#i love sweets to the point of my mum worrying about my health xD
amu-brain-dump · 11 months
Are you much of a sweets/candy person? Or a chocolate person? If yes, what are your favourites? :))) Ooh what candy or chocolate you always turn down because you’re really not keen on it?
I am very much a sweets & candy person. Don't really dislike chocolate but it's never my first choice. I love me some gummies, candy pencils and lollipops 🍬🍭
Chocolate is ok I guess but I won't eat as is. Choco cookies (I have an addiction to cookies in general) and white choco Kinder buenos are my go to. My fave choco cookie is Prince 😭 which unfortunately I can no longer buy easily (and cheap) in the UK so I only eat it when I go back home.... Very sad indeed...
Turn downs will have to be licorice and sour candy 😖 I don't like sour or bitter things and candy that is not sweet makes no sense to me 😅 If offered I will almost always decline chocolate unless it's a drink
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chromeskiesstuff · 5 years
The Killing of Three Thousand Crows Recap EP 1 三千鸦杀
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This drama has been a huge blast - I am 8 EPs in and the plot, characters are wonderful and refreshing. The main leads are a hoot themselves, being very hilarious and have their own unique personalities. Props to CGI and costume theme who does their best to make it realistic while in budget, in particularly the costumes feel so natural and pretty.
So just a brief introduction:
This is a Xianxia adaptation from novel of the same name. Xianxia = it involves immortals. Our heroine, Yan Yan, or with her adult/real name Qin Chuan (覃川) is a mortal princess of her country and it has been destroyed by the demon people. Her people are slain and she vowed to kill off each and every demon people to bring peace to her people.
The Male Lead is Jiu Yun (九云), a powerful young immortal who has a crush on her, and he has seen through her ten lives/ previous reincarnation.
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We started off with our male lead, Jiu Yun and his friend. His friend ponders why he is sharing with him a drawing by his Shifu/Master and what is it about.
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He replied that this was about a war where drums are beating, and bones anre piling up. He also said he didn’t understand the meaning of the drawing for thousand years.
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The cinematography is pretty amazing and the narration done by Zhen Ye Cheng (yes our Male lead does his own dubbing along with Zhao Luo Si) is nothing short of haunting. The sequence is written in a semi-classical format, and its a thing of beauty when it combines with great cinematography, great colour combinations, great symbolism (eg drums that reinvigorate a dying party) , great prose and great narration. Look at her red robes flowing in harsh winter while hitting the drums. Maybe I should translate this part later :D
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His friend retorted. “It’s normal for mortals to be in war”. He replied "I finally met her yesterday. I have been searching for her for a thousand years” while the screen switch to her facing her enemies alone. 
I presume she didn’t survive. Based on some notes on the novel this was her past life. Anyway I really dig these prologues as of late as its normally shot wonderfully and in a simplistic manner + introduce the whole thing.
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The scene switched to an enormous paper bird flying down to a city.
I love the design of the paper bird. Its delicate. Can I have one for a Mercedes?
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Our heroine slept at class, slacking off  from learning paper folding spells which is a secret skill of Dali royalty. He also scold her that she have already learn for a year but she knew nothing.Her Shifu challenges her to make ten paper crane. 
She could fight with Bai Qian with tardiness though what Bai Qian did is even more crayy
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She defended herself that paper folding spells emphasize on making it freely/casually. Under her shifu threat, she back off, saying she can do it anyway, but instead she made a frog.
The sequence is amazing btw. The CGI is really on point here :D
The paper container too is delightfully designed. Along with the sunscreen panels at the background
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The set design and the headdress. Its amazing. Look at the Peach blossom background :D. And I enjoyed her acting a lot. She displays the right amount of mischievousness here :D
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Our princess met with her brother and to cheer her up,  her brother shows her a painting he obtained. She said the painting is fine but not worth two to three thousand coins. 
Yeap. It looks like regular drawing even from my POV. But I hope whoever drawing this is not offended T_T (based on TMOPB the artist will normally on set whenever their artwork is shown)
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He asks her to look at it carefully. Soon the garden turns into winter, and winter plum blossom starts blooming, and sometime later it turns back to normal. She excitedly asks him where he obtains the painting. He told her he obtained it from the famed painter, Gongzi Qi (公子齐).
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Cue hilarity ensured of Gongzi Qi being synonymous with celebrity, full-on with fans dying to have his artwork and to see him,  and her brother the prince being very excited to obtain one. While looking for the artist, a scroll appears on his hand and he looks both happy and confused.
Here’s how he describes Gongzi Qi:
Gongzi Qi, he was rumoured to be extremely handsome, with one of the kind drawing skills. He was rumoured to apply rare immortal spells to his artwork.
She muses that man is too proud. And if Gonzi Qi said his art skills are his second-best skill, then his music skills should be out of the world. Her brother said he wrote a song titled East Wind Peach Blossom Flower .. nope it's half a song not a full song (WTF XD) and he refuses to write the other half, saying that no dancer will be able to dance this song (I see you Gongzi Qi, you are tempting her). Indeed our princess is up to the challenge and asks her brother to request him to finish the song so she can dance to it.
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The siblings then visit their cousin, where her brother advises her not to be rude. Apparently their aunt and cousin are attending their mom’s 40th birthday celebration.
After greetings and praises, the two women throwing barbs at each other, we know that Xuan Zhu (玄珠,the cousin) recently start to learn immortal skills under a mysterious teacher. Their barbs become a quarrel, causing their companions to try to rein them in. Yan Yan excuses herself. The quarrel continues as both are tugging a purple handkerchief. 
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A man came in. Yan Yan seems to be jealous that this guy (Zuo Zi Chen, 左紫辰) seems to come here to visit Xuan Zhu. He clarifies that he is here on behalf of his father to see her cousins. She instantly brightens up and let him go. 
OK, first crush? And guy seems to be interested.
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At the court, the King seems to be really worried about Tian Yuan, as they have usurped three countries around Dali. He is also worried as his prime minister Zuo (Zi Chen dad) applies for retirement at this time due to health. He announces that he will pay a visit to Prime Minister Zuo.
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Our Prime Minister seems quite healthy (healthier than the king!!) and performs some ritual that's clearly demonic.
This is performed in front of a satan like figure. That's demonic even in Taoist book right?
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Our prince got the sheet music, but with a bet from Gongzi Qi: She must be able to perform it, else he will make her a laughing stock. While visiting the prime minister, she took the opportunity to visit Zi Chen. She blocks him from visiting the king. Instead, she wants him to ask him something on the new music sheet she obtained since he is extremely good with music.
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uwuuw the music sheets are so pretty
Zi Chen was amazed since he never saw such complicated tunes. There is a catch though. The verse she pointed out is rather bloody and will cause the audience and the performer to feel very sad, totally inappropriate for a birthday celebration. He answers the way to go is to change the tunes from a sad tone to a happy one.
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Girl is clearly enamored with him and his skills. He turned around and ask whether his modified tunes sounds right. She thinks it's great. And she gifted him a hairpin, helping him to wear the new hairpin. She finishes pining the hairpin and touches his face. He reciprocates by grabbing her hand tenderly
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OMG I must say this scene is so well done. Very tender, and little words need to be said.
After she left, his father looks for him. He looks anything but friendly. He asks whether he knew the reason the king came. Oh gosh, the prince is way too naive. His father is clearly plotting about something. But he is a young man in the midst of meeting his first love, maybe that's why he didn't catch on the shenanigans.
The Princess is totally unaware of the plot tho, she happily shares her joy with her maid, Aman and hoping for the day Zi Chen will marry her. She also declares that she will be able to conquer the tough music sheets and it will prove Zi Chen's musicality is superior to Gongzi Qi. 
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At night Gongzi Qi visited her, leaving her a note. She wakes up and declared again that she will win their bet. Gongzi Qi hears her in the court garden and leaves with a smile.
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It seems like the budget is spent on the prince wardrobe. His gear looks very natural and menacing ha. But the candles deco is totally inferior to TMOPB Ye Hua house. Maybe the Demon People are saving the $ for war?
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Yan Yan dance is stellar, she interprets the music sheets beautifully, with peach blossoms,snow and leaves. The audience including her brother, Zi Chen, and Gongzi Qi are amazed.
Oh wow the music is wonderful. It reminds me of TMOPB EP30 Peach blossom scene OST - the warm and sweet feel kinda touch. And the dance is shot beautifully. Although I think some of the dance moves are done by a professional dancer? Not a problem imo since one of the most beautiful performances in cdrama history is choreographed by a dancer.
And YESSSS.... his wardrobe is really on point here and the angles the cinematographer take is really good. He is not your conventionally attractive lead so I understand that some angles will not stand out. Kudos to the production team!
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The dance ended and Gongzi Qi was shocked that she changed the ending of his sheet music. HA, SO YOU KNOW SHE IS GONNA PERFORM AT HER MUM’S BIRTHDAY BASH PARTY AND YOU WRITE HER A BLOODY TUNE? lmao he is pissed and serves him right XD. And what's wrong with your bestie XD? He seems to have a tendency to pine after a married woman.
They met Shifu who seems to be their ShiXiong (Elder brother disciple). Shifu reminded Gonzi Qi that since he is an immortal, he shouldn’t involve with mortal matters especially when Yan Yan is still very young. Gongzi Qi asks if he insists on doing it? Shifu replied that her fate has been decided and he shouldn’t go against fate. He seems to accept that decree and he hands over a huge scroll of painting, requesting Shifu to pass it to her.
Note: The reason why Shifu is able to involve is that he owes a debt to the Dali Royal family per the book.
At night the city is being attacked, and Yan Yan wakes up feeling happy and refreshed. She saw the painting scroll, both her and her maid marvelled at the painting and she told her maid that she wants to go outside alone to visit Zi Chan.
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Meanwhile, Zi Chan father sent his son away “ For praying in the temple. Do request for glory at Royal Court”. His son wonders as his dad will not need it because he is retiring. His dad replies smoothly that it’s for Zi Chan. Zi Chan wanted to pray for his father’s health, and his father praised him lightly, sending him away. Looks like he is sending him away for safety. 
I have been waiting for this drama for some time, and luckily they are no longer stuck in broadcasting hell. This EP has a lot to unpack, introducing the background and characters. I feel this EP wonderfully introduces multiple characters while making Yan Yan and Zi Chan characters unique. Yan Yan character is sweet while slightly spoiled, she is still very charming herself, and have all the characteristics of a well-loved high born lady. Zi Chan too stands out as the highly ranked son, with his politeness and his crush with Yan Yan being really subtle. Plot-wise it is interesting and hopefully, the revenge plot won’t be too over the top later. The drama is also not afraid to insert some modern jokes (AHEM CELEBRITY ARTIST) while feeling super natural in doing so.
 The magic spells they introduce are fairly unique too (paper magic) which can be quite handy. The brief introduction of paper cranes and paper frogs are delightful. The costumes are delightful too. One of the difficulties of cdrama production is making costumes natural relative to the period and making it beautiful. I love Zi Chan wardrobe here because he looks great in it while not making him too prince-like. Likewise I like that Gongzi Qi wardrobe are slightly more fancier than a normal immortal /Taoist disciple (YEAH HIS WEIRDASS WAYS) but not that fancy.
I think one of the downsides for this drama is the set production. Some of the sets like the snow scene are totally beautiful, while at some parts its so obvious the wood is made of plastic, or the garden looks too tropical. That being said I understand cdrama fantasy budgets are tight + high likelihood of delayed broadcasting, so these downsides are relatively minor, plus the cinematography team is killing it, so I think in overall any fan of xianxia should watch it.
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blackcatanna · 5 years
LET THE ORGY OF SADNESS CONTINUE: Okita's Route Part 3: Edo Blossoms
I'm very interested to see how this plays out. Tbh, I don't really get this relationship yet but that seems consistent with how I felt before Edo Blossoms in the other routes so, yes, I am excited! :D I hope that Kaoru doesn't die X_X I want at least one route with Kaoru redemption but I am not at all optimistic...
Chapter 1:
"Something else entirely had me preoccupied..." Could it be... one spicy, stabby boi?
Wait, are we... LIVING TOGETHER? 👀
Quick question: do silver bullets affect demons or just furies?
BWWWWAAAARRRP!!! PHYSICAL CONTACT ALARM! "I held his soft, trembling fingers in my hands," Whoa there. Please calm down. I cannot allow this level of unbridled eroticism in my Good Christian Suburb.
In all seriousness, though, I GUESS this is SOMEWHAT sweet and romantic but I want everyone to know that I'm saying this under duress. >:( If I fancied him, this would wring the fuck out of my heart.
"Are you sure? You aren't just saying that?" Glad to see that Doctor Chizuru studied under Doctor Gregory "Everybody Lies" House.
"Why is it that you're always here when I wake up?" If you can't figure it out, I sure as hell am not going to tell you!
"Okita seemed to take pleasure from my surprise, and he stared into my eyes." X_X Of course he did... Because he loves to provoke reactions.
"Answer me." MAKE ME >_<
"looking off to the side in a fit of feigned indifference." < Okita in a nutshell
Is he upset because I said that I was here because of worry and guilt? Because, tbh, fair enough. Those were pretty dumb things to say, making out like it's a burden instead of admitting that I actually like being around him >:(
"Well, I guess that's fine then." X_X Oh, come on! Don't use the f-word on me like that! D:
"She's lying." YAMAZAKI!!! >_<
"Look, I know you can't stop thinking about me, but this whole doting-all-day-and-night thing is tiring." Called. The fuck. Out. X_X
Tbf, it seems kind of hypocritical to be fussing over someone while refusing to let them even inquire about your own health. Plus, it's a very one sided arrangement, which is not healthy X_X
"stop throwing a bitch fit" XD Okita is my new hero :')
"I didn't know that my behaviour became a cause for concern for them, too." Then, perhaps, you are foolish and inconsiderate -_-
O: Okita!?? Did he faint?! O_O
Woo! Going on an adventure with YAM! :)
There had better not be any creepy bald fuckers waiting in mah house! >:(
Are all doctors bald in 1860s Japan????
I'm so happy that Yamazaki's still alive in this route :) TOUCH WOOD.
"*Grunt* *Cough*..." Ah, I knew it was only a matter of time before I caught tb -_- (jk)
No, never split the party! D:
"However the price to pay is life itself." DUN, DUN, DUUUUUUUUUN!!! So much for it granting "immortality"
"the poisonous Water of Life" uh... Isn't that kind of an oxymoron X_X
"Retaining your sanity is impossible without feasting on blood." Ah, so all along, the Shinsengumi were just feeding the furies a poor diet.
Of course. It's fucking Kaoru -_-
Blah blah, sadistic fuckery, blah blah. I'm starting to get real tired of your shit, BROTHER.
"Was he trying to play a trick on me?" -_- probably, yeah.
Wow, that's... Actually pretty helpful? Thanks!?
Okay, the doctor folk have gone! I give Okita delicious blood now? :)
Oh. HE GAWN!!! O:
"Sleeping all day is such a drag." True, so DRINK MY BLOOD AND GET BETTER >:(
Bloodlust time :O Good thing I'm a walking blood pack! :D
"How long have you been doing this?" Uh, haven't you been watching over him night and day?
"I wrapped my arms around Okita and held him tight " BWAAAA- Okay, yes, physical contact. Hug = gud >:(
"Pease, drink this " DRINK THE BLOOD >:(
"I could feel his breath brushing across my skin..." o_o Saucy...
Why are the blood drinking descriptions so erotic XD I mean, I'm not complaining but-
Who is this strange, apologetic man?
Blood > Porridge
Heh heh, apparently, Hijikata acts "all hoighty-toighty"
Oooh! Looks like Okita's trying to break free of his diligent YAM nursing...
"I am calm" Okita, last time you said that, you went on a killing spree...
Ooh, I wonder why Yamazaki and Okita don't get along... I remember seeing a picture somewhere with casual Yamazaki abuse in the background...
"Okita was acting like a petulant child, throwing his toys out of the pram..." X_X Sexy...
"Do you think the Shinsengumi still needs me?" HONEY, the Shinsengumi needs all the help it can GET!! O_O
Omg, Yamazaki's threatening to tell on Okita! XD He's playing a dangerous (and childish) game!
Side note: the painting in Okita's room is distracting me because it kind of reminds me of the dead mice my cats bring in on a regular basis.
WAIT, IT'S A FISH!!! X_X A NICE, INNOCENT LITTLE KOI FISHY X_X I need to stop spending so much time with my cats...
"What, already? Can't I stay up just a little longer?" Hakuoki: Mum simulator!
"I'll turn in on one condition..." Oo-er :O
"Okita grinned mischievously, and he peered directly into my eyes." O_O OO-ER!
"My palms became sweaty, and my heart skipped a beat." IT MUST BE LOVE O_O
"Since you're here, mind laying down next to me?" DUN DADA DUN! *fanfare plays* We got there in the end, folks! :D
"That's not a funny joke." True. And the only way to teach him a lesson is to PRETEND to take him seriously by DOING AS HE SAYS >:)
"You're so dense." FACTS.
WELL DONE, CHIZURU, YOU DONE COCK-BLOCKED YERSELF, I said, berating the fictional character as if that's not totally something that I would do in real life ..
"Okita blushed, turning away in embarrassment." O: CTRL+Z CTRL+Z CTRL+Z ):<
"I want to, erm, talk to you for a little bit longer..." Oh, we can "talk" all night long ;)
"Talk...? With me?" But I'm only a stupid woman, huh dur, with naught to say but um and er! Actually, Chizuru does say ""um..." I couldn't think of anything to say" in this route A LOT so maybe FAIR PLAY.
Just realised that I accidentally made a rhyme.
"Okita sighed, frustrated" HONESTLY, ME TOO.
"How clearly do I have to spell this out for you." I'm beginning to wonder that myself. He just wants some company, Chizuru! Is that SO HARD to imagine? X_X
"He began to run his fingers through my hair." Oooh! Physical contact :3 Chizuru = pet cat!
"as the tip of his finger touched my skin, my heart skipped." Yeeeesssss... Feel the thirst flow through you... 3:)
Are we gonna get a thirsty Western uniform pan, now? :P
"I tried facing him directly, but for some reason my heart was thudding in my chest..." :O Oh my! I cannot think of a possible explanation! You should get that checked out! >:P
"you find me sexy right now, don't you?" AH-HAH! >:D Caught red handed!
Ugh, can't believe he tricked me into saying he looks good. >:(
UGH. Doctor Matsumoto still needs to perform a final exam on Okita?! Just let him go already X_X
Wow, has Okita been seething against Hijikata this whole time? That... Can't be healthy -_-
"Okita had the tendency to act rashly and avoid looking at the bigger picture, particularly when Hijikata was involved." No shit. He's going to be such a handful X_X
"You're coming, right?" Of course. I'm not just going to sit around here while everyone I care about gets killed O_O besides, you need my nutritious and delicious blood to keep you nice and healthy ^_^
"she can't keep her eyes off me for long enough, to the point where she'll follow me wherever I go" Yeah, because that's how you win at this game >:P
"Aw, is that some blushing I see? It's the truth." Yup.
"Well, yeah," SHE ADMITTED IT!!! 8D
Doctor, why you gotta be so serious? O:
"Criminy..." Uh... Is that a real word?...
Omg, it is a real word! I have never heard anyone use it but, tbf, this is the 1860s :P
Okita needs to stop saying that every decision that Kondou makes that he doesn't like is because Hijikata "coerced" him. He's a grown man. He can think for himself. Please respect his autonomy X_X This is not healthy.
Uuuuuugh. Kaoru >_< Seriously, get a life!
"I'm here to watch the Shinsengumi flail around like pathetic losers as they watch their friends die." ... KAORU, THAT DOES NOT COUNT AS A HOBBY >_<
"Looks like you made it in time for the show, though. You'll be able to witness the glorious execution of the Shinsengumi's idiot chief." Or, in other words, we arrived in time to try and rescue him >:)
"You look nice. All your little boo-boos patched up?" Uhh... There's a lot to unpack here...
"Okita reveled in the vicious display, allowing Kaoru's blood to shower him as he swung repeatedly at the Demon." O_O Umm... Okita? Maybe CHILL THE FUCK OUT. O_O HE IS MY BROTHER, YOU KNOW?!
Aaaand, seemingly Kaoru's going to milk that fact... -_-
Did he... Stab me in the mouth?!?? What am I looking at here? X_X
Also, why doesn't he just activate his demon form!?!
Wait, is he feeding me the Ochimizu?!
Kaoru says that the water of life will eat away at Okita's body faster than if he'd just succumbed to TB but that's clearly not true if he's living long enough to see the end of the Shinsengumi. Plus, a short life of action is better than spending the rest of your days fading away in a sickbed.
"Okita comforted me with the soft tickle of his hands as they wiped away each tear with a warm touch." :3 Pretty darn wholesome! I will concede this point!
"you're a sweetheart." :3 Thank.
"You're a good girl" And am I supposed to wag my tail at that? X_X
"I... I am in love with Okita." O: Damn, that'll go straight to his head X_X
"more than anything or anyone" not that that's saying much :P Sorry, romantic moment, must resist shit talking urges!
"I believed that if I died, no one would give a shit." </3 O: )': DX Neveeeeeerrrrr!!!!
I prescribe HUG INJECTION >:(
"You look like shit" -_- Way to kill the mood.
"Here, come closer." :D Okay, I forgive you! <3
Oh, he played the uno reverse card on my hug plan :O
"How could I keep myself calm when the man I loved held me delicately in his arms?" BIG. MOOD.
Awe, he didn't kill Kaoru because "my heart knew it didn't want you to hate me..." <3 <3 <3 >.<
"My heart melted." SAME.
Chapter 2:
Damn, we're only on Chapter 2 and things are already getting pretty fluffy...
"Do you want me to sleep next to you?" DO IT. XD I dare you :P
"I wonder if Okita thought of me as nothing more than a silk kimono and a warming stone, as if that was all I could offer..." Girl, come on! Don't sell him short like this! Oh, and tell me more about what you want to offer him 3:)
Well, it looks like blood is the answer, for now O_O
"Y-You're not gonna offer me a-any blood today? Trying to play hard to get?" -_-
"his warm mouth drew my blood into his full, tender lips." X_X Sounds like someone needs a cold shower...
"I'm a diseased freak with no hope for the future." D: Don't say that! Everybody dies eventually! You still have strength to achieve the things you want and we can still be happy together! :'(
"I will be by your side, Okita... No matter what." YUS >:)
SEN!!! <3
"Would it have killed you to at least write us a letter?" O: I'm sorry! X_X
Ha. Bold of you to assume that Kodo's continued research might be in your favour.
"Kondou has surrendered to the Imperial Army." O_O OH FUCK.
And of course Okita is blaming Hijikata X_X
"You are making assumptions, most of which are uninformed" Yeah, you tell him, Sen-bae!
I still don't see why we can't at least try to rescue Kondou >:( Are we just supposed to sit tight and wait for him to be executed?!??
" I'm sure that Kondou would be very unhappy to hear his life was saved at the cost of Okita's." >:( And I'm sure that he would be even more unhappy to hear that Okita spent the rest of his days confined to his bed, in misery and anguish. >:(
The dream was pretty wholesome :'o
I guess protecting the things that are important to Kondou, like his legacy, is more important than protecting Kondou himself. Kondou entrusted his legacy to Okita, and so his efforts might be better spent elsewhere, rather than on rescuing Kondou. :'( That's up to him, though.
"No matter how many times he touched me, I couldn't have imagined ever tiring of the sensation..." XD The thirst is real!
"Y'know, ever since you came into my life, I've always given you a hard time..." WHERE IS THE LIE?
These two assholes in each other's arms, like "Welp, I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of telling you that I love you so we're just going to continue this totally not heterosexual hug right now and stfu."
:D I am happy to see Hijikata! However, I know someone who may feel differently -_-
"Would you like me to wake him." O_O Nooooot a good idea, Chizuru!
"Without me to blame, I doubt he'll have anything to motivate him, and I'm worried he'll lose the will to live." :O Hijikata, that's kind of sweet in a fucked up kind of way but you underestimate the power of LOVE >:)
:O Kazama and Amagiri?! I was beginning to think that Kazama had lost interest in me. Or, at least, hoped he had.
"This evening... Isami Kondou was beheaded." I just gasped out loud! Kondou, no! D':
"A woman who has sullied herself with the water of life is unworthy of my love. Consider this over." ... IF I KNEW THAT THAT WAS ALL IT TOOK, I WOULD HAVE DRANK THAT FUCKING CONCOCTION YEARS AGO >_<
"You are dead to me." GOOD.
Awe, Okita! :'(
NOW I'M CRYING, TOO D'X Damn this game DX
Chapter 3:
Chasing down the Shinsengumi >:) ... Again! If this is anything like Kazama's route, this is going to be depressing af...
We're like two fuzzy wood creatures, going from cozy spot to cozy spot to snooze in during the day :')
"Be a good girl," >_< Staaaaaahhhp!!!
"They went thattaway!" XD I know that this situation is pretty dire but that sentence makes me chuckle!
"Fight...? You?" Ye bitch! >:) I got me my ochimizu powers now!
"How dare you, you bastard!" UM. YOU ATTACKED US!!! WE WERE TRYING TO HAVE A NAP!
*Slash, slash, squelch, splat* X_X
"Ahahaha! You're just helpless pigs!" -_- Uh, Okita? Calm the fuck down, k? You're starting to sound like Kazama!
"his sadistic display of sword mastery." Yup, they be the right words -_-
Ugh, I got shot. Probably shouldn't have been standing around doing NOTHING X_X
"Chizuru, you're trying to hard." *Hides guide* I don't know what you could possibly mean :) :) :)
:O a kunai?! Could it be... my boy YAM?!
YAM!!! :'D
"I just assumed you died or something." Okita is the queen of tact, as always :')
Wait, Yamazaki, don't stay behind on your own O':
OMG HE'S OKAY!!! 8'D 8'D
"I... Cannot afford to die yet..." Doesn't stop you in most routes, though, does it? X_X
"This doesn't look good..." Oh no! Is he going to succumb to his injuries off screen?! D': Classic Yamazaki D,X
"You've been spying on us for days, and I didn't even notice." :') That's our Yam boy!
Aw, Okita gave Yamazaki the thank you!
I reeeeeaaally don't think that Kondou would want Okita to murder Hijikata X_X
"I am going to be late, but I promise to return." YOU HAD BETTER. >:( DON'T DIE, YAMAZAKI!
Owl <3 Hoot hoot to you too, my friend!
Don't kill Hijikata, you dumbass. -_-
"A penchant for violence" X_X That's Okita all right!
It would be funny if he were drinking from Chizuru's foot, instead... Just, something about the way he's holding her hand invites that image XD
"Okita grabbed my hand" 8D < Happy Chizuru!
Oh, I guess not. Kinda disappointed, tbh XD
Ugh, can we just catch up to Hijikata already? Let's get this over with.
Wait, his sister was "wedded off to some deadbeat"!?! I wonder how old she was... :/
"I was bullied and given shit all the time." :'(
The CG of Okita giving Hijikata the evils is BEAUTIFUL! X'D
"He was a rich snob" somehow, I doubt that...
Wow, Okita really is seething with passionate jealousy for Hijikata... Even though Kondou gave him the sword X_X
I feel like Kondou's relationship with Hijikata is different enough than Okita and Kondou's that Okita's intense jealousy seems a bit much...
It sort of feels kind of like a kid being jealous of their dad's new girlfriend X_X
"Before I knew it, you slithered your way into my heart..." That's a pretty weird but also adorable thing to say X'D SLITHER SLITHER
"And you know just what to say," I KNOW, UNCANNY, RIGHT :) :) :) *hides guide*
"We couldn't help but succumb to the hypnotic lull of our passionate embrace." XD Does this mean a fade-to-black is coming :P
I love that their following Hijikata tracks like they're hunting the wild Hijikata beast XD
Is he all alone?
Oh, he has a bodyguard XD
Really inappropriate time to mention this but this route makes Hijikata seem more attractive to me than before XD Maybe it's because of the contrast with Okita's sadistic, violent, volatile side... Maybe it's because he seems more vulnerable when being berated by Okita, idk XD Leave Hijikata alone, Okita!
"You could have saved him!" But Hijikata has RESPONSIBILITIES. He can't just abandon his men and their cause to save Kondou, even if he wanted to :'(
"I COULDN'T!!!" Yeah, you tell him, Hijikata >:(
Wait, we're not going with the Shinsengumi?! O_e
"Hijikata's a real dumbass, don't you think?" -_- .......NO!
Kondou reading to tiny Okita = mega cuteness!
"If I never met Kondou, there's no doubt in my mind that I'd be waaaaay more cuckoo than I am now." And nobody, NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT O_O
"You and Kondou are pretty similar" Obviously, that's a compliment and I'm super flattered but I reeeeeaaally hope that this relationship isn't just because Chizuru reminds him of Kondou XP
"My heart suddenly melted in my chest." What, again!?! Chizuru's heart had been through A LOT during this route -_-
"To be fair, it was a little strange of Okita to compare a woman he loved to a man he viewed as a father..." <<< See?! :P
Skipping off, hand in hand :')
Chapter 4:
Aw, tiny Chizuru sadness flashback </3
It's unthinkably awful, what happened to the village, but revenge =/= genocide.
Chizuru, y u lie? -_-
"There were men who took pleasure from their evil deeds." And demons, too... And Okita, to an extent XD
Ugh, I bet Kaoru's gonna sneak up on me while Okita's gone and be all, "Yeeeeesssss.... Give in to your anger... Feel the hate flow through you..." Fucking annoying hate goblin child.
"You're a real bitch, you know that?" Oh, I'M A BITCH??!! Sure thing, tiny asshole. -_-
"At long last, we can come together. We can be the siblings were born to be." ... Happy and free from the burdens of hate and bitterness? O_O
"We are going to massacre the evil forces conspiring within this country, for the good of our people." ... What people? The dead ones? Yeah, I'm sure they'll be reeeeeeaaal grateful from their graves. Sounds like you just want an excuse to torment some humans, you sadistic piece of shit -_-
"Suddenly, I craved blood..." OH HO!
"I... I craved Okita's blood..." 'Sonly fair >:P
"my entire body screamed to tear Okita limb from limb." 8O Yikes.
I... Kinda want to know what happens if I give in to the bloodlust... 😏
Buuuuut I gotta endure it. Damn.
Oh, it's cold up North, is it? ;P What can we possibly do to stay warm in bed?
PENGUIN HUDDLE is hopefully the answer.
<3 :D Looking up at the stars together!
"I want to make your wishes come true. All of them..." :D Okita is every girl's dream sexy murder genie :)
""If you still plan on walking away from me and everything you have..." Okita reached his hand to me kindly." :) :) :)
"Then, I will kill you " FFS XD THIS BITCH!!!
I bet we're gonna kiss now or something. Damn that sexy murder genie X_X
Oh, no kissing, just crying XD That's... Actually more appropriate, even if they are happy tears :')
O WAIT, "I grabbed ahold of him madly" ...
"For once in my life, I felt whole," Awe </3 "the thought of which nearly brought my tears." BITCH, UR ALREADY CRYING XD
"each breath between our zealous smacking grew more strained and sensuous." O_e ... Uh, what did I just read? XD XD XD
"now that Kondou's gone... I only have one reason to fight." Uh... I have a feeling that it's a Chizuru reason... He really needs to find his own motivations, instead of just attaching himself to the causes of people who give him attention. Okay, that was a bit harsh. X_X I'm sorry, Okita!
"How about another kiss, huh?" "B-but, um... W-we just kissed..." ... SO!?! GIRL, YOU KNOW YOU'RE HOT FOR HIM!
"I'm askin' you if you'll have me or not." ... When he says "have", does he mean . . .
"Well, I think there's a time and place for everything." ... Damn. Is this game suggesting that if I say yes, I'm a slut and he'll think less of me? XP BOOOOOOO!
"Watching you squirm like that makes me want to play with you even more." XD As I predicted: Big Dom Energy!
"As long as I will live, I will crave your touch..." *Munches popcorn* Just screw, damn it!
"Our plump lips smeared against one another, and he pulled at a fistful of my hair, drawing me deeper into him as he bit forcefully into my lower lip." :O ... Kinky! >:P I totally called it XD
"I do not mind putting up with anything you might do to me, Okita." How... Romantic?? O_e Just admit that you're horny, Chizuru! There's no shame, I swear!
"I bet when I'm gone, you'll sob like a baby." :'O YES. OBVIOUSLY. >:'(
"Okita spooned me," Classic XD
Ew, Kodo.
"You look pale. Please do not tell me that you have been refusing to drink blood." XD Thanks for your concern...
Bless Okita for offering himself as an all-you-can-eat buffet X_X
"If I were to commit to this relationship, then it meant I needed to separate myself from my family." DRAMAAAA! :D *Pulls out another bag of popcorn*
"I have no desire to carve a life that comes at the expense of hurting others." PREACH B)
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rayzorflightrising · 7 years
Tagged by: @ironandwine-fr
Tagging: Noone because all of my homies got tagged already. :’D
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag some people you’d like to know better.
a - age: 27 (soon 28) b - birthplace: Somewhere near the Black Forest, Germany c - current time: 12:47am d - drink you last had: water, just... water e - easiest person to talk to: my soulmate @the-light-beyond (and tbh my mum) f - favorite song: Lots of faves, but lately I hear a lot of soundtracks like Bloodborne or some Norse stuff. g - grossest memory: I have many gross memories so it is hard to choose one but I think the grossest sight I ever experienced was when I saw animals & people getting tortured and abused in the cruelest ways (I was watching the news and different types of documentaries or educational videos and the likes.) h - horror, yes or no: If it’s good? (as long as it’s not real and doesn’t include torture) Monsters bring bonus points. i - in love: Nope. j - jealous of people: Yes but only because I have no money right now I think. XD k - missing: I’m missing the old times when my family and me spent our holidays in many different places/countries 3 times a year. And I miss the times when my friends had more time to hang out at one of our places. l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: Hm. If it’s an animal? Love at first sight. If it’s a person? The latter I suppose. Dunno, never experienced it. m - middle name: You will NEVER know. n - number of siblings: A big sister (she is tall, a smart-arse & gets bitchy real fast but I love her most and we are really close)  and a big half-brother aswell as 2 younger step-brothers. o - one wish: A good life with all my loved ones without worries about money or health issues. Tbh I wish that every kind soul can live this kind of happy life. p - last number you called: @the-light-beyond 8D q - question you are always asked: Erm. I dunno? There are no such questions I think. But I get asked about transgender stuff often. r - reasons to smile: My family, my pets, cats (almost all animals, really), my friends, kind acts, good movies & books. Fair weather.
s - song you last sang: I can’t sing but I tried to sing “Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag” while showering.
t - time you woke up: Woke up at 8am and decided to chill in bed for a couple of minutes. Woke up again at 10am. 8D u - underwear color: Why does this matter? Right now? Jeans-blue Boxers with printed fish on it :’D v - vacation destination: Scotland, Ireland, Italy. Germanic/Nordic countries mostly. w - worst habit: Gesticulate like my life depends on it & eating too much sweets. Oh and I tend to do all kinds of important stuff in a “last minute” kind of way. And then I panic a bit. (I run into counters a lot - does this count too?) x - x-rays: Teeth stuff. And when I had an accident where I crashed into a parking car. Oh, and that time I managed to get a ligament rupture. Again. y - your favorite food: Pasta, steaks, salads, pizza, cookies, cake mostly. Oh boi am I healthy. z - zodiac sign: Aries
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