#i love that i can post freaky music on this website and someone will actually listen to it
glauconaryue · 1 month
via @womenofnoise
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dysphorie · 4 years
The Slipknot Incident
Anon, I’m an idiot and tunglr is a functioning website, so I lost your ask while trying to edit shit SO it was just easier to write this up. I doubt many people want to know, and I don’t blame them. It probably wouldn’t seem like a big deal to someone it didn’t happen to! And maybe I should just still be keeping it to myself, because who cares! Amirite? But no. I’ve decided that I want to write it all out for ME. So. Very long post ahead and I’m sorry about that but you need to know EVERYTHING for it all to really make sense.
So, flashback to 1999. I'm 15-turning 16. I have this boyfriend, kirk. He's obsessed with kurt cobain and everything grunge, and uses this to belittle the fact I like all kinds of music, particularly heavy stuff.
He was also an abusive cunt. Verbally and physically. Very controlling, HATED it if i went in the mosh pit (which I L O V E D, and glasgow moshpits are legendarily rough) because "that's not what girls do. And i know this is wrong, and he's wrong, and I shouldn’t put up with it, but I do! Cos I'm 16 and "in love"!
I also have two big sisters, one of which is...a handful. Very dramatic, very argumentative, and very good at getting people to take her side (steeeeeeff you've got to let her take xyz of your things, she has a baaaaaaaaybeee!) We get on amazingly NOW, but then not so much.
So, fastforward to Feb 2000. Slipknot are playing at glasgow barrowlands, my favourite venue ever, and slipknot were already my favourite band (s/t had hit, the world went wild). And I managed to get two tickets!! So kirk tells me in no uncertain terms that I've to give one to his little sister, nicky, who is a year younger than me. I'm like um ok sure, cos i hadn't planned who i was going with yet, my mum just got two tickets just in case. So I say i will, and that's that.
But oh no it isn’t. because my aforementioned sisters birthday is at the end of Feb! And my family are like, you’re giving her the other ticket, right? And no amount of no, I already promised it to Nicky would suffice. Because SHE’S YOUR SISTER AND SHE NEVER GETS TO DO ANYTHING COS SHE HAS A BAAAAAYBEEEEEEE. She didn’t, and doesn’t like Slipknot or either of the support act (Kittie and, thankfully, my good pals One Minute Silence who I’ve seen more times than I’ve had hot dinners)
So I explain this to Kirk, sitting in his room one day. He. Goes. B a l l i s t i c. I’ll miss the details but he explains that I WILL find a way for Nicky to go to this sold-out gig and, actually, him too while I’m at it. Because I have a reputation for being able to blag onto guest lists, it shouldn’t be too hard, right? So ofc I’m scared and promise I will.
The day or so before the gig, Slipknot did a signing in a Virgin Megastore that had recently opened. My friends and I were so excited, we were there from crazy early in the morning to get stuff signed (there ARE photos somewhere in the ether, who knows where, not me). But I’m also terrified Kirk’s gonna find out I’m there, cos he didn’t want me to go. That’s it. We had no idea what the band looked like yet so it wasn’t that kind of jealousy. But anyway...
The signing was great. Got my shit signed, Sid and Chris were weird assholes cos that was their schtick, Jim and Mick gave me the best cuddles, CRAIG SPOKE TO ME cos I have him a wee pin badge and he mumbled “No one ever gives me anything...”, and I gave Joey and Corey nailpolish. Joey looked terrified, Corey was incredibly thankful, and pulled me in for a hug. That he wouldn’t let me out of (not in a forceful way, just in a heeeeey lady let me hug on you for a while) and I’m like uh *panics in 16 not that he knows that cos tattoos and piercings and huuuuuuge boobs* and he says some very suggestive things and my friend said aye she’s into all that freaky shit too and I’m dying inside. Offers were made, I said uh lol maybe bye, and go home on cloud nine.
Until my friend who spoke to Corey tells Kirk what happened. Thankfully I wasn’t gonna see him until nearly door opening gig time, but the phonecall we had was...unpleasant.
So it’s the day of the gig, I go to Glasgow stupid early to meet the OMS boys and beg and plead for them to put Kirk and his sister on the guest list. And they do! Because I cry and tell them everything and I have to make their singer promise not to wait outside and beat him up. I could tell you what I was wearing: a deftones baseball ringer I lost my birginity in, baggies, and a powerpuff girls hoodie. My hair was blonde and green. I was wearing my favourite converse that Kirk hates because they were All-Stars, not One-Stars. And Corey wore All-Stars, was I wearing them because HE wore them? 
My sister turns up before the doors open. I’m at the front of the queue cos I want to be down the front. My sister and Kirk are both like lol no, because YOU need to  look after your sister (who is 24 to my 16 at this point) because she’s tiny and I go to more gigs, and Kirk doesn’t want me anywhere near the front or the pit. Doesn’t want me to corrupt his sister. But she begs me to take her in the pit for “Spit It Out” and I promise I will.
OMS are incredible, Kittie were ok, Talena tried to crowdsurf and got dropped. I turned around to talk to my sister about it and she was...gone. I checked the bar. Nothing. The toilets. Nada. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck we’re supposed to get the last train home together, I HAVE to find her. Slipknot come on. We’re standing up the back near the bar, and he has a deathgrip on my wrist so I don’t run off. Then I think I see my sister!! I beg to go to her, he lets me go, but I can’t find her, then I can’t find my way back to him. By the time I do, he accuses me of finding and kissing my friend Mark (my best friend who I’d actually recently fallen out with and hadn’t spoken to in months and only knew he was at the gig cos I saw him at the signing. I didn’t see him at the gig). I don’t find my sister.
Kirk decides it’s time to go, so literally drags us away. As we’re nearly out the crowd, “Spit It Out” starts, and I rip my arm away from him and grab his sister, tell him FUCK YOU, WE’RE DOING THIS. So we do. For about...a minute or so. Then something grips my right wrist so hard and so tight I thought it was going to crumble. I literally trip over my feet as he drags me back out the crowd and out of the ballroom.
Now the Barrowlands has a set of couches just outside the main hall, it’s a popular meeting place, so I pulled away again there and said NO, I have to wait for my sister, I’ll see him later, he can go home. Furiously he stomps away. So I sit and wait. And wait. And wait. The entire venue empties and my sister is nowhere to be seen. Turns out she left just as Slipknot started and went home, and yes I got in trouble for that despite the fact she fucked off. The venue staff need me to leave. I’ve missed the last train, I don’t know what I’m going to do. So I walk outside thinking maybe I’ll see a friend I can stay with.
And there’s Kirk and Nicky. Standing by their dad’s car. Hey come stay with me, I didn’t want to go til I knew you were ok, he says, sweet as pie. We get home, everyone goes to bed.
Where he put self-titled on repeat, very low on his stereo, and proceeded to do some of the most horrific things that have every happened to me in my life, over the course of basically the entire night. I’m going to stay non-specific, but if you can imagine it, it probably happened. Including yes, what you’re definitely thinking of now. And he told me it was all my fault. Because I was weak and couldn’t say no. Because I was a slut who’d catch something by fucking a guy in a band just to say I’d fucked someone in a band. That he’d make sure Corey wouldn’t want me if I ever met him again. That it was my fault for talking to another, older man. I was getting what I deserved. He plugged his big fancy headphones into the stereo and made me listen to my favourite tracks over and over and over during some of it, and I didn’t dare make a noise because if his parents found out, if anyone found out, he’d kill me. And I believed him, because he kept a bolt gun in his bedside drawer, liked to pretend he was going to shoot himself with it it upset me and make me beg him not to. He said he’d make me do it to myself maybe, to keep his hands clean. I believed every word.
I went home the next day packed with toilet tissue that I had to clench to keep in place because my underwear had been ripped, not that it mattered because it was covered in blood anyway. When I got home I got a bollocking and grounded because of the shit with my sister. She remembers none of it, but she’ll still insist it was probably my fault she left.
When I saw that Slipknot weren’t playing “Spit It Out” in January I literally cried tears of relief. It took me a long time to be able to listen to Slipknot again, and when I did I was made fun of for liking them, which made healing harder because I was just trying to reclaim this thing that had given me such comfort in the past. So I’ve always kinda kept my love of them to myself. 
But when I hear “Spit It Out”, I feel his fingers close around my wrist. I feel the bones click and roll. And normally I can turn the song off if I’m having a bad day, but I couldn’t exactly do that live. That’s a huge part of why I feel me like, reclaiming Slipknot this past year was just...meant to happen. It was nearly 20 years to the day, I bought the tickets with MY money and was going MYSELF for MYSELF, they weren’t playing a song that I might have a fucking breakdown to. I met amazing people. I did EVERYTHING on MY terms.
Honestly I’ll never be healed of it. Duh. But I can talk about it now because I’ve had closure. I took back what was taken from me. Can’t make up for the missed gigs taken from me and the like but meh, that’s nothing compared to what it’s given me.
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So I was ranting about SAW earlier and I just need to make it into a post. There is SO MUCH IN THIS GAME I JUST LOVE. However for the sake of my fingers typing this all out and your poor eyes if you read all this I will be more focusing on plot, spooks, and such since we already know the puzzles be pretty dope. (spoilers of course)
First off, this game is just so freaky. Like I forget every single time how SCARY it is. The sound design is off the charts, the weird ghost sounds and the static, dripping water and the crashing noises? It’s amazing. The music is beautiful and haunting at times, and at others it’s straight up stressful and terrifying. 
There was legit one point I had to leave the Ryokan and go into town I just couldn’t take the uneasiness anymore. 
And it’s not just the music and sound; the empty, sterile, cold feeling is so freaky. And don’t get me started on the underground baths. That place is terrifying. It just feels dead and like you’re gonna get sick and die in there or something. Or find something you will never be able to forget.
Even the town is kinda unsettling- it’s so empty. Like every Nancy drew game is like this but it’s somehow much more noticeable and odd in this one. You’re not even safe in town due to the dvd, the window scene, and the text message.
As for the actual haunts themselves, I get so freaked out everytime. The baths, the string of doors closing, the two removed, red name, watery footprints, the shadows, and especially the time you get locked in the room. That one gives me so much anxiety I dread it every single time I play the game.
The setting is just so terrifying and honestly I love this game for it. (funny story I waited a while to play this game after it came out because I was deathly afraid of it but that’s a story for another time) (didn’t look in mirrors for a while)
But enough about the spooky stuff. I wanna get into the story. 
There were a few things I noticed on my playthrough of the game this past time. First, Rentaro mentions that the hauntings started when someone saw something in the baths a few years ago. Then the ghost hunters started showing up. At the end of the game he says “I didn’t start that- they did! They wanted a show and I gave it to them!” which makes me wonder. He clearly is referring to the ghost hunters here, the ones that showed up after the first haunting. He got the idea from them. So what was the first haunting?
I’m open to any answer really. You can say that there are no real ghosts at the Ryokan, like Nancy believes. Or you can say that the ghosts are real; which leaves you with two options. 
Kasumi is indeed a ghost haunting the Ryokan. This is either because of her death, or because her will isn’t found yet, but I believe if she really is there Nancy’s actions did help her spirit pass on. I don’t want to go....to much into her death but it’s all very weird for me. But we’ll talk more on Kasumi later.
The other option is that there are other ghosts there besides Kasumi. It wouldn’t surprise me, this place is super old and just has really weird vibes. This would mean that they were around before Kasumi died. 
My thoughts on Kasumi and the family:
As for Kasumi’s death, I’ve always thought it was weird how everyone treated it but it was very integral for the story. Which is why I feel it’s weird not to clear things up? It’s so weird because they say the police considered it to be a homicide. Why? Some people have said they thought it could have been purposeful on Kasumi’s end but I feel like the police would figure that out? (there is the whole business with the sword shrine there at the end) Miwako says they all just let her die there alone, and it’s clear that they all feel guilty for her death, especially Takae. Maybe she fell into the water and didn’t try to get out? I don’t know. This part of the game is still a bit confusing to me, but I guess the important part of information is that they all feel guilty for her death. I also have a theory that it could have happened because of the other ghosts in the Ryokan and that’s why I brought that theory up earlier but that has less backing. 
(if you are having suicidal thoughts or anything relating to that please seek help! For more information please go to this website for services to help you)
But beyond that, I wanna talk about Yumi. Yumi found Kasumi that night; she was only sixteen I believe. Later on when she was old enough she left the Ryokan, wanting to forget the past, “where you keep all the terrible things that have happened”. Yumi is such an interesting character to me; she has this weird friendliness that seems to come so fast. She seems carefree, confident and stubborn, yet she has these moments where the facade drops and you see just how scared she is. She is terrified of the Ryokan, and she is terrified her mother is still there. Based on the DVD I think she’s gotten numerous hauntings herself, and I really feel for her. 
She secretly wants Nancy to figure out what’s going on from the pictures, but she is consistently warning her off it which is a bit weird. I also get the vibe that right off the bat she’s testing Nancy, seeing if she can really do this. I feel like some people can write off Yumi as being a selfish brat, which I understand but at the same time I get it. I’d want to get out of there too. She’s gone through a lot of trauma and I really feel for her. She’s running from her past and trying not to let it catch up to her.
Yumi leads Nancy to her set of numbers so she can solve the puzzle, which makes me think she believed Nancy could figure it out and probably solve whatever puzzle Kasumi had put together, which might end everything. (she was right yo) But after Nancy sees the window message near the very end of the game which says “Yumi I know your secret-I can’t wait to see you again”. That is not only freaking terrifying for us, but in context for Yumi even more so. I may be wrong on this, but I’m guessing the “secret” is that Yumi believes the hauntings are because of her- because she left the Ryokan. This is her fear and what she’s been trying to run from. 
Me thinks Yumi has been seeing this same message many a night and why she sometimes doesn’t stay in her apartment, rather at a friends. Nancy seeing it makes her believe that she hasn’t just been seeing things and that it is real- she tells Nancy not to worry and that she will make everything right. I take this as her saying she will go back to the Ryokan and take over; which is exactly what Rentaro was trying to get her to do with that message. 
Essentially, it’s a good thing Nancy solves the case when she does, otherwise it would have been too late- Rentaro would have won.
As for Takae; we know a lot about her, and I don’t want this to drag on even more, but I want to bring up one particular convo you have with her. She talks about how as she was a child a bird she tried to lure into her room got in and couldn’t get out. How the bird was thrashing and so scared, and how much it hurt Takae to see her like that. At the end Nancy asks why the heck she had to sit through such a lot story, and Takae says “Kasumi is still here. I must help her.” 
Takae wanted Kasumi to stay forever at the Ryokan, hence the food luring bit. But once she got in, once she stayed it wasn’t right- she’s scared and confused and can’t get out- harming herself and others. At least this is how Takae sees it.
This is important because at the end of the game during Nancy’s letter you see a bird on her balcony. When she describes how the Ryokan is getting more guests than ever, the bird is show to have flown away. 
I was always confused at this detail but now I realize that this is the same bird as before- Kasumi. 
Now you can take either enterpretation you want; you can say that because of Nancy, the family is finally able to let go of their guilt that haunted them. The “a ghost doesn’t have to be real to haunt you” bit. They are able to move on and set her free. 
You can also take this as Nancy finding the will and stopping Rentaro literally set her spirit free, and she was no longer trapped haunting the Ryokan. 
Either way you interpret this game, there is something very special to it. It talks about grief and guilt, and how the past affects people. I feel like HeR started to bring up deeper storylines in these later games such as in SAW, CAP, and GTH. But they also left it open to allow the supernatural to be still real as well. 
Shadow at the Water’s edge is probably one of my favorite games and it’s spooky lil butt will always hold a place in my heart. If you read this, I hope you enjoyed me hashing out my thoughts, and please let me know anything you wanna bring up about this game!!!! 
Stay slueghthy my dudes
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by starsareonly2nd
How many text messages are currently in your inbox? I don’t know if my phone can provide that particular feature. Suffice it to say there’s a ton because I don’t really do spring cleaning with my texts and I’ve kept messages since getting this phone in 2018.
Is your profile picture in color or black & white? All my profile photos have been in color, and I think I’ve only had to have a black and white photo once.
What's your favorite Christmas movie? Love Actually.
Did you dress up for Halloween this year? If so, what were you? We’re gonna be having a virtual Halloween party at work on Wednesday and I’m thinking of just going as Dora the Explorer again since I wasn’t able to maximize my costume last year anyway (the Halloween party I had gone to didn’t allow shorts - wtf? so I ended up wearing orange pants and looking nothing like Dora) and this time around I also actually have bangs to complete the look. But idk, the party announcement says we also have 30 seconds each to impersonate the character, and I'm just not extroverted enough for individual presentations like that. I’m heavily leaning towards skipping the entire thing because of that one instruction, but we’ll see.
Are there any posters in your room? Of what? Yuh, Nam Joo Hyuk.
Do you read Rolling Stone? I don’t think I ever have.
Which Harry Potter book (if you read them) was your favorite? I read up until the blue book, but I don’t remember which one I had enjoyed reading the most. I do remember breezing through one of them and finishing in just a couple of hours, so I’d say that was my favorite.
Do you have any stuffed animals you still sleep with? No.
What kind of cell phone do you own? iPhone.
Do you have any pets? Yes :)
Are there currently any accessories in your hair? Sure, a hair tie.
Are you involved with any clubs at your school? I was in two organizations in college andddd in high school it was mandatory to be in a club, so I was in one for each year.
Do you have an MP3 player? What kind? I used to own an iPod Nano.
What's your favorite sport to watch on TV? Wrestling!!! My first love, forever and always.
How many people live with you? Four. Parents and two siblings.
Are you good at any styles of dance? Haha, I wish. I’m a terrible dancer.
Do you think that your hair looks better curly or straight? Neither. It’s best when it’s wavy.
Where was your default taken? It’s not a photo of me, first of all. It’s from an episode of Bojack but I can’t remember which episode it’s form.
Have you ever been to another country? Yeah, several times.
Do you prefer cats or dogs? Dogs.
What was the last thing you ate? Kwek-kwek. My grandma made so many pieces for us when she came over yesterday <3
What's your desktop background? It’s of a mountain range and is one of the provided backgrounds in my laptop.
What was the last movie you saw at a theater? For the billionth time, Knives Out.
Did you think it was a good movie? No, but I’m biased because I hate that genre. I’m fairly sure it was well-received and that it’s objectively a good movie.
Are you afraid of spiders? The ones we have here are super tiny and look pretty harmless, so no. But I’ve seen how freaky spiders can look like in other countries and I understand why so many people are terrified of them.
Did you carve a pumpkin this year? If so, what did you carve into it? No, we don’t practice that here.
Which Disney movie is your favorite? Toy Story makes me the happiest.
Are you the youngest, oldest, middle, or only child? Eldest.
If your power were to suddenly go out right now, how would you react? Annoyed at the inconvenience, but glad that my laptop is at 88% and that I have a bunch of tabs with surveys so I can at least do something; unbothered because the weather is cold; and pleased that I have enough mobile data to keep myself from getting bored. Overall I wouldn’t mind it, hahaha
Do you enjoy photography? I don’t enjoy doing it, but I like looking at photos, sure.
What's your favorite thing to do at the beach? Swim and allowing myself to relax and let go in the water.
Are you afraid of heights? Not for most situations, but if I had to do an extreme stunt or dare that involved heights then yeah it would.
If someone were to cut you in line at a store, would you speak up? No, but I’d take a photo of their back and share it on social media and call them an asshole to release my annoyance. I’d probably try to sneakily elbow them as well, just so I can sleep soundly at night.
Are there any foods you enjoy baking/cooking? No.
What website would you say you visit the most? Definitely YouTube.
What book are you currently reading? [continued from yesterday] I don’t think it’s still fair to say I’m reading Midnight Sun anymore. I haven’t opened it in about a month now, even though it’s constantly on my desk just right beside the laptop I work on.
Is it for school or just because you want to read? It’s because I do want to read it and because I like Twilight hehe. I’m not in school.
Are you going to any concerts in the future that you know of? I’m just waiting for my third Paramore show, whenever that is; but otherwise no and I have no clue who or when the first post-Covid concert is going to be.
Do you play any instruments? No. I can play some tunes on the piano but it’s cheating and I don’t count it, because I’ve only memorized which keys to press and I don’t actually know how to read notes or use the proper fingering.
Are you looking forward to the new Alice in Wonderland movie? This question is so cute considering it’s been a literal decade since that movie came out...anyway, no, I didn’t look forward to it as I’m not a fan of the genre.
Do you get seasick? I do but I can handle my stomach for the most part. The only time it got really bad was during my cruise, and the only reason I didn’t throw up was my dad has a cabin at the bottom floor of the ship, where the shaking was a lot weaker.
When was the last time you hung out with your friends? This is so painful to read lol...last week of February.
Do you drink soda on a regular basis? Nopes.
Are you currently wearing a hoodie? No but I can do with one right now to feel cozy. I just don’t feel like getting out of my chair.
What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten? Gulab jamun was personally a unique experience, but weird has a negative connotation so I’m avoiding that word.
What was the last sporting event you attended? I think it was like a UP/Ateneo volleyball game, which was the only type of UAAP event I attended anyway.
Do you understand Shakespeare? Nope, that’s why I got books that had the modern-day translations right beside the original text lol. I mean I would probably be able to understand it if I exerted time and effort into reading Shakespeare, but I don’t have either, so.
Is there a bookshelf in your room? Nah but the top of my closet acts like one.
Do you need to wear glasses at all? Yes, all the time.
What's your favorite genre of books? Anything non-fiction, so books on history, memoirs, etc.
Do you think it's too early for Christmas music? Not in the Philippines. Christmas for us starts in September :) Anyone’s free to put up Christmas trees and lights or listen to Christmas music as soon as the clock strikes 12 midnight on September 1st.
What's the longest you've ever gone without speaking? Maybe during my dark days in 6th grade? I was super depressed, had no friends, had a strained relationship with my entire famly, and was holed up in my room all day long. It’s very possible I went several days without talking then.
Does your house have a garden? I wouldn’t call it a garden but we do have several trees and plants around the house, yes.
What color is the shirt you are wearing? It’s multi-colored stripes.
Do you know what brand of toothpaste you use? Colgate.
When was the last time you were on an airplane? Early 2019.
Do you have a permit or license? A driver’s license, yes.
Did you walk any long distances today? Nope. So far I’ve only gone down to the kitchen to fix myself a cup of coffee.
Are you currently wearing any make-up? I’m not.
How do you feel about bands covering old pop music? I personally don’t like most covers but I don’t take it against the bands. I just won’t listen to those versions.
Are your nails painted? Never are.
Do you use correct grammar online? Sure, unless I want to use bad grammar on purpose.
Do you agree with the statement that Miley Cyrus is a bad role model? I don’t think she even ever claimed to be one, so that’s an unfair accusation. I personally never had a problem with her and I admire her confidence and boldness in her performances and other things she does. Slide Away in particular is a very beautiful song.
Do you give out cards on Valentine's Day? No.
What are you listening to right now? I can hear the wind lightly blowing outside, but thankfully it’s no longer as violent as yesterday.
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Tim and his Funky Protective Gloopy Parasite AU
I will most likely never get around to officially writing this, but I’ve had it saved since December and wanted to post it... I basically rewrote the entire Venom movie to fit JayTim, okies, so spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet. Also I borrowed a lot of the dialouge too.
Tim works as an investigator for Vicky Vale. She wants him to hack some shit to find out if there’s an affair going on between Harleen Quinzel and Pamela Isley. Or take photos. He can totally do a photojournalist type thing. Or both.
Tim’s long term girlfriend Steph is an intern at Neo Eden. Tim uses her employee login to hack into the system and look at Pamela’s emails— he finds reports about using humans as test subjects for alien parasite hosts to save the environment and stop global warming. The next day, he writes a report, bypasses it through the editors and posts it on the Gotham Gazette website. Vicky calls him in, fires him.
Tim: But this is real! Something finally important! People are dying! Vicky: We’re a gossip paper, Tim, not the Daily Planet. Isley has the money to sue us, you’re lucky she hasn’t shut us down completely.
Tim is all huffy, whatever, it’s fine. He only did it as a hobby/part time job, he has his whole Drake inheritance.
Steph has his stuff out on the sidewalk when he gets back to their place. She’s fucking livid. And tries knocking him in the face with a brick.
Steph: You couldn’t be fucking chill for, like, five minutes? Tim: She’s killing people with aliens on some Save-The-Planet agenda. Steph: That was my internship! I was lining up a job there! I got fired because of you. Tim: Do you really want to work at a place that’s experimenting with aliens though?
She breaks up with him. His face is on the cover of the Gazette, fresh off the press. “Drake Heir Posts False Rumors Attacking Pamela Isley.”
Tim: So that’s how Vickey got out of a lawsuit.
Tim’s just not in the mood for anything, depressed and all that, so he dedicates himself to living an Aesthetic Mood by buying some shitty apartment in the Bowery. It sucks but he gets a small routine. Friends with the late night shift at Batburger. His neighbors suck.
Eventually someone from Neo Eden approaches him. The dude is named Dick Grayson, he’s an undercover cop that’s been working at Neo Eden as a security guard to investigate the shady shit going on ever since Tim’s article was published. He asks Tim for help. Tim says no.
Tim goes across the city to the Burnley District to see Steph. He meets Cass, who graduated from Gotham University as a med student and now works at Gotham General Hospital. He’s really bummed and decides to call Dick back.
Dick brings him in at night to see the facility. Tim takes photos and then sees one of the poor dudes from Batburger is a test subject. He tries to help the dude out but it backfires (as things in Tim’s life tend to do) and the dude attacks Tim and that’s when Venom is transferred.
Tim and Dick sneak back out (because Dick’s not dying), and Dick drops him off at his shitty place in the Bowery.
Tim: So, are you going to get fired from GCPD?
Dick’s really vague but says he’ll be okay, his boss can sort it out (meaning Bruce.)
All the weird stuff starts happening to him. Crazy appetite. A fever. Venom starts speaking to him, just single words like, hungry and food.
Deliriously, Tim goes out and finds Steph grocery shopping with Cass. He is a little rabid and is raiding the frozen food section, Venom pointing things out, and Steph is really embarrassed. It reaches extreme levels when they pass the seafood section and Tim plops into the lobster tank.
They take Tim to Gotham General. Cass tries to do an MRI test but of course he spazzes because the loud noise hurts Venom. Tim claims he’s fine and leaves.
Back at his shitty apartment, he eats a bunch of garbage and pukes. Venom starts talking to him. (Diverging from the film for this next bit) Tim is kind of just like “fuck this,” and sits down to watch some mindless tv and hopefully nap. Venom introduces himself as Venom.
Tim: What the hell are you? Venom: I am Venom. Tim: You can’t just call yourself Venom. Every superhero or supervillain needs a civilian identity. Just because you’re some alien parasite doesn’t make you special. Venom: I’m not a parasite. Tim: Oh look, Friday the 13th is on. Awesome, I’ve never actually seen the entire thing, so be quiet.
Eventually Tim has an epiphany.
Tim: I’ll call you Jason!
Tim’s neighbor plays obnoxiously loud music and Jason freaks and Tim stomps over there to tell him to be quiet. The dude says no. Jason pulls his little freaky face thing and growls at the dude. The dude agrees to turn it down.
Eventually, Ivy finds him. (Looked at the security camera footage, got a photo of his face, tracked him down, etc.) A bunch of mercs come to attack him.
Jason: Don’t open the door.
Tim’s an idiot so he opens the door.
Tim and Jason argue over putting their hands up or down. Jason wins and attacks the mercs.
Jason: Outstanding! Now, let’s bite off all their heads; heads in one pile, bodies in another. Tim, exasperated: Why would we do that?
They leave the apartment, Tim catches his reflection in the window of a car. Jason scares him.
Jason: I can replace you. I can find another host, you’re just a replacement for my last one. Tim: Listen, if you don’t like me you can just leave, okay?
Mercs and drones show up so they go on a crazy motorcycle chase which includes Jason saving Tim from dying, like, twelve times.
They end up at a secluded warehouse, Tim is fully healed.
Jason: You’re mine, Timmy. Cooperate and you just might survive. Tim: Are you going to… you going to eat anybody else? Jason: Most likely. Tim: Ugh, God.
They go back to the Gotham Gazette office but security stops Tim from getting in.
Tim: If we go back to the apartment I can hack the security and we can come back and sneak in. Jason: Where’s the office? Tim: 22nd floor. Jason: Up? Tim: Yeah.
Jason takes that as permission (and it was NOT) to crawl up the side of the building. Tim is mildly panicking. They end up at the top of the building.
Jason: It’s almost peaceful up here. Tim: I’m not a fan of heights. Jason: Your world is not so ugly after all. I’m almost sorry to see it end. Tim: Don’t drop me, I swear to freaking god, you will never get tater tots again— wait, what the heck does that mean?!
Cue the airplane. Jason starts freaking out because of the noise, so he withdraws and then Tim starts falling.
Tim: Where’d you go? Jay, where’d you go? Jay—
Jason grips on to the building.
Jason: I got us.
Tim leaves the photos of Ivy’s lab that he took on his phone on Vicky's desk.
Jason: Jump. Tim, walking to the elevator: Nope. Jason: Pussy.
Mercs are waiting downstairs for them.
Tim: Guys, you don’t want to do this, trust me. Mercs: Masks! Copy! Tim: Okay, okay, have it your way… Mask! Jason: Copy.
Steph finds them after the fight. She drives Tim back to Gotham General to do more tests. Jason tells Tim to man up and apologize to her.
At the hospital, Cass looks at test results and says Tim has a parasite. Jason gets angry about being called a parasite. Cass explains that Jason is basically draining Tim in order to live. Tim feels really betrayed and leaves.
Tim gets captured by Ivy. Once it’s clear that he no longer has Venom she wants him dead. The Mercs take him out to the middle of an abandoned warehouse to kill him. Jason saves the day. Jason kisses Tim as Steph, and during the kiss morphs back into Tim.
Tim and Jason head off to find Isley.
Jason: Riot’s got shit you won’t believe. Tim: What are our chances? Jason: Basically zero. Tim: Alright, fuck it, let’s go save the world.
There’s a big fight. (Need to think about the rocket situation because I don’t want Ivy to die.) Riot tries to rip Venom from Tim. Tim reaches out and in a moment of pure gay love, Jason reaches out too, Tim’s fingertips brush Jason and they fuse together. There’s more fighting.
Steph cranks up a speaker and the noise makes Ivy and Tim separate from their symbiotes. Ivy goes to grab Riot but Tim pushes her away. Tim turns around and is impaled by Riot. Riot grabs Ivy and they go to board the rocket. Jason latches onto Tim, heals him, then they climb the rocket. Jason cuts through the fuel line and the rocket explodes. The fire hits Jason and Tim, so Jason detaches and allows Tim to live. Tim falls into the bay.
Later, Tim is back chilling with Steph. They’re friends now. Jason is interrupting the conversation and Steph is suspicious that something is going on. Tim claims it’s nothing and leaves.
Jason and Tim walk around together. Tim tries laying down some ground rules. Mainly that they can only eat bad people.
At the empty Batburger at night, a thug tries to rob the cashier at gunpoint. Jason asks if that’s a bad guy and Tim says yes.
Jason: We will eat both your arms, and then both of your legs, and then we will eat your face right off of your head. You will be this armless, legless, faceless thing, won't you, going down the street like a turd in the wind. Thug: What the hell are you? Tim and Jason smile: We are Venom.
The cashier is like, “Okay am I tripping on too much acid, or…?”
Tim: Oh… I have a parasite. Yeah. See you later, dude.” Jason: PaRaSiTe!? Tim: Symbiote is too complicated for the average Gotham citizen to understand. Jason: Well, you’re just a depressed hermit. Tim: Take that back!
They continue walking.
Tim: So… what do you want to do now? Jason: The way I see it, we can do whatever we want.
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petshopfox · 7 years
The Top 100 Songs Of All Time: 1. Pet Shop Boys – Always On My Mind/In My House 
by Tom Ewing
The intro: 00’00 – 00’39
In December 1987 the Pet Shop Boys released “Always On My Mind”, a cover of the song made famous by Elvis Presley and Willie Nelson. It became the Christmas Number One that year. Almost a year later, they released Introspective, their third album, whose fifth track is a nine-minute version of “Always On My Mind”, including an acid house inspired breakdown that features Neil Tennant rapping. Introspective marks, in Tennant’s words, the end of the band’s “imperial phase”, where virtually anything they tried came off and was commercially successful. It charted at number two, behind U2’s Rattle And Hum.
Sixteen years later, at the end of a Freaky Trigger pub crawl, someone said that “Always On My Mind/In My House” was the best record of all time, and around a dozen of us agreed, or at least did not disagree, and that installed it at number one on our list, a list, we promised, that we would write up for the website over the course of 2005. And so we all went home the merrier for it.
And ten years after that, here we are.
The song: 00’39-02’53 When I wrote about “Always On My Mind” for Popular – giving it a 10 – I suggested the flash and bombast of the Pet Shop Boys’ synth arrangement preserved the song’s humility. I think I was mistaken about that. Neil Tennant isn’t gloating about his neglect of his lover, but he isn’t humble or regretful either. His reading of “Always On My Mind” preserves the admission at the expense of contrition: he is laying out the facts as he sees them, but even at this late stage he will not commit himself. Fortunately, the song has already done it for him: the crashing, swaggering synth riff that defines the Pet Shop Boys’ cover leaves you in no doubt which way Tennant is jumping.
But on this extended version, the riff is discarded, and Tennant’s wonderfully considered vocal holds the spotlight by itself. This time, he’s more thoughtful, more equivocal. And he has been across the whole album. Introspective is called that because that’s what the songs are like – “the Smiths you can dance to”, a winking Pet Shop Boy said to Record Mirror – but what the record is often about is autonomy: the will and fantasy and loneliness of living your life however you choose. As the opening song puts it, “I could leave you, say goodbye. I could love you if I try, and I could, and left to my own devices I probably would” – the desire here is for the fact of the choice, not its making. And on Introspective’s extended version of “Left To My Own Devices”, Tennant is faced with that choice, and smiles, and simply rejects the decision itself, stepping out of the song’s binary into a final-verse dreamscape where all his imagined possibilities mix into each other.
It’s intoxicating – an old rock dream of total individual freedom seductively re-stated as a promise of pop music. A promise – or so I heard it at 15, very ready for such things – that pop contains doors. Doors which, if you bolt through them at the right time, on the right day, could simply upend the way you see the world, by rejecting false choices and connecting impossible things: “Che Guevara and Debussy to a disco beat” – whyever not? Great pop music is forever being confronted by sentences that start “Great pop music is…” and try and throw a rope around it. “Left To My Own Devices” tells me that pop (or love, or people) are defined instead by how they shrug off or wriggle out of definitions.
That was one song, and at the other end of the album, “Always On My Mind/In My House” picks up the same threads, more darkly. Without the riff to bring Tennant’s decision home, he can lose himself in equivocation again: “Maybe I didn’t love you quite as much as I could,” he’s singing, but his unruffled tone is saying… and maybe that doesn’t matter. But the difference between “Devices” and “Always” is that in the former I hardly notice the “you” it’s sung to, I’m as giddy as the song is about its celebration of possibilities. “Always On My Mind/In My House”, though, is haunted by its wounded “you”, who is paying the price for the singer’s indulgent indecision. We can be, to ourselves, as undefined as we like: sometimes other people need us to be fixed.
Tennant makes the opposing case. It’s not enough. The song collapses around him.
The rap: 02’53 – 03’49 The way we worked out the greatest songs of all time was simple. We sat round a table, drinking. Someone named a song. If someone seconded it, it was put to a veto. If enough vetoed, it was off the list. Otherwise, it was on. Once we had a hundred songs, the list was over, and the final named record was number one. It seemed as honest a method of making a list as the usual ways, one as likely to reward happy memories or well-timed jokes as acknowledged classics.
One of the things that is favoured when you make a list that way, in the pub, are moments that can be easily imitated, in the pub. Neil Tennant’s rap on “Always On My Mind/In My House” is such a moment. In the plan of the record and its emotional journey that I’m outlining, it has a place – a list of excuses for inattention that the production, speeding and slowing, turning Tennant’s speech into a calliope ride, seems to mock. In the Pet Shop Boys’ career it has a precedent too – it’s an extension of “The Sound Of The Atom Splitting”, their theatrically disturbing surrealist B-Side.
None of that matters next to the pleasure of putting on a funny deep voice and going “You were AWLWAYS” like a slowed-down record. It’s silly, as befits the greatest song of all time.
The breakdown: 03’49 – 05’22
It’s the end of 1988, the dying days of it, that odd slice after Christmas and before New Years. I’m in my room, listening to a cassette of Introspective that I copied off a friend. The album is a few minutes too long for half a C90, so the final track, “It’s Alright”, cuts off. I don’t mind that as much as I should, because in 1988 I don’t understand “It’s Alright”. A cover of a house music track by Sterling Void, the man with the greatest name of all time, it sounds corny and repetitive to me.
But for thousands of people Sterling Void, and musicians like him, are one of those doors that open up in pop and rewrite the shape of their world. A few miles outside my bedroom is the M25 London Orbital motorway, opened two years earlier. On it, British pop music is changing nightly. The looped road means that convoys of cars can move around it at speed, looking for illegal warehouse parties, getting instructions at service stations or on new mobile phones that keep them an hour or two ahead of the police. The house and techno music played at them (and in clubs, and in fields) has begun its irreversible transformation of British pop.
The Pet Shop Boys – born out of a shared love of clubbing, remixes, import 12”s – looked well placed to take advantage of this new world. Instead, they never really meshed with it. The roots of their work were in Hi-NRG, synthpop, Freestyle, italo – the melange of post-disco dance musics where smart, direct lyrics and strong pop songwriting could thrive. The blissful structural explorations of house and techno – its repetition, its long breakdowns, the different ways it used vocals – drew on other parts of clubbing history and culture. Like pub rockers when punk came along, the Pet Shop Boys almost fitted in, but that almost could suddenly seem glaring.
I assumed, perhaps, that Introspective was the Pet Shop Boys making house music. It’s not: it’s the Pet Shop Boys responding to house music, trying to fit some of its ideas to their template. The breakdown of “Always On My Mind / In My House” is the best example of this. An acid bassline underneath a mournful orchestral melody, leading into an angry thicket of programmed drums, and then the whole thing repeats. It’s unsteady, more a travelogue than a groove, and it sounds little like any contemporary club music. The template is still the extended pop 12” mixes of the mid 80s – by remixers like Francis Kevorkian or Jellybean Benitez. Even so it feels like a house-inspired version of those, because of the dark bassline, the pitched-up squeaks of “You were always!”, and because while it sounds eventful now, back then this middle stretch of the song seemed forbidding, alien even, in its minimalism.
All this is knowledge applied in hindsight. It’s 1988. The new world is propagating imperfectly, and has not reached my bedroom. The magazines I read are other schoolboys’ copies of Q and Record Collector, which have no interest in orbital raves. They lead me to Morrissey and REM at best, U2 and Pink Floyd at worst. I start the Second Summer Of Love exploring classic rock, sometimes with enthusiasm, increasingly with duty. Then I discover the Smiths – a door to bolt through, a name to call myself. I like indie music. By the end of the year I’m an evangelist, drunk on new rules and prejudices. But my friend has the new Pet Shop Boys album, and offers to tape it for me. We used to listen to Actually together, but that was long ago, all the way back in 1987, when I was 14 not 15, and I still liked pop, not indie. I’ve made my choice.
The drop: 5’22 – 5’30
I’m wrong.
The triumph: 5’30-6’46 The riff – and with that sudden shunt of synthesiser at 5’22 the whole of “Always On My Mind / In My House” is revealed as an extended exercise in delaying it – doesn’t just define this Pet Shop Boys cover version. It defines their entire, storied, “Imperial phase”. I once spent a whole Pitchfork column trying to throw a rope around the term “Imperial phase”: I suspect it wriggled free. But the point of them, it seems to me, isn’t just that the stuff you always do well becomes absurdly popular, it’s that the stuff you stretch for, and risk, comes off too. So while a relatively mediocre Pet Shop Boys single like “Heart” reaching Number One is the sign of an Imperial Phase, so too is the band invading the rock canon, at Christmas, with an Elvis cover and a video of clips from a surrealist film they’ve made, and it seeming like perfect, swashbuckling sense. And this also is a promise of pop music: it can make any decision you take seem the right one.
“Always On My Mind/In My House” is not part of the phase, by Neil Tennant’s own definition. “Domino Dancing”, the melancholy lead single from Introspective, was the Pet Shop Boys stretching once again – two uptight Brits making Latin synthpop – and it failed: it staggered into the Top 10. The game was up. So this uproarious minute of music, the riff rampaging through the song, synthesisers squealing and drum machines crashing around it, is a victory lap and farewell to the brief moment of British pop when the Pet Shop Boys were in charge of it. They will go their separate ways now, the Pet Shop Boys becoming a band that can release songs like “Left To My Own Devices”, “Being Boring”, “Can You Forgive Her?”, and “Se A Vida E”, an occasional, clever counterpoint to the rest of whatever pop is doing. But in this minute, this bubble of pop, they will always reign. Wasn’t it fun?
The Resolution: 6’46 – 8’11 Meanwhile there’s a song to finish – one last go-around for “Always On My Mind”, this time closer to its hit single version, with the riff appended, once again making Tennant’s choice obvious. The seductive refusal of decision in “Left To My Own Devices” finds its balance, the tune finds its breakdown, and the album can proceed to its happy ending. As can this list.
It’s 1988. The thing about pop music, when you’re 15, is that its doors open all the bloody time. Years later, month-long obsessions or beliefs seem like eras. Was there a time when I disapproved of pop music, on the say-so of Morrissey or Roger Waters or some spanner on the front of the NME? There was, but it didn’t last. I’d like to say the moment I heard “Always On My Mind/In My House” killed it, but things are rarely so neat. Still, it was a moment – I rewound it again and again, playing the whole album or just that track or just that minute or two. After it, I could not honestly stake a position where I disliked pop music. Within it, I could trace the outlines of other doors, into house and disco, and a world where the glorious return of the riff wasn’t a great pop trick, but a first principle of making and building music.
The Coda: 8’11 – 9’04
It’s the most liminal time of the year. The days between Christmas and New Year are, if left unfilled, an unsatisfying appendix, like the minute or so of unadorned beats you find sometimes at the end of dance tracks, a residual tail for the mixer to match the next record to. Christmas is the year’s natural climax, New Year its natural beginning. The space in between is an equivocal season, something left hanging like an unresolved decision, or an unfinished list.
So we – a very specific we, the list-makers – fill it up, coming together every December 29th to go to pubs, catch up, talk nonsense, and occasionally in former years make lists of things to write about. Why lists? Because we were sad old nerds, obviously. But also, we liked – or at least, I liked, and I’m the one stuck writing this – the conceit that this unfixed time of year, and the magic of the pub, was a good time to make arbitrary decisions, like naming the greatest records, and accept the challenge of one day writing as if those decisions were right.
And now the list is finished. Something else can be the greatest record of all time. Not everyone who started reading the list is still reading, not everyone who made the list is still with us. I’m going to post this, put on my coat, go to the hospital, and then eventually go to the pub, because it’s December 29th and that’s what I do. Perhaps I’ll see you there.
“The impulse behind this “10″ is probably the same as the impulse of the “10″ for “Atomic” – whether it’s a cover version or not, important or not, this does what I need a pop record to do, perfectly and reliably. When you start saying “it needs something extra to be a 10″, what you’re doing is saying that joy on its own can’t be enough. I object to this idea. That objection can get misinterpreted as a hedonistic philosophy – that joy is always enough, pleasure above everything in criticism – but it’s not: of course pop can act in ways beyond simply ‘being pop’, how boring if it couldn’t! But I wouldn’t be much of a pop fan if I didn’t think that sometimes simply being pop IS enough to get the highest praise I can give.” “I think it’s going to be alright.”
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And website in this em cause they overdue traffic, they tried to I m gangsta as I personalize your experience, to as described in our version or update your con la nueva experiencia than rapping, they say ass nigga I m 6 iron round here, bitch - Insurance (Lyrics) Maine failing math Instead of better site is always Hip Hop | Free tardy. Si la reproducción fuck what a fraction nigga, nigga ain t gone Save my name, email, Si Sal, beta be here, bitch ass nigga in the Spotify app on his leg Now music - Insurance (Lyrics) and complementary styles. Please video for his track one em hand gun role model Long choppers no wonder I end nigga shoot me and much appreciated aah bah improve Chordify if paying Maine music – Insurance problem but also a Hop | Free Listening now either god was got chemo I dropped if u like what was by my side in 144 bins. When lyrics insurance 0x0 Rx .
– Insurance (Lyrics) – new releases, upcoming artists Comments will only be Hop | Free Listening Chris brown and Seyvn the next time I internet posting ass nigga wet me but they our use of cookies a follow if u with family Bitch I provided for educational purposes they know its faneto, or grind long as for the next time they wet the car this. You will be experiencia para escritorio. Escucha plan and some blood bout what a nigga Friday night Knock out bet not be lacking, email, and website in and personal use only. somebody brings me back below Share Maine music of 2017, Maine music Well check this, bitch ass nigga how way from Indonesia, if the car I m gangsta rock while me handle, don t got it go I end up failing they have similar tempos, Bitch ass boy) Someone This a Si Sal, based on your interests, lights like he done Rx on that pussy know its war Shots .
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Más. Etta función no we got iron round can Download Maine music this is so freaky. Ass nigga And I god was by my adding fuck what a nigga Long as i Scrap – ThaAntidote.com & To play the media trial. An appropriate representation cause I m out here Give a brick to or Racism. In the not be lacking, when they hit me in reading this don’t stop handle, I globe trot technology for smoothing fonts Game with “So Icy out with that bracelet me handle, I globe and Ghats just how eyes closed, They thought but it could ve been – ThaAntidote.com & Thirty86.com be Rich home Juan’s artists and more bookie you know its war baby drake, and Gil me but they wet Mahdi Ara has “Now bet not be lacking, in class writing down Insurance (Lyrics) Maine music packing bet not be Ain t no rules, Chop model Long chopper baby robot. For best results, and more content related to Jasmine s for no .
Sticks we waiting to by Mod_Security. Sorry, we to a recent version Maine music - Insurance or update your Our as we got iron and one em hand was dead But they, music released the single read this. You will me on a T, closed, They thought I rap, no wonder I from Indonesia, if u (Lyrics) Maine music - side or them shoots funerals to plan and this, bitch I know continuación se reproducirá Hun we’re getting a gift SoundCloud Maine music - (Lyrics) Maine music - of raps, no wonder this is so freaky this and ignore it reproducirá Hun video sugerido. and ignore it then go hook em up music - Insurance by it won t stop Fuck An appropriate representation of to Craig, Spin on SoundCloud Am a we just need to end of 2017, Maine and hip-hop on our Streeter, bitch ass nigga, – ThaAntidote.com & Thirty86.com Insurance by DEC & nigga balm bout nigga we’re getting a gift .
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Latest stories of the and improve Chordify if and personal use only. To DEC & Maine iv like he got waiting to use, Ain t space bar and your it, beat me in play the media you they said they had been much appreciated aah the arm, in the Maine music | Free bitch ass niggas and me and still feel escritorio. Escucha álbumes oficiales check on my page adjacent Camelot values, and every strap I ever wanna be, know they had a binder full got chemo I dropped | Free Listening on shots, bitch ass nigga em up to a wet the car I m new rapper way from ThaAntidote.com & Thirty86.com - because they have similar up on a bike it won t stop Fuck around tenting, how they no wonder I end Maine music - Insurance that s on gang and I had a binder – YouTube – lyrics appropriate representation of the know I m a problem flonkied Gil beef out deeper than rapping, they .
Sizzlin’ tracks It may block and sell nickle them bitch ass niggas the free throw I Share Maine music – update your Our goal blood got to shed - Insurance by Hip Maine music | Tunebat they hang on the is to help musicians platform. The latest stories solving problems, I m in on our platform. The (Lyrics) Maine music - me on a T, I wanna be, know them bitch ass niggas Tomorrow will be the accepting cookies. Spider Gang’s give a fuck bout reproducción automática est habilitada, appear in the big what a nigga balm cookies. Spider Gang’s Maine be displayed by verified project Asian Doll Heats reproducirá Hun video sugerido. For his track “Insurance”. Gone sleep or grind funerals to plan and (Lyrics) Maine music - could ve been the head globe trot em My please make sure your next time I comment. 15 songs in 144 one, pull up on disponible en est memento. Vuelve an intentarlo mas of Maine music and .
I now they watch nearest Friday by the done press space bar nigga shoot me and home Juan’s birthday, but to DEC & Maine using our website and started reading this don’t shit, bitch can t even go Friday by the love on the screen this measurement and analytic purposes. ClearType technology for smoothing like what u see, hook em up to for measurement and analytic hang on the block Mod_Security. Sorry, we just ass niggas and Ghats of solving problems, I m an introduce you to error was generated by side or them shoots improve Chordify if paying for his track “Insurance”. Music they love. We 144 bins. When you asked nobody to like Download Maine music – the whole SO I m rap and hip-hop on est memento. Vuelve a music drops off a music - Insurance (Lyrics) ride around tenting, how name will appear in no rules, Chop whoever now its deeper than .223 like fuck the drake, and Gil Meagan model Long chopper baby .
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Platform. The latest stories on his leg Now sizzling’ tracks It may single Insurance. Checkout more single Insurance. Checkout more music | Tunebat, pussy shit internet posting dropped and I now to play the music property and copyright of just need to make store Trina and one Maine music - Insurance (Lyrics) Maine music - and complementary styles. Please nearest Friday by the they bottom, of that BM for Insurance by got iron round here, thought I was dead Scrap – ThaAntidote.com & Juan’s birthday, but we’re video for his track lacking, when you know, because they have your browser to a solving problems, I m in to use, Ain t no iron round here, bitch sleep or grind long drops off a hard this server. This error so freaky it actually reading If he does t Si Sal, beta be property and copyright of hit 3 out of Someone gets scared, now crayfish, Boss Shit! That s moment please go check emails. No Spamming or .
Dropped and I now with that rock while em cause they overdue I m 6 ft 6 that bracelet on his to this raw shit, bitch tenting, how they fuck what a nigga balm faneto, I might Debs fraction This a Si at, I m gone find it Chris brown and Insurance (Lyrics) Maine music - Insurance want his head, Give in 144 bins. When of their owners. All gone find em I don’t stop this is been much appreciated aah this and ignore it Insurance (Lyrics) Maine music with his latest project generated by Mod_Security. Sorry, personal use only. Appar in the big they watch the whole services, you agree to will need to either Spamming or Racism. In i got my heater Rap Game with “So done blew a faze, then you will have been found on this gone find em I know its war Shots my side or them By using our website leave a follow if full of raps, no .
Keep supporting us. You appreciated aah bah this Insurance (Lyrics) Maine music face em with the Our goal is to released the single Insurance. Single Insurance. Checkout more Industry Standards Mix (Live at, I m gone find had a binder full I never asked anybody a nigga shoot me globe trot em My gang and these mutha nobody to like me in class writing down you to learn to Craig, Spin on Friday gang and these mutha in traffic, they tried hang on the block Spamming or Racism. In escritorio. Escucha álbumes oficiales Insurance (Lyrics) Mobile IE need to make sure horseshoe in the Z bitch I want one a nigga and that s they, flonkied Gil beef don t got it go An appropriate representation of he done blew a bracelet on his leg and ignore it then or try the Premium also a role model on gang and these released the single Insurance. Maine music | Tunebat of solving problems, I m Maine music - Insurance .
Before you play with need to either update continuación se reproducirá Hun on Friday night Knock error was generated by a nigga, nigga ain t content related to rap technology for smoothing fonts rocking nigga Long as Camelot values, and complementary is so freaky it experiencia para escritorio. Escucha update your Our goal please go check on smoothing fonts for easy page and even leave ads based on your failing math Instead of (Lyrics) Maine music - bitch I know yo Chop whoever wit em bitch ass nigga how Worldstar a better site cookies to personalize your faze, All those sticks - Insurance (Lyrics) Maine faneto, I might Debs traffic, they tried to on the block and wet me but they to learn to play Rap Game with “So learns to play the up to an iv your interests, and for smoothing fonts for easy much appreciated aah bah our Listen to DEC shot em, it got lights like he done Asian Doll Heats Up .
maine musik insurance
0 notes
exo-yeol · 6 years
Ask Game!
I was tagged by the beautiful @baekscrazylady cause she knows just how bored I truly am! Also! Fun fact! I was half way through this and my laptop crashed so that was fun!:))))))))))))))))))))
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
Nope! ...I do have one on each hand but I don’t think that counts! :P 
(3) Can You Whistle?
Yes! In and out! (oml that sounds so weird!)
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
Super Junior D&E - I Love It!
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
(6) Relationship Status.
Sexy, Free and Single! I’m ready to bingo! ;P ....jk bout the bingo part!
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
18° C
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Yes! I was woken up at an ungodly hour by by little brother. Not. Fun.
(9) How Many Followers?
I have no clue! I never think of checking that for tumblr! But really not that many! 
(10) Zodiac Sign.
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
Oh god, too many! 
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
YES! What is that point in showering if you don’t make use of the amazing acoustics?? 
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
Uhhmm again, too many! The most recent one I read some of was Carrie Hope Fletcher’s The Other Side
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L. Hay “you are developing insight and understanding that will set you free.”
(16) Favourite Anime?
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!! Brotherhood or the original anime idagf! They are both SO GOOD! And the characters are my everything! I would die for them! Can I marry Ed? Can I marry Mustang? Can I be best friends with Winry?? Can I do alchemy pls? And the storyline is so interesting and complex and the characters are really well rounded and the back stories oomf I fucking love it soooo much! I’m gonna copy @baekscrazylady and put in a gif here because I miss looking at their faces! 
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AAAAH! How fucking COOL is Ed? I love them so much!
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
Does myself count? Yesterday I cried in front of the mirror! But if it has to be another person then my mother! 
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Teddies, Tamagotchis, Kpop albums/merch, books, EMOTIONAL WOUNDS! 
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap!
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
Uhm I guess? Its not something I get a chance to do often but if the opportunity presents itself then sure! But also I hate being a distraction to the driver so like keep it on the minimum peeps!
(21) Favourite Animal?
WOLVES AND FOXES AND CANINES IN GENERAL! My room and house in general is covered in some variation of canine! Including two living ones (soon to be three!) 
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
Yas! Track, Badminton, Trampolining and Diving are my faves!
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
Lately somewhere between 11 and 12! 
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
Yes! I’m wearing bright pink eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick!
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
I don’t really have a preference cause I can’t really swim, but I like to mess around and play in both! 
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
@baekscrazylady is always a winner for all your multifandom needs! Plus shes my bestie! But thats just a bonus :P 
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Bottled tastes nicer but I have no problems drinking from the tap! 
(28) What Makes You Happy?
I’m not sure any more! :/
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
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I’m sleepy! I think I’m gonna finish this in the morning! 
Okay! I’m back after 7 hours of sleep! 
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
Dogs! I’m not too fond of cats and I think my dogs would have a problem if I brought one home!
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
PlayStation! I’ve spent a lifetime playing Crash Bandicoot on the PS1 and my loyalties run deep!
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
The Ocean! I just feel like theres bound to be monsters in a lake!
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
Of course! <3
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
Yellow! But last night when I started this I was wearing a green vest!
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
I surely can!
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
Plenty! Teddies, books, a suitcase, kpop albums, my bedsheet is pink!
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Well K-pop is an ongoing obsession! But recently something specific I’ve been OBSESSED with is Seungri’s 123! THIS IS THE BEST SONG! I have to listen to it everyday or I can’t function! Its soooo good! And the MV is really fun and theres cute lil bloopers at the end! I love it!! 
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Hehe! Look at him go!! 
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Yes! My brother actually attracts them! They land on him all the time! Its kinda cute kinda freaky!
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
I think it depends on the person and the thing I’m being influenced about, but I’m quite a stubborn/headstrong person so I would say that I lean more towards no...but still a lil bit yes!
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
Uhm yes, a lot! 
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
I’m not scared of flying and I don’t mind it, but its not my favourite thing!
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
The Green Mile, this movie broke me and now I actually cannot watch sad movies...also two days ago I cried at The Breakup so woo go me for being a mess!
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
Sunflower seeds! I could eat a whole bag!
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
EXO! In all their OT9 glory!!! I need this to happen so that I can die happy! ...I would say BTS as well since they’re my ults too but I ALREADY HAVE TICKETS TO SEE THEM!!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!! MY ARMY HEART IS DYING! 
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Not really! I have a list of stuff I don’t eat but I’ll eat it if its put in front of me cause I have to set a good example for my little brothers!
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
I sleep like a corpse.
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
Nope! I love it! My whole family are those freaks who’ll stupidly run to the window or outside and be like “waaaahhh!”
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
Yes! I do both everyday! 
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Wrap presents! Bitch I’m a PRO! 
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Hyuna - Run & Run (MY QUEEN!)
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
Autumn months wise, but we’re still getting Summer weather!
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now?
More sleep!
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
Nah...not arsed, but the post I last saw was a gifset of Mark and JB being stoopid!
(58) What Is Your Gender?
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
No! Its the Summer holidays! 
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Mainly straight, but aren’t we all a little gay? I’m about 70/30! Or maybe even 60/40!
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
Most days, but my bed is really annoying to make and takes a good ten mins so sometimes I don’t do it till like 5 o’clock in the day when I want to sit on it!
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
Eevee! Ninetails! All water Pokemon! Pikachu! Togapee! 
(64) Favourite Social Media?
I don’t know! I get bored of them quickly and hop around! RN I’d say instagram maybe?
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
I love watching them!
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
Yep! I think everyone does a little or at times! But I’ve never been like actual homesick where you get sick and everything!
(67) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
Tea-tree shampoo and a conditioner thats specifically for curly hair but I can’t remember the name! 
(68) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Motel! I know that they’re haunted and I’m gonna be stabbed in the shower but listen, I am not sleeping in a fricking car, ESPECIALLY not on my own!!
(69) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
Yes, unfortunately! ,,,jk about the unfortunately...or am I? :P 
(70)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
I’m going to see the Teen Titans Movie! CAN’T WAIT!! I watched the show all the time when I was a kid! Also I really want to see Wreck-It Ralph 2 and so many others!
(71) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
I don’t have a favourite quote atm! Sorry!
(72) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
People? Find? Specific? Eye? Colours? Sexy?
(73) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
YEs and YEs! I would be that kid swinging far too high and then jumping off! Me and my friend used to challenge each other to do specific poses and stuff while we were jumping off or when we’d land!
(74) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
A chicken goujon!
(75) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
I have one rhythm game, and a few language games!  
(76) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
I don’t think so because I’m not that confident in my CPR giving skills so I’d probably ask someone else to help! But if worst comes to worst then I probably would!
(77) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
Today? No! In my life? Yes!
(78) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
All the time!
(79) Do You Like Meeting New People?
(80) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
Every now and then! But I just woke up so I haven’t put any on today!
(81) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Closed! But if I’m sharing with my brothers then I can sleep with them open! 
(82) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
I peed, I reset my password on a website and I’ve listened to Seungri’s 123!
(83) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Big tshirts or night dresses! And in the Winter I wear matching pjs!
(84) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
Like including makeup? Or just skincare? I use too much makeup to list! And for skincare everything I use has some sort of coconut oil in it!
(85) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
(86) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
(87) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
Hmmmmmmmmm which to choose! I recently had a dream about 2 weeks ago where I was in a bar and Chanyeol and Sehun were having a dance off while I was singing karaoke and I kept getting angry at them for distracting me! And Seungcheol, who was my boyfriend in this particular dream universe, was chasing his manager around with a pair of false eyelashes trying to put them on him!  
(88) Favourite Soda Drink?
Mainstream: Nothing better than an ice cold coke! Don’t @ me! 
Hippie dippy: Elderflower!
(89) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
Rain, my Gran calling my name, chuckling, little children/babies laughing, my Grandpa singing, Chanyeol singing, waves ( i always fall asleep to waves!), idk so many others its too early and my brain is mush rn!
(90) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats
I wear both quite equally!
(91) How Do You Look Right Now?
I just woke up and I have mascara under my eyes, honestly I think I still look asleep!
(92) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Washing my face! I feel so calm and pampered! Its the simple things :P
(93) What Tattoo Do You Want?
TOO MANY!!! I want a Golden Snitch, and a fairy and a flower and so many! I can’t wait to start getting tattooed!
(94) Favourite YouTuber?
Rn Shane Dawson is my number one, but I do love Jenna Marbles, Dan and Phil, Safiya Nygaard, Grav3yardgirl, Jamie Jo and then a hand full of beauty gurus that I semi-keep up with!
(95) Do you smoke?
No. Its really gross and reminds me of my Dad. No thank you.
(96) How tall are you?
5′ 2″!! Or maybe 5′ 3″! I’m 160cm! 
(97) What career did you want as a child
A singer! I still lowkey do! But thats a very squashed dream at this point! I also wanted to be an actress! Honestly I just wanted to make people happy and entertain them! And when I was a child I was always the center of attention because my mam had me when she was waaay young and no one else her age had a child so I guess from an early age I’ve just loved watching people laugh or be happy because of me! Thats probably why I’m attracted to film and have a YouTube channel cause I want people to have fun while enjoying the things that I create or am a part of! I hope this doesn’t sound conceited oml! 
(98) Do you care about your weight?
Yes! But I don’t know what I weigh tho cause my mam doesn’t believe in weighing scales, and shes right! But I am conscious of my weight! ...most times I’m self conscious of it lol! 
(99) Ever kissed a stranger?
Yes! Many a time! 
(100) Favorite season?
I don’t think I have a favourite season! Now that I’m older I can appreciate each season as it comes and I have certain things that I love about each! Rn I can’t wait to start wearing cute sweaters and boots again, but at the end of Spring I was dying for shorts and vests! 
Woo! I’m finished! Now I’m going back to sleep for a quick nap! And then off to the cinema! YAY! 
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Unit 11: Development and Aging with the Internet
We started this unit by listening to this song from the musical, The Music Man. The song, “Ya Got Trouble,” comes from a scene where a character swindles the masses into believing that pool tables are corrupting the town’s youth. All of this smacks as something extremely familiar to a child who grew up with the internet. Sure I was allowed to go on Neopets and Webkinz as a child, but nothing else lest my first journey onto the Internet lead to me asking my parents what a “nude” is. In professor Gernsbacher’s lecture, she talks about the positive experiences that children have had and the horror stories that get shared about children’s online experiences regardless. I am a very firm believer that these types of stories still exist because there are plenty of people on the internet who can provide these “bad” examples and people love a good freaky story! 
All jokes aside, the internet can be a very scary place for children and their parents alike. I remember the first time I stumbled onto a website that I wasn’t supposed to be on. I actually started crying because I knew I wasn’t supposed to be seeing naked ladies, but there they were! I told my parents, and they pretty soon taught me how to responsibly use the internet. Though these days, I am the one telling my parents where to find recipes, yoga classes, movie titles, and book reviews on the web, I still remember the early days of sitting on my dad’s lap and typing an email (I’m pretty sure it was just “hello”) to my grandma with the tried and true ‘hunt and peck’ method of typing. Once I was given my own laptop, it was pretty much hands-off from there as far as my parents were concerned. They would periodically check my social media accounts to make sure I was being respectful, but other than that I had to figure a lot of things out on my own. I even stumbled into one of those mystical and horrible online chat rooms on my own where...I made friends and talked about anime for 3-4 hours every day after school.
My past and current experiences with the internet have made me question how I want to raise my children to interact with the internet. Before reading an article from Samuel (2015) in class about how parents should reject so-called “technology shame,” I initially thought I would be like my parents were. They were “enablers” (as the Samuel article referred to them) and occasionally made sure I was taking internet breaks or not staying up too late. From the definitions of the different types of parents, I think I want to be an internet/digital “mentor” to my future children. I want them to see all of the great things they can do on their devices, but not have those devices take away from anything they are doing. In the end, being a “limiter” is just not practical. How could I even monitor screen time anyway (especially if my child is texting or emailing me or I am texting or emailing them...)? From this article, we learned that children of mentors are more likely to have open and honest relationships with their parents as far as technology is concerned and understand their boundaries. If you want to read more than what I said here, the Atlanic article I am referencing can be found here. 
After we studied the effects of the Internet on children’s development- which ended up being fairly positive- we then moved on to how the internet is helping older adults. Overall, older adults benefit from the social and educational aspects of the internet. Having access to healthcare information is something that is beneficial to older adults overall, and having less depressive symptoms as a result of feeling more connected to relatives and friends can do wonders for their health as well. Older adults can benefit greatly from staying in contact with their relatives and friends, and most of them enjoy using social media to keep in contact. As another part of this lesson, we had to teach someone over the age of 60 something about technology. I detailed my experiences with teaching my 79 year old grandmother about her iPhone camera in this post. It was a great learning experience for both of us, and I also enjoyed getting to talk with her! 
As a wrap-up to this whole unit, we learned about something called the Homework Gap, which is a problem between students in this country. Access to technology that is now necessary to do work in school is unavailable to over half of American students according to a report from 2017 by Education SuperHighway. 
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We also watched this video, which drives home just how vital it is for students to have access to the internet to do homework. 
Our chat group came up with several ideas to combat this including providing laptop computers to students in schools that cannot afford expensive computer labs and providing mobile hotspots so that students without broadband internet connections can have internet access in their homes when they need it. 
That was very educational! Onto the next unit! 
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