#i love fluff! i love nice lighthearted affairs!
sagesilentfire · 1 year
The other person is correct. You sound kinda pretencious and like you don't get how fanfics work. Try to make something instead of trying to drag talented artists for being fun and successful.
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i literally write fanfic. all the time. and a lot of it is fluff, or it wouldn't be five volumes.
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milfgyuu · 3 years
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Heart & Seoul | Chapter 2 
❥ Pairing(s): Jeon Wonwoo x Fem!Reader
❥ Series Tags: Series, Exes to Lovers!AU, Fluff, Mild Angst, Mutual Pining, Humor, Romance, Smut.
❥ Chapter Warnings: [3.2k] time jump, angst, mutual pining. 
❥ Check out the Series Master List here! (banners made by @beaniegyu​​)
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❥ Summary: Your first love hit hard & fast but it was all swept away in the blink of an eye when your boyfriend is sent away to a Korean University after your high school graduation. Seven years later, work lands you in the heart of Seoul and never in your wildest dreams did you imagine running into the one person who’d left with your heart years ago. 
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7 years later…
Samantha’s voice suddenly sounds from behind you, her nails pressing into your shoulders from the way she grips them excitedly. “You’d better make a wish before you blow out those candles!” 
Your twenty fifth birthday is somewhat of an affair thanks to your oldest friend who not-so-shockingly started her own event coordination company shortly after graduation. She booked out half the restaurant for your family and closest friends to celebrate with you and she somehow even talked them into allowing her to decorate the space with pastel garlands, floral arrangements...the works. 
Time seems to slow as you look around, soaking in the details of the moment. Your parents and siblings are watching you fondly while your friends cheer you on, all together singing a very off-tune rendition of the birthday song. Everyone important to you is here which reminds you that you are just as important to them and it feels good to be with the people you love at a time like this. 
It almost fills that tiny, mostly forgotten, ache in your chest. 
You cut the suspense and quickly blow out the candle on your personal cupcake and cheers erupt around the table. You make sure to thank everyone for the birthday wishes as waiters bring around sliced cake on pretty gold plates. 
Samantha and her attention to detail.
As the chatter dins down to personal conversations, Sam falls into the seat next to you and you hold your fork out with a grin. She leans forward and takes a bite of the offered cake and hums in appreciation, “Katrina never lets me down with the baked goods. This is amazing.”
You laugh at her expression, taking another bite for yourself, “It is really good cake.”
“Thank you, Sam,” You reach out and place your hand on her knee, “For everything. For putting this together,” You gesture around the room, “For being my person and reminding me that there are things in life to celebrate.”
Samantha pats your hand back. “You never have to thank me for that. This is going to be your year. I just know it, something big and wonderful is coming for you soon. I have, like, a sixth sense for these things.”
You laughed at her turn of phrase, pulling back to pop the last bit of cake between your lips, “That’s what you always say about table linens.”
Samantha rolls her eyes and dips her pinky into the cake of the person next to her before swiping it hastily against your cheek. Your brother’s mouth pops open in protest for having his cake defiled but Samantha is quick to shut him up with a kiss. 
“Call it a seventh sense then,” She smarts, swapping her untouched slice of cake with her beloved. “Mark my words.”
You were pretty sure the next big “Samantha Evers Event” you’d be attending would be their engagement party. Relatively soon if the dumb lovesick grin on your brother’s face was anything to go by. 
The sight of their lighthearted bickering made you smile but it also brought forth a feeling of longing that you hadn’t felt in a while. It was nice to be surrounded by family and friends but you would be lying if you said you didn’t wish you had someone special to share your birthday with this year. 
The memory of a deep laugh pokes it’s way through your sweet moment and you blink, fingers tracing your lips as if you can still taste those sweet buttercream icing flavored kisses you received on your eighteenth birthday. 
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The birthday fun is short lived of course and then it's back to your mundane everyday life. You had a modest apartment with an almost decent paying job as a teacher in a private school. It wasn’t your preferred age group but the elementary schools in your area weren’t hiring and there was no way in hell you would subject yourself to middle school kids. 
You spent most of your time to yourself unless Samantha was dragging you out on the weekends for shopping and lunch dates. You saw your parents every other weekend and kept up with your siblings as best you could. Your youngest sibling was off at college in another state and your very oldest was married and had moved even further so you didn’t see them often. You saw your brother the most, the other middle child, since he was always attached to Samantha’s hip.  
Dating was...unsuccessful. You met a few guys that seemed okay and the relationship wasn’t bad, per say, it was just never...great. You’d even dated one guy for almost a year before you realized the relationship was going nowhere. It lacked what all the others did in the end and so you were single once again. Samantha had even tried setting you up a few times but after rejecting her last three offers, even she had since given up. 
Thinking back to your birthday party two weeks ago, you thought about what Samantha said in regards to this being your year and something big happening. You had secretly wished for the same thing when you had blown out your candles but you didn’t know that particular ‘something’ would come so quickly. 
When you rolled into school ten minutes earlier than usual, you powered up your computer and started checking emails finding one from the school’s headmistress that immediately piqued your interest. They were requesting to see you during the lunch period and you briefly ran through a list of reasons why that would be but came up short. 
The first half of the morning flew by and before you knew it, you were lightly rapping your knuckles against the wooden frame and Mrs. Lightner looked up at you with a soft smile, urging you to come in and have a seat. So, you weren’t in trouble. That was good. 
“Hey, thanks for meeting with me,” she said kindly, “I wanted to speak with you about a recent opportunity that’s come up and I think you’d be very interested.”
“Oh!” Your eyes widen, “Sure, what sort of position?”
“Well, as you are aware, Brighton Academies is affiliated with several other private schooling facilities all over the world and I happen to have a very close friend who is the Headmaster at a very prestigious elementary school in need of a bright, young, woman such as yourself.”
You blush at her compliment. “Elementary? That’s wonderful. I’ve always wanted to work on that level. Where is this school? I haven’t heard of any openings.”
Mrs. Lightner’s smile faltered only briefly but you caught the motion nonetheless. 
“Well,” She starts, “It would be a full relocation but with transfers like this we offer housing allowances and all moving costs would be paid in-full of course. It would really be a breeze. Oh! And this would be a contract for one year with possibility of extension if everything is a good fit.”
Housing allowance and paid moving fees? That didn’t sound half bad. “Got it. So this school is…?”
Mrs. Lightner chuckles awkwardly. “South Korea. Seoul, South Korea to be exact.”
Your mouth forms a perfect ‘O’ shape and Mrs. Lightner just nods her head a few too many times, waiting for that information to truly sink in. Just then a thought occurs that makes you blink a few times, “Mrs. Lightner...I don’t speak...Korean.”
“No, no! That’s okay! Totally fine. The position is for an English teacher for kindergarten aged children. You don’t need to know Korean but I do hear you pick up the basics quite quickly and you’ll have a teachers aid for any help with translating.”
“Oh, ok,” You mumble quietly. 
A transfer to another country sounded terrifying but also...exhilarating and you would finally get to work with young children like you’d dreamed of but still...Korea? 
“I can see it’s a lot to take in of course,” Mrs. Lightner softened her tone again and looked down at you with a small smile, “I know this would be a huge change for you but I wouldn’t have recommended you if I didn’t think it would be a great opportunity for you to grow. Mr. Kim is very much looking forward to speaking with you if you’re willing but I’ll give you a few days to think about it.”
You weren’t really sure what to say but you nodded politely and thanked her for considering you worthy of her recommendation before scurrying from her office. The second you reached your classroom you dug your cell phone out of the top drawer and sent an SOS text to Samantha for an emergency meeting after work. 
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“Dude, Korea?!” Samantha said, Thai noodles hanging unceremoniously from her open mouth, “That’s insanely cool!”
“One, please swallow that before you choke,” You chided and she slurped the remainder of the noodles into her mouth with an eye roll, “Two, yes, Korea...for a whole year.”
“This is it, baby. I told you big things were happening! You said they would pay to move you?”
You set your takeout container on the tiny coffee table in front of you and pull your legs up onto the couch, resting your arms on your knees. “Yeah, moving fees, an allowance for an apartment which seems to be quite a bit, like it would be a pretty decent place.”
“Better than this place,” Samantha huffed at your haphazard decor and you shove at her shoulder lightly. “Listen, they are basically paying you to move somewhere new and exciting, you get to work with the little babes like you’ve always wanted, and it comes with a pay raise, right?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled more to yourself. Well when you put it like that. However, there was another big reason why you were hesitating. “You know, that’s where he moved to. I don’t...I’m not sure if he ever moved back or if he’s still there…”
Samantha turns serious in the blink of an eye, not even believing she could have forgotten. “Listen, Seoul is a big place. Like a massive place. Even if he were still living there, which I doubt,” She scoffed, “His manipulative robot parents wanted him back here to run the business and you haven’t run into any of them in the past seven years, right?”
“Well, no,” You said quietly. You knew the Jeon’s still lived in the area but you hadn’t once seen or heard anything about them nor had you heard from Chan since you and Wonwoo had ended things. Quite frankly you steered clear of the name Jeon in general. 
“I don’t know, Sam. This is a huge jump.”
“It sounds like everything you’ve been needing. An opportunity to grow, to travel, meet new people, hopefully meet the right person if you know what I mean,” She cheekily walks her fingers up your arm and you both giggle as you shake her off. “You’re young, smart, kind, funny, beautiful and you’re a damn good teacher who loves kids. This sounds like a blessing to me girl.”
You try to picture yourself packing your things and flying halfway across the world, exploring new places, tasting new foods, learning a new language. It seemed almost too good to be true to have the chance to do something like this. You could never afford to just up and move to another country but with the financial aid of accepting this contract…
“I might do it,” You whisper and Samantha squeals, shaking you by the shoulders and she jumps to her feet on your couch, “I think I’m going to take it.”
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As expected, your boss was thrilled to have your answer a few days later and Mr. Kim was very kind and made you feel good about your decision to transfer. Your last day at Brighton would end in three weeks, the end of first semester, and you’d be packing your things and on a plane.
Your parents seemed shocked about you actually accepting the position but you were happy to know they supported you and a secretly selfish part of you felt a little warm inside when your mother shed tears, wrapping you in her warm embrace to tell you how proud she was. You always knew that they loved you but it was nice to find yourself the center of their attention for a moment. 
The next three weeks flew by between preparing your replacement for the rest of the school year's planned curriculum to downsizing and selling off some of your belongings to make the trip easier. Samantha was by your side almost everyday and she and your brother were there to send you off. Your brother held your best friend who was crying and cheering for you all at the same time as they waved at you from behind the boarding gate.
You situated your carry on and sat in your seat awaiting takeoff and before you knew it, your eyes were drifting closed. When you woke up next, you’d be in Seoul and that made your nerves tickle in an exciting way for the first time in a long time.
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The waiter passes by the table for the fourth time, inconspicuously eyeing the man he’s come to know quite well over the last few years as a regular patron at the restaurant and friend of his boss. On the last pass, Wonwoo catches his eye and tips his head, signalling that he was well-past ready for the check. 
The woman doesn’t even bat an eye toward the bill as Wonwoo slips his credit card to the waiter, nor does she stop speaking about herself for more than two seconds. Sure, she’s attractive, objectively speaking, but Wonwoo gathered in the first five minutes of meeting that she was yet another spoiled rich girl, too vain for her own good, looking to secure a rich husband to sustain her lavish lifestyle once she’s cut off by her parents. 
It’s the same every time he agrees to these blind dates, which are truly few and far between. The women look the same, speak the same, dress the same. They’re boring, vapid, looking for nothing other than direct access to wealth, power, or fame. He hasn’t had a relationship last longer than a few months at a time since well…
“Mr. Jeon,” The waiter returns with Wonwoo’s credit card and briefly glances at the woman who offers a fake smile that disappears before he even turns away. “I hope you’ve enjoyed your meals. The hosts have let me know that your driver has arrived to take your...guest...home.”
Wonwoo tries not to laugh at the way the younger man says ‘guest’ in the same tone one would use when discussing an insect. “Compliments to the chef,” He winks at the man before standing and offering a hand to the woman politely, “Shall we?”
The woman smirks at the waiter and places her manicured hand in Wonwoo’s, far too smug and confident as he leads her from the table and out toward the black town car idling by the entrance. As they near, a man hops out of the driver’s side and circles around the car, opening the back door. 
“This is my driver, Hansol,” Wonwoo explains with a little nod to the other man, “He’ll make sure you make it home safely.”
The woman seems surprised, “You’re not coming with me?”
Hansol smothers his laugh with a short coughing fit and Wonwoo’s lips twitch with hidden amusement. “No, I drove myself here this evening.”
Her mouth pops open a bit, she was certain she had secured her ticket over dinner but that doesn’t deter her. She turns to face him, sliding her hands over the lapels of his suit jacket and Wonwoo already knows what’s coming next. “Are you sure I can’t convince you to take me home?”
Wonwoo plucks both hands off his chest with a light grip on her wrists. “I’m positive. I don’t think we’re well matched if I’m being honest. Thank you for joining me for dinner. I hope the meal was enjoyable.”
The girl scoffs and tugs out of Wonwoo’s grip easily. “What a waste of time,” She huffs, turning toward the car because she had no other way of getting home. She had fully intended on seducing him into bed after dinner with no back up plan. “You’re so stiff and boring. You wouldn’t know how to handle a real woman like me anyway.”
Hansol barely waited for her to pull her other foot into the car before he gracefully flung the door closed, discreetly shooting little finger guns and a silent laugh at his boss before rounding the car back to the driver’s seat and pulling away from the restaurant. Thank god it was over. He’d have to talk to Seokmin about what he considered to be Wonwoo’s type because he couldn’t have been further off. 
Back at home, Wonwoo shuffles through the front door tiredly, trading his shoes out for slippers as he continues straight to the bedroom, stripping his suit jacket and tie along the way. He carelessly drops his wallet and keys atop the dresser and shuffles further through his room to the bathroom. 
Turning on the shower, the steam begins to fill the room and he strips out of his shirt, tossing it unceremoniously into the hamper before undoing his belt and letting his pants hit the polished floors with a loud clunk. He catches his own reflection in the mirror and stares back thoughtfully. 
His attention falls on a scar across the top of his left pectoral and he can’t help the little smile that appears on his lips. He’s had it for years now and the memory of how he’d received it was one of those he always looked back on fondly no matter how much time had passed. 
It was the summer between junior and senior year when you and Wonwoo were inseparable. He’d snuck you away from your friends and family for the whole day and you’d driven out to this secluded lake about thirty minutes from home. You spent hours swimming and laying around in the sun, sharing lazy, teasing kisses, and cold drinks from the cooler. 
At one point you’d talked him into going for a walk around the lake but the trees got a little thick halfway through. He’d been following behind you when you’d pulled a thin branch out of the way and as he crossed, the branch slipped from your fingers slicing right into his soft skin as it hit him. You were horrified and fussed over him for several days after the fact. 
His chest aches as he remembers how you’d made him stop at a gas station on the way home to get a first aid kit and how you carefully cleaned the wound, applying ointment and a bandaid much larger than necessary. He’d told you as much but you just shook your head and leaned down, pressing a tender kiss over the material. It must have become a habit for you because long after the wound had healed, your lips had still sought out that spot on his chest.
Wonwoo blinks back at his reflection and pulls away from the counter with a long sigh. He dips his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and pushes them down his thighs, kicking them away with a huff before he rounds the glass partition and steps into the hot spray, hanging his head and letting the water ease some of the ache in his muscles. 
It does absolutely nothing for the ache in his chest. 
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms WITHOUT PERMISSION! All stories are copyrighted, Bubblebeom, 2020. ©️
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borom1r · 3 years
can you tell us more about the text game you're making? i'm sure you've talked about it lots but i'm new here lol
OH YO yea i can!!!!
so THEE text game, the main one, has been an ongoing project for over a year now (possibly two but idek anymore lol)
you can choose to either play as Adam or Amanda, which determines who you can date— each PC has 3 different routes/dates!
for Adam, you can either date Lawrence, William (SAW 6 main victim), or Gibson (internal affairs cop from 3D, played by the same actor as Tod from Final Destination). for Amanda, you can date Lynn, Laura (blond woman from SAW 2 who died in Amanda's lap), or Pamela (William's sister from SAW 6)
each route is about 4 chapters long (give or take, some have "B" chapters which are short continuations for specific choices that didn't make sense as part of the main chapter, or a full-on 5th chapter) and has an optional NSFW scene during one of the later dates (usually the last one, but Gibson's is a little earlier + Lynn and Pamela's routes are still unwritten). it doesn't have a title yet, hence why it's just called "the text game," but it's hit about 53k words (over the minimum length for a romance novel, lmfao) and is by far the biggest thing ive EVER written.
Lawrence's route is a fairly standard mix of dates (you have dinner together, go to the beach, etc) — William's route centers heavily around food both bc I love the hc that he can cook but food is a very comforting thing and William is a very comforting presence, so it just fit together in my mind? totally unintentional lol. Gibson's gets into the most... stressful scenarios, in that he CAN end up shot to hell in the hospital, BUT he survives! and in one ending you can marry him.
Lynn's route I have started, but hit pretty major creative block so it's possible I'll wind up scrapping it. Laura's route, which is nearly finished (I'm procrastinating on like A Singular Paragraph of conclusion writing lol) is very seasonal! for the most part it's lighthearted + you get to take her to an apple orchard n go ice skating together! Pamela's route is entirely unwritten save for some mid-date dialogue I drafted when inspiration struck out of the blue— I headcanon Mandy as a nonbinary lesbian and Pamela as a trans woman, so one of the dates (2nd or 3rd most likely) will center around going stargazing and Discussing The Gender
I also have two finished text games, Still Life and Group Therapy. in Still Life, you play as Lawrence and date Adam with a nice little mix of angst and fluff depending on your choices. in Group Therapy, you play as Adam and can choose to date either Eric Matthews or Mallick Scott (twitchy dude from SAW 5). these are both MUCH shorter than The Untitled SAW Text Game (Still Life is 7,500 words and Group Therapy is only 5,500)
then the NEW untitled text game, jokingly referred to as [redacted] is a short side project of just morally reprehensible bullshit, but yes it is still SAW-centric and yes, i will probably post a link to it eventually (with the appropriate content warnings)
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buggirl-and-catboy · 5 years
AO3 Gabenath Fic Rec
I am Nathalie stan and human second so here’s a list of fics that are centred around her and her trash man. These links either have the original summary or my thoughts of the fic btw
Gabenath One-Shots (series) by Dragongirl180
30+ GabeNath (series) by SilverFliesInBlueSugar and orphan_account
The Beginning Of Goodbye (Series) by ReminiscentLullaby
Please people read these fics they’re great and the latest chapter literally made me cry oh my god.
Mayura (series) by Providentia67. 
Gabenath doesn’t happen but it does focus on Nathalie’s love for him. Mostly mother-son stuff between her and Adrien BUT it is angsty.
So the mess that we’ll become by amsves
Fake dating, Gabriel realised that people might figure out their identities since they disappear during attacks. So the only logical solution is to pretend that they are having a poorly hidden affair.
Throwing Up These Butterflies by MyMayura (BadWolfBeauty)
This is great pls read it, it will completely destroy your emotions. Basically the miraculous cure doesn’t work on Nathalie because of her broken miraculous and it leads to angst ;)
I can’t lose you by Beladonax
All the times Gabriel almost lost Nathalie and the one time he did. ((Currently being rewritten))
A Safe Place by Yuki_Frill
De-aging au. Originally started as an au on Instagram but the creator is now writing this fic. I think it’s going to be pretty lighthearted tbh.
Burnt to ashes (faded to grey) by archekoeln
everyone thinks hawkmoth and mayura are a Thing. Unfortunately, everyone also thinks hawkmoth is trying to get a thing with gabriel agreste’s assistant, nathalie sancoeur. No one is more affected than chat noir.
Consequences by orphan_account
Unplanned pregnancy one-shot. It’s angsty but it’s cute??
Beautiful by orphan_account
Basically, a model pulls out last minute and Gabriel asks Nathalie to model it but she’s insecure but the ending is pretty cute.
The Best/Worst/First Vacation the Agreste Family Has Ever Had by amsves
See, the thing is: Nathalie is very stressed. That's understandable, right? Her job is pretty crazy. So a vacation business trip to a vacation destination? That sounds like the perfect opportunity to relax.
Too bad relaxing is never relaxing when you're with the Agrestes. 
Protector by Yuki_Frill
I haven’t looked at this in a while so I can’t remember the plot exactly but I’m pretty sure it was the first sentimonster!nathalie fic ever written. I think this was written before season 3. It’s not Gabenath, but it is Nathalie focused with a sad ending I think?? I honestly can’t remember but I do know that it’s good.
Lean on me by amsves
Nathalie and Gabriel are at a function or something and Nathalie has a coughing fit. Loads of fluff. Jagged makes an appearance.
Shattered by krzed
Nathalie is being torn apart by bizarre dreams. Dreams of becoming a supervillain. Dreams of fighting Team Miraculous. She can't sleep, she can't focus, and she can't shake the feeling that these dreams might not be dreams. ((Winter Soldier!Mayura technically, Gabriel is a complete ass in this, hints of Mamanath))
A Friend In Need by spotsnclaws
Going through a divorce, Colette reaches out to her estranged best friend Nathalie Sancoeur for comfort, but finds Nathalie is struggling as well. ((It’s more of a character study for Nathalie but it’s nice))
Hysteria by Surly_Sour
Based on the ending of Reflekdoll, it’s just pure angst for Nathalie and I love it.
The Disastrous Doppelgänger Debacle by Remasa
After refusing to pack anything but his signature suits, the heat of the French Riviera forces Gabriel Agreste to don some... unusual attire. One long string of mistaken identities later, Gabriel realizes he probably should have just kept the suit on. ((It’s a Gabriel centred crackfic and it’s fucking hilarious. There’s no gabenath but Nathalie does nearly kill him at the start))
One Last Time by Wordseeker
With the very last plan he had in mind, Hawk Moth was about to set his grand scheme in motion. Too bad it carried a goodbye to the journey he shared with Mayura. ((This fic is short but it makes me really emotional. It’s great))
Wingman by GalahadWilder
Hawkmoth's Akuma have been acting strange lately--every single one has been an obsessive LadyNoir shipper, much to Chat's horrific embarrassment. Ladybug hasn't noticed, but Chat can't quite get over the fact that Hawkmoth seems to have redirected his supervillain antics to setting him up with the girl of his dreams.
Absence (makes the heart grow fonder) by amsves
Nathalie takes a week off work due to the effects of the miraculous and Gabriel Can’t Handle It, so he makes her move in. This is cute and Gabriel sort of realises his feelings for her.
Let Me Help You (a powerful protection) by milknut
The line between Nathalie and Mayura is surprisingly blurred.
We Match by Poppicock
When Chat Noir gets a red streak in her hair, Gabriel discovers who his superhero partner (and girlfriend) really is. ((The link isn’t working. Gabenath Teen AU. Chat!Nathalie and Ladybug!Gabriel))
Five times Nathalie Sancoeur was almost Akumatized + the one time she was  by Ragingstillness
Ugh I adore this fic and I just love the take the creator took with Nathalie and how they characterised her.
Panthère by phoenixyfriend
The Adventures of Nathalie Sancoeur, Overworked Babysitter of Tiny Parisian Heroes.
Nathalie became the holder of the cat miraculous after Adrien injured himself. She was not happy with the situation, but she'd deal.
Also check out SilverFliesInBlueSugar and Poppicock cause they have loads of great fics that I completely love!
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kiiboumacore · 5 years
And here it is! The entry that finishes out @kiiboumaexchange -- a backup fic for @eterna09. Apologies for the wait, I hope it was worth it!
The prompt I was given was:
Kiibo and Ouma fighting over something silly but make up afterwards. Lots of fluff please
So maybe I flubbed the ‘silly’ part a little bit, but I made it super lighthearted and fluffy to compensate. Please enjoy! It's on A03 now, you can find it here. The notes have some more thoughts if you'd like to read.
Title: keeping you close Words: 5477 Pairing: Kiibouma
“It’s getting late.”
When Kiibo says this, Kokichi’s brain hangs up. He clicks his lips and slowly snakes his hand up the robot’s arm. Kiibo clears his throat, raises the appendage along the table, and speaks a little more firmly.
“...Ouma-kun. It is long since time that you went to bed. I will not accept anything less.”
Kokichi doesn’t let go of his arm, but he does feel the need to say something cheeky back. It’s clear that he’s fighting a losing battle, but…
“Don’t wanna. Not tired. Unlike some loser robot, humans can run on willpower alone, did you know?”
Kiibo scoffs. He’s positive, by now, that the “scathing” things Kokichi says can’t make a dent in his fortified self-confidence, but it’s a little hard to resist calling him out all the same. He rises from the table without further debate, returning the hold on Kokichi’s wrist just to give it a light tug.
“You know well by now that this ‘willpower’ of mine lasts far longer than your own. I need rest but once a week--” He stops briefly, only to add with a smirk, “Unlike you. Now, then, that is enough. Follow me.”
Kokichi stares at their joined arms, only leaning his upper half across the table as Kiibo moved. Flat out against it, there really is only one thing he can do. He sweeps his free arm across the top of it, freely scattering an inhumane number of chess pieces on the ground below. Kiibo’s sure his horror has more to do with the racket it creates rather than the mess, but…
The culprit smirks as a child would.
“What? Can’t sleep now, gotta clean that up. It’d be sad to leave a mess, right?”
Kiibo finds himself staring exasperatedly at the scattered pieces. Deeply contemplating Kokichi’s words, he reaches a stark conclusion: don’t let him win. Though he itches with the urge to clean the evidence of the leader’s fit, that behavior only grants him more of the same. Always.
So, tearing his gaze away from the mess, he yanks on Kokichi’s arm.
“No! I’m not playing this game, Ouma-kun!” And, anyway, he cannot continue to get what he wants just by being a brat- “That’s enough, we’re going!”
“Oww-- geez!! Fine! Come on, let go of me!” Failure number one: he attempts to hold fast against Kiibo’s tugging. With an aggrieved, defeated groan, he peels himself from the table. “You’re just the worst, Kiiboy…” It’s mumbled so that the robot can hardly make it out. “If you’re salty ‘cos all you do is lose, you could just say that.”
He can’t help but shove the board off the table, too, but mostly for “completionism’s sake”.
The reason that the Supreme Leader had a persistent disdain for such a natural human function like sleeping still remains a mystery to Kiibo, but perhaps it wasn’t anything a little tough love couldn’t correct. That hollow “thunk” of the cardboard hitting the ground behind him has him rolling his eyes again.
Sometimes, it’s a little hard to separate Kokichi’s purposeful mischief from his simple compulsions… However, to Kiibo’s pleasant surprise, the other boy falls cleanly into step with him afterwards. He slides his hand down Kokichi’s arm to take his hand properly; his grip is decidedly loose.
Just don’t answer him.
“....Hey, Kiiboy!”
If you do, you’ll just rile him up again.
“Wow, you jerk. I gotta super important question, yanno.” Kokichi glances to the side as he says it. His tone is dismissive at worst.
Kiibo doesn’t particularly react. He carries on past the rows of chairs and tables before finally forming a response, the answer to what Kokichi hadn’t yet asked. “I’m taking you to your room. If I am not there to ensure you get a full eight hours of sleep, you will surely escape in the night. Of this, I am certain.”
That explanation is kind of not great. Kokichi’s tongue pokes slightly through his lips. While his concerns are with the fact that his room is off-limits, what he says is something entirely different, characteristic smirk tracing onto his face.
“...For real? Sounds like somebody just wants to watch me sleep--”
“That is not true!” Kiibo, with a delicately reddening face, cuts him cleanly off before he even finishes speaking, and Kokichi snickers wildly. “I-- am looking out for your health, as all good partners should!”
...What book did he read that in?, Kokichi finds himself pondering, but raises another point rolled up in his jubilee. “..I mean, sure, fine. But I gotta warn you--yours truly has a total sleepwalking problem. If you get attacked blindly in the night: not my fault. I’m a pacifist, yeah?”
Kiibo blanches, his surprised eyes regarding Kokichi with suddenly more care than usual. Then, with that, a realization, as sheer distaste on his features. “...That cannot be true. This is the first I’m hearing of it.”
Kokichi grins near immediately.
“Just like I thought! Nothing gets past you, huh?” It’s plainly said in mocking.
Regardless, Kiibo’s noise of affirmation holds all of the confidence in the world.
The dorm building in the dwindling hours is kept somewhere between “cold as balls” and “Alaskan meat locker”. Quite a few, if not all, of the other students had already gotten to bed; the lobby is silent and unmoving.
Mostly, though, it’s just dark.
Even in this light, Kiibo can tell Kokichi is hesitant to open the door.
Kokichi steps in first, tossing his keys into a clearly haphazard but somehow still very specific direction in the dark. Kiibo follows the sound it makes with a glance and a bit of a frown. It hasn’t gotten lost yet, but surely it might someday, right?
The world of the Supreme Leader sure is one not of this planet. Shrugging, he trails his hand along the wall for the lightswitch.
Kokichi’s own hand immediately follows, slamming against the plastic and blocking Kiibo from even touching it. The robot blinks in surprise.
“Nooope! Light stays off.”
“...Why?” Still, mostly out of respect, Kiibo drops his hand.
“Gotta. It’s late. Otherwise, I’ll turn into a pumpkin.”
Okay. Kiibo sighs. It’s another one of his boyfriend’s quirks for that seemingly endless list. The robot leaves the doorway without further argument. The dorms have roughly the same layout from person to person, so if he’s careful, making his way to Kokichi’s bed should not be a problem.
But as soon as he hears the door shut behind him, a pair of arms close around his waist.
Kokichi’s lithe form presses against his back and Kiibo settles naturally against it, albeit surprised as he may be. The Supreme Leader’s affection is only ever a private affair, meaning it’s always--Kiibo hesitantly places his hands over Kokichi’s--kind of nice.
“...I lied.” He says listlessly, the smile audible in his voice. His forehead is pressed comfortably against Kiibo’s shoulder blade. “I’m suuuper tired. Sing me to sleep, Kiibaby…”
“I will not.” Kiibo’s eyes are fixed to Kokichi’s arms. A smile of his own had crept onto his features. “...However, I do have a sampling of several lullabies, if you’d like.” It’s rather unsurprising that Kokichi had lied to him, in any case.
His level of energy must have an equal burnout, right?
“Nope. It’s not the same. I want a kiss instead~ I’ll call it even.”
With such a dreamy tone, it’s nearly impossible to tell if he’s joking or not. Surprise again paints Kiibo’s features, and his hands tighten around Kokichi’s. “Ah-- I see… Unfortunately for you, I will choose not to until you are in your bed. I hope you understand.”
He’s exercising his developing sarcasm.
This small fact makes Kokichi laugh. “...I get it. I must be a bad leader if Kiiboy wants to make all the rules..” With this, he moves toward the bed, gently guiding Kiibo as he walks. Kiibo steps with him carefully. The contact is very little, and yet he feels deeply warm.
Kiibo is not given the time to dwell on that for very long, though. The ground quickly moves out from under him!
Kokichi, suddenly not-so-keen on fighting battles he will lose, immediately releases him from his grasp.
Though the fall to the floor is short and almost painless, Kiibo shouts in his shock regardless. Something or other clatters together in the racket. Kokichi stares down at him, bewildered. Whatever it was, he’d cleanly navigated around it…
“..Ouma-kun!” Kiibo feels a little more flustered than anything else, so what else can he do but scream about it. “Leaving whatever you wish on the floor is dangerous! I could have gotten hurt...”
But you didn’t, though… With a slightly uncharacteristic grimace on his face, Kokichi got about quickly scattering the objects with his feet. “Like a buncha marbles could hurt a robot, anyway.. I’m super forgetful, so these things happen.”
Kiibo squints in the dark. Though faint, he can make out the small glass orbs with the light shining from his body.
They’re everywhere.
“...Turn the light on, please.” It’s a demand phrased as kindly as possible. There’s something that makes a little more sense now; Kiibo knows to an absolute what he’ll find when Kokichi obliges him.
Kokichi almost seems to be bracing himself when he does. There’s a breath he hardly realizes he’s holding.
And his room is another realm, too.
To say nothing of the marbles, there’s hardly any empty floor space at all. Toys and small, useless kitchen appliances in their unopened boxes are stacked wherever they would fit. Even tinier figurines of characters Kiibo has never heard of line any flat surface. Kokichi’s bed is at the center of it all, decked out with plushies.
Kiibo quickly hops to his feet, the shock washing over his entire body. The untouched nature of nearly everything he lays his eyes upon gives an alien feeling of cleanliness...
“What is all of this? You cannot seriously be living this way!”
Kokichi’s body feels cold once more. He folds his arms over his chest. He’d been preparing for something like this for a long time, but… “Huh? Leave me alone! You’re janking my business empire just by lookin’ at it!”
Selling it? Kiibo pauses to ponder that… “That has to be a lie! Ouma-kun, if you need help getting rid of these things, then--”
“No way! It’s mine, so keep your hands to yourself!” As if protective, Kokichi quickly crosses in front of Kiibo to stand before one of the messier stacks of boxes.
“There is no way you need every single thing in this room! I can help you, so--”
Kiibo attempts this offer a second time and Kokichi quickly cuts him off again.
"I don't need your help!!" He exhales, and quickly scoops up an unopened waffle iron. "Your brethren… wouldn't it just break your heart? I guess you don't understand that, since you're just a robot…"
It manages to blindside Kiibo, but only just. "N-no… That's extremely robophobic! And more to the point, has nothing to do with this!" He extends his arms for the box, though. "Hand it here. You do not need it."
Kokichi sticks his tongue out at Kiibo and turns to hide the box from his grasp. "No way, no way, no way! I don't wanna heartless jerk to decide what I get to keep…"
Heartless. Again. Kiibo scoffs outright and balls his fists at his sides. "I will not take this from you. I have gone out of my way to extend my help. Clearly, you have a problem. I cannot imagine that this mess is good for your peace of mind.."
"Doesn't matter!" Static sets in in Kokichi's brain and he tosses the box aside almost carelessly. "It's my stuff. If it drives you so nuts, then get outta my room…!"
The robot huffs in frustration. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out.
"I don't want your stupid kiss anymore anyway!"
That does it. For the first time since his date of creation, Kiibo says, "Fine, then!" and storms out. This time, he's careful to avoid the marbles. "If you change your mind, there is only one place to find me."
Ah. That was a lie.
Kokichi watches him leave with empty eyes and finds himself fiddling with his hands. Of course he'd actually leave. Thinking something like that, he snatches up a handful of the marbles that had caused this shitshow to begin with. But, because he's so clingy, he'd offer to come back any time. That's Kiibo. Kokichi groans in thought.
The spheres that roll around his hand are swirled in purple and blue. Made to look like miniature galaxies, they're important to him because…
There was a time when Kiibo had been a little less-than-concerned about Kokichi's sleep schedule. He'd been too excited to have someone to keep him company during the hours that anyone else would be asleep. It was Kokichi's favorite time of day.
The AV room smelled of popcorn, but Kokichi had been shoveling pizza into his mouth like his life depended on it. Kiibo's small warning about his figure earned little but a noncommittal grunt and yet another slice.
It made sense that the robot was the only one entirely focused on the movie. If it was an opportunity to learn about what Kokichi liked, he would be a fool not to take it.
Unfortunately, this one seemed a little over the top for him. Robots like himself were hardly meant to be driven into battle, much less ones so dangerous. Shaking his head, he looked over to Kokichi.
"... Have you seen this one before, Ouma-kun?"
"Mm?" Kokichi rolled his head over his shoulder and quickly finished the bite. "...'course I have. I'm an expert, yeah?" He tossed the remains of the crust onto the open box.
Kiibo nodded, then fell silent afterward.
"... What? You bored already?"
"N-no!" Kiibo was quick to try and lie about it, but noting Kokichi's expression, explained himself just as speedily. "...I was just thinking… I'd rather experience something new with you."
If Kiibo is correct, his companion seemed shocked for but a moment. It was quickly replaced by an unreadable smirk, though. "...Is that so?" Kokichi reached a hand out to delicately skirt his fingers along Kiibo's chest, lovingly tracing the plates. "I know of a special something."
That sultry expression is clear as day, and Kiibo's face immediately lights up a searing red. "A-Absolutely not!! I am telling you this for the last time!" He smacks Kokichi's hand away, sending the Supreme Leader recoiling with a loud laugh.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! You wanna pick something else? I don't mind. Kiiboy chose me, so he's gotta have great taste…"
Just as usual, Kiibo was quick to bounce back from Kokichi's teasing. He rolled his eyes and searched the couch cushions for the remote.
… A slightly less overt flirting attempt would, of course, fail. Kokichi should've known. He clicks his lips and slides a little closer to the robot, enough to press their shoulders together.
"Oi, Kiibaby."
He reached for a pillow and pressed it against Kiibo's side. His head followed so that he was resting against the other boy. Then, looking at him inquisitively, he asked, "...You mind?"
Kiibo was sure the warm feeling that bubbled up in his chest was just residual embarrassment. He decided to focus on the television instead, suddenly unable to meet that ever-sharp gaze. "...N… Not at all. Are you comfortable?"
Hardly. "Yeah."
A faint smile appeared on Kiibo's face. They were silent for but a moment as Kiibo browsed the movie library.
"Oh yeah, I gotta show you something."
That said, Kiibo is not entirely sure where Kokichi retrieved this thing from. When he looked down, he was holding up a small suede bag. Kokichi parted the top, freely allowing the small spheres to pour all over his arm and himself.
The sound startled Kiibo, but he regarded the marbles with interest. "...Huh? Why marbles?" … and why the mess.
"Dunno. Super neat, right?" He picked one up only to hold it closer to Kiibo's face than entirely necessary. "Looook. Iruma-chan gave 'em to me. Somethin' about me being a 'monkey-brained fuck' and 'totally loving her blue ballsack'--don't gimme that face!! I'm serious!!"
Disregarding his rather vulgar comparison, Kiibo took the marble between his fingers in thought. It's glittery.
This is definitely the kind of thing Kokichi liked…
"She had a super red face, too…" Kokichi snorted. "Think the alien is trying to make friends."
"... If Iruma-san is going out of her way to do nice things for you, you should be a little nicer."
Kokichi scoffed and cozied up to Kiibo yet further. "... Yeah, whatever. I'll work on it."
Even if that was a lie, Kiibo didn't mind. At least he was willing to concede the point at all. Feeling somewhat risky, he slid his arm to rest over Kokichi's shoulder and pulled him in.
Kokichi grinned against the blood that rushed to his face.
Stupid, self-righteous Kiibo.
"You dumb robot!!" Kokichi casts the marbles he'd scooped up into the corner of the room. They smash into the floor and erupt into a sea of clatters.
And with a frustrated huff, he stomps toward his bed.
Kiibo is something of a stickler for rules.
That does not mean he obeys them. Kokichi finds that, instead, the robot will find hundreds of justifications for his actions. And then, when he is caught regardless…
He sure will scream about it.
Kokichi exits his adjoining bathroom with a dramatic sigh and shuts the door on the steam that threatens to follow. Kiibo, from the other side of his room, is the one who notices first.
He immediately rockets up straight and shouts in surprise for good measure. Ever the jaded one, though, Kokichi simply stares--at first, shock. Then, disbelief. He's the first to speak as Kiibo's expression rapidly becomes more resolute.
"...So? Whaddya have to say for yourself, Kiiboy?"
Kiibo tightens his hands into fists. Suddenly, he seems just about frustrated enough to explode for real. Kokichi's scrutiny is unwavering.
"I-I did not realize that you were--" He realizes that he's answering the wrong question before Kokichi even opens his mouth to say so. "Ngh… I am not sorry, Ouma-kun!! If you are not going to handle this, then I have taken it upon myself to do so!"
Kiibo also hardly understands the concept of minding his own damn business.
Kokichi narrows his eyes. "Why? Do you really care that much about making me miserable? You're super cruel…"
The lofty way that Kokichi speaks only serves to make Kiibo just that much more irritated. "No, no, no! You do not understand! This is for you. Excessive clutter must be bad for your health!"
Kokichi runs his hands through his damp hair. Again with the health. When did Kiibo become so concerned about that?
"Clutter. For real? I got it totally organized, so back off of me!" Just thinking about Kiibo rummaging through his stuff makes him itchy…
Kiibo opens his mouth to spit out another gigantic retort, but freezes. The way he speaks to Kokichi is often quite hectic, but always, if he is to dig, then…
Though he hoped he would calm down if he gave it a moment, he still can't help but yell about it. "...Why are you this way? You have no use for any of this. If you are truly so bothered by my offer, then please explain." Regardless of the answer Kokichi gives him, though, there's no way he'll give up.
Even still, though, it's hardly like Kokichi wants to do this. His mouth forms a word and closes again, he utters only a sound of slight frustration in his distress. Well, it's easy to admit he has a problem--to himself. But Kiibo…
Well, Kiibo worries about him. It's not really so ideal. To share a detail is weakness and--
Kiibo tilts his head, then, in the following silence. He offers something innocuous, "... It's okay. Please trust me." and it happens to be Kokichi's magic words. The leader frowns further and pulls on strands of his hair.
Finally, he says something else. "...Fine! ...I trust you. But I'm gonna tell you a story, so listen up, 'kay? If you interrupt, I'll have your heart harvested."
"Th-- You cannot do that!!"
Kiibo squeaks and presses his fingers together. "...I-- I see. Thank you for the opportunity."
Kokichi nods and steps past Kiibo (who now notices the marbles had been picked up) only to make his way to his desk. He quickly slides one of the drawers open and fishes an object out from it. What he holds up is a decorative keychain--glittery metal stars suspending a sleeping cat, as if dreaming.
Kiibo recognizes it immediately, but remains in the silence he was told to keep.
"... So… I know I told you something super important when we got this guy. I guess it slipped my Kiibaby's mind.." He jingles the keychain as he turns back to look at the robot. "You remember, yeah?"
… while Kiibo isn't sure what Kokichi is on about, of course he remembers. That night was…
Well, while it was one of Kokichi's more dangerous ideas, Kiibo still has to admit how fun it actually sounded. A night on the town, for just the two of them, to get away from this boring school. The leader had been so happy when he suggested it, too.
Seeing that smile, Kiibo had been excited as well.
Kokichi seemed about as frantic as he was excited and happily led Kiibo everywhere that the robot was willing to follow. He found interest in the sprawling arcades and Kokichi's apparent skill at these digital games.
He was happy to try and teach Kiibo, too, offering something like 'special, valuable lessons' and heavily laying the praise on where he could. Though Kiibo would’ve been happy adventuring with Kokichi well into the morning, once he took note of how late it actually was, he was quick to suggest that they return to the academy.
That Kokichi agreed was a pleasant surprise, but he demanded that they ‘hit one more place’, first. His curiosity winning out over his concern, Kiibo accepts this simple condition.
He is then led to a hole-in-the-wall type of place lined to the brim with small gachapon machines. Compared to the arcade, the activity here was dwindling at best. Kokichi offered little instruction, having simply told Kiibo to pick out something for him that seemed interesting.
Thinking back to the marbles, what Kokichi likes is obvious.
It felt irresponsible to waste too much money in a place like that, so Kiibo only rolled the machine of his choosing once. It featured small glittery keychains of various breeds of cat. Shiny collectibles seemed to be his best friend's favorite, after all.
When he flagged down Kokichi once more, the other boy was also holding a capsule ball in his hands. Without any warning and entirely gracelessly, Kokichi tossed the ball straight for Kiibo.
"Here ya go! Catch!"
Somehow, he managed to grasp it just before it hit the floor. Kiibo frowned heavily as Kokichi stepped all the way over; the way he patted him on the back for his efforts was almost insulting.
With a scoff, he grumbled out, ".. Thank you, Ouma-kun."
"You're welcome! Since an awesome leader like me picked it out for you, you better be completely honored!"
Ah. Kiibo blinked and stared down at the capsule Kokichi had given him. Knowing then that Kokichi found him something as well, Kiibo felt all the more proud of what he'd picked out.
"..A-Ah. I see. Still, perhaps a warning next time?"
"Next time, it's coming out of your paycheck directly."
"My… my what?!"
Kokichi smacked him lightly on the shoulder blade and spoke loudly. "Quiiiet! As my subordinate, you must have picked out something great, right?"
As usual, his near-constant weaving of words that asked more questions than they answered had Kiibo in a tailspin. He decided to shelve both of these discussions for a later date to focus on what was more relevant, as well: his own capsule. With that, he shook his head and found himself grinning.
"Of course I did. I have studied your taste in gifts, so I know you will love this. Here." He held the blue capsule out to Kokichi.
It was clear that Kokichi had a sarcastic comment lined up to respond with, but his gaze quickly fixed to the ball instead. From a quick look, it was impossible to make out the contents, so he simply took it and rolled it around in his hand.
Kiibo hesitated before asking, "...Are you...not going to open it?"
"Nooope. It's flashier to wait a minute, isn't it?"
He had no idea what Kokichi meant by that. It seemed pointless, so he opened up the red capsule Kokichi had given him, instead. Inside was a plastic charm of a paper lantern. Kiibo held it delicately up with his fingers, and…
Just looking at it, he did feel happy. Even painted on, the colors were warm.
"...This is nice. From you, I could have expected something tasteless…" That was rude, actually. But he does not apologize. "Thank you. I mean it this time."
Kokichi's arm fell over Kiibo's shoulder again and he felt the weight of the leader leaning against him. He was hiding a smile, albeit poorly. "Duh, naturally! Keep it close to you, so you're always thinking about me, okay?"
Kiibo knew he didn't need a charm for that. He laughed a little nonetheless, mesmerized by Kokichi's bashful expression. "If that is what you wanted, it might have been easier to just ask--"
"--no, no!! Not taking that from some dumb old robot! I'm going home!!"
More smug than he had any right to be, Kiibo followed Kokichi out.
The city truly never slept. Even as the hour continued to age, bright lights and gigantic screens remained lit up for all that still wandered their streets. Kokichi never grew out of his fascination with them.
He and Kiibo stood at the street corner just outside of the gachapon shop, waiting around for Kokichi's 'weirdo dad' to pick them up. Meeting such a man seemed interesting, but Kiibo was more interested in Kokichi's thoughtful expression.
Before he found the chance to ask first, the Supreme Leader began, "... did you have fun, Kiiboy?"
The question itself meant more than Kiibo's own answer, he thought, but replied quickly anyway. "Yes! I did. I've never been anywhere like it."
Kokichi grinned and crossed his arms up behind his head. Then, he leaned back dramatically to peer at the sky. "Ahh~ I'm glad. You're learning to cut loose, did you know? You can thank me any time."
...Was that true? Kiibo felt pretty happy when he thought about it that way. He stared fondly at Kokichi. "...Is that so? It is true that you are easy to relax around. Even if I do not understand you, I wholeheartedly believe that you…" His hand curled close to his chest--saying what he wished to was almost embarrassing, actually, but he felt that Kokichi needed to know. "You must be fond of me. And that makes me happy. Like this, it is much easier to be myself."
The expression that graced Kokichi's face was faintly surprised, but he seemed ready to explode from joy nonetheless. Silently he dropped his arms just to wrap one around one of Kiibo's
"...You're super full of yourself, it's nasty." The words were hardly genuine. "But… I like you. And I got plenty of stuff to teach you, yeah? If you'll stay with me forever."
The feeling behind those words was lost on the naive robot that simply replied, "Definitely. I will be sure that you someday learn the error of your ways regarding my robotic nature, as well."
And for a second, there was silence…
Then Kokichi snorted loudly.
"Sure, sure, I got it!! Super looking forward to it." And with that, he brought that blue capsule up to the light. Kiibo watched carefully as he simply squeezed one end to pop it open. Then, with a certain childlike fascination, he retrieved the keychain and dangled it in front of his vision.
Stars, and a precious sleeping Scottish Fold.
Kokichi's eyes shined, but…
"...Kiiboy, I hate it."
"What?! You're definitely lying!!"
The Supreme Leader blew the smallest raspberry in history. "...You're right. It's my favorite thing in the entire world… I'm going to keep it forever, so I never forget about this."
(Hold on.)
(That has to be it.)
Satisfied with that new answer, Kiibo nuzzled against Kokichi.
"That was the first time I told Kiiboy how I feel! You get it now, right?" Kokichi is frowning. Having thought about it extensively, though, Kiibo feels like he understands why.
He breaks his promise of silence to review his results. "You kept it so that you would not forget." Of course… but since he said it so plainly back then, it almost felt like a joke. "If that is what you meant, then you need only say so. I am glad that it is still important to you."
Being a dense fucker is unfortunately also a talent of Kiibo's. Kokichi groans. "It's all important to me. I told you that a dumb robot wouldn't get it. You're so mean!!"
Oh, now I get it.
The recognition flashes on Kiibo's face for but a moment--and in that second, he seems taken aback. "I am not a dumb robot!! If you have--" It feels sad to say it, but, "...If you're so forgetful, then you should simply keep a journal! I am sorry that you have to be afraid of losing your memories."
It riles Kokichi up, though he still seems a little saddened. "What's the difference? I already got it all like this. I don't want you to touch it anymore!"
"From my own research, I have learned that living with so much junk reduces productivity and causes heightened anxiety. It is no wonder you seem to have trouble sleeping. That is why I will not budge. We will find something better for you."
Kokichi only groaned again.
"... Please. I am better because of you. It is not often that you tell me what troubles you, so this time I will do my best to help...so that you may be the same."
Such a pushy robot…
Kokichi always loved the boy that worked so tirelessly to understand him. Even if it's only for the triumph of being right, it's…
… it's nice.
"I get it, Kiiboy… I said I'd trust you, so it's only fair. What's your plan, huh? You wouldn't be so heartless as to make me toss it all out…"
"No. I understand now. We will work to organize this. You need more shelves… but it will take a while. In the meantime… I'd like to hear it from you. More of your stories. I will definitely remember."
The surprise is decidedly pleasant if Kiibo reads it off of Kokichi's features. His chest swells with pride. The Supreme Leader was always awkward in his own right. Given a little proper coaxing, though, he would open up every time.
"Alright, alright… You're always so damn hard headed! But I'm a super gracious sort, so we're a perfect match…"
It's a compliment in this case for sure, so Kiibo lets that one slide. He puts his hand to his chin in thought. "Nonetheless, we will need to reduce this eventually. In your private time, perhaps write your thoughts down instead. But I said that I would stay with you forever, so there's hardly any rush."
The onslaught of support from his completely tenacious boyfriend already had Kokichi reeling, but having those important words brought up again feels like the nail in his heart. His face burns red. Back then, he really did word it in a too-embarrassing way, didn't he? "Shut up! Geez… if it's because my precious Kiiboy is worried about me, I'll get it taken care of. It's all a mess like this, anyway…"
Hearing Kokichi so thoroughly embarrassed, but decidedly very pleased, has Kiibo's chest warming in a way he's not sure how to describe. His smile is borne entirely of it.
"Thank you. Let's get started… there is a lot to do."
"Nope! Not yet."
Kokichi issues his next demand in a wavering voice.
"...You still owe me that kiss."
Kiibo replies, knowing the answer already, “You said you did not want it!”
“Of course, that was a lie!”
But with the way Kiibo rolls his eyes, laughs bashfully, and then closes the gap between them… Kokichi knew he wouldn't need something like marbles to remember.
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magicalsalamander · 6 years
Business Affairs
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Pairing: BTS Jin x Reader
Genre: Fluff/ Angst/ Smut/ Office worker/ Humor/ Enemies to lovers
Summary: When the unexpected happens and here you are hours away from home your professionalism is put to the test. Jin, long time rival, always shows up at your worst moments. What happens when the world seems to be against you and the only one you know is Jin? 
Words:8 K
Warnings: smut, switch/dom/sub, baby girl/ baby boy, mentions of alcohol, cursing, and dirty talk. Rated 18+ (M)
A/N: Hi…I wanted to release this one shot as an intermediate while I’m working on other series. I know this trope has been done before, but I wanted my own version. Thank you for being patient with me. This is supposed to be lighthearted~. Thank you for reading~ check out the other version to get a (slightly different perspective on this one shot!
Masterlist, Got7 Jinyoung Version [Will be linked when issue is fixed, please access blog for mstlist]
The orange LED numbers escalated slower than usual, or maybe it was my impatience kicking in. I’ve been working overtime ever single day this week. The coffee keeping me the cheery professional was beginning to wear off. When the chromatic doors opened, I slipped through before it had the chance to even open fully. I tried wiggling my bloated toes in my tight heels as I stood outside my boss’s door. As the head of my team, I’m expected of nothing less than perfect on this project. The project was projected to make millions for the company if I did it right. To say that my shoulders felt heavy was an understatement.
I knocked three times, as requested, then adjusted my blue pencil skirt and walked in. He carried his pen across a document with a heavy hand almost carving his signature into the page. He tossed his pen onto his desk folding his hands together to rest them by his lip. The real “I was working really hard before you walked in” go to move for him. He parted them momentarily to offer me a seat in front of his desk. I bowed slightly taking a seat in front of his desk. Papers were pilled everywhere, it was unorganized and chaotic in this small room. Maybe, for once, he was actually working?
He leaned forward with his hands clasped speaking through them, “Ms. Y/L/N we need you to go pitch the presentation. Mr. Allen…he’s out sick for the week and won’t be able to go, so we need you to step up and do it.” I sighed leaning back into my chair, this wasn’t the first time I’ve had to fill in for Mr. Allen. He always took these “sick leaves” whenever his presence was required. On the downlow, I found out earlier today by chance that he’s actually taking his mistress out on vacation. I overheard him apologizing to her on the phone, “baby, my girl, you know I love you, look I’ll take you to that one place you always talk about…what was it? Boracay! Right, let’s go there…yes, yes, I love you too.” He held his phone with the same hand his wedding band was on. I’ve meet his wife before at office parties, the poor woman, she was too innocent and sweet for that monster.
I felt like a puppet, a part of me knew that Allen rubbed elbows with Mr. Newberry, but I had more pride than that. I had to bite the bullet, if I did well I would be up for a promotion. “I’m going to be put at the Hilton, right? And compensated nicely for this, right?” My boss smiled sweetly at me, “of course, Ms. Y/L/N! All accommodations included. You just have to sell it and get the buy.” I nodded then standing up to offer a polite bow on my way out, “thank you for this opportunity Mr. Newberry.” He smirked, “the pleasure is all mine, Ms. Y/L/N.” I walked out of the room and when I was in an empty hallway I held up my middle finger thinking to myself, “you knew this would happen from the beginning bastard.” Just like they did, I had things up my sleeve as well, I’m always prepared for a challenge.
Mr. Newberry’s secretary stopped by my desk later, dropping off the ticket information for my short flight. My team had one day to solidify all the information, then I’d have to fly out to give a presentation immediately after I landed. I rubbed my throbbing temples, standing up to round my desk leaning at its edge. I barked out to my team, “alright Plan A is a go! Toss out Plan B! Mr. Newberry is letting me do the pitch, I need all the information printed into packets and on file in presentation ready by tomorrow. I’ll buy you guys coffee and dinner to keep awake. I want to say this before we all get cranky, thank you for working so hard, keep up the great work team!” A ‘yes, boss’ sounded from my team and the fingers on the keys typed faster. A symphony of different instruments all sounding together. I called the local coffee shop, the one who was already used to us ordering from them, “hi, I want to make an order for pick up. I’m going to need….” The night was still young, but the circles under my eyes were darker than the sky.  
Peering through squinting eyes, my half-zombies of employees dropped a stack of packets on my desk and handed over a prepped USB. Equally as dead, I mumble out, “thank you. You all did amazing and pulled through. When I get back I’m buying you all that dinner.” An excited but tired yay left the small crowd while some immediately collapsed on their desk. I chuckled patting the back of the closest employee, “you did well, thank you.” I knocked on nearest and cleanest surface, “go home everyone, you deserve a good nights rest.” I picked up my blazer and draping it over my arm as I packaged the packets up nicely in a manila folder along with the USB. Finally, going home, but the night wasn’t over.
I packed my small suitcase for the trip, with the manila folder on the bottom securely under my clothing. I didn’t get to sleep long, maybe two hours maximum, before I was in a taxi on my way to the airport at two. I wanted to fall asleep in the taxi. The ride through the city was so comforting, but I forced my eyes open. After all the basics were covered and I was waiting for my plane, I bought a coffee then a spare to ensure I would stay awake. The last thing I needed was to miss my flight. Luckily the flight was directly to the destination, a total four hours, so once I boarded I took advantage of the time and took a short nap.
By the time I arrived, it was 7:30a.m., but I only had enough time to stop at the hotel, drop my suitcase off and get back in a taxi. Everything was going as planned and expected, except for one thing.
I walked up to the receptionist desk of my promised hotel, queuing behind a man in a suit. This Hotel was luxurious, men and women alike walking around in designer and suits. He crossed his leg leaning into the desk, “please sign here Mr. Kim.” My ears perked up hearing the familiar name, but then again, Kim was a common last name. The strangers silhouette though made me a bit skeptical. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Kim, so I must’ve be overthinking it. God, I hope I was overthinking it.
He scribbled his signature on the receipt and took the key card from the receptionist with a polite thank you. A smirk slowly formed on his face with each degree of his turn as I came into sight. His plump lips pulled thin as I caught his eye. His profile was irritating, how can someone look so put together this early. He side stepped out of my way, “Ms. Y/L/N, it’s great to see you.” I huffed lightly at his cocky tone, but kept the professionalism, “hello Mr. Kim, it’s great to see you too. I didn’t know you were going to be here.” I told the receptionist my information while maintaining conversation. I didn’t catch him, but he observed me bottom to top. Catching his eyes as they met mine, “are you here on business or pleasure Mr. Kim?”
I had to admit, he was handsome. He had all the characteristics that could be placed on the pro side of a scale: tall, smart, and good looking. However, admittedly I was too competitive with him to see most of those traits. Jin worked for a firm that was a rival to mine, so we would often meet when our companies would send us out. He brought out this side of myself that I felt with no one else, he just pushed my buttons.
My coworkers always remind me how amazing Jin was at his job. The women fawned over his looks, while the men patted his back for his prowess. He shows off his pearly whites to the executives and they’re a puddle of mush agreeing with whatever he said. He never panics, he was always at ease with himself and his craft. Everything about him was graceful and never rushed—like his work was an art performance. He never refused questions and had done more research than required. He was, for the lack of a better word…perfect. It irked me, but I could only humbly agree that he was…charismatic. I couldn’t deny that he’s a smart and confident; I could respect him for that. It’s not him personally that made my throat itch, but the people around me that always remind me never to fraternize with the enemy. Competition is competition. Business is business.
“Business affairs of course, Ms. Y/L/N.” I signed the last paper and was handed my key card. “Well, it was great catching up. If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.“ He obnoxiously bowed, waving his hand teasingly towards the elevators as if I was royalty asking to pass. However, he followed behind going towards the elevators along with me.
When we stepped in, just the two of us, I pressed the button for the sixth floor. He reached over, “excuse me…oh, never mind.” I turned to him, “sixth floor as well?” He nodded, the rest of the ride was silent, but I could feel his eyes on me. I didn’t make myself discreet as I stared right back through the reflection on the elevator. I felt the awkwardness in the air, or it could’ve just been me. He smiled when I caught this lidded stare looking right back. I had this unnerving feeling in my stomach, whenever he would show up, something always happened.
Jin went right while I banked left. I slid my card into the lock and when the light turned green I opened the door. For the first time my hotel room wasn’t stuffy and debatably dingy. It was a small room with a queen size bed, but it was enough for a few day trip. I took out the envelope from the bottom of my suitcase checking everything once more. With my messenger bag, my laptop, and the goods I was ready to head back out. I fixed myself up before I left and found myself outside hailing a taxi. Traffic was light, so I made it there in less than fifteen minutes. I tipped the driver nicely, it was rare to get kind, fast service in the city. I looked up at the tall building, it was intimidating, but I adjusted my shoulders pulling them back. I could do this, this was going to be a breeze, people were counting on me.
The lobby was busy, I was swimming amongst the black and blue suits. I pushed through towards the elevator, sardining my way in until I squeezed my way out onto the twentieth floor. I smoothed out my clothing again, walked towards the nearest receptionist desk. “Hello, I have a meeting with Mr. Storey at 9 a.m..” The bun on this woman was pulling her face extra tight, free Botox I suppose. “Yes, please enter conference room A with the rest of the group.” I pulled my head back a bit, “others?” The receptionist nodded, “yes, our boss believes in efficiency. All pitchers for today will be presenting today one after the other as a group.” I sighed pulling my best smile. This was completely different from what I expected, but challenges are there to better you. At least that’s what I kept repeating to myself.
I cautiously opened the conference room door finding it already bustling with competitors. It was all of us swimming to pitch the best idea. I’ve heard of events like this, but this was a first for me. Did Mr. Allen already know about this as well? I found an empty chair and opened my laptop going over the power point. I scrolled down re-reading the file, but some of the slides were missing or shifted. I breathed in closing my eyes for a moment, “don’t panic, maybe it’s just a glitch.” I shut down the file, but when I reopened it a text box opened up “There was a problem when Microsoft PowerPoint when it was closed. We cannot open the corrupted file. We apologize for the inconvenience.” My leg began shaking impatiently, but I still reminded myself not to panic. I took out the USB and reinserting it attempting something else, anything else.
I jumped as I felt hot breath fan over my shoulders. My leg tremors halting in their anxiety, “not right now Kim.” My voice came out sassier than intended, but I wasn’t in the mood for jokes. He plopped into a chair next to me taking his own laptop shrugging at my jeer. Every new attempt didn’t work, the same error message reappeared. I could feel my pits embarrassingly building up with sweat, as people started settling down. The same secretary at the receptionist came to the front of the U table, looking at her watch. “We will begin the presentation in five minutes. The presenters will start around the table going clockwise, please be prepared when it comes to your turn.” I looked around the room realizing I was going to be the fourth to present. An unprecedented whine left my lips; technology was not my strong suit, but I had to figure out a solution.
Kim leaned over once more eyeing my screen, “seriously Kim, please, save it.” He had the audacity to chuckle at my distress. I turned towards him with a glare fully prepared, but he took the unresponsive laptop. He typed away clicking a few times, and before I could blink again it was back in front of me. It was all fixed, the presentation was up and running and had all the slides functioning again. My mouth fell agape, but he nonchalantly went back to his laptop. It felt odd, a weird feeling circled in my stomach, but I whispered out, “thank you.” A soft smile left his lips and my heart nearly stopped, it was, if not, the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen.
The presentation took up the whole morning and afternoon. Mr. Storey was the typical motivational speaker kind of guy. After every presentation he would insert a motivational quote or his own little speech. It was hard to read him if he actually enjoyed the pitches or was using it to turn into a lesson for the rest of the room. In a sick way, that was more terrifying than a one on one bit. At this point all I wanted to do was go back to my room and sleep. The verdict wouldn’t be given until after we all returned anyways. Especially since the rain started around lunch and it was lulling me to sleep.
Just let this day be over with.  
I could feel the water dripping off me in a constant stream as I walked through the hotel lobby. My lent umbrella malfunctioned, two of the metal prongs holding the umbrella broke when the strong wind blew too hard. I pulled my blazer closer over me protecting my messenger bag, the front of my chest was completely drenched by the winds. I protected my plastic bag with a tray of piping hot takeout. It was the only thing I had to look forward today. I stopped and fished into my purse feeling my phone vibrate.
I wiped away the tendrils of my wet, seaweed hair, “hello, Y/L/N speaking.” The voice on the other end sloppily screamed into the receiver. I pulled my phone away form my face still able to hear the complaining on the other end. “Y/N...If anything….wrong….you’re…out!” I honestly didn’t need to listen to everything, I already know what he was implying. Mr. Newberry always did this after he sent me off; it was his way of feeling dominant. I would uh-huh into the phone every now and then to let him know I was still listening.
At the hotel bar Jin watched from a distance, unexpectedly distracted by the click of heels then the beautiful woman. He watched Y/N from over the rim of his wine glass. She pulled the phone away from her wincing at the receiver. He couldn’t help but let out a huff of a laugh under his breath. He’s been there before. He had to admit, he liked her. Every time they crossed paths, his life would become a thousand times more interesting. It seems like cheeky gnomes were always at her feet making her life a sitcom. She was pretty, like a main actress, so it would make sense her life was a sitcom. It only egged him on when she was sassy with him, her intelligence was her best characteristic.
No one else was up front with him like she was, he didn’t have to impress her, he was himself. She brought this side out of him that no one else could. However today though, when she thanked him the blush coating her cheeks one upped any other expression he’d seen. This expression on her face now had to be one of his least favorites, exhaustion seeping like a tangible aura out of her. His eyes followed her as she walked slowly to the elevator, but he remained seated watching her disappear into the elevator.
I shucked off my heels smacking the wall with two thumps. I draped my blazer over the back of a chair setting the messenger bag on the chair. I tossed the broken umbrella into the trash and set my food on the desk in the room. I just wanted to take off my soaked clothes and shower. If I was fast enough, I could eat my food while it was still hot. I brought out my suitcase from the closet and grabbed my facial cleansers. I trudged to the bathroom for the first time taking in this particular room. It was very modern, and I was lucky to get a suite with a bathtub. Maybe if I had time, I would use it tomorrow morning.
I unpacked my facial regimen near the sink. I flipped up the hot water lever, but the water came out in spurts making funny sounds. I closed the lever fast, waiting a few seconds before trying again. Maybe the sink hadn’t be used in a while? After a moment I flipped it up again, but this time the stream was violent, and the water color was a murky yellow. I karate chopped the lever down, that color I’m sure was legal. I went back into the main room and dialed the front desk who promised a maintenance man to come check on it.
The man tweaked with the faucet scratching his head, “hmm, none of our other rooms are having this problem. I think it would be best to move you to another room.” I heavily sighed but smiled through my teeth. This day was…lovely. The maintenance man called the front desk telling them to reassign me a new room. I packed up all my belongings and made way to the front desk.
Jin was still sitting at the bar, working on the same drink. Barely ten minutes had passed when his eye brows raised to his hairline seeing Y/N at the receptionist desk. He noticed the suitcase and messenger bag strapped around her. After a few minutes she bowed in thanks to the receptionist making her way back to the elevator.
My food was cold for sure; the styrofoam flavor had set in by this point. My room was now on the third floor. I turned left out of the elevator dragging my suitcase behind me. I slid the keycard in and pushed it open. The room smelled nice, and nothing seemed off. Again, I shucked off my heels and abandoned my suitcase and bag by the door. This time I was determined to skip the shower and just eat. I rummaged through my purse for a hair tie and tied my hair up tight, taming the kelp.
The king size bed was an upgrade from the last room. I searched for the remote control, switching it onto a random, tolerable channel. I just needed something to drown out my thoughts. I unknotted the handles of the plastic bag, taking out the takeout tray and a plastic fork. I opened the box and took a deep inhale of my savory food. The food was still a bit warm. I could feel myself salivating so without further interruptions, I plopped carelessly onto the bed.
Crack, creak, crunch and there went the box spring planks. The soundtrack Ave Maria played at 0.5x speed as my food flew out of its compartments and all over my chest. My white dress shirt and black pencil skirt was coated in a wonderful array of colors and smells. I struggled to stand up pushing the empty tray onto the floor. The bed was on the floor in shambles; I could even see the wooden frame sticking out from underneath. My mouth hung open like a fish out of water. I wanted to scream, but I took in a deep breath letting it all out. I attempted to steady my breathing, but it instead angered me further. I let out a guttural yell I was sure was heard in the next rooms over. This was the last straw! I stomped over to the phone, then reminded myself not to yell into the receiver. I dialed the front again, letting them know I needed a room change. A manager knocked at the door this time. When I opened the door, the managers eyes flew wide open and he apologized profusely when he saw the aftermath.
Fifteen minutes had passed, since her last venture to the lobby. Jin paid the bartender satisfied with only a glass for tonight. He picked up his blazer and shoved off the bar stool. The heels of his loafers clicked against the title of the lobby, the rest of the residents were well dressed in either suits like him, or designer clothing. Like a magnet his eyes stuck onto the eye sore at the receptionist counter again.
She ran a frustrated hand through her hair standing at the receptionist desk for the third time today. She turned slightly and he caught the food stains all over her shirt and the mascara running down her cheeks. He couldn’t laugh, he felt worried for her, so he changed his direction towards her. As he approached he heard her spew out, “what do you mean there no other rooms?” She fell forward letting her forehead bang onto the counter, “this can’t be happening, this can’t be happening.” He stood next to her looking towards the receptionist, “is there a problem here?” Y/N grumbled out, “please, Kim, I’ve had a long night.”
What I didn’t expect was he didn’t laugh, instead his tone sounded concerned. I smelled strongly of food, and wet dog; I felt absolutely disgusting. I felt humiliated enough. The familiar receptionist tried to not stare at the blatantly obvious mess I was. At this point I could care less how I looked, I just wanted a functioning room. She turned to Jin, “there are no more available rooms here tonight.” I pulled out my cell phone finding the only thing left to do was search for another hotel in the area. This was giving me a headache.
Jin was quiet, mulling over his thoughts. He was sure she was going to reject, but the last thing he wanted was her to go out at night this late. “Stay with me.” Her head shot up from the counter with her mouth agape trying to find the joke. “Jin, this isn’t funny.” He shrugged, “I’m being serious, there’s no other rooms. You shouldn’t go out this late, besides its still raining. Do you think if you approach another hotel looking the way you do they would let you stay?” His words left a bad taste in my mouth, but he wasn’t wrong. I turned back to the receptionist, “there really isn’t any other room? Storage closet even?” She bowed politely, “no, ma’am I’m sorry there isn’t.” I sighed turning around once biting my lip, then whipped around to Jin, “okay.”
There was no victorious smirk, or jeer at my situation he took my suitcase for me leading me towards the elevators. I stood behind him fiddling with my thumb in the elevator. It didn’t settle well in my stomach being in debt to Jin. I pulled my messenger bag closer to me as I watched his back walk down the hallway. I traced the edges of his back with my eyes. I never really looked at him, just passing glancing. I had tunnel vision, because I was so determined to beat him in any meeting. I almost ran into that broad back but stopped in time when we came up to his door.
He’s never once lost his grace, his hand was calm inserting the key card in. On the other hand, my palms were sweating. Why did I take this deal again? The familiar smirk took home on his lips, “calm down, Y/N. I’m not going to do anything.” I choked a bit on my saliva, “I’m—I’m not nervous.” Great, that came out perfect, stable with ease. He nodded, but I could see he was holding back laughter. I gripped and released on the plastic handle of my suitcase. He’s being kind, the least I could do is offer the same back.
He let me go in first. I looked back at him after setting my bag down, “there’s only one bed?” He nodded at my obvious observation, “I’ll sleep on the couch there.” He pointed to the loveseat, that was obviously too small for the six-foot giant. “No, I’ll sleep there.” He wanted to rebuttal, but I continued, “may I take a shower? I really don’t want to smell like my dinner anymore.” He tossed the key card on a table top pulling at his tie to loosening it up, “go ahead, take your time.” I gulped hard when I noticed his collarbone sticking out from his white button up. I dragged myself and my suitcase into the bathroom, before I dragged myself further down humiliation road.
Business is business.
I settled against the door putting a hand over my chest. This was so unusual, why was my heart beating so fast? There’s something wrong with me. It must be all the stress making me more sensitive. I locked the door then I peeled off my button up shirt and threw it in the sink along with my skirt. The hair tie was discarded on the counter, the wet strands sticking to my skin. I turned up the hot water knob to its full capacity and stood under the hot water until I felt completely clean. I wrapped a towel around my body, finally feeling some sense of relief.  I fished out of my purse my phone checking for anything important. I scrolled through the infinite drunk messages from my boss. At some point his messages turned from scolding to desperate pleads to get the buy.
I dried my hair before I slipped on my oversize shirt and leggings on to sleep in. I opened the door cautiously setting my stuff near the entryway. Again, my hands naturally went to clutch in front of myself as I stepped into the main room. Jin, who had changed into sweats and a white shirt, was standing around three carts of food, lifting the metal lids from pipping hot plates. The delicious scent of food wafted through the air, I gulped down the saliva pooling in my mouth. I’ll just sleep and eat in the morning.
I passed by Jin going towards the loveseat finding a blanket and pillow situated there. I smiled unconsciously at the kindness. “Are you hungry?” I unfolded the blanket rearranging myself onto the couch, “no, I’m fine. I’m just going to sleep.” That would’ve been convincing if my stomach didn’t decide to roar in protest. This time a melodious laugh poured out of his lips. “Oh, what is that? I got you a plate, but if you insist you’re not hungry…I guess I’ll have to eat it.” I sat up peering over at him, “why are you being so nice to me?” He pushed a tray cart over to me, “I’m always nice to you Y/N.” I couldn’t argue, because it was true. He was always right. I looked down concealing my embarrassment. “Thank you.” He nodded sitting at the edge of his bed turning on the TV to fill the silence. I wanted to be polite, but I ended up eating like it was my last meal.
“So…how’s your day—whoa! Don’t choke!” I nearly spit out the food in my mouth, one from not expecting him to want to talk and two the question lack sensibility. He pushed the glass of water towards me, which I took gratefully. “Sorry, that was a bad question, I’ll admit it.” I laughed once the hard gulp cleared. Jin was so smooth with his words when he was working, even in between, but this man sitting here was tactless. I stabbed my fork into my food staring up conversation with a more natural opener and before we knew it, we were talking for a few hours. We had a lot more in common than I expected, even our sense of humor matched up.
We cleaned the plates and Jin placed the carts out into the hallway. When he came back in he stood near his bed for a moment, “are you sure you’re going to be fine sleeping there?” I nodded toying with the edge of the blanket. He turned off the TV and then the light switch bathing the room in darkness. I slipped further into the couch, cramped, but adjusted none the less. I heard the shuffling of blankets and then the decompression of a pillow. “Good night Jin…thank you…for everything.” I didn’t have to see it, but I could some how sense the smile on his face. “Your welcome. Good night Y/N.”
I couldn’t find a comfortable spot, so I flipped over a few times and each time it only felt comfortable for a few moments. I hated moving because the crinkling of the barely used couch wasn’t discreet. “Y/N, join me on the bed.” I froze before I was about to turn again, “it’s fine Jin.” He sat up clicking on the bedside table lamp. “Y/N, I promise to stick to my side, just join me. Your shuffling is keeping me awake.” He lifted the comforter up patting the empty space next to him.
Again, my heart took a mind of its own beating like a tambourine. This wouldn’t be my first time sleeping next to a man, but this was Jin. The indistinguishable flames of contempt and scorn should be tickling by now, but I couldn’t find it in me. He was genuinely offering, no strings. I hesitantly took my pillow and plopped it down onto the mattress and slipped into the bed. I stayed as close to the edge as possible slipping under the covers. He chuckled, and I swear I heard a whisper, “cute.”
He couldn’t fall asleep anymore, especially with her next to him. His eyes trailed the outline of her curves through the sheets. The soft dip of her waist, the beautiful curve of her neck as her hair fell like watercolor swirling through water onto her pillow. She turned around inching closer to the center of the center of the bed. Subconsciously he moved closer as well, seeking her out. She looked so sweet, gentle, he was cherishing this expression he rarely got to see. The rain picked up outside thrumming harder against the window. He brought his eyes back to Y/N when whines blubbered through her lips. Her eye brows scrunched together as she curled in on herself. She must be having a nightmare, a terrible one at that.
Subconsciously she reached out, curling towards Jin. Her hands fisted in his shirt and her legs intertwine with his. He contained a shiver as her cold feet traced up his calf, so her body rested in an arch position against him. He should’ve pushed her away, but instead his thumb traced over her brows. He smoothed them out until they relaxed. Her face instantly softened, and a breath of relief ghosted along his collarbones. She was the perfect chill to his overheating body, fitting against him perfectly.
I opened my eyes slowly, against my better judgment, and realized that my forehead was directly on Jin’s chest. My hands fisted against in his shirt tangling as if I was headphone wires. My jaw dropped as I unraveled myself and shimmed away from him, mortified that I sought him out. The change in temperature woke him from his haze, “Y/N? Are you okay?” I couldn’t form words properly, his husky tone ticked away my rational thoughts, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to!” He smiled lazily, “…you were having a nightmare, it’s okay.” I still felt the remnants of his touch, the warmth.
He was patient waiting for her to make the next move. It was always her.
Maybe the darkness was giving me courage, or it was…the ease I felt towards Jin now. I cut the silence pulling the blanket closer over myself, “I keep—I keep having them every night.” His eyes fell into something like adoration and sympathy. “You can talk to me Y/N.” He wanted to reach out and hold her, but we were back to reality. “You wouldn’t understand Jin. You do everything right. You know how to talk to people. Just a smile and they’re on your side. I have to drown myself and then maybe people will consider me. I’m not good enough for anything.” The more she confessed her sins to his church, the higher the veil of her blanket rose. She bowed at her vices and insecurities, setting herself bare to her senses. The choking on her own insecurities made him want to bid her forgiveness, something she didn’t deserve from him, but if he could ease it then he would.
He reached over pulling the blanket away from her face settling on top of her hand. He moved closer to her, his gaze never leaving her lost ones. He swiped away at tears staining her rosy cheeks smiling softly at the fragile being before him. “Y/N. I’m not this God you make me out to be. I’m afraid, I lose sleep, and forget to eat just to please others. Where we stand now, on this equal and same plane, it wasn’t easy getting here. You living your life comparing it to someone else isn’t ever going to satisfy you. When have you lived your life for yourself?”
I nearly choked on my own tears, the question of ‘how are you’ or ‘what do you want’ are always daunting. “I don’t. I can’t. I do things that only benefit me, whether I like it or not. Don’t get me wrong I like my job, but sometimes it feels like I’m getting nowhere.” His soothing finger over my cheek didn’t stop and since when did he get so close? I could feel his hot breath on my skin, a breath of paradise in the Antarctic. “You’re strong Y/n. The strongest person I know. I admire you y/n, but what do you want?”
We sat in silence until my tears dried, but I couldn’t stop myself from staring at his lips. His eyes were watching mine with equal need. There was one thing I was sure I wanted. It was him, even if it was for just tonight. A passing instant of mistaking want for need, because right now I needed him, “you, I want you.”
The heat of our reluctant exhales as we pull away for mere seconds, to catch a breather. The touches between us both were teasing, true to our nature. The first brush of our lips was reluctant his eyes searching for hesitation. Our kisses started out cautiously, but eventually he was pushing me over the edge with his nips at my lip and his tongue asking for entrance. I granted him that, at this point I feel like I wanted to be his genie. He pushed at my shoulders to hover over me, but I’m not that kind of giving genie.
I pushed back until he was flat on his back and I was straddling him, our lips never separating in the process. I parted from his lips, but he tried to sit up to catch them again. My hands stayed firm pushing down on his chest, “Y/N?” I leaned forward to peck his lips, biting my swelling lips on recoil very much liking this position looking at him from above.
His hands trailed up and down my thighs rubbing them appreciatively. He wanted to do whatever she wanted, he’s finally getting to touch her, kiss her. He leaned his head back looking at me through lustfully lidded eyes and parting his pillow lips. He was almost too pretty to touch. I regained my motion when I felt his erection touching my inner thigh straining in his sweatpants. I lowered myself onto him, clothed cores caressing, but my leggings were thin. Slowly, like molasses, I began grinding against him. I didn’t expect the sensation to travel up my back, so I threw my head back in pleasure. I whined tangling my hands in his shirt, but I wanted it off. “Jin, take it off.”
He follows my biding crossing his arms to lift his shirt over his head. My jaw nearly fell out of socket feeling like I was observing a Greek statue. It was hard to tell under his suits that there was a developed body underneath. I let my fingertips play against his abs, making him squirm slightly. It made me smile, I liked how responsive he was. “You’re doing so good for me baby boy.” I trailed up further circling around his pectorals, searching his eyes for the deeper look staring right back at me.
I circled around trailing closer to his harden buds. I leaned down flicking it with my tongue, nibbling and then sucking lightly. Deep groans then high pitch whines dance on my ears and I wanted more. I trailed around his chest wanting to leave violet and navy marks on his perfect skin. I wanted to play the succubus to this angel’s demise into sin. I wasn’t sure If I could take the teasing anymore, my panties were soaked still slowly moving against him. I wanted him inside me already.
As my lips moved up his jaw to find his lips again, his palms found my ass kneading it desperately. “Y/N—ah—God, that feels so good!” A predatorial smile found its way on my lips. I kissed him until the vibrations of his moans were a never-ending resonance. His hands came to still my hips, “stop—stop. If you keep going I’m going to come in my pants.” I trailed a hand down to cup his bulge, “can I? I need you in me.” My walls clenched at the thought of him stretching me out, if my hands were telling of his size then I was in for a filling. I was getting impatient with my own teasing, I needed him.
His hands trailed up my oversized shirt trailing up my stomach to the edges of my breast, only to find no bra. A huff of a gasp left his lips, “you’re so naughty, no bra Y/N?” He molded his large palms onto my breast wanting to feel every bit. He twisted and pinched as I arched towards him stripping myself of my shirt. I pulled away reluctantly kneeling at the end of the bed shimming out of my leggings too. “No panties as well, Y/N. Ugh—you’re going to be the death of me.” I smirked biting my lips teasingly. His eyes cleared for a moment, “condom? Shit, I don’t have one.” I cooed at him, “don’t worry, I’m on birth control and clean, are you?” His eyes widened at the thought of feeling her raw around him. Jin nodded obediently, “yes, I’m all clear.”
He pulled down his pants and his thick, red-tipped cock smacked against his naval. I got down on all fours crawling towards Jin like a cat.  He felt like a man trudging up a hill to the temple of the holy saint Y/N. He wanted to bow at the goddess feet, to remind her that she was to be worshiped. The goddess could only be strong as her people praise her and he was going to invigorate her. The look in his eye was of a man looking at a woman with lust and adoration. His lips ghosted along hers, half lidded eyes full of promises, “can I?”
I nodded letting myself bathe in the warmth of Jinyoung, his broad chest a mattress of its own. His plush, lips pressed against mine briefly, leaving an imprint of their touch. They didn’t linger far, the skin still a peach fuzz length away. This time I was chasing his honey, wanting to dive into the sweetness.
I sat on his lap again, angling his cock and swiveling it over my honied folds. I whined at the sensation, he nodded asking me to sink onto him. My walls clamped around him, a grunt of pleasure slipping through his lips. His breathing was labored as much as mine was, this was something he could get addicted to. I sat pubic bone to pubic bone, the tip of his cock nudging at my cervix. I was right, he filled me up perfectly.
His hands caressed my sides teasing my breast then trailing down to grip at my ass. He wanted to admire everything, she was breath taking. “You’re so beautiful.” I lowered my head concealing the blush spreading like wildfire on my cheeks. I lifted up falling back down from base to tip in long strokes. I was afraid if I went to fast I wouldn’t last long. The images I painted early riled me up. His hands secured over my hips helping me bounce. I swiveled my hips to have him hit all angles. He sat up coating my chest and neck in kisses urging me to continue. Moans and mewls increasing grew louder as I picked up pace.
He threw his head back biting his lip but never took his eyes off mine, “your fucking me so good Y/N. Your taking this cock so well.” I felt the prowess I had slipping back to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist flipping us over with him looming on top. He stilled inside me, I whined for him to continue, but his lips went back to my neck and his thrust were minimal. I wanted—needed—him to faster, harder, more. “Jinyoung, harder!” He mumbled into my neck, “what was that baby girl?” I whined at the nickname, but I was too far gone to care. “Please, harder, fuck me harder!”
He smirked against my neck pulling as far back until his tip was hanging at the entrance and slammed back in. I could feel myself nearing my climax and he could too. I tightly wound my legs around his waist holding on for dear life as his brutal hips snapped against me. My new nickname rolled of his tongue in between his grunts and moans. He wanted to bring y/n to an end before he did. He could feel it bubbling up, threating to coat her paradise, but y/n’s needs came first. He sat up angling himself to perfectly hit that one sweet spot inside me. “Jin!” He continued to roll himself into that spot. “Good baby girl?” I didn’t want to close my eyes, I wanted to watch him, but it was getting harder when white was coating my vision. “Jin, I’m—I’m—going to….”
With a few more rolls of his hips fireworks set off within me. I clenched tightly around him and within a few more thrust he was coming. My undulating walls milked him for all he was worth. He collapsed on top of me and I ran my hands through his hair. He twisted to leave soft, gently kisses on my lips. Our hot breath intertwined as I giggled lightly, “that was—amazing.” He smiled kissing me again, “that was.” He shifted collapsing next to me bringing me into his arms. The moment was perfect. I didn’t even want to bother wiping his cum trailing down my thigh. The night faded out with our giggles and lingering kisses. Eventually we fell asleep in eachothers arms and I was nightmare free.
My heels clicked and echoed down the hall. I was off again on another trip, but this time to a local business. I scrolled through my phone checking over my schedule once more. I didn’t notice the second pair of loafer heels clicking, approaching at the other end. I mumbled out my schedule finding it solidifies it to memory with repetition. “Tuesday at 3pm Mr. Lee from CREx Co….,” I then felt hot breath over my shoulder. “Wednesday at 9 a.m., make sure to pencil in breakfast with Kim Seokjin.” I shook nearly dropping my phone spinning to face my rival. “Mr. Kim, what are you doing here?” He scoffed, “y/n, its only us, you don’t have to address me so formally.” I huffed pretentiously, “we’re on the clock right now.”
He stepped closer his chest almost touching mine, “is that tight skirt also on the clock right now?” His hand went to caress my hip, but I slipped from his groping. I bit my lip but suppressed the flirtatious comeback. “Oh, Mr. Kim, if you keep following me from behind you won’t get to see the hands of the clock.” He raised his brow, but trailed after me as I walked again, but finding it odd that I deviated away from the conference room. He stopped at the end of the hall watching me go to a storage closet and open the door and wink at him before I left it slightly ajar. He sped walked towards the door slipping inside. I was already unbuttoning the top buttons of my blouse, “are you here for business or pleasure Mr. Kim.” He bit his lip, “business affairs Ms. Y/L/N. Business affairs baby girl.”
He closed the door behind him, with a clink of the lock.
Copyright 2018 © by magicalsalamander. All rights reserved.
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