#i love it here but also i will never seriously reccomend this place for anyone. lmao
haemosexuality · 10 months
Why do you personally want people to visit Brazil ? If someone was going to Brazil for the first time, where should they go?
oh i just say that bc of the meme akabdkshdks also i havent traveled much so i could only reccomend places on the capital of rio ig but like, Do Not go there you will get robbed
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edit heres my recommendations
-dont come to rio. ive been outside of rio likw twice so idk what else is there but dont come here
-dont go to sao paulo (the city, idk what the rest of the state is like) either
-if one does want to come to rio tho go climb a mountain im not joking. its so pretty up there
-ive never been but my parents have and apparently foz do iguaçu is really pretty and nice so theres that
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borathae · 2 years
Hi sibi first off this is the greatest blog ever you got me hooked on this app
My first read was "pegged" and now I cant stop
Also I don't know if this is too much but I'm looking for sincere advice and I saw that you're a demnnisexual just like me and thought you seem to know so much about about intimacy
Ok so I've never ever been in a serious relationship like I'm turning 26 soon and all my twenties I didnt take guys seriously because I was hyper focused on my education and kinda like never entertained empty flings but I had casual boyfriends and failed talking stages and never have I been fully intimate with anyone like I fooled around but never had full blown sex and lately I feel like I regret it because all my friends are comfortable expressing their sexuality and I'm just an awkward blob and it's not cute anymore at 26 to be so hyper independent and have never fallen in love or been intimate and I feel like the more I wait for that special connection the more I'll become like undesirable like I even considered just losing my virginity to stranger on tinder just to get on with it... like it's what the dating game is about where I live at least (huge metropolitan city)
But I know for a fact, due to past trauma that if I have casual sex with someone it will mess me up... like I talked about this with my sister I remember my first boyfriend at 17 was sooooo pushy about so many things and didnt consider consent like it was foreign to me and I think that added more but like sibi I'm so touch deprived its incredible I cry sometimes at night because I wanna belong to someone and share an awesome thing like sex with them but somehow I feel like it's not in the books for me...
Like should I just loosen up and just be more spontaneous maybe something good will come out of it if I hook up with a guy or just stick to what's comfortable
I fear that this blockage of physical expression will defer guys away from me and even good guys sometimes find me confusing because I flirt so straight fowardly but then when it's the first physical touch my body is just panicking my sister says its stored trauma but I honestly dkkk
I cried so much when jakay said he deserves to find an epic love because that's what I want for myself but it's hard I've worked on myself for aaaaaaall my twenties, got the ivy league degree, finally found how to cope with my chronic ilness and travelled to the wildest places, made awesome friends from all over and did the coolest shit and yet something as simple as sex seems like a mountain to me...
I'm so sorry to dump this on you but I just read jaykays part and it made me wanna ask you about your experience in demisexuality, does it feel crazy and lonely at times? ... my friends are either girl loosen up it's not that Deep or just wait for marriage (which Is hell no to me for marriage as a whole)
the aaol story is making me revisit some terrible versions of the past I just had to come and write this I'm sorry if its too much for you you can consider that ths is just a post to reccomend how touching and deep your stories can go and take the compliment and not answer the rest
But yeah
Have a lovely day from the bottom of my heart
First of all, thank you so much!! I'm so happy that you enjoy my lil stories so much! Truly it means the world to me 💜
And second of all, I am not the greatest in giving advice as I am often overwhelmed by things easily in my own life so I often don't know what to tell other people as I seriously sometimes have no idea what a person should do in certain situations fadsfah but I am trying to do my best here.
Ok so I've never ever been in a serious relationship like I'm turning 26 soon and all my twenties I didnt take guys seriously because I was hyper focused on my education and kinda like never entertained empty flings
First of all. This is perfectly normal! I also haven't had a proper relationship in years, nor proper sex. And I know many of my friends, who are all in either our age group or a little older, who didn't have both or one of those things either!! You are not alone and it is more common then you think!
it's not cute anymore at 26 to be so hyper independent and have never fallen in love or been intimate and I feel like the more I wait for that special connection the more I'll become like undesirable
It doesn't make you undesirable and if a person makes you feel like you should be then they are an asshole and should not be in your life. Also again, it is more normal than you think to not have been in love with 26! 26 is so, so young still!
I even considered just losing my virginity to stranger on tinder just to get on with it
No. Just no. Don't do that. Seriously don't.
Like should I just loosen up and just be more spontaneous maybe something good will come out of it if I hook up with a guy or just stick to what's comfortable
Again. No. Don't do it. It's going to end in you being even more scared of sex or worse in traumatising you. While I think that it is great if you want to try going out of your comfort zone, sex should not be included in that. Sex is something deeply emotional and personal and you should not force yourself to "go through with it" just to fit into some fucked-up, oldschool social standard. Please stay comfortable my love, you deserve to be comfortable!
I fear that this blockage of physical expression will defer guys away from me and even good guys sometimes find me confusing because I flirt so straight fowardly but then when it's the first physical touch my body is just panicking my sister says its stored trauma but I honestly dkkk
If a guy gets upset in any kind of way at you wanting to take the topic of sex slower then he is a cunt and should not be in your life. The good guys, the right guy, will be patient and will wait for you until you feel ready. You wouldn't pressure a man into sleeping with you either, would you? So expect the same for the man.
I wanna ask you about your experience in demisexuality, does it feel crazy and lonely at times?
No it doesn't and you should stop seeing demisexuality as a burden. Demisexuality is a sexuality like any other sexuality and you shouldn't think that something is "wrong" with you because of it. Like you don't see a heterosexual person going around saying "mhhm something's wrong me" you know? 💀😂 So don't do that to yourself either!
You need an emotional connection for sex. So what? You want emotional stability for sex. Yeah and? You don't like one night stands and hook ups because they scare you. Yeah, have a problem with that? Just the thought of doing it with someone who doesn't even truly know you or you don't know them gives you the ick. Yeah it does, so what about it?
Demisexuality is not wrong. It's not a burden. And it's not something you should be ashamed of. It's literally just how you enjoy sex and sexual intimacy, nothing more and nothing less.
I hope this could help you in any kind of way! If I sounded harsh, it wasn't intented to sound harsh afdshf and I love you lots and lots and wish you all the best 💜
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yioh · 3 years
2020 follow forever :^)
hello it is, but i, ur local frog, yura, i really realllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy wanted to make some kind of post to appreciate everyone on here because , fr, you guys have been such a large part of my life recently and i can not thank you enough... every single person i have interacted with on here has been so wonderful and it’s been such a pleasure to talk with you guys<3
also extremely extremely extremely sorry if i forget anyone, i really really do love every single person i interact with!! this is my first time doing something like this also this is probably filled with typos but im too impatient and lazy to read what i wrote, im so sorry if its weird or something aaaaaaaaaaaa jhdsgjhd
without further ado lets goooooo losers😎
@honeyedmilks sof u are one of the softest people i know, we didn’t get to talk that much this year but i love ur presence in general and it makes me :D when u pop up on my dash/notes hehe, i can’t express just how much i adore ur writing, the vibes and settings and the way u write in general is so my thing and !!!!!!!! <3 
@asianmelodrama faizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa u are mine and a lot of other people’s sunshine on this hellsite !!!! ur blog is so feel good and pretty and relaxing and i love all ur thoughts and ur gifs are soooooooooo pretty and ur so cool !!!!!!!! thank u for being so kind and creative and wonderful and for creating a place so safe and lovely i love u i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
@muscosus robin robin robin robin ILUSM !!!!!!! ur so fun to talk to and i find it so amusing that we met each other via druck but then consequently found all our interests colliding and we were literally *shook pikachu* kdhigjdghkjf also whenever u tag me in whale stuff it warms my heart so much and i treasure our friendship so so much !!!
@lesbiangoths OLIVIA why are u so adorable :( everytime u send me an ask im :) ur so creative and talented and ur crocheting stuff looks so COOL !!!!! also ur vibe is just immaculate in general and talking with u is so easy, never change ilu bro
@illiterateopossum ELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur DEFINATELY one of the people on here that are MOST special to me, all our conversations are so freaking fun and man, u just get me .... and watching u get into all the dramas and anime i reccomend ??? it makes my heart doki doki hiagsjhjh thank u for always looking out for me and sending me the most loveliest messages, im really really bad with words and i am SHITE with keeping up with messaging but i seriously treasure our friendship so so much, i only hope for good things to happen to you next year and all the years after that, you’re such a kind wonderful person and !!!!!!!!!!!! i love u sm :(
@beesnutz KJDFKHIJFHKD GUSTE i wanna be emotional this one time and tell u that ur seriously such a fun person and the way my brain goes on overdrive from creativity when i talk to you is . insane. i want to bonk ur head with as much cereal as i can, never forget that you will always be the dumb sidekick to me, the superior villain and i WILL lead the way to world domination one day. sometimes i feel like u aren’t even real, you could be an anime character and i wouldn’t even bat an eyelash . ilu <3
@rosa-leche kana kana KANA :^) how are u so ???? sweet ???? adorable ???? wonderful ????? i already had so much fun interacting with you, all ur thoughts and messages are always so sweet and u make me smile SO much, and after the secret santa i feel like we have so much in common !!!!!!!!! do tell me if u ever watch bloom into you hehe, keep being the angel u are, ilusm !
@petekaos RAHUL !!!!!!!!!!!!! meeting u this summer feels like so long ago somehow, you sir!!! are one TALENTED person . it really really amazes me with how much passion you get into things and how much love and adoration you put into the things you create, its so so special .... anytime i see u vibing on my dash it fills me with so much joy, keep doing u bro !!!!
@toptaps zeeeeeeeeeeey you are so lovely :) you’re so gentle and soft and i adore talking with u about nanamin, also u are so cool and i was rly rly happy when u followed me lol, lowkey i admired u from afar jdhjkhdijd i love uuuuuuu
@fushiguroo MY LIL OREO CUTIE PATOOTIE oFC i still remember the first ask u sent me, i was so taken aback and honoured :( and the more and more i talked with you and saw you on my dash i was so happy, you have such good taste and you’re so so cute, take care of urself and stay the precious bean u are ok? 
@morksuns sumaya sumaya sumayaaaaaaaaaaaa everytime you interact with me im :D i love all our little convos and ur vibe in general is so peaceful and relaxing, im glad i got to meet you:’) here’s to another year and many more after that, that are filled with only good dramas !!!
@gayvlad NICO (nico niiiiiiiiiiiiii ) YOU DESERVE THE W O R L D. i dont know why but as soon as i had like one convo with u that one time i thought u were such a chill cool person :( im so happy that i get to be friends with you, all ur gifs are so pretty !!!!!!!! ur such a kind person and ur blog is such a warm nice place to be. :) 
@cupidhashorns   peach ........... PEACH !!!!!!!!!! you might be one of the nicest people in the WORLD , whenever u like my posts, regardless of whether u know what im on about lmao, i feel so seen... its just so nice to know that Someone i listening to the shit you throw into the void on this site lmao, i adore all ur asks and i truly truly appreicate all your messages so much. thank you for finding my blog interesting at all man, i cant tell you enough how happy you make me :)
@guihan arloooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY CAT FRIEND . THE AMOUNT OF SEROTONIN YOU HAVE GIVEN ME IS IMMEASURABLE your cats ................... are so cute .............. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so glad i got into tsomd and got to meet you , whenever u tag me in things im !!!!!!!!! also im defo gonna read  twwtadsl sometime ksdjkdhjksd you make it sound so good aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@otterplush rey many people have probably already told you this but you are someone so ...... so spectacular and special and incredible and amazing ............  so much of your words has given me SO MUCH comfort in the short time i had known you, seriously. i seem to always stumble on your blog whenever im most hurt and your words have really had an impact on me in the best way possible and i love u so so so so much. i only wish for good things to happen for you and i want to be there for you in a way you are for everyone else !!! you are so warm and kind an generous, everything about your vibe feels so soft... also i always wanna rb everything you rb ndjbshs ur blog is so pretty :( 
@aheartandashirt nisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA MY KSH THIRST BUDDY KDHJKHDKJHDF fr ive had some of the BEST convos with you, ur taste in dramas is !!!!!!!!!!immaculate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so so so  fun talking with you and everything you gif looks so nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for being such a lovely friend to me, you’re so easy to talk with and so friendly and nice and <3 *pat pat pat* 
@tetsuos dawn dawn !!!! you are !!!!!!!!!! such a talented person !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love ur little corner on the web, its so nice to read all ur thoughts about the dramas you’re watching, all your thoughts are so well thought out and interesting to read and, in general, i adore seeing you do ur thing :) *hug hug * 
@heartsofsunlight angel ! your drawings are so beautiful !! you are such a beautiful person in general ! whenever u drop by it makes me so happy, its been so lovely getting to know you, thank you so much for talking to me :) i love uuuuuuu
@metawin jay jay jay !!!!!!!!!!!! for some reason whenever i see u im overcome with so much love !!! everything you make is so beautiful and u are defo one of the most elite people here hehe, also ur cats are ........ so adorable ............ 
@metawwin aliiiiiiiiiiiii, its been such a pleasure seeing you on here !! ur so soooooo kind and whenever u sent me those adorable asks it made me so happy, you’re like a little happiness fairy, you eminate so much joy and positivity !! also ur singing ... immaculate 
@87s min min !!!! u are soooooooooooo adorable, i think ive said this before but u seriously give me little sibling vibes lol, its so fun talking to you, and im so happy that you first popped up to me !!!!!!!!!!! iluuuuuuuu
@joblessquinoa JQ :^)    i always associate you with my engineer haha, and that was so long ago !!!!! ur so fun to talk to, and i adore seeing u rb and leave ur thoughts on all the manga and webtoons im reading !!!! in fact whenever u like my posts i aways feel so happy hehe, also . i literally wouldve failed my coding course without u thank u SO much for helping me out * cries* 
@gigiesarocha cata CATA CATA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  when you first popped up i was so elated to talk to you, u seemed so nice:( and later when u told me u watched joan’s galaxy because of me i was sdhfsgijdfhjkdhjkfh all ur gifs are so unbelieveably gorgeous, i literally go back to the set u made of yioh staring at joan skipping all the time, its so ........ beautiful.......... hopefully we get more wlw content next year and hopefully theyre all as good as joan’s galaxy hehe, iluuuuuuuuuu
@yibobibo aamna my love !!!!!!! how are you so precious ? everytime u reblog any of my posts its an instant serotonin boost, the experience of getting back into mdzs along with u was seriously incomparable, it was so FUN and i wanna go back :( ur such a friendly wonderful and talented person and i adore seeing all ur creativity blossom on this website, ilu aamna !
@brightwin JELLY jelly u are literally the human embodiment of the softest teddy bear in the WORLD . i wanna give u all the hugs and pats i can because u make me so !!!!!!!!! happy and u fill me with so much soft warmth ........... thank u for being u, all ur gifs are so pretty and its been so nice to be able to bask in the light that comes off of u, never change i love u so sooooooooooo much <3
and lastly, some blogs that i really really adore !
@kurusutakatsu @chanagun @yuhaosturtle @jiangyanlisgf @duoerla @yinyu @tichawongtipkanon @jbums @wenqing @lemongrasslesbian @weiixian @schech @kikuism @earthfluuke @0ffgun @yamaguccchi @wullu @seniorwitch @leoyunxi @floraflorenzi @dreamterlude @florbexter @doctorbahnjit
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lady-plantagenet · 3 years
What are your top ten novels about the Wars of the Roses? And why?
I think it’s obvious by the length how enthusiastic I was to answer this ask xx thank you for asking me and giving me also an opportunity to make a masterlist of some sorts of all my reviews xx. But you know? I speak like quite the expert but in reality I’ve read very little histfic about TWOTR because I just newly got back into this hobby (about a year ago) and have little time in general so tbh the last three books on this list I do not personally care for but since I’ve read so little novels of this kind they are here nonetheless hhh (so please people, give me no angry asks asking me why I am endorsing PG, I’m not).
1. The Last of the Barons by Lord Edward Lytton-Bulwer
This is quite possibly the best book I’ve ever read in my life. The gap between these books and the rest is a chasm the size of the world and I wpuld genuinely reccomend this book as an actual piece of literature to anyone, not just TWOTR fanatics. It is written in 1840, in quite old timey lingo and it centres around Richard Neville 16th Earl of Warwick, but in the true tradition of a real classic it is more than just a character drama, it astutely showcases the purpose of Warwick and what he did in the context of his wider world and doesn’t just chalk it up to personal greed. There is also this fascinating subplot about courtship, science and such. Hell, you even get this eccentric ‘natural philosopher’ guy called Adam Warner who tries to make something like a steam engine and gets employed as an alchemist by Jacquetta and Edward IV.
From a historical standpoint it is quite biased as the author himself was a politician (and an actual baron) and tbh I don’t completely agree with his interpretation of history and I can see some of the Victorian inluences slip in, but some of his takes are very refreshing and he clearly consulted the primary sources. I am much interested in his philosophy and life outlook though and while I don’t think his Warwick is the Warwick, I think he (Lytton-Bulwer) understood him like no other novelist could. As for the writing style... here’s an excerpt of a good reads review that I agree with and tells you all you need to know:
“Of course, such a style of writing no longer exists. The language used is essentially foreign to us. But the nobility, the pride of this story work their ways into your bones, your heart. You will yearn for honor once you have left it.“
Basically, go type it into google and see what I mean. You don’t even need to purchase this book it’s all online at the first click on Gutenberg.
Nevertheless, I’ve posted excerpts of it here, here and here =)
2. The King’s Grey Mare by Rosemary Hawley Jarman
This book (unlike the latter) has zero actual historical value. Actually, it sort of does in the way that it hilights certain real events that most people are unaware of when it comes to its protagonist: Elizabeth Woodville, eg the whole Cooke tapestry affair and the whole Desmond affair. Both things which I still stand on the fence about (if you don’t know what I’m talking about send em another ask or pm me). But like, it isn’t political, philosophical or such in any way like the first book, yet you still feel like you are *there* in the 15th century - by the time I finished reading it my heart was wrung dry and I kind of fell into a down for a couple of days because I just wanted to feel the magic again. If anyone would ask me I would give this 5 stars because it perfectly achieved what it set out to do (I can’t expect all books to go above and beyond like #1), it made me feel for the characters who were super complex, was accurate historically and even when it wasn’t it made sense, it got very creative with its themes (which I like to see because I am not interested in reading the exact same story over and over again) and the prose was absolutely magical and brought all the depth to this novel. I’ve read classics with less flowing and poignant prose, yes actual classics!
This book also switches POVs quite a lot (basically it headhops because it’s written in omniscient- but whatever, rules are meant to be broken), so you’ll get to see many of your faves in there, Edward IV, Margaret of Anjou and Grace Plantagenet feature quite heavily. One thing that disappointed me is that it wasn’t really Edward IV/Elizabeth Woodville (at the time I bought it for that), she never really likes him and his love for her kind of wanes towards the end. If you’re not too bothered about that then I say go buy it.
3. The Daisy and the Bear by K L Clark
I put this here because we are already going into shakier territory when it comes to this list. This is kind of the last *really* good, truly five star one. It is a long spoof about TWOTR but god it’s smart! Yet, It does not take itself seriously and has Margaret of Anjou/Warwick the Kingmaker as a crackship and centrepiece and had me in stitches the whole time. I’ve written a long detailed review for it here.
4. Death be Pardoner to Me by Dorothy Davies
This is a novel about George Duke of Clarence. Quite possibly the only novel ever written about him in existence and boy is it a trip - the author claims to have channelled him (she’s a medium). I’ve written a detailed review for it here. I read this last spring and my views have unfortunately changed, the thing is, I’ve come to find out through my research that this was quite possibly a hoax as there are some indisputable inaccuracies (Ankarette Twynyho’s age, the details of Isabel’s death - we *know* she did not die from childbirth, Isabel did not reunite with him after Tewksbury 1471, but right before Christmas 1470). It’s also quite Richardian (the author admitted) and she could have *had* me had she not chose to divulge it in the foreword. Nevertheless, I still like this book because it did get to me at certain points and it’s good quality as a novel, I remember shedding a tear at one point even which is extremely rare for me but I think that says more about my sentiment for the subject matter than the book itself.
5. We Speak no Treason by Rosemary Hawley Jarman (not yet finished, so ranking may vary)
I haven’t finished it yet, so I’ll leave it here for now. This book is a Richardian book about Richard III, but I can’t get enough of this author, I haven’t found anyone to replace her with. The prose is magnificent as usual and I must confess that I’m happy that this book is told through the POVs of three OCs and not Richard, he remains rather elusive and tbf I find the three OCs very interesting and at this point I’m more interested in their stories than anything else. Of course, Richard III is still a fairly prominent part of this novel (even when he doesn’t appear) and it has led to me getting annoyed quite a bit. Given who I am I fumed massively at that one aside that Clarence and Edward have bastards whereas Richard isn’t like that... like are you serious?? At one point the author reassociated the Games and Playes Chesse book to Richard when it was in reality dedicated to Clarence and I got even more annoyed. Leave the poor figure something ma’am? Whatever, as a book about three medieval commoners it’s fantastic and that’s what I pretend it is.
6. Wife to the Kingmaker by Sandra Wilson
Nothing more to add than what I wrote in my (super-long) detailed review on here. This is the case because I read it very recently. This is a novel about Anne Beauchamp 16th Countess of Warwick, it’s ranked higher than Sunne because though it’s less accurate it’s got panache.
7. The Sunne in Splendour by Sharon K Penman
I feel very strongly about this Richard III book and what it represents. I wrote a long detailed review about it on here and a follow-up post on the discussion is here ft my awesome mutual @beardofkamenev ‘s insights also thrown into the mix. Xx
8. The White Queen by Philippa Gregory
This is a step higher than the other two because this book pretty much changed my life. The thing is, I read it translated into my own language by an extremely talented translator and I was also only about 11/12 years old so it was all very impressive to me then. This book about Elizabeth Woodville effectively introduced me to the TWOTR; an interest that has never really left me these past ten years (though at one point (ages 14-19) it was quite wane). It’s not a good book by any standard (I was quite shocked when picking it up at a bookstore, I had found that when read in the original language it lost all its magic), but I owe a lot to it and some people who now endlessly discourse about how bad PG is need to recognise their debt of gratitude and be a bit more respectful, I think. That is of course unless you came into this era via different media, but you got to admit that a massive part of us got to this place through TWQ, though we outgrew it.
10. The Red Queen and The Kingmaker’s Daughter by Philippa Gregory
Exact same commentary as above, just objectively not good books. Flat characterisation, misunderstanding of the era, historical innacuracies which don’t add anything, lack of nuance in prose which often dances too close to *gasp* YA prose *shudders*. But these are lower because I don’t owe them a debt of gratitude as I do TWQ. Funnily enough, they are still better than the series.
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elles-writing · 3 years
Late night dinner - pt. II
A/N: final part. Writing these two pieces did bring me comfort, this one is more fluffy. I got inspired by Lost Girls music video by Lindsey Stirling, which represents that when you break free from something, it doesn't mean you never want to go back. I reccomend watching the music video and behind the scenes, where she talks about it. I cried out of cuteness almost, it made me feel bad at some parts, so I suppose it's a good piece in that case, when it makes me feel something.
Genre: angst, fluff
Warnings: mentions of eating disorder, negative self-talk, mention of cheating
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Following weeks were full of unstability. After few days, when she ate more than normal, she started eating normally again. The biggest problem were her insecurities, and the voice in her head telling her all those things. She knew she was lucky to have Kili. They would go out to market in Dale, and while they walked around, they tried out different meals. The living and beautiful place made Y/N to think about different things than just food, her body or her insecurities.
At least for a moment.
It was hard for her mentally - even though she knew she wanted to be healthy and her body to be healthy, the voice was there, the stress, the tears. She felt stupid for crying over eating more than normal, but Kili assured her it will be eventually okay. He asked Oin, but he didn't knew much about that ilness.
"Well, back in my world," Elle started when they sat in front of fireplace.
"people - especially young people - can have this. I was bullied for years as a child, I was called fat and ugly, and I think it just came up in bad moment. Back in my world, we call it eating disorder, and, well, it is. I'm usually stressed and don't eat, and then it kind of goes fine, but...the memories came up I suppose and I didn't felt particularly good at that exact moment." Kili hummed. He let Y/N to talk about it and listened to her.
"I want to be healthy, I really do, but...there is this voice in my head, telling me...things I should and should not eat and...yeah. It is better now, though I still feel the...the feeling I do something I'm not supposed to do..." she sighed.
"You need to eat to function, Y/N. But you are making progress, even if you do not believe it. I believe in you. You can do this," he hugged her close to his chest. Y/N felt tears in her eyes.
"Thank you, Kili. Thank you so much," she said and hugged him back.
It felt good to spend more time with Kili. Sometimes they talked, or sneaked in the kitchens late at night, to taste great smelling pasteries. Kili also got a great idea.
Well, in his eyes, at least.
"Wait, so you are telling me you want to learn how to cook?" Fili asked Kili. Kili nodded, and Fili tried to cover his laugh.
"Hey, it's not like I burned the kitchen down!"
"You were like five years old and the pan was on fire."
"It wasn't that bad! It was just little too hot. There was not any fire."
"You tried to make a toast. And you burned it to ashes."
"It was burned a lot, but not into ashes!"
"I'm not trusting you in any kitchen."
"I send letter to Bilbo." Kili said and shrugged his shoulders.
"Why are you trying to learn to cook all of sudden?" Fili looked at his brother with curiousity. And concern.
"I want to surprise Y/N," he simply said.
After a few weeks, Y/N was eating normally - mostly because her and Kili spended most time together. She wasn't making up exuses, or stayed in library for too long on purpose, and came back after she was sure he was in bed.
Kili often told her he loves her. Not that he wouldn't do it before, but now it had a lot more importance - at least he took it like that. So he took it seriously, to make her cheeks warm up and eyes glow, make her face to light up.
When Bilbo arrived, Kili showed him his room, and told him he wanted to surprise Y/N by dinner from her favourite dishes.
Bilbo and Kili spended most time of their lessons at night, when anyone couldn't walk in on them. Kili wanted to hold Y/N close while she slept, but he also knew this surprise will be worth it.
He always made sure she was deeply asleep, they carefully got out of bed and dressed himself, ready for a few hours of trying to learn how to cut without injuring himself or Bilbo, and cook and bake without burning the kitchens down.
Elle woke up into the night. It was early morning, and she had a nightmare. She sat up and tried to find Kili's hand.
She frowned when she couldn't find Kili's hand. She looked at the bed next to her, and tried to find him. He was not there, and the bed was cold.
She quietly got up and put on his sweater. It smelled like him, and she calmed down a little. She decided to go and get a glass of water and then go back to sleep again.
While she walked to the kitchens, her thoughts were running in her head.
What if he was cheating on her?
Sure, Elle knew Kili loved her. He told her she was his One, and she didn't doubted it, because he let her know he loves her all the time, and made her feel loved, plus they could count on each other anytime.
But thoughts started coming to her while she was alone.
He was handsome. Maybe not by dwarf standart, but by human and perhaps elf standart as well. Kili flirted a lot - well, with her.
Or as far as she knew...
She felt tears in her eyes.
"No, he wouldn't do it," she whispered to herself.
But...what if yes?
She thought about it, and stopped. She looked down on herself. Her body wasn't perfect as many other girls', and she knew it. She tried to get rid of those thoughts, even if they kept coming back to her.
What if he loves another...
What if I'm not good enough...
What if I'm not doing enough...
What if he does this just because he doesn't want me to do anything stupid, before he-
She sobbed and started shaking. She felt like words froze in her throat and leaned against a wall. She deeply inhaled the scent of the sweater and let out a shaky breath, while tears runned down her face.
Why would he have ever loved me?
She felt her heart breaking into pieces.
She silently walked to the kitchens, even if her stomach was in firm knot. She frowned when she noticed a light and overheard conversation.
She sneaked closer, and heard Bilbo's voice. She frowned. She didn't even knew the hobbit was there.
"....what does it matter? You love her, and she loves you. She's your One, so how hard can that be?"
"Well, it's true, but Y/N never mentioned it...what if she doesn't want to marry me?" He asked, and there was a panick in his voice. Elle blinked.
He wanted to marry her?
She almost started crying out of happiness and relief.
She carefully walked to the door. They were opened for a few inches, and she peeked in. There was Bilbo, who was softly sprinking top of some pie with sugar.
"Well, try to calm down. Why wouldn't she want to marry you?"
"I-I don't know-"
"You're just nervous, I suppose," Bilbo said. Kili quickly nodded, and walked little aside, so she couldn't see him anymore.
"Who is here?" Bilbo's voice made her jump up.
She walked in with shameful expression on her face. Bilbo's and Kili's eyes widened.
"I woke up, and you wasn't there," she muttered and looked at Kili through her lashes.
"Oh, I'm-well, I-" Kili started muttering.
"Well, I wanted to prepare you a surprise, but um..." he nervously looked to Bilbo to help him.
"I ruined it," Y/N sighed. He shook his head and pulled her to hug. To big, comforting, warm hug, where she felt the safest.
"Well, not exactly. How much did you heard?"
"That you worry if I want to marry you," Kili's eyes widened.
"And, um, do you? I mean want to marry me?" Y/N smiled.
"Of course I do," Kili's face light up and he kissed her whole face.
"So you..."
"I asked Bilbo if he would taught me how to cook, because, well, you love all the hobbit food, and I thought it was a good idea," He gently kissed her hair.
"But why at night?"
"I wanted to make sure nobody would walk in and ruin the surprise. Plus, dwarves love good food as well, so there wouldn't be anything left," he brushed her hair.
"Ki, that's...I don't know what to say, it's so kind from you-" Kili silenced her with soft kiss.
"You deserve all the good in the world. And it's worth fighting for, my brightest star."
"Now, let's taste it, shall we?" She winked at him. Kili felt such a proud of her, when her eyes sparkled in curiousity and happiness, and there was no sadness or nervousness.
"Wait, you-is that-?" She turned to him as she noticed blackberry pie. He shrugged.
"Yeah. Bilbo was fussing a little over the little overbaked dough, because he said it will be bitterish, but-" Y/N pecked his cheek.
"It's fine, Ki. I'm proud of you for even making the effort, and...well, not burning the kitchens as well," she giggled.
"Let's taste it, shall we?" Y/N said and Kili shot her a wink.
He cutted the pie into pieces and Y/N cuddled into the sweater more, though the kitchens were beautifully warm.
Y/N sat up to the counter and looked over the kitchens. She pulled out two spoons from one of the cupboards, plus two small plates. It was still dark, but many candles made it look like it was sunrise already.
When she tasted the pie, she had to admit, the dough was little bitter, but that didn't mean it wasn't a good pie. When she remembered the quest, she knew Kili truly did a big progress in his cooking.
"So, how is it-why are you crying, Amrâlime?" He said when he noticed Y/N's face stained with tears. He put his plate aside and wiped off her tears.
"I'm so proud of you," she whispered.
"You learned to cook, and...and all-" she tried to explain. She wasn't sad. She was proud. So proud.
"And I am proud of you as well, princess," He kissed her forehead.
No need to say, it was the best late night dinner...
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vyladromeave · 5 years
Mr. Zvahl has updated!
Chapter 6: Forage and Found
(Read the full thing on AO3!)
(A/N: nbvGJDFSFSD THIS IS SO LATE IM SORRY. It was TECHNICALLY done like a week or so ago but it was under 1k words and i just couldnt Post It mnbdsfghfsd. ANYWAYS now its nearly 2k so hopefully thatll make up for the wait nfdsbghdjsf. i have been Neglecting Zoey so now you have to read So Much about my beautiful elf wife mndsfbhjsfdk. not much else to say, ill edit this if i can think of anything important. Also Once Again gentle reminder tht i would seriously reccomend reading this on ao3 instead because tumblr formatting makes the spacing Whack but whatever man u do u,,,, you do u,,,,,, dshjgsfd ANYWAYS Hope u enjoy!!)
They had been walking for some time now. She had explained on the way out there that the path used to be much clearer, but too much overgrowth in the area had made reaching difficult. It was still possible, it just took extra time. In their case, it had taken a good half-hour at least. (It could have taken longer, but he wasn’t too good at keeping track of the time these days.)
As they approached he wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but now that they were there, he realized it wasn’t actually that different from what he’d imagined. His only experience in portals were the ones that lead to the nether- it somewhat shocked him to see that this portal wasn’t much different. It was about the same size and shape, though the material was different and it gave off an energy that was much less malevolent. Even then, its aura made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, and it wasn’t even activated.
“The portal leads to the Irene Dimension. That’s where we believe Aphmau, and all those that went with her, are trapped.” she continued.
He looked to her, silently asking permission if he could get a closer look, although she didn’t seem to notice. He took it as a yes. He approached the portal to get a closer look while she talked.
“I’ve been working for nearly a decade to find a way to open it again. Nothing has worked so far, but I’m getting close. I can feel it.”
“How so?”
She was somewhat thrown off by how direct his question is. “I- well- when I first started working on this… I didn’t really know what I was doing? I was just throwing things together, I didn’t understand any of it. And now… well, there’s a lot I still don’t understand, I won’t lie about that. Emmalyn was our resident Irene expert, but we lost her to the portal too. But I’ve also learned- I know what I’m doing now, I know the end goal. I just need to figure out how to get there.”
He nods, though his focus is still mostly devoted to the portal. He understands what she means now when she said there was a lot she didn’t understand- if he was in Zoey’s place he wouldn’t even know where to start. It takes him a solid minute to recognize that no, those “scratches” he spotted on the portal are words, and in some language he has no clue of recognizing. He shakes his head. He would love to help out, of course he would, but he isn’t cut out for this.
“Well, you’re the barrier magicks user. If anyone could do it, it’s you.”
She sighs and nods. “I suppose so. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing, but it’s better than nothing.”
“Of course it’s a good thing. The town just needs to have faith in you.”
“It’s been ten years. There’s not much faith left to go around.”
“Well, what about you? Do you think you can do it? Bring them home?”
She pauses for a second, but nods. “Yes. I do.”
“Then that’s good enough for me. That settles it.”
She gives him a look and tilts her head, confused. “Settles what, exactly?”
“I think I’d like to stay here. In Phoenix Drop. At least until everyone returns.”
“Oh!” She smiles, but took another moment to process and “Oh.” Her face drops. “I- I mean that’s great, I’m glad you’d like to stay, but- this could take years. Decades. Centuries, even. You could be long dead by the time everyone is back here.”
“That’s fine. It’s worth the wait.”
She was startled by his ease in acceptance. “That’s- I mean- you could-“ she takes a breath to calm herself. “Alright. Welcome to Phoenix Drop, Mr. Zvahl.”
She had agreed to take him out to the portal if he would do some work for her in return. Nothing too strenuous, she wasn’t cruel, but it was nice to have help every once in a while.
For as good as he was in navigating the forest, he knew next to nothing about the plant life within it. Or plant life in general. She spent a solid ten minutes explaining to him what they were looking for, “Four leaves, notched edges, somewhat pointy at the ends. You’ll know you have the right plant if the base of the leaf is much thicker than the edges.” His understanding seemed to be shaky at best, but he didn’t want to waste more time when they were supposed to be gathering. And so he wandered north, she went a bit south, and hoped that he had at least a basic understanding of what they were looking for.
She hadn’t found too many- but she figured as much. It took some time to get to the better spots where the plant often grew in, which they had instead spent observing the portal (as if she didn’t spend enough time on that blasted thing already). So she paid it no mind when he was late meeting back up by a couple minutes. And then ten went past. Then fifteen. It was just enough time to make her start to worry when she’d spotted him returning. That was another odd thing about him, sometimes he was easier to spot with your eyes than to notice with your ears. He was oddly quiet, inhumanly stealthy. She’d wanted to say he was just good at that sort of thing, but what kind of person can disappear in a forest but can’t tell an acorn from a rock? Either he was oddly talented, or there was something even odder going on here, and it bugged her a bit too much.
Her mind was taken off the question when he’d stopped in front of her and she got a good look at him. She understood now why he was late- he seemed uncomfortable, and kept shifting the rather large pile of plants he gathered around. It was a bit hard to tell with the gloves he wore, but she swore she could see splotches of red creeping up his arms.
“Is this stuff we’re gathering… supposed to be itchy?”
And just like that, her suspicions were confirmed. “Well- yes, that is normal for that plant. But it’s also not the plant I told you to gather.”
“It’s not?” He said, looking down at the bundles of leaves in his arms.
“No, it isn’t. I sent you to gather lushsprout. The plants you’re holding look like poison ivy.”
A blank expression slowly grew on his face as he stared through the plant he’d gathered and into the middle distance. A look Zoey could only describe as regret took hold, and he dropped everything he had spent so long gathering as the name finally registered in his brain.
“One moment.” he said and rushed off in the direction of what Zoey could only assume was the nearest water source, a desperate attempt to wash off the red splotches that had already begun to form on his skin. Zoey couldn’t help but snort- it was the most emoted she had seen him ever, and yet it was all so comical.
Well, there was nothing comical about poison ivy, she supposed. It was mildly annoying at best, and painful at worst- but judging by his seeming unawareness she figured he would be alright this time. It would certainly make a good story for later, at least. They had done enough herb gathering for the day.
They made their way back to Phoenix Drop, recuperating at Aphmau’s house. He washed his hands and arms once again, as well as his gloves in order to make sure they were completely poison-ivy-free. (He’d gathered too much to be completely unscathed, but it was something he could deal with.) Zoey made him tea once again, and Vylad didn’t have the heart to turn her down. Of all the citizens of Phoenix Drop, he’d grown to like her and Dante the most.
She was kind and thoughtful, and understanding of his quiet demeanor. Where Dante often barged in and forced conversation, Zoey understood the importance of silence. They hadn’t physically talked much, though he discovered that he’d somewhat enjoyed just hanging out around her, helping her gather herbs, looking at her miniature garden, whatever trivial way they decided to pass the time. She was certainly more suspicious of him than Dante was (so perhaps she was smarter too), but Vylad figured it was justified and tried to not let it bother him much.
In a strange turn of events, he ended up the one to break the silence.
“...Just how often does Kawaii~Chan bake?”
“Well, she’s been doing it less often lately, since she’s got a child to look after now, but…”
“So not too often, then?”
She could’ve sworn he sounded almost disappointed. “Gods no, Kawaii~Chan is an unstoppable force when it comes to cooking. The day there is a force strong enough to prevent her is probably the day the world ends.”
She chuckled a bit at her own joke, Zvahl never laughed (or reacted much to anything at all, she’d noticed), so she did for both of them. Maybe it was a bit conceited, but in her eyes it let them both enjoy it, even if he was reluctant to show such feelings. “Why, were you hoping to get some of her sweets yourself?”
“Have you ever even had her cooking? It’s very good, I’m just not sure why you’d be so interested…”
“Yes, I did. At that breakfast, about a week ago.”
“You’ve been craving her cooking for a week? ”
Any form of excuse was interrupted by more of her laughter, this time it was entirely for herself. Was he so reserved that it had taken him a week to ask about something as trivial as baking? She glanced over him once again to make sure she wasn’t missing anything- only finding what she decided was a hint of embarrassment. He opened his mouth to speak, and she nearly found herself laughing again when he closed it and glanced away.
She stifled her laughter to save him from any more embarrassment, and gave him a knowing wink. “Don’t worry, I’ll put in a good word with her for you if you want. She loves to bake after all- I’m sure she’d be happy to make you something.”
It was muffled by the scarf which most of his face had retreated into, but through the cloth she swore she heard him give a mumbled, “... Thank you...”
Perhaps she was wrong. He had plenty of emotion. Zoey would just need to learn where to look.
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subtlehysteria · 6 years
I’m busy watching the Jeremy stream so here’s a “basic” summary as I go along
Question 1: What would each of the paladins get Lance for his birthday?
Pidge - a new video game
Shiro - something practical like a new weapon
Allura - handmade Altean necklace
Hunk - he’s birthday cake duty because he’s the best chef in the universe
Coran - some weird disgusting Altean treat
Keith - “not really affectionate” so his presence would probably be enough
Question 2: What would Lance and the paladins do for his birthday? 
Lance is “all about himself” so probably throw a big-ass birthday bash, maybe go back to the mermaid planet and hang out there, or any water-related planet because Lance is a surfer/beach boy. Overall just have a beach party
Question 3: Do the paladins ever wash their clothes seeing as they only have one outfit each?
Yeah, they have to have had some kinda washer/dryer on the castle or maybe they just have seven copies of the same outfit, or maybe Altean tech is so advanced your clothes are washed and dried in 2 seconds. But yeah, they don’t have a change of clothes
Question 4: If Finn (Jeremy’s other character from Adventure Time) and Lance had to switch places what would their reactions be?
Finn would kinda be like woah, what is happening but then pick up a sword and go for it because there’s evil that needs to be dealt with. Lance would probably deal with it worse because he wouldn’t like things changing suddenly and things being out of hand for no reason. He’s comfortable with his life and the people he’s around so he’d probably be a little more freaked out.
Question 5: Which character would Lance play as in SuperSmash Bros and Mario Kart?
For SuperSmash: Link (that’s also who Jeremy plays as) and for Mario Kart: maybe Mario. (Jeremy likes playing as Toad)
Question 6: (this is a long one so gonna try to condense it) What’s the sitch with Lance’s dad and did Lance try and step up as a role model for his younger siblings? How did this affect his interactions with the rest of the team?
Jeremy is “pretty sure” Lance’s dad is still in the picture (welp) and that he probably has a lot of little siblings/nieces/nephews who looked up to him. He’s always wanted to try to be responsible and seen as a role model. This also affects how he treats everyone else as well as his personality, how he's always like “Hey, look I can do it!”.
His definite character arc is him starting out as a little immature and wanting to be The GuyTM but throughout the show, we see that Lance is capable and does have a sense of responsibility. He ends up being very loyal and realises that other people are better leaders at times. He’s learning to know when to follow and when to lead.
We’ll get to see how Lance interacts with his family in season 7 and 8 (!!!). We’re gonna see another side to him. We’ll get to see another side to a lot of characters, their more fun, sensitive and casual sides around their families and loves ones.
Question 7: What was your favourite thing to do at comic con?
The Adventure Time and Voltron panels were scheduled at the same time so Jeremy pretty much Naratu ran to the Voltron panel halfway through. He enjoyed seeing the Star Wars stuff and also riding around San Diego on a moped (whilst trying not to knock people off the sidewalk. Jeremy please honey, wear a helmet)
Question 8: How would each Paladin react to Lance’s birthday. Would he even mention it?
The team takes the small moments to chill. Off-screen there’s probably been a lot of downtime being spent in boredom. They’d probably have a party, cake the whole shebang. It also depends on whether they have a mission. Keith would probably say happy birthday. They don’t have a bad relationship, they’re all friends, practically family. “Probably get a little Keith nod like hey, happy birthday” (imagine Jeremy attempting a Keith impression its adorable). That’s all that Keith would say. He’s “a man of few words”.
Question 9: Lance has always kinda been the second choice, starting with only bumping up to fighter class when Keith got expelled. Will he ever get the chance to be someone’s first choice and not a rebound?
In some areas, Lance has been the first choice e.g. the first paladin of new to pilot the Blue Lion. As he grows as a person he’s become more dependable. Going forward, people would choose him for different types of missions. “I think he’s gonna be somebody’s first choice, not just a rebound. He’s a funny guy, a good-looking funny dude, he’s got lots of skills so yeah, he’d be someone’s first choice. Heck yeah!” (insert adorable smile)
Question 10: if the members from Make Out Monday (Jeremy’s band) were paladins which lions would they pilot and why?
Zack - Black Lion, he has a good vision for everything, the backbone, creative and smart, “the leader”
Jeremy would still pilot red. He’s the right-hand man kinda guy
Seth - probably pilot yellow, he’s the drummer, he holds everything together
John - maybe the green lion. He’s smart, has to be precise with his guitar solos
Question 11: We’ve seen Lance isolating himself a lot by playing video games and training alone. Will he have some time to bond with any of his teammates like Keith or the Real Shiro? And will there be any Garrison flashbacks for Lance like there was for Keith in season 6?
This season as they’re travelling back, there’s gonna have to stick together. They’re gonna be cramped and having to spend a loooot of time with each other whether they want to or not, so some of the comedy will come from that. There’s a lack of resources since they no longer have the caslte, so they need to bond with each other and become a tight-knit group again. There’s gonna be interactions “with Real Shiro, Keith (now that he’s back), Allura, pretty much everybody.”
As far as flashback go, there are a lot of flashbacks with Shiro and Keith. There are flashbacks with a few of the characters, whether they feature a lot or a little Jeremy can’t say. Jeremy can’t really remember off the top of his head. You will at least get to see Lance with his family a lot when they get back to Earth.
Question 12: Out of everyone on the team, who takes Lance the most seriously? Who would give him the strength and room to grow into who he truly is? Who do you think is the best person to help him realise his full potential?
Shiro is a good leader and can see potential in all of his teammates, even if they and others don’t see that themselves. He would be a good candidate to help Lance see his strengths and hidden abilities and help him grow. And as Keith becomes more of a leader, he’ll start getting some of those leaderly qualities as well. Allura as well will also be a really close friend to help Lance reach his full potential and visa versa.
Question 13: Have you learnt more about Cuba since voicing Lance?
Jeremy’s tried to expand his knowledge on Cuba. He thinks their food is awesome and loves the culture.
Question 14: What drew you to Lance as a character and made you want to be his voice?
He’s a very fun character, to have funny one-liner’s and be the comic relief somtimes is great and its a blast to make the rest of the cast/crew laugh. He was attracted to the project because it was Dreamworks, Netflix and also the makers of ATLA and LoK which he loved watching. He looked at the profile and was like “Yeah, I can do this. He’s basically Space Sokka soooo”
Question 15: What would Lance’s favourite meme be?
“Lance is like a living meme.” “Probably anything that has stupid flirty cheesy humour”, or the Drake meme (that’s Jeremy’s favourite as well)
Question 16: What song would Lance sing to impress a significant other?
One of his favourite songs is Sexy Back by Justin Timblerlake (Jeremy why), but he would probably sing something more like a serenade song. All Of Me by John Legend is a great song, so if he tried to impress someone that would be it.
Question 18: Seeing as the paladins have been in space for at least a year, do you think Lance’s family have stopped looking for him/think he is dead? How did Lance and Hunk’s family find out they were missing? Did the Garrison send them a message or was it through a newscast?
People have definitnely noticed they’re gone. Both Hunk and Lance’s families are very loving and caring, so they’d continue to search for Lance and Hunk until they got a definite answer, they probably don’t assume they’re dead.
They probably would have gotten a message from the Garrison.
Question 19: What was your favourite song you wrote for Make Out Monday (Jeremy’s band)?
His favourite to write was Bullet For Your Sweetheart and Kissaphobic (both are really awesome, they’re definintely worth a listen!)
Question 20: Have you watched Voltron in any other langauge? Seeing as every voice actor for the different dubs has their own version of Lance, if you had to meet any of the other Lances, what would you ask them?
Voicing the character, you have to have a good understanding of them and what they would like/think of things so that when you peform the lines they feel more natural. You also work with the writing team and creators because they also have their own ideas of who the character is, its very much a collaboration.
Jeremy’s never met anyone who’s played the dubbed versions of his characters. He heard a Finn dub the one time and its interesting to hear how they interepted his voice.
He thinks the most interesting question to ask would be what their first impression was when they heard his performance.
Question 21: Would you associate any Singing At Last songs with Lance? What songs would you attribute to Lance?
Jeremy’s favourite song is Turning Page. He doesn’t really know any other songs so he asked the questioner what she would reccomend. She answered Venus and Mercury (she was really sweet). 
Question 22: If you were stuck out in space without a fast way back to Earth, what would you do on your trip back?
First off he’d panic, but hopefully try get some communications device to let people know he’s alive like, “Houstin there’s a problem, I’m stuck in space.” If he couldn’t figure out a way to get home, he’d make the best of it, settle down on a nice planet, enjoy the local delicacies. He reccomends trying to crash down on a beach planet and hand out with the locals. 
FINALE - everyone from the livestream sang happy birthday to Lance (there was a bit of a time delay but its the thought that counts!)
Jeremy’s parting words: I never cease to be amazed by the passion and love you have for all the shows I get to be a part of, the characters and me as a person. I’m really thankful to have such great fans and that you love the work that I do. If it was not for you guys I wouldn’t be able to do the work that I do. So I’m very thankful for you guys and I think you guys are just awesome. You guys make me happy and put a smile on my face and you guys are just a great bunch so thank you.”
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #354
"Slender Tea Party”
[Yaunfen] Mom? Do you think Splenders mom is calmed down now?
[Deer] - Splender's mom?  Maybe not completely, but perhaps some...
[Yaunfen] We should invite her over for tea. That would be polite, right?
[Waffles] Rolling on the floor- purrrr
[Deer] - Yes it would, but she might be more comfortable with her children with her
[Yaunfen] Okay?
[Deer] - Do you want to do it the fancy way and send a paper invitation?  I bet Splender would love that
[Yaunfen] Yeah! I can do that! - They immediately pull out the phoneix quill, a jar of glitter, and some glue. A few flakes dift down and stick to the kitchen table-
[Waffles] Flip and begins sniffing around the edge of the table-
[Yaunfen] No! This isn't for you to play with. Mom can you play with Waffles for a minute?
[Deer] - Sure, come here Waffles!  I'll give you a belly rub
[Waffles] glancing between her and the enticing feather as Yaunfen writes-
[Deer] Clicks at Waffles and rubs her fingers together-
[Waffles] mrr?
[Yaunfen] I'm almost done - glitter sprinkles in play-
[Deer] - You know, I think I know the perfect person to deliver the invitation
[Yaunfen] Who?
[Waffles] Decides to busk Deerheart and nearly knocks her over-
[Deer] - Oof- She rubs Waffles ears- How about TLOT?
[Yaunfen] Okay! -there's a sudden hush and then the little dragon yells pretty loud- HEY TLOT!
[Waffles] Ears flat -MOW.
[Deer] Laughs a little-
[TLOT] Wanders up from downstairs, still absentmindedly carrying a bucket of milk in one hand- Hmmm?
[Deer] - We were wondering if you would like to deliver a very important message for us?
[TLOT] I guess. I could use a break anyway. Lie is going through cheese like it's going out of style. I'll have to fumigate the lab or I'll never get laid again.
[Deer] - She is?  Geez...  Anyways, Yaunfen had a wonderful idea of inviting the slenders and their mother over for tea and we were wondering if you would do the honor of delivering the invitation for us
[TLOT] Yeah okay, Let me have it. -He reaches out for the paper and Yaunfen thrusts it proudly into his hand, sprinking more glitter on the floor-
[TLOT] I see I'm not the only one with a taste for gold....
[Deer] - We do need to eventually find a way to clean that stuff up...
[Yaunfen] But it's pretty.
[TLOT] Can't argue that.
[Deer] - Yes it is, but it's getting everywhere
[Yaunfen] Sorry mama....
[TLOT] Shakes his head- Nobodies mad. You get your stuff together and I'll deliver this-
[Deer] Smiles and heads into the kitchen to start making some tea- Hopefully the rain won't make them call a rain check
[TLOT] Tromps down through the garden, the little droplets pattering on his helm.
[Navy] Gives him a smart little salute from a protected spot under a tree as he passes-
[Exeggutor] Is sitting on the shore watching Basil chase sea dragons out in the distance. The palm tree pokemon seems perfectly content to get watered by the little summer storm.
[TLOT] Stands under a tree himself by the bridge switch and calls out mentally to see whos home-
-There's Splender's happy energy, Offender's restlessness, and Mirabella's nervousness all swirling around the colorful house-
[Splender] Pokes his head out and waves at TLOT- Hello!
[TLOT] shakes off his cloak a little- mind if I come over?
[Splender] - Not at all!
[TLOT] Hits the switch and makes a quick dash through the rain and inside. - Nobody else seems to mind, but I feel like a wet cat today. I've been working in the basement and it's a bit damp down there too.
[Splender] - Do you need a towel?
[Mirabella] Is wary-
[TLOT] Nah, I'll just turn my glitch up a bit, it doesn't help if I'm still out in it. - He focuses for a moment and begins to lightly steam-
[Offender] - So why are you over here?
[TLOT] Came to deliver this actually. - He holds up the folded page and a little bit of gold sparkle wafts out-
[Splender] - Oooh!- He takes it and opens it before gasping happily- A tea party!?  Absolutely!
[TLOT] I thought that would appeal to you. - He gives the smallest cough- Aren't you going to introduce me to your mom? She looks nervous.
[Splender] - Oh!  I'm sorry!  TLOT, this is my mother Mirabella.  Mother?  This is TLOT, he's one of the entities who runs things around here and runs the village that I feed from!
[TLOT] Takes his helm off like a gentlemen and his hair is flufy and a bit mussed underneath. - I am Herobrine the Lord of Tears. It's lovely to meet you.
[Mirabella] - Ah, hello.  I hope I am not intruding here?
[TLOT] Not at all! We've had some rocky encounters with Slenderman before, but we're trying to build a real alliance with him and his family. This is a place of refuge and it sounds like that is something that you could benifit from.
[Mirabella] - I see, he was always a calculating one, and that scared me.  Because it reminded me so much of his father
[TLOT] He's pretty serious. But Doc is equally serious about protecting the people they care about. And in hiding Splender, they have a lot of common ground. We all love having him here.
[Mirabella] - I am just happy he is alive
[TLOT] Me too. - He gives Splender a grateful look- He helped save me from a terrible monster.
[Splender]  Gives a happy smile-
[Offender] - Yeah, he can fight when motivated
[Mirabella] - He fights?  But, he's my happy child...
[TLOT] He fought to defend, and the cause was just. I only have a few small villages here, but I am the god-king of a whole other world. As far as I'm concerned, he saved them too.
[Mirabella] - I see...
[Offender] - Hey, it's okay...  He's still Splender
[TLOT] They added him to their pantheon in thanks as well. He's just as adored there as here.
[Offender] - Meaning he has an over abundance of food here...  Unlike me...
[TLOT] To be fair... your tastes are harder to satiate...
[Offender] Sticks his tongue out at TLOT-
[TLOT] Opens his hands helplessly- I'm not unsympathetic, but I can't just bring you a sacrificial virgin either. Although... not to be indelicate... but is it true your victims don't have to be humanoid for you to feed?
[Offender] - No, they don't, why?
[TLOT] Because I know something utterly unique you can fuck without bothering anyone. Can you hold your breath long?
[Offender] - I don't have to breathe at all
[TLOT] Even better. - He thumbs out at the bay. - Fuck one of the sea dragons. They're decently large and it will be completly unlike anything you've had before. They're barely sentient and Basil eats them all the time.
[Offender] Seriously considers it-
[TLOT] Feels his thoughts and smiles softly- I hope that works. We like to make guests feel welcome. Most of us know what it's like to be a stranger in a hostile land.
[Offender] - Eh if it doesn't work out there's always that pig
[TLOT] Ah, Hock. I was very aware of your session with him. You seem quite talented, and he enjoyed it immensly. But afterwards Cp screamed at him and made him cry. Perhaps next time you should play away from Lie's builds. I would reccomend an upper room in the castle or the signalling tower next time. Just for the sake of diplomacy.
[Offender] - Fucking anywhere is fine
[Mirabella] - Offender language
[Offender] - What?
[TLOT] As I said, for diplomacy. Presumably you have the decorum to not upset Cp's wife intentionally. Hock knows not to do that there again and you'll likely be the one he's mad at if it happens.
[Offender] - I don't care, he can't do anything to me
[TLOT] It wasn't a threat. I'm merely asking nicely.
[Splender] - Well we should get ready for the tea party!
[TLOT] Well you don't need to bring anything and- he closes his eyes  - Yaunfen is just about set up.
[Splender] - Oh goody!  Let's go mother!
[Mirabella] - Ah, I am not certain...
[TLOT] Oh please? It was the little ones idea.
[Mirabella] - I...  I suppose I could try..
[Offender] - I'll sit this one out
[TLOT] Are you sure? - he speaks to Offender mentally- If only because having her sons around seems to make her calmer. You are not unwelcome.
[Offender] - Nah, don't wanna overcrowd stuff
[TLOT] Okay. I'll just Tp you directly so you don't get soaked. Just don't emp or anything, it's totally safe.
[Mirabella] - Alright...
[TLOT] Tp's himself, Mirabella and Splender into the vine room, clipping out of Deerheart for a moment and sliding away.
[Yaunfen] Yay! You came!
-The vine room has a table in the middle of it and several of the wool block plus door type chairs Gem came up with to better fit the Slenders.
[TLOT] I think I have something to contribute if you'll excuse me for a moment.
[Splender] - Hello!
[Deer] - Welcome, you must be Mirabella
[Mirabella] - Ah yes, and you are?
[Yaunfen] This is my mom Deerheart! She's the whole server. And I'm Yaunfen.
[Mirabella] - The whole server?
[Deer] - Everything around you is a part of me
[Yaunfen] She's like a goddess.
[Mirabella] - A goddess?
[TLOT] Comes back up with several hot cheerie pies-
[Yaunfen] Uh huh! - They start running a brewing stand and the smell of tea wafts around the room. - She can talk to mobs and they do what she asks. Even make it rain or stop and check on anyone anywhere and see if they're okay without moving an inch.
[Mirabella] - Such strength...
[Deer] - It's really not that much, you should see what Flux can do, then again she's had a lot more experience than me
[TLOT] She's also one of the kindest people I know.
[Deer] Is just blushing now
[Splender] - Come on mother, sit down
[Yaunfen] pulls out some sugar and a bucket of milk - I like mine sweet with both. How about you guys?
[TLOT] Same please.
[Splender] - Sugar all the way!
[Mirabella] - I...  Do not know, I am not used to forming my mouth or human customs...
[Deer] - Just a little of each Yaunfen
[Yaunfen] Okay. They make the other cups and pass them -Just try it like it is and see if it needs anything. I love sugar!
[TLOT] Well it is your main food source. You eat stuff that makes my teeth hurt sometimes.
[Yaunfen] Giggles-
[Mirabella] Looks down into her steaming cup-
[Splender] Happily takes his tea and thanks Yaunfen- It is good mother, just try it
[Yaunfen] Pulls out a sponge cake block-
[TLOT] How many of those are you carrying kiddo?
[Yaunfen] Ummm.... I had five this morning, looks like seven now!
-There's a tearing sound as Mirabella opens her mouth, revealing a mouth full of needle like teeth as a bit of black blood dribbles from the corner of her mouth-
[Splender] Is just happily humming-
[Yaunfen] Is a little startled but offers her a wool square [as a napkin] -
[Mirabella] - Oh, thank you...- She dabs at the blood- It's been a long time since I last opened my mouth
[Yaunfen] Whoah.... so you don't need to breathe?
[TLOT] So... how are you finding our little corner of the world?
[Mirabella] - No, breathing isn't a necessity for us.  And it is, odd, at least compared to what I have lived with my entire life
[TLOT] Yeah, even some of the brines aren't used to the low resolution. The server is set to defaults, Doc says it makes things run smoother if the loading distance isn't too high either.
[Yaunfen] So if you go really fast and suddenly see down into the ground, it's okay! - They're cutting cake and pie and making little plates to pass around.
[Mirabella] - Seeing into the ground?
[Yaunfen] Yeah! The world will just go invisible for a moment. But it's okay, it's still there.
[TLOT] It's a digital enviroment. If there's no one around, the world kind of... well it doesn't cease to exist really. Just kinda... rests. And it springs back up again when someone gets close.
[Deer] - It feels a little weird when somebody loads new chunks
[TLOT] If you want we can show you the map later. It's pretty extensive. We've done a decent amount of exploring but it's still a drop in the bucket compared to how big this world is. You could walk for years and never reach one edge.
[Mirabella] - I see- She tries a small sip of the tea
[TLOT] Have you shown your mom around at all Splender?
[Splender] - Not yet, Offender has said to wait so she doesn't get overwhelmed
[Yaunfen] Overwhelmed?
[TLOT] Is it just too different of an enviroment?
[Mirabella] - Partially, and it's such a different atmosphere than I'm used to...
[TLOT] Ah.... I take it your home... dimension? [he's unsure of the term] Is not so... relaxed?
[Mirabella] - Not at all.  The rules are so very strict, especially for a household with our status
[Yaunfen] We have rules here too. -big grin because they've memorized them -  No griefing and no stealing!
[TLOT] That is correct.
[Mirabella] - Why would anybody do that?
[TLOT] Well... we are a server full of Herobrines. Our kind has a reputation for malcious mischief.
[Yaunfen] Mada says Cp was really 'murdery' when he came in.
[TLOT] He was... Herobrines are... not generally liked. We're usually shunned and many of us delight in killing players. But the players aren't really here? Their avatars are killed and they are inconvenienced and possibly fightened, but they continue to exist out in the real world. Cp is the only Herobrine we know of who could leave the digital sphere and travel to the real world. He's used this talent to make many of us able to preform the same trick.
[Splender] - He was taught that by BEN!  One of the entities that brother looks after!
[Mirabella] - Oh, I see
[Yaunfen] BEN is stinky. But he's pretty cool otherwise.
[TLOT] Laughs-
[Mirabella] - Stinky?
[TLOT] He's afraid of water. And human enough to get dirty because of it. Getting him to bathe is a nightmare.
[Mirabella] - Oh, I see
[Splender] - Try some of the cake mother!
[Yaunfen] It's from my home seed!
[TLOT] A big chunk of it actually. Yaunfen's home seed is mostly edible. The ground itself is a type of cake.
[Mirabella] Breaks off a tiny piece and tries it- It is certainly...  Flavorful...
[Yaunfen] Big grin- Yep! Oh, Splender! I have a neat thing to show you! - They rustle around and take out two of the mushrollems- I revived fossils! - The smell of cinnamon and sugary orange is thick around the small fungi.
[TLOT] Yaunfen is really taking after Doc. We have a machine that takes things apart and will give spores and seeds from fossils.
[Splender] - Those are so wonderful!  I love them Yaunfen!
[Yaunfen] I've got more! They're really tasty. - Sets a few on a plate-
[Waffles] wanders upstairs with a sleepy yawn.
[Mirabella] Grows tense at the sight of the large cat, having flashbacks to some of the creatures in her home dimension-
[Yaunfen] Gets up and hugs Waffles around the neck - This is my kitty Waffles! They're candy colored like me! - Pats the swirly white curls of fur on their back with little rainbow sprinkle spots.
[Waffles] Loud purr.
[TLOT] Another revival. Doc found a fossil tooth and we got DNA from it.
[Mirabella] - It...  It's like a Doodverskaffer
[Yaunfen] That's a funny word. - Xe's rubbing the big cats cheeks and making their whiskers go up and down-
[TLOT] They're pretty harmless. Their diet is exclusively chocolate, and various sweets. It's just that their home is full of gummy fish, chocolate chickens, and cows that give sweet vanilla milk.
[Mirabella] - Doodverskaffer's are horrible creatures...  They...  They stalk the realm, devouring what ever they can and are commonly used as guard animals.  They stalk the yards non stop and if you are not their master...
[Yaunfen] That's so mean! Waffles doesn't stalk anything. Well, except my feather pen.
[TLOT] That is rather grim. It's no wonder Slender is so serious. As the oldest he likely remembers this all the most vividly.
[Deer] - Yaunfen, why don't you take Waffles down stairs and feed them
[Yaunfen] Okay mama. - at the cat- Do you want some fishies?
[Waffles] happy purrs, super loud-
[Yaunfen] I'll be right back! - Takes the cat downstairs-
[Mirabella] - Thank you
[Deer] - We don't want you to be uncomfortable Mirabella
[TLOT] Same. There's no one here who would harm you. And while the wild mobs can be a threat, you're far too tall and intimidating for any to even try.
[Mirabella] - I'm sorry, there's still so much for me to get used to
[TLOT] Sits back comfortably -Ah, it's okay. This is a pretty calm enviroment. The name of the game is survival, but once you get a decent house and a garden set up it becomes pretty easy.
[Splender] - The only problem may be finding food for you mother, there aren't many people who are lonely here...
[TLOT] Lonely? Well there are a few. There's the male server... he's perpetually lonely. And Steffan, forever unlucky in love. Alexsezia has her occasional bad days too.
[Splender] - I'll keep them in mind
[Mirabella] - No need to rush, I'm not terribly hungry at the moment
[TLOT] I could muster a little.... - he focuses on his want for Steve- My mate noped for the day because I was making something that... offends his senses.
[Yaunfen] Comes back up- TLOT made the stinky cheese!
[Mirabella] Can taste the loneliness and takes small amounts.  It feels different then when Splender feeds-
[TLOT] Lets his feelings overwhelm him a little - I'm psychic, it's okay.
[Mirabella] Only takes a little more before stopping-
[Steve] Over chat- TLOT..? Are you okay?
[TLOT] Answers him mentally to reassure him-
[Yaunfen] Aww.
[Splender] - The kids in the village are not terribly happy today, they can't play much out in the rain
[Yaunfen] But I'm happy! You can have it. - They hug Splenders arm- It's been a pretty good day!
[Splender] Laughs and picks Yaunfen up to hug them better- Yes you have!  I can feel it!
[Yaunfen] Flicks their little tail around. - Yes!
[TLOT] Oh! Mirabella. Let me show you something. Usually Doc does this, but I think I know how to do it now. - He tweaks a little coding and turns her display on-
[Mirabella] Is surprised- What is this?
[TLOT] It keeps track of your heath and what you're carrying. Part of the game is gathering raw materials and crafting them into tools, food and other useful things.
[Mirabella] - I see...
[TLOT] I know you've met Doc already. They built this house. Every chunk of stone was mined with a pickaxe and placed deliberately. The glass was sand from the nearby desert, the wool in the floor sheared from sheep and on and on.
[Mirabella] - Such work, and so much for one person to do
[Yaunfen] It's fun! It's like a big treasure hunt.
[TLOT] It's like life really. Little things add up. And the ones who live here, we like to create.
[Mirabella] - That's good
[Splender] Puts Yaunfen down- Well I'm stuffed now!
[Yaunfen] Yay!
[TLOT] Maybe we could think of something relaxing for you to do? Splender lives by the water. You should try going fishing. It's pretty simple, and if you don't want the fish it gives you an excuse to be introduced to our friend Alexsezia.
[Yaunfen] And play with the kittens, they're super tiny!
[Mirabella] - Fishing?  I...  I don't know what that is
[TLOT] All the more reason to try it. - He goes to one of the crafting tables and makes a quick rod from one of the random junk trunks around the walls. - You shouldn't try to cast it in here. But take it for later. - Offers it to her.
[Mirabella] Takes it and turns it over in her hands-
[Deer] - I'm sure your son would be more than happy to show you how to use it
[Yaunfen] You can do mom and kid stuff! That'll be cool.
[Mirabella] - Mom and kid stuff?
[TLOT] Yaunfen means like bonding.
[Yaunfen] Mom and I do lots of stuff together, me and mada too. It's fun.
[Deer] - It's fun, I promise
[Yaunfen] Oh! I could show you my seed too, it's really neat!
[TLOT] Provided you like sugar of course. Heh.
[Mirabella] - I think I've had enough excitement for today
[Yaunfen] It's okay, days are short and theres always lots of them. - nod nod-
[TLOT] I'm not sure what kind of timescale you're used too, but Yaunfen is right. Days and nights are shorter then on Earth, but time itself affects us a lot less,
[Mirabella] - There is barely a difference between night and day in our dimension
[TLOT] Is it perhaps like our End? The ground is lit, but the sky is perpetually darkened.
[Mirabella] Is unsure how to describe it and so gives a weak mental burst showing what looks like a dark overcast day in a dull gray world-
[TLOT] That would make for a grim state of mind... It's good to get out in the sun now and then.
[Mirabella] - There is no sun there
[TLOT] Maybe that's why you don't have eyes most of the time? Because you're not attuned to having much light to begin with?
[Mirabella] - I do not know
[Yaunfen] Ooo, does that mean you can do the echo locator noise? Like Ashe and our pet bats? They see with noises.
[Splender] - Well, we still have eyes, they're just usually hidden.  Our sight, well, I'm not really sure how to explain it
[TLOT] You know I can read you easily if you want to show me.
[Yaunfen] Do you have weird heat vision or something? Ooh! Tell me if I look weird!
[Splender] Opens his mind to TLOT to see-
[TLOT] Ah, so just very focused. And open in a way that's preternatural. I understand. Yaunfen, it's... just a hunters vision, very forward and precise for whats right in front.
[Yaunfen] Oh, that makes sense. Anybody want a cattail? - pulls out some of the peppermint cattails and snaps one off to suck on idly-
[Mirabella] Puts down her cup- Our eyes all vary in color, and they are usually only visible when we are angry
[TLOT] Herobrines often keep their eyes hidden most of the time as well. Either for sneaking purposes since the light can give us away, or more personal reasons.
[Yaunfen] Cp has green eyes. TLOT has gold!
[Splender] - I prefer your bright eyes!
[TLOT] Me too. I feel like I can't see as well if I move my glow. But it is what it is underneath.
[Splender] - My eyes are red!
[TLOT] smiles- I haven't seen them myself, but Doc did give me a very vivid view of your heroic battle against my NOTCH.
[Splender] Laughs a bit nervously over that-
[Yaunfen] You helped get rid of the huge meanie. That was so cool. And Lie's plant bit him and dragged him like that and that! - Is swinging around a mushrollem for emphasis.
[TLOT] At Mirabella- We have other entities that are supposed to check our individual powers. Sometimes they are... unkind. Thankfully his replacement seems to be merely frustrated with me and not actually harmful.
[Mirabella] - I know all to well how it is to be in the shadow of something terrifying
[Yaunfen] That's when you get big! Then the meanies back off. Or you get your friends to help you.
[TLOT] Just don't be big in here please.
[Yaunfen] I know. I can't go through the walls like mada...
[Mirabella] - Sometimes it's not so easy
[TLOT] We shall see. I'm aware of what we're facing. But the wicker man doesn't realize that this is veritible touchie hive that shouldn't be kicked.
[Yaunfen] Those guys can pinch!
[Mirabella] Just kinda shrinks into herself in uncertainty-
[TLOT] Yaunfen makes a good point. Touchies are very small. They buzz around and touch things to make them grow, they also make a very sweet syrup that can be fermented. They're peaceful creatures. But there are also a lot of them. Each individual can deliver a stinging pinch. Just one can hurt, and several can make an animal go running mad from the pain, but all at once... they can kill. Little things can be important.
[Splender] - Don't worry, we'll deal with father when it comes time for it
[TLOT] And we'll do it together.
[Yaunfen] We'll kick his butt!
[Mirabella] - We shall see
-There's a whoosh far above and the flames above the glass ceiling flicker as the air passes over them-
[Splender] Looks up- Hm?
[Yaunfen] Was looking up- Mada!
[TLOT] Heh. Looks like Doc is home.
-there's some thumping far above as they phase into the ceiling and transform as they accordian into the hallway by the horse pen one floor up-
[Deer] - We're in here love!
[Doc] Comes down the steps- Oh! Did I inturrupt something?
[Yaunfen] Runs over to hug them - we're having a tea party!
[Doc] Awww. That's sweet. - looks- And Splender gets some actual tea. I found out that Sally just likes the pretend type.
[Splender] - Or juice!  Sometimes I'll treat her with that!
[Doc] Chuckles- I tried to play with her and made her some real tea. She said it was yucky. I guess it's just a matter of preference.
[Yaunfen] Wanna mushrollem? - Xe still holding it-
[Doc] Sure. - Xe takes it and munches on it before approaching- This was certainly a good idea for a dreary day. I think it's going to really storm tonight.
[Splender] - Oh, I hope Pinwheel doesn't try to go out then...
[TLOT] Was she there? I didn't see her so I thought she might be out playing with Crim again.
[Splender] - No, since Offender is here she's been staying with Lie's friend!
[Doc] I heard she was getting along with Karla. It's nice to see her making another friend.
[TLOT] At Mirabella - Have you met Pinwheel yet? She's adopted but kind of Splender's daughter.
[Splender] Happily nods-
[Mirabella] - No, I have not, although I have heard about them
[Yaunfen] She's a dragon like me, only way fluffier.
[Doc] Just be careful, she's bitey.
[Splender] - But her venom doesn't effect our type
[Doc] Well, if you want to befriend her, it's best to not do things that make her bite you anyway. She gets overstimulated and lashes out. It's better to talk quietly to her and telegraph your movements so she isn't startled.
[Mirabella] - I see
[Doc] Also if you scratch her neck fluff she'll flop over and purr.
[TLOT] She's still young.
[Splender] - I love when she purrs!
[Doc] She's a fine dragon. And you're shaping up to be a good dad.
[Splender] Radiates happy energy-
[Mirabella] Releases a calm energy-
[TLOT] It's one of Doc's little projects that's really spread a lot of joy around the seed. One of our meanest Herobrines has calmed down immensely under the responsibility of caring for a small dragon. He still doesn't smile often, but if someone touched one scale on Celine with intent to harm he'd rip them to bits.
[Doc] Leans toward Yaunfen and ruffles their hair lovingly.
[Yaunfen] hehe.
[Deer] - Everyone one here is rescued in one way or another, even the children in the village
[TLOT] Even me. - glances at Doc.
[Doc] Little blush. - I just wanted some place to call home, and sharing it with others who have the same wish, well... that makes me even happier.
[Splender] - And it shows!
[Doc] Pulls up a chair for Yaunfen and sits down as well. - The more time I spend out there, the more I just want to be here. I like simple things.
[TLOT] Like cheesemaking?
[Doc] What? Yes, I suppose so.
[TLOT] Then you should take a turn. Steve is not happy with the stink I've been brewing up.
[Doc] I heard Lie was eating it a lot....
[Yaunfen] It's for the baby right?
[Mirabella] - Baby?
[TLOT] Babies don't normally like cheese, at least, I don't think they do?
[Doc] One of our friends is having a child of her own. The first we know of concieved between two Herobrine type entities. It's a really special thing.
[Mirabella] - I see- She rests a hand on her own stomach- I remember only a few of the cravings I had
[TLOT] Well Lie has been all about a type of special cheese that only smells good to our type of entity.
[Yaunfen] It's sparkly but it smells terrible!
[TLOT] My point exactly.
[Mirabella] - There was a plant in our dimension which could curb the urgings of the craving...
[Doc] Ah, it's a harmless thing. We can provide easily.
[TLOT] Lifts a finger-
[Doc] Yes, I will take a turn.
[TLOT] Thank you.
[Splender] Looks up at the sky- It's getting dark, we should probably be getting back home...
[TLOT] I can Tp you both to Offender if you don't want to walk...?
[Splender] - That would be nice, thank you
[Yaunfen] It was nice to meet you slendermom! -more politely- Thank you Splender for bringing Mirabella over. I had fun!
[TLOT] Me as well. - He's typing out the teleport-
[Splender] - You're very welcome!  It was a wonderful tea party Yaunfen!- The teleport then takes them and they are gone
[Deer] - Well that was a nice visit
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96percentdone · 7 years
 “someone ask me for viktuuri fic recs so I can just get this post out...”
hey skylar give us... the good reccomendations for the good content I LONG for it...
@imaginepartybabyz Y’know half the reason I wanted to make this post is because of your fics. I can’t rec your own fics to you Noa. It doesn’t work out.
I’m gonna try to keep the super popular fics everyone and their mother has already read off the list. Y’know the ones that show up every fic rec. Anyway let’s begin. Under the cut!
Finished Fics:
Masks off by emulikule  “And so the story goes that a playboy comes to a town, makes it fall in love with him and then proceeds to get himself enticed by the most mysterious person there. Wait... did it really go like that?” Alright so I am weak for stories where a character loves two people, and it looks like a love triangle, but those two people are actually just the same fuckin person and they have a secret identity or some shit. It’s why I like Miraculous Ladybug. This fic??? It has that. Also it has fucking masquerades. It’s great.
Lifetime Record by futuresoon  “Victor Nikiforov is a lot of things: a celebrity, a genius, the world's greatest men's figure skater, the object of Yuuri Katsuki's idolization. He's also been dead for twenty years. When Yuuri returns home in search of something to inspire him to get back into skating, what he finds is someone eager to help, unconventional, and incredibly, desperately lonely.” So I don’t typically like ghost fics because the concept of them makes me depressed. (”They can’t be together really if one of them is dead!!”) But I read this one anyway. Because. it was on the tvtropes fic rec page and didn’t contain garbage, and I have no regrets. Listen if you’re afraid of an unhappy ending. Don’t be. I hate tragedies. I would not rec this if it was one. Believe me. It’s an emotional ride.
lie to make me like you by cityboys “It’s become a game, of sorts, to anyone privy to the fact that the pattern exists in the first place: ask Victor out at the beginning of the month, date for however many days, and wait for the end to come and for Victor to say, always: I couldn’t fall in love with you. Let’s break up.” Now the truth is I really could rec all of cityboys fics because they’re all works of art but I told myself to just pick one so this list doesn’t end up 90% them. And this fic. Let me tell you. It’s fucking beautiful. I think the most wonderful aspect of this fic is there’s tension, but there isn’t like extreme angst. The climax of the fic isn’t incredibly stressful, even when there is build up to it. I think it’s truly wonderful. Also this fic singlehandedly got ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” stuck in my head forever. 
Impostor Syndrome by renaissance “At some point, most people with a childhood crush will imagine meeting their idol, and might even pretend that they're dating. This is the story of how Yuuri Katsuki meets his childhood crush, and how they pretend that they're dating.” Alright we need one fake dating AU on here and this is it. This is peak fake dating AU. It doesn’t get any better than this. Everyone else go home. No but seriously this fuckin fake dating AU. has just so much going for it. At the start it seems pretty standard, but the way it develops. HOly shit. Just. Just read it. 
not gold like in your dreams by ebenroot ““Victor, you could have let some psychopath into your apartment.” “Oh come on, he’s not a psychopath,” Victor chides.Christophe makes a gesture with his hand that says ‘are you seriously this naïve or are you drunk at work again?’. “Victor, you don’t know that. You don’t know anything about him. Whose name am I going to give to the police or face I’m going to describe to the sketch artist when they find your body chopped up like Hannibal Lecter’s side dish? ”-- in which Victor and Yuuri are roommates and Yuuri has a secret“ So this. Is a Penelope AU. AKA a movie I never watched, which should be a testament to how good this fucking fic is because damn. Like. You don’t have to see this movie just read this fic. It works fucking perfectly. Yuuri is constantly hiding his face in Viktor’s apartment and doesn’t give his full name, and Viktor is like “this is kinda sketchy but it’s fine” and then romance. I just made this sound so much worse than it is but listen. I was emotional. I felt things. I don’t always feel things but I felt them here. Just read it.
And Miles to Go Before I Sleep by Orchids_and_Fictional_Cities “Katsuki Yuuri has been cursed to spread misery and grief to those who dare to come close to him. Viktor Nikiforov has been sentenced to wander the earth, unable to die, granting wishes to mortals in the hopes that one of them might give his life meaning in exchange. They meet in a tempest of April snow.“ So I just binge read this all in one go. Okay first. it has gorgeous art. Holy shit. Yes. There’s art. And second. This story. The world it built. The atmosphere. The emotions. That fucking beautiful ending. Oh my god. four chapters of just. perfection. Please. Just. Please. Read this. 
Waiting for the Rain by trashy_cas “In which Katsuki Yuuri meets a stranger who also enjoys frequenting empty parks on rainy mornings. Garden of Words AU“ Here’s another fic based on a movie I haven’t seen, and also won’t see because. eww. Creepy age gap. The creepy age gap is obviously not in this fic. I would not put it here if it was. No this fic is just a wonderful atmospheric experience. It really captures that rainy garden mood throughout and when it ends...it feels a little bit like the skies cleared up and the sun shines again. It’s just beautiful. 
don't want to be lonely (just want to be yours) by Linisy “This time the flesh and blood Yuuri wasn't around to distract him, and he watched the video intently, hypnotized by the swing of Yuuri’s hips, the look in his eyes that burned with intensity and the strong, confident line of his shoulders. Yuuri was, as always, breathtaking. Victor remembered their first meeting well. Yuuri was the last member to join the group. He was soft spoken, and he stood as if he were trying to make himself smaller, shoulders drawn inward, head tilted toward the ground, glasses slipping off his nose. Victor was surprised to hear that he was the second oldest behind Victor himself. Everything changed the first time he saw him dance. - Vitya, Katsu, Yura, Beka and Chu make up the top idol group SVD. They've been through hell together, living in their tiny dorm and working toward the day they'd finally hit it big. That day has finally come, but sometime over the course of the past three years, Victor has fallen in love with Yuuri Katsuki.” Okay so this fic has just started, and it’s an idol AU, but don’t let that turn you away because it’s masterful. It covers like five different POVs and all of them are so distinct. You can really feel the character they switch to. It has so much potential. 
Lullaby of Birdland by Orchids_and_Fictional_Cities “In another world, their story might have started with ‘Hi there’, or ‘Lovely sky tonight’, or ‘Hello, stranger’. Or perhaps something less cliché, something like: ‘A commemorative photo? Sure thing! ’But in this one, it starts with an electric blue cocktail, the taste of smoke in the air. And: “You have really talented, um. Fingers.” --- Yuuri makes music with his body. Victor makes music because that's all he knows. (Or: After his poor performance at the Grand Prix Final, Yuuri is weary but not broken, and decides to give it one last shot. Victor plays piano three nights a week at a small jazz bar near the Detroit Skating Club, and does his best to get by.)” This fic has this one really clever plot point I can’t tell you because spoilers. But I think about it all the time. And you will too probably!! If you read it. I don’t even like jazz but this fic made me like jazz. Also. The feelings are real. The feelings are real and it’s got the atmosphere of a Jazz Club. Fitting considering. 
On Ice, Yuri!!! by octothorpe “Russia’s rising star, Victor Nikiforov, age twenty-three, has just finished his first Grand Prix Final and is gearing up for Serious Training for the next season. Russia’s rising star, Victor Nikiforov, age twenty-three, is currently standing naked in the Yu-Topia onsen, back arched, silver hair flowing, with one arm outstretched toward a very bewildered Yuuri Katsuki.“Yuuri! Hi!” OR The weirdly-canon-but-not-really Reverse AU.“ This is the only reverse AU that matters. Okay. Every other AU was weird in some way, but this one feels...accurate. To everyone. Also it doesn’t feel gross. So there’s that. Everyone feels true to themselves, and it’s “weirdly canon” like they said, so this fic really does feel like the most accurate version of this AU there could be. Everyone is so IC. It’s beautiful.
Rhapsody by FigureSgayts “He's been a star from the beginning. Both of his parents, Yakov, and all those around him, everybody who has seen him skate, knows it. Viktor, however, continues to see himself as nothing but a potential rising star. After all, he's only sixteen and is just making his senior debut. He can't be as good as everybody seems to be making him out to be, ignoring the small (large) collection of gold medals that he has. As such, all he wants to do is focus on improving and living up to the expectations thrown at him on and off the ice. However, only a few months before the start of his first senior Grand Prix series, a sharp blue smears itself right above his clavicle. Only in his dreams can it be bruise. The late appearance of a soulmark is enough to knock Viktor a little off balance mentally. This isn't to say that Viktor will reject his soulmate. In fact, he's willing to go above and beyond to do all he can for whoever they may be, but first, he's going to claw his way to the top. If everybody expects him to be a star, then so be it. He'll be the star that they want, and once he's at the top, nobody will be able to stop him from giving his all to whoever shares his mark. After all, he is Viktor Nikiforov.” It’s a soulmate AU. But it’s also a Viktor backstory fic. AKA it’s a fucking win win y’all. It has everything you could ever want probably. Warning though Viktor is kinda an oblivious dingus at times and you’ll want to just. argh. Viktor please. But listen it’s really good at super worth it okay. 
The Coin, The Stone & The Rose by Silver_Scribbles “Crown Prince Viktor Nikiforov once had the world at his fingertips; he was rich and powerful and handsome, and he had everything his heart desired. Now, he is a Beast, imprisoned by an Enchantress' spell; hiding away from the world in the never-ending winter of his shame. Katsuki Yuuri is . . . odd, to say the least. Beautiful, but odd. While the rest of the villagers put one foot firmly in front of the other, Yuuri would rather loose himself to his dancing and his daydreams; always wishing for something more than his provincial life. Each is captive to circumstances beyond their control; trapped by unbreakable spells and impossible dreams. However, an unlikely meeting is about to change everything. Hope makes a final play for their salvation as the sands of time run out; but as Yuuri and Viktor learn to find themselves in one another, they also make discoveries that they're completely unprepared for . . . some wondrous, some wretched . . . and some treacherous enough to permanently tear them apart. For who could ever learn to love a Beast?“ Fuckin I don’t like beauty and the beast as like. a movie. And everyone who’s tried this AU up until this fic was doing it wrong with all the bad things about the movie. But this fic!!!! It takes the basic premise (a prince turned into a beast that can only be saved by true love) and keeps everyone in character. No fucking uncontrollable rage outbursts from Viktor. Everyone is just how they should be, and there’s none of the fucking Bad tropes that were in the original movie. It’s basically what the movie should have been. Basically. 
This Conversation by RedTwice “Somewhere along his journey to share himself with the world, Yuuri finds himself travelling to Detroit to train with the world-renowned ice skating coach Celestino Cialdini. There’s just one small problem: Christophe Giacometti’s coach has retired earlier than anyone expected, leading the young skater to Celestino’s door as another full-time student. Yuuri slowly befriends Christophe as they train for the senior circuits together, and finds that this friendship is bringing out parts of himself he never expected to find, for better or worse. Or: Christophe joins Yuuri in Detroit from the beginning, and leads Yuuri down a six-year-long path of self-discovery.“ Do you want a fic where Chris and Yuuri are friends. Do you. Because. This is that fic. The viktuuri hasn’t happened yet but it will, but listen, if you also want that good friendship content. Read this. Read it. Just do it. Just. Read. 
Trade Your Heroes For Ghosts by Naamah_Beherit “Having endured what was probably the worst day of his life followed by a night he does not remember, Yuuri wakes up with a hangover of the century and a desperate plea for the world to forget about his existence. Alas, the world has other plans. So does a certain Russian skater.“ Okay so like. Here’s a great canon divergence AU where Yuuri finds out immediately about the banquet. ANd it’s just. wonderful. it’s just great. Listen. Listen okay secretly all of you have wanted this. I know. I understand. But listen. It’s here okay. You can read it. It’s super good. It makes you feel good inside. All kinds of feelings. Don’t you like feelings? no probably not BUT THEY’RE GOOD FEELINGS.
And finally, everything by komagayda. (Yes Noa. It’s your turn). Everything he write is IC, and while they’re all “weird AUs” don’t we all need weird AUs? Yes. Yes we do. The workings of the worlds he’s built are so fascinating and fun, and the super accurate characterization just brings everything to life. It’s beautiful. ALso. mlm fics written by an actual mlm???? it’s more likely than you think. I couldn’t pick one fic like I did for cityboys because I’d feel like a fucking liar. And I didn’t want this to also be even longer with every single fic. So we’re just gonna do this all at once kids. It’s great. Noa is a great author. 100000000000/10. Get on reading his shit. 
And there you go. Enjoy the good content. Your welcome. 
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I was tagged by @charlottekath (thanks for the poke xD) and even though I have already done one of these, they’re kind of fun, so hey, here we go again
Rules: 1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people. (Or however many you want)
(under a cut because this got looooong)
1. Do you collect anything?
Flavours of hot chocolate :P and I also have a bad teddy habit. I have so many soft toys at this point it isn’t even funny, literally they take up all the shelves and over half the bed in my room at home
2. Favourite childhood animated film?
Ooooh... probably the Lion King 2, I watched that religiously every single night for a while and still know all the songs
3. If you hear a noise in the night when you’re home alone, your mind automatically thinks its ….??
Apparently a dog, based off this morning?? I heard a noise and looked over at the windowsill and there was a dog casually sat there wagging its tail. Jumpscared me so I sat straight up and then realised I’d been dreaming. Strangest thing to happen to me in a while :P (Charlotte cackled for ten minutes straight I swear)
Usually though, I don’t get too creeped out by nighttime noises. I just assume its a happy ghostie floating along so I don’t disturb it
4. What is your comfort fic(s)?
EXCELLENT QUESTION. Recently my go-to comfort fic has been @parentaladvisorybullshitcontent‘s astronaut AU (which is here and I highly reccomend) but if I want a slice of good comfort reality then I go to anything at all by @alittledizzy because everything she writes is a perfect encapsulation of their dynamic. Also this is the best sick fic of all time. Oh and this which @snowbunnylester wrote for me when I was having a bad day. And also I have to mention this by @leblonde as one of my all time favourites for bad days too. (I have literally too many comfort fics I’m going to stop now)
5. Favourite fantasy world, and why? (I can be from book series/film series/video game, whatever has captured your imagination the most)
Ahhhh don’t make me choooooose. Ok I literally cannot choose so I’m going to list a few and say why I love them so much
Wheel of Time (by Robert Jordan): this saga (I’m still reading, on book 4) but it’s so gooood, proper high fantasy but the magic is super interesting and has made me want to write my original fic again. Seriously the magic system in this is not something I’ve seen before and it makes me want to explore different facets of magic
The Belgariad (by David Eddings): this was my absolute favourite series as a teenager. So much excellent magic, great humour, and I have never wanted to live inside a world as much as I did this one.
The Dark is Rising (by Susan Cooper): this is like a modern take on Arthurian legend and I love it. One of the greatest friendships to ever come out of a book exists in this universe and also the mythical language really appeals to me. (Also the only reason I vaguely know how to pronounce Welsh words)
Daughter of the Flames (by Zoe Marriott): I read this as a teenager and it has stayed with me ever since. I aspire to be like this author one day. Amazing discussions of race and society as well as literally amazing fire magic (seriously, I wanted to be a fire mage for so long after reading this xD)
And a tip of the hat to Lord of the Rings for first getting me into fantasy when I read it aged 10, I would quite happily go live with the ents if I could
6. Cinema snack of choice?
M&Ms. The peanut ones. (I know most people have popcorn and I do like popcorn but for some reason I always get these at the cinema xD)
7. Is there any habits you wish you could break?
I wish I would stop clicking my fingers
8. Hypothetically, if you were ever arrested, what would it probably be for?
xD this doesn’t feel likely at all as I am the biggest goodie two shoes out there, but hypothetically... probably for stealing hot chocolate
9. Favourite thing about the city/town you live in, and also least favourite?
Gonna do this for Durham, where I’m at uni. Favourite thing is the views, it’s such a pretty town (there is literally a giant cathedral that looks like Hogwarts right outside my bedroom window). Least favourite thing is how small it is, if you want to go to any decent shops then you have to get the train to Newcastle
10. VIP Question (I have actually used this when I was interviewing for a new employee to weed out the weak). What is your contingency plan for a zombie apocalypse?
I love that you have actually used this in job interviews xD but I would gather everyone/everything I could and hop inside the cathedral right outside my window and then barricade the door. The university wifi is reachable from there so at least we’d have internet before the inevitable death
And my questions (actually eleven seeing as Charlotte failed and wrote 10 :P):
1. What’s the most amount of books you can lift at once?
2. What’s your favourite thing in the room you’re in right now?
3. What’s your favourite pairing that you’ve ever shipped and why?
4. What was the last thing that you made by hand?
5. Describe your favourite photograph (of yourself or other people or a place etc.)
6. What would your unicorn horn be made out of? (For context, just took a buzzfeed quiz and mine was made out of gummy candy)
7. How long have you been aware of the internet/fandoms?
8. If you can’t reach something on the top shelf of a supermarket, what do you do?
9. Do you have any tattoos? If not, would you get one?
10. What’s your favourite genre of fic? Slow burn, fluff, angst, etc.?
11. What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you?
I’m going to follow suit and tag the most recent people in my notifications, don’t feel like you have to do this! Just an option for if you want to ^_^ @sophtatic @beechwoodwand @pinkelephantsandoreos @dont-break-hearts @aromadillo @agw-game @o-atsuko-o @fikirselam @serenewyrd @samisafangirl @marshmallowmooooo
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thearcanasucks · 5 years
Hi, so I was looking at your blog and saw a small post about Fallen Hero, and I wanted to point out that first, the game is written from a villain's perspective and the game neither condones a true villain mc's actions and villain is treated just as, plus the writer themselves is genderqueer, and the thing about selecting a character's gender doesnt take away from their personality, and the MC's race isn't just and accessory and actually brought up in game, in a well written way.
Still the same person from the FH ask, I can’t elaborate much in asks, but FH is genuinely and truly well written, with a mature genderqueer author who does their research, knows their (majorly queer and trans) audience and comparing it to Heroes Rise (which did start out good but went sideways very quick) is doing it a major disservice. Character’s identities aren’t there as just adjectives, and I really do think you should give it a full go or research more into it.
Also, while some Choice of Games and Hosted Games authors do use minorities as flavor text and some games are more than iffy, there are a bunch of games on the forum and officially published ones written by those minorities and I really recommend that people go and look through their library and the forums for something that might catch their interest. Plus the company lets people write their own games using the program and even publishes it for them, so there’s that!
since i was the one who looked up fh, i’ll be answering this, too!
first of all i wanna say- heroes rise didnt start out good. i know this, i was there, i betad for the author, and helped with revisions to text after the second and first ones were up. it was always bad. we did our best to try and minimise how bad it was, but he never listened, and also refused to look into other games, and essentially wanted to write a story but also make more money from the gaming community.
so, yeah i would agree tbh that not knowing much about the author of fh might be a disservice. i do have friends who have played fh, and seem to enjoy it a lot- they played it after i wrote my post, but i havent really asked them about it because i had no interest personally. now knowing that the author is in fact genderqueer does change the matter of picking a gender a lot!  at the time of writing, i couldn’t find anything about who the author was. or perhaps i just didn’t look in the right places? so it’s very good to know, thank you, and does clear up my issues wrt that. i don’t know if they’re white or a poc, so i’m not sure where to stand on that. it’s just hard to intuit this from a demo, which is where my issues came from in the first place- the demo didn’t give me any confidence or reason to believe gender and race would be counted as important.  but if it does actually play a part in the story, then that’s good to know also. perhaps now that the game has more of a following it will be easier to find these things out.
i just hope that the author understands how the demo of the game can seem VERY concerning for someone like me (trauma survivor who has experienced rl abuse wrt control via manipulation, and substances), or any others, who just open it up knowing nothing and see that youre playing someone who takes control of the bodies of others, potentially kids. being from a villain’s perspective or no, allowing the player to do that is just… uncomfortable at best, and i have enough experience in fandom spaces to Not trust that at face value. hopefully the fandom isn’t like that, but you can understand my caution.
personally, i’m still very hesitant to play or recommend it unless i know for certain that in the story youre made to admit that controlling people is bad, and have a redemption arc. even if that’s a story spoiler, i just dont trust a story that has mind control as a mechanic unless i know it’s not going to be used for freak shit.
that said, i’m glad to know that the author does take the matter seriously!
if anyone else wants to get back to me after playing it though, here or on my main with info, then i’d be happy to look over it and then make a more informed assessment!
my criticism of the demo isn’t a knock on choice of games stuff btw! ive played a lot of CoG and hosted games that i love, and if people like that kind of thing i reccomend checking them out!!
my personal favs are:choice of robotscreatures such as wetin starslammed!zombie: exodus (i think there’s a sequel to that now?)
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