#i love the characters dearly though and they've been a big comfort for me for a while even though its difficult for me to get canon content
homicidal-slvt · 5 months
{Random Incorrect Quotes Because I'm A Sleepy Mess}
|These are all just me if I was in their universe. Stupidity incoming lmao|
Y/N: Hello, child. You have been crime fighting on an empty stomach and I will not stand for it.
Tim: How did you know that- wait... How'd you get up here without me seeing you???
Y/N, slapping a sandwich into his hand: ✨Sammwich✨
Tim: ?!?
Y/N: *Sprints away*
Y/N, rustling through her purse: You look like you need a snack... You're not taking proper care of yourself, hon.
Jason: I'm a grown ass man. I am perfectly capable of-
Y/N, throwing a granola bar at his face: ✨Snack✨
Jason, irritated: Stop.
Y/N, sliding a card to Bruce, whispering: Psst... Batman... Hey. Batman... Hey.
Bruce, looking at the hand drawn father's day card, confused: ....
Bruce: I'm not your father.
Y/N: ....
Y/N: But you could be.
Y/N: I have a great idea.
Dick: No.
Y/N: Why?
Dick: You're just gonna stab them with a knife.
Y/N: Yeah. But it's effective.
Bruce: .... Where are the girls?
Dick: I think Y/N took them for a girls night out.
Bruce: ....
Bruce: They're gonna come home with cats, aren't they?
Dick: Probably.
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ill speak my fucking truth, the TUA s4 ending was BULLSHIT.
alright alright, i get yall's issues ab five and lila, but i also understand it to some extent.
but one thing we can all agree on is how full of plot holes, unanswered questions, and how shitty of an ending we've got. also, it was so fucking rushed! hell.
to address the ending; why the fuck? why? why would our comfort characters cease to fucking exist? in all timelines, they've fought so hard to build good lives. it was bound to be ruined, but them to fucking cease to exist? thats wild!
and alright what about the other kids with marigold? (?) there were about what, 40+(?) born, right? where are they? this cant be real.
to address some other plot holes..
ray: what do you MEAN he just.. walked out on allison? they loved each other dearly, we sidnt get a fucking explanation?
sissy, SLOANE??: what, did these characters just disappear into thin air? if ray is alive, why couldn't sissy be, too? mostly after the big part harlan played in the third season. also, where the fuck did sloane go? so ben survived, but sloane just, what? disintegrated??? turned into pure marigold? hell.
ben?: why is no one talking about him? his love story was rushed, his motives were a bit stupid (not entirely, so i could excuse this), also he just fucking died and nobody seemed to actually care? klaus had little to no reaction and he was the closest to ben? what the hell is going on?
viktor: we ve gotten none of his backstory. we see a supposedly ex gf of his at the start, and they say he s getting every girl in town. what is he, afraid of commitment? a player? not able to sort his priorities? also, how come he didn't suffer any consequence after literally sucking those particles out of ben!? i mean, his body's got a fuck ton of marigold, and in theory when coming into contact with that bs particle; he should've what, exploded!?
reggie: how and why is reggie for once, supposedly nice? until now he played a role snd at the evnd revealed a facade and it being some evil plan. this time over though, what we see is what we get. he trusted viktor, he followed up on his word, gave him time, gave him chances, called so many times, and in the end, told his wife that he wishes to save it and couldnt believe it was her behind it. so why is he no longer evil? what's up with that?
jennifer: soo why was she inside a squid? what happened to her parents? how did she get that power? why is she destined to meet ben? erremmm.. so many plot holes w her.
commision: (i might be very wrong here and not remember the past seasons, feel free correct me if im wrong.) but ure telling me, that in NO timeline the commision still exists? lila and five have managed to travel through hundreds of them over the span of 6.5 years. and all of this, none of those timelines were helpful? or.. anything at all? i wish their arc wasnt so rushed, maybe more ppl would see through it. it didnt feel like 7 years. it felt like 2 months.
diego: throughout the season we see him getting clowned on for being a "failure" and being "fat" only for him to look the same, fucking ripped too, and be normal, react like a normal person would. he was a good, hard working father and good husband with pure intentions. what was all that for?
claire: i need to see more of her. we know klaus' been sober for 3 yrs, but its been 6. which menas that claure has seen that "bad, sick" side of klaus. we see her know how to recognise that he was relapsing. i wish we saw more of her childhood, her with allison and how she got so closs to klaus.
it all was so rushed. idk ill add more if i remember more chat.
if any of you want to see me address lila and five, i've made other posts. i think their arc was important, not necessarily asked for, but justified, too. i'll folloe up with more posts and answer questions. no hate here.. js opinions:).
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katbrando · 2 years
[ questions from this post ]
101-110 - FUTURE
🌟 Are you engaged/would you get engaged? Describe/Show a picture of your ring.  we aren't.. not yet anyway :))) we've been together for less than a year and it feels really early to make that move but i think we both definitely think about it anyway.. i feel like he'd be the one to propose and i'm sure he'd plan something big and special
🌟 Are you married/would you get married? Describe/Show the aesthetic of your wedding. nope, and i'm not sure! personally i'm not the biggest fan of marriage, specifically the whole performative ceremony thing ?? in theory it's very cute but the idea of being in front of people while i'm saying my vows and talking so intimately to him is Scary to me.. but if we get married then i would want it to be a very small gathering of just close friends/family, not really fancy at all.
🌟 What does your ideal home look like together?  eclectic, warm, cozy, lots of neutral shades with pops of color thrown in, accent walls with vintage wood paneling, healthy and thriving plants everywhere, LOTS of natural sunlight, it's tidy but still full of little knick knacks that we've collected over the years.. there's a constant feeling of comfort and safety, it smells Amazing all the time despite the pets, several polaroids that we've taken are lining the shelves in frames, little sticky-note love notes are still hanging around in various hiding places either because they've been forgotten or we don't like to throw them away, there's always a record playing in the living room.. it's literally perfect
🌟 Do you have/want kids? If not, would you have/want pets?  we do Not want kids LOL... we do, however, have/want pets! currently we have just his bearded dragon but we'd love to get a cat, and maybe a couple geckos and a snake 🥺 we love animals so so so much
🌟 If you have/want kids or pets, how would you name them?  diego's beardie is lovingly named anguirus, i've already told him that if/when we get a cat its name will be oliver.. we don't know on the others, we figure a name will present itself to us eventually when we get a new pet
🌟 If you could give advice to yourselves when you started, what would you say to each other?  get over yourselves HFKLDSHGDS.. for me: calm down, trust your heart this time, let him in and allow yourself to fall for him because the faster you do the quicker you'll be in his arms 🥰 and for him: go easy, don't overwhelm her with your desires, be Patient and Understanding, things will turn out just fine
🌟 What do you look forward to the most in the future of this relationship? as of right now (december 1st '22) i'm looking forward to new years :)) also our birthdays, though his is pretty far away LOL.. basically i guess i'm excited to go through special days of the year with him
🌟 How long do you think you’ll be together? How long do you want to be together?  ✨forever✨ ... who knows! i like to think we're in it for the long haul, it's extremely rare that i develop feelings for someone so there's definitely something very special and long-lasting here
🌟 Do you think you’ll continue to self-ship with them for a while? y e s LOL i anticipate it going on for a while, i had a previous f/o that i essentially self-shipped with for around 5 or 6 years (the self-ship community was not as open and visible back then as it is now) and he was not nearly as fleshed out as diego is in my mind now.. honestly this is The Most i've ever felt for a fictional character 🥺 he is so stinkin special to me
🌟 In real life, are they someone you wish would be your partner? YEAH HFDJKSGS 100% no question.. i love him dearly
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