#i love how easily i derail my own fucking posts uh
the-acid-pear · 1 year
Y'know the whole being abandoned theme is often paired with the secret bosses as a trait they must have but, like, I think being abandoned is just a trait EVERYONE in deltarune has, lightner and darkner alike. With the bosses it is extremely straight forward but... Being lonely, abandoned, cast away, and such is def not a them thing.
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shurisneakers · 4 years
harmless (v)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, ghosts, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader, rats
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: why did i like this chapter sm someone explain. anyway!! y’all are so passionate about these two i love it mwah
if you have any ideas for future inventions/evil plans, lemme know! i might actually end up using them
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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He dislikes the subway. 
Other than his other valid reason to have disdain for trains, the subway is dark, it’s shady and he’s sure he’s seen rodents fight to the death here on several occasions.  
Still, he’s following you down the stairs of the station, watching as you whistle along to the song blasting through your headphones. There’s a backpack swung over your shoulders, hands stuffed into the pocket of your hoodie and converse doing a skip every now and then. There’s a bandana that’s tied across your face, acting as a mask to hide your identity. 
He realises that you’re dressed like a commuter. Were you going to dress the part every single time?
You walk along with the crowd. He follows, a few feet away.
Until you stop. He abruptly stops too, leading someone to walk right into him. 
“Watch it, dumbass,” they hiss with the courage of someone who has no idea who he is. He ignores them. 
He looks on as you dig around your backpack and pull out a roll of paper. A poster, he realises soon when you peel off a layer from the back and press it to the wall. 
Was it legal to put up posters in the subway? He wasn’t quite sure. 
He observes as you turn around and continue down the path. He waits a few seconds before trailing up to the poster.
Volunteers needed!
If you’re interested in being turned into a ghost for a couple of hours, this is your chance! Should be okay with being on camera so that we can make money off of taped paranormal sightings.
Paid opportunity. You get to pick your outfit. Randos don’t apply.
He yanks the poster of the wall before continuing down the same place you did.
He finds another poster along the way. He doesn’t hesitate in pulling it down. You were advocating to kill people. 
He knows he’s going in the right direction because more posters creep up along the wall.
The both of you are on the platform by now but to him, something changes about the placement of the posters. They were growing in frequency, the distance between them decreasing as they were situated close to each other.
He pauses in front of the next one, hand hovering over the paper.
All it reads is ‘STOP’.
He furrows his eyebrow, pulling it down before peering over at the next one.
‘TAKING’, is all that it says.
It doesn’t take him very long to make his way through all the posters in the hallway. 
The train’s arrived by now but a quick scan over the crowd and he knows that you haven’t entered. That, and he knew that you were too dramatic to leave without a trace or a small conversation with him. 
Tasteful, he thinks. 
“It took effort to make them, stop ruining it,” you whine from the end of the hallway. It’s empty, given that rush hour was over a while ago. 
Even though the mask covers half your face, it’s obvious that there is mischief etched under it. The twinkle in your eye is telling. 
“You’re literally killing people.” He holds up the poster. Not the ‘dickhead’ one. He pockets that for later. 
He knows there are a few minutes before the next train arrives and more people flood the station. The eccentricity of today lay in the lighting from the incandescent lamps and acoustics of the platform. It made his voice echo like a movie scene. 
“I very much am not,” you huff. 
“You’re turning them into ghosts. That’s what a murderer does,” he says pointedly. 
“Well, only if you keep saying it like that. You’re making me look bad.” You cross your arms across your chest. “What are you, Fox News?” 
A scurry next to him earns his attention. Two rats nibble at a piece of fallen food. He wonders when they’ll starting brawling. 
“Explain this.” He waves the poster around. He isn’t taking it too lightly he hopes. If it’s actual murder then it’s going to be an issue. 
You pull out a black cylinder, slightly bigger than a pen. He can’t really see any more details, but you hold onto it like a wand. 
“I’m turning them into ghosts. I’ll post videos of them doing stupid shit. I get famous and then boom, cash money.” You rub your index finger and thumb together. “I’ll give you a share if you volunteer.”
“You’re not explaining the death part.” 
He can feel it. You’re about to start derailing. 
“Winter Soldier, the ghost story. Literally.” You grin, yanking down the mask from your face to prove it. It pools around your neck. “That’s so funny, c’mon, it’d be amazing.”
It’s been years since he’s heard that. Never in this context. 
“No,” he says sternly, “and I’m going to have to bring you in if you’re going to kill people.”
The rats were ignoring everything that was going down like the hardened criminals that they were. They had probably seen worse. He can’t stop paying attention to them.
“I’m not killing them, bro.” You raise your hands in exclamation. “I’m just moving some molecules around, some frequency shit. They’re alive, just ghosts.”  
He’s always been one for science. Straight As throughout high school, attended science conventions as a hobby, alive even at 100 through some mad experimentation, definitely seen some weird shit during his lifetime. 
But this doesn’t make sense.
“No,” he repeats. “Give me the thing.”
“Fine, I’ll show you.” You roll your eyes. “Since you have absolutely no faith in me.”
He does a quick review of his surroundings. 
No one’s around, which is good. 
But that just leaves him in front of you, which is bad.
“Don’t you even thin-” he starts, muscles tensing as he shifts into a defensive stance.
You whip out the little pen thing from beside you but before he can react you turn around and duck. 
The click of a button releases a bright light, small but intensely stronger than the fluorescents in the station.
He reels back, feet carrying him away from where you’re crouched. His eyes quickly look down at his body. 
Nothing’s changed. 
He lifts his hand to check, runs it over his face. Still alive. He thinks.
“Behold,” you declare, “Ghost rat.”
He looks to where you’re pointing. The two rats from earlier were still nibbling on their food but something was off about them. 
He could see the faint outline of the tiles on the wall behind them, almost like they were... translucent.  
You aimed at the rats, not him. He doesn’t know whether to feel relieved or annoyed at the fake threat.
He watches as they move. They don’t look hurt or injured.
“Cool, huh?” you say smugly. 
He can’t stop staring at them. 
“Bring them back.”
“They’re fine, look how abstract it is.”
“Bring back the rats.” He can’t believe this is what his life has come to.
Bucky Barnes, Rodent Protector.
You aren’t fazed by his indifference, instead wonder filled eyes gaze at the animals. “Astral mice, sarge. Embrace the miracle of modern science.”
“You killed them.”
“They’re alive, they’re just ghosts.” You raise a finger to point. “Look, they’re still eating. Biological functions are still taking place.” 
 Which was true. But still. He doesn’t know what is going on.
“Bring them back to... non-ghost alive.” 
“You sure you don’t want one? That one kinda looks like you.” One hardened glare after you realise the answer. “Jeez, alright then.”
You dig through your bag before pulling out a matte black replica of your current invention. 
“Sexy colours, right?” You hold them up. “I modelled them after your arm.”
He looks down. Sure enough the gold and black matched his cybernetic limb. It was oddly flattering. 
“Say thank you, Y/N, for letting me be your muse-”
“Un-ghost the rats.” 
“Ungrateful,” you narrow your eyes at him. 
Still, you comply with his demands, ducking down to their level again.
A click of the button, a bright light and the rats are back to normal. Non-transparent normal.
“Okay, give me that.” He takes a step towards you. 
“Nuh uh.” You pull your arm back. His mouth twitches at your response; what are you, five?
The black one is stuffed back into your bag but you wave around the gold like a threat. 
He sighs, making a pass for it. In a second his arm is twisted and shoved against his back, forcing him to spin so that he’s facing away from you. His eyes widen.
What the fuck?
“Now we’re having a good time,” you whisper into this ear. 
He swiftly turns around, grabbing your wrist to rotate his own out of your grip. 
“Since when can you fight?” he asks.
“Are we getting to know each other now?” You raise your leg to give him a semi gentle kick in the side, using his momentary distraction in blocking it to give him a knock on the head with your free hand. “This is so romantic, sarge.”
There’s a low rumble in the distance and he knows the train would soon start pulling into the station. It was still a distance away, but his heightened senses warned him that it wouldn’t take much time. 
He groans. How much longer would he have to go at this?
He could easily win this fight and he knew it. But something in him itched, pulled him back from doing it.
He blocks another attempt at his head. “Stop that.”
You grin. “You know what’d be fun?”
He knows you’d reply even if he didn’t encourage it. The lights from the train light up the tunnel around the corner. 
“This.” You don’t give him a second to recover before you flick your wrist away from him.
The device flies out of your hand and right onto the track. The both of you watch, you in glee, he in horror, as the train runs right over it, unleashing the brightest light he had ever seen. His eyes shut instinctively before it blinds him.
He forces himself to pry open his eyelids, look at the damage caused. 
The train, sure enough, is translucent. He can see the posters on the other side of the platform through the carriage, through various people holding onto the poles for support or seated on the seats.
“Ghost train!” you cheer. He’s mortified.
“Fuck no,” he mumbles, yanking the backpack off your shoulder. He rummages through it, looking for the gold version.
“You lookin’ for this?” you ask nonchalantly, holding it up in your hand like it isn’t the solution to stopping a bunch of ghosts from wandering around New York. 
“Turn them back.” He gives you a chance. 
“Do it yourself, coward.” You grin, holding it above your head. The train is going to stop and he needs everyone to be alive and non-ghost before they leave.
He doesn’t wait this time, instead turning to you. The thing is still held in your grip above your head. He rolls his eyes, doing a quick assessment before grabbing your free hand, tugging you closer and plucking the device out of your hand before you have the opportunity to retract it.  
“Great, now figure out which button to press.” You’re dangerously close to him. He can feel your hoodie brush against his tactical jacket. “Also if you wanted to be all pressed up against me, you could have just asked.” 
He furrows his eyebrows, letting go of you as you give a loud laugh. He looks down at the device. It has several buttons, littering up and down the side. Each look the same. 
The train’s slowing down. 
“They’re both the same device; this version is not a magical solution to the other one. If you press the wrong button then both of us are going to be fucked.”
The last carriage is getting closer. 
“Say I win this round and I’ll fix it.” 
There’s a gleam in your eye. He knew this was exactly what you wanted. 
He wishes he was as stubborn as Steve, just run through each button until the right one worked.
“You win this one.” He hands it back. He wasn’t like Steve and judging by the number of items the idiot jumped out of planes without a parachute on a daily basis, Bucky was glad about it. At least Bucky did it sporadically.
“Yay, two each for the both of us, then,” you say, taking it from him and twisting, eyes running down the sides. “Close your eyes, old man, or else your cataract’s gonna get worse.”
Right as the train pulls to a stop, you press down on the button before throwing it and the blinding light that emanates from it. It lands on the top of the train right as the doors open. 
The passengers start stepping out. Some of them are looking at their hands and legs in a little disbelief, most just push through the crowd to leave.
He can’t see through them. It’s a good sign. 
He turns to look at you but you’re not there. Instead, the weight of the small device weighs down in his pocket.
The sound of a thud on glass draws his attention. 
He looks up at the train. The window of the carriage in front of him has a bit of fog on it. You trace a heart in the condensation and blow him a kiss before pulling your mask back on.
The train starts moving, leaving him alone in the platform again with your invention.
He lets out an exhale, wandering outside to grab a sandwich before waiting to catch the next train to go home. 
Later in the evening, he catches hold of a bit of tape and the ‘Dickhead’ poster finds a place on Sam’s door. 
He doesn’t appreciate it.
So now it’s tucked away in the shelf of Bucky’s bedside table along with a freeze ray, a ghost-inator, and some discount Pym Particles. 
Next part
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yastaghr · 4 years
The Hunt for the Nest
I don’t usually post twice in one day, but @lythecreatorart needs some cheering up and I just finished this fic! It’s some SFW Errink fluff!
Summary: Error wants to leave a mark on the Doodle Sphere that his boyfriend, Ink, has just shown him. He comes up with a cheeky scheme to not only leave one, but tease Ink at the same time.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26565958
Error dusted off his hands happily, staring up at his handiwork. A giant nest of strings hung between two of the doors in Ink’s Doodle Sphere. Ever since the artist had invited him into his zone, Error had been trying to think up the perfect way to leave his mark on the island-filled space. His mind had kept wandering back to his strings. What else could be more him than that? The problem was what to do with them. Eventually, one day when he was visiting Birdtale, Error had the idea. Why not build a nest? He had seen non-sentient birds build them, and the bird-brains here did, too. Surely he could make something similar with string. And here it was!
The whole thing was easily big enough to hold both of them, even with the sprawl that artist mistakenly called sleeping. There were soft blankets inside and pillows, too. All, of course, were blue. Blue was his favorite color. Besides, Error wanted to use his own strings for this for… reasons. Someone else’s simply wouldn’t do.
Now came the fun part of building this: using the thing to tease Ink with. His plan was foolproof. It needed to be. Ink was definitely a fool.
Error opened up a quick portal out of the Doodle Sphere and into a random universe. He then jumped through about fifty other portals, sometimes opening up multiple holes or jumping back through the one he’d entered with, to muddy the trail. Only after he was starting to get tired did Error open the portal to the world he really wanted; it was the one that Ink was in. Why that idiot spent so much time in this universe was beyond him. There was nothing here except darkness. There wasn’t even a Sans. It was just empty, boring black everywhere you looked. A blank that its creator had abandoned long ago.
Ink spun around to face him even though Error knew he hadn’t made any noise. At first his face was just… blank. Blank just like this universe was. But then his eye lights, a blue heart and a green question mark, returned and a smile lit up his face. “Hey, Error! I was just thinking about you! Isn’t it weird that you would show up right after that?”
Error, thoughts derailed by the skatterbrain of the monster he loved, said, “i dOn't kNoW. wHy wErE YoU ThInKiNg aBoUt mE, oR Do i wAnT To kNoW?”
Ink grinned. His eye lights changed to an orange diamond and a yellow exclamation point. Uh oh. That wasn’t good at all.  “Oh! I was just thinking about how I’ve never seen you eat sushi. Do you like sushi?”
“WhAt-” Error started to say.
“I don’t like sushi because the little white thingies they use always get stuck up my nose,” Ink carried on talking, oblivious.
“yOu'rE NoT SuPpOsEd tO-” Error tried again.
“But at the same time I do like sushi because that little green stuff they put on the side makes my nose run! It’s really nice when I’ve got a cold. Just a drop of that and I’m cle-”
It was Error’s turn to interrupt. “INK!!!!”
Ink closed his mouth and looked at him, his left eye light shifting from the diamond into a blue heart. “What is it, Glitchy?”
“i'vE GoT A PrEsEnT FoR YoU.”
Those magic words had Ink’s full attention. He practically quivered with it. It was pathetic (definitely not impressive, no way) how much Ink gave off the impression that he was an exclamation mark in a skeletal body. “Gimme!”
“iT'S NoT HeRe, DuMbAsS,” Error said, rolling his mismatched eye lights fondly, “iT'S HiDdEn. If yOu wAnT It yOu hAvE To fInD It."
Now both of Ink’s eye lights were exclamation points: one green, one yellow. “Ooh! A puzzle gift! Those are the best kind! Where did you hide it? And don’t say “the multiverse” this time. That was almost impossible!”
Error chuckled. That had been a good one. Ink had been searching for weeks for that special easel Error had… acquired for him. He’d finally found it in Chocotale #021. “i dOn't kNoW WhAt yOu'rE TaLkInG AbOuT. i'm nOt gOiNg tO SaY ThAt. I WaS GoInG To sAy iT'S HiDdEn iN ThE DoOdLe sPhErE.”
Ink pouted. “That’s almost as bad! The Doodle Sphere has an island for every universe in the multiverse! You know that! It’s huge! It’ll take me days to search it all!”
Error’s grin was definitely cheeky. He was a glitch! What fun could a glitch have if there wasn’t a little cheek in his life? “yOu'd bEtTeR GeT StArTeD, tHeN, sQuId. ThAt pReSeNt iSn't gOiNg tO FiNd iTsElF!”
Several days later, Ink panted and leaned against the door to Ketotale. He’d been searching non-stop all this time, and he still couldn’t find that damned gift. He felt like he’d searched everywhere at least once, and it wasn’t nearly as much fun anymore - now it was just frustrating. So, Ink did the best thing he could think of doing, his default when a problem grew boring; he searched for someone to pester into helping him. Lucky for him, there was one monster who could be guaranteed to be helpful right now: Error.
Ink found him in Chocotale, which wasn’t that surprising. Error loved chocolate, so an entire world made out of nothing else was bound to appeal. He was munching on the shutters of someone’s house. Ink would have chastised him, but he knew for a fact that most of the inhabitants of Chocotale now had Destroyer Insurance™. That was absolute genius.
Ink poked the monster he wanted in his life more than any other in the back. Error glanced over his shoulder, an unimpressed expression on his face. He finished chewing the chocolate in his mouth with agonizing slowness. Ink stuck his tongue out at him. Rude. “i tHoUgHt yOu wErE SeArChInG FoR My pReSeNt. DiD YoU GeT BoReD AlReAdY? iT'S OnLy bEeN FoUr dAyS. yOu uSuAlLy lAsT LoNgEr tHaN ThIs.”
Ink huffed. “I have been! I’ve been looking nonstop all this time! I swear I’ve searched the entire Doodle Sphere, but I can’t find anything out of place! At least give me a hint, Error. Please~!”
Error rolled his eyes and turned back to his meal. The shutters were more than half destroyed at this point. Oh, well. “tHaT SoUnDs lIkE A PeRsOnAl pRoBlEm tO Me. I'M NoT GoInG To gIvE YoU AnY HiNtS UnTiL It's bEeN At lEaSt a wEeK.”
Ink’s pout was really something to behold. He had no idea what it looked like, but it usually worked on Error like nothing else would. Of course, for it to work Error would have to actually see it. Right now he couldn’t. Thus, the pokes would begin. They were spaced just far enough apart and just firm enough that Error couldn’t ignore them. Ink also moved the spot he was poking all around Error’s back at random so he couldn’t get used to the sensation in a particular place.
Error groaned and spun around to face him, annoyance in his eyes. “fInE! wHaT Is iT YoU WaNt tO KnOw, SqUiD?”
Ink grinned. Yes! Score! He won, and now he could ask… what’d he want to ask again? “Um…”
The glitch rolled his eyes. “tYpIcAl. HoW CaN YoU SaY YoU'Ve sEaRcHeD ThE EnTiRe dOoDlE SpHeRe iF YoU CaN'T EvEn rEmEmBeR WhAt wE'Re tAlKiNg aBoUt fOr tEn mInUtEs?”
A lightning bulb went off in his head. “Oh! Yeah! How is it that you can hide something in the Doodle Sphere that I know like the back of my hand? You’ve only spent a little bit of time there before, and it’s huge!” Error looked down. Ink followed his eyes to see his gloved hand. Oh, yeah. He didn’t exactly know what the back of his hand looked like, did he? “Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best metaphor, but you know what I mean!”
Error chuckled. “yEs, I Do. Do yOu, tHoUgH?”
It was Ink’s turn to glare. “Wow, rude. What have you been doing while I’ve been searching alone, hanging out with the Bad Sanses again?”
“wHo sAiD YoU WeRe sEaRcHiNg aLoNe?” Error said, and then he froze. Ink grinned triumphantly. Ah hah! Error had been following him, had he? “...CrAp, I ShOuLdN'T HaVe sAiD ThAt.”
“Too late, Mr. Stalker! What were you even doing following me around? Making sure I didn’t find it?” Ink asked, not really expecting an answer.
“mAyBe…” Error admitted.
Ink narrowed his eyes. “And how were you doing that? You weren’t distracting me because I didn’t see you there, so what…?”
“oKaY, oKaY! i wAs mOvInG It, OkAy? AnY TiMe yOu gOt cLoSe tO ThE PrEsEnT I WoUlD MoVe iT SoMePlAcE ElSe. I DiDn't wAnT YoU FiNdInG It tOo sOoN, dId i?” Error finally admitted the infuriating truth.
“Cheater!” Ink accused the monster he loved, “That’s cheating! No fair!”
Error rolled his eyes. “oH, tHaT'S So mAtUrE, iNk. It's nOt lIkE YoU DiDn't cHeAt lAsT TiMe, EiThEr. ReCrUiTiNg yOuR ViSiTiNg dOpPlEgAnGeR In oRdEr tO MaKe mE ThInK YoU'Ve fIgUrEd oUt hOw tO BrEaK PhYsIcS WiThOuT MaGiC Is sO ChEaTiNg.”
Ink huffed. “Fine then. I still think this is too much. You owe me a favor for this!”
“fInE,” Error huffed back at him, “wHaT KiNd oF FaVoR DiD YoU HaVe iN MiNd? dId yOu wAnT Me tO KnIt yOu sOmEtHiNg? PuT AnOtHeR UnIvErSe oN ThE UnToUcHaBlE LiSt?”
Ink’s triumphant grin returned. “I want you to show me where this present is!”
Error blinked at him. Ink knew that expression. It was one of bewilderment. “tHaT'S AlL? yOu jUsT WaNt mE To hElP YoU FiNd mY PrEsEnT? rEaLlY?”
“Yeah!” Ink said with a smile. “I didn’t say it was going to be a big favor, and I want to know!”
“Do yOu wAnT Me tO Do tHaT NoW?” Error asked, still stunned.
“Yeah! Come on, Glitchy, let’s go!” Ink said, grabbing Error’s hand and pulling out Broomy. He was just about to spill some ink for a portal when Error pulled his hand out of Ink’s. The artist eyed Error with confusion in his eyes.
“tHeRe's nO FuCkInG WaY We'rE TaKiNg oNe oF YoUr pOrTaLs. ThEy mAkE Me sIcK To mY StOmAcH,” Error complained, sticking his tongue out and cocking his hand to act. “i'm gOiNg tO OpEn mY OwN PoRtAl. If yOu sTiLl wAnT To uSe yOuR MoNsTrOsItY YoU CaN. i'lL MeEt yOu aT ThE HoUsE.”
With that, Error stepped through a glitching portal into the gold-tinted landscape. Ink quickly dove in after him. He had intended to roll to his feet, but he misjudged the height of the portal off the ground and ended up planting face-first into the dirt. He spat out a mouthful of dirt and grass. It didn’t taste too bad, honestly. It was just… weird. Granulated and chlorophyll-y. Yep, definitely weird.
“aRe yOu dOnE EaTiNg tHe fUcKiNg dIrT Or aRe yOu gOiNg bAcK FoR AnOtHeR MoUtHfUl?” Error’s glitchy voice asked from above him. Ink jumped up, spat out another piece of grass, and smiled at the monster who fascinated him more than any other. As was typical for him, Error said, “wOw, YoUr tEeTh aRe aLmOsT A PrOpEr cOlOr nOw! StIlL ToO BlUe, BuT ThAt's tO Be eXpEcTeD. yOu nEvEr cOuLd mAnAgE A PrOpEr yElLoW, eVeN ThAt tImE YoU TrIeD To dReSs uP As mE FoR ThE CoStUmE BaLl. ReAlLy, WhAtEvEr mAdE YoU ThInK My tEeTh aRe tHe sAmE CoLoUr aS MaRmAlAdE?”
Ink tapped his chin, trying to remember whatever event Error was talking about. He couldn’t. “Did that really happen, or are you making something up again?”
Error grinned, “i'm mAkInG SoMeThInG Up.”
“Oh. Yay.” Ink said it with as little emotion as he could get without taking paint thinner. “Can we go find my present now?”
Error rolled his eye lights, but he couldn’t hide the smile on his face. “yEaH, yOu rAiNbOw bAsTaRd. We cAn gO FiNd yOuR PrEsEnT. fOlLoW Me.” He turned on his heel and walked to the edge of the island. Then he leapt up to the next one.
Ink rolled his eye lights and just used his paint. It was so much faster! He could just use the puddles of paint that every island had and teleport without needing to jump.
They went between enough islands that Ink had forgotten what they were searching for. All he knew was that he was following Error somewhere. When he saw it, though, he knew exactly what it was. The nest was hanging between Pediatale #002 and Underhood #410. It looked amazing! It was huge, and it was full of pillows, and it was cool!
Ink found himself getting so happy that he started floating. He giggled, the extreme amount of happiness he was using overriding any fear that he might drift away. Then that teeny bit of fear vanished when Error’s strings wrapped around his ankle.
“dOn't fLoAt aWaY NoW, sQuId. GeT BaCk dOwN HeRe aNd cUdDlE WiTh mE!” Error demanded.
Ink giggled some more and complied. He let Error’s strings tow him into the nest, where he floated down to Error’s side. He nestled into the soft, fluffy bed of the nest and sighed. This was just about perfect.
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that-one-jasper · 4 years
Harry Potter X Reader
A/N-- I'm sorry if anyone is OOC, this was my First time writing for Harry Potter.
               Regular. P.o.V
                       You hid your pain a lot. You didn't want to burden anyone with your problems, no matter how large or small, you always sucked it up and dealt with your issues yourself. You were sorted into Gryffindor and became fast friends with the renowned Golden Trio which had its ups and downs. You loved hanging around them, Hermione often helped you with your studies, Ron always managed to make you laugh, and Harry, well Harry always made you feel safe and comforted. You came from a family of pure-blooded wizards, though you never really cared for blood status.
      Currently, it was breakfast, and since it was the weekend, no classes were taking place. Sitting in the Great Hall, your Owl Strix had dropped down a letter for you, from your mother. "What's that you got?" Ron asked, before grabbing food and putting it on his plate. "It's a letter from my mother, not sure why though," You noted. Your mother rarely sent you letters, and when she did, they were of importance.
     Delicately, you unfold the letter and start to read;
Dear Y/n,
  It pains me to bring this news to you, but I'll be truthful about it. Your sister and I have made the decision that you should no longer come home for the holidays. We do love you very much, but your sister's friends aren't very fond of you, and they'll be over the whole break. Love you, and Happy Holidays, you'll get your gifts in the post.
                                                                                                                                         Love, Mum.
       You stared at the letter in shock, before shaking your head and forcing a smile on your face. "What's it say?" Harry asked, leaning over before you quickly folding up the letter. "It was nothing, just my mum telling me my sister was getting an award at her school." You lied, though everyone seemed to buy it. "That's awesome! You must be really proud of her," The gang continued to chat, but your mood felt deflated, and you felt like shutting yourself off in the dorms.     "I gotta go," You muttered to the group, "How come?" Harry asked, looking up from his plate of food, "you've hardly eaten anything." You nodded your head, "I need to do that paper for Herbology, don't worry," you smiled, and turned to walk out of the Great Hall-accidentally forgetting the letter on the table. Harry noticed it, and called out your name, though you were already gone. Picking up the letter, Hermione called out to him, "you shouldn't be reading other peoples post, Harry," He shook his head, "I'm not, I'm gonna bring it to her. Seems like she forgot it."         You hustled your way through the hallways, trying to get back to the Gryffindor Common Room when you were stopped by a mean-looking group of Slytherins. "Bloody Hell," you mumbled looking towards the ground. "This just isn't my morning." "Hey Y/n," One of them taunted at you, blocking your path. "What do you want, Brielle?" You narrowed your eyes at her, and she walked closer towards you, arms crossed. "Just letting you know that Slytherin is going to destroy Grifyndor in the Quidditch match tomorrow," she smirked, while you rolled your eyes. "Oh please, I couldn't care less about the stupid match," you shot back. She and her posse giggled towards each other, before becoming serious again. "Oh please, we all know you want Potter to win, you basically drool over him any chance you get," you groaned in annoyance. "Insulting my choice of boys now huh? When are you going to mid your own damn business instead of butting into mine? Or for anyone else, for that matter? You always seem to find the exact time to bitch and complain to me every single day, and for what? So you don't face your own damn problems? That's cowardly, and Hogwarts has no need for them." You snapped, leaving her in a small state of shock that she easily snapped out of. "I'd rather be a coward than disowned by my family, which, oh look you already have been." You raised your eyebrow at her comment."What makes you say I've ever been disowned? I'm the best my family ever had." You tried to convince yourself with your uplifting comment. "Samantha says your mother and sister don't want you around anymore, which sounds like disowning if you ask me," she snarked. 'Of fucking course Samantha would say something.' She was a first-year, like yourself, but her family was an old friend to yours, so she was often up-to-date with all the drama or news regarding your household.       "She doesn't know shit. Now Mind your own damn business," you growled out, shoving past her and almost knocking her onto the floor. You marched straight to the Gryffindor Common Room, muttering the password to get in before heading up to your dorm. No one was heading to Hogsmeade until around lunch so you had some hours to kill. Looking out of the window, you could see directly across to the Black Lake and decided that maybe being alone with some fresh air would do you some better good at calming down.    Grabbing a few things to keep you distracted, you walked out of the Dorm once again and made your way down the enchanted staircase, only to see your three friends at the bottom of it. 
       "Here she comes now," Hermione noted, sending you a smile. "What's up, guys?" You hopped off the last step and stopped in front of them. "You forgot this at breakfast, thought I'd bring it to you," Harry said, handing you the letter from your mother. You slightly frowned while seeing the letter again, but quickly shook it off and smiled at him. "Thanks, I uh, didn't know I left it there," you said as you tucked it into your back pocket. "Where you headed?" Ron gestured to the small things in your satchel. "I was going outside for some alone time, that's all," you answered truthfully. Harry gave you a slightly concerned glance. "Is everything okay?" You nodded your head with a small, "yeah," while Hermione gave you a skeptical glance. "Are you sure? Did something happen?" You quickly shook your head at her questions, "I promise I'm fine, just need to relax a little is all," you smiled. Hermione nodded before heading up to her dorm, probably to grab something, while Ron and Harry went to leave for their Dorm. "We'll meet up to go to Hogsmeade," Harry told you, and you nodded your head before turning around and walking out of the Common Room.
       Sitting on the edge of the Black Lake, you found comfort in the calm waters, the small waves occasionally made by the giant squid. Your mind wandered to the stressful topic of your family life, and you pulled the letter out from your pocket, re-reading it again. "Can't believe she doesn't want me home," you frowned, and you felt the urge to cry. You looked around, and as you didn't see anyone you let a few tears fall with some sniffles. Sometimes you couldn't stand your family and this was one of those times. You ripped up the letter this time, casting Incendio and watching the little bits light up before falling to the ground in ash.      "Y/n?" Harry's voice echoed and derailed your train of thought. Quickly wiping your eyes with your sleeve, you turned to face him with a smile. "Hey, Harry," you greeted warmly, turning your head to look at him. His face showed concern for you, but before you could say anything he spoke up. "I know you're not okay," he mumbled, sitting down next to you. "I don't know what happened, or why, but I know you're not okay, and I want to let you know that I'm here for you. So is Ron and Hermione." He spoke calmly and pulled you into a hug, one you gladly returned as you don't get physical affection often. You felt a sudden rush of emotion and started to cry into his shirt, pulling him closer to you, ignoring the pink tinging his cheeks. "Th-The l-letter," you choked out in sobs, "th-they don't want m-me fo-r the holidays," your voice was muffled and in hiccups, Harry frowned at the sight. "Your family?" you nodded, sobbing harder than before. "The-n Brielle s-started wi-with me and-and," "hey, hey, calm down, deep breaths, okay? Try to match your breathing with mine," Harry gently instructed, taking deep and slow breaths for you to match.       It took a while, but you did manage to calm down so it was light sniffles and some hiccups. "Do you want to talk about it?" You shook your head at the question, the crying left you feeling numb, and tired. All you wanted to do now was rest. "No thanks, Harry.....Could, Could we stay like this for a bit?" You asked, locking eyes. He chuckled, thinking that you were adorable, "We can, we don't leave for Hogsmeade for at least another few hours," you smiled slightly and closed your eyes, your arms wrapped around each other and the calmness of his heartbeat was more than enough to lull you quickly to a peaceful sleep.
Short chapter, but I was testing the waters with how I write Harry Potter characters seeing as I haven't before, and this fandom managed to drag me back in after y e ar s in under 0000.2 seconds. I hoped you all liked this chapter though, and I might make a part 2 but I overall wanted something fluffy, and I think I did that relatively well.
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96percentdone · 6 years
Oumasai with every number?
WElp. I knew this was coming at some point. Come to think of it I think I’ve done this meme before for oumasai like the whole thing. is it cheap if I just copy paste my answers. eh I’ll see if anything’s different. under the cut!
1. If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?
Neither Kiibo nor Akamatsu are there and it’s just a 1 on 1 clash of personalities. Saihara tries prying at Ouma for information and details but Ouma keeps lying and prodding at him for fun. It sets up the rivalry really well and the themes of the game by having them come into direct conflict like this. Also I just feel like we should start with Saihara as the protagonist since Akamatsu as a protagonist gives us nothing except a bait and switch. Like anything else she does could easily be done as an assistant. 
2. What song fits your pairing the most?
I’m not good at this sorry. No idea.
3. What is your favorite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?
uhhh right now its the band au I thought of but generally speaking I really like mutual pining and two person love triangles, and Ouma really makes it easy to give me a two-person love triangle, although this ship can do that in other ways. Phantom thief is really good for both of those things but I have since expanded my horizons to More Creative versions of the same two tropes. I just think it suits them.
4. Do you prefer canon ideas or do you have your own headcanons for them?
This is like a weird question because aren’t all headcanons in some essence based on canon. like even headcanons for an au setting are still using characterization from canon in some way. But like I generally like aus more than I like canon fics for v3 because v3 is just....hoo boy. But like all my headcanons and fics are based on analysis I did of canon and what canon told me these characters would be like. So.
5. Favorite canon moment of them?
So my definition of canon might be super picky to some people but it’s basically “content you can’t skip” meaning no ftes, bonus dialogue, etc. So for me that’s...probably right now it’s that bit at the end of chapter 5 where Saihara calls Ouma a friend despite literally everything it makes me sentimental. but I’m also a sucker for the ch4 “when I find someone I like” scene. 
6. Least favorite canon moment of them?
This hasn’t changed but it’s still the fuckin “You’re alone and you always will be” line. It’s not in character and it's narratively redundant and ineffective. More on that here.
7. Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)
the band au I have in mind. I really wanna write it right now but I feel bad because I still have prompts, even though right now I have no prompt ideas and the prospect of them is exhausting. but LISTEN. the band au is gonna be really good I swear.
8. Least favorite headcanon trope/idea? 
Excluding pre-game, which isn’t actually real and if you believe pre-game was a real thing in the way shirogane presented it, you have been duped, as well as other fujoshi fan favourites uh...any trope or au that involves ouma being a killer in some way. Like if they put him in the position of killer in a way that doesn’t really justify it based on his canon characterization I just don’t care. It’s cheap writing just for angst and dark vibes.
9. Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?
Honestly I’m here for the entire dynamic. I’m a real sucker for characters that are foils that encourage growth and development in the other through one way or another. I honestly wrote about this much better in other posts, including the one I linked to, and its one in the morning, but yeah. I really just like what canon provided me as a whole, and I love how they play off each other by representing the opposite of what the other stands for down to their cores.
10. Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)
pre-game isn’t fucking real it is a LIE by shirogane stop talking about it. Actually kinda like in my komahina answer, I feel like ouma’s character arc was really well resolved, and like way better than Komaeda’s, but I feel like his arc as an antagonist with conflict wasn’t. He was just killed off and then Shirogane came in with her 100000 lies for chapter 6 and derailed everything in Kodaka’s attempt to be clever. “See I’m showcasing the themes by having everything shirogane says be a mix of truth and lies, and be saying something thematically different, because I’m being really clever and lying about the themes at the last second.” it’s dumb.
Unfortunately unlike with Komaeda there’s no easy way to fix this without trashing Kodaka’s chapter 6 as a whole, which also means throwing out everything that was building up to it because its the core of the game. I’d like for there to be a version of v3 where Ouma is truly confronted with him being wrong instead of it just kinda happening offscreen in an implied manner and never talked about again.
Saihara’s monologue in the epilogue has like a compromise of both their views, which I actually think is a good one and a thematic resolution to his character arc as well as the game, but it really kinda sucks the character that represents the other half of that didn’t get to see or realize that in his own right. It’s kinda lopsided. 
11. If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?
Ya kinda can’t in canon because of everything you’d need some serious canon div and even then it would be a post canon slow burn. Because they both would have to get past their issues in canon and only then can they really get closer and be together.
12. If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?
last time I went with ace attorney, and i’m probably not gonna top that au I invented on the fly, but my ideal au for any given series is “how can I make this higurashi.” the answer is higurashi. one day I’ll finish writing that ask about it.
13. How hard is it write/draw your pairing? Scale of 1-10.
eh it’s not very hard I’d go with like a 2-3.
14. Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?
For me, not really. It’s the most compelling dynamic written in dr as a whole, and I have a lot of fun exploring other ships, especially wlw ones, but this one is still canonically the most interesting.
15. Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)
It flips but rn Saihara
16. Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?
Ouma because he’s the kinda dipshit who’d bottle up his emotions and then decide instead of talking about anything he’s worried about he’ll just break up but he won't mean it. and it’ll be really messy but I think Saihar’s intuitive enough to be able to push through that.
17. Are they relatable as characters or as a pairing?
See my last remark reminds me very much of my own literal actual relationship so I’m gonna say pairing.
18. Did you once/ever dislike one/both of them?
I didn’t like Ouma before the game came out because everyone else loved him for no reason. I changed my mind. I always liked Saihara though.
19. On an estimate, how many posts have you made about them?
idk. 100? maybe?
20. What made you decide to ship them?
Canon gave me a lot of material but I was in the moment I knew Ouma was canonically gay for Saihara, which I learned like before everything else.
21. Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)
I like fluff man. I’m a fluff guy. I’ll take some angst but I need happy endings.
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rwbyconversations · 6 years
Seeing Red, or: The Assassination of Adam Taurus(’s character) by the Coward Blake Belladonna
Adam Taurus. The RWBY fandom’s preferred punching bag, Adam is often dismissed as an emo turbo edgelord thanks to his design, dialogue and somewhat shaky voice acting from Garrett Hunter. But regardless, thanks to his depiction in the Black Trailer and an impressive showing in Volume 3 that led to a... notable moment in the show’s tonal shift-
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Adam managed to earn a fan following, and after a lack of real appearances in Volume 4 outside of the OP and Yang’s nightmare, his fanbase were chomping at the bit to see their favorite abusive bull-headed jerk show up again. Volume 3 and 4 set the stakes for Adam’s comeback, and the inevitable rematch between himself, Blake and Yang. Heck, Yang’s focus song in Volume 4 was essentially all about what Adam’s attack did to her and how she was going to reciprocate the pain she felt on Adam’s skull stupid face. 
Regardless of how you looked at Adam, his rematch was anticipated. People were dreading and looking forward to it in equal measure, you could drown in the amount of fanart imagining the rematch. And then...
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So Adam’s portrayal at the end of Volume 5 was a bit poorly received. I personally take the most umbrage with “Blake teleporting into his sword strike” and “Adam going down and staying down for a good minute before getting back up from a strike that didn’t even get past his Aura.” But it wasn’t just Adam’s fanbase who were let down by the fight. Among Volume 5′s many, many fight letdowns (I will never not be over the blueballing that was Ruby, Blake and Weiss vs Hazel, Mercury and Emerald), this ranked high on the list since it combined so thoroughly with what can be generously described as a character derailment. Adam went from the cool, composed and utterly vicious juggernaut that crippled half of our protagonist team to... well just look up at those GIFs.
So what happened? Well, that’s what I’m going to try and answer. But first, we have to set the stage.
Adam in Volumes 1 through 3 was generally liked by the fandom. Tauradonna (the ship name for him and Blake) was a moderately appreciated ship at the time, and even among people who didn’t ship it, it provided some good old Angst for Blake in whatever ship people actually wanted her to be in. Adam was appreciated for his cool design (I’m a slut for men in suits), the mystery of his mask and his impressive weapon and fighting style. Coming off Metal Gear Rising, seeing Iadio in practice was a treat. And after Volume 3, Adam was in the “Love to hate” range. His reputation had been established in the fandom as an abusive monster, but one who was a terrifying nightmare to face on the battlefield and on his own, neutralized half of Team RWBY. Were it not for a lucky save by Blake, he’d have taken her scalp home with him. 
What’s especially important about his scene in Volume 3 is that while it establishes Adam as a deranged psychopath, he’s one that doesn’t lose his cool. The one time he raises his voice to Blake, it’s when he denounces her beliefs. “What you thought is impossible!” For the rest of the battle, Adam is chillingly calm, even in the face of defeat. When Blake tricks him with her Semblance, does Adam fly into a rage, start screaming and shooting at them as they run?
No. Adam just frowns and strides away, not even stopping to kill a Grimm that tries to kill him. His composure remains unbroken even as Blake flees away with Yang. He’s so sure in his victory that he turns his back to them and lets them run away, even when he could easily chase them and get the kill.
This is Adam’s last scene in Volume 3. It’s the last we see of him in person until Volume 5. That last shot stuck with the fans, Adam just... walking away, barely affected by what he had done while Yang would fall into the depths of PTSD and Blake would run with her tail between her legs, jumping at her own shadow. Like him or hate him, Adam was nonetheless a terrifying villain, mocked as he was for his edgy voice.
That’s the image that had settled in the eyes of the fandom, and would for nearly eighteen months. An abusive, cold, calculating, vicious, but composed and effective monster. One who wouldn’t even shout as he declared “I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love.” 
So jump cut to late 2017/early 2018. And, uh...
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Adam, sweetie, what happened to you? You went from a person who barely frowned as the object of your twisted affections ran away to someone who screamed into your Facetime chats like a low-budget Kylo Ren. The hiatus has been mostly kind to Adam until Volume 5. Sienna says that he is seen as a symbol by many of the younger members of the Fang, Salem approaches him personally and sends an envoy in Hazel so he can gain more power. Two episodes into Volume 5, and Adam has nearly everything he could want except for Blake’s corpse at his feet. 
And yet despite Adam being one of, if not the only characters to come out of the hiatus smelling like roses, he’s been reduced to a child throwing a tantrum when in private. The cold, calculating figure stages a brazen coup in the heart of the White Fang when Sienna won’t play ball. Ideally, Adam shouldn’t be angry. He should be smug. And wouldn’t that make you, the viewer, hate him more than Adam just yelling about the Belladonna name? The one guy to walk out of Beacon better off than when he walked in being inconsolably smug about the events, that would make anyone loathe him. 
But instead, he’s lost it. 
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So yeah, let’s stop beating around the bush, Adam’s character does a nearly complete 180 in terms of his depiction personality wise (not to mention fighting wise) and it’s a character shift that doesn’t make much sense in the grand scheme of things. That much is obvious, Adam’s downfall was one of the more criticized moments in Volume 5′s... eh, let’s call them contentious... batch of finale episodes. Adam takes a nosedive in intelligence and falls for the same trick Blake played on him at Beacon with her shadowclone (nevermind that Adam and Blake worked together for years so that trick shouldn’t work once let alone twice)
So why did Adam suffer the cruelest fate of all, in character derailment? Why did he specifically go from his A-game to a joke in just one season?
Well, this is just theorycrafting, and I might make a full post about this one day, but I believe it’s because The Battle of Haven was rushed to fit in Volume 5 due to Miles and Kerry over-reacting to the backlash from Volume 4. 
Adam’s character derailment is actually part of the theory. I believe in the original draft for Volume 5 (which we know got a heavy rewrite close to the end of the production cycle) that the Battle of Haven was never going to be part of the volume, and that instead Volume 5 would focus on getting the pieces set up for the battle over Haven. We’d get moments like JNR meeting Pyrrha’s parents, Yang dealing with being a pariah since people still thought she maimed Mercury, and most importantly, Blake getting over Adam.
Outside of her scene with Sun where she personifies him as wrath, Blake never mentions Adam in Volume 5 while she’s in Menagerie. She never has a scene where she acknowledges that Adam essentially groomed her to be his lover or that he abused her. Think of how powerful it would be to see her not so much getting over Adam, as learning to swallow her fear so she could face him head-on next time they met (also it would give Kali something to do outside of  smashing Lanipator’s face in with a tray). Hell, think of what a great scene it would be between Blake and Ilia where Ilia learns just how depraved Adam truly is.  
But instead, Blake never acknowledges Adam. When they meet in Haven, she’s just over him, because “I have better things to do.” She’s content to just let Adam run away after lightly smacking him upside the head. Villain exit stage left, audience is too busy applauding Miles and Kerry for letting Blake just noclip through an entire character arc like a speedrunner. 
There’s a great post by @y8ay8a about how Adam’s downfall feels cheap because it feels like Miles and Kerry engaging in self-gratification at the cost of the story at large. Adam as a consequence of this rush to write a “Fuck Adam Taurus” moment has been weakened. He’s not a scary threat anymore, he’s not someone whose presence inspires dread like the old Adam was. And I feel like Adam can’t really be saved. Letting Blake beat him so thoroughly, and having Adam leave Haven by running with his tail between his legs has neutered him, and now I feel like the Yang and Adam rematch won’t have the impact, that moment of visceral satisfaction that it would have had Adam not even been at Haven. For the sake of a cheap “hell yeah!” moment that Blake never earned beyond “the plot says so,” Miles and Kerry have made Adam Taurus almost a caricature, a yandere that isn’t even good at being that. And that saddens me, Adam had so much potential as a villain that I don’t really get with the rest of WTCH or even Salem. He had presence, a personal connection with our heroes, and had the strength to back up his claims and be a genuinely scary threat- moreso than Hazel “How many children must die as I crush a child’s skull” Reinart. And now with Volume 5... he has a zipper. Was it worth it, Miles and Kerry? Was it worth ruining Adam’s potential so he could get some zippers like he’s guesting in Kingdom Hearts? 
Could Adam pull himself back from the brink? Maybe, but at this point Volume 5 would remain a black spot on Adam’s track record, one that his fans would never let him live down.
To close this post with an analogy, Blake beating Adam now is like eating candy every day. You get the sugar rush but it becomes predictable after enough time. But if you go a few days without indulging, earn it by hitting the gym and shaving off the pounds, when you finally treat yourself it feels all the better than just having it right there. 
Thank you for reading. 
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rinrinp42 · 6 years
saunters-vaguely-downwards replied to your post:
I’m a bit bored tonight, so how about people send...
How about The Crow and Naruto? For funsies :P
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You know my weakness for The Crow!  Ugh.  Because it is The Crow I’m sticking all of this under a read more.  Folks who are unaware of what The Crow is, movie franchise about people who are murdered violently (or in one case executed unjustly) usually with a loved one also murdered, usually with other horrible things happening just before, who are then brought back x year(s) later to get Vengence through a divine(?) Crow and bring some closure to loved ones left behind usually (as far as I can remember, one in each movie)
Okay, so I’ve got two ideas right off the bat.
One: Rin comes back.  She had a horrible violent death proceeded by a worse time in captivity of her enemies, she definitely qualifies.  I mean, really. (even under a read more, I’m going to talk around....that ).  I mean, they were already doing something terrible to her, I’m not going to rule out any other way of invading her body and torchuring her tbh.  Dark stuff, but that’s The Crow for you.  So then she comes back.  Several years later, idk, the timeline doesn’t make sense when you’re looking at it let alone when you want to focus on other things.
Rin comes back, goes and hunts down every last Kiri motherfucker who had a part in her death and destroys them.  Or at least the ones that she can get to easily enough.  Because even as she’s getting her Vengeance, Crows also bring a measure of peace/closure to a loved one left behind (the first had the little girl that he and his fiance all but adopted), so she knows she needs to get to Kakashi and help him.
Which leads to her going to Konoha, being bamf and showing that she’s herself.  And then she ignores Sarutobi to adopt Naruto and force Kakashi to help raise the little tyke with her.  So Kakashi is taken care of, but she still has Vengeance to get to.
Which means that she’s going to go all detective and figure out that Madara is kinda sort of still around, plus Zetsu.  Probably kicks Obito’s ass (not that he’d try to hard to stop her lbr) and derails the whole.... Moon Eye Plan/Kaguya.  Because she’s a Crow and they’re basically Immortal unless their crow is killed.  And I can do what I want.
The other idea is to use Tomoe Senju (aka my version of Mama Senju), who’s sent by her husband to a meeting with the Uchiha to try to make peace after he takes over but his father is still around.  Except, uh, lets call him Enji, has decided “nope, gotta keep killing all those Uchiha, I don’t care what my kid says” and sets up an ambush - complete with working with some same-minded Uchiha.  They paralyze Tomoe, kill/mutilate the Uchiha (with one to get away to “report” the betrayal), and then Enji talks about how he’s always wondered how a “savage” like Tomoe could have tricked his son into marrying her.  Probably goes on about how he’s going to enjoy finding out, etc etc.
So Tomoe is dead, both sides think the other are horrible betrayers fighting happens. And then Tomoe claws her way back to life as a Crow just in time to save one of her sons.  She is dazed, and is dragged home by, hm, Kawarama who doesn’t realize that she’s his mom.
Butsuma is overjoyed.  He buried his wife, and yet here she is!
And then either Enji or one of his lackeys shows up and she sees them.  Que Vengeance.  And through her Vengeance, the Senju and Uchiha end up making peace, because Tomoe literally died for a chance at peace and then came back, what the FUCK will she do if they keep fighting?!
Of course I can’t be too nice in all this.  Tobirama would totally help his mom, because he never thought that his grandpa could be so evil and therefore made the same logical conclusion Butsuma did that the Uchiha killed her.  He doesn’t like being wrong.  During the eleventh hour of Vengeance as it were, he gets captured by one of the lackeys (Enji is so so dead at this point.  Maybe.) and gets torchured to try to figure out wtf Tomoe?  Which leads to his face marks being scars, mmkay?
Maybe at the same time some Uchiha was captured so Tobirama also endears himself to the Uchiha Clan by doing what he can to protect/comfort one of their own.
Probably instead of ending after Vengeance is had, extend to a happy time of Kensuke taking Tobirama on as a student and the slow slow courtship of MadaTobi.
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juushika · 7 years
Homestuck liveblog part 2: early Terezi, Dave/Dave OTP, narrative techniques; interspersed by quoting everything Karkat says
me: did i say i was vriska i mean i am she is really obsessed with blackrom and same uh vriska a troll in homestuck blackrom = antagonistic intimate relationships
Missy: yes you are
me: but really i am terezi
Missy: i has no idea who this is i am a potato
me: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003479
terezi is like hannibal-esque curiosity i wanna see what happens if I: help! make a murder! i’m flexible really!! she’s just the right balance of creative & engaged vs distanced & curious
Missy: …. you scare me
me: THIS is what scares you about me
me: oh fffff i forgot about tavros’s …quadrant…ing (I can’t find the first reference of this in the 2mins I am willing to spend looking, srry) this reread is like 50% super familiar and 50% i FORGOTTED ABOUT THE FEELS the cast is so big and confusing and the troll’s interpersonal quadrants is complex but also ESSENTIAL like the true “let me tell you about homestuck” is “let me explain quadrants and tell you why SAME BRO SAME” tavros is such a small pure child
me: i am so glad that rose/kanaya is literal canon b/c they are my faves john & karkat’s relationship is so good i just love the narrative longcuts/shortcuts/loop de loops that homestuck achieves?
EB: well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific. EB: it was because shut up. EB: shut up is why. 
we are all john)
it’s just such a BRAVE narrative in some ways–not really the use of second person, which is 50% gimmick and 50% narrative technique, when it’s done well that’s neato but mostly it’s stylistic but the use of time-travel to just leap the narrative ahead of itself, to insert foreshadowing/stakes from fucking NOWHERE and the fact that Hussie kept it all in his head and it makes a cogent whole: really smart, really effective progression/pacing
me: DAVESPRITE I COMPLETELY FUCKING FORGOT jesus like hussie has absolutely said dave has his typing quirks/voice/is basically him and so the hard-on that hussie has for dave and the FACT THAT DAVE’s entire narrative is time-travel/interactions with self is a thing worth commenting on (dave/dave otp)
me: am reading the homestuck year one review if you ever wanted to know what i meant about self-referential/time travel as plot progression STUFF then it’s a really good…. indication http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003574 …..which i think is comprehensible without context. maybe not that you should actually read it, i just seeing it in paragraphs is An Experience
Missy: why... does he have an icky big enter keyboard with such sad keycaps?
me: this was posted in 2010 so maybe he hadn’t learned to be cool yet
[and what followed was a 15min derail about vintage PC keyboards I swear2god]
me: HI SOLLUX LONG TIME NO SEE we’re meeting the rest of the trolls now!!! sollux is also when the typing quirks start getting ridiculous so there will be less copy/paste because you will be like "why am i trying to read this, why are you pestering me” (ahahaha this was a lie) http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003615
TA: iif you cant fiigure 2hiit out by fuckiing around you dont belong near computer2. 
me: this is it this is when dave comes together for me there’s a major time back-skip he does half an act ago which is the sort of establishing moment of “dave, knight of time, breaking narrative convention/building narrative shortcut/also functioning as foreshadowing and user guide” and then his sprite prototypes off him, which is a sort of “a dave, in conversations with himself” http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003763 but its the first sighting of a dave corpse that sort of clarifies what the looping is for him, and how he … does … time/identity/mortality
(an aside: …..i didn’t catch before that the second (….second by series chronology not internal…. chronology b/c internal chronology is complicated) generation was actually created first????? a discovery oh wait nvm its the guardians (ty for clarifying that thing about which i have no context; yw!) ooooh my confusion is jake (second gen) is cloned from grandpa (zero gen) which is why they look the fuck identical)
GC: D4V3 WH4TS 1T SM3LL L1K3 TG: what GC: YOUR BLOOD TG: fuck off GC: D4V3 GC: G1V3 1T 4 L1TTL3 T4ST3 FOR M3 GC: T3LL M3 WH4T HUM4N BLOOD T4ST3S L1K3 GC: 1V3 B33N SO CUR1OUS >:]
it’s me i’m terezi
TG: how do you use a computer and know whats going on it doesnt make sense TG: my face doesnt make sense GC: D4V3 YOUR *F4C3* DO3SNT M4K3 …… GC: D4MM1T GC: 1 KNOW 3V3RYTH1NG TH4TS GO1NG TO H4PP3N TO YOU GC: 1 C4N T3LL YOU B3FOR3 1T H4PP3NS GC: SO YOU C4N B3 R34DY GC: 4ND NOT H4V3 TO GO B4CK 1N T1M3 4ND G3T K1LL3D 4LL TH3 T1M3 GC: 4ND ST4ND ON 4 TO1L3T LOOK1NG 4T YOUR OWN BLOOD FOR T3N M1NUT3S 
what i love about terezi is like the mix of practicality, curiosity, get shit done but with the true motivation of “what if” and the surprising interpersonal insight which arises from that same curiosity like from the narrative pov, we saw dave find his body and dump his body, then cut away, and then he just had bloody hands but it’s terezi who noticed, and tells us via this conversation, that dave was having A Think about those bloody hands b/c they’re an accidental contemplation of time and morality dave would never bring that up b/c of the facade of cool, narrative can’t easily show us and it’s not action-based really, but terezi introduces it b/c terezi cares b/c terezi cares about people in the “what do they do??? when exposed to this stimuli??” sense not in the, caring about, their welfare, thing not that part
Missy: i read your whole homestuck thing i understood maybe 20% of it without context i think this is decent
me: considering i understood about 80% of it yeah i’d say so that’s why the year 1 wrap up was so nice i am not a good visual learner so some of the flash anims go over my head and the plot is a clusterfuck so it’s easy to feel wtf even when you’re the active reader
me: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003927
me: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003961
200% sure I c/ped that last time I read this But I regret nothing
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chaiteakusuri · 8 years
It’s about Valen-time
(Obligatory Valentine’s day post. Where I live it’s only 11:40pm, so it’s still a Valentine’s day post!)
Ivan sat in his cubicle, enjoying the vestiges of his remaining lunch break for the day. Even though it was the day before Valentine's day, Ivan was still in high spirits. Although he personally was very alone and never had anyone to spend the approaching holiday with, Ivan still found ways to enjoy himself. He was especially ready for “Discount Chocolate Day”, the day immediately after Valentine’s day. Also, he liked all of the cute decorations and bright colors that came with the holiday around his normally drab workplace, so he simply came to terms with being alone.
Valentine's landed near the beginning of the workweek this year and (the only reason being that his boss was a hopeless, gushing romantic) everyone was given the 14th of February off. Because of this, that meant that everyone was doing the typical workplace ‘celebrating’ this Monday.
           Upon giving the workspace a quick look over, Ivan noticed at least three bouquets of flowers displayed around on various desks of his coworkers. There were an assortment of decorations about the office and even balloons; if Ivan didn’t know how eccentrically attached his boss was to Valentine's day, he might have been weirded out by the amount of dedication put into the decorations for such an unimportant holiday (Lord save him if his boss heard him say it was an unimportant holiday, however).            Ivan looked over his shoulder and to the right to where his chatty workplace friend’s cubicle was and was surprised to see that his cubicle had a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates on them, too. “Does Alfred have a date for Valentine's?” Ivan thought to himself while looking over the heart shaped box of chocolates that laid of his coworker’s desk. Ivan’s eyes shifted to the beautiful bouquet of sunflowers placed neatly beside the chocolates and thought for a long moment. Perhaps Alfred did have a Valentine's date this year? Lucas, in fact had said to Alfred that Alfred was going to go on a date with his hand this Valentine's day? Ivan thought again for a moment longer, attempting to mull over the phrase before admitting defeat; American’s have weird ways of saying things almost everything. Ivan turned to his office computer and began typing: “What does it meant to have a date with your hand” before abruptly stopping himself as his noticed someone walking in his direction and closed the window he had open, telling himself that if he remembered, he would have to look it up when he got home.
           When the coworker passed, offering a greeting, Ivan was surprised to see another of his coworkers, Lucas, emerge from the break room; not surprised by Lucas himself, but by the lavish bouquet of flowers and chocolate box that the man was toting. They were both so luxurious and expensive looking that Ivan couldn't help but stare; if Lucas was trying to leave a lasting impression on his Valentine, it would work, Ivan was sure. The box of chocolates was easily larger than the man’s face and the bouquet of flowers was only just small enough for Lucas to be able to hold the bouquet in one hand. It must have cost him at least 50 dollars Ivan mused.
           “Hey Ivaaaan.” Lucas said in a sing song voice as he approached, causing the Russian to quickly snap his gaze from presents to the man’s face.            “Uh... yes?” Ivan wondered
“I have something really really important to ask you on his special day, Mr. Braginskiiii~.” Lucas hummed, waving the bouquet of flowers gently with assumed purpose.
“Ask me...?” Ivan wondered aloud. He scanned the America’s face for any hint of what the question was before his eyes went wide. Was Lucas... was Lucas going to ask Ivan to be his Valentine?
           Ivan felt his heart stop in his chest; never in his whole life had anything even remotely similar to this happened to him. These gifts were for him? Someone was confessing to him the day before the most romantic holiday of the year? He felt his face preemptively begin to flush because of the sudden onslaught of lovey-dovey thoughts his brain was suddenly supplying to him all while ridiculously bubbly feelings welled up in the Russian’s chest. Now he would have someone to spend holidays with? He would have someone to do things with? Hold hands? Go on dates? Ivan felt as if he was going to cry he was so happy.
           By the time that Lucas had made it to Ivan’s desk, the Russian’s mouth had already dried itself to desert conditions and Ivan could hardly string a logical thought together in Russian let alone a logical sentence in English. Up close the flowers and candies looked even more extravagant than they had before and these were for him?
“Ivan,” The Russian heard Lucas begin, making the man snap his attentions back to the man’s face. Lucas gave him a smile once he had Ivan’s undivided attention, “Ivan will you beeeee--” Lucas added, seemingly with deliberate slowness to his question, but Ivan already knew the question and was more than happy to begin developing a reply.            “Yes please...” Ivan had began to form with his lips while slowly outstretching hands to hold the first romantically involved Valentine's day gift that he would ever receive.
“--So kind as to give these to you older sister?” Lucas asked, his grin never falling from his face. “See, I wanted to give these to her but she’s feeling sick today ain’t she?” he asked despite knowing the answer, taking Ivan’s outstretched hands as an invitation to plant the gifts into the Russian’s grasp.
Ivan let out a quiet gasp, jarred by the sudden derailing of what he thought was going to be one of the best moments of his life. Ivan was so jarred, in fact, that he missed the devilish smirk that played across Lucas’s lips upon noticing the Russian’s shocked state. “My... my sister?” Ivan muttered, barely audible, “These are...for my sister?”
Lucas let out a laugh, “What, did you think that they were for you?” Lucas let out another laugh, as if it was the most ludicrous idea that he’d ever heard.
Ivan’s breath caught in his throat, “I...” he began “Of.. of course they are for my sister...” he practically whispered. Ivan felt his heart sink in his chest and his cheeks blazed with mortified embarrassment. “...Because who else would they be for?” The crestfallen Russian asked, looking at the gifts with increasing scorn. Ivan stared at the flowers, wondering why on Earth he had gotten his hopes up so high in the first place. What was this? A Romance novel? People just don’t suddenly ask you out in such a sappy way.            How could he have even thought for a moment that these were going to be for him? Ivan knew no one thought that he was charming or entertaining; just hours ago Ivan had reminded himself that he was probably going to be alone for the rest of his life and what was the first thing he did when he saw that someone might love him? He fell head over heels almost instantly at the mere prospect of having someone that loves him. And what did that get him? It got him holding onto someone else’s gifts. Ivan felt like he was going to cry for an all too different reason.
While Ivan continued to berate himself, he neglected to hear the sudden, rushed stomping of footsteps nearing his cubicle. Ivan was only brought out of his spree of self deprecation when he heard he someone shout from right in front of him.
“Whaddaya think you’re doing, Lucas?!” Ivan heard Alfred yell. Ivan brought his eyes up from the chocolates and saw the American shove Lucas aggressively. Lucas began making a retort, but Alfred cut him off once he’d heard enough. “Don’t give me that crap, Lucas! I heard you say to your stupid buddies: ‘hey watch me go mess with the Russian guy’!” Alfred  pushed Lucas again, harder, “Fuck off, Lucas!”
Lucas sputtered, shocked at having obviously been caught by the other. But, despite the evidence that Alfred was holding against him, Lucas persisted in trying to maintain his innocence, claiming that he really had given them to him to give to his sister because they live together. This, however, was much to the extreme distaste of the blonde before him.
“You were clearly teasing and making from of him! His sister’d never even look at ya if she knew you were bullying him and trust me I would make it quite vocal.” Alfred scolded then huffed and continued as Lucas had nothing to say in response “What? Do I gotta put into poem format for you to get it on this Valentine's day holiday? Well, here ya go!” Alfred huffed angrily, before continuing.            “Ya got roses of red ‘n chocolates ta chew
The sugar is sweet, but definitely not you.
Your chocolate’s disgusting and your roses look dead.
The sugar bowl’s empty and so is your head!”
By the end of Alfred’s impromptu slam poem, the American was glaring daggers at the belligerent Lucas. Ivan looked up at the blonde American; he’d never seen him this angry before.
           “Get!” Alfred shouted after having scooped the flowers and chocolates from Ivan’s hand and shoving them into Lucas’s grasp once more, “And take you shitty gift with you!”
           Upon this, Lucas let out a hostile grunt, glared between the two of them, turned on his heel and stomped down the hall. Alfred nodded, assuring that justice had prevailed before turning towards the bullied Russian and adopting a frown.
           “Hey, man you okay?” he asked gently, looking over the poor man.
           Ivan blinked and looked to the blonde before him, “A-Ah, yes.” he replied, nodding quickly. Alfred smiled softly at him and was surprised to see that Ivan was returning his smile with a small one of his own. “Nice...” Ivan chortles softly “Nice poem you made up there.” he said softly.
           “Hah, you think? That was an Alfred Jones original!” Alfred boasted, eliciting a soft chuckle from the Russian which bolstered the American’s confidence.
           “Thank you for coming...” Ivan murmured, looking down at his lap from the American. After a moment of not getting a reply from the other, Ivan began voicing his thanks again, but was stunned into a silence when he looked up and practically got a faceful of sunflowers.
           Alfred gasped, “Oh gosh, sorry!” Alfred apologized quickly, moving the bouquet out of the Russian’s face, giving the stunned man a sheepish smile and quickly moved along as if the incident hadn’t happened. “Heeere I am!” He said, giving Ivan a huge grin and gestured with the bouquet of sunflowers and box of chocolates “Now, what are your other two wishes?” He asked, his grin only growing wider by the second.
           Ivan looked at the other for a long, confused moment before bursting into a quiet giggle, “You’re a genie?”
           “Yep!” Alfred said quickly, “Here to... uh here..” Alfred looked down, his face scrunching up momentarily; it wasn’t very hard for Ivan to put together that Alfred had planned this out and was, currently, forgetting his ‘lines’. “Aaaw shoot,” Alfred said, looking up and giving Ivan an embarrassed smile, “I, I had this planned out better this mornin’.” Alfred sighed.
           Ivan smiled softly, “Those... those are for me? This isn’t some mean.. joke?” he asked, worry lacing his voice.
           Alfred blinked “No! They’re totally for you! See see see?” Alfred asked, shifting his grasp on the gifts and displaying a tag with Ivan’s name on it “Totally for you!” he added, giving a shining smile to the Russian. “I’ve been wanting to ask you out for sooooo crazy long!” Alfred began exasperatedly, “I seriously thought that you sister was your girlfriend so I was super sad that I couldn’t ask you out so I was really really excited when I found out that they was actually your sister so then I figured that I could ask you out and I thought of all that stuff and I reckoned that Valentine's day would be the easiest day to ask you out and-- Oh no, what’s wrong?” Alfred asked worriedly, cutting off his long run-on sentence as he noticed that tears were running down the Russian’s face.
           “N-No one has ever liked me before.” He whispered, wiping quickly at his eyes. “Y-You really are magic.” he blubbered slightly. At this, Alfred pulled him into a hug, the petals of the flowers brushing against Ivan’s neck.
           “Heey well I’ll like you every single day.” The blonde promised, squeezing the Russian in the continuing hug, “Soooo will you be my Valentine, Ivan? Iiiii got lots of more stuff planned.”
           “Y-Yes.” Ivan said immediately while wiping at his eyes as they ended their embrace.
“Oh yeah? That’s good. Cuz you know what’s on the menu for tomorrow? Me-‘n-u.” Alfred said, tapping his own chest before poking Ivan in the shoulder, eliciting another laugh from the Russian. “Mmm, you like those one liners?” Alfred hummed in amusement, “I gotta million of ‘em!” He announced, watching fondly as Ivan cradled the bouquet of flowers in his arms. “So I’ll pick you up tomorrow night, mmk?” He asked, “We’ll have a great time!” Alfred chirped, placing his hands triumphantly on his hips. Ivan nodded, anticipating the date he had with excitement he hadn’t felt in a long time.
The evening of their date came in the blink of an eye and their date seemed to fly by even faster. They stood at the doorstep to Ivan’s apartment, after Alfred had insisted on walking him home
“This was really great!” Alfred sand happily, “But, I have this problem with forgetting super awesome things real quick, soooo we gotta do this again real soon so I remember how great it was!” He added with a flourish, obviously proud of himself.
Ivan chuckled, shaking his head, “It’s been one after the other with those one liners all night, Alfred.”
“Cuz you love ‘em!” Alfred chimed happily, rocking on his heels, swinging their intertwined hands together. “And you know what else I love?” Alfred continued while Ivan shook his head
“You~.” He said, causing a blush to erupt on the other man’s face.
“I-I,” Ivan sputtered. “Y-y-you’re, you’re a silly American.” he said, removing his hand from Alfred’s to open the door to his apartment.
Alfred hummed in amusement “Ooh okay; so that’s how you say I love you in Russian?” Alfred grinned and Ivan blushed darker.
“Y-You’re a silly American.” Ivan repeated after swooping in quick to peck Alfred on the lips and moved quickly into the safety of his apartment before closing the door, leaving the blonde to stand stunned and delighted at Ivan’s doorstep.
“I love you toooooo!” Alfred sang to Ivan through the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He added happily.
Ivan leaned against the front door on the inside of his apartment, face scalding red and hand clenched over his rapidly hammering heart. “I love you too,” Ivan whispered softly, a wide smile growing and spreading along his face, “I love you too.”
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