#i love ford prefect so much
peach-s0up · 2 months
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hello hitchhikers guide fandom
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fleetn-crab85 · 2 months
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More The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy text posts because I'm coping with finishing the TV Series and the second book
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tabbbbyyyy · 5 months
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Starting on my Heart of Gold crew designs with a Trillian I'm proud of and a Ford I'm slightly scared of. I think all Ford designs should be at least a little deranged and feral man idk it just feels right
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leslaras-art · 1 year
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its not impossible, just very very improbable
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dingoskidneys · 1 year
A comic I did of the bulldozer scene! Sorry for the weird format, the first page is one image and the second page is multiple images
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ragdolls-and-such · 7 months
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alright so! roles and explanations and stuff. pretty please do not complain about how uncreative my names are for these guys i did Not want to think about it too hard. i just like my sillies + that is all Anyway lets go !!!
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this is ford dent and he's having a really interesting time rn. guy who is just ITCHING to be up in the stars exploring all that madness gets beamed up into the air with his bestie and then realizes "hey i didnt realize Peril would be part of the equation. why's there so much of That" so basically he's in a constant state of conflict between the "this is cool as shit" and the "GET ME OUT BEFORE I DIE"
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next up is arthur prefect (yes i know that ruins the car joke. forgive me). arthur left betelgeuse and was headed towards Somewhere for vacation. he ended up making a wrong turn, crash-landing on earth, and having to figure things out from there. unlike canon ford, he has Not researched anything in space, he just knows about it in passing, so he's just as clueless as his ford.
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simply "zaphod." that's it. a personality prototype from the sirius cybernetics corporation, built to be as optimistic and friendly as possible, ended up almost completely oblivious to or uncaring of danger, and SO VERY FULL OF HIMSELF. everyone fuckin hates him basically but every time canon marvin's horrible tragedy occurs to him, he thinks to himself "well at least I'M here. at least i have Me." and slowly the feeling starts to fade as he realizes no one actually gives a shit about him as he's like. rotting away, half-sun-melted. fun stuff :)
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TRILLIAN BEEBLEBROX WHO I LOVE SO DEARLY. former genius, still Sort Of a genius, maybe? she wanted to become president of the galaxy So badly. she wanted to make the milky way a better place and knew Exactly how she was going to do it. she worked relentlessly to be elected and . lost the election. realizing that the thing that kept her from being elected WAS the exact thing that made her Want to be elected in the first place - her genuine honesty and care for people - she just went "fuck it, i hate it here," and corkscrewed her brain. Ironically, ended up getting elected afterwards, because she became more "fun" as a result of this.
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finally, marvin mcmillan. human teenager, about 17 years old, and was dragged along to a party by his friends. ended up meeting trillian there, who he immediately recognized as an alien (thanks to her constant bragging about it...) and he begged her to be taken away from this god awful planet. she basically unofficially adopted him but instead of adoption its more like . what do you call it when its a wine aunt + a weird angsty nephew.
that's all <3 hope you enjoyed
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leighsartworks216 · 8 months
"Ford! Hello, how are you?"
"Fine," said Ford, "look are you busy?"
"Am I busy?" exclaimed Arthur. "Well, I've just got all these bulldozers and things to lie in front of because they'll knock my house down if I don't, but other than that... well, no, not especially, why?"
They don't have sarcasm on Betelgeuse, and Ford Prefect often failed to notice it unless he was concentrating. He said, "Good, is there anywhere we can talk?"
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
God he's so autistic i love him so much
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I asked my mother to buy me a lobster to keep as a pet, I convinced her I was firmly read up on the proper care and enrichment methods to keep it healthy and stimulated. Mother is swayed easily by my argument, she is prone to indulging my habits. With father out of the picture, she has spoiled me rotten my entire life.
We go to the local grocery store in town and walk through the aisles until we reach the fishery. I pick out the one in the right corner furthest away from me, sitting all alone, avoided by the others. I sense a kinship between me and this one before I even take it out of the store. The predicament with my family has left me isolated by my peers. The fishmonger scoops it up and places it in a styrofoam crate containing water. He tells me to enjoy my meal tonight, I smile.
We bring the lobster home, on the ride I daydream of caring for her, for I have found out she has eggs. I was too impatient to wait until we returned to inspect her. When we arrive at the house I have already decided on a name, I tell mother I will call her Boudicca and she will be my sister. My mother smiles wearily and tells me to hurry along now. I pour her into my aquarium and carry it around, introducing Boudicca into her new home.
For dinner we eat macaroni and cheese with hot dogs and I drop a few hot dog bits in the water for our new member of the family. Mother has already lost interest in the endeavour to initiate her into our circle and she seems to be gazing vacantly through the window. Nevertheless, I finish the macaroni and cheese and prepare for bed. I plan to fall asleep sitting at my desk staring intently into her shiny black eyes to let her know she is loved.
The next morning, I suspect mother has played one of her famed pranks on me, for I peer back at my own face. It takes a moment for me to register my eyes are still closed. I am gripped by cold fear and I begin to feel nauseous, I make an attempt to move. Unfamiliar muscle memory activates and I begin scuttling around on the gravel and snapping my claws, I am left with a sense of powerlessness, trapped in my own sister's body. Not long after, mother enters the room and attempts to wake me up, but I do not so much as stir. Foam drips down my mouth and she drops the cup of tea she was holding in her hand. Not wanting to provoke my disappointment if I were to wake up and discover my sister were missing, she brings me along in a smaller, carry-size aquarium. I try to inform her that things are terribly wrong but she doesn't understand.
We arrive at the hospital and my body is immediately given a room. The doctors tell mother that her daughter is comatose and likely to never wake up. I suspect the burden of a human body was too much for my sweet sister, and she collapsed under the pressure. Three months pass and mother begins visiting Boudicca less and less. Although every time she does she sobs silently by the bedside. My feeble attempts at communication are yet again misunderstood as a desire for food or something similarly animalistic. She eventually acquiesces to the idea of pulling the plug. I watch as my heartrate flatlines and dear, precious Boudicca is gone forever, like dish water down the drain.
My mother, grieving and unwilling to communicate with a lobster, decides it is for the best that I am let free into the vastness of the ocean. She drives our antique Ford Prefect to a beach in Dorset. She gently sets me out of the aquarium and onto the water's edge, facing away. Unwilling to move, I sit there and watch the waves crash against the cobbled ground. Unwilling soon becomes unable as I have been outside of the water for too long. Oxygen has stopped flowing to my brain.
Like my dear sister I am ferried away to the infinite blackness after brief and probing sensory explosions to do with matter and emotions and chemicals. Mother gets back into the car and drives off, My new crustacean body becomes a sensational curiousity to the children on the beach and simply more food for the gulls.
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amarantine-amirite · 1 year
The Last Day of School
It began on a rainy day when I was 5 years old. I zoomed around the house like an airplane. Mom sat at the kitchen table doing something with pencils, papers, and numbers. I asked her if she wanted to play with me. She gave no response.
"Can I have some milk?" I asked.
Mom shushes me. She began counting by threes. "Can I help you count?" I said, stepping onto the chair next to her. "4,8,16, 15, 42, 9000."
Mom brushed me away. "Hetty, I'd love to play with you, when I have less work to do," she said.
"I can help you! I can help you!" I said as I jumped up and down on the chair.
Mom looked down and saw I had knocked a whole bunch of papers over. "Oh, no! Look what you've done," she grumbled, "Go to your room, I'm too busy to play."
I went to my room. I didn't understand why I was in trouble because my Mom was busy. "You don't have to treat me like a criminal," I mumbled.
I stayed put for about ten minutes. I left to see if Mom's finished counting. I heard Mom mumbling, "Uh...huh...alright...oh crap," which made me think she was done.
She saw me peer around the corner. "What the fuck are you looking at, Hetty?!" she scolded. She didn't even look up from what she was doing to tell me off. Even though it hurt my feelings, I understood that it meant you need to find something else to do, mom is busy.
I saw an envelope on the counter, and I took it back to my room. I opened it and found that the envelope contained $1200 in small bills: one hundred, two fifties, and the rest were twenties. I started playing with it because I needed something to fidget with. I spent the rest of the morning prancing around my room, flapping the bills in my hands.
I stopped and put it back in the envelope the minute I heard my mom's footsteps approach my room. Mom came into my room, saw the envelope, and said, "That's where this went."
She opened the envelope and counted the money out. "Hetty, what did you do with this?" she demanded.
"Played with it?" I said
Mom showed me the inside of the envelope. "Hetty, this envelope had a lot of money in it, and two big bills are missing," she hissed. While fidgeting with the envelope, I lost the hundred and one of the fifties.
"But we have lots of money, don't we?" I said.
"Hetty, That money was all we got for selling the car that the people at my old job gave me when I got fired. We would've gotten more hadn't been a real car instead of a toy. The only reason we got as much as we did was that I painted it to look like a limited edition Batmobile and told everyone that it had once belonged to Jon Voight."
I shot around my room like a rocket, looking for the missing dollar bills. I flipped open all the drawers on my toy chest, tore everything out of my dresser, and got stuck under the bed. My efforts rewarded me with the hundred. I put the hundred back in the envelope and continued ripping my room apart to find the fifty, but it was still MIA.
"Can I have some milk?" I asked with a nervous chuckle.
Mom shook her head, "No, I want that $50 bill back"
I tipped my head to one side and did the puppy-eyes, "Do you want to play with me?"
"No," Mom shouted, "I want that $50 bill back!"
"But I tried so hard to find it," I whined and stomped my feet, "Haven't I done enough?"
Mom stormed off, "No you haven't, because it's gone now. You shouldn't have touched that envelope anyway."
I went back to my room, while mom went back to do whatever it was she was doing. Maybe Mom was right, maybe there was nothing I could do to find it, and it was just gone. Some things can't be found once they are lost.
It all came back to me 10 years later, on my last day of tenth grade.
We didn't have any classes that day. If anything, it was just a big party for everybody. I came to school wearing a little black dress, a pearl necklace and earrings, a green shawl that was actually a towel, and black Keds. I looked like a mutant hybrid of Audrey Hepburn and Ford Prefect.
Losing the $50 bill was already on the top of my mind that day, as I found the envelope under a chair cushion the night before. I had thought about how yes, I lost the $50 bill and yes, we wouldn't get it back, but it wasn't important anymore. Time went on, and nobody seemed any worse for wear.
I headed to my locker to pick up my stuff so I could go home. Then, I saw what looked like the missing $50 bill. In a flash, I reached forward to pick it up.
I didn't anticipate it to be on a string.
The string jerked the bill away from me shockingly fast. I ran after the bill. The chase led me through the cafeteria, into the band classroom, up to the mezzanine, and past the trophy case.
I finally got to see what was past the sign that read "No student under the age of 16 permitted beyond this point". I ended up in a stairwell where one flight of stairs went up, looped around, and came back down, kind of like a figure 8. I got stuck running around in circles because I didn't realize it didn't connect to the other stairs. I saw the way to get to the $50 bill was to turn around and go down the stairs into the nook with the Nike statue with Abe Lincoln's head on it.
I sat down. The $50 bill was at the base of the statue. I grabbed it, but I passed out after I touched it.
I woke up in a labyrinth of strange rooms. Each room felt like a combination of a basement, a hotel hallway, a parking garage, or a cave. Adjacent rooms would appear and disappear in between heartbeats. Whatever room I was in would change, too. I fell after I got up because the floor moved upwards underneath my feet. I hadn't been upright in this place for more than two seconds before the ceiling dropped at a moment's notice. I fell again as I tried to duck. Once the ceiling went back to where it was supposed to be, I walked along looking for an exit. The floor slanted downwards ever so slightly enough that I had picked up enough speed to flip over a piece of the wall that materialized at waist height.
After falling a third time, I soon learnt that this was not your average room that spins out of control. Bits and pieces of the room would duplicate, something I discovered only after walking into them.
It got a lot worse once I got up. I saw this foggy, wire-like creature with no arms, a line of pointy nipples like a dog, and a head shaped like a bullhorn. She stood far taller than the ceiling clearance of the labyrinth, and could only move as fluidly as she did because she bent her body in unnatural directions.
I ran away from the ghost, but it didn't work. After tripping over a piece of the ceiling, she still cornered me. I slowly stood up and waved my towel around like a bullfighter. This distracted her. With her tiny mind occupied elsewhere, I had a clear shot at wrestling her to the ground. Her skin felt like a Brillo pad and she smelled like motor oil. I kicked and kicked until she was neutralized, incapable of getting up.
Good news, Wireghost was gone. Bad news, I didn't know how to get out of here.
I panicked because I couldn't find an exit. I don't know whether this was my imagination, or touching Wireghost's skin made me hallucinate, or if it was real, but I could see white smoke fill the rooms. I held the towel over my mouth and nose, got down on the ground, and felt around for something that felt like an exit.
The floor shifted again. I fell over onto my side and rolled down a ramp that got steeper and steeper by the second. Within roughly 1/16 of a second, I hit the wall and passed out again.
I woke up at home. I looked around in disbelief about what just happened. Upon standing up I saw the $50 bill on the ground. Somewhere between ending up in the labyrinth and getting home, it got stuck to the bottom of my foot.
I picked up the $50 bill and stuffed it back in the envelope (where it belongs). I hid the envelope somewhere in my room. "Hey, Mom," I said, " I had to go to hell and back to do it, but I finally found that $50 bill!"
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Christmas gift for @volcanicflowers
Arthur was in the kitchen, trying out this new herbal tea recipe he had snagged in his and Ford’s time in a new planet. The kitchen was a fairly abnormal looking place that displayed the contrasting identities of both Ford and Arthur. This was inevitable as they are both rather perculiar in their own ways.
If you would think back to when they first met, you may not expect them to be where they are now. Back when they were both fairly young and naive, it would come a shock for them to know they have married and are now travelling around the universe in a spaceship gifted to them by none other than Zaphod Beelebrox, a man with great style and two beautiful faces. This would seem particularly idiotic to Arthur as he had no belief in aliens.
“Arthur dear, has the Newspaper read to you yet?” Ford swung through the door with so much anticipation it would put Eddie’s desire to be useful to shame.
“No, why have I missed something?” Arthur responded to his husband. Ford always got excited by the newspaper articles and of course like a good lover, Arthur shared the same enthusiasm.
“Listen to it, just listen,” Ford threw the paper down in a swift motion. He looked at Arthur in an attempt to observe every little detail, every movement in response to the story.
Ford was interested in this new type of microwave that encourages healthy eating. It was a great invention. There was plenty more devices in which Ford was interested. His main interest had always been developments, this is why he took the role as a researcher for the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and it’s a good thing he took that job. Although it left him stranded on Earth, it has given him a good half a millennium with his lover.
An average life expectancy for an Earthman is much less than a Betelgeusian being. Arthur Prefect-Dent has become an exception to this rule after surviving the Earth’s demolition. The idea of a life without Arthur had plagued Ford and so he decided to look into it. He had found a way to interlock their lives together, blessing them with the idea that they shall never be apart, even in the afterlife they shall be together. This would be unfortunate if their love was to break but Arthur and Ford were too strong.
“My dearest love, try this tea,” Arthur handed his husband a cup. Ford took a sip out of the cup and his face lit up with delight. Arthur had gotten it right this time. The tea was completely beautiful, much like the Earth tea that had bonded them in the first place but with more personality. It felt customised for its exact customer and warmed up the insides of Ford.
“Well done, Arth. You’ve done it right this time,” Ford had a genuine smile and finished the rest of his cup. With this, Arthur smiled back, waving his arms slightly with excitement, making himself a cup of tea.
“I think I’m going to start getting ready for our day,” Arthur spoke. Today they had a plan, they were going to see Zaphod. Zaphod has been off partying and now he wants to calm down and go for a meal with his semi-cousin and his semi-cousin’s Earthling. Arthur had a rough first impression with Zaphod but within 500 years, they have settled this with the occasional banter. This was all for Ford’s benefit. They had decided to go to Milliways once again, by choice this time. This time they would have a plan to go back to now and wouldn’t end up in prehistoric Earth. Arthur would get to dress up this time.
Arthur had mastered the act of fashion. He had ventured into his androgyny, questioning the idea of gender identity himself. This question had torn away his brain until he came to the resolution. What does it matter? He is a woman and a man. He had the perfect outfit planned for his day out, all down to the details of the makeup, hair and shoes. He would need time to ready himself. Time to look perfect. Arthur Prefect-Dent was a complete perfectionist.
He would never start getting ready if he didn’t now. He would just sit there, worrying about if he had enough time which then leaves him with not enough time. This is a very Arthur Prefect-Dent experience. His husband nodded his head and Arthur rushed upstairs. His dress was laid out on their bed, just as it was left. It was a delicate dress. Its fabric would cling to Arthur, the decorated stars were not itchy and uncomfortable like Earthman clothes. It has been manufactured correctly.
Its white colour perfectly complimented Arthur. He matched his dress with simple jewellery such as a moon bracelet that Ford had got him (an item he kept with him constantly), a few pairs of earrings, a complex-designed flower necklace that he was given by a stranger and a few rings to accompany his wedding ring. His wedding ring was a rather strange ornament as it had been laced with tea. This was still seen as strange in the wider universe (where you would believe there’d be more of an open minded view of life).
Another thing that Arthur Prefect-Dent had succeeded to do in his extended time was master the art of high heels. High heels could no longer destroy him and even as he had aged, he could still strut in them. He decided to wear tall high heels which wasn’t really going to help Ford, as Arthur was already quite the height. He hadn’t exactly shrunk. His heels glistened, they were the type of shoe that would stop the show. They also prevented the dress from trailing on the floor.
He completed his makeup. It was a treasure to be able to look at Arthur’s face if he had put in effort. Even without effort, his makeup was mystical. But with the motivation, he would definitely look marvellous. His hair was in a simple curl. His hair had grown and darkened in time so he had much hair to style. Arthur used to not care about his hair: he just brushed it and washed it when it was appropriate but now he had taken full care of himself.
He delicately made his way downstairs to see that Ford was already dressed. Ford was a simple man when it came to fashion, well as far as an alien could be simple. His suit was well fitted, contrasting with his tie. They were a perfect couple. They lace their shoes up and contact Zaphod.
“You setting off?” Ford asked Zaphod. Zaphod is expected to be late. He’s just that kind of lad.
“Oh, yeah sure. You and earth man, are you ready?”
“Of course we are ready,” Arthur spluttered out. And with this, they are prepared to go Milliways.
And they were there. They were at the restaurant at the end of the universe once again. This time they had no internalised homophobia and no hidden love. They were just Ford and Arthur- those two homosexuals you’ll meet sometime travelling around space. It was quite astonishing really. They were just average guys, many light years away from each other but they did get to meet and now the stars align with their love. Then he appears- their favourite third wheel, Zaphod Beelebrox.
“What’s up, Broskis?” Zaphod said, doing some strange action with his hands, flippety flopperting them around in the air. Zaphod is going through a phase as usual. His three hands all seem to collide with each other.
“Hello, Zaphod,” Arthur and Ford say in unison. This surprised both of them. They must have got very used to each other from all the time in their little spaceship home.
“Hello friends, may I take you to your table?” the waiter spoke. This was all a familiar experience for Arthur- less estranged but still odd. Of course, last time he wasn’t dressed in this marvellous couture and yet his dressing gown, although he pulled that off quite well too.
“This time you’re not going to argue with the meal of the day, are you?” Zaphod turned around to talk to Arthur. Arthur still found it bizarre that the meat wanted to be eaten but each to their own. He had gotten quite used to absurdity. He had become part of the absurdity in some cases. But not in this one, Arthur Prefect-Dent didn’t want to be the next meal.
“No, good on them if they want to be eaten,” Arthur spoke. They had been led to their table.
Zaphod was across the table from Ford and Arthur. They were still holding hands under the table like a newly founded couple. Their love was still in the honeymoon stage. The meal of day had already come over to greet them. This time it didn’t have to argue with Arthur in order to be eaten. It just took its orders and went off to be cooked. Conversation was detailed with Zaphod, explaining his various parties he had attended. He was very much an extrovert. He told them about all the men and women and people he had been out with.
“There was this lovely man. I can’t remember his name but he was quite the character,” Zaphod described, “Rather attractive and he could talk. He could talk right well, probably more than me.” This conversation continued over drinks and hours. Zaphod had found a woman and a man to come sit with. He was no longer third wheel and now on a double date. This always happened when Zaphod was to go out. He was quite the flirt. The food had arrived.
Arthur looked at his plate. It looked delicious. He remembered how they didn’t get this far last time. There was no longer any Marvin to interrupt their lunch. He took his first bite, cautious of destroying his makeup. Ford looked at his husband, cutting up his food. Arthur always held his cutlery the opposite way. He struggled to cut food up. Arthur had always struggled with his hands.
Zaphod was too distracted by his new friends to eat. This caused Ford to steal his food while he wasn’t paying attention. Ford enjoyed eating. He also enjoyed annoying the shit out of his semi-cousin. It was a talent of his all these years. Except Zaphod had become used to this, there was no closer semi-cousins than Ford and Zaphod. Zaphod had many semi-cousins but Ford was different, he was cool. They used to always cause mischief at a young age. They made the planet Betelgeuse V a bit more interesting.
They flirted with all sorts of people. They went out. They played all sorts of pranks. It was still obvious then that Ford would settle down with a nice boy but Zaphod probably wouldn’t. Zaphod couldn’t do commitment, not to one person forever. Polyamory was popular in the vicinity of Betelgeuse so it didn’t really matter. Zaphod had many open relationships and he felt fulfilled by this. Ford felt fulfilment when he met Arthur. There was always something there. It was hard for Ford to tell Arthur before Earth was demolished.
Arthur needed support when his home was destroyed. Ford became his home and after a while, Arthur admitted his homosexual tendencies and that his homosexual tendencies were especially triggered by his best friend Ford. This didn’t take long for the emotions to display and soon enough they were dating. Zaphod was happy for them, he even helped Ford propose. Even though Ford proposed, he took Arthur’s last name. Now he was Ford Prefect-Dent. They decided to double barrel their names.
“Are we all done?” Zaphod said, “Because I must go entertain these gorgeous people.” And with that, he stood up, not waiting for an answer. He took both his partners by their hands. He only had one hand spare. He left, leaving just Ford and Arthur. They took each other’s hands and Ford brought Arthur’s hand to his lips, kissing it gently. Arthur returned the kiss by holding Ford’s hand to his lips and pressing his lips against it. Lipstick marked Ford’s hand and they both stayed in that position for a second. They stood up, holding hands and strolled off.
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 years
I'm reading hg2g and I love Ford Prefect so much. And also what the fuck
This is the only correct reaction to have
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fleetn-crab85 · 8 days
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Happy Towel Day To All!
I’m celebrating by posting all my references for the main five! I gotta say I think my favorite is Ford’s reference sheet, but that’s also because I love Ford Prefect so much. Anyways, please enjoy what a couple months of character design has led to!!
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timeturner-jay · 1 year
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I posted 2,251 times in 2022
That's 1,492 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (3%)
2,194 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,191 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#kirby - 1,014 posts
#meta knight - 674 posts
#galacta knight - 291 posts
#magolor - 112 posts
#king dedede - 111 posts
#bandana waddle dee - 101 posts
#morpho knight - 88 posts
#post-it-notes7 - 57 posts
#tumblr culture - 51 posts
#heart and soul series - 51 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#you don't have to be perfect. you just have to do what you can. and if you can't go on.... trust that others will be there to catch you. 🧡
My Top Posts in 2022:
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90 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
Kirby and the Forgotten Lore: My take on KatFL’s relevance to the Kirby timeline.
Warning: This post contains spoilers for Kirby and the Forgotten Land, obviously. 
Now that that’s out of the way, let me explain why I’m making this post. The general community census about the Forgotten Land seems to be that this world was where the Ancients originated; that they were the ones who experimented on ID-F86, whose powers then became the basis of the amazing technology we’ve seen from them. That the Ancients were the ones who left this world behind, to then establish themselves as that famous interstellar society. 
To put it nicely, I find this theory incredibly weak and uninspired. Respectfully. 
Here is why: The Ancients, presumably, have their name for a reason. Their culture rose to power a long time ago, then stayed in power for long enough to become as legendary as they are today, and then fell; so long ago that in modern times, they are only referred to as ‘the Ancients’ anymore. For something on such a grand scale, I would expect each of these intervals to have lasted several thousands of years at least. Likely much longer than that though, since many creatures in the Kirby universe seem to have freakishly long lifespans. 
The ‘Forgotten Lands’, on the other hand? They look like they’ve been abandoned for a few decades at most. Just look at this place-
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Sure, it's a little dirty and overgrown, but for the most part, everything in this world is still very intact. The buildings are still standing, their furniture is still there. Machines like cars and light switches are still working just fine. The water pipes are still intact. There's even still paper in many locations.
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109 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
If the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy came out today, Ford Prefect would be a tumblr sexyman. No, I will not elaborate.
119 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
AYO, that new Three Hopes trailer tho???
Not AT ALL what I was expecting! I love it though!
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First of all, Byleth is your enemy??? OKAY. I love that we're expanding on the Ashen Demon side of their past. Makes sense that there'd be people out there who swore revenge on them back when they were still a mercenary. Though I wonder if that means Byleth won't join the House Leaders at all in this game, since this new main character seems to be doing that instead...
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126 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Meta Knight and Galaxia: An Observation (and maybe a theory)
Earlier today, I was watching a playthrough of Kirby's Return to Dreamland, and as the group was fighting Magolor Soul EX, I noticed something peculiar: 
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In his EX form, he uses Galaxia. Huh! I never knew about that! It's gotten my theory brain going a little, I'll admit. How did he get that? Why is there more than one of it to begin with?
If the Master Crown can summon Galaxia, is there some kind of connection between the two relics?
Well. Let's see.
Before the games officially started using the name "Galaxia" (a name that first appeared in the Kirby anime) for the legendary blade, the fan community had a different name for it: the Master Sword. What looks like a tongue-in-cheek reference to Legend of Zelda at first glance actually has some canon basis - in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Meta Knight entrusts his sacred sword to Kirby for the final battle. The copy ability Kirby receives thereupon is simply called the "Master ability"; so the sword he got it from must consequently be called the Master Sword, right?
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163 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
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Top 10 Alternate Timelines
1. Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, Douglas Adams – in which Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent both make a single-season cameo on the CBS show The Wonder Years, alongside all the other kids from the time, to the eternal amusement of the entire cast
2. Gor, David Zindell – in which, in the course of a single day, a strange and wondrous thing occurs: a man and a man are both men
3. The Book Thief, Markus Zusak – in which young Markus and Ludwig fall in love, and they grow up and become lovers and then a young couple and then, when he dies, a beloved father – in which he returns to life, and he and the young son they named Theophilus grow up as parents – in which they adopt a little daughter named Salzburg
4. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, Eliezer Yudkowsky – and it's a story about how a young Eliezer stumbles onto the secrets of rationality – it's a story about how he comes up with a whole bunch of stuff about how to do good things and avoid bad things
5. The City and the City, China Miéville – and, of all the people who could write such a book, this city was never supposed to exist in the first place: a city of thieves and murderers, where men of action may steal – a city of thieves and murderers, where men who move the world may move it
6. Infinite Jest, Wallace Stegner – and it's the story of one of the most dangerous people in America – it's about the time he met a man named Frank Voss, who could move anything, anywhere, any place, any way, and Frank moved him into the desert, where he's buried a whole lot of bodies
7. A History of the Future, Thomas Malthus – and a story about the future, and about how one man decided to put a whole lot of money on the long-term future, and then he lost his whole fortune and almost died of a fever, but he found a whole lot of future, and a whole lot of future – and a story about a whole lot of future
8. The End of Eternity, C.M. Kosemen – a story about the end of everything, and about how a whole lot of time had gone by, and about the way that time and change and love happen, one day
9. Lamb, Peter Hamilton – and a story about a lamb, and about the future, and the future, and the future
10. Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari – a story about the future, and the future, and the future
This is all so much more fun than the one I just wrote
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MORE FORD???? i need to stop
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arianadevareux · 3 years
Top 10 Hottest for February
We back at it again, folks. I considered doing a Top 10 Cutest like... characters I adore but I’m not attracted to, ya know? I might do that next month. What do y’all think?
Spencer Shay (Jerry Trainor, iCarly)
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Wacky inventions. Banjo playing. Spaghetti tacos. Yes.
Mahogany (Aisha Tyler, Balls of Fury)
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She could punch me in the teeth and I’d thank her.
Terry Silver (Thomas Ian Griffith, The Karate Kid Part 3)
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He’s such an asshole. Such a tool. Uuugh, why am I like this?
Ford Prefect (Mos Def, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
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Immediately trying to redeem myself with a charming, kind character.
Prince Edward (James Marsden, Enchanted)
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Bringing in a himbo. I love himbo’s so much.
Alice Murphy (Maribeth Monroe, Workaholics)
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Asshole in a different way, but gat dam that bob mixed with those suits. Ma’am.
Ultron (James Spader, Avengers: Age of Ultron)
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Sassy robot serving up that hi-tech cake.
Chazz Darby (Brendan Fraser, Airheads)
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I want more long haired B. Fraser. He’s kind of a slacker but, like, do I care? Nope.
Eudoria Holmes (Helena Bonham Carter, Enola Holmes)
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Smart af AND she can fight? AND she’s part of an underground resistance? Marry me.
Lord Nelson Rathbone (Aidan Gillen, Shanghai Knights)
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This movie came out when I still hadn’t fully realized how much I love villains. But I saw him and said, “what’s wrong with me? Why do I feel like this?”
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