#i love my kitter too tho
jevik · 6 years
I hate being awake this late but I love seeing my pupper asleep she's so good
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fidelishaereticus · 6 years
tagged by @mywoesaregranular
1. Are you named after anyone? My paternal grandmother.
2. When was the last time you cried? Figuratively? Yesterday. Literally? I....don’t remember. Water doesn’t come out of my eyeballs lately i think they’re broken. i’m just that dehydrated.
3. Do you have kids? noPE. kids are cool but i don’t want them.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? kinda? idk i think i mix it up a lot with absurdist humour & hyperbole or whimsy or w/e? i’m not usually sarcastic at people. i’m like...sarcastic at life. sun: *rises*. me: ‘amazing. wow. you do that every day? i bet you put a lot of effort into that buddy ur a goddang hero, just fuck me up with that uv radiation burn my eyes out, life bitch. love it.’ idk if that’s sarcasm. it’s definitely part sarcasm. it’s like the bastard child of Sarcasm and Absurdism and Ennui. they had a threesome once and my sense of humour was born. they never spoke of it again.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about a person? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk. if i’m looking at them? probably like. clothes, face, whether they have a cool nose, bodytype & pigmentation, my first-instinct read on their gender (sorry, i wish this weren’t a thing i noticed but i can be as genderqueer as i like & i still do it :/). BUT sometimes i have conversations with strangers and like....never look directly at them? and realize afterward that i don’t know what their face looks like. i remember their voice and they way they phrased things. i get an impression of their personality and gender and have a general feel for whether they taller than me or younger/older than me or ‘about my age’. that’s really it. idk man. 
6. What’s your eye colour? green-grey. a bit of blue-grey near the pupil. 
7. Scary movie or happy ending? uhhhhhh i don’t care either way. all i ask for is characters i can love or nifty ideas or both. 
8. Any special talents? Yes? In attempt to boost my pathetic little ego, i will give The Long List: -I’m pretty good at writing and even better at coming up with cool concepts and characters. -I am (or used to be) pretty darn good at acting -I’m pretty adept at everything musical, tho i didn’t really pursue it with any great discipline. still. i used to be able to play the piano pretty well and sing very well. my voice kinda died but w/e, i can still carry a tune, my range is just shot.  -hat tricks. in a modest way. and i’m working on juggling. -i can draw some -i’m pretty well coordinated can do some cool yoga arm balances and i can do a handstand-press -i am the only person who can calm my partner down when they’re off and idk if thats a good thing but it makes me feel...indispensable. and that’s a rather intoxicating feeling. -also according to my partner, i give very good head massages :) -i’m pretty good with crafts? -i can cook & bake -i can scramble nimbly over big rocks and climb trees and stuff pretty well
9. Where were you born? South Carolina, i forget the city lmao
10. What are your hobbies? I don’t usually have hobbies i just have OTHER THINGS I LOVE AND NEED TO DO. I guess maybe....the hat tricks and the juggling and swing dancing? maybe i approach those more like hobbies. there’s no pressure there for 
11. Have you any pets? TWO KITTERS. they’re sisters and they kinda hate each other these days but they are very precious and love us a lot
12. What sports do you play/have you played? Soccer in middle school. Dance in middle and high (Ballet, Jazz, and some contemporary). 
13. How tall are you? just under 5′1″ (the IDEAL hight for a Fidelis, if i do say so myself :P)
14. Favourite subject in school? All of them. I have this problem. I love literature i love languages i love science i history i love math. I want to devote my life to studying each and every one of them. i tried devoting my life to studying history tho and it was a terrible mistake i am not cut out to be a professional academic bc i hate teaching and i hate having no time to write fiction. but also i need to know. everything. i still mean to independently study physics in-depth some day. idk if it will happen but, #goals.
15. Dream job? Being paid to create fiction. My fiction, in particular. Otherwise, being paid to create anything artsy & cool that i love. I want to be valued for skills that i value in myself. Things that feel like “me”. That’s the dream. 
uhhhhh it’s too stressful to try to tag ppl rn but if you’re my friend on here or irl consider yourself tagged, if you wanna
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dockatterson-blog · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @wantcookie​
Name: David
Nickname: Katterson, sfou in some places but mostly Katterson these days
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 6′0
Time: 2:07 am a.k.a. way past my bedtime
Favourite Musicians: Lots of music has come and gone over the years but Boards of Canada is probably there to stay, they just make me feel homey
Song Stuck in My Head: At least three days a week I wake up with the theme to Clanker’s Cavern stuck in my head and it doesn’t leave until I’m done showering. At least it’s thematically appropriate for the shower?
Last Movie I Saw: I watch so few movies I can’t recall what the last one was, but I just got done watching the Haunting of Hill House on Netflix. Most of it was good but the ending was……yikes. Ghost stories good tho
Last Thing I Googled: The number of the nearest pizza place, because it’s Friday and pizza is tasty.
Other Blogs: I have a twitter (@dockatterson) and umm, some other blog on here that’ll remain unmentioned for uh, reasons.
Do I Get Asks: Never but god do I wish!! I just don’t have much of a presence on here
Why I Chose this Username: I first started playing FFXIV a few years ago and since I wasn’t in the mood to think hard about it, I just made a catboy named Kitter Katter. Eventually I got attached to the game and to the character and, since I also wasn’t a catboy anymore, I decided to change the name to something that held its own a little more and I thought having the word Doctor as my first name might make the game dialogue funny. I ended up being Doctor Katterson and the nickname stuck with me beyond the character since most of my online friends just knew me by that name at that point.
Following: I don’t have much of one but I love the ppl I interact with on here and on Twitter!! I follow people strategically in order to maintain my TL to a healthy balance of 33% videogames, 33% horny and 33% shitposts.
Amount of Sleep: I slept like half an hour last month so I should be good for a while, right? *crashes my car into a swimming pool*
Lucky Number: Seriously? Look, if anyone is able to answer this question instinctively, i’m going to fucking hunt them down and harvest their brain for normie power
What I’m Wearing: ………………………a cute sloth kigurumi…………
Dream Job: I have very vague dreams of writing and developming small VNs/mystery games someday, in the style of Phoenix Wright when it was new.
Dream Trip: I’ve been to Barcelona twice and I still feel like a part of myself is stuck there. Someday I’ll go on a trip there and I won’t ever come back.
There’s also Tokyo and the Japanese countryside… *sighs wistfully* one of these days…
Instruments: I was a fucking PRO at the recorder!
I bought a clarinet earlier this year and I practiced it twice. So uh yeah, that’s a thing that happened.
Favourite Foods: Spaghetti carbonara. Either the real stuff or the weird imitation some people do with creamy sauce. I’m not difficult, it’s savoury and rich and it has bacon, which is basically the three official food groups.
Favourite Songs: See my answer to the Lucky Number question :3c Regardless, I’ll make a bit of an effort here:
Boards of Canada - roygbiv Arcade Fire - We Exist Radiohead - There There
And uh… like a million videogame songs. Would take way too long. XD
Tagging: I have very very few mutuals on here because I barely use this blog VS my twitter... so I’ll toss this over to @visual-garbage and @game-qnq and see if they bite!
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franeridart · 7 years
I mean, the idea is nice, but I don't think Bakugou and Todoroki are friends? I mean, at most I think the tolerate each other, I don't think they really enjoy each other presence
I admit to my laziness-driven mistake, more than “friendship” I should have said “relationship that’s definitely a friendship but neither of the involved parts seems to have realized just yet”. Friendship was just shorter, tho
I dunno if you follow the manga, but Bakugou and Todoroki are definitely on friendly terms - since the beginning of the training camp arc you hardly ever see one without the other around, and no interaction since has had them actually fighting. Most of their scenes together are made of Bakugou being the usual shit he likes to be and Todoroki using the occasion to master his sass skills, that’s true, but I wouldn’t say that changes the fact that they coexist in a definitely peaceful way (as far as the word peaceful can be used to describe Bakugou, of course) - they make fun of each other with minimal recoil, can fight as a team seamlessly, actually listen to one another even when they don’t agree, while some might argue that it was only to make up for a personal failure Todoroki was, with Kirishima, the one to propose the rescue plan, and in most recent times Todoroki has been treating Bakugou exactly as he would any other friend (and if the way Bakugou acts with Sero and Kaminari is anything to go by, he’s been treating Todoroki as a friend too, I’d say)
Someone in the tags mentioned that Todoroki would probably be more annoyed with Bakugou, but I gotta disagree there too - the fun thing about these two’s relationship is exactly that they’re (literally) like fire and ice. Bakugou yells and insults as he does, Todoroki answers as if they’re having a perfectly civil conversation - it’s super amusing to me? It’s why I love that relationship a lot haha I wouldn’t put Todoroki between Bakugou’s group or Bakugou in Todoroki’s, that’s for sure, but they do have a friendly rivalry going on. Compared to the relationships they both have with a big part of the class, I’d say that the one they share is closer to a friendship than anything else.
(of course from there to having them just chill and talk is a leap, but considering how similar they are in their different types of social awkwardness, I don’t think it’s too farfetched? well, I’ve had Bakugou chill with Jirou and they hardly ever interacted, this was definitely closer to canon than that lol)
Anon said:Bruhh like, the episode this week killed me, but seeing your update with bakugou and deku sparring just threw me over the edge- I WANT THEM TO TALK AND BE FRIENDS ALREADY! LIKE OMFG I NEED MORE DEVELOPEMENT SO THEY CAN HAVE A HEALTHY AND STABLE FRIENDSHIP/RIVALRY. (Like I know the pacing is actually fine and that the narrative is leading to this, but I’m so impatient sometimes) At least you have filled some of the void these two have left in my heart. Beautiful work as always
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dunno if you’re up to date with the manga, but as far as healthy rivalry goes I’d say we’re there, anon! I’m sure next time they’ll properly interact there’ll be a noticeable shift in the mood! Now, if only Horikoshi had them interact already…………. SIGH
Anon said:your art brighten my life a bit
;O; I’m glad!!! Thank you!!!!
Anon said:me @ the manga: more! baku & mina! interactions! btw your art today (and always lmao) was A++++ so cute also i live for todo and baku friendship
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yeah Bakugou doesn’t seem to interact much with the girls in the class, does he? #sob tho Mina’s def the one that engages with him the most! And that makes me happy!!!! I hope we’ll get to see more of them in the future aaaaahhhhhhhhh orz
Anon said:uwaah i love the way you draw todoroki so much! i loved the platonic todobaku art too (i may or may not ship them.. just putting that out there). you have this talent for portraying relationships between characters so well?! i love the way you have them interact in all your art (i’m a huge fan of the bokuroteru art for the same reasons !!!!!!), i can’t wait to see what you post next!
AAAHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Baku and Todo have a delicate balance in their relationship I was definitely scared to get wrong, but I’m happy you liked how I went about it!!!!
What if I told you that those are actually his cats and he isn’t smuggling anything, tho 👀👀👀👀
Anon said:your Shinsou keeps giving me life bless your soul and your cow
;O; thank you!!!! I’m glad you liked him!!!!!!!!!! My cow is very grateful too lol
Anon said:I’m in love with all of your bakushima art yessss
And I am in love with you loving it, anon!!!!
Anon said:fran, do you watch Voltron ? i want to watch it but i don’t know what to start with. Is there a difference between Voltron : Legendary Defender and Voltron ? can i just start watching from Voltron Legendary Defender ? Thanks for your help.
I’ve watched the first season lmao one day… I’ll catch up to it…… anyway Legedary Defenders is a reboot, so you don’t need to wacth anything else unless you want to! It’s a standalone~
Anon said:I only have tumblr to view your art tbh,, I love your BakuKiriKami so much o h m y go D
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a compliment oh my god ;O; thank you so much!!!
Anon said:Fran, i had a thought. You know how people say Bakugou quirk is villainous , don’t you think Monoma quirk pretty villainous too ? like he can copy other people quirk and maybe he can still use the past quirk that he’s already copy. Like it’s really hard too fight the person with same power don’t you think ?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm people don’t think that Bakugou’s quirk is villainous, tho? They think his personality is, not his quirk - as of now the only quirk that’s considered villainous by the canon is Shinsou’s! And that’s only by kids, too - pro heroes saw him and decided he would make a perfect hero! Anyway, as far as Monoma goes I don’t think he’d be considerable villainous, both for quirk and personality - he’s a weird kid, but Horikoshi did say he’s a nice one. Kids might have used to find his quirk annoying or unfair, but villainous is a bit too harsh of a word? Well, he seems to be well integrated in class 1B, so even if he used to have that sort of problem he for sure doesn’t now haha
Anon said:ASHGHGFK I love your oc’s in that most recent picture, can we hear more about them please?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you ask me questions about them I’ll be more than happy to answer them!!!!!!! :O
Anon said:hi fran!!! i do really admire your draws bc your style is so cute and unique, espescially when you come with the kiribakus x3 anyway, about the new bnha episodes, do you have any opinion about dabi??
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! anddddddd not yet, actually? All I can say about him is that I love his design and that he seems really promising and interesting, also seems to have a brain which, A+, but as of now he hasn’t done enough for me to have a proper opinion about him! The only league of villains members I have an opinion about are Toga and Twice, actually haha
#fran answers#fun fact! i wasn't kidding when i said i love todo and bakus relationship#not in a 'what could be' way#i mean as it is right this moment#how it was and how it evolved and how it became#every interaction they have is gold to me#todoroki is one of the characters that knows best how to interact with bakugou#and i dont even think he does it purposefully it's just how he naturally is#they don't mix AT ALL but in this specific case#it ends up meaning that they can coexist without much problems#which is great!#while the squad rolls with bakugou's moods and enhances them#turns them into fun times and pushes back when bakugou goes too far#while the squad actively BETTERS bakugou while egging him on and making him MORE#todoroki is the ice wall to meet bakugou's outbursts#i don't think they necessarily better each other#i hardly think they /care/ for each others emotional wellbeing at the moment#but they can withstand each other and they can be themselves with each other#they don't try to make each other better but they don't try to change each other either#i guess you might say it's a standstill#but it makes for a different sort of openess and authenticity in their interactions#it gives off a really comfortable vibe#well#ive tried to explain why i love that relationship as much as i do many many times and i never quite managed to#so i can't make it any clearer than this#but i enjoy them#i hope i'll see more of them in the near future#*nudges horikoshi* /bring bakugou back already you fiend/#anonymous
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All for the gay ask
ALL??? this is a lot so its under the cut. anyone who wants to learn Too Much about me can check it out ! (psst i tag @sonshine-de-la-vega @inthheightlive and @theamazingjaybird i love you guys)
1. describe your idea of a perfect datehhhmmm a cafe? im cliche,, just somewhere nice like a movie or for lunch so we can talk and have a nice time
2. whats your “type”All Girls Are So Good. like shit man. small petite girls make my heart go crazy but big buff girls make me wanna scream idk tall girls who could rest their head on my head man big soft girls with lotsa chub i will cry all girls are my type lmaooowhen it comes to guys,,, like,, idk. some of them are cute but idk. :|
3. do you want kids?im not sure! i dont Hate kids but im terrified of being a bad mum like my own,, and i think ‘aunt’ suits me better. i cant really see myself as a mother- but that could change in the future
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?i think that depends on who my partner is! like if they wanted to carry, or if it was possible for us to conceive traditionally,,, who knows!
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been oni have never been on a date bc i am gross and will never find love !!!
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)see above!!! the idea of it terrifies me
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?i like both !! but i am always so tired during both. im like an afternoon person
8. opinion on nap dates?Good Stuff
9. opinion on brown eyes?beautiful !!!! especially when paired with dark hair and dark skin like fuck me up- but i think my own are ugly tho
10. dog gay or cat gay?CAT CAT CAT. i dont Dislike dogs but they make me nervous, too much energy and too Heavy and Big. I love kitters so much. so much u dont understand. cats literally keep me on this earth
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?yeah totally !!! why is this a question?? are the good sneks that much of a turn off?? (so long as they treat them well obviously)
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someoneas seen above,, i dont have much experience with this- but id look at how they treat other people. if theyre intolerant or like,, just needlessly mean to people?? thats definitely a dealbreaker.
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?idk ! i never really thought about it and i mostly thought they were not bad but very alien,, like that could never be Me u know, or anyone i knew. but like i say it never really crossed my mind until i joined tumblr
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger selfoh boy. u think ur sad Now.gurlbut also- its ok that u think that girl is cute. its gonna be ok. u dont need to be scared. loving girls is Great and ur gonna know that soon.
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?not really! i remember being attracted to more feminine guys which i now know was my brain going !butch lady! lmaoo
16. who is an ex you regret?never dated !!!!! i am unloveable!!!
17. night club gay or cafe gay?cafe!!! clubs scare me and i dont drink
18. who is one person you would “go straight” foranthony ramos
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?movie gay !! i love movieees
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)yall know me,,, sonny/graffiti pete from in the heights dominate my writing rn
21. favourite gay youtubertie between macdoesit and mileschronicles !!!
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?never asked anyone out !!! that sounds like Social Interaction to me
23. have you ever been in love?yes
24. have you ever been heartbroken?yes
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someoneidk i like,, imagine going on a date with them?? imagine how id feel if they were dating someone else??
26. favourite lgbt musician/bandhayley kiyoko!
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gaysthere is nothing wrong with what youre feeling. youre going to be ok- there is nothing wrong or dirty or dangerous about the way that you love. there will be people who dont accept you. fuck em. you are amazing
28. are you out? if so how did you come outim sort of out to friends? i dont really have a label for my sexuality so  its hard. but ppl know i like girls, i just kinda mentioned it and let ppl get used to it
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have i dont really have one! i have one for another person tho- a friend of mine made a group chat and came out,, we were all being supportive and shit but then this One Girl,, who we already knew was a Good Homophobic Christian Girl,, typed out a whole long paragraph about how she doesnt hate him!! but his lifestyle is wrong,, like,, it was copypasta material
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexualityit will get better. if you dont have people in your life who love you for who you are now, im so sorry, but know that there are so many people out there who will love you and accept you and everything is going to get so much better
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switchyoongi · 7 years
92 questions tag
uh no one asked for this but i wanted to do it so here that is
THE LAST: 1. Drink: tea and water 2. Phone call: my mom 3. Text message: man idk i havent had a functioning phone in like 2 yrs so shrug 5. Time you cried: last night 
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yeah unfortunately  7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah i dont think so kissin is fun 8. Been cheated on: hm, i dont think so? i mean i dont doubt it 9. Lost someone special: uh? my grandpa? if you mean in general  10. Been depressed: hella 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yeah lmao do not recommend 
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: lavender, pastel colors in general, black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yeah a couple 16. Fallen out of love: nope 17. Laughed until you cried: hell yea omg a few times 18. Found out someone was talking about you: unfortunately loool 19. Met someone who changed you: nop 20. Found out who your friends are: yes very much so 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yeah 
GENERAL 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them 23. Do you have any pets: ye! 4 cats 24. Do you want to change your name: legally yeah but i mean?? my name is my name just i go by a different spelling than on the birth certificate so 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: wELP MY BDAY IS TOMORROW and i hope i get some dick tbh and maybe some cheesecake 26. What time did you wake up: like 3pm  27. What were you doing at midnight last night: youtube 28. Name something you can’t do: degradation 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morning 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: maybe to be generally more motivated?? to be more compassionate too 31. What are you listening right now: oi by monsta x 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ye my uncles name was tom 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: right now?? str8 ppl telling me myg is str8, bighit in general, donald trump, the stiffness in my jaw (from wisdom teeth bein removed) 34. Most visited Website: flightrising and youtube
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: ye i have some, mostly freckles not rly moles tho 36. Mark/s: some acne scars, scars in general, stretch marks, rn i have  bruise on my jaw 37. Childhood dream: dancer, cartoonist, tattoo artist 38. Haircolor: rn it’s blond, naturally is dark brown 39. Long or short hair: short 40. Do you have a crush on someone: realistically? no. but i am very much in love with min yoongi 41. What do you like about yourself: my acceptance and open mind? maybe? 42. Piercings: snakebites and 00g tunnels 43. Bloodtype: ?? o+ i think?? 44. Nickname: kiki, keeter, niko, kitty, kitter 45. Relationship status: single as fuck 46. Zodiac: virgo 47. Pronouns: he/him 48. Favorite TV Show: rn it’s law of the jungle or american horror story 49. Tattoos: ye i have two small ones rn but want tons more 50. Right or left hand: i can efficiently use both, but right predominately  51. Surgery: wisdom teeth 52. Hair dyed in different color: ye, i’ve been dark brown, light brown, blond, black, red, orange, green, greeish-blue 53. Sport: none tbh im nega-athletic 55. Vacation: idk just a beach tbh relaxin in a hotel w/ a good view and fast wifi 56. Pair of trainers: vans???
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: currently nothing 58. Drinking: green tea 59. I’m about to: eat and sleep 61. Waiting for: to get some money money money 63. Get married: idk if ill ever get married, im not big on romance 64. Career: ideally, something with writing or art or traveling? maybe like an interior designer
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: i like both but kisses are so nice 66. Lips or eyes: lips 67. Shorter or taller: sHORT BOYS!! 68. Older or younger: doesnt really matter? if younger, only by probs like 1-2 yrs, if older up to 5-6 yrs i guess 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach, but nice as in soft and squishy 71. Sensitive or loud: im not rly either??  72. Hook up or relationship: hook ups for sure, casual  73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker in the sense that im just a fucking mess 
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: ye 75. Drank hard liquor: ye 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: ye 77. Turned someone down: ye 78. Sex on the first date: nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: ye 80. Had your heart broken: once 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: i mean yeah obviously 83. Fallen for a friend: hmm, kinda?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: uh i have a love hate relationship w/ myself its weird 85. Miracles: yeah i guess 86. Love at first sight: hell nah 87. Santa Claus: i mean no obviously 88. Kiss on the first date: why tf not tbh 89. Angels: no
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: alex, batoul, briana, nick 91. Eye color: hazel i guess? it seems to change from like grey-blue to green-blue so shrug shrug 92. Favorite movie: i think rn it’s the whole divergent series
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torinspeer-blog · 7 years
1. What’s your first name? Torin 2. What are you listening to right now? 
The ambient noises of my property. OH! SHIT! Uhhh... punk rock Spotify playlist-punk pop's not dead 3. What was the last thing you ate?
Tuna fish sandwich 4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? 
"Attention: important seniors!" Medicare 5. Do you drink? 
🤤🤤🤤 6. Do you smoke? 
Only to give myself cancer!👍👏👏🙌💯 7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? 
I think it depends on the individual? I mean I'm an intuition dom and have ADHD so it's not like I notice🤷‍♀️ 8. What is your hair color? 
Very dark brown 9. What is your eye color?
Hazel 10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? 
Reading glasses 11. Dogs or cats? 
dogs no shit you ever seen a kitters run around like a little glob weeaboo? Uhuh I didn't think so hun! 12. What’s your favorite animal? 
ANY ANIMAL THAT CUDDLES ME AND MAKES ME FEEL LESS ALONE!!!!! 13. What’s your favorite television show? 
Parks and rec probably (seen the ending? On the emotional level it's more like parks and rekt am I fucking right guys? YEET!) 14. What’s your favorite movie? 
Farris buellers day off what am I a hipster? 15. What’s your favorite band/singer? 
19. I'm old enough to know a thing or two. Like, literally. I know one thing and maybe another but no more than that. 17. Do you have a crush on anyone? yes... don't worry. I burry my feelings deep inside my soul just like every other well adjusted adult 18. What’s your sexual orientation? 
I thought I was bi but then a bi guy said hi from behind and that thought ended 19. What’s your favorite color?
blue? Red? Purple? I'm more of a... ummm... shit 20. What was your most embarrassing moment? 
😂😂😂 ok, so there was this one time, I was born, and it got soooooyyyt awkward!!😂😂😳 21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? 
Oh god I have enough extisensial dread as is holy shit take that to someone else 22. What were you like when you were a kid? 
Lazy, stupid, and never gonna accomplish anything with a work ethic like that hahahaHAHAHAHA SOMEBODY TAKE THE PAIN AWAY 23. What would your dream house be like? 
A little house in the prairies where I can sit in the front yard with my wife in a rocking chair and watch my grandchildren play 24. What last made you laugh? 
My last joke, bitch 25. What is your favorite word? 
Romp... hehehe. It makes me think of cute little bunny rabbits hopping along in the woods 26. What is your least favorite word? 
ME NOT BEING ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE PEOPLE (holy shit I mean these are jokes but like god do I need therapy? Holy shit). 29. What is your star sign? 
Sometimes, when I'm lost, I like to look for a sign to know whether I'm standing in the light of the word, or its darkness (the joke is that I use the sun as a sign for if it's daytime hartyharhar). 30. What are your favorite books? 
 31. Do you have any siblings? 
two brothers and two sisters 32. Do you like to dance? Depends if you count air guitar and awkward lanky jolting as dancing cuz if yes THEN YA IM THE FUCKING MLG TRICK SHOT KING OF THAT SHIT. 33. What is your definition of cheating? 
Summoning help in dark souls 34. Have you ever cheated on someone? 
Nope 35. Do you regret anything? 
Who the hell doesn't? Regret is a natural and essential piece of the human condition. It's horrible, but it teaches us how to live. 36. Do you have any phobias? Tight spaces high spaces suffocating in spaces (pluralized by virtue of multiverse theory) standing in line waiting to talk getting cut off cutting someone off cutting myself my memes not being fresh enough you know normal people stuff 37. Ever broken any bones? Sadly, no😔 38. Ever come close to death? 
I mean I almost killed myself several time soooo... (guys before you ask I'm ok now don't worry I'm just figuring my shit out😂😂) 39. What is your religion, if any? 
I worship at the holy grail of Cthulhu ahem check your privilege 40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? 
Yes. I had a crush on her. Refer to question #27 41. Are looks important in a relationship? 
They aren't the most important thing but yes I like being sexually attracted to people I'll potentially fuck exclusively for the rest of my life 42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? 
I refuse to identify commonalities 43. What is your favorite season? 
Springs, or fall. I don't pay attention but I live in Arizona so whatever time my balls aren't stuck to my pants🤗 44. Do you have any tattoos? 
No but if I did it would just be "[]" because it's basically "[insert here]" brackets so I could tell people it's for or means or is about anything I want to. 45. Do you have any piercings? 
No. But I have pierced myself IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN😂😂🙌💯 46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 
1? One lasted four days does that count? Cuz then it's 2. God... I need to get laid. OR HAVE AN ADORABLE HUNAM TO CUDDLE AND TALK TO AND DO THE DIRTY WITH AS THE CHERRY ON TOP OF HER CHERRY😂😂😂 oh god I kill myself😂 47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? As MBTI lore would suggest (I'm an enfp btw howdy), my soul belongs to sexy anime babes. 48. Who is your celebrity crush? ... that just made me feel lonely and I don't know why 49. Are you a virgin? 😉 50. Do you get jealous easily? Depends on the situation. I always keep it under wraps though. 51. What is your favorite type of food? 
Hell ya my dude! 53. Who was your first kiss with? 
My first girlfriend. 54. Have you ever been cheated on? 
... 55. What is your idea of the perfect date? 
No idea. Just as long as we connect really well and I have the sense of finding someone who actually makes sense as a person and does that in a way complimentary to who I am. Talk about life I guess. NO HOLY SHIT TALK ABOUT LIFE FUCK YES!!!! 56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? 
Introverted extrovert😉😉😉 57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? 
I doubt it but I believe in a neighboring universe where Hitler doesn't have a mustache soooo.... 58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? 
Self esteem 59. What is your saddest memory? 
Hahahaha... no 60. Do you believe in love at first sight? 
no but I do believe in getting your jimmies rustled on first sight😉 61. Do you believe in soul mates? 
I'm a nihilist. I believe in finding someone who fits you well enough that the tear in your soul is mostly ignorable, but not anyone who's made for you 62. Have you ever dyed your hair? 
No 63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? 
So one of the definitions for my name in urban dictionary is "Torin: likes to masturbate with the slimy sea creatures of the sea to get that real pussy feel. Synonymous with 'squids'."... apparently that escalated from fiction to fact very quickly. 64. Would you go against your moral code for money? 
It depends. Ends justify the means. For example: I would stomp several puppies to death in an absolutely brutal fashion in order to save the lives of millions of children starving to death in Africa. 65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? 
I've struggled with depression since 8th grade. I'm fairly certain their are missing pieces of my personality, which would explain why there's a different version of me for every person and why I forget who I am after just like 2 days of being alone. I don't cry a lot but it's not for healthy reasons. 66. Who are you jealous of?
Basically everyone 67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? 
NO BUT NOW I WANT TO I JUST GOT ALL WARM AND FUZZY FEELING 68. How long was your longest relationship? 
About six months 69. Is the glass half empty or half full? 
It's in the eye of the beholder. It doesn't really matter which one it is though, it only matters what you do with what's left. 70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? 
😳 I'll wait to tell you until the third date😉 71. Who are your closest friends?
Currently a college friend who's out of state. I tend not to stay particularly close to people for too long tho... ok well shit now I'm sad 72. Are you in a relationship? 
Nope 73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? 
I don't even have a joke wow fuck I'm lonely 74. Are you a bad person? 
STOP MAKING ME THINK ABOUT THIS SHIT IF I DO AND I DECIDE IM NOT I WILL SLIP INTO A SEVERE DEPRESSION that sounded funny in my head holy shit no it was not 75. Are you a lover or a fighter? 
I fight for love💁 76. What did you do on your last birthday? 
Some stuff my mother wouldn't be proud of 77. What is your favorite quote and why? 
“Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it a thousand times." -Mark Twain. It illustrates some things I'm not in the mindset to process 78. If your best friend died, what would you do? 
NUUUUUUUUUU FUCKIN STAAAAHHHHHPPP I WILL CRY 5EVR 79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? 
Beat my bitch ass (holy shit I need to process stuff stop asking me these questions I thought I had a healthy-ish self esteem but clearly not #sendhalp) 80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? 
I have ADHD, so probably process everything at once and feel to panicked to do anything. That or the stimulation would be enough that I'd do everything and anything I wanted with no inhibitions. 81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? 
One time I sucked on this hot chicks nipples and not only did it taste nasty but the nipple grew and stabbed my fucking throat OMG I DEEPTHROATED A NIPPLE THAT JUST CLICKED WTF 82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? 
In a relationship, if it's with the right person. 83. Who were you in a past life? 
Mark Twain Bitch! 84. What is your happiest childhood memory? 
I have no idea. None of them exist in a vacuum. They only matter in context of everything else. 85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? 
The majority of my life since my first boner yes. 86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? 
Oh I had like fucking 10 but they were all tv show characters except for one and I didn't like him that much. 87. If you were the president, what would you do? 
I would gather as much information as possible about the most important matters and work down from there. 88. What is your ideal career? 
Rn, comedian 89. What is your political affiliation? INDEPENDENT BITCH! 90. Are you conservative or liberal? 
I'm left leaning. I identify more with liberal values but both are important in order to balance eachother out (that's why our political atmosphere is so volatile. Used to be we'd have a democrat then a republican and they'd switch every year, but congress would have the opposite orientation as the president. Now we have a switching one party system every year.) 91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection? 
No. I'm constantly aware of everything going on around me so I need some privacy. 93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? 
humans can choose super powers (I'm keeping this one from the last guy's answers fucking savage dude) 94. Where would you like to live? 
NEW YORK CITY 95. Where would you go on your dream vacation? 
NEW YORK CITY EXCEPT I STAY THERE 96. Describe yourself in one word. 
eclectic 97. Describe yourself in one sentence. 
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zannahthehunter · 7 years
Getting to Know Me Better
(Taking a “break” from school work to do this)
Wow I’m actually responding to somethihng @flightless-suzaku tagged me in, has hell frozen over yet?
Tagged by @flightless-suzaku
Drink: Peace Tea. Hate tea, love that. Phone call: @flightless-suzaku​ on the pronunciation and origin of the word “daiquiri” Text message: “tbh the last class I needed volunteer hours for, I straight up forged the papers,” @flightless-suzaku responded with “I love you. I mean lying is bad. But you hilarious” Song you listened to: UMM Agust D? 
Time you cried: Last week when I had 4 projects due in a week. Wow. Fuck school.
Dated someone twice: i’ve barely dated someone once, so I’m missing an important part of this Kissed someone and regretted it: sjflklajeafs yes. When your guy friend is an asshat, don’t kiss him because “it sounds like fun.” Been cheated on: see above. Lost someone special: Yea, both in the death way and the “growing apart” way Been depressed: Hormones, bro Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nah
Mint green, lavender, and some variation of the color orange
Made new friends: Well, considering that i moved to another state, I sure hope I’ve made friends. A lot more misses than hits, but you can’t say I haven’t tried. Socializing is hard. Fallen out of love: Yea? Long distance is crappy Found out someone was talking about you:Yes? Some things I hear through the grapevine hurt more than others, but I deal. Met someone who changed you: Considering that I’m very easily influenced by the opinions of others, yes. Found out who your friends are:Sometimes when crappy things happen, you grow closer to people who you didn’t even think you were capable of growing close to Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yah, I’m pretty sure everyone I’ve ever kissed is still on my Facebook. It’s a short list, but still. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: 99.9% of people. Some of them I only met once, or haven’t seen since before middle school, but i actually know them. Do you have any pets: That live with me currently? no. but i have a lovely kitter back home whom I love dearly  Do you want to change your name: I really like my name tbh. Sometimes I think I should just go by my nickname since it sounds super cool, but my full name is pretty dope too. What did you do for your last birthday: Forcibly took asshat friend(see above) and a couple others to gorge myself on Japanese in the next town. What were you doing at midnight last night: Having a social life. With my roommate. In our room. Does that count? Name something you can’t wait for: FOR THIS SEMESTER TO BE OVER.  When was the last time you saw your mom: Friday. She came up to visit me and it was super fun and I got to convince her it’s a good idea to ship me to the other side of the planet. What are you listening to right now: Utada Hikaru songs from the mid 2000s. It was a good time. Have you ever talked to a person named tom:Know several Thomas’s. Ones a chill dude but also an alcoholic. The other is my coach. Something that is getting on your nerves: MY SHYNESS. WHY IS TALKING TO PEOPLE DIFFICULT. Most visited website:Youtube? AO3? Am i supposed to admit to that? Hair colour: Light brown. When I’m done damaging it with chlorine everyday, I’m going to damage it by dyeing it some vibrant color  Long or short hair: Short. If my reaches my back, it’s too long. Do you have a crush on someone:Crushes are fleeting and can be easily subdued (for the most part), but I’ve see some pretty attractive dudes lately. What do you like about yourself: My work ethic? I guess? I’m constantly trying to push the boundaries of how much I can handle, but I can normally gauge when I can’t do anymore. Blood type: Good question.  Nickname: Zannah Relationship status: I’m single, probably won’t be doing anything about that anytime soon Zodiac: Capricorndog Pronouns: She/Her/Dude Favourite tv show: That one kdrama I’ve watched approximately 3 times through Tattoos: None Right or left handed: Right Surgery: That one time I went deaf in one ear and they had to put a tube in to drain out my ear so i could hear again. Sport: Swimming. I’m a collegiate athlete in the loosest sense of the word, but I have fun. Pair of shoes: My peach converse. A pain in the ass to put on, but useful Eating: My stomach is eating itself rn. I should probably get dinner. Drinking: Water I’m about to:  Sleep or study Russian Waiting for: School to get less shitty Want:   :to watch youtube without fear of the future Get married: Maybe, but I’m a kinda crappy in relationships, and I’m definitely not opposed to spending the rest of my life single. Career:HAH good question. I’m working on an English degree, so if I’m lucky, maybe something related to that.
Hugs or kisses: Hugs. Kisses are cool, I guess, but carry romantic connotation, so hugs are my best options Lips or eyes: Eyes Shorter or taller: Taller? I’m apparently attracted to ridiculously tall and lanky dudes. Older or younger: older. I’m the youngest kid, and apparently enjoy being the youngest in all my social interactions Nice arms or nice stomach:As someone who is around mostly naked, muscular people everyday(swimmer), I kinda dig nice stomachs.  Hook up or relationship: Relationship? Not much experience to draw on either way Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant? I’m definitely an enabler for others tho. Kissed a stranger: Nah Drank hard liquor: Not really. Lost glasses/contact lenses:If I had some to lose  Turned someone down: Yes. I find it gets harder the more I do it. Sex on the first date: Not really my thing, no. Broken someone’s heart: Probably. Had your heart broken: Also probably.  Being arrested: No, but there was this one time a party I was at got busted by the cops and i was scared for a second. Fallen for a friend:Yes, I like living out the “slow burn” genre in my real life.  Cried when someone died: Yeah. It’s important to let yourself mourn. That shit gets nasty later if you bottle it up.
Yourself: Maybe? I think I’m capable enough, but I def need support to really believe in myself Miracles: Depends on your definition of miracle. By mine? yes. Love at first sight: Not with anyone who reciprocated  Santa Claus: Nah, I found my Christman presents in my parent’s closet and proceeded to hide the fact that I found them out for six months. Pretty impressive for an 8-year-old. Kiss on the first date: Considering that I mostly date friends, I’ve normally kissed someone before our “first date”
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strange-broo · 8 years
my pal srsly tho, I love ur kitter. she is a good kitty (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)
I do too. She is a very good kitty.
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pozzym · 8 years
I was tagged by @deedeedoozle and @ruza-chan to do this, so here we go xD
Rules: Tag 20 followers you want to know better
Name: Eva (meh)
Nicknames: Azuki (I’d want this as my name tho lol)
Gender: ????? ? ? ?
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′3″ :/ (imma shorty)
Sexual Orientation: Homoromantic Ace~
Hogwarts House: oh heckie idk oops
Favorite Color: Pink/Burgundy/Blues/Greens/Reds...
Favorite Animal: Fennec Foxes, Cats, Red Pandas
Time Right Now: Its currently 9:08 am... I wanted to wake up later but oh well
Favorite Fictional Character: Anyone from Miss Peregrines, almost any Pokemon... Everyone in Steven Universe... DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE MAN
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: Usually 1-2
Favorite Singer/Band: Oh man P!atD is rly good... Also Ramona Falls, and NateWantsToBattle... Imagine Dragons is good too... I can't choose favorites aa
Dream Trip: Narnia (heh lol idk, probably the UK)
Dream Job: Aaaa I really want to be a concept artist for characters in video games (recently we’ve been messing with blender in my computer since class, so modeling might be another thing too >:3c)
When Was Your Blog Created: June 11 2014 (I've been here two and 1/2 years... h e ck)
Current Number of Followers: 418 I think...
Why did you make a Tumblr: My friend had one so I thought I would make one for  myself
Why did you pick your url: I am one with my url
Hecko ok so imma tag @crystaltheotaku @milk-chocolate-otaku @raven-of-hades @psychokineticgriffin @averynerdyskeleton @wizardpajamas @umbretoaster @megzar-why-not @shenanigrins @deedeedoozle @zelda-and-princess-hyrule @karkat-doodle-doo @walrusdrawing @septiceyetrashaf
Aaaaa hope it’s ok I tagged you all... I just want to get to know more people :3 (You don't have to do this if y'all don't want... No pressure :D)
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sapphirewolf100 · 4 years
(☀️pt.2) Have you got a favourite aircraft at all? Dogs are so pure , all they want to do is love and be loved in return ❤️ If animals love you so much, it shows how much of a good person you are for them to trust you like that!! Thank you so much, that genuinely helped. I just took a few days to step back from internet and try to relax, you know? I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling the same, I hope you’re feeling better- but never feel bad for not being in here, gotta take care of yourself too ☀️
I DO have a fav aircraft!!!! :DDDD
The gorgeous Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II aka the Warthog
I’m lov that tank buster sm. Titanium bathtub of glory. The classic BRRRRTTT from its GAU-8 Avenger Gatling gun... I’m lov it.
Oh mood I LOV PUBBIES!!!! I was actually raised around doggies, and after I was born the 2 dogs we had at the time took on different roles. One was the guardian and the other was more like a nanny. I miss them 😭😭❤️❤️
Ahh, yes, very true! Animals love me! Cats will come up to me n purr and rub up against my legs (I lov u kitters but I can’t pet you bc I’m allergic ;~; heck) and pubbies will follow me around and cuddle up to me.
Ahhhh, I’m so glad that helped! I totally get it, sometimes I have to take a break from the internet too! I’ve been feeling a little better, but I’m ngl I’m still pretty depressed. But! I hope you’re doing better on your end!
You right tho, gotta take care of yourself 😩😩😩😩
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fidelishaereticus · 7 years
I was tagged by @legolasgoldy :D
Rules are the standard answer questions and tag 10 blogs you wish to know more about!
Age: o u kno, somewhere between 20 and 2000. it fluctuates.
Born: December 11th
Current time: 14:18
Last drink: keemun tea or water.
Easiest person to talk to: @thisbackworld 
Favorite song: ????? i do not comprehend this question i love way too many music. To pick a random song from my like top 40 or whatever (all tied) Slowly Comes My Night by Deine Lakaien marked an important turning point in my appreciation of music and i dearly love it.
Grossest memory: o fuck um,. a pizza. a pizza that was awful,,,,just.,,bad smells bad texture bad eveyrthing, but i thought i had to at least try to eat it, i was like. 8. i stopped eating it and walked away but the grossness lingered, haunted me, morphed a horrible nausea monster that c o n s u m e d my thought and being. i couldn’t bear the thought of food for the rest of the day. i have no idea why this was so awful but. it’s at least ONE OF my grossest memories.
Horror yes or horror no? yeeeeeeeeeeeee though, there must be sthg else interesting going on alongside the horror. I like horror as an addition to a great character dynamic or a setting or a conceptually fascinating topic. also, in addition to enjoying physical horror, i HERE for conceptual/existential horror (my brain cranks that shit out on a daily basis but i cope with it through explorations in literature/art/etc)
In love: YEes. well. im either in love or i’m depressed. whenever i’m in a good mood i’m in love with something or someone. its what make life worth living
Jealous of people? nope. with the caveat that i draw a HUGE distinction between envy and jealousy. To me, jealousy is “being possessive of the Good Things that one enjoys or possess,” perhaps even being paranoid that others will take them away. Jealousy is Feanor. In this sense, I don’t have a jealous bone in my body. So long as I can still enjoy the Good Thing, i’m more than happy to share. I want everyone to have the Good Things!!! Envy, on the other hand. I can not abide watching other people enjoy certain Good Things that are denied me. I’m absolutely horrible about this.
Ke$ha: her music is great fun, though it’s not the kind of thing i would usually  listen to on my own. she seems like a cool person tho
Love at first sight or should I walk by again: Not quite sure what this question is asking but in general, walk by again---and maybe show me something cool? Something you made? Idk, the human body, stripped of imagination, is not attractive to me. And in general i fall harder if my aesthetics are challenged and stretched rather than instantaneously catered to.
Middle name: Danger. >B)
Number of siblings: one, sister
One wish: uh,...*sweats*.,, I’m guessing that “omniscience” and  “omnipotence” are Right Out? More realistically, i just want the climate change apocalypse to stop. i want amurica run no dun dun to stop. I also want the facts of existence not to suck. i want to not have to watch my body and the bodies of my friends fall apart in slow motion while the world burns. haha none of this is realistic i don’t ever wish for anything realistic 
Person you called last: My dad
Question you’re always asked: uhhh....no idea.
Reason to smile:  MY KITTERS, MY FREENNSS, MUSHROOMS, THE SEAAA, and also the fact that a few people like my nascent stories
Time you woke up: 7am 
Underwear color: well if i had my way they’d all be deep prussian blue or ultramarine (or skintone, cuz some clothes require that) but instead they’re a v dumb fuchsia, bc thats what came in the Affordable Bag that was in my size, alas fund to buy fidelis fuckable!blue panties. no lace, just sexy color.
Vacation destination: i thought this said vaccination destination and had to stare at it for a good long moment there like ‘oh did i get the flu shot yet?’ um. aside from the olympic peninsula and mt rainier, which are just a few hrs drive away, uh,., boston, so i can visit my friends. thats all i want. but i cant because Money :/
Worst habit: lol im with you @legolasgoldy​ overapologizing is DEFINITELy one of my most annoying habits. Additionally i have a lot of chaotic/self-destructive/negligent tendencies that eventually pile up until i can’t contain the mess they’re causing anymore and then they effect other people & thats.....bad.
X-rays: ....*nods*....nice. looking at bones is cool. 
Favorite food: i don’t have favourites but uh.. FISH EVERY DAY 3X A DAY FRESH FROM SEA (i love raw salmon). 
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. i don’t really believe this means anything but if you do that’s cool too
Tagging: imm....not tagging, buit if you see this consider yourself tagged!! EVERYBODY IS TAGGED. NOBODY IS TAGGED. 
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