#i love his chunky shoes
angryborzois · 6 months
badly-done redraw of that one toge panel but with eve
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chili-dogz · 1 year
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hes so shaped! knuckle.
[Image ID: A drawing of Knuckles the Echidna. He’s laughing, holding his hands open as if about to clap them together. End ID.]
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vanillaboyfriend · 1 month
i don’t feel like posting pictures. but y3s? long socks? nice pants? cute sweater? AND curls peeking out from under the hat?? i’m eatin so good. ok edit be warned before you expand tags on this i went on a giant rant about nicks clothes whoops lol it is HUGE
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jellyfishcandyy · 9 months
Are we not gonna talk about choso's shoes?
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dreamiara · 10 months
george and his middle schooler swag
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luveline · 4 months
hiiiiiiiii jade! <3
would you be willing to write a fic about girl dad!spencer x bombshell!reader? i can only imagine what an adorable riot their daughter would be!!!
ty for requesting!! mom!reader
Spencer always thought you were too beautiful for him. Too funny, too brave, too confident. For years he feared he’d never be anyone you could love; he was the opposite of all your best parts, he talked too much about the wrong things, he went red whenever you so much as looked at him, and he couldn’t flirt back, not for anything. 
But it’s been a very long time since he felt that way. What good is a father who doesn’t believe in being yourself? Amanda deserved to be loved from the moment she drew breath, and he shouldn’t have been any different. 
Now, though, he’s wondering if he shouldn’t be so accepting of all her whims. “I am not wearing that, daddy,” she says. 
She’s just old enough to put together sentences but young enough that the individual words sound like building blocks, chunky and clumsy on her little mouth. Her lips are yours, her smiles and frowns one hundred percent you. (Though you argue with him often that the quizzical pout she does is all his.)
“What do you mean, angel?” he asks, bent over her sock drawer looking for a matching pair. 
“This is pink, and this is purple.” She points. 
“Yes, and you like pink and purple!” 
“I like pink… and I like purple,” she says. 
“But not together?” he asks knowingly. “You want them at different times, is that it?” 
She runs for his legs, hugging them tightly. “Thank you.” 
“You’re so much like your mommy it’s scary,” he whispers playfully, leaning down to pat her small back. “Okay, angel. I’ll find you a different dress to wear. Or maybe the dungarees!”
She lifts her chin up to smile at him. “Y’okay.” 
“Spencer, Amy!” you call, voice carrying from the kitchen. “Are you guys ready? We have to go soon and you haven’t even eaten!” 
Spencer used to sit at his desk daydreaming about you. He’d drink five cups of tea a day to get to walk past you for the kitchenette, hoping you’d be making a coffee, that you’d flirt with him over corporate rewarded donuts. Now you’re making him breakfast as he persuades your daughter into jelly shoes because she wants tall shoes like mommy. They compromise —Any will wear the wrong shoes if Spencer agrees to carry her to the kitchen table. 
“Sorry,” Spencer says as he pushes open the door into the kitchen. He's trying to be the best dad he can be all the time, but he doesn’t have a knack for the mornings like you do. “We won’t be late.” 
“That depends on how agreeable my lovely girl is feeling today.” You pick up the pink plastic plate you’ve filled with eggs, toast, and a mix of washed berries. “What do you think, Amy? Looks nummy?”
“Chocolate chip?” she asks, eyes already widening. 
“It’s breakfast, honey,” you say, scooping her out of Spencer’s arm to carry her to the table. “Chocolate chips are for dinner.” 
“If you promise to be really super duper good at Uncle Derek’s, then yes, you can have some chocolate chips,” you say, tucking her chair in, and kissing her chubby cheek. “You want me to make you milk or juice, mm?”
Spencer spots the two plates you’ve made up for you and him on the counter and quickly brings them to the table, sliding yours in front of you with a long-pronged fork, his hand on your shoulder to keep you in your seat. “I’ll get it,” he says, ducking down to kiss you on the side of the mouth. 
You turn to Amy. “See that, sweetheart? See how nice and kind your daddy is to me? He’s soooo nice. This is why we love him so much, and we appreciate him so much.” 
Amy nods emphatically, blueberries tumbling off of her plastic fork. “So much,” she echoes, her voice like melting sugar. 
He has a weird moment by the fridge where he has to grip the handle. “You know I used to dream about making you a cup of coffee in the mornings?” he asks. 
“Spencer, come over here and kiss me again, please,” you say, sympathetic and fond.
“Me too!” Amy says through fruit. “Me first.” 
“Oh, gosh, this is one of the hardest decisions of my life,” he says, sweeping in to dot your cheeks with kisses, hers then yours, three apiece.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 1 year
Cont of this
*Wails profusely at the idea of reader walking in on Katsuki and baby play fighting in the nursery*
The thick mahogany door separating your hall to your living room creaked loudly as you pushed it open before kicking off your shoes. You sigh in relief; you adored your friends, but by god could Mina and Denki talk.
“Katsuki? Keiko? I’m home my babies!” You shouted into the silence of your usually noisy home, before realising that Keiko could be down for a nap.
The delicious aromatic smell of Katsuki’s noodles filtered through the air and enticed you to your spotless kitchen. A small note was left on your kitchen island with Katsuki’s neat handwriting.
Hope you had a good time out with the losers, food’s in the fridge and Kei had his bottle. We’re probably upstairs in the nursery
- love, Ki
You smiled at his loving note, before prepping the food and tucking in.
After the delectable dish of noodles and vegetables, you meandered your way up the stairs to the large nursery you had for Keiko. You crept the white door open slowly, before tears started pricking at your eyes.
Katsuki was laying on the floor with your chunky baby resting on his chest with a tiny Dynamight costume on. Katsuki was making Keiko punch his face, revelling in his laughter.
“What the hell?! Why is this hero so damn strong?!” He pretended to be scared as he gently manoeuvred Keiko’s tiny fists to make contact with his cheeks. Keiko was giggling away, drooly mouth flashing his proud daddy his singular tooth. Katsuki let out little “pew pew” and “whoopash” noises at every point of contact.
“No more Mr Hero! I’m too weak, don’t punch me again!” He faked groans of pain as he repeatedly made Keiko punch his cheeks, before delivering the final blow.
Katsuki slumped his head to the side as he made convincing sounds of death.
“Blehhhhggg,” he moaned as he died. Keiko laughed loudly as he tried to plunge for his daddy. Katsuki let out his own laugh as he snuggled his baby closer to him.
“This certainly looks like naptime,” you laughed out loud as Katsuki jumped.
“Uhhh. He woke up?” He offered, embarrassed you saw him admit defeat for his son. You shook your head playfully as you approached your two heroes.
You picked Keiko up as he cooed in your arms.
“You did a wonderful job of beating your daddy up, Keiko,” you nuzzled your face into his slightly pink cheeks, earning a babble.
Katsuki smiled widely at his family before groaning at the way his legs had gone numb from the assault from his son. He joined your hug, swaying the three of you softly together. Katsuki pressed small kisses to each of you as Keiko burbled away. You nuzzled your face into Katsuki’s neck, smiling when you feel him smile back.
“I missed you both today,” you murmured. Katsuki continued to smile.
“We missed you too, didn’t we little guy?” He nudged Keiko, who yawned sleepily in response. He rubbed his eyes before nestling into you, breaths slowly deepening as you gave him a gentle goodnight kiss.
“Time for a real nap now, isn’t it sweetheart?” You murmured, giving your husband a pointed look, who only let out a breathy laugh.
“Ain’t my fault he’s a damn good hero.”
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tvgals · 1 year
the spider teen group w a black barbie reader !!
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he was stunned that he pulled you to say the least
imagine when he took you home..
you and miles stand outside of his parents apartment. “and make sure you don’t call them by their first names, they hate that!” miles tells you, biting his bottom lip when he sees you knocking on the door. “i know, miles. i’m not disrespectful!” you giggle, hearing the door unlock. you’re met face to face with a brown skinned woman with her curly hair braided, laying on her shoulder. her face seems to light up when she sees the two of you. “miles!” she beams, engulfing him in a hug, when she pulls away and turns to you, she brings her hands to her chest and smiles. “and you must be y/n! miles talks so much about you!” she says, you smile and look at miles, his face flushed with embarrassment. “these are for you, mrs morales!” you grin, handing her the bouquet of azaleas. “for me? thank you so much!” she thanks you, softly grasping the stems and welcoming you two in. you see miles’ dad sitting at the table, scrolling though his phone. “dad!” miles blurts out, waiting to get his attention. once he looks up, his eyes go wide. “who’s that?” jeff asks, looking around the room just in case this was some prank.
“dad, this is my girlfriend y/n.” miles sheepishly grins, you sending a happy wave his way. jeff stares for a moment. his awkward, teenage son, was able to get a girlfriend like you? no way! “jeff, don’t just stare at the poor girl!” rio laughs. this was gonna be a long night .
he loves it
the opposites attract always gets me !!
hobie watched you as you struggled to put on your favorite pair of pink chunky heels onto your feet, your annoyed groans ringing out the room. “baby!” you yell out into the apartment, hoping your boyfriend would just walk in and put your shoe on for you. you think for a second. you’ve worked multiple engineering jobs as an intern, you’ve studied multiple languages and worked many jobs, and you’re currently letting a shoe disrespect you? hobie walked in and bit back a smile at your determined face.
“love, let me help-“ hobie is cut off with a stern, “no” from you, putting your manicured hand up to stop any movement from him getting closer. “princess, just let me help.” hobie chuckles, crouching onto the floor next to you. “no! i can do it by myself. i am a strong, independent woman!” you sputter out, pushing your foot into the shoe. “bam.” you say, looking at hobie’s smiling face. now onto the next shoe.
he lovessss your style
definitely helps you with makeup
“pavi!” you call out to your boyfriend, who was casually hanging off of a web from the ceiling. “yes?” he calls back to you, flipping onto his feet and walking into the bathroom where you were applying your false lashes. “baby, will you go to the mall with me?” you ask, fanning your hand in front of your eyes to dry the lash glue.
“of course! why would i say no to a pretty girl like you?” pavitr says, walking behind you and resting his chin on your head. “pavi, i need to talk to you.” you say, your tone serious and solid. pavitr gets worried, he’s never heard this tone from you like this, not so..strict and firm. “oh no…what is it?” pavitr mumbles, trailing his hands onto your waist, now moving his head to rest in the crook of your neck.
“it’s very important, like i’m talking end of our relationship if you say the wrong answer, important.” you warn him, pulling lipsticks out of your makeup bag. “now you’re scaring me.” pavitr chuckles. “what is it?” you look at him through the mirror and hold up two lipsticks, “rose red or like a light pink?” you ask, turning to actually face him. “jeez, y/n! you can’t scare me that way!” pavitr giggles, dramatically holding a hand over his heart. “but definitely rose red.”
gwen watches you style the wig on the mannequins head, walking over to take a better look. “what are you doing?” she asks you, watching you shimmy the hair curler from the dark brown wig. “styling my wig for this party tomorrow. wanna help?” you ask, inviting her to sit down in the chair in place of you. gwen sits down and you hand her the curler, placing your hand on top of hers.
“so you gotta put the hair into this little part right here and hold it there for like…eight seconds for looser curls. that’s how i like mine.” you shrug, watching her face contort in concentration. when gwen let’s go, a perfect curl emits from the curler, you smile and give her a hug.
“see? you’re a natural!”
TAGLIST ; — @venusluvslove @kisminarii @xricly @ohsanghoe @conniesbbymama @6olar @cupids-soul @sza-luvrrr @gobblethiskitty @lovedsolana @maniacvell @stellabunniii @theyfwkayla14 @radicaledward55 @bbytamaki @princess-hellokitty @hellomyearthlings @eva7ari @draculara-vonvamp @jared-oranges
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jinkiezzsstuff · 2 months
Can I put in a writing request??
Because I love your writing!!! 🥹
Can you do (either human alastor.. or demon alastor i love both but human alastor has a chokehold on me haha) but his partner is plus size and they are very self conscious about it
Can be smut if you like (I'm waaaay okay with that)
omg yessss i’m gonna do human alastor because he does need some attention <3 also felt this personallyyyy so i did it sooo fast 🙈 ima chunky gorl myself and with summer approaching things always get tough. i lot of what i wrote here is my own personal experience and shit so i don’t want anyone to think this is something they should feel or notice or be ashamed of! Just so you know!
warnings: SMUT 18+, gender neutral but use of clit, feral alastor, Human!alastor, kinda ooc in the way he is ravenous for reader sexually, reader doesn’t know he’s a murderer, self loathing, self hate, body worship maybe, biting breifly, alastor kinda rich or whatever for the time, insecure reader, plus size reader, body part like stomach thighs highlighted, crying, husband alastor, comfort from Al. swearing, lmk if there’s anything else! NOT PROOFREAD YALL
also i wanted to use junoisded ‘s work (on IG) but i don’t think they like things reposted unless asked and i am way to shy but go check them out their human alastor is mouthhhhh watering gawd
Closing the door behind you, you sat your bag on the table a sullen look on your face. It was particularly difficult week for you, it was getting warmer in New Orleans and when it got warm what was really meant was hot humid gross. It almost felt embarrassing at times to leave the house, the clothes companies made weren’t anything like what other people wore they were hideous, and you sweat, and just felt kind of self conscious.
Especially with Alastor. His popularity grew expeditiously over the last couple of years, with people now being able to recognize his voice all around. His popularity was a gift and a curse, a gift because you didn’t have to work through the stock market issues whereas many people your age did, and a curse because more women and men alike wanted him.
You weren’t jealous because Alastor made it pretty clear he only had eyes for you, however you couldn’t stop the comparison, you usually felt decent about yourself and your looks and Alastor made you more assured in your beliefs. But as more people would recognize him, and he’d give them that charming smile, and they’d flirt, you’d get a little jealous and insecure.
You walked into yours and Alastors shared bedroom, slipping off your shoes and looking into the mirror. You wanted to buy some nice clothing for an event you and Alastor were attending within the week, it was very hush puppy as it served contraband, however you couldn’t find anything at the market, and the tailors would be just too much to ask of Alastor.
Your lip quivered not with sadness but frustration, you just wanted to be at the same level as everybody else, without the issues, and being constantly told how to eat or use your body or dress yourself. Sitting on the bed your thighs spread out around you, stomach resting atop. Tears kept flowing pitifully as you took a moment to wrap your head around your spiraling thoughts. Taking a deep breath you wrapped your arms around your back, begining to take off the clothes that stuck to your sweaty body.
‘Loose leisure clothes.’ You chanted as you shook your trousers to your ankles and opened the drawers to your dresser. You remembered as you caught sight of one of Alastors red suit jackets, a gentleman who had commented that Alastor was far too small to lend his jacket to you on a cold night, which make you feel so bad about yourself. Slamming the drawer closed you cradled your head, this wasn’t fair, you would be ten times better with yourself if people weren’t so casually cruel.
You were okay, you were loved, but it seemed in other aspects of life people had to assure you weren’t due to how you looked. “My dear, what’re you doing all dressed down like this?” Alastors voice rang out joyfully. With a jump and a squeak your arms go to cover your body, however Alastor had already turned his back for you. “I’m so sorry sweetheart! I should’ve knocked!” Even though Alastor was being respectful, a nagging voice in the back of your head told you it was because he couldn’t stand the sight of you.
“Uhm, well you can look actually…” You muttered voice just above a whisper as you rubbed your arm. Alastors hands were on his hips, elbows pointed out head facing down, then he perked up head looking behind him. Smile present on his face his eyes shamelessly drank you up. “I couldn’t find any clothes,” You mutter your throat closing as the tears returned with the thoughts of before.
Alastors body finally turned his smile falling as he watched your from recoil away from his gaze. Stepping into the room his dress shoes clinked against the wooden floor as he approached you his arms outstretched to you. Immediately you fell into his embrace holding back the urge to cry, you wanted to be as strong as he was; smiling through no matter.
However when his hand began rubbing your back, soft words of worry falling from his lips, you lost it. Burying your face into his shoulder you cried, muttering your insecurities into him as he cradled you. “And Alastor they must think i’m a joke, you’re so small compared to me.” You cried out, pulling back to look into his chocolate eyes. Quickly he pulled a handkerchief from his vest pocket, his smile now a frown as he watched tears roll down your cheeks.
“My my, that’s the best part doudou. I love having flesh to bite, grip, squeeze,” Alastor grinned speaking through his closed teeth as he gripped your waist pulling your hips to his and you looked down hiding your face at his ridiculous nickname for you. “I feel proud to be able to feed you, my mother would be proud too, she’d absolutely love you. Worry not my dearest doe, i will have anything tailored to your need, and any crude bastard to comment on you I will hand slaughter the night of thee event, just to send a little message.” Alastor puffed his chest into you, his voice strangely dark and possessive, his eyes gleaming with pride as he kneaded your flesh beneath his fingers.
You never thought about it like that Alastor being able to properly provide for you, no; that was the fun of Alastor though he always knew how to twist things into something better than. Not to mention the idea of him being willing to commit a crime for you in the midst of a serial killer going around, that was something very special to you, strangely enough.
“Alastor you’re insane sometimes, but i love you.” You grinned finally, in turn making Alastors smile return larger then ever. Hands crawling up his chest and neck, you pulled him close and into a kiss. Your immediately Alastor gave into your tug, crashing his lips quickly onto your own roughly, his body grinding into your own as he did so, impatient to show you how much you mean to him though his psychical affections.
His hands gripped every little bit of flesh they passed, trailing up and down your body rolls and all, indulging his desire for you. You moaned lightly into his mouth when you felt the hard pressure of him pressed against your thigh. Alastor pulled away biting your lip as he did so, dragging it out. His eyes were lidded and one of his perfectly gelled curls fell forward and down touching the brim of his eyeglasses. “See how quickly you make me indecent my dear? Oh sweet doe, you make me so disgusting.” Alastor whined in a way, which you’d never heard, and stuffed his head into your neck, kissing, biting and sucking at your warm neck
“Alastor i’m sweaty!” You squeal as he dragged his tongue up your neck, biting at the flesh under you chin. “I know,” He mumbled quickly barely breaking away from decorating your neck. “So stop!” You huffed noncommittally as your hands came down to rest on his shoulders, lightly pushing him. “Why my little doe, you taste better this way.”
Alastor pulled back his coy smile on display as he did so, there was something so disbelieved and feral about how he looked despite not being unkept in the slightest. You felt slightly embarrassed by him admitting he liked you sweaty, but it was also comforting knowing that things you thought made you repulsive, actually attracted him.
“Come to bed with me, chérie?” Alastor hummed slyly, pulling your wrists gently toward the direction of the bed, where he was walking. “To sleep?” You asked flatly eyebrow raised, this caused a genuine laugh to bubble out of Alastors chest his head shaking just a bit. “No, and i think you knew that.” He whispered as he tugged you into him and then down onto the bed. You tensed as he did so, sitting up on your elbows you look at him and scold him.
You paused as Alastors gaze beat down on you hotly, it was sinful how he was looking at you with that cheshire grin on his face. He pulled off his glove with his teeth and used his degloved hand to remove the other one before he undid his vest, chucking it aside carelessly. You took a deep breath your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you watched him closely.
Yes you’ve had sex with Alastor before, although neither of you had a high libido so it wasn’t often, and when it was it wasn’t needy like now, no, it was loving, passionate. Alastor tossed his shirt aside crawling ontop of you right after, groaning as he pressed his bulged into the warmth of your thighs. Whimpering you covered your eyes unable to face the lustful look he was giving you.
His warm flesh melted into yours as he lowered himself ontop of you, his skin hot and sticky from being out in the louisiana heat, his breath tickled your skin as his lips dragged around your neck teasingly. “Gosh Al, I - you’re making me feel so- please.” You moaned quietly unable to place the feeling coursing through you. A mixture of wanting to beg him to devour you and wanting to hide yourself away from his heated gestures.
“What is is it you need, my dear?” His voice was sweet like honey as he breathed his sin into your ear, hand coming up under the leg hole of your undergarments, inching closer to your core. You breath was quievered as your hands found there way to his slightly musicled biceps, sinking your nails into them. Finally he backed up on his knees, and yanked down your undergarments, making you gasp.
Your husband has never been this, it made you dizzy and confused, why has he been hiding such ravenousness from you? Alastor looked down at you with pity, your legs reflexively closed before he could get a glimpse of your pretty. “Please darling don’t be modest, I need you more then ever now. I’m a starved man don’t you know? I need your quench.” You watched him as he spoke, his eyebrows knitted his face soft as he mockingly pleaded with you while he undid the button in his slacks and soon pulled down the zipper.
With jagged breaths you watched him disrobe, pulling his cock from his boxers and stroking it for you to see. Precum dripped from the tip and down his shaft, mixing into the dark coiled public hair at the base. “Oh fuck Alastor,” You whined looking away, you heard him chuckle at an octave you’ve never heard before. “What’s wrong darling? Can’t stand to see how perverse you make me? How cruel, honestly.” He huffed before his warm hands came to grip on your knees, yanking them apart. “My dear, you’re absolutely devine, you have no idea. It’s sickeningly cruel on my part, but I can’t help but be greedy about the way I only get to have you. In a world of commons, i get the rare.” Alastors hips slotted in between your thighs like many times before but this time you were so soaked you needed no foreplay. The head of his shaft prodded at your entrance, making your hips tilt forward attempting to gain friction and contact.
“Please Al, don’t make me beg you.” You moaned quietly, ashamed of how quickly you bent to his will. Alastor grinned down at you, admiring your body relaxed and needy beneath him. There wasn’t a soul he’d replace you for, you were everything and more. He could come clean about his murders and you’d kiss his cheek and serve him some whisky for his stress, because you were family, you were his.
Alastor slid into you slowly, feeling every inch of you against him, his thighs pressed against your own, he loved the feeling of you consuming him all at once. The way your body embraced his own was heaven on earth, you were his comfort that he didn’t deserved. As he watched you beneath him gasp, shake and moan as he sunk into slowly, harshly and repeatedly, he whispered sweet nothings to you. He let out a condescending chuckle while calling you a good pet, told you your body was his to love too and for shame for berating it.
You saw stars and he would slowly pull out and slam back in, believing that was the extent of this session. However, Alastor pressed his hips fully up against your own, kneading the softness of your belly as he stilled. Leaning down he captured you in a kiss, catching you off guard. You reciprocated fisting his curly hair and pulling him closer, which in response made him growl and grunt into you. He felt you clench around him at the sound, and in the moment decided he’d show you how good you make him feel, how much he loves you.
Suddenly Alastor pulled his hips back, and grinded back down into you, his public hair tickling your swollen clit, juices from your arousal squelching as he did so. This time he wasn’t slow, his pace was even and moderate, fucking you into the mattress so hard, the springs snapped, the wood creaked and you swore the bed frame was moving. Alastor pulled away from your swollen lips burying his face in your neck, he moaned for you.
You rolled your eyes back at the sounds he made, ahs, uhs and groans that were only for you. “Oh fuck Alastor i’m gonna cum,” You squeaked clenching your toes tightly as he jackhammered into you, breathing and gasping into your ear as he felt you grip him. Alastor wasn’t proud to admit it but he was too weak to respond, instead he bit down, sucking and groaning into your skin. His pace got clumsy as you cried out in ecstasy, coiling your body around him as you came harshly.
Your arm around his back, one arm around his neck and gripping his hair, and your legs tightly locked around your hips, yeah Alastor couldn’t resist himself from shooting strings into you. Your body jolted as he came shaking your while body, his grunts and whines making your sensitive hole clench him nearer. Without a warning his body collapsed ontop of yours, a deep breath escaping him as he finally relaxed. “I’ve never felt that before dear,” Alastor admitted after a moment of silence. “Me neither, made me forget about everything.” You say hazily, your voice lifted and raw from the noises you let out.
Alastor chucked his fogged glasses to the side, pulling himself out with a huff. Smiling sweetly you watched him gently place a kiss on your stomach and walk off. Sitting up you nearly went to call after him, before his naked body came waltzing back with a rag. “Wanna have a lazy evening in chérie?” You hummed approvingly, and attempted to take the rag, he scoffed at you and lightly pushed your hand away. Softly and embarrassingly so, he cleaned you from himself, enjoying the sight while he was at it.
Once finished Alastor returned the rag as you readied the bed, wanting to cuddle with him. Coming back in Alastor went to grab you both clothes before you called to him. “Can, well- i want to feel you still?” You questioned more than said. Shutting the drawer with a slam he grinned like the little cheshire he was and crawled into bed with you. You pulled him in and he you, nuzzling yourself into his chest you whimpered at the contact, feeling various emotions run through you.
“I chose you my dear, for many reasons not only your looks, your love, your passion but your body too, I love all parts of you, and I know how thoughtless people can be, I will protect you from those comments in the future.” Alastor whispers into your head kissing the top of it right after. You caressed his chest with your nails, throwing your leg over his torso. “Thank you Alastor. I love you too, hell there’s nothing that would make me not love you.” Alastor scoffed his grin returning. “Even murder?” He questioned angling his neck to the side to meet your eyes. Smiling up at him you gave a point nod. “Even murder.”
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iadoreneteyam · 11 months
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e!1610 miles w/ a Y2K girlfriend who everyone loves
e!1610 miles who spend his nights in bed texting his girlfriend while kicking his feet back and forth like a teenage girl in an 80's movie
e!1610 miles who practically skips to school the morning after texting his girlfriend
e!1610 miles who can immediately pick his girlfriend out in a crowd due to her abundance of accessories
e!1610 miles that couldn’t understand why a pretty popular fashionable girl would wanna date the kid who made a public humiliation of himself his first day
e!1610 miles who remembers that the same day he watched his girlfriend sit at a table that had way to many chairs at it
e!1610 miles who also remembers the first time his girlfriend talked to him and told him “nice shoes”
e!1610 miles who loves the fact that,despite the strict dress code uniforms at visions, his girlfriend always manages to express herself through her clothes
e!1610 miles who doesn’t know how in the world his girlfriend made it through the front door without getting dress coded for her obnoxiously large heart earrings and the fact she switched out the boring uniform brown belt for one that was covered in jewels and swirly patterns
e!1610 miles who stuttered and stumbled over his words the minute his girlfriend brought up meeting his parents
e!1610 miles who is over the moon that his girlfriend sees their relationship good enough to reach the level of meeting parents
e!1610 miles who’s excitement immediately drops to the ground when he realizes that if his girlfriend meet his parents then he’ll have to meet yours
e!1610 miles who becomes undoubtedly nervous as he stares down at the ‘I’m outside’ text his girlfriend had just sent him
e!1610 miles who tries his best to rush to the door before his mom but ultimately fails
e!1610 miles who wants to nervously bite his nails dramatically like he was in a cartoon at the sight of his mother standing in front of his girlfriend with her hand on her hips
e!1610 miles who thanks god his girlfriend had sense enough to not call his parents by their first names
e!1610 miles who smiles so hard that his face was starting to hurt when he watched his girlfriend and his mother bond over each others outfits (I know for a fact that in the 2000’s when her and Jeff met she dressed up in the low rise jeans, chunky belts, tight baby tees, animal print bras, I’m talking the whole nine yards)
e!1610 rio morales who feels as she was transported into a time machine the second she saw miles’s girlfriend at her door
e!1610 miles who actually started to get scared when his mother pulled out their old photo album to show his girlfriend what he thought was gonna be his baby photos
e!1610 miles who is surprised that his mother completely skipped over the section in front that had his baby photos but instead went to the back that had pictures of his mom in college
e!1610 miles who becomes embarrassed when his father gets home from work and immediately starts berating you with questions his girlfriend’s future
e!1610 miles who was extremely happy that his father liked his girlfriend’s answer
e!1610 miles who decided it was time to go to his room when his mother actually did decide to flip back to the front of the photo album to show his girlfriend his baby photos
e!1610 rio morales who swore she had the same jeans with the exact pattern on the pockets miles’s girlfriend had on when she was younger
e!1610 miles who immediately attacks his girlfriend with kisses the minute they walk through the door for how well everything went
e!1610 miles who kisses his girlfriend hard on the lips when she says that she is happy that she doesn’t have to sneak in anymore
e!1610 miles who’s girlfriend scolds him for messing up her lip combo
e!1610 miles who is happy that his girlfriend was asleep when things in his room started floating and Gwen appeared above him
e!1610 miles who prays his girlfriend doesn’t wake up because this was not the way he wanted to tell his girlfriend about his secret identity
e!1610 miles who didn’t want to just ditch his girlfriend in his bed and hang out with Gwen
e!1610 miles who rushes Gwen into a nearby bathroom so he could wake his girlfriend up
e!1610 miles who wakes his girlfriend with a kiss on the cheek and whispers to her “since you met my parents maybe you should meet one of my friends. How do that sound, mamas?”
Miles’s girlfriend who knew that e!1610 miles only called her mamas when he really really wanted her to do something
e!1610 miles who lightly chuckles when his girlfriend says “ I met Ganke already, baby. We watched him play the last of us, remember?” and tries to go back to sleep
e!1610 miles who says “Nah mamas not Ganke, a different friend, Gwanda.”
e!1610 miles who silently tells Gwen to come out of the restroom
e!1610 miles who smiles with his girlfriend as they watch Gwen come out the bathroom awkwardly with her sweater wrapped tightly over her top half
e!1610 miles who is glad that his girlfriend didn’t seem to be upset that he had really sprung this on her out of nowhere
e!1610 miles who watched Gwen and his girlfriend talk
e!1610 miles who takes note that his girlfriend complimented Gwen teal converse so he had a gift idea for the future
e!1610 miles and his girlfriend who bid Gwen goodbye after a couple of hours
e!1610 miles who walks over to his dresser and pulled out a black tank top and a pair of hello kitty shorts along with some Spider-Man socks that he secretly got excited about when he swung by a shop and noticed he had an entire section inside
e!1610 miles who rolls his eyes when his girlfriend says “I’m not wearing mine unless you wear yours.” referring to the outfits he had just taken out
e!1610 miles who agrees and tells his girlfriend to “get yo cute ass up and in the shower.”
e!1610 miles who ends up having to pee and goes to shyly knock on the bathroom door
e!1610 miles who tightly covers his eyes when he walks in the bathroom and quickly washes his hands to leave
Miles’s girlfriend who smiles widely when she walks in from her shower and sees e!1610 miles laying in bed with his Spider-Man boxers and hello kitty socks that she had bought him for Christmas
e!1610 miles who giggles along with his girlfriend when he tells her that it’s close enough to what she was wearing
e!1610 miles who brings his girlfriend close to him and drapes her leg over his waist
e!1610 miles who continuously rubs his girlfriend’s thigh slowly lulling her to sleep
e!1610 miles who in a sleepy haze kisses his girlfriend’s forehead as he falls asleep
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kiwanopie · 2 years
aki threatening to make us housewives………. the way i physically gasped 😭. he’s the worst—one year as your senpai and he’s already decided you’re his.
it’s so vile too bc you want it, want him more than anything. want aki to cream your cute pussy ‘til you’re bloated. wanna hold up chunky lil babies that giggle and pull at their daddy’s topknot :((
the way i immediately opened my docs this ask sent my brain into overdrive
cw: car sex. breeding. dumbification. overstimulation. choking (aki wraps his hand around your neck) creampie. 1.1k
You already know he’ll name it after his little brother.
Or his mom. Whatever her name was? You’ve been chalking up ideas since he put it in your head and now it feels like you can’t remember a thing. Just your hope that if it’s a boy it’ll look like him and if it’s a girl - for her sake - she won’t have her mother’s tendency to misbehave.
You’re nothing if not a glutton for punishment.
You know, you’ve always assumed that Aki was a smart guy. I mean he’s team leader for a reason? He’s level headed in most cases, stalwart when it counts, a little demented but conscious of the things he does, and stubborn. He’d walk on a plate of fire just to prove a point - but it’s not a bad thing to stay true to your own ideals. This is a guy who keeps his promises. Every single one of them.
He’s too ticked off to put two and two together. “It’s like you like pissing me off.”
Aki’s heated breaths burn sear marks into the crook of your throat, just over the open wing of your collar and love notes left by his lips from earlier. Your brain’s too mushy to do anything but pant into the air, blowing thicker tufts of condensation that have already turned his car windows misty.
He’s fucking you like he means to turn your guts around, pistoning into your poor overstimmed cunt like it’s all he’s meant to do. Not even faltering when the acrylics of your nails tear shallow gashes into his button up - If you had the half of mind, you could even say he enjoys it.
Feeling you cling to him so desperately as he grunts in the crook of your shoulder, tighten when he curses at you. Maybe he’s too blissed out. Maybe he’s not as smart as you took him for. But you seem to be taking the repercussions of your misbehavior in stride.
“Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” Aki hisses in your ear. “You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve going over my head after what I told you.”
You croon when he lifts one of your legs and fastens it over his arm to get you at a better angle - a deeper angle. God, his seats are probably ruined.
You already knew you were in trouble when he offered to drive you home. You knew the look in his eyes, and you knew Makima was obviously gonna tell the guy overseeing you that you requested clearance to be contracted with a new devil, especially one so substantial. You even pulled the extra stop of shoeing in a compelling argument. ‘The life of a hunter is short anyway. Why not make it mean something?’
Like getting knocked up by your boss in the back of his Lincoln. “P-…Please forgive me, senpai! I’m- fuck, m’so sorry-“
“You might as well get used to calling me by my first name.” He grunts. “It’d be pretty fucking confusing when we start sharing my last.”
Aki lets out a broken curse when you tighten up again. “God, I can’t believe you. Were you even gonna tell me? Was I just supposed to find out when you…”
He doesn’t even finish the thought. Instead he blows out a puff of air against your pulse that makes you shutter. Lifts his head to look at you more directly and stares at you for a moment. There’s a lot of emotions behind his eyes that you’re not exactly cognizant to decipher. A way the tendons in his jaw tense - that seems less angry and more ‘something else entirely.’ But before you can zero your misty eyes on what exactly that could be, he’s already pressing his lips against yours.
A slow kiss. Not messy and unrestrained like earlier but savory. Sensuous lip smacking all the more sultry when he tilts his head to follow the current of the kiss. His loose hair falls freely over your face, lax from all the tugging you’ve been doing since he started turning your insides to bisque. But a kiss like this is the kind you give when it means something. Goosebump and butterfly inducing - You moan in his mouth and he swallows it heartily.
And then he deepens it.
That earnest passionance becomes lustful and raunchy before you can even realize he’s sucking on your tongue. Deepening his thrusts until you’re feeling him in your stomach and groaning down your throat when your fingers start to dig into his scalp. If you didn’t know any better you’d say Aki was hoping for this kind of outcome just as much as you were. Especially when he starts to angle his thrusts for the spot that has you gushing around him like he likes.
The kiss leaves a gossamer trail of his spit when he pulls back for another look at you. Your pretty doe eyes have gone teary.
“Don’t even worry about your resignation, I fired you as soon as I found out.” Aki grunts. “We’ll figure out the living arrangements later.”
Your eyes roll back when he settles for a firm grip on your throat. “I’ll have to get a bigger car. Oh fuck - And a car seat.”
You babble something that sounds like a cross between “So good!” and “I’m cumming!” but it’s more a jumbled mess of moans and overstimulated whimpers. He’s stopped counting the amount of times your pretty pussy has gone into the process of milking him for all he’s got. But even as he follows you over the edge does he continue to fuck you brainless.
Aki peers down at the mess you’re making on his leather seats. “S-Shit. Quit wasting it. I’m not stopping till I know it’ll take.”
“S’good, senpai! A-Aki-senpai! So good! It’s s’good!”
He pulls your other leg up till you're folded in a mating press, groaning at the difference in angle. “You know - mhph - You’re even cuter when you’re all fucked out like this.”
His dick twitches at the way you start to drool. “Gonna be my pretty wife? Gimme some pretty babies?”
“Sso pretty…!” You slur. “G’nna make you a daddy!”
He gives you a blitzed smile that definitely says he’s as far gone as you are. “Yeah?”
Your mouth gapes as he bends over you, much too deep with your legs hooked over his shoulders and pressing his hips flat against your ass to grind in as thoroughly as possible.
“So stupid…” Aki skims his lips over yours. “You’re stupid if you think I’m done with you after that.”
He hums as he brings you into another kiss, briefly pulling away to murmur drunkenly. “Gimme a pretty family, baby.”
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1 reblog = several Hayakawa babies
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phoward89 · 10 days
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Based on this ask
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Coryo x Big Booty!Reader, Smut, p in v, creampie, cussing, breeding kink, Dom!Coriolanus
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Coriolanus Snow has classic tastes when it comes to his life. He has a sophisticated image, so of course he wears gold rings on his hands; never silver. Full Windsor knots in his satin ties, custom 3-piece suits made with only the finest material, and fine dress shirts that have to be starched. He wears cufflinks and all of his shoes are floor shines with 3 or 4 inch heels (because Coriolanus' 6ft frame needs to be even more intimidating so he can tower over everyone that's beneath him). His taste in food is classic, but upscale as well.
And when it comes to women, well, his taste is classic when it comes to that as well. T&A does it for him.
Coriolanus Snow’s a tits and ass man. The bigger the better too. And when he started dating you, well his classic tastes were definitely filled.
You're, in his opinion, the whole package. To Coriolanus, you're so beautiful both inside and out. You have a personality that just pulls him in. You keep him engaged and on his toes with conversations. But your physical appearance is what attracted him to you in the first place. Your curves make his mouth water. Nice tits and a nice big ass, just what he likes.
And your big booty is something that he loves. Seriously, Coriolanus can't get enough of it. And watching you sitting at your vanity in nothing but a white bra and panty set, hair up in rollers while doing your makeup for the dinner he's taking you tonight as his plus one makes him grin. Your white lace edged panties cling to your big booty just right and the way your plump ass sits on your vanity bench has Coriolanus mentally swearing to have you fuck him in his favorite position tonight when you get home from the dinner the University’s hosting for the Political Science majors of the Senior Class of 14 ADD (After Dark Days).
“Are you wearing the pearl jewelry set I got you for your birthday, Peaches?” Coriolanus asks you, buttoning up his crisp white dress shirt as he stands by his dresser- which has jewelry box open with his various cuff links (including pearl ones) and his chunky gold rings in it.
“Yes, Coryo.” You nod. Lightly dabbing your blending sponge on your face, you tell your boyfriend, “I’m wearing them; thought they'd look nice with my dress.”
Your dress is a strappy white gown that's form fitting. A dress that's hanging up on the door of your side of the walkin closet.
“I thought they'd pair nicely with your dress as well, my darling.” Coriolanus remarks while grabbing his pearl cuff links from his jewelry box and putting them on. “How much longer til you're ready, Y/N?” Your boyfriend asks, walking into thw walkin closet to grab and put on his dark maroon and white stripe vest and its matching dark maroon dinner jacket.
“Not long; maybe 15-20 minutes.” You assure him as he finishes getting dressed.
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Coriolanus loves how sweet your booty looks with your clothes hugging it just right. He's always smacking it or grabbing it- a result of loving that big booty of yours. Whether it's in the privacy of his penthouse, that he moved you into, or out in public. He doesn't care, he just wants to feel your perfectly peachy ass in his hands.
But when he grabs your ass in public it's sometimes embarrassing.
Like tonight, his large hand keeps sliding south off of the small of your back to rest right on your plump ass. An ass that he loves, that he thinks looks perfect in the white dress you're wearing tonight for the formal dinner he's attending with you as his plus one. But it's not appropriate in the pre-dinner party cocktail setting, so you have to keep dragging his hand up and off your ass.
Despite standing around and talking to various people (high ranking people might you add since everyone at this dinner whether they're a professor, student, or plus one is a somebody in Capitolite high society- your own boyfriend included) Coriolanus has no shame and keeps grabbing your ass. It's very annoying. You even give him a slight side-eyed look, silently telling him to stop it. But your boyfriend has not shame; Coriolanus just gives you a loving smirk only to slide his hand back down to grab your ass again.
“You're gonna be my good lil cowgirl tonight, Peaches.” Coriolanus whispers into your ear, his baritone dark and lustful, while giving your butt a light squeeze as his friend Festus Creed along with his longtime girlfriend Persephone Price head their way over to you and your future political star boyfriend.
And you knew what he meant by his remark. He wanted you to fuck him in reverse cowgirl tonight so he can oogle and smack your ass. Oh, how his whispered promise of the night’s future events had your panties dampening.
Damn him.
Now you're stuck with wet panties all throughout tonight's long drawn out dinner. That bastard. Coryo always knows how to get to you.
And he knows the longer you're stuck in wet panties for the more desperate you'll be to fuck yourself on his cock once you get out of those panties.
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What Coriolanus loves more then anything in the world is to stare at your plump, perfect ass while you ride him reverse cowgirl when you're fucking. Yep, he loves to watch your ass jiggle as you take him deep while bouncing quickly on his cock. It's one of his favorite positions for you to fuck in.
“Fuck. Your ass is so fine, Peaches.” Coryo groans as you quickly ride him, pushing your body quickly up and down while facing the foot of the bed. You're gripping his thighs in your hands, your nails digging into the skin of his sinewy muscles, as your knees frame his hip bones. “Yea, that's it baby girl, make that big ass jiggle for your man.” The platinum blonde orders, his deep baritone thick and husky, as his icy eyes are glued to your large, sweet ass cheeks as they bounce up and down as your tight cunt quickly takes his large cock in and out, in and out at a pleasurable pace.
Looking over your shoulder at your disheveled boyfriend, you give him a sultry smile. “You never get tired of watching my big booty as I ride you, huh?”
“Oh, Peaches, I told you when we first got together that I'm a tits and ass man; that the bigger the better.” Your boyfriend smirks. Reaching a hand forward, he grabs your ass and groans, “Your ass is perfect and it's all mine.” Giving your ass a hard smack, that echoed throughout the room and mingled with the led wet sound of your pussy fucking Coryo's cock, the platinum blonde orders, “Tell me your ass belongs to me, Y/N. Say it, Peaches, or you're not cumming tonight.”
And you know he means it. If you don't tell your possessive and obsessive boyfriend what he wants to hear that he'll take over, fuck you til he cums, and will leave you high and dry. He's done it before early on on your relationship when you played stubborn and didn't summit to him. But you learned your lesson; now you summit even if you don't want to.
It's all just dirty bedroom talk, right?
Coryo doesn't actually think that your ass belongs to him, does he?
No, he can't.
He can't be that possessive and obsessive towards you, can he?
No, it's just bedroom talk. Dirty talk that gets him off.
“My ass belongs to you and only you, Coryo.” You tell your boyfriend in a high pitch mewl as the tip of his cock bruises your cervix; sending shockwaves of pleasure up and down your spine.
“Goddamnit, I love your ass.” Coriolanus confesses, his tone tight and husky. Smacking your ass again, he orders, “Go on, fuck yourself fast and hard on my cock til we cum.”
Coryo didn't have to tell you twice.
You use the grip on his thighs as leverage, helping your upper body control your faster than lighting movements. Quickly, you impale yourself on your boyfriend's large cock- letting out whines and whimpers every time your special spongy spot deep inside of you gets hit just right by the large cock that's stretching your cunt open wide. Sweat rolls down your brow as mewls of pleasure escape your lips. With every move you make your pussy clenches; pushing you closer to your orgasm.
Coriolanus is loudly groaning out, “Fuck, baby.”, while watching your ass bounce up and down just right. His baby blues are blown black by lust and they're transfixed on your ass jiggling quickly. “Fuck, Peaches, I'm gonna cum soon.” Your boyfriend forewarns you of his upcoming orgasm. Grabbing your ass cheeks in each of his large hands, he uses his strength to slam you up and down his twitching cock at a punishing force.
“Coryo…I'm gonna cum.” You moan, nearly toppling over from the brute force of your boyfriend moving you to fuck his cock as if you're nothing more then his personal fuckdoll. The only reason you're not face first between your boyfriends spread eagle legs is because of the tight hold you have around his thighs- nails digging in so deeply that crimson’s trickling down the pale skin.
“Go on and cum, Peaches.” Coryo orders before groaning, “Cum so I can fill ya up with my seed; knock ya up.”
His husky words sends a jolt right to your aching cunt and suddenly you're cumming with a loud moan that's only one word: Coryo.
Coriolanus doesn't let you ride out your high gracefully. No. I stead, he slams you down even harder on his cock. His cum heavy balls begin to tighten up as he tells you, “You're gonna look so beautiful knocked up with my heir. Can't wait to see your tits and ass grow along with your belly swelling with our child.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Your boyfriend curses before shooting a thick rope of his hot seed into your womb. Your name falls from his lips as he cums.
He pushes you forward, causes your butt to jiggle in his hands. Coryo smiles, his eyes shining with lazy lust, as he watches his cum slowly leak from your clenching, tight, abused hole like perfect pearls. Pulling you up to lay next to him, Coriolanus adjusts the two of you to cuddle so that his head rests on your tits while his hand holds your ass.
The two things on you that he absolutely loves; that attracted him to ask you out- causing him to fall obsessively, possessively, and madly in love with you.
Your tits and ass.
But if you ask him what he prefers on you, Coryo will honestly answer that he loves your large ass. Without a doubt, it's your big booty that really does it for him.
After all, he did give you the nickname Peaches because of his undying love for that big booty of yours. An ass that he thinks is the sweetest peach in all of Panem.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @lady-harvey @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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straylightdream · 1 month
what am I missing
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act fourteen: “You better think of me.”
feat: bang chan x f.reader, seo changbin x f.reader, han jisung x f.reader
↳ in your mid to late twenties you’re left wondering if you missed your sexual awakening. With a the help of friends you start to really find yourself.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: for the story as a whole angst, a little fluff, body image issues, and self doubt, cussing all smut warnings listed below for what is in this story.
series masterlist
𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬.
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Thursday night rolls around and Changbin makes a big deal about taking you out for a fancy date. You probably took too long deciding on what you should wear out. You decided on a dark dress and even wore a small pair of chunky heels.
When Changbin knocked on your door and you found him wearing a dress shirt that hug his muscular arms with a tie and pair of tight dress pants you knew you were fucked in the best way possibly. He looked absolutely mouth watering.
The moment his eyes traveled up and down your curvy body he told you how beautiful he thought you looked.
Arriving at the restaurant he held your hand leading the way to the table. He picked an upscale restaurant downtown.
Sipping on the glass of wine he ordered you both you can’t help but feel happy. He’s been asking you questions about your week and is now telling you about his week at the studio. He lights up when he’s talking about music and you can’t help but be happy for him.
He reaches across the table to take your hand in his. He drags his thumb across the delicate skin on your hand.
This date with Changbin feels like a natural night out for you. Maybe that’s because things with Changbin have always been easy. He’s always made you feel comfortable.
The whole entire dinner Changbin tells you how beautiful he thinks you are and any chance he gets he reaches across the table to grab your hand.
The moment the check arrives he pulls out his credit card before you even have a chance to think. When it’s time to leave he pulls out your chair and takes your hand leading you out of the beautiful restaurant.
Getting into the car you buckle up and fix your dress as Changbin starts the car.
Reaching over the glove compartment you grab his hand. You just want to be able to touch him. One thing that you love about the arrangement that has started with the boys is you’re happy you’re finally able to touch and admire Changbin the way you always wished you could.
“Should I take you home?” He asked.
“To your house or mine?” You don’t want this night to end. “I would prefer to take you to my house.”
“Okay.” He smiles.
The whole drive back to your place his hand rests on your thigh. The moment you arrive at your house Changbin gets out of his car quickly so he can open your door. He takes your hand leading your apartment.
Opening the front door you step inside and remove your shoes. You watch Changbin do the same. He pauses for a moment before he presses you against the front door. He kisses you like he’s been dying to get you alone.
He holds your face with both of his hands as he kisses you over and over again.
“I’m going to worship you,” he murmurs against your lips. Pulling away from you he stares at you with an intense look. All the oxygen feels like it’s been sucked out of the room. Reaching up you touch your lips. You feel drunk on Changbin's presence.
Silently he grabs your hand and leads you off to your. He moves you so you’re standing in front of your bed. His hand rests on your neck and he drags his thumb slowly across your delicate skin. Biting your bottom lip you try not to moan at his actions.
He pulls the thin straps down from your dress. “Take your bra off baby.” You follow his command. Your dress is pushed down leaving you bare from the waist up. He grips your hips pulling you close to him. He crashes his lips into yours for a searing kiss. His lips move across your jaw down the base of your neck.
His strong hands roam your soft body. He takes your breast in his hand gripping it roughly earning a gasp from you.
“How do you want to do it?” He asked.
“I thought you wanted to play with my vibrator?” You want to play along and show him you can be confident.
“Let's get you naked.” He wastes no time stripping away the rest of your clothes and his own.
“Are you sure you’re not using a condom?”
“I trust you.”
With your legs spread wide he sits between your legs. The pink vibrator in his hand has you excited for what to come. He runs his length through your wet folds. “Keep this leg on my shoulder.” He pats your thigh.
His first slow thrust into you leaves you gasping. Your hand grips the sheet below while he stays still.
He rolls his hips a few times slowly before he holds your pink vibrator against your clit. The feeling against your sensitive clit while he slowly stretches you out with each thrust leaves you feeling fuzzy from the inside out.
You can’t help but moan loudly. Your hands grip the sheets below you. You lift your hips meeting each of his thrust.
“Binnie,” you moan.
“Fuck, you’re doing so good,” he moans. He’s moving at a steady yet hard pace.
“Bin-,” your brain feels like mush. The only words you can seem to form is a mixture of swears and his name.
“Every time you play with this you better think of me.”
Your body feels alive as he’s pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
The look on his face as he pushes you over the edge is intoxicating. Your walls pull on his still hard cock as he continues to thrust into you.
He removes the pink vibrator and quickly pulls out. He pumps his length over you. You watch him with a blissed out expression as he paints your mount and stomach with his release. He sits back on his hunches taking slow deep breaths as he comes down from his high.
“I need to clean you up.”
Without saying another word he quickly gets off the bed and walks off into the bathroom. He returns holding a warm rag. He gently removes his release before walking off toward the bathroom still naked.
Silently you watch him as he comes back into the room.
He crawls back into your bed and moves closer to you. He kisses you gently and pulls away smiling.
“You are so special,” he whispers as he lays on his back staring at the ceiling.
Laying in bed you stare at Changbin. You can’t help the feeling in your chest. No matter how badly you wished it wasn’t true you were falling for him.
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AN: sorry it’s been so long since I have updated. Life has been hard and I’ve been struggling with writers block.
Please let me know what you guys think is gonna happen and which boy are you rooting for?
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Every single concept with ProHero Dynamite having socials and showcasing his s/o to the world only to receive a crazy online following response and get amazing PR points. IS. SO. GOOD. 👏
Personally I like to imagine that Bakugou likes to do the occasional gym workout video. his socials include quite a lot of shirtless pics of him at the gym with kirishima anyway so he’s not opposed to having a gym livestream (he’s got a pretty solid following from his cooking videos!) And so Bakugou usually just sets up his phone or laptop on some shelf in the corner of the gym. The whole stream is just him going about his workout. In his tanned chiseled, glistening, and shirtless glory. The signature Dynamite scowl center frame! The videos are usually punctuated by him being greeted by various ProHeros floating around the gym. However, once again Red Riot is a frequent guest as he’s more often than not Bakugous spotter and gym buddy. - but there’s sometimes where you like to go to the gym with him. and despite the eccentric looking plethora of proheros his online followers seem to notice you whenever you do show up in the background. and it’s just little you tagging along, doing your own thing. usually you’re dressed up like you’re secretly supposed to be the star of this show. some cute little matching sports bra and bike shorts number, and a sporty updo, but you’re never actively interested in being on the stream. you’re understandably a little body self-consciousness in front of the camera, it’s completely normal, even tho ‘tsuki thinks you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. - you are damn gorgeous. yes, it’s a fact. and you actively try and take care of yourself
regardless Bakugou loves when you tag along. always moving things around in his duffel bag to accommodate your water bottle, wireless earbuds, and a spare towel. he knows you’ve gotta have these things. and he always has a spare hair tie on his wrist even tho his bag already has a healthy sprinkling of scrunches stuffed in the side pocket. ————
Katsuki’s checking his social media one week raising a brow as he sees your name popping up in all the comments from his last gym video
“the fuck’ what’s so crazy ‘bout what she’s doing in the background at 23:45??”
Bakugou curiously hovers his mouse over and finds that exact timestamp to see what these extras are all chatting about ??
and it’s just him doing some regular deadlift routine and he can’t figure out the hype until he starts to notice some movement behind him
“Huh?” and if he zooms in there’s a lil’ mini you on the screen absolutely lip-singing and strutting/ arm-dancing your little heart out over on the treadmill
and suddenly all those comments . . .
‘Y/N’s on fire 🔥’
‘does she have her earbuds in? WHAT is she listening to?? 🥹😂’
‘quick! someone tell @proherodynamite!’ . . . on his feed make perfect sense. and Katsuki just keeps replaying the little clip of you being in you own world. until he puts up one comment that blows up in response.
‘yes. she’s got her earbuds in you fuckin’ extras.’ —————
but you bet the next time you’re tagging along to the gym. the people are on a mission. On. A. Mission. and your bf Bakugou Katsuki, for that matter. so the next time you’re going he makes sure you have your “fuckin’ earbuds fully charged and all that shit’ “
and you just breeze past him in your neon pink outfit that reminds him too much of Pinky and press a chaste kiss to his cheek with a small “thanks” as his palm rests against the small of your back to steady yourself on your tiptoes in those chunky cushiony running shoes of yours
And he wanders off to set himself and the livestream fans up in a corner of the gym that’s got a good angle of you over at the treadmill area
And he can’t lie . . . he’s kinda invested. Bakugou is doing some mindless arm work so he can focus on the music playing in his earbuds from the Bluetooth pairing mode he has turned on so him and the fans are all watching as he grunts and walks over to grab another weight
“so far nothing yet” he mutters towards the laptop. It’s just your usual playlist that he recognizes filtering through his ear. All bubbly and pop. Just like you, he grins. catching a look over at your form walking it out; with that perfect posture you pride yourself on. your hair all done up in a bubble braid ponytail. - and yes he knows what that is he had to wait for you to do it before driving your ass over here. when suddenly your stride starts to change and Bakugous perceptive red eyes notice the way your face lights up and all of a sudden you’re glowing
like a queen caught up in your own world as the next song comes on
and it’s . . . BTS’s Dynamite . . ?!
that’s the one that’s got you strutting and dancing and lip singing all the way across the room?
And Katsukis back is to the livestream, facing you, as he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“Of course,” you went ga-ga dancing to the one KPop song with HIS hero name as the title. Katsuki then, expertly schools his face back into the scowl as he turns to type in the chat to the livestream:
‘Attention Extras’: the song Y/N is listening to is Dynamite. 💥’
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msgexymunson · 8 months
The Food Of Love
Description: Eddie and his love for food (and you) 
A/N: just a sweet little piece to sate you before some other chunky fics are posted! Plus, I know the way to a man's heart is through their stomach, and I want to feed this boy. 
Warnings: language, just fluff really, allusions to smut, established relationship. Gender neutral reader. (Any issues please let me know!)
1.2k words
The first time Eddie says he loves you, it's with a mouthful of the food you made him.
"Sweetheart, what you doing?" 
Strong arms snake around your waist as you face the kitchen counter, mixing ingredients in a bowl with a scavenged spatula. The kitchen in the trailer is rough and ready, but you bought the ingredients and goddamn, you just need to feed this boy. If only to thank him for the countless orgasms he's given you. 
"I'm making pancakes." 
You smile, his hands wandering over your waist and hips as he crowds your back. God he smells good; bodywash, and skin, and weed, and Eddie.
"Really? I don't see pancake mix." 
Laughing, you turn to face him. 
"It's called cooking babe. I'm making them from scratch. Just sit down and let me feed you." 
With a smirk and a peck to your lips he perches on the tiny table top, long legs swinging like a child. 
You turn to finish mixing, and put the gas on, heating up a frying pan lined with oil and butter.
One, two, three pancakes finished; flipped and stacked onto a plate. Adding some maple syrup and chopped strawberries, you hand him the plate and a fork. 
Turning to start your own pancakes on the heat, you hear Eddie literally moaning behind you. 
"That good babes?" 
Laughing, you turn to face your boyfriend. His cheeks are stuffed full of pancakes like a gerbil, and he's staring at you with wide wet eyes. His words are muffled with food, but unmistakable.
"I fuckin' love you sweetheart." 
Goggling at him with your mouth slightly parted, you can't help but say, "I think you just love the food." 
He swallows the enormous mouthful and smacks his lips. 
"Nope, that just… pushed me over the edge, I guess. I love you." 
Throwing your arms around him, you envelop his maple smeared lips in a sweet kiss. 
"I love you too Eddie." 
He grins, and your eyes begin to grow wet, so you turn away to flip your pancakes, and to wipe away the clandestine tears. 
The first time Eddie says he wants to marry you, he's shovelling your food into his mouth. Again. 
You place the plate down in front of him, and watch his little nose wrinkle. 
"What… is that?" He says disgusted, pointing to a green bit sticking out of the spaghetti and meatballs you made him for dinner. 
"It's spinach babe, it's good for you." 
He pokes it as if it's about to jump and attack, and looks back at you, gazing with a defeated expression.
"Do I have-" 
"Eddie, I made this just for you. So, if you don't eat it, I'll be upset. OK?" 
You knew that would work. He twirls a meatball in his fork, gathering some pasta, and even makes sure to add the offending spinach leaf. 
When it reaches his mouth, the noise he makes is reminiscent of his orgasm sounds, just slightly muffled. A large hand encapsulates yours, gripping firmly as if you'll float away if he doesn't. 
"I'm gonna marry you sweetheart." 
It's cloaked in food, but you hear it. How couldn't you?
Swallowing, he grasps you with his other hand, forcing you to meet his gaze. 
"I'm serious, I'm gonna marry you, and have kids, and they are gonna love these meatballs. Spinach and all." 
Laughing, you pull your hand away, and start to eat your own food, warmth in your tummy expanding and enveloping you at his words. 
The first time you tell Eddie he'll be a great husband, it's with a mouthful of food. 
Coming home from a hard day at work, you kick your shoes off and rub your aching feet for a moment.
"Eddie, baby I'm home!" 
"I'm in the kitchen sweets!" 
You follow his voice, through the tiny hallway of your shared apartment and into the living space. The entire kitchen is in disarray. Pots and pans are laying around with remnants of meals inside, used and forgotten. Grody cooking utensils have been deposited on any available side. Somethings dusting the floor; maybe flour? 
You approach the love of your life, taking in his unexpected outfit. His usually unruly hair is swept back into a low bun, and he's tied one of your stripy cooking aprons around his waist. It should look weird, since he's not wearing a shirt, but with the muscles in his shoulders fully displayed and the tattoos playing peekaboo with you, you can't find it in you to mind. 
A stray dusting of flour is on his cheek. Reaching him, you swipe it away with your thumb. 
"Eddie, what are you doing?"
"I'm making dinner! Chicken pie, just like you made before. And dessert is in the fridge!" 
His smile splits his face in half, warming your insides. 
"Well, ain't I lucky." 
"Damn straight. I even got wine, here you go." 
He hands you a glass, filling it from wine in the fridge. It's a crisp white, one you've bought before that he remembers you like. 
You perch at the small dinner table, the solid wood one you rescued from a neighbour's yard that just needed a little love, and you're waited on. 
The chicken pie is great; the pastry could've had more time in the oven but the filling was perfect. When you're finished, Eddie hands you a chocolate mousse, with whipped cream and a swirl of orange peel on the top. 
"It's chocolate orange mousse, I got it out of a recipe book I bought. You like it?" 
Eddie's practically on tenterhooks, bouncing both knees with his eyes fixated on you. 
Honestly? It's incredible. Just the right texture and consistency, and the right amount of orange. One of the best desserts you've had. 
But, it isn't just that. It's the restless demeanour, the keenness of his smile, the deep eyes full of feeling. 
With a mouthful of chocolate orange mousse, you stare at him with wet eyes. 
"You're gonna make a great husband one day." 
You swallow, and stare again. 
"Wait, scratch that. You're gonna be a great husband to me, one day." 
He grins manically at you, pride etched in his face.
"Hummm." You turn your head as if deliberating something. 
'Just thinking, could we take the rest of this dessert to the bedroom? I could show you how grateful I am."
You wink, and Eddie's eyes nearly roll back inside his head. 
"Oh, if this is being your husband then fucking sign me up!" 
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french-goodbye · 9 months
If you want it good, downright iconic
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Summary: your third date with Eddie goes even better than expected.
Warnings: kissing, masturbating. 18+, MINORS DNI.
Notes: title from Gibson Girls by Ethel Cain bc Eddie would’ve loved preacher’s daughter.
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The first time Eddie asked you out, you were honestly surprised.
He now had been regularly dropping by the record store where you work, all smiles and fleeting touches, usually backed by silly teasing jokes. At the beginning you thought he might’ve liked you, but then two months went by and you thought to yourself that if he was interested, he would’ve definitely asked you out by now… right?
Turns out you were wrong and he was just bidding his time to make sure you were interest before he made a move. That happened a month ago, when he stopped by the store in his usual leather jacket and a pretty wildflower bouquet in his hands, and nervously asked if you wanted to hang out sometime.
“Like a date?” you’d asked hopefully, considering the huge crush you’d been nursing on him ever since he first walked into the store, chains hanging from his black jeans and chunky silver rings.
“If you want it to be” was all he said, fiddling with those same rings on his fingers.
Now after two official dates and many non official hang outs, he was taking you on your third one. The two of you had decided on watching the movie Halloween on the drive in by the edge of town and he had picked you up at your house earlier that night, a beaming smile on his face and a bag full of your favorite snacks on the passenger seat. Then, you couldn’t be bothered to hide your desire to squish his cheeks together and press kisses to his face until he was flushing red and pushing you away, claiming you’d be late for the movie.
After the movie, he had invited you to his trailer claiming his his uncle was on the night shift at work once more and that “he needed you to hold his hand because of how scary the movie was”. Of course you said yes, and that’s how you found yourself being led to his trailer, his hand clasped in yours swinging between your bodies.
You’re not stupid. You know what the third date usually entails, and the fact that Eddie invited you to his house when his uncle isn’t home just all but guarantees he’s thinking the same thing. It’s not like you can reprimand him for that either, since he took the first step and asked you out, you haven’t been exactly shy on telling him how attracted to him you are.
You’ve kissed enough times by now to know what he likes and what he doesn’t, but tonight was the farthest you’ve ever gone. The darkness of the drive in and the privacy of his van making it so, so easy for you to climb over the gear shift of his van and onto his lap and kiss him, kiss him, kiss him, until his van’s windows were foggy and your lips were red and spit slicked and you could feel his hardness poking your thigh for a second, before he readjusted you on his lap as Michael Myers killed Laurie’s friends behind you.
“I really don’t understand why people always die after having sex in horror movies” you complain as you take off our shoes by the front door, his hand on your elbow so you don’t loose your balance. “It’s such a puritanical take.”
“It’s the satanic panic, sweetheart. Can’t have teenagers having pre marital sex” he answers as he toes off his own sneakers and guides you to his now familiar room, that you came to know at your other non official dates, when he had forced you to come over to listen to the new Metallica album and to watch him play guitar for you.
“It’s stupid, it’s what it is” you complain, walking into his room like you own the place. You start removing your jewelry and putting it on top of his dresser.
“Oh, so you are having pre marital sex, sweetheart?” His eyes are almost dancing and he’s wiggling his brows suggestively, teasing you.
Despite his teasing jokes, you can’t help the knot that tightens in your stomach just by thinking of sex and Eddie Munson in the same sentence. You want so bad to find out everything that makes him tick, how he likes to be touched and how he’d sound if you touched him. Tonight had been the farthest you ever got together, as you sat on his lap and felt his half hard cock almost burn a whole through your dress and felt him give you a particularly nasty hickey on your neck.
You throw him a bored glance over your shoulder, trying to smother the fire in your belly as he walks closer, cornering you against his desk as his chest presses to yours.
“Is that your way of asking if I’m gonna have sex with you?” you ask boldly, but smiling and wrapping your arms around his neck. “Since it’s our third date and all.”
“Oh no, I wouldn’t wanna do that” he shakes his head vehemently and you raise your brows. “I mean, you just said people who have sex in horror movies die. I’d never risk my life like that.”
“So you’d risk mine?” You scoff indignantly.
He shrugs, “yeah, sure. Why not?”
“You wouldn’t survive even if you didn’t have sex anyway” you sulk playfully, feeling his hands reach for your waist and pull you closer.
“Excuse me? I resent that statement.”
“You’re the town’s satanist, remember? You’re the first suspect,” you explain as he walks backwards towards his bed, turning you around when he’s close enough and pushing you around until the mattress hits your knees. “You gotta die so people can be sure you aren’t really the killer.”
“What about you? Are you the pretty girl who survives despite it all?” He asks, his nose rubbing against yours and his lips so, so close.
“It depends…” you begin. “Are you gonna make a move on me or are we just talking about horror movie tropes all night?”
He laughs loudly, gently pushing you backwards until you fall and bounce on his bed, squealing loudly as you do. He immediately throws himself on the bed and crawls after you.
“Oh, we’re feeling feisty today, aren’t we?” He asks, kneeling as you your legs spread wider so he can slot himself in the space between them.
“I’ve been waiting long enough for you, Munson” you tease.
“Excuse me? You could’ve made a move! What about feminism?” He complains, lowering himself until he’s on top of you and his hips are pressed between your legs and you can feel his half hard cock from your time at the drive in probing your inner thigh.
“I’m a lady!” you protest, your hands climbing up his back to pull him impossibly closer. “We don’t do that”
He smiles but leans closer and closer, until his lips brush yours, but still doesn’t kiss you. You try to kiss him but he dodges you, one of his hands sinking into the hair at nape of your neck to tug it and pull you away as he holds himself up with his other hand.
“Beg for it then, little lady”
“Eddie-“ you whine, trying to kiss him again as he grips your hair to stop you almost forcefully.
“Say please for me?” He asks pressing a wet kiss to each of your cheeks gently, a stark contrast to his hand on your hair.
“Please, Eddie. Please kiss me.” You beg, scrunching your brows almost a little desperately.
He smirks smugly but obliges, leaning down to kiss you and releasing the hold he has on your hair. You brush your tongue against his bottom lip and he lets you in, making your nails dig on his back and your legs spread open even wider so you can feel more of him.
His hand slips under your skirt and he grabs your ass, squeezing one of your butt cheeks hard. You whine underneath him, grinding your hips against his.
“Wanted you like this for so long.” He whispers when he breaks the kiss, rolling his hips to meet yours and finding you so hot and warm he can feel it through his jeans.
“Not longer than me.” You answer, wrapping your legs around his hips. “I’ve wanted to do this since you walked into the store.”
“Why do you think I walked in in the first place?” He murmurs against your lips, guiding your hips to meet his through layers of underwear and denim.
You feel infinitely more attracted to him at his admission and tug on his hair so you can kiss him again, again and again for what feels like hours, until you’re soaking through your underwear and his cock is rubbing a spectacularly good place around your clit.
He breaks the kiss to mouth on your neck, going lower until he’s reaching the neckline of your dress and sucking a mark bellow your collarbone.
“Thought so much about this,” you babble, your fingers sinking into his hair to keep his mouth on your cleavage, not really thinking about anything else but him. “Touched myself thinking about this.”
He immediately freezes on top of you and you regret your words as he pulls his mouth from your neck to see your face.
“Did you really?” He asks breathlessly.
“Yeah… is that- is that weird?” You ask self consciously and his hand shift from your ass to rub on your hip soothingly.
“Did you forget who you’re talking to? I’m the town freak,” he scoffs, squeezing your hip reassuringly. “That’s actually really fucking hot”
“You think so?” You ask, fiddling with his hair.
“Definitely” he nods rapidly, making his hair fly all over his face. You’re laughing quietly when he kisses you forcefully, but quickly. “Tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“What did you think about when you touched yourself?”
“Eddieee-“ you whine, hiding your face in your hands.
“No, come on. Don’t hide from me.” He begs, pulling your hands away and holding them between his own.
“That’s embarrassing” you complain, playing with the rings still on his fingers.
“Why?” He shrugs. “I’ve done the same thing.”
You still, your brows raising in interest “you did?”
“Yeah,” he stammers, suddenly shy himself. “Is that weird?”
“No” you answer honestly, a hot star burning in your belly thinking about it. Thinking about him all alone in his room, getting hard and fisting his cock just at the mere thought of you, trying to keep quiet so his uncle can’t hear him. “What did you think about?”
“You,” he shrugs. You look at him curiously and he shrugs again. “What you’d sound like, what you’d look like if I got my hands on you… you know.”
“What else?”
“Why I am the only one baring my soul here?” He asks suddenly, his cheeks red and looking at you accusatorially.
“Sorry,” you say, scrunching your face in thought. “That’s not fair, is it?”
He shakes his head in no, “why don’t we make it a game? I tell you something and you tell me something?”
That sounds fair, you think to yourself. You do wanna know more, curiosity gnawing at your stomach to find out what he thought about you, if they’re the same things you did, if your fantasies match his.
“Fine” you agree, finally.
“So…” he teases, booping your nose playfully. “What did you think about?”
You look at him for a second, his bright brown eyes and flushed cheeks and his earnest expression. And you know in your heart Eddie would never betray you or shame you for whatever you’re about to say or do here in his room. Everything that happens in the private space between you is staying where it should be.
“Okay…” you begin, not sure where to start. “I thought about your fingers rubbing my clit, about how you’d feel with your head between my thighs.”
He looks like you’ve just told him Christmas came earlier, his hips unconsciously jerking against yours and the pressure of his grip on your hips increasing. You sigh and your hands climb up his arms to his back, rubbing your hands between his shoulder blades.
“Fuck, that’s so fucking hot” he splutters, his hips still moving slowly on top of yours and his hand digging, tightening his hold on your bare hips. “I thought about that too…how you’d like it, what you’d sound like. Thought about how you’d look with my cock in your mouth, with my cum on your tits.”
“I bet you looked so fucking good jerking off”
He suddenly leans down to kiss you again, all tongue and teeth, his hips still driving against yours. He roughly pulls away when you’re both breathless and you’re almost feeling dazed.
“Why don’t you show me what you look like when you touch yourself, pretty girl?” He murmurs, his lips still brushing against yours and tucking some loose hair behind your ear.
You nod avidly, wanting nothing but to relieve the pressure building in your lower stomach and to put on a show for him, show him what you could’ve been doing all this time if either of you had just made a move sooner. He leans away to be able to see all of you, his hands spreading your thighs when he kneels between them.
You slide your hand down your belly, lifting your dress up to your waist so your lower half is exposed. He watches avidly, following your fingers as you slip them under your underwear and find yourself wet and swollen, a moan leaving your lips at the feeling of finally being touched.
“The first time I touched myself thinking about you,” you begin, your previous shame turning into hot liquid licking down your spine at the way he’s looking at you right now. “Was after you told me you were in a band. You know what they say about guitarists, right? I kept thinking if that was true”
He exhales a laugh through his nose, pushing his hair away from his face. He squeezes your thigh meanly, like molding bread underneath his fingertips.
“You’ll find out” he promises.
“Can I take these off?” You complain, already pushing your underwear down your legs with his help and quickly getting rid of your dress too, baring yourself completely to him since you’re not wearing a bra. He casually throws your clothes over his shoulder, not caring where or how they land, his whole focus on you as he sprawls you open, forcing your thighs against his sheets so he can see your bare pussy, his hands spreading your legs so wide it almost aches.
You smear your wetness around your entrance to your clit and start rubbing it under your fingertips, slowly building a rhythm that leaves you breathless.
“Fuck, sweetheart. Such a pretty pussy, why’d keep it away from me for so long?”
He swiftly pulls his shirt over the back of his head, exposing miles of pale and inked skin. You barely have time admire him as he comes closer, so close you can feel his hard cock against the back of your hand over denim, one of his hands shifting up your thigh to brush his thumb over your ribs.
“Can I…?” He starts, looking intently at your breasts and you interrupt him.
“Yes, yes” you breathe out and increase the speed of your fingers over your clit, as he slides his hands up to experimentally brush his thumb over your nipple.
“Fuck, have been dying to get my hands on them” he admits, cupping the weight of your breast on his hands and then pinching your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Looked so pretty with those tank tops, almost couldn’t stop looking”
You mewl underneath him, the feeling of his body so close, his fingers pulling and twisting your nipples and the knowledge of what you’re doing to him making you climb to your peak faster than usual. He takes notice of the way your hips are moving in time with your hand and squeezes your nipple harder, leaning down until you’re face to face.
“You’re gonna cum, sweet thing? Come on, show me how pretty you look when you cum for me.”
Your free hand pulls him closer by the neck so you can kiss him, exhaling into his mouth as you furiously rub your clit. Nothing but thoughts of Eddie, Eddie, Eddie echoing through your mind. He guides you through your high, whispering sweet nothings against your mouth, pressing his lips to your cheeks, your nose, your forehead as his hips grinding against your thigh.
When you’re finally done, your fingers moving away from your clit because of the sensitivity and his arms thrown over you as he lays on the spot next you, watching you in awe like you just played the sickest guitar riff ever.
“I knew you incredible before,” he says, his fingers stroking the skin of your ribs, tracing the bone underneath. “But damn, sweetheart.”
“Shut up” you complain laughingly, turning on your side to see him. His face is bright red, like he just came back from a run and his hair’s incredibly messy, more than usual and his brown eyes are so, so bright and happy.
You can’t help but lean over to press a kiss to his lips, a lingering one that goes on for a long time. The previously put out embers in your belly lighting up a fire again. You’re starting to slip your hand down his body to cup his erection when he stops you. You pull away to look at him questioning until you notice how shifty he is, and you look at his crotch only to find a wet spot there.
“Did you just…?” You begin.
“Y-yeah… listen, sweetheart, I’m sorry-” you interrupt before he can continue apologizing, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
“That’s so fucking hot.” you claim matter-of-factly, still suffocating him with quick kisses on his lips.
“There’s no way you think that, you don’t have to spare my feelings-“
“Excuse me? I think the fact you were so turned on over me touching myself you came in your pants so incredibly fucking hot, thank you very much” you climb over him, straddling his body in all your naked glory and his eyes can’t seem to be able to stop roaming your body, his eyes constantly shifting from your tits, to your belly, to your hips and to your mound.
“Okay, okay. If you think so, sweetheart” he says appeasingly, his hands coming up to rest on your hips. You lean down again until you’re face to face and you can kiss his lips wetly.
“When does your uncle get home again?” You ask between kisses.
“Around 7am… why?”
You pull away to see his face and you can’t contain the beaming smile taking over yours.
“How long until you can get going again?” You question, slowly moving your hips on top of him. He watches you eagerly.
“Not long,” he answer and you can feel the damp patch of denim underneath you getting wetter as you grind against him. You also can distinctly feel his cock twitching through his underwear. “With the way you’re all over me”
You throw your head back in laughter and he digs his fingers on your hips painfully.
“Then maybe you can show me what exactly you were thinking about when you jerked off… something about my mouth on your cock and your cum on my tits?”
“You’re fucking perfect” he states seriously, like you’re the best thing since sliced bread. He pulls you down until he’s hungrily kissing you, all tongue and teeth and way too wet, but you can’t really complain.
Turns out, he doesn’t really need that long to get hard again. Who would’ve thought?
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