#i love both the goblins
himemeiya · 28 days
No Longer You || Revolutionary Girl Utena
There is a world where I help you get home But that's not a world I know [x]
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a2zillustration · 8 months
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Buddy we literally JUST read a scroll about hubris AND you were just inspired about something called "Don't let history repeat itself," that 10 wis stat is really coming through.
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tangledinink · 1 year
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I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? Michelangelo Ref Sheet!
Gosh and golly he's got so much going on. Why did I do this... Raph is next!!!
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kickingshoes · 1 year
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If Wolfwood had been with Roberto and Meryl in the lab
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voluntarysubmission · 9 months
Reading the manuscripts from Alan Wake: American Nightmare is so funny because Alan loves his wife so much and really seems so sad that he was ever an asshole to her. He's pretty much writing "I sucked so much, I can't believe my wife likes me let alone loves me, I'm so lucky to have her, and I miss her so much, I just want to be back with her, I'm a better person now and I want to be a good husband for her".
He's aware it's been at least 2 years that he's been gone, and that she thinks he's dead and is more sad about that because he doesn't want HER heart to be broken, and hopes she's moved on, but also really wants to get out to be with her again? Thinking about her is how he stays sane in a place that actively gnaws at the mind.
I guess by AW2 he's become much more resigned to her thinking he's dead and less actively just thinking about how he misses his wife, but it's still very sweet that as soon as he realises she's being haunted, he's like "nobody endangers MY wife" and continues to terribly haphazardly try to save her.
Alice unfortunately doesn't get much characterisation through the games, and I hope she gets more screentime in future stuff, but it's nice that Remedy shows that Alan is kind of just a loving puppy even years into their marriage. And she loves him too!!!
Anyway I'm pretty much just pointing at Alan now and going "haha check out THIS guy, he LOVES HIS WIFE, what a NERD" but with as much affection as I can because I genuinely love it.
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waspgrave · 2 months
‘ohhhh so many interesting things happened I wanna draw it all and make a compilation’ but you can’t help yourself so you have to sketch your dnd character having the biggest stomach drop ‘oh no that’s related to MY backstory’ moment…and it’s only session 2
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goblinbeetle · 11 months
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moeblob · 1 year
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I love Katale very very much and she's such a fun baddie.
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darthsuki · 15 days
If I was given the choice to fight either someone with a loaded gun or a neurodivergent individual whom i just made a logical fallacy in front of i would simply take my chances with the gun
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5hrignold · 4 months
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what do they mean by this
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Inquisitor: Why are we lying on the ground? The Iron Bull: A Vint Mage knocked you out cold so me and Sera decided to lie down with you so it looked like we were just chilling Sera: *Nods*
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peri-helia · 9 months
So in The Church on Ruby Road you have the main characters going to save a baby from goblins who have a bop of a song
And in Labyrinth (1986) you have the main character going to save a baby from goblins with a bop of a song.
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hamiltonforpowerpoint · 7 months
I just finished ACOFAF believe y’all think RueHob is toxic? Is it perfect? No but y’all placing all the blame on RUE. Saying that they only love this idea of Hob is crazy
Some things I want to touch (To my understanding this is what I perceived)
Rue didn’t choose to serve the court of wonder like it was some planned decision. Rue was an orphan who was kidnapped and forced to stay in the fae relem no? I think it makes sense for Rue to take the place next of the ppl who raised them.
So Oscar/Rue took the love at first sight route. Doesn’t inherently make it selfish, unreasonable, or shallow. I’ve heard plenty of stories of ppl getting together within days/weeks/months of meeting each other. Some people feel differently
Just because Rue lived in a place of lavish doesn’t mean they can’t be sad. Idk maybe it hit me more personally bc I saw it as yk yt parents non-black kid adoption. Rue being an OwlBear just trying to fit in in the society around them. We always say money doesn’t buy happiness why can’t this apply to Rue?
The love Rue wanted was romantic love. They may have had the love of the people, court, Wuvy, etc but it wasn’t the love they WANTED. Is Rue not allowed to want love? Love that is of kissing and holding and not making face and contracts?
It’s almost like the Bloom is made to make connections of any kind 💀 Again I don’t understand why it’s wrong for Rue to want to love somebody/love them. Rue didn’t force Hob to fall in love. Rue didn’t feed him a love potion or pushed him till he breaks.
I feel like we are a being harsh on Rue for being more emotional/dramatic but at the end of the day this is a dnd game. These characters actions rely on the descriptions provided by the player. If they add in a sigh here or a tears in the eyes there I don’t think it’s fair to fully put that on the character without the context of performance.
Wuvy Wuvy Wuvy. I love Wuvy but it’s clear that their relationship was platonic .l. I think Rue has felt that everything Wuvy has done (sort of) was due to responsibility of position/duty. Ofc Wuvy denies that but we don’t know how long Rue felt this way. I don’t think we see any evidence that says Rue told Wuvy to To change herself and make herself smaller I think Wuvy did that out of the love of her heart. If I had to take a major guess I would assume Rue made these changes to themselves first and Wuvy followed so that they wouldn’t be alone. While Wuvy may follow Rue command her actions are of her own. Did Rue do Wuvy wrong from time to time. Yes!
To imply that Rue is selfishly satisfying this hunger through Hob is crazy to me. I feel like y’all are babying this man. Hob was major and was set to be married. At the end it was Hob who went after Rue not the other way around. If he wanted to he could’ve atleast cleared the air with Rue then continue his duties. No one told him to hold on to Rue token. No one told him to dance with Rue. No one made him give Rue his badge. No one forced him to quit. He decided those things bc of his own heart not Rues.
Ig my question is if Rue only loves Hob bc of what he “represents” (like this idolization I suppose) why does Hob love Rue. He had his court, his honor, his goblins. A big chunk was Hob being to loyal to his court.
P.S The thing with the goblin court was f’ed up. Just makes Rue flawed not horrible.
TLDR: I’m more trying to fight I’m just RueHob number one defender. I’m not digging on anyone or being like “I’m right you’re wrong”. I’m just expressing my feelings after being on an 8 episode rollercoaster
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mrsoharaa · 10 months
"He...just gave me this look"
"What 'look'?"
"That look where he sought for comfort...sought for some sort of closeness一 shelter and security...like I could feel his beautiful eyes carry this overbearing weight of sorrow and melancholy behind them...just seeking for some sort of light and liberation...like he was pleading for some form of一 affection and endearment"
"...Like he saw the stars themselves move when we made eye contact...so intently focused and luring..."
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prettyflyshyguy · 6 months
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What the fuck........ What the fuck
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sarcasticsra · 2 years
Now: imagine you’re Hob, and you meet a fey so stunningly poised, a true gem, in your eyes, of their court. You think their magnificence is only further enhanced by the fact that they, too, understand what it is like to serve others, to work so that others may enjoy the majesty of the Bloom. You share an unexpectedly tender moment, alone in the forest, and then it ends abruptly, and you are unsure as to what you have done.
This uncertainty is only further exacerbated when you are challenged to a duel by their assistant, and even once it is over, she refuses to tell you what offense you have committed. It seems logical to conclude that your foolhardiness in expressing any tender sentiments to someone so majestic was an insult that could not stand. As you are reminded by your superiors, you are a blunt instrument. That is your purpose.
Then you see them transform at the tea party, the lovely elven form fading away to reveal them as they truly are: a resplendent, breathtaking owlbear, eyes kind, nervous. You stumble over your own feet, marveling at the splendor of them. Their magnificence truly knows no bounds.
You realize, then, what an arrogant fool you were, to think anything you did or said impacted their thoughts in any way. They simply had their own inner worries to focus on. As if a humble goblin such as yourself could even begin to factor into any of their considerations at all.
And in the hedge maze, as you turn away from the scent of peonies, you know you are something else, even worse than a fool: a coward.
At the tailor’s shop, you remind yourself that you are an idiot, insignificant to their mind, but you remain enamored by them, the glory of their beauty such that it could inspire a sunrise to jealousy. They don’t say much when the conversation turns to deriding the Court of Wonder, and you are moved, wishing only to comfort them, as they describe their complicated feelings toward their court. You understand them. You know that isolation.
When they tell you that you were used, that it seems as though no one else in the Goblin Court has given any concern to your needs, you feel the coldness of the medal in your hand so keenly, stunned even as you know they are correct, unable to offer any reproach to their words. This wondrous fey before you is like none other you have met, and you are unworthy in their presence. You hurriedly give them your medal, rushing to the door, hearing but not heeding their insistence that you protect yourself.
At the masquerade ball, when the fireworks explode above, your only thought is of them. You act so rashly, ungentlemanly, placing your hands on them without permission, but their response is kind, gracious. You can scarcely believe it when they show you their empty dance card, and you feel the breath leave your lungs when they ask you for yours. You meet their eyes, feeling the magic in the air, and you eat your card, so that their name and their name alone will ever be the one it bears, as close to you as you can keep it.
You dance, and you dance, and you dance again, and even when you muck it up with your typical oafishness, they seem to enjoy it, to enjoy you. You are spellbound in their arms, and when they ask you what the P stands for in your name, you can only whisper it, a secret just for them. They smile, lifting a peony from their ensemble, and place it behind your ear, as if in exchange. For the first time in your life, you feel cherished. You feel pretty.
Their kindness this evening is a gift you will be grateful for forever. They have given you a glimpse of possibility, of what it might be like to be... loved, and it is as beautiful a dream as they are.
Reality, of course, returns the following morning, with your new promotion and your new assignment, and after your conversation with BINX, you think it is no wonder you are so easily cornered by Prince Apollo, as true a scoundrel as you’ve always suspected. You flee, taking substantial wounds for your trouble, but you do find the others, them included. They ask you if you’re hurt, and you try to assure them, but your answer seems to upset them, and you realize you must have looked a fright. Wounds are nothing to you if you may be of service, but of course someone so kind would be concerned. They ask you again about your own wants and happiness, and you do not know how to answer. There is no alternative to obligation, is there?
They simply wish you happiness before they leave, something in their demeanor... dampened, and Lady Featherfowl quite understandably assumes you’ve been stabbed once again, this time right through the heart.
At the theater, when the message from the Court of Sea Foam comes through the blossom, you are frazzled, moving to find more information, and the confirmation of your terrible suspicion feels like ice in your veins.
You are a fool. You’ve known it all along. Of course a fey so wondrous and glorious would not lower themself to entertain a lowly goblin like you. Of course they would not truly care about your wants, your needs. What you took as kindness out of obligation to the Bloom was nothing more than calculated cunning, expertly wielded to keep you off guard, to dissuade you from your mission. You’ve been tricked, made a mockery of, and so easily, too. It mustn’t have taken them much effort at all, to make you feel as you did--as you do.
You confront them, knowing you will be unable to fully conceal the effect they’ve had on you. Even now, in the moonlight, in their red-rose dress, they are stunning. They speak of love as the basis for their actions, as though the damage they have dealt to your court is irrelevant, as though your duty, your service, is irrelevant. You know now their actions toward you were a charade, but still it stings. You thought you understood them. You thought they understood you. 
And then they tell you they love you, and you are caught, frozen, mouth agape, as they explain how much they love you and how much they care, that they’ve professed their feelings and did not receive a response. They explain why they turned away from you in the forest, that you inspired their glorious unveiling, and in that moment, your mind reels, and you feel as though you’ve forgotten how to breathe.
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