#i love that last shot of andy so much also i'm going to use it again
luthiery · 2 years
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the animal inside got a hold of us but we don’t regret a thing 
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ofmdrecaps · 22 days
09/02-03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Con O'Neill; Kristian Nairn; Nathan Foad; Leslie Jones; Lindsey Cantrell; Connor Barrett; Dominic Burgess; Sept 2: OFMD Marmalade Day; Trends; Articles; TellTaleTV Final Round; WWDITS 10th Anniversary Blurays; FanSpotlight: FanWeeks: OFMD Sequel Week; Stede Whump Week; Never Left Podcast; Love Notes;
== David Jenkins ==
David's out at the US Open with Kinga!
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram Stories
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is EVERYWHERE this week, jeez. He really is causing a stir on every single platform, let me tell you. Below he's having a bit of a drink with some friends, out and about with Rosie!
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Source: Facebook
Next up-- there's a new Indy Dramedy that just wrapped called "Song Of The Bigfoot" and Deadline has some new info on it!
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Source: Rhys' Instagram Stories
Rhys is also looking to help raise some funds for the Kitten Rescue we all remember well from earlier this year! You can bid on this signed OFMD picture of the cast! To bid, visit here.
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Source: Rhys' Twitter
Rhys also shared an older video of him discussing wanting to be Earths Ambassador!
Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram
Annnnnd more shots are becoming available from the 100th episode of the Cryptid Factor, Live in London!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Instagram
And finally, Last But CERTAINLY not least, there's a new The Cryptid Factor special episode for the $10 / Tier on Patreon!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Patreon
== Taika Waititi ==
Some more shots of Taika while he was out and about! Also a recipe for the Pispili that he and Andy Hearnden shared on instagram a while back!
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Source: Instagram
and lastly a quick little tiktok of the Forever Young Rita & Taika!
Source: Rita Ora's Tiktok
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's out at Nickelodeon studios doing some voice over work!
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Source: Samba's Instagram
== Kristian Nairn / WJW ==
Surprise #WeeJohnWednesday! 9pm BST (4pm EST, 1pm PST) tomorrow-- Sept 4!
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Source: Kristian's Twitter
A huge thank you to @adoptourcrew for getting us the Kristian Nairn OFMD blurb from the latest Popverse Article (it is behind a sign up, but here's the article!)
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Con O'Neill ==
Con taking a nap with Cooper now that he's back from Mexico <3 (and David Fane was a sweetheart and popped his head in as well).
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Source: Con's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan back at the bedroom selfies again!
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Source: Nathan's Instagram Stories
== Linds Cantrell ==
Linds Cantrell did an Ask Me Anything on Instagram today while she was waiting for a plane! She answered several questions, including something regarding OFMD BTS which may be completely out, but she'll be going to LA Comic Con in October! I'm planning on making a post with all her answers when I get a moment, but here's a few!
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram Stories
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie is out here rocking a workout, and looking bad ass <3
Source: Leslie Jones Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
Our dear Jeffrey Fettering, Dominic, blessed us today with some kitties as well as a shot.. of well him getting a shot!
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Source: Dominic's Twitter
== September 2, Marmalade Day ==
Several of our crew members continued the September festivities with Marmalade Day on Sept 2!
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Source: HSavernake's Twitter
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Source: Astroglide Twitter
== Articles ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for sharing another article talking about OFMD!
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== More Trends ==
Heyyy guess who was trending on Sept 2 on TUMBLR! (I believe it was because of the Sept 1 Dickfuck/Lighthouse day, but could be have been more! let me know if you know something else happened! Thank you to the badass @poison-into-positivity for catching it <3
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Source: @poison-into-positivity's Tumblr
== Tell Tale TV Voting Reminders ==
Reminder! Stede and Ed are in the final round of Ship of the Year! Please visit TellTale TV! Thank you @ofmd-ann for the reminder dear!
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Source: Ofmd-Ann's Tumblr
== What We Do In The Shadows Bluray ==
Okay so WWDITS is not OFMD but it has Rhys and Taika so gonna send a boost out of this! Thank you to the absolutely spectacular @ jimjim531969 over on twitter for always bringing the latest cool news regarding the cast. You truly are a gem <3
Also per Jim:
Links to pre-order the WWDITS 10th anniversary blu-ray:
Australia & NZ (16 October, 2024)
USA & Canada (November 1st, 2024): Amazon or Barnes & Noble
UK (01/11/2024)
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Source: @ jimjim531969 on Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Upcoming Fan Weeks =
* OFMD Sequel Week *
There's a new Fan-Week been announced for Nov 17 - 23, OFMD Sequel Week! Check them out on Twitter and give them a follow to keep up with the latest news!
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Source: OFMDSequelWeek Twitter
* Stede Whump Week *
Stede Whump Week will be happening 28 Oct - 3rd Nov, and the bingo cards for that week are now available on Twitter!
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Source: Stede Whump Week Twitter
= Never Left Podcast =
There's a new episode of Never Left out, and it's Part 2 of the discussion on Birds! Wanna check it out? Visit their linktr.ee!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Hoping your week is progressing in an upward direction. I hopefully get to finally talk to my dad tomorrow after over a week of everything going on, so I'll be in and out of things again. I know everyone is dealing with their own level of craziness right now, and I want to remind you that you're doing great no matter what you're dealing with. It could be little, it could be huge, it could be life-changing, or could be making you regress further back than you'd like-- whatever it is, you are getting through the best way you can, and you never have to feel bad about that.
I know it can feel like there's never an end to the chaos-- but remember that there are pockets of joy and love there in this life too, and however you need to cope with your daily struggles, don't feel bad in taking solace in that. Enjoy the little things, no matter how small. Rest up lovelies, breathe in, breathe out, drink some water, and keep going. Below is a very appropriate love note (for me personally but for so many others as well), courtesy of the amazing The Latest Kate. Not everything is clear right now, but it'll get there, just stay with us, and don't give up. Sending you so much love, crew <3
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Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
79 notes · View notes
whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#27: The Timeout (1.04)
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Every now and again there comes a piece of media that you know is going to stay with you for a lifetime. For me, that’s TOWL Episode 4.
I’ve never been more excited and more overwhelmed to try and dive into all the scenes of an episode than "What We". It’s my favorite Richonne episode of all time so I have to revel like never before. Truly what Danai crafted with her writing and what Andy and Danai delivered in their performances is phenomenal and transcendent. I’ll cherish Episode 4 forever, from minute one to the final shot 🥹🤩💛...
Now that we've arrived at the illustrious episode 4, it's only right to kick it off with a happy dance😋...
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For some March 17th, 2024 is just a regular day but for Richonne stans...
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Because it's the day that the Richonne episode aired.
I remember how stoked I was when the time had finally arrived for episode 4. Leading up to it there had been high praise and acclaim for the episode with it even being deemed the climax and ‘for the richonners’ and one of the best of the TWD franchise. So I was already going in with big anticipation and "What We" knocked it out of the park in every way possible.
What Danai wrote is just 🔥🔥🔥 in all the ways and I'm very grateful for her and this thoughtful powerful episode she crafted. 👏🏽
There was a time when I had ep 4 memorized from the first line to the last cuz it was just excellent and moved me like no other. There is so much to say about this one episode and I'm gonna try my best to say it all because this is the kind of episode you rave about for years on end. And as someone who already revels in every detail of Richonne's story, this episode is the epitome of why I do what I do with this blog.
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The raw and visceral range of emotions captured in about one hour of television - it’s a triumphant feat and I’m obsessed. TOWL is already a dream come true but episode 4 is a dream within a dream and perfectly captures why Rick and Michonne are the greatest soulmates to grace a screen.
So let’s get into it. 🤗
The masterpiece of an episode kicks off with a bang as we’re brought back to the moment Rick and Michonne are in that rocking helicopter with Rick silently freaking out and Michonne looking right at him cool, calm, collected, and a little crazy. 😋
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
They intercut with the apartment that will become a very pivotal and important setting in Richonne’s journey. And I absolutely love the choice to have the episode mostly take place in a swanky high-rise apartment similar to where Michonne lived before the apocalypse. It’s like after years of being out in nature which is more Rick’s territory they now get to enter Michonne’s more city-girl territory. 
I also like the 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree' song they use for this scene. The lyrics are very much intentional and the song's meaning is also fitting as it’s “sung from the perspective of a man returning home after three years in prison and looking anxiously for an agreed-upon sign that the woman he loves would welcome his return.”
So right off the bat with this song and helicopter moment, I was like...
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The lyrics start by saying, “I’m coming home, I’ve done my time.” Which by the end of this episode, Rick will arrive at that same realization with Michonne’s help. Also, Michonne is determined to head home herself too after doing her time with the CRM. And considering Rick and Michonne are home to each other and they’re finally about to get some extended alone time it really is like they’re coming home to each other this ep.
Then the song says, “Now I’ve got to know what is and isn’t mine.” as we see the little Roomba that could. I love the way electricity and these items all help to tell the story.
Throughout this opener, we see Rick and Michonne both staring at each other in the helicopter, and again the way they can express so much without words is clear.
Rick is attempting to like idk sternly stare her down but Michonne is unfazed and you can tell her mind is made up that she will do anything to keep them from falling apart. She knows if they go back to base it’ll only be that much harder to convince Rick to leave, so she’s yanking him out of there before that happens.
(Side note: I know there’s often debate on whose crazier in general - Rick or Michonne. and I honestly think Rick. Even tho they’re very equal and match each other's crazy. It's just that Michonne is a bit more composed most of the time that’s why Rick edges her out to me. But when Michonne doesn’t want to be composed...oh she can beat everybody in the crazy department. And she took the Crazy-Off trophy home in this helicopter. 🏆👌🏽 Also when I thought about it - it would probably be hard for Michonne to yank a grown man out of his seat that swiftly and so I like to think Rick basically let her lol. Like he saw that helicopter door open and while he was yelling no he knew Michonne’s gonna do what she’s gonna do and so he’s gotta go with her.)
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gif cred: @chaoticroad
The lyrics then say, “If you received my letter telling you I’ll soon be free...” which is very fitting to the letters Rick used to write Michonne. And then we get that moment where Michonne grabs Rick and throws them out of the helicopter. Just iconic. 👏🏽 And Rick is genuinely shaken by Michonne doing this, understandably. You can hear it in the way he yells as they fall into the rushing water.
I like that when Michonne throws them out of the helicopter that’s when the lyrics say, “Then you’ll know just what to do if you still want me.” Fitting. And in this case 'just what to do' was to jump out of a helicopter together without a parachute or anything. Michonne is crazy and we love her for it. 😋
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And honestly, Rick loves her for it too even if he’s obviously rattled by it at first. She really looked at her man and said 'the CRM can’t have this one' and plucked Rick out of the sky...again.
Also, the fact that this implies they were able to hang onto each other and not at some point get separated either in the air or in the water. Magnets confirmed lol. 🧲😂
So then I like the way it’s filmed as Rick and Michonne’s hands are seen grabbing onto rocks and then without seeing them we get this sense of movement as they make their way into the apartment building.
They rush into the apartment both breathing heavy from the wildness that has just occured as the lyrics say, “It’s been three long years. Do you still want me?” Fitting again.
And then I love the clever use of the thermostat system (there's probably a more accurate word for what that temp controller thing is but I wasn't sure what, so I'm just gonna call it a 'thermostat' lol). It’s perfect that the first thing the thermostat says is, “Welcome home,” as it's in this place Richonne will finally return home to each other.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
As Rick and Michonne silently look around the lyrics say, “I’ll stay on the bus, forget about us, put the blame on me” which speaks to Rick’s current mindset of staying behind to help her get home and his willingness to be the 'bad guy' if it means keeping Michonne safe. 
And then y’all, I love this final moment of the teaser when Rick slowly looks at Michonne, upset but also very clearly reminded of who he’s dealing with after she chucked them off a helicopter. And then Michonne looks right back at him like she’d do it again too. 🤭
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
Once again they are very much communicating with eyes alone and after he talked cash crazy to her, you know in this episode it’s now going to be Michonne’s turn to do some talking. 👌🏽
And then the teaser ends with this great shot of Richonne facing each other with some distance between them in front of that scenic stormy window and I love the symmetry of it. 😍 For me, it illustrates how they may not be in sync yet but they're still in some way aligned.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
There really are so many great cinematic shots in TOWL and this is definitely one of them.
The way that teaser ended with them just silent staring at each other and the lightning - ooh I just knew we were about to eat good as Rick and Michonne get a whole episode to themselves in this building. 🙌🏽
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gif cred: @perryabbott
After the title sequence, Michonne and Rick are again staring each other down, and then Michonne says with certainty, “We needed a timeout.” I mean she’s not lying. 💁🏽‍♀️ It’s hilarious tho that that’s her first explanation for doing what she did. For her, those extreme measures were justified because of how badly they needed a timeout. And I agree with her entirely.
Also, I adore her saying 'we' and still operating like a package deal despite what Rick said about what they had being broken at the end of ep 3. She knows this relationship well and so she knows they just needed to get away from CRM territory to finally talk.
And after all that posturing Rick was trying to do last episode, I like how Michonne still heard the subtext in his words so she knew clearly 'Everything you’re saying and doing was just a sign that you and I need a breather away from all those other people.' Like I just love the wording of calling this a 'timeout' so much. (See, RJ’s not the only Rick Grimes who needs an occasional timeout. 😁)
Then Rick testily says, “I can’t believe you did that.” and Michonne is quick to retort, “I can’t believe you said that.”
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gif cred: @figmentof
I always love how to Michonne, his words and her actions were equally crazy, if not Rick's words being crazier. 😂 She’s like 'You nearly ended our relationship, I nearly ended our lives so...
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Then the thermostat, which really nicely needles a thread through the emotions of the story says, “Your preferred temperature will be reached in ten minutes.” That distracts them a bit as they look around and then Michonne walks away to take in the place some more.
And as she does this, Rick reaches for his PRB which I hadn’t noticed the first time I watched. I was like dang so had Rick not lost his PRB he might’ve called the CRM here before he and Michonne could even get some much-needed time to talk. Thank goodness he lost his. Reaching for it so quickly definitely demonstrates that the CRM has done a number on him.
Rick starts taking in the swanky apartment too with its electricity and running water and I love seeing the two of them in this new environment. He asks, “What the hell is this place?” And it’s clear this is way more of a familiar environment to Michonne than Rick.
Again, I thought this setting was such a great choice because it’s almost like they want to exacerbate Rick and Michonne’s differences even with the whole city girl/country boy thing to make you wonder if enough time has passed for their differences to now outweigh their similarities. But of course, the answer will be a resounding no and they’re still the compatible soulmates we know and love. 👌🏽😌
I love seeing Michonne admire the place and feel like she’s really at home. Like she’s not rattled at all from plunging into the water after leaping off a helicopter just moments before.
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gif cred: @kinyany
And then I adore this next moment of Michonne going to the closet to change clothes for several reasons. There’s so many scenes that accomplish multiple things at once in this episode and this scene is layered in the best way. 👏🏽
Naturally, Michonne wants to get out of that soaked uniform but on a symbolic level it shows how she’s far more eager than Rick to shed the CRM off of her. It's like as she changes, she’s letting both herself and Rick know, Dana's gone.
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She's gonna be Michonne Grimes from here on out. 👌🏽😌
And then "somehow" Rick finds his way over to where he can watch Michonne changing. 😋
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gif cred: @nat111love
And even though they’re supposed to be mad at each other, he of course can’t look away as he watches her. He’s not even trying to be subtle about it lol.
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gif cred: @nat111love
As he watches Michonne from the legs up, I know good and well Rick knew at this moment that ain’t nothing feels 'broken' between her and him.
Also, I just know this whole moment was a lot to take in for Rick because so far since reuniting, he had only seen Michonne super covered up with ponchos, jackets, and soldier gear. Like he hadn’t even seen her signature tank tops and tight pants combo - but here, Michonne was like let’s just dive right into 🎵panty and a bra we can’t get involved, boy🎵 (yet lol 😉) 
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gif cred: @nat111love
And honestly this whole ep I was like Michonne really knows the exact things to do to help Rick come to his senses. Because while yes there’s definitely the steamy checking-her-out element of the scene, I also always appreciate how changing in front of him like this is effective in establishing their closeness and comfortability.
Like Michonne is not gonna just strip down like this in front of anybody but in doing so here it’s setting the tone to communicate to Rick 'you’re still my husband, I still feel safe with you, and so I can comfortably be this bare.' 👌🏽
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gif cred: @nat111love
And then, because each scene expertly communicates several things at once, this moment of Rick seeing his wife’s body for the first time in years then takes a somber turn when Michonne lifts up her shirt and Rick sees that X scar she got during that excessively brutal episode in season 9. 🥺
I thought it was such a smart move to include Rick seeing the X scar in this scene, and it gives Rick this reminder that Michonne has been through a lot he doesn’t know about while they’ve been apart.
Rick has been so convinced that Michonne won’t be safe if he goes home with her but this lets him know she still has had to face a dangerous world without him. She's been through so much. 😢
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Breathing really does tell quite the story throughout this episode. The way Rick takes a breath when he sees Michonne's X scar, you can tell that it sobers him up after longingly eyeing her down and he’s shaken by seeing she’s been hurt.
I feel for him because I think every scenario overwhelms him right now. It’s overwhelming to think about all Michonne has been put through in his absence & it’s overwhelming to think about all she could be put through if he doesn’t get her home. Like he’s feeling a lot. But never peeling his eyes off of her while he’s feeling all these things tho. Just saying lol. 
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gif cred: @nat111love
And because Rick is staring straight at her, Michonne can likely feel his eyes all over her and so she gives this look back at him which I love. 😊 She knows what she’s doing. She knows what he’s thinking. And she knows because Mr. Everything We Had Is Broken has his eyes glued to her rn.
Rick Grimes really is the reason there are phrases like “eyes glued” because the way his eyes consistently get stuck on Michonne is really something.
Also - Michonne/Danai's beauty is truly divine. 👑
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gif cred: @kimwexlersponytail
When Rick makes eye contact with Michonne here he has another one of those shaken breathing moments as I think he’s brought back to the reminder that they’re still supposed to be in a fight. Cuz homeboy looked like he forgot for a sec. 😋
So he finally looks away and then Michonne looks away with a knowing expression as she resumes changing. 
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gif cred: @kimwexlersponytail
Rick walks over and sees Michonne’s PRB and in his state of stress, he’s convinced himself that this PRB is a solution to their problems and will be what best keeps Michonne safe. But as he looks at it, he then sees Michonne emerge in fresh new clothes. (Side note: it always makes me so happy to see Danai and Andy’s executive producer credits each ep and especially seeing Danai’s writing credit this episode 👏🏽🥹) 
Again without even needing words, Michonne immediately can tell what Rick is thinking as she looks from him to the PRB and then rolls her eyes, disappointed. She wants them to be done with the CRM so bad. And I completely get it. So she grabs the PRB and then she says, “You lose yours, huh?” Rick is silent and then Michonne slowly approaches him as she says, “I know what they do.”
And then y’all, I have about 85 favorite parts of this one episode but among those favorite parts is this part here when Michonne and Rick have this whole magnetic tension that’s mostly silent but speaks volumes. 🔥🔥
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gif cred: @msanonships
Andy and Danai are truly the king and queen of layered acting because every single choice they make is never one-dimensional. There’s always so much communicated in each second, hence my need to dissect each second. And in this scene, they manage to express so much - tension, desire, fear, lust, love, anxiety, etc.
Michonne asks, “You want to call them here?” and even just the way she says it is perfectly delivered because it’s not taunting or even unempathetically challenging. It’s more like she’s asking knowing he knows full well that the PRB is not what he actually wants to be pressing up on right now. 😋
After she asks this, it’s such a great and hot moment of the two making eye contact and trying their damndest to resist each other. I know they had those magnets within them confused as to why they weren’t kissing like their life depended on it being this up close in each other's space. (Also, their height difference has always been so complementary 😊)
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gif cred: @nat111love
I love the way this scene breathes as their chemistry and sexual tension just fill the atmosphere. The unique effect they have on each other is made abundantly clear and only Richonne can make a moment of just staring at each other this sexy. ❤️‍🔥 The tension of their fight was outmatched by the sexual tension between them.
Like the way she puts the PRB against his chest and raises her eyebrows. The way Rick stares into her eyes and I believe also at her lips and then down at the PRB, trying hard to maintain his whole “it’s over” energy from ep 3 but not doing it successfully. And then all Michonne has to do is tilt her head for Rick’s attention to be right back on her.
She doesn’t break away from looking at his face the whole time and when Rick looks at her again you can tell they both know loud and clear that he does not in fact want to call them here. He's got other things he wants to do. But there's so much fear and shame consuming him that it has him not thinking straight.
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gif cred: @nat111love
Along with Rick's immense fear and anxiety communicated in this exchange, this is also where it is just so clear that Michonne has a hypnotic hold on this man. Cuz while Rick still thinks they need to go back, he also can’t bring himself to take the PRB when Michonne is basically handing it to him.
The way he’s staring at her and moving his head it looks like he's feeling every emotion there is and it’s also taking every cell in his body to resist her. He’s so focused on trying to resist that he seems to be rendered silent, at a loss for words. But no words are needed for both of them to know exactly what this whole moment is about. 👌🏽
And make no mistake, Michonne is also putting some effort into exhibiting restraint too because during this hot moment, there are a couple times when she’s looking at him like she wants to be all over him the second he stops acting up.
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What they both clearly want to do but are resisting right now, will be something they finally do in a later scene that actually parallels this one...but they’re not there yet. 
So in a rare moment, they go against their inner magnets and instead of leaning in, Michonne gives Rick this lingering eye contact and walks away as Rick watches her.
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
As she walks away she pockets the PRB since, without even saying it aloud, they’ve established they don’t want to call the CRM here right now. And thank goodness they don’t because Richonne has a lot to talk about.
And the most pressing thing Rick and Michonne have to talk about next is their children. As in plural. 😊👌🏽
116 notes · View notes
thefallennightmare · 5 months
The Promise-Andy Biersack
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Andy Biersack x OFC
Warnings: smut, language, angst(lots of it), a smidge of fluff, mentions of abuse, alcoholism.
Summary: High school was supposed to be some of the best years of a teenager's life; except for River. Those four years were hell, the only one that got her through it was her best friend, Andy. She thought he'd be by her side after graduation but after one night of giving each other something so treasured, life took both of them in different directions.
Almost ten years later, River and Andy meet again in a way neither of them expected.
Authors Note: This is my first time writing Andy Biersack but I'm very excited! As of now, it is a one-shot but might consider continuing it if people are interested!
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @concreteangel92 @flowery-mess @cookiesupplier @poppy-in-the-woods @viofcrows @sprokat @srorgana1 @bloody-delusion-expert
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 “You don’t ever have to be alone, River,” his soothing voice cooed in my ear as he cupped my cheek. 
I looked up at him through the tears and choked on a sob. “Promise you’ll stay with me?”
He smiled that smile I fell in love with years ago. “I promise.” 
The sounds of yelling pulled me out of my thoughts in time to see a group of teenagers running past me on the street, youthful smiles on their faces. 
If they only knew what the future for them held. 
With the setting sun grazing over the streets of Hollywood as people made their way home from school or work, I was headed to work with my camera bag hanging on my shoulder and phone in my hand. I had the Maps app up giving me directions where I needed to go. It was going to be a long night at work for this music video shoot and I was already on my third cup of coffee, the feeling of caffeine still not flowing through my system. 
I spent the morning and afternoon bouncing between different shoots from clients and when I remembered I had booked this job taking pictures of a band's music video tonight, I cut the last photoshoot short by only a few minutes to make it in time. 
The company that booked me for this video shoot, Industrialism Films, didn’t tell me much about who the band was. They just told me to show up at seven p.m. and start working as soon as I was set up. It was going to be an all-night event and I needed to make sure to get shots of everyone in the band. 
Hence the third cup of coffee. 
It also hadn't helped that my mind had been plagued with memories of high school even ten years after graduation. Usually, I was great at pushing away those awful memories but the last few nights, those images of my past life kept clawing at me, dragging me down to the depths. I spent so long trying to crawl out of it and breathe that fresh air I desperately craved those four years of hell. 
The bullying. 
Eating alone in the bathroom stalls. 
The feeling of being so alone, I cried myself to sleep every night. 
The desperation of my home being a haven away from the mocking at school, only to have it worse there. 
Every single day of high school was miserable; except for one person. 
My best friend and first everything; Andy. 
Until he left you to deal with the beatings alone so he could succeed with his band. 
Screwing my eyes shut tight to forget the sound of my dad's skin on mine, I turned the corner, and a large church and steps came into view. There were ropes blocked off around the perimeter, keeping outsiders away. As I reached a security guard, I pulled out my I.D. to show him. 
“River Murray. I’m the photographer,” I said. 
The guard glanced down to my I.D. then to the list in his hands and with a gruff of response, he let me walk past the ropes. 
“Have a great night,” I mumbled under my breath. 
Bodies were moving everywhere, and people were screaming over one another, but I was able to find the director of the shoot pretty quickly. He showed me a trailer where I could set up my things and once I was settled, I could start working. They didn’t care what pictures I shot, just as long as I got a lot of the band. 
“Who’s the band?” I asked Vincent, the director while setting my camera bag on the table inside the trailer. 
“Bloody veils? No that’s not right,” he scratched at the beard on his chin, trying to remember. “I don’t know. It's some metal band. I’ve only met them once before but they’re nice guys. It’s for their song Saviour II.” 
I nodded. “So I have free reign around here? As long as I don’t get in the shot right?” 
Vincent smiled. “You’ve worked on music video shoots before?” 
“Once or twice,” I shrugged. “I worked with Bad Omens on one and some local bands another time.” 
“Bad Omens?” He whistled low. “They’re one of the hottest bands right now. I’m surprised you aren't working with them.” 
“I dated their current photographer for a few months. He set up the shoot with them to help build up my portfolio,” I shifted on my feet, suddenly feeling uncomfortable divulging too much about my life to this stranger. 
A loud crackle and static came through Vincent’s radio. “Veil Brid-. They’re here.”
My heart stuttered in my chest for the briefest of moments but told myself to take a breath. It couldn’t be him; the radio cut off before finishing who was here, I was just in my head. 
“You’re beautiful, River,” he mused while kissing every inch of my bruised skin. 
Vincent clapped his hands which caused me to jump out of my thoughts and blinked wildly. 
“Alright, I’ve got to meet the boys and show them their trailers to get ready. Head out whenever you’re ready. There’s a radio for you on the table in case we need to communicate with you tonight.” 
“Sure,” I did my best to nod with a smile. 
Once alone, I sat on the couch in the trailer and went about assembling my camera, doing a few test shots. The past kept trying to crawl its way back into the present, doing its best to render me useless, but I wouldn’t allow it. 
Well, I tried to anyway. 
“You’re worthless.” 
“Piece of shit daughter. I should have dropped you off with your mother years ago.” 
“The only thing you’re good for is being a punching bag. But you can’t even do that right.” 
A swift kick to my ribs sent me flying across the room. 
Choking on a sob, I dug my palms into my eyes hoping that would force out those thoughts. 
“I haven’t thought of Dad in years but now he’s overtaking every part of me again,” I sighed to myself. 
Not feeling quite ready to leave the trailer yet, I fixed myself in the reflection of the mirror by tying my long black hair into a tight French braid and cleaned up my makeup a bit. The scar underneath my right eye was faint but visible to this day almost eleven years later. No matter how much makeup I wore to cover it, it was still a reminder of not only the best day of my life but also the worst day. 
“River, we need you on set.” 
“Be right there,” I said into the radio before clicking it to the belt of my jeans, and with my camera around my neck, I bounded down the steps of the trailer. 
By now the sun had set and the moon shone overhead so I stopped in my tracks for a moment to take a few shots of it before walking into the church where there was a large gathering of people. On the altar of the church were a set up of drums, guitars, an orchestra, and a microphone stand. 
After snapping a picture of it, I turned on my heels when I heard Vincent call my name. 
“River, I’d like you to meet the band. I figured you’d want to get some pictures of them before we start shooting.” 
I looked over the picture I had just taken of the drum set, something vaguely familiar about the logo, but then glanced up at the five men standing in front of me; the one in the middle with the bright gray eyes immediately catching my gaze. 
My breath caught in my throat as I nearly tripped over my feet when his jaw went slack, the familiarity slapping both of us in the face. 
The richness of his voice brought back all of those other memories I did my best to push away. I stood frozen, unable to move or say anything, while my brain tried to catch up on the man that stood in front of me; the one I hadn’t seen in ten years. 
The one that broke his promise. 
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Highschool. Senior year. One week before graduation. 
I pounded on the bedroom window as the rain assaulted me with no end in sight, drenching me from head to toe. The rain mixed with the salty tears that rolled down my cheeks as I continued to beat my palm against the glass while standing on the makeshift ladder we made of three cinder blocks. I needed a way to reach his window in times like this. There was no way I could walk through his front door looking like this where his parents could see and ask questions. 
“Damn it, Andy! Wake up!” I cried, still pounding on the window. 
The storm was a constant onslaught of rain, lightning, and thunder, so I knew it was hard for him to hear me. But that didn’t stop me. 
Finally, after a few minutes of crying and pounding on the window, Andy’s sleep-filled eyes stared at me through the curtain covering his window. I saw all the emotions run through his intense gaze. 
And when he gave my face one long once over, the emotion that crossed the soft features of his face, I knew there was no way I’d be able to excuse my dad’s actions this time. 
“River,” his voice instantly soothing me when he opened the window, helping me inside. “What the fuck happened?” 
My body convulsed in shivers and I wrapped my arms around me to help keep some of my body heat. 
“I–I-I’m fi-fine,” my teeth chattered loudly in the quiet room. 
“Bullshit,” Andy spat while running a hand through his long black hair. “You’ve got a nasty cut under your eye and your lip is busted.” 
Now with the rain not washing away the blood, I could taste the bitter crimson on my lips and felt it pooling in my eye. I didn’t have to look at myself to know that the cut was deep and needed stitches. 
Typically, my dad made sure to hit me in places that I could easily hide. But tonight was different. I told him that once I graduated, I had plans to leave Ohio and move to North Carolina to start over; fresh. 
“Not with my money,” he spat.
When I told him I didn’t need his money and that I had other plans, he snorted while stubbing out his cigarette. 
“With that little boyfriend of yours? Sweety, he’ll drop you the second you follow him to that big fancy city.” 
“Fuck you!” I screamed. “You know nothing about Andy!” 
My cursing set him off and that's when the first slap happened, causing my busted lip. This time, I fought back, but in the end, it didn’t matter. My dad’s strength overpowered me as he threw me across the floor, face skidding along some of the broken glass from the cup I had thrown at him before. 
Hence the nasty cut underneath my eye. 
Andy’s sighing brought me back and I then noticed he was shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. I’d seen him like this many times before since we were best friends but something about seeing him like this tonight, made my insides burn low. 
I’d had a crush on him since freshman year when he stepped between me and Alexa Dread from taking my camera and breaking it; again. Ever since that day, Andy and I were inseparable. We knew everything about each other and we always confided in each other about our feelings. 
Just not for each other. 
My feelings for him began to grow with each passing day but I had to watch him date girls that weren’t me with a fake smile because I needed to be happy for my best friend. 
He’d never feel the same way and that was something I came to terms with a while ago. 
My eyes grazed over the scattered ink on his arms, the random designs always taking my breath away. He was eighteen so was able to get the tattoos without the permission of his parents. 
I, however, was one month shy of turning eighteen and I’d been counting down the days. Ready to run from all of this the minute the clock struck midnight.
“Fuck, River. You’re shaking,” Andy’s hand reached for me, leading me to the adjacent bathroom off of his bedroom. 
“I d-didn’t know wh-where el-se to go-go,” I did my best to speak over my body shaking. 
He hushed me with a gentle squeeze of my hand. “You know you can always come here. You always have a place here, Riv.” 
I swallowed thickly at his nickname for me.
“You need to shower but I want to clean that cut first,” he motioned towards the soaked clothes that were clinging to me like a second skin. “Take them off.” 
I stilled at his words. While Andy had no problem walking around in his underwear around me, I, on the other hand, could not muster up that kind of courage. 
“I can’t,” I shook my head. 
His bright eyes narrowed through the thickness of his black hair. “Either you take those clothes off or I will. The last thing you need right now is to catch pneumonia.” 
Gnawing on the inside of my cheek, I still didn’t make a move, which caused Andy to sigh. 
“I’ll turn around so you can undress, and keep your bra and underwear on. I’ll keep my face on yours when I clean your cut,” he reassured me with a gentle smile. 
“Okay,” I said finally. 
Before he turned around, Andy turned on the shower so the steam could fill the bathroom and keep me warm while he cleaned the cut. Staying true to his word, he turned his back to me, and as quick as I could, I ripped off the wet clothes. The sound it made falling to the tiled floor made me cringe and I covered myself with my arms. 
My bra and underwear were not cute, nothing he’d seen his past girlfriends wear, so to say I was embarrassed was an understatement. A simple pair of black cotton panties and a red bra. 
“You can turn around,” I said softly.
Andy slowly turned around and kept his eyes straight ahead on my face as he motioned to the closed toilet seat. While I sat, I watched his back muscles contort as he rummaged around underneath the sink for the first aid kit. 
“Won't your parents wonder why you’re taking a shower at two in the morning?” I asked. 
He snorted his laughter, still rummaging underneath the sink. “They would never question why their teenage son would be taking a shower in the middle of the night.” 
“Huh?” I said, utterly confused. 
Andy glanced up at me from his kneeling position with his brows raised and a playful smirk. Suddenly, it clicked on what he meant. 
“Oh, right,” I muttered low; the image of his hand around his cock pumping it slowly then fast replaying in my mind like a movie. 
I’d never seen him do that but I’d thought about it a handful of times. 
“This might sting a bit,” Andy said, kneeling in front of me now; his eyes remaining on my face. 
“I’ve had worse,” I tried to joke but the stern look from him made my shoulders fall and I muttered an apology. 
“You need to leave home, River,” he said while soaking a cotton pad in peroxide. 
I shook my head. “And go where? I have no money and no other relatives that will take me in.” 
“You know my parents will let you stay in the guest room for as long as you need.” 
I snorted. “Right. I don’t think your girlfriend would like the idea of me staying down the hall from you.” 
Andy’s eyes snapped away from the cotton ball to my face. “We broke up.” 
I did my best to keep a straight face when my heart nearly soared out of my chest. 
“The other day. She wanted to have sex and I said no so she broke up with me,” his voice told me that he wasn't upset about it. 
My brows furrowed together. “You said no to sex with Ashley Jenks? You’re not sick are you?” 
I made a play of touching his forehead with the back of my hand, our laughter echoing in the small bathroom. 
“No,” he grabbed my hand, not letting it go right away. “I’m not going to give my virginity to the first girl that throws themself at me. Or in this case, the fourth.” 
I blinked. “You’re still a virgin?” 
Andy finally let go of my hand and I frowned at the loss of warmth. 
“I know it’s shocking but call me old school. I’m waiting until I find the right person.” 
Our eyes met in an intense battle of who would look away first but neither of us was faltering. 
“I am too,” I said quietly. 
For the briefest of moments, I saw his eyes widen before he played it off by holding up the soaked cotton ball. 
“I’m sorry for the sting.” 
I urged him on with a nod and didn’t even flinch when the cool liquid met my skin finally as Andy cleaned the cut on my cheek. Silence fell between us as he then cleaned the dried blood on my face and when his warm breath fanned over the cut to dry it, I nearly melted into him; skin rising with goosebumps. 
“I don’t think you’ll need stitches,” he murmured while looking closely at the cut. 
I sucked in a breath when I realized his lips were mere meters from mine and dared a glance down to his full lips. They were practically begging to be kissed and I wanted to be the one to do it. 
“I’ll put a bandaid on it after my shower,” I said. 
With me still sitting on the toilet and Andy kneeling in front of me, I spread my legs wide so he was able to get as close as he could to cleaning the cut. Now that he was finished, it was as if he had no idea where to place his hands so they rested on the wall behind me, his long body leaning over me. 
“You’re not going back tonight, River,” his voice was deep as he stared down at me. 
With shaking fingers, I brushed away the strands of hair from his face so I could see those gray eyes. 
“I know.” 
I tracked the movement of his Adam's apple as it bobbed low when he swallowed, his eyes finally grazing lower than my face. Down to the swell of my breasts and the slight pudge of skin around my stomach. 
I wasn't the skinniest of girls, another reason why I was bullied, but Andy never commented on it. 
“You should get in the shower,” his voice broke the trance between us. “Your lips are blue.” 
When his finger ghosted over my mouth, I let out a soft moan desperately wanting to feel the pressure of his touch everywhere. 
Suddenly like a ghost, Andy had vanished from the bathroom back into his bedroom, leaving me all alone. Since the door was now shut, I rose from the toilet and stripped out of my remaining clothes. 
The hot water stung like a blade against my sore skin and I groaned out in pleasure. I didn’t want to take a long shower only because the water had already been running for a while before stepping beneath it. I washed away the memories of today with Andy’s soap and wrapped a towel around me after I stepped out of the shower. 
“Shit, what am I supposed to wear?” I grumbled to myself.
Slowly opening the bathroom door, the light burst into Andy’s bedroom and lit up his form lounging on his bed reading a Batman comic. 
“Andy,” I said while shuffling my feet and clutching the towel close to my chest. “I don’t have any clothes.” 
Setting the comic down, he hopped off the bed and went across the room, opening the drawers of his dresser to pull out a pair of boxers and a shirt. 
“We’ll swing by your house at some point tomorrow to grab you some clothes. You’ll stay here for the weekend,” he said while standing in front of me.
I took the clothes with one hand. “Thank you.” 
Before in the bathroom, Andy made sure not to look at the bruises covering my skin but now, he made sure to take in every single one that he could see. 
The fingers imprinted around my neck. 
The bruise on my shoulder, left arm, and legs. 
These were the ones that he could see. The ones underneath the towel around me were worse. 
His jaw ticked with the anger he so desperately tried to keep within, knowing that one outburst from him would cause me to fall into myself. 
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” I whispered. 
Andy’s eyes were dark but his voice was gentle. “Let me see all of it.” 
I vigorously shook my head. “I’m fine, Andy. I just want to get dressed and go to sleep.” 
All at once, I felt my body being pressed up against the wall and the towel falling to the floor at my feet. Andy’s gaze ignited as he pressed his hips against mine causing a shockwave throughout my body. His clothed cock brushed along my bare clit and I let out a moan while my eyes fluttered shut. 
My eyes snapped open when I felt his hand cup my cheek. Tears burned at the corners and he gently wiped them away with the pad of his thumb. 
“Please,” I begged. “Don’t look. They’re ugly. I’m ugly.” 
The burning anger in his iris softened at my cries but still kept me locked in place against the wall with his hips. 
“You’re beautiful, angel,” he admitted with a steady voice. 
It was Andy’s nickname for me ever since sophomore year when I dressed up as a fallen angel for Halloween. We were too old to go trick or treating but not cool enough for parties so we both decided to get dressed up and spend the night in his basement getting drunk. 
It was also the night I had my first kiss. We were sitting on the couch in his basement, a few drinks in, and I had my head resting on Andy’s shoulder trying so hard to stay awake for the horror movie he put on. When I looked up at him, I was shocked to see that he was already staring at me and the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine. It was a short kiss, over before I could enjoy it. 
“Shit, sorry,” he apologized. “I drank too much.”
We never talked about that kiss after that night, both of us burying it away; much to my dismay. 
“I’m not,” I cast my eyes away from him. 
His warm breath fanned across the crook of my neck as he peppered kisses on the bruises there. 
“Let me show you.” 
Yet again our eyes locked with intensity, so fierce it set the space around us on fire. Andy’s hand moved down my cheek, over my neck, and the space between my breasts. I bit back a moan when his finger and thumb rolled one of my perked nipples between them. 
“Will you let me show you?” He asked, nuzzling his face in my neck. 
I licked my lips. “What about waiting for the right person?” 
“She’s already in front of me,” Andy admitted before crashing his lips to mine. 
My body had come alive with his touch and everything I wanted since freshman year was coming to fruition. Andy wanted me just as much as I wanted him. Our lips synced together perfectly, never missing a beat, as he lifted me and carried me to his bed. 
That night, we both gave each other something we held so dear to ourselves. Afterward, as we lay together with our naked bodies tangled underneath his sheets, Andy pressed a kiss to my forehead when I cried in his chest, scared to go back home once Monday morning came. 
“I hate being alone there. I’m afraid he’ll go too far and kill me.” 
“You don’t ever have to be alone, River,” his soothing voice cooed in my ear as he cupped my cheek. 
I looked up at him through the tears and choked on a sob. “Promise you’ll stay with me?”
He smiled that smile I fell in love with years ago. “I promise.” 
Andy lied. 
Four days later, he packed up his entire life and moved to Hollywood without a simple goodbye. 
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I blinked while shaking my head, trying to gather my bearings again. The past had sucked me in whole, forcing me to relive that night over again. I couldn't believe Any was standing in front of me again after all these years, the moonlight breaking through the stained glass windows of the church bathed him in a glow made for kings. Even though he looked different than the last time I’d seen him, with more tattoos and shorter hair; tonight he had a small white patch in his hair. I could vaguely make out the old lip-piercing hole and I remembered how the cool metal tasted against my tongue when we kissed. 
He, along with the guys around him, were dressed in their outfits for the video, so I was able to see the tattoos that littered his neck, chest, and stomach. However, those eyes were still the same. 
Those haunting gray eyes stared into the soul I previously just captured again as he waited for me to say something. 
Do I play it off like I don't remember him? 
Right, like you could forget the guy that took your virginity. 
Do I ignore him and go about work like a professional? 
How is ignoring the person you’re supposed to be working with professional? 
I was starting to grow tired of the little voice inside my head. 
Vincent glanced between Andy and me, pointing a finger. “Do you two know each other?” 
“We went to high school together,” Andy answered before I could. 
“No shit,” Vincent chuckled. “What a small world.” 
“Right,” I snorted venomously. 
Andy’s eyes sliced into me but I ignored him by giving him my back and looking over at Vincent. 
“I’ll get shots of them later. Radio me when you’re ready.” 
When he nodded, I took that as my cue to leave although I made it only a few steps before my name was called from behind. 
“You’re not even going to say hello, Riv.” 
I spun so fast on my heels, the end of my braid snapped to the other side of my face and I pointed a finger at Andy. 
“I’m not doing this with you. Not here and especially not right now. Both of us have a job to do. Let’s keep it that way.” 
One of the guys next to Andy watched us carefully and I could practically see the light click on above his head. 
“Wait, River as in River from high school,” the guy said. 
“Yeah, Jinxx,” Andy answered before taking a step towards me. 
I took a large step away from him. “I already said I’m here to do my job, that’s it.” 
Before he could try and sweet talk his way into my life, just like that night, I turned back around and marched out of the church, calling back that I was going to take some shots of it. 
Once outside, I let the cold night air brush the hot tears away from my face as my heart nearly burst out from my chest, sobs echoing throughout the vastness of the sky. 
No. This cannot be happening. 
For the last nine years, I spent my life crying over that man, wondering what I did wrong that night to make him leave me behind. He promised to stay with me but still left. 
Was I not good enough? Worthy of being by his side? 
Nine years I spent stuck in Ohio wondering why with the bitter taste of Hennessy, drinking away my sorrows and regrets. It wasn’t until a year ago when I finally questioned myself in the reflection of the bottle that I took whatever money I had left from selling my father's house after he died to move across the county to California. 
The last year I spent building myself up to the women I was now and creating my career empire with my photography. I refused to let the past crumble everything I worked so hard for; no matter how good he looked now or how bad I wanted to taste his lips again. 
“Get a hold of yourself,” I seethed. “He left you.” 
The sound of music from inside blasted through the walls of the church letting me know that they started shooting and choosing not to dwell on Andy showing back up into my life, I took a few shots of the church outside. Then I reluctantly walked back inside knowing I couldn’t avoid him forever and decided to get some pictures of the guys. 
Andy’s eyes quickly found me but I did my best to ignore him by hiding behind my camera. His voice erupted through the speakers and it brought back every single time during music class in high school when he would sing in front of the class or solo for me in his bedroom. 
My bottom lip trembled as I blew out a shaky breath while walking over to where Vincent sat, just as he yelled cut. 
“Did you get your shots?” He wondered. 
Clicking back through all of the pictures, I pursed my lips at the realization that while I got great shots of the other band members, I hadn’t gotten any shots of Andy mostly because I avoided him at all costs. 
“I need some of Andy,” I said with a long breath. 
“No problem. I think we got everything we need with this scene. Next up is the scene of him sitting in the pew alone so you can get them now,” Vincent patted my shoulder as he stood from the chair. 
“Lovely,” I grumbled while walking back towards the altar of the church directly in Andy’s path. 
He was talking with one of his band members but when he caught sight of me, he met me halfway. 
“Riv,” he began. 
“Don’t,” I seethed, walking past him. “You lost the right to call me that when you left me.” 
“Can I explain please?” Andy asked while reaching for my elbow. 
I yanked it out of his grasp, ready to move to the opposite side of the church when his voice halted me. 
Whirling around so fast, I nearly dropped my camera to the ground when I pushed him in his chest. 
“Don’t you fucking ever call me that again!” I nearly screamed. “You don’t have the right to call me that.” 
Anytime I heard that name, all I would think about was our first kiss and the night we slept together. 
His eyes softened, almost begging me to listen. “Please, angel. I have to explain-.” 
“NO!” My voice echoed inside the church. “There’s nothing to explain, Andy. Anything that comes out of your mouth is a lie.” 
“Do you guys need a moment?” Vincent’s voice carried over to us. 
Andy and I both said at the same time. 
“You know what, I think a break is a good idea. Let’s take thirty and come back,” Vincent directed to everyone with a wave of a finger. 
Having every intention of spending that thirty minutes alone in my trailer, I brushed past Andy and nearly tripped over my feet as I ran down the concrete steps, the vision of my solace getting closer and closer. Just before I could slam the door shut behind me, it closed on a body with an audible ouch. 
“Leave me alone, Andy!” I yelled. 
He stood tall in the small confines of the trailer, his broad chest heaving with each deep breath from chasing after me. His bare chest underneath his opened jacket and for a second, I allowed myself to study those visible tattoos. The eagle on his sternum, the sword in the crease of his stomach, the tiger neck to it. I couldn’t make out the tattoo across his neck or chest but I could make out the 26 in a hear on his neck.  
“Not until you let me explain,” he said. 
I grabbed the end of my braid, ripping it out so my dark hair could fall around my shoulders. 
“I swear to fucking God himself, if you say explain one more time I’m going to-.” 
“Do what, angel?” He raised a brow while resting his hands on his hips. 
I pointed to the door. “Get out.”
Andy didn’t move. 
“You're unbelievable,” I growled while making a beeline for the door instead, only to have him block my path. 
“I had to leave.” 
I blinked up at him, mouth agape. “What?” 
We were so close now, his familiar scent encasing me with its vise grip, and my mind kept screaming at me to create space. 
He ran a hand over his short hair and took a deep breath. “I had to leave. That Monday morning after you left, I got a call from an agent in Los Angeles offering me a small gig in a commercial. It's what I needed to get my foot in the door, to get Black Veil Brides started, so I took it. But I had to be out there the day after they called me.” 
“So you left me behind, without a single fucking goodbye,” I sneered, pushing past him to the other side of the trailer. 
“I didn’t have a choice!” Andy’s voice was raised now, it echoing off the walls. 
“You could have told me! You know I would have followed you!” I shot back. 
He began pacing the narrow space while having his hands on his hips. “I couldn’t, River. Not without knowing that everything would have paid off in the end. I couldn’t have you with me while I suffered.” 
I chuckled dryly. “Oh but suffering back home alone was fine with you?” 
“I wanted to reach out and check on how you were doing,” his shoulders slumped. 
“My number has been the same,” I held out my hands. “I lived in the same fucking house for nine years after you left. You could have come to see me.”
When he said nothing, his lips unmoving, I grew angrier and pushed his chest, ten years of holding everything in finally exploding. 
“You lied!” 
“You left me with him to beat on me for another three fucking years until he died!”
“You made me a promise and broke it!” 
I cried with one final push, causing Andy to fall back onto the couch, stormy eyes staring up at me. Tears were streaming down my face and my eyes burned with anger for the man in front of me. 
“You told me you would never leave me,” I snarled through gritted teeth. “You said you wouldn’t and you fucking did.” 
When he reached for my hand, I smacked it away. 
“Please, angel,” he begged. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me. But I wasn’t in the best place. I couldn’t have you be with me, seeing all that shit. You didn’t deserve any of that.”
“Just tell me all you wanted from me was sex so I can finally put the nail in the coffin, Andy,” I said with a shaky breath. 
His face fell. “That’s not even remotely true, River.” 
“It doesn’t matter anyway. After tonight, you’ll go back to your band and life as a rockstar.” 
With my back turned, I gathered my camera and was ready to get back to work when an arm wrapped around me from behind. 
“Come with me, angel,” Andy’s soft voice brushed along the shell of my ear. 
When I felt myself falling into his embrace, almost ready to give in, I pushed away from him. He made me so mad I could throw something at him. My camera or the chair. 
“You’re insane,” I shook my head.  
He linked our hands together so I could face him, the pleading bright in his eyes. “Give me a chance to make up for the last ten years.” 
I stared blankly at him, trying to determine if this was a cruel trick. 
“You don’t deserve my time, Andy. What we used to have is gone, you can’t fix it or try to bring it back.” 
“You’re not even going to let me try?” He asked. 
“Why should I? So that you can break my heart again? You don’t realize how much of myself I gave to you; parts I can never take back. You were my first kiss!” I raised my voice. 
He blinked. “I didn’t know that.” 
I scoffed while shaking my head again. “Of course you didn’t, Andy. Because you never brought it up again. You blamed it on the alcohol that night. What’s your excuse for the night we lost our virginity to each other?” 
Before Andy could speak, I waved him off and headed towards the door of the trailer. 
“It’s not even worth it anymore,” I muttered with my hand on the handle. 
Suddenly in a whirlwind, I felt myself being hoisted up and pressed against the bathroom door. Those dark gray eyes were reading my face, assessing every movement of my gaze as it burned into him. Andy held my hands pinned to my sides and kept me locked into place with his hips. The imprint of his cock was felt against the material of my leggings and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep the moan quiet. 
It’d been so long since I felt his touch and I was ready to throw out everything, all of my morals, just to have him again. 
“River,” his hand cupped my cheek, the coolness of his rings almost a shock to my warm skin. 
I said nothing, simply glaring up at him with a clenched jaw. 
“Riv. Come with me.” 
AnDy breathed over my lips and I nearly lost it. But I still kept strong, not wanting to be the first one to falter. I worked so hard to build myself back up after he left and there was no way I could allow myself to fall. 
Not again. 
His thumb lifted my chin, keeping it locked in his grip, and his eyes dropped to my lips; a silent question. 
“Fuck you,” I spat. 
Something dark flashed in Andy’s eyes as a sinister smirk played on his lips. One that I recognized all too well even though it was never directed at me.
“I don’t ever remember you being such a brat,” he tsked. 
I swallowed thickly, unsure how the tension between us went from anger to sexual, but at that moment with him eyeing me hungrily, I didn’t want to question it. 
“How could you remember? You’ve been gone for ten years,” I shot back. 
Andy pressed his hips harder against me and this time I wasn’t able to hold back the moan. It slipped through my lips with sheer pleasure and I let my head fall against the door behind me. 
“I wasn’t drunk the night we slept together, River,” Andy’s hand wrapped around my neck, thumb now on my pulse point. “Or that entire weekend.” 
My cheeks flushed when I remembered we had sex multiple times that weekend. We never left his bedroom and thankfully, his parents left the next morning for a friend's wedding so they had no idea I was there. 
“All I ever wanted was you,” his voice was low. 
I raised my chin at him. “You have a funny way of showing it.” 
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, an action I watched intently, and then his voice dropped even lower. Those usually bright eyes were dark and it made the air thick, heated, and full of spice. It made it harder to breathe as his grip tightened around my throat slightly.  
“Let me show you.” 
Those four words sent both of us back to his bedroom during high school and just like that night, I succumbed to the darkness that was Andy Biersack; consequences be damned. 
“Are you still waiting for the right person?” My question was a breath over his lips. 
A low noise rumbled in Andy’s chest as his hand gripped behind my neck, yanking my mouth to his. 
“She’s right in front of me.” 
Every single doubt and fight I had within me vanished the second our lips touched, those familiar fireworks exploding. My hands were all over Andy; his neck, chest, ribs, and back as they sneaked underneath his jacket. While one of his hands continued to grip the back of my neck, the other held tight on my hip so I couldn’t leave. 
As if I wanted to. 
Our tongues molded together and he swallowed my moan when his teeth bit down on my bottom lip. For a moment, reality struck with clarity and I pushed Andy off of me, wiping my mouth on the back of my hand. 
“You need to leave,” I warned, breathless. 
His lips were kiss swollen and his jacket was falling off of his shoulders as those stormy eyes never left my lips. 
“Do you want that? Because if you do, I’ll leave right now.” 
When I remained silent, Andy smirked while grasping the back of my head to crash his lips on mine again, this time with more hunger. It was as if he was a man starved, desperate for his last meal. 
“You need to go,” I groaned when his lips began trailing down my chin and neck. 
“Go where?” He asked. “Here?” 
A gentle bite to the shell of my ear. 
“Or here?” 
A kiss on the sensitive part of my skin between my neck and shoulder which caused me to shiver in his embrace. 
“What about here, angel? Do you want me here?” 
The head of his cock brushed along my clit from underneath our clothes and I nearly fell at his feet until Andy’s strong arms lifted me to carry me over to the small twin-size bed on the other end of the trailer. 
“It’s like we're back in my childhood bedroom with this small ass bed,” he grumbled.
I fell onto the cheap mattress with a slight giggle but it was hushed with Andy consuming me once more. My entire soul went up in a fiery blaze when he began rutting his hips into me and it was as if we were a couple of teenagers again making out and thinking that was the best part of it. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other as I helped him out of his jacket and he all but ripped my sweater off, leaving me in an olive green bralette. 
His eyes darkened before he left teeth marks between the swell of my breasts, lapping up his saliva and dried sweat from the day and I raked my nails through the buzzed hair. 
“I miss your long hair,” I gasped, feeling his tongue slip between the material of my bra and catching my nipple. 
“I’ve missed the way you tasted, River,” Andy mused while kissing his way back up to my lips.
This time the kiss was slow, as if we had the rest of our lives together and there was no need to rush anything. It was like he was trying to imprint me into him, never wanting to forget anything again. 
I reached for the button on his pants, pulling down the zipper to slip my hand inside, palming his hard cock. 
Holy. Shit. 
It was a lot thicker than ten years ago. 
“Shit, Riv,” he cursed when I squeezed him. “Just like that.” 
I did it a few more times while his forehead fell to my chest, panting his warm breath over my skin. I lifted his face with my other hand to kiss him again, the savageness poured out of him. 
The room smelled of our desperation as I shimmied out of my leggings while he stepped out of his pants, after unhooking my bra and tossing it over his shoulder. As Andy stood at the end of the bed, I let my eyes rake over every defined muscle of his body; tongue begging for a simple taste of the ink on his skin and the head of his cock that was almost slipping through his briefs; the black briefs doing absolutely nothing to hide his arousal. 
Rising to my knees on the bed, I ran my palm over his cock again, his entire body shivering underneath my touch.
"Fuck, angel,” Andy groaned before his teeth grasped at my bottom lip, yanking it away from me. 
I hissed in pleasure, the taste of copper lingering on my tongue.
"Did you-." I licked my bottom lip and then tilted my head to the side. "Did you just bite me?"
Andy pushed me back down on the bed so he could take in the sight of me bare for him; those stormy eyes were now clear with only one thing. 
“I can’t believe I went ten years without this,” he muttered to himself while stepping out of his briefs, his cock finally springing free. 
I licked my lips at the sight of it, salivating for a taste of the precum that he smeared over the head. But instead, I felt like being a brat with Andy, not allowing him to think I wasn’t still upset with him. 
“It’s your own fucking fault,” I shot back with a sly smirk, resting on my elbows. 
My squeals echoed in the trailer when Andy flipped my tiny frame over on the mattress so my ass was exposed to his palm, a hard strike falling onto it. I writhed against the bed when another harsh strike came down on my ass, my mewls of pleasure being drowned out by the pillow. 
“You’re such an ass,” I seethed when the spankings stopped. 
Andy palmed my reddened cheek while looming over my back, his breath warm on my neck. 
“Do you still like it rough, River?” His question was heavy on his tongue. 
That weekend we spent together, I divulged what kind of kinks I might have been into due to my own research. Andy let me try things with him while I did the same and needless to say, all these years later he still knew exactly what my body needed to come alive for him. 
Instead of answering, I raised my hips from the bed with his name falling from my lips in a whine full of desperation. Andy had barely touched me but the wetness between my legs was warm and sticky.
I needed this release more than oxygen. 
"What do you want from me?" His fingers dragged up my slick folds from his position behind me before slipping one inside, the feeling of his rings making me stiffen. 
My head was turned to the side so I could gaze up at him over my shoulder. However, he wasn't looking at me. His eyes were trained hard on his finger pumping in and out of my pussy, the sounds of my arousal overpowering the sounds of my panting. Seeing the desperation on his face as he tried to hold himself back made me push my ass closer to Andy. 
“Use your words, Riv,” he ordered while flicking his eyes to me for a moment. 
I shook my head, words foreign when he slipped another finger inside of me, spreading them wide like a V. 
“Did you forget how to speak?” 
Andy clicked his tongue against his teeth, ready to pull his fingers out when my begging halted him. 
"You. I just want you."
The bed shifted behind me when I noticed Andy disappear only to feel the wetness of his tongue press against my pussy to lick my arousal. The sharpness of his teeth scraped along my clit as he buried his face deeper into the sweet spot between my legs. 
“You still taste so good, River,” he mused, pressing gentle kisses on the inside of my thigh. 
“Don’t stop,” I all but whined, wanting to feel his tongue again. 
Andy ate me out from behind with both hands on my hips, continuing to keep me in place as my body writhed on the bed from the onslaught of his mouth. When his lips wrapped around my clit to suck hard on the sensitive bud, I screamed out his name. 
“Andy,” I drowned it out with a moan. “It’s so good. I’m so close.” 
With the indication my orgasm was on the brink of collapse, he slipped a finger inside of me again. While his mouth was a rough attack on my clit, his finger was a gentle caress of my inner walls with slow strokes. Sheer ecstasy was slowly building at the base of my spine, warming up all of my senses until I felt like I could combust at any moment. Andy flicked his tongue over my clit and I buried my face into the pillow, the musky scent of my wellness tickling my nose as my body shook out my orgasm. My cries of release sounded like music to Andy’s ears as he hummed in praise, drinking up my arousal as it gushed over his tongue and fingers. 
It had been so long since I had an orgasm that wasn’t brought on by my hand or a toy. I lay limp on the bed, breathless, as the after-shocks slowly began to fade along with the hazy bright lights, my soul returning from wherever it retreated to. I barely felt the kisses upon my thigh and then lower back as Andy dragged a finger down my spine. 
“Still on birth control?” He asked, lust gone from his voice for a second. 
I nodded while glancing over my shoulder and seeing my arousal coating his lips. The sight was so intoxicating that I almost uttered those three words that plagued my existence since I first met him. 
“River,” he tapped my back, bringing me out of my thoughts. 
“Implant,” I replied. 
My head leaned back in pure bliss when Andy dug his nails into my hips as he pressed himself past my wetness, the thickness of his cock filling me. It twitched inside of me, earning a disgustingly desperate groan from me. 
It felt nothing like it did ten years ago. It felt better. 
Andy left no space between us as he held us in place on the small mattress and I tried to move my hips in his grip. It was so rough, I knew I would have bruises later but frankly, I didn’t care. All I cared about was how good it felt to have him inside of me again. 
“So tight, angel. I can’t-.” 
His eyes fluttered shut as his lips parted to an 'O' shape when I rocked my hips against him with my swollen clit rubbing against the cool blanket and I shivered at the sensation. Everything from our fight to our kiss sent me in a spiral of pure ecstasy and I felt the coil in my stomach pulling tight again. My previous orgasm was still lingering and it didn’t take long before I felt that familiar tingly feeling in my spine. 
“Andy, I’m going to-.” 
Still inside of me, he managed to flip me over so now I was staring up at those dark eyes; pupils blown wide with lust. Now, Andy didn’t hold back as he hooked my leg up and around his shoulder so he could thrust in a deeper angle. 
“Oh god,” I closed my eyes, the new sensation causing the coil to hurt. 
“Eyes on me, River!” He snapped with a low growl and I immediately obeyed. "You're so fucking beautiful, angel. I’m sorry I left you. I’m sorry it’s been ten years.” 
I didn’t want to hear his apology. I only wanted to have that coil spring free with my second orgasm. I attacked his lips with such force Andy had to hold himself up with one hand on the headboard, the other slipping between the place where our bodies met to play with my clit; exactly how I liked. Our tongues explored each other's mouths in a kiss so vicious it made my head spin.  Andy’s pace was erratic and merciless but it didn’t stop me from begging. 
"More," I mumbled into his lips.
That's all he needed before he maneuvered us so he sat in the middle of the bed with me in his lap and he held me closer to his chest as his hips snapped up into me in violent strokes, the head of his cock hitting that perfect spot. I yelled out my pleasure, exposing my neck to Andy who immediately attacked it with his teeth leaving bite marks all along the skin sticky with sweat.
My body hummed in a prayer-like awaking, the flames and heat burning high in my belly as my organs crested higher; so fucking high I was afraid I would combust into nothing but matter in the air. His name fell from my lips in devotion, a woman praying to her God, and my toes curled as the orgasm ripped through me with so much force I screamed out in pure nirvana.
“I love you, River,” Andy professed with a strangled breath as he spilled himself inside of me, cock throbbing with his release. 
“What did you say?” I questioned, almost unsure if I had heard him correctly. 
He cupped my cheek, eyes softening. “I love you.” 
My bottom lip trembled at those three words; the words I wanted to hear for years. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long to say it,” Andy brushed away my hair from my face. “But it’s true. I’m at a better place where now admitting it out loud doesn't scare me.”
We stayed like that, bodies tangled together in the silence for a few long moments until he laid us on the bed. I very quickly detached myself from him so I could put some space between us. 
Although he admitted how he felt, I wasn't ready to yet. I knew that I loved him ever since high school, but it was my turn to be afraid of what would happen if I admitted it out loud.
Instead, I remained silent while lying on my stomach on the bed, resting my chin on my hand to gaze down at his tattoos again. One of them immediately caught my attention and I smiled at it, a fond memory cresting to the surface. 
“I remember being with you when you got this,” I whispered while trailing a finger over the black and yellow Batman logo on his arm. 
“I still have the comics you got me for my birthday,” he said while propping his arm behind his head. 
My heart skipped at that because it meant that he was thinking of me during our time away.
“But you couldn’t come to see me,” I muttered under my breath as I turned from him. 
Andy reached for me to pull my back to his chest and lock me into place with a leg over my hips. His left hand grazed up and down my arm, sending shivers all over my skin, and I let out a soft breath. 
“Will you stay with me, River?”
I sat on his question for a few long beats, letting it sink in if it was something I truly wanted. My life in Hollywood wasn’t set in place, I’d always been on the move. But the thought of uprooting everything to be with Andy scared the shit out of me. How could I trust that he won’t leave me again? 
Then why did you sleep with him? You plan on leaving after this, so you’re no better than him.
“Why now?” I sat up to gaze down at him, his arm falling away from me. “How come now you want to make things work between us?” 
He hesitated with inner turmoil eating away inside as he slowly sat up and ran a hand over his short hair. 
“I was married for six years. The divorce was finalized last year.” 
My heart sank into the depths of my stomach; no farther. It fell straight to Tartarus. 
“We were together for a total of eight years but the longer our relationship went on I began to realize it wasn’t what I wanted. Who I wanted,” Andy explained. 
There was absolutely no reason for me to be upset with him because while he was married, I had been casually dating. None of them were ever serious enough to last more than a few months. But it still caused an ache in my heart. 
“Then why did you stay with her for as long as you did?” I asked. 
Andy has a soft smile. “I loved her, in a different way than I love you. But sometimes that kind of love isn’t enough. Not when someone else held my heart first.” 
Tears burned in my eyes and I blew out a shaky breath. “If that were true, Andy, then you would have come to me first. You wouldn’t have gotten married.”
Removing myself from his grasp, I began slipping on my discarded pieces of clothing while he continued to sit in bed, naked. 
“I’m not saying I’m perfect, River. But I’ve grown a lot in the last few years. The Andy you used to know wouldn’t have been good for you.” 
“And now?” I asked with my hands on my hips. 
The smile that played on his lips grew wider. “Now, I would love to have you come on the road with me. We leave in a few days for our North America leg then jump overseas for a few weeks. Plenty of time to make up for old times and prove I’ve changed.” 
I laughed. “You want me to stop what I’m doing here to come follow you? Give up potential jobs? Just to be your roadie?” 
Andy’s jaw twitched but with a deep breath, he gathered himself from the bed and stepped back into his briefs and pants. 
“You can be our photographer. I’ll talk it over with our management team, that way you can be getting paid.” 
I pursed my lips in consideration because his offer was a pretty good one. But was it worth spending all that time together?
You love and miss him. 
I sighed at the voice in my head, knowing it was true. Seeing him again brought up all the old feelings I spent years burying, trying to forget, and it was clear that Andy still felt the same.  
“You remember all the plans we made? When we were hoping for better days? You wanted to become a photographer and I wanted to sing in a band. We have that now. What’s stopping you from saying yes?” He took a small step towards me. 
“The promise you betrayed,” I said flatly.  
Andy’s shoulders fell. “You don’t have to forgive me for leaving you, Riv. But I swear to you that if you come with me, I will spend every day from here on out proving to you that you’re all I want.” 
When I didn’t say anything, he wrapped his arms around me and oh so gently, laid a kiss on my lips. 
“I love you, River Murray,” he professed. “We can start over; fresh. But only if this is something you want. If not, then we can both leave with some closure and go our separate ways.” 
I couldn’t explain the way my heart physically ached with the thought of leaving tonight and forgetting about Andy. Even with all the anger and hurt, I couldn't imagine acting like tonight didn’t happen. Maybe there was a small possibility that we could work through our issues, gain that trust back, and finally find what we were desperate to have. 
But the betrayal weighed heavy in my soul along with the fear of Andy doing it again, only this time while I was with him and leaving me stranded. 
“River, if you’re with Andy, can you have him come to set? We’re ready to start again.” 
I jumped at the sudden loud crackle of the radio, Vincent’s voice breaking through the clouds of confusion. 
With a sigh, Andy slipped back into his shoes and jacket. 
“Let’s get back to work, yeah? We can talk more about this on the next break,” he said. 
I swallowed the waver in my voice as it broke. “I’m actually going to sit here for a bit since I’m not needed right now.”
Andy’s thumb brushed along the soft skin of my cheek. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, angel.” 
He left me with a kiss on the cheek and for the first time since reuniting with Andy, I fell to the ground with sobs wracking my body. Everything I worked hard to overcome was shattered by those three words and his offer. It terrified me to completely allow him in again but I also didn’t want to let him go. 
The decision was made in an instant as I rose from the floor, hastily wiping away the tears, and gathered my things together. I knew what I chose would have repercussions, some I may never recover from, but as the door of the trailer slammed behind me, it would be alright. Because my heart said it would be. 
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 1 month
All is Well pt 7
Summary- January bet is in full swing with Daisy and her boys, Daisy spends some time with Jefferson, and Ari finally gets his date with Daisy. Steve and Bucky have some much needed alone time and Daisy catches the eye of a basement dweller.
Pairings- Bucky × Daisy!Reader, Steve x Daisy!Reader, Stucky × Daisy!Reader, Ari x Daisy!Reader, Jefferson x Daisy!Reader.
Rating- Explicit, 18+
Warnings- polyamorous relationships, sex (piv), anal MxM (M receiving), Stucky SEX!!!, Oral (f & m receiving), fingering, spanking, biting, edging, Teasing, making out, lots of sex, aftercare, I'm sure I forgot something big.
18+ only!!
Word count- 17.3k
Author notes- I have been tiptoeing around Stucky for a while, and well now we are jumping in. It’s not super graphic but it’s definitely not shying away. It’s pretty clear when they start at it so you can skip if you want! This is a joint story with @theinheriteddutchess @rainydayandmondays give them a follow and read!! ❤️
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The morning light breaks through and shines across the floor, the crisp January air outside make the room around them chilly and cold. You groans as you go to sit up, trying to untangle yourself from Bucky’s legs and Steve’s arms, it’s quite hard, especially when they are waking up and trying their best to keep you in bed.
“I need coffee, let me up.” You mumble as you keep trying to get up. Bucky pulls you back and mumbles against your shoulder.
“No, we can’t protect your ass out there. And we are too far behind in this bet to let you go anywhere unaccompanied.” You giggle and kiss him sweetly as you slip away. “Stevie, stop her.” Bucky mumbles quietly and with absolutely no fire. You laugh and kiss Steve before grabbing your robe and pulling it on.
“I can’t move, my ass is too sore from last night.” Steve whines and Bucky smirks up at you. You giggle and move closer to rub Steve’s ass.
“Aww did Daddy work you too hard last night.” You tease as you kiss his ear, he moans and nods.
“Yeah, but you also bit the hell out of it so, it was a joint effort, Daddy and mommy.” Steve is still so out of it, you giggle and kiss him again.
“Such a good boy, now you stay here, I’m sure Bucky would love to keep you company.” You tease and wink at Bucky as you slip out of the room. Just as you shut the door you hear the most gorgeous moan leave Steve’s lips. Wishing you could stay and join them but desperately needing coffee, you pull yourself from the wall and make your way to the kitchen. Jefferson and Ari are already up and eating breakfast.
“Good morning, boys.” You walk closer and give them pecks on the cheek. “How did you two sleep?” Jefferson pulls you to his lap as Ari pours you a cup of coffee.
“Not well, I think the excitement of today made me too riled up to sleep.” Jefferson explains, you cup his face and give him a sweet kiss.
“I know, I wish I could be there too.” You look to Ari “you are gonna be there, right?” Ari nods as he sits the coffee cup in front of you.
“Yes, Daze.” He kisses your head “Andy is meeting us at the soccer field with Grace and her foster mom, he will have an hour with her.” You turn and see Jefferson looking unsure.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. This is one of the first steps in getting her back, okay?!” He nods and you cradle his head to your chest. “You know I am on your side, they never should have taken her-” Ari cuts you off.
“Okay, Jefferson how about you go get ready. We need to leave in 20 minutes to make sure we get there early.” Jefferson nods and kisses your head before standing up and heading back to his room. You look at Ari and he waits till Jefferson is out of ear shot. “Stop, you want him worked up before he sees her again?” You grumble and Ari pulls you close “His parenting should never had been called into questioning, I agree. But Grace’s Grandparents are vindictive and they wanted to hurt Jefferson the same way Graces mom hurt them by giving Jefferson full custody. He is a great dad and he can’t be emotional today, he needs to appear as stable as we know him to be so he can get Grace back.”
“I know all this, Ari.” You roll your eyes and Ari huffs a laugh. “I am just sad I can’t go with him today. I can go to his court hearings but I can’t go see him with Grace?! Absolutely dumb!” Ari laughs and rubs your back.
“You know exactly why, it would look weird. And we don’t need to explain to anyone what’s going on here or he definitely won’t get Grace back unless he moves out. And you and I both know he can’t do that.” Ari looks you up and down and moves closer. He brushes your hair off your shoulder and gently puts a hand on your neck, just resting and comforting as he rubs your jaw. “He needs you, Daze. He needs all of us but especially you.” You blush and Ari pulls you into a hug, your head pressed against his solid chest. You wrap your arms around his waist and just breathe in his scent. Different than your husband’s but comfortable all the same. His hands sneak down your back and gently squeeze your ass, a little giggle escapes your lips as you look up at him.
“You know you’re winning, right?” You say, cocking a brow as you look up at him. Ari nods as he leans down and kisses your lips.
“I’m already planning our date, Daze.” He whispers against your lips before he pulls back and smacks your ass. Just enough to sting but not enough to hurt. It was delicious. You giggle as you take your coffee cup from the table and head back to the bedroom. Ari watches you walk away and you hear a hum of approval as you lift your robe and show him your bare ass with a nice red handprint. “Hate to see you go but love to watch you leave.” Ari calls after you.
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You expected to walk in and see Steve and Bucky in the throes of it but instead you hear the shower running and Bucky making the bed up. “So that was fast.” You joke and Bucky laughs and nods, crossing the room.
“Yeah, well we all know how good I am at getting what I want.” Bucky smirks as he pulls you close and kisses you. You laugh against his lips and agree.
“That we do.” He slips your coffee cup out of your hand and takes a sip before he pulls you along to sits down with him in the armchair across the room.
“He came within 3 minutes.” Bucky smirks as he looks you up and down, setting the coffee cup on the desk and lifting you in his arms as he stands and turns around. “Which I think I could replicate with you.” Bucky purrs out as he sets you in the chair and drops to his knees and unties your robe.
“Mmhmm please do.” You hum as Bucky spreads your legs and places them over the arms of the chair. He kisses down your inner thighs till he gets to your center, licking for your ass to your clit and back before he starts in. You reach down and play with his hair as he licks and sucks that bundle of nerves. “Oh Bucky, mmhmm yes baby!” He smirks against your skin and doubles his efforts, tongue fucking you while rubbing your clit with his real hand. You grab his hair harder and he moans against you as you cum on his face.
He works you through it and pulls away with a cocky smile. He kisses up your body and then kisses your lips.
“2 minutes and 53 seconds, new record.” He smiles and you giggle as you pull him into a kiss. “I do wanna know though,” he pulls back and moves his hands down to your ass “were you already worked up from this little ass smack you got?” He rubs where Ari just spanked you, it feels so good.
“Maybe.” You tease as you sit up. “But he’s not the one who made me finish that fast, is he?” You kiss Bucky and he laughs at your attempt to stoke his ego.
“No, no he’s not.” Bucky concedes and kisses you again as he pulls you up from the chair. “Finish your coffee and then go get in the shower with Stevie. I’m gonna make breakfast.” He hands you the coffee mug and then spanks you on the other cheek. You silence a moan and bite your lips as you watch him leave, he looks over his shoulder and smirks as he wipes his face off, your slick glistening in his stubble. “I guess I should wash my face first, huh?” He laughs and you just shake your head. He quickly run to the sink and splashes some water on his face and dries off before he heads out to the kitchen. You sneak into the shower with Steve, hugging him from behind. He smirks and leans his head back as you run your hands up and down his wet torso.
“Mmhmm if what I just heard was correct then you’ve had just as good a morning as I did.” Steve teases as he turns in your arms. You bite your lip and nod as you push up on your tiptoes to kiss him. You smile and then move past him to step into the spray of the water. He sees your ass and the two red handprints on each cheek, one clearly from Bucky’s metal hand and the other, well it’s not Bucky’s at all. Steve hums, his gaze darkening as he smirks and squats down behind you, sliding his hands over your ass. “A very good morning, it seems.” He kneads your ass and then leans in, you moan as you feel his lips kiss your lower back. Steve can’t help but smirk against your skin at the sounds of pleasure escaping your lips, he can’t help himself, wanting to leave his own mark, so he leans in, biting and leaving his mark.”
“Steve!” You squeal and Steve does it on the other cheek too. “Mmhmm Stevie!!” You giggle and he soothes each bite with a kiss and before he stands up and pulls you into his arm. “Now I have two hand prints and two bite marks on my ass!” You pout a little and Steve kisses your neck and jaw till you can’t help but break into a smile and giggle.
“Mmhmm there’s my girl.” He kisses your cheek. “And don’t pout, you know you love it.” You turn around and put on your best pout.
“You lose points for that.” You cross your arms and Steve laughs as he pulls your arms down and wraps them around his neck. He lifts you into his arms and you wrap your legs around his waist.
“Totally worth it” he smiles and kisses you as he braces you against the shower wall. “Can I earn them back later?” He smiles and wiggles his eyebrows. You giggle and play with his wet hair.
“Hmm maybe.” You kiss him and then slip out of his arms. You start to soap up your hair and Steve moves your arms away.
“Let me,” he kisses your cheek. “All jokes and teasing aside, I wanna dote on you right now.” He kisses you again. “I’ve missed you.” You hum and lean back into Steve’s arms. He washes your hair and helps rinse it out. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Bucky, which I totally get he is kinda dreamy,” you laugh as he kisses up your shoulder to your neck. “I just miss my lovely wife.” You turn in his arms and pull him closer, moving under the spray of water. You play with his hair with one hand as you kiss him and rub his chest with the other. “Mmhmm what would you say to taking a weekend get away, just us.” You smile and hum against his lips.
“Yeah baby, I’d love that.” You kiss him again. “How about we plan it for our 5 year anniversary? It’s coming up in May.” Steve smiles widely and picks you up again.
“Yes! Absolutely baby girl.” He kisses you and then turns off the water. Stepping out of the shower with you still in his arms. “We will take our Honeymoon with Bucky to Wakanda in February and then we will plan our anniversary trip.” You kiss him and hop out of his arms to grab a towel. “I’ll tell Bucky that I wanted to take you away for our anniversary. I’m sure he will understand.” You nod and prance off to the closet to get dressed
“You should probably return the favor tonight before you tell him.” You tease. “Get him in a good mood.” You wink and Steve laughs as he walks up behind you, grabbing his clothes for the day.
“Yeah, I’ll see what I can do.” He kisses you as he heads out of the closet. “You spending time with Jefferson today?” Steve asks over his shoulder.
“He is visiting Grace today and Natasha is coming over later.” Steve turns and gives you an ‘oh really’ look. You laugh and spank him. “I am teaching her how to bake Bucky’s brownies.” Steve gasps.
“Hey, you better tell her to stay away from Bucky’s brownies!” You laugh, “we are the only ones who get to bake his brownies!” He teases and you giggle as you spank him again.
“Oh hush,” you kiss him. “She will be over around lunch and she will stay for dinner.” You pull him close and whisper against his lips as you rub your hand along the front of his pants. “Enough time for you steal Bucky away and make sure you bake his brownies enough to hear about our anniversary trip.” You giggle as you walk away, Steve’s face blushes red and a very obvious situation growing in his pants.
“Hey Daisy Mae” you smirk at Natasha over your coffee cup knowing who it is before you even turn around. The nickname and the sound of a walking boot give him away. You turn around and throw a glance to Ransom. Right after new years Ransom decided to be a show off and well, he now has the boot and the X-rays to show for it.
“Hey Ran,” you take another sip of your coffee before placing it on the table and turning to face him. “How was the walk with Jake and Precious? Not too hard on you I hope” glancing at the boot as he sits next to you. He throws a glance over at Natasha.
“It would have been better with just Precious and if she had let me take her in the woods like I asked,” he sighs. “But still good, I guess.” You roll your eyes and smiles as you pat his face.
“WOW, what a catch.” Natasha says sarcastically as she leans back in her chair. Random whips his head to glare at her. He looks her up and down and then smirks as he scoffs.
“Don’t call me that.” Natasha says, straight faced. Arms crossed and waiting. Ransom laughs.
“I’ll have you know, I’m such a catch that all three women in this house want me to wreck them. And I promise if you stayed here longer,” he looks her up and down again before he stands from the table. “You’d be begging me as well.”
“Begging you to leave me alone? Absolutely, Ice princess!” She smiles taking a jab at Ransom’s hurt foot. Ransom’s smug expression drops. You sense his anger rising and throw Natasha a glance that tells her to knock it off.
“Ran, how about you go shower. You’re still a little sweaty from your walk.” You suggest as you stand up and rub his shoulders. He glances down at you and reluctantly nods. He kisses you and glares at Natasha.
“Fine.” He smacks your ass before he leaves the kitchen. Your little gasp makes him smile and he hopes he hides it well.
“Really Daisy?!” Natasha asks and you spin around and point a finger at her.
“You stop.” You can help but giggle. “You always do this. You come and visit and get him all riled up and then Precious, Dutchess, and I spend a week getting him back down.” Natasha laughs and shrugs.
“What, it’s too easy!” She stands and heads to the counter to start on the brownies. “Ever since Tony mellowed out I don’t have anyone to poke at anymore.” She smiles and you just shake your head and nudge her out of the way of the counter.
“Well just poke, don’t stab!” You exclaim and Natasha lets out a loud laugh as she agrees. “How is the team?” You ask as you start to grab ingredients. Natasha sits on the counter and lets her feet dangle
“Miss it already?” She teases as she grabs a chocolate chip from the bowl and pops it in her mouth.
“Ehhh from time to time. But I am happy the boys aren’t going out as much. Hydra Cap’s got them busy enough.” You take the bowl of chocolate chips away from her before she eats even more.
“How’s that going? Huh?!” She smiles as she leans her hands back on the counter top. “Is he in love with you yet?” You roll your eyes and blush at the same time.
“No, he’s not.” You say matter of factly. You then hide your face, “Steve, Bucky, and Precious are actually working with him” you sigh, “he hasn’t met me yet.” Natasha lets out a big laugh and hold off the counter.
“Just give it time!” She teases as she goes to wash her hands. “Alright, brownie time, I promised the team I’d bring some back.” You follow her lead to wash your hands and then you get on with the brownies.
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Jefferson stands at the edge of the parking lot, watching the play ground. Grace runs around with her foster mom, giggling and looking so happy. The sound of someone clearing their throat brings Jefferson out of his haze. “You ready?” Ari asks. Jefferson shakes his head and sighs.
“She so happy, she’s probably better off without me.” He turns towards the car. “Let’s just go.” Jefferson goes to leave when he hears her voice, he’s been seen.
“Papa!!” He turns and sees Grace, smiling and running towards him, foster mom not far behind. “Papa are you staying?! Oh please say you are!” She exclaims as she throws herself into Jefferson’s arms. He is taken aback and has to catch his breath, once he do s he holds her tight and kisses her head.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He smiles down at her and she takes his hand, pulling him along to the soccer field. Her Foster mom, Debby sees Ari and smiles.
“You are welcome to join us.” She offers. Ari looks back at his truck, quiet and alone. Then to the soccer field, he can hear Jake yelling from here. He wants to say no but Jefferson looks so lost and Ari remembers his promise to you. Hanging his head and nodding.
“Yeah, lead the way, Grace!” Ari says happily as he joins the three of them down the path.
“You know I didn’t realize Soccer played in such cold weather!” He pulls his jacket tighter. Ari is much more use to the heat and wearing very little as opposed to the harsh winters. Grace shrugs.
“It’s a year round league.” She explains and then shouts very suddenly. “Andy!!” She waves and rushes Jefferson over. “Andy this is my dad! See he’s awesome and he shows up for me, you should really take that into consideration!” She says matter of factly and Andy can’t help but smile.
“We will Grace, we promise.” Andy says before he looks at Jefferson and gives him a sure nod. “Ari, never thought I’d catch you dead at a child’s soccer game.” Ari laughs and gives Andy a hug.
“Yeah well, for Grace I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” He answers and then looks down at Grace and smiles. Andy laughs again and whispers.
“What is Daisy bribing you with?” Nudging Ari’s side. Ari laughs and nudges back.
“Oh you know Daze, just the usual.” She smirks and Andy nods as he laughs.
The five of them stay for Jefferson’s appointed hour. He gets to watch her warm up for the game and play the first few minutes. Before he has to leave Grace gives him a big hug and slips and hands him a gift. “Open it when you get home, I love you papa.” Jefferson wipes away his tears as he holds her close.
“I love you too, Grace. Now go on and be good for Ms. Debby.” She nods and runs back to the field. Debby waves and Andy asks them back to Ari’s truck.
“Hang in there, Jefferson.” Andy encourages, “I’ll write up today and make an official appeal to place Grace back in your custody permanently. I hope that will be the end of all this.” Andy pats Jefferson’s shoulder, “She belongs with her father.” Jefferson gives a quick nod before glancing over the field again.
“I don’t know if I know how to be a father anymore.” He says quietly as he climbs into the truck, looking at the grift in his hands and. Still not able to open it. Andy looks at Ari who sighs.
“He will be okay, he’s just having some doubts. Having a child taken away and your parenting style questioned would shake just about anyone.” Ari looks over his shoulder at Jefferson. “Just give him time, still write the report, please.” Andy agrees and with a pat on the back they are parting ways.
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You are in the middle of making a second batch of Brownies with Natasha when Steve and Bucky come walking into the kitchen. Steve gives you a sweet kiss and then pulls Natasha into a hug. “So how’s it going?” He asks as he steals a brownie from right under your nose. You gasp and slap his hand which just makes him smile more, especially when Bucky steals one when you aren’t looking. Bucky gives Natasha a little hug as he walks around the counter to stand on the other side of you, his brownie theft still evident on his lips.
“Ugh it would be going fine if you all would stop eating our progress.” You explain as you shoo Steve away from the kitchen island. He laughs and goes to stand near Bucky. “So how was your day with Cap?” Steve and Bucky share a look and then Steve clears his throat.
“It was, well-” Steve starts but Bucky cuts him off.
“Cap got in a few hits when Stevie got too close.” Bucky admits as he takes another brownie. Steve glares at Bucky and he just shrugs. “Oh don’t pout, she would have seen the bruises tonight in bed!” Steve sighs knowing it’s true, he turns to you and starts to plead his case.
“Baby, look- I am fine- nothing worse than Bucky’s metal arm-” Steve is trying to convince you and you aren’t hearing it.
“Why did you get close enough for him to hit you?! Why were his hands free?!” You exclaim. Bucky crosses his arms and looks at Steve, like he was saying ‘I told you so’. Steve sighs and takes your hands.
“I’ve been letting him free for the past month.” Steve admits. You look at Bucky who raises his hands and steps back a little. Natasha just laughs and shakes her head as she slips out of the room.
“You better have a damn good reason as to why you’ve been letting him free!!” You scream, slapping the countertop next to you. Steve stands taller and moves closer to you.
“He has been fine! He was beginning to trust me- he didn’t freak out until someone came walking down the stairs and scared him!!” Steve screams back.
“No!! Don’t blame this on the others just living their life!! They didn’t know you had a psychopath free in their home!!” You yell back, Steve steps closer, his chest pressed against yours.
“Do you believe I would be that naive to just let him free if I thought he was going to be a danger to anyone?!” He stares down at you. “A danger to you?! To Bucky?! You think I would risk the people I love the most?!” You take a deep breath because screaming at one another isn’t helping anything. You say through clenched teeth.
“No, I know you wouldn’t do anything to put us in danger. It’s just-” you sigh as you take a step back. “I worry about you when you take unnecessary risks. What if he had escaped?”
“Bucky was there,” he pulls you in by your waist and gently smiles down at you, trying to get you to smile. “He was watching my back like he always does.” You lightly giggle and he kisses your head. “I’m sorry I worried you, baby. But I am okay.” You nod and kiss him, pulling him close and hugging him tightly. “I also would have liked to have handled this on my own.” He glances over his shoulder at Bucky who just smirks and gives him a little wave with his metal hand. “Oh you keep smirking pretty boy, I’ll handle you later.” He says and Bucky just smiles more, he hums and tilts his head to the side.
“Can’t wait.” He blows Steve a kiss and then moves to pull you away from Steve. “And just incase Stevie kills me later,” you giggle and Bucky kisses you sweetly. “I love you, and even though Stevie really messed up,” he looks back at Steve and winks. Steve rolls his eyes. “We did have a really big break through today. Hopefully tomorrow we can salvage the progress we’ve made.” You nod and kiss him. You reach out and pull Steve close and kiss him too.
“I got so heated because I love you both so much, I wouldn’t know what to do if anything happened to you.” You kiss them both again.
“We know baby,” Steve says.
“Hope you never have to find out.” Bucky kisses you and then pulls back with Steve. “I’m sorry we messed up your baking.” You laugh and shrug it off.
“It’s okay,” you sigh and look at your bowl of brownie mix. “Back to the grind I guess.” You tease and Bucky kisses your cheek. Just then the front door opens and in walks Ari and Jefferson.
“Oh hey Natasha,” you hear Ari say. “Didn’t know you were gonna be here today.” He walks over and gives her a hug. You didn’t even notice that she left the room when you and Steve started screaming.
“Yup, making brownies and seeing exactly why I am never getting married.” She pokes fun at the heated conversation you and your husbands just had. Ari laughs and walks into the kitchen, leaning against the doorway.
“Trouble in paradise?” He teases, Steve throws a brownie at him.
“Nope, just our normal heated debates.” Bucky says and you laugh.
“How was the visit?” You whisper, looking past Ari at Jefferson and where he talks to Natasha. Ari walks closer and shrugs.
“It was okay, she adored every minute. Andy said he’s gonna put in a good word. Grace may be back before summer.” Ari explains, you can’t help but do a little happy dance and just smile. Ari smiles as he watches you and the guys laugh at your silliness.
“And how was Jefferson?!” You ask excitedly.
“Okay, I think he’s a little nervous if I’m being honest. It was traumatic when she was taken away, he’s just scared to be hurt again. You know?” You nod and your mood shifts.
“Oh poor Jefferson,” you look back at Steve and Bucky who both just nod and then look at one another. “Thanks for letting me know, Ari.” You give him a hug and he holds you tight. He looks up straight at Steve and Bucky, smirking and rubbing his hands a little lower. Then quickly pulling his hand back and smacking your ass. You gasp and giggle as Ari kisses your cheek.
“Oh come on!” Steve complains
“We are gonna lose.. again! And there’s two of us!” Bucky sighs and groans. You laugh and look back at both of them.
“You still have tomorrow.” You tease and they both wave you off.
“Oh Daze, they are both down by 9. My only competition is Ransom who is only one behind me.” He smiles as he spanks you again while leaving the room. “Make that two!” Bucky and Steve look at you as you blush and giggle.
“Sorry boys.” You shrug. “How about you two have a little date night tonight. I’m gonna be with Jefferson, okay?” Steve nods and you throw him a little wink. You head out of the kitchen to Jefferson and Natasha. You run your fingers through his hair and he lays his head on your shoulder. “You have a good day? Hum?” He nods and snuggles closer. Natasha smiles and stands up, stretching and going to grab her plate of brownies.
“Alright, I’m gonna head back. Take my brownies with me.” She hugs you tight. “I’ll see you soon, keep the boys safe.”
“Hmm I always do.” You hug her back. “You stay safe as well. Let us know if you need any help, okay?” She nods and heads out.
“Bye Steve, bye Bucky! Bye Jefferson, good to see you again.” She waves and Jefferson doesn’t even lift his head as he waves over his shoulder.
“Hey Kitten,” you whisper. “You wanna go to my room, talk a little?” You ask, Jefferson’s head pops up a little as he looks at you. “Huh? Then you wanna go play?” You ask again and he nods his head. “Yeah?” He nods again and sits up.
“Give me a couple minutes, yeah?” He asks and you smile as you kiss his lips and agree. You head to your room, passing the boys on the way.
“I’ll be with Jefferson in the bed room for a bit, then we will move downstairs.” You give them both a kiss. “Love you two.” They say it back and send you on your way.
“So Stevie, guess it’s just us for the night.” Bucky says as he smirks.
“Yeah Buck, guess it is.” He smirks back.
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You lay on the bed and Jefferson lays in your arms as you rub his back. “You wanna talk about it?” You ask quietly. He shakes his head as he clings to your body. “We have to talk before we play, Kitten.” Jefferson grunts and you chuckle. “Or we wont play and just stay here, whatever you want sweetie.” You play with his hair and kiss his head, whispering sweet nothings as he lays there. Jefferson wars inside his mind, to let you in or to keep you. To bring you into his maze of a mind or to keep you safe outside the walls. He looks up at you and you can see the dilemma. “It’s your choice, Jefferson. I will never make you do something you don’t want to do. You can tell me what’s going on or you can simple tell me you’re not ready. Either way is fine by me.” Jefferson sits up looking down at you, leaning against the headboard.
“I’m scared I will mess up again. That I will get Grace back and that she will get settled and happy and then- then I’ll screw it all up and they will take her away for good!!” He was getting increasingly worked up till he is finally sobbing and screaming. “She’s everything to me and these last two year have been so hard, she’s grown up so much and I’ve missed so much.” He lays his head against your chest as he sobs. “I can’t lose her again and I can’t be what she needs me to be.” Clinging to you as you rub his back trying to soothe his sorrows. “I can’t fail my Grace, not again.”
“Oh Jefferson,” you wipe a tear and steady your voice. You pull his face up to yours and let him burry his head in the crook of your neck. “You are an amazing father!” You pull his head up, “look at me,” he does, “you did everything you could to provide for Grace. And her vindictive grandparents made a mess.” You wipe his tears. “Nothing you did made them take her away-”
“Except for when they took her and I went crazy!” He shouts, rubbing his eye as his head it starting to hurt. You know the signs.
“Okay, okay shhh come here.” You pull him close. “You don’t need to get worked up, okay?” Jefferson cries against your shoulder.
“See?! Even now you are trying to calm me down so I don’t slip into the mania.” He cries and laughs, he’s already slipping.
“Yep, you’re right. I am.” Jefferson looks at you as you admit it. “And you don’t want to slip into Mania either, do you?” He shakes his head. “Exactly, okay so let’s breathe.” He takes a breath and rub his back. “Yes, you lost it which I understandable. I would have done it as well, if someone came to take my baby?! I would have killed someone.” Jefferson lets out a soft chuckle. “Yes you went a little crazy, but you fought your way back to us, to Grace. You’ve healed and you’ve done the work, Jefferson look at me.” He does once more. “You are a good man, and an even better father.” He cries and holds you close.
“I’m trying to be better.” He says softly. Your heart breaks a little as you hold him.
“I will try to help you believe that you already are a good man. I’ll say it till I’m blue in the face.” You hum sweetly as he lays in your arms and drifts off to sleep.
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“Oh mmhm ffffuuuccc!! Just like that, Yesyesyes!! So good for me, mmhmm fuck!!”
Steve and Bucky walk by Ransom’s room, on the way to the indoor gym. “He’s definitely alone, isn’t he?” Bucky asks and Steve laughs and nods.
“Definitely! Dutchess, Frank, and Barnes are all out on his boat today. They said they were doing some winter boating, whatever the hell that means.” He laughs, “and Precious was in the theater room with Jake as we walked by.” Bucky laughs and proceeds down the hall to the gym, Steve in tow.
“Sounds like he’s got an active imagination.” Bucky closes the gym door behind them, glancing at Steve and then flipping the lock. Steve hears it and laughs to himself.
“Yeah, guess he does.” He turns to face Bucky, “Locking us in here, Buck?” He crosses his arms and smirks.
“Well yeah,” Bucky says nonchalantly, “Don’t wanna bother anyone with our training.” Bucky walks closer, closing the distance between Steve and himself. “I know you can get really loud when I’m-” he stops and rakes his eyes up and down Steve’s body. A smirk spreads across his face. “When I’m beating your ass.” Steve smirks and looks down at his feet.
“Yeah, I do.” He meets Bucky’s gaze again, “You turn into a little needy brat when I’m beating your ass.” Raking his eyes up and down Bucky’s body, just like Bucky’s did.
“We still need to talk about your little stunt with Daisy though.” Bucky lightly laughs and squares up to Steve.
“Let’s talk, baby doll.” Bucky coos.
Steve is slammed on his back, the breath knocked out of him. Having already been sparring with Bucky for a solid 10 minutes. Bucky straddles him and pins him to the ground. “You know why I told her you jackass.” Steve flips Bucky off and springs to his feet, squaring up again.
“Yeah I know,” he and Bucky start fist fighting, none of their punches actually land, it’s more of dodging. “I just wish you had let me tell her in the privacy of our own bedroom, you dick.” Steve takes Bucky to the ground pinning him. Bucky wiggles free because Steve isn’t really trying to hold him there.
“You wouldn’t have told her, you would have kept your shirt on and slid into bed before she could see. You would have said that you were too tired for anything and you would have gotten away with it, asshole!” Bucky keeps dodging punches from Steve and mixes in some punches of his own. Steve laughs cause he knows it’s true.
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” Steve lets his guard down for a moment and Bucky sweeps his legs knocking him to the ground. Bucky again pins him and straddles his chest. He grabs Steve’s jaw and forces him to look him in the eyes.
“I told her because you have two people who love you, Steve. But for some reason she can get it through your thick skull more than I can.” Steve’s eyes soften and he goes to speak. “No, not yet.” Bucky says, squeezing Steve’s jaw even more. “I know you love me, this has always been a thing between us, even before the ice. But Daisy brings out a more receptive side of you, I know it, you know it, even she knows it. So I told her so that maybe, just maybe you would think next time before letting an assassin out of his restraints before he has fully proven himself.” Bucky let’s go of Steve’s Jaw, “Now you may speak.” Bucky sits back a little, still firmly planted on top of Steve. His gaze a little worried. Steve sits up quickly and captures Bucky’s face in his hands. Crashing their lips together, Steve kisses him with so much passion it steals Bucky’s breath away. When he pulls back Bucky gasps “Stevie-” blush spreading across his cheeks.
“I let you out of restraints before you fully proved yourself.” Steve teases and Bucky scoffs. Steve kisses him again. “I’m sorry, Buck. I never meant to make you feel like- like I didn’t value your opinion or that I listen to Daisy more. I value your opinion and I hear what you say. Yes I guess I’m more receptive to Daisy, and I can’t tell you why cause I don’t know why. But I will do better, I promise.” Steve kisses him again and flips him on his back. “In fact Daisy had already told me to steal you away for the night, just us.” Steve smirks down at him. “So how about I ‘start doing better’ now, huh?” Steve leans in and nibbles along Bucky’s jaw.
“Mmhm yyee- yes!” Bucky moans as he pulls Steve’s lips back to his and kisses him deeply.
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You lay in bed with Jefferson, rubbing his back and just letting him calm down. You know Steve and Bucky are probably itching to get in the bedroom so you need to move to Jefferson’s room soon, but you don’t want to rush him.
“I don’t want to play tonight, Daisy.” Jefferson mumbles quietly. You hum and kiss his head.
“Okay, Jefferson. Do you want me to stay with you?” He nods his head against where it lays on your chest. “Okay, let’s move to your room.” He groans at the thought of moving.
“I know, but Steve and Bucky are gonna be back soon.”
“I can stay, I’ve slept on the floor before. I don’t mind.” You giggle and pull his face to look up at you.
“True, but my boys weren’t trying to have some alone time when you stayed.” You hint and Jefferson nods knowingly and sits up.
“Guess everyone’s getting laid tonight except us two, huh?” You giggle and kiss his cheek.
“Come on.” You pull him up and he goes into your arms easily and you two make your way downstairs. Passing by Hydra cap locked away in the corner, Ransom loudly having fun in his room, and the gym door at the end of the hall shut. You hear muffled laughing and moaning behind the door, you blush and look up at Jefferson.
“Seems we could have stayed in your bed.” Jefferson teases and you giggle as you push him into his room.”
“Go lay down, I’ll grab the massage oil and rub your back some more.” You give him a sweet kiss. “Then you can do me.” He smirks and then kisses you again.
“You got it, Bunny.”
“Wait- mmhmm wait Stevie-” he laughs against Steve’s lips, “We need to move upstairs,” Steve grunts a ‘no’ as he kisses down Bucky’s neck and starts to pull at the collar of his t-shirt so he can kiss his chest. Bucky moans as he feels his pants growing tighter and tighter at the feeling of Steve’s lips on his skin. Bucky clears his throat and his head, “I don’t wanna have to send you down here to clean these gym mats before we go to bed because we had sex on them.” Steve laughs and then pulls back standing up, smirking down at Bucky as he pulls him to stand.
“Oh I would have to clean it up?” He teases and Bucky very seriously looks at Steve.
“Yes,” he lets out a little chuckle, “the one who initiated has to clean, you know that-”
Bucky realizes that Steve is just messing with him, he rolls his eyes and gives Steve a shove. “Take me to bed already.” Bucky says and Steve pulls him close and kisses him again, their lips soft against each others.
“Thats what I’m trying to do now.” Steve whispers against Bucky lips but finally pulls back and heads towards the door. “Come on Sarge.” Bucky blushes and falls in step with Steve.
They walk back down the hall, hearing you and Jefferson talking in his bedroom, Ransom seems to have tired himself out finally. Frank is tucked away in his room, the TV playing low, Steve notices and makes note that even Hydra cap is drifting off to sleep in the corner, facing the stairs so he can’t be snuck up on, but still it’s a start. Steve reaches for Bucky’s hand and holds it as they climb the stairs, but quickly drop hands as they enter the main level where voices are heard. Jake and Precious walk by, throwing them a knowing look and Jake teases ‘calling it an early night?’ Steve just laughs and minutely nods and Bucky all out agrees. Jake laughs and says ‘right on!’ And then disappears into his bedroom. Bucky gazes at Steve as he leans back against the bedroom door. He blushes and pulls Steve close by the waistband of his pants.
“Buck- ha what- we” Steve stammers and Bucky smirks as he pulls him closer.
“I know,” Bucky speaks so softly. “We usually reserve our intimacy and affection for behind this door- or any door really.” Bucky’s says, thinking back to the gym. Steve lets out a breathy laughs and leans in, allowing Bucky to direct his body. “And I’m okay with that- prefer it most of the time, because this is for us and Daisy. No one else.” Steve smiles and moves to brush his thumb against Bucky’s cheek as Steve settles firmly in front of him. “But just this once, I want you to kiss me against this door frame until you can’t take it anymore and you have to push me inside. Like you did that singular time after you saved me in 1943.” Steve leans in closer, his face almost touching Bucky’s. Lips brush as Bucky says the thing Steve needs to throw caution to the wind, “kiss me like you did that day, except this time you’re gonna shove me in this room and have your way with me.” Steve kisses him passionately and pushes him back against the door, bodies pressed together in desperation. Bucky gasps as Steve kisses down his neck and shoves his thigh between Bucky’s legs. His hips jerk, seeking friction against that muscular thigh as Steve assaults his neck, leaving bites he will have to explain away tomorrow. “Stevie” he gasps breathlessly, Steve knows that sound and smiles as he reaches behind Bucky to turn the door handle. He hauls Bucky into his arms and kicks the door open and then closed behind them, as they seal themselves away for the night, ready to be lost in one another.
“Steve-” Bucky gasps as he’s tossed on the bed, Steve boxing him in as he leans down and kisses him. His tongue swipes against Bucky’s lips before pushing in and claiming his mouth.
“I’ve missed you.” Steve moans against his lips and Bucky lightly laughs.
“We are together 24/7, Stevie- we had sex last night.” Bucky teases and nips at Steve’s bottom lip. He smirks and nips Bucky back.
“Yeah but that was with Daisy.” Steve slips his hands under Bucky’s shirt and traces his fingers along Bucky’s abs. “It hasn’t been just us in weeks.” Steve kisses along his jaw and licks the shell of his ear, nibbling a little before pulling back and straddling Bucky fully. “You’re telling me you haven’t missed this? Even just for a night?” Steve asks as he lifts off his shirt and stares down at Bucky. A smirk spreading along his face as he sees Bucky’s eyes raking along his body. He lifts his real hand and trails it along Steve’s chest, feeling every ridge and braid of muscle. He smiles up at Steve and nods.
“Yeah I’ve missed this.” Bucky surges up and slides his hands along Steve’s face as he kisses him, it’s desperate and needy. Bucky flips Steve over and straddles him. Bucky lifts his shirt off and throws it behind him, forgotten. He slides off Steve’s lap and pulls him up by the waistband of his pants. He keeps his eyes locked on Steve’s as he unbuttons his pants and lets them drop to Steve’s feet. He then pushes Steve to sit back on the bed as he unbuttons his pants and lets them drop, stepping out of them and kneeling in front of Steve.
“I knew you did.” Steve asks, arching his brow and reaching out to take Bucky’s jaw in his hand. “I’m supposed to be doting on you and taking you apart all night long.” Steve rubs his thumb across Bucky’s lips.
“Oh you’re still gonna do that.” Bucky teases as he lunges forward and kisses Steve. Kissing down his jawline and neck. “I definitely deserve to be doted on and taken apart all night, especially with how much I’ve done to keep your ass alive and happy.” He smirks and Steve laughs and blushes. Bucky pushes him to lay back as he kisses down Steve’s chest, teasing his nipples and licking down his abs, stopping right at the waistband of his boxer briefs. “But I’m gonna do this first.” Bucky winks and rubs his hands up and down Steve’s thighs, squeezing and massaging as he does. “Fuck,” Bucky mains as he leans in and kisses Steve’s hips, pulling his briefs down inch my inch. “I’m a lucky bastard.” He whispers to himself as he frees Steve and tosses the boxers with the rest of the discarded clothes.
“You just gonna stare at my goods all day or are you gonna-” Steve moans as he is cut off by the feeling of the wet warmth of Bucky’s mouth. “Mmhmm fffuuccc” he hears Bucky laugh as he pulls off and strokes him in his real hand.
“You were saying?” Bucky smirks and Steve huffs out a breathy laugh. Moving to play with Bucky’s hair as he smiles up at the ceiling. “That’s what I thought.” Bucky smirks and takes Steve back into his mouth.
“Mmhmm oh Bucky!” He arches off the bed and he jerks his hips, sliding deeper into Bucky’s mouth. “You’re- mmhmm s-ssooo fffuccking ggood-” Steve knows Bucky’s tricks backwards and forwards, and the way Bucky is moving and working Steve to the edge, “oh buck- oh wait” he pulls Bucky off, up into his arms, and flips them over so Bucky is pinned under Steve. “No baby, you aren’t wrecking me tonight.” He kisses Bucky’s smirking lips. “You’ve got a mouth on you and you know how to use it,” Bucky laughs as he rubs up and down Steve’s back.
“Okay okay,” Bucky smiles up at Steve. “I’ll let you take care of me tonight.” He kisses Steve’s lips and lays back with his hands behind his head. “Do your best, baby Doll.” He winks, and look in Steve’s eyes makes blush spread across his face. “Whoa wai-“ Steve turns Bucky over on his stomach and massages his ass over his boxer briefs. “Mmhmm fffuuccc-“ Bucky moans as Steve leans down and kisses his back before he whispers in his ear.
“Now,” he licks a stripe up Bucky’s neck and nibbles on his ear as he grinds his hips against Bucky’s ass. “How do you ask nicely for what you deserve.” Bucky whimpers and grinds back against Steve.
“Pl-please!? Mmhmm please Stevie.” He moans out as Steve reaches around and starts to stroke him over his boxers. Steve almost growls and kisses the back of Bucky’s neck.
“You got it, baby.”
Jefferson lays on the bed and you climb up behind him to straddle his hips. You kiss his back and run your hands along the tanned, muscular body beneath you. He whimpers slightly as you pour some of the warmed massage oil on his back and start kneading the knots out of his back. “There, that’s gonna help you relax and feel much better.” You coo as you kiss his cheek and continue massaging his back, after a few moments you hear his sweet snoring. “Just sleep, Kitten.” You kiss his cheek and lay down next to him, pulling the blanket over you both and flipping off the lamp. “I’ll be here when you wake up.” You play with his hair and let yourself fall asleep as well.
“Oh my god,” Bucky tries to catch his breath, “you- wow.” He laughs and looks over at Steve, laying on his back and reaching over to rub Bucky’s chest as he smiles in pure bliss. “6 times!”
“I know” Steve smiles and looks over at him.
“6 times!!” Bucky exclaims again and Steve laughs and rolls to his side. He looks down at Bucky and brushes his knuckles along his collar bones, feeling the warmth radiating off his skin. He leans down and kisses him and he laughs to himself.
“What? You complaining?” Steve teases as he leaves a little pinch on Bucky’s thigh.
“Fuck no!” Bucky exclaims and they both laugh. He turns his head and pulls Steve into a kiss. “No complaints, just still amazed at our non existent refectory period.” Steve agrees with a little nod and leans down again, kissing Bucky’s neck and down his chest.
“Well I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” Steve smirks and Bucky laughs and agrees.
“Of course Stevie.” Bucky lays on his side facing Steve, “even if we had just talked or made out or something, I would have enjoyed it.” He reaches out and runs his fingers along Steve’s beard. “I love when we can go from our friendship to this. How we can ebb and flow so easily.- thank you for spending time with me today.” Bucky kisses Steve, lingering a little more this time, “Even if it was to butter me up for whatever you’re about to tell me.” Steve’s jaw drops and he starts to stammer. “Save it, Stevie.” He laughs and lays a reassuring hand on Steve’s chest. “I’m not mad, but I’m also not stupid. Most the time when me and you do this,” he motions between them, “Daisy is sitting right over there watching and then gets involved.” Steve hangs his head, having been found out. Bucky just laughs. “She’s only sent us on our own a hand full of times and each one we needed to have a discussion. So,” he lays back and puts his arm behind his head and leaves the other one up in the air, motions for Steve to lay down against him. “Lay down and tell me what’s going on.” Steve kisses him and snuggles up to Bucky’s side, head on his chest and arm tossed over his waist. Bucky lays his arm down along Steve’s back and starts drawing along with his fingers, calming himself and Steve.
“Okay, well” Steve takes a breath. “Mine and Daisy’s 5th wedding anniversary is coming up in May.” Bucky hums in agreement.
“Yup, I remember standing beside you at your wedding. Never imagined we’d have another one together.” He kisses Steve’s forehead. “Or that you’d be okay with me falling in love with Daisy and marrying her.” Bucky laughs to himself as Steve sits up a little.
“We both loved you, Buck. So much, even then.” He rubs across Bucky’s waist. “As I was saying though, it’s our 5th wedding anniversary and we wanted to take a trip, just the two of us.” Steve waits for a moment and then looks up at Bucky. He’s waiting for pain and a look of betrayal. What he finds is worse, Bucky’s on his phone. “Buck- are you kidding me-“ Bucky puts him in his place with one glance and Steve stops talking but he does sit up. As Bucky hands his phone over to him. On the screen is an email confirming flights, hotels, and a fully planned and paid for itinerary for 2 weeks away in Italy. “Buck- what- when?!” He looks up and meets Bucky’s gaze. His smile is so soft as he sits up against the head board and shrugs.
“I started planning it for you two at Christmas.” Bucky gently smiles and squeezes Steve’s knee. “I knew it was a big year for you two and I wanted to do something special, for my Husband and Wife.” Steve looks like he’s about to cry, “Oh- Stevie, baby come here.” Bucky holds out his arms and Steve falls into them. “Were you that worried? That I would what, be mad or sad? Feel left out?” Steve nods and clings to him.
“We just didn’t want to hurt you, Bucky.” Steve kisses his chest, “we love you so much, you are our third- we weren’t complete without you. Daisy and I have our own relationship, just like you and her do, and me and you do. We wanted to celebrate that on our wedding anniversary, it doesn't mean our marriage with you is any less special-“
“God Steve,” Bucky shakes his head, “I know that- Steve I’m not mad- I was planning this before you two. Calm down and stop talking before you say something to ruin this moment.” He smiles and ruffles Steve’s hair. “Now, what do you say to your super thoughtful husband?” Bucky smirks down at Steve.
Steve laughs and buries his face in Bucky’s chest and blushes. “Thank you, Buck.” He kisses Bucky’s chest and smirks against his skin, “Really, thank you, baby.” Bucky bites his lip, “truly,” Steve kisses down his chest to his abs, “so very,” he nibbles along the trail of dark brown hair that leads to his cock, which is starting to harden under the attention. “Thankful” Bucky plays with Steve’s hair as he settles back and lets Steve dote on him so more.
You wake up and feel Jefferson’s eyes on you. “Mmhmm hey, how are you feeling?” You ask as you reach out for his hand. He takes your hand and kisses it softly.
“I’m good, much better after talking with you.” He leans down and kisses you. “You are magnificent, Daisy and you helped me back from the edge. I-“ he looks down and wipes a tear. “I don’t want to know what I would have done had you not been there.” He leans in and kisses you. “Thank you for keeping me sane.” He whispers against your lips, he smirks as a thought comes to his mind, “and for being willing to be a little crazy with me.” You giggle and he laughs as he kisses you. “But I have kept your attention long enough and I am no longer on the verge of a breakdown. So” he pulls you into his arms. “Be free and go see your boys. I missed my chance to play, but it’s okay.” He hugs you tightly, “I needed this more.” You hum and rub his back.
“It’s what I’m here for, Jefferson. I keep you from the edge when it will do damage and I throw you over when you need to let loose.” You smile and he laughs. “I keep balance in your life.” You kiss his cheek and pull back. “You sure you’re okay?” He nods and gives your ass a spank. You laugh and shake your head. “Well then, I will see you at breakfast tomorrow!” You head out of Jefferson’s room and start to make your way upstairs. You decide to peak into Ransoms room and see him past out on his bed, completely naked and probably shivering because his blanket is on the ground. “Having to save everyone huh.” You walk over and drag his blanket over him, tucking him in before you leave his room and head upstairs. Hydra Cap is still asleep in the corner, all you want to do is go pull a blanket over him but you know for a fact Steve and Bucky would lose it if they knew. You suddenly feel like you’re being watched as you ascend the stairs. You quickly look over your shoulder and see his piercing blue eyes and smirk. He doesn’t say a word but his eyes wonder up and down your body before he meets your gaze again. You quickly turn around and run up the stairs. You make the rounds and check the doors and the alarm before you head to the bedroom.
“I knew you two would still be going.” You tease as you walk into the room, closing the door behind you. Steve sits up from between Bucky’s legs and smirks at you as Bucky smiles and gives a little waves from where he is laying back against the headboard. You smirk as you kick off your shoes, lift off your shirt, slip out of your pants and leave a trail of your underwear to the bathroom. “Don’t stop on my account.” You wave over your shoulder and giggle as you hear them start to fight to be the first one off the bed and to follow you. “Boys,” you turn around and see them entangled and at the edge of the bed, trying to be the one to get to you the fastest. “No fighting,” you walk to the shower and get it started, suddenly four arms are wrapped around you and two sets of lips are kissing along your body. “Mmhmm now that’s more like it.” You hum as you three climb into the shower together, a mass of tangled limbs and breathy moans. No telling where your hips end and Steve’s begin, or where your lips stop moving and Bucky’s starts.
“Do you need to clean up,” Bucky’s asks, “from-“
“No, we didn’t do anything.” You gasp as Steve kisses down your chest and palms your ass.
“Good,” Steve growls against your skin as he lifts you into his arms and presses you against the shower wall, the tiles cold. “Mmhmm shower sex twice in one day.” You giggle and nod as you bite his lip.
“Oh yeah, but after you two clean up.” You tease and they look at one another. You laugh. “The evidence of how much fun you had is dripping out of Bucky’s ass. Which normally I wouldn’t care about at all, it’s just-” you laugh, “it’s like a lot this time.” Steve blushes and Bucky’s sighs and looks back as best he can. He grabs one of the detachable shower heads and starts cleaning up. Steve puts you down and you stroke him once before you tease him. “You gotta wash that too sweet cheeks.” You wink and turn to your shower head to start washing away your day as your boys race to get done first.
Bucky pulls you into his arms and kisses you, his tongue slipping into your mouth and lifting you into his arms. Steve crowds behind you and kisses your neck as he reaches around and palms your breast.
“Hhhmm what do you say, Stevie?” Steve kisses you and then Bucky.
“You two have at it, I’ll be down here.” You feel Steve kneel behind you and you blush as Bucky kisses your neck.
“Mmhmm you two are nasty,” you pull on Bucky’s hair and giggle. “I love it so much.” Steve smacks your ass and then helps guides Bucky inside you from where he is before he starts his mission to make you fall apart on Bucky’s dick. Licking and sucking where you are connected and where Bucky expertly thrusts up into you. “Oh! Stevie- yes” your eye roll back and your head leans back a little as Bucky kisses your neck and speeds up. Steve kisses and sucks the base of Bucky’s dick before he reaches around and fingers Bucky’s ass, still ready from their 6 rounds earlier.
“Fffuuucckckk!!” Bucky moans against your lips as Steve continues to fuck his fingers inside him. “Yesyesyes.” He thrust Ms into you faster and you whimper at how close you are. You take Bucky’s face in your hands and kisses him.
“That feel good baby?! Huh? Stevie fucking your-“ Bucky cuts you off, kissing you and shoving his tongue in your mouth. He nods and whimpers.
“Yeah baby, yeah. Mmhm feels so good!!” Bucky kisses you and rests his forehead against yours as you both moan and gasp, climbing closer and closer.
“That’s it,” Steve says, he kisses your center and back to your ass. “I want you both to cum, now.” You scream as you cum around Bucky and he cums deep inside of you.
“Yes baby, mmhmm give it to me.” You moan as you feel Bucky empty into you. You cling to him as you both ride out your highs. When he pulls out you whimper at how empty you feel. He sets you down and kisses you sweetly. You play with his hair as you turn and pull Steve, who is standing now, into a kiss. It turns into a heated three way kiss for a moment until the water starts to run a little cold. “Oh, let’s get cleaned up- again. Then bed. Yeah?” The boys agree and help you wash up quick. As you dry off you watch in the mirror as Bucky helps Steve with his cock that grew harder harder while he watched you and Bucky. You watch for a moment and then finish getting ready for bed. “When you two are done one of you needs to change the sheets.” You blow them a kiss and head to wait in the arm chair as you read a little before bed.
Steve changes the sheets and Bucky helps so it gets done faster. Bucky runs to grab some water and then climbs in behind you in bed. You cuddle up next to Steve and pull Bucky close as you feel loved and doted on. Steve’s voice rumbles a little and it feels and sounds so nice as your head lays on his chest. “Don’t laugh, but have you to ever thought about us three roleplaying A/O/B?” You laugh and Bucky sits up and looks at over at Steve.
“What the fuck, Stevie?” He laughs a little and you just giggle.
“What?! I mean we are three! We have a natural way about our dynamic-“ Steve starts and Bucky cuts him off.
“Okay, fine. But who is Alpha?” Bucky questions, a teasing glint in I’m his eyes. “Huh?”
“Well,” Steve starts and Bucky cuts him off.
“Cause I know our Daisy girl is Omega, ain’t that right baby girl.” He looks at you and you blush, burying your head back in Bucky’s chest. “So are you the Beta, or Alpha, Stevie?” Bucky smirks and kisses down your neck. Steve smirks and then lightly laughs.
“Well you were the one taking it up the ass for 2 hours so what does that make you, Buck?” Steve looks you both up and down. You look back at Bucky, biting your lip and snuggling closer, waiting to see what he’s gonna say. He sits up, moving you closer to Steve with Bucky right behind you, sandwiched between their chests.
“It means I’m one hell of an Alpha to let my sweet as pie Beta fuck me.” Bucky teases and Steve scoots even closer. You are so squished that it’s becoming uncomfortable.
“Well maybe I’m the Alp-“ you cut Steve off.
“Okay, Steve, Bucky, it was a question about role play, it’s not that big. We don’t actually have designations that can’t be changed. Chill out. You’re both Alphas and you’re both Betas, it’s called switching. And Steve you lean towards a bottom Sub, don’t get so bent outta shape about Bucky ‘dominating’ you when you beg for it half the time.” Bucky chuckles and you look at him. “Same goes for you, it’s not as often but it happens. If anything you two are omegas and I’m your Alpha cause I’ve got you both by the balls 99.9% of the time. Now stop having a measuring contest, you know Steve is an inch longer but Bucky is thicker, can’t change that, just deal with it. Now kiss and dote on me.” You lay back and cross your arms over your chest. “And for the record, I think you are both Alphas.” You giggle as you are showered with kisses and roaming hands.
“I’m sorry, I asked and it was supposed to be silly. I didn’t realize my pride would be hurt by your answers.” Steve admits as he cuddles closer to you.
“Hey, what did I just say?” You smirk and even pull Bucky closer too. “You’re both my Alpha’s. But you are also betas, so get used to it.” Steve kisses your chest. “But to answer your question Stevie, yeah I’ve thought about it.” Steve looks up at you and smirks. He looks over at Bucky and they both start kissing you again, this time growing and nipping a little. You giggle and try to wiggle free.
“No no no,” Bucky says. “You’re staying right here.” He kisses you again. “Our ‘Omega’,” he tickles you and you laugh. Steve rubs your side and kisses your forehead as you clam down a little. He looks at Bucky and nods to his phone. Bucky nods back. “So Stevie talked to me earlier, about how you two wanna go away on a little anniversary trip in May. He was a little worried that I was gonna be sad or upset, so I had to show him this,” Bucky grabs his phone and pulls up the email he showed Steve. “So now I’m gonna ruin the surprise and show you.” He hands you the phone and snuggles close. “All expenses paid, two weeks, you and Stevie.” He kisses you. “Happy early anniversary, baby girl.” You are so touched and happy that you can’t take it, you flip over and straddle Bucky kissing him all over.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!!” You kiss him again and then kiss Steve. “The only thing I ask, which I think Stevie will agree with me on, is you come and meet us for the second week.” Steve nods and kisses you as he squeezes Bucky’s knee.
“Yeah, two weeks away from you? No can do.” Steve smiles and pulls Bucky into his arms with you. “I mean unless you were looking forward to those two weeks?!” Steve teases and Bucky laughs.
“Hell no! I’d rather go into cryo for those two weeks. But I knew you two needed time, just wasn’t sure how much.” He says as he smiles, “But I promise I’m okay and I can change it all to a week. But I want you two to have your time. We have our group honeymoon to Wakanda, y’all have this one. And then maybe on the anniversary of asking Daisy to marry me I’ll take her away for a trip.” You nod and kiss him.
“And then Steve and you can have some time away, just to make it fair and even.” You kiss Bucky and then Steve.
“Sounds good to me.” Steve coos in your ear and then kisses Bucky’s hand. Bucky hums in agreement. You lay down and Bucky turns off the light. You all three cuddle close, Steve breaks the silence with a joke. “So Ari is definitely winning, isn’t he?” You laugh and kiss his cheek.
“Better luck next year, Stevie.” You giggle as you drift off to sleep between your two worlds.
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“Well, better luck next year, boys.” Ari stands up and walks past you leaning in and kissing your cheek. “I’ll come by later and we can chat about our date.” He winks and heads up to his room. Bucky and Steve sigh and go about making breakfast. Jefferson shrugs and Ransom demands a recount.
“Now hold on, I know I was neck and neck with Ari, how did he get ahead of me?!” He crosses his arms and pouts even as you walk over and kiss his cheek.
“He got me twice yesterday and you spent most of the day locked away in your bedroom, by yourself. That was prime spanking time, Ran.” You tease and he grumbles.
“I want a rematch!” Ransom demands and you giggle.
“You can have one in January.” You kiss him and go to grab your plate from Bucky. Downstairs Frank comes walking by and peaks into the kitchen. “Hey, where you off to?”
“Headed to the coast for a couple weeks, meeting some friends. I won’t be back till about mid March.” He crosses the room and gives you a kiss on the cheek and then pats the shoulders of Bucky and Steve. He waves at Ransom and Jefferson actually walks out to the car with him. They never talk about it but you know they’ve become friends, living down in the basement together. It’s a little sad when he leaves but he always comes back.
“Who is that guy again?!” Ransom exclaims and you roll your eyes. Steve and Bucky mutter under their breaths.
“We are starting mandatory bonding hours for you and all the guys.” You point at Ransom. At that you hear Steve set the coffee pot down harder than it needed to be set down and Bucky drop a spatula. Jefferson pokes his head in and even Ari heard it has he walked back into the kitchen, even Ransom mutters a response.
“Absolutely not”
“I’d rather die”
“Enough,” you hush them all and double down. “I’ll make a schedule and post it.” The boys sigh and Ransom grumbles. In truth he has done some growing this month, the heart to heart you two had a New Years really made an impact and he’s been trying, which says a lot. At that you hear Jake come bopping out of his bedroom to grab a cup of Coffee.
“Good morning everyone!” He pours himself a cup, “oh don’t tell me I missed Ransoms meltdown about losing to Ari!?!” Jefferson nods and Jake sighs. “Aww come on, I was really looking forward to that.” Jake complains as he sips his drink. Ransom rolls his eyes and everyone lightly laughs.
“Yes you did miss that, and downstairs Frank leaving for a few weeks. Oh also Daze here is setting up hourly bonding schedules for Ransom and the rest of us.” Ari explains, smiling away as he does. Jake just nods and listens and then gets a big smile.
“Yes!! Dude, our time is just gonna be me introducing you to good music. It’s gonna be great.” Jake smiles and takes another sip of coffee, already a little jittery so Steve just takes the cup and shakes his head. Ransom watches the whole thing and then looks so you and whispers.
“I would rather be forced to watch Bucky and Hydra cap have a staring contest than do anything that he just suggested.” You laugh and shrug.
“Not my problem, learn the guys names and basic things about them and we wouldn’t have to do this.” You get up and clear off your plate. “You guys have fun though!” You kiss Ransoms cheek and then point to Ari. “Let’s go talk.”
“Yes ma’am” Ari says as he gets up and follows you out of the room.
You sit in the backyard, the fire pit roaring. Ari drapes a blanket over you both and wraps his arm around your shoulder. “So Daze, I’ve been thinking,” you laugh and look at him.
“Oh really?! For the whole 10 minutes you’ve known you won, you’ve been thinking?” You tease and Ari laughs. He kisses your head and leans back.
“Come on Daze, I knew since we started that I would win.” He winks at you. “Anyway, I’ve been thinking, I have a really busy February so what if we had our little date night in March?” You shrug and nod.
“Yeah, that sounds good to me.” You look over at him and he smiles, brushing your hair off your shoulder.
“Good, I’ll make sure it’s one to remember.” He smirks and you blush and look away.
“Always the flirt,” you turn back and kiss his cheek. “Be good and don’t brag, Ransom’s really down about losing.” Ari lets out a loud laugh and shrugs. You wave as you leave him outside to enjoy the snow.
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February comes and goes, Steve and Bucky took you out on valentines and then you three went to a hotel. Jake took Precious away for the week just the two of them. Frank, Dutchess, and Barnes had a nice meal at the house and retired to their bed room. You asked Natasha to come over that night and watch Hydra Cap and to keep an eye on Ransom and Jefferson, no one had any broken bones so you assume it went well. You gave Ransom, Ari, and Jefferson little candy hearts and a silly little card. Ransom pretended like he hated it but you caught him later placing it on his night stand next to the two cards from Precious and Dutchess.
Pretty soon it’s March and you are in full trip planning mode. The boys have planned it all out and have secured the Jet just to make sure you can get there and back in a timely manner. You’ve only been to Wakanda a couple times and none of those times were to relax, so this is a nice change. But first, you have a date.
“Daze? You ready?” Ari asks as he leans against the bedroom door. He sees Steve and Bucky walking out of the bathroom and he gives them a little wave. “Gentlemen,” Bucky and Steve laugh and wave.
“You treat her right and have her back by a decent time.” Steve says as he walks over and pats Ari’s shoulder.
“Yeah and don’t do anything we wouldn’t do.” Bucky smirks and Ari laughs.
“Well that leave quite a bit we could get up to tonight, doesn’t it, Daze?” He teases and they all three laugh. You walk out of the bathroom in a fit and flare jeans and a top that is almost backless. You have on some boots and you grab your leather jacket to throw on in case you get cold. Bucky smirks and Steve eyes you up and down as your ass looks incredible. Ari whistles and walks closer to you, he takes your hand and spins you around to get a good look. “Daze, you look incredible, like you always do.” He kisses your cheek and walks to leave the room. “We have a reservation to catch.” You turn and kiss Steve and Bucky goodbye.
“I’ll see you two in the morning.” You kiss them again and then take Ari’s hand and let him lead you to the car. “So? Same place?”
You ask, eyes gleaming with excitement. He looks at you and laughs.
“Yeah Daze, same place.” He kisses your hand and you two are off.
The music is loud and the beer is flowing. The waitress is in a min skirt and keeps throwing eyes at Ari but he just keeps looking at you. You two talk and laugh and just enjoy each others company. You have probably the most unhealthy combination of food you could imagine and you love it. Cheese sticks, fries, wings, pizza, total “bar” food and you two devour it. Ari has put back two beers and is on his third, you are nursing your second one. Some people are dancing and some are clearly having sex against the back wall near the bathroom but no one cares. You pop another fry in your mouth and then smirk over at Ari. “So, what happened on your last ‘trip’.” You ask, putting air quotes around trip, Ari laughs and sits back.
“A lot, but I’m handling it. I’m meeting with the therapist once a week. Don’t worry.” He squeezes your hand and you smile and nod. “What I wanna know is how have you been Daze, all us boys falling at your feet,” you roll your eyes and take another sip of beer, “but for real, how have you been? You’ve been taking care of all of us, have you taken a moment to just enjoy life for yourself?” You smile and nod.
“Yes, in fact we are leaving in a week for Wakanda and I know I will definitely enjoy my life on that trip.” You smirk and lean closer to Ari. He leans closer to.
“I know you will, but what I mean are the things outside of your marriage, Daze.” Ari’s gaze softens and you gently smile. You reach over and take his hand.
“I have my book club once a week, Natasha meets me for lunch once a week, and I have my job with the avengers. I’m fine.” You pat his hand reassuring him.
“Okay,” Air nods and kisses your hand. “I just wanted to make sure.” He smiles at you. “I’ll be honest, when I met you 10 years ago I never would have thought this is where we would be.” He laughs and looks down at his plate.
“What?! You didn’t think we’d be besties/ fuck buddies?!” You tease, brushing your foot along his jeans and smirking. Ari laughs and shakes his head.
“I knew we would be friends, just didn’t realize how much you’d mean to me.” He gently smiles. “I also still can’t believe that you were working with the Avengers when you were 18- you didn’t even go to college!” He exclaims and you laugh and shrug.
“Yeah well, I’m smart and Tony has a weakness for smart kids with no family.”
“Don’t say it like that, that sounds creepy.” Ari laughs and you squint your eyes, looking at the ceiling while replaying what you said. You laugh and nod as you grimace.
“Yeah, true.” You shrug. Ari just stares for a moment and then clears his throat.
“Also out of all the guys on that team I never thought you’d fall for Stars and Stripes.” Ari crosses his arms.
“Oh, really?!” You ask teasing. “With all my Daddy and authority issues?!” You smirk and Ari nods.
“Yeah guess that’s true. Just thought you’d go for that spider kid.”
“Peter?!” You exclaim. “Ha, no. He is sweet but not my type.” You sit back and eye Ari up and down. “And you know I have a very clear type Romantically.” You take a sip of your beer and set it down. Ari does the same and then leans forward.
“That I do,” he bites his lip for a moment and then sits back. “Still the blonde was a surprise.” You laugh and blush. “I mean I know you two bonded being on the team, I just didn’t realize how well.” He smirks and you laugh.
“Yeah well, close quarters and stuff will force you to get to know someone real well.” You sit back. “Steve is the type of man that once you get to know him, you just can’t help but love him. And Bucky-“
“Alright alright,” he laughs and puts his hands up. “I don’t need you waxing poetry about how much you love them and riding their dicks.” He laughs and you blush. He winks and then crosses his arms. “So you wanna play our usual game?” He smirks, “or just call it a night?” You look him over, and he does look good. You wouldn’t mind playing your little “pick up” game, but honestly you just wanna get out of there and be with Ari.
“Let’s head out.” You squeeze his hand and make sure he sees your eyes rake over him.
“You got it, Daze.” He smirks and sits back again as the waitress brings Ari the bill and on the bottom is written her number. “People just can’t take a hint anymore, huh?!” He says and shows you the little note. “I’m clearly on a date and she’s flirting, this is why I am never getting married again.” He grumbles and lays his card down to pay. “Anyway,” he smiles up at you, “on second thought,” he pulls his card back, takes out a hundred dollar bill and stands to leave. “Let’s get out of here.” He pulls you up and into a kiss. “I’ve got a lot of plans for you tonight, Daze.” You giggle and lean into him more as you kiss him.
“Lead the way.”
You and Ari feel out of place when you walk into the lobby of the Hotel. Marble floors and vaulted ceilings with chandeliers. But they know Ari. “Good evening Mr. Levinson. The room is ready.” He hands Ari the key and he thanks the man before he turns to head to the elevator. You ask for a room and they give you one, it’s all for show and Ari gave you his card to pay for it before you got out of the car. The world wouldn’t be kind to you if they thought the wife of Captain America was stepping out on him. Even if Steve said it was okay himself. So for show you get a room and head that way. You two do this every year and so far they just think Ari is your brother, that thought makes you laugh a little. You go to your room and clean up a little and to change your lingerie, something special for Ari. He’s very particular about what he likes and you are happy to oblige. You slip your pajamas on and pull off the blankets and ruffle the bedding to make it look like you slept there. You dirty up the towels and toss them on the floor and use the coffee maker and drink a cup of the gross coffee before you head out.
You grab your bag and head to the elevators on the far end, less chance of anyone seeing you. Knocking on his door and waiting as you hear him move around. The door opens and he snatches you inside, pulling you into his arms and kisses you as he kicks the door closed.
“I’ve missed you.” Ari moans against your lips as he lifts you in the air. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck.
“Mmhm I’ve missed you too” you whisper, Ari growls as he pulls you closer and walks to the bed. He kisses you, shoving his tongue in your mouth, claiming you. You push him off and he stands back for a moment to look at you. Ari offers you his hand and you smirk as you take it, he pulls you up and his hands rake up and down your body. He feels your lingerie beneath your oversized pajama shirt.
“Oh Daze, did you?” He murmurs against your neck. You giggle and kiss his neck before you step back and lift your arms.
“Wanna help?” You look up at him innocently. Ari moans as he steps forward and lifts off the shirt, tossing it on your bag. He meets your gaze as he reaches a hand out, Ari smirks and drops his gaze to watch his hand trace over the royal blue lace that makes up the bra portion of your body suit. Your nipples pebbling up under his touch. The deep neckline on the suit plunges between your breast and the straps along the suit run under your breast and down your abs. The lace is almost completely see through and Ari can’t tear his eyes away. He unbuttons your jeans and kneels as he moves to pull them down. You slip out of your heels and step out of your jeans. Ari nods for you to sit down and you do, propping your foot up on his chest as he slips your heels back on. Once he does he kisses up your legs and guides you to stand.
“Come on, give me a spin, Daze.” You blush as you turn and let him see your ass. The body suit is a thong in the back, little lace straps along the edge at the top of your cheeks. The back is completely open except for the straps along the back. It leaves very little to the imagination, that’s the way Ari likes it, covered but fully seen. He bites his lips as you turn around fully and giggle.
“You like it, Ari?” You ask
“Oh Daze,” he brushes your hair off your shoulders and looks you up and down before he lifts off his shirt and pulls your body against his. “I love it.” He leans in and kisses you as he lays his hands along your ass. You lay your hands on his chest, feeling the strength beneath your hands. You let a little moan escape as you think about how good this is gonna be. Unlike the other men and even your husbands, Ari has no pet names for you. He calls you ‘Daze’ you call him Ari, and you have your way with one another all night. “Bet this little outfit is gonna look even better on the floor.” Ari speaks against your neck as he kisses his way down your body. He drops to his knees and your hands go immediately to his hair, feeling the strands dancing through your fingers as he moves. He kisses your hips and then looks up at you as he kisses over your clothed center.
“Mhmm, that feels good.” You hum lightly. Ari smirks and kisses against with a little more force than before. He pulls back and gazes up at you.
“Lay back, Daze.” His hands pushes on your chest, groping your breast as they slide down your body as you sit and lay down. His hands travel down your legs till he grabs your caves and lifts your legs over his shoulders. You arch off the bed, needing him to touch you already. You hear him chuckles and then feel his smirk against you.
“Oh please, Ari.” You add extra neediness to your voice to really get him going. But you know it won’t be that easy, he slides this index finger up and down your slit, just barely touching your clit before moving away each time. You groan and buck up against him which he expertly combats and keeps your hips still.
“Just so needy, huh?” He asks as You feel him unhook the bottom of the suit.
“Yyyeeesss” you whimper as he slowly pulls it away from your skin, your arousal already evident on the material.
“Oh Daze,” he moans as he sees your slick folds. “You’ve been like this all night. Just wet and ready.” You are about to whine and beg him to get on with it when he leans forward and leaves the softest kiss against your clit. He follows it quickly by sealing his lips around the bundle of nerves and sucking. Your hands fly to his hair as he slips his hands under your ass, holding you close. His eyes flick up to yours as you try to keep your eyes from rolling back. He smirks and winks before he starts to use his hands on your ass to guide you into riding his face. Quickly getting with the program you grip his hair tighter and ride his face hard and fast as he sucks and twirls his tongue around your clit.
“Fffuuucckkk!” You scream as you get closer, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten until it’s too much. “Yesyesyes!! Don’t stop!!! I’m gonna” you are breathless as your peak continues to climb, feeling so good and not enough, leaves you wondering if you’ll ever fall. “Ari!!” You moan, needing to cum more than ever, every muscle tense and begging for that sweet crescendoed release. Ari moans against you and the vibration sends you over into bliss. Your whole body releases and you gasp for air as your high rages through you. You let go of Air’s hair and your hands fall to the side, exhausted and so happy. Ari works you through your high and then as you lay there blissed he continues to eats you out like a man starved. Cherishing every tastes and swipe of his tongue, like he doesn’t know when he will eat again. You whimper a little and play with his hair, letting him know he is pushing you closer and closer to overstimulation. With a hum and a gentle kiss to your pussy, he finally kisses up your body to your lips. “Mmhmm thank you” you him and whisper as his lips move against yours. He laughs and kisses your neck before he lays down beside you.
“Always so polite,” he teases, his fingers tracing up and down your body. “I’m glad you liked it,” he kisses your chest as he pulls the straps of the body suit down and off. “It’s been too long Daze, almost a year.” He kisses your breast as he uncovered them. Your eyes are closed as you focus on the feeling of his hands and mouth on you, a moan escapes your lips when his touch your breast.
“I know,” you reach back and play with his hair. “But that’s what makes this so special, you waited a year and earned it.” You tease and Ari laughs against you before he looks up and meets your gaze. “And with that performance you just gave,” he smirks and you giggle as you push his shoulders back and flip him over. “You earned something extra.” You wink and he hums in agreement.
“I’d eat you out any day of the week at any hour just cause I want to, Daze. Not cause I wanted something in return.” He pulls you to straddle him. You kiss his lips and run your hands over his bare chest, the warmth sends pleased shivers down your spine. You hum.
“I know, and that makes me wanna return the favor so much more.” You kiss him again before moving back and kissing down his chest. “Now lay down.” He lightly laughs and lays back against the pillows, propped up enough to look down at you. “Still in your jeans and all.” You teases as you trail your fingers along his waistband. “Hard as can be.” You say as you rub over the large bulge under the denim. Ari hums and moans at the contact and that makes you smile even more.
You smirk up at him as you unbutton his pants and play with his zipper. He bites his lip and reaches down to play with your hair.
“Mmhmm don’t tease, Daze.” Ari pleads as you slowly pull his jeans down and off, leaving him in his boxers. A smile spreads across your face as you kiss up his thighs.
“It’s what I do best though,” you tease as you smirk up at him before you mouth over his erection. Ari laughs and it’s cut off by a moan as he feels your mouth on him. “But I guess I’ll let you off easy.” You wink and pull his boxers down and off. He hisses as the cool air blows across his hardened cock. “Shhhh,” you kiss closer and closer until you kiss up his length. “I’ve got you.” You kiss his tip before taking him in your mouth. Swirling your tongue around him and then swallowing him down to the base in one quick motion before pulling off and stroking him in your hand. Ari’s blissed out face reels you everything you need to know. You kiss up his length again and take him back in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down. You squeeze his thighs and then rub your hands along his hips as you work him closer and closer to orgasm.
“Daze, mmhmm D-Daaze,” he pulls you off and up into his arms. You pout a little and he lightly laughs, a little out of breath. He kisses you, trying to get the pout away. “Don’t pout, I have a refectory period unlike your husbands.” He kisses you again and tickles your side. You giggle but try to hold onto your pout. Ari spanks you “so stubborn,” he flips you over and pins you beneath him, his muscular thighs pushing between yours. “Even when you know,” he kisses your neck and down your chest, “that I always make it amazing for you.” You giggle and pull him up to kiss his lips.
“Then what are we waiting for?” You tease wrapping your arms around his back and pulling him closer. Ari growls like you just said the magic words. He kisses you desperately and wraps his arms under your body as he brings his hips against yours. You feel his hardened length rubbing through your slick folds. Ari moves a hand up your back and entangles it in your hair, pulling slightly and giving him access to your neck. He ruts against you and the friction is so delicious but you need more. “Ari please?!” You kiss him and he moans against your lips. “I’m ready- I need you!” Ari hums in agreement and pulls back, sitting up and look down at your body. Your blue lingerie still around your waist, your body on display for him. He licks his lips as he looks you over, little bite marks along your neck, hickies forming along your breast, your folds slick and swollen, you’re dripping and ready for another round. “Ari?!” You whine and pull him close by his hips, he smirks.
“I know, I know.” He takes himself in his hand and guides his tip to your entrance, you gasp and grab his arms for support. The stretch is incredible, in a dick measuring contest with all your men, Steve takes length by an inch, Bucky takes girth by an inch and a half, and Ari is just big. They all do their job wonderfully and you’ve never had a complaint, still you always have to prepare when you’re with Ari. “Just breathe, Daze.” He kisses you as he pushes all the way in and bottoming out. “So good for me,” he whispers against your lips.
“Mmhmm please,” you beg and Ari nods as he pulls back and thrusts back in. “Yyyesss” he starts to thrust in and out, hitting your sweet spot every time. He leans down, boxing you in. His bare chest against yours as his hips snap into yours. “Yesyesyes! Right there, oh Ari! Don’t stop!!” Ari kisses down your neck and bites your shoulder. You whimper, your last orgasm having exhausted you and Ari is building you up to another one just as big. He reaches down and rubs over your clit and you cum around his dick, squirting and writhing beneath him.
“That’s it, Daze,” he works you through it. “Just like that, cum on my cock.” He moans in your ear, feeling you clench around him. He doesn’t stop he sits up, lifts your legs and throws them over his shoulders as he pushes your thighs together. He lifts your hips off the bed a little and snaps his hips in rapid pace, quickly sending you to another high. “Come on, I know you have another. Give it to me.” He’s next thrust hits just right and you cum again, arching off the bed. You hear Ari growl as he pulls out and manhandles you to flip around. You can’t help the blissed look that spreads across your face as he ruins you. You lay on your stomach with your knees bent under you. Ari slaps your ass and grabs your lingerie that’s bunched around your waist, he wraps his hands in it and slams into you, bottoming out again.
“Fffuucckkk!!” You scream and rub your face against the mattress. “Mmhmm yyyesss!!! Oh Ari!!” He spanks you again and he speeds up, his cock driving into you over and over, hitting home and working you both to your highs. “Please?!?”
“Arhhh,” Ari grunts and moans as he gets closer and closer, “I’m gonna cum, Daze.” You nod and reach back for him. He takes your hand and thrusts harder. “Yes, oh fuck Daze!” He whimpers. Ari pulls you back against his chest, his arm over your breast and his other around your waist. He fucks into you as you crescendo into your last orgasm and he cums deep in you. “Mmhmmm,” he buries his face in your neck, “Daze, mmhmm oh Daze. Yyeesss. So good, so good for me.” He kisses up your neck as your walls milk him. You hum and smile, completely blissed and satisfied.
“Oh Ari, mmhmm” you turn and kiss his cheek as he lazily fucks into you, working you both through your highs. When you can finally breathe again you both fall to the bed, Ari still buried inside you. He kisses your shoulders and up your neck. “We should probably get cleaned up.” You offer and Ari just holds you tighter.
“Nope, not yet.” He smiles against your skin as his lips drag along your neck. “I still have plans and we have all night long, Daze.” Ari kisses your cheek and wraps his arms around you tighter, “So, how is wedded bliss going?” You giggle and Ari kisses your neck again.
“It’s nice, I have Husbands to come home to every night. Husbands who know me better than I know myself.” You look back at Ari, “Husbands who love me,” he kisses your neck.
“You know I love you Daze,” he rubs your side. “But I just couldn’t be a husband, not again.” He sighs, “it ended so badly the first time”
“I know, Ari.” You pull his hand up and kiss it. “And I’m not proposing here,” he laughs and you giggle. “You asked and I answered.” He hums in response.
“You pulled me out of a dark place all those years ago, you know?” You smile up at him. “The first guy you fixed.” You laugh and he kisses your head.
“I do my best,” you tease before you get serious, “you fixed me too, we’re a friend when I needed one.” You kiss him sweetly. “Best platonic soulmate a girl could ask for.” Ari laughs holds you tighter, “you think the front desk thought anything about our check in?” You ask and Ari shakes his head.
“No, we always cover our tracks.” Ari explains but you get an idea, “you ever think my platonic soulmate would join me and my husbands for a night?” You ask and look up at him. “It would be nice to stay in our own house and not have to worry about the maids or front desk finding anything out.” Ari sighs and rubs along you side.
“Maybe, Daze. I kinda like having you all to myself though.” He kisses your neck and you hum.
“Hmm is that so??” You ask and giggle as his hands start to trail lower and lower.
“Definitely.” Her puts as he starts to slowly fuck into you again. The night is a haze of fucking and sleeping and then fucking some more. Finally You get up and shower while Ari gets clean sheets. When you get out Ari hops in and gets cleaned up. Somehow he still gets in the clean bed before you, he holds his arms out and you giggle as you cuddle up next to him and sleep for whatever’s left of the early morning. When you check out Ari notices the front desk workers snickering and whispering in hushed tones as they look at you and Ari, he knows you see it too and his heart hurts a little. When you are in the car he pulls you into his arms and holds you tight in hopes that his arms could make the ride looks good away.
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When you get home Steve and Bucky are waiting by the door. “Mmhmm good morning.” Steve kisses you and then so does Bucky. “You have a good night?” You nod and look back at Ari.
“Yeah, we did. Got to talk and Ari grilled me to make sure you boys are treating me right.” Steve laughs and so does Bucky. Ari walks up and claps them both on their shoulders.
“It was a nice night, thanks again guys.” Ari says and they both nod. “Maybe next time we won’t go to a hotel, maybe we will stay in.” He winks to you and you blush. “Now Daze don’t be getting any ideas, I’d just be a voyeur and then a solo participant.” You giggle and give him a big kiss before prancing away to your bedroom. Bucky looks at Steve and then Ari.
“Well we’d have to go over the rules and how we would do it.” Bucky starts and Ari laughs.
“Relax Buck, I’m not asking for an invite tonight. Your marriage bed is safe for now.” Steve and Ari laugh and Bucky chuckles and then looks to Steve.
“We will talk about it, see ya later Ari.” Steve says as he pulls Bucky along with him. They find you laying on the bed drifting off to sleep and they decide to leave you for a bit so you can catch up on some sleep. You’ve had a long night, and they would know a thing or two about long nights. Steve squeezes Bucky’s ass and Bucky whines. “What’s wrong? Still sore?” Bucky grumbles and turns around glaring at him.
“Are there still teeth marks on my ass??” Before Steve could answer Bucky does. “Yes, there are so yea it’s still sore.” Steve laughs and kisses Bucky.
“You were begging for it,” he kisses him again. “Come on,” Steve opens the bedroom door and they sneak in. “Get Daisy’s heating pad and I’ll let you sit in my lap with it, huh?” He smiles and Bucky melts but acts tough
“Fine.” Steve laughs and kisses Bucky before he slaps his ass with a chuckle.
When you finally wake up you see Steve sitting in the armchair in the corner or the room, Bucky in his lap and both of them passed out. You giggle and walk over to join them, climbing onto Bucky’s lap. You kiss his cheek and then kiss Steve’s. “Why is your lap so warm?” You ask giggling against Steve’s neck. He laughs and nuzzles into you.
“Because I was a little mean to Bucky’s ass. He needed some extra care.” He kisses your neck and Bucky nuzzles closer to you both.
“And it’s still sore, you both better be extra sweet to me.” He pouts and you laugh as you kiss his lips and lay your head against his chest. “And get ready for my birthday and then Wakanda cause your asses are mine.” You hum and kiss his chest and Steve rubs his back, you three sit there in Steve’s lap, wrapped up in one another till the bed calls your Name.
Taglist: @rainydayandmondays @theinheriteddutchess @hisredheadedgoddess28 @cjand10 @janineb86 @jessieasher1616 @georgiapeach30513
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artsy-waffle19 · 7 months
One thing I love so much about "The old guard" is that in comparison to other action movies I've seen so far, there's characters that have actual personalities that are vital to the plot and why the characters are doing what they're doing.
major "The old guard" spoilers if you haven't watched it yet pls do. It's on Netflix n a second part is supposed to come out soon (it's already made but there's no release date yet but stiiill)
Idk if anyone noticed that yet and correct me if I'm wrong but I noticed that n needed to share because especially for the older group of immortals it pecomes so clear why they keep going (taking Nile out here because the entire movie is just about her, getting used to it and she isn't in the same situation as the others yet).
But Andy is doing everything she's doing because she feels responsible. Her entire struggle in the beginning is, that she feels like her work isn't doing any good. She wants to stop because the "projects" she works on don't seem to work out so obviously she's discoiraged but as soon as anyone in the group is in danger she immediately jumps to being the leader of the group again ("I will get them back whatever it takes" , "I always go first").
Nicky is the optimistic one of the group and believes that everything happens for a reason, which he keeps reminding everyone of as encouragement. He keeps doing what he's doing as long as he has faith that there is a reason, even if he doesn't know it. I think for him it's the most obvious because it's part of most of his dialogues with the rest of the group "everything happens for a reason boss", "it's like it was meant to be [....] like fate", and it also shows in a lot of his other scenes even if he doesn't outright say it (like the scene in the lab when he beings up going to Malta even though they're captured right now, once again showing how he's optimistic and believes that things will eventually work out).
Joe does everything he does for the principle. This is shown in smaller ways but i really like how they kept subtly putting it into his actions. Throughout the movie he mainly seems chronically pissed off, however we gotta consider that the movie shows a time frame where people are mainly doing things that harm him or the people he cares about in some way, which he obviously deems as wrong so getting back at them is just all about the principle. There's no arguing or reasoning with him because he is set in what he believes in and will fight for justice even about the little things. We can especially see that later in the movie in the final fight in the lab. This shows especially in the line "you shot Nicky...you shouldn't have done that" followed by him, killing the guy he just spoke to, like- Nicky is alive and well, the guy's immortal there was never even a slight risk of him dying but it's the principle. Also that he wants to leave Booker in the lab for betraying them, his last line in the movie of "she's not asking", which basically translates to 'you fucked up so now you owe us, deal with it' or just the entirety of the van scene. Obviously the whole "what is he? your boyfriend?" was just supposed to be some homophobic joke but, once again he asked so he's getting an answer. It's just the principle.
And Booker tries to do all he does for the people he loves, yet all the people he loved are dead and as we can see in his dialogue with Joe ("You and Nicky always had each other.......") and the first scene of all of them interacting, in which he doesn't interact with the group much or hug any of them, plus the fact that he's the youngest out of all of them, he doesn't seem to see himself as part of the group. He can't really find a reason for anything he's doing like the others do because while Andy will always feel responsible for the people around her, Nicky will most likely never lose his faith and Joe will always find something to be pissed off about, Bookers children are dead and any people he gets attached to will eventually die, which therefore disqualifies them as a safe and constant source of motivation. And the fact that he is aware of that but cannot find another reason to live for makes all of his actions so much more understandable and also really heartbreaking. To him his immortality isn't about responsibility, reason or justice it's just about hurting "just because we keep living, doesn't mean we stop hurting". So obviously he'd want to stop it.
I just rewatched it and it's so nice to see the dialogue and the character dynamics and really get the characters actions, which makes the plot like 10 times better. Generally I just really love this movie and I need Netflix to release the second one NOW because that cliffhanger was atrocious.
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kanerallels · 1 year
Okay here are my many, many thoughts on Jedi Survivor. I'll keep the spoilers beneath the cut, so all who venture forward have been warned!
The way the game started out was so fun!! The stealth heist! The crew members Cal was teaming up with! Being on CORUSCANT of all places!
I really, really love the gameplay over all. It felt like they took the last game and just improved these tiny little details that I remember from the first one. Tiny things that would seem stupid but also made the game play that much smoother!
Also I don't know who decided we should get Fast Travel but I would die for them
I'll probably make a separate post about this, but Cal introduced BD-1 to almost everyone he met-- ALMOST. Not Dagan, and not a couple other people that it was clear he didn't trust. And I for one LOVE that detail
Jedha was so fun other than the fact that I almost died every fifteen seconds
The Merrical was *chef's kiss* absolutely amazing. They are so April and Andy from Parks and Rec I love them
As a fan of the High Republic books, I thought the Nihil references, along with Dagan Gera and Santari Khri, were pretty neat! He was a fun villain to fight
I really really loved... pretty much all the Greez content? How happy he was to see Cal, and the fact that he had a room set aside for him, and the fact that he ventured back out into the fight just to keep Cal safe. I was mostly neutral on him during JFO, but Battle Scars made me really, really love him, and this game definitely built on that! Also I love that he named his saloon after his grandma (I think?)
Rayvis was an interesting villain! I liked him a lot, especially the final battle with him. They did a good job developing his character
Speaking of villains... I do be feeling some emotions about Cal's fight with Masana Tide. I'm a redemption arc girlie at heart, what can I say? But I see why they did what they did
That one scene where the whole crew was at the campfire together and for like five minutes it felt like everything was going to be okay warmed my heart so much
Yeah I don't remember what happened after that (obvious lie)
I like the new open world features, and the bounties you get to hunt, and the customization and stuff! And those Force tear things are terrifying, but I've completed two of them, and plan to do more as time goes on!
Kriff. Okay I gotta talk about the Horrors at some point. Thanks to my lack of self control, I'd seen some spoilers and knew that Bode was gonna betray us. I didn't know about Cordova (sad) and I didn't know about Bode's secret (SO MUCH SHOCK THAT WAS AN AMAZING PLOT TWIST)
I will say, Cere's final battle against Vader was SO FREAKING COOL IT WAS AWESOME PLAYING AS HER
I also love the fact she set Vader on fire. It's ironic
Uhhh the Tanalorr plot line was pretty cool! I like the idea of there being somewhere safe from the Empire, to prevent Cal from being killed for plot convinience
Bode's betrayal... yeah I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not ready, and honestly I have an objectively awful take on the whole situation that no one will like
The part where BD-1 was going to scan the trontoshell, and Cal called him BD and THEN BD-1 like he was his mom, full naming him into safety. I love it so much
(can you tell I love BD-1?)
I also really, really loved Merrin's entrance. Ten out of ten, the only thing I would change is that Cal should have immediately proposed
Oh! And Merrin and Kata's relationship is so fun I really really like it
Ummm yeah I think I've addressed everything there is to talk about (the most obvious lie yet) so yeah! The brainrot is still strong with me so I might end up posting some screenshots and more thoughts later on!
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (15/10/23)
it really does feel weird watching so many shows I'm used to reading a ton of stuff but I haven't watch this many things in years anyway next week should have another big catch up but not gonna say it'll happen for sure cause something might come up but anyhoo
green - new series/new to me
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Hoshikuzu Telepath Ep1
very cute show as you'd expect from a kirara series god it's been so long since I've watched a CGDCT show but it still slaps, as usual, so I'll be looking forward to this cleansing shot for this season also main cast is all newbies, except one of them randomly is aoki shiki which is p funny to me also also, op and ed are good tho op feels like an ed too (it's mikku tho so it's good 🙏)
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Frieren Ep6
great ep once again, I know the frieren fight with the demon guy had some sakuga but I certainly didn't expect to see some this ep too it was really good. and also the interactions between fern and stark are p funny they got good chemistry
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Undead Unluck Ep2
extremely good ep, might even say it was better than ep 1 like it was just that great. the direction is still great, I especially liked how they lined up the ep title card with andy saying the line and it didn't break up the action much, hope that's a recurring thing tho also hope they're a bit more ambitious with it. it was also pretty funny seeing all the shaft style shots, which makes sense cause there's a buncha old shaft staff in this but still. the sakuga was really good too. also we got both the op and ed and they're both great, visually and musically, tho the OP visuals go hard as hell. anyway next week we're getting gina so I'm very pogged up for my queen yuuki aoi getting to shine for 2 eps
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Pokemon Horizons Ep24
pokemon's back from it's 2 week between cours break with a very lore heavy ep which we already knew would be the case from the previews but I expected to get a lil more action near the end. anyway despite being so lore heavy it was mostly about riko's grandma and not the lucius stuff the plot is built around like I expected. wasn't a bad ep tho. next one looks like it'll have a lot of action so that'll be fun. and in 2 or 3 more eps that new gaki girl will get some more screentime which should be good too
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Adult Precure Ep2
DON'T YOU HATE BEING RIGHT??? last week I said: "I just hope they have new cure forms as adults instead of transforming into their younger selves." and guess what the hell happened? MAN I'm so mad. and toei only did it to save costs too cause they reused the stock footage from the old show, man this is so disappointing... but the rest of the episode was really good, even the action after the transformation was good (yoshiyama yuu 🙏) I'm just let down they chose to do this instead of giving them new adult cure forms 😔
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Imas Million Live Ep2
great episode, as you'd expect from imas, with an especially good performance from shizuka at the audition at the end. also got to see a bunch more girls do stuff, like anna streaming, so that was fun. I was thinking that it's a shame that the show is only 12 eps (despite being cg) cause I wanna see the girls more but then I realized U149 was also just 12 so it should be fine. it's imas anyway so I'll enjoy my time with it while I can
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Blooming Love Ch15
yknow, at the start I did say I could see this series being p short, but this chap skipped so much time and made it seem like it's ending soon which feels p abrupt. it could continue after this but I don't think it will, we'll see in some weeks I guess
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Kill Blue Ch25
I thought we'd get at least 1 more chap of this but it was still p good, just a comedic chill thing to break up the tension after that little action arc
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Witch Watch Ch129
we got to the end of this longish arc but shinohara really fooled me, ofc it wasn't gonna be that easy. I'm not gonna spoil the twist at the end of the chapter but WOW really didn't see that coming. I thought this was nearing the end but I can see it going quite a bit longer now
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augment-techs · 8 months
what i watched/read in january
Saint Maud: 5/5 Quite the parlor trick that I spent the whole buildup to actually seeing it believing it couldn't possibly be as psychologically intense and questionable as people were making it out to be and--what do you know? I was actually drawn in an surprised. Especially by the "demonic possession" and "angel wings" leading up to the final scene.
Grabbed: Poets & Writers on Sexual Assault, Empowerment, and Healing, ed. by Blanco, Moro, Moustaki, and Albo: 5/5 This was all very moving and left me with much to think about. It didn't just take points from the female pov, but also the male and--I think?--trans and nonbinary. The poetry in itself was a surprise, the essays and confessions something more what I was thinking of. It was hard to choose my favorites from the lot, but the poem by Michael O'Mara using Pink stands out the most.
Shades of Blue: Writers on Depression, Suicide, and Feeling Blue, ed. by Amy Ferris: 5/5 Okay, I'm not going to lie, I read through this entire book and while all of them were deeply meaningful, the one that stuck in my brain was the one that included a knock-knock joke-- "Knock knock/Who's There?/Boo./Boo who?/Just boo, you dope. You're a ghost." -by judywhite-- Which...is kind of horrible, and yet stupidly endearing?
Frankie Drake Mysteries, season 4: 4/5 Okay, I really, really, really wanted to love this season, which is apparently the last we're getting from this series, but, like, apparently they HAD warning that they weren't getting a fifth season, had time to wrap up most loose ends and STILL left us with this COMPLETE BULLSHIT ENDING?! WTF?
My Neighbor: Art Inspired by the Films of Miyazaki: 3/5 I mean, some of this was very good, but this was not at all what I was expecting and it was kind of a let down that I had to order this from out of state from my library. I thought this was an essay AND art collective.
Humans, by Brandon Stanton: 5/5 I'm always reading and rereading this, and it never gets old and is always giving me something new to notice and think about. On this particular reread, the photos and people that stood out the most were a small child in New York in a lion costume who was quoted saying, "There's nothing hard about being four;" then a group shot of two boys and a girl I think in the Middle East, one of the boys saying, "We let her pick," while all three smile, holding up a kite with Barbie on it; and then a picture of a man just sitting against a building with a really beautiful anecdote he gave about reading tarot cards to make a living in New York city wherein he believes in the card, but not in the way fortune tellers do, "I believe in them like you'd believe in a poem. I believe in their aesthetics."
Eat a Peach: a Memoir, by David Chang: 5/5 Being a chef and restaurant owner and believing in the work while also having mental illness. I haven't read this kind of memoir before from the Korean immigrant perspective and this went much better than I would have thought. Mostly because I did not expect this to be so FUNNY in some places. I thought it would be lyrical (which it was) or quite philosophic (which it was) but the book cover--which was beautiful--kind of made me think this would read like a Sisyphean tragedy. Which it really wasn't. And also some of his analogies--especially the one about a Hogwarts Culinary Dark Arts Class--are going to be stuck in my brain for a while.
Calling Doctor Laura: A Graphic Memoir, by Nicole Georges: 3/5 Oh to be a young queer woman at the turn of the century whose mother is almost certainly an untreated narcissist with BPD and whose girlfriend was most definitely cheating on her while she worked out trying to get the truth about her not-actually-dead father while sifting through very unpleasant memories of neglect and emotional abuse. Not a fan of the art style, but the story was at least honest.
Cheshire Crossing, by Andy Weir & Sarah Andersen: 5/5 TEN-THOUSAND blessings on writers who both admit to writing fanfiction on their opening introduction AND an art style where the cast was presented as 80% poc, INCLUDING Alice & Dorothy themselves, while presenting Wendy as queer. YES TO ALL OF THIS.
How to Be an Artist, by Jerry Saltz: 4/5 Actually a very good collective for advice and practice, though I might disagree with some of the rules...just...a bit.
The Wendy Project, by Osborne & Fish: 4/5 A story of young grief in the aftermath of an accident. A modern retelling of Peter Pan, but without the explanation of separating grief and breakdown from reality...such as it is. I was actually rather pleased to see the more "human" Peter ignored for the sake of the Wendy.
The Girl Who Married a Skull and Other African Stories: ratings run from 1/5 to 6/5 depending on the artist and story. My favorites of the lot were The Disobedient Daughter Who Married a Skull, by Nicole Chartland--which was beautiful and did NOT end in marriage, but did end in love--and Concerning the Hawk and the Owl, by Meredith McClaren--which was incredibly lovely and had very little NEED of words.
Kimi Can't Communicate vol. 16, by Oda Tomohito: 5/5 Best parts about this would be: -Tadano playing the sports festival and getting crushed on HARD by Manbagi, Katai, and Komi. -Maeda, the school's top sprinter, having a thing for GILFs. -Suteno not giving Tadano a single thought and getting his headband taken without Tadano even blinking. -EVERYONE (bar Komi and Manbagi) feeding Tadano lunch. -The first time Tadano pats Komi on the head = KOMI WANTS MORE!! -Return to the Cat Café, complete with Manbagi getting a little pervert tomcat and Tadano once again pulling in the prettiest kitty in the area by being himself. -Shousuke and his Dad have a Father-Son day--and it becomes very obvious that Shousuke totally deserves Hitomi as the only curse he'll ever get. -Emoi Awards. -Tadano saves Manbagi's goldfish. -The whole voting process for the Culture Festival--once more, Komi is made to be the golden idol. -The Rehearsal of Najimi's play and The Cold-Blooded Princess. -It might be for the play, but Komi finally tells Tadano, "I like you."
The Vincent van Gogh overseas history DVD: 3/5 I suppose this is useful in terms of understanding and reference, but I didn't much care for the directing and editing style.
Big Trouble in Little China: 5/5 I FINALLY get to watch the movie with the women that have green eyes sacrificed to a dragon spirit in the name of a dark sorcerer cursed for over a thousand years in San Francisco. I haven't seen this movie since I was in kindergarten and should never have watched it to begin with. It is infinitely more entertaining and unpredictable than most anything coming out of the industry today. I had totally forgotten that Samantha from Sex and the City and Steve Stronghold from Sky High were acting here. I cannot believe John "Halloween" Carpenter directed this.
Disney's A Twisted Tale Anthology: -What if Snow White Learned Magic: 3/5 -What if Mulan became the Emperor's Advisor: 4/5 -What if Remy met Colette First: 5/5 -What if Anastasia had a change of Heart: 4/5 -What if Jim Hawkins joined the Pirates: 2/5 -What if history wasn't Quite Right about Robin Hood: 4/5 -What if Eric met Ariel after she rescued him: 3/5 -What if Tinkerbell was working for Captain Hook: 3/5 -What if Naveen had to get home to Maldonia: 5/5 -What if the Triplets visited the Witch: 3/5 -What if Madam Mim and Merlin wet to school together: 3/5 -What if Belle had to take her father's place at the fair: 3/5 -What if Hercules's first day as a god didn't go as planned: 2/5 -What if Bambi didn't want to be a Great Prince: 5/5 -What if Aurora knew about the curse: 4/5
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 15, by Oda Tomohito: 5/5 -Isagi is introduced with a HUGE arc to become Student Council President -Isagi has poor communication/OCD/Extreme germaphobia and touch aversion -Ase presents and comes through as Isagi's Truest Friend -Tadano sees Pretty Cat Komi -Yamai gets Komi to play Twister with her...in the school hallway...and passes out when she gets EXACTLY what she wants -Hitomi initiates a Shousuke/Ai + Hitomi & Yamada "date night" complete with coffee drinks, prize games (Hitomi won Ai a stuffed panda) and a movie at the theater -Ai had fun~ -Isagi plays Rock/Paper/Scissors/Hammer/Helmet against the entire class and WINS -Najimi insists on Isagi keeping the hammer (she's too good not to have it) -The previous Class President is utterly TERRIBLE at her job -The class take glamor shots together in an effort to get Isagi to smile for her election photo; but only managed to get a very on point shot of her menacing Najimi (which works better) -Isagi forgot to choose her campaign representative, but as usual, BLESS TADANO, "Don't worry about it. We don't care who you pick." -Isagi wins after a truly heartfelt speech from Ase. -Time for school physicals; Tadano is a half inch taller than Komi (who is SO GLAD) -Manbagi stresses about her crush on Tadano -Komi and Shousuke are forced by their mother to invite friends to dinner; Komi invited Manbagi, Ase, and Tadano...Shousuke ONLY invited Yamada, but Hitomi being Hitomi invited herself and Ai -Tadano gets to shine as the most polite person on the planet by being the ONLY PERSON at the table to say Yamada Sanjurokuro's name correctly (which may or may not lead to yet another crush on him; bringing his fan club up to, what, twelve now?)
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 14, by Oda Tomohito: 5/5 -The only thing that keeps sinking into my brain about this particular issue is the entire fair situation wherein Tadano, Komi, Manbagi, and Katai get sucked into working at Agari's aunt's food stall by Najimi. -Fushima continues to cheer on Katai/Tadano from the sidelines (and me along with her). -But the kicker is Manbagi finally warming up to Tadano and Hitomi & Onemine & Sasaki & Sato FREAKING OUT -Komi is just glad they get along -Hitomi is glad that Tadano continues to be Tadano and does not understand the concept of ANYONE having a crush on him. This precious boy.
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 13, by Oda Tomohito: 4/5 -It was fucking MAJESTIC to see Nakanaka playing around with an umbrella after sunset like a gun, running aground of the Four Monarchs, an out of town city woman playing dead when she said, "BANG!" to be polite--and her running away as fast as she could with the Monarchs finding the situation quite interesting but the woman on the ground wondering when she could get up again. -Najimi sets up a horror challenge at Katai's WITHOUT ASKING HIM--but it's fine. His friends are proud of him and he is so SOFT.
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 11, by Oda Tomohito: 5/5 -Summer vacation wherein the Komi and Tadano family end up at the same outdoor game park. -Hitomi continues to be Shousuke's unwanted but entirely necessary cheerleader. -Komi unlocks a kink by seeing the rim of Tadano's underwear. -Nakanaka/Yamai is VERY encouraged by Sukida (and myself as well). -The Four Monarchs are introduced to the class and it is SO fucking funny watching them fail to impress or scare ANYONE in this new class. Especially Tadano; it is so awesome.
3 Generations DVD: 4/5 A lesbian, poly, trans family making their way through the son's transition and the messy secrets the mother left behind in an effort to get written permission to start testosterone. I'm a little sad that the main actor wasn't actually trans but...Elle Fanning is still Elle Fanning, so the acting was *chef's kiss*.
Pawn Sacrifice DVD: 5/5 I already wanted to punch Bobby Fischer when he was alive for being both a genius and the biggest fucking asshole, but Toby Maguire was a fucking majestic BEAST in this piece illustrating opposite Liev Scheiber just HOW MUCH chess players during the Cold War did not inspire envy. Every actor in this film was a blessing, but DAMN, these two are awesome.
Little Panic: A Memoir, by Amanda Stern: 4/5 Oh, holy shit; I knew the 80s were terrible for women, but to have an anxiety disorder on top of a learning disorder in New York's East Village at the time was nothing short of just AWFUL.
The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance: A Memoir, by Elna Baker: 4/5 This is useful in being a funny and darkly honest commentary/critique of diet culture, New York single life, religion, growth, and cues into life in-between. But All the way through I could not help but feel a little bit irked by the author.
From Boys to Men, edit. by Ted Gideonse & Rob Williams: 5/5 My fourth time reading this and it gets better every single time--especially in that these are queer men of all ages, races, and types, and just feels NICE. -The Story I Told Myself, by Soehnlein: inventing the self through playing with the little people in your head to make some pretty awesome soap operas -Sleeping Eros, by McAllister: considerations on divorce and brotherhood and a father who might have also been gay -Preppies are my Weakness, by Dolby: the essay that basically promises that those you're attracted to at ages 14-17 are Your Type (interestingly, for those of my mutuals reading this; I kept picturing Billy Cranston and Jason Scott, even though Jason would NEVER treat Billy like that). -Barbie Girls, by E.K. Anderson: Mid-80s realizing the politics of "romance" at age 11 and meeting a kindred soul at summer camp -Signs, by R.C. Green: exploring sexuality from the POV of an inner city, poc athlete that had a LOT of anger and internalized homophobia -And much, much, MUCH more.
A Gift From a Ghost, by Borja Gonzalez: 6/5 This is such a beautiful graphic novel for the consideration of how the future is a reflection of the past and how the past has little touches of understanding the future. Possibly it is also a thought piece on reincarnation? Dimensions and time spotting? Either way, the choice for the characters to be faceless and wit the looks of very pretty mannequins while building up the surroundings and wardrobe was MAGNIFICENT.
Change the Game, by Kaepernick: 4/5: A graphic memoir about the growth of a black football player from a white family who would eventually take the knee in protest to racist, sexist, political lashings. Not my favorite art style, but I can appreciate the lighting and line technique.
Goodbye: A Story of Suicide of Hailee Joy Lamberth: 2/5 A good attempt at humanizing and rationalizing, but for me, personally, it was a little too bright, shiny, sanitized...And not to mention a bit self-indulgent.
The Books that Changed My Life, edit. by Bethanne Patrick: 5/5 I have my favorites in the writers and in the books they chose and in the essays they wrote on them. But Gillian Flynn, Margaret Atwood, Peter Coyote, and Sofia Coppola's choices were my favorites.
Komi Can't Communicate vol. 4, by Oda Tomohito: 5/5 -Komi and Tadano try and say each other's first name...and fail SPECTULARLY. -They swapped kitty keychains (a tabby and an ebony) -Inaka makes her first appearance in a Subway parody -Nakanaka/Yamai is establishing itself through Tadano trying to teach them "Komi Speak."
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biscuits-of-bagend · 11 days
DnDoc, The Flowers We'll Remember #1 - Hard Times & #2 - Love Forty Down
Previous stories: DnDoc, Coming Home DnDoc, Space Band DnDoc,A Man's a Man DnDoc, The God of Rock 'n' Roll DnDoc, The Loch o' the Lowes DnDoc, The Mushroom Planet
Hello! So, bit of backstory for this one. I made this here narrative playlist about my favourite tennis player Andy Murray upon his recent retirement from professional tennis. Each of the chapter titles is a reference to one of the songs on the playlist, and one or two others from the playlist will be referenced within each chapter.
This retirement was very emotional for me, and I really wanted to tell the story of how I experienced Andy Murray's career. Ruby isn't that much younger than me, so I decided to have it be sort of her thing, sort of the Doctor's now too. The title of the playlist and of this story is a reference to this story within the Ali Smith novel 'Summer' and that'll become more relevant in the story later on.
Also, since they're not the most plot-heavy chapters, some of these are quite short, so much like New New Who, I'm kicking off with a double bill!
Part 1 - Hard Times
   It was dark outside the TARDIS. In the small antechamber in which they'd landed, the air was close and still. Slight slits could be spotted on the walls, around waist height where the blinds came down to the windowsills, but only a dim, shadowy light crept through. Even the London skyline couldn't light up a room in the dead of night.
   The TARDIS door swung open with a creak that split the silence. The Doctor poked his head out, looked one way then the other, then waved his two companions forward.
   “Clear,” he whispered.
   “Great,” said Ruby, walking out into the dark room. Rogue followed after her, and closed the TARDIS door behind him with a thud and a click.
   “Hey,” the Doctor hissed, “Quiet!”
   “But if it's all clear...” said Ruby. The Doctor could barely see her in the dark, but he could tell from the change in the direction of her voice that she had turned back around to face him.
   “It's all clear right now,” the Doctor said, “But who knows what cameras are active around here. If Kate hears us, this night is toast!”
   “Okay, okay,” Ruby whispered. “Just point me in the right direction.”
   “You're about two corridors west from when you were last here. But the stairwell is right here so we'll go down to the right floor and reorient ourselves from there,” said the Doctor. Rogue was currently excelling at staying quiet, so the Doctor took his hand to make sure he didn't roll so high on his stealth check that he got lost.
   The Doctor's stomach was bubbling with excitement as they descending the stairs in the dark. It had been Ruby's idea to do a time-tour of the history of professional and amateur tennis, and they still had many plans to go and see more matches, but they figured it would make sense to give Rogue a crash course first. And where better to start than the most prominent tennis player from Ruby's childhood, Andy Murray?
   The Time Window was going to be such a fun way to do it.
🎾 🎾 🎾
   They'd only turned on a few lights in the Time Window room, enough to be sure the Doctor could see what he was doing as he loaded up the playlist of tennis matches. After that he'd turned them back off, so now there was only the light of the remembered moment from the Queens Club tournament in 2005 London. In the reflected green of the grass and the red of the advertising boards, the Doctor watched Rogue's eyes screw up in bafflement, flick between the Doctor and Ruby to see what he was missing, then eventually widen in shock as the young Andy Murray hit a miraculous drop shot/lob combination to outwit his older, more experienced opponent. Or really, the Doctor thought, opponents. Because as they watched the Time Window jumped from match to match to show Murray doing it again, and again, and again.
   “He's pretty good this kid,” Rogue said, leaning back against the cushions they’d set up for themselves. They were sitting right on the court, because why not, if the tennis ball came near them it just flew right through them. “But like, why is that song playing? This seems like a good start to a sporting career.” He pointed up to the speakers in the Time Room window ceiling.
   The Doctor had had the sound system play - at a very low volume - a playlist Ruby had created to soundtrack the career of the legendary player. The first two songs were called ‘Halfway Right' and ‘Hard Times.’
   “Well, ‘Hard Times’ is because no matter how well he plays in this match, he's going to lose to Nadal or Federer sooner or later when it comes to Wimbledon,” said Ruby. “God I hated Nadal and Federer when I was a little kid. But also, there was the cramping thing, where his body would- ah, there he goes.”
   Just as she was talking, Andy Murray toppled straight forward from a standing position, all the way through ninety degrees, and found himself lying on the ground with his face buried in the grass. His legs were tensed and twitching slightly.
   “He got really bad cramps when he was young,” explained Ruby. “And the line from the start of ‘Halfway Right', you know ‘I scream at myself when there's nobody left to fight’ that's because most of my earliest memories of Andy Murray are him screaming at himself.”
   It didn't take long for the Time Window to demonstrate this to Rogue. In the next match, Murray would squeeze the racket in one taut hand between points and scream in rage at himself. His lips were pulled back into a vicious snarl and it made his mouth into a wide angry square shape.
   “He is calling himself all sorts of horrible things right now,” said Ruby.
   The Doctor saw Rogue shudder. Rogue had told him some of the things he'd said to himself in the time between losing Art and meeting the Doctor. He hadn't always been angry at himself as such, but there'd been a cold acceptance that he had nothing left to bring to the world, that he was basically a robot going through the motions of his bounties, that he shouldn't try to properly make friends because he couldn't offer them love.
   Rolling into Rogue's side, the Doctor squeezed his hand and kissed him on the side of his head, right at the point where his hair curled away from his forehead. The Doctor was wearing his Rosalina dress again, which Rogue had bought him using some of the coins from the sale of the Yossarian. It had turned out those coins were only legal tender on the Mushroom Planet, so the TARDIS was currently stacked with the highest tier merchandise the giant theme park had had to offer. Rogue was currently wearing a t-shirt with a big purple upside-down L for Waluigi on it. And whether he was just regretting not bringing a jumper, or because of the unpleasant thoughts running through his mind, or indeed the little kiss, the Doctor could see and feel goosebumps beginning to rise on his skin.
   “He gets better, I promise,” said the Doctor.
   The Time Window had changed to the next match, which was in California. In the dark blue of the floodlit desert night sky, Rogue smiled at the Doctor. “He sure does."
Part 2 - Love Forty Down
Note: Much like the Time Window, I'm doing this from memory, so I can't guarantee 100% accuracy in the words spoken and the shots played, but I was in a whirlwind of hyperfocus when I wrote this and didn't want to stop. I don't think granular accuracy matters too much, just take it with a pinch of salt
   “Wait, bit of backstory before the next one,” said Ruby. “Can you pause this, Doctor?”
   The Doctor extricated himself from Rogue's arms – with a groan – and made his way back up to the control bank outside of the main Time Window chamber, righting his slightly crumpled dress as he stood up. He had worn dresses before in his life, but not as much as he ought to have, he thought now. Even when people perceived them as a woman, she hadn't worn that many. Part of it was that they were less convenient, but clearly a properly tailored one like that from the Mushroom Planet's precise specifications was unlikely to be restrictive or get caught in things. He felt the air catch the back of it behind him as he jogged up the steps; it felt like he was swooping through the air like Rosalina herself. He grinned to himself. He'd only taken this dress off to wash it for a whole week now, and he regretted nothing.
   He paused the moment in the Time Window in a truly horrible shot of Andy Murray screaming his fury at his own missed passing shot into his outstretched hands.
   Ruby turned quickly to Rogue. “Okay, so, at some point before the World Cup – that's football – Andy was doing this interview with Tim Henman, another former tennis player. Tim, who is English, asked Andy, who is Scottish, who he would be supporting at the World Cup. Andy, who was basically a kid at the time, said ‘whoever's playing against England.’ But my mate Selena who grew up in Dumfries says that's what any self-respecting Scot would say, as a joke at the very least. But it didn't go over great with some of the public. This match though, it changes everything.”
   “Can I press play now?” the Doctor called down to her.
   “Yep,” said Ruby.
   The Doctor resumed the feed then nipped back down to lie beside Rogue. Suddenly they were on centre court at Wimbledon, lounging around right in the front row. Andy Murray walked out on court for his first ever Wimbledon final, then after him the great, the unbeatable, the nemesis Roger Federer. By this point in the playlist, the Doctor was starting to hate Roger Federer too, and he considered himself neutral on matters of nationality. But the man barely looked like he was breaking a sweat, whilst this complete basket case down the other end hauled himself through match after match to get himself where he and the entire British watching public wanted him to go, whether they all liked him or not.
   “Fuck that guy,” muttered Rogue, snarling at Federer. The Doctor chuckled.
   Murray actually won the first set but then, the horror, it started to rain in England. The retractable roof was closed over the top of the court which, for air density reasons, meant the ball zipped around much faster and was harder for Murray to scramble and retrieve. The next three sets slipped away, and Roger Federer was crowned the victor.
   “Why did you make us watch that?” said Rogue, gaping at the desolate Murray who stood before them all.
   “Wait,” said Ruby. “The good part's coming up.”
   As she said that, Murray walked over to the side of the court to do his post-match interview with Sue Barker, another legend of the game. He tried to take the microphone and speak, but had to stop as his face got redder and his eyes got glassy.
   “I'm going to try and do this but it's not going to be easy.” The last word shot up in pitch and he put his hand over his mouth.
   Rogue sat up straight and put his hand on the Doctor's leg. He watched the poor man with an open mouth.
   “I'm getting closer,” said Andy. The whole crowd laughed warmly, giving him a moment to compose himself. He managed to croak through some more of the speech, and the Doctor heard Rogue choke up a little himself when he said, “Everyone always talks about the pressure but it's never hard to play in front of you, you all make it so special.” The camera panned around the crowd, patron after patron on their feet and mirroring Rogue's concerned expression, or with their hands over their mouths and their eyes brimming with pride.
   The playlist played a song called ‘The Heart Never Lies.’ Andy Murray couldn't have hidden his emotions if he'd tried.
   “That's the day he won the sceptics over,” said Ruby.
   Rogue nodded, frantically wiping at the corners of his eyes. “That's great, but, you got anything happier queued up?”
   “Hell yeah,” said Ruby.
   The very next match was on the same court with the same opponent – flipping Federer – but they were wearing national colours on their t-shirts and shorts and there were Olympic symbols everywhere. It was the 2012 London Olympics. The other key difference, Andy won! He won Olympic gold mere weeks after the most painful defeat of his life.
   Rogue grinned and clapped his hands loudly, cheering along with the British public.
   “About a month later, he beats Novak Djokovic to win his first grand slam in New York,” said the Doctor. “And then...”
   The Olympic colours melted away and they were back in their white shirts and shorts, the dress code of the official Wimbledon tournament. But this time it wasn't Roger Federer; it was Novak Djokovic, another stratospherically good player but about Andy's own age this time, so still in the middle of building his own legend. Andy won the first two sets, and found himself up a break in the third, serving to take his first Wimbledon title. He won the first three points, putting him ‘40-0’ up and needing only one more point.
   “Wait, why is the playlist playing ‘Love Forty Down'?” said the Doctor, looking to Ruby.
  Ruby gulped. “Because it’s thematically the same as what's about to happen.”
   The Doctor watched as Andy lost one point, then another, then another, until it was 'deuce,' which essentially meant they had each won three points in the game, and one of them was now going to have to win another two points before it was over. But then Djokovic won the next point, and suddenly Andy was about to not be up a break anymore. Ruby's knees were drawn up to her chest even though she knew the outcome. The Doctor knew the outcome. He had a feeling Rogue had even guessed the outcome. But that didn't mean they couldn’t see Andy's arm shaking as he desperately tried to serve the ball.
   He saved the break point. Back to deuce. He won the next point, so it was match point again. One more point, and he'd have done it.
   He served. Djokovic made a good return, Andy hit it back. Djokovic tried a big backhand – which went into the net. He'd done it! Andy had done it! He took off his cap and crumpled it into his face, screaming for once in elation rather than frustration, before climbing up into the stands to find his friends and family.
   The Doctor looked round to Rogue, expecting him to whoop and cheer like Ruby currently was. Instead he was staring at the scene in front of him, colours and shadows passing over his face, seemingly unable to look away.
   Without looking at the Doctor he said, “Wow.”
Parts 3 and 4
@off-traveling-in-the-stars @casavanse @monster-donut @randomwholocker (let me know at any point if you no longer wish to be tagged in each post especially since it's a new story)
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
April 2005
April 5, 2005
i've got a flame gun for all the cute ones
so let's start this one out with how great spring is. seriously. we're in love. jay-z called my phone the other day. for real this is how the conversation went:
jayz: yo pete
me: hello
j: this is j
me: jay who
j: jay-z
me: yeah right
j: no. it is. we're gonna let em know right
me: are you fucking serious
j: we're gonna let the world know about fall out boy
me: yeah. we can do whateveer you want
j: aight . ill see you at one of your new york shows
me: are you serious, this is jay-z
j: ::click::
me: man you are so fucking awesome
j: dialtone
total fan moment.
i guess cause he is the president of defjam and we're on island/defjam that's how come he called. uh WTF?
new things on the horizon:
tentatively titled: the boy with the thorn in his side in "i am the dream, you are the dreamer" - me and travis from gym class and a couple of others began working on this. it will be a slightly different format - about 150-200 pages illustration every 5 pages. similiarly styled but trust me the other was simply an introduction. this won't be out till winter probably.
before that: two pack ultra limited "boy with the thorn" and "rattail" broken heart two pack toy. possibly at the end of summer.
and also, tentatively titled: "rainy day kids" - about 130 pages no illustrations. this book comprises writing from the last 5 years - on the directors cut it was mistakingly called "young hearts be free" - these read alot closer to my journal entries. this should be out by fall...
lots of more stuff coming soon: clandestine.buzznet.com... get over to your local hot topic and pick up some gear - so then maybe they'll grab some of this new stuff to sell too!
the tour has been amazing. we are shooting a new video in the next week or so.
patrick: sing-y/stinky
joe: coughy/nakedy
andy: vegany/music-y
pete: sleepy/no-sleepy
korean dan suh: drunky/more drunky
merch jim: angry/too much merchy
dirty: dirty/dirty
p.s. thanks for showing me all of those new bands. i liked a bunch of them. if you guys know any bands that kind of sound like hellogoodbye (smaller unsigned ones only cause the bigger ones i have heard)--- lemme know. cause that band rules.
April 5, 2005
dear trophy boys and secrets girls-
welcome to the next phase of our life. we hope we can look at the world in a new way. we're really excited for may 3 and warped tour but until then come on out to the FBR friends and family tour. long live our car crash hearts.
April 13, 2005
hey girls. special post for you. i am looking for a womens blazer that would fit a dude about my size- black or striped or whatever. ill trade you something cool. collar shirts too. im down for whatever. bring it to the show, ill trade you up. love peter
btw- xs in dudes, probably m or l in girls.... aaaaaaannnnd dont feel like you gotta bring anything but your smile- woo.
- petey
April 13, 2005
Love. We got you. Tour has been amazing. Midtown just dropped off, silverstein picked it up. People will be missed, new friends will be made. We got you on the bussiness end of the barrel. Get into it or drop out, hit it or quit it. New record soon. We just shot a new video for "sugar we're going down", its kind of weird. Its definitely the most time and money we have ever spent on a video. We hope you love it. Lets just say there is a fireplace, a bear head, deers and upstate new york outdoors involved. Our friend matt lenski who shot all those cute little baby chick mtv commercials. "We should move somewherer deep in the middle of july" she said. You know how I get down (and out). They say he could have anyone but that just means no one. And I'm foggy like london but without all the class and dignity. More like northern florida in august. I'm getting off(line). Sweating it out in the dark. I am all breaths and heartbeats. Goddamn baby, it not me its you. Or whatever.
Today was a good day.
I didn't have to use my a.k.
Make me electric. Peter
April 14, 2005
the list:
ins/outs of 2005:
snapping bras
panic at the disco
drama and gossip
waking up at 10am
makeup that makes you look like a girl
huge watches make your wrist hurt
phonecalls home
brutal honesty
real life friend cuts
pretending to be girls on myspace and messing with dudes who are creepy
windy city heat
saying you knew fall out boy way back when
wearing underwear
makeup that makes you look goth
going to sleep at 10am
huge belt buckles that make your waist hurt
phonecalls to ______ _____
livejournal friend cuts
being a creepy dude on myspace and sending girls messages
being friends with fall out boy now
April 19, 2005
“naked peek a boo what.”
brendanP!ATD: Dude my mouth and mostly my tongue is all leathery from eating too many gobstoppers.
BrendanP!ATD: its so shitty
PeteFOB: hahaha
PeteFOB: thats the price of sweetness
oh yeah. just to ruin your crush on me i went and dyed my hair black and purple. hehe. oh and yes i do have a sister.
i want a girl that doesnt have time to think things through
April 21, 2005
“namedrop it like it’s hot”
sorry cincinatti, we had an early buscall and patricks sick and im sick in the head. i let a ghost catch me.
sometimes its (not) okay to lose your mind.
04/21/05 Q&A
pete. brendon urie or ryan ross?
neither. im a spence kind of boy. definitely. cause then his name would be Spence Wentz
Pete, Do you ever have any “Wet Dreams”? If so of whom? hmmm…?
once i fell asleep in the van between two dudes and had a crazy wet dream when i woke up they were both looking at me. but not like a “oh boy you rule” look more like a “what just happened” look but oh boy did it rule.
April 24, 2005
guys and stellasssss. this tour is amazing. we are lining up some fun things for may- including a mini-tour and maybe a couple of other suprises for you. i hate to have to bring the drama but.
1. i do not have a girlfriend
2. i do not have a boyfriend
3. lindsey lohan is just a friend
i found this amazing band you'll fall in love with soon.
xxoo peter
April 24, 2005
Okay the last entry was obviously a joke. Pretty much I am in love with being on tour but my private life will always be my private life. The people I date or don't date aren't really worth IMing me about. xxoo peeeeeete.
William Beckett vs. Peter Wentz for the title of FBR Sex Symbol… who wins and why?
mike cardin because he just said “butcher tell your dyke ass mom to stop calling my phone”- and thats just insane. besides what me and bill do behind closed doors is our thing not fbrs.
April 26, 2005
Here we are under the radar across the border. I’m sorry I seem to have lost my mind.
Me: how bad did I look on tv?
You: you looked okay
You: would it be gay of my to tell you that the purple brought out you eyes?
Me: hahahaha
Patricks birthday is tommorrow. I am in love with him so give him presents.
Still l i/o ving
my boyfriend is tall and asian and has a boycrush on pete. if you ever see him would you give him a smooch on the cheek?
i already have one asian boy i’m dating and his name is korean tom cruise.
April 30, 2005
I'm sore throat singing through the curtain at you down the hall in the dark and you're asleep or just a good actor. In my head this is the way we'll always be. Me walking out dripping wet, trailing my finger nails against the picture frames on the walls. Slipping back into whatever and being careful shut the door so I don't wake anyone.
Washington d.c. Has got us under this amazing spell. We are on our way to bamboozle fest, see you in new jersey tommorrow. Ill be up at 9am looking for the sun. Stop by the clandestine booth all weekend, we'll be giving away clandestine slap bracelets (you know like the ones that everyone loved in the 80s).
0 notes
self-shippy · 2 years
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
The Archer
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince:If you and your f/o ran away together, where would you go? 
Assuming we wouldn't want to be found, I think Noriaki would have already done his research and found the best place to hide ourselves. He'd make us both dye our hair, change its length, the whole nine yards. Anything to keep me us safe.
Leorio doesn't have a plan. He simply uses the money he saved up to buy the most isolated farm he can afford, then hopes to be able to simply live off the land. He knows nothing about farming. I don't either. We eventually have to find jobs in whatever town is nearest to us.
Andy finds his most trusted distant friend and asks if we can live there in secret. The reason it has to be a distant friend is because whoever is looking for us would check with them last, and the reason they still have to be trusted... should be obvious. Andy promises that we'll pull our weight around the house.
The Archer:Has you f/o had a positive or negative relationship with love in the past and how has that affected their relationship with you?
Noriaki has canonically had trouble making friends, so to say he's never really experienced love is probably the most likely scenario for him. Honestly, when he first caught feelings for me, he didn't exactly know what it was, but when he realized, he just sort of... accepted it. He's recently made real friends, why couldn't he also fall in love?
Leorio has had crushes before, and maybe even a girlfriend. At first, I wasn't much different. He decided to shoot his shot, but it didn't work out at first. Of course, we would eventually get together later, but now that we've been together for a while, he knows that I'm different than his previous crushes.
Andy, although he's been crushed on before, has never felt the same way. Of course, after we had been friends for a while, he noticed that he had feelings for me that were different than friendship. Honestly, Terry caught on about his feelings before he did. Although it was new and a little scary for him, he also didn't shy away from them.
1 note · View note
sage-writing · 3 years
Desire // Andy Barber
Dark!Andy Barber x female reader; (Frank Adler x female reader)
Summary: You're trying to move on after your breakup with Andy. But he has other plans.
Word count: ~5k
Warnings: +18 ONLY, dark story, mention of break-up, non-con, explicit language, stalking/obsession, coercion, angst, explicit sexual content, smut, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving), vaginal sex, non con drugging [Read at your own risk. DO NOT read if you don’t feel comfortable with these topics]
A/N: I FINALLY managed to finish my contribution for the 2021 Shameless Hoes for Chris Challenge proudly presented by the amazing @stargazingfangirl18​ and @navybrat817​ ❤️ Thank you so much for hosting this challenge. I hope you both had a wonderful birthday month and were spoiled with lots of hoe-tastic stories.
Prompts used: Andy Barber (+ Frank Adler); “I didn’t like the way he was looking at you”; “You’ll be lucky if you can sit for a week by the time I’m done with you”; Obsession/ Stalker.
Dividers are mine, you can use them but please tag me if you do.
as always I am not an English native speaker so there will be probably some errors. Feedback is always appreciated ❤ Now enjoy!
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Your friend Beth turned away from the bar, thrust a freshly tapped beer into your hand, and led you to a free bar table at the corner of the room. It was the first time you'd been out among people in months.
In your last relationship, there hadn't been much time for friends or other activities. Your boyfriend had preferred to have you to himself. He had made sure of that in a manipulative way. For that, you were all the more grateful that Beth had been by your side when you'd had enough strength to cut ties with him.
"Cheers! Here's to our girls' night out." Beth toasted your beer glasses with exaggerated vigor, and you struggled to balance the glass again so as not to spill. "Relax, we've got all evening to down this drink and many more to come," you joked with a laugh.
"Absolutely, you still owe me a lot of tequila, you and I haven't been out in ages," Beth replied. Even though you knew she meant no harm, her true words hit you. You had really neglected your friends and for a man who wasn't willing to put you above his work.
Beth purposefully changed the subject and showed you photos of the new interior on a boat she had designed for a client. The evening passed and together you emptied many more beers and shots.
After you returned from a quick trip to the restroom, a man stood next to Beth and seemed to be talking animatedly with her. Tentatively you approached the two, trying not to disturb their conversation. Beth didn't hesitate for a second, however, and introduced him to you.
"Oh, this is Frank. Frank Adler. We've met a few times at work. He fixed one of the boats I was supposed to redecorate for a client."
You introduced yourself to him as well and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you," you said as you eyed him intently. He looked really handsome. "The pleasure is all mine," he replied, holding your hand a little too long.
You must have had a confused look on your face, which Frank noticed and then laughed sheepishly, letting go of your hand. "Do you want to join us, maybe?" Beth nudged you with her elbow to elicit your consent and you nodded in response. It was obvious Beth was planning to set you two up, her expression said it all.
"I would love to," Frank replied, settling into a vacant chair. "Something to celebrate?" he asked, looking at the empty glasses that had gathered in front of you.
"I start a new job on Monday. Same company, but a new position with more responsibility. That also means I'm moving from part-time back to full-time." Frank raised his glass and waited for you to follow suit. "Well, to your new job then! Cheers!"
Beth inquired about Mary, Frank's niece, whose legal guardian he had become after her mother, his sister, died, as Frank explained for you. His smile was wide as he spoke about her, and though you barely knew him, you knew immediately that he loved her dearly.
Your eyes abruptly focused on something, no someone, who seemed to be walking through the pub in the background. Before you could confirm your suspicions, the person had already disappeared.
Was that him?! If so, it would hardly be a coincidence. He wasn't the type to spend a Friday night in a pub. But probably your brain was just trying to play a nasty trick on you and you had mistaken someone else for him.
Pushing your negative thoughts aside, you turned back to Frank and Beth and tried to follow the conversation again. However, although you did your best, your thoughts were restless and you felt increasingly watched.
Beth's brow furrowed. "Are you okay?" she murmured to you.
"Um, yeah. I've had a long week and I think I'd rather go home." She nodded and asked if she should accompany you, but you declined gratefully and called an Uber on your phone.
As you said goodbye to her and Frank, you almost missed the slightly disappointed look in his eyes. You couldn't dwell on that now.
Waiting outside by the street, you shuffled from one foot to the other. Partly to keep your body warm, but also because you still felt unsafe. Fortunately, the Uber driver arrived quickly, a young man who greeted you in a friendly manner and made an overall harmless impression. Before you sat down in the back seat, you looked around. The street was completely empty. There was no one to be seen. The only sounds that reached your ears were those of the guests in the pub. The car drove off and disappeared into the night.
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After about half an hour, the driver stopped in front of your house. You thanked him and walked briskly towards your front door. In the sparse light you had to fumble for a while until the key slipped into the lock.
The door popped open after less than a turn. You had locked the door, hadn't you?! Maybe you had just forgotten. You walked down the hall towards the stairs but stopped when you realized that someone was sitting on the sofa in the living room. You knew this person. Exhaling in annoyance, you almost hit the light switch and the room abruptly brightened.
"Andy. What the hell are you doing here!" He sat there motionless. His dark suit was a bit rumpled, even his tie hung loose and untidy around his neck. In his hand he held a glass of whiskey. He looked tired and worn out.
Slowly, you walked closer to him. "Andy? Are you listening to me?" Sipping his drink, he looked around the room.
"After all, it didn't take you long to remove all traces of our love from our home."
A sarcastic laugh came from you in response. "We've been separated for months. Why should I still keep anything here that reminds me of you."
As you spoke, you could see Andy clutching the glass tighter and his knuckles standing out white.
"Besides, this isn't our house. It's mine. You don't live here anymore."
Andy jumped up from the couch and slammed the glass against the wall to your left, where it shattered with a loud crash. The shards scattered on the floor and the alcohol left a damp stain on the wallpaper.
Startled, you jerked back a step, though you didn't want to show Andy your fear. This wasn't the first time he'd raged like this. During your relationship, he had rarely controlled his anger. He had never been violent toward you. His way of maintaining control was different.
"We didn't break up. You. You broke up with me. Just threw our future in the trash like it was nothing." He spat the words out like they were poison, braced his hands on his hips, and glared at you piercingly.
"Do you really think I would just give up on you? Just let you make the biggest mistake of your life?"
You took another step toward him, ready for a confrontation. "Fine, I just broke up with you. But you know exactly why I did that. And if I'm right, you still haven't changed your behavior. Tell me the truth. Are you stalking me? Did you follow me tonight?"
Andy's silence was answer enough. You had been right after all.
Anger boiled up inside you and your voice almost began to roll over. "I can't believe this. Get out of my house. I fucking mean it. If you don't get out of here right now, I'm calling the police."
"Oh sweetheart, do that if you want." Slowly, but purposefully, he circled the table and walked toward you.
Your heart almost jumped out of your chest. You knew you'd better keep your mouth shut now. Provoking Andy would only make him angrier.
As he stood in front of you, he gently put his hands on your shoulders. "But you know very well that I have friends in the police. Your charges against me would come to nothing."
His massive hands kneaded your shoulder muscles and inevitably your body relaxed, as if it were trained to respond that way to touch.
"I know I've made mistakes in the past. My work at the DA's office took up too much of my time, and because of that, I had too little for you. For us. That will change from now on." Tenderly, he cupped your face as you tried to understand what he was trying to tell you. "I want us to get back together."
Your jaw almost dropped in speechlessness. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means I want us to be a couple again. I know that scares you, but I'm going to show you how good I can make you feel."
You hated the way he talked to you like you were a petulant little child.
"No. I guarantee that won't happen." With a firm shake of your head, you tried to back up your statement.
"Yes it will, darling. I promise you that." Andy leaned down to you and kissed your cheek. His beard lightly scratched your skin.
A feeling you had once liked. After his sign of affection, Andy disappeared without another word, leaving you confused and shocked.
Your vibrating cell phone in your pocket brought you out of your thoughts. It was a message from Beth.
Hey, did you get home okay?
Yeah, I'm home. Need to talk to you. Emergency meeting tomorrow morning at 9:00? My place? Breakfast?
OK. See you then.
Carefully, you picked up the shards from the shattered glass. As you went into the kitchen to throw them away, you noticed that there was an oversized bouquet of flowers on the counter. They were your favorite flowers. And only one person could have left them here today.
Andy Barber.
Your body was weak and already crying out for sleep. You changed your clothes and hid under the covers.
Your thoughts kept wandering to Andy's words.
"After all, it didn't take you long to remove all traces of our love from our home."
He was right. No sooner had you uttered the word "breakup" than you had insisted that Andy move out and take all his things with him.
Now half the closet was empty. Books on the shelf were missing. In some picture frames, only the white cardboard of the back wall was visible.
The other side of the bed remained cold. That's the way you wanted it. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. A feeling stuck inside you and bored into your heart. Andy wouldn't let you go. Not so easily.
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The night had been restless. Again and again you had woken up and had switched on the light, for fear a particular someone would have penetrated again into your house.
After much tossing and turning in bed, you decided to get up and prepare breakfast. The table on the veranda facing the garden was the perfect place.
The sun was just coming over the crown of the trees, so the garden was covered in a pattern of shadows.
Promptly at 9, Beth was at your door. Concern was in her eyes, you could tell. Together you went out to the patio and you poured both of you a big cup of coffee first.
"So spit it out. What happened? You left pretty abruptly last night, and then this meeting."
Numbly, you took a sip of your coffee and sorted out your thoughts. "Andy came to see me last night. Well actually, he was already in the bar too and probably watching us, but that was just a guess at first. Anyway, he was already here when I got home."
With a sinking feeling in your stomach, you thought again about his promise. "He's decided we're going to be a couple again."
"He's not serious, is he? How did he even get in here, I thought he turned in his keys when he moved out?"
"I hadn't even thought of that. The bastard must have duplicated a key in the before. I guess it looks like I'll have to change the lock."
Beth popped a grape into her mouth and chewed on it lost in thought. "Now I understand why you wanted to talk so badly. But you're not planning on giving Andy a second chance, are you? The relationship with him just didn't do you any good."
"I know ... it's weird. Even though I don't miss the relationship itself, I do miss him. I know he loved me ... maybe loves me, in his own twisted way and-"
"Nothing and," Beth energetically set her cup on the table, "he's in the past and he should stay that way."
Your eyes started to get moist and before you could realize it, Beth had pulled you into her arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm just worried about you. You deserve someone better than him."
"I know, it's okay." You wiped the tears from your cheek, took a deep breath, and calmed down again. "I could use pancakes and a milkshake right now." You could only agree with her and grin.
At noon, you lay in the sun with Beth on a blanket and pillows on the lawn in the backyard. You watched the little clouds slowly move across the sky.
"Peaceful, isn't it?" your friend remarked. You just nodded silently.
"I have something to tell you too, by the way. After you left yesterday, Frank asked me quite a bit about you. I think you made a lasting impression."
You gave the grinning Beth a fun punch with a pillow. "No shit, I think he likes you. I know it's a little early, but maybe a distraction would do you some good." "Yeah, maybe you're right."
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Andy sat in his car, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel, watching you say goodbye to Beth.
Of course, he didn't use his Audi for that. He knew you were looking for that car. Perhaps it had been foolish to seek you out the previous evening, but every day apart from you hurt, and he simply had to see you again.
Unobtrusively, he slid deeper into his seat as Beth drove by. Andy hated her. She was the one who had put nonsense in your head. Said he wasn't good enough for you, would only hurt you.
Bullshit. You were perfect for each other and soon he would prove it again. Caution and gentleness were called for. It was essential to slowly get you used to the idea of being his wife again, and you didn't even know the deepest recesses of his soul.
You were his perfect little angel. Innocent and pure. You never noticed how he slowly and carefully integrated himself into your life. From your first meeting to the accidental fire damage in his house, after which you yourself had offered to just move in together after all.
Anger gathered in his chest as he watched you come out of the house with the bouquet of flowers he had left you and dump it in the trash. He had to restrain himself and be patient with you. Soon you would be ready. And he would be there.
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The next few days did not go well. Every damn morning, a bouquet of flowers showed up at your door. At least it indicated that Andy had really just put the flowers down and hadn't invaded the house again.
After the fourth time, you gave up on throwing the bouquet away.
You had texted him and asked him to return his obviously copied key, but had received no reply.
After that you had called the locksmiths in town and, strangely enough, they all told you they didn't have an available appointment for another two months.
Andy had his hands in it. It was more than obvious.
Work had taken up a lot of your time and at least there you were able to focus on something positive. Many meetings and team discussions had been scheduled and you already had the feeling to have your new job under control.
Nevertheless, Andy was always in your head and besieged your thoughts. After a week of not being able to sleep through the night, you decided to go for a walk early on Sunday to somehow clear your head.
You needed a way to put an end to this spook. Preferably as soon as possible. Equipped with boots, raincoat and a warm scarf, you set off in the direction of the small forest that was near your house. Due to the rain of the last few days, there was still a lot of moisture hanging around, so the air was full of the smell of damp earth and plants.
The birds were happily singing their morning song. Carelessly you stepped straight through the puddles as if you were focused only on one goal. But you weren't. Your goal was to be free of Andy, but you knew it wouldn't be easy. As he had already made it unmistakably clear to you, contacting the police was futile. Neither fleeing to another city nor giving up was an option. Frustrated, you kicked a small stone and watched it roll along the path.
"Didn't I realize correctly that you roam the woods here, too?" Turning your head to the side, you realized Frank was coming at you from a side path. Judging by his mud-encrusted boots and wet jacket, he had been out for some time.
"And I thought I was the only crazy one tromping through nowhere at this hour," you reply with a grin. In the middle of the forest crossroads, you both stopped.
"Well that's also because I came from an impromptu night shift. Work at the harbor took longer than I thought and since my neighbor is watching my niece anyway, I thought I'd take another spin to get down," he explained.
"That makes two of us," you replied with a tired smile. "I'd have to go on as well," you pointed to the forest path that ran back towards the settlement, "it looks like rain and I'm not too keen on getting caught in a shower."
Frank looked up at the sky and nodded in agreement. Indeed, dark clouds had rolled in again.
"I need to head that way, too. Would you mind if I accompanied you?" Actually, you had come to the forest to be by yourself, but Frank radiated such a calm positive energy that you decided it would do you good not to be alone. You accepted his suggestion and the two of you set off as well.
 There was an uncomfortable silence for the first few meters until Frank started up a conversation of his own.
"How did it go at work? You told me about your new job last weekend." Questioningly, he tilted his head to one side.
"Busy. A little tiring, but it's going well. I didn't think I'd be excited about working more, but it's fulfilling in kind of a way. In hindsight, it had been a bad decision to step down from my old full-time position. At the time, I thought it was the better decision...for my previous relationship."
Frank gave you a slightly pitying look, and you could tell he didn't quite know how to respond. "I can understand how you feel, maybe better than you think. The important thing is that you are happier now."
Suddenly a loud rumbling sounded over the forest and just a few seconds later the raindrops began to fall from the sky. Briskly you tried to put on your hood, but it didn't quite work because your scarf got caught.
Then you felt Frank's hands on yours, gently taking them aside, straightening your scarf and gently pulling the hood over your head to protect it from the rain. Only then did you realize how close he was standing in front of you and you could even make out the detailed color patterns in his irises.
A quiet thank you was all you got out. "Come on, we should get you out of the rain and into the dry."
You continued on your way and only a few minutes later you had reached the edge of the forest and it was time for you to part ways. You bid him a friendly goodbye, but he interrupted you before you could turn away.
"Hey, I don't mean to be indiscreet. Beth had only hinted to me that your last relationship wasn't exactly good for you. I respect it if you don't want to or need more time, but I'd really like to get to know you."
You felt flattered and a warm pleasant feeling gathered in your chest. Something you hadn't felt in a very long time.
"Yes, I would be happy to see you again. What do you think about a second walk, hopefully in better weather, and then dinner at my place? Next Saturday?" You were surprised at your courage yourself, but all the happier when Frank agreed.
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Andy's fists clenched as he watched this strange man hug you before you headed toward home. This was not how it was supposed to go. He had planned it differently. Even after your first meeting in the pub, he had taken the precaution of investigating. He didn't like what he saw in the forest. It disgusted him, how he had touched you. He was the only one who was allowed to touch your pure form. He had planned to be patient, but that was no longer possible. In his opinion, there was an urgent need for action. But first he would have to deal with the person who created this whole problem in the first place.
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Late in the afternoon, you were making yourself some tea when there was a knock at the door. You weren't too pleased to see Andy after opening the door.
Because of the weekend, he was dressed more casually than usual. He was wearing a dark sweater but his classic gray coat.
"What, you don't bring me new flowers?" you asked sarcastically, not hiding your anger at his actions. His expression remained motionless and you had a hard time guessing what he was thinking.
"Take it easy. I just want to talk and bring you the key. That's what you asked for. May I come in?"
Actually you didn't want to let him in, however his supposed peace offering surprised you and you wanted to give him a chance. Maybe this was the opportunity for the two of you to finally get some clear closure.
You took a step away from the door, clearing the passage for Andy. Once in the kitchen, you poured you both a cup of tea. Behind you, you heard a clacking sound, turned around, and saw that Andy had placed the key on the counter. "Thanks." Before you'd even finished saying it, you regretted it. Why should you be grateful when he was the one who had gained entry to your house?
"Shall we sit in the living room?" He just nodded in response, but before you could reach for your cup, Andy took them both. "I'll do it."
You let him go ahead, took the key, stowed it in a drawer, and then followed him into the living room. There he had already settled down on the sofa. You preferred the armchair to keep some distance.
Slightly nervous, you sipped your tea. It tasted bitter, you had probably let it steep too long. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Andy eyed you slowly, as if expecting something. "Have you thought about my decision?"
Trying to calm your boiling anger, you took another sip. "Is this starting again? Andy, I don't know what you want me to say. It's over and it's going to stay that way."
His look turned sad and dark. "Honey, I was hoping you would have realized it yourself by now. Just a few months ago we were on such good terms. You were slowly stepping back from work, ready to become a housewife and make a home for our children. And I wanted us to get back to that point. And now? You throw yourself back into work and at some strange man's neck. I didn’t like the way he was looking at you."
"What? How? This thing with Frank is nothing, and even if it were, it's something you don't get to decide." You tried to make your voice sound clear and determined, but you didn't feel as strong as you did a short time ago.
"You can't control everything. You can't control me."
"Then maybe it's time I started doing that again."
The room began to spin slowly, as if you were standing on a turntable. Finally, the penny dropped.
Andy had never intended to make peace with you. Not his way or manner. He put something in the tea.
That's why it tasted bitter.
Eyes widening in shock, you stared at Andy as he leaned back, grinning broadly. "What did you do?" Jumping up, you only heard the cup collide with the floor.
The black dots dancing in front of your eyes grew larger and larger and you had a hard time keeping your balance. Andy caught you while you watched helplessly as your own body stopped obeying you and your breathing slowed down.
He tried to calm you down, held you tight and safe in his arms and stroked your head. Then everything went black.
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Your skull throbbed as if someone had hit you with a hammer.
Ten times.
The bright light shining on your face didn't make things any better. The last memories slowly crept back into your consciousness and suddenly you opened your eyes.
The bedroom you were in was completely foreign to you. What was even worse, though, was that Andy was sitting on the bed you were lying in and stroking your hand with his thumb.
Before you could even slide away from him, he grabbed you by the wrist.
"Well, now look at that. Someone's awake. How are you?"
It took you a little while for the words to sort themselves out in your head. "Miserable." You squeezed out.
There was a small spark of anger in Andy's eyes, but he didn't let it break through. He obviously had to control himself a lot. "You've been asleep for a very long time, but you're probably still weak so I want you to just listen."
He pulled you into his lap and into a tight hug. He was right, your body felt like jello and so you had no chance of escaping the man you had once loved and who had just become your captor.
Horrified, you realized that you were no longer wearing Sunday's clothes, but only your underwear and a football sweater from Andy.
"You're probably wondering where we are. Well, I've created a place for us to be undisturbed, away from all the toxic influences that have destroyed our relationship. A house way out there. There's not even any real road access here. And here we will stay until you learn to love me again."
There it was again. He spoke to you like a small child. Your mind wandered, Andy noticed and grabbed you firmly, but not painfully, by the back of the neck.
"Don't even think about running away. All the windows and doors are locked. And even if you did make it out of here there would still be this." He pulled the top sheet aside and your eyes fell on your right ankle.
A thick black band was tied around it and on the outside was a small black box with a green light glowing on it. Andy had put an electronic shackle on you.
 "You...are sick." You babbled without thinking. Immediately Andy grabbed you under the arms, scooped you off his lap back onto the bed and made his way out of the room.
You regret your rash action. "STOP! Please." He actually stopped and slowly turned back to you. You had to choose your following sentences wisely, appealing to his empathy.
"Please, I don't mean it like that. I'm just so scared. I promise I'll stay with you and do what you say. Just let me text Beth and tell her I'm fine and not to worry. Please." Your voice grew softer and softer and in the end was just a whimpering whisper.
How could it have come to this. Your last hope was that he would believe you and you could contact Beth secretly.
But Andy's devilish grin frightened you. "Oh, dear. I've taken care of Beth. She won't bother us now. Never again."
Your scream stuck silently in your throat and you clawed your hands into the soft blanket. Your brain fought with all its might against comprehending what Andy had just said. As if you didn't want to believe it.
A pool of tears gathered in your eyes. "Don't mourn her, that would be in vain. I just have to take care of the last person who wants to hurt us. Your new little friend Frank Adler." With slow steps he came towards you.
"But I'll make you an offer. If you can convince me you're done thinking about him and want to stay with me, maybe I'll let him live."
Your heart clenched. You wanted to protect Frank at all costs. You didn't want to imagine what Andy would do to him.
"What do you want me to do?" Tears left your eyes and ran down your heated cheeks. Andy scrambled toward you from the bottom of your feet, straddled you, and played with the hem of your panties with one finger.
"I can show you. Though how about you show me first how sorry you are for leaving me."
His erection obviously pressed against his velvet pants and you swallowed a bile like taste as Andy opened his pants to take out his cock.
You didn’t want this at all. It made you sick. Yet the idea that Andy would do something cruel to Frank was worse.
So you obeyed and started to glide your tongue over him. His taste was like a refreshed memory. He held your head tightly between his big hands and guided it up and down. As you heard his grunts you could also taste little drops of pre-cum.
Soon he had enough and let go of you, not without praising you for being so docile. He looked at you with his doe eyes while he took off the rest of your clothes without resistance from you. Even though he had seen you naked so many times, you now felt somehow exposed and vulnerable.
He teased your clit with the tip of his cock, slapping and rubbing against it. Ashamed, you had to realize that you were wet and thus ready for his dick.
When Andy started to enter your wet hole with only his tip, the stretch already burned your muscles and you clenched around him. After this brief moment of familiarization, Andy established a steady hard rhythm to which he thrust into you completely.
He was hitting that sweet perfect spot deep inside you and pain larded with pleasure when he started playing with your clit. He liked to tease you this way because he knew how mushy and compliant you’d get.
“You’ll be lucky if you can sit for a week by the time I’m done with you. Let me show you how good I can make you feel.”
A soft tortured mewl left your throat in reply and Andy held your hips to thrust even harder into you causing your moans to get louder.
"So wet for me. So pure. So perfect."
He was close, you could feel that.
Desperately he rutted into you until he filled you up with his cum. When he gave you his last few jolts he rubbed you clit harder and pinched your nipples additionally which sent you over the edge, too. He muffled your cry with a kiss until you thought you would suffocate.
He rolled you both over so that you were lying on his chest. You shamefully hid your face there.
You felt horrible. Numb. Used.
“Good girl. I told you we would get back together.” he mumbled kissing your tears away. “Yet, I am not sure if you have entirely convinced me. Ready for a second round?”
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milquetoast-on-acid · 2 years
Jane doe #38 or the episode that Sharon finally dumps Jack Raydors dumb ass!
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It only takes 25 years but hey... Better late than never! And you know my girl moves at the pace of a snail when it comes to relationships.
Hit the road jack and don't you come back. No more, no more, no more, no more!
I'm in my Jack Raydor feels right now! I love the chaos that he brings! I would have loved to have seen him go up against Brenda.
This poor girl touching all of the papas and big brother buzz. 🥺
Buzz: "Doesn't mean she's should be thrown out with the trash."
Andy: "my daughter used to wear these. Look at her shoes. it's amazing isn't it? No matter how hard they're lives. Girls try to make things prettier."
Provenza preserving this girl's dignity by having the coroner's van back up to the tent so no one can see her.
That baby's cry is fake as hell!
It's bug! I don't know why I like bug so much!
Andy: Bug are you high in something? Bug: sunshine. 😂
This episode has one of the best follow ups to their cases ever.
How long has Sharon been thinking about adopting Rusty? She is very deliberate about the way she does things. You know that this took her time to come up with a plan and hash out her options. She's probably been ready for a while but had wanted to wait until she thought that rusty was ready.
I love how Jack just strolls right in announcing himself just like the last time he came for a visit. The exception being Andy's reaction to him is completely 180 from before.
Provenza of course still has no time for Jack.
I love that tiny blink and you miss it shot of Andy rolling his eyes at Jack.
That certainly suggests to me Sharon has confided in Andy in her relationship regarding Jack.
I love how Jack chides Andy. Andy just does not have time for his bullshit anymore. Provenza clocks this, definitely contributing that to Andy's growing relationship with Sharon. Of which he's still very adverse to.
Jack always demands attention when he walks into the room. Sharon makes this wonderful power move of making him wait. I love it so much! She waited for his ass to change for 30 years.
God this scene is gold! Major crimes at its best! All of the little details in this scene! Jack interrupts the squad and expects Sharon to drop everything for him. Andy and Provenza's displeasure at seeing Jack once again. Sharon being the badass woman that she is!
The look on Andy's face when Sharon gives Andy his orders. He's just staring down Jack the entire time! He's so angry and wants so much to know what the hell Jack is doing there.
Then his not so subtle fuck you to Provenza when he tells Andy to get going. 🤣
I love that when it came down to it. Sharon's kids were more important to her than her marriage that was barely a marriage. She's at this crossroads where she's going to adopt Rusty with or without Jack.
I also love how Sharon decides to adopt Rusty after he becomes an adult. That's a huge message. He doesn't need to be adopted anymore. This is about who you are choosing to be your family. Rusty is her son. Legally or not. Except now she has no legal rights to him. If he gets hurt or goes missing she has no legal authority there.
He really thinks that once the kid turns 18 she's just going to kick him out and be done with him. You know Sharon didn't kick her older kids out.
Of course all Jack can think about is money!
It's interesting that Sharon thought Jack might actually adopt Rusty with her because he had a fleeting interest in the boy when he visited last year.
The worst thing she could have told him was that she hadn't told any of the kids, including Rusty. Because that gives him ammunition to use against her. Which he does.
He's so confident that she's not going to divorce him. Because she would have years ago.
Spoilers alert she does.
It's also interesting is this dialogue.
Sharon: "Jack, the era in which it was professionally useful for me to have a wedding ring on my finger is long gone."
Please make note the fact that Sharon isn't and has not worn her wedding ring to Jack since we've known her. So it's been a very long time since she's taken it off. Jack on the other hand is wearing his wedding ring.
Jack offering a job to rusty so he can pump him for information and also fuck with his head. 🤬
Rich chick: You think you know someone.
Girl you didn't anything about Alice! She was a homeless runaway kid!.
Sorry lady. She looks really young to me.
Wait! Isn't Thad an adult?! She can get him an attorney but she can't order them to not talk to him.
The look on Sharon's face when Rusty tells her that Jack offered him a job. If looks could kill.
I love how she quickly turns that into. Well let me not show how pissed I am at Jack so obviously manipulating Rusty to happiness he got a job offer. And also trying to figure out what plan does jack has in place for this.
Rusty: "He seemed to think you might be dating someone. Which would be news to me."
Suuuurre Mr several times a month. Who had to tell Sharon that she was really dating Andy only months after this episode.
Wooow! I'd forgotten that! He really tried to guilt Rusty into not being adopted by Sharon because that it would mean the two of them were going to divorce.
He also completely fucks up Sharon's plan to tell Rusty in her own way. This is what I love about Ricky is that he's very much like his father in this way. Like he completely ruins Sharon and Andy's announcement of their engagement. But it comes from his heart and his excitement. This on the other hand is malicious behavior.
She's so careful here. "I worry about you the way a mother worries about her children." Instead of saying you are a son to me.
I'm so glad that Sharon finally divorces him. How can you stay married to a guy that's going you deliberately fuck up your chances to adopt a kid that you have thought of as your son for years. Because he doesn't want a divorce? Like I'm trying to understand his motivations here.
I love how Provenza snoops when Sharon is writing notes and spy's her divorce papers.
The look on his face is fucking gold!
The looks he's giving Andy!
Like it's there something you need to tell me?! Your getting serious if she wants to finally divorce this guy after 25 years of separation!
Of course Provenza has to ask!
Provenza: "The two of you have been going out to dinner. A lot." I'm a good ass detective and I have eyes!
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Andy: "Oh come on we're just friends." Andy changes this tune just a few months later.
No he shot bug!!!!
Julio taking shots at the car! Mike yelling out the license so he doesn't forget! Amy calling for a bus and Provenza taking charge! Mike getting her thumbprint on his watch before the paramedics take her into surgery.
I love the call back to them using the bean bag guns here to bust in on sliders car.
Sharon and Provenza playing good cop bad cop!
The burrito room is such a better name than the morgue.
That little moment when Sharon bumps Andy's shoulder!
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I love the fact that Sharon reassures Rusty that he's not losing a mother by being adopted. Just gaining one that will always have his back.
Rusty Raydor sounds like a super hero.
Sharon: "The idea of family...if you want one." She wants to adopt this boy so much but doesn't want to scare him! We do this at your pace!
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tttoluca · 2 years
Writing questions
5, 10, 18
5. writing superstitions: i personally don't have any? in fact i wasn't all that familiar with specific writing superstitions and had to google them lol. though to be fair i'm not that avid of a writer.
10. has a piece of writing/your own writing ever haunted you?: i'm also not all that avid of a reader either lmao, but when i do it's usually on the more sort of adverse psychological side. the last book i read might have been "baby teeth" by zoje stage which... bits of that book were pretty disturbing, as it's about a mother trying to understand her violent, manipulative 7-year-old daughter (i 1000000% recommend, the married couple in this book is precious and adorable and i love them).
oh but i also love middle grade books on occasion! and one that i adore is the "shadow weaver" duology by marcykate connolly, and here's a passage that gave me chills:
I stiffen, hoping the shadows and Dar combined will be enough to keep me concealed. It almost seemed like she could see through them earlier, but no one ever has before. She meanders aimlessly around the room, even after the younger man—Alden—tries to greet her. “Simone,” Tate says sharply. Her head snaps up, and her blank stare rests on him. “What did you find out?” A slow grin creeps over her face. “They’re here,” she says. My body freezes. She can’t mean me. She hasn’t even looked in my direction since she entered the room. Don’t worry; she’s crazy, Dar says. I relax slightly, but my stomach is still a mess of knots. The man frowns. “Where?” Simone sticks out her hand and points directly at me. Tate and his friend follow with their eyes. I can’t move. I can’t even blink. My insides clench. The little girl fixes her unsettling gaze on my corner, looking me straight in the eye like my shadows make no difference. “I know you,” she says.
in terms of my own writing - i also like to go dark, so i guess the most "haunting" thing i've written is. uhhh. you're the real gift, kid. some parts in that make me feel gross and grimy despite me being the one who wrote it. specifically like. the paragraphs that compare mirabel's spirit to sand.
i guess i'm not here, this isn't happening could be considered haunting but as opposed to just getting sad and angsty in a doc, it feels more gritty to get into the headspace of this evil, sick, disgusting person and try to make it super poetic.
18. a passage from your writing: i'm half-tempted to share a passage from something not encanto-related........ yeah fuck it. my favorite bit from a vent-y nitw one-shot about dissociation.
Fear and anger shot not only through her veins and her chest. They seeped down into her arms and her legs - they carried her over to snide Andy Cullen, they raised the bat, and they swung it hard, sending Andy down to the grass with a shout. Whack! He screeched,  "What the fuck?!" while attempting to crawl backward away from her. Her legs followed him, her arms raising the bat a second time. Whack! He lie on his side and curled into a ball, arms covering his head, while onlookers gasped and screamed. Whack! She could promise a million times over that she wasn't in control of her own body. Now that she'd started, she couldn't stop. Whack! This had nothing to do with him, or with that stupid strike-out. She didn't know a thing about Andy Cullen and she cared very little about softball.  Whack! She wasn't trying to shatter his skull.  Whack! She was trying to shatter the screens.  Whack!
because i got all ramble-y with the whole. softball thing. and then i accidentally stumbled upon the shattering his skull vs shattering "the screens" (a comparison i use throughout to describe derealization, like you're stuck in a box made of screens and are just watching the world. living between these screens) metaphor. and i just liked it a lot. so throughout my edits, i was very sure to keep that little idea.
as for encanto - julieta's rant from the scissors one-shot is probably one of my favorite things i have ever written that compiled a bunch of little ideas, like julieta unknowlingly trying to hand mirabel off to her abuser. and i just love letting her get stressed and vent-y.
“All I asked was for them to make sure they put the scissors back before they left the table. That’s all I asked. They… they know better. They know what she’ll do. They know she’s not… not… she’s not well right now. And they… And I know it’s not their responsibility to… to handle that but- all I asked was for them to put the scissors away. Is that… really so much to- [...] Why is she doing this to me? I can’t keep- I- I can’t keep doing this with her. What did I do? What am I doing wrong? Why is she doing this to herself? That’s- that’s all I need to know, is why. I would do anything to make it stop. I would do everything in my power and more to stop her from- from feeling whatever she’s feeling that makes her do the things she does. But I can’t- how am I supposed to help her if she won’t even tell me why she’s doing all of this? Is it me? Am I doing this to her?"
i had little bits and pieces of that rant in my head since like. the beginning of ttm. and so it was nice to finally compile it together into a coherent work.
again, thank you so much for your ask, and thank you so much for reading if you got this far!!!
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lia-jones · 3 years
hello again lia! i'm the last anon you replied to! i completely agree that MC isn't likeable (i've played the game and i've watched the anime, and it's really hard to imagine myself as her because i wouldn't make any of the decisions she makes 😪) but i decided to finish the anime because although the creators did a bad job with retelling the story (i also agree that your plot is superior to theirs), i really like how they animated victor ✨ i also have some more questions for you! (since i love interacting with you): 1. what do you do when you get writer's block? 2. do you ever feel like quitting writing? and if you do, what motivates you to pick it back up? 3. have you ever thought of making writing your career? or is it like strictly a hobby for you? that's all for now! i'll be back with more questions though 😋 also from now on i'll refer to myself as 🌸 anon, so you'll know it's me! have a nice week ahead!
Hello there!
Wow, so nice to find your ask, what a great way to start my week, thank you for that! I LOVE THIS!
You kind of want to make me want to give the anime another shot. I'll try to focus solely on our dear CEO and less on... you know. May stir the juices somewhat.
Now to your questions:
1 - what do you do when you get writer's block?
Because I have all the story plotted now, my writer's block is usually related to how I am going to present the story. So I try to write it in different ways and discern which one will fit me best. The big solution (IMHO) to writer's block is simply to write or find someone who can help you stir your ideas. I have a very close friend with whom I discuss the story, and sometimes just talking about it helps me visualize it better. Some people suggest distractions to get your mind off it, but I find personally find them a good excuse to procrastinate, and my anxious nature won't let me relax until I have it done, so I grab the bull by the horns and just. keep. writing. Even if it's utter crap and sometimes it is.
2 - do you ever feel like quitting writing? and if you do, what motivates you to pick it back up?
It's going to be three years since I started writing this story, so... Yeah. Many times. Especially in the beginning, I had this little voice telling me that I had no business writing, and all that I put on paper was utter garbage. I quieted that voice now, at least a little.
Funny story, by the end of part Growing Stronger I had a massive breakdown and decided to finish it by killing Andrea on her wedding day. I spoke to my friend (@attackonmyself, I love you so freaking much!) and said I was ready to quit, and I presented the plot about how Vic and Andy would cease to be. Thankfully, she convinced me to keep writing the story but suggested I would keep this plot and use it as a short fic for Halloween. And that is how His Worst Nightmare was born.
I have several things motivating me to keep going. Number one, although I don't have a lot of readers, I do have some people that are deeply invested in the story and want to see how it ends. And I feel it would be disrespectful of me to quit the story just like that. They have been there for me in my greatest and suckiest moments, I do owe them, respect them and love them a lot. Number two, although Vic and Andy are fictional characters, I feel like I have a responsibility towards them. They have stories to be told, and lessons to learn, and I won't be able to find peace until they live it all and find closure. Their closure is my closure, I guess. Number three, I love writing. It's insanely complicated sometimes, sometimes I wish I could just go to bed and sleep, but I need to write. I write every day, every single day. My husband is already used to having notebooks around the house because whenever I have the free time, I'm writing.
3- have you ever thought of making writing your career? or is it like strictly a hobby for you?
Not a day goes by that someone (most times my husband) doesn't tell me I should invest in writing and try to do it for a living. And there is no plausible reason I don't do it, except for this big one... I'm a coward.
I have no shortage of ideas or things to try (I'm seriously stopping myself from starting another fic, because I want to get this one done first) but I fear rejection. And writers get a lot of it. That scares me to death.
So for now, until I get a decent set of balls, it's just a hobby. One day, who knows? And MLQC team, if you ever come across this post and you would like me to write for you, I'd do it for FREE. (Right, dream on girl, XD)
Thank you so much for your questions, do keep them coming! It's really nice to hear from you! I hope you have a wonderful week (you surely made mine) and everything goes your way!
Huge hug and lots of love!
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