#i love rottweilers so SO much
thecryptidwizard · 2 months
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Did you know that Dimitri had the cutest dog on the planet? Well now you do, silly :]
. Coconut! A two year old Rottweiler that's sweeter than a cupcake🩷 . She was raised as a pup when Dimitri moved into his new apartment near Rosemore. She's spoiled, but is gentle nonetheless. . During Autumn, Coconut's favorite thing to do is step on leaves and bark at the crunchy sounds they make! She tries very hard to be brave during these crunchy times 🥺
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moominpopzz · 2 months
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Slightly odd angled floor time of Ashe and her dog:3
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hella1975 · 8 months
hiiii haha. hello. exceptionally awkward introduction bc idrk how to start something like this so let's just jump right in. im taking a break from this account for a bit. i know i said i wanted taob out before halloween and currently im fine sticking with that deadline, but if i decide i need longer away then i will take longer away. every time ive reassured people that id never abandon a fic and updates will always come eventually i never once considered that my writing and ability to feel safe and comfortable on this site would be actively taken from me, so im not even going to apologise. i dont want this either and more importantly i dont fucking deserve it. i dont know what it is in the past year, if ive hit a certain amount of followers or 'popularity' that's made it so the natural ratio of positive to negative interactions must in turn go up, but there's been a serious uptick in weird asks for me. the annoying part is that a very small amount of them are actually objectively mean and hateful, the rest are just weird and invasive from people who seemingly dont realise that's what they're being. ive reached a point where i dont care if the intentions are good. it's not my job as a 20 year old tumblr user of all things to defend the morality of someone who couldnt even bother to come off anon. unfortunately, after blocking only one or two anons, the weird asks have decreased substantially, which says all you need to know about the fascinating and exhilarating lives led by these people, but ive also gone on to turn anon asks off entirely. this is something i actively fought against doing and had to be pushed into by my mutuals (who have been the coolest people on planet earth during this entire thing). turning off anon was a big deal to me even if it sounds silly. i felt betrayed and like id been backed into a corner because it was so vehmently something i DIDNT WANT that to feel like i had to do it anyway for my own mental health??? that sucks. so even though ive 'fixed' the problem, im still kind of reeling and uncomfortable every time i come on tumblr. i hope it's just something i need time to ease because i'll truly be devastated if this becomes 'ruined' for me. tumblr exists as the only place in the world where i am honestly every facet of myself without shame or hesitation; losing that would be insanely harmful to me. and to the people who cant appeal to the actual human behind the post, let me put that in words you can understand: we wouldn't get any more writing 😦😦😦 riots and fires and sirens, i know. so yeah. to anyone who has sent me an anon ask and you're now wondering if you were part of the problem, im firmly of the belief that you'll know if you are. when i say 'weird asks' i dont mean 'you sent me a para about your personal life just to vent or ask for advice' or 'you sent me a really deep emotional compliment about the impact me and/or my writing has had on you' - i love asks like that, so much that i put off taking a break and turning off anon solely for the joy they bring me. im sorry that it might feel like you're being punished too bc of the actions of what in reality is a HANDFUL of weird people, but this is what i feel like i have to do to feel safe and not go insane every time i log in. love you guys, hopefully ill see you soon x
#seriously another shout out to my mutuals#id particularly like to say thank you to boom who's always right there for me no matter what's happening or how insane im being#and also everyone in our little discord that wound up having to make a whole new channel for venting#bc i was there so often like 'today's weird ask isssss.... telling me about my cupsize!! rip them to shreds!!!'#hannah and theo especially being there and pushing me to finally turn off anon. war is truly over#and of course rori bc the shamelessness u show when hating on my anon asks has been genuinely really cathartic#sometimes u really do just need a rottweiler mutual to tell random people online to kill themselves 😭#okay weird oscar acceptance speechcore gratitude over. i do just rlly love my mutuals#like i went three years not telling anyone about the worse side of internet popularity for fear of looking spoiled and ungrateful#so for the first time to open up about it and be met with outrage on my behalf and people saying in fact it's MORE fucked up#than i initially realised bc ive grown desensitised to it is. yeah cathartic i guess#they are singlehandedly reassuring me of the good this cursed app still holds#so everyone thank them and send them flowers NOW#okay im done i think. see you guys soon. i truly do want to come back asap bc like i said i NEVER EVEN WANTED TO FUCKING LEAVE#SOME ASSHOLES JUST HAD TO PUT GRENADES ON WHAT I ASSUMED WERE VERY UNIVERSAL AND OBVIOUS BOUNDARIES#if you're reading this like 'ohhh fuck i defo sent something invasive lately. i thought it was a joke/we were friends'#then 1) we arent friends if you're on anon. it immediately creates a power imbalance where you know me and any necessary context#but i have no idea who you are or how much you know about me. that's already a fucked dynamic#and 2) I HOPE YOU FEEL BAD. LIKE GENUINELY I HOPE YOU FEEL AWFUL AND HAVE A GOOD LONG LOOK AT YOURSELF#okay i think that's all. ta-ra lads??? how tf do u end something like this#ive queued this to reblog a couple more times throughout the day
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thebutchersdog · 7 months
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This little fucker is so high drive, so high energy, that I’m contemplating giving him some Inukshuk along with his over 4 cups of Orijen per day
He just burns it up like nothing, he is all gas, no brakes. Never seen a 6 month old puppy this muscular before.
The only way I could get him to stand still (he was actually lunging lol) in the first 3 pics was to move a leaf around on the ground.
About a 60lb wrecking ball with no off switch, he puts Floyd’s teen stage to shame
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grappling with the fact that this little lady is already 5 1/2 years old. when i adpoted her my vet told me i’d maybe get six years with her, but she’s doing well. i really hope he underestimated her.
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halinski · 9 months
#me: *absolutely loathes pictures of me*#*definitely prefers big dogs like mastiffs and cane corsos and rottweilers and shepherd*#*is not a fan of babies and that even extends to puppies and kittens a lot of the time*#(just bc i hate being responsible for someone and i am afraid to disappoint and i always have this unreasonable fear my every breath even#will somehow hurt anyone smaller than me and that i'm a bad influence okay)#also me:#*gets attached to a little chihuahua puppy who was smuggled in from abroad at 6 weeks and ended up at our clinic for a 10 week stay*#the first time that is#after he was dumped by his so called family probably those that smuggled him#he was so sick he could barely stand and see and he still was searching just for physifal contact#but bc he was smuggled into the ciuntry and so young and we didnt know what he had he was in isolation#and he was just a tiny little thing with a ginormous head 😭#still on baby milk#and every two hours we were in there feeding him but he was coughing up a storm#and the vets were like “who knows if he'll survive”#and then he was back again last week and dude he has grown!!!#and lowkey i love him#and i know i know you can't get attached too much in this job but you do YOU FUCKING DO OKAY#and he was back with his foster fam in like 3 days this time thankfully#but he's the cutest fucking thing omg#still so small we could barely get an iv in jfc#he got the iv thats reserved for bunny ears!!! in his tiny hindleg#it was a fucking struggle#and he was coughing again and had bloody diarrhea but he ate like a champ to keep his bloodsugar up#and he greeted us with a waving paw every time 😭😭#literally i love him okay#and a colleague took a picture of us and at first i like ghosted her bc i ran away from he chat wheb she sent the picture#but i am lowkey treasuring it rn#ignore me#i wanna adopt paul
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the-mighty-glow-cloud · 6 months
have i ever leonposted? i don't think i've leonposted. i have had a whole dog since june and i don't think i've posted him. anyway please view leon
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we got him from a friend whose rottweilers had puppies and he's a SWEETIE. the first picture is from right before we got him at six weeks old, he's seven months now and HUGE!! we haven't weighed him in a while but he's easily cleared 80 pounds by now. he just graduated puppy class a couple weeks ago and he's the biggest goober. he has no idea how strong he is (extremely). he is named after leon s kennedy. please enjoy him and tell him he's very handsome
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solarshadow · 10 months
I am at my parents house and the pure serotonin of being surrounded by three dogs is off the charts 🥺
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bow-wow-bow-wow · 10 months
Rottweilers are the best dogs, closely followed by beagles.
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Some more arts about Vera and her adopted daughter with their feral dumbass because Cerberus is my favorite squad
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Random information of the day: Vera likes dogs
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- From A Vera Simp
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she's radiating hot dom milf energy in that one pic and i'm totally into that but then i remember that she gets off to pain and then i hide in the corner again kasjcajb,, i love doggos too, specifically them big boyes like the rottweiler, akita, etc.
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flair920 · 2 years
Y'know what, have pictures of my dog, Duffy, cause why the heck not, I have nothing else to post rn
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He's a black lab rottweiler mix in case you're wondering
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freakzie · 2 years
Me: im not fond of dogs. They’re easily excitable, they have a very strong smell, they’re high maintenance animals. I don’t hate them, but I don’t think I’d notice if dogs just disappeared one day.
Me when people start bad mouthing pitbulls:
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klausysworld · 6 months
Do u think u could make something where Klaus after he's become the hybrid goes round innocent readers house and reader just has like 2 or 3 massive dogs like Rottweiler, great Dane, Newfoundland, a breed like that, like, how would he be with that after he'd recently unlocked his wolf side and he's just like, really territorial over reader then the dogs become more territorial over reader, just something along those lines.ALSO, if this doesn't make sense then I'm really sorry and I love your writing❤
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They’re Just Puppies!
Y/n didn’t ever have Klaus round her house, she said that it was too small and that he wouldn’t like it. Klaus told her it was ridiculous and if it belonged to her then he would love it but she continued to refuse.
Begrudgingly he let it go.
Until of course he unlocked his wolf side. Once his beast was in control, he was able to smell the other canines on her. His wolf did not like that at all. So naturally he would rub as much of his scent on her as possible, ensuring that any being with a nose would be able to smell him everywhere.
She never questioned it and just enjoyed the affection, she would snuggle against him and bask in his warmth.
But then as soon as she got home, her dogs would become confused and alarmed by the smell of another animal on her and would ensure to clean the scent off as best they could.
To Klaus’s wolf this was a competition, whoever or whatever was marking her was challenging him and he didn’t take it lightly.
He made sure to have her on him all the time, sat on his lap or held in his arms. He would have her dress in his clothes and would insist she kept them.
Y/n remained oblivious to the territorial nature of Klaus’s behaviour, she hadn’t been in a relationship before and assumed everyone was as protective and possessive over their lover like he was. So she fed into it and happily and would wrap herself up in his henleys, she’d shower at his house and use his soap like he told her to and snuggled up in his sheets so that every inch of her skin smelt of him.
Klaus was glad at her willingness, it eased his mind but he would still smell the dogs on her and he couldn’t distinguish if it was wolf or your average pet. A brief wondering of her being a werewolf passed his mind but she was far too docile and sweet to have ever killed someone. Even if her wolf side were dormant he couldn’t imagine her ever unlocking it and he didn’t want her to unless she absolutely had to. No he’d make any kills necessary for her so that she may remain innocent.
Her innocence made her so easy to love, she just wanted to be with him and curl up in his hold. When he was angry she would just hug him and apologise for things that weren’t her fault and she would defend his actions with everything she had. Klaus in return would ensure that not an ounce of harm should ever come to her. She didn’t deserve any suffering.
The only time her innocence became slightly frustrating was when Klaus tried to insinuate anything sexual. To begin with his hints and touches weren’t acknowledged at all but gradually he made himself more clear and introduced her to new feelings.
His wolf especially loved to push her limits, loved to claim her as his own and fill her with his love.
After a while, Klaus managed to convince Y/n to let him come to her house.
When she opened the door, three big Rottweilers were immediately all over her. Klaus’s wolf let out a low growl as she giggled and stroked the dogs, calling them all ‘good boys’. Those two words made his wolf snap, he pulled her back into his arms and pressed himself tightly against her. She laughed and look up at him with a smile.
“They won’t bite, they’re gentle really I promise” she told him, unaware of the way they all bared their teeth at Klaus.
Their mouth shut as soon as she turned to them and a flow a whined left them, their tails wagging as they begged for her attention.
She pulled away from Klaus making him frown. She proceeded to lead her dogs to the kitchen and fill their bowls but they were more interested and getting Klaus’s scent off of her skin.
The hybrid did not like this at all. He flashed his golden eyes at one of the dogs which resulted in one of them growling threateningly and biting ur teeth at him. Y/n told the pet off and apologised with a confused tone. “People don’t really come over so maybe he just doesn’t like you in the house” she murmured, stroking the dogs head lovingly making Klaus’s wolf whimper.
Eventually he had her away from them and instead pressed against the couch.
The Rottweilers stayed on the floor, a serious of quiet growls sounding from them as they watched Klaus push his tongue into Y/n’s mouth. She would whine and moan softly, her legs wrapping around him and hands in his hair. Klaus would glance at the dogs every now and then, his gaze threatening and deliberate as he rubbed his hands against her body.
His mouth attacked her neck next, purposefully making those dark marks that ranged from red to blue along her neck. Y/n whimpers his name on repeat, her fingers tugging his curls desperately.
Eventually one of her pets got frustrated enough and came over, growling and snapping its teeth at Klaus.
Immediately he snarled back and pulled away, letting his hybrid features take over his face.
“Klaus!” Y/n gasped “stop, they’re puppies” she cried, pushing him off and letting one of her Rottweilers jump on beside her. Klaus’s jaw clenched as he watched her hug and kiss the animal of the head, smiling and whispering to him.
“That is not a puppy” he grumbled and she looked up at him sadly
“You don’t like him? Any of them?” She asked quietly, and Klaus’s expression changed. Would she leave him if he didn’t get on with the dogs?
“I- not yet! But maybe, I just don’t know them” he cleared his throat and reached out to pet the dog only for it to grab his hand with its teeth.
“He’s just playing, come on drop” she commanded and the dog let go of his hand, happy to get praise and pets from Y/n. Klaus narrowed his eyes but smiled when she looked his way. Silently he pulled her into his lap and hummed
“How about we go upstairs?” He proposed and she nodded
“Sure, now?” She asked
“Mhm definitely” he mumbled whilst picking her up and quickly taking her upstairs and into her room. He dropped them both onto her bed and crawled on top of her with a soft sigh of relief. The moment was short lived as all three dogs jumped up beside them, laying down on her bed and wagging their tails knowingly.
Klaus groaned and laid on top of her, squishing her and making her giggle. “What’re you doing” she whispered and he mumbled
“Do they have to be in here?”
“They sleep here” she told him with the tilt of her head
“I know sweetheart but currently I don’t plan on sleeping right now love. We can let them in…later” he moaned and she sighed
“Fine but…they’ll cry”
“Doesn’t bother me” he replied easily
“Okay” she whispered as she moved from under him and ushered her boys out of her room and shut the door. Klaus grinned and tackled her back to bed, kissing her all over and pulling the covers over them. Y/n let out a giggle and pressed her lips to his.
Just as Klaus’s hands got to her panties, the handle of the door went. Y/n tensed and Klaus’s head shot up. He look in the direction only to find the Rottweilers stood in the doorway, tails wagging and tongues hanging.
“Why didn’t I see that coming?” Klaus uttered to himself, staring blankly at the animals and wondering how he would figure this out.
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sleepy baby angel children, never done anything wrong in their whole lives
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bonny-kookoo · 6 months
𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓣𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓱 [Cookies]
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Jimin isn't sure anymore what to think about you and Jungkook. But maybe tonight he realizes something.
Tags/Warnings: Human!Yoongi, Human!Jimin, Rottweiler hybrid!Jungkook, Cat hybrid!Reader, Enemies to friends to lovers, mentions of past trauma, some Yoonmin here and there oops, Main story focus are MC and Kook though, some Angst in this, major fluff too, christmas!!!
Wordcount: 3.1k words
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Jimin has no idea how to talk to you anymore.
It’s not like you became an entirely different person overnight, or as if Jungkook actively keeps him away from you- it’s just.. awkward. He’s seen you search online for jobs, something you’ve never done before, or at least you’ve never actually seemed to be interested in that. And neither has he ever wanted you to do get one- he’s making enough money for the both of you, you don’t have to provide for yourself.
But he believes that Jungkook might have something to do with it.
“jiminie?” You say, skipping towards him to put your phone down, a page opened. “can you drive me to my job interview tomorrow?” You ask, and Jimin frowns, looking at the page on your phone.
It's an email. You’ve been apparently asking for a job at a local grocery store to just help stock the shelves and such, but Jimin worries. “are you sure?” He asks, and you deflate quite a bit. “eight hours a day is a bit much to start with..” he says, and you huff, slumping over onto the kitchen counter.
“But I wanna have my own money too…” you mumble, complaining when the door opens, Yoongi entering.
“But baby you don’t have to? Just tell me how much you need and I’ll give it to you.” Jimin says, earning some attention from Yoongi who gets himself a bottle of cold coffee from the fridge.
“But then- noo, that’s not right!” You huff, tail smacking against your chair you’re sitting on. “no, I need my own for that!” You complain. “eight hours isn’t a lot! I can do that!”
“Can I look at it?” yoongi asks, and Jimin slides the phone over with a sigh. “eight hours five days a week. Have you ever worked before?” He wonders, and you sheepishly shake your head. “then eight hours might be a bit much as a start. Don’t they offer part time positions?” He asks, and you shrug.
“I’ll get less money then though..” you say disappointed, leaning back a big as your legs swing around.
“Work your way up then.” Yoongi encourages. “it’s a good job, decent pay even as part time.” He mumbles, looking through the job description. “I’d like to look over the contract before you sign it though. Just to make sure it’s all good.” He says, turning around to throw the bottle in the trash.
Jimin notices instantly how you look at Yoongi.
“There’s my princess!” Jungkook however breaks through the moment, picking you up from the chair you’re sitting on to hug you, tail wagging with excitement. He’s apparently just come home from work to pick you up- like he always does.
These days, the moment Jungkook is available, you’re gone out of sight.
Yoongi has already slowly brought up the topic of potentially changing the living situations permanently in the future- switching around so to speak, with Jungkook and you living in one house, while Jimin and Yoongi occupy the other. Of course, this wouldn’t be official due to the fact that both Jungkook and you are still hybrids and therefore legally not allowed to rent or own any land or property, but it could still work as long as the paperwork stays the way it is right now. Jimin isn’t really sure if he likes the idea.
He knows it’s inevitable, but that doesn’t mean he likes it.
Jungkook and you are gone as quickly as always, with the dog hybrid helping you wrap your scarf around your neck to keep you warm outside. He’s taking you for a bit of a date- he’s doing that a lot in fact. But especially now- with Christmas fast approaching and your love for all things sweet, it’s the perfect time to spoil you rotten.
You don’t tell him about your job hunting. You kind of want it to stay a bit of a secret.
“Do you know what you’d like as a Christmas present yet?” He wonders, warm hand holding yours as he swings them a bit, both of you walking through the busy streets full of food stalls and advertisements. You think a little, unsure.
“I don’t know.” You admit. Jimin and you always exchanged tiny presents, never truly having to think about what to gift the other.
“hm, I’ll have to think of something then.” He chuckles, squeezing your hand a second before he looks ahead again.
Back home, Jimin and Yoongi are arguing once again. “I’m just saying- what if they can’t keep the house tidy? She’s pretty messy..” jimin worries.
“Jungkook will get her to clean up, don’t worry he’s a bit chaotic but they’ll manage.” He easily defends. “jimin, I know it’s hard to let go but-“ he sighs when Jimin turns around, facing away from him. “-she’ll stay close? Literally next door.” He offers.
But it’s not enough. He wants you home.
“She’s already looking for a job. She clearly must be thinking of it too.” Yoongi says. “You can’t keep that away from her. She deserves that freedom.”
“She never worked before. She wont last.” Jimin says, sitting down again to put his head in his hands. “I don’t want her to go through that feeling of failure. She’s fine as it is- why does she suddenly want her own money? Just because Jungkook works?” He whines, and Yoongi shrugs, because he has an idea as to why you could be doing this.
“Does it really matter?” the older male says, sitting down as well. “this isn’t about the money, or the work, or the house, and you know this.” He tries to reason. “it’s about the fact that you don’t want her to leave.”
“Why can’t I have you both?” jimin softly complains. “it feels like I have to choose. Like.. I’d have to take Jungkook away from her to get her back.” He reveals his feelings, making Yoongi stay silent.
Because there’s really nothing he could say to make him feel any better.
Yoongi waits for you in the car as you return from your job interview, offering him the documents to read through. “You know you don’t have to do this, right?” yoongi asks, reading through the papers with a pair of glasses.
“Yeah, but I don’t.. want to just be lazy.” You mumble, playing with your new acrylics you got done with Jungkook. They’re Christmas themed. “Jungkook.. works a lot. And he's always so proud.” You say quietly. “I know working in a grocery store isn’t as cool as his job but..”
Yoongi looks over at you, a gentle expression on his face. “You have a lot to be proud of too.” He says, giving the documents back to you. “and even just part time is already a big thing. You’re a different category than Jungkook, remember that.”
“How do you know?” You ask, surprised.
“both simple observation-“ He smiles a bit, before he flips a page of your document. “-and the ability to read.” He chuckles, causing you to become a bit shy now.
He's right. It’s all written down right there.
“You’re right in the middle of categories. That’s got to be confusing.” He gently tells you. “Go slow and steady. They offer a training day, take it. I’ll bring you and pick you up, and then we’ll decide whether or not you’ll sign it, okay?” He asks, and you nod, watching him drive home in silence.
The moment you both step out in front of his house, you do something unique-
You hug him, an actual, full on hug, arms wrapped around him as you rub your cheek on his chest to scent him. “thanks.” You mumble, and Yoongi awkwardly pats your head, before you run off at the sight of Jungkook after giving yoongi the documents, as the dog hybrid is seen opening the front door to greet you.
“Well, that’s new.” Jimin hums. “is she growing closer to everyone but me now?” He half-jokes- though yoongi can hear some genuine insecurities.
“I think it’s simply evening out, Jimin.” Yoongi tries to explain. “see it like that. Her attention is like a bottle of water. And before, it was all just filling one cup- yours.” He says as they’re both inside the kitchen now, him taking out two glasses and a bottle of water. “But now, there’s more cups to fill. And Jungkook’s simply gets a bit more from her.. well, because it’s a special cup, you could say.” He chuckles.
“I was just as spoiled, huh.” Jimin sighs, taking the glass of water from him, staring at it.
“Pretty much. But just like her, you’ll adapt.” He gently hums, hand on his. “it’s just a bit tough right now. And hey-“ he says, leaning over the table a bit to get closer, faces only inches apart.
“-You’ve got your own special cup too, no?”
Jungkook and you cuddle on the sofa, when he notices it again.
Sometimes, whenever you’re close like this, or he offers you just a tad bit too much physical affection, you seem to become almost drunk off of it. He’s noticed it in public too, whenever he hugs you fully and gives you a lot of kisses or even just a hand on your back running up and down a bit too often. Now, he knows that cat hybrids can get excited from a lot of physical contact- but you seem especially sensitive.
Almost as if you’re not the same category as himself.
He doesn’t really know how to ask you, considering that it might be a touchy subject- but he’s also endlessly curious. Though, right now, it’s not a very pressing issue, as you’re both in the privacy of the home he technically shares with Yoongi. These days, your things have found their way into this house as well though- from clothes in the wash, blankets on the couch, or stuffed toys in his bedroom that you wanted to show off but forgot to take back.
He can’t say he doesn’t like it.
You’re happily purring against him, rolling over onto your back, sweater rising up a bit to reveal your stomach- and he can’t help himself as he leans over you to kiss the skin, cold top of his nose making you giggle. “You’re so pretty.” He chuckles as well, moving up to kiss your lips now. You’re buzzing with emotions now, tail swiping from side to side, smacking hard against the couch now as he charges you up again.
It's then that you bite him, and he notices it.
As if he looks at you for the first time so intensely, he realizes a few things. From the more pronounced feline shape of your pupils, to the more defined sharpened teeth of yours. It doesn’t just seem like you’re a different category- you most likely are.
And yet you seem so aware? Something doesn’t make sense- but right now, it’s not the moment to ask about it.
Instead, he watches how you let go of his arm again, only some slight marks present on his skin, proving that you didn’t mean to hurt him at all- that it was just a reaction to get rid of all that excitement. It’s cute to him, most of all, so he doesn’t really care about it, happy sighing along with you as you both entangle your legs together before you cuddle up, getting ready to nap a little.
It's Jungkook’s favorite part of the day.
If he didn’t like his job so much, he’d stay home with you all day every day, and he’d never get bored of anything at all as long as you’d be there at his side. But to spoil you how you deserve it, he needs money- so it’s currently for the best to be away for seven hours and be able to offer you the best he can.
And you deserve only the best, in his opinion.
You feel ashamed when Yoongi picks you up from your first day.
You had to take breaks way more often than you thought you’d have to, it was honestly stressful despite the fact that you did nothing but stock shelves for four hours. You’re being paid- but you also feel almost defeated. You can’t see yourself doing this long term- you feel absolutely drained.
“I know I’m repeating myself, but it’s fine to admit if it’s not for you.” Yoongi tells you, who just starts at your lap. “no shame in it.”
“Why can’t I be normal?” You mumble.
“Because no one is.” Yoongi simply chuckles. “some might fit a common standard. But there is really no ‘normal’. Only average at best.” He explains.
“then I wanna be average.” You say.
“But that’s not you.” He shrugs. “and we all like you the way you are.” He offers. “Jimin mentioned to me that you don’t like Christmas. Are you upset because of that right now?” He wonders, genuinely curious.
“Christmas.. I don’t know.” You tell him. “It’s all.. a lot. Like, the lights, and the noise, and everyone’s always on edge, and nervous..” you confess.
“Its stressful.” Yoongi concludes, and you nod.
“And I also always feel bad.” You admit. “because.. Jiminie always gets me a lot of presents, but all I can give him is.. stupid stuff I made myself.” You say.
“Ah, now I get why you want to work so badly.” Yoongi clicks his tongue.
“I want to give you guys nice stuff too!” You cry out, finally letting it all out to someone. “I want to make you happy too, but I can’t do anything, and I can’t buy anything! I can only take, that’s it!” You huff angrily, ears pinned back when you notice Yoongi pulling up to a small grocery store. “Huh?” You wonder, distracted, when Yoongi runs a hand over your head- the touch able to calm you down quite a bit as you look at him.
“you and Jimin are very similar, you know?” He smiles. “You need to be more open. Don’t suffer all by yourself- getting help isn’t admitting defeat.” He says. “how about you help with chores at home, and I’ll give you some pocket money for it?”
“But then I’ll take money from you again.” You deny.
“Its not that different from working. You do something, I’ll pay you. Simple.” He shrugs.
“…OK.” You nod, determined, as he reaches over to wipe your cheeks, tears staining them that you didn’t even notice falling.
“there we go.” He grins, before driving back home with you.
After Yoongi had informed the rest of them back home about your actual issues with the holiday season, Jungkook is now busy making sure the new Christmas lights aren’t blinking anymore but instead glowing steady, settings adjusted. He's almost done, when you rush into the house, almost tripping upstairs. “everything okay?” Jungkook calls, Jimin and Yoongi looking after you as well.
“Everything’s fine, promise!” You call down. “I just gotta wrap some stuff!!” You say, before something chatters, making Yoongi chuckle.
“So all those Years.. she didn’t hate Christmas at all?” jimin wonders.
“I mean, cats are pretty sensitive to stuff like that.” Jungkook mumbles with his head almost entirely stuck within the large Christmas tree. “and she’s a different category so- ouch!” He flinched when the pines prick him a little.
“I never thought that the difference in just seven percent is that big..” jimin shamefully sighs to himself.
“Well, you know now.” Yoongi reassures. “the past is the past. Let’s focus on the future.”
You’re downstairs a few hours later with a few colorful bandaids on your fingers from papercuts, watching the cookies in the oven bake with Jungkook hugging you. Some of them are shaped like cats, others like dogs. “can we eat them when they’re done?” You wonder.
“They’ll be hot though.” Jungkook chuckles. “you’ll burn your tongue.”
“I don’t wanna wait..” you huff.
“I’ll distract you then.” Jungkook suggests. “we can go put the presents under the tree while they cool down.” He says, letting go of you to take them out, careful not to have you get hurt.
“Okay.” You nod, fetching all the little things you wrapped admittedly a bit chaotically. Still, everyone’s proud- it’s not an easy task for you, and it’s clear that you had to take breaks multiple times in between wrapping to get your focus back on track. “mine look all crumpled up..” you pout, sitting on the floor in front of all the presents.
“You got drastically better though after the first two.” Yoongi comments. “that one there looks pretty neat.” He points to a small one, and you purr at that, before you turn. “You want some?” He offers the peeled tangerine, which you take.
“She’s warmed up to him.” Jimin notices from the sidelines, and Jungkook nods, tail wagging.
“Isn’t it great?” He says, though his tail slows when he notices Jimin’s rather somber look. “Why are you so against us loving her.?” He asks, and Jimin looks towards the dog hybrid in surprise.
“What?” He asks, caught off guard.
“I don’t know. But it feels like you’re.. upset that she’s befriending Yoongi. Or that she loves me now.” He explains.
“I’m not upset.” The older human denies. “I’m just.. scared.”
“Of what?” Jungkook calls, bewildered. “aren’t we a family now?”
A family.
Jimin hasn’t really thought of it that way- but Jungkook’s right. Yoongi and the dog hybrid aren’t taking you away, really- they’re more like an extension now, added on instead of pushed into the existing bond you two once had. The only one who pulled away had been himself.
“we all love her. In different ways.” Jungkook smiles. “the only one who’s making it weird is you.” He jokes, before he joins in, tugging on your tail playfully to get you to turn and tackle him, Yoongi sighing as he has to make sure you both don’t tumble right into the tree.
And that night, a switch had been flipped.
Jimin finally jumps over his own shadow again, helping you unwrap your presents, while also almost brought to tears when he receives yours. It’s all warm, and happy, and almost like you’re both back to normal again- but one look around him offers him a true picture of what it is now.
You both have always considered each other family-
You’re just a few more people now.
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werecreature-addicted · 7 months
Hey there!
Could you do something about a werewolf (sub top) that is into being slapped and bitten? And the reader is a vampire (Dom bottom)? /nf
"p-please, need it," he whimpers pawing at your belt, careful with his claws, he knows how mad you get when he ruins your expensive vintage clothes. You reach forward and hook a finger on his collar, tugging him up from his knees. His eyes are soft, desperate, and submissive as a rottweiler. You look at his claws, at the flash of sharp teeth you see as his lips move, begging for just a little attention. He could so easily take from you what he wants, but your good boy would never do that.
You drag him by the collar to your bedroom. He stumbles over his own feet a couple times but he doesn't complain. you toss him onto the bed and stand looking at him, hands on hips.
"What is that you want exactly?" you ask, already taking off your belt, his eyes drop to your crotch as you undo the button on your pants.
"I want you to sit on my dick," he whimpers, you smile to yourself at the wording of that, you could have fun with him and still technically give him what he asked for. He seems to catch the look in your eye and quickly corrects himself. "I want you to ride me- fuck me make me cum," he whimpers.
"Such a good pup, using your words," you praise as you crawl over to him. you can still tease him and give him what he asked for even with this much more specific set of requests, after all, he didn't say you couldn't edge him a little first.
You do as he asks, riding his cock, bouncing in his lap while you rake your sharp nails down his furry chest. He whimpers and bares his throat to you. your mind goes blank with desire and you barely have time to mumble out "tease" before you're attaching your mouth to his neck. He whimpers and bucks his hips up into you while you drink from him and his sweet blood, you've completely forgotten about fucking him and he's doing his best to remind you.
He whines a little louder and paws at your hips trying to move you up and down his cock. "mmm be patient baby," you tell him and smack away his hands.
You take your time savoring your little snack before you go back to riding him. This time he can't keep his hands off of you, even trying his best to be a good boy he needs you to move faster and he's more than willing to help you move faster. You can feel his knot swelling at the base and catching a little with each thrust as he presses himself as deep into you as he can go.
Just before he cums you pull off of him, and he cries out, practically howling as he thrusts up pathetically trying to bury himself deep inside of you again, but he can't quite reach you, he collapses to the bed in a frustrated heap with his ruined orgasm making him throb with need.
"no fair-" he whines, you crack him hard across the face once, and you hit him hard enough that it makes your palm sting, but it probably didn't feel like more than a love tap. still, it's enough to get his attention. his eyes lock on yours, waiting for whatever you have in store for him next.
"I'm not done yet don't wine," you croon before leaning down, kissing the tip of his hot hard cock. you always take care of your boy, even if you're mean about it.
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