#i love it please keep sending in your thoughts on wally in young justice
squijim · 2 years
I always think of this comment by you about if Wally did come back. And like, I always would have wanted Wally storming away from everyone else and just ending up where else but….keystone city, feeling like he’s hit rock bottom but willing to dig and just so happens to run into Hartley Rathway and Linda Park and that’s when you realize he’s always gonna have that five year gap from his old friends but that doesn’t mean…he can’t truly start over.
And Wally’s powers have always had a element of clap if you believe to them so I think a part of him needs to get away from others to come into his weird speedforce powers, maybe run into Max or something. Like he needs to fight Zoom behind a Dennies, and uncover like 10 cults in 2 months like Wally does in the comics.
Plus, like Jesus Christ in heaven all I want is for Wally and Linda (and Hartley) to be known as besties again
i just want wally and the flashfam to be taken more seriously by the young justice writers. literally every single family unit in yj has had its moments in the sun; this last season had a big emphasis on the supers and martians, the previous season with the arrows, s2 with the atlanteans... surprisingly the batfam has had little screentime but dick has always been a main character and i think the batfam's strong presence in pretty much every other dc property makes up for it.
but the flashes?? i'm racking my brain. there was "coldhearted" in s1 which featured mary and rudy eating breakfast with wally. they showed up again in the season when the adults were sent to a different dimension,, and they showed up when wally died. bart had one conversation with jay about being an outsider but that wasn't even one-on-one. the flashes appeared here and there in season 2 when bart was first introduced and then nothing really happened, nothing about the tornado twins or bart's past or anything...
the flashes are all about family but when has that ever been represented? every single episode or scene featuring them aside from the wally + wests moments has had some element of tension. bart and jay's convo, bart's interactions with barry, even wally's interactions with barry, but they're supposed to be like father and son!!
and then you add the fact that the characters are never in central, the only flash villain (aside from Grodd who never shows up) who's around is Captain Cold but he barely has any lines and is never solo. there's been no zoom, no rogues, no trickster or reverse flash or weather wizard. max mercury has never showed up. no mention of hartley or linda.
i love spitfire and i love them together and i love wally's friendships but i want the emphasis on /him/. his origins were briefly discussed in the denial episode and in a comics attachment but we never talk about wally's insecurities, or his backstory, or why he retired, or his idolization of barry— all of the things that have been historically key to understanding Wally West. I'm still upset that every other character got a good therapy session with Dinah after "Failsafe" but Wally. Why deny the audience a chance to learn more about the serious sides of him only to make a joke about him being in denial which we already know?
I agree with everything you said, Anon. I want Wally to figure out who he is away from the others on the team. What place does he have in the world now? How much catching up is there to do? Can he still get his degree, his dream career? How does Wally, whose pride is so easily hurt, come back from these blows?
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: can i request a wally and batsis!reader trying to make out in peace but keep getting interrupted by her brothers?
Warning: fluff, kissing, implied smut
A/N: I love Wally West with my whole heart okay. He deserves better and I hope he comes back in season four of YJ 😩
Word count: 2.2k
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It was great that your boyfriend and your brothers got a long. Wally and Dick were best friends long before you even met him. Jason liked the speedster too - you were sure it was because he reminded him of Roy a little bit. Even Tim liked Wally - mostly because Bart was one of his best friends.
Least to say, they were all happy that it was Wally that you were dating, not some asshole. You were glad that you didn't have to go through that awkward stage of your brothers intimidatingly asking your boyfriend what he wanted with you. Wally already knew them all, they knew exactly what kind of person he was.
Dick the most. Their time together on the Young Justice team proved a friendship that would never end. Having him basically be part of the family with dating you was even better.
You and Wally started dating after his endless flirting with you. At first, it had just been a joke to piss Dick off, before he realized that he genuinely had feelings for you. He was trying to spend as much time with you as he could get - and as a speedster it seemed that he had all the time in the world.
It took you a long time to cave to his pleads of asking you on a date. The second you did, it was like your whole world changed. Your brothers got closer to you, Wally was more loving than ever, you were happier. Dating Wally made you a better sister, and a better person.
The downside of them all being friends, was that you were often interrupted by them. Dick was always stopping by your apartment to hang out with Wally or you. It was nice to see him, but there were times that you wanted to get into a classic sibling throw-down with him as well.
Today, was one of those days.
For the first time in a long time, you and Wally both were free of university classes and missions. You got the chance to laze around in your apartment and just enjoy the presence of one another. Wally always complained about how slowly the days passed, but you knew that these were his guilty pleasure days.
The smell of fresh cookies filled your apartment, upon Wally's request. Rain pattered against the window, filling the empty noise. Wally sat in the arm chair in your small living room with you on his lap. His hand grasped your thigh as he met your lips. His favourite part about days like these? Getting to kiss you as much as he wanted.
Wally dragged out his kisses for as long as he possible could. It was one of the few times he despised speed. You smiled into the kiss, wishing that you could spend every day like this. Hands tugging through Wally's messy hair, the heat of his body radiating to yours. Nothing could ruin this moment.
Except for Dick Grayson.
You regretted giving your brother a key to your apartment. Especially right now, when he barged in without knocking. You nearly jumped off of Wally's lap, startled from his sudden entrance. Your fear turned to disappointment very quickly, and it seemed like Wally's did too.
"Cookies," Dick grinned, grabbing one off the plate and shoving nearly the entire thing into his mouth. He finally noticed that you and Wally were sitting on the chair, and awkwardly smiled at your angered look. "Bad timing?" It didn't take being a detective to realize what you were previously doing.
"When do you ever have good timing?" You glared. Wally tapped your leg, gesturing for you to get off of his lap, to which you complied to. Your arms were crossed over your chest as the two friends dabbed it up. In all your time together, it seemed like Wally was never mad at Dick for something like this, always you.
"What're you doing here, Rob?" Wally asked, using Dick's old nickname. His mouth was full of a half eaten cookie and you were sure the plate was going to be gone within the hour. As much as you loved Wally, he was a lot to cook for.
"Was in the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by," Dick shrugged. He swung his arm over your shoulder and when you didn't return his hug, he tightened his grip and completely messed up your hair. Of course, both boys thought it was hilarious to see you so frustrated about a simple fix.
Your peaceful day had come to an end as Wally and Dick settled on the couch and chatted about everything and anything. Their friendship had come first for longer than you were dating Wally and longer than you were siblings with Dick. It was often times hard to compete with that and over the years, you had just accepted it.
It was hours that Dick had stayed over, him and Wally laughing and having fun like the good old days. You loved seeing them happy like this, but you also just wanted your alone time with Wally again. Finally, Dick had decided that he used up his time and that it was time to head back to his own home.
The second that Dick left, Wally sped over to you and latched onto your waist. His lips crashed onto yours, missing your taste just as much as you had missed his. At that moment, your bed - even the couch - seemed too far away. Wally settled with setting you up on the kitchen counter, standing between your legs.
You trapped him in his place, legs wrapped around his waist. Wally's hands rested below your shirt, gently rubbing the pads of his fingers on your skin. He pulled his lips away, just long enough to utter, "I love you."
"As much as you love my brother?" You teased. Wally playfully glared at you, you always teased him about how close he and Dick were. He grabbed the bottom of your thighs, carrying you to your bedroom. You laughed the whole way there, even more so as he literally threw you on the bed.
Wally didn't hesitate to join you. He hovered over you, legs entangled as he kissed you again. His hair tickled the underside of your chin as he trailed down your neck. Hands grasping at your shirt, but not wanting to pull away long enough to tug it off of you. Finally, he pulled away the material.
"Babe, I don't think I'll ever stop admiring you," Wally grinned. He took every chance he got to flirt with you, and you had to admit that you loved it. This time, you rolled your eyes at him, and pulled him back down to meet your lips. He didn't seem to complain about that either.
A sudden, familiar gush of wind made you freeze. You were well accustomed to Wally speeding in and out of a room, along with the mess of loose items that followed. However, with Wally hovering over you, there was only one other person that would be speeding in and out of your room at that speed.
"Please don't tell me..." You trailed off, already knowing the answer. Wally sighed, handing you back your shirt that he had just removed. The two of you straightened up your clothes before leaving your room and back into the kitchen.
Bart was raiding your fridge, food already shoved in his mouth while none other than Tim was sitting in your favourite chair.
"You look great in red (Y/N)!" Bart complimented while still chewing. You could feel Wally's glare, and before he could do anything to his relative, you grasped his hand. You hoped that he hadn't noticed you shirtless, but of course being a speedster he easily noticed everything in a room before you could blink.
"What do you want, Tim?" You asked, looking over at your younger brother. "Bart if you take that last slice of pizza I'll personally send you back to your timeline myself," you snapped. Bart wearily looked between the pizza in his hand and you before setting it back in the fridge and closing the door.
"Haven't seen Kon in a while, thought he might have come here," Tim explained. It wouldn't have been the first time one of your super friends came and crashed at your apartment for a couple nights. Tim looked up at Wally's ruffled hair and your shirt that was on inside-out. "Sorry for the bad timing." Just like Dick. 
"Kon isn't here," Wally answered the obvious.
"A simple text would have sufficed instead of showing up," You snapped. It seemed like everyone was making the effort to ruin your day with Wally. However, family was family and as much as you hated them you couldn't be annoyed for long. They all meant their best, even if it wasn't valuing you in the moment.
"Am I not allowed to come visit?" Tim asked. Of course he was. Just like Dick, you did enjoy Tim's visits to your home as well. Also like Dick, you weren't in the mood for anyone else to come by your home. The hours of the day were ticking down and you knew that by the next day, you weren't going to get the option of peace again for a while.
"Hi, Tim. Thanks for stopping by, great catching up. You too, Bart. Really great visit, missed you both, bye!" You sarcastically vote as you ushered both the men towards your front door. They tried to complain as you did so, but you had slammed the door right in their faces, followed by an obvious click of your lock.
"Really, babe?" Wally chuckled at you. "Just can't get enough of me today, huh?"
"Do you want me to invite them back in? Stay for dinner? Less time that you get to see me nak-"
"Nope!" Wally changed his attitude very quickly. He sped over to you, hoisting you up in his arms and raced back into your bedroom, this time closing and locking the door in case you had any more visitors. The tension between the two of you escalated dramatically throughout the day and it was killing you not to break it.
Wally's finger's danced along your skin. They roamed up your thighs, under your shirt, anywhere that he could reach. All day he had been waiting for his and all day he had been denied. It wasn't just you who was craving his kisses, he was craving yours as well. He needed this moment with you, otherwise he was sure he was going to explode.
Your kisses were no longer slow and tender, they were rushed, needy. Both of you were petrified that someone else was going to come along and ruin your moment. The perfect day that you had envisioned was no more, the last few hours of the night were fading just as you had dreaded.
You were right to fear as well. Wally barely had his belt undone when yet another knock came from your front door. His eyes filled with dread at the sound. "Think we can ignore them?" Wally asked, still kissing along your jaw. You didn't answer, just tilted his chin so you could kiss his lips.
However, the knock didn't stop. It got louder, and louder until you couldn't bare the sound of it anymore. Whoever it was, they had no patience in the slightest. "Fuck," You muttered. You grabbed the closest shirt on the floor and shoved it over your half naked body. Wally flopped against the bed, rubbing his eyes in frustration.
You whipped open your front door, fire in your eyes at getting interrupted once more. Just as you had dreaded - and expected - it was Jason at your door. His arms were crossed and he had a duffel bag over his shoulder, one that held his Red Hood suit.
"Patrol?" Jason asked. There were several times that he came to you asking if you wanted to scour the city with him. Most times, you wanted to. This time, you barely gave him notice.
"No," you deadpanned. The door was maybe a little too harshly slammed in his face. There was no way that you were going to waste the last bit of time with Wally to go out in this city to fight criminals. You wanted this night to yourself and you had even gone out of your way to tell Jason that you were taking the night off. He must have forgotten.
"Babe, I know I've said it before but you look so good in my clothes," Wally complimented as you walked back into your room. You hadn't noticed that it was his shirt that you picked up rather than your own. "Another one of your brothers?"
"Jason," you scowled.
"I thought I had a big family," Wally joked. He pulled you back into your bed so your legs straddled his thighs. Both hands were intertwined as he stared up at you. "How many more interruptions can we expect? My body can only handle so much more."
"Well, if you include Bruce, there's still a chance of five more," You shuddered at the thought. "I don't care what's happening out there. I'm not leaving this bed again. Even if it's Beyonce that comes at my door."
"Babe, I like the way you think."
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akalei · 5 years
June 20th 2016
I’m back with another Ladybug Young Justice AU installment!! This is the second to last background info piece, I promise!! So please don’t get too mad that I’m taking so long to introduce Damien, there’s a lot of plot to set up! Also I cried while writing this so be warned of possible feels. As always please feel free to send me asks about this AU and I hope you enjoy!
On June 20th, 2016 Marinette and Adrien decided that they hated secrets. They kept secrets from their families, from their coworkers, from The Team, and from their partners. Ladybug and Chat Noir had been doing joint ops with The Team for the last two years give or take. Trying to uncover Hawkmoth’s identity and stop him and the Light, it was fun being part of an entire unit that trusts you, even if you couldn’t reveal your identity. It wasn’t that big of a deal at first, some of the other members of the Team didn’t reveal their identities either, but it was their own choice. As time went on Master Fu’s command seemed suffocating, especially when Ladybug and Chat Noir became leaders of their own Miraculous team. Master Fu would allow them to pick allies but wouldn’t allow them to keep the Miraculouses, he didn’t trust them. Ladybug and Chat Noir noticed the difference between The Team and their team, The Team was created so organically, sure not everyone always agreed but you knew you could trust them with your life. However, Ladybug and Chat Noir chose and gifted their team with powers that they would then take away, it was like they were playing a game of chess, Chat, and Ladybug was the game masters and their team were only pieces. It felt wrong, and it didn’t work. As time went on their teammates wanted to be in on the plans, they wanted to be able to help whenever the need arose, not when Ladybug and Chat thought they would be convenient help. So the Miraculous team broke apart with no real talk through or understanding. Master Fu was unconcerned, despite the cries of Ladybug and Chat Noir, if the people they chose couldn’t stick it out, then they weren’t worthy to be trusted. 
Ladybug and Chat hadn’t been able to reach him since, then The Team asked for their help. They didn’t know what exactly was going on other than an ongoing alien invasion and apparently Blue’s tech going rogue. They were dispatched with their old friends, off to deactivate Magnetic Field Disrupters, they were fighting with people they could trust and trusted them. 
Then Kid Flash disappeared and Mount Justice went up in smoke.
Marinette and Adrien felt numb, they had been so removed from The Team the past few months, dealing with their own crisis. They didn’t exactly know what happened but after being in the company of their friends they understood enough.
 It all started because of a secret.  
Marinette and Adrien were at the Watchtower, everyone was there. Grieving. They lost a friend and a partner. Marinette couldn’t stop thinking about Wally’s jokes and how funny they were, especially when he and Chat would goof off together. She knew what Wally looked like under his mask, knew that he loved the macaroons and other baked goods she brought with her from Paris. She knew that he was studying to get a degree in physics, that he loved Artemis and was thinking about marrying her. But Wally didn’t know her, and he will never know Marinette Dupain-Cheng and that was wrong. Keeping her identity a secret from the people she trusted with her life felt wrong. Keeping her identity from Chat who after getting to know Wally and The Team matured and fully became her partner was wrong.
 Marinette looked around at her friends in the Watchtower if she could trust them with her life why not with her identity? So when she heard her earings beep she ignored them and stayed where she was. When Chat’s ring started blinking he only glanced at it, before covering his hand over Ladybug’s showing his own resolve.
On June 20th 2016, they were done with secrets. 
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Revelations and Truths
So it’s been building up to this moment, the first encounter between the Teen Titans and Mary Grayson the Talon. This story here is based upon “Mary the Talon”, “Mission” and “Investigation” so i highly recommend those stories before immediately going for this one. 
WARNING: this story contains blood, gore and scenes unsuitable for little children. Parental Discretion is advised.
Also I would like to thank @lightdusk  and @nightglider124 inspiring me to make this story come true. If you have requests and ideas for future story, please ask it would be very appreciated. :-) 
Prologue: May 6th, Location: Unknown
She was rose amongst the voice she had heard.
“You have shown excellent progress throughout the years…and yet we could not fully grasp your trust in us.”
“Master, if I may, my missions have been successful upon the first day I have taken my oath upon thee and further more…”
She fell into silence. The vision however began once more as the Master spoke. Words flew through her eyes, and deep into her mind, no her very soul.
“Mama, m-Mama d-d-Daddy? Please be okay. Please”
Mary unintentionally began breathing heavily. Her Little Robin was calling out to her. He needed his Mama and he needed her now. A crack bounced across the Labyrinth as the Master strikes his whip on the ground in order to gain her attention.
“Dear Madam, have you blocked your ears from hearing these graceful words of your trust in us?”
The owl dressed woman quickly nodded to the Master’s question as more of that young boy’s voice began to pierce her soul.
“Mama, are you hurt?”
“Mama, please be okay!”
“Just hang in there, Mama! The doctors are going to help you and Daddy!”
“Mama…I Love you”
“…Love is a weakness”, The Master concluded.
The Talon had realized whose Love was told by her Master was weak, her love for Richard, her love for her husband John….her love that comes with being a mother…was a sign of her being weak?
“It is not.” Mary speaks.
The master behind his Owl mask has his eyes widen “What WAS THAT?”
Mary raises her head with her glowing goggled eyes staring in spite towards the gathering of Owl masked men and women before her.
“Love builds strength, Love binds one’s soul with the souls of others, and Love should NOT be treated as weak.”
A much younger man with an Owl mask speaks right behind the Master jokingly, “It appears we have upset Mama Bird here”
That foolish man seals their fates however, for with those words uttered, a dagger that was on the top of Mary’s knife belt suddenly found itself into said man’s throat in a matter of seconds, with precious red fluid immediately leaking profusely. The other Owls couldn’t help but feel a sense of horror at the grisly sight.  
“Why yes, Mama Bird is quite upset. My personal advice is….RUN.” Mary says this as the two mini swords strapped to her back suddenly became within her hands as she begins to dash towards the platform the rest of owls sit upon. Before Mary can climb the ledge however, a massive man dressed in similar albeit different owl-like uniform arises, knocking Mary on her feet.
“Mary Lloyd, the Masters have sentenced you to death.”
Mary with a tiny smirk coming on her masked face whereas the Owls flee simply responds, “You are talking to a dead woman so I’m afraid that sentence is rather moot.”
Jump City, about two days later.
It was a seemingly calm night for the city as children rushed to their beds and the parents prepared for the next day at work. The street crime was relatively low for the night as the villains hadn’t planned any major scheme threatening the city or even its banks. Nonetheless it was nights including this one in which even the slightest of criminal break-ins can happen.
This was a possibly one family in the city’s richer districts takes note of as they lock their doors with extra bolts hoping to prevent the criminal scum of the city from reaching their wallets or perhaps more importantly their daughter when they’re asleep. However, in the midst of locking the final bolt, two distinct eyes of their servants, the Talon, are seen in a relatively close distance. Obviously, the fellow Owls have sent the Talon as a messenger. With such both parents take their white Owl masks as the Talon enters their home.
Perfect, Mary thinks with her feet barely stepping unto this couple’s front door. They do not expect or even have the slightest clue of what had happened with the rest of Jump’s Owl Nest and how most either fled back to Gotham or more commonly met the nasty end of her blades, both short and long. Her new ‘mission’ was a simple one: let the Court know now of their precious talon has finally realized who she is, why she is the way she is, and takes into account of all the lives slain by her hand and all the other talons. Now she demands one simple choice to them: leave the innocents in this City and these supposed heroes called Titans alone or suffer the terrifying consequences with her blades. Now it was this family’s to see that first hand.
“What news from the Court?” the woman of the two asks.
The Talon at first remains utterly silent.
“Speak quickly” the woman’s husband asks.
“I must first ask”, Mary says while keeping her voice mostly subdued in which should make sure they do not recognize her, “is your daughter well informed of our ways?”
“Oh, most certainly Yes”, the woman says with utter glee in her voice, “she will be delighted to meet a fine servant to our cause like you.”
Mary couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disgust in that statement since during her indoctrination into the Court, many children, especially girls, cheered in joy as her torture in the Labyrinth played on, as if this whole thing was one giant game to them. Thank God almighty, Richard never was friends with these….monsters in his time at the circus. On a quick note, where is Richard at the moment? Mary can only pray that he’s safe, at least under police protection since it was a crime scene, not really an accident that happens on that one performance at Gotham.
But yes unto the matter at hand with these savages….
Robin had just completed his sixth turn around within the ghettos of Jump City. This city in which he had been living in since about 3 years ago has done much to him within that amount of time. From his first crook to catch robbing the banks, meeting Starfire and the others, and of course the ever looming presence of Slade in which he knows can exploit his feelings of self doubt and desire for absolute justice to once again attempt a hostile takeover of the criminal underground.
However, at the moment, Slade was not the one uber mysterious criminal not yet captured that currently holds Robin’s attention. That distinct honor goes to Chucky Sol’s murder whose electrum ‘blood’ sample has left him baffled to…what exactly it is. This especially becomes a forensic nightmare for Robin since he and Cyborg have recently discovered that Sol was NOT this mystery person’s only kill; far from it actually, that very same electrum has in fact been recorded with various crimes and unsolved murder cases that had been appearing since he was at least eight years old ranging from St Louis, New York, Boston, and most prominent of all Gotham.  Yes, these were murder cases not even the Batman can solve and apparently they followed him all the way here. They needed to find this person and fast.
“Kid Flash, how goes your end?” Robin asks through his T Communicator to his old friend Wally West, the Kid Flash for he covered the ghettos outside of his range thanks to his trademark super speed.
“Wish I can say I found something Dude, but apparently the lack of pretty much anything here more apparent than my lack of dinner for today. That’s short for flat out nothing” Kid Flash shrugs rather sadly in reply to Robin’s call.
“Got nothing over here either” Beast Boy states on his end of the call
“Dead zoned over here, man” Cyborg mumbles tiredly
“Nada” Raven deadpans out for an answer.
Then however came in Starfire’s response, “I have found something, something flying through the air…like one of your Earth’s ‘birds’”
Robin immediately perked at that finding, “track it Star and send us the coordinates.” He ordered and immediately to every one of the other Titans, the address of Starfire’s latest location were sent; 1940 Bill Finger Drive. In one of the richer parts of the cities was this creep showing up. They needed to get there NOW.
And so, the Teen Titans all converge to that address and a mission they don’t know yet but will bring a new spin on the term ‘criminal’
1940 Bill Finger Drive, five minutes later…
Beast Boy arrive the last while everyone else has met at Starfire’s coordinates in which was in fact a luxurious building of a mansion of house in which pretty much only people of a $100,000 and above income can indulge within. Apparently the winged figure Starfire seen had entered into the building in seemingly friendly manner and she considered simply calling the area clear…at least until she heard the doors lock…and the screaming began. She immediately tried bursting into said doors to stop whatever was happening, only being met with a painful dosage of electric shock in which left her paralyzed for a brief bit, in which by the time she awoke the other Titans plus Kid Flash had arrived.
Now all seven Titans stood outside the beautifully crafted home with Owl shaped gargoyles hanging from its granite pillars with such prestige, as if the Owls themselves guard the very city they reside within. Come to think of it, a lot of today had seemed full of owls and other birds of prey being mentioned tonight. This type of coincidence reaches to Robin’s mind, in particular bringing to mind something from his childhood not only his ever favorite nickname ‘Little Robin’ but also of a certain lullaby he heard…
But these thoughts were brushed aside the second glass was broken inside the home, they needed to get in.
“Cyborg, blast open that door!”
With that, the locked marble doors were burst open with Cyborg’s trademark sonic canon and the Titans enter the home. Probably they should’ve brought barf bags inside given what they see next.
“P-p-ple—e-ease….h-h-help us” moaned the pale and weak female voice coming out of the mangled bodies filled with numerous cuts and slashes across their torsos, legs, with a bit of stab wounds going on both their genitals and their arms held with steel chains both surround and impaling the arms, holding the young couple to the wall with their blood leaking from all mentioned and then some. Frankly, even with Kid Flash and Robin immediately working to get them down, this gruesome sight makes even the toughest of soldiers most likely want to run away and cower into the corner. Believe it or not, it was only bound to grow worse from here, starting with a howling yet high pitched scream erupting from some other room of the mansion.
“We must search this place for that little girl IMMEDAITELY” roared Starfire as the screaming continued and did not let up in the slightest.
“Split up!” says Robin in an equal state of worry and panic for that little girl. Thus the searching begins.
Apparently the search across the house goes about as well as trying to urinate in a tiny glass cup while spinning around in a spinning top like manner, mainly it was near impossible. Each of the two preciously wasted minutes passed by with numerous rooms marked with a “Clear” from each of the Titans in their respective rooms. Even though Kid Flash provided a massive boot to progress, they still head that poor little girl’s screams echo through the mansion with no sign of her.
“Ok ok Ok! I’ll do what you want just please don’t hurt me!” the little girl screamed as the Talon throws her to the nearest wall after she was done shattering said girl’s fingers and toes.
“All need to do honey is say that you and your family will move out of this city and never come back.”
“Why would we do that? Why are you doing this?! You’re part of Daddy’s friends, they won’t do this!” wailed that girl through her sobs as she staggered to get away from this monster.
“It easy sweetie, because you wouldn’t leave anybody you didn’t like alone and only hurt other people for fun” The Talon coldly replied, “I’m simply here to put a stop to it.” She then grabs the girl by the collar of his PJs and lifts her into the air “I want you with your momma and daddy to know, no matter who comes in my way or the Titans all right behind our backs, you better start running, leave us alone and peaceful, or you’ll be expecting a visit from me.”
Talon stares fiercely then into the girl’s ever so scared eyes “Do I make myself CLEAR?”
“y-y-yes” sobbed the little girl.
“Good” replied the Talon. All the sudden however,
“Cyborg, blast it!” in that second a blue beam shot across the room with every Titan that had been searching the home from the better part of these few minutes entering in almost instantly. The horror in all of their eyes at the sight of this owl like creature holding a little girl mercilessly off the ground while said girl was full of tears and pain proves being an understatement. Also an understatement would be the anger that quickly consumed their horror as they draw out either their battles stances or weapons to combat this threat.
“Who…are you?!” asks Robin with a twinge of horror mixing with pure fiery rage at the psychopath who was harming this girl to no end. At least Slade target someone like Terra and him, individuals who can actually fight back against him and not target 6 year olds like her.  
Talon simply remains silent in the presence of these teenagers, analyzing their technology, powers or talents they can posses against her. She had heard of their exploits amongst her missions here at Jump and their weaknesses which was how she was able to use two of her daggers with an electric charge to keep Starfire out the first time. While analyzing the group, Robin himself actually caught her attention the most. She knows that R on that red breasted vest anywhere.
“Mama, how come there’s an R on my shirt?”
“Easy Dick, it’s meant to be your full name Richard. And it’s also because you’re my Little Robin, flying through the air with little to care. Just like Mama and Daddy do.”
Now normally a brawl against all seven Titans will prove nearly futile right here given her situation and the simple matter of fact, Robin is at the same time her top priority target and the one person she NEVER wants to hurt.
“Answer me!” suddenly yelling Robin, tightening his grip on his bo-staff and snapping the Talon out of her thoughts.  
With that Talon realizes, what’s use of hiding it? From what she can gather, Satan himself resurrected their arch nemesis in front of their eyes so maybe this won’t be too hard for them to get. With that, she silently throws that little girl into their direction, Kid Flash catching her in his arms, and without a single word, slowly begins to remove her mask.
As her features began to show, each of Titans found themselves widening their eyes once again as the noted not only the feminine curve of her lips but more prominently, the gray skin with covered her face right down to bone. Lightly blue glowing blood vessels also showed themselves, thus finally wrapping up where that black electrum had come from. The nail in the coffin though came with this woman letting loose a ponytail made with dark red hair, so dark one can easily mistake it for black from a distance. This beautiful woman would’ve been a general shock for every Titan there given her beauty. But the minute she opens her now golden tinted eyes and speaks, it went from just being a simple shock…
“Hi Richard, it’s nice to see you again.”
Robin nearly drops his staff at that statement, “m-m-Mama?”
“This woman…?” Starfire chirps out
“Is your mom?!” Kid Flash blurts
Raven’s hands began to glow with pure dark magic “Do you honestly think we’ll believe that statement?”
Beast Boy’s own hands began to morph into claws and he began snarling “Lady please tell us your talking out of your butt.”
Cyborg, however, scanning the electrum in her body and comparing to that one sample, nods “She isn’t lying y’all it’s really her. Her DNA matches the sample and since that DNA’s supposed to be dead…she’s really Robin’s long lost mother.”
Robin couldn’t help but gulp his throat as he processed all this information, “you’re really back?’
Mary nods slightly, with a rather…calm and affectionate smile on her face “In a manner of speaking, yes I’m really alive again Little Robin. Now before you ask there’s a lot more at stake here that you don’t realize is real and I don’t your friends getting hurt by it.” Her face then loses its smile, now somewhat resembling her “listen to me son” look “whatever happens from here on out, you will not get yourself caught in it, Mama’s just simply doing her work to make sure every one of you is safe and sound.”
Robin couldn’t help himself from gritting his teeth towards that last statement, especially given the sobbing girl in Kid Flash’s arms, “What do you mean? Why do…This? Who should be your problems and not ours mom?! Especially something SO BAD, it makes you into…THIS?!?”
Mary Elizabeth Lloyd Grayson, the Talon of Jump City, the Rebel, the Romani, simply picks up her mask from the ground and in her most somber tone the Titans there had heard, as her eyes now glowed, her voice, now slightly made almost ghostly yet very firm, began to speak:
“Beware the Court of Owls,
That watches all the Time,”
“Ruling their nest from a shadowed perch,
Behind granite and lime,” Robin continues as he drops his staff in absolute terror. He knew that poem, that lullaby he heard as child.
“They watch you in your hearth,”
“They watch you in your bed,”
“Speak not…”
“…a whispered word about them.
They both say at the same time, “Or they’ll send a Talon for your head.”
With that, major puff of smoke erupts out of the blue, reeling back all the Titans and blinding them. By the time said smoke cleared, she was gone, leaving only a golden bracelet behind. Robin picks it up with his eyes in a dazed state; this was the bird themed bracelet he gave to her on the last birthday he spent with her.
Epilogue: Titans Tower, three hours later, Robin’s Room
Richard John Grayson Llodveski couldn’t help but sit on his bed in his sweat pants and loose t shirts cross legged as his bare feet began to feel dumb, making him curl his toes to keep on the blood flow. But his feet meant little to what was on his hands, his mother’s bracelet.
It was all there and yet he didn’t know until now. The files from Haley Circus were cracked open and the words in them couldn’t deny facts: the first ever home he had was in fact a training ground for living undead killing machines that harm all sort of people, criminals or not, for the urban legend that is the Court of owls, an urban legend meant to scare children into listening to their parents before bedtime. Now, his mother, the woman whose ‘accident’ had been the bear root of Robin himself, was a killer. More than that, she had been killing since he began as Robin, since he was that inexperienced but ever so quipping eight year old boy in a bright yellow cape and green pixie boots running across the rooftops of Gotham. While he made his new life from the circus saving lives, the woman he loves from birth until rebirth was taking them.
This truth cannot be any more devastating than some saying Hitler himself had came back to life was voted President of the USA. But then comes the fact…it his mother…
Tears started to build in his eyes, so Richard puts the bracelet back on his dresser before promptly grabbing his stuffed elephant Peanut and smacking his face in his pillows, muttering in his native Romani
“This is just (sob) wrong.”
Little did Robin know he wasn’t the only one left a sobbing wreck from tonight…
Meanwhile, at an unknown place in Jump’s waterfront district…
The now lone Mary Grayson, sitting on her own custom bed with her armor off, leaving only a bra, sweatpants and bare feet on the cushions, was glaring angrily and mournfully at her owl mask, the mask she had worn since her resurrection, the mask that had frightening so many innocent children both with and without her control…even her child was afraid now..
Mary throws the mask towards the wall and buries her face in her own pillows, muttering in her own native Romani
“This is just (sob) wrong.”
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