#i love jacky and sunni. those two dorks are pining over eachother so hard. sunni is crushing on jacky more tho ngl.
writinggremlin · 4 months
How about Call of Duty: Held at sword/gunpoint for the Cafe Pals? (Those three sound super fun BTW, haha!)
-- @whumperofworlds
Those three are definitely super fun!! Especially Mars; he's a little gremlin sometimes. He loves to tease Jacky and Sunni, and you'll figure out the reason why by the end of this story lmao.
I don't usually whump these three -- I usually just use them for cute and funny bits in the background -- but that just makes the moments where I do whump them hit even better. So, here we go.
Call of Duty: Held at sword/gunpoint, for the Cafe Pals (Jacky, Sunni, and Mars)
The prompt is from this ask game here! Enjoy!
Cw (under cut): Gun, Robbery, Brief Manhandling, Blood
Held at Gunpoint (Near Miss)
It was a normal day for Jacky, who was humming along to a song that was quietly playing over the speakers. A sigh escaped her as she finished wiping down the counter, and she took a step back. Pushing up her glasses by the bridge, she looked up at the seating area.
There were only a few other people here at the time, and Sunni had just gotten back into the kitchen after handing an older gentleman his usual order. It never really got busy here -- this place had never really gotten popular -- but she couldn't help the feeling of pride that warmed her heart. This was her place; her child, even, and she loved it as such.
She also felt a bit of pride towards Sunni and Mars too, though especially so for Sunni. They had known each other for years now; she was the first person Jacky hired on. It couldn't of have been an easy choice for her to make (even though she was the one who made the offer to help), and Jacky never fully understood why this beautiful dork of a blonde stuck around, especially when she clearly had an interest and amazing potential in pursuing other careers like fashion and design, but she was forever grateful for her help and support nonetheless.
Besides, there was something special about her presence that made it really fun and easy to hang out with her. She was an amazing friend. Sweet, kind, supportive, compassionate...
The jingle of bells rung through the air as the door opened, pulling Jacky back out of her thoughts.
"Hello! Welcome t--"
The words were choked short in her throat as she was met with the barrel of a pistol. Slowly and cautiously, she raised her trembling hands.
"Open the register."
Her eyes flicked up to the masked figure. They were wearing all black, and fixed her with a stern stare.
Everything had suddenly gone deathly silent, save for her quickening breath and the song that didn't seem to match the mood anymore.
She nodded her head towards a jar on the counter, "There's the tip jar if you--"
Two pairs of footsteps came running out from the back; both abruptly coming to a halt somewhere out of Jacky's line of sight.
"What the hell is going o--"
Jacky glanced towards their direction, "Mars, Sunni," She spoke carefully and clearly, "Stay back. Keep your hands up. No sudden movements." She's dealt with a theif or two in the past, but this was the first time any of them had been held at gunpoint. She looked back to the person in front of her, daring a glare, "Don't hurt them."
"Do as I say, and nobody gets hurt." They shot a warning glare to the other two.
Swallowing back the bile creeping up her throat, she gave the slightest of a nod, "Ok. Deal. I'm going to open--"
"You're seriously going to just let them take everything without a fight?! I bet that's not even a real g--"
"MARS!!" Jacky and Sunni both sho--
Jacky flinched when the gun moved to aim towards the others. A couple patrons screamed, the sounds nearly drowned out by the noise.
Holy shit-- Holy shit-- Please be ok-- Please let them be--
"Fucking-- Mars!! Are you ok?!"
"Y-yeah... I-- I'm--... It didn't-- I wasn't, hit."
Jacky let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Though that relief was short lived, as the gun was aimed right back at her once more.
"Take that as your only warning." Their cold glare was more than enough proof for Jacky to understand that they meant it, "Register. NOW!"
"Ok! Alright! Sorry!" Jacky carefully, yet quickly moved to press the buttons needed to unlock the register. The drawer popped open with a ding, and she flinched as the gun moved again. This time it lowered down to the counter, as the criminal hoisted themself over. She stepped back, attempting to stay out of their way.
"Here, just take it all and lea--" Apparently she wasn't out of of the way enough for them, as they grabbed her shoulder and shoved her to the side.
She fell from the force, unable to catch herself before her head smacked face first into the tiled floor below.
Jacky lifted herself slightly, immediately noticing the stark contrast of red against white; glistening blood dripping down onto the glossy surface beneath her. Turning her head, she looked back at at the person, who was quickly shoveling everything into a bag. A low groan escaped from her throat as she screwed her eyes shut and lowered her head back down.
As soon as the criminal made their exit, the place seemed to come back to life once more.
Sunni was kneeling next to Jacky in an instant, "Holy shit-- Holy shit-- Jacky!! Are you ok?! Shit your nose is bleeding-- here!"
Jacky looked up to find a handful of tissues getting shoved into her face. Smiling, she took them with a quiet, "Thank you." She held them up against her nose as she pinched it shut and tilted her head forward. "Are you ok?" She asked, placing a hand on the other's knee.
"Are you ok?" She retorted.
Jacky couldn't help but to chuckle over the insistent concern, "I'm ok. I'm fine." She winced as she pushed herself off the floor to sit up, "Ah! Ow-- My nose hurts though. I think I might've-- ah-- ...I might've broken it."
Glancing up, she noticed that a couple patrons had come over to check on them, "I'm fine, guys. Sorry about all of that. But if it's alright, can you all stick around for a bit? Just until the police get here so that you can--"
"Oh shit-- we should-- I'm gonna call the cops." Jacky looked over at Mars, who had pulled out his phone and was already dialing 911.
"Ok. Good. Alright..."
"Hello? Yeah, we just had a robbery over at..." The conversation quickly became muffled as he stepped into the back.
Jacky's attention snapped back to Sunni as she suddenly pulled her into a tight hug. Jacky stiffened, then quickly returned the embrace, allowing some of the tension in her body to melt away as she hid down into her shoulder.
After taking a few moments to soak in the comfort, Jacky lifted her head, frowning slightly, "Ah shit, I'm getting your sleeve all bloody." She felt a hand on the back of her head, gently guiding it back down to her friend's shoulder.
"Shush. It's literally just a shirt you fucking goof. I'm just glad you're ok."
She glanced up at Sunni, "You and Mars are ok too, right?"
Sunni nodded, "Yes, we're fine." Jacky felt her hands start to clutch at the back of her shirt, "Though I swear to god, Mars--"
"Shhhh, it's fine, we'll deal with him later. I'm just glad you guys are ok." She nuzzled down into the crook of her friend's neck.
She sighed, shoulders dropping, "I'm glad you're ok too." Jacky heard a small sniffle by her ear, "I just--... I don't know what I'd do if you-- if they--..." She didn't-- couldn't-- finish that sentence, instead drawing in a quivering breath, and hiding away into her shoulder.
Jacky started rubbing circles on her back, hugging her tighter, "It's ok, I'm ok. I'm here. We're here. We're ok. I'm not going anywhere." The reassurances continued for a few minutes, before Sunni lifted her head again with a snotty sounding sniff.
"Hey Jacky...? Can I tell you something?"
She lifted her head just enough to be able to look up at her, "Hm? Yeah, what is it?"
There was a long moment of silence...
"...Nevermind. Sorry."
Jacky's brow furrowed, but she decided not to pry, "Hm. Alright then."
A few more moments passed, before Sunni suddenly jolted a little bit, "Oh! Your glasses fell off when he pushed you, by the way! Here!"
Jacky laughed a little, "Oh, thanks! I didn't even notice that!"
Sunni smiled, soft and warm, "Of course! Here, let me get these back on for you real quick..."
Jacky didn't protest as Sunni carefully slid the glasses back into place. A stray piece of hair escaped Jacky's ponytail and fell into her face, and Sunni carefully tucked it back away behind her ear. Her hand lingered there for a moment, before she just shook her head and pulled her back in again.
As Sunni shoved her face into the crook of her neck, Jacky heard her whisper something under her breath. It was too quiet to know for sure, but she could've sworn that she heard three small words...
"I love you."
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