#i also eat a lot of cheese cookies and salty cookies
amu-brain-dump · 11 months
Are you much of a sweets/candy person? Or a chocolate person? If yes, what are your favourites? :))) Ooh what candy or chocolate you always turn down because you’re really not keen on it?
I am very much a sweets & candy person. Don't really dislike chocolate but it's never my first choice. I love me some gummies, candy pencils and lollipops 🍬🍭
Chocolate is ok I guess but I won't eat as is. Choco cookies (I have an addiction to cookies in general) and white choco Kinder buenos are my go to. My fave choco cookie is Prince 😭 which unfortunately I can no longer buy easily (and cheap) in the UK so I only eat it when I go back home.... Very sad indeed...
Turn downs will have to be licorice and sour candy 😖 I don't like sour or bitter things and candy that is not sweet makes no sense to me 😅 If offered I will almost always decline chocolate unless it's a drink
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miasmaghoul · 2 months
whos the best ghoul cook? do you think they have any weird eating quirks (like water ghouls eating raw fish, mountain chewin on his terra cotta plant pots, fire ghouls needing to eat more bc of higher body temp, anything like that)?
Did I ever tell you guys that I earned a scholarship to culinary school? I couldn't go, but cooking and baking remain passions of mine that I do NOT get to talk about enough.
But now you've given me an excuse >:)
So here, a BUNCH of my cooking (and favorite food) headcanons for the ghouls and Papas alike!
(There's some murder ghoul content here, mostly in Alpha's section - couldn't help myself 😌)
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Aeon isn't one for cooking. Loves eating food, certainly, but not making it. He's more of a snacker, partly because it's more convenient but mostly because he doesn't have the attention span to do much more than microwave instant noodles. He's not picky though, will eat whatever is put in front of him as long as someone else has prepared it. Also doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, more of a salty/savory guy. Favorite foods include hot cheetos, thick cut beef jerky (good to gnaw), and whatever appears on his plate at meal times.
Aether is a ghoul of simple tastes. He'll cook when he has the time, but it's going to be one of his four go-to recipes every time. Always some format of protein + starch + veg, with a complementary sauce. He meal preps every weekend after his retirement so he can have easy meals to microwave and eat in the infirmary. Isn't the biggest fan of cooking with company, unless they're willing to stay out of the kitchen and not interrupt his routine. Has a weak spot for bananas. Favorite meal is one-pan roasted chicken, potatoes and asparagus with rosemary and garlic from Mountain’s garden.
Alpha does not cook, wouldn't dream of it. He doesn't even deign to eat human food most of the time, turns his nose up at it when offered. He likes his meat raw, and wants to hunt it himself so he can feel the blood run down his chin. Any prey is fair game - if he finds you in the woods, you'd better hope you can outrun him. (You cannot.) Favorite foods include the flesh and organs of anything with a pulse.
Aurora likes the idea of cooking, but in practice...well, she tries. She's impatient, is the problem - what do you mean simmer for 20 minutes? She's hungry now! She inevitably rushes everything she makes, no matter how much input she gets from the others, and has yet to learn her lesson. She also has a MASSIVE sweet tooth, they can't keep enough sugary snacks in the pantry as far as she's concerned. Favorite foods include spaghetti with butter and cheese (one of the only things she can always get right), boxed brownies and any kind of fruity candy she can get her paws on.
Cirrus can cook pretty well, if she says so herself, but it's rare that she does it for anyone but herself. She has very particular tastes, and doesn't want to have to adapt them for others. She loves organ meat and bitter vegetables, enjoys the intensity of those flavors while the smell alone keeps most of the others away. Oh well, more for her! She'll eat anything thats made for her though, especially if its served on a silver platter by someone on their knees. Favorite foods (aside from the aforementioned organs) mostly include healthy things like fresh fruit and veggies, steamed shellfish and lean meat.
Cumulus is more of a baker than a cook, but enjoys any time spent in the kitchen either way. She's the type to make a day of it, in her comfiest clothes with music playing while she dances in front of the stove. Her food is never the prettiest, but it's made with love and tastes so much better for it. Her favorite things to bake are cookies and pies, but she doesn't eat many sweets herself. Prefers seeing the others enjoy them. Favorite foods include homemade bread (she has a sourdough starter named Breadly) with lots of butter and flaky salt, anything citrus-forward and wants her proteins heavily spiced (not spicy, she has a low tolerance, but loves the fragrant flavors of herbs and spices).
Dewdrop doesn't advertise it, but he's one of the best ghouls to have in the kitchen. His precision and attention to detail are second to none, and while it doesn't make him particularly fun to share a kitchen with it does make him an outstanding cook. He likes very intricate, involved recipes because he can use them to showcase his skills (and earn a whole bunch of praise at the dining table as a bonus). Loves spicy food, which everyone assumes is due to him now being a fire ghoul, but he's actually always enjoyed a good burn. Favorite foods include any meat served on the bone, fermented foods (kimchi and sour pickles especially) and anything smoked.
Ifrit does not know how the stove works. He survives on protein bars and any leftovers he can pilfer from the abbey kitchens. Food is not a thing he's super interested in, just takes what he needs to fuel himself, and would rather follow in Alpha's footsteps anyway. He likes to hang out at the lake every now and then with Mist, though - she'll pop up from the water every now and then with a nice plump trout to toss his way, which he will roast with his bare hands. Doesn't really have a favorite food, but does like crunchy things.
Mist, if she isn't sharing her spoils with Ifrit, will keep her catch for herself. She's small enough that one good-sized lake fish will tide her over for the day. She does prefer them raw and whole, always a bit on the feral side, but she can be convinced to join the others for sushi if the offer arises. Favorite foods include anything alive and not poisonous in the lake, and cookie dough ice cream (don't tell anyone).
Mountain is overall considered to be the best cook amongst the ghouls, and definitely has the goofy apron to prove it. Naturally skilled and adaptable, he enjoys preparing meals for his pack and will do so with anyone that wishes to lend a hand. Usually it's Cumulus or Sunshine, but they all keep him company at one point or another. He grows much of the produce used in their kitchen himself, all of it fresh and delicious, but Mountain does not eat a bite of it. He's a total carnivore - the closest he gets to eating his homegrown goodies is including them in a stew but avoiding them in his own bowl. Favorite foods include rabbit, venison and this one Vietnamese style grilled beef and rice noodle dish that Dew makes.
Omega learned to cook by osmosis, if you ask him. Time spent under three Papas will do thay to a ghoul. He doesn't cook much, but he's excellent at crafting simple, filling pasta dishes that are good for the soul (so to speak). Also treats it as an excuse to drink plenty of the good wine stashed away in the abbey's cellars - blame Terzo for that habit. Favorite meal is fresh pappardelle served with roasted tomatoes, basil and spicy sausage.
Rain doesn't cook if it involves more than the microwave, not because he can't but because he prefers to be waited on. Breakfast in bed, charcuterie plates in the afternoon, specially prepared dinners to make sure he's kept happy - none of it is necessary, but Rain can't help how much he loves being served. Good thing no one minds giving him the royal treatment. He will also indulge in the odd raw fish during a swim, but only does it beneath the surface, away from prying eyes. Favorite good is soup, any kind, but he prefers brothy ones over thick or creamy styles. If he had to pick a single favorite varitey, it would be miso.
Swiss is only allowed in the kitchen because he's good with a knife. He can burn through prep work like nobody's business, but that's where his skill set ends. He's caused one too many greasefires to he trusted at the stove, and every time he's put something in the oven he's forgotten about it until smoke filled the room and the ghoulettes had to magickally air it out. But he can chop like a food processor, so he gets the knife pass. He's another one that'll eat anything put in front of him, with one exception: eggs. Can't stand them. Favorite foods include red meat served rare, really dark, bitter chocolate and anything with hideous amounts of garlic.
Sunshine is chaos personified in the kitchen. She loves to experiment with flavors and techniques, but has yet to have anything close to a success. Pasta with pesto and pineapple (alliteration is fun), chocolate covered avocado balls (with bacon, because why not), a tuna sandwich made with coconut yogurt instead of mayo (it's healthy!) - these are but a few of the food crimes that have lost her solo access to the kitchens. This girl could burn cereal, and no one wants to see that. She does love to eat though, and will frequently hang out when someone else is cooking so she can sneak bites whatever they're making. Favorite foods include cheese (all kinds), sour candy and all the orchard fresh peaches she can get her hands on.
And for the Papas:
Primo had to learn his way around the kitchen from an early age, thanks to the responsibility of raising his younger brothers falling onto his shoulders. He learned by watching the kitchen staff - a pair of elderly Sisters with so much skill in their gnarled hands that Primo couldn't look away. He never got very good at it, mostly sticking to a handful of reliable dishes that could be made cheap and easily for the three of them. His favorite of the bunch was also the one thing he was best at making - a simple mushroom risotto.
Secondo took to the kitchen like it was second nature, once Primo could trust him to not chop a finger off. Would spend hours poring over cookbooks and learning by doing, eating his own failures so his brothers wouldn't have to. He really enjoyed making simple but hearty comfort foods, lots of rib-sticking braises and stews filled with herbs and veggies from Primo's modest garden. He even cooked the last meal they ever shared together, on that fateful Uno night. It was his favorite, a lasagna constructed from fresh sheets of pasta, homemade ricotta, spinach and a simple tomato sauce, served with roasted garlic focaccia.
Terzo did not get the cooking gene, aside from being able to boil water for his tea. It wasn't a big deal since his brothers picked up the slack, and he decided there were other things that took priority - like music, history and how to retain a full head of hair after age 30. He preferred drinking over eating anyway, mostly saw food as something to put in his stomach to cushion the wine. He was a man of simple tastes, and his favorite thing was a humble sandwich of mortadella, provolone and spicy pickled peppers.
Copia never had to learn to cook, raised by the Clergy and doted on thanks to a not-so-subtle suggestion from Sister Imperator. More than a little spoiled in that sense, he would also go on to be the most worldly Papa in terms of his tastes. So much time spent traveling the world helped to expand his palate, and he got into the habit of sending pictures and descriptions of his favorites back to the abbey so the kitchen staff could figure out how to replicate them. It's impossible for him to pick a favorite, but thanks to so much time spent in LA he does have a real soft spot for Mexican food. Tacos al pastor in particular, but without the cilantro (he has the soap gene).
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very quick turkish sephardic food guide
sephardic savory foods: never fear acidity and add it to every dish. if it's actually sour that's even better and lime is your best friend. main flavors are paprika, cilantro/coriander, cumin, tomato, onion, and garlic. if you're wondering whether or not to use rice the answer is yes. use lots of summery vegetables, salty cheeses like feta, and dont be afraid to eat the meals cold sometimes. if you decide to use meat go for things like lamb, chicken, and fish (beef is less common and ofc no pork). season to your heart's content and season some more.
sephardic sweet foods: still don't be afraid of acidity citrus is very very good. main flavors are orange, honey, lemon, fig, almond, cinnamon, pistachio, and raisin. you're gonna be making a fuck ton of pastries. save the homemade dough for REALLY special events otherwise just get it premade. they should be sweet but not overly sweet. think sweet like fruit would be, not sweet like a chocolate chip cookie. get almond extract and vanilla extract they'll make everything so much better and add a pinch of salt to every dessert.
overall: if it smells good together it'll taste good together and 80% of sephardic cooking is just winging it. you can make it whatever spice level you want but most savory foods taste best at a medium/medium-high spice level. dont worry too much about appearance its supposed to be a little bit messy. if it makes you think of mid-late summer you got the flavors right. there are also a bunch of different sub-cuisines of sephardic food this is just what i make now and have been making since i was a little kid.
edit: i had an old edit on this post saying lamb isnt kosher which isnt true it is kosher. i think i was thinking of some other animal and typed the wrong thing. now i have no clue what i actually meant to say
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makarajester · 6 days
We already know about Sunny's, but what are other characters' favourite things to eat? What do they like to drink?
Basil: espresso/americano/capuccino to drink, and for food something comforting and warm, like beef stew or something. he tried going vegan like a hundred times but he's not ready for the commitment. i think he would go for angel cake as a dessert, or just granola bars.
Aubrey: alcohol probably, coke on casual days and as a favourite dish i think she would really enjoy sushi or ratatouille. her favourite dessert would probably be donuts, m&ms, or peeps.
Kel: orange joe for a drink, obvi, and i feel like he would enjoy crazy american combos like bacon and waffles, deep fried anything, probably raising canes, oh and empanadas. for dessert he would probably go for... the entire breakfast menu? i'm sure he's a big waffle/pancake/torrijas fan, and also sour gummies.
Hero: probably plain ol black coffee, blueberry lemonade or sparkling water (he's one of those..), milkshakes too. For food I think he likes trying out new things from time to time so his favourites change pretty often. his go to sweets would be... fruit tarts, tiramisu or chocolate chip cookies.
Jamie: Jamie loves decaf lattes, and sodas, and for food probably some classic chicken nuggets with fries, and birthday cake flavoured sweets. they've got a huge sweet tooth, so anything would do, except hard candy.
Brent: he loves coffee and hot cocoa, especially accompanied by a treat. for food, i would say he likes jollof rice, salads with all kinds of dressings, anything beef and a lot of salty snacks. he would always snack on some chips. for sweets, i'm inclined to say lava cake with ice cream on the side. he likes chocolate bars too, like snickers and bounty. he's got a full drawer of snacks in his room because his mom wouldn't let him eat too many while growing up.
Ash: he loves coffee to the point that it's a personality trait, and he usually gets a flavoured latte. avocado toast and sunny side up eggs for breakfast, alfredo pasta and salad for lunch, and fish with vegetables for dinner, specifically salmon. for dessert, he would go for a cinnamon roll or rugelach.
think that's it. for me i love lattes and dr pepper, and for food probably something really lame like a mcchicken or chilly cheese fries or pasta. for sweets.. i don't know. everything at once. i love chocolate and anything with a soft chewy texture.
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sllowshow · 2 months
hanna children's palates emergency list.
cora's nostalgic i'll stop saying it soon. artificial flavors, simplicity. back to a better time. sweet sweets, bright fruity flavors, fried foods warm and salty and dense. orange slices and pretzel sticks and dry cereal by the handful. it tastes like summer vacation and unspent potential.
finn's tastes are rich, deep, indulgent. taking the bull on by the horns. red meat, dark wines, bitter chocolates. cashews and layered exotic flavors. definitely a guy with a chili recipe he's got a lot of opinions about. up to try anything once.
zoe's tastes are more delicate. she likes it sweet and light. white honeyed wines, salads with slightly soured dressings, and fresh bread with butter. basic perhaps, but good things don't have to be flashy. a perfectly ripe tomato is more rare and precious than caviar.
maisyn likes food that comforts. creamy mac and cheese, thick soups and chowders in the winter, a plate of fries for the table, an english muffin smothered in cookie butter. she's free-styling, hedonistic cravings win. some call it munchies but she'd call it going with the flow.
ayla likes something flashy. like she's always going to go for whatever sounds the chicest. seafood risottos, gelato, anything with truffles. she's curious as to what's going on with the cronut. a little pretentious but also known to be a menace up in the local froyo shop after a breakup. we can't be on all the time.
rylan's tastes are pretty classic. if it ain't broke, don't fix it. he likes green beans, poultry, potatoes in any and all forms. now he's picky with it. because he grew up in a house where you got a pretty good baseline idea of what these foods were supposed to taste like. but he's pretty easy to please. very into thanksgiving (finn will still eat more, but rylan will feel it deeper.)
orla is probably the hardest to peg because i think she's the most willing to like explore new things. light, refreshing, sweet are obviously all things that come to mind as a baseline, but i think as she grows and continues in her own culinary journey, she's learning how good it can be to have something creamy or rich or spicy or literally whatever. like i think she'd on a mission to expand the way she thinks about food as a whole. that's my fucking girl.
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iamthecomet · 2 years
Hi Comet! Headcanon questions it is. What is the snack of choice for each band member? Is Mountain as granola as everyone assumes he is? Who has the biggest sweet tooth? Which band member always brings snacks to stave off a hangry Dew? - Ghoulette Anon
Oh yes! I love this.
Mountain doesn't snack unless he's on tour. At the Abbey he gets too caught up in his work to think about snacking. Sometimes Cirrus sneaks granola bars or apples into the pockets of the apron he wears in the greenhouse. On tour, when he actually does have time to think about being hungry, he likes candy. Particularly gummies. Haribo gummy bars are a favorite. Does not like sour gummies.
Cirrus prefers "healthy" snacks. Fruit. Veggies. Nuts. Cured meats. (she does not believe it's unhealthy). Cheese. She'd make a charcuterie board every day if she could. On tour she settles for whatever fruit seems decent, beef jerky, and whatever flavor of nuts seem least offensive (who thought peanuts should be pickle flavored??).
Rain has the biggest sweet tooth. He will always pick a sweet snack over a savory one. The abbey kitchen always has some sort of cookie or brownie or other confection. When they're on the road he survives on packaged snack cakes, gas station donuts, and trail mix that is mostly chocolate. He tried convincing Copia to keep those hostess cupcakes stocked in the Abbey, it didn't work.
Cumulus is a grazer in general. Doesn't usually eat a big meal and prefers small snacks to most regular food. She's the one who always has extra snacks on hand. She doesn't snack on very much junk food when she's home. She prefers salty over sweet. But tends to keep a little bit of everything because someone else inevitably ends up needing food. And equal opportunity snacker for sure. She likes basically everything. Except those weird seaweed sheets Swiss keeps trying to feed her. Those are gross.
Swiss will try anything once. He isn't a big snacker at the Abbey. But on tour where he is being bombarded with new and different options he becomes a fiend. He has to try everything. He is a sucker for a gimmick ("Hey Mount these gummies turn your tongue colors!") Or anything that issues a challenge ("Dew! This says it's the hottest chip ever made!). Copia had to give him a snack budget because he was spending WAY too much on weird snacks.
Dew is the spicy food guy. If it's hot, he'll eat it. It'd partially because he likes it. And partially because it keeps people from stealing his food. He loves hot chips. Hot nuts. Everything. He also likes sour, a lot. He doesn't like gummy candy unless it's sour. Dew is also the person who steals Cumulus' extra snacks the most. He is always hungry. No one has any idea where all that good goes.
Aether doesn't like snacks much. He'd rather just eat real food. He doesn't enjoy most junk food. No matter how much his pack mates try to convince him. He does however have a weakness for salt and vinegar chips. And they are always stocked in the abbey kitchen. Rain is mad about it--how come Aeth gets chips but he can't have cupcakes? Aether also enjoys trail mix, but the kind without candy in it. Just dried fruit and nuts. Everyone else thinks he's weird.
Sunshine loves briney things. She is the "eats a jar of olives for dinner" girlie. Loves pickles. Every olive. Sauerkraut. Kimchi. Loves fermented funky shit. She and Dew have eaten entire containers of spicy kimchi in one sitting together. On tour she tries all of those "pickle in a bag" things and is always midly disappointed. They're never crunchy enough.
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trivialbob · 1 year
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Today was scorching hot and very sunny. I doused myself with suncreen, filled a backpack with water, more sunscreen, and dental floss, and went over to the "Great Minnesota Get-Together," otherwise know as the annual Minnesota State Fair.
When I arrived at 10:00 AM the place was packed. If you do not revel in big crowds, sweaty people, fried food, food on a stick, high food and drink prices, farm animals, or tractors, this place is not for you. I can tolerate this mixture of things if I go to the fair every few years.
Lots of people. Did I already say that?
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Getting there is easy if one takes a bus. $5 buys a round trip ticket from one of several park-and-rides around the cities. Both the bus ticket and the admission ticket can be purchased online ahead of time. Very easy.
People watching is excellent. Food smells are delightful. The assortment of eats is interesting. It would never have occurred to me to make deep-fried pickles. I didn't try them but I heard some people raving about how good they were.
French fries and huge tubs of chocolate cookies are popular and available in several stands. I shudder thinking what a nutrition label on those cookies would look like. It likely would indicate a serving size as "one small bite" just so the amounts of sugar, sodium, and fat didn't exceed 200% of the recommended daily allowance.
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For my lunch I tried the HotDish-on-a-Stick. Hot Dish is a Minnesota thing, made with a tater tot topping over a mixture of meat, cream of mushroom soup, and maybe some veggies. The stand selling hotdish-on-a-stick didn't have a line of people. That is not a good sign. It did have a sign explaining what you got for $7 (a bargain compared to other food stands).
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I liked the concept, but results didn't work for me. It tasted like deep fried batter. The mushroom-hamburger dipping sauce was too salty, and I only dipped into it one time.
Some food stands had enormous lines. There must have been 150 people waiting for a new-this-year doughnut stand. "The Doughnut" was $5. Based on the long line, they easily could charged more. The Peanut Butter Cream doughnut was $10. At that price I would have thought it would be served on a stick. This stand had me curious, but I wasn't going to wait in that line.
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On Machinery Hill there were collections of vintage farm and garden tractors. Very cool. There were also lots of trucks, modern lawn equipment, side-by-sides, ATVs, and travel trailers on display. I sat on a swell little John Deer tractors and made revving noises with my mouth, much like I did as a 5-year-old in Sears stores long, long ago. I thought it was funny, but an actual 5-year-old boy today looked at me and backed away.
There are also a lot of the "as seen on TV" displays, selling items you didn't know you had to have!
The 4H people had farm displays. I like those kids. The Miracle of Birth Center had newborn calves, chicks, goats, and lambs.
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After several hours of walking around my feet were burning and my back hurt a little. As I made my way back to the gate where the buses were, I stopped to try some deep fried mac and cheese bites and have a beer. Those bites were delicious. The beer, while a little pricey, was extremely refreshing and frankly worth the price in that heat.
I plopped into a seat on the articulated bus. The air conditioning worked very well. I actually started to nod off as we waited to leave.
Four blondes and a brunette get on a bus...
No, this isn't a joke. It really happened. As my bus started to pull away and take us back to our cars, an adorable young woman, the brunette, walked up to the driver.
"Wait, where does this bus go?" She apparently missed the large banners with park-and-ride names and the those same names flashing on the bus LED signs.
The driver explained that we were going to the Bloomington park and ride, next to the Mall of America.
The brunette turned to her similarly cute cohorts, the four blondes with nearly identical haircuts, who sat midway down the bus.
"What bus did we take to get here?"
The other four came up to the front of the bus. They discussed it. I heard one blonde say she was sure they had not parked in Bloomington.
"Ohmygosh, will let us get off this bus?"
We hadn't left the parking area yet so the driver politely said he could do that. The brunette turned to address the rest of the passengers.
"I'm so sorry you guys, to make you wait like that." (It had been under a minute.)
Everyone said it was no problem and wished them well finding the correct bus. I smiled, then dozed off for the ride to Bloomington.
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roseytoesy · 2 years
Flavor of friends!
Something I did for the discord server. And had a lot of fun doing too!
Adam: marshamallow. Soft boi. Sweet so very sweet 💕
Red: cinnamon bun, churros, or horchata. Very nice flavor and the spice makes people want more!
Roseytoesy: strawberry. Sweet and refreshing almost everyone likes strawberry’s!
Cyber: grahm cracker. Sweet but not overwhelmingly so. Good by themselves or with others. 
Griff: mango/pineapple salsa. Spicy and sweet. Ready to fight god to protect. 
Lexi: cream cheese and crackers. Sweet savory mix. 
Novorehere: rainbow sherbet. Chaotic good dessert. 
Lucky: aggressive spicy. Spicy taco chicken vibes. Can go with lots of stuff. 
Medium-sized-snack: milk chocolate everyone likes chocolate and they get eaten a lot as soon as they show themselves. 
Fish: creamy scrambled egg. Savory but light and versatile 
Lizard: medium steak. Tough on the outside but very soft inside. Savory but very heavy meat flavor. Too much iron from eating knives >:c
Medli: pina colata. Refreshing and sweet, tropical vibes!
Penlo: vanilla cake. Supportive sweetness. Goes with lots of different things!
Vore-toast: homemade Carmel. Can be very sweet or very salty depending. Very overpowering flavor when with others. 
Mystic: vanilla ice cream at party’s. Ready for anything and goes with just about everything! Melts easily ;3
Naess: Grybukai cookies! (Mushroom cookies!) very unique spice flavor to the soft cookies. Unique but fun and makes you smile every bite!
Nebby: Baklava. Layered sweetness and perfect mix of flavors. Super sweet, like overwhelmingly sweet! Also somewhat foreign but in a welcoming way!
Cj: jam puffs, Victorian era treat that’s sweet yet unique and simple to make. 
Cecil: raspberry brownies. The closest thing I can think of to an anxious treat. Treat with kindness. 
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Junk Food Day
Junk foods are usually, by definition, high in fats, sugars, salt, and calories. But more often than not, they are delicious! Junk food day is the perfect day to treat yourself. On Junk Food Day, you get to eat anything you want. Eat any amounts that you want, too. Tomorrow, however, it’s back to a healthy diet.
It doesn’t have to be candies either. Like bacon? Eat so much bacon! Like chili cheese dogs? Eat all the dogs you want. Onion rings, yes please. Pizza? Have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Junk Food Day is all about indulging in your favorites.
Please Note: Junk food may be hazardous to your health. After all, mom knows what’s best for you. Do so at your own risk. That risk includes having too much and Mom saying: “I told you so!”
Learn about Junk Food Day
Junk Food Day is a day that allows you to chow down on the foods that you usually would not. Junk foods, by their definition, tend to contain a lot of calories, salt, sugar, and fats, and they offer very nutritional value. You may think that it doesn’t do anyone any favors to have a day that is dedicated to junk food.
However, if you follow a healthy and balanced diet, there is nothing wrong with having one day of the year whereby you can eat anything that you want to. In fact, this is encouraged, because it means that you are more likely to eat healthily the rest of the time, right? Of course, it is up to you whether or not you decide to fully embrace Junk Food Day, but we know that we will be!
History of Junk Food Day
Upon searching for the history behind this food filled day, we found no information on the origin of this day. It was most likely created by a diet conscious individual or group who desired to eat junk food, without guilt, at least one day a year, sounds like a great idea to me. For it to become a “national” day it requires an act of congress. I don’t mind celebrating it anyway.
But, what about junk food? When did this start to come into our lives? Well, this coincides with the advent of packaged foods throughout the late 1900s. Of course, for decades, home-cooked meals were still the standard. However, after WW2, junk food really started to take off.
The population was traveling more and eating out more, and this resulted in fast food chains and the frozen food aisle really taking off. There were so many different foods for people to choose from. However, it was not until the 1970s that junk food started to get a bad name. This was when microbiologist, Michael Jacobson, actually coined the phrase. His aim was to try and curb our appetite for high preservative, high salt, and high sugar foods, which we were eating at a worrying rate.
Since then, there has been more knowledge and information about junk food, and a lot of food manufacturers have tried to make healthy versions of the junk food that we love the most! Nevertheless, if you have junk food now and again yet you generally maintain a healthy diet, it should not do you any harm! After all, we all deserve a treat now and again, right?
How to celebrate Junk Food Day
Celebrate this wonderful day by eating any sweet or salty treats you want! Bake cupcakes, make cookies, heat up some popcorn, buy some of your favorite candies. Invite friends over and have them bring in their favorites and make a junk food buffet and spend the rest of the day watching movies. You can always go get some fast food for fun. Take a cheat day from your diet and have dessert for dinner.
Consider trying some junk foods from other countries. Japan has a particular talent for making fun candy that you have to mix together. Look online to see if you can order special treats for the day. To name a few for you Korea has Cheong Woo Pumpkin Candy.
The Ukraine has Mr. Fizzy, a small hard candy that fizzes in your mouth. Columbia has Jet chocolates, a package of chocolates that also comes with a dinosaur sticker. Japan has Unican Mikita Melon Milk candy, a chewy candy with melon flavor. In Spain they have Violetas, sugar coated natural violets. In Poland they have a crunchy wafer-chocolate bar called Prince Polo made by Olza.
Another way that you can celebrate junk food is by creating your own versions of your favorite snacks. For example, instead of heading down to KFC, why not try making your own southern fried chicken? There are lots of great recipes online for junk food nowadays. In fact, you will see that there are some weird and wonderful creations, including different and unusual burger recipes and much more!
You may also want to decide to spend Junk Food Day with your friends. Why not host a junk food party? You can tell your friends that everyone has to bring carby and fatty foods. There are no green leafy foods allowed! Enjoy the day and indulge together. After all, it’s not like it is something that we all get to do all of the time, is it? So, you may as well make the most of it and indulge in those naughty foods. We won’t tell anyone!
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eglectic · 2 years
December 4 — Starting a new cycle
Current weight: 196.6
I could tell last night when I weighed myself before bed that the number today would be higher again. I choose to feel like a winner and excited about that. I’m still in this and committed to my goal. Times like these are where the biggest growth and learning happens!
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Sunday, December 4:
Iced coffee with whole milk in the morning
Breakfast — Veggie stir fry with eggs
Another cold brew for the start of my shift
Lunch — Cobb salad with garlic butter shrimp; French fries with chipotle mayo
Dinner — leftover chopped salad with chicken, 2 cinnamon cookies
Look at me eating three whole meals for the first time in a while! The only thing I ate off protocol were the two cookies. Before eating them, I promised myself I’d have my back about this decision, even though I didn’t plan to eat them in advance. Maybe it was my slight sleep deprivation, or a thought creating defeat, but I wanted those cookies and I don’t feel regret or anything. In fact, I planned to eat more food than usual today simply because I wanted that last night. I can literally put anything I want on my protocol and that’s what I did.
I think maybe I did feel a little defeated when I chose not to wait until tomorrow for the cookies. Let’s look at that unintentional model.
C — Weight is 196.6 lbs on December 4, 2022
T — My weight keeps going up no matter what I do
F — defeated
A — Eat two cookies unplanned
R — I’ll probably see a bit of a weight gain tomorrow
C = circumstance, T = thought, F = feeling, A = action, R = result
Otherwise, I took a nice 40ish minute walk today. And apart from the number on the scale creeping upwards the last few days, my clothes are fitting more loosely again and I’ve been experiencing hunger and getting comfortable with it. So let’s create an intentional model as well.
C — Weight is 196.6 lbs on December 4, 2022
T — I wonder if there’s anything I still don’t understand that’s contributing to this weight
F — Curious
A — Adjust my diet, remove dairy, eat less salty food, cook more at home, notice and honor my fullness and hunger sensations in the body even more
R — 170 lbs / 24 % body fat
It’s been at least a month now that I’ve been following my protocol extremely well. Not only is my weight higher than I want, I continue to see acne breakouts. I’ve been wondering what the culprit might be and I have two ideas. 1) a lot of these salads have cheese in them. I think it’s time for me to cut out cheese and avoid dairy as much as possible (not always possible) for 2 weeks and see what happens. In the past, cutting out dairy give me clear skin.
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Another thought I had in my scientific mind, is about the veggies I’ve been eating. I wonder if they’re secretly salt bombs. I’ve also wondering if the cheese has a lot of sodium, too. A lot of my salads from work have olives and banana peppers in them. I wonder if those are canned (probably yes) and if the sodium content is high from that (it tends to be for canned veggies). First I’m going to try not eating dairy, but if I don’t see an improvement in my skin in 2 weeks, I may have to stop eating the salads at work and cook more of my own food, which I know for sure will give me the results I want. If I do do this, I’ll still have salads occasionally, but I’ll probably go for the wings more often. Or do like burgers no bun with broccoli, or rice, or sweet potato fries.
Cycling is an important aspect of the program. It means cycling a food in or out of my diet and observing how my body responds. So let’s see what happens without dairy!
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bluepoodle7 · 5 days
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#TargetGoodAndGatherOrganicConfettiCakeOatmeal #KrogerBlueberriesAndCream #KrogerCinnamonAndSpice #KrogerMapleAndBrownSugarFlavoredInstantOatmealMixReview #OatmealDay
I tried the Target Good And Gather Organic Confetti Cake Oatmeal, Kroger Blueberries & Cream, Kroger Cinnamon & Spice, and Kroger Maple & Brown Sugar instant oatmeal mix and it was pretty good.
This oatmeal mixed together dry was tasted like a light vanilla, maple, and cinnamon with a light blueberry taste at the end.
The dry oats in the oatmeal were crunchy in texture.
The dried blueberries were lightly sweet and had a natural fruit flavor while also chewy in texture like eating a raisin blueberry.
I would eat this again.
I tried these oatmeal's mixed together with the Victor Allen's Magnum Ice Cream Double Caramel Flavored Iced Coffee, Good Sense Cross 'N Country Trail Mix, a homemade omelet with Dollar Tree Italian cheese shreds inside with Big Lot's made Fresh Finds Soul Food seasonings on it, Spam Maple, and Spam Tonico added.
This oatmeal mix was pretty good.
This oatmeal mix was firm and soft in texture while also microwaved like the constancy of a oatmeal cookie.
This oatmeal mix had a light blueberry and maple taste with light caramel mixed with the lightly sweet caramel tasting ice coffee with coffee flavor at the end and a light chewy texture from the tocino with maple spam's.
This mixed fruit oatmeal did get some extra light sweetness to the oatmeal mix by the caramel real sugar iced coffee.
This oatmeal did have a chewy texture from the homemade omelet with the and the sweet flavored spams.
The homemade omelet with soul food seasoning was lightly salty while also well seasoned from the soul food seasoning on the homemade omelet with a light Italian cheesy egg and gave the oatmeal a light salty flavor to balance with the lightly sweet oatmeal.
The trail mix was firm and soft while also crunchy in texture with tree nuts tasting natural without any seasonings, the chocolate gems did melt a little bit in the oatmeal mix, the raisins did stay chewy in texture.
This oatmeal with toppings were lightly sweet and salty.
I would eat this oatmeal mix again.
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billconrad · 7 months
Food is Difficult to Write About
    Today, we have reliable cars, fast computers, cell phones, endless knowledge, and entertainment that defies the imagination. Want to talk about it over lunch? Sure! Why? Our entire existence revolves around food. We get driven to consume three times a day (plus snacks). Humans eat various delicious edibles from the far corners of the world. Crab from Alaska, dates from the Middle East, pasta from Italy, kiwi from New Zealand, caviar from Russia, cheese from France, and cod from the Atlantic. We turn this endless variety of yummy base ingredients into incredible creations. Pizza, sushi, burgers, pretzels, string cheese, baba ganoush, snickerdoodle cookies, Twinkies and lasagna. Have you ever eaten from a chocolate fondue fountain? Yum!
    Our insatiable drive to consume munchies goes beyond survival into absurdity. We have entire sections of the bookstore, television channels, and streets dedicated to food. To feed (pun intended) this desire, we consume vast quantities of land, waste countless tons of leftover food, go to cooking school for years, and spend trillions of dollars.
    Of course, I cannot address our drive to take this planet to the scrumptious breaking point. The minor topic I wanted to concentrate on is that food is difficult to write about. Let’s take the most basic example. A person has a glass of pure water and adds one spoonful of sugar. How does it taste? “Sweet.” Alright, the person adds a second spoonful of sugar. “It tastes sweeter.” How much sweeter? “Umm… More.” Now, add a spoonful of salt. How does that taste? “Umm, sweet-salty. Sort of? Umm, not good.”
    This simple thought experiment shows how difficult it is to write about flavor. At the same time, scientific descriptions give us the exact chemical makeup, but they do not help the reader. “The water contained 500 parts per million of sugar.” “The substance measured 1.0 on the sweetness scale.” Not helping. You’d better add more sugar. It turns out that pure sugar is 1.0 on the sweetness scale. I had to look up this number; this is the only time I have ever used the sweetness scale.
    How about something basic? Describe the taste of an apple. “The apple tastes sour and sweet.” Many foods, such as an oranges, taffy, Coca-Cola or ice cream, fit that description. To understand how an apple tastes, a reader must have eaten an apple and remember the flavor. That requires a lot of prerequisites tasting for our helpless reader.
    Alright, a little more basic. Describe the difference between Budweiser beer and Coors beer. “Coors tastes more watery.” Is “watery” a proper word? Ok, what can I describe? “I like a good amber ale when I eat a hamburger.” Not helping.
    Last week, I made salmon on a cedar plank. I started cooking by taking… Hold on. That was not the assignment. I am supposed to describe the taste. Hmm. “The salmon had a sweet rub on top with a smoky flavor that combined a hint of Rosemary. It was cooked perfectly to a golden brown. The cedar–salmon smell filled the kitchen with an amazing aroma. I enjoyed the delicious taste, and so did my family.” Based on those words, what is the difference between my meal and smoked tuna? Umm, they taste different. I keep using the word taste. This sounds like a preference and not a description.
    While scientific terms exist, we lack universally accepted scientific food descriptions. We also do not have a universal background of flavors. For example, I suspect that about half the planet has never had a Granny Smith apple. They may have had apple juice, apple-flavored food, or a Red Delicious apple, but no Granny Smith apple. So, how could I ever describe how a Granny Smith tastes? “It tastes sour-apple-ee? I got nothing else.”
    How about something more fundamental? Describe hunger. “I am hungry.” A little more… “I am super-hungry.” Not helping. “I am famished.” It’s not a popular word, and it means the same thing. “I am starving.” Wait, starvation is a condition, not a feeling. “I am ravenous.” Technically, no. That is the condition of being hungry. Anti-stuffed? That is a made-up phrase. We have reached the limit of hunger descriptions. Yet, humans spend 5-20% of their day on food, and our entire drive to consume comes down to two words? Apparently.
    Well, what can I describe with words? I can explain how the food looks, how to cook it, how good it feels, and how satisfied the person is after eating. Well, what about the smell? We are a bit more developed in that area and have more descriptions. For example, an unpleasant smell: reeking, foul, putrid, fishy, smoky, stinky… The list continues.
    Oddly, this critical topic has not been tackled. We should have a universally accepted flavor, hunger, taste attributes, satisfaction, and enjoyment. So, let’s invent some words.
Maltese  >Mildly hungry
Quire   >30% yummy
Malarkey  >10% overcooked
Ithimple   >A little too crunchy
Arintingly  >Way too much ginger
Ratoon  >60% too salty
Iressent  >Perfect bitter
Poemess  >Needs 20% more sugar
Smated   >Served at the perfect temperature
Gobble  >Sweet-fatty as opposed to sour-fatty
Sistock  >Ending of a food discussion
    You’re the best -Bill
    March 02, 2024
    Hey book lovers, I published four. Please check them out:
    Interviewing Immortality. A dramatic first-person psychological thriller that weaves a tale of intrigue, suspense, and self-confrontation.
    Pushed to the Edge of Survival. A drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
    Cable Ties. A slow-burn political thriller that reflects the realities of modern intelligence, law enforcement, department cooperation, and international politics.
    Saving Immortality. Continuing in the first-person psychological thriller genre, James Kimble searches for his former captor to answer his life’s questions.
    These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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ysabelmystic · 1 year
Top 10 favorite junk foods? Oh wait, you’re American, right? Better make it top 20.
Unprovoked????? Like yeah I love my junk food but hey!
In no particular order:
1) French fries. Fucking love me some French fries. Honestly, best fries come from McDonald’s. They’re greasy as hell yet still crisp on the outside. And always properly salty (which is to say…extremely). Breakfast lunch dinner snack doesn’t matter. All hail the almighty French fry.
2) Donuts. I’ve never met a donut I didn’t like. There’s a donut place that’s right on my way to school and I stop there at least once a week. I buy a dozen on the first and last day of clinical rotations. The owner recognizes my car. I’m also making an 8 hour round trip for a specific apple cider donut.
3) Corndogs. Fresh out of the fryer corndogs. They’re delicious anyways but when you’re high af at 2 in the morning and you just walked 3 blocks to a Cook Out… that’s heaven.
4) Twix bars. I literally only buy them from vending machines because I cannot stop myself from eating a bag if I buy them in bulk. These are the candies I hand out first on Halloween because I know if I start snacking on one, chances are another 10 will vanish.
5) Pizza place/restaurant pizza. Deliciousness depends on the price and quality of the pizza. For example, Little Caesar’s is mid, but it’s cheaper and about the same level as papa John’s. This makes it superior to papa John’s. The best pizza (that I can access) is domino’s because they have a cheap coupon if you order from the app. The best pizza I’ve ever had came from a place in California called Klondikes. So. Much. Cheese. That is where pizza peaks.
6) Strawberry cake…but it’s gotta be from the local Italian place up the freeway. That cake hits different
7) Tropical Hi-chew. Blessed are the gas stations that are open at 2am and have tropical hi-chew.
8) Malted vanilla shake. It is vanilla (already the superior flavor), but yassified.
9) Taro boba milk tea. But specifically from this one place in my last town. I cannot find another that tastes quite like that.
10) Ig alcoholic drinks can count as junk food. There’s a drink called a liquid marijuana. It tastes like a pina colada but it’s liquid and it’s blue. It is basically straight liquor, but you literally cannot taste the alcohol, making them an extremely dangerous drink to order. But it is blue. And blue drink is blue drink. So…liquid marijuana.
11) Crème brûlée. I have access to this maybe once a year if I’m lucky. Idk it’s just fucking Good.
12) Tiramisu. Like with donuts, never met a tiramisu I didn’t like, and I’ve had it made in a lot of different creative ways. There’s an Italian place nearby that makes individual tiramisu cups, covers the top in a layer of frozen chocolate sauce, and adds little cookie balls. I think that’s my favorite.
13) Pound cake. Especially lemon pound cake. It doesn’t give you the sugar high of regular cake and it’s dense enough that a little slice can make a good midday or bedtime snack.
14) Buttermilk cookies. They’re pretty basic. Just soft and sweet. I need to make some…
15) Churros. Fresh, hot churros. An absolute god tier dessert.
16) Fried chicken. When it’s fried right and seasoned well, that shit Hits.
17) Boysenberry turnovers. I haven’t had one since I was in California but that is truly the height of berry-filled pastries. It doesn’t get better than that.
18) Peppernuts. My family always makes these between thanksgiving and Christmas. I like the “spicy” ones the best.
19) Bread pudding made with brioche. Don’t even serve it with syrup. Make whiskey sauce instead. That is the height of breakfast (as long as you can rest for an hour after).
20) Those Starbucks fruit refreshers (water, not lemonade base). I like to drink rainbow drinks it’s just how it is.
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peculiaires · 1 year
what is everyone's favorite colors and foods? what's their favorite animals?
Wolfgang: blue or green! His favorite foods are eggs, salads, and chicken dishes. He enjoys salty foods the most, like soups and stews, but he also enjoys pastries and cheesecake. He tends to eat the same foods often and only changes when he grows sick of it. I think he’d enjoy tortoises and turtles a lot. Perhaps even certain birds. I feel he had a pet bird once. He misses it.
Ada: purple or green! Her favorite foods are mostly finger foods, things she can eat quickly and throughout the day. Things like small sandwiches or vegetables. She also enjoys tea and tea cakes/cookies/biscuits. She’s got a sweet tooth for sure. She finds bats to be quite interesting animals, that and owls. I feel she’d enjoy researching bugs, such as ants or bees, too!
Jean: pink, purple, blue, or green! She’s not much of a picky eater, honestly! She eats pretty much anything put in front of her. How could she choose? If she had to pick, she enjoys soups like her brother, but also breads. Also, cheese. She enjoys cheesy dishes a lot. And perhaps chocolates and other candies. She enjoys most animals, whether real or fictional. If you asked her, her answer would depend on the day. Might answer unicorns one day and ducks the next. She adores cats, too. Loves feeding strays and bringing them inside.
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For the soft asks!
Ivory, freckles, poppy, buttery, cupcake, velvet, shampoo and sweetheart
Thank you Sarah!! 😁
ivory - describe your pajamas?
I have a couple of sets, but they're all a variation on a tank top of shorts. I wear them year round because I am a very hot sleeper, unfortunately
freckles - most-worn article of clothing?
Definitely my dark green hoodie--I wear it to work, and in the cooler months it's my go-to. It's getting ratty though, I need to buy a new one lol.
poppy - favorite pastel color?
Blue and green!!
buttery - favorite snack?
This is tough!! I usually go for salty, so almonds or assorted nuts or a hunk of cheese. I also try to eat an apple a few times a week. If it's junk food, then it's dill pickle chips!
cupcake - are you a good cook?
I can (usually) follow a recipe, and I like most of what I make. I can follow instructions, but cooking doesn't come intuitively to me like it does my dad. So I have trouble coming up with ideas a lot.
velvet - who was your first crush?
Celebrity--Michael J. Fox in BTTF or Tom Hanks in The Money Pit Cartoon--Tai from Digimon IRL--A boy in my second grade class who was SO COOL and the best athlete and he loved POKEMON! 😂
shampoo - favorite scent?
Fresh rain and ocean air! That and freshly baked cookies haha!
sweetheart - favorite mug/cup?
I have several coffee mugs I love, but my favorite is the Pusheen mug my friend bought me! 😊
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Welcome to Shakes Malt Shoppe at Cabana Bay Beach Resort
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Now that the transformation is complete, guests at Universal Orlando Resort Hotels are able to take in the beauty- and delicious offerings- of Shakes Malt Shoppe at Universal's Cabana Bay Beach Resort, a brand-new ice cream and breakfast spot. Shakes is quickly becoming a guest favorite and, after tasking my way around the menu, I can see why.
Transforming the Space
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Right by Bayliner Diner at Cabana Bay's main building, Shakes is full of thoughtful details that make it a truly authentic experience.
Charles Zeller, Assistant of Food and Beverage for Cabana Bay Beach Resort, says that they knew they wanted something special to add to the resort and were inspired by the nostalgia of an era when families spent time together at soda counters and malt shops.
Everything from pastel color palette to the roller skate artwork and counter seating - even the team member uniforms- harkens back to the 1950's soda counter and fits perfectly with the theming of the resort. No matter what time of day you choose to stop by, you'll feel like you have traveled back in time.
Roll through for a quick breakfast
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For those of you who are early risers (i.e.- not me), Shakes Malt Shoppe is a great stop for a quick breakfast to fuel your day before the theme parks without taking a lot of time out of your morning.
Zeller says they knew from the start they wanted this to be more than just a place to get ice cream: "We wanted those families looking for something to eat before heading out to the theme parks to be able to grab a smoothie or a breakfast sandwich or pastry." Among my favorites are the Acai Bowl, a great theme-park-day fuel, and the Bacon, Egg & cheese Croissant, hot, flaky and delicious (those of you with eagle eyes may recognize this sandwich from next door at the Bayliner Diner, but this one is packed up nicely for you to grab-and-go).
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The smoothies, on the other hand, are made-to-order by the shakes staff. The Banana Strawberry Smoothie is made from non-fat vanilla yogurt and fresh strawberries and bananas and is refreshing and a little tart. With no added sugar, it doesn't have that overwhelmingly sweet flavor that a lot of smoothies tend to have, which means you don't have to worry about your kids bouncing off the walls first thing in the morning.
Drink it up
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Shakes is your place to satisfy your sweet tooth, any time of day. As you might expect, you can get a wide variety of milkshakes here. The menu offers three options: Classic, PB&J and Chocolate Peanut Butter & Banana, but you can make a shake from any ice cream flavor and toppings you want, and any shake can be made into a malt, by blending in malted milk powder (think the inside of a malted milk ball candy) for a true old school malt shop experience.
I opted to try a shake made with Salty Caramel Truffle ice cream, which was rich and decadent. The subtle salt enhances the caramel and truffle flavors, for a really unique shake- or scoop if you prefer to keep it simple.
The Vanilla shake is anything but plain. I had them blend rainbow sprinkles in for a fun, vibrant take on a classic. Although the sprinkles were more of a whimsical choice, you can also mix in any of the other toppings. These will rotate, depending on seasonal offerings, but include things like different candies and candy bars, cookies and sprinkles.
Shakes Manager Chris Rentas said that is important to have a varied menu for guests and that a balance between classics and unique flavors are something they put a lot of thought into during the planning process. " We try to vie something the guests are going to like, to see something they'll remember or even something a little newer, like the Oatmazing, " he says (More on that flavor later!)
Treats for the grown-ups
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They also offer alcoholic milkshakes, for those of you who like a little extra zip in your dessert. The Chocolate Peanut Butter is made with chocolate peanut butter ice cream, peanut butter whiskey and topped with whipped cream. I need to tell you that I am a huge chocolate peanut butter fan this shake takes a perfect combination and take it up a notch with the peanut butter whiskey.
The Creamsicle, featuring orange blossom ice cream, orange vodka, and topped with whipped cream and a candied orange, is also amazing. I love a good garnish and I won't deny taking a satisfying bite out of the candied orange in between sips.
Scoops and cones and sundaes, oh my!
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Shakes features some amazing ice cream treats that aren't milkshakes, too. In fact, my favorite menu item is the Banana Split. While this might sound a like a pretty standard sundae, Shakes has given it it's own twist, including banana pudding ice cream where the vanilla would ordinarily be. I don't think it is a coincidence that Zeller said this sundae is the first menu item they came up with and they knew they wanted to include the banana pudding ice cream to make it unique. I wouldn't have thought such a small change would make that big of a difference, but it is a show-stopper. The banana pudding ice cream perfectly captures the experience of eating homemade banana pudding, from the real, fresh banana flavor to the inclusion of wafter cookie pieces- it is the kind of dessert that visits you in your dreams.
Pro Tip: You too can make your own twist and customize the flavors that go on your banana split!
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For those of you with dietary restrictions, Shakes has a few options. For those who need gluten free choices, the scoops can be served in a cup. There is also an excellent vegan ice cream option in the Chocolate Chip Oatmazing. This is made with oat milk, and has delicious vegan chocolate pieces that add a little crunch, which is really satisfying.
In addition to the current offerings, Rentas said that he hopes to bring in a variety of seasonal flavors on a limited basis, especially around different holidays, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled and taste buds ready for even more choices in the future.
What Shakes item are you most excited to try? Let us know on social or in the comments below!
Must be 21 years and older with a valid identification to purchase or drink alcoholic beverages. Drink responsibly.
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