vibe with it but they’re the sister ship to Azulaang and I do see the potential of the two genius strategists, so if Aang didn’t exist I would definitely ship Sokkla instead. Nothing but love to the comrades over there. 🫶🏼
edit: totally forgot this but I actually also love Tylaang aka Ty-Lee and Aang, it just has absolutely no fandom so it’s hard to get the ball rolling. I just feel they would be such a wholesome bubbly cute ship, and I dig the Ty-Lee airbender ancestry theory so she‘d love to learn all about airbender customs and they‘d have so much fun and probably a huge family 😅 anyway I think party of why I ship this is just because I think these two deserve the world and it represents my wish for them to be totally carefree and happy. you can also add Azula and make this a throuple, I think that would work because you have Tyzula as the polar opposites and Aang in the middle to bridge the gap.
speaking of throuples I enjoy the idea of… Azutaraang? (Azula/Katara/Aang) but it is very difficult to make work. The only way I can see it is if Azula and Katara fall in love first because nothing good could come of them fighting over Aang. or maybe I could see like a stranded on a deserted island AU where the three of them have to work together and learn to rely on eachother… idk, difficult but not impossible.
Oh and I love Zuki too (Zuko x Zuki) …damn I guess I do have quite a few non-Azulaang ships. anyway this is essentially a bodyguard AU and it’s actually my favorite Zuko ship (sorry Zutara) not much to say about it cuz I’ve barely engaged with it, but I love the idea and think they would just work really well together. I also can see this as a throuple with Sokka again. I don’t really vibe with Zukka on their own but if you add Suki then I love it, because Suki deserves two good boys and it’s more fun for everyone involved if those two good boys are in love with eachother too.
final edit hopefully: Sokka Azula Aang is good too, for the same reasons listed for Zuko Suki Sokka, I swear that’s it now. goodbye lol.
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